The Spectator





A program arranged by Miss Fern Lingenfelter of the Fine Arts Department of the college was presented as a part of the evening service at the Baptist church last Sunday evening.

It opened with a vocal solo by Mildred Dahlinger. Glen Turner played two violin numbers, accompanied by Viola Harris. Vocal solos by Loyal Miles and Warner Nettle-ton, three selections by the ladies' trio, a piano solo by Anne Janet Alli-son, and a violin solo by Marlys Whitney completed the hour of music.

A senior class meeting was held last Monday to decide upon the caps and gowns to be worn at commencement and the invitations to be sent out. Paul Sherfy and Elizabeth Bowman were chosen to art as a committee to decide upon these two matters.


The regular meeting of the W. A. A. was held Monday evening. November 6: Reports were made about the number of points which will be given for participation in the new sports, roller skating, ping pong, and bicycling. Further plans were made for attending the play day to be held at Hays this month.

The largest tuna fish caught near New York City in years—a fish weighing 705 pounds—was hooked this month by Francis H. Low, 22, a senior at Yale University.



"Follow the Gleam" was the theme of the Y. W. meeting Tuesday morning. It was carried out by a playlet of that title read by Neva Root, and a duct sung by Elizabeth and Jo Wagoner.

The playlet told of how Althea, president of the girls' club, and a firm believer in reality, found that she had been following the Gleam for a long time without realizing it.

It was also announced during the meeting that the annual candlelighting service of the Y. W. C. A. would be held in the College church at 6: 30 Thursday evening instead of 7: 45 Tuesday evening, as it had formerly been planned.

Modena Kauffman had charge of devotionals.



Possibly the silliest sophistry with which we have eluded ourselves is that struggle between species being the order of nature, war is inevitable and natural. --Alexander Ruthven, president of the University of Michigan.

The influence of the Chicago Cen-tury of Progress Exposition on architecture is to be reflected at New York University this year by the establishment of a course in Form and Color in the department of arch-itecture.



(By College News Service)

New York—Stirred by charges of Dr. Frank Reas of Columbia University that Nazi propaganda is being proud by German students in American universities. Congressman Sam-uel Dickstein this week announced that he would sponsor an immediate investigation.

Special investigators, he said. Would be directed at once to begin an injury in each of the more than 200 American colleges when German students are registered. He also declared he intended to see that heads of schools having German exchange students are summoned before the House Immigration Committee when it convenes this month.


College Turns Efforts To Entertaining Friends In Three Day Program


Alumni Banquet and Oriental

Plays Provide Interest for Former Students

The Homecoming program of the college was concluded last Sunday morning after many former stu-dents and other friends of the col-lege had visited here. The program consisted of the Swede football game, a trip to the Globe Refinery, an alumni banquet, two Oriental plays, and a Homecoming sermon.

As a major event on the Homecoming program, the Alumni ban-quet was given by the Alumni Asso-ciation, Saturday night in the dining hall of the college, with Prof. J. A. Blair as toastmaster.

A two-course dinner was served under the direction of Miss McIlrath to 176 alumni, visitors, faculty, and college students. The dining hall was attractively decorated by the art department in the school colors, red and white.

Short, interesting after-dinner speeches were given by a number of the alumni, faculty and students. The winning of the Swede game was a topic of enthusiastic discussion. Among those who spoke were Prof. S. M. Dell, president of the Alumni Association, who welcomed the visitors, Doris Ballard, Leland Lindell, Vernon "Dusty" Rhoades, Charles Lingle, Harold "Berries” Crist, Prof. M. A. Hess, Rush Holloway, Ward Wiliams, Homer Kimmel, Newell Wine, and Dave Duncanson.

The concluding event of Saturday's entertainment was the Oriental program given in the evening in the college chapel.

The first number was a violin solo by Miss Lois Wilcox accompanied by Miss Fern Lingenfelter.

Next the Japanese play, "A Flower of Yoddo, " was presented. The setting was in the summer home of Kami, a poet. All of the parts were daintily played in true Japanese fashion.

Between plays Chester Colwell, dressed as a Japanese artist, drew a Japanese pastel and framed it with a fan, and Edith Bechtelhelmer, as a Japanese girl, gave two musical readings, "The Birth of a Fan, " and "A Lesson With the Fan. "

The program was concluded with the Chinese play "The Joy Lady. " The stage was prettily decorated to represent a Chinese mandarin's garden. The screen used in this scene was painted by Geraldine Burdett. The play was written in a comical vein, but it gave much insight into true Chinese life. The costumes. which were genuinely Oriental and borrowed from several of the town people, aided greatly in creating the proper atmosphere.



Send Resolution To Governor Against Proposed Repeal

Yesterday morning the students or McPherson college took a firm stand for the state prohibition law sponsoring a resolution to Gov. Alf. Landon against a bill to repeal the aged law.

The resolution as it was presented follows: "We, the youth of Kansas, believe that any attempt to repeal the constitutional provision for prohibition of the liquor traffic or the enactment of any law permitting the sale of alcoholic beverages as a backward step and a deliberate at-tempt to profit financially at the expense of the general welfare of our own and future generations. "

The resolution was presented by Guy Hayes, president of the student council.


Students Give Enthusiastic Reception To Orchestra In Chapel Program

The McPherson college orchestra was given an enthusiastic reception last Friday when it made its first appearance before the student body.

The entire chapel program was devoted to the music furnished by the orchestra.

The program consisted of five numbers:

From the Schubert Suite March Heroique By the Sea

Braulus Fifth Hungarian Dance Waltz- My Regards, by Pascal Davis March from Oida

Miss Lois Wilcox is director of the orchestra this year.


The "Knothole Club" recently formed by Dean R. E. Mohler is gaining recognition in far-off places. Last week Dean Mohler received a clipping from the Albuquerque (New Mexico) Journal concerning the new club in McPherson. W. J. Krehbiel, publisher of the McPherson Republican, happened to be in Albuquerque and found the clipping.

The plan instituted here on the McPherson grid has been organized to eliminate the "gate crashing" by young football enthusiasts. For five cents, a tag is issued to the student under the sixth grade, which is good for admission.

   Thus fur the students have taken

advantage of the opportunity and much of the disturbance at the games has been eliminated.

Thursday, Nov. 9 Candle lighting service for Y. W.

Friday, Nov. 10- Peace Pagaent in chapel at 10: 00 a. m.

Friday, Nov. 10—- Football game with Ottawa at Ottawa.

Sunday, Nov. 12 Armistice Day program in college church.

Tuesday, Nov. 14 Regular Y. M.

and Y. W. meetings at 10 a. m.

Tuesday, Nov. 14 World Service meeting at 7: 00 p. m.


Chosen As Chairman for Kansas Vocational Guidance Association

Dean F. A. Replogle was re-elected chairman of the Kansas Vocational Guidance Association at the Teach-ers’ Convention in Wichita last Saturday.

This group plans several meetings during the year in which personnel leaders in education, industry, busi-ness, luncheon clubs, etc., are invited to participate. Forums and discus-sions on vocational problems consti-tute the programs at these meetings.

Mr. Colvin Evans of Pratt was chosen as secretary of the organiza-tion.

The Kansas association is affiliat-ed with the National Vocational Guidance Association, and Occupational Commission appointed by the president of the United States.


Friday afternoon the dramatic art department under the direction of Miss Della Lehman, presented the Chinese playlet "The Joy Lady. " before an appreciative audience of women of the community About one hundred ladies from down town besides those on college hill were present. The play was followed by a tea in the “Y” room, served by girls dressed in Japanese attire, including Doris Baker, Barbara Petz, Esther Scott, Betty Lou Cameron, Joy Cullen, Laurel Fields and Hazel Gordon.

The ladies were invited to bring with them anything they no longer needed that might be of use to the dramatic art department Monday morning the advanced expression class had the pleasure of opening these gifts.

The wearing apparel donated in- cludes several hats, both men's and women's; several strings of beads; a hair-ribbon: a silver hat pin: two pink, a brown, and a red scarf: an old-fashioned shawl: a complete Irish costume: a white apron;     a

brooch pin; imitation flowers; a corsage-back: old-fashioned slippers; a black silk blouse; knee trousers, two men's ties; two pairs of dress-cuffs; a band-rihbon to be worn in the hair; a piece of yellow lace: a shamrock:     a rhinestone bracelet:

silk pajamas; white mesh gloves; and a white celluloid belt.

Other presents were a doctor's case pills and all; an oil-cloth cushion; two gourds; two medals, a com pact; a hat box; pink glass candle holders;     tapestry; incense burner;

teapot; window curtains; and cur-tain rod.    

The dramatic art department is very grateful for these donations for they are certain to prove useful in the production of future plays.


Armistice Day Program Planned for Chapel Program Friday

The International Relations Club will give a peace pagaent tomorrow in chapel to celebrate the anniver-sary of the armistice. Several students of the club will follow sugges-tions given by Mr. Paul Harris.

Last Monday the club met to dis-cuss the Cuban situation. Sam Stoner gave a talk on the sugar industry in Cuba Lester Pote and Gevene Carlson discussed the Machado Regime and the October events in Cuba.

Next Sunday evening the club will give an Armistice Day program in the college church.


Replogle and Potwin Give Chapel Speeches On Educational Problems

National educational Week is be-ing celebrated here this week. This week is set aside by the nation's edu-cational leaders to be devoted to the cause of education. Thus far this week two chapel speeches have brought the problem before the students

Dean F. A. Replogle last Monday in his speech stated that 780 schools in Kansas were not in operation. So grave is the condition, of education in this country that an emergency committee was formed last year to deal with its difficulties. With reduced budgets the quality of the education given has greatly depreciated.

Despite the situation of education, the depression has aided education in many respects.

Dean Replogle stated five ways to keep the public interested in the course of education, by fulfilling its duties. The school should orient the student, develop his social life, en-courage his independent and special interests, should give him an appre-ciation of the democratic form of life by participation in school organiza-tions.

Wednesday morning, Superinten-dent of Schools, R. W. Potwin ad-dressed the students on our nation's educational problems. On the dismal side of the question Supt. Potwin stated that decreased budgets, un-employment among the teachers, suffering of students because of finan-cial depression and an increase in the number of students had precipitated a real crisis in American education.

On the positive side of the problem he stated that in the face of all this four of every five schools had carried on if our educational program is to succeed, we must convince the public that the tax dollar is well spent for this purpose.

Sapt. Potwin also gave a description of the crowded conditions of the McPherson public schools.


Goering, Hayes, Staats, and Weaver Will Make Up Varsity Squad


Christian, Patterson, Riddell and Schmidt Make the Women’s Team

In a bitterly fought tryout for the men’s and women's debate teams last Tuesday and Wednesday, John Goering, Guy Hayes, Elmer Staats, and Kenneth Weaver were chosen as the men’s varsity squad, and Francis Christian, Gail Patterson, Gladys Riddell, and Emma Schmidt won places on the women's team.

The alternates for the men's team are Paul Booz and James Reed. Since Paul Booz is a sophomore he will also serve on the second team. The women’s team alternates are Bernice Dappen and Betty Juelfs.

The men’s tryout was held in the chapel at 6: 30 Tuesday evening. Of the men's varsity team, Guy Hayes and Elmer Staats have one year’s experience on the varsity squad while John Goering has debated two years on the second team. Kenneth Weaver, freshman, comes from Clovis, New Mexico, unexperienced.

The men's second team will con-sist of Paul Booz, Willard Flaming, Paul Heckman, and Paul Lackle, with John Adrian and Byron Eshel-man as alternates. Present plans are for making the alternates of the second team into a regular second team which will receive debating experience. It was the general opinion of the judges that McPherson has the strongest freshmen debaters in years.

The judges for the men's tryout were Prof. J. A. Blair, Dr. J. D. Bright, Prof. E. A. Bohling, Dr. Ray C. Petry, and Prof. M. A. Hess.

The women’s tryout was held yesterday afternoon. Gladys Riddell was a member of last year's varsity team. Francis Christian has been active in forensics in other colleges. Gail Patterson has three years' ex-perience on the Lyons high school team.

The alternates for the women’s team are Bernice Dappen and Betty Juelfs. Judges for the women's tryout were Dean F. A. Replogle. Miss Edith McGaffey, and Prof. M. A. Hess.

With the Winfield tournament one month off practice will begin vigorously. Pairing    for sides is being

completed. At the Winfield Interstate Tournament each team will debate both sides of the question. Decisions will be made on debates after four rounds of practice.

An invitation second team tournament will be held in McPherson on Jan. 6. Thus far, Manhattan, Kansas Wesleyan Bethany and Bethel colleges have indicated that they will attend this tournament.

As yet it is undecided whether the league debates will be held as last year or changes to the Forensic Tournament at Winfield on March 9.


(By College News Service) Los Angeles-- A court test of the power of the University of California at Los Angeles to expel "conscien-tious objectors" against compulsory military training was in preparation this week as Methodist ministers of Southern California reaffirmed their support of Alonzo Reynolds Jr. and Albert W. Hamilton, former U. C. L. A. students.     

The latter were forced to leave the university when they refused to enroll for R. O. T. C. A friendly suit in being planned, according to the Rev. Frank Toothaker, chairman of a special ministers' committee.

For the first time in the history of the University of Minnesota, a student has been granted permission to substitute physical education for military training courses because he is a "conscientious objector. ” The student is Ray W. Ohlson, freshman, and the exemption order was issued by President Lotus D. Coffman.

The Spectator

Subscription Rates For One School Year $1. 00

Address all correspondence to THE SPECTATOR

McPherson, Kansas

Campus Chaff


Editor-in-chief    Elmer Staats Business Manager     Paul Booz

Associate Editor     Una Ring Ass't. Business Manager Clarence Sink

Feature Editor     Margaret Oliver Ass't. Business Manager     Joe Zuck

Sports Editor     Wilbur Yoder Circulation Manager     Byron Eshelman

Ass't. Circulation Manager Vernon Michaels


Ann Heckman

Ernest Sweetland Maxine Ring Gevene Carlson  Paul Lackie

Faculty Advisers

Paul Heckman Royal Frantz  Robert Booz  Helen Webber  Kenneth Weaver Profs. Maurice A. Hess and Alice Gill

The way to build McPherson College is to patronize college boosters.


Nearly every time that there is an athletic contest away from home there is always heard groups of students objecting to the admission price for that game. Why couldn’t there be a common price to all visiting students at our athletic contests?

Kansas Wesleyan was very kind to us at our recent football game at Salina. They reduced the admission price almost fifty percent besides giving our band free admission. Now, if all schools followed this policy there would surely be less antagonism against other schools by students over the high admission costs for visiting students. Why couldn't the authorities of each school get together and agree on a fixed price for all visiting students at athletic contests? —Submitted.


Have you ever wondered what becomes of good little football players when they grow up?

If mayoralty campaign developments in New York City are any indication, they are liable to be strong-arm politicians, assigned to the gentle task of keeping the Bronx safe for Democracy.

It seems that back in New York they have their elections seriously, with the result that friends of Postmaster-General Jim Farley have suggested that he call out the Marines to watch the polls when the current scramble for the city's highest office reaches its climax this month. The postmaster-general, who is a very smart politician, is more than casually interested in the candidacy of Joseph V. McKee, one-time acting mayor.

But members of the Fusion group, who are barking Congressman LaGuardia for mayor, seem to be showing Postmaster Jim a thing or two this time. They are organizing a corps of college athletes to act as poll watchers. These will be on hand, according to Fusion headquarters, to see that none of Tammany's, strong-arm men put over anything at the election... least of all, Tammany's candidate, who is the present Mayor O'Brien.

All we've got to say is that Tammany had better not try in fake reverses or end runs. An aerial attack is their only chance!


Today, as never before, the nation needs the enlightenment and direction that the college-trained man and woman can give. Leadership is the legitimate heritage of education: the power of knowledge is incalculable. But knowledge, unillumined by idealism, may be only the means of filling the dreary vacuum of self with materialistic and trivial absorptions. Hope of solution of world-wide problems must come through spiritual awareness and ardor. And in the bright realms of youth these qualities are spontaneous and abundant.

Opportunities for expressing practical idealism abound in the service of our national disaster relief organization. During the last year the willing hands of thousands of young men and women sped on the nation-wide task, committed to the Red Cross by Congress, of distributing among the families of 6, 000, 000 unemployed citizens such stores of food and clothing as have never before been appropriated for our own people. Flour milled from $5, 000, 000 bushels of wheat; garments to the number of 104, 000, 000 converted from the $44, 000 bales of raw cotton—both being the surplus of the Federal Farm Board—made life supportable for some 25, 000, 000 individuals.

Throughout the depression graduates of former years, involuntarily idle, but undespoiled of their vocational enthusiasm, offered their services in leisure-time programs carried on by various relief committees to keep up the morale of the jobless. Among these were many who had qualified themselves by the Red Cross instruction in first aid and life-saving, to teach others these courses. Young women who had majored in home economics and domestic science devoted themselves to volunteer work in Red Cross Chapters where budget-planning, food selection and nutrition were subjects, acutely needed in order to stretch relief funds to their utmost capacity. Graduates with social service equipment were particularly in demand as volunteers to ease the heavy burdens imposed upon Red Cross workers by the abnormal demands of the depression.

In the months that lie ahead responsibilities of varying kind and de-gree await the continuing ministrations of the Red Cross. Due to drastic changes in legislation affecting Federal benefits to veterans, it is inevitable that the organization which by the terms of its charter is charged with the duty of serving those who wear or have worn the uniforms of Uncle Sam should find its tasks greatly augmented. Disaster relief is the foremost obligation of the American Red Cross. Last year, it took the helm in 96 disasters ranging the breadth of the country.

The Volunteer Services of the Red Cross offers a wide scope of opportunities for helpfulness in its production, surgical dressings, canteen and motor corps divisions. Those who have served apprenticeship in any of those fields of usefulness find a ready place in time of major disasters when every resource in the stricken area is channeled through the Red Cross. For those who desire to qualify by special preparation for work rick in human appeal, there is Braille transcribing for the blind, hospital service, staff assistance and duty as health aides.

With every contact made by those who labor under the red and white emblem    of the Greatest Mother far more than material succor is made pos

sible. Not only are the physical necessities of life supplied to those who have been broken by disaster, disease or despair, but values intangible be-yond estimate in their revitalizing potency are contributed. Stamina of soul is strengthened, morale restored; the Good Samaritan offices of the Red Cross have rekindled the will to survive and the spiritual optimism that makes survival an accomplished feat.

Such is the service of the Red Cross, in which the youth of the college world are invited to participate, for in announcing its annual Roll Call to the colleges of the country, the American Red Cross is assured of a co-operation not limited to the contribution of funds for the continuance of its activities, but inclusive of a self-dedication as well.

The novel class is reading "Adam Bede" this week. One of our illustrious students, who frequently makes puzzles of her sentences by accenting the wrong syllable, puzzled even herself when, in quest of a book, she said innocently, "When can I have 'A-dam Bede'. ” The resulting sound was most shockingly surprising.. 'Twas she who is so careful in her choice of words.     

Another student, well known for her many embarrassing predicaments had another to report yesterday. Her girl friends and her girl friend’s boy friend took her riding. Then they took her back out to the college, but when she got out of the car she thought she would save time by skipping the running board and stepping on down to the ground. But my, oh my! Please turn your eyes! The girl friends was sitting on her dress and the sudden change of posture, left our poor little co-ed standing in the cold with her dress up around her waist. The girl friend's boy friend was facing her, while the girl friends was turned away, and it was some time before the girl friend came to her rescue.

We can hardly wait until we have graduated so that we may come back for Homecoming to be received with open arms and osculatory demonstrations. How we did envy our old friends.

Several of our best members were out early Saturday morning to collect not a little return from the Swede game. The fellows are almost beginning to disbelieve that a “woman never pays a bet. Maybe she will learn better next time. (We mean on whom to bet, not about paying).

I just now asked an unusually dumb girl (at least that's what she said) what Superintendent Potwin meant in his chapel speech yesterday when he alluded to Dr. Douglas, "with all due respect to him. ” She just looked puzzled and said "I don't know, for he wasn't an old man. "

Let me conspire, while I think a bit—this type must be set in a few moments or no Chaff tomorrow— no I don't care for oysters, either— nine week's quizzes are upon us—I am thankful that nine weeks quizzes come only nine weeks—I must study for the ’xam—so as they said in the Japanese play Saturday night — — Oyasumi.



Willard Flaming    Nov.     9

LaVonne Linholm    Nov.     9

Phyllis Powers    Nov.     9

Gerald Custer     Nov. 13

Ronald Vetter Nov.    13

Exchange Notes

ards have returned from an archeological expedition in Colorado.

Delbert Kelley visited on the campus during Homecoming.

Vernon Michael and Byron Eshel-man have moved out of the dorm. They are now batching at Ihrig's.

Lester Brown, Catherine Mohler and Wayne Hubbard, from Wichita, visited Everett Brown Saturday and Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Gordon of Des Moines, Iowa, visited their son Jack several hours Saturday on their way to Texas.

Dr. and Mrs. H. R. Tice visited their daughter Ruth and son Raymond Tice during Homecoming. They  are from Summerfield, Kansas.

Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Custer of Quinter visited their son Gerald during Homecoming.

Rev. and Mrs. C. A. Eshelman of Garfield were here over the week end to visit their son Byron.

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Dannenburg visited their son Woodrow over the week end

Richard Moser entertained his mother, Mrs. C. M. Moser, and his brother, Roger, during Homecoming. Their home is in Prairie City, Iowa.

Price Brubaker and Ralph Duckingham, former students, and Carl Brubaker, all of Prairie City, Iowa, were visitors here for Homecoming.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Andrews, graduates of ’31 and '30 respectively, and two children, and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Diggs, graduates of ‘30 and '32, of Gaylord, Kansas, were here for Homecoming.

Leo Marquis Hahn was at home in Parkerville over the week end.

Waller Wedel's parents and two brothers from Bloom, Kansas, visited him over the week end.

Better let people come into the world and see what a mess they make of it. —George Bernard Shaw.

We are all easily taught what is base and depraved. —Juvenal.

In man's most dark extremity

Oft succor dawns from Heaven — Scott.

A W. A. A. has been formed at Bethany. Points may be earned in six groups field and track events, self-testing events, tennis, folk-danc-ing, hiking and health. Each member must participate in at least four of-these groups.

The proposed merger of Friends and Wichita University was rejected by the yearly meeting of the Friends Church, but the matter has not been dropped.

The Alaska Agricultural College of College, Alaska, has received a small white candle which was used on Farm Youth's Day at the World’s Fair. The candle will be kept and used in the candle-lighting services of the 4-H Club.

The psychology classes of Fort Hays College measured their emotions by means of a psycho-galvanometer last week. The experimenter said a word and the subject responded with the first word coming to his mind. Such words as "girl, ” "boy, " and "love" brought a positive emotional response practically every time.

Compulsory class attendance has been abolished at Friends University but if a student persists in cutting an unreasonable number of times, he is dropped from a course. Chapel cuts continue as formerly.

The Alaska Agriculture College has a committee of three students who serve as the library bouncers. This committee is empowered to expel boisterously inclined undergrads and professors from the quiet zone for periods of time they think fit.

A new class in physical education has been organized at Bethany for those who cannot take it during the scheduled periods. The class is under the direction of a sophomore and meets every Tuesday morning at 6: 50 and Friday evening at 4: 00.

We do not need more government, we need more culture.

Mr. Lawrence Lehman of the class of '32 was seen on the campus last week.

Miss Lola Hawkins spent Homecoming week end with, college friends. While here she was a guest of Maxine Ring and Mildred Pray.

Miss Ruth Hobart of Fredonia, Kansas, spent the week end here.

Quinter, Kansas, was well represented at the Homecoming activities. Among those from this western town were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Custer, Posey Jamison, Harold Peneicker, Genevieve Crist and Odessa Crist.

Margaret Schwartz and Leteer Lewis, both former M. C. students and now attending K. U., were here for the Swede-Bulldog game and other activities of the week end.

In case you hadn't heard, the Bulldogs beat the Swedes Friday night, 39 to 0.     

Marvin Frantz, brother of Harry, and Ralph Jones, from Rocky Ford, Colo., visited on the campus Friday and Saturday.

Paul Heaston, of Haxton, Colo., was on the campus over the week end.     -

LeRoy Cox of Nickerson, student of Sterling college, visited Loyal Miles over the week end.

Mike Vasques was in Lyons and Kannapolis over the week end.

Arnold Taylor was slightly ill from Saturday to Tuesday.

Donald Dresher and Alex Rich-


What is failure? It's only a spur To the man who receives it right. And it makes the spirit within him stir

To get up once more and fight If you never have failed. It’s an even guess

You never have won a high success.

—Edmund Vance Cook.


Ellen Steinberg, ’33, of Lorraine, Kansas, has been ill with the flu for the last few days but is better now.

Myrtle Moyers, ‘28 of Enid, Okla-homa, became the bride of Mr. B. Leon Freed. August 6. at Ames Ok-lahoma.

Irene Steiberg, ’29, and Walter Kohrs were married last summer. They are making their home at Elmo, Kansas.

Saylor J. Near of Portis, Kansas, is to be a principle speaker at the Hays section of the State Teachers' meeting.

Rush Holloway, '30, and Leonard Crumpacker, '28, are spending their spare time using the open season on ducks. They have bagged quite a number of birds this season.



New York. Nov. 6—Only seventeen football teams throughout the country remain unbeaten and untied, an international News Service surrey to-day reveals. Duquesne University of Pittsburgh heads the list with eight consecutive victories.

Princeton, Emory-Henry and De-Pauw are the only teams unscored on.

Unbeaten teams and follows:

their records

















Bluefield College




Murray, Ky. Teachers
















De Paul








St. Cloud Teachers




Oklahoma City



















St. Thomas (Pa. )




THURSDAY, NOV. 9, 1933

The Spectator



After All Being Absent From Classes Isn’t So Pleasant

At last I've begun to question the merit of cutting classes. Honestly, the idea has struck me rather forci-bly of late. I've been conscious all along there was no particular penalty involved for class-cutting, except this business of self-punishment.

Well, the other day I skipped Dr. Schwalm's class for no reason at all except that I didn't want to go thru with the stuff. Then, too, I felt pretty confident that something more enticing would show up. So as I've previously said. I cut the class. Every place I'd go that day I'd meet the honorable president. I'd put on that last rose-of-summer look. Maybe he'd think I'd had a severe ease of headache or lumbago at the time of the class session. Well, luckily, I got through without his asking where I was at such and such a time. But another and more unpleasant thought was that possibly he might not have even missed me.

It just doesn't pay to skip one of Dr. Hershey's classes. Yeah, I’ve tried that. He takes about five minutes at the beginning of our chem class to write down the number of the unoccupied seats. Woe. woe, if you're in the wrong pew, you might as well not be there—nearly. Then too, if you come in late you have to report your name at the end of the class so that he won't count you absent. Not a bad idea at all. Then if you do miss or happen to get the smallpox sure as heck you'll have to write an outline of the stuff you missed.

Blair calls roll every day. If you are in a larger class you won't have to cut, just have one of your pals to answer '"Here" for you. During the class he may and again he may not notice your absence. Its fun to be in one of his classes for more than one reason, but the one I have in mind now is the idea of saying on the day of the game "Beat the Swedes" or "Bust Ottawa. " or whoever we happen to be playing, instead of answering the staid "Here. "

You've heard Miss Lehman speak of retribution. I presume. Well, I received a dose of it the other day. I skipped a class to study for another class (a perfect legitimate act). Well I appear at class number two. the possessor of my lesson, and the prof fails to show up. Maybe I didn't feel that the props had been pushed out from under me

"Rep" merely counts noses to see who isn't present. That is, he uses this method in his small classes, (quantity basis), but it’s beyond human power to say how he ever knows when all of the freshmen are in orientation class.

Dr. Petry has an interesting method of taking roll call. Each of his charges has a certain number and at a certain time calls it out. Here's the way it works—Johnnie's number is 12 and Susie’s number is 13. If Johnnie is absent then Susie goes ahead and says "thirteen. " Thereby Dr. Petry can tell that Johnnie is absent and Susie is present.

At every class session Miss Lehman goes through her class cards and sees that she has a face to correspond to each card. It's easy then to mark the missing person absent and that's that.

Every person has his specific place in Professor Hess' class and it is moderately easy to discover who is


Here are some interesting "did-you-knows" from various colleges. Did you know:

That in 1732 girls of Salem College could take baths only by special permission and at times indicated by instructors?

That "yeah" is not a new expression, but dates back to the year 948 A. D., when it was used by King Alfred (according to Professor Greet of Barnard College)?

That in the early days when Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College was established—at what was then known as "Prairie Dog Town" —a rule was adopted requiring all students to leave their firearms outside of the buildings?

That the University of Alabama has banned the grand old Southern custom of throwing apple cores on the field as a cheering device at football games?

That Coach Andy Kerr of Colgate, whose footballers were NOT asked to play in the Pasadena Rose Bowl last January, describes his last year's team as having been undefeated, unscored on, untied and uninvited?

That Paul Robeson, the grant negro actor and baritone, was an AllAmerican end from Rutgers In 1917?



Prof. J. A Blair spoke to the college C. E. Sunday night. His subject was "The Eternal Quest. " He stated in opening that the eternal quest was after happiness. He then told of the different ways in which people had tried to obtain happiness.

A great many people think that if they can get riches they will be happy, but in many cases they find out too late that they were mistaken.

Ponce de Leon thought that if he could repair his youth he would be happy. Prof. Blair stated the young people could be envied because of their happiness and youth. The question that he put to the students was: "You have youth, what are you going to do with it? "

The speaker stated that we should seek goodness, not because we wish to be called good, but because for the help that it provides for ourselves. Neither should we seek pleasure under the guise that we are seeking happiness.

In conclusion Prof Blair stated that true happiness comes from a service well done.

Bernice Keedy gets a vocal solo.


Six now books in the field of international rotations have been sent as a gift of the Carnegie Foundation for International Peace, to the International Relations club, to aid in the promotion of world peace through education. These books have been placed in the library, making them available to all students.

"The Great Illusion 1933, " by Norman Angell, is a new version of "The Great Illusion" first published in 1907. It contains much that was in the original book, but the mater-ial is so arranged as to show the relevance of the ideas with the present situations "It is a clear analysis of those fallacies and misunderstandings which lead to War. "

"The Bank for International Settlements at Work. " is an account of the functioning of the Bank for International Settlements during its first two years. Eleanor Lansing Dulles, the author, had access to source material in Basle. Switzerland, besides two years close con-tael with the officials of the Bank. She knows what she is talking about, therefore, when she explains the forces which brought the Bank into existence, tells the needs which it is designed to fill, and gives an appraisal of its significance to economic life in general and to international finance.

"International Government" gives fundamental but not too technical principals of international law, and the institutions, organizations, and problems of international society today. It deals with the governmen-tal aspects of international life only, omitting economic, psychological and other such factors behind the scenes. Clyde Eagleton, professor of government, New York University, is the author

"World Prosperity as Sought through the Economic Work of the League of Nations, "    was written by

Wallace McClure. Ph. D., Assistant Chief, Treaty Division, Department of State. The book is a comprehensive account of the entire field of economic activity of the League of Nations, which is now determined to overcome economic depression. It is a valuable handbook for one who desires to follow the work of the Monetary and Economic Conference which convened at London, June 12, 1933.

"Will They Pay? " by Dorsey Richardson, is a printer of the war debts. Mr. Richardson is an authority on



New York, Nov.. I "We are on the threshold of another world war as long as the Allies do not disarm. "

Voicing a warning against eventualities which are possible as the result of present conditions in Europe. President Nicholas Murray Butler of Columbia University this week expressed belief in the need for a "new deal" in world affairs. He particularly attacked the Treaty of Versailles and contended that the present dangerous situation "can only be dealt with by a reinterpretation of the war settlement in the terms of tomorrow. "

And so long as the Allied Powers do not disarm they are strengthen-

ing the cause of revolt in Germany, he declared.

"The treaty is a treaty of punish-ment of vengeance and not one of construction or forward-facing states-

the subject as his record for the last fifteen years shows. He served with the Battle Mission. American Relief Administration, and in the Military Detachment. American Commission to negotiate Peace, Paris, 1919. He was a member of the American delegation to the first meeting of the Preparatory Commission for the Disarmament Conference 1926. Since 1927 he has been a European representative of American business interests.

In "Historical Evolution of Hispanic America, " J. Fred Rippy tells of the historical development of the countries of Central and South America, down in and including the present time. He especially emphasizes the important changes which have occurred since 1910 Special attention is given to the foreign relations of the various States, to the regional problems, and diplomatic alignments.

manship. " Dr. Butler said.

"On the continent of Europe there is only one great personality, and if he wished he might well point the way and load the way to the future. This personality is Mussolini. Somebody has got to take the lead in the spirit of clear-thinking and kindliness and with no thought of taking political or commercial advantage ever another.

"Our own country has the great-est responsibility in its history. We have become the central point of interest in the whole world, not because of our size or our wealth, but because of our fundamental principals. If we continue to make them work, we can do for the new world, which is struggling to be born, what Rome did for the world nearly two thousand years ago. We will not do it by force, but by our zeal. "

He said that we are now living in a period of revolutions of a far-reaching character and that these represent the "birth pain" of the new world.

“We are wandering between two worlds, one dead and the other powerless to be born. " he declared.

He defended the place of the League of Nations in the "new deal" for the world and maintained that it is unfair to brand the League as a failure.



Because of the cold weather conditions here last Friday the traditional freshman-sophomore football tilt was postponed until a later date. While a definite date is yet to be set the freshmen are confident that the game can mean nothing more than a huge one-sided score.

and who isn't present.

All this has been struck home to me recently by this typed piece of paper which says something about three consecutive absences call for a reinstatement in the course. Not bad. I don’t mind the re-enrolling process —but when you go to Fries to get his signature it may be an entirely different story.

McPherson county has recently contributed


By Dr. H. J. Harnly

The fossils recently contributed to the McPherson college museum, found in McPherson county hare contributed much to the museum's already rich collection.         

Several weeks ago Mr. John Aiker, living twelve miles north of Mc-Pherson on Sharps Creek, brought to me from his gravel pits, fossil bones representing four great extinct animals. The collection of species now extinct includes the collection of bones and the point of the tusk of an elephant, the teeth of a horse, bones of a bison, and the cranium of a sabre-tooth cat.     

From these same beds and others have come fossils of at least two species of elephants, one of a mastadon, one camel, one bison, several horses, one sabre-tooth cat and one giant ground sloth. From later deposits perhaps overlapping the above are represented the homo sapiens skeletons and artefelts. All of the above are represented in the collections of the college museum. These were great, some giant, animals, all now extinct, formerly roaming over the plains of Kansas.

Proceeding these great animals during the cretaieous period. Kansas was inhabited by many great reptiles, some forty to fifty feet long—land reptiles, water reptiles, air reptiles, all extinct by the time of the advent of the great mammals.

The mammals became extinct during the unfavorable climatic conditions of the glacial age and following it.

McPherson college has valuable collections which are being constantly enriched by donations of its many friends. Anything in the way of valuable finds will be greatly appreciated.


The Spectator

THURSDAY, NOV. 9, 1933



Bethany Hopelessly Defeated as Pauls, Wiggins, Binford, Haun, Carpenter and Schurr Carry Ball Over Scoring Line—No Score In First Quarter


McPherson Makes 25 First Downs to 4 For the Visitors

The McPherson college Bulldogs kept their record clean and made the Homecoming celebration a success by trouncing the Terrible Swedes of Bethany to the tune of 39 to 0 last Friday night.

A determined bunch of Bulldogs took the field Friday night and outfought, outsmarted, outgained and outran their rivals to score an emphatic victory in the annual grudge battle. The game started out as a typical Bulldog-Swede game but after crossing the goal line once the Bull-dogs settled down and literally "poured it on" the Swedes.

McPherson received the kick off and on the opening play Carpenter tore loose for 15 yards and the crowd went wild. Two more plays gained 14 yards and the second first down of the game. But there the Swede line held and McPherson was forced to punt.

After receiving the ball the inspired Bethany team showed her only offense of the game. These Swedes, determined to win over the Bulldogs, showed some drive at this point of the game. One play netted them six yards and a little later they gained 7 yards on a play which turned out to be their longest run of the game. The Swede punter booted a nice kick and McPherson again took the ball.

The Bulldogs started a desperate drive down the field that looked like a score was sure to come, but when the local team got in scoring distance a McPherson back fumbled and a Swede recovered.

About the middle of the second quarter the McPherson eleven advanced to the 28 yard line and there Carpenter shot a pass to Pauls over the goal line for the first score of the game. Wiggins' kick for the extra point was blocked.

Bethany chose to receive and the McPherson line stopped them cold, and after the Swedes punted, the Bulldogs again scored. With the ball in about midfield, Burress ran way back and threw a long, beautiful pass to Wiggins who caught it on a dead run and ran a short distance and crossed the goal line standing up. The pass and run after catching the pass accounted for a 53 yard gain. The half ended a little later with the Bulldogs leading 12 to 0.

Bethany kicked to McPherson at the opening of the third quarter and the Bulldogs showed some neat blocking and good running to the large Homecoming crowd. With the goal just 60 yards away the Binford-Selves machine began to function and the line opened huge holes for the backs to race through. It look just 10 plays for the Bulldogs to travel those 60 yards, with Binford carrying the ball over for the score. Burress kicked the extra point to bring the score to 19.

The Swedes chose to receive but the Bulldogs held and Bethany punted. With the ball on their own 39 yard line the Canines again started on a touchdown march. With substitutions coming in freely the Bulldogs still continued toward the goal. Two plays gained 15 yards, then Car-penter raced down the field 28 yards which placed the ball on the 18-yard line. Two more plays gained 13 yards, and with good interference Haun went 5 yards and over the goal line. Carpenter added the extra point on a running play.

The fourth quarter opened with substitutes coming in and going out for McPherson, giving all a chance to play.

The Swedes were trying desper-ately to score and resorted to passes but they all fell incomplete and a few were intercepted. Carpenter made a touchdown on a 10 yard sprint following a drive that started near the middle of the field. Binford crashed through the line for the extra point. The final touchdown came following a dive in which Schurr featured with some nice runs, shaking off Swede tacklers. Schurr scor-

ed on a 5 yard run and the try for point failed.

Following this Bethany received the kickoff and attempted a long pass. Wiggins ran way back and intercepted the pass, then ran across the field toward the sidelines and Berger and Bowman did some beautiful blocking that injured a few Swedes.     *

Before the game ended Schurr made a good return of a Swede punt and almost got loose for a score. The Bulldogs outplayed their rivals in all departments of the game and gained consistently aside from a few minutes in the first quarter. The blocking of the team was good and was most effective in the third period drives.

The starting lineup:

Bethany    Pos.     McPherson

Anderson LE    Wiggins

Riffel    LT    Hayes

Youngquist    LG    Vasquez

Everly    C     Kauffman

Spong     RG     Eddy

Oleen    RT    Wine

Lemon    RE    Pauls

Hendrickson    QB    Binford

Hartley    LH    Carpenter

Soderberg RH     Haun

Meyers    FB    Burress

Substitutes: McPherson Minear for Kauffman, Bowman for Pauls, Pauls for Bowman, Schurr for Carpenter, Dunn for Burress, Van Nortwick for Pauls, Kauffman for Min-ear, Caldwell for Wine, Schurr for Haun, Bowman for Van Nortwick, Berger for Vasquez, Prather for Binford, Wedel for Hayes, Duncan-son for Eddy, Minear for Kauffman, and Custer for Carpenter, Bethany— Stromquist for Oleen, Holt for Rif-fel, Riffel for Holt, Poppy for Meyers, Olson for Soderberg, Carlson for Oleen, Nelson for Everly, Spong for Holt, Riffel for Carlson, Meyers for Everly, Larson for Youngquist, Ol-een for Lemo, Holt for Spong, Everly for Meyers, and Lemon for Lar-son.

Summary: Yards gained at scrimmage: McPherson 366, Bethany 51. Yards lost at scrimmage: McPherson 7, Bethany 24. Passes: McPherson attempted 4, completed 2 for 81 yards: Bethany attempted 8, completed none. Punts:     McPherson 6

for 208, average 34. 6 yards: Bethany 9 for 334, average 28. 2 yards. Yards returned from punts: McPherson 3 for 39 yards, Bethany 1 for 18 yards. First downs: McPherson 25, Bethany 4, Penalties: McPherson 7 for 45 yards, Bethany 4 for 20 yards. Fumbles: McPherson 4, Bethany 1. Passes intercepted: McPherson 2, Bethany none.

Officials:    Referee Quigley, Um

pire, Austin, Headlinesman, Sandberg.

KANSAS CONFERENCE Team    W    L    Pct.     Tp     Op

McPherson    2    0    1. 000    52    0

Ottawa    2    0    1. 000    33    0

Baker    1    2    . 333    27     19

Kansas Wesleyan 1 2    . 333     27 33

Bethany    0     3. 000     6 93



McPherson vs. Ottawa at Ottawa.

Kansas Wesleyan vs. Emporia Teachers at Emporia (night)

Bethel vs. Bethany at Lindsborg.


Wichita vs. Southwestern at Win-field.

College of Emporia vs. Fort Hays State at Hays.

Pittsburg Teachers vs. Dixie at Dallas.

Washburn vs. Fresno State at Fresno, Calif.

Baker vs. William Jewell at Liberty, Mo.

Grinnell vs. Haskell at Lawrence.

Kansas School for Deaf (Olathe) vs. Bethel at Newton.

RESULTS LAST WEEK Bethany 0; McPherson 39. Nebraska Wesleyan 0;     Kansas

Wesleyan 13.    

Missouri Valley 13; Baker 6. Ottawa 0; Missouri Mines 13. Bethel 19; Friends 19 (tie).



The Bulldogs tucked a neat little victory away last Friday night when they downed the Swedes to the tune of 39-0. Dopesters gave McPherson the edge in that game but even the most optimistic hardly expected that kind of a score.

Right now this column wants to give the Swede cheering section a little band. Our neighbors have been criticised recently for their lack of support of their team. Having been around myself when the home team takes a drubbing one week after the other I know that the tendency is to lose enthusiasm. At the game here Friday night the Swede cheering section did exceptionally well even with defeat staring them in the face for most of the game.

The blocking was very good in the Swede game and during the third quarter it was very effective. McPherson made two marches in the third quarter that were real touchdown drives. They were both good for a little over 60 yards.

Some of the men who go on and practice every night and do not get into every game surely did show the old Bulldog fight against the Swedes. Anyone who saw the game can well remember the fierceness of Berger's tackles and some nice blocks that he made. Dunn hit some Swedes pretty hard and was good for some nice gains.

But that game is over and the Bulldog gridders have a bigger and higher hurdle to mount. Yes, it is none other than the Ottawa Braves. Ottawa won the championship last year without a defeat and are undefeated in the conference thus this your.

McPherson is in a very strategic position to cop the conference title this year and will have it if they defeat the Braves. Ottawa is a very formidable opponent and on paper they have the edge on the Bulldogs of Binford and Selves. But this game is not going to be won on paper nor on publicity in any newspaper: it is going to be won on the field at Ot-tawa Friday night. It will be a real battle as both teams are desperate in their attempt to win this game. Last year Ottawa beat McPherson and the year before the Bulldogs won over the Braves, so this should be one real ball game.

The Bulldogs and their coaches are a determined bunch and want to bring the conference championship to McPherson. The team has been improving with each game and prom-ises to show the Braves a real game. If you haven’t got the spirit, get it now and help the team.


Conference Championship Will Probably Be Decided as Bulldogs Meet Ottawa

Tomorrow night Coaches Binford and Selves will turn their Bulldog grid machine loose in the final conference game of the season. The Bull-dogs will clash with the Ottawa Braves at Ottawa in a game that will decide the championship of the Kansas Conference.

Up until this time the Braves are tied for the lead with McPherson. The Bulldogs have played three conference games while the Braves have played only two, but these two teams are now lending the conference.

Dope in this game is with Ottawa but dope cannot win a bull game. The Braves won over Baker 12 to 0 while the Bulldogs beat the Wildcats 7 to 0. Also, McPherson only beat Wesleyan 6-0, and Ottawa walloped the Coyotes by a score of 21-0.

Coach Dee Erickson's team won the conference title last year without losing a conference tilt, and they are out to repeat that feat again this year. Last year the Braves won over the Bulldogs by a score of 18-0 and the year before McPherson defeated Ottawa 14-6.

This promises to be the best game and the hardest fought game that the Bulldogs have played in so far this season. After the fine showing that the McPherson eleven made against the Swedes, followers of the Red and White are of the opinion that the Canines can upset the highly touted Ottawa team.

Coaches Binford and Selves plan to take a large squad to Ottawa for this crucial game. Aside from Johnston and Van Nortwick, the entire squad is in good shape and ready for action. The Bulldogs are a determined bunch and now have their heads, hearts and souls set on winning the Kansas Conference championship.


Life is a piece of paper white Whereupon each of us may write His word or two; and then comes  night.

Though thou have time

But for a line, be that sublime;

Not failure, but low aim, is crime.

—James Russel Lowell.

The charities that sooth and heal and bless lie scattered at the feet of men like flowers. —Wordsworth.