The Spectator


McPherson college, mcpherson, Kansas, Thursday, jan. 24, 1935




An unusual program will be offered at the College Church Sunday evening, January 27. The four-reel film, "The Passion Play,” will be presented, beginning promptly at 7:30. This picture has had warm reception in many churches and religious organizations of the country and it is roll that its coming presents a unique opportunity to people of the college and the community.

Leonard Lowe spoke lust Sunday evening on the subject, "The Twilight of indifference." To supplement his theme, Mary Miller read the inspirational story, "The Lost Word." For the many lovers of good music who attended the service there was the added inspiration of a period of organ music, played by Mrs. Rush Holloway, during which Prof. Voran sang several sacred refrains.


Hunt and Evans Give Report On Its Relationship to the Church

The program of the Y. M. C. A. Tuesday morning consisted of a discussion of the Church in Its relation to the field of politics, etc. Van Hunt gave a report on a recent poll made by the Literary Digest to discover the attitude of ministers and clergymen. Out of the 100,000 ministers questioned some 20,000 answered. Of these 20,000, 82 per cent signified that they were opposed to compulsory military training. Other questions of the poll dealt with opinions on the capitalistic system, war and peace in general, and other social problems.

Don Evans discussed a questionnaire which, has recently been sent to religious leaders, irrespective of creed and belief. This questionnaire had to do with subjects of social interest, attitudes of ministers to political faiths, and questions as to how far a minister would go in aiding a radical group. Typical of the questionnaire as a whole was the question asking if a minister would turn over his church to a group of strikers for a meeting. The influence of such ment as Sherwood, Eddy, and Kirby Page, was clearly evident.

Announcement was made of a social to be held Saturday night.

Protection Needed Against Fires

"Avoid fire hazards by carefully disposing of all trash, and by being careful in the installation of extra electrical wiring,” says Chief Kauffman, head of the College Fire Department. A need for greater fire protection on the campus was felt by the committee of proctors of Fahnestock hall under the direction of Dean Mohler. Two weeks ago action was taken to organize a volunteer fire department. The department consists of nine members:    Chief

John Kauffman, Lietenant Glen Austin, Lieutenant Galen Giessmer, Lyle Brower, Kurtis Naylor, Clifford Shank, Harold Mohler, Herbert Iken-berry, and Merle Messamer.

Steps have been taken to reduce the fire hazard. This was to a degree achieved, for two groups set out, one to inspect nooks and crannies and closets, the other to inspect wiring in and about the dorms and other buildings. From poor wiring, and oily rags lying around in janitors' closets, for instance, are where most fires start, so the student department urges that all observe the sugges-

As soon as the weather permits, all hose equipment is to be tested to determine their utility—just in case.


Wanda Hoover was chosen to fill the position which Alma Rodabaugh Crist formerly filled on the Y. W. cabinet. Mrs. Crist was chairman of the publicity committee. Wanda will serve in this capacity until about the middle of March.


"Common Things" was the theme for the second meeting of the Poetry Club, which met last Friday after-noon in the Y. W. room. Interesting discussion followed the reading of poems written by Margaret Mattox and Miss Heckethorn. Miss McGaffey read sketches from several contemporary poets illustrating the use of the theme, "Common Things."

A committee was appointed by Margaret Mattox, chairman, to draw up a constitution for the organization. It is one of the purposes of the club to discuss and criticize poems written by members of the group, as well as general problems involved in writing.

As yet the membership is not fixed and it is suggested that anyone interested in the reading, writing, or interpretation of poetry attend the next meeting, the time of which will be announced later.


February 8 Is Date Set for Annual All School Stunt Night

What? When? Where? Why? These, undoubtedly, are the questions you will all be asking when you first hear of the new 1935 Extravaganza. What is it? It is a program of stunts, skits, original plays, and what-have-you arranged for your entertainment and guaranteed to give you a thousand dollars worth of fun and laughs.

Who’s doing it? It is sponsored by the College Y. M. C. A. and. Y. W. C. A. Each organization on the campus will have a chance to participate and to present a stunt in competition with the rest of the clubs for the grear sweepstakes prize.

When is it? This huge extravagant extravaganza will take place Friday evening, February 8, 1935. Where? In the college chapel, McPherson College.

Prizes will be awarded for the best amateur efforts, the awards to be based on originalty and cleverness. There will be a small admission charge to cover expenses. Come one, come all; it's bound to please.


Professor Hess has renewed active drilling of the debate squad in preparation for two tournaments in the near future. On Friday and Saturday, February 1 and 2, a junior college tourney is being held at Hutchinson. McPherson College will be represented by three men’s and two ladies' teams in this competition. A week later two teams each of men and women will engage in a tournament with teams representing Bethany and Kansas Wesleyan. This latter tournament will be considered a practice tournament in preparation for several later and larger tourna-ments.



A half hour of pure entertainment was initialed into chapel last Friday by the Sophomore class.

The chapel was opened by the introduction of a play. ’'Passing of the Third Floor Back" by Jerome K. Jerome. This play was given at the Congregational Church last Sunday at 5 o'clock.

Wanda Hoover gave a reading. Menno Richert sang and interpreted two Scotch songs. Menno was dressed in typical Scotch costume which made the acts more real. A one act play was given by "Vi" Harris and "Vic” Moorman. Last but not least the chapel was closed by a boys’ trio, "The Black Bottom Singers,” consisting of Warren Need, John Moore and Loyal Miles.

Seven eclipses will occur during 1935, the maximum number that can occur during a single year. The combination will not occur again for 550 years.


Visitors, Games, Vacations Give Cross Section of College Life


Outstanding Athletic Teams Battle Successfully for Honors

The first semester of the College year 1934-35 opened Sept. 10 at McPherson and students from seventeen states once more took up the pursuit of higher learning. Two hundred seventy students were en-, rolled and began work Nov. 12.

The second week of school opened with the annual faculty reception.

In the next week an all school pro-hibition rally foretold the beginning of political activity for the coming election.

The fourth week of school featured the visit of C. E. Davis and the pres-entation of four one act plays.

The football season was opened October 12, with McPherson winning from Kansas Wesleyan by a score of 7 to 6.

The first stop towards women’s, self government was taken Oct. 23, when the women voted in favor of democratic control.

Margaret Oliver took over the editorship of the Spectator the first of November.

Wilhelm Pauck, noted student and professor of Chicago Theological Seminary, visited the College campus for two days, Nov. 13th and 14th.

"The Silver Cord" was presented by the Dramatic Art Class, Friday, November 23.

McPherson College men were honored by all star selections made at

the close of the football season. Carpenter and Wiggins were placed on the All Conference team, and Pauls, Binford, and Vasquez were second team selections.

The Student Council project, an all school recreational parlor, was announced Doc. 13.

College adjourned for the Christmas vacation Dec. 20.

Back to school Jan. 3. Elmer Staats was selected to represent Kansas in the district Rhoades Scholarship contest the following week.

Term ends amid various and sundry types of exam cramming.

No Sleep In Library

Oh, dear! That horrible feature editor says I must write that feature that I have been squirming out of all semester. If there’s anything harder than writing features it’s writing features. As I sit here in the lib not succeeding in sleeping on account of the noise, my eyes wander toward and rest on the pictures which adorn the wall. Modena says that one of the men In the Southwest looks just like her grandad. Aristocratic grandpap, eh what? Margaret Messamer would like colored pictures If she thought they wouldn’t detract from her concentration. Don Evans likes the pictures of the women best. And speaking of women, Home of the follows should see that some of the girls of Arnold make good their threat to stay out until 12:30 Friday night. It is understood that quite a number are going to with five demerits even if they have to sit on the stops and hold their own hands. That reminds me. It seems that one of our most evident couples keeps the mill grinding in spite of a short interruption the night of the Salina game. And by the way, three fair damsels don’t get late leaves for a week on account of not coming directly home after this same game. If you bear anyone picking up a drawl like Neva's only slower and more exacting, you will know that they have been around Ethel. Neva’s younger sister and a week-end visitor in Arnold.

Here I am with no feature written and that horrible feature editor to appease and on top of that, French class with no lesson prepared. Oh me! It's a weary world.

REV. RAY E. Z00K Local church welcomes announce-, ment of appointment of Reverend Zook of Elkhart, Iowa, to the local pastorate.

Rev. Zook has a particular interest in young people’s work, having been lined up rather extensively with the district and state B. Y. P. D. in Iowa.


Mohler Ends Series of Talks Tonight on “Ideals of the Christian Home.”

"Parents as Teachers of Christian Living in the Home and Community" will be the subject of Dean R. E. Mohler's talk this evening at the church following the fellowship supper. This is the concluding program of a series of talks on "Ideals of the Christian Home."    *

Professor F. A. Replogle presented and discussed a few problems in home building at the meeting a week ago. He contrasted the home of today with the home of a few generations ago, stating that modern organizations have taken over some of the functions which were formerly carried on within the family. However, it was stated that "the family continues to be the greatest stimulus for moral thinking.” Some of the problems mentioned are: Marriage, and the maintenance of family unity; sex as it relates to the family; democracy in the home; careers for women; parental emotions; health, physical and mental; the widening gap between generations: religion; recreation; vocational choice; the selection of friends, and education.

A great interest has been shown on the part of the community and students in this series of meetings. Those who have attended any or all of these meetings have no doubt as to their helpfulness in aiding youth to, get a foothold in the business of home building.


Dr. Hershey and one of his assistants, Ralph Sweetland, attended the American Chemical society meeting in Wichita last Friday evening. The lecture was given by one of the outstanding men of modern science. Dr. Harrison Howe.

A dinner was served at 6:30 p. m., at the Innes Tea Room and the lecture was given at 8:00 p. m. in the downtown studio of the University of Wichita.

Dr. Howe’s subject, "Children of the Depression,” was an inspiring address dealing with modern scientific discoveries which are now being used in our everyday life.


Saturday, Jan. 26-.-Y. M. and Y. W.

party, Y. W. room. 7:30 p. m. Sunday, Jan. 27—College C. E.

meets. College church, 6:30 p. m. Monday, Jan. 28 and Tuesday, Jan. 29—Enrollment for second semester.

Wednesday, Jan. 30—Second semester begins.

Thursday, Jan. 31—Pep chapel, 10


Date for Inspection Set Tentatively for Week of February 4    


President Latham of Iowa State and Dean Oldfather of Nebraska U Form Committee

Within the next ten days to two weeks, President Latham of Iowa State College, and Dean Oldfather of Liberal Arts college, University of Nebraska, will be on our campus. They form a committee of two for an inspection of the college to determine its entrance into the North Central Association of Colleges. The college has been out of the Association since 1927 after having ben in for six years. The inspection, which will take about three days, will include such items as; finance, administration, curriculum, records, visits to classes and to the library. While they are here they will probably interview alumni, and towns-

Several requirements have been changed. One rigid requirement several years ago was a large endowment. Now the requirement has been changed to a definite per capita Income regardless of the source.

The city of McPherson has been a large contributor the past year. Individuals, and different organizations having granted about $14,000 during the last twelve month period.

Among other things taken into consideration is the support by the churches of the territory. In the McPherson College territory there are about 20.000 people in the various Brethren Churches.


Berkeley, Calif., Jan. 24.—Avid university professors the country over annually face the job of corroding final "exams" with a bit of spice in view—that they may find some choice "boner" in the papers worthy of repeating in faculty meetings.

University of California professors got together recently and compiled these undergraduate tidbits:

"The poet Daniel compares his love for Della to a half-blown nose."

"Daisy Minor’s greatest misfortune in life was to have an affair with the Collosseum in Rome."

"She was equally gracious to fools as to her own husband."

"The mould of a man’s fortune is in his own hands.”

"The poem wus written at the time Darwinism and Biology were

first started."

unless they are put to some use." "The Lotus Easters ate of the lotus bugs and becade lazy and sleepy."

"The men were tossed and buttered into unconscientiousness."

"Roceo refused to fight because he had just been married to Tybalt’s cousin and it is not natural for a man to pick a quarrel or take one up after such circumstances."

So much for the outstanding contributions of university English students. The astronomy department also had its problems, including the following answers:

"The moon is a good example of a star."

"Altitude may be found by using



"The Meteor" and "The Surplus Tooth," two movie films showing the origin, manufacture, and use of the cross-cut saw and the hand saw were shown in the industrial arts lecture room to industrial arts students Monday and Tuesday. The films were obtained through the courtesy of E. C. Atkins & Co., of Indianapolis. Motion pictures are becoming increasingly popular as a means of teaching.

The Spectator

The Spectator

Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas. Published every Thursday by the Student Council



Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917, at the postoffice at

McPherson, Kansas, under the act of March 3, 1897.

Subscription Rates For    Address All Correspondence to

One School Year    THE SPECTATOR

$1.00    McPherson, Kansas


Kenneth Weaver    Edna Reiste    Ruth Hawbaker    Russell Carpenter

Velma Watkins    Barabara Petz    John Friesen    Robert Booz

Iva Walker    Kurtis Naylor    Donald Evans    Paul Booz

Mike Vasquez    Dorothy Matson    Orval Eddy    Agnes Bean

Emma Schmidt    Franklin Hiebert    Woodrow Dannenburg

Maxine Ring    Richard Hendren    Gerald Custer




Time was when it was next to impossible to get a hard problem solved. The old Romans took it so hard that when an idea for solution struck them they would jump up out of their bath and run down the street yelling "Eureka, Eureka!"

Whether or not it was due to the advancing times consuming fome 2,000 years or whether it was a streak of luck, fate or the will of on omnipotent, omniprescent benevolence of providence, the fact remains: Farmer Jones moved to Kansas. Perhaps then he would have been no wiser had he not sent a son to a certain college in the very center of the state. Not a large college, not a small one, but a good one. Son Jones was a good student so he helped make it a good school (or tried to). Being an ambitious son, not even the farm could present problems enough and hard enough for him to solve, so he went to college. Now, it so happened that the very school he decided to attend was at the time confronted with many and large problems, the greatest, largest, biggest of which was, no doubt, how to got butter on the dining hall table instead of ole.

Up to the time Son Jones came they had though of everything from petitions, threats, and riots, to appendicitis. As every one knows butter is good for the appendix. But being peace-loving, they struck out the first and decided that the last would be more expensive than buying the butter.

It remained for Son Jones to find the solution. First he hunted In the Logic department but found that there was no logic in it—that is the problem. Then he went to the Economic department and got an idea. From there he went to the business office, but the solution bad just left (for lunch with butter, he supposed). There was only one thing to do, take the idea he had and go to the Mathematics department. There he got another idea. At last he took a shower and, lo! there was the solution. Although he could hardly contain himself, he restrained his impulses until dressed (because after all 2,000 years had passed) and quickly spread the good tidings abroad.

No sooner would he begin talking than large crowds would gather around to hear the great news of good tidings.

He spoke thusly: "In the dining hall there are 15 tables at each meal, each table is allowed one-quarter pound of ole. That makes 3 3/4 pounds per meal. There are 3 meals a day so that would be 11 1/4 pounds a day, but only half the students come down for breakfast so that makes it 10 pounds per day. The difference in the price of a pound of oleo and a pound of butter is 14 cents. On ten pounds that would be $1.40. There are 124 people. That means if each of you eating in the dining hall would give the cook when you go out at night 1 and 4-31 pennies we could have butter—

Just think!"

Well, they gave Son Jones a diploma.

The End

In Other Schools

The latest thing for interior decorating comes from the coeds at Denver University, where they ornament the walls of their rooms with locks of hair clipped fro mcollegiate heads, either with or without the knowedge or the consent of the owner. Even the two dogs that live in one of the dormitories are minus a portion of their fur.

Coach Earl McCaw, State Normal School, Brockport. N. Y.. is taking no chances with his prospects for a fine basketball team this year. On the first day he insisted his men "Beware of women," for basketball and women do not mix.

The mascot of 8. M. U., 29-inch

pony Peruna, was struck and instantly killed by a motorist. He was buried with elaborate ceremonies on

the campus and a monunment is to be

for some time, is back in Arnold Hall again.

Margaret Hahn spent her week end at her home In Inman.

Jessie Miller visited at her home in Canton Sunday.

EDITORIAL STAFF Editor-in-chief --------Margaret Oliver

Make-up Editor ................. Donald Brumbaugh

News Editor ................Vernon D. Michael

Should We Defend Exams?

One of McPherson College's outstanding professors made this statement once when questioned upon his standing on daily marks, "In the first place, I am not a bookeeper. I am an educator, and I have neither the time nor the inclination to keep a long list of percentage grades which can be neither accurate nor just. In the second place, if I gave my students a grade each day, every living one of them would flunk miserably.”

Maybe we shouldn't look at examinations as a grudge. They may be an asset to anyone's final standing.

After all we do know that examination is a process by which morons and intellectual aristocrats are thrown together and graded according to the bell-shaped curve. Also we find that an exam is something an intellectual null and void takes to be allowed to stick around and play football. We should go further in classifying examinations, we might say exams are a way of finding out the thing students are going to forgot about in the next three weeks. It is also a way of finding out what a student has crammed for and what he has written on his cuffs and fingernails.

Coming down to the fine points exams are to find out what a student knows about how much and after all if they have kept their work up they shouldn’t dread a simple little final exam.

Wanted: Three-Hour Course

"Somebody tell me a three-hour course. I've got to have one more three-hour course to fill out my enrollment schedule, and I have looked through this darn book from cover to cover and can't take a thing I

History, English, geology, busi-ness—hundreds of students are flipping the pages trying to find that last course to meet the required hours. One may stop when he comes to American Government, but it is on undergraduate subject and his hours from now on must give junior-senior credit. His eye falls on economics which he may take at only one hour—and that hour he has already filled.

As a senior, he finds that after he has spent three years filling his group and major requirements, the courses which he would like to take are not available. He usually ends by selecting a course recommended ns "not so bad” by his fellows, although ho has no desire to take it. He will learn something, of course, but would it not be better if he could have taken the course in which he had an interest and which he believed would be helpful in his line of work?

The fault may lie in the lengthy requirements for graduation, or in the stipulation as to junior-senior credits. Until it is corrected, the student will continue to flip the pages, and take the next best thing to fill his schedule.—University Daily Kansan.

Always the Profit Motive?

Our capitalistic system is based on the assumption that people must have the promise of financial gain to themselves in order to do good work. Just now we hear many people crying loudly that we are headed for some sort of government control that would cut out possibilities of pri-vate profit and therefore would kill all initiative. A sane, level-headed person might well stop and ask him-


Business Manager ________Robert Booz

Assistant Bus. Mgr. ____ Ernest Sweetland

Assistant Bus. Mgr........    Franklin Hiebert

Circulation Manager .............. David Metzger that hns profit for self ns its goal the kind of leadership that we need?" The answer, of course, could scarcely he anything but no. We have too much of that greedy, gluttonous leadership now. The great thinkers, the great scientists, the great artists made their contributions to civilization not for private profit, but because of the joy they got front creating something of value. Any system which would develop in the individual a desire for creative activity rather than desire for financial profit would well deserve to replace capitalism. Furthermore, the profit motive not only is not con-dusive to the best work, but is definitely destructive to it. An artist with ambitions to create great masterpieces may succumb to the profit motive and paint cheap, gaudy pictures that will bring in greater profit. A philosopher who might he a powerful lender in developing a better social order is attracted by the profit motive to prostitute his abilities for gold.

We Extend a Welcome

To Ray E. Zook, who will take up his duties here at the beginning of the second semester we extend a hearty welcome. Students who have heard our minister will need little introduction. Mr. Zook has spoken here a number of times and his response has been hearty each time.

To the committee in charge of the selection we offer congratulations for your selection for a position extremely difficult to fill.

Action Needed

"We, students in McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, feeling that our entrance into the World Court in a vital and necessary step in the direction of world peace, and believing furthermore that to allow the present motion to be defeated on the floor of the senate would he against the wishes of the American public, take this opportunity to urge you to do all that is in your power to make our nation a part of that international organization."

This letter was addressed to the representatives of Kansas in the United States Senate hoping to let our chosen representatives know that as members of the younger generation of America, we realize our deficiencies in government and further that the only solution lies in making our will known in Washington.

Students of democracy are realizing today that representative government depends as much upon the constituent as upon his agents. When the citizenry becomes indifferent, representation dies and government becomes then not the will of the people, but the will of special groups and interests. Students as future citizens of a democracy must learn that lesson.


To Miss Della Lehman for her ex-cellent presentation this year of the dramatic arts class, tor the consistent production throughout the year of dramatic presentations.

Students will recall the four one-set plays, three comedies and one tragedy presented some time ago. Sidney Howard’s play. "The Silver Cord" was outstanding tor its excellent performance. The chapel play, "Ashes of Roses" and the Jerome K. Jerome's three-act play. "The Passing of the Third Floor Back" maintained the standard of previous


Mr. O. S. Reiste of Dallas Center, Iowa, visited his daughter, Edna, Saturday evening.

Helen Burton has been ill for several days.

Miss Esther Pote of Guthrie, Ok-ia., a former student, was married to Mr. Austin Huffin of Guthrie on Sept. 30, 1934.

Bob Stratman went home to visit "Joyce" in spite of the extreme cold weather the past week-end.

Marvin Poland spent the weekend in Lyons.

The basketball squad arrived Tuesday morning at 5 a. m. from their cold tour in the North.

The usual unusual weather has been more unusual than usual.

Mary Miller and Modena Kauffman were judges at a declamatory contest at Central college, Friday evening.

The "second floor boys" and several others were entertained Saturday evening in the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Mohler. The evening was spent playing games, after which refreshments were served. About 18 guests were present.

Ruth Spilman, who has been ill


Lewellen Lloyd--.--- Jan.    27

Martin Seidel ....................Jan.    28

David Duncanson    —........Jan.    28

Lowell Haldeman    ............Jan.    20

Harold Binford --------------Jan.    31

The Spectator


“Social Change and Social Problems”

Outstanding Contribution to Literature


"I'm so blue.”

"What seems to be the trouble?"

"Oh. M—and I are having some more trouble. It seems that as soon as we get one quarrel patched up, something else has to happen."

"Say, why don't you go to talk to Professor—. You at least won't feel so blue and I'm sure you will get some good ideas on how to avoid some future quarrels."

I wasn't eave-dropping but I over-heard this piece of conversation ns, I was going through the hall of the Ad building the other day. And maybe other folks, too, have some problems always bothering them. It isn't always a love affair, either. Sometimes it is religion—a job—prayer— roommate troubles—a bad temper— and ever so many other things. Sometimes when we give these problems to someone else to look at, they diminish in size. We cannot all wait until some noted man on psychological problems comes to our cam-pus in order for us to unload our burdens. This is all right but I have heard that one professor is especially good in helping one decide on a vocation—also another can help in the solving of religious difficulties. In fact any of them can help in

In Days of Old

Ten Years Ago

The honor system will be installed by McPherson College at the beginning of the second semester. The purpose of the system is to stimulate scholarship and to secure regular and prompt attendance at classes and chapel.

A debate between the McPherson College underclassmen debate team and Tabor college debate team has been scheduled by Debate Coach Maurice A. Hess for March 27.

The Freshmen of the Y. M. C. A. Wednesday morning elected three of their members to represent them in the Freshman Commission. The elected were Elmer Heidebrechtm, Sam Mohler, and Carl Freeburg.

The Bulldogs won their opening basketball game by defeating the Chilocco Indians 42-32.

Five Years Ago

Professor H. H. Nininger, head of the College biology department has recently returned from Mexico. Professor Nininger spent several months touring Mexico in the interest of scientific research and tracing of me-

The College chorus, under the direction of Miss Anna Tate, will present the opera "Mikado” in the Community hall on the evening of March 19.

Dean R. E. Mohler, representing the McPherson School Board of Education, will attend the thirteenth session of the Connell of Administration of the Kansas State Teachers association to he held at Wichita, Jan. 31 and Feb. 1.

The Bulldogs registered their second conference win Friday night by defeating the Salina Wesleyan's 23-12.


Dr. Hershey (in organic class): Now beets vary greatly in size. I saw a sugar beet once which was nearly a foot long.

Vernon Michael: Oh, I heard about one once that was much bigger than that. I heard that in Chicago there were two policemen asleep on one beat!

When Harry Lauder said in chapel Friday morning that undoubtedly there were dozens of young men present who were in love, he didn't know the half of it. I'll bet he could have added a whole dozen more and still not have been very far from the truth. Which reminds me. These Idaho girls sure go in for the dates. Witness the Salina basketball game. Hi-de-g, How're we doing?

And now for our weekly mystery serial (in one installment). Last Sun. nite when some of the girls got back to the deformatory what did they find but specimens of the deadly article which Is composed of a piece of paper wrapped around some "nasty weed" (as Hiebert would say). Now after much investigation on the part of Miss Shirley Holmes (your Scotland Yard correspondent) it has been revealed that, the whole thing was nothing more nor less than a frame-up, as it were. Those fags were planted! Oh my! Consternation literally rained for the nonce, until the guilty culprits were discovered in the form of a gang of well-known girls, or maybe wo should say a well-known girls, who had committed the dastardly deed. And so ladies and gentlemen, we have scored again, in the face of overwhelming obstacles, to bring you this astounding news scoop, which we guarantee no other paper will print, bar none.

Among the new books in the library is "Social Change and Social Problems" by James H. S. Bossard. This volume provides a comprehensive discussion of social problems, beginning with a fundamental problem and proceeding to the possible resulting social situations. It is an outstanding contribution to the literature of the social science, stimulating in concept, thoughtful in presentation, and scholarly in workmanship.

The fifteenth volume of the "Dictionary of American Biography" has been added to the collection of the library.

Another book which may be of special use to some is Egon V. Ull-mann’s "Diet in Sinus Infections and Colds." This books deals with the importance of the basic diet and the application of the diet. It gives a group of recipes which are a valuable aid to the patient carrying out the diet.

The Lecture Method,

Its Use and Abuse

In the January issue of the Junior College Journal, Mabel Belden and Walter Crosby Eells give a discussion and some quotations of prominent educators on the use and abuse of the lecture method.

The lecture, although the most method in college and university teaching today. The information im-parted by lectures is more easily forgotten, and the student has no chance for self-expression. The question is really not so much whether or not the lecture should be used, hut when and how.

The following are some of the quotations:

"Only the exceptional student gains much from a lecture."—H. J.


By College News Service

Pittsburgh.—Because he found that "wet" air transmits sound better than dry air. that pure oxygen absorbs sound rapidly and because he contributed much acoustical information of various oilier natures to science. Professor Vern Oliver Knudsen, chairman of the department of physics at the University of California at Los Angeles today had won the $1000 prize of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

His paper, entitled "The Absorption of Sound in Gases," assertedly contributed much to the advancement of the study of chemistry because, since sound waves travel through air by vibrating and rotat-

ing the molecules of the air, the waves can be used to learn about the behavior of the molecules of which both air and other gases are composed.


"Overindulgence in being lectured to is a primrose path to intellectual sloth, the more fatally deceitful be-cause it looks virtuous."—Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch.

"The lecture is useful for inspiration and demonstration, but not for information."—E. E. Slosson.

All library material should be returned at this time.

The library will be open the regular hours during exams and on Saturday. On registration days it will be open from 8:00 to 5:30.


Let me but do my work from day to day.

In field or forest, at the desk or loom.

In roaring market-place or tranquil

Let me but find it in my heart to

When vagrant wishes beckon me astray,

"This is my work: my blessing, not my doom;

Of all who live, I am the one by whom

This work can best be done in the right way.”

Then shall I see it not too great.

To suit my spirit and to prove my

Then shall I cheerful greet the laboring hours,

And cheerful turn, when the long shadows fall

At eventide, to play and love and

Because I know for me my work is best.

—Henry van Dyke.

some way and are only too glad to do so if we will give them a chance. I'm not going to mention any names. You find them. I have and it cer-tainly has been a relief to have someone share my problems. And another thing, I have found that there are some students on the campus with whom one can talk as readily as if it were their own—and perhaps it is.

Well—I am glad I overheard that conversation. I just want to pass it on and maybe it will make you think as it did me, that two can carry a load easier than one.



'“Tony" Meyers, elongated center of the McPherson College Bulldogs. Meyers has developed into an outstanding defensive player and is likewise always a dangerous scorer.



Bulldogs Lead Till Last Few

Minutes of Game—Pauls

Leads McPherson Scoring

McPherson Bulldogs lost an exciting game to the Kansas Wesleyan Coyotes on an overtime score of 34-35. The game, played in Memorial hall in Salina, Friday night provided much excitement for the spectators. The Bulldogs managed to keep a slight lead during most of the first half, the score being 12-11 in favor of the Bulldogs at the end. Within a short time after the second half opened the Coyotes had gained a six-point lead. This was overcome and a six-point lead gained for the Bulldogs before the half ended. With about two minutes to play a long field shot by Lobdeli and a couple by Watson evened the score. The game ended 29-29.

In the overtime period Herrold scored first with a goal for McPherson. It was followed quickly with one by Duerkson for Wesleyan. Watson and Duerkson both made free throws for Salina and Binford for McPherson, Lobdell made a fast break putting the Coyotes three points ahead. Pauls set the Bulldog rooters howling by putting through a long one-handed shot from the corner with only 15 seconds left to play.

Pauls of McPherson and Snyder of Wesleyan led the scoring with five field goals and three free-shots apiece. The game was played roughly, the Coyotes with 17 field goals, and the Bulldogs with 12. Johnston (Bulldog) and Bear and Snyder (Coyotes) went out on fouls. McPherson—34    FG    FT    P

Pauls, f ------ 5    3    0

Herrold, f ...... 4    2    3

Myer, c ..........................0    1    3

Johnston, g ..................0    l    4

Binford, g ....................0    4    1

Zuhars, g .....................0    1    1

Hapgood, g ..................0    0    0

Crabb, g .....................0    0    0

Mitchell, c ..................0    0    0

Totals    11    12    12

Wesleyan—35    FG    FT    P

Snyder, f ........ 5    3    4

Duerkson, f ..................3    3    3

Hight, c ....................0    0    2

Watson, g ....................3    1    2

Baer, g ....... 0     0    4

Lobdell, f ..................2    1    2

Bertles, g ........ 0    0    0

Geis, f ....................0    l    0

Totals . 13    9    17

Referee, Archer.


"Toots” Pauls, All-Kansas Conference forward, playing his last year on the McPherson College Bulldog basketball team this season. A clover floor man, a high scorer who is difficult to guard, and a splendid defensive player.


Tuesday morning at 5 o’clock part of the basketball squad finished a road trip that hud a bad beginning but a good ending. The first tragedy that set the trip off with a bang was the one point loss in an overtime period to Kansas Wesleyan Friday night. This was a hard game to lose. It had a bad mental and physical effect on the squad. The game was exceptionally rough and fast.

The squad stayed in Salina Friday night and there encountered the storm Saturday morning. Instead of traveling in cars as had been previously arranged they changed to a bus and motored the rest of the trip that way.

Their next stop was in Hays. They played the Hays State Teachers Saturday night losing the game by an eight point margin. The boys were so near worn out from the night be-fore that a poor grade of basketball

Sunday they continued their trip to Hastings, Nebr. They played Hastings Monday night, winning the game by 8 points. This shows what a little rest can do for a team on a road trip. Hastings had previously beaten Kansas Wesleyan. This still makes the dope in McPherson’s fa-

The squad will rest the remainder of the week and will complete their


The intramurals are going to stall this week on account of the exams, Manager Eddy says. He also states that there are a few teams who are outstanding over the others.

In the National League, the Blues lead with the Greens and Whites running a tie race for second place, while the Yellows are at the bottom of the league. In the American League the Greens lead, with the Yellows second, while the Whites are trailing at the end. Eddy predicts that there will be considerable changes in the next few days when some of these strong teams meet again.


It looked as though our little Tony hit his stride at Hays when he netted 14 points, although the rest of the team were off.

Old “Whitie” was doing his usual stuff when he got hot at Hastings and counted 12 points.

It is believed that the old "Swede” Jinx has changed to "Coyote" jinx.

Thr Bulldog rooters were right back of the team when they lost that nerve-breaking game with the Coyotes.

The Bulldogs enjoyed their trip up north, traveling like kings, in a bus with a radio to entertain the boys, etc. Maybe that had something to do with the score of the Hays game.

Some of the members of the basketball squad thought for a while that they might have to turn into Eskimos in order to endure the temperature.

The Bulldogs dropped a tough one to Kansas Wesleyan Friday night. It

was Wesleyan’s 1935 debut into conference competition and as a result of their victory they are tied with Ottawa for first place in the conference standing.

With a minute to go and the Bulldogs having a six point lead the McPherson five began to rest easy for the first time during the entire game. Then came some mighty fine shooting by the Wesleyan team. The long shots netted three baskets and the score was tied. Then the sound of the final gun with the score tied at 29 all.

During the play off period the Bulldogs had once chance from the foul line and made it good. Wesleyan made their two foul shots good. Each team made a field goal and the Canines went down to a one point

Ruth Smith, sister of Harriette Smith, and Ethel Root, sister of Neva Root, and Olan Nincehelser of Topeka, visited with friends at the College last week.