In answer to another question, he stated that contemporary students in America are thinking more deeply than they formerly did. This observation came as a result of his extensive travel and contact with students during the past few months. To say that Dr. Pauck was al in-
Student Y. W. C. A. Secretary Spends Three Days at College
Miss Barbara Lautz, student secretary of the Rocky Mountain District of the Y. W. C. A., spent three days on the McPherson College campus last week. While here, she conducted the Y. M. and Y. M. cabinets in a joint session Wednesday evening, and met with the Y. W. cabinet Thursday. Friday she spoke in chapel. Many students availed themselves of the opportunity of having an individual conference with her.
Miss Lautz, a graduate of Manhattan last year, is especially interested in young people and their hopes for the future. She is a challenging speaker and personality and one that won favor from both students and faculty members.
vol. xviii _ McPherson college, mcpherson, Kansas, Thursday, nov. 15, 1934_number 10
Progress Is being made on the preparation of Sidney Howard’s "The Silver Cord” which the Dramatic Art class will present in the college chapel at 8:00 o’clock, Friday evening, November 23. A preliminary dress rehearsal, not open to the public, is to be held Saturday in order that the dress rehearsal next Thursday night, which is open to students for the admission price of 15 cents, may proceed without stops.
Since the play is a powerful drama dealing with conflicting adult emotions, it will be or little interest to children under high school age, and it is preferable that they do not attend.
Fifty votes will be given for all orders for a Quadrangle, 100 votes for each dollar in down payment. The price is now $3.25, and will be advanced at the close of the contest tonight.
Bernice Keedy has been appointed editor for football make-up in the photo section of the Quadrangle. She is in charge of getting the pictures taken. Instead of having individual pictures made at Walker's Studio, the pictures will be taken on the football field with each letterman in an action pose. Miss Keedy will select someone to help her take the pictures.
Dr. Engelbrecht, noted author and lecturer, who will speak on the Lu-ceuni program at the city auditorium Friday evening.
Due to a misunderstanding with Mr. and Mrs. Ostlund, it will be nec-essary for the student body to have their individual pictures taken at Walker’s Studio. The Quad staff regrets this inconvenience to those students who now must have their pictures retaken.
Arrangements have been made to provide transportation for all students who find it possible to have their pictures taken or retaken next Sunday afternoon, from 1:30 to 5. The same financial arrangements have been made, and the class treasurer is responsible for the payment of the pictures.
He has spoken before many groups in various parts of the country, including the Foreign Policy associa-tion in many cities, the Conference on the Cause and Cure of War in Washington, the League of Women Voters in many cities, the Women’s International League, and many other clubs and associations.
His publications, aside from "Merchants of Death,” include a scholarly study of the philosopher Fichte, and a contribution to Pacifism in the Modern World. On October 17th his analysis of the Nye investigation came from the press, entitled "One Hell of a Business." Early in 1935 Hell of a Business. Early in 1935 there will also appear his study of the Jewish situation to which he has devoted much time and thought.
Parade and Demonstration Precedes Tomorrow's Tilt With Baptists
At the first meeting of the newly-organized pep club, plans were made for an automobile caravan and a demonstration down town tomorrow before the game. The caravan will start from in front of the Administration building at 1:30 and will proceed to Main street where a snake dance will be formed. From there the parade will continue to the athletic field. Every student is urged to be present and to show some of that "Bulldog spirit.” Those stu-
to co-operate in furnishing transpor-
At the business meeting of the pep club the following officers wore elected: Homer Kimmel, president: Velma Watkins, secretary; Archie Van Nortwick, treasurer. "M. C. Growlers" was chosen as the official name. Camilla Moore, Virginia Yankee, and Homer Kimmel made up the constitution committee. The committee in charge of pep chapel today was Leola Mohler and Dorothy Mat-
Ogden and Evelyn High.
Sixteen are Chosen in Debate Tryouts
Staats, Goering, Booz, Weaver Lindgren and Flaming Win Places
Spilman, Riddell, Cameron, Keller, Quiring and Anderson on Women’s Tennis
Having won places on the debate squad of the College 16 debators began practice this week in prepra-tion for the Interstate Debate Tournament which is to bo held at Winfield, Dec. 7-8.
From the 12 men trying out, the following teams have been chosen: Elmer Staats and John Goering, Paul Booz and Kenneth Weaver, Alvin Lindgren and Willard Flaming. These three teams will constitute the varsity teams of the College. The second teams will consist of Fred Doyle and Kenneth Rudd and LaMar
Bolinger and Paul Miller. Bernard Suttle and Paul Heckman also tried
In the women’s contest Ruth Spil-man and Gladys Riddell, Betty Lou Cameron and Alberta Keller, and Virginia Quiring and Helen Anderson were chosen to make up the var-sity teams, Lela Siebert and Emma Schmidt also entered the contest. Coach Maurice A. Hess states that in the women’s contest the margin between any of the speakers was
After three rounds of non-decision debates at the Winfield tournament two varsity teams from both men’s and women’s teams will be permitted to enter the elimination tournament. A junior college tournament will be held in conjunction with the above in which the second teams will be eligible to enter.
The remainder of the debate sched-ule for the pear has not been definitely decided upon.
Judges in the local contests included Professor M A. Mess. Dr. J. D. Bright. Miss Edith McGaffey, Pro-fesor E. R. Bohling, and Dr. Hay C. Petry.
Intensive practice will get in full swing during the next week after the respective teams have completed their briefs and made arrangements for order of speeches.
Both sides of the question will be debated at Winfield.
Dr. Wilhelm Pauck Visits M.C. Campus
Noted Student and Professor Conducts Lectures and Discussions
Six Group Appearances in Two Days; Also Personal Interviews
With Students
Dr. Wilhelm Pauck left the McPherson College campus last night after a busy two days with students. From here, Dr. Pauck goes to Baker to continue his work among the colleges and universities of the United States.
During his stay here, Dr. Pauck carried on under an especially heavy schedule. He spoke twice Tuesday and in addition gave about three hours to interviews with students. Yesterday, he spoke four times and interviewed students two hours. His emphasis had a continuity which was very effective in carrying out his purpose of "shedding a clear illuminating light upon the subject of religion and of recommending religion to students because of its practical value."
His first lecture showing the presence of crisis was followed Tuesday evening by the consideration of the "continuity of life” and its solid val-ue even in time of crisis. He also stated that historical mindedness would call for recognition that history had value in showing possibilities for the future in directing toward a meaningful character. Thus Christianity comes to have new value for each stage in the progressive continuation of life and history.
Wednesday morning's chapel was devoted to a direct treatment of the value of religion to students in promoting the continuity of life.
He spoke of religion as valuable only when partaken of and recommended it to students as an impetus which would result in the meeting of crisi more adequately.
In a discussion of Barthian theology yesterday afternoon, he pointed out that the advocates of it were more interested in the emphasis of of the distinct and unique quality of Chrisitanity which has made it possible for Christianity to adjust itself to conditions of the past than they were in the various adjustments themselves. Last night a forum of students and faculty, with a few scattered towns-people, drew ideas on a variety of subjects from Dr. Pauck. Of special interest was the statement that Christians in Germany attempted to capitalize Hitler’s popularity to revive their own institutions. He spoke of Bishop Mueller as a stumbling leader "who tried to make his own fumbles appear to be forward passes to himself."
Twenty Students Take Course In Practice Teaching In City Schools
Twenty college students are gaining actual teaching experience in the McPherson public schools. Nineteen of this group are taking their prac-tice teaching work in the Junior and Senior high schools, and one student is teaching in the Roosevelt grade school.
All students who are working towards any state teachers' certificate are required to have at least three hours of practice teaching. The course includes from 20 to 30 hours of actual teaching experience under the supervision of an experienced teacher in the course. The ratings submitted by these practice teaching supervisors determine chiefly the grades and teaching ability of the students.
The following students with the respective courses in which they are doing their work are enrolled in the practice teaching course of the education department.
In the Junior and Senior high schools, Sam Stoner, economics: Galen Ogden, constitution: John
Kauffman, European history; Dave Duncanson, American history: Maxine Ring, English: Iva Walker, English: Neva Root. English; Margaret Oliver, English; Gladys Riddell. Latin: Leonard Wiggins, bookkeeping: Bernice Dresher, music; Marry Frantz, manual arts; Glen Hammann, manual arts: Orval Eddy, physical education: Ronald Vetter, music:
Geraldine Burdett. art; Elrae Carl-son, home economics; Mildred Siek, home economies: and Harold Binford, physical education: In. the
Roosevelt grade school, Thelma Shellenberger, first grade.
The Representative Girl contest closes tonight at 9 p. m. There are only three girls left in the contest. The last report published showed Gladys Riddell leading with a count of 14,200. Neva Root was pushing her hard with a standing of 13,050. Maxine Ring, in third place, has a count of 9,100. Lois Gnagy, manager of the contest, announced that this will be the last official report given until the final one is made tonight.
Has Traveled Extensively Abroad; Will Discuss Munitions Question
McPherson College debaters will have an especial interest in the sec-ond lyceum number of the year tomorrow evening featuring Dr. H. C. Engelbrecht in a lecture on the munitions question. The program is scheduled to begin at eight o'clock in the Community Auditorium.
Dr. Engelbrecht was born in Chicago, educated in private schools and at the University of Chicago, where he took his A. M. degree. Later went to New York where he took his Ph. D. at Columbia university. After a short apprenticeship on The Nation, he joined the staff of the World Tomorrow, where he served as as-
he joined the staff of Social Science Abstracts, published at Columbia university, as history editor. This Journal was endeavoring to contact university men in all countries. Dr. En-gelbrecht was commissioned to spend about three months in Central and Eastern Europe and to arrange for the assistance of university men and government departments. He traveled through Sweden, Finland, Soviet Russia, Constantinople, Greece, Yugoslavia, Austria, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia and organized this part of the world for Social Science Abstracts.
Dr. Engelbrecht reads 10 or 12 languages with ease and that made his work in Europe comparatively easy. He has been to Europe three other times and spent a summer in Mexico. His connections at various times have included the Committee on Militarism in Education, the Federal Council of Churches, and other groups. He reads foreign language newspapers, magazines, and publications continually and in that way discovered that for some years Europeans were concerned over their munitions makers. Whan he started to work on "Merchants of Death," he already had many of these materials in hand from European sources.
Upperclassman Asks More Enforcement
(This editorial does not necessarily reflect the policy of this paper; nor does its printing establish or contradict endorsement by the editorial stuff. Because keenly felt student opinion and expression are appreciated this space has been granted.)
It is obvious that the old tradi-tion of requiring and onforcing the freshmen to wear green caps has been neglected by the disinterested upper classmen. They evidently found the task a too difficult one for them to handle. They have even threatened to paint with mercuro-chrome the faces of those who misbehave and have carried their little pads of paper and pencils around with them constantly and jotted down the freshmen who did not wear their little symbol of "supposed" ig-
All of these efforts have been done to no avail. Oh, yes, the dignified boys did put the misconducted "freshies" through the belt line but the girls continue to "forget" their Rats and "get by.” Why did they require the newcomers to buy these caps? I suppose to keep in their rooms! That's practically all that has been done with them this year. Will the old custom of making the freshmen wear some uniform symbol so the world will know their sta-tus be discontinued? It is no disgrace to be a freshman. They're proud of being an underclassman or even a "greeny” at dear old M. C.
But who will wear the hat when they are not even asked to do so any longer? We do not claim that this uniformity either makes the boys look more handsome or the girls more beautiful. What we dislike is the idea of threatening but never doing anything about it. Let's see that these freshmen wear their green caps until some kind of a contest makes the decision in their favor and they can permanently discard them!
A program in recognition of Armistice Day was given by the International Relations Club last Sunday evening at the college church. The program consisted of short talks and a colorful pageant as challenges for peaceful and arbitrative methods of settling international disputes.
Elmer Staats gave a short talk about new ideas of international relations and was followed by Paul Booz who presented and commented upon that part of the Versailles Treaty dealing with the provisions for the establishment of the League of Nations. Donald Evans gave a re-view of a part of Marry Emerson Fosdick's sermon. "An Account with the Unknown Soldier" which is literally a re-dedication of himself as a member of that growing group of absolute pacifists. The pageant was directed by Jo Wagoner and Maxine Ring as a portrayal of the duties of the various nations in future international situations.
Today, 4:30- Chemistry club meeting.
Friday, Nov. 16 Bulldog-Baptist football game, 2:30 p. m.
--Dr. Engelbrecht speaks at the
community building.
Sunday, Nov. 18—Regular C. E-service at 6:30.
Tuesday, Nov. 20— Y. M. and Y W. groups meet at 10:00.
—World Service meets at 7:00.
The Spectator
Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas. Published every Thursday by the Student Council
Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917, at the postoffice at McPherson, Kansas, under the act of
March 3, 1897.
Subscription Rates For Address All Correspondence to
$1.00 McPherson, Kansas
Assistant Editor Donald Brumbaugh Assistant Bus. Mgr.Franklin Hiebert
News Editor Vernon D. Michael Assistant Circ. Mgr. Harley Stump
Kenneth Weaver Elna Reiste Ruth Hawbaker Russell Carpenter
Velma Watkins Barbara Petz John Friesen Robert Booz
Iva Walker Kurtis Naylor Donald Evans Paul Booz
Ernest Sweetland Wanda Hoover Arthur De Vor Glen Austin
The conscientious student of modern civilization is left, after bearing Dr. Wilhelm Pauck give his lectures on that subject, with a feeling of uneasiness and dissatisfaction, it is an uneasiness and dissatisfaction which results from a sudden burst of stimulation together with a personal chal-lenge to deeper thinking.
Saviours of Western civilization will not be pessimists with their gloomy outlook, nor the extreme radicals, but the moderate reformers with
a view of saving for man the continuity of history.
The bourgeois or individualist group in society as motivated was motivated by an autonomy of reason which produced democracy. This stage of society is now challenged by the rise of dictatorships throughout the world. In the face of this problem we should maintain the spirit of democracy even though the form is lost. This would be in harmony with continuity of the history of man.
After having heard Dr. Pauck, one is impressed with the permanency of the intellectual stimulation of a speech as contrasted with the many short-lived yet impassioned speakers. And all due credit to both.
Nominations are in order for Barbara Lautz as a member of that group which is alive to the needs and opportunities of the day. This young graduate showed by her expressions in chapel that youth today are perhaps making an improvement over those of the last generation.
It should also be noticed that the students which Miss Lautz mentioned in her speech as being the real leaders of the present day youth movement were from the larger schools—Yale, Oberlin, University of California, and the University of Kansas. Perhaps we of the smaller and of church colleges might well be engendered with their enthusiasm and their ideas for motivation and for action.
Perhaps the above fact can be explained upon the basis of the greater freedom of university students from economic necessity; perhaps upon their more intimate contact with movements and leaders; perhaps upon their closer association with off-campus affairs. At least the challenge of student action should not and cannot be disregarded by the student of the smaller colleges.
Many times during the year the opinion is expressed that the Spectator is not a truly representative organ of the student body. Rather it is believed, the paper is the expression of a small group of staff members on the events of the campus. True or untrue, correct or incorrect, the fact that this opinion is expressed is an indication that the students themselves are not making full use of their opportunity to make the Spectator as truly representative as it is desired.
The staff feels that a representative paper is the ultimate object and goal of the paper and it invites any expression, criticism, praise, or blame upon any action of the paper or of any other organization upon the campus. In addition your opinion is invited upon any subject on which you wish to
sent to the lair the Ells to recapture the Issue.
Rumors that the whole affair was "just one big publicity stunt" to bolster
sales were heard in some quarters this week.
Students Attend Art Program Tuesday
Miss Colline, a group of art students, and the class of history and appreciation of art drove to Linds-borg Tuesday night to see the slides of the works of art from the Nelson Art Gallery in Kansas City, Miss Lehman, who is greatly interested in masterpieces, accompanied the group.
The slides included a true reproduction in pictures of the paintings and sculptures of the early Roman and Greek artists up to the later ones.
Mr. Beam at the close reviewed portraits and landscapes which he and his co-worker had painted to show the life-likeness of the paintings and their art of true and impressive color-blending.
In addition to showing the slides, Mr. Beam ably and interestingly connected the paintings with the historical background of the people at that time, the producer and his likes and dislikes, and the reason why certain qualities in the picture were played up for the required effect. He stated that it was impractical for an artist to paint outside of his field of experience because it would tend to Integrate the one-plan effect.
Some of the students who have visited the art gallery at Kansas City personally report the pictures to be on accurate reproduction of the magnificence of the display in the mu-
Success is speaking words of praise, in cheering other people's ways.
In doing just the best you can With every task and every plan.
It’s silence when your speech would hurt.
Politeness when your neighbor’s
It's deafness when the scandal flows And sympathy with others' woes, It's loyalty when duty calls.
It's courage when disaster falls.
It's patience when the hours are long, -
It’s found in laughter and song. It's in the silent time of prayer.
In happiness and in despair.
In all of life and nothing less We find the thing we call success.
Author unknown
School Student Body Votes to Continue Its Major Sport
(By Associated Collegiate Press)
Baltimore. Md. --An overwhelming vote of 639 for, and 49 against, intercollegiate football was cast by the undergraduate body of John Hop-
kins university in a poll conducted here recently.
The returns of the balloting were ing an interview in which the president did not, however, commit himself to any definite decision with regard to football. He indicated that the outcome left no doubts in his mind as to where the student body stood, and that he expected the stand of the administration to be
taken on the basis of it.
There has been a movement on foot to abolish football at the Baltimore institution for almost a year.
Three Universities Are At Odds Over Alleged Theft
(By College News Service)
Cambridge, Mass., Nov. —Harvard, Yale and Princeton this week were at odds with each other over the alleged theft of 4000 copies of the joint football issue of the Harvard Lampoon and Princeton Tiger for the annual Harvard-Princeton game last week.
There were hints that the publication might have been stolen in re-taliation for the Lampoon's alleged theft last year of the Yale Bulldog Mascot, Handsome Dan HI.
Robert Cummings, business manager of the Lampoon, stated that a rescue squad of six men had been
Ten Years Ago
After a slow start, the Bulldogs proved to be the favorites by a 20-6 marin against the Bethel eleven on the local gridiron Thursday after-
LeRoy Doty, president of the State Student Council, is well qualified for his office, and is an asset
to M. C., according to William E. Sprengerm state student secretary of the Kansas Y. M. C. A.
Today the classic of the football season will be argued to a finish on the local gridiron between the Terrible Swedes of Lindsborg and the McPherson College Bulldogs.
Dr. Harnly's geology class arrived in McPherson Friday evening after a hundred mile inspection tour, including a visit to a number of rock formations and mineral deposits near Kanapolis.
Five Years Ago
Professor Nininger is spending the greater part of his time, this week, in the Museum of Mexico City, as-sisting the authorities there.
McPherson College was given $5000 cash consideration on a 40-acre lease by the Darby Petroleum corporation of Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Jack Lehman's B- semester theme, "The Power of Propaganda," received highest honor as an oration in the national contest sponsored by the International Collegiate Peace Association.
"World Peace" was the subject of discussion at C. E. Sunday evening.
The 1930 Quadrangle sale went over big this morning during chapel period. The senior class, numbering 55 members, purchased 56 of the 1930 yearbooks, winning the $10 prize for being the first class to attain a one hundred per cent annual
The Bulldog Seconds defeated Hutchinson Junior college 6-0.
AS A STAFF MEMBER SEES IT "There’s no good reason why that story couldn’t have been in last Monday." "Can you think of anyone else who went to Emporia?" "Why not write a feature on "Getting out the Spec?"- -"Good idea! That's what we’ll do."
After midnight—-Making up the forms for a four-page weekly is no snap when only enough copy for three and a half pages has been turned in. Consequently the staff members are forced to wrack their brains for bits of news that the reporters overlooked, for filler of all sorts, and for features such as this.
"Hey, where's the head for this lead story?" "Not written?" "That’s you job”—A groan and a sigh. "We may get out in time for breakfast."
You say this story doesn't make sense? Well, neither does it make sense to try to print a paper without news. Why don’t you students do something that will make good news. And please do it on Friday or Saturday so the reporters will get their stories in by Tuesday, or at least by 8:00 or 9:00 p. m. Wednesday.
Ruth Hawbaker ...................Nov. 18
Leone Shirk, Ruth Tice, and Pauline Stutzman were in Emporia Friday to witness the Bulldog C. of E. fray.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Voran, Professor and Mrs. A. C. Voran and Casey Voran were entertained at a birthday party given by Mr. and Mrs.
F. Forney.
Robert Booz, Franklin Hiebert, Wendell Doll and Willard Crabb among the interested spectators at Friday’s game at Emporia.
Johnson's "Government in the
United States," the first book to contain the "revolutionary” Roosevelt Legislation of the New Deal and industrial recovery; and Warren Person's "Government Experimentation in Business," a penetrating book which uncovers a long series of governmental blunders and failures from the earliest business experiments to the beginnings of the New Deal, have been purchased for the library.
Other new books purchases are Halford E. Lucock’s "Contemporary American Literature and Religion," a book which breaks new trails in the wilderness of contemporary American literature and the wide-ranging fields of religion: and "Selected Essays's by John Milton.
The Fortnightly Review presumed "Tendencies of the Modern Novel” by Hugh Walpole and others. This is a collection of essays reprinted from the Fortnightly. The National Education Association presented ''Addresses and Proceedings for 1934."
The Library as an Association In College Instruction
"We are commit to the policy of placing the library at the hub of
A group of students from Bethany college will present a program in a joint Y. M.-Y. W. meeting next Tuesday morning. Emery Lindquist, sponsor of the Bethany organization, is arranging the program.
At Lindsborg, the clubs are organized and work for the same em-phasis as do the local Y. M. and Y. W. They are known however, as the B. C. W. (Bethany Christian Women) and B. C. M. (Bethany Christian Men).
Plans are underway whereby the local organizations will present a program at Lindsborg in the future.
Heavy hydrogen and cosmic rays will be discussed at 4:30 o'clock this afternoon in Chemistry Club by members of the advanced chemistry class. These are topics of current interest in scientific circles, for scientists are continually discovering additional facts in these fields.
Chemical color changes of liquids will also be demonstrated and explained. Profesor Wottasnozzle's lifelong Secret of changing water into wine will be revealed.
Wise -people sometimes change their minds—fools never do.
The reward of a thing well done is to have done it.—Emerson.
Among those going to Emporia Friday for the conference game were John Moore, Jimmy Hawkins, Everett Brown, and Gerald Custer.
our instructional wheel states Prof. Johnson of Stephens College 'n the current issue of "School and Society.”
Stephens College is working out a system by which the division librari-an assists the students and professors in certain individual courses. This has resulted not only in increased use of the libraries, but also in more effective use of the book collections.
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Petz announce the marriage of their daughter, Miss Barbara Petz, to Mr, Leslie Winget on Saturday, November 3, at Ellin-wood, Kansas, with Rev. Dietrich officiating, Mrs. Winget who has lived in McPherson for the past year and a half is a student at McPherson College and holds a position with the Alliance Agency. She is a niece of Mrs. Glenn Zimmerman with whom she has made her home. Mr. Winget is a salesman for the Sent-ney Wholesale Grocery Company of Hutchinson.
Alma Rodabaugh, Iva Walker, and Viola Harris entertained at dinner Thursday Miss Atkinson Tur-ner, and Ted Dell. It was given by the girls as a home economics proj-
The girls of the class in Clothing I and Clothing III have nearly all completed the project of making silk and wool dresses.
In Other Schools
At Hayes, the Student Council excused the women from wearing caps for insignia, but in the freshman class meeting it was voted 186 to 66 that they should wear them. There-fore the whole freshman class must conform to the tradition.
Recently a group of girls from the home economics department at Baker university, gave a skit showing the improper way of doing light housekeeping while in college.
At Washburn college, the non-fraternity men of the campus are to have a residential club house. The purpose of the club is to bring to the students advantages of social contact which they would not get otherwise.
(By Associated Collegiate Press)
Only two of the 158 graduates of
the class of 1934 of Arizona State Teachers college (Flagstaff) have not received employment to date. Exactly 85 per cent, of Colby college (Waterville, Mo.) ‘34 graduates have positions.
The New England International Relations conference was held at Wellesley college (Mass.) recently. There are 492 active clubs in the United States at the present time.
Intramural checker and ping pong contests are being held at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute (Blacksburg).
The creation of a college police course for University of Wichita (Kan.) is being considered by officials of that institution.
Ray Dvorak, director of the Uni-versity of Wisconsin (Madison)
band, has adorned his men with white spats with large red buttons— the colors of the Badger Institution.
“Oxford university is still in a medieval state. The dismal atmosphere of the place reminded me of Sleepy Hollow," says Maxwell Lan-caster. "I was particularly impressed by the lack of bathtubs."
Approximately 1175 of the 2200 students enrolled at West Virginia university (Morgantown) are eligible voters, a recent survey disclosed. About 875 of them will cast their votes for the first time.
A move has been started at the University of Georgia (Athens) to obtain a free transportation service for co-eds following an edict by authorities which prohibits them from hitch-hiking after 6 p. m.
The second national conference of Students in Politics ill be held in S. Louis, Mo., from Dec. 27 to 29.
Field hockey, the newest of the popular women's sports, is now played in 31 countries of the world.
In chapel Friday morning Miss
Barbara Lautz, student Y. W. secretary, gave a stirring challenge to youth to face life and to do all in its power to correct the evils of the world. She told of four college students she knew who have radiant personalities. Then she spoke of people who have been crushed by society and are extremely bitter toward it, and we, she said, are a part of that society that has crushed them. We cannot hope to reconstruct the world in one generation, or even in several, but we can do our bit in bringing about its ultimate regen-
U. of Toronto Establishes Date Bureau With Success
Gentlemen may prefer blondes, but to date only 25 per cent, of the men who have registered at the Date Bureau at the U. or Toronto have specified desire for this particular type of girl according to The Varsity. Although it has been in operation for less than a week, the bureau has been doing a rushing business securing dates for students who have not had an opportunity to make friends among the other sex.
Approximately 80 per cent of the men who have applied have been from out of town, with representatives from Brazil, New York City, England, Florida, and every province in western Canada. Students have registered from practically every faculty in the University, with the exception of Trinity college and St. Joseph's college.
During the first few days that the service was in operation, the men patronized it more than the women, but since the week-end there has been an increase in the number of applications from women. There is still a marked shortage of applications from women in residence.
The files of the bureau show that for the most part, the women specify that they want a congenial companion, and a good sport. There has been considerable demand for men interested in such cultural pursuits at the promenade symphony and university dramatics. One girl, who had specified that she desired an "inte-lectual," decided over the week-end that she was asking too much, and
Fred Doyle and Helen Anderson motored to Topeka Friday afternoon for the week-end.
Harold Buress and Herbert Glover were in Hutchinson Sunday.
John Dunn hitch-hiked home from Emporia Saturday.
Warren Need was in Geneseo over the week-end.
Leonard Wiggins was at his home
in Geneseo Sunday.
Orval Eddy, David Duncanson, and David Heckman were entertained Sunday by D. C. Wampler.
Among those who attended the game at Emporia Friday were Faye Sandy, Florence DeCoursey, Pauline Abuhl, Glee Goughnour, Camilla Moore, and Virginia Yankee.
Mr. and Mrs. Strohm of Manitou, Colorado, are here on business and are also visiting friends. Mr. Strohm was president of the Board of Trus-tees here until a year ago.
Dean R. E. Mohler is going to Otis, Kansas, today for a father and son banquet. Martin Steffin, a grad-uate of McPherson College in 1930, is superintendent of schools there.
Dr. J. J. Yoder has just returned from Garden City, where he has been on College business.
Twyla Reed, Jean Allen, Estelle Baile and Dorothy Fry spent Saturday night with Laurene Schlatter.
Modena Kauffman spent the weekend at her home im Topeka. She was accompanied by Neva Hoot who visited her father there.
Two soles with but one squeak that's love.
Agnes Bean, Margaret Oliver, Harry Frantz and Archie Von Nortwick went to Emporia for the game Fri-
ask for a "plain, ordinary man." Her request is in the process of fulfillment, according to The
Both the World Service and C. E. groups have planned devotional programs for their next meetings.
The World Service meeting will center around the topics: ‘What is
Prayer?.....The Place of Prayer in
the Lives of Great Men," and "What Prayer Means to Me."
Keep your temper no one else
Cornell university (Ithaca, N. Y.) scientists have raised two sheep which never ate a blade of grass, but lived solely on synthetic diets. They were fed a mixture of casein, cellulose, starch, vitamin concentrates and salts.
Fifteen Turkish men are at present enrolled at American universities on scholarships granted them by their government.
The pep chapel held last Thursday morning wasn't quite as bombastic and riotous as the preceding pep chapels have been. After the winning of the Swede game, there seemed to be a slight receding of spirit.
As the time for the C. of E. game neared, the student body again seemed to get plenty of school spirit. In the dining room Thursday, rousing cheers were given to spur the M. C. eleven on. Later that same day. a pep session was held in the dorm.
A group of students met on the steps of the gymnasium Friday morning to give the football boys a peppy send-off and the well-wishes of the group "to bring home the bacon.”
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.
Some men grow under responsibility—others just swell.
chemistry club gives
"The best assembly of the year," according to the opinion's expressed by the Wichita junior high school students, was given last Friday to sand, by a group of McPherson Col-lege chemistry students and Dr. Hershey.
Professor J. W. DeVore, head of the science department of the Central Intermediate school in Wichita, invited Dr. Hershey and his students to present the program which was given by the chemistry club here a month ago. In addition to the contest between Professors Finklesnoop an audiance of more than a thou-sand Wottasnozzle, assisted by Jo. E., a liquid oxygen demonstration was featured. With a liter of the liquid oxygen the showmen froze a hammer of mercury, froze some rubber balls, roses, cranberries, and even some ice cream.
Faithe Ketterman spent the weekend at her home in Abilene.
Esther Kimmel, Effie Snell, Zelda Brubaker, Theresa Strom, Lois Gnagy, Kurtis Naylor, Harold Mob-ler, Harley Stump, Glen Snell, Clifford Shank, and Lyle Brower were jguests of Dr. V. F. Schwalm Sun-day evening.
McPherson ties c. of E. IN
Score 0-0 — Emporia Gains Slight Upper Hand in Yards Made from Scrimmage —
Teams Evenly Matched.
In an afternoon that looked more
the McPherson College Bulldogs faced their opponents, the strong C. of E. team, on the College of Emporia gridiron.
From the kick-off until the sound of the gun that ended the game it was a hard fought battle. Both teams battled on oven terms with the C. of E. aggregation having a slight advantage in the total yardage gained from scrimmage.
In the first quarter a beautiful pass was dropped by a McPherson player that probably cost the team a touchdown. Most of this quarter was played in mid-field with the C. of E. team making one drive for the Canine goal that ended on the three-yard line. This was the only serious threat of the first half.
C. of E. kicked to McPherson to start the second half. After an ex-change of punts the Bulldogs started a drive, with Carpenter and Haun carrying the ball off and inside tackle, only to have the C. of E. defense tighten and hold the Bulldogs out in the shadow of their goal. This proved to be the only serious threat that the Bulldogs made throughout the game.
In the fourth quarter both teams started a passing attack in an attempt to score. C. of E. was more successful than were the men of Binford and Selves, and twice during this period the Emporians drove to within the Bulldog 10-yard line only to be stopped short of the goal.
When the game ended the ball was in mid-field in the possession of C. of E. The game was featured with hard playing on the part of both teams. The stonewall defense of the teams on their respective goal lines was outstanding. The score indicates just how evenly the teams were matched.
The game tomorrow afternoon is a critical one for the local eleven. The Bulldogs have not been defeated in football, basketball, or track at home for the last two years, and are now going into the third season undefeated in at-home events.
On paper the Oklahoma Baptist University appears to be the most formidable opponent on the Bulldog schedule. Last year the Baptists tool; the Binford-Selves crew into camp by a score of 19-0 on their home gridiron ns the feature of their Homecoming celebration. About half of the Bulldog team was on the injured list at that time. This year the team is in a much better physical condition to meet the Baptists.
McCoy, 138-pound back playing for the Baptists will take the place of Stark, ''slippery-hipped'' halfback of last year. McCoy, despite his miniature size, has an unlimited amount of ability and has been a sensation in recent games, especia-lly in the game with Oklahoma City university whom the Baptists de-
Coach Binford is satisfied by the way the basketball material has been showing up lately. There are about 15 men out now, and more are expected to come out in the next few weeks. Harold Johnson has charge of the basketball practices for the present this the football season is
The C. of E. team showed plenty of fight last Friday. Both teams had their chances to win. It was a good game all the way through for both the spectators and the players.
The Bulldogs made several goal line stances that they can well be proud of. It was the best defensive exhibition of ball that has been shown by any Bulldog club in re-cent years.
C. of E. could gain yardage almost at will in mid-field. The spectators would sooner see the stonewall defense on the 20 or 30-yard line than on the goal line.
The six-two-two-one defense that was used by the team seemed to work quite effectively. This type of defense, when properly executed, has eight men in the line on all running plays and five men in the backfield to protect against passes. The success or failure of this type of defense depends largely upon the two line backers. These men have to be smart and must be sure, hard tacklers. McPherson is fortunate in having three men that meet these requirements in Sperline, Burress and Glovers.
Tomorrow afternoon the Bulldogs meet the strong Oklahoma Baptist university on the home field. The Baptists boast of having one of the strongest teams in the history of their school. They will be out to repeat their victory of a year ago over the Bulldogs.
Although this is a non-conference game it is very important that the Bulldogs win. A victory over such a formidable opponent would add much to the success of our season.
We now have a record of 28 consecutive wins on the home field in the three major sports. A defeat at the hands of the Baptist would spoil this fine record. Let's go Bulldogs!
feated by a score of 13 to 7.
The Oklahoma team has met some powerful teams this season. Including such squads as Oklahoma A. & M. and Oklahoma City university. They have won their last five games.
The Baptist team will be built around a small backfield which averages 163 pounds, but plently of speed will be involved. Their line will average around 187 pounds.
Ruth Spilman and Janet Manning spent the week-end at their homes in Roxbury.
don't bold the column responsible and, if your favorite is not men-tioned, now is the time to send in his name. Before long, the more official lists will be in the press and it will be too late. Get in the fun!
Ends—Petty, Ottawa; Lobdell. Wesleyan; Farrow, Baker; Lemon, Bethany; Lee. C. of E.; Wiggins and Pauls, McPherson.
Tackles—Hards, Wesleyan; L. Daugharthy, Ottawa; Barngrover, McPherson; Heine, Baker.
Guards—Baer, Wesleyan; Newberry. C. of E.; Bob Griffith. C. of E.; Brown. Baker.
Centers—Hawkins, Baker; Blair,
Wesleyan; Rock. McPherson.
Backs—Smith and Enslee, Wesleyan; Hinkle and Harzman, C. of E,: Baker and Thornburg, Ottawa; Haun, McPherson; Smith, Baker, and Hartley, Bethany.
In commemoration of Armistice Day the C. E. group gave a short program Sunday evening dealing with peace.
Music and songs were chosen in keeping with the general theme Other features on the program were: the reading of the Kellog Peace Pact, giving of peace statements by famous men, and the recitation of "Brotherhood" and "The Test;"
Mysteries—love, women, and hash.
Gene Kemper in his sport column in the Topeka Dally Capital for Wednesday, November 14, selects the following for possible All-Kansas conference stars. He makes an All-Central conference selection which has been omitted for obvious rea-
His report is:
Shedding for this time at least the inflated attitude of the critic which we writing gentlemen like to assume. I offer the following lists of possible all-star groups in the Central and Kansas conferences. The lists have been gathered in the regular tours of a reporter to the gridiron fronts and no efforts has been made to cast them in first, second or third team groups. Moreover, they are not mine; rather, the names have been furnished by coaches, officials writers and fans who follow the various teams. So