The Spectator


The ladies who are attending the Regional Conference were guests of the Y. W. girls at a tea Monday afternoon in the Y room.

Mrs. A. C. Voran and Velma Keller poured tea. The table was attractive with its centerpiece, which was made or the branches of a twig decorated with small gumdrops.

A radio was installed in the room for the afternoon to provide music during the social hour.


Board Gives Its Permission for

Student Recreational Center on Campus

The Student Council recently presented a petition to the College Board of Trustees asking permission to work out a recreation room, which is to be known as the Student Union. After some discussion the Board granted the council its request in this matter and steps will be taken towards organization as soon as the Council is financially able to back the project. Quite a large number of the trustees were very favorably impressed with the idea.

Selection of a room for this organization has not yet been made, although there was some discussion about finding a place on the first floor of Sharp Hall. This location of the room is to be decided definitely by a joint committee of the Student Council and the Executive Committee representatives. This committee is also in charge of finding a means of raising the necessary funds to carry out the project.


There has been quite a hit of discussion around school as to why the Student Council is not taking immediate steps toward repairing the tennis courts.

The Student Council is not lax or negligent in its duty in this matter. Plans to repair and re-gravel all four courts have been made. Actual work is being delayed until a favorable Saturday when the work can be done.

Arrangements for securing gravel have been made and a new lime spreader has been ordered. Weather permitting, work will soon be started on the courts.

Mcpherson faculty members to attend joint meeting

A Joint faculty meeting of Bethany, McPherson, and Kansas Wesleyan Colleges will be held at Linds-borg, February 28.

At 4 p. m. there will be group discussions on language, literature, philosophy, psychology, religion, education, social science, natural science, and fine arts. At 6 o’clock, a dinner meeting of all the faculties will be given. Dr. V. F. Schwalm and Dean F. A. Replogle will speak. A number of the College faculty plan to attend the session.


Faculty and trustee members were given a chance to become better ac-quainted at the annual Faculty-Trustee Dinner in the Brethren Church basement Monday evening. Prof. J. A. Blair acted as toastmaster.

In the after dinner program Dr. J. D. Bright welcomed the trustees and Roy Crist of Quinter gave the response. Also included on the program was a vocal solo by Professor A. C. Voran. He was accompanied by Gulah Hoover.



Three entrants will compete in the local anti-tobacco contest in the Col-

lege Chapel Wednesday afternoon. The students are Willard Flaming, Elmer Stoats and Galon Ogden.

The winner of this contest will represent McPherson College in the state contest which will be held here

March 8. Faculty members will judge in the local contest.

vol. XVIII_ McPherson college, mcpherson, Kansas, Thursday, feb. 21, 1935_ number 21



"Philosophy in Poetry" was the topic discussed at the poetry club meeting Friday, February 15 in the "Y" room.

Maxine Ring and Miss Heckethorn read poems they had written. Neva Root read poems written by Margar-et Mattox.

After the program the constitution was rend and adopted. Officers of the club will be elected at the next meeting.


I. R. C. Speaker Will Address

Students Thursday Evening and Friday

Plans have been made for two addresses to be given by C. Douglas Booth, speaker sponsored hero by the International Relations Club. He will speak Thursday evening and again in the Friday chapel hour.

Mr. Booth is a member of the Royal Institute o: International Affairs in London. Born in Canada, he served in the World War. Since that time he has devoted seven years to the study of Central European. Mediterranean and Balkan problems. In recent years he has been working under the asupices of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

His lectures and writings have met with widespread response throughout the country and it is believed that many students will attend his lectures.


A covered dish luncheon was served last Thursday evening at Velma Keller's apartment for the

Y. W. cabinet members. The hostesses were Martha Hursh, Mary Miller, Margaret Pointer, Wanda Hoover, and Modena Kauffman. At a previous meeting the other members of the cabinet had provided the lunch.

The menu included baked beans, salad, corned hoof, sandwiches, and apple pie a la mode.

Following the luncheon a short business meeting was held. After disposing of their business matters, the girls reviewed interesting maga-zine articles and current events.


It would be both false and foolish to deny that competitive economic individualism has yielded some very fine fruit. Like any other type of behavior which fits a given sit nation, this system served its day. It is neither a condemnation of the sys-tem nor disrespect for the men who played a part in it, to seek to devise a better system for the now situation in which the old one does not work.

Why should it be regarded as treason and atheism to seek some with less cost, shall show a higher social and economic system which, efficiency when it comes to the human output?

Indeed, tje period of abundance into which we have come would of itself abolish that old discipline— the struggle for life's bare necessi-ties—were that discipline not per-petuated by artificial means.

There are no real obstacles to every mas having enough except the outworn customs and barriers by which we obstruct nature’s abnd-


Visitors on the campus this week were given a chance to consider at, first hand the work of the industrial arts and the fine arts students.

The Industrial Arts department under the supervision of Prof. S. M. Dell is sponsoring an exhibit in the basement of Fahnestock Hall. Miss Clara Colline's Fine Arts students are displaying their works on the third floor of Harnly Hall.


Leaders Include Dr. A. W. Palmer, Dr. R. H. Miller, and Dan West


Discussion of Educational, Religous, and Social Problems Will Continue Until Tomorrow

McPherson College was the Mecca this week of ministers, religious leaders, and students in the annual Mid-west Regional Conference of the Church of the Brethren. Discussion of educational, religious, and social problems will continue until tomor-

Monday in chapel Dr. A. W. Palmer began the first of his series of addresses that will be given on the campus this week.

He chose for his topic "The Social Gospel." He brought before his audience some of the vital social problems that the world is facing today. He said that we are in great difficulty today because we have pushed ahead of our time in physical and material things, but have neglected the problems that create mental attitudes to improve moral ideals. In conclusion, he pointed out that there were three great steps that the human race should take to build up a form of social security. They were: First, we should get rid of war; second, build up a better social order among nations, and third, develop a power of distribution for everybody.

"Personal Religion" was the subject of Dr. Palmer's message in chapel Tuesday morning. Dr. Palmer said that personal religion begins when one discovers God. He continued by saying that one never knows when he is going to discover God.

Mrs. G. E. Rose sang two solos at the beginning or chapel.

Dr. Palmer Speaks Monday Evening

A special program was given by the Fine Arts Department preceding the address by Dr. A. W. Palmer at the College Church Monday evening. The program consisted of two vocal solos by Menno Richert, a reading, "The Finger of God,” by Bessie Hawkins, and a rag picture, "In An English Garden," by Miss Clara Colline.

Dr. Palmer's subject was "The Insights of Jesus.” The first point was the value of an insight into our better selves: second, the value of insight into the significance of childhood: third, the value of insight into the futility of force; last, the value of insight into the abiding worth of the mystical side of life.

The McPherson College A Cappel-la Choir, under the direction of Professor Alvin C. Voran, opened the program Tuesday evening in the Church by singing several of its outstanding selections of the year.

At the close of this program Paul Miller, a student of the College, was pledged to the ministry of the Brethren church. When he has completed the necessary “training for this mission, he will start his work at South Waterloo church in Waterloo, Iowa. Miller On Tues. and Wed. Program

Immediately following this, Dr. R. H. Miller spoke on the subject, "The God of the Prophets.” Mr. Miller contrasted the religion and the beliefs of the early prophets to those of ours today. He said, "The biggest thing the prophets did was to think." He then went on to point out that the prophets believed that God's interest is in the welfare of all nations. In their righteousness, and that no people can do wrong permanently and yet be prosperous.

"When an enemy is dead, let’s have enough sense to bury him!" R. H. Miller pronounced these striking words in his chapel speech Wednesday morning.

"Scarcity,” he went on to say, “is dead! Bury it!" After having discussed the situation under the present economic system, Dr. Miller emphasized the point that the hope of improvement lies within the strategy of the Christian.

The capitalists with their clever strategy are advocating a cut in the (Continued on Page Three)


Friday, Feb. 22—Regional Conference closes, 12:30 p. m.

—Ottawa basketball game, Here, Community building, 8:30 p. m. Sunday, Feb. 24—C. E. meeting, College Church, 6:30 p. m.

Tuesday, Feb. 26—Regular Y. M.-Y. W. meetings, 10 a. m.

—World Service Group meeting. Y. W. room. 7 p. m.

—Violin recital, chapel, 8 p. m. Wednesday, Feb. 27—Bethany basketball game, Here, Community Building, 8:30 p. m.

—Local Anti-Tobacco, 3:30 p. m. Thursday, Feb. 28—C. Douglas Booth on campus.


About 50 Children Participate In Friday Evening's Musical Program

With the College chapel filled to capacity a one-act operetta titled "Father Time's Party" was presented last Friday night under the direction of Miss Fern Lingenfelter and her public school music methods class. About 50 children from the public, schools of McPherson took part in the pleasing musical program. With a few exceptions all the children are enrolled in the fine arts department of the College.

The program included piano and vocal solos, accompaniments, danc-ing, and reading parts, all of which were cleverly arranged to carry out representations of the various seasons. Colorful costumes and varied lighting effects added to the attractiveness of the program.

The program had the fine qualities of a production that may be found only in a group that has been skillfully and intelligently trained. The operetta offers further convincing proof that the fine arts department of McPherson College is a part of the school of which the students may well he proud.

Miss Della Lehman is to be commended for the appropriate costuming and Herbert Ikenberry for his part in producing the lighting effects.

The public school music methods class is composed of the following students: Joy Cullen, Floyd Harris, Bernadine Ohmart, Ralph Sherfy, Bernard Suttle, Mildred Gordon, and Viola Harris.—M. M. M.


Illustrative Power of Speaker Wins Appreciation From Audience

"The Lord Is In His Holy Temple," the choir salutation, was a most appropriate opening for the morning worship hour at the College church last Sunday. Throughout the service an atmosphere of silent worship permeated the auditorium.

Dr. A. W. Palmer of Chicago, who is one of the guest speakers on the Regional Conference program, addressed the congregation upon the subject. "Four levels of Faithe." The four levels as he presented them are animal faith, human faith, cosmic faith, and Christian faith. With many art and vivid illustrations and with the utmost of simplicity, he preached a sermon which found ready accept-ance in the minds and hearts of his hearers.

Those who attended the College Christian Endeavor were fortunate in hearing Dr. Palmer review his book, "Orientals In American Life."

The A Cappella choir and a main trio, including Harold Beam, Professor Voran, and Mr. Paul Sargent, presented numbers of special music during the evening worship hour. At this service Dr. Palmer delivered his address, "The Inevitable God and the God We Choose." He stimulated much thought on the part of his hearers as to the nature of God..suggesting that he must surely be super-personal.


Governing Body of College Considers Matters In Lively Sessions


Loan Fund Programs and Student Union Project Are Given Consideration

An unusually forward looking and constructive program was worked out this year by the trustees at their annual meeting on Feb. 18 and 19. The sessions were extremely busy ones but the trustees, many of whom are young men, faced their task in an enthusiastic and intelligent man-

All the Administrative officers of the College and most of the present faculty were re-employed for service next year. Professor J. A. Blair handed in his resignation which was accepted with regrets by the board. Prof. Blair will soon take up his duties in the County Superintendent's office. No one was hired to take his place at the College but according to reports a splendid candidate is under consideration.

Schwalm Elected for Five Years

From the Secretary of the Board also comes the announcement that President Schwalm was re-elected for a period of five years.

In their meeting this year the trustees considered not only matters of the moment but also worked out a forward looking program which should set the College well on the road to success in a comparatively short time.

A five year plan of reconstruction in the fields of student enrollment.

building and campus development, finance, faculty recruiting, and curriculum and program building was worked out and presented to the Board by Dr. Schwalm. The plan was approved and accepted by the trustees.

Scholarship Granted to Chinese A grant of a scholarship for a Chinese student was also approved by

Two plans for raising funds for the College were also approved by the Board. A cooperative student loan fund proposed by Samuel Stoner was passed upon as was Mr. Doty’s foundation fund plan which has as its purpose the raising of money among the alumni and former students.

The request of the Student Coun-cil for a social room at the College passed with the provision that the

Administration and the Student

Council work out the details of the

The trustees who attended the meeting included: Earl Frantz, B. F.

Stauffer, H. G. Shank, Ray E. Zook.

J. O. Evans, J. H. Harris, Paul Long-enecker, R. E. Loshbaugh, J. E. Metzger, J. J. Yoder, V. F. Schwalm, Roy Crist, Paul Brandt, W. T. Brum-baugh, Dale Strickler, O. P. Williams,

, Leonard Crumpacker, and E. A.



At a meeting of the W. A. A. last week plans were made for the organ-

ization’s annual banquet which will be held near the end of March. Plans have not been made as yet for the social function, although it is be-lieved that it will be held near the date of the banquet,


Practice debates before country school audiences are the latest attractions for the second debate teams. Prof. M. A. Hess took two teams to the Champion school on

Tuesday evening. Lela Siebert and Alberta Keller upheld the affirmative and Willard Flaming and Alvin Lindgren the negative. The audience cast the decision in favor of the affirmative.

Two other teams will go to a school east of town Monday evening. La Mar Bollinger and Kurtis Naylor will uphold the negative while Fred Doyle and Paul Miller will represent the affirmative.

The Spectator

The Spectator


Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas. Published every Thursday by the Student Council




Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917, at the postoffice at McPherson, Kansas, under the act of March 3, 1897.

Subscription Rates For

THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas


Editor-In-Chief —...... Margaret    Oliver

Make-up Editor ___ Donald Brumbaugh

News Editor    Vernon D. Michael

Sports Editor ...... ................Orval Eddy

Society Editor    Velma Watkins


Assistant Bus. Mgr.    Franklin Hiebert

Circulation Manager David     Metzger

Assistant Cir. Mgr.    — Ronald Flory

Collections Manager    Eldred    Mathes


Robert Booz    Muriel Manning

Esther Bowers    Dorothy Matson

Chester Colwell    Maxine Ring

Donald Evans    Harold Reneicker

Richard Headren    Elma Reiste

Wanda Hoover    Glenn Webb

Phyllis McKinnie    Kenneth Weaver

What Should Be Done to Emphasize Scholarship in McPherson College?

One often hears the remark that in a small college real scholarship cannot be found. Wishing to gauge student sentiment on the question the Spectator asked the following students to answer the above proposition.

Scholarship must be usable to have value. We study to learn how to live life as it is now. To do this life situations must be created. There is little hope for the man who studys life from a text book and then says, "Let life come. I know all about it for isn’t it described in this book?" College is a stepping stone in the process of development of the individual in societal living.

One of the great shifts in the emphasis of scholarship in McPherson College is the matter of rewards. Honor rolls, honor points, grades, or marks have their place os a motivation, but not as a reward. The greatest reward is how many people have I helped by developing my life so it may be useful. The date of the fall of Rome is not worth anything to us unless it can be related to our present experiences. Scholarship should never be its own excuse for existing, it must have its meaning in a usable philosophy of life.

—John Kauffman.

If by scholarship we mean the mere earning of so many honor points or the making of so many "A" grades, I am not so sure that scholarship in McPherson College needs or deserves emphasis.

But if we use the term scholarship to denote progressive learning, I believe that it can best ho emphasized by placing the greatest merit on student initiative. Instead of being required to hand in so many notes per week written in an iron-clad firm, the student should be allowed to pursue his studies by his own method and to learn what he really wants to learn. The greatest credit should be given to the student who brings in new material from his reading and study for his own interest, rather than to the student who has memorized the important details in his textbook or in the references given by the instructor. Thus scholarship should lead to creative thinking and not to the mere covering of so much textual material in order to receive on one’s grade card a symbol sufficiently near the first of the alphabet.

—Maxine Ring.

There are several ways by which scholarship should be emphasized to a greater extent in McPherson College. Comprehensive examinations should be made a part of the testing program. The ordinary interruptions of final examinations should, be decreased in number or entirely omitted. They cannot be considered as conducive to the best scholarship.

Another emphasis on scholarship should be effected by dismissing outstanding students from regular class attendance. Such students could use the class period for additional research and study. They would re-ceive their examination along with the rest in the comprehensive exams at the end of the term. Consultation periods with members of the faculty would supplement the regular work of the student. This practice is now being used in other institutions with satisfactory results.

—John Goering

"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy," runs an old adage; but

we seldom hear it from our chapel platform.

Scholarship may mean either of two things. It may mean (1) intensive application to books, with the purpose of gaining the writer’s knowledge of facts; (2) the growth and development of personality, by all available contributing channels.

Observation readily shows that both groups are found on the campus of M. C.—also a third group—those for whom scholarship of either form is unknown.

The question is still, then; what should be done about it? Perhaps these suggestions are trite from repetition, but take them for what they're worth: (1) Increase Indirect motivation, (2) Build a balanced curriculum and course of study, to fit individual student needs. The first suggestion is almost automatically covered in the second, so they are treated together.

An adequate education program will show students the sets of facts and attitudes they must have to successfully engage in various vocations. It may not GIVE the student those facts and opinions, but it should at least exhibit those the finished product should have.

How will these facts and attitudes be shown and taught? By the project and workshop methods. Personally, I have enough faith in stu-dent human nature that I believe motivation for scholarship will not be found wanting if such a program is used.    —Jo Wagoner.

We still aren't right sure as to whether wr should be printing scandal this week or not, seeing as how there are so many visitors around. However, fearing that our constituency would be sorely disappointed (?) if we did not, we proceed with these few choice bits (another?) of tripe.

Before we forget it, we want to remark that recent observation tends to make us believe that Wimpy is just the sort of a guy who would make hamburger out of the wolf at the door.

Yeh, folks, since the regional conference is on they've really been getting the eats at the dorm. However, we want to make it clear that oleo and carrots still reign supreme. Probably it would take all the king's horses and all the king’s men to dethrone these two paramount vic-

This one is on Joe E. He went in the Puritan the other night dining with friends. As he unfolded his napkin clear out instead of just halfway one of the friends reminded him that such action was not exactly according to Hoyle. "Well,” Joe E. rejoined, "I want to wipe my month occasionally!”

Also while we're talking about Joe E. we might mention that he seems to have been promoted to the rank of trustee. Just how he rates we don’t know, but he does seem to find himself a seat at the trustee's table.

This humblebee stuff is getting old, but just in case someone might not have already found it out, we will state that despite approximately half a dozen recent interruptions. Sweetland and Glee seem to be clicking along together again.

Dr. Bright remarked the other day in history class that Charles X was the last of the Bourbons. Then he caught himself up and added, “except the ones you see advertised in magazines!” That's what we would call a “Bright remark," sure enough!

Keedy’s enthusiasm sure got her in jake at dinner yesterday. After all you know, there’s nothing like looking to the future!

Oh—Look What Happens at W. A. A.!

“Harold Johnston couldn’t be hero tonight. Who’ll referee? You will, Jessie? Yes, it is best to keep it in the family. O. K., let's start." "Here you, Scott, you can’t trip her. Take a free shot, De Coursey." Says Florence, the truthful, "But I stepped on her foot; she didn’t trip me." Nevertheless she takes the shot.

"Double dribble. Abuhl!’’—-"I did not!”—"Yes, you touched it and it bounced again before you caught it. Take it out, Elrae.”

"Shoot, Glee!” comes from the sidelines. After making a wild shot, Glee says disgustedly, "I wish they would shut up; I always do everything they tell me to.”

"Hey, Barngrover, you’re over the line! Take it out, Bowers.” Just then Chet Colwell comes in to "spectate''


Rachel Snowberger ........Feb.    23

Muriel Manning .........-...Feb.    24

Galen Fields -----.........Feb. 25

Homer Kimmel ..........Feb.    26

Effie Snell .....................Feb.    27

Iva Walker............ Feb.    28

and Esther gets so flustered that she throws the ball right into Barn-grover's hands.

"Say, isn't anybody watching the time?” And from the sidelines, in a hurry, "Time! It's two minutes over; I forgot to watch!”

All of which happens in the course of an evening of W. A. A. basketball practice.

The Spectator


David Cushman Coyle Asks, “What About

Public Works?” In Magazine Article


is true of automobiles, wives, hand-saws, and all the dangerous but fas-cinating elements of our world. When we get ready to take the Public Works program by its right handle we shall have a powerful engine for making stable prosperity.

Interesting Books Added to Collection

The following-named books are now to be found in the College Library: "Who’s Who In America. 1934-35," A. N. Marquis: "Directing Learning—Teaching Manual-Industrial Arts,” Streitz and Monroe, "Educational Diagnosis;" I. S. Griffith; “Content and Methods of the Industrial Arts," Vaughin and Mays: "Whispering Pine,” the Blue Ridge College Annual.


Here in the bleak north mountains I think of young mulberries wet with the rain.

Of a jude-blue river seeking the sea. I am seeing your garden drowsing in sunlight.

Filled with gay colors, clotted and splashed.

Birds seem singing in thickets, Cranes, drifting lazily by.

I dream of the temple bell, throbbing . . .

Ah. could I hear your voice calling to me!    —Edith Tatum.



Paul Heckman was honor guest at a Valentine birthday party given at the Heckman home, Saturday night. Games and refreshments filled the hours. The following guests were present: Elizabeth and Jo Wagoner, Wanda Hoover, Glenn Austin, Ralph Sherfy, Lucille Horn-baker, Leta Wine, Leonard Lowe, Viola Rothrock, Margaret Messamer, Paul Stutzman, David Heckman, Naomi Witmore, Everett Fasnacht, Edna Reiste, Van Hunt, Don Brumbaugh, and Charles Wagoner.

Poetry Corner

Enrollment at Ottawa University is about the same this term as it was last term. There are now 275 regular students enrolled in comparison with 278 last term.

Bethany College is getting ready for its biggest week of the year; the week of the Messiah Chorus. Re-hearsals are now being held for this event which takes place April 14 to 21.

One of the finest programs ever given over the Baker broadcast was heard February 12 over station WDAF from 10:30 to 11:05 in honor of Founders Day.

Clarence Stephenson, President of the Pittsburgh Teachers’ Student Council, fulfilled a life long ambition of his on an extended journey from Boston along the Atlantic coast. He attended Congress at Washington, D. C. He had been at Boston as a delegate to the Federation of Student Councils.

K. U. has sent out invitations to 28 colleges and universities to at-tend its first annual intramural car nival to be held on March 8. Representatives from both the men's and women's intramural departments were included in the invitations.

Portia Freed of Russel and Helen Frances Bice of Hays were chosen

In Other Schools

The advocates of a great Federal Public Works program have been disappointed. The first program has reached its peak and the depression is still flourishing. The big gun that was going to blast the depression out of the landscape finally went off with a “pop" that was not heard around the world. Yet the lessons of the disappointing outcome of the first public works program will be valuable as a guide in the future, if the lessons can be made clear.

The three billion dollars have not been wasted, even though they have failed to kill the depression. Several millions of men have been hired for short priods and paid directly or indirectly out of that three billion fund. They, in turn, have spent their wages and have helped to support business activity and employment of all kinds. The public works program, together with the CWA and the Federal Emergency Belief, has kept the country alive and has given the people time to prepare themselves for more effective action.

The most vital error in the public works program was the idea that self-liquidating public works are a "sound" instrument of recovery. In 1932 the orthodox conception of economics was embodied in an abortive program which was to be financed by the RFC with “Sound self-liquidat-ing'' loans. This came to nothing, and in the closing weeks of the old congress, Senator Wagnor made a bold attempt to amend the program by eliminating the self-liquidating loans but without success.

A public works program that will establish a non-collapsible prosperity will have to be correct in all the ways that the orthodox financial authorities do not like. It will have to be made up of non-self-liquidating Federal projects or grants-in-aid, adequate in volume and speed, temporarily financed by bonds sold only to banks, and ultimately validated by taxes on the upper brackets. That is a large order. Everything has to be right all at the same time or else there will be trouble. But the same


Dedicated to the class of 1924. Rev. 1928

Three young men with their master stood

On the top of a mountain height; Far below was the motley crowd. When a vision appeared to their sight:

Glory circled them around—

And with rainment glistening fair Wore Moses and Ellas found Talking to Jesus there.

With undisguised rapture filled,

The disciples longed to stay. "Three tabernacles let us build, and here remain." cried they.

Just then a cloud o’ershadowed them And a voice came to their ear. "This is my beloved son.

Him, only, shall ye hear."

They fell with faces to the earth.

And trembling, shook with fear, Till looking up they saw no man Save only Jesus near.

Adown the mountainside they went.

Back to the world of strife.

The vision hidden In their hearts To translate Into life.

Anon they found an anxious throng With a father sore distressed.

Who pled for his demented son. Whom affliction gave no rest.

The master healed the stricken boy.

The demon fled the mask.

The disciples caught the truth implied,

“After the vision, the task.”

Youths and maidens in college halls See visions day by day Of greater truths and larger fields Of service for such as they.

They can not stay within these walls

Nor for ease and pleasure ask.

Out to the work of the world they go;

“After the vision, the task."

—S. M. Heckethorn, '24.


What magnificence, what power. What satisfaction!

What secret, inner exhilaration.

In that one word.

No, not alone!

The word itself belies its sense,

For God is there.

Nearer, bettor known.

When gratefully I breathe That word,


—Maxine Ring.


Lord, if Thou wilt, make me strong, Help my life to conquer wrong;

Aid my soal in finding rest.

Give to others my generous best ;

Help me to do the kindly deed. Without thought of praise or meed Lend me courage for each day’s task With reverent, obedient voice I ask Yours will be mine, and mine is Thine.

Margaret Mattox.


A little boy once said to me:

"I'm glad the birds all sing For me

Their different tunes.

That their pretty coats glisten in the

That shines so warm On me.

That trees bend before the wind

That also pushes


That clouds form, and rain falls On me.

That rainbows are. and sunsets. For me lo see—


Said he.

challenging speakers


(Continued from Page One)

educational budget, less training in art and the crafts, elimination of opportunity for self-expression.

'The strategy of the Christian, he stated, urges that the educational budget he increased and that more opportunity he given for greater self-expression and realization.

Before the address, the college male octette sang two selections. The Rev. J. H. Mathis led in prayer.

Preceding Dr. Miller’s message last night, a short program was given by the Fine Arts students of the Col-lege. Mildred Gordon played a piano solo. Mrs. G. E. Rose sang "The Spirit Flower." She was accompanied by Bernice Dresher. A chalk picture was drawn by Miss Colline. Joyce Vetter concluded the musical pro-gram with three piano solos.

The invocation for the evening program was given by the Rev. Oliver H. Austin. The speaker of the evening was Dr. R. H. Miller, who spoke on "Jesus and the Present Crisis.”

Remaining Program Is Rich

The remainder of the program follows:

Thursday, February 21

11:30-12:30 Bible Hour, "Ezekiel” R. H. Miller

12:30 Noon Hour 2:20-3:30 Men’s Work Program 2:00-3:330 Women’s Work Program 3:30 Music in the Church

A. C. Voran

7:30 Special Program

The College Orchestra; 8:00 Address, "Where Shall We Place the Emphasis?". R. H. Miller Friday, February 22 8:30-10:00 Ministerial Conference

In charge of W. H. Yoder

8:30 “Securing an Adequate

Church Plant" James Elrod 9:15 "What Should We Do to Prepare an Adequate Ministry for 1950?" .    C.    E. Davis

8:30-10:00 Young People’s Conference _____-..... Dan    West

10:00 Chapel Address    Dan West

10:40-11:30 "Studies in the Book of.

Ruth” ..    Prof. Ray C. Petry

11:30-12:00 Closing Address, "Let’s Share"................... R.    H. Miller

The following made the trip to Ottawa and Baker for the games: Robert and Paul Booz., "Cheesey” Voran, Archie Van Nortwick, Paul Lackie, Emerson Chisholm, Glenn Webb, Dan Zook, Gerald Custer, Everett Brown, Fred Doyle, Chester Johnston, and Mr. and Mrs. Doty and son. Junior.

Prof. M. A. Hess. Gladys Riddell,

Elmer Staats, and John Goering will judge in the county high school de-bate tournament at Canton tomorrow evening.

beauty and popularity queens respectively, in the annual Reveille ball held in the Woman’s Building, Feb. 9, at Hays Teachers College.

Professor Hobman says in the Bethel College Collegian that music is so fundamental an art that cattle respond to its charms. In that case, suggests Professor Rich, "Why not take the A Cappella Choir to tho barn for its rehearsals?" Does he mean to slam the choir or help the cows out? We’d like to know.



Opponents Remain Undefeated In Conference Tilts—Bulldogs’ Regular Five Is Ready for Game.

When the Bulldogs take the floor tomorrow night to oppose the Ottawa University Braves they will be out to avenge for the three-point defeat suffered at the hands of the Ottawans last Saturday. This time the Bulldogs have had a week's rest and are in perfect condition to play the best game of the season.

The dope favors Ottawa as they are as yet undefeated in conference play and have only three games to win to make it a perfect record. Tonight the Ottawa team will tangle with the C. of E. team. This game is to be played on the Emporia court, and the Presbies are always doubly hard to beat on their home floor.

The Bulldogs will have their regular lineup intact for the game and this will make them a much stronger team than they were at Ottawa. Coach Binford is drilling the team against the Ottawa type of defense. If the Braves win this game they will be almost certain of a clear title. If they should lose this game and one of the other two remaining on their schedule the Bulldogs would be tied with them, providing the Binford men win their remaining games.

This is an important game, and should the Ottawans win it will be the first home defeat in the conference circuit for the Bulldog quintette in two seasons or play.

The probable line-up for the Ottawa aggregation will be Daylight and Barker, forwards: Klauman, center: Casida and Pett, guards.


Meyer, Bulldog Center, Leads Dazzling Scoring Attack—

Accuracy and Speed Feature Game.

Last Friday night the Bulldogs won a conference basketball game from the Baker Wildcats 38-30. The game was characterized by exceptionally fast floor work and accurate basket shooting by the Bulldogs In the first period.

A contributing factor toward the 23-10 lead at the half was the fact that "Tony" controlled the tip at center. In the second half Baker came back strong but could not whittle down the lead enough to overcome the score piled up by the Canines during the first half. Meyer, Binford and Johnston did outstanding work for the Bulldogs.

The box score:


   G    FT    F

Beiser, f ...................,2    0    2

Quear, f ....................„.0    0    2

Schrey, f ......................3    0    2

Bramble, f ............. 0    0    0

Heinie, c ......3    l    2

Rudolph, c ....................0    0    0

Ghrist, g ............„....    1    l    1

Albertson, g ..... .....4    2    1

Finley, g ....... 0    0    0

Totals    13    4     10


G    FT    F

Pauls, f .......... _.l    1    4

Haun, f ...... .....0    0    0

Hapgood, f _____...l    0    1

Herrold, f ....................1    1    0

Wiggins, f ................0    0    0

Meyer, c ..... 6    0    3

Binford, g ....................2    3     1

Crabb, g ............... .1    0    0

Johnston, g ..... 3    3    1

Zuhars, g ........... ........0 0 0

Totals    15 8 8


The intramural teams completed their second loop of the triple round robin tournament last Friday. Both leagues are starting in on the last round this week.

The race is close in both leagues. At present the American League is in somewhat of a tie. It is altogether possible that the Greens and Yellows may be tied for first place at the close of the season. They are tied now and will meet each other

once more. However, one of the other teams could beat the winner of the Green-Yellow game which might leave the first place honors in a tie.

The Red and White teams are tied for second place honors. They have each lost 4 and won 3. Neither of these teams can hope to win; so the only contenders for the championship are simmered down to the two teams that arc now in first place.

In the National League the Blue team is leading with 6 victories and 1 defeat. The Greens are running a close second with 5 victories and 2 defeats. The Blue team has admin-istered the two defeats to the Greens while the Reds, who are in the cellar position, have been the only ones

that have proved to be too much for the league leaders.

The Greens hope to win from the Blues in their last game. Both of the other games between these two clubs were close, one being won by a 2 point margin. If the Greens can hurdle this formidable foe they will be in a very favorable position to at least tie for the championship.

It is planned that next week will nearly complete the intramural bas-ketball program. Then playground ball will be taken up as the main intramural activity.

The league standing at present is as follows:

National League

Team    Won Lost Pct. T.P. Opp.

Blue_____ 6    1    .857    101    83

Green ____ 5    2    .714    128    93

White......3    4    .428    111    97

Red....... 2    5    .286    96     160

American League

Team Won Lost Pct. T.P. Opp.

Green ________ 5    2    .714    199    119

Yellow .........    5    2    .714    145    90

Red-----3    4    .428    118      156

White ....... 3    4    .428    114     168

Blue ....... 2    6    .250     112      153


Last Saturday night McPherson lost a closely contested game to Ottawa 33-30.

The Braves held a slender margin over the Bulldogs most of the way. At half time the score was tied 15-15. Twice during the second half the Canine squad led by one and two point margins but could not hold the lead.

The box score:

OTTAWA    FG    FT    F

Barker, f ----...----- 2    4 2

Daylight, f-------3    1    3

Klauman, c-----5    2    2

Pett, g-------*---0    2    2

Casida, g ——-------------1 0    3

Odle, g____ 1 0     1

Total_______12     9 13

McPHERSON    FG    FT    F

Hapgood, f--^---- 2    1 4

Pauls, f----2    2    1

Meyer, c___________3    2    2

Johnston, g    .....____..2    2 1

Binford g ................. 1 3    2

Total ....____10    10    10

Following is the Kansas Conference standing at the present:

W L Pct. Tp. Opp.

Ottawa _____ 7    0    1.000    240    184

McPherson 4    2    .667    220    185

Baker__ 3    3    .500    198    187

C. of E. 3    4    .429    244    228

Wesleyan .. 3    5    .375    267    283

Bethany___ 1    7    .125    178    281


In the Baker game Meyer was the one McPherson man that the Baker-ites couldn't sold in check. “Tony” accounted for 12 of the Bulldogs' points.

Liston, Baker coach, evidently thought that Pauls and Herrold were the only two McPherson men that could score. He succeeded in holding these men to one field goal apiece, but the other three men of the Bulldog quintette were overlooked, and they can score!

Joyce Herrold received a badly sprained ankle in the latter part of the Baker game. This seriously handicapped the Canines in the game with Ottawa the following night.

"Toot” Pauls went out of the Baker game on fouls. Evidently the referee wasn't popular with the McPherson players and fans. It seems that Mr. Cox called three personals on "Toot" for face guarding. That's a foul that's mighty hard to detect, and possibly the official was slightly in error in calling them so often.

The McPherson team was greatly handicapped the following night when they played the strong Otta-wa Braves. Joyce Herrold was out with his ankle and the team was

tired out from the Baker game.

Ottawa is still undefeated in the conference and are confident of win-ning the championship. Possibly C. of E. will give them a surprise tonight when the Braves meet them on C. of E.'s box-like court. C. of E. plans on upsetting the dope and it is altogether possible that they will win over the formidable Braves.

Tomorrow night the Ottawa aggre-gaion will be in McPherson to play their return game with the Bulldogs. Coach Binford in confident of chalking up a victory against them.

If Zuhars' doesn't get "hot" in the games from now on out when he is given a chance it will be duo to the fact that he hasn’t warmed up in his own warm up suit. Really, those bright red outfits should make hot numbers for use as pajamas. For further details see Zuhars, Crabb or other members of the basketball squad may be interviewed.


The North Central inspectors, President Lathan of Iowa State College and Dean Oldfather of the University of Nebraska, will be on our campus Monday and Tuesday, February 25 and 26. They will begin inspecting at 8:30 a. m. Monday and will be here at least two days.

Every phase of the curriculum, faculty, dormitories, athletics, etc.,

Hutchinson Junior College, St. Johns College, and McPherson College will hold a triangular debate meet March 8.

McPherson College will be represented by four second teams to compete with the other two Junior college teams.