McPherson College, mcpherson, Kansas, Thursday, jan. 17, 1935
Leaders Include Dr. A. W. Palmer, Dr. R. H. Miller, and Dan West
Dr. Palmer Will Open Meeting With Sunday Morning Address
"Four Levels of Faith"
Complete announcement has been made recently of the program for the Central West Regional Confer-ence of the Church of the Brethren which is to be held at McPherson College from February 17-22. The five day program stresses ministerial problems, problems of Christian education, with special emphasis upon Young People's work, and addresses on topics of interest to those in the field of Christian education.
The leaders for this year’s conference are especially strong. Dr. A. W. Palmer, Dr. R. H. Miller, and Dan West are all well known in their fields. Dr. Palmer, president of the Chicago Theological Seminary, a graduate of the University of California and the Yale Divinity School, has held pastorates at Oakland, Cal., Honolulu, and Oak Park, Ill. Now president and professor of practical theology at Chicago Theological Sem-inary, he has a broad background of experience from travel in Europe, Palestine, and the Far East. He was engaged in Y. M. C. A. service in Siberia in 1919. Dr. Palmer is the author of several books among which are “The Human Side of Hawaii" and "Path to the Presence of God. " His experience as pastor and teacher of pastors prepares him to speak with effectiveness, and his broad training and experience will help him to speak understandingly to student and the general public. Dr. Palmer is one of the most outstanding men brought to the confer-
The Literary Digest and the Association of College Editors has instituted a peace poll in one hundred and fifty colleges of the United States in an effort to determine the sentiment of college students on sev-eral momentous questions of importance. Over 300, 000 ballots have been mailed out and returns are pouring back to be counted. The 300, 000 students to whom the ballots wore sent are well scattered over the entire United States. Kansas has only three colleges represented in the poll. They are the University of Kansas, Kansas State College, and College of Emporia.
Ministerial Committee Chooses
Minister to Fill Vacancy Left by Rev. Richards
An Enthusiastic Minister With Es-pecial Interest in Young Peoples' Work
Dr. Miller is Professor of Religion and Philosophy at Manchester College. He was a student in the College in which he now teaches and has taken his theological training in the Garett Biblical School and has taken work at the Divinity School of the University of Chicago. His pastorates from 1917 to 1929 include such cities as Los Angeles, LaVerne, Cal., and North Manchester, Indiana. He has traveled in Europe. Dr. Miller has written two books. "The Lord's Prayer" and recently "The Sermon on the Mount. " He is a man of unusual insight and is considered a forceful speaker.
Dan West is director of Young People's work of the Church of the Brethren. He has wide experience, having been called to camp during the war and having traveled widely here and abroad directing young people’s camps. He is considered one of the most successful leaders of young people's conferences available.
Music will be in charge of Prof. A. C. Voran, head of the music department of the College. He will also give an address, "Music in the Church. "
Final Tests To Be Given Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday of Next Week
The final examinations for the first semester will be held January 23, 24, 25. Each examination will be two hours in length, and the schedule is given as follows: Wednesday, January 23—
8: 00 10: 00
All 2 hr. 2: 30 classes All sections of English 10: 30-12: 30
All 3 hr 2: 30 classes 1: 30-3: 30
All 10: 30 3 hr. classes 3: 30-5: 30
All 2 hr. 10: 30 classes Thursday. January 24—
8: 00-10: 00
All 3 hr. 9: 00 o'clock classes 10: 30-12: 30
All 2 hr. 9: 00 o'clock classes 1: 30-3: 30
All 1: 30 classes 3: 30-5: 30
All 4: 30 classes Friday, January 25—
8: 00-9: 00
All 3 hr 11: 30 classes 10: 00-12: 30
All 8 o'clock classes 1: 30-3: 30
All 3: 30 classes 3: 30-5: 30
All 2 hr. 11: 30 classes Note: Four and five hour courses are examined at the same period as the three hour courses, and one hour courses at the same period as the two hour courses.
The Daily Illini, student newspaper of the University of Illinois, explains the purpose of the peace poll: "The survey is not being conducted to secure expert opinion on world affairs. It is being made to determine whether students think and what they do think. The primary purpose of the survey is to stimulate student opinion on a subject of real consideration today. "
(Page 2 contains an editorial on this subject. )
Groups Will Read “The Passing of the Third Floor Back” At Vesper Service
The dramatic art class under the instruction of Miss Della Lehman. will give a reading of Jerome K. Jerome's three-art play. "The Passing of the Third Floor Back” at the vesper service of the Congregational Church Sunday, January 20, at 5: 00 o'clock. No action is to be included: all of the interpretation is to be done by vocal and facial expression, with only the necessary explanations read by the interpreter. The production will last about an hour and a
The play is an interesting study of the effect of a pure soul and an exulted insight upon hearts given over to jealousy, pride, envy, greed, anger, ignorance, and vanity. In the prologue of the play, all of the dwellers in Mrs. Sharpe's boardinghouse are as disagreeable as possible. Then a new lodger, the Stranger, comes, and seems to expect the best of everyone. Gradually the whole
atmosphere changes, and in the epilogue the characters are a congenial group of people living together quite happily.
Bethel College was vicor in a five school tournament held at Bethany College, Lindsborg, last Saturday. This position was gained by winning six of their eight debates. McPherson and Bethany each won five of their ten debates, Wesleyan won two out of four and Kansas State two out of eight debates.
On Feb. 8 a varsity tournament is scheduled between Kansas Wesleyan, Bethany, and McPherson. Both men and women will participate in this meet.
Announcement has been made re-cently of the appointment of Ray E. Zook of Elkhart, Iowa, to the pastorship of the College Church, which was left vacant five months ago by the moving of Rev. H. F. Richards to Indiana. After long consideration of many candidates, the ministerial committee, with the assenting vote of the church, has called Rev. Zook to the local church. He will assume his duties as pastor with the beginning of the second semester, the last of this month.
Rev. Zook comes to McPherson highly recommended by the people of his previous pastorates. He is an enthusiastic minister who has an es-pecial interest in young people and young people's work. During the past year he has been lined up rather extensively with district and state B. Y. P. D. work in Iowa.
Others on this year's program who will either give speeches or lead conference groups are W. H. Yoder, D. C. Gnagy, F. A. Replogle, Ray Petry, Hylton Harmon, Robert Sink, C. E. Davis, V. F. Schwalm, J. J. Yoder. X. L. Coppock, Ray Zook. Earl Frantz. James Elrod. Paul Longen-ecker, and Herbert Ruthrauff.
The program for the opening day, Sunday, Feb. 17, will begin at 10: 45 o'clock with a sermon by Dr. Palmer on the "Four Levels of Faith. " A special program will be presented by the college Christian Endeavor Society at 6: 30 and the evening services again will be conducted by Dr. Palmer, who will speak on "The Inevitable God and the God We Choose. "
The number of college students in the United States has increased approximately 900 per cent since 1900. while the population of the country has increased only 63 per cent.
Friends of Gretta Wilma Griffis, a graduate of McPherson College with the Class of 1933, will be glad to learn of an honor that has been bestowed upon her recently. Miss Griffis was one of the two girls chosen from the Department of Education of the University of Chicago to the Pi Lambda Theta fraternity. The basis of membership in this honor society is scholarship and excellency in work. Miss Griffis was recom-, mended by members of the faculty for affiliation with the fraternity.
Miss Griffis received her A. B. degree in history in 1933, graduating with honors. Throughout her two years here, she maintained a high scholastic record.
An exchange of used textbooks for second semester courses will be conducted during the week of enrollment by the Y. M. and Y. W. Harriette Smith representing the Y. W., and Harold Mohler, of the Y. M.,
will have charge of the exchange.
A list of texts which will be available for second-hand use is being complied and will be posted on the bulletin board. Students who have books to sell are asked to bring them to the committee. The Y organizations sell the books for a commission of ten per cent.
The cast includes Joey Wright, a retired bookmaker, played by Archie Lindholm: Christopher Penny, a young painter, Galen Ogden; Major Tompkins, retired, Donald Brum-Suttle; Harry Larkom, his jackal, a wife, Marine Ring; Vivian, his daughter whom he is trying to marry to Joey Wright. Neva Root: Jane Samuels, a scheming Jew, Bernard Buttle; Harry Larkcom, his packal Paul Booz; Miss Kite, an old maid of forty who tries to appear eighteen, Jo Wagoner: Mrs. Percival do Hooley, who claims to be a cousin to Sir George Tweedle, Faithe Ketter-man; Stasia, the slavey, Modena Kauffman, Mrs. Sharpe, the landlady., Dorothy Matson: the Stranger, Donald Evans; and the interpreter. Mildred Gordon.
Virginia Yankee is the student director of the production.
Mcpherson youth council
Young People of Six Churches Are
United to Combat Undesirable Local Conditions
The organization of the McPherson Youth Council was almost completed at its meeting on last Monday evening. All but one of six churches which are united together in this youth movement have chosen their three representatives. Reports indicate that the election will be completed before the next meeting on February 4, so that the officers of the Council may be selected.
Further plans are being made to hold a mass meeting on February 4, so that the officers of the Council may be selected.
Further plans are being made to hold a mass meeting of the Youth of McPherson on February 11. This meeting will be called to submit a constitution which will be adopted or amended by the young people which it represents.
The policy of the organization is as yet undetermined. It is known, nowever, that it intends as a united group to combat those conditions in McPherson which are undesirable in the eyes of the group. Dean Rep-
Rev. Zook holds an A. B. degree and has had considerable theological training at Bethany Biblical Seminary at Chicago. He has been in the ministry for about ten years, his pre-vious pastorates having been Middle Indiana, where he served 2 years; Preston, Minn., where he served 5 years, and Elkhart, Iowa, where he has been for the last 3 years.
Mrs. Zook is also very active in the work of the church and Sunday school. In her college work and in more recent years she has specialized in children's work. As a director in this field she has had considerable experience.
The Chemistry Club was enter-tained with a free movie last Thursday at 4: 30 p. m. in the chemistry lecture room.
The two reels on "Drinking "Health" and two on "Bakelite" proved to be very interesting and educational.
There were about fifty chemistry students present. This was the last meeting for the first semester of the year '34-'35.
BOOZ ENTERTAINS CABINET Paul Booz entertained the members of the Y. M. C. A. cabinet at his home, 730 North Elm street, Saturday evening. Students who were present include David Metzger. David Duncanson, Vic Moorman, Elmer Staats, Harry Frantz, Galen Ogden, Kenneth Weaver, Paul Heckman, Willard Flaming and Harold Mohler. Dr. J. D. Bright, sponsor, was also present.
Friday, Jun. 18—Salina basketball game, there.
—Second floor dorm party, Saturday, Jan. 19 --- Y. M. and Y. W.
party. Y. W. room, 7: 30 p. m. Sunday, Jan. 20—College C. E.
meets. College Church, 6: 30 p. m Tuesday. Jan. 22—Regular Y. M-Y. W. meetings, 10 a. m.
—World Service Group meeting. Y. W. room, 7 p. m.
—Poetry Club, Y. W. Room, 3: 30 p. m.
The Y. M. and Y. W. met in a joint session yesterday morning at 10 a. m. in the Y. W. room. Mau-dene Sondergard played the processional, Curtin Frisbie, accompanied at the piano by Margaret Poister, sang "An Evening Prayer. ” The theme of the meeting was prayer. Leta Wine read and discussed a child's prayer: Theresa Strom based her remarks on a mother's prayer; "Recessional, " the prayer of a nation, was read by Margaret Oliver. Harriette Smith explained the Lord's Prayer, after which the group repeated this perfect prayer and benediction.
"To cooperate with other people; to help something better to become real, " is one of the reasons for living, according to Donald Evans, who spoke in a chapel program Friday morning given by the Junior class. "Is the pursuit of happiness a sufficient reason for living? How does one find the reason for living? " These questions were discussed by Mr. Evans.
Other members of the Junior Class who participated in the program were Dorothy Matson, who read "A Temple of Music, " a parable by Mary Kendall; and Margaret Pointer who presented a piano solo. "The Fauns, " by Chaminade.
Clarence Sink, president of the class, was chairman of the program. Chris Johansen had charge of the music.
A special program was given at
the Forensic Club meeting Monday night. The traditional debates were excluded. Mary Miller gave read-ing, after which Paul Turner played a saxophone solo. Faithe Ketterman gave
two dialect readings, followed by a violin solo by Franklin Hiebert. The program was concluded with a reading by Lehman.
There are two sides to every question—the wrong side and our side.
The Spectator
To these comments the well informed student of today will add his assurnance that the outcome of the poll is already a foregone conclusion. College students are definitely oft the side of peace today. A poll among several Kansas colleges last year indicated that approximately fifty per cent of the students in denominational colleges answered the first part of question number one in the negative. And unless college students can convince our governors that peace policies should be adopted the attitude at students will become increasingly radical in the future.
Solving the Unemployment Problem
Studying the chances ahead for youth in an uncertain world a college president, a dean, a business man, a psychiatrist, and the educational director of the C. C. C. camps recently held a group discussion under the sponsorship of the Child Study Association.
The group was generally agreed
Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas. Published every Thursday by the Student Council
Entered as second class matter November 20,1917, at the postoffice at McPherson Kansas, under the act of March 3,1897.
Kenneth Weaver Edna Reiste Ruth Hawbaker Russell Carpenter
Velma Watkins Barbara Petz John Freisen
Robert Booz
Donald Evans
Ernest Sweetland Wanda Hoover Arthur De Vor Glen Austin
Emma Schmidt Franklin Hiebert Woodrow Dannenburg
Maxine Ring _Richard Hendren_Gerald Caster
People get disgusted with you: give you a cold shoulder and walk away. Your friends won’t toll you either, ’’because they don’t know how to do it or because you haven't any. It's like a spot on your back, you can’t see it without a mirror, and few of us will go to the mirror of good sound thinking to see if we are hermits or not. One might spend two hours in some foolish diversion, but seldom spend two minutes to brush up our culture, dust out cobwebs, and give ourselves an active healthy mind.
PH, of R.
A philosophy of religion is some-
thing far more than just an unnecessary frill of the mind. The eminent psychologist C. G. Jung in his book "Modern Man in Search of a Soul” makes the following statement: "Among all my patients in the second half of life, that is to say, over thirty-five—there has not been one whose, problem in the last resort was not “that of finding a religions
lofty though they may be, can rise no higher than the minds of us who interpret them to the world.
We are here because this is a college where we can become more concentrated in our purpose of right thinking and Christian living.
The ideals of the college must of necessity be the ideals of us all. If there are a number of descenders who will not accept these ideals, then we cannot accomplish our purpose, which becomes shattered to bits and it would be far better that our college not even existed.
—A Student.
Subscription Rates For One School Year $1. 00
Editor-in-chief --------Maragaret Oliver
Assistant Editor.............. Elmer Staats
Make-up Editor ............ Donald Brumbaugh
News Editor ........ Vernon D. Michael
The Literary Digest Poll
Famed for its experiments with various polls throughout the past in
order to determine public sentiment on pertinent problems, the Literary Digest is offering the latest test on the opinions of college students on questions involving the peace of our country. Over three hundred thousand students will be asked to answer the following five questions:
1. Do you believe the United States could stay out of another great war?
a. If the borders of the United States were invaded, would you bear arms in defense of your country?
b. Would you bear arms for the United States in the invasion of the borders of another country?
2. Do you believe that a national policy of an American navy and air force second to none is a sound method of insuring us against being drawn into another great war?
3. Do you advocate government control of the armament and munitions industries?
4. In alignment of our historic procedure, in drafting man power in time of war, would you advocate the principle of universal conscription or all resources of capital and labor in
order to control all profits in time of war?
6. Should the United States enter the League of Nations?
Commenting on the response to the poll among colleges the Literary Digest states: "College newspapers have launched an editorial drive to insure large and representative returns. College editors have threshed out every question included on the ballot. Faculty members and undergraduate leaders have expressed opinions in articles and interviews in the drive to stimulate discussion on the poll.
"This is an effort to learn the extent of the sentiment in American colleges against jinglism, against war as an instrument of diplomacy, against arrogant nationalism. Long groping, wandering, warring "peace movements" have begun to seek crystallizations, direction.
"The anti-war sentiment in the United States has made the most headway in schools and colleges; it is a part of the growing evidence that the American college generation has begun to think more and more about current social and economic trends here and in the world at large."
Home of
Address All Correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas
Business Manager Robert Booz
Assistant Bus. Mgr. — Ernest Sweetland
Assistant Bus. Mgr. ...............Franklin Hiebert
Circulation Manager ... David Metzger
Assistant Circ. Mgr. ---- Harley Stump
face of disappointment.
"College education even under present conditions means something like a 50 per cent chance of finding a place in the world’s work, which is a great deal better than the non-college graduate has," according to Dean McConn of Lehigh University.
"For those young people who have the requisite intellectual capacities we can still say that college is good. A college course no longer virtually guarantees employment at graduation, as it once did: but it still greatly augments the chance of employment; and it appears also to en-hance the intellectual and moral capacities needed to carry on and find ways out in periods of unemploy-
College studnets have realized for some time that he cannot insure himself of a position by merely earning a college degree. Still too few, however, realize the other beneficial results derived from an education in our higher institutions, hence too few are making adequate preparation in college for these benefits which he can cope to acquire.
The Intellectual Hermit
In this day and age we find very few hermits who are actually living far off in the forests by themselves, or oven living in seclusion, totally in-dependent, in any place. As a history class recently expressed it, a hermit is a man who has no use for a newspaper, radio, automobile, telephone or door-bell. Did you ever know people who had no use for a door-bell? No use for it because no one ever came to see them, not even book-agents? All in all, a hermit is about as useful in our world today as a factory that manufactures buggy-whips.
Yet there are millions of hermits walking the streets at this moment in every large city, yes, and in small ones, too. They may have door-bells all right, to let you into their houses, but you could never get an idea into their head though you tried a can-opener or a sledge-hammer.
Hermits, people who know it all and go on their way rejoicing! Hermits, the individuals who accept conditions as they are without attempting to do a little improving! The danger of stagnation in thinking is far more serious than many body ailments about which one hurries to the doctor.
What should a girl do when an ex-boy friend rushes her? Now take the case of the pretty blonde from down town, for instance—four dates in 6 days is a lot, you know!
Have you heard about how high-toned Boyer is getting of late? You know, usually such people have the type of car in which the chauffeur rides up front, and the passenger behind. Well, Ogden’s "Sary” is just such a car—the driver sits up front and the passenger behind (because there’s no seat up in front). Now we are told that Boyer has borrowed Ogden’s car for a date—Boy what a
How do we account for the beer bottle sitting in Sink and Kauffman's window? And after that speech in chapel by Dr. Schwalm— Tsk, tsk.
A week from Friday night is the night of nights for the first semester—no matter how many points the lady friend has, you can keep her out till midnight or 1 o'clock if you wish and no penalty—you see, that’s the last night of the semester. We hear of plans for some wild parties that night.
We also hear that a certain young damsel whose name we do not deign to repent is deperately in love— with Bollinger's green sweater. Notice, we said the sweater.
Last Friday night as the basketball game we saw just lots and lots of cannon fodder for scandal columns. To be exact there were no less than 10 new dates—and oh what dates! There's no need of rehashing them because they've already been hashed up one end and down the other. You know who we mean. Now for instance there were a couple of librarians who seem to click pret-ty well both in and out of the library. And then there's the case of the preacher’s young son who keeps the young lady out so late that she gets 5 points. We hear he got tired
about the weather, so he
asked her if she minded . . .
Prize dumbjohn of the week— "Who’s on the college oxtette?" No kidding—this was actually asked of
What new forward on our basketball squad has recently taken up with a young Iowa co-erf?
What pious young lady is so good that it is rumored that she had to beg for demerits in order to be in the red with the rest of the girls?
that many of us as children connected with the word religion. It means accepting all the facts of life and correlating them in unity. It means looking at the entire universe with objectivity where objectivity is
needed, with subjectivity where subjectivity is needed, with a stable, sympathetic, intelligent understanding always. It means correlating the biological impulses and emotions with the intellectual possibilities in that fine and beautiful harmony which consummates the highest sort of life.
Advice to the Crammer
All previous advice to students not to cram before final exams have ing failed we take this opportunity to offer advice to that student engaged in “night before cramming":
1. Don't try to hit the high points of the year's course. Thorough cramming requires that the student know all the minute details of the course.
2. In the cramming process be certain to have plenty of classmates around you. Perhaps you have forgotten an idea.
3. You can add to your ability to express yourself by staying up nearly the whole night previous to the exam. To be able to relax from the strain is detrimental to the mental make-up.
4. After the test is over be certain to forget the fundamentals of the course, providing you have passed the exam.
Among the McPherson College students at the Swede game Tues-day night were Russell Carpenter, Pauline Abuhl, Franklin Hiebert
Laurene Schlatter, Ernest Sweet-land, and Glee Goughnour,
Mike Vasquez, Glenn Webb, Orval Eddy, Sam Stoner, and John Friesen attended the Swede-Bulldog game.
Lillian Peterson's parents from Hutchinson visited her in the dorm Sunday.
Dan Zook, Lawrence Moore, Low-ell Brubaker, Bernard Suttle, Ver-non Michael, David Heckman and Don Petry went to Lindsborg Tues-day night for the game.
Among college students, who went to Lindsborg for the game Tuesday, were Camilla Moore, Herbert Glover, Everett Brown, Bernice Keedy, and Gerald Coster.
Ruth Spillman has been at her home in Roxbury this week because of illness
John Dunn, Herbert Sperling, Paul Peterson, Harry Frantz, Robert Booz, and Herbert Lindell attended the game at Lindsborg Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Weddle, Neva Root, Estelle Baile, and Millicent Nordling were at Lindsborg for the Swede-Bulldog game.
Evelyn Glotfelty has moved from Arnold Hall to the Goforth resi-dence on South Fisher street.
Clayton Rock, Lucille Bowers, and Corrine Bowers attended the M. C.-Bethany game.
The faculty was represented at the Swede game by Prof. Fries. Prof. Dell, and Dr. Bright.
By College News Service
Professors at the University of Michigan recently instituted a fac-ulty-wide survey and compiled a list of 15 ways to keep students awake in class. Despite the time and effort involved in this survey, none of the methods outlined in the list are guaranteed to work under all circumstances.
Only one co-ed in 400 named matrimony as a possible post-grad unto goal, according to a survey made at Northwestern University. And in the case of the one exception, matrimony was her second choice, those in charge of the survey reported.
A survey of the senior class at Boston University, howeverm indicates that matrimony there finds favor as an undergraduate project, inasmuch as it was found that four of the six highest ranking seniors are married,
A survey—technically known as an "Inventory”—made of library books at Washington and Lee disclosed the fact that a book loaned to a student 23 years ago has been returned. The borrower’s identity was not established, so accumulated fines were not collected.
A survey of numerous athletic events at the University of Kansas resulted in an order requiring students to obtain identification photographs for presentation at the gate with their
official passbooks at all games and events.
Bessie Hawkins .............. Jan. 18
Lloyd Moehlman .......... Jan. 18
Erma Schrag ................ Jan. 18
Zelma Smith ................. Jan. 18
Russell Carpenter .......... Jan. 20
Alma Crist —............... Jan. 20
Two recent World Pence Founda-tion gifts are “The Verdict Of the League, Chinn and Japan in Man-churia: and “The Verdict of the League, Colombia and Peru at Leticia." These volumes provide the facts of the case in form of official records, with an interpretative study of the events and their historical background by an outstanding authority on international law and relations, Manley O. Hudson.
The "Congressional Directory” for the 74th Congress, First Session, beginning January 3, 1935, has been presented to the library by Arthur Capper.
The “Farm Chemurgle" by William Hale has been purchased by the library recently. In this book the author states that it is the rebirth of Agriculture that is destined to carry civilization to higher planes.
Among the recent books in the li-brary are several for the everyday needs of young people. Among these are "Normal Youth and Its Everyday Problems" by D. A. Thom, “Thinking About Marriage” by A. A. Burkhart. “Issues of Life” by H. N. Wieman, “Leaders and Leadership" by Bogardus, "Building Personality" by Melvin, "Principles of Guidance" by A. J. Jones, "How to Interview" by Bingham and Moore, and "Art of Conference" by Frank Walser. Two new books have been purchased for physical education department, Leonard and McKenzie's “History of Physical Education” and Williams and Brownell's "Administration of Health and Physical Education."
Other new books are "Food In Health and Disease” by K. M. Tho-
In Days of Old
To McPherson College Carnegie Library New Books Are Being Added Constantly
Ten Years Ago
Against hard competition in a local oratorical contest last night “Jack" Lehman with his oration. "The Modern Tragedy" won over Fay Bailey and John Whiteneck.
In preference to the cabinet plan for the Freshmen, the commission plan was adopted at the last regular cabinet meeting of the Y. M. C. A.
President D. W. Kurtz is this week attending a series of meeting in Chicago.
Permanent organization for the year was completed at a meeting of the W. A. A. last night when the constitution was adopted and officers elected.
The Bulldogs will open their b. b. season tomorrow night against the Chilocco Indians on the home court.
Five Years Ago
The Spectator has become a charter member of the National Scholastic Press Association, a national organization for the purpose of furthering the interests of all forms of collegiate and scholastic journalism.
Mr. Lyman Hoover, regional Y. M. Secretary, visited the campus Tuesday and Wednesday. He gave several messages which received much favorable comment.
Prof. Maurice A. Hess announced this morning that the local anti-tobacco oratorical contest would be held in chapel Wednesday evening, February 12th.
By Asap
Far Country,
January 10, 1935.
Mr. Asap,
McPherson College.
McPherson, Kansas.
Dear Asap:
It was with a great deal of interest I read your article in today's Spectator. For a long while we have been confronted with this great problem and we appreciate your earnest desire to be of assistance in this economic, social, and personal matter. The dire necessity of ob-taining relief upon the question is being felt by the entire student body.
There is but one criticism we would make with your efforts—we are still eating ole.
Very truly yours, Theo. Farr Farcri.
Jan. 10, 1935.
Dear Asap:
Why must you take so active a part in problems of a Far Country College? Why not consider the problems of our own campus. Do you think we like eating ole any more than they do? Please see what you can do for us.
Obligingly yours,
Will B. Olesick, Student.
(I can see the editor about it. Will that help?—Asap.
The United States has a higher proportion of college graduates than any other nation in the world. There is one for every 44 persons.
At the University of California at Los Angeles, four students were reinstated after having been expelled for “promoting radical activities" at Baltimore and anti-war meeting was thrown into a riot when one student charged that the meeting was spon-sord by Communists.
Dr. Estelle Cross, international correspondent for the London Times, said that lectures on free love superseded lessons in academic subjects at the University of California at Los Angeles.
No—that's not supposed to be funny—it really happened.
Along the same line is a summary of the apparently increased ill feeling between radicals and conservatives in colleges last fall, made by the Purdue Exponent, which says that one of the latest of these was the expelling of 21 students and the disciplining of sixteen others for demonstrations during a visit of a city college of New York City.
In a calmer mood, students and faculty members at Nassau College revealed their political faiths via questionnaire. Twelve per cent of radicals, while only 9 per cent of the seniors, 5 per cent of the freshmen, and 3 per cent of the juniors and sophomores thought themselves so.
Dress well, but don't appear well-dressed, say Royal A. Roberts, professor of marketing at the University of California, if you want to stand a good chance of landing a job after you get out of college.
He suggests that collegians learn to dress well in college, but to avoid that “Sunday suit" appearance.
Evening of Opera Enjoyed by Cosmos Members and Guests
The night was foggy and damp but
even the inclement weather was apparently no hindrance in the steady arrival of shiny black ?-sines, which "drew up to the curb by twos and threes yielding sabled and jewelled passengers to the attentive care of waiting footmen. A swishing parade up the long canopied "prom-enade," thick carpets, soft lights, and---an opera! No, no! an opera—
two operas.
Seldom are the women of McPher-
son privileged to enjoy the beauty and grandeur of the opera within the limits of their own email city. Last Tuesday evening, however, all
obstacles were overcome and more than
sixty women revelled in the oft
coveted atmosphere of tonal artistry and drama. Boxes were no object for everyone was permitted the hon-or of such reservations.
Under the able direction of the operatic manager, Miss
Gaffey, and members of the College Fine Arts department not only one but
two operas. "Rigoletto" by Ver-di, and "Madam Butterfly,” by Pu-cini were beautifully presented for the enjoyment of Cosmos members and their guests at the home of Mrs. F. A. Vaniman.
Miss Lois Gnagy reviewed briefly but clearly the intricate story of both operas and Miss Fern Lingen-felter played recorded - selections from each production. Miss Lois Wil-cox, added color to the presentation of "Rigoletto" by her vivacious vio-
lin interpretation of the beautiful
“La DOnna E Mobile." The Prelude to the second art of "Madam But-terfly” was feelingly played as a piano solo by Miss Jessie Brown, and
the touching solo, One Fair Day,"
from the same opera was sung by Miss Esther Dahlinger. Miss Dalli-nger sang in costume and was accompanied by Miss Lingenfelter.
Fellowship Meetings Concern vital problems
A series of three fellowship meetings
were inaugurated last Thursday
evening and are to be continued this
evening and next Thursday.
Dr. Ray C. Petry of the college spoke at the first meeting. His subject, "Home Building," will be continued in its different phases in the meetings to follow. Dean F. A. Rep-logle and Dean R. E. Mohler, re-spectively will give the addresses.
The meetings begin at 6:30 p. m.
The Spectator
ma, “Social Basis of Education by H. S. Tuttle, “Art of Play Produc-tion” by John Dolman, “Technique of Progressive Teaching" by Melvin, “Applied Anatomy and Kinesiology" by W. P. Bowen, Robert Young's "Analytical Bible Concor,”’ Helene Stokl's “Alle Fun!", and the “Standard Catalog for Public Libraries for 1934."
Adult Education Program Sponsored at Utica, N. Y.
According to the January 12, 1935 issue of the “School and Society," a series of ten lectures on social science is being given in Utica, New York, this winter before an adult audience by ten members of the faculty of Colgate University.
The scope of this Social Science Survey is a study of social change as shown in some of the more important economic, educational, political, and societal institutions in our modern social order.
Tickets are sold at nominal fees to defray expenses, and the number of attendants is limited to 130 so that after the lecture a general cussion can be carried on.
The little and, the tiny if.
The ardent ahs and ohs.
They haunt the lanes of poesy. The boulevards of prose.
Small primpers of the passages With very slender limbs—
And yet they make alliances With lordly paradigms.
—Nathalia Crane.
By College News Service
Columbia, S. C.—Robert Albert Lewis, 17-year-old newsboy of Co-lumbia first became interested in stars a few years ago when he read of life on other worlds in weird magazines.
He built himself a telescope out of odds and ends, and kept in his room where he could point it out at night and gaze at the heavens. From his savings he bought a star map and rented books on astronomy. But this fall a cherry free in his back yard
pushed its branches across the skies in front of Robert's window.
Robert walked home from his paper deliveries on the night of De-cember 20 and planned how he would enter the University of Virginia on a possible scholarship. He looked into the heavens and noticed a star between Vega and Beta Pra-conia he had never seen before. He rushed to his telescope, but the tree obscured his vision.
When, next evening, he identified it as a new star (Nova Herculis) and wrote a letter to the observatory it the University of Virginia, he found he was a day late. An astronomer in England had beat him to it.
The Thespian Club will present The Queen's Husband," in the community ball Monday night. This is one of the greatest dramatic productions ever attempted by the club.
Basketball is the present attraction for the members of the W. A. A. Practices will start next week and continue for four weeks with Maxine Ring as sports manager. Harold Johnston will referee the games.
Even great men like the President are forced to stay at home because of a cold. Congress was forced to wait for a presidential message be-cause Roosevelt had a head cold. From now on the head cold will probably be a major illness giving students a plausible excuse to remain home instead of attending classes.
What new librarian has a new second-hand car?
Man is the only animal not knowing why a chicken crosses the road who can tell you why God created the universe.
The Spectator
Defeat Handed M. C. by Coyotes Last Year Hoped To Be Avenged in Tilt at Salina.
Who doesn't remember that the Bulldogs of McPherson College tied for the Kansas Conference championship of last year? According to the this year's Conference basketball schedule, the Bulldogs are slated to tangle with the very cause of that tie of last year when they meet the strong Kansas Wesleyan Coyotes at Salina tomorrow evening.
With the memory of that one-point defeat of last year handed to the Bulldogs by the Wesleyan five, the Canine quintet is ready to battle to avenge the humiliation of last
The Coyotes from all reports have a very formidable aggregation and are still among the undefeated teams in the Conference: however, they haven't been called on to show their strength in the conference circuit as yet.
Coach Mackie lost some of last year's veteran team, including Mortimer, all-conference guard, while the Bulldogs have a veteran team ready to put on the court.
The game promises to be a battle, but if no unforseen dangers appear, the Bulldogs seem to be favored for victory.
Binford and Herrold Play Good Offensive Game for M. C. Squad
The Bulldogs tucked their first conference game under their belts by downing C. of E. with a score of 32 to 21. The Canines proved too much for the Emporians throughout the game. The score was lop-sided but it was a thrilling game. In the first eight minutes of the game the score was tied 6-6. But from then on the Canines took the lead and never gave it up, with Pauls and Herrold leading the scoring for the Bulldogs. The gun ended the half with the score 15-7.
The second half the Bulldogs kept their same old stride, and when the gun finished the game the score was 32-21. Captain Pauls led the scoring for the Canines with 13 points while Klauman led C. of E. with 3 baskets. Binford and Herrold played a good offensive game for the Bulldogs, while Lee and Rock were outstanding players for C. of E. Every man on the squad was used by Coach Binford.
Local Quintet Leads Bethany Throughout Game to Win By a 37-16 Margin
A 37 to 16 victory over the "Terrible Swedes” by the Bulldogs Tuesday evening at Lindsborg gave M. C. another conference game to her credit. The game was palyed largely on the Swedes half of the court. The Canine quintet scored first and maintained an ever-increasing lead throughout the game. The score stood 18 to 4 at the half, Coach Binford started substituting, using in all, fourteen men in the game. The opponents added 12 points to their score in the second half.
"Tony” Meyer, the Bulldog center, tallied the greatest score for M. C. by dropping in five field goals and one free throw. Lemon, Bethany guard, was high point man for his team with one field goal and four free shots.
All but three of the 37 points made by the Bulldogs were scored by the starting lineup. Mitchell was the only substitute to score, having one field goal and one free shot to his credit.
The lineup for the game was: McPherson—37 FG FT F
Pauls r ,.....—........... 2 2 4
Meyor c........................ 5 1 2
Johnson g................ 2 3 1
Binford g ............ 0 1 1
Zuhars g . ...............0 0 1
Mitchell g......................1 1 1
Haun f .........—.............. 0 0 0
Stratman g ...............0 0 0
Kauffman g ...........— 0 0 0
Renecker g.................. 0 0 1
Swanson t.................... 0 0 3
Hammer c .........................1 1 3
Lemon g ......................1 4 4
Dicker g......................---------1 0 0
Malmgren f .............. 0 0 4
Totals ...................: 5 6 20
Official: Ream, Waaht^irn.
The oldest university in South America Is the University of San Marcos, in Lima, Peru, founded in 1551.
By College News Service
New York. — Professor George Pierce Baker of the Yale University Drama School, who perhaps has started more playwrights on the road to success than any other man, was dead this week at the age of 68.
Professor Baker made revolutionary changes and contributions to modern drama yet never was seen over the footlights or in the marquise.
The work that made him famous the world over was the trading of budding playwrights and producers who registered as his students for "English 47" at Harvard University or "Drama 47" at Yale University.
From his "47" showshops came:
Eugene O'Neill, three times winner of the Pulitzer prize in drama, author of "Emperor Jones,” "Strange Interlude" and "Mourning Becomes Electra."
Sidney Howard, whose "They Know What They Wanted”, won the Pulitzer prize in 1925.
Walter Pritchard Eaton, playwright and critic, who succeeded Proffesor Baker as teacher of "Drama 47” at Yale.
Lee Simonson, scenic designer and director for the Theater Guild, and Robert Edmund Jones, who designed the costumes and sets for O'Neill's "Mourning Becomes Electra."
Professor Baker's touchings were based on an idea that drama could be taught in classes and should be taught through practical work in mechanics of the stage.
He became director of the "47" workshop at Harvard, assistant professor of English in 1895, and full professor in 1905. After 36 years as a member of the Harvard faculty, he went to Yale in 1925 as chairman of the department of drama and director of the new Yale University Theater. There he taught until his retirement on July 1, 1933.
The Bulldogs' seconds were defeated in a thrilling game, Saturday night, when Sterling College nosed out ahead by a single point, in the last minute of the game. It was the night off for the Canines for they couldn't get going. Every player was used with the exception of the first five. Kauffman and Crabb were the outstanding players for the Canines.
Orval Eddy has recently been appointed by Coach Binford as head manager of the intramurals. He is to be in charge of the intramural tournament which is now going on. Eddy, a prominent member of the Senior clnss who is taking a major in physical education, promises to make the intramurals interesting for those who are interested in them.
The Bulldogs won their Kansas Conference curtain raiser from the strong C. of E. team by a healthy margin. C. of E. is considered as one of the strongest teams in the loop and Is listed among the favorites for championship contenders.
Not once during the entire game Friday night was the C. of E. aggregation in the load. A couple of timed during the first half the score was tied, but the Canines held a comfortable lead throughout the second half.
"Whitie” Pauls led the scoring and was playing his usual stellar brand of ball. "Tony" Myer looked exceptionally good and easily controlled the tip. Joyce Herrold played a good floor game, but was unable to score as he had in previous games. The various guard combinations, used by Coach Binford, were all good but as yet they have not shown the polish that has been exhibited in the forward line.
The C. of E. boys were full of admiration for the Bulldog machine after the game. One Junior member of their quintet said that it was the best team that he had ever played against.
And Tuesday evening the Bulldogs took the measure of the Swedes at Lindsborg. Not once was the Viking squad in the load. After the first few minutes of play there was no doubt as to the outcome of the game.
Fourteen fellows were used by Coach Binford in the Swede game. The third string held their own with the opponents.
The Bulldogs are now leading the conference race. If they can hurdle Wesleyan Friday night, the team will be well on the road to championship.
Coach A. B. Mackie of Kansas Wesleyan is a loyal supporter of the Bulldogs. At least, he's been pres-
ent at the last two games. Perhaps the Bulldog-Kansas Wesleyan game at Salina tomorrow night has something to do with Mackie's sudden, intense interest in the team.
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Doty and Junior left last evening for Idaho, where they will visit Mr. Doty’s father, who is critically ill. A telegram was received last evening and arrangements were made for them to leave immediately.
Shakespeare couldn't wade through his own style today any more than we can, if he had to digest all those footnotes, glossaries, and prefaces.