The Spectator

Vol. XVIII___MMcherson college, McPherson, Kansas, Thursday, dec. 20,1934    number 14

A Challenging Greeting for Christmas

Triteness is the bugaboo of many basically fine spiritual values. Obviously those values seldom are openly called “common” but actions of those who support the customary values too often shout the feeling whether admittedly or not. And so it is with our Christmas season and spirit.

Most certainly everyone will have an interesting vacation, even though their concept of the interesting be limited to and by cranberry sauce and dreasing-stuffed fowls. Others will find their interest supplemented by a somewhat higher conception of values. They will revel in the return to old familiar scenes. They will find a hearty welcome by parents and friends. Their activities will become a succession of rejoin-ings with old cronies, past and present girl friends, and other local satellites.

But few are those who will find, in addition, something of the peace and restfulness of spirit. Few will take a long tramp for the good of cither body or soul. Few will welcome the potentials of Christmas and grasp the inspired realization that all of the season’s activity is linked to the star of Bethlehem. The values radiating from that star could shed a gleam on every individual were they to rest momentarily from a vacation swirling with activity.

You few who do reach out beyond the commonplace may again congratulate yourselves on your superior nature, thank God for it, and cast a tear for the earth bound majority.

This challenging greeting is supplemented by our wish that each may find a joyous Christmas and a New Year full of happiness.


The Spectator

Official student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas. Published every Thursday by the Student Council



Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917, at the postoffice at McPherson, Kansas, under the act of March 3, 1897.

Subscription Rates For    Ad«ln*M All Correspondence to

One School Year    THE SPECTATOR


Business Manager ...........Robert Booz

Assistant Bus. Mgr.....Ernest Sweetland

Assistant Bus. Mgr.    ----- Franklin Hiebert

Circulation Manager ....... David Metzger

Assistant Circ. Mgr .........— Harley Stump

carried on a strictly parliamentary plan.

Cynical Yale students, not heeding the beneficial influence of its model expressed the opinion that “those hundreds of Yale men who revel in scheming, in 'packing', in every crooked practice known to the country boss, will have a paradise especially made for them.”

One cannot deny the statement of the Yale paper that many students revel in all kinds of scheming. However permitting this statement to stand undiscounted the formation of this club indicates one thing—that college students are becoming vitally concerned over the administration of the public affairs of this country. If Yale students can provide real leadership by this means they will have filled a long standing need in American education.


Kenneth Weaver    Elna Reiste    Ruth Hawbaker    Paul Booz

Iva Walker    Kurtis Naylor    Donald Evans    Paul Booz

Mike Vasquez    Dorothy Matson    Orval Eddy ^    Agnes Dean

Taking Things Seriously

There is existent in the world of today a typo of individual who seems to take life as one great, gay, laughable affair. Part of them do so because they approach the condition of the giggling moron, and others only

fense for their hidden feelings. There is a rational group however which has found inescapable the fact that there are some things in the world which call for a serious attitude. Nor do such attitudes find limits in the petty maladjustments of the individuals themselves. "There have been our philosophers who have felt that we humans are incurably selfish creatures, and that our life is short, nasty, and brutish."

An expansive knowledge of things serious can only cause us to reaffirm with H. A. Overstreet that "The best answer to these misanthropes is to he found in these voluntary associations that take upon themselves the responsibility for making the life of all of us more nearly what a decent human existence should be. To take part in the work of such associations is to join in a stimulating a fellowship of interest and enthusiasm as can be found world too largely given over to the exclusive absorptions of self interest.

"We have to take somethings seriously, if we are to gain for ourselves the right to take many things gaily.”

But can they extinguish it? Never! The spark of true, unadulterated, abundant life has lived through un-counted eras of persecution, darkness misrepresentations and heed-lessness, and that continues to exist.

We are told that quite lately a young Freshman coed went down to the express office, thinking she was at the depot, to ask the fare to her home in Iowa. Said the expressman, "How many pounds? About-100?” "No," replied the fair damsel. "Better make it 200. I might want to take some baggage.''

What two famous young ladies set their alarms for 8:30 Monday morning, and then overslept till a quarter of twelve?

Velma—Did you know that the art department has traded names?

Bob—No! What is it called now.

While Glessner was working at the Little Kastle last week, he couldn't have any dates. Wonder if that’s why he quit his job?


Lowell Haldeman and Gerald Denny spent the week end at homo in Hope.

Robert Stratman was in Geneseo Friday and Sunday.

Russell Carpenter and Pauline Abuhl took a trip to Tampa Sunday evening.

Ten members of the basketball squad will remain in McPherson over the holidays for practice.

Guy Hayes and Lois Lackey visit- ed friends on the campus Sunday.

The marriage of Harold "Berries" Crist and Alma Rodabaugh will take place Sunday, December 23, 1914, at 12:00 o'clock in the College Church of the Brethren. Students of Mc-Pherson College are cordially in-vited.

Georgia Taylor is spending Christmas vacation at her home in Glasgow, Montana.

The Cosmos Club had a Christmas party Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. V. F. Schwalm. Christmas presents were exchanged.


A special program was given at chapel Wednesday morning by the orchestra and Miss Lehman's Ger-man class. Loyal Miles sang and readings were given by Neva Root, Donald Evans, and Mary Miller. Menno Richert sang a German song and the German class sang “Silent Night" in German.

Sam Writes Santa Claus

Last summer Betty Schwalm was visiting in Indiana at Sam Stoner's home. While there she discovered the following letter, perhaps Sam’s earliest effort in expressing his desires in a written form. This is an actual and accurate reproduction of the earliest of Sam's letters:

Ladoga, Indiana.

Dear Santa:

I want a train what backs, automobile, drum, bear what shakes its head, flag, boy doll, ball, water tower, story book, traction engine and a lot of things, Be sure to come and see Samuel Alexander Studebaker Stoner.

Edna Reiste, Margaret, Lucille, and Merle Messamer left early this morning for their homes in Iowa. Mr. O. E. Messamer, Margaret and Merle's father, came to McPherson

Samuel Stoner will spend Christmas vacation at his home in Ladoga. Ind.

Faye Sandy is visiting relatives in Missouri over the holidays.

Donald Petry will leave Saturday to spend Christmas at his home in Surrey, N. Dakota.

Donald Brumbaugh left Tuesday for his home in Fruita, Colo.

Vernon Michael will be a guest in the home of Naomi Witmore, '31, at Rich Hill, Mo., over the holidays.

Leola Mohler, Florence De Coursey, Glen and Paul Turner have gone to their homes in Idaho for Chirst-

Raymond Lichty left Wednesday morning to hitch-hike to his home in Cedar Rapids, Ia.

The two older daughters, Myra and Mabel, were played by Dorothy Webb and Virginia Lewis. Archie Lindholm, playing the part of a detective, and Harold Hartzel, playing the part of a deaf old parson, clarify the situation respectively by proving the boyhood sweetheart to be a swindler and by marrying the young couple.

The highlight of the whole play was the friend, Sam Green, who stopped in to warm up and partake of a bit of cider with Cyrus. This role was carried by Arthur Williams. His witty and caustic observations on married life and the "parson" offered special bits of comedy throughout, however the entire play was exceptionally well presented. Properties were near perfection for the setting of a small town homo surrounded by poverty, and the cast an a whole seemed well chosen for the parts given them.

Everybody is wondering what Bobble "Cotton" Stratman has up his sleeve. Somebody ask him about "Please."

EDITORIAL STAFF News Editor    Vernon D. Michael

A Great Institution

There is much to be said for our scheme of Christmas, as it has been developed, because it multiplies and intensifies the activities of a com-munity during the weeks before the

The happy community is always the busy community and that is just as true in times of uncertainty like these as in times when everything in functioning normally. Pre-Christmas activity this year is, indeed, more beneficient than usual because it concentrates the community nilnd upon something specific to do at a time when the specifics are all too few. That specific thing to do does not, fortunately concern, self. Most folks have been worrying about themselves too much. The all-perva-sive spirit of Christmas concerns others. In their shopping excursions, their charitable enterprises, their planning of family reunions either here or elsewhere—in their general preparatory milling about with a focal point on Christmas Day people have more selfless minds and therefore happier minds than in many a month.

It is a great institution—Christmas—as America has evolved it. The proof of it is in the better spirit that always rules in this land at this season.—Wichita Eagle.

Mexico Turns New Leaf

Mexico has awakened from his age-old dormancy to follow a new and unchartered course with youth at the helm. The president of the Republic is 39 years old, and he brings to office a new set of ideas and a six-year plan that, he hopes, will transform a nation.

An interview that President Car-dinas held with an American utilizer is repeated in the New York Times Magazine, December 16, 1914. The first four questions asked of the young president deal directly with the possible dangers to foreign capital investments, and the questions the interviewer regards as uppermost in the minds of his American readers. Who has expected to see such an open admission as this? This newshawk, trained to perceive

the interests of his readers, quite justifiably considers the first interests of the American people to he In the direction of their capital investments. If these are safe, then they are quite willing for Mexico to en-tertain herself with harmless revolutions and revolts. Why can't the foreign investors keep their miserly hands off of Mexico? When there is a tiny spark of life and hope somewhere in the world, why must the gold plated capitalists rush with their interest in gilt-edged securities to extinguish this spark lest it grow and consume them? The light of life always destroys the filth and contamination of darkness. The warmth of life always melts the artificial, wax models of happiness that human beings worship. The fears of the capitalist-investors are well founded.

Yale Founds a Political Union

The Oxford Union, famous English student political club, found its first prototype in academic America a few days ago with the founding of the


This week Dame Rumor is acting as post office intermdiary for all letters to Sandy Claus from college students. We hereby take the privilege of showing you some of the best of these opistles.

Dear Santa:

Please bring me a little bit of ambition so that I can study a little bit. I'm afraid that if you don't I shall flunk calculus, as well as several other courses.

Dear Santa:

All I ask is that you do the small favor of paying for my Time magazine in government class. I never will get around to it myself, so please help me out, dear Santa.

Bob Booz.

Dear Santa:

Please send me a course of instructions on "How to Propose to a Girl on a Moment's Notice." Then if I am asked to demonstrate this flue art at a chemistry party in the future I can do so with polish and finesse and not have to stammer.

Dave Metzger.

Dear Santa:

Please send me a private country-park where I can carry on my side-ing in peace.


Dear Santa:

All I want is one registered letter from Argonia each week.

Ralph Sweetland.

Dear Santa:

Please bring me a new bumblebee. My old one has flown away.

Ernie Sweetland.

Dear Santa:

Please bring me some repairs for Betsy Ann. She's got pneumonia and

ingrown toenails and I hate so to see her suffer.

Franklin Hiebert.

Dear Santa:

Please pad all the book racks in the chapel so the song books won't make so much noise.

Dr. Schwalm.

Dear Santa:

I hope you have a nice suite or furniture all picked out for us. We'll need it soon. Also a diamond if it's convenient.

Chet and Esther.

Dear Santa:

Please bring all my boy friends nice presents.

Glee Goughnour

Dear Santa:

Please bring me a new jack to use when I have to start Sarah on cold mornings.

Galen Ogden.

Dear Santa:

Please bring me a new score board, especially for use on debate trips.

Amos Miller.

Dear Santa:

I should like to have a baton to use in leading boys' glee club.

Lamar Bollinger.

Bob Booz says he wants some publicity. We don't know why he wants such, but he's sure gonna get it. It's lately been rumored that he got rest-less in journalism class while Miss Gill’s back was turned, and climbed out of the window to the fire escape. Just as he got to the bottom of the stairs who should come sailing along but Dr. Schwalm, who wanted to know the reason for such activities. Which is why Bob went scampering back up the staircase to journalism class.

Last Sun. nite Sam and Alice decided they would like to hear some pipe organ music. Soooooo they go hopefully down to the Presbyterian church—expecting to hear a program of Xmas music. When they got there, they were much surprised to find that ushers were conducting everybody to their seats. So they go in and listen to the music, all the time wondering why it was so inappropriate for Xmas music.

Now for our climax—presently, to their chagrin, our friends discover





"Broken Dishes," a three net comedy directed by Mr. C. E. Oelrich, was presented Wednesday, Dec. 12. at the city auditorium by the Crossroad Playmakers. The play takes place on a winter evening in the Bumpsted home in a small mid-western town. The story chiefly concerned a henpecked husband, Cyrus Rumpsted, played by Charles White, his domineering wife. Jenny, played by Ruth Mills, and their daughter Elaine, played by Beth Leonard. In her overbearing manner Jenny had cowed her husband, kept her two older daughters from marrying, and was trying desperately to keep her third daughter, Elaine, from marrying "a common grocery boy."

During Jenny's absence with the two spinster daughters at the show one evening, Cyrus forgets to wash the dishes, gets drunk on hard cider, blandly smoke his cigar in the dining room in fiance of—his wife's order, entertains a friend, and permits his daughter to marry the "grocer boy," who was played by Verio Ohmart. Meanwhile an old sweetheart of Jenny's, played by Alvin Gaeddert, makes his appearance, and just at this moment the feminine part of the family returns from the show. Of course there is a terrible rumpus, and the upshot of it all is that Chester Armstrong, the old flume of whom Jenny has constantly been harping, turns out to be nothing but a common crook. As a result Cyrus recovers his overshad-owed personality, the young married couple leave happily, and Jenny reverses the subservient role formerly held by Cyrus.


Progress of American Music Will Be Theme of Third Lyceum Number

“A Century of Progress in Music" will be presented Jan. 9 as the third number of the local lyceum.

A revue starring Lucille Elmore will present truly American music ranging from the time of the "Boston Tea Party” down to the present day.

The outstanding periods of song

history of this country will be presented, including the songs Washington sang, those of the "Forty Niners” of the old South, and of the “Gay Nineties."

Miss Elmore is the musical comedy star of such well known Broadway shows as "Stepping Stones." She has appeared in New York with Fred Stone, and also with the White Sisters of motion picture fame. She is a "vest pocket" comedian, less than five feet tall.

This program promises to be one of the best to be offered in this year's lyceum circuit.

Students Visit State Institution

The excursion of the Genetics Department, under the direction of Dean Mohler, proved to be interesting as well as educational. Members of the party spent the forenoon on the campus of Southwestern College and the afternoon at the state home for the feeble minded.

Among the impressions formed were those derived from such startling facts as the following:

Causes of feebleness and idiocy include heredity, syphilis, injury at birth, and alcohol.

Among the 1000 in the institution, there are only about 50 who have intelligence enough to learn. These are in school grades from one to five.

Some of the inmates have been there as long as has been, the institution itself—some fifty odd

Mentality ranges from idiocy to subnormality.

About 75 to 80 per cent are physically deformed as well as mentally deficient.

A few cases are nationally

Some are from reputable homes.

Three hundred are spoon-fed.

As to the administration in these institutions—

The inmates are divided into small groups according to sex and approximate mental age with a matron or supervisor over each.

The main attempt is to keep the inmates occupied. They are given blocks, tops, and toys with which to play.

The average cost of a meal is 11 cents.

The daily cost of the institution is $500.

Individual cost is $360 per year.

In Days of Old

Five Years Ago

Dr. V. F. Schwalm and Dr. J. J. Yoder returned yesterday from a visit to Bethel College, Newton, Friends University, Wichita, and Southwestern College, Winfield, where they had been making a study of the different problems of finance and administration.

A covenant for the purpose of standardizing student activities and organizations was submitted and approved at the weekly meeting of the faculty find college management. The covenant will go into effect immediately.

An extensive program of debates and oratorical contests has been announced by Prof. Maurice A. Hess, debate coach. Two state contests in oratory will be held in McPherson this year, one at Central College and one at McPherson College.

An alumni directory has been pub-lished by the alumni of McPherson College. The directory contains the names, addresses, and occupations of all the alumni of the college. Miss Edith McGaffey compiled and edited the directory.

The Bulldogs lost their first basketball games of the season to the Phillips University of Enid, Okla., by a score of 26 to 18.

Ten Years Ago

Charles F. Horner, head of the Horner Institute in Kansas City, gave the third number of the lyceum course Thursday night. Mr. Horner spoke on “Has America Failed?”

The student council and the faculty have adopted a report, submitted by a joint committee from these two bodies, seeking to conserve time for students of McPherson College by the regulation of students activities.

The mid-year festival, consisting of group games, tumbling acts, a Santa Claus drill, and the presentation of gifts, was held last Friday evening by the physical training de-partment.

President D. W. Kurtz will deliver his annual lecture Thursday evening in the College Chapel. President Kurtz, will speak on "The Philosophy of Human Progress."

The Bulldogs will officially open their 1925 basketball season when they meet Chilocco on the home court, Jan. 8.


The Y. W. C. A. cabinet of the College enjoyed a number party at the R. E. Mohler home last Saturday night. The home was artistically dec-orated in keeping with the Christmas season. A profusion of pine and holly was used throughout the rooms, with the Christmas tree as an especially attractive feature.

Gathering about 8 o'clock, the girls spent the time in making candy,

popping corn, playing games, and singing. In the morning, a delicious breakfast was served by Mrs. Mohler, assisted by her daughter, Elizabeth, The table was decorated to further the Yule motif. Those accepting the hospitality of the Mohler home were Elizabeth Wagoner, Mary Miller, Ruth Tice, Maxine King, Leone Shirk, Margaret Pointer, Velma Keller, Margaret Oliver, Alma Roda-baughm Faithe Ketterman, and Martha Harsh.


Fifteen children were present at the Christmas party, given by the Y. W. C. A. Thursday evening at 4: 30. The Y room was decorated in red and green. Gifts for the children were placed under the Christmas tree. Each child received a practical gift as well as some toy or game.


Dr. J. D. Bright spoke in chapel Monday morning concerning the great German Martin Luther, and his works. Preceding Dr. Bright's talk.

"A Mighty Fortress Is Our God," the words of which Luther wrote, was


By invitation, Miss Lola Wilcox last Sunday afternoon, played first violin in the orchestra used in the presentation of "The Messiah" at Kansas Wesleyan college at Salina.


The A Cappella choir of McPherson College, under the direction of Prof. Alvin C. Voran, has been practicing for the last few weeks in preparation for a winter season of activity. The members this year number 40, a membership larger than

The first public appearance here of the choir probably will be in the first part of February; however, no definite date has yet been announced. It is believed that shortly after the holiday season more complete ar-rangements will he made. The concert will be held at the City Auditorium.

Several out of the city dates are in the making. The only one that is definite is January 10, on which date the A Cappella choir will present a concert at Chase.


Students from McPherson College presented a program before a joint meeting of the Bethany student organizations Thursday morning as a part of an exchange program which had been arranged previously. The Bethany organizations gave a program in McPherson several weeks ago.

Numbers on the program consisted of a rending by Neva Root entitled, “The Desert of Waiting," a talk by Elmer Staats on "How Radical Should College Students Be?" and three numbers by the College male octette. The octette is composed of Ernest Sweetland, Warren Need. John Moore, Loyal Miles, Chris Johansen, Oliver Andrews, Raymond Lichty and Herbert Ikenberry.

Dr. J. D. Bright, Paul Booz, and Velma Keller were also present at the meeting.


Wednesday, Jan. 2—Vacation ends. Friday. Jan. 4—All school social. Sunday. Jan. 6—C. E. meeting. Col-lege Church, 6:30 p. m.

Tuesday. Jan. 8—Regular Y. M. and Y. W. meetings, 10 a. m.

Mr. Claus Receives Communication from M. C.

Dear Mr. Santa Claus:

We have all been such good boys

and girls this year. We've been going to chapel on time (when we go), and of course sitting in out regularly-assigned places. Then, too, we’ve had our lessons every day (Tsk— tsk- -How cynical! ) Another fact that we've been angelic is that we've been washing behind our ears and brushing our teeth. So aren't we a deserving lot?

You might bring us a lot of nice basketball victories tied up with red and white ribbon. Really we would appreciate these and we do deserve them!

You remember Velma, don't you? Well, she wants a black scottie. Now, not a real dog—just an imitation one to park on her dresser, you know!

Then you might bring Sam "a train what backs or a boy doll" in

case his childish desires for these items weren't sufficed.

Santa Claus, lots of the gals on this campus would like a boy friend. Some want blond-curly headed ones and some even want back slick -haired ones. But, listen, Santy, you needn't bring either of the Bean sit-ters a. b. f. because they both have 'em. Try to he a bit discriminating and bring the mules only to those who want them. C?

You might bring Dr. Petry a dictionary. Don't you know he's the prof with the limited vocabulary? Now, I thought you’d remember him. Maybe he won't he happy for this gift and then perhaps be will be able to give us some more of his witty chapel addresses.

Oh, yes, and how about sending Bob Booz someone to go to class for hint? And Jessie Miller does need a now box of "beaus."

"Tony" Myers wouldn't mind a nice short girl friend either. You know, Santa, contrast is the spice in every pudding.

And last but most important don't forget the Spec staff. You know you don’t like to have your little cherubs sitting up 'till the wee small hours of the dewey dawn— Or do you?

Anyway, do come see us—We’re

Much Love,

An M. C. Believer.

P. S. A Merry Christmas to You. Mrs. Claus, and all the little Claus'.


Sixteen people were present Friday afternoon at the first meeting of the organization of a poetry club. The club is for the benefit of those people who are interested in writing, studying and interpreting poetry. The instigators of the organization are Margaret Mattox, Miss Della Lehman, and Miss Edith McGaffey. A temporary chairman, Miss Mattox, was elected and plans were laid for a meeting to held the Friday following Christmas vacation. In the near future the club hopes to form a permanent organization.


Students of the art department celebrated the Christmas season yesterday afternoon in the art room with a pot-luck supper, and the exchange of gifts. Chet Colwell played the part of Santa Claus by distributing the gifts.


A Joint Christmas program, sponsored by all the religious organizations on the campus, was given Tuesday morning in place of the regular Y meetings. Quiet hidden music, in the Christmas spirit, was played at the opening of the program. Then Miss Lehman gave the familiar reading, "Why the Chimes Rang." This was followed by several Christmas carols, sung behind the curtains by a mixed chorus. The final number on the program was a tableau representing Mary and the Christ Child, accompanied by soft hidden music.


In a fierce scrimmage on the basketball court Tuesday evening, Coach Melvin Binford in running into Rob Stratman, received a painful injury.


An analysis of seventeen samples of water wus made by advanced students of the chemistry department for Johnson, Rhoades & Lehmberg Company, attorneys, as a part of a legal investigation. The samples were taken from oil pools, creeks, small streams, school wells, and farm wells throughout the oil section of McPherson county. Under the supervision of Dr. Hershey, Galen Gless-ner and Arthur DeVor tested the samples for the total percent of salts and the composition of the salts. The college chemistry department, is frequently called upon to make detailed analyses such as this one.


Y. W. C. A. Sponsors Benefit Social—Funds Used for Children's Party

About fifty guests were present at the sliver tea, Sunday afternoon in the Y. W. room. The color-scheme, white, black and silver, was artistically carried out in the centerpiece of white carnations on the long tea table. The tea service and added decorations around in the room were in harmony with the chosen scheme. Mrs. R. E. Mohler and Velma Keller, president of the Y. W., presided at the tea table.

The program, which was given at intervals during the afternoon, was arranged by Mary Miller, program chairman, and Margaret Pointer, music chairman, Corrine Bowers and Helen Burton, accompanied by Jesse Miller, played a group of violin duets, featuring Christmas music. Dorothy Miller read "Mr. and Mrs. Barrister," Bernice Keedy sang "Just For Today”; she was accompanied by Viola Harris, Opal Bennett read "Miss Dorothy Entertains the Minister."

Plans for the tea were made by Martha Hursh, social service chairman, and Maxine Ring, social chairman: they were assisted by the members of their committees.

Proceeds derived from the tea were used to aid in giving a Christinas party for some of the unfortunate children of the community. This party, which is an annual affair, was Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 p. m.


Representatives of the senior class, with Elmer Staats as chairman, displayed their talent Friday morning In a chapel program.

John Kauffman read the Twenty-third Psalm, which was followed with prayer.

A chalk-picture depicting a snow scene was presented by Arlene Wampler, Mildred Gordon assisted at the piano.

"Here Comes the Bride," a cutting from Kate Tangle Bashew's book. "Mary Cary,” was read by Geraldine Burdett.

This was the first of a series of chapel programs which are to be presented by the four college classes. The other programs will he given soon after vacation.


Coach and Mrs. M. J. Binford. Coach and Mrs. Lester Selves, and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Harden entertained the members of the football squad and their lady friends at a Christmas party last Friday evening at the Persian room of the McCourt Hotel. The room was furnished by the owner of the hotel. Mrs. Gertrude Shirk. Various games were enjoyed, the feature of the evening being the gift exchange. Orval Eddy, dressed as Santa Claus, distributed the gifts. At the close of the entertainment a delicious refreshment course was served to tho sixty-eight guests present at this occasion.


History of College Newspaper

Reveals Background of Strict Censorship

One would find it impossible to picture present day college life with-out its weekly edition of the Spectator, but in early days of the institution students were not allowed to edit or publish a newspaper. Rather, the faculty furnished all of the printed literature issued from the college. This consisted of a sixteen page monthly magazine known as the "Teacher and Student.” Such subjects as mormonism, lynching, national debts, arbitration, and free sliver were discussed. The faculty, however, gave way in 1899 to a new publication called "Rays of Light” which was published by the students under strict supervision of the faculty. The cover of this magazine plainly stated it to be "an educational, literary, and news magazine.”

After a life of sixteen years "Rays or Light" was replaced by a maga-zine called "The McColpa.” The title was taken from the first letters of The McPherson (Mc) College (Col) Paper (Pa). The McColpa was a thirty-six page paper, larger than the “Rays of Light" and published without strict faculty censorship.

Not until the advent of the Spectator in 1917 did the transition from magazine to newspaper take place. The first Spectator was a four-page weekly, half as large as the present paper. Simple headlines began to be used. Later a six-page newspaper was issued every two weeks, and in 1919 it became an eight page weekly. In 1921 the Spectator assumed the size that it has today, and gradually faculty censorship has become less.



The freshmen and faculty were entertained at a holiday tea last Thursday by the students in foods. About sixty freshmen wore served. The guests were received in the home economics recitation room. Tea, with sandwiches, cookies, and mints, was served in Miss Atkinson’s office. The rooms were decorated in keeping with the Christmas season.


Florence DeCoursey's team defeated Faye Sandy's in the W. A. A. volley ball tournament held Monday night. At the end of the tournament the varsity team was announced. This is a mythical team made up of players chosen from both teams. Those chosen to be on this team are Faye Sandy, Florence DeCoursey, Martha Hursh, Muriel Manning, Lu-cille Cole, Pauline Abuhl, Glee Goughner, Leola Mohler, Esther Bowers, Irene Bales, Phyllis Barn-grover, and Alberta Keller. As an unusual feature the varsity team wus divided into two groups which competed in a game of volleyball.

The W. A. A. girls will begin playing basketball after the Christmas holidays.


The chemistry students were entertained at the annual chemistry social in the Y. W. room by Dr. Hershey last Friday evening. Small group games and contests were played, with Kenneth Weaver as master of ceremonies. A progressive game of cootie ended with Modena Kauffman having high score and Glen Snell having low score. Ardys Her-


Bernice Keedy..................    Dec.    16

Herbert Glover ................ Dec. 21

Elrae Carlson...........— Dec. 21

Chris Johansen .............    . Dec. 22

Laurel Fields............ Dec. 23

Pauline Abuhl . .. ---------- Dec.    24

Bernard Suttle.............. . Dec. 24

Gladys Riddell    Dec.    25

Paul Boot ..........................    Dec.    28

Charles Wagoner................    Dec.    31

Menno Richert................... .    Jan.    8

Richard Graber ...... Jan.    8

Lawrence Boyer    Jan.    8

Ronald Flory......................    Jan.    9

Herbert Ikenberry...............    Jan.    10


Several New Courses Are Being Considered for Second Semester Program

The schedule of classes for second semester has been tentatively planned. In addition to the full year courses which will be continued, the following are some courses of especial interest which will be offered:

Physiology, Mohler.

Playground games and management, Binford.

Business law, Bohling.

Abnormal psychology. Blair.

Roman private life, and public speaking, Hess.

Dietetics, and foods I or clothing II, Atkinson.

Some courses which have been proposed, but which as yet are not certain are: contemporary problems of American civilization, by Dr. Schwalm, to follow his course in

American government; a course in health education; and vocational choice by Dean Replogle.


The next issue of the Spectator will be published on Thursday, Jan. 10. Owing to the scarcity of news and the fact that many members of the Spec staff will be out of town, it is deemed inadvisable to attempt publication on Jan. 3. the Thursday following the Christmas recess.


A number of students attended the World Service social held in the Y. W. room, Tuesday evening. Each person was asked to bring some Christmas present which was placed under the Christmas tree until it was time to "grab” one. Most of the evening was spent playing games directed by Galen Ogden. Dr. Petry says he played the games in a different "day" and now they seem quite different. After the refreshments were served, the Christmas presents were distributed and opened.