Christina, David's wife, is natural-ly honest, rather shy, and most trusting. But when she senses the real situation between David and his mother, she faces it firmly and forc-es David to choose between his wife and his mother. Christina is played convincingly by Virginia Yankee.
Robert, the younger son, is entirely dominated by his mother. She forces him to break with his fiancee in such a subtle way that he does not even realize she has done it. The role of Robert is played realistically by Paul Booz.
Hester, Robert's fiancee, is a young girl of twenty, very much in love with Robert, but unable to overcome his mother's hold on him. Faithe Ketterman is pleasing as Hester.
The part of Della, the maid, is taken by Dorothy Matson.
The production of "The Silver Cord” is rather a stupendous undertaking, since the action of the three-hour play is carried almost entirely by only five people. The play is full of tense dramatic situations, covering less than twenty-four hours in time. The setting is in Mrs. Phelps house in an eastern American city. Three acts take place in the living-room, and one occurs in David's bed-
Merle Messamer is stage manager for the play and Betty Lou Cameron is property manager.
Dr. H. J. Harnly spoke in chapel yesterday morning concerning the mysteries of life. He spoke particu-larly of the research work done by Beebe recently off the coast of a southern inland in which this explorer was lowered to an extreme depth under water. He made remarkable scientific discoveries and photographs.
Dr. Harnly, who is 72 years of age. is immensely interested in life and is "just beginning to live.”
As perspective was needed in 1621 in looking forward to the future so an undimmed vision is necessary for the college student in reviewing his problems in 1934.
Perhaps many of you may not realize it but there is something very worthwhile to be found in this custom of Thanksgiving, especially for the student, for its reference to the bright side of things is particularly opportune when applied to college life.
On Nov. 29 the average student's spirit will need a stimulant, without such a stimulant as Thanksgiving the College spirit should reach a new low, for this day marked the close of the hopes and excitements of the football season, parents will have received the betraying nine weeks grades, and all the interests of schools beginning will he ebbing out into the usual grind.
Then just at the proper moment along comes Thanksgiving, and if its precepts are pursued faithfully, optimism will strike out to best discouragement.
In finding things to be thankful for we may as well begin with the weather. As a postlude to a hot dry summer we were blessed with the
months of Indian Summer and then an enlivening cold snap to set the blood racing through our veins once more. Then there are the F. E. R. A., vacations, and a successful football
Those who believe the much touted depression is over may give thanks for this phenomenon, but those who believe that it has only begun may console themselves in that if worst comes to worst they cannot starve all winter.
We who are engaged in publishing this organ of the student body take this opportunity to wish the students and faculty a thankful season.
VOL. XVIII mcpherson COLLEGE, McPherson, kansas, thursday, nov. 22, 1934 number 11
Dramatic Presentation Is One of the Best Ever Given By an M. C. Cast
Master Ring Directs Play—Produc-tion Involves Adult Emotions
In Family Ties
Tomorrow evening at 8:00 o’clock in the college chapel the dramatic art class, under the direction of Miss Della Lehman, will present Sidney Howard's noted drama, "The Silver Cord." Maxine Ring has capably acted as student director of the production. Admission prices are 25 cents for students and 35 cents for others. Tonight at 7:30 will be given the dress rehearsal, to which students will be admitted for 15 cents.
"The Silver Cord” is the story of a mother who demands the undivided affection of her two sons, and resents any feeling they may have for any other women. Her whole life has been devoted to her sons; she has had no other interests, and now that they are beginning to break the old family ties, she has nothing to base her life upon, and desperately she tries to hold them to her. And yet she is continually stating that she hasn't "a selfish hair in her head.” The role of the mother, Mrs. Phelps, is taken by Neva Root In her usual capable manner.
The older son, David, while greatly influenced by his mother, does have ideas of his own, amd has managed to leave home long enough to study architecture abroad. While there, he meets and marries a young scientist. Immediately upon his return home his mother tries to regain her old hold upon him and to exclude his wife from their family circle. Thus David is torn between loyalty to his mother and loyalty to his wife. Donald Evans is vigorous and forceful as David.
An exchange program with Bethany College was the feature of the Joint Y. M.-Y. W. meeting Tuesday morning. The program, in the charge of Carl Olson, consisted of several musical numbers, and a short talk on Christian service by Miss Moore, president of the Bethany organiza-tion.
A men’s quartet, composed of Mr. Scripter, first tenor, Mr. Hammer, second tenor, Mr. Bowen, baritone, and Mr. Nywall, bass, gave two very enjoyable numbers. A vocal solo was also given by Miss Cora Mabes.
McPherson College was invited by the Bethany delegation to give a return program in the near future at Lindsborg.
Members of the Y. W. C. A. are reminded that their articles which they are asked to contribute to the bazaar must he handed to Elizabeth Wagoner not later than Monday. Dec. 3.
The bazaar, widely is being conducted by the Brethren Church ladies, will be held Friday, Dec. 7, in the church basement.
All girls are urged to cooperate as this is a means of raising funds for the organization.
Author Speaks On Munitions Problem to Large Crowd Wednesday Evening
Dr. H. C. Engelbrecht, author, scholar and world traveler was presented to the lyceum audience of McPherson last Friday evening in the city auditorium. Dr. Engelbrecht, the co-author of "Merchants of Death,” presented subject matter on the position of munition makers in the war machinery of the world. He made very clear that the manufacturers of munitions incite war in order to increase profits. His lecture was studded with numerous specific examples of the working of that group. He pointed out the important fact that such conditions arise because the people of the world allow it. Thus the basic causes of conflict need to be considered.
Dr. Englebrecht urged citizens to acquire more knowledge on the matter and to study the various means of remedying the present situation.
After the meeting Dr. Engelbrecht spoke to several interested individuals, among them some debaters from Friends U. and M. C.
No Spectator will be published next week, the week of Thanksgiving, because the publication date is on Thanksgiving Day.
L. H. Ruppenthal, a local lawyer, spoke in chapel Monday morning. His subject, was "Opportunities for Service and Self Expression in the Legal Profession.” He spoke con-cerning the different types of laws and the capacities which a man might fill after having been trained for the law. He might fill a political capacity, or enter the civil service as a consular, diplomat, or minister, Mr. Ruppenthal believes that every business man should know some of the rudiments of the legal profession. According to the speaker, every lawyer owes an allegiance to his state and nation, to his client, and to his pocketbook.
W. A. A. volleyball is in full swing with Florence DeCoursey and Faye Sandy as captains of the two teams. Practices are held every Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from 6:30 to 7:30 in the evening. Much interest is being taken in the sport this year; about twenty-five girls have been taking part. Phyllis Barngrov-er has been appointed volleyball manager to replace Ruth Tice, who was unable to fill the position.
Dr. Schwalm attended a birthday celebration of the Bethel church in Carleton, Neb., last Saturday and Sunday. He spoke in the Sunday morning and afternoon services.
Riddell and Ring Capture Second and Third Places in Quad Contest
All Three Girls Are Popular In Various Fields of School Activity
In the Representative Girl contest that ended last Friday evening, Neva Root captured highest honors, Gladys Riddell followed with a close sec-ond, and Maxine Ring rated third.
At the close of the contest, the scores were as follows: Miss Root, 18,470; Miss Riddell, 17,200; and Miss Ring, 10,700. These figures indicate the interest taken in the contest.
Any one of these three girls could equally well be called the "Representative Girl." Miss Root is, perhaps, known best as tje peppy cheerleader of the college student body, and as a dramatist, par excellence. Miss Riddell has won wide repute as a member of the debate team. Miss Ring is known for her dramatic talent. All three of the girls, it is to be noted, are students with high scholastic murks.
As the contest progressed, the lead changed many times. Most often, however, the, winner or her runner-up was in first place. Heavy voting in the closing hours of the contest finally decided which contestant would be selected as the all-around M. C. girl.
All three of these girls will be featured in the Quadrangle in the photographic secion under the caption of "Representative Girls.”
Advanced Violin Students Featured In Concert
A recital of violin numbers and readings was given last night in the college chapel by students of the fine
The program was:
Hamoreske Dvorak
Intermezzo "In Venice" Gernert
Gavotte Gossec
Helen Burton - Corrine Bowers Reading "Naughty Zell"
Miss Opal Bennett
Old Folks at Home Foster
Caprice "In Cremona" Gernert
Helen Burton - Corrine Bowers assisted by Miss Lois Wilcox Reading "The Finger of God”
Miss Bessie Hawkins Dreamy Moments Ehrich
"Pizzacato-Areo Scherzo" Gernert Menuet Paderewski
Helen Burton Corrine Bowers Scherzando Gernert
Helen Burton - Corrine Bowers assisted by Miss Lois Wilcox
Last Tuesday evening at 8:00 o’.-clock the W. A. A. held a meeting in the Y. W. room to which were invited all girls interested in the organization Miss Edith Streed, county health nurse, gave an interesting talk on the common cold and exer-cise, after which Phyllis Barngrover, health manager, passed out health charts for keeping health points.
Thursday, Nov. 22 -Dress Rehearsal for "The Silver Cord," Chapel, 7:30 p. m.
Friday, Nov. 23 --Play, "The Silver.
Cord,"'Chapel, 8 p. m.
Sunday. Nov. 25—College C. E. meeting, College Church, 6:30 p. m. Tuesday, Nov. 27 -- Regular Y. M. -Y. W. meetings, 10 a. m. World Service Group meeting, Y. W. room, 7 p. m.
Wednesday, Nov. 28--Thanksgiving vacation begins.
Thursday, Nov. 29—McPherson Col-lege-Ottawa University football game, Athletic Park, 2:30 p. m.
Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas. Published every Thursday by the Student Council
The School of quality
Subscription Rates For Address All Correspondence to
lva Walker Kurtis Naylor Donald Evans Paul Booz
Mike Vasquez Dorothy Matson Orval Eddy Agnes
With the close of the nine weeks period of the school year and the start of the last period each student could do well to review his schedule, weed out non-essentials and balance his course properly for the rest of the year.
On every college campus typical examples can be found of the student who is confused, overwrought, irritated, and perhaps distraught because of an overworked schedule. Either by the force of circumstances or because of an unbounded ambition many students of the campus have schedules far beyond their ability to carry them effectively.
At the beginning of school adequate consideration could not be given to the time requirements of the different activities. By this time, however, the student should be certain that the rest of the year will find his time and energy distributed properly.
Consideration should be given to work outside the school for financial reasons, discrimination should be made as to the value of extra-curricular activities—activities which will balance his school life and aid in his special field of interest. Then recreation in its various phases requires attention. All these adjustments should be made in view of adequate time left for concentration and study.
Students who have special problems in this field could well consult their faculty advisor or read some book dealing with his problem at this
Varied were the reactions which followed the lecture of Dr. H. Engelbrecht last Friday evening. Among students and townspeople many labeled the talk as too general and unenlightening; others found it to be quite the opposite.
Reason for the difference in opinion probably lies in the knowledge of the hearer upon the munitions question. Many had read the book. "Merchants of Death," or because of their interest in the problem had followed the Nye Investigation quite closely. To others the question was confused and the lecture proved highly interesting and enlightening.
Those who feel that the lecture was unduly general should take this variance into consideration and not be too hasty to criticize the speaker detrimentally.
The use of exchange programs as a part of the schedule of the Y organizations should be regarded as a forward step in the development and exchange of student ideas.
Not only does the exchange of programs engender new ideas but it also spreads a student consciousness and a student realization that he is a part of a greater body of sentiment and thought dealing with student problems. Only by such a plan can organizations carry to other colleges representative work, and add a needed variety to home programs.
The Red Cross roll coll has started. Contributing to the Red Cross means contributing to an organization which provides help for those who need it.
The Red Cross ministers to the needs of sufferers from great disasters such as wars, floods, earthquakes, and fires. Those left destitute by such disasters are given all the necessities of life by the Red Cross, and are helped to get on their feet again. In an organized way, the Red Cross also administers aid to those individuals and families distributed throughout the country who for any reason are more permanently unable to cope with their problems alone, and it helps them in such a way that the self respect of those who are given aid is not destroyed.
Another phase of social service is being developed by the Red Cross and annexed to their program of activity, that of preventing, in so far as possible, poverty, need, and destitution. This is probably destined to be the most important service of all, for by it the youth are taught how to meet emergencies and solve their own problems.
Don’t Read This
I'd bet (if I were a betting fellow) that the very people who need this won’t read it. Maybe you won't either. Well, you don’t have to. Nine and four-tenths probably won’t read it. I’m going to say it anyway. Let me give you one warning—If you have read this far, don’t stop —I dare you to stop before I’ve said what
I’m going to say--don’t believe it if
you don't want to sneer if you like: who's holding you? Here it is: Will you please open and close the door quietly when you come into chapel late? Only don’t come late. Come early and get a back seat—all of you can, but the seniors. And please walk quietly and If I’ve left out anything please do that too. Then some day (you might) when you speak in chapel some where, (let’s hope it isn't here), maybe yon won’t be so disturbed and rudely interrupted. Oh, well, I knew you wouldn't read this, but thanks anyway!
You know, it’s surprising what some people will do to get something for nothing. For instance Saturday afternoon a bunch of dorm girls walked clear to town in that drizzling rain just to see a free show. And then the show wasn't any good!
Now there's an honest lawyer for you. Not only does he admit that he is going to bore you, but he invites you to settle you for a nice long nap until he get thru.. It's too bad more chapel speakers aren’t as honest with their audience.
Extra- The Mystery of the Missing Pajamas!
This one's awful funny. You'll laugh like everything when you read it. Oh, in fact it’s Just killing.
It seems as the Wanda missed her red winter pajamas Sunday night shortly after the departure of several boys from town. Now we don’t quite get the connection here, except that the pajamas were hanging on the line back of the dorm when the boys came to the dorm, and they were gone when they left. At any rate, after suitable furor had been raised.
know, someone called LaMar Bollinger on the phone Sunday (presumably it was a girl) and asked him to meet her at 302 E. Euclid that nite at 7:30 Well, he went, and if you don't know what’s at 302 E. Euclid. Just ask some one who does. And then draw your own conclusions.
And so we conclude by asking you —Why is a dog, cat, rabbit, caterpillar, mouse, hen, duck, or a lamp post. Because I'm slowly going nuts if people don’t quit thinking up crazy darn fool jokes without rhyme or reason. Now if they have either rhyme or reason, it’s O. K.. but if they don't have either, then they're out. At hast I hope so. Well, good-by kiddies, until another week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Yankee of Hoisington spent Friday evening visiting their daughter, Miss Virginia
EDITORIAL STAFF Makeup Editor Donald Brumbaugh
By virtue of his victory over all comers, Earl DeCoursey is declared school checker champion. Sixteen boys entered the checker tournament, which ended recently, but only ten engaged in the nine games. In the semi-finals John Goering defeated Meredith Sperline and Earl DeCour-sey beat Paul Turner. Then DeCour-sey won the championship laurels by defeating Goering in the finals. The boys in the "dungeon" have displayed a great deal of interest in this tournament and at the noon hour when the games were played the room was often filled with specta-
Bill Flaming, recreation chairman Of the Y. M., who had charge of this tournament, announces a ping-pong tournament to begin immediately after Thanksgiving vacation. All those interested in this contest please sign the paper on the bulletin board immediately.
Heh, heh, heh! fooled you that time. Thot you'd got rid of us didn’t
you? Well, you haven’t. We’re here for good and we're really gonna make
Now just to start this New Deal in columns off right, allow us to relate to you a tale of mystery, woe and terror. Or something like that. It seems that the oilier night a bunch of irresponsible college students (you couldn’t tell it by their actions) decided to pull off a rare one on some of the faculty members. Oh, me! Oh, my! What they did is terrible. They called up Dean Replogle on the telephone, and what, do you think they said? Well, I'll tell you. They said, "This is the telephone office. We’re testing the line. Will you please whistle?" And of course the poor unsuspecting college prof, obliges by a beautiful drawn out tail end of a snore, which would have done credit to Galli Curel. If she had of whistled, and were the kids ever tickled. Then in return for this deed of kindness, they replied very impolitely, "We’ll send the bird seed out tomorrow." This, dear friends, is a case of unmitigated something or other.
Second best on our list comes from the Chemistry Dept, and is an actual fact. Now folks we realize that everyone makes mistakes, so please don’t take this one too hard. The Chemistry assistant reports that one Virgil Brallier very politely asked the other day if could check out the
---hood. We’ve heard lots of rare
ones from the chem. lab. but this is the best yet.
Yankee sure is good at theme songs. From the looks of things her new one is “Honey. Won’t You Hold Me?" Is that right, Harold?
History class has been unusually productive or fast ones in recent days. For instance:
Cardinal Richelieu was disliked by Mary de Medici, so he had her exported.— Paul Heckman.
Or this one:
Dr. Bright.—Now where does Ferdinand ill come In?
Flaming.—After Ferdinand H.
And this one came from Gov’t class.
Dr. Schwalm asked Joe E. a question. Answered Joe, "I don’t know."
Dr. Schwalm.—What is it that you don’t know?
Joe—I don’t know.
The girls of Arnold Hall have asked us very nicely to make the announcement that Arnold Hall isn’t the boys' dorm. You may get the significance of this—we don’t.
and sufficient award had been offered, the lost article of clothing was found hanging on the eyeclorama in the chapel (of all places). And to top it all, they were there all the time during the chapel service Monday morning. Now, of course, we can't prove anything, but then you know how it is. And by the way, Wanda says she wishes the guilty parties would please return the safety pins. They're a requisite to the rest of the
We get an awful lot of scandal nowadays about new couples and old ones breaking up. Now just to avoid embarrassment; we won't mention any names, but you just keep your eyes open, and you'll see who we mean. For instance there is one ro-from last year, which involves two musically inclined people. We understand that this one has recently gone by the board. Well, that’s the way they come and go. Just like the river in Tennyson’s poem.
Oh, yeah. Here’s one for you to guess. What well known chemistry assistant has recently gone ga-ga and daffy doodles about one of our Iowa damsels? It’s got to the place where she’s about all we hear about in the private lab, any more..
Modena says she feels like a Catholic when she tries to chase the flies away—you know, she has to cross herself so many times.
All right boys, take heed now and bring the girl friends in time. From now on running out of gas or having flat tires will cost you (or rather your girl friend) to the tune of points, points, and more points. If you are late just in minutes, that’s only point: 20 minutes, a whole point, and a half hour. 3 points. Believe us, you’ll have to cram a lot in those last few minutes to make them worth while. And if, by chance, you happen to stay out the full half hour you might just as well go ahead and make a night of it, because it won't cost you any more. ("Oh yeah?” I hear some one say.)
Martha Hursh can tell you why girls walk home. Especially when they get picked up going to town, but don’t get a ride back.
Oh baby—this is a rich one. You
Othetta Wall Nov. 22
James Hawkins - Nov. 29 Kenneth Weaver Nov. 29
Anna Fuchs Dec. 6
In this required reading material speed and technique for different purposes are developed. It also gives an opportunity for interpreting larger units of thought and seeing relationships of ideas in entire chapters or sections of hooks.
The improvement of reading should be a goal of all college students: not just those whose reading ability is obviously inadequate.
New Books
The new books purchased recently are "Dramatic Duologues" by Edgar Lee Masters and "Anthology of World Poetry" by Mark Van Doren.
If radio's slim fingers Can pluck a melody From night and toss it over A continent or sea:
If petalled white notes Of a violin
Are blown across a mountain Or a city's din:
If songs like crimson roses Arc culled from thin, blue air Why should mortals wonder If God hears prayer?
Velma Watkins, Modena Kauffman, and Harriette Smith were dinner guests of Bernadine Ohmart Sunday.
Guy Yeager's folks were visitors
Stand up. Walk. It's there! A new spring in your step! My friend, you have been courageous among spirits strange to you. Now they hate become your friends. As you leave my walls they shall stay close by your side as you trudge on in quest of a more abundant life. Love-—and Hope --and Beauty. These spirits I dispatch with you. For I am The Church!
Will you dare to explore this mystery?
More than a million adults attended schools of some kind in the
Gould Wickey of the United Lutheran Church gives his idea of what should be done for the colleges, by the churches in the “Christian Education."
The colleges themselves must have constructive church objectives. If the church is failing to support the colleges adequately, it may be that too much is expected of it. The promotion must be organized, supervised and directed. Promotion must be popular in method and content, but still be truthful. The psychological principles of advertising must, be followed.
Personal contacts are much more effective and permanent. There are various cooperative agencies and the Denominational Church Board of Education which could give much assistance. The local college can offer many opportunities also; but the key to the whole problem is with the local pastor.
Improving Students’ Reading
Ruth Strang, Assistant Professor of Education, Teachers College, Columbia University, in the November Issue of The Journal of Higher Education says that practice material will improve the reading of college
Five Years Ago
Prof. Maurice A. Hess, debate coach of McPherson College, attended a conference of the debate coaches of Kansas and Missouri held at Kansas City Nov. 11th and 12th.
Final selections were made today by Mrs. Helen Gates, head of the college dramatic department, for the Thespian Club play "The Queen's Husband.”
The Bulldogs lost a closely played game to Sterling College by the score of 12-14.
Kansas Wesleyan recently received a gift of $10,000 from Walter P. Chrysler, head of the Chrysler Motor
Mrs. A. J. Voran delightfully entertained a small group of young people at a six o'clock dinner Nov. 12th in honor of her son's birthday. Mr. Orville "Casey" Voran.
The freshmen and sophomore will stage their annual football battle on Friday of this week.
Ten Years Ago
One of the most important events of the year will take place in the chapel Thursday evening at seven o'clock when the debate team for the year will he chosen. The team will be selected from eighteen contestants.
The next number on the lyceum course, a lecture by Opie Read, noted American novelist, lecturer, and Journalist will be presented in the chapel next Friday evening.
The McPherson College Bulldogs upset the dope bucket by holding the Terrible Swedes to a 6-6 tie.
The W. A. A. has drawn up and submitted to President Dr. Kurtz a constitution, under which the association, upon adoption will manage women's sports and award honors for participation In them.
The McPherson College Church of the Brethren finished a successful two weeks revival Sunday. The Rev. M. C. Harst was in charge.
Twenty Years Ago
McPherson College had a big day when Dr. D. W. Kurtz was inaugurated as president yesterday. The Hill was alive with visitors from far and
The chapel at McPherson College is too small to accomodate the audiences, and it is to be enlarged. A new church is also being discussed.
The sophomores at Oklahoma A. and M. college fought to a draw with the freshmen in the annual tug-o-war. The sophomores averaged 170 pounds while the freshmen averaged 190 pounds.
Four walls, a roof, some windows — I am haunted. You—and you!— and you!! You walk by on the other side of the road.. What's the matter? Where is your spirit of adventure? You college students, why, when it is night and my spirits are stirrings do you not dare to come inside my walls?
Ah, you appear to be interested at last! Come up closer, closer- now step over the threshold. There! You are finally inside. Pray, do not lose courage, but stay one hour with me. Why are you so ill at ease? Oh, the spirits? Be not afraid! They will try your mettle, but they will not harm you.
And now, be patient while you watch the working of the spirits
to feel a ‘strange tugging at your heart, a glowing warmth? That, my friend is the work of one of my spirits. Are you curiously aware of a sense of being alive, of straining in every fibre for something valuable just beyond your finger tips? Yes?
Then my faithful spirits are at work. Oh, no! Do not flee! You are about to make a startling discovery. Do not run away.
A feeling of weight placed upon your shoulders? Never fear, my friend, it was a spirit which put it there. No! Do not struggle, for you are in the hands of the master spirit. It is administering the most gruelling test of all. Ah, you are calm again. I can see by the radiance of your face that your eyes have been to beauty. You are filling your soul with it.
The men outnumber the girls five to one at the University of Alabama.
Harold Zuhars and Marvin Poland were in Lyons over the week end.
The man who loafs in college has crust to ask for dough.
Bison Score In Second Quarter With King Carrying the Ball On a Three Yard Plunge.
Last Friday afternoon the strong Oklahoma Baptist team put a halt to the at-home winning streak of the Bulldogs when they toppled the Canine eleven. The margin of victory was by a lone touchdown, the final
The Baptists won the flip and chose to defend the south goal with the wind to their back. Glovers received the kick off on the Bulldog goal line and returned it to the forty yard mark. After falling to gain the Bulldogs were forced to punt. The Baptists soon kicked and the ball was put in play on McPherson’s 20 yard line. An end run play went for no gain and then an off tackle run by Carpenter netted forty yards. When the quarter ended McPherson was on the Baptist 25 yard line after successive gains on off and inside tackle plays
The Baptist tightened their defense and intercepted a McPherson pass on their own four yard line. They got off a good punt which placed the ball near mid-field. McPherson's return punt was poor. After being held without gain for three plays the Baptists punted over the McPherson safety's head. The Baptists recovered the fumble on the McPherson 35 yard line. A series of line and pass plays placed the ball on the three yard line where King plunged over for the only touchdown of the game. McPherson received the kickoff and was forced to punt. The half ended with the Baptists in possession of the ball in mid field.
McPherson kicked to the Baptists to start the second half. The ball was returned to the Bison 35 yard line. The Baptists drove to mid field and there were forced to punt. McPherson returned the kick upon receiving the ball. During this quarter the Baptists had possession of the ball most of the time. Nearly all of the playing was done in Baptist territory.
With the coming of the fourth and final quarter the tables were reversed. The Baptists had the wind at their back and the heavier eleven were constantly knocking at the Bulldog goal. The excellent pass offense of the visiting team kept the Bulldogs very much in the hole. At the end of the game the Bulldogs were demonstrating an excellent goal line stance on their one yard line. They had held the opponents at this point for three consecutive downs.
Orval Eddy
The O. B. U. team outweighed the Bulldogs by about 15 pounds to the man, and were supposed to be way out of the locals’ class. The score indicates just how much they outclassed the Canine team.
By way of cooperative score the Bulldogs would be able to tie the Oklahoma City University Gold Bugs, and would be strong enough to furnish good competition for any of the better Oklahoma teams. The Bison play most all of the big schools of the state and this year are holding
One reason that may be given for the small margin of victory is that the Baptists were somewhat overconfident. They expected a setup, but they got just all that they could take.
However, the fact must not be overlooked that the Bulldogs were playing an inspired brand of ball against their strong opponent. Many believe that it was the best display of football that has been shown this season by he men of Binford and Selves.
It seems to be the general opinion that the Bulldogs did exceptionally well in holding such a formidable foe to such a low score. Many town fans have expressed themselves as being well pleased with the outcome.
This weekend the Bulldogs will be idle. . This week and next will be used in preparing for the last game of the season with Ottawa University on Thanksgiving day.
The bright spot of the Oklahoma team was its excellent passing attack and pass defense. The last quarter goal line stances of the Bulldogs was the only thing that kept the team in the running.
The McPherson Bulldogs will end their successful season by tangling with the Ottawa Braves. The following players will play their last game of college football Turkey day: Pauls, Wiggins, Eddy, Glovers, Weddle, Carpenter, and Binford.
The Binford-Selves squad consisting of first and second teams bare
played twelve games this season and have lost only two games and tied one thus far this season.
The Thanksgiving Day game will be one of a different nature from the previous games played this season. In that the boys who have been with the Bulldog squad for the last four years remember that three years ago, the Braves were rated as sure winners, and when the boys got over there they were jeered at only to come back with the game 12-0 in the bag. The next year the Braves and Bulldogs played, the Braves took the game home with them. Last year the Braves chiseled the Buldogs out of the conference title, even though the Bulldogs outplayed them and the Bulldogs had the ball within scoring distance four times.
This year the Braves were again rated as a powerful team but so far have not yet shown their strength in the conference, the only team they have been able to beat in the conference is Bethany.
The Braves have lost this year such outstanding players as Knap-per, "Muddy" Waters, and Armstrong. all all-conference men.
Dope favors the Buldogs, but as the Braves do not have ninny scalps so far this season, they sure will be looking for the Bulldog scalp. SO WATCH!
A speech expert says that the children of the rich are more prone to
have adenoid trouble. Rich children
always do bare so many things they don’t really need.