The Spectator




M. C. Shows Increase of 23—

Many Colleges Have Less

Enrollment figures given out at the general office last night indicated an increase of 23 students over the enrollment the first semester of 1933. Students to the number of 279 had passed through the offioe by that time.

Of the total there are 130 freshmen, 66 sophomores, 38 Juniors, and 45 seniors.

Certainly McPherson College does not need to he ashamed of these figures. A late College News Service bulletin informs us that colleges and universities in all sections of the country are experiencing decreased enrollments due to the drouth.


Annual Watermelon Feed Held On Campus and In Chapel

On Friday evening of last week a large crowd gathered on the campus south of Sharp Hall for the annual watermelon feed sponsored by the Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A.

During the fore part of the evening games were played. Later every one assembled in the chapel for a program. Miss Neva Root acted efficiently as mistress of ceremonies. Included on the program were: a saxophone solo by Paul Turner, a humorous reading by Betty Lou Cameron, a vocal duet by Faithe Ketterman and Lillian Pauls and a mono-burlesque, a "corn-ett solo” staged by Homer (Joe E. ) Kimmel, accompanied by Victor Myers.

The "climax" of the program was a grand and typical speech on "Why Coffee Should Be Inhaled Instead of Drunk, " by Prof. Blair. This subject, however, must not be misleading as it was actually only the topic of the conclusion of the admittedly "great speech" of the prof- essor who "never loses his dignity. "

In addition to these numbers Prof. Voran led the group in singing a few songs, for the most part college songs.

After this momentous program the student body re-assembled outside where it contest for capacity for more watermelon was staged. Nearly a ton of the red-meated fruit was disposed of Prof. Blair's "green striped canteens from Reno


“M” Club & Y. M. Will Spon-sor Most Elaborate Athletic Program In Years

The Bulldog Bullet will make its return to McPherson College as an at-tractive sixteen-page booklet spon-sored jointly by the "M” Club and the Y. M. C. A. will be the college's official athletic bulletin. Plans have been made to distribute the book at the six home football games at a cost of ten cents each.

Printed upon white enameled paper the finished booklet has an attractive appearance. The "flashy" cover in the college colors adds to the vigor of the book's appearance.

Pictures and information about the Bulldog players mention last year's lettermen, the coaches, the squad, the basketball squad, and the "M” Club.

An account for each game with information concerning the visiting team will be one of the distinguishing factors of the book. The complete line-up on the center page will change with each publication. This year’s football and basketball schedules and last year's athletic standing are also present.

The "M” Club hopes to make The Bulldog Bullet an annual publication. It is being printed by the McPherson Republican.


Date for Tryouts Announced Tuesday, October 2

Mr. Donald Evans, Junior, and Miss Mary Miller, were elected to the positions of president and vice-president respectively, of the Thespian Club, at the first meeting of that organization Friday morning. Miss Neva Root, formerly elected president, had felt it necessary to resign in order to avoid an overloaded schedule, and Maxine De Motte, elected last year to the vice-presi- dency did not return to school.

The membership of the club is limited to 25 members, 20 of whom gain entrance by way of their acting ability, and five of whom are admitted because of ability in other phases of play production. There are places open this year for eleven actors, and four artists in other phases. Tryouts for the actors will be held Tuesday, October 2, in Miss Leh- man's room, Room 10, Sharp Hall. The contestants will appear between the hours of 2: 30 and 5: 00 p. m. at Professor Blair's classroom and await their turn. Those trying out will be expected to read from manuscript or give from memory lines from a play or a dramatic reading, occupying about two or three min-utes, or give something original and to give an impromptu impersonation. Miss Lehman or Donald Evans will be glad to talk with those desiring further information.


Group Discussions During Class Period Add to Interest

Quite an outstanding experiment is being repeated this year by Prof. Blair in Elementary Psychology. Due to the fact that he has such a large class he has broken it up into groups of eight or ten in which round table discussions are held. In this way class lectures are nearly done away with. It will be interesting to watch the results of this experiment.

Miss Doris Ballard, '30, who has been teaching at Alta Vista, Kansas, studied at the University of California this summer.

Mr. Harold "Berries" Christ, 30, principal of the school at Roxbury, Kansas, took summer school work at Leland-Stanford university, California.


Home Rodeheaver to Speak and Sing at Temperance Meeting Monday

Homer Rodeheaver, nationally known singer and evangelist companion of Billy Sunday for more than a score of years will be in McPherson Monday, September 24, for a meeting in connection with the statewide cru-sade to “Keep Kansas Dry for Kan-sas Youth. ”

The forces of all the religious organizations in the city are combined in this drive to influence the voters og McPherson and surrounding territory to vote against the repeal amendment which is vne of the questions confronting voters on election day. The campaign is to be sponsored by the Kansas Christian Endeavor Union, with Rev. R. S. Nance, of Topeka as its head.

Every effort is being made to have a large attendance at the meeting. Colleges and schools will be dismissed in order that students may


Included as speakers on the program with Mr. Roeheaver are Rev. R. S. Nance of Topeka and Paul Booz and John Kauffman, youth leaders. The county committee headed by Rev. L. H. Sweetland plans to hold temperance rallies in each of the precincts in the county soon after this meeting.


Forty-five Try for Positions in Vocal Groups

Tryputs for places in the A Ca-pella choir and other vocal organizations were held Monday and Tuesday of this week under the direction of Prof. A. C. Voran. Approximately 45 students tried out for the 15 places open. About 25 of last years' members have returned, which will make the membership of the choir total about 40. These students who sang last year were exempt from the tryouts and test which was given to the new students.

Very intensive practices are planned, starting Monday night. The music used this year will be entirely new except for a very few numbers among which is one "Try Song” dedicated to this choir by Noble Cain, one of the foremost writers of choral music of the present time. The choir at present plans to give its annual concert early in February.



E. J. Unruh, a graduate of McPherson College and Colgate-Ro-chester Divinity School is the new secretary of the Indiana Council on International Relations succeeding Dr. David M. Edwards, who resigned to become president of Friends College, Topeka, Kansas. For the last eight and a half years Rev. Unruh has been pastor successively of churches in New York, Illinois and Indiana; for the last three and a half years in Indianapolis.

Faculty Reception Finally Simplified

New Method of Getting Ac-quainted with Faculty Adopted


Instrumental and Vocal Numbers by Fine Arts Professors Constitute Program

By not requiring students to introduce themselves to each other but only to greet the faculty, the faculty reception was simplified to a great extent this year. Groups of students were formed from those present and ushers appointed to take each group around to equal groups of faculty members. It was intended thas students should spend more time with faculty members under this method instead of first meeting the faculty and then formally introducing themselves to new students and spending the rest of the time merely visiting with acquaintances.

The program was musical in nature, consisting of two violin solos by Miss Wilcox, three vocal solos by Professor Voran, and a piano solo by Miss Lingenfelter.

After the program refreshments of punch and wafers were served to all who cared to go to the front of the room for them.

The new method was greatly appreciated by the students who cannot re-member names anyway. It is doubtful that any time was saved, however, the new method simply giving the faculty the larger share of the "work. ”


325 At Harvest Home Service At Brethren Church

A record crowd was on hand for the annual Harvest Home services Sunday at the Brethren church. It was estimated that 325 were served at dinner.

Regular Sunday school services were followed by the morning worship service in which Rev. Luckett of Hutchinson spoke. His sermon was on the general subject of our financial obligations to the church.

The basket dinner, with college students as guests of the members of the church, was a welcome feature on the program.

Formerly, the afternoon was given to a program also but this year a meeting was held in the evening and the afternoon was open for activities of any kind desired by those present.

At 7 o'clock the college Christian Endeavor organization met and discussed plans for the C. E. programs for this year. The discussion, led by Galen Ogden, resolved itself around two general heads. “What Do I Expect or the C. E.? " and "What Can the C. E. Expect of Me? ” Margaret Poister, freshman from Morrill, played a piano solo on this program.

Dean F. A. Replogle and Pres. V. F. Schwalm addressed the church congregation in the service following on experiences which they had during the summer. Replogle told of a summer of study and attending conferences at Chicago University and Dr. Schwalm gave a review of the "Hazen Convention” of college administrators at Estes Park, Colorado.



Dr. Leslie Blackman, a member of the graduating class of 1922 from McPherson College has recently been appointed head of the chemistry department at the Kansas State Teachers Colleg at Emporia. Dr. Blackman received his Masters Degree from the state college at Manhattan, and this summer secured his Ph. D. from Iowa State University. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Blackman of McPherson, and a graduate of McPherson high school.


The pep hand is "off with a toot. " The only trouble is—it needs more tooters. At present, the instrumen-tation is as follows:

Solo cornets—Herbert Lindell. Alvin Lindgren.

Second cornet—John Friesen

Clarinets — Weldel Doll, Loyal Miles.

Oboe—Milllcent Nordling.

Bass horn—Evelyin High

Trombones—Glerr Austin. Donald Fairchild.

Bass Drum—Fay Sandy.

Snare drum—Otho Clark..

It is easily seen that the band is only in skeleton form. Most of the common instruments are represented but to be a real pep band a few more, musicians with the instruments mentioned must be secured. It seems that an organ contributing snap and pep as only a band can should be supported to the fullest extent by those who can play. And, you know, it has happened that players have improved their playing in even a “pep" band.

The director, Willard Crabb, is well qualified for his position as he has played a number of years in the championship high school band of Prof. August San Romani in McPherson. He was the director of the high school band in the summer concerts held this summer during Mr. San Romani's absence.

The A Capella Choir of C. of E. made a trip to the World’s Fair during the summer. They had a number of hectic experiences, including the disintegration of a bus in which they were traveling.

A freshman at the College of Emporia wished the initiation would last a week instead of a day and a



A collection of woodcarvings made by A. R. Woodall of Clay Center, Kansas, was exhibited by the owner Thursday and Friday of last week in the art rooms on the third floor of Harnly Hall.

Mr. Woodall, who is an optometrist by profession, first became interested in carving when, to display a pair of glasses he carved a head in a cake of soap. He observes the customs and habits of his fellow townsmen and then curves his impressions in wood. The images are very delicately made even to tiny expressions on the faces of the small likenesses.

On the base of each image he carves a terse title which adds to the general interest of the exhibit.

This handiwork is displayed in colleges, universities and public schools. It has received much favorable comment in this and other states by noted art critics.

State Candidate Here Last Week

Omar B. Ketchum, Democratic Candidate, Opens Political Campaign Here


States That Kansas Would Be Better Served By Democratic Ad-ministration

Opening notes in the coming political campaign were sounded Wednesday night, Sept. 19, at the Community Building where Omar H. Ketchum and Judge Jo Gaitskill, democrats, candidates for governor and Supreme Court judgeship respectively, spoke in half of their candidacies.

Stating that Kansas would be hotter served by a Democratic governor tile Topeka mayor proceeded to accuse the Landon administration of not cooperating with the federal administration in Washington in the various recovery programs.

Promises were made to McPherson voters on different issues. The can-didate promised to cooperate with federal relief authorities in matters of relief.

The state highway department has become a politicians' tool, he charged. Reforms were promised in agriculture, education and other mat- ters.

Judge Jo Gaitskill, Girard, candidate for position No. 1 on the state supreme court gave an address just proceeding Ketchum's speech. Local democrats on the platform were Warren Knaus, county chairman and publisher of the Democrat-Opinion, Charles Helstrom, and Harold Schafer. The meeting was opened with an ac-cordion solo, by Junior Ryan. "East Side, West Side, All Around the Town. ”

The party made a tour of the county the day following the rally in Community Hall. Rain interfered with the attendance at the meeting.


S. Z. Sharp, First President, Preserves Documents Valuable to College

A book and a paper containing the articles of incorporation, by-laws and minutes of the first meetings of the board of trustees of McPherson College and Industrial Institute, is now in the possession of Dr. V. F. Schwalm.

These documents were discovered some time ago in the library and private collections of Dr. Solomon Zook Sharp, founder and first president of McPherson College, by D. M Brumbaugh of Fruita, Colorado, the administrator of the S. Sharp

Believing that no more suitable place could be found than McPherson College, for these valuable documents of the school's history, Mr. Brumbaugh sent them to Dr. Schwalm for the college.

Donald Brumbaugh, nephew of D. M. Brumbaugh, brought the documents to McPherson when he came this fall to attend college.


World Service Group Sees Its Place On Campus

To acquaint students with the program of the World Service Group, the first meeting of that organiza-tion Tuesday night was devoted to a study of the purpose of religion in modern society. Leonard Lowe aud Galen Ogden gave talks on experiences which have given them definite compositions to the purpose of religion and Christian organizations, after which a general discussion on some of their points was held.

Glen Turner played violin solo at the opening of the service.

A bit of reorganization is to be done in the World Service Group in the near future as some of the officers did not return to school this year.


The Spectator

The Spectator

Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas. Published every Thursday by the Student Council



Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917, at the postoffice at McPherson, Kansas, under the act of March 3, 1897.

Subscription Rates For One School Year $1. 00

Address All Correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas


Editor-in-chief    Royal Frantz

Associate Editor    Elmer     Staats

Associate Editor    Margaretr Oliver


Business Manager Robert Booz

Assistant Bus. Mgr.    Ernest Sweetland

Assistant Bus. Mgr.    Franklin Hiebert

Kenneth Weaver Velma Watkins Iva Walker Maxine Ring

Faculty Advisers

REPORTERS Edna Reiate Curtis Naler Dorothy Matson

Wanda Hoover

John Friesen

Orval Eddy Agnes Bean

Donald Brumbaugh Glen Austin

Professors Alice Gill Maurice A. Hess

K. P. A. C.

Perhaps you are not aware of the meaning of the above initials. If you are not, and if you are reading this editorial just to satisfy your curiosity— well and good, that was our idea in heading it thus. However, we ask that vou do not stop reading as soon as you discover what the letters stand for because there really may be something else that will be interesting to you. K. P. A. C. is the abbreviation for Kansas Peace Action Committee, the group which was organized and has its state office at Friends University in Wichita. But let's start at the beginning.

You see, it is something like this. In a few years—-no one is actually predicting the date, but at least in the near future--another World War is going to be upon us if we don’t watch out. We will not take your time and the Spectator's space to go into all the details of the possibilities for war, but allow us to quote from Paul Harris, who was on our campus last year, representing the Youth Movement for World Recovery. -Mr. Harris says that "the trend toward war is today so great that the present peace movement seems incapable of saving humanity from another world catastrophe. " And a world catastrophe it will be. Again we will not go into details which are probably familiar with many of readers, but suffice it to say that in comparison with the next, the last World War would look not a hit more dangerous than our gang of ferocious but sportsmanlike Bulldogs will look tomorrow night when they attack the tribe of Indians from Chil-


Please note that this does not mean that war is practically upon us now. It says that the trend toward war is gradually leading us in that direction and that, if some more who are interested in peace do not begin to turn their convictions into action, they will be called on in the not too far distant future to abandon them. Few, if any, will be allowed to escape the consequences of the next war. And the thing that concerns us is that the best of those in our midst are going to be the first to be offered in the second "war to end war. " For it is the young man of college age that will then be at just the right age to be drafted.

If all who want peace will work for it, it will not be an impossible task. And that is where the K. P. A. C. comes in. If you want to do something to help stop the trend toward war this is the organization that can use your cooperation. How? you ask. In two different ways. The stated purpose of the organization is to work first, for peace by political action -that method is indispensable if we are to stop the very next war and just at present it is particularly significant as we are considering who are to be our next congressmen. The second line of activity is more continuous. This is the program of education against war in general. It includes education along several different lines. Let us consider a few of these.

The chain of Hearst newspapers is carrying on a so-called ‘‘Buy American" campaign. Yet the "Buy American” editorials are printed on paper made from wood pulp, imported from Canada. In some of these patriotic (? ) publications, the page opposite the editorials carries contributions by British, or other European columnists. The peace campaigner must offset such propaganda by pointing out the obvious fallacies.

In many educational Institutions military training is compulsory. If this is made optional, it will be abandoned before long. At least that is the experience of those schools which have tried it. Thus another tool of the war system will be scrapped.

The present national administration, in contrast to the previous one, is militaristic, as far as preparedness is concerned—witness the immense naval bill put through in the last session. And did you know that, from Kansas, Sen. Capper was the only member in Congress to vote against it. This has significance right now!

These are only three of many possible opportunities for educational work in the peace cause. The political field also at present offers an opportunity for a hard and furious campaign for peace votes.

If you are apposed to the pence cause we will not argue the subject, as there are enough who want peace but don’t know how to get it to keep us busy for a while. For that class practical plans for peace action are ready at any time with details of how to proceed. For those who are interested but simply do not have the time, there are petitions to bo signed and votes to be cast, etc., which any one can do.

The present campus leaders are Elmer Staats, fifth congression district chairman, Paul Booz, McPherson County chairman, and Royal Frantz, county educational secretary. It is expected that the International Relations Club will be the sponsor of the peace work on the campus in the near future.


Hello, everybody, hello! Thus paraphrasing that nightingale of the air waves, Kate Smith we greet you one and all. Another school year is upon us, and for your special edification we have arranged to bring to you in these columns the fun and frolic of McPherson College campus ass seen through the eyes of none other than Dame Rumor. We hope you will like it.

As Dame Rumor hies across the moonlit plains of Kansas these starry nights she sees and hears many things, unbeknownst to her unsuspecting victims. For instance, it was just the other night she saw Twylah Reed sneaking in by way of the fire escape, while upper classmen looked on amazed. Of course, it may have been perfectly legal, who knows?

The Freshmen are upon us. And with them the whole color scheme of the campus seems to have turned green. We hope that by Thanksgiving this will all have changed, and each new student will have become a full-fledged Bulldog. Already the unscrupulous and merciless mag- nates on the campus have begun their reign of terror, while the poor Freshies hasten with fear and trembling to do the bidding of the upperclassmen. Reports have it that Har-ry Frantz has chapel seats for sale, and we also heard of a fund for buying radiators for Science Hall. Heh, hell, such is life, such is life.

Wednesday in history class, Dr. Bright asked Dave Metzger what a harem is. "I don't know exactly, " Dave replied, "but I have heard of ‘David Harum. "

Well, Joe E„ that was a splendid cornet solo you gave at the watermelon feed the other night. Here's Power(s) to you.

Short Items—Seen and Heard

An unusually quiet library, except when Don Evans comes in to break the monotony. Ernie Sweetland establishing social status in the girl’s dorm. Glen Turner applying for the job of assistant to Mother Emmer! A Photoplay magazine on the racks of the library of the School of Quality. Oleo and J. J. occupying a prominent place on the tables at the college dining hall. (In case you don't know what J. J. is, we’ll tell you that it is molasses, and that you can find out its case history from any upperclassman. )

We are confidentially advised that Dave Duncanson and Galen Ogden are exchanging as Xmas gifts a spelling book and a bottle of hair grower.

Rumor has it tjat there are four married men on the football squad. What a raw deal for the beautiful girls!

The girls’ dorm is at present very dead, except when some very exuberant maidens get out on the balcony at midnight and indulge in a chorus of howling that would put a coyote to shame.

We were quite amused Sunday night when Dr. Schwalm spoke of Dean Replogle as "coming home triumphantly, bearing his trophies in his arms. "

A large share of last year’s romances seem to be still blooming, despite the drouth of the summer. And, likewise, there are several new couples to be seen around. However, the great army of stags seen at the watermelon feed and faculty recaption reminds us that "now is the time for all good men... "

We’ll be seeing you at the pyjama parade tonight. —Dame Rumor.


Mr.. and Mrs. Vernon Rhoades of Canton were in McPherson Sunday for the Harvest Home services. Mrs. Rhoades will be remembered Louise Ikenberry, a student of a few years ago.

Miss Virginia Yankee of Lyons, Kansas, spent the week end at home.

Miss Betty Lou Cameron was a visitor in Lyons, Sunday.

Margaret Hahn spent the week end at her home in Inman.

Miss Ada Brunk, '34, who is teaching in the Moundridge high school was here for the watermelon feed Friday evening?

Ruth Spilman of Roxbury enrolled in school this week after an absence of one year. She Is classified as a junior.

Esther Shirk, who has been living in Arnold Hall, this week moved to Kline.

Guy Yeager's father was here Monday night visiting his son.

Elrae Carlson made a trip to Hutchinson Wednesday evening to attend the state fair.

Wanda Hoover was in Wichita. Saturday visiting her cousin.

Mr. and Mrs. N. P. F. Sondergard and two daughters from Ramona visited Mauden Sondergard Sunday afternoon.

Relatives of Lillian Peterson from Hutchinson visited her Monday.

Glen Snell, Galen Glesner, Jack Gordon, Daniel Zook and Kurtis Naylor had a watermelon feed Sunday afternoon.

Rob Stratma and Warren Need spent the week end at their home in Geneseo.

The boys are rapidly becoming adjusted to dormitory life. In fact "Mom" Voran finds it hard to keep a little order at time, already.

Most of the students liked the new method that was carried out at the faculty reception Monday night.

Miss Edith Richards, a former stu-dent, attended the watermelon feed Friday night. Miss Richards is teaching near McPherson.

Robert Booz, business manager of The Spectator, was sick the latter part of the past week.

In Other Schools

A professor at College of Emporia writes a syndicated column of popular scientific material which the New College Life estimates is read by fifteen million persons a day.

Florence Bowe, a student at C. of E. was visiting in San Francisco and vicinity the past summer at the time of the general strike. However, due to the fact that her friend had a supply of foodstuffs stored away she experienced nothing worse than having to walk to the shows.

College of Emporia gives one hour credit to members of the staff of the college paper outside of their regular school credit.

At University of Kansas students waiting in line for registration are photographed and the likeness placed on an identification card which allows them to get into student activities.

The editor of the University Dally Kansan has the uncomfortable name of "Blizzard. ”

M. C. is not the only school with an addition to the family of one of its faculty members. At Manchester College in Indiana, Mr. Daniel Royee Boyer was born Sept. 6, to a professor in that institution.

K. U. administration is bothered considerably by students who insist on signing different names to different registration cards.

The College of Emporia has been donated a dead monkey by Frank Buck, world-noted game hunter.

Charles M. Hutchins, nationally known lecturer on birds and illustrator, visited Kansas State Teachers College July 19. He told students there that many people do not fully appreciate birds as natural history and pointed out ways of identifying different birds. The music made by insects is also one of the beauties of nature often overlooked. Mr. Hutchins pointed out.

A New York University student is promoting a school for the blind.

Since McPherson has become an industrial center of such great magnitude, it is interesting to watch the race between the various whistles trying to be the first to signal the incoming noon hour and other periods of the day. Of course our little "toot-toot” does not function very often at the same time as the big ones of the refineries and the light plant. But suppose they should all be synchronized once with Western Union or some other time and, say, at 12 o'clock Saturday all four would perform at once. It would be rather noisy all right, but at least we would not have to wonder which is right.

After we had written last week’s editorial on "The End of the World” we noticed that the Rev. Voliva had backed down to say that the end was to be some time in the next few years and could possibly be Monday. We didn’t bother to change the editorial though, as we guessed that Mr. Voliva had intended to say that all along. But doesn't that old boy know how to get his name in the paper! Wonder how many "converts" were won to him by this stunt.

The outline of a rough and ready war-time doughboy has been carved in the face of the earth near Kansas City by soil erosion, itt is on the face of a memorial at that place. Now will some M. C. theologist (or is that theologian) tell us whether this means that the next war will came as close home as Kansas City. Perhaps we should go to the physicist or astronomer to find the answer to this question.     


Last evening the Women’s Athletic Association had a hike for all girls interested in the organization. At 4: 30 the girls met in the hall of the administration building and hiked out to Brubaker's pasture. The entertainment consisted of baseball with Camilla Moore officiating as the hard-boiled umpire. Ber-nadine Ohmart and Phyllis Barngrover were the members of the entertainment committee.

At 6: 00 o'clock the girls enjoyed a hamburger supper, cooked and served by Elrae Carlson, Arlene Wampler, and Leone Shirk.

After supper Martha Hursh, president of the W. A. A., told of the sports in which the club engages during the school year. Irene Bales, manager of softball, told about this sport, which is to begin soon.

Dwiggins to

Editorial Post

By College News Service

Los Angeles. —Appointment    of

Don Dwiggins, formerly editor of the Junior Collegian nt Los Angeles Junior College, as news editor of College News Service this week was announced at the western offices of the service.

The Junior Collegian, whose staff Dwiggins headed last year, is known as the largest junior college newspaper in the world, having a semi-weekly circulation of well over 5000.

Under his editorship, the paper won the National Scholastic Press Association’s "medalist" award, one of the highest honors in its class given by the association.

Study While Traveling

By College News Service New York. —Final arrangements for a year's study aboard of floating university, Volendam, were under way this week by students here pre-paratory to the steamer’s scheduled embankment October 4 on a 225-day world cruise.

The Volendam, a Holland-Ameri-can liner, will carry a complete faculty of college professors and deans on leave of absence, headed by Professor James E. Lough, former dean of New York University, it has been announced.

A Worchester (Mass. ) college professor recently "sprung" a very complex equation on his class. Cornered and asked what the mysterious symbols represented, by inquisitive afterclass students, he admitted he hadn't the slightest idea, but it must be right because he had used it in the same course for years. —(College News Service.

The modern mustache is six on one side and a half dozen on the other. —McPherson Republican. We’ve noticed that college shieks have a hard time keeping that many.     

Spectator Advertisers are M. C. Boosters. Patronize them!

The Spectator

a grave situation. The officials met and seriously discussed different ways of remedying the situation. But as each method was suggested they slowly shook their heads. There seemed to be nothing which even looked as though it could remedy the situation. In despair they adjourned to meet again the next day and see if any of them could, in the meantime, think of any way out.

At the meeting the next day, a brilliant plan was suggested by one of the younger officials. At first the others simply shook their heads at it as they had done the previous suggestions, but gradually, one by one, they began to see some value in it and finally they decided to give it a try. The suggestion of the young official was that the college needed a little publicity to advertise itself and thus influence students to come to it. His plan was that the college should do something which would he talked about and written about and would attract wide attention—In other words, a “publicity stunt."

Thus it was that. a few years later, a startling announcement was made from McPherson College. It seems that a certain professor, anxious to do something which would attract attention and give the college some of its much-needed publicity, had performed a most remarkable feat. This professor happened to be the instructor- in Chemistry and the amazing feat he performed was that of making, in the Chemistry laboratory, a large synthetic diamond. Synthetic diamonds were not unknown at that time but the McPherson College diamond was larger than any previously manufactured. Immediately this stunt was broadcast far and wide and McPherson College became known as one of the outstanding educational institutions of the nation.

Of course, this little diamond was not the only means of publicity which McPherson College utilized. She also had several athletic championships, a host of forensic championships, and other winnings which added to her renown. But it still remains an undisputed fact that one of the most notable achievements ever made in McPherson College was the invention of “home-made diamonds" in the Chemistry laboratory.

It is understood that before long a process will be developed by which these diamonds can be manufactured at small cost by any one who cares

to go into the business. This will mean the beginning of a great new industry doing thousands of dollars of business a year. And it all began with the invention of home-made diamonds in McPherson College. Long live McPherson College!


Two score and ten years ago, our fathers brought forth on the plains of Kansas new institution dedicated to the purpose of training young men and women for the high and noble calling of living useful lives. A hearty welcome was extended this institution by the residents of the state of Kansas and surrounding states and many were the lads and lassies that sought its doors each year. After a few years the officials realized that for such an institution as this it was fitting and proper to have a name. Inasmuch as the institution was generally considered a college and inasmuch ns the place of its location was called McPherson the logical name to give it was "McPherson College" and that is what it was named.

For many years this college grew and prospered. There were times of hardship for it as there are for every institution dedicated to such high and lofty ideals, but steadily through the years, McPherson College grew in size and influence and advanced a favor with God and man. Its fame was noised abroad and, in the course of time, a dozen or more states in the United States of America were sending youthful seekers of knowledge to it for instruction and guidance. In the fall of every year one could see them coming from far and near to acquire that mysterious possession known as an "education.” Then, in the spring of the year, one could see them homeward bound, their faces aglow with the joy that comes from having learned new truths and their eyes reflecting their eagerness to travel still further the path that leads to knowledge.

After a time, however, the College began to experience what nearly every institution must experience some time or other—competition. It seems that, as the population grew, the number of colleges grew and the worst part of it was that the colleges increased faster than the population. Thus, we find McPherson College losing some of the students that should have come to her. It was

The World From Washington

National Council for Prevention of War World Events Section

Both Good News and Bad This Week

League Prospect Encouraging

Germany Refuses to Join

Washington. — The world this week had one corner of its mouth turning cheerfully up and the other corner drooping forlornly down.

Among the events contributing to its serious look were: rejection by Germany of the so-called "Eastern Locarno" pact: more complications in the relations between Japan and Russia; a possibility of Polish with- drawal from the League of Nations as a result of her repudiation of the Treaty of Versailles provisions for protection of Europe's minority populations; and the announcement that American chemists have discovered a new poison gas— "wind of death" — capable of bringing mass destruction to civilian as well as military forces.

The things that help the world to smile hove been the progress toward Russian membership in the League of Nations: a reiteration of South America's faith that the League will be able to bring peace to the Chaco: re-affirmation of their peaceful aims, by German and Austrian heads and evidence that the public is waking to the sinister aspects of the free and untrammeled traffic in arms and ammunition.

Specifically, beginning with the subject nearest home, the Senate's Committee investigating the Ameri-can makers of war materials carried through a second week its courageous and startling expose of bribery, war profiteering, law evasion and many other unethical practices inimical to public welfare.

Four prominent du Ponts, called on the carpet before seven Senators, displayed a case of "nerves" amounting almost to an open admission of guilt. This nervousness expressed itself, even before they were actually under cross examination, in charges by Brother Irenee that the present attack on arms makers can be partly laid to Communists, by a request that the du Pouts be exempt from the public hearings to which other firms are subjected and by statements from Brother Lammont and Cousin Felix to the effect that the DuPont Company really opposes war.

"Nerves" were equally in evidence at the hearings themselves. Heads of other firms had, in the main, relied only on their own ingenuity and "integrity" in combatting Committee charges. The du Ponts brought with them reinforcements of not less than twenty technical and legal assistants and a mass of business documents. This did not prevent the seven Senators, however, from establishing some very damaging facts such as the following:

Du Pont representatives have worked with War and Navy Department officials to block notion on embargoes on arms exports to countries disturbing the peace of the world. When the Roosevelt Administration finally did succeed in putting an embargo on arms to the Chaco combat-

tants, the du Pont Company professed to obey the "letter of the law" but its agent violated its “spirit" and helped defeat its peace-making purpose by referring requests for du Pont war materials to Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., a British firm with which the du Pont Company works hand in hand, and the du Pont Company received a commission just the same.

As was to be expected, some opposition to the Senate investigation has cropped up. On the other hand, it will probably never be known how many millions of people stand heart and soul behind the Committee. It is apparent, however, that the depth of public feeling against the “traffic in death" is realized by our high officials. Secretary of State Hall has upheld the “righteous nature" of the investigation. It is a matter of world concern. British Liberal, and Labour leaders, encouraged by the Ameri-can action, plan to push with renewed vigor for a similar investigation in their own country. The Disarmament Conference Committee struggling for a formula for world control of the manufacture of and trade in arms and ammunition, too, feels its work will he greatly aided by the findings in regard to the United States.

Three of the other encouragements to world good spirits took place on the floor of the league of Nations in Geneva. Here is was that the question of Russian entrance moved precariously but steadily forward around various obstacles ranging front a Swiss dislike of Soviet politics to an Irish protest against the "backstair" methods employed by the large powers in their efforts to get the Russian Bear safely in. Soviet membership is expected to be an accomplished fact by the first of next week.

Front the League rostrum, too, Chancellor Schussnigg declared that Austria’s battle for internal order is also a battle for world peace, and Jose Marie Cantilo, the Argentine delegate, re-affirmed South America’s belief that the League is the proper agency to seek peace in the Chaco. Hitler’s fresh disavowal of force in international relations was made at a reception for foreign diplomats in Berlin. As he is not known words may be, for the time being at to have kept his fingers crossed, his least, credited with sincerity.

Fortunately, none of the events on

the debit side of the ledger appear very serious. Germany's refusal to join in the Eastern Locarno Pact apparently has not lessened the determination of France and Russia to continue cooperation for peace along the same lines. The idea from the first has been to conclude a treaty providing for mutual assistance among the nations of eastern Europe in case any one is attacked. If Ger- many, and, possibly Poland, does not care to join, it will not prevent France from seeking to put such a pact into effect with the adherence of Russia. Czechoslovakia and the Baltic states. In practice, this would seem to mean that non-participants would lose the protection of such a treaty and gain nothing at all.

With the first excitement over the Polish repudiation of existing inter- national minorities provisions still running high, it is hard to tell just what the outcome will be. However, with Russia about to enter the League, it is not believed Poland will want to leave it.


Veteran Teams To Meet Friday

Both Schools Can Place Teams of Veterans on Field—New Players Looking Good — Bulldogs Won 34-0 Last Year

Tomorrow night at 8: 00 o'clock the M. C. Bulldogs will officially open the 1934 season with the Chilocco Indians offering the opposition. The game will be played under the floodlights at the McPherson Athletic Park.

With school two weeks old the Bulldogs are starting their gridiron campaign with high hopes. Coaches Binford and Selves have drilled their men in strenuous workouts in preparation for this early game and the squad appears to he In pretty good shape.

Teams could be placed on the field from each school that would be composed entirely of lettermen, butt it is possible that in a few positions new men will get the call. While no definite announcement has been made it seems fairly certain that Wiggins and Pauls will start at ends. At the tackle positions will be two of the, following men: Colwell, Barngrover, Reinecker, and Weddle. Of those, all but Barngrover are lettermen.

Eddy and Vasquez, both veterans, will undoubtedly be at the guard pos- itions. The center position seems uncertain with Sperline, a fine defensive man and a good blocker, and Buck a squad man of last year, fight-, ing for the snapper-buck job.

The veteran backfield of last year that proved to be one of the best in the conference last season will start tomorrow night's game. This means that Burress, triple threat back, will hold down the fullback position, and Binford, blocking back, will again be calling signals. At the halfbacks will be Haun and Carpenter who can both go palces with that ball.

Conch Binford has several other men that appear equally as good as some that will start the season's op-oner. Among these are Glover, fullback, Smith, a half- and quarter-back Schurr, halfback, Mitchell and Me Coursey, ends, and Crabb in the back-


Last year the Bulldogs won over Chilocco 34-0. This year the Braves are reported to be a much improved team and a close battle is expected, large crowd is expected to see the Bulldogs in action for the first time this season.


Following is a list of men now out for regular football practice. Also given is the home town and the weight of each man.

Russell Carpenter, Sabetna, 165. Walter Pauls, Inman, 175.

Harold Binford, Pratt. 170.

David Duncanson, Lewiston Minn., 180.

Leonard Wiggins. Genesco, 170. Mike Vasquex, Lyons, 170.

Chester Colwell, McPherson, 175. Harold Reinecker, Quinter, 175. Clyde Schurr, Luray, 162.

Harold Burress, Blackwell, Okla., 180.

Lee Hann, Parkerville, 160.

Walter Weddle. Bloom, 180.

Orval Eddy, Lewiston, Minn., 200. Lawrence Moore, Caldwell, 170. Delbert Crabb, McPherson, 165. Anton Meyer, Tampa, 200. Lawrence Boyer, Hutchinson, 215. Glen Grente, Tampa, 165.

Martin Seidel, McPherson, 170. Bill Smith, Blackwell, Okla., 150. Dwight Barngrover, McPherson, 170.

John Mitchell. Skyard, Midi., 165. Clayton Rock, Navarre, 170.

T. D. Goertz, Hillsborough, 190. Bob Stratman, Geneseo, 140. Warren Need, Geneseo, 150.

Donald Barngrover, McPherson, 175.

Meredith Sperline, Sabetha, 170. Allyn Stout, Moundridge, 160.

Lee Haffener, Alta Vista, 170. Ronald Flory, Preston, Minn., 140.

Marvin \, Lyons, 165.

James Hawkins, Canton, 160. Ernest Shive, Burton, 200.

Curtis Frisbie, Roxbury, 155. Wallace Hyde, Lake City Minn., 160.

Herbert Glover, Hutchinson, 180. Mervin Hapgood, McPherson, 165. Karl DeCoursey, Nampa, Idaho. 170.

Dick Hendren, Portland. Qr., 180. Frederick Doyle, Topeka, 180. Theodore Elrod, Quincy, 175.

Guy Yeager, Tescott, 150.

Paul Stutzman, McPherson, 160. Delbert Adams, Lindsay, Okla., 170.


With two more practice periods before the Chilocco game the bulldogs are rounding into shape. Coaches Binford and Selves will be able to put a team on the field that will show much polish and team work.

There’s going to be a football game Friday night. Ordinarily an announcement of this kind would not be necessary. However, this year the would-be pep it at an exceedingly low ebb. Let's show some Life!

The work of Anton (Tony) Meyer has drawn much approbation. Tony is trying out at tackle position and is showing up well.

The coaches will make no assertion as to the starting lineup for the Chilocco game. There are many possibilities, but right now attention is being centered on finding the best possible combination.

Being on the starting lineup doesn’t mean much this year because there are many men on the bench that are every bit as good as those on the field. This keen competition should assure a strong team.

For the first time in several years the coaches feel that they will be able to substitute without impeding on the work of the team.

Boost for the Bulldogs! With a record such as we have from last sea-son enthusiasm should be at an unprecedented height.

Right now our task is to "BEAT CHILOCCO! ” We must win our games or some under-rated team may "go home with the bacon. ”

Rose Lolita Long, daughter of the "dictator” of Louisiana, Senator Huey Long, is attending Stanford U., officials revealed this week. She is a sophomore. —College News Service.


A clevdr campusology skit was given at the first meeting of the Y. W. C. A. Tuesday which stressed the need of assisting the freshmen.

Velma Keller, president, gave the newcomers an idea of the work of the organization. Bernice Keedy sang a solo, "My Task" which was greatly appreciated.

An entertaining program is being planned for the next meeting which will he held Tuesday at 10: 00.

Kirkville, Mo. —School buildings were closed here today as a result of gaping cracks in the structures caused by the terrific heat wave this summer. The buildings have been condemned. ---College News Service.

Audrey Groves and Lois Lackey have secretarial positions with the United Telephone Company at Abi-lene, Kansas. Prof. Alice Gill is acting as secretary to Pres. Schwalm. filling the vacancy left by Miss Lackey.

Lafayette, Ind. — Fellow educators and students this week mourned the passing of Dr. George Brandenburg, head of the department of education at Purdue University and director of the Purdue Summer School, following his death from a heart attack. — College News Service.

There are six Roosevelts enrolled in Harvard College at Harvard University this term, it was announced this week. They are Franklin D. Roosevelt Jr. and John Roosevelt, sons of the president; Kermit Cornelius Van S. and Theodore (III) Roosevelt, grandsons of the late President Theodore Roosevelt, and Henry Parrish Roosevelt. —College News Service.

Miss Mary Jane Groves, former student is now working as the desk girl at the McPherson county hospital.

Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Freed of Ames. Oklahoma, have a son, Ronald, born May 12. Mrs. Freed was Miss Myrtle Moyer, '28.