Announcement has been made that Mr. LeRoy Doty resigned his position with McPherson College last Friday to take up work in Topeka. He has accepted the place as supervisor of agents in the National Reserve Insurance Company of Topeka.
The College has been encouraged by Mr. Doty’s success. During last summer, because of his untiring efforts, he helped to build up the enrollment of the College to practically 400 students for last fall.
Mr. Doty has been with McPherson College for about two years as field secretary and has done excellent work during that time.
Plans are being considered, but none have been completed yet to curry on Doty's work.
Noted Lecturer and Authority Speaks Before I. R. C.
Thursday Evening
Major C. Douglas Booth was the honor guest at an informal banquet of the International Relations club last Thursday evening in the Church parlors. About 25 members were present.
Mr. Booth spoke upon the subject, "The Present Situation in England." He told of the political situation, seeming to favor neither the Conservatives nor the extreme Socialists. He said that even if the extreme Socialists should gain control of the government that paradoxically, the monarchy would continue to exist; for it has become such a part of English sentiment that the English people have no feeling against it. In regard to the relations of England and the United States, he stated that a war between these two nations would be the greatest calamity that could come to civilization. Our economic situation is more easily dealt with than England’s, for it is comparatively easy in America to move families from an area worn out economically whereas in England home ties are so strong that such forced migration is impossible. Class distinction is just as strong in America as it is in England although Americans do not have definite names for the classes.
A very interesting forum was held at the end of his speech, in which Mr. Booth was asked to give his opinion on munitions control, Hitler, and various other matters of current concern.
Mr. Booth was introduced by John Goering, president of the club.
The banquet was prepared and served by the home economics department under the supervision of Miss Atkinson.
The State Anti-Tobacco Oratorical contest will be held Friday. March 8, in the McPherson College chapel
There will be representatives from six colleges taking part who have won their local contests. McPherson will be represented by Elmer Staats, the winner of the local contest. Prizes of $35 for first, $26 for second and $15 for third, will be awarded. This money is given by Dr. Fields, a dentist in McPherson.
McPherson College was well represented at the Kansas State Music Teachers’ Convention at Lindsborg, Tuesday and Wednesday. Dean of Music, Jessie Brown, Miss Fern Lin-genfelter, Professor Alvin C. Voran, Miss Lois Wilcox, and Miss Clara Colline were in attendance. The A Cappella Choir sang yesterday after-
Galen Ogden will speak at the Col-lego Church next Sunday evening during the worship hour. "The Mission of the Church" will be his subject. Mr. Ogden has had much experience in public speaking throughout his college career. During the past summer he served as pastor of the Brethren Church at Monticello, Minnesota.
In the morning Doctor J. J. Yoder will deliver the sermon,
According to present plans, the Reverened Ray E. Zook will begin his services as pastor of the Church one week from this Sunday.
Mrs. C. R. Jaccard, Manhattan, president of the Kansas Federation of Music Clubs; Annie M. P. Bundy. Topeka, and Dean D. M. Swarthout, the University of Kansas, appeared on the program of the convention yesterday morning. The afternoon speakers included George O. Bowen, Tulsa, and Dean E. H. Weis, Salina.
The closing feature of the convention lust night was the presentation of the famous choir of the Bethany Oratorio Society and the Bethany Symphony Orchestra.
Members of the senior class who have parts in "The Youngest" report that they are progressing very nicely with their work on the play. The cast has the first two acts committed to memory and are working on the third act this week.
Play practice is being conducted in a business-like manner and all who are concerned appear to be determined to do their best in order to make the production a success.
Miss Lehman has attended re-hersals several times but the greater part of the coaching is being done by Donald Evans.
Plans have been made to give the play March 26.
A new electric two-plate stove has been added to the equipment in the Y. W. kitchenette. This stove was purchased by the “M" club and W. A. A. to replace one these organizations used in their sales at the Ath-letic park daring the football season.
Velma Keller was hostess to an informal meeting of the Y. W. cabi-net last Friday evening. Besides tak-ing part in taffy pulling, fudge making, or corn popping, each girl devoted some time to embroidering her inline upon a hexagonal block which is to be a part of the pillow the cabinet is making for the Y. W. room.
Those present were Margaret Poister, Elizabeth Wagoner, Martha Harsh, Faithe Ketterman, Wanda Hoover, Modena Kauffman, Maxine Ring, Mary Miller, Viola Rothrock, Alberta Keller, and two of the sponsors, Mrs. V. F. Schwalm and Miss Della Lehman.
A triangular debate meet will be held among Hutchinson Junior col-lege, St. Johns college and McPherson College at McPherson on Friday, afternoon, March 8. There will be two rounds, one at 1:30 and the second at 2:45.
In addition to this. Garden City Junior college is bringing a negative team that will meet one of the Colin connection with this meet there will be an extemporaneous speaking contest between the first three schools mentioned. There will be three speakers representing each school.
These meets are open to the public.
Invitations Extended for Intercollegiate Meeting to Be Held Here 15-17
Discussion Groups a Feature of Program; M. G. Miller to Head “Reconstruction" Forum
Plans are shaping rapidly for the intercollegiate student conference to be held here March 15, 16 and 17. Yesterday letters were sent to more than one hundred organizations and individuals, advertising the conference and extending invitation to all those interested.
The prime purpose of the conference is to emphasize the importance of religion to the individual, the social implications of religion, and especially to promote and develop personal religious activities on campuses:
Of special interest to college students will be the discussion groups under the guidance of acknowledged leaders. Under M. G. Miller, of C. of E., will be a discussion group on the subject of economic reconstruction. In this group there will be a discussion on the subject of cooperatives, which at the present time is gaining much attention and approval in this country, especially in the colleges.
Under Lester Ellis and Paul Hoff of Wichita will be another group on peace action. Paul Hoff is chairman of the peace action committee of this state, and is also connected with the International Council for the Prevention of War.
It is almost impossible to over, emphasize the great privilege which is extended to McPherson College students in hearing Dr. Bruce Curry, of the Union Theological Seminary of New York. Dr. Curry at the present time is making an extended lec-in many colleges and universities. He ture tour of the country, speaking is noted for his study of Christianity as a genuine vital force in the complex life of the day, particularly with reference to problems of students. The conference under such leaders should offer deep inspiration to all those interested in student leadership.
One hundred and fifty delegates are expected from at least a dozen schools of this district.
Saturday evening Fahnestock hall was thrown open to the public for inspection. A number of visitors look advantage of thu opportunity to examine housekeeping in the mens’ dormitory at its best. Much commendation was made on the neatness and attractiveness of the rooms.
About 126 guests signed their names on the registration papers provided in several of the rooms. Some of the men provided candy or peanuts for the visitors.
After the inspection of the rooms was completed, light refreshments were served in the parlor.
Next Wednesday, March 13, will be a day of strange happenings on the rumpus; it is the date set for the W. A. A. initiation.
Any girl who has earned 125 points by participation in the various sports is eligible to the W. A. A. Those, who have qualified for membership are Esther Bowers, Lucile Cole, Janet Manning, Faye Sandy. Florence DeCoursey, Leola Mohler, Esther Scott, Glee Goughener, Esther Kimmel, Alberta Keller and Jessie Miller.
The initiation committee is composed of Viola Rothrock, Leone Shirk, and Velma Keller.
Margaret Hahn ....------March 11
Bernadine Ohmart -------March 11
Glennon Minear .........—March 13
Friday, March 8—State Anti-Tobacco contest.
Sunday, March 10—C. E. meeting, College church, 6:30 p. m. Monday, March 11—Student recital, chapel, 8:00 p. m.
Tuesday, March 12—Regular Y. M.-Y. W. meetings, 10:00 a. m. Thursday, March 7—Films on "Synthetic Atmosphere” will be shown in chemistry lecture room at 4:30 p. m.
Eighteen People Are Doing Practice Teaching Work In City Schools
Each semester students of the College prepare for their teacher's certificate by taking practice teaching in the city schools.
The students enrolled in practice teaching this semester in the elementary schools are: Leah Bean,
fourth grade at Lincoln: Esther Bowers, first grade at Washington; Helen Burton, third grade at Washington; Betty Lou Cameron, second grade at Lincoln; Joy Cullen, music: Lucille Fairchild, first grade at Roosevelt; Lucille Messamer, fourth grade at Washington; Margaret Messamer, fifth grade at Washington: Edna
Reiste, first grade at Park: Lillian Paula, first grade at Washington; Emma Schmidt, sixth grade at Lincoln; Velma Watkins, second grade at, Washington; Charlotte Wolfe, fifth grade at Lincoln; Meredith Sperline, fifth grade at Park.
The students practice teaching in high school are: Russell Carpenter, manual arts at Junior high; Faithe Ketterman, home economic at Junior high; Charles Strong, American history at the high school; and Bernard Suttle, psychology at the high school.
"Humor in Poetry" was the topic discussed in the poetry club meeting in the "Y" room Friday, March 1.
Miss Heckethorn road a poem she had written entitled "When Forney Builds the Fire." Other members read humorous poems which they liked. The place of doggerel verse was discussed as to its place in the field of poetry.
Margaret Mattox was elected president of the club; Theresa Strum, secretary and treasurer; Harriot Smith was appointed by the president as the program chairman for the next two meetings. It was decided by the group that anyone who came to the meetings three times is member. If one misses three times in succession, be would be dropped from membership.
The next meeting will be a discussion of children’s poems.
Sweetland Addresses Y. M.-Y. W. Groups on Interesting Subject
The Y. M. and Y. W. in joint session were addressed Tuesday morn-ing by the Rev. L. H. Sweetland, pastor of the Methodist Church. In order that the speaker might have adequate time in which to discuss his subject, "The Place of the Church in the Community,” no special numbers were included on the program other than the prelude played by Margaret Poister.
Reverend Sweetland spoke most vividly in the first few minutes or his speech about the crewless ships, called "derelicts," which sail about perhaps for years unchartered on the sea, never making harbor. "These ships," he explained, "are like many lives;-they have no goals and no ideals.”
He went on to say that in a community them are many such derelict influences of which the community has a right to rid itself. Corrupt practices in politics was one of the main “derelicts" which he mentioned.
"The Church of Christ," he said, "must he always vitally interested in seeing that higher idealism is stressed above all things." This can be done in a very practical way, according to Reverend Sweetland.
"We, as loyal Christians, must be active in politics,” he averred. It was his final appeal that the students try conscientiously to keep up a high standard of political and moral life in this community.
Women’s Team In Tie for Second Place with Bethany College
Victory Makes Seven League Championships In Fourteen Years of Competition
McPherson debaters placed first the men’s debate tournament and second in the women’s tournament which was held at Friends University in Wichita Saturday. Bethany College tied with McPherson for second honors and Southwestern was first in the women’s tourney. Southwestern was second in the men's tournament.
By winning the title of the Kansas Intercollegiate Debating League Sat-urduy the McPherson team under the coaching of Prof. M. A. Hess brough the championship to this college for the seventh time in fourteen years of competition. In addition to these victories the team has held runner-up positions on three occasions. Last year the league was not in operation. Two years ago the team placed second.
Each team in the Wichita tournament deluded both sides of the question, engaging in six debates during the day. The judges who represented the various schools entered announced no decisions until after the close of the tournament.
The results showed that the Mc-Pherson men’s team had won ten of their twelve debates. The Southwestern men’s team won nine debates and their women's team eight.
The men’s team is made up of Kenneth Weaver and Paul Booz and John Goering and Elmer Staats. The women’s team is made up of Lela Siebert and Gladys Riddell and Helen Anderson and Virginia Quiring.
In addition to the first team debates the second teams have been active in their debating before audiences of rural schools. Friday the second teams will engage in a number of debates with Garden City and Hutchinson Junior College.
Colleges entered in thu tournament at Wichita were McPherson. Friends, Southwestern, Sterling, Bethel, Kansas Wesleyan, and Bethany. The state tournament will be held at Southwestern this year on April 4-5-6.
McPherson' teams have been es-pecially active this year, having already engaged in approximately one hundred twenty debates, more than were engaged in during the entire
Films and slides showing the research done by the chemistry department on artificial atmosphere will be shown and explained in chemistry club this afternoon at 4:30 in the chemistry lecture room. Much original research in this field has been done here by Dr. J. W. Hershey and his students. Snakes, dogs, guinea pigs, pigeons, and a monkey are among the animals used for experimentation. This program will be of interest to everyone. The public is invited.
At 6:30 o'clock next Thursday evening, March 14, the old and new members of the W. A. A. and their guests will gather in the church parlors for the annual W. A. A. banquet. Final plans for this social event were completed at a meeting of the organization Tuesday afternoon.
Committees for the banquet are: Program, composed of Maxine Ring. Velma Keller, and Leone Shirk; and decoration and menu committee, with Elrae Carlson, Arlene Wampler, Phyllis Barngrover, Irene Bales, and Bernadine Ohmart as members. Viola Rothrock has charge of the sale of tickets.
The Spectator
Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas. Published every Thursday by the Student Council
Entered as second class matter Novemeber 20, 1917, at the postoffice at McPherson, Kansas, under the act of March 3, 1897.
THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas
Paul Booz Paul Miller
Robert Booz Muriel Manning
Chester Colwell Maxine Ring
Donald Evans Harold Reneicker
Ruth Hawbaker Neva Root
Richard Hendren Edna Reiste
Wanda Hoover Glenn Webb
Phyllis McKinnie Kenneth Weaver
should not miss the opportunity to make all possible contacts with speakers of this type. It was with some difficulty that the International Relations Club was able to obtain twenty-five students to attend a dinner given in honor of Mr. Booth, though the admission fee was only twenty-five cents. To disregard the inspiration provided by speakers of this type is to disregard one of the most inspirational of all the activities sponsored by the local campus organizations.
Preserve the Newspapers
News flash! The magazines and newspapers in the library furnish a very good source for clippings for the students of the College. If a student needs clippings for a class or for his scrap-book the best place to obtain them is from the current newspapers and magazines in the library.
This at least is the idea that a great number of students seem to have in regard to the newspapers and magazines in the library. Miss Hecke-thorn says that the reading material in the newspaper room is subject to an untold amount of debauchery. Of course it may be that some of the students are studying art and practice paper-cutting and designing on the newspapers: at least, the appearance of many of the papers warrant such an assumption. If this be the case, we are certain that the staff of the Spectator will gladly furnish paper for those students who feel the need of an outlet for their artistic ability.
Of course there are a few students in the school who wish to read the literature in the periodical room and it is rather annoying to read an article and be forced to stop at the place where the villain is in the act of conquering the hero.
And so to the moral of all this— let us all make an effort to preserve the newspapers and periodicals as long as possible, because they usually fall apart boon enough as it is.
The Choir Becomes A Cultural Influence
The numerous responses of the A Cappella Choir to requests for concerts in the community represents a further advance of the college in the cultural influence in the community. A recognition of this fact is steadily growing.
Need got the chance or a lifetime the other night for a valid excuse in regard to staying out later than specified dorm hours. What should happen but that a wheel came off his beloved buggy as he whipped around a corner, thus causing much grief and embarrassment to all concerned.
Subscription Rates For One School Year $1.00
Editor-in-Chief----— Margaret Oliver
Assistant Editor __----------— Elmer Staats
Make-up Editor________Donald Brumbaugh
News Editor ......................... Vermon D. Michael
Sports Editor . —..... Orval Eddy
Society Editor . -— Velma Watkins
business staff
Business Manager --------------------.... Robert Booz
Assistant Bus. Mgr. ............. Franklin Hiebert
Circulation Manager -----David Metzger
Assistant Cir. Mgr. .........Ronald Flory
Collections Manager .............Aldred Mathes
To fulfill such a function in the community should be regarded as more than on opportunity—even more than a compliment to the city.
It should bo regarded as a duty. It should be one of its excuses for its existence. It should be one of the demands of college supporters.
In medieval days the college and university were regarded as an evil and as a detriment to the city in which they located because they con-flicted with the already existing cul-tural influences. Today this situa- tion has changed along with the change in the nature of the college itself. The college is now regarded as one of the distinguishing features of a city. The cultural facilities of the city are gauged by it. And right-ly so.
With this idea in mind we of the college should feel that it is one of our duties to spread into the community those cultural influences which we have been able to absorb in this institution. At the same time we are building more broadly the foundations of our own lives.
Speakers a Source of Inspiration
McPherson College has had a wide range of notable speakers on the campus this year. When the student recalls that such noted speakers as Wilhelm Pauck, Dr. A. W. Palmer. C. Douglas Booth, and Bruce Curry will have been here, he immediately recognizes this fact.
The thing that needs to be stressed, however, is the fact that such speakers provide a definite part of our educational program. The inspiration which comes from these speakers appears as a fresh breath from our own comparatively badly staled intellectual atmosphere, necessarily so because of the limited contacts.
With this realization the student
Student government seems to be making Arnold "Hallite" assert their rights. For instance, a mob of
girls won the battle to see the mid-nite show Saturday night. Which reminds us, a certain couple went down just apurpose to see the local movies of college students, and then got up and left after the feature, without seeing their features in the short that followed.
We wonder how it happened that Vic Meyer got his pyjamas on fire Friday night?
Open House really brought about a discovering of Fahnestock ball. Lichty's door-key, long missing, was found under the bed, where it had lain for three months. Also after several hours of excavating the wood underlying second floor was exposed to view for the first time since last all. Who said varnish is necessary for floor protection?
Then there’s the boy in Schwalm's contemporary problems class who spoils it, "lazy fair."
"Cheesey" really over-rated Lillian Paul's ability the other night. There were three chairs in the front row, and unthinking, the maestro said, "Lillian, you sit on the front three
We bring you this week a copyrighted special, and patented news scoop. There has recently come into the history of McPherson College an incidence so unprecendented in the annals of the school as to merit attention. On the afternoon of Monday, February 25, 1935. A. D., at 2:39 o'clock p. m., Central Standard Time, there was born to Mrs. X, a blond Persian cat who infests Fahnestock hall, and who was accustomed to sneaking into rooms and leeping between occupants of beds, but who no longer does this because of other duties, progeny consisting of three tiny mousetraps, of the non-baitable type—respectively called X1, X2, and X3, for want of better names. Now XI and X2 were yellowish hued, like their mother, but X3 gave evidence of the recessive trait of gray color belonging to his father, who is unknown, as yet. These three small kitties were taken under the sheltering wing of our well-known Laramie (Lamar Bollinger to you), who fed and nursed them as the days went by.
They waxed and grew strong, as all good kittens do, until one fateful day those eminent photographers who are called Glen and Paul Turner (also for want of better names) attempted to catch on imperishable celluloid the physiognomies of the genus fells domesticus. Unfortunately one of the three, little X's fell to
the floor and departed from this banal world Of woo and sorrow, and has gone to play harpstrings, or maybe we should say, to make harp-strings. At any rate, he was killed, and is now a member of Gabriel's famous angetic choir in kitten heav-
Thus ended the life of X2, at the age of three days, one hour, 14 minutes, and several seconds (number unknown). May his ashes (bones we mean) rest in peace. He is survived by those other two thriving bits of kittenanity who since have been named Miss Fanny Stock and Mr. Arnold Hall, the father's name being obscure.
Said kittens were on exhibition at the stupendous glorification of the boys' dorm known as open house last Saturday eve. Latest reports are that the newcomers are growing rapidly and becoming wiser as the days go by. They certainly should have no trouble in doing this in the atmosphere of intellectuality and intelligence into which they were born. They are jealously guarded by their mother, who goes in zealous search of food if Laramie is unsuccessful in appropriating food from the dining hall. The best wishes of all campus folk rest upon the juvenile heads of these two surviving little rascals.
The Spectator
Biographical Facts of Kansas-Born
Editor, Frank I. Cobb, Are Sparse
(Continued from last week)
Frank I. Cobb left no letters. He declined to write more than a few lines for any edition of "Who’s Who in America." He talked steadily and well when he was with friends, but the rush of his conversation rarely touched on birth, parents, home or education. So the biographical facts are sparse. He was born on August 6. 1869, on a farm in Shanon county, Kansas. His father was Minor H. Cob who had migrated from a New York farm some time after the Civil War. It may be assumed that the elder Cobb did not prosper on the Kansas farm. A few years after Frank was born he moved to the Michigan lumber fields. The son had a fragmentary education. He went through the public schools and the Michigan State Normal college. He paid his way by working in the lumber camps.
Cobb seems to have vaguely debated a legal career: no doubt some teacher told him that he had a keen mind and would prosper in the law. At twenty-one he was superintendent of a high school at Martin, Michigan, and was reading law at the same time. Soon afterwards he was offered a larger school and went to the town to begin work. "You’re qualified, I guess,” said the head of
the Board of Education. "But I thought from your letter you were at least thirty years old."
"If I were thirty,” Cobb answered, "I wouldn’t work for you for $1800 ayear."
He decided that he did not want to work, in any event, for people who confused ability with age.
Many New Books On Library Shelves
Last week’s group of books added to the library collection were gifts of the Carnegie foundation for International peace to the International Relations club.
More hooks added to the library recently are:
Four religious dramas, a pamphlet for religious dramas suitable for churches with limited dramatic equipment. Mary Dykes Harsh.
"Is Capitalism Doomed?" Dennis: "Coming Struggles for Power,” Stra-chey: "Insecurity,” Epstein; "Concentration on American Industry," Laidler: "Crowell’s Dictionary of
English Grammar," Wesson; "Survey of Contemporary Economics.” Buck: "Freedom versus Organization," Russell: "Contemporary Problems in the U. S.,’’ Taylor, Vol. 1: "Contemporary Problems in the U. S.,” Taylor, Vol. 2: New York Stock Exchange Year Book, 1934.
Evelyn Pierce and Charlotte Wolfe were weekend guests of Emma Schmidt at her home.
The Rev. and Mrs. Roy. Brady of Springfield, Ill., announce the arrival of a daughter, February 23. Mrs. Brady is a daughter of "Mother" Emmert. The Brady family will move to Ottawa this spring when Rev. Brady will take over the pastorate of the Brethren Church there.
John Kauffman, Galen Ogden, Clarence Sink, and David Metzger were at Emporia for the game.
Mrs. Lester Krause and small son, Lester Eugene, of Lacrosse, were recent visitors. Mrs. Krause is a sister to Muriel and Janet Manning.
Dean F. A. Replogle, Franklin Hie-bert, Floyd Harris, John Friesen, Glen Hammann, John Moore, and Herbert Sperling attended the C. of E. game Friday evening.
Geraldine Aldridge of Clearwater was a weekend guest of Muriel Manning.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Selves, and Mrs. Melvin J. Binford were among the McPherson representatives at the game at Emporia Friday.
Miss Ada Correll of the class of ’23 and Mr. Lester Fanagan were married February 14, 1936, at Abilene, Kansas.
Mrs. Anna Tate, who teaches in DePauw University at Green Castle, Indiana, sang the soprano solos in "The Evangel of the New World." February 24 at the University of Chicago. The music was written for the celebration of the hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the Methodist Episcopal Church in America.
A tea was given by the home economics class in the Y. W. C. A. room to honor "Miss Home Economics," This honorary title was bestowed upon Miss Eugenia Dawson by a vote of the members of the class.
A three-reel moving picture show was given in the College Chapel to illustrate the interesting process of making rubber.
Marjorie and Phyllis Barber of Wichita visited on the campus Saturday, night. Marjorie Is a former student of M. C.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Crist of Rox-bury visited friends on the campus Saturday.
Archie Van Nortwick and Clayton Rock spent Saturday and Sunday at Rock’s home in Navarre.
Chapels this week have been of varied nature. The first part of chapel Monday was a worship program led by R. C. Petry. The latter part of the program was conducted by Dr. J. D. Bright in recognition of Professor M. A. Hess and his winning debate teams.
Wednesday the Rev. T. M. Shellen-berger of the Presbyterian Church gave the chapel address. He stated that the morally and religiously disturbed world of today presents a challenging view. Economics, education. and the church have all been changed, but Jesus Christ and His gospel remain and will remain unchanged in days and years to come.
The speaker closed his address by saying that the present generation will lead society forward to God and the gospel by its contribution to the world. The Christian world outlived, out-thought, and out-died the pagan world.
Margaret Hahn spent the weekend at her homo in Inman.
M. C. Pulls Away In Closing Minutes of Game to Beat Graymaroons
The McPherson College Bulldogs closed their basketball season by defeating the Bethel-College Grayma-roons at Newton last night. The score was 40 to 33. The game was loosely played and it was not until the closing minutes of the contest that the Bulldogs pulled away for a lead. The local team was not playing up to par because of the hard game they had played the night previous with Kansas Wesleyan.
Bethel started the scoring and kept the lead most of the first half. The Bulldogs started a rally and were ahead 18-17 at the half. During the first part of the second half, the Bulldogs pulled away to a lead only to have the Graymaroons cut it down. A late rally led by Herrold and Meyer put the game on ice for the Bulldogs.
The box score:
Mitchell .................. 1 0 0
Referee: Fossey.
Dr. V. F., Schwalm spoke before the Windom high school student body Monday afternoon. His address dealt with vocational guidance in secondary education. Individual choice was stressed.
He was accompanied by the girls'
trio who sang several numbers.
Last week Dean R. E. Mohler spoke before the Rotary clubs at Crete, Beatrice and Fairbury, Neb. He went there under the auspices of Rotary International of Chicago. While at Beatrice, he conducted services at the South Beatrice church.
On his return trip Dean Mohler spent two days at Leeton, Mo., in the interest of the College and of the men’s work of the church.
Bernice Dappen spent the weekend with her sister at Manhattan.
The Spectator
Hero’s the Spectator’s All-Opponent team. The selections were made on the basis of the manner in which individuals showed up in their contests with the Buldogs.
First Team
Forwards—Barker, Ottawa; Bailey, Emporia Teachers.
Center—Carrol, Emporia Teachers. Guards—Lee, C. of E.; Albertson, Baker.
Second Team
Forwards—Swartzkopp, Fort Hays;
Duerkson, Wesleyan.
Center—Klauman, Ottawa.
Guards—Smith, Emporia Teachers; Pett, Ottawa._
Early Season Defeat Avenged;
Three Men Play Last Conference Game for Bulldogs;
Herrold Is High Point Man.
The Bulldogs avenged an early season defeat Tuesday evening by winning over the Kansas Wesleyan Coyotes, 50-21 in a hard, fast-driving game. This was the worst defeat handed the opponents by any team this season. The victory was a glorious one for the McPherson College quintet, students, and funs.
Herrold started the scoring for the local team in the first minute of play. The defense of the Bulldogs was an outstanding factor to the success of the dazzling attack, which completely baffled and bumbled the Wesleyanites. All members of the local team added to the score. The members of the squad increased the score until the half ended 31-9, McPherson.
The Bulldogs continued to outplay the visitors in the second half. Never once was the lead of the Bulldogs threatened by Coach Mackie's team.
All of the McPherson team played a stellar brand of basketball. High-scoring honors went to Herrold with 15 points. Pauls, who has acted as captain of the Bulldogs this season, and Johnston, a brilliant guard, placed next in the scoring rank, each contributing 9 points. Binford tallied eight, and Meyer, the giant center, had 6 points to his honor. Reserves were used freely by Coach Binford. These men, Hapgood, Crabb, Wiggins, Mitchell, and Zuhars, all capably filled their respective positions and added much to the perfect machine-like game which the entire Bulldog squad played.
This game ended the Kansas Conference playing. The Bulldogs placed second in the Conference, with Ottawa University taking first place honors. The game ended also the Conference playing of three of McPherson's stars, Pauls, Wiggins, and Binford. Each of these men will leave impressive memories in the minds of the basketball fans, of McPherson and vicinity.
Box Score:
Binford, g....................3 2 1
Crabb, g ............:__ 0 1 0
Mitchell, c __ 0 0 1
Lobdell, f ....... _________0 0 0
Hight, c .................... 0 0 2
Berties, g .................. 0 1 0
Gels, f ................ 1 0 0
Last Friday night the Bulldogs received a stunning blow from College of Emporia with a defeat of 33-29 in a fast, hard-fought Kansas Conference basketball game. Losing this game shattered the hopes for the Canine team to be conference champions.
Four goals in one minute gave McPherson a 21-20 advantage at the half. Pauls, lead the rally.
Early in the second half, C. of E. jumped into the lead. The Presbyterians played a superior brand of ball
and a fast-breaking game.
Pauls tied Rock of the Presbies for high scoring honors; each made 10 points.
Pauls was outstanding for McPherson in various phases of play.
Box Score:
McPherson (29)
Pauls, f ........................4 2 3
Herrold, f ....................1 2 2
Hapgood, f —..............1 0 0
Meyer, c .......................3 2 0
Johnston, g ..................1 1 1
Binford, g ..............1 0 3
Crabb, g .................0 0 0
Richey, f ......................4 0 1
Klauman, c _______________3 2 1
Hansen, g —..............1 0 3
Lee, g ...........................2 1 1
It was definitely announced by Coach Melvin J. Binford recently that track would be given as the leading intercollegiate sport this
spring. It was decided by the
coaches of the Kansas Conference to put more emphasis on track this spring in an effort to make the state meet in May more competitive.
This decision will make it possible for the Bulldog track team to have meets with Kansas Wesleyan, C. of E., and Bethany. Meets will be arranged outside of the conference with Sterling, Friends, and Bethel.
Many of the college men had hoped to have a baseball club this spring. Coach believes that it would be unwise for McPherson to be the only conference school to organize varsity baseball.
Congratulations to Coach Dee Erickson and his champion Braves. That was a grand climax, the defeat of the Baker Orangemen, to a successful season.
C. of E. boosted, the Braves into an undisputed championship by beating the Bulldogs Friday night. That was mighty hard to take, but the Bulldogs went down to a good opponent.
Pauls was the one McPherson man that kept the score close at Emporia. Just before the half "Teut" got "hot" and sank a few long ones that put the Canine squad in a one-point lead at the half.
"Tony" Meyer also played a stellar brand of ball against C. of E. His floor work was good and he accounted for many of the Bulldogs' points.
Rock was high point man for C.
of E. He sank many one-handed shots from the vicinity of the foul line. He's the man that made 20 points against Ottawa a week ago at Emporia.
The Swedes came to McPherson last Wednesday night with a lot of enthusiasm. They were all primed to beat the Bulldogs. The Vikings jumped off to an early lead, and it looked for a few minutes as though the old dope bucket might be upset badly.
It would be profitable for the McPherson student body to take note of the enthusiasm that was shown by the Bethany students. They show more support to a weak team than McPherson shows to a strong one.
Possibly one of the contributing factors to the success of the Ottawa team was the support that was shown by the Ottawa people. They really gave the team what it takes to win—support both at home and away.
That was a mighty sweet revenge —that 50 to 21 defeat of the Wesleyan Coyotes. They were the first conference foe to defeat the Bulldogs this season, and that was by a one-point margin in an overtime game at Salina, January 18.
All of the men were “hot” in the Wesleyan game. Joyce Herrold was high point man with 15 points to his credit. Most of his baskets came from tip-in shots.
During the last tun minutes of the game Coach Binford used all of his substitutes. Some of the Wesleyan men left the game on personal fouls; so the latter part of the game was played by the reserves of both teams.
Last week there were only four games played in the intramural leagues. They did not effect the standings of the league leaders. In the American league the Greens and Yellows both won to leave that league tied for first place. The Blues are still leading the National league
but the Green team is only one game behind.
This week will see some very important games played in both leagues. The Greens and Yellows will meet for the last time the latter part of the week. This will decide the championship of the American league. This afternoon at four o’clock the Blues and Greens of the National league will meet. If the Blue team wins they will have an undisputed first place cinched. In the event of a Green victory the first place honors would be shared between the two teams.
There is an intense interest being shown by the men participating in the it. No predictions can be made as to the final outcome of this week’s games.
C. Douglas Booth, noted traveler, lecturer, and author, spoke in chapel Friday, March 1, on the subject, "The American State of Mind as Soon Through British Eyes."
Mr. Booth said that he always classifies the colleges he visits as barbaric or civilized Judging by whether it is active in carrying out new ideas. In his judgment he pronounced McPherson College as civilized.