For the past few years, deputation teams have been sent out by the College to work in the various churches and schools in its district. This year, the policy is undergoing somewhat of a change.
The students will be sent out in pairs to teach classes, preach, or direct projects. The A Cappella Choir will be used in the program in various communities.
C. Douglas Booth, noted traveler, lecturer, author, and educator, will be on the campus today and tomor-
Will Be of Benefit to Both New Students and Those Now Enrolled at M. C.
Students have displayed interest recently in the student loan fund passed upon in the meeting of the Board or Trustees last week. This plan is of interest not only to the student who has not previously attended McPherson College but to the student who is enrolled in the College at present, Sam Stoner, senior, is the originator of the plan and has backed it for the past two years.
The plan as it was passed upon provides for "the creation of a per-manent Loan Fund through the so-
Ilicltatlon of friends of McPherson College to invest in three per cent bonds, interest payable annually. No bonds under $100 will he issued. McPherson College is to guarantee the payment of all bonds.
"All funds thus received are to be loaned to students of the College for a given period of time with interest at six per cent, interest discounted for six months and payable semiannually.
"The securing of funds and the making of all loans are to be directed by a committee known as the Student Loan Fund Committee. This Committee is to consist of two members appointed by the College Trustees and one member appointed by the McPherson City Chamber of Commerce. All funds are to be held in trust by this Committee.
"All unsecured loans made to students are to be at least two name papers. Before a loan is made it must be submitted to the College Business Manager for his approval, The full amount of the loan is paid to the Business Manager to be applied as he thinks most advisable in meeting the student's college expenses. "
Those who will attend the joint faculty meeting at Lindsborg today are: Miss Lois Wilcox, Miss Jessie Brown, Prof. A C. Voran, Dean F. A. Replogle, Miss Edith McGaffey, Miss Della Lehman, Prof. J. L. Bow-man, Miss Fern Lingenfelter, Dr. and Mrs R. C. Petry, Prof. and Mrs. S. M. Dell. Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Hershey, and Dr. and Mrs. V. F. Schwalm.
Dean Replogle and Dr. Schwalm will speak on the program at the dinner-meeting this evening.
Friday, March 1—C. of E. game, Emporia.
Saturday, March 2—Open House at Fahnestock, 8 p. m.
Sunday, March 3—C. E. Meeting.
College Church. 6:30 p. m. Tuesday, March 5—Regular Y. M. & Y. W. Meetings,10 a. m.
—World Service Group Meeting, 7 p. m.
Wednesday, March 6--Kansas Wesleyan basketball game. Here. Community Building, 8:30 p. m.
The annual Booster Banquet will be held March 22, it was announced recently. The principal speaker has not yet been secured. Last year Chancellor E. H Lindley of the University of Kansas gave the main address.
For the past several years the college has given this banquet to aid in its financial program. Last year's $10,000 drive exceeded its expecta-, tions. This year, however, the drive will be held on a considerably small-
A brisk, cold wind whipping from the north, a lively bonfire sending its flames skyward. This same cold northern wind blowing smoke and live coals about from this same lively bonfire. Such was the setting when 20 members of the Y. W. C. A. and Y. M. C. A. cabinets met with Dan West on the northeast corner of the campus last Thursday evening at 6:30.
Pertinent questions concerning the two organizations and the school us a whole were discussed. Through West's capable handling of the discussion, some vital issues were evoked from the group.
Galen Ogden led some group songs to close the evening’s program.
The McPherson College Alumni of California are planning their annual banquet which will be given some time near the end of the mouth. Miss Gladdys Muir, a member of the Class of 1915 of McPherson College, is secretary of the California Chapter. This banquet has been an annual af-fair for a number of years.
Last week while experimenting
with tear gas in the chemistry laboratory, three Manchester students decided to "mix their own" bombs. The prank was not a success, how-ever, and they are now suffering from injuries received when the mixture exploded.
It was believed by physicians that Jack Van Gilder of Mentone, Ind., may lose his sight. Robert McCune of Mt. Morris, Ill., and Eldon Heckman of Polo. Ill., were also slightly injured.
Balkan and Central European Authority Will Lecture This Evening
Under Auspices of Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
C. Douglas Booth, internationally known author, lecturer, and authority on Balkan affairs brought to the campus under the auspices of the International Relations Club will give a lecture and lead a discussion group at a dinner given in the College Church this evening at 6: 30 o'clock. Mr. Booth’s lecture this evening is one of the two lectures which will be given by the lecturer. All students, who will pay twenty-five cents apiece, are invited to the dinner.
Mr. Booth is chiefly known for his books and writings.
Among his books and articles is a paper on the "Political Situation in Southeastern Europe, " presented before the Royal Institute of International Affairs in England, and published in the Institute's Journal.
"Italy's Aegean Possessions, " published in 1928, is also well known in the United States, as are his articles written for the American Peace Society of Washington D. C., and published in the “Advocate of Peace. ” He has also spent some time in study at the Academy of International Law at the Hague. He is a member of the Royal Institute of International Affairs, London.
Mr. Booth was born in Canada and was educated at St. Andrews College, Toronto, and at Loyola University. During the War he held the rank of Major in His Majesty’s Forces. He has devoted seven years to the study of Central European, Mediterranean and Balkan problems, and has resided or traveled in Morocco, Egypt, Rhodes, Patmos, Athens, Belgrade, Budapest, Vienna, and Paris.
His lecturing experience is varied and includes considerable political work for the National Liberty Party of England, work in the United States for Liberty Loan and Red Cross drives while with H. M. Forces during the war, and later experience lecturing in both England and the United States on International Relations. In recent years Mr. Booth has visited several hundred International Relations Clubs in colleges and universities in all parts of the United States, under the auspices of the Carnegie Endowment. In the spring of 1933, Mr. Booth was visiting Carnegie Professor in Park College, Parkville, Missouri, and in State College of North Dakota, Fargo. North Dakota in each of these institutions he not only conducted regular courses of study under the auspices of the college, but he also delivered lectures before many of the civic organisations and clubs in neighboring communities. In the spring of 1934 he served as Visiting Carnegie Professor at Alabama College, Montevallo, Alabama; in the fall of 1934 he spent some time as Visiting Carnegie Professor at Be-loit College, Beloit, Wisconsin.
The subjects of Mr. Booth's lectures are: “The Future of the
League of Nations. ” "The Place of Great Britain in the Collective System or Organization for Peace, " "The Corporate State, ” "Danger of War in Europe, " "Fascism, National Socialism, and Democracy, " and "The Present American State of Mind—Seen Through British Eyes. "
After being without a president for several weeks, the Thespian Club met Tuesday afternoon and elected Blanch Harris to be the chief officer of the organization. Soon after the resignation of Don Evans about three weeks ago, a meeting of the club was called and Maxine Ring was chosen to fill the office. Miss Ring declined to accept the office, however, because of the numerous other extra-curricular activities in which she participates.
Mary Miller wus chosen to direct the annual Thespian Club play. The play, which will be presented, has not yet been selected but several are under consideration.
Work will begin on the Thespian play just following the presentation of the senior class play In March.
Places First in Local Anti-Tobacco Contest; Two Other Contestants Compete
Elmer Staats, senior, was chosen yesterday in the local Anti-tobacco Oratorical Contest to enter the state contest which will be held here Mar. 8. Three students were entered in the contest. The title of his oration is "A Plea for Conservation. "
Galen Ogden entered his oration entitled. "The Marriage of Conduct and Ideals" and Willard Flaming was entered with "The Power of Habit. "
Staats will enter his oration in the state contest along with entries from Hutchinson Junior College, Central College of McPherson, St. Johns College of Winfield, and Miltonvale College. Coaches from the different schools will judge in the state con-test.
Dr. J. W. Fields of this city furnishes three prizes in the state con-test of $35, $25, and $15, for first, second, and third places respectively.
Judges in the local contest yesterday were Miss Edith McGaffey, Miss Della Lehman, Dr. J. D. Bright, Dean F. A. Replogle, and Dr. Ray C. Petry.
Chapel Monday, February 25, opened with a song by the male octette. Responsive reading was led by Dr. V. F. Schwalm. Two men from the North Central Association, President Latham of Iowa State Teachers College, Cedar Falls, Iowa, and Dean Oldfather of the University of Nebraska at Lincoln, Nebraska, were present. Dean Oldfather gave a short talk. The closing number was a cornet solo by Floyd Harris. He was accompanied by Gulah Hoover.
Professor J. A. Blair gave the talk in chapel Wednesday morning. The thing which he stressed in his talk was a challenge to seem as religious as one really is. His point was illustrated with a parable of a city in which there was a shoe factory, but where none of the townspeople wore shoes. In fact no shoes were manufactured: the people merely met once in seven days to talk, sing, and pray about making shoes. Professor Blair said that this is anala-gous to our attitude toward religion.
There are too many people who talk and sing about religion, but few who frankly admit that they are religious.
The attendance at the Regional Conference was particularly encouraging. The church at Wiley; Colorado, sent a delegation of 18, with approximately 13 coming from other parts of that state. Kansas had an approximate representation of 75, not including McPherson College faculty members, students, and representatives of the local church. Other states represented were Idaho, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Iowa, Louisiana, Missouri, and Indiana.
FEBRUARY 28, 1935
In a reciprocal attempt at rejuvenescence of that atrophied characteristic known as gregarity, having previous manifestation in social Intercourse, the virile exponents of Fahnestock Hall, with established prerogatives, hereby magnanimously acclaim the limited rights of Arnold residents, and other interested, to have munificent freedom, anywhere interiorly, of their habitation and ask approbation of domestic qualities demonstrated. Denotation of proverbial restriction release in re-gard to time is Saturday, March 2, 8 to 10 p. m. Sincere cordiality permeates the invitation and will provide the essence of good will pervading when the visitants begin to arrive and will be retained until the final guest has departed. Just send for our free booklet.
Choir Invited to Sing at K. U. During Kansas Academy of Science Meeting
The fact that the McPherson A Cappella Choir has gained much more than local fame is attested by the following clipping taken from the Kansas City Star of February 13:
"Professor Alvin C. Voran has been invited by Chancellor Lindley of the University of Kansas to present a concert on the Lawrence campus with his widely known McPherson College A Cappella Choir. The date has been set for the afternoon of March 29. This will be the opening date on a 12-day tour the choir will take through Eastern Kansas, Northern Missouri, Iowa and Eastern Nebraska.
The Kansas Academy of Science
same date, and during the hour of the concert all conference sessions will cease to allow members to at-tend.”
The choir sang at the Methodist Church last Sunday at the regular evening service. An appreciative audience of music lovers heard the concert.
Next Sunday, the choir will sing at the Congregational Church at the vesper service at 5 p. m. The service is open to the public.
Various concerts have been planned which will take the group into surrounding communities. A ten-day trip will be taken next month at which time the choir will travel into Missouri, Iowu, and Nebraska. The first appearance of the choir on this trip will ho at the Uni-versity of Kansas.
Bruce Curry of Union Theological Seminary to Be Leading Speaker
Colvin on campus Tuesday to Complete Arrangements for Inter-collegiate Meet
Harold Colvin, state Y. M. C. A. secretary, was on the campus Tuesday of this week completing arrangements for the three-day intercollegiate Y. conference to be held here March 15 to 17. Mr. Colvin will be remembered from his previous visits to the College.
Bruce Curry of the Union Theological Seminary, New York, has been secured as the principal speaker at the conference. Mr. Curry is an outstanding speaker of the day and will offer several addresses which will be open to the general public. He will also conduct a number of discussion groups. Other leaders on the conference program include M. G. Miller, College of Emporia, Chaleca White, Southwestern, Lester Ellis, and Ellen Dayne.
Among the subjects to be discussed at the conference are "Economic Reconstruction," "Personal and Family Relationships," "Peace Action," and "Race Fellowship."
The committee chairmen and the members of their committees for the conference include Margaret Oliver, Virginia Quiring, Victor Moorman, entertainment: Maxine Ring, Estelle Balle, David Metzger, banquet; Faithe Ketterman, Wanda Hoover, Willard Flaming, Merle Messamer, registration; Kenneth Weaver, Betty Lou Cameron, publicity: Paul Miller, Donald Brumbaugh, Glen Austin, Otho Clark, Oliver Andrews, information: Harold Mohler, Clifford
Shank, Kurtis Naylor, Modena Kauffman, Mary Miller, literature. These committees were appointed by Velma Keller, Y. W. President, and Paul Booz, Y. M. president, with the aid and advice of Mr. Colvin.
A group of the violin students of Miss Lois Wilcox presented a recital in the College Chapel on Tuesday evening. The program was well attended by students and others interested in the Fine Arts Department of the College. The program for the evening was as follows:
Priscilla..........Sadie Ann Gallo
Dreaming of Santa Claus
Bobby Smith Boat Song Evelyn Caudle
Scouts on Parade Bernard Smith
Adagio ........... Jackie Oelrich
Orientelle ........ Jean Entriken
Cello-Elegie Arlene Russell
Minuet In G Emerson Chisholm
Souvenir . Alvie Newberry
Zal . Ramona Fries
Cello-Romance ... Anna Fuchs
Second Mazurka .. Corrine Bowers Berceuse from Jocelyn
Charles Wagoner
The Spectator
Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas. Published every Thursday by the Student Council
Entered as second class matter November 20,1917, at the postoffice at McPherson, Kansas, under the act of March 3, 1897.
Make-up Editor .................Donald Brumbaugh
News Editor.......Vernon D. Michael
Sports Editor .................- Orval Eddy
Society Editor........... Velma Watkins
Paul Booz Paul Miller
Robert Booz Muriel Manning
Donald Evans Harold Reneicker
Ruth Hawbaker Neva Root
Wanda Hoover Glenn Webb
Phyllis McKinnie Kenneth Weaver
Subscription Rates For One School Year
Have American Students Failed in Responsibilities?
American college students, endowed with unusual educational op-portunities, have utterly failed in a national crisis that should have enlisted an intelligent cooperation from them, Dean Theodore A. Dist-ler of Lafayette College inferred this week.
"During the present depression the Administration in Washington has heard the voice of labor, both individually through the various trade unions and collectively through the American Federation of Labor,” Dean Distler said.
"It has heard the voice of the American Legion, the American business man and a host of other organized interests, but it has not heard the collective voice of that most intelligent of our constituency, the college man and college wo-
He pointed out that the United States must raise a generation of clear-thinking, unemotional citizens, awake to their responsibilities as leaders in political and social thought, as a way to achieve orderly evolution and a way to avoid bloody revolution.
Citing Sweden and Denmark as examples of countries fifty years ahead of the United States in their understanding and solution of national problems, he described the systems of forums of discussion of political and economic problems, attended by laborers, business people and professional men and led by university graduates.
Dean Distler recommended that school buildings be thrown open on prescribed nights for similar forums in order that university men and women might lead American citizens in intelligent thought and action.
The problem presented by Dean Distler is one of the most potent in the present governmental crisis in this country. College graduates have yet to learn that persons with less idealistic background and training may by aggressive promotion force their ideals upon the nation. Until leaders of idealistic background learn this ideals will carry little esteem and the so-called practical man will continue his domination of American government.
The Value of Comprehensive Examinations
Idealistic college students who are bored with the frequent course examinations which he is compelled to take found a ray of hope recently with the announcement that this irritating system would be replaced at Yale with extensive departmental examinations covering two years of work.
Such a plan has repeatedly been suggested for the student with more than average scholarship. The additional time would be spent in further research in the student’s chosen field of study. It would be advantageous were this the only salutary effect. An additional advantage will be the added incentive to true scholarship. Whereas the student finds under the present system that he is forced to prepare for an examination in four or five courses to decide his grade, the new plan provides for the grade to be determined solely by the two year examination. Thus the individual’s grade will be determined from his knowledge in each of the various departments in which he has taken work.
At Yale and among progressive educational circles the plan has met only widespread approval. Under-
Address All Correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas
it as a "forward march’’ and The Yale Alumni Weekly stated that "Yale had crossed the Rubicon."
"Overnight, the formal minutes of report came to life as vital drama a faculty meeting and a committee under the touch of undergraduate insight and interpretation,” stated Prof. George H. Netlleton, chairman of the course of study committee of Yale College.
Further the plan which is now asked of the students provides for: First, preliminary consultation with the department concerned as to the choice and correlation of his course in his major subject, and, second, ultimate examination by his department, at the close of his senior year, on his final attainment in his major subject as a whole.
This move on the part of a larger college is an indication of a movement and a trend which will eventually become a permanent part of our educational system—for no other reason than that undergraduate opinion will demand it.
An Opportunity
The visit to this campus today and tomorrow by C. Douglas Booth is one of the few opportunities of the students of the campus to gain a contact with a wider range of thought than that to which he in accustomed.
Mr. Booth’s visit is under the auspices of the Carnegie Foundation. The visit has not been confined to the local campus, nor is he the only speaker sent out by this foundation. Much as the Carnegie Endowment has been criticized from various viewpoints the unquestioned fact remains that the many services which the organization performs for the cause of peace are worthy of recognition. Any meritorous act of this type—one that attempts to create an orderly world through peace work—should be regarded as an opportunity to reach a more intimate contact with world relations.
A foundation of this type created by a great capitalist does not justify the capitalist system of any of its discrepancies. It does, however, reveal to us that the capitalist may have nobler motives than those which are commonly attributed to him.
More Wise Words
Experience—The only teacher not underpaid!
Movies—The one business on a sound basis!
Aviation—Stuff marked "poison" —one drop fatal!
Roof Garden—The place to sow wild oats!
Success — Still the ability to change "no” to "yes."
Money—A substance lost more ways than won!
Alimony—Just a grass widow’s pension!
Cleverness—Wisdom underdone.
Diplomacy—The art of letting someone else have your way!
Beauty—Usually only skin dope.
Appreciation—Envy in sheep’s clothing.
Candor—What a co-ed thinks of another co-ed’s dress.
Tact—What she says about it!
Worry—A kind of interest paid on future woes!
Utopian—The dream that two can eat as cheaply as one.
Silence—The best substitute for brains!
Our opinion is that if the basketball team gets anywhere near Ottawa again this year, somebody better take Teuton in hand and keep him away from these married women, especially pretty little blondes by the name of Helen Peterson. It sure is mighty strange, tho, that Teut doesn't seem to know anything about this little matter.
My oh my, the pansies on second floor of ye olde Arnold. Only one girl in this class has succeeded so far in getting demerits. Now third floor, on the other hand, is much wilder. On this floor there’s only one or two girls who have succeeded in keeping their record clear. This is probably indicative of trends or something, we don't know just what.
Romeo, oh Romeo! wherefore art thou, Romeo? That's not hard to tell. Nine chances out of ten he'll be found most any week-end night with Hiebert's momentary flame. Which reminds us—we've said before, and we repeat again, you can’t intimidate the press!!!!!!
You know how Bohling pulls these shotgun quizzes every now and then, don’t you? Well, when he does, the only way John Friesen makes a decent grade is to borrow the prof's book and find the answers neatly written in the margin, as happened only a short time ago in a quiz which was taken from the book. Which just goes to show you —some guys are smart, and others are just lucky.
So far we have been unable to account for the unprecedented number of stags at the basketball game Fri. nite. For instance, there were Hiebert and Sweetland: also Evans and the elder Boot. Also we notice that Carp has reverted to old times, and Hick seems to have
changed favors almost overnight.
There was once a time when Amos Miller could shave every other day and get by. Now that he has a new heartbeat to keep him occupied it requires a shave a day to keep Austin away.
Galen Fields was the honor guest at a surprise birthday dinner last Sunday at his home. Other guests present were Lucille Fairchild, Leah Bean, Leola Mohler, Bertha Bergt-hold, Norma Flora, Esther Bowers, Laurel Fields, Don Fairchild, Paul Prather, Jack Gordon, Homer Kim-mel, Herbert Ikenberry, Chester Colwell, and Lawrence Fields.
Mildred Pray and Mildred Siek spent the week-end at their homes.
Modena Kauffman and Harriette
Smith spent the week-end in Topeka.
Bernice Dappen, a former student, has enrolled in school. She has been in nurses’ training at Washington university in St. Louis, Mo.
Dwight Barngrover spent the week-end in McPherson. He attended school here last semester and is now enrolled in Kansas State College at Manhattan.
Willard Flaming visited friends in Canton last week-end.
Miss Edith McGaffey attended the funeral Sunday of her cousin, Mrs. Anna Frantz, at Homlesville, Nebraska.
A State Conference of the Kansas Guidance Association will be held here March 29 and 30. The meetings will begin with a dinner the evening of March 20. There will be various addresses and group meetings.
Lyle Brower----- March 2
Harriette Smith .....- March 5
Walter Pauls................ March 7
(By Associated Collegiate Press)
The student pays for only 45 per cent of his education, Chancellor Throop of Washington University (St. Louis), stated in his report of that institution’s financial status.
Twenty-five religious faiths are represented in the University of Missouri (Columbia) student body, including Mohammedan, Yoga, Quaker, Ethical Society, Greek Orthodox, and Moravian.
The total number of books in the Harvard University (Cambridge, Mass.) library is now 3,602,040— the largest university library in the world. Exactly 126,935 books and pamphlets were added to its shelves in 1933-34.
A world educational conference will be held in 1937 in Australia.
The largest delegation of students from any foreign country to the United States comes from China.
The territories of the United States, Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico, all maintain land-grant colleges.
Vassar College (Poughkeepsie, N. Y.) is considered to be the most expensive of the women’s colleges in the United States. It costs approximately $1,350 to cover the yearly expenses of each student.
Biography of Frank Cobb, the Blind Editor,
Appears in American Writers’ Series
reporters, typified the newspaper man as an artist.
Books and Pamphlets Added in Library
Following is a list of the new books which are to be found upon the library shelves now:
"Russia's Iron Age"—Chamberlin. "The Permanent Court of International Justice"—Hudson.
"The British Way to Recovery"— Herbert Heaton.
"American Consultation in World Affairs"—Cooper.
"Arms and Ammunitions"—Bac-
“Europe—War or Pence."
"An American Foreign Policy." "International Trade and Domestic Prosperity.”
"Problems of New Cuba."
Letters to the President on foreign trade and international credits.
It is the foot of youth alone That dare now trails to trend!
It is the eyes of youth that see The promised land ahead!
It is the voice of youth that cries From every wilderness:
"Make straight a highway for our God!
O comrades, let us press
On, on, and on, unfearing To follow God's own truth!"
It is the heart of youth that dares! It is the heart of youth!
—Frances M. Bock.
Rain turned into ice and wrought heavy damage on the Bridewater College campus last week. The heavy ice on the power-lines broke them and plunged the college into complete darkness for a short time.— The B. C. Bee.
Coach Ad Lindsay of the University of Kansas called out his football cohorts last Friday to start them in spring practice. He expects 100 men to report for the practice session which is to last six weeks.—University Daily Kansan.
Harold Hunt, newly selected head coach at Newton high school, Newton, Kansas, was an outstanding athlete while he was a student at K. R. T. C. at Emporia. He was a three-year letterman in football.—The Bulletin.
By College News Service
At the University of Southern California, it is impressively reported, students heat a "stomp, stomp, stomp” on the floor with their feet if a fellow student is seen cheating during an exam. They beat around the bush so, these college boys.
The strain of final week at Pomona College (Calif.) is considerably alleviated by serving tea every afternoon, we are told. Maybe the students feel better after forecasting their future in tea leaves.
Puzzle department Registration at the University of California, according to the Daily Californian, listed one co-ed’s address as South America; another one's birth place was Gamma Phi Beta; two students admitted they were Holy Rollers.
"Fifty students at Valiapin, Spain, recently locked two professors in a back room until they promised to pass the whole class without examination."—The Santa Clara (Calif.)
In Days of Old
Five Years Ago
Rev. H. F. Richards. pastor of the college
Church, spoke in chapel re
In Other Schools
cial occasions). We had one good chapel program—thanks to all concerned! And, oh yeah, I sat in my own chapel pew, "per force.”
February 26—The same treadmill affair. My only interest was that I got asked for a date—which didn’t make a bad close to an otherwise dreary day.
February 27—The only interesting thing to record today, dear diary, was the little episode that occurred on the threshold of the assembly room. Lackie, the elongated, sprawled out all over the floor when Boyer stuck his big fool too far out in P. L.’s path. To top all that off, Vernon Michael, who was chasing said Lackie fell on top f him! Imagine that! Then "Mike," energetic "Quad” salesman that he is, says to Lackie, “Wanta buy a Quad?" The Terrible Swedes (not really as terrible as they used to be) play our own Bulldogs tonight. All my prayers go out to the Bulldogs. I’ll let you know tomorrow how the feud comes out!
Fritzie Goes To the Game
Der school of der Pulldogs. Gootmornin Chonny,
Vell, I haf been here fur der hul of a veek. Dere has chus los und los uf things doink on. Der night of der game vith du paskets und palls ve hurry chust after der supper und go to der chymnasium. Ve sit on der poards vat climbs up der vail und valt. Un gurl vith plack hair und red hat get up mit un po und dey say ter holler und ve holler. Purty zoon der poys mit not mutch pance run oud to der mittle und start trowing der pall. Purdy zoon some more poys start trowing palls. Dey trow den run den trow und der people chust holler, like mad. Ven der pall gets avau in der fish net vith un pig hole in der pottom, der people holler out to der poys vat dey call Toot and Tony und Johnsy—ispecially der poys Sink und Vic und Ernie. Per is pest cause dey holler der louder. Veil, purdy zoon der poys is all tired off trowing der palls und der people is tired of schtaying und dey quit. Und ve is von der game! Pecause ve trow der fall faster und holler louder. Ve iss got un svell time.
Mit much luf,
P. S. Ve haf some more game mit der pasket un pall zoon.
Frank Cobb left few papers. Little has been written of him. Mr. Pringle was granted access to all available material, and in this third article of his series on great American editors he presents historical material or the first importance—the hitherto unpublished diary kept by Cobb during his mission to Europe in October and November, 1918.
Sometimes, toward mid-afternoon, the offices of Joseph Pulitzer up in the golden dome of the World Building would be flooded with sunlight. Only dim shadows penetrated to the consciousness of the owner of The New York World: the eclipse caused by blindness was approaching totality. But if a man stood at the office window, against the sunlight. Pulitzer could see a blurred silhouette. He could discern a feature or two. He could decide whether the man had a strong or a weak profile.
In the summer of 1904 a new man had come to work for The New York World. He was an editorial writer, and Joseph Pulitzer viewed the breed with misgivings. "Every reporter is a hope: every editor is a disappointment," he would say. Even Pulitzer, though, had hope that Frank Cobb would be the man to carry on the Augean labors of the fighting newspaper which he owned. So he would lead Cobb to the window and peer eagerly into his face. Then he would run his fluttering blind man's hands over Cobb's features. He would admit that the man had good bones. He liked Cobb’s square jaw and mobile mouth. For Frank Cobb, among all editors and
According to Pepys—
February 22—Georgie might as well not have had a birthday as far as we were concerned—No vacation and not even any red, white, and blue ice cream for dinner! Such luck! But we did celebrate—Neva rounded up the mob and we went down and paraded on the Main Drag. The occasion being of course the O. U.-M. C. basketball game. We must've stirred up too much spirit as "Teut" and his gang romped all over the Ottawa hunch. It was a slick game and some of those Brave fellows weren't so bad to look at. either! I managed to rate a demerit by staying out after the green blinds had been pulled down and the door had been securely locked.
February 23 — Usual Saturday, Slept later (than usual). Dusted around the rugs and dresser scarfs (more than usual). Decided my room was clean anyway if the third floor mob would just stay out of it. Went to town and fooled around. Walked both ways—not because of my health either—because of the leanness of my pocketbook (not usual)—Studied for half an hour (unusual). Obser-vations from my tower window that night—Margaret and Sink as content as ever: Galen Ogden walking and warbling; Frankie Hiebert entering our domicile and wondering whom he'd exit with; Maxine arriving on the campus in “Porpon." Wondered why I was born to stay home?
February 24—Had two slices of bacon instead of the customary one —Who said depression? Rainy Sun-day—My paper plate at Supper had 29 autographs on it—tsk, tsk—May-be it still is a depressing time—who knows?
February 25 —— Blue Monday. Heard the bell—but wanted to sleep Just a few minutes more—never did like dorm breakfast anyway! It was as cold as Hades is hot when I jumped out of my bed and jerked down the window this morning. Of course the beat was on full force, but still no warmth in my room. Icicles were hanging everywhere. Gee—but it was cold. Finally I aroused the courage donned my duds, and started out to face the cold, bleak worm —and the them prof as well! I really was a dude today. I wore that green print (silk) dress of mine with the pink ruffled collar—all to celebrate the coming of the inspectors to our dear school. Saw more kids in chapel than I had for a long time —maybe said inspectors had something to do with it! I put on that radiantly angelic smile of mine as I entered chapel (used only on spo-
The College paper for Elizabethtown College for Feb. 1 reported an "informal conference" with me on the subject of athletics, which I am told has been widely read by students here. The discussion was informal and the publication without my sanction or approval. Without any attempt to explain the athletic situation at Elizabethtown out of which the discussion grew, or to explain the article in that paper, I desire to get forth my attitude towards one or two phases of athletics referred to in the article.
I have no criticism of any student who desires a college education and also likes to play on athletic teams. Some of our finest students are and have been on the varsity squads. I shall not name any of those for fear of omitting some that should he named. These have my respect and highest regard.
Recognizing the value of the enthusiasm that athletic contests generate, no serious educator will deny that an over frenzied athletic program tends to overshadow other important interests. It seems to me our own athletic interest of late has been wholesome and restrained.
The situation at Elizabethtown College has an entirely different background from our own. The two conditions are not at all comparable. Given the system of competitive col-legiate and high school athletics now existing throughout the country and especially among our Kansas Colleges I have no desire to eliminate athletics from McPherson College even if I could. And so long as we are in intercollegiate contests want our teams to win, and to win every game they can.
V. F. Schwalm.
EXCHANGE program given
The Forum Club front Kansas Wesleyan at Salina gave an exchange program before the McPherson College International Relations Club Wednesday evening. The topic, "International Control" was discussed from four viewpoints by various guest students.
Some time ago the local organization went to Salina where they presented a program of similar nature.
Refreshments were served at the close of the discussion.
Work was started on the tennis courts last Saturday. Fifteen or twenty men were busily engaged in the enterprise.
LaMar Bollinger seemed to be the self-appointed foreman of the busy gang of workmen.
The courts will be finished and put into shape for play as soon as the weather permits.
cently. His subject was "Pessimism."
The College debate team won two decisions in a dual debate meet with Sterling college.
The Mother-Daughter banquet, sponsored by the local Young Women's Christian Association, was held in the parlors of the Church.
Several students and two members of the music faculty of McPherson College went to Sterling to take part in a musical program. They were invited to the program by Prof. G. Lewis Doll, former instructor at M.
Looking forward to the Bethany-McPherson basketball game "Sportsmanship" was the topic of discussion at C. E.
Prof. J. A. Blair says that he hopes to live to see the day when school will have six-hour days and six-day weeks.
Four College deputation teams have been organized. A number of trips have been planned for the
During the Mother-Daughter banquet, a group of men entered Arnold Hall and "stacked" the rooms. Only one room escaped the ravages of the young men.
The Bulldogs won their last home conference basketball game by defeating St. Mary’s College with a score of 43-18.
Melvin Miller. Bulldog center,
during the conference season. A total of 91 points was chalked up to his credit.
The Spectator
Bulldogs to Meet C. of E. Friday Night in Crucial Battle —Kansas Wesleyan to Play Here Wednesday.
The Bulldogs journey to Emporia tomorrow night to battle the strong C. of E. team in a crucial game. Much depends on this game us to the final standing of the Bulldogs in the conference.
C. of E. has an enviable record of their home games. During the past few years they have lost few games on their home court. The reason is that they have a small court, and it is not easy to get accustomed to. Tomorrow’s game rates as the hardest one remaining on the Bulldog schedule and it must be won by the local team in order to remain in the running for the conference championship.
The Bulldogs close their basketball season with Kansas Wesleyan here on Tuesday night, March 5. The Bulldogs will be out to seek revenge for the one-point defeat they suffered from the Coyotes in a game early this season.
While the dope seems to favor the Canine team in this battle, anything
can be expected to happen. Both teams will be fighting—McPherson for the conference standing and the Coyotes to avenge the defeat the Bulldogs gave them in football.
McPherson and Ottawa Share Honors in Conference Race —Johnston with 12 Points Is High-Scoring Cog for M. C.
McPherson Bulldogs came within striking distance of the championship of the Kansas conference Friday night by defeating Ottawa university 42 to 17 on the Convention Hall court. Both McPherson and Ottawa have lost but two games, but Ottawa has played two more games than the Bulldogs, and according to percentage Ottawa is still leading the conference.
There is a possibility that the Ot-tawa-College of Emporia game played a few weeks ago will be forfeited to C. of E. because it is alleged that Ottawa played an ineligible player. Should this be the case McPherson would then go into the lead and take the championship providing it can win its three remaining conference games. The hardest game left on the Bulldog schedule will be the one with C. of E. on the Emporia court March 1.
Herrold, f ...................5 - 1 0
Meyers, c ......................0 3 2
Hapgood, f ....................0 1 0
Crabb, g ........................ 1 0 0
Zuhars, g ......................0 0 2
Wiggins, f ....................0 0 1
Barngrover, f ............0 0 0
Total ........................16 10 6
Barker, f............... 0 2 2
Daylight, f ....................2 0 1
Klauman, c ..................3 0 2
Odie, g ..........................0 0 0 j
Mullen, f ......................1 0 1
Elder, g .......... —........0 0 1
Petty, g ........................0 0 0
Total ........................7 3 12
McPherson’s last half rally was a feature of the game. The Bulldogs led 15 to 11 at the end of the first period, and the offset of the second half Coach Binford's cagers started gettomg "hot" and kept Ottawa scoreless for the first 15 minutes of the period. The Bulldogs during this period scored 25 points while the visitors failed to connect with the basket, although Ottawa bad three chances for free throws daring the 15 minutes.
Herrold, Johnston and Binford were McPherson's big scoring stars, between them making ’34 of the team's 42 points. Herrold and Binford each made 11 points, and Johnston was high man of the game with his 12 points.
Ottawa was kept from scoring by McPherson's tight defense and fast typo of ball. The Braves made only two field goals and two free throws the last half, all coming in the last five minutes. Klauman, center, was Ottawa’s high scorer with-six points.
The first half of the game gave promise of a close and hard fought battle. At one time early in the first period Ottawa held a 6 to 2 lead over McPherson, but the Bulldogs managed to gain a small lead by the end of the half. During the first period the score was tied four dif-ferent times.
The game was rough. Elder, Ottawa substitute guard, was sent out of the game late in the fray on a charge of unnecessary roughness. Ottawa had 12 fouls called on its team and McPherson had only six fouls.
Bulldogs Are Not Threatened In Court Classic With Ancient Foe—Johnston Leads In
The Bulldogs registered another decisive victory over the Bethany Swedes last night. The Swedes were outclassed throughout the entire game.
The final score was 37-17 for McPherson.
The game started out slow, the Swedes taking a 4-1 lead. However, the Bulldogs soon started breaking through the weak defense of the Swedes and the opponents lost the lead. The Bulldogs gradually in-creased their lead as the game proceeded. The score at the half was 17-9 for the Bulldogs.
Scoring was divided between the players. Johnston led with ’11 players. Johnston led with 11 hind him with 8 points. Substitutes relieved the first string and continued to add to the score during the closing minutes of the game. The floor work of Johnston and Binford was outstanding for the Bulldogs.
The box score:
Hapgood ...................... 1 0 0
Pauls .......................... 3 1 0
Herrold ...................... 4 0 0
Meyer .......................... 2 l 0
Binford ....................... 0 1 1
Crabb ..................-...... 0 1 1
Lemon ......................„ 1 0 3
Watt .....'....................... 2 2 1
Hummer ................... 0 0 4
Hartley ..........—.. 2 0 1
Malgrem ..... ... 2 1 3
Referee: Dwight Reeme.
The leaders in the American league and National league are running close races. The championship of the two will not be decided until the two teams meet in the fast round of play.
In the American league there is still a deadlock in the percentage column. The first-place Green and Yellow teams have both won and lost as have the second-place Reds and Whites. On Tuesday night the bottom-place Blue team won from the Yellows by a 22 to 21 score. The Yellows won from the Greens in their second round game and the Greens beat the Whites in the same round. The Green and Yellow game, which will probably decide the championship, will be played some time next week.
The Blues are still leading the National league with the Greens running a close second. The third round
this game, they will practically be as-sured of a tie; if the Blues should win, they will have a clear claim to the title.
Only two games in each league are to be played this week. The more important games between the respective league leaders will not be played until next week. This will bring a more interesting close to the tournament.
National League
Team Won Lost Pct. T.P. Opp
American League
Team Won Lost Pct. T.P. Opp
The Bulldogs took the measure of the Ottawa Braves last Friday evening. The Braves certainly couldn't have been at their best or else the Bulldogs put on a terrible exhibition of basketball at Ottawa a week ago.
The Ottawans succeeded in holding Moyer and Pauls out of the heavy scoring, but Johnston, Binford and Herrold were not held in check. These three men scored 33 of the Canines’ 42 points.
Those Ottawa boys aren’t as bad sports as the spectators at the game Friday night are inclined to believe. It takes an exceptionally good sport to take a razzing such as Daylight and Barker took. The writer of the column would suggest that possibly some of our fans were poorer sports than were the persons of the opposing team.
For the first 15 minutes of the second half the Braves were held scoreless. They were trying many long shots during this time but most of them were falling short of the basket.
Klauman and Meyer fought it out in their Friday night encounter. Klauman made 5 points and Meyer got 3. However, Meyer controlled the tip throughout the entire game.
The three high point men for the Bulldogs were all getting some nice long shots. Binford started the scoring by sinking a nice long one from near mid-court.
The Braves jumped off to a 0 to 2 lead in the opening minutes of play. It certainly looked as though it was their night to win.
If the Bulldogs win their remaining three conference games, they will be able to tie for the championship. If Baker can win from Ottawa Friday night the Canine team could win an undisputed claim for first place by winning the rest of its games.
C. of E. will be plenty hard to win. The game is to be played on the Emporia box court, and this team is hard to beat on the home floor.
Friends University eked out a three point victory over C. of E. last Friday night at Wichita. Friends and the Bulldogs will not meet this year. Last year the Bulldogs won an exhi-
bition game from Friends by rather a lop-sided score on the Convention Hall court.
Tomorrow night when the Bulldogs face the C. of E. aggregation. "Tony" Meyer will be opposed by another Klauman. This man is a brother to the center on the Ottawa team.
Right now it looks as though McPherson will have a wealth of good material from which to build up a good baseball club. Many college men are now working out daily. It is expected that baseball will replace track as the spring intercollegiate sport due to the large amount of interest that’s being shown by the college men in baseball.
Kansas Conference
W L Pct.
Ottawa .................... 7 2 .778
McPherson ............ 5 2 .714
C. of E. ................ 4 4 .500
Wesleyan ................ 4 5 .4 44
Baker ................. 3 5 .376
Games This Week
Tuesday: College of Emporia at Baker.
Wednesday: Bethany at McPher-
Friday: McPherson at College of Emporia; Ottawa at Baker._