The Spectator

vol. xviii    McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas, Thursday, sept. 13, 1934    number, 1


The annual watermelon feed given by the Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. will be supplemented this year by various forms of entertainment. The program will consist of games on the campus and a short program in the college chapel.

All students wishing to partake or the watermelon are asked to meet ou the campus south of Sharp Hall at 7: 30 p. m. Friday, September 14.

Victor Moorman and Margaret Oliver make up the committee in charge of the feast and Coach Linford will be in charge of the games.


Cancer Causes Death on July 1, Of A Woman Loved By All Who Knew Her

A very real blow to all students and faculty of McPherson College was the death, on July 1, of Mrs. J. D. Bright. Mrs. Bright had been suffering for two long years from cancer which she knew would, in the end, cause her death. Her affliction was known to students and faculty and the sympathy of all went out to her, and to Dr. Bright who so nobly bore his sorrow in the midst of his heavy duties. Mrs. Bright was buried at McPherson on the morning of July 4, funeral services being held in the college church.

Mrs. Bright was a remarkable woman. As a wife, mother, and community leader she was outstanding. She has taught classes in literature in the college which were enjoyable and very worth while to all enrolled


National Scholastic Press Association Gives Rating to College Newspapers

According to the results of the critical service of the National Scholastic Press Association, the Spectator was given a second class honor-rating for the year 1933-'34.

Each year this press association composed of 190 college publications sponsors a critical service for its members, returning suggestions and criticisms on the papers' news value, news writing, feature and editorial material, and make-up. The follow-honor ratings are then given: All-American, First Class, Second Class, Third Class, and Fourth Class.

Because of a new system of rating installed this year by the organization, ratings on the papers are decid-edly lower than before. Each department of the college newspaper is rated according to good journalistic form and in relation to the other papers entered. The real object of the critical service is the improvement of the publication and to aid college editors and staff members to set worthy journalistic standards.

Elmer Staats, student from Sylvia, Kansas, was the editor of The Spectator last year and Paul Booz was the business manager.

HARRY FRANTZ, Rocky Ford, Colorado, who is president of the student council for the year 1934-’35.

He is also editor of the student hand-book which has been given to all enrolling students.


President, student council.....Harry,

Treasurer, student council— Walter Weddle.

President, Y. M. C. A. — Paul Booz.

President, Y. W. C. A. —Velma Kel-ler.

President, World Service Group— Leonard Lowe.

President, College Christian Ea-

deavor—Clarence Sink.

Presidents, International Relations Club—Elmer Staats, John Goering.

President, "M” Club—Harold Bin-ford.

President, W. A. A. --Martha Hursh.

Cheer Leaders- Neva Root, Homer Kimmell.

President, Forensic Club—Gladys Riddell.

President, Thespian Club—Neva Root.

President, A Capella Choir—Chris Johnson.

Editor, Quadrangle—Sam Stoner.

Business Manager, Quadrangle John Friesen.

Editor, Spectator—Royal Frantz.

Business Manager, Spectator— Robert Booz.

President, Senior Class—Raymond

President. Junior Class—Clarence Rink.

President, Sophomore Class — Willard Flaming.

President, Freshman Class—to be chosen.



An exhibit of wood carvings and puppets is now open in room 310 of Harnly Hall. The exhibit is given by Mr. Woodall of Clay Center, Kansas, who is holding exhibits in various cities over Central Kansas.


Dean R. E. Mohler delivered the evening sermon in the college church Sunday speaking on the subject, “Am I My Brother's Keeper? ” He pointed out the many responsibilities we each have toward our fellow men and the impossibility of any one not having responsibility of some kind for the welfare of some one else.


The W. A. A. is planning a hike for tonight at 4: 30. This is an opportunity for new girls to become acquainted with older students of the college.


State Organization for Practical Peace Action Formed Last May


Fifth Congressional District Has Meeting In Wichita July 21To Organize Further

"Peace by peaceful means” is the motto of the Kansas Peace Action Committee organized last spring by college students including several from McPherson. State organization plans were completed when some forty college students met with Paul Harris, Jr., of the National Council for the Prevention of War at Friends University on May 29. The first organized resistance to war had been made among Kansas college students.

Stimulus for the state organization arose after Paul Harris made his visits to Kansas last year. Immediately after he left college peace action committees were organized on several campuses. The local organization has functioned with the International Relations Club.

In the state meet each congressional district was organized with a chairman whose duty it was to further peace work in his district El-mer Staats was chosen to head the fifth district which includes Bethany College, McPherson College, Central College, Bethel College, Wichita University, Friends University, and Southwestern College.

Further organization was completed for this district at the Fifth District Peace Action Conference in Wichita on July 21. At this time county chairmen were chosen with the duty or further organizing the townships in the respective counties. Paul Booz and Fred Hale were chosen co-chairmen for McPherson county. Booz and Hale have been active since that time in organizing nearby towns. The McPherson county meeting held in the First Methodist Church on August 19 completed organization by precincts. Royal Frantz has had charge of peace education in this county.

Non-political in its nature the peace organization has met with en- thusiastic success in arousing voters and near voters to see the necessity of peace action.

The second state conference will be held in Manhattan in the near future. At that time renewed emphasis will be placed upon peace action in view, of the approaching election.


Has For Subject "What Did You Bring Along to College? ”

Dr. V. F. Schwalm addressed the college Christian Endeavor organization in its first meeting of the year last Sunday night. He spoke on the subject, "What Did You Bring Along to College? ” He mentioned particularly the religious needs of a college student, stressing that students should bring to college a Bible, the habit of going to church and Sunday School and helpful attitudes toward the religious organizations of the college. He made the statement that "college may modify our religious ideas and ideals but we should hold to our basic attitudes on religion.” Paul Heckman led in the devotion-al service of the meeting. Elizabeth and Jo Wagoner sang a duet which was much appreciated.


The annual Harvest Home service of the college church will be held Sunday. The program will consist of the morning sermon by Rev. W. T. Luckett, Hutchinson, a basket dinner at noon, an afternoon program of fellowship and music and an evening program in which various members of the college will give observations of their summer's activities. Also on the evening program will be special music by the church choir. It will be the first appearance of the choir this fall.


The annual faculty reception for students will be held next Monday evening, September 17, in the par- lors of the college church at 8

All members of the student body are urged to attend. The older students of McPherson College will want to be there to meet and greet the new students and make them feel more cordially welcome.

The program has not been definitely arranged as yet but will be announced later. Miss Lehman is in charge of arrangements.


Now Making Special Price of $3. 15—Will Have Double Dedication

The staff of the 1934-'35 Quadrangle announces a special price for this years’ annual of $3.15, good for a very limited time only. The price is to be $3.65 until Christmas, after which time it probably will be advanced to $4. 00. A substantial saving can be made by ordering the book at once. Terms for time payments can be arranged. A sales force is being organized and will start work immediately. Orval Eddy is in charge of the sales this year.

This year’s annual is to have a double dedication, being dedicated, in the first place to Dr. J. D. Bright and second, to the cause of world peace. This will add to the interest which the book always has for stu-dents of the college.

The yearbook is to be more infor-mal this year than in the past. Instead of carefully posed photographs there will be informal action pictures

of the different groups.

The complete editorial staff has not yet been picked. Editor Sam Stoner announces that he will need an associate editor, two photograph editors, a student editor, and a humor editor. Any one interested in yearbook publication is asked to see him. The business manager is John Friesen.

In a short time students will he asked to have their pictures taken for the individual photographs in the book. The time for this will be announced later.


Defeats Opponent in Primaries With Two to One Count

J. A. Blair, professor of Psychology and Education and supervisor of practice teaching in McPherson College, is a candidate for the office of superintendent of schools in McPherson county.

In the race for the democratic nomination in the primaries August 7, Blair defeated his opponent, Sli-fer, by nearly a two to one count, the vote being 688 to 348. He is opposed in the November election by Hattie Heckethorn. Republican, who in the present county superintendent.



The first meeting of the World Service Group will be next Tuesday evening at 7: 00 in the Y. W. room. The Y. W. C. A. will hold its first regular meeting Tuesday morning at 10: 00. The Y. M. C. A. does not plan to meet till later.


Thursday and Friday, Sept. 13 and 14—Wood Curving Exhibit Science Hall, room 310.

Thursday. Sept. 13—W. A. A. Hike, 4: 30 p. m.

Friday, Sept. 14—Y. M. -Y. W. Watermelon Feed. College campus, 7: 30

Sunday. Sept. 16—Harvest Home services. College Church.

—C. E. Meeting, 7: 00 p. m.

Monday, Sept. 17—Annual Faculty reception. College Church. 8:00 p. m.

Tuesday. Sept. 18 Regular Y. W. meeting, Y. W. room, 10: 00 a. m. —World Service Group meeting, Y. W. room, 7: 00 p. m.

(Continue on Page Three)


Monday and Tuesday Given to Programs of Welcome to Freshmen

McPherson College was officially opened to fresh men with a welcome by Pres. V. F. Schwalm in the college chapel on Monday morning, September 10. The personnel committee consisting of S. M. Dell. M. A. Hess, E. R. Bohling, J. L. Bowman, and Della Lehman were introduced to the assembled group. In a talk by Prof. Hess the opportunities offered at McPherson College were stressed. Dean F. A. Replogle held of the curriculum and registration.

The afternoon on Monday was spent in registration of the freshmen.

At 7: 30 Monday the freshmen again assembled in the college chapel for an interesting talk on College Friendships by Dean R. E. Mohler. The group then retired to the Y. W. C. A. room where a social time in charge of Miss Lehman was spent. About ninety freshmen were present to enjoy the evening which was spent in informal gett-acquainted games and contests. Prof. A. C. Voran led the group in college and pep songs. After an evening in which an unusual amount of pep and enthusiasm was shown by the now freshman class, refreshments were served.

On Tuesday, September 11, the freshman group assembled in the chapel for an inspiring talk on social and religious development by Dr. R. C. C. Petry. Prof. Bohling told of Freshman Difficulties, and the remainder of the morning and afternoon was spent in completing registration.


Total of 270 Were Enrolled As Regular Students By Yesterday Afternoon


Have 124 In Class — Sophomores Number 62, Juniors 33, and Seniors Have 43

The enrollment of students in Mc-Pherson College is holding up well this year in spite of the serious fi-

nancial difficulties in which many over the territory served by the college find themselves. The total enrollment yesterday afternoon had just reached the 270 mark. There is a possibility that a few more may enroll later.

Of the total enrollment of 270,

124 are Freshmen. There are 71 Freshman men and 53 women. The Sophomore class numbers 35 men and 27 women, making a total of 62.

The Junior class is the smallest, hav-ing a total class roll of 33, consisting of 17 women and 16 men. In the Senior class there are 23 men and 20 women, which makes a total of 43 in that class. Eight special students complete the total of 270.

It will be noted that the Junior class is the only one in which the number of men exceeds the number of wo- men. The total number of men enrolled is 14 5 and the women number 117.

Seventeen states are represented in the enrollment this semester. The states represented and the number of students from each are given here. From the state of Iowa there are 28 students, this being the largest num-ber from any state outside of Kansas. Next highest are Idaho and Colorado, each represented by 9 students. Missouri follows with 7. From

Minnesota there are 5 students and from Oklahoma there are 4. Next is Nebraska with 3 students here. Wyoming and North Dakota are each represented by 2 students and California, Indiana, Louisiana, Michigan, Montana, Oregon and Texas are each represented by 1 student in college. The remainder of the 270 are residents of Kansas.

In addition to the regularly enrolled students in college, the Fine Arts department has approximately 75 students enrolled under Professors Brown, Lingenfelter and Wilcox in special work in music.


Also Correspond With New Students

Although scattered to the far corners of the country, members of the Y. M. C. A. cabinet kept in close touch this summer. This was accomplished by means of a circle letter, which proved to be quite interesting and stimulating. It especially afforded opportunity to the members for suggesting new ideas, observations, etc.

Another feature of the summer activities of the cabinet was the correspondence carried on with new students. This program was carried on with a view toward making the life of incoming Freshmen more interesting, bearable, and fruitful.

Paul Booz, president of the Y. M., represented the organization at the annual camp at Estes Park, Colorado.

A report of the conference is given by Mr. Booz on page three of this issue of the Spectator.



Prof M A. Hess gave the address in the opening chapel of the year yesterday morning. He spoke on the general subject of the changes that are constantly going on in every modern activity. He pointed out that to keep pace with these changes we must keep our poise. Religion is one of the best aids to maintaining poise in a changing world.

Special numbers of music on the morning program were a vocal, solo by Loyal Miles and a cornet solo by Floyd Harris.

Rev. H. F. Richards, who for the past twelve years has preached at the college Church of the Brethren, has accepted a call to the pastorate of the Brethren Church at South Bend, Indiana. He began his work there Sept. 1. Through his long pastorate here Rev. Richards won the profound respect and admiration of the students and faculty of the college and others of the city of McPherson.

The family left for Indiana Monday, August 27, and Tuesday, August 28, they figured in a holdup staged about ten miles this side of Joliet, III. They were traveling late at night, having been delayed during the day because of car trouble. Four men in a ear drove up behind them, forced them off the road and robbed them of about forty dollars. The victims drove on Into Joliet where they reported the robbery, going on to their destination the next day.

Our President __Speaking - -

The new year is upon us. We have in our midst a large number of young people of marvelous possibilities. A college is what faculty and students together make it. Let every lover of M. C. buy a horn and manifest some enthusiasm for the fine things for which M. C. stands. A great year lies before us if we choose to accept it. Let us make the most of it.—V. F. Schwalm.


Sept. 21—Chilocco Indians, here. Sept. 28—Bethel Graymaroons, here. Oct. 5—Friends University, Wichita. Oct. 12—Kansas Wesleyan, here.

Oct. 19— Baker Baldwin (afternoon game).

Oct. 26—Open.

Nov. 1—Bethany Swedes, here (Homecoming).

Nov. 9—College of Emporia. Emporia (afternoon game).

Nov. 16—Oklahoma Baptists, here. Nov. 22—Open.

Nov. 29—Ottawa University, here.

been daylight, he never would have had the courage to keep on going. Others going to Colorado were Miss Fern Lingenfelter and Miss Edith McGaffey.

Prof. Hess and family spent August touring the East, seeing Washington, D. C., and visiting Mr. Hess’ parents in Pennsylvania.

Miss Brown was in California during August. She spent part of her time in Hollywood, attending several concerts in the Hollywood Bowl. Ono night she stood in line at a premiere for two hours in order to see the movie stars.

Miss Della Lehman spent her summer in an unusual way. She lived with a French family in Quebec, and at the same time studied French under a tutor in that city.

Prof. Alvin C. Voran was in various camps this summer. He also attended a music conference at Camp Mack, Indiana, and at Northwestern University In Chicago.

Coach Melvin Binford aided Mr. LeRoy Doty In the recruiting of new students.

Three members of the faculty thought they needed more education. Dean F. A. Replogle took advanced work at the University of Chicago. Prof. S. M. Dell completed the work for his M. S. in industrial arts at Ames, Iowa, and Miss Alice Gill attended business college In her home town. Lawrence.

Dean R. E. Mohler had a very busy summer. He spent one week at the Brethren Conference at Ames, attended the Rotary International Convention at Detroit, spent a week in Texas, three weeks in the mountains, and three weeks in teachers institutes.

Dr. R. C. Petry visited alumni and prospective students and spoke in the churches of nine states, traveling 8500 miles. He also attended the summer assembly in Idaho and the district meeting at Wiley, Colo.


Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas. Published by the Student Council.



Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917, at the postoffice at McPherson, Kansas, under the act of March 3, 1897.

One School Year    THE SPECTATOR

$1.00    McPherson, Kansas


Editor-in-chief    Royal Frantz Business Manager Robert Booz

Associate Editor    Margaret Oliver Assistant Bus. Mgr. Franklin Hiebert


Kenneth Weaver    Edna Reiste    Orval Eddy

Iva Walker    Dorothy Matson    Donald Brumbaugh


To all members of this year’s large class of freshmen and to all others enrolling here for the first time, McPherson College, through the Spectator, gives a hearty and sincere welcome. Yon are Invited to take advantage of the many opportunities for fellowship and self-improvement In McPherson College. There are organizations to take care of any wants the student may have for fellowship and a chance to work with other students along lines of constructive activity. The religious organizations are open to any one interested in religious work. Athletic activities are open to any who are interested. Music, dramatic, forensic, and other types of organizations are here welcoming all who care to take part In their activi-

But outside of the regular organizations are plenty of opportunities to form friendships that will be valued highly. In the dormitories, in the classes, and elsewhere friendships spring up rapidly if one is at all eager to make friends. Also, we must not overlook the value of friendships with faculty members. The members of the faculty are always glad to have students come around and talk things over.

All that we need to do is to watch out for opportunities to work with others, or just to associate with others and we will find that college can be made one of the happiest times of our lives.


While this is not the first of January it seems to us that inasmuch as it is the start of a new scholastic year it might be a good time to make some resolutions. There are many resolutions that could be made at this time. For instance, we might resolve to always have our lessons well prepared before class time, to always have term papers, reading reports, etc., ready to turn in when due or to never cheat in a test. Then some of as might resolve to spend a little time cultivating friendships, both new and old. We might resolve that we are going to keep informed as to what is going on in the world by reading newspapers and worth-while magazines. For a few, a worthy resolution would be to attend church and Sunday School more regularly.

Of course, these are only suggestions. Every one has different problems to face and will find different solutions for them, But, at least, there may be something in this for us to think about.


According to Wilbur Glen Voliva, religious leader of Zion City, Illinois, the end of the world was scheduled to arrive September 10, which was last Monday. Just when we were getting enrolled and started off in another year of school. It rather looks as though he was mistaken. Anyhow the world has not yet met its doom and we are going on just as we would have if Prophet Voliva had never prophesied that the end was here. Scientists tell us that the end of the world is not due for a few billion years yet. But until that time there probably will always be someone who will try to tell us that it is coming in a week or two.


The faculty of McPherson College has been a very busy group during the summer vacation. Many of the professors traveled several thousand miles searching for new students and attending conferences and camps. Others visited relatives at various places over the country. Some attended school, while others taught in the summer session of McPherson College. All reported that they spent a good deal of the time trying to escape the heat.

Dr. V. F. Schwalm covered twelve thousand miles in eleven states recruiting students and speaking at conferences in Ohio, North Dakota, Iowa, and Minnesota. He also attended a student personnel conference for nine days at Estes Park, Colorado, where were gathered the heads of many of the colleges in the United States. In addition, he spent some time in his office in McPher-

Prof. J. A. Blair served as the head of the summer school. Those making up the faculty were Prof. M. A. Hess, Prof. J. L. Bowman, Dr. J. D. Bright, Dr. J. Willard Hershey, Miss Jessie Brown, Miss Clara Colline, Miss Fern Lingenfelter, Miss Lois Wilcox, and Miss Margaret Heckethorn, librarian.

In addition to his summer school duties, Prof. Blair won the Democratic nomination for the McPherson County superintendent of schools, spent fourteen days with Boy Scouts in the Ozarks, and war at the district meeting in New Mexico for a week.

Dr. Bright and Prof. Bowman were in Colorado from August 4 to 24. Dr. Bright reports that they climbed the nine miles up Pike’s Peak one night with only sixty-two stops for rest. He says that if it had


Mary Miller, a former student from Iowa, is enrolled in college

again this year.

Two students, Velma Watkins and Clarence Sink were sick with typhoid fever part of this summer.

Guy Hayes and “Berries" Crist, alumni, were visitors in McPherson College Sunday.

Faithe Ketterman, Lois Fry, Ruth Tice and Esther Stegman were guests at a house party at the home of Modena Kauffman in Topeka the week end of July 28.

Dr. H. R. Tice of Summerfield, Kansas, the father of Ruth and Raymond Tice, is in McPherson at the present time. He is working on the government cattle purchasing project.

Glen Austin and Donald Brumbaugh of Fruita, Colorado, who attended school here the year of 1931-'32, are back this year to complete their college work.

John Kauffman, a former student from Abilene, Kansas, has enrolled in McPherson for the present semes-

Viola Holderread, who was a student here last year, is now attending Bethany Biblical Seminary in Chicago. She attended summer school there during the summer and expects to attend this winter.

Lewellyn Lloyd, freshman from Gaylord, Kansas, came to McPherson about three weeks ago to work in Norlin's Cafe down town, Later however, he became sick and was taken home. He is back now how-be taken home. He is back now how-ever and is enrolled in school.

Leora Anderson, a last year’s student, has a position as reporter on the McPherson Advertiser.


The Y. M. and Y. W. organizations are sponsoring a second hand book sale in room 6 of the administration building. Any students with second hand books to sell are asked to bring them here and the "Y” will sell them for a small commission. Quite a little business is being done here. Students who wish to secure their books at a saving will do well to see the second hand books on sale here on they are priced considerably below the new


Summer School school enrollment this year reached one hundred and twenty seven, or a total of twenty-five more than last summer. In spite of the fact that the heat was unusual and excessive the student morale was splendid and the standard of work maintained throughout was excellent. Miss Marcella Ledell and Miss Irene Mason completed work for the Bachelor of Arts in History and the Bachelor of Science in Education respectively. The term closed Friday, July 27.


Dean and Mrs. F. A. Replogle are the proud parents of a baby girl born in Chicago, Friday, July 13. Her name is Carrol Ann. Friends of Dean and Mrs. Replogle congratulate them. Dean Replogle did advanced work in the University of Chicago during the summer months.

Two college students were on the church programs at the college church Sunday. Paul Turner, a student from Wyoming, played a violin solo in the morning service. In the evening, Loyal Miles gave a vocal solo. Both of these numbers were well rendered and greatly appreciated.

Read all the ads in this issue.


Files of Gospel Messenger Included in Donations

The college library has come into possession of quite a number of books during the summer through gifts made by different individuals. The Life of Edward Ayer, a book by Frank Lockwood, is the gift of Elizabeth Ayer Johnson, daughter of Edward Ayer. Another book, Century of the Reaper, by Cyrus McCormick, is a gift of the McCormick Company.

Several groups of books have been donated by different persons. Mrs. C. T. Isley of Augusta, Kansas, donated a group of about sixty books on different subjects. Rev. H. F. Richards, until recently pastor of the college Church of the Brethren, also gave the library a number of books. In addition, a number of books were given by Mrs. J. C. Muse.

Bound files of the Gospel Messenger of the years 1885-1915 were given to the library by Rev. F. E. Mc-Cune, pastor of the Church of the Brethren at Mt. Morris, Illinois. These files were formerly in the library of Mt. Morris College at that place.



By Paul Booz, President of the Y. M. C. A.

The high points of life for an individual who has ever attended Estes must include that experience. Thus in any review of the Estes Conference it would seem that the resources of superlatives must he exhausted. For that reason may there be no whisperings such as, "Aw, he's gone nuts about Estes."

of mind and action of a different nature. Each afternoon official hikes were led by staff members. The first hike was only about three miles long but from then on they increased in length until the last official hike was about twelve miles long. This includes only a very few ups and downs. However a group of about twenty-five climbed Long's Peak on the last day. This peak is higher than Pike’s Peak and calls for a hike of about ten miles to get to it. We started about nine o'clock at night and hiked the first nine miles of fairly gradual incline in five hours. The last mile was through snow and ice and was so steep that steps had to be cut in the frozen glaciers for a large part of the way. That last mile took just one hour less than the first nine miles, but the scenes were worth a dozen such climbs. We arrived near the peak about sun-up in position to see the sun rise above the peaks to the east. As it rose the gray light preceding its appearance gradually turned into a blazing red. During the time of its emergence from the horizon everyone in the group was so stiff that not an ice cake was dislodged. At that moment everyone was wishing for cameras which could record the beauty of the scene. Rut that, like most good things, didn't last. The last few feet of the climb were made before we could see the scenes on the other sides. The guide pointed out several towns, among them Denver, which were as much as eighty miles from our eyes. We could see little patches of silvery water over one hundred miles away and the misty horizon was said to be two hundred miles from the peak. We spent an hour on the peak taking snapshots and—just looking. The journey down was much swifter because we slid down snow banks for several hundred feet. On one of these slides the guide tackled the heavier of the two girls in the party to protect her from a rock which she was approaching very swiftly. He would make a good Bulldog for he dropped her in her tracks, (that is if tracks can he made with the ulterior portion of the anatomy).

Camp was reached about two p.m. and that evening we left for home. As I rode down the twenty mile trail from the conference grounds to the nearest town, my thoughts were reflections over the ten days. It was easy at that time to get the returning impact of many things that were sold and done. For that matter they were so indelible that it still is easy. That's one reason why Estes seems even more worthwhile. You don’t come down from there all stirred up and then find yourself entirely lost in the old round of events. That, also, is why McPherson College is going to have more than one at Estes next summer. Let's take a whole truck load.


About eighty girls established themselves in the Y.W.C.A. room Tuesday afternoon at 4 o’clock for an hour of fun and frolic. This was an effort to bring campus sisters together and help every one to get better acquainted.

Maxine Ring, chairman of the Y.W.C.A. social committee, directed the games. Tea was served to the girls with Betty Lou Cameron in charge of the table.

Since it was my lot to be the only McPherson College representative, there can be no reference to embarrassing experiences of people known to you. Such a serious deficiency leaves only the alternative of considering the program and activities of the conference in general. The program of the conference was almost ideally balanced. There was just enough solid thinking being done to make the recreation of afternoons in the Rockies seem all the more enjoyable. Then, in turn, the recreation of the afternoons was so strenuous that the evenings and nights could he used most adequately for reading, rest, or romance. A few chose reading, a few rested, and the majority romanced. Of course the latter group were somewhat influenced by the superb atmosphere (not just air-

moon, etc.).

The hour for arising depended somewhat upon the duties in preparation for the day. If you were to be the woodcutter, you shivered out of bed about five-thirty. If you were a cook, you jumped out at six and if you were merely an absorber of nourishment, the bed felt comfortable until seven. Immediately after breakfast the dish washing and general cleaning proceeded until the bell rang the call to worship at eight o’clock.

Many times a call to worship is met with a careless attitude among young people, but at Estes there was a difference. It may have been the climate, the mountains, new to so many, or the leaders. Very likely all influenced. At any rate, the usual attitude seemed to be changed to one of desire to reach out for something more satisfying than common existence. The services were brief, simple, and well-planned. There was no disturbance whatever. People seemed to be at their best. Each individual service was powerful in its appeal to better living. It was almost a revival without the weaknesses of revivals, for it was a quiet individual experience. The astonishing thing is that so many seem to feel the same about the whole group of worship periods.

There was an intermission of one-half hour between the worship services and the platform hour. In the platform hour some leader presented material in the field assigned to him. The various lectures were somewhat informal in nature, but the greater part of the discussion of their content was reserved for evening meetings. Those leaders were indeed just what they were called. They came from all parts of the United States and have been to all parts of the world. Harry Kingman, the leader on campus problems, is not only the Y worker in the University of California, but in addition is assistant coach of football and coach of baseball. He also has had experience as head coach of athletics in two universities in China. While in that country he received much of his training for youth work.

Ben Cherrington and Mr. Kaplan are both professors in the University of Denver. Ben has studied and traveled extensively in Europe. Kaplan was present at the last disarmament conference in Geneva and is one of the better economists of this country. Miss Quayle has her doctors degree in Psychology from Columbia University. She led discussions which usually resolved into boy and girl relationships. Because of the great common interest her lectures were attended as well ns any of the others.

Dr. Holt of Chicago was another outstanding leader at the conference. He is especially known for his work on Agricultural Economics. Some of you may have read his contributions to the Christian Century. Rev. Inglis was the leader of the worship services and did more than anyone else to make them as meaningful as my earlier words stated.

This group of men along with sev-eral less conspicuous leaders made up the conference staff. The entire group seemed to feel the necessity of inspiring youth to live better far their own and common good.

The solidarity of the morning ac tivity as was mentioned, necessarily called for an afternoon of relaxation


(Continued from Page One)

in them. It seems a waste to lose so fine a life so early. But her memory and influence are still potent wherever she has lived and worked.

Of her, Dr. Bright has beautifully written: "Death has been casting its ominous shadow forward for more than two years. Cancer sentenced Mrs. Bright to a terrible death. But the beauty of her life was not marred. . . . Death, with its icy hands, came at last as a lovely and soothing balm to end the havoc of the dread malady.

"In a rational universe this seems such a signal blow in the prime of a life of such high order. However the Christian faith affirms that death is not the final chapter. When one’s heart breaks, religion comes to the rescue. Spring comes not by the cal- endar; it comes with singing birds, burring trees, the beauty of the flowers, and by the wonder of the sun and showers. Life is not measured by years, but by the joy and nobility that undergird it. Undue grief would seemingly give evidence of a failure to appreciate the worth and beauty of her life. For where she is now, it shines and shines; where she is there is truth, goodness, beauty; where she is there is happiness.

"Perhaps the trait most manifest in the life of the loved and lost, was eagerness. She was animated by a spirit of sensitive eagerness which was given direction by sober judgment and loyal strength of character. She had a passionate eagerness to

find the great values in life. Through the study of literature, the cultivation of many fine friendships, and a probing of religious thinking, did this well-constrained eagerness show itself. Here was a spacious spirit whose energies could nor stay tethered in easy compass.

"She leaves to family and friends a heritage in the memory of her character that warms the heart and challenges to great living, to worthy achievement. The quality of her life, reveals the clay of which tricks are made with which religions are built. Surely God must smile upon a person like Grace Bright.”



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college Tennis men take


With one week of practice behind the Bulldogs we find a very optimistic spirit among the boys of the squad and the coaches. Some thirty-five men reported regularly for practice twice daily during the week prior to the opening of school.

Did you know we now have a record of twenty-four consecutive wins on the home field? This includes events in the three major sports: football, basketball and track.

Forty-five Men Out For Practice Including Several Letter Men and Considerable Promising New Material

Binford and Tice Take Doubles and Binford Wins In Singles Contest

By Wilbur Yoder, '34

The 1934 McPherson College football team is now in the midst of its second week of practice. Coaches Melvin J. Binford and Lester E. (Bud) Selves called their gridiron candidates in a week before the opening of school to prepare for the early game with the Chilocco Indians and for the remainder of an unusually hard schedule.

Graduation took four of the Bulldog football men last spring and about six more of last year's letter men either failed to return to school or are not out for football because of injuries. The big problem of the coaches will probably be to find a capable center and some good tackles.

Things look more promising when one looks at the letter men that did return and the promising new material that seems to to be crowding some of the veterans. A squad of at least forty-five men is now reporting daily and included in this bunch are some fellows with good football records. The more optimistic of the sports fans are now looking forward to a Bulldog team that will equal the strong team of last year.

Coaches Binford and Solves have thirteen letter men around which to build their 1934 machine. Wiggins and Pauls, both all-conference men are the veteran ends and appear sure to see a lot of service this year. For tackles Binford has Weddle and Colwell. letter men of last year and Reinecker who lettered two years ago and who was not in school last year. Eddy, Vasquez, and Duncanson are the letter men that have returned to work at the guard positions. None of the letter men are centers.

Some of the new material comes in McPherson with considerable football experience back of them. Glover, a 180 pound fullback from Hutchinson, looks good as a blocker and ball lugger. Bill Smith, 150 pound man is a halfback and looks especially good in the broken field. There is a possibility of Smith being used at quarterback. Both Smith and Glover are going to make strong bids for varsity positions. Sperline, 180 pounder, looks like a promising candidate for the center position. Rock, a squad man of last year is also showing up well at the center posi-tion. Meyer, 200 pounds, and Boyer, 215 pounds are working out for the tackle positions. Shive, a 200-pound man from Burrton, is also trying for a tackle position as is Dwight Barn-grovor, a star on the McPherson High School team last year.

Mitchell, a freshman from Michigan and DeCouracy from Idaho, Don Harngrover, McPherson, and Hawkins from Canton are outstanding new men for the end positions. Mitchell has also been showing up well in punting.

Crabb, Hapgood, and Seidel, all former McPherson High School stars are showing up well and will probably be used before the season is far along. Crabb and Hapgood are backfield men and Seidel is a line-

McPherson College tennis players made an excellent showing in the city tennis tournament held in McPherson last week. Harold Binford and Raymond Tice, varsity men of last year won the doubles’ championship and Binford defeated Tice in the finals of the singles matches, thus winning the singles championship.

In the finals in the doubles' contest Binford and Tice defeated Mof-fat Eakes and Merton Spurrier, McPherson tennis players, in a bitterly contested match that was in doubt right up to the last game. The first act went to sixteen games. Binford and Tice taking it 9-7. The next set also went to the college team, the score standing 6-3. In the third set, however, the downtown men played brilliantly and won 6-2. In the last set, both teams fought strenuously, but the Binford-Tice team finally came out with an 8-6 count to win the match.

The tournament this year was sponsored by the Morris and Son firm.

In looking over the squad we find a goodly number of letter men back in bulldog attire. There are also many new men that will be bidding for positions on the varsity eleven. Competition should be much keener this season than it has been for quite a number of years.

After Wednesday, when the enrollment has been completed, many more candidates are expected to report for practice. A squad of forty or fifty men will be in suit by the last of the week.

Believe it or not, a line could bo put on the field that would average two hundred pounds.

A week from tomorrow night the bulldogs will meet the Chilocco Indians at the McPherson Athletic Park. Chilocco will probably offer much keener opposition than they did a year ago. Remember, this game is not won until it is garnered into the win column.


Stratman, diminutive quarterback from Genesco, has speed and shiftiness aplenty and looks like a good find. Need, a center, and former teammate with Stratman is also a good man. Poland, a guard, Stout, a hard driving back, and Hendren, a fullback from Portland, Oregon, are also promising newcomers.

Strenuous workouts will be on the schedule from now on with the first game just a week away. The coaches have a good squad with which to work and a good spirit exists among the fellows. Several other men besides the ones mentioned have reported late and are working with the squad.

Last year there prevailed among the student body an excellent spirit. What you do as students to create a spirit among the student body will have nearly as much to do with the success of the season as will the team work of the men on the field. Come

It’s no blatant Ballyhoo. No! No! Dear friend, it’s just an Eye Opener. There's just four letter men of last year's squad that are graduated, and a large majority of the old letter men will be back. It certainly looks as if we should have a Whiz Bang of a team.