The Spectator


McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas, Wednesday, oct. 25, 1933





Lloyd C. Douglas is Author of the Best Seller “Magnificent Obsession”


Probable Date For Tryout Set For November 8 and 9 in College Chapel


Coach Hess Urges All Students Interested in Debate to Enter the Tryouts

The debate question for this year as announced by Coach Maurice A. Hess is: "Resolved, that the powers of the President of the United States should be substantially increased as a settled policy."    

With many new students interested in debate and debaters who have had experience on the teams last year, McPherson college enters the season with good prospects. Two men of last year's varsity team have returned. These are Guy Hayes and Elmer Staats, Paul Heckman, John Goering, and Paul Booz, members of last year's second team have returned. The only member of the women's team who has returned is Gladys Riddell. Many of the new students have had experience and the tryout promises much more competition than last year’s tryouts

Prof. Hess has placed a bibliography of some of the available material on the bulletin board. The debater will find the material either on the reserve shelf for government or on the debate shelf in the librarian's office. Much of the material has already been selected and more is being placed there each day. These books are subject to the same rules as books on the reserve shelf. All students should carefully ob-servo these rules because of the limited time before the tryouts.

The student is asked to read on both sides of the question until a week before the tryouts. On Tues-day, October 31, all candidates will meet in Room D to draw for sides of the question for the tryout. H should then prepare a five-minute speech for the tryout. He will be given a two-minute rebuttal. The probable date for the men's tryout has been set for Tuesday, November 7, at 6:30 p. m. in the college chapel. The women's tryout will be held the following day at 3:30 p. m.

All students interested in debate should meet in Room D on October 24 between 6:15 and 7:00 p. m. Problems discussed at this time will include the possible issues, sources of material, or any other question that the student might have.

The Winfield tournament will be held on December 8-9. All students interested in debate should see Prof. Hess and get his name entered in the Little Red Book.


Dr. H. J. Harnly Finds Bones in Sand Pit North of Town

Dr. H. J. Harnly has recently dug some bones from the sand pit twelve miles northwest of town which he be-lieves are the remains of a prehistoric animal. After a thorough examin-ation and a study of the circumstances surrounding the discovery, he found the skull to belong to a large saber tooth tiger. He added that the skull is the first ever to be found in this part of the country as far as he knows. He believes that it is an important discovery.

Some teeth were also dug from the pit which Dr. Harnly stated were from a prehistoric horse. The large bones belonged to an elephant and another from a bison. The tusk was, of course, from an elephant.

"These bones have probably been in the sand for 100,000 years,” Harnly stated. Camel bones have been found in the country as well as the bones from the giant mammoth sloths.

It was not learned whether the bones would be placed in the museum or not.




Students Will Also Give Arm-istice Day Program

The Internationa! Relations Club will give its first program of the year next Monday afternoon at 3:30 on the situation in Cuba.

Those students who will participate in the program will be: James Reed on "The Machado Regime." Samuel Stoner on "The Cuban Sugar Industry" and Gevene Carlson on "The October Events in Cuba."

The club will also give a program in chapel on November 10. An Armistice day program will be given in the Brethren church on the following Sunday.


Alumni Banquet To. Be Given Saturday Evening In Arnold Hall

Plans for the Homecoming program to be given here November 3, 4, and 5 are being completed.

On Friday the game with the Terrible Swedes is scheduled. With Bethany determined to upset the dope and win from McPherson, the game should attract wide attention.

The freshman sophomore football game is scheduled for Saturday. Practice has begun and the freshmen are determined that the caps shall be set aside after Thanksgiving. On Saturday evening the alumni banquet and the Oriental plays, to be given by the Advanced Expression class, are scheduled.

Lines have been learned and the action is now being worked out in the two plays. "A Flower of Yeddo." and "The Joy Lady," which the advanced expression class will present Saturday evening, November 4, as a part of the Homecoming program.

An entirely Oriental program is planned for the evening. Between plays two Japanese musical readings are to be given and a parasol drill may be worked out.

Although both plays are Oriental, one, "The Joy Lady." is Chinese and the other. "A Flower of Yeddo." is Japanese. The latter play is written wholly in verse.

"The Joy Lady" will also be presented Friday afternoon for the ladies of the community, who will be asked to bring some piece of furni-ture or costume that may be of use to the dramatic department. Tea will be served in the Y. W. room, which will be appropriately decorated.

The principles of speech classes are helping with the costumes and properties, and several of the art students are making posters.

The Rev. H. F. Richards will give a Homecoming sermon on Sunday morning at the Brethren church.



The World Service Group in its regular meeting Thursday night, considered a number of things the World Service Group could do with present day problems. The discussion was led by Dr. Ray C. Petry. He brought out that the World Service Group could present opportunities for those interested in Christian service to gain some valuable experience in that line. In the second place, it would encourage a deeper personal devotional life among the students. Along the line of deputation work which is sponsored by the group there could be more definite preparation made in discussion groups and in other ways. Other discussion groups and open forums on various subjects could be maintained among students. Helpful book reviews could be given in the meetings of the groups.

With this list of opportunities for service before them the World Service Group members felt the challenge to serve and the necessity of getting to work.

Thursday. Oct. 26--Football game with Bethel college at Newton.

Sunday, Oct. 29—C. E. will consider new constitution at 6:30 p. m.

Monday, Oct. 30 Lloyd C. Douglas, author and lecturer will appear in lyceum number at the Congregational church.

Monday, Oct. 30—The International Relations Club will discuss Cuba.

Tuesday, Oct. 31—-Regular Y meetings at 10:00 a. m.

Friday, Nov. 3--Homecoming game.


Lloyd C. Douglas, prominent minister and author, will come to Mc-Pherson next Monday to open the community lyceum course here. This year's lecture course consisting of five numbers in offered for the season ticket price of one dollar. The lecture will be given in the Congregational church.

Dr. Douglas, before he turned novelist, was minister in the St. James United Church in Montreal, Canada. He later wrote "Magnificent Obsession". This book made a wide appeal to the people of the United States and Canada and sold widely without great advertising. The book went through twelve editions in thirteen months and a total of twenty-five editions. The book became a best seller.

Dr. Douglas was born in Columbia City, Indiana. After he became a minister he held pulpits in some of the best churches in the country.

An interesting story is told of the writing of his popular novel. He had set out to write a book of essays and to enliven it be put it in dialogue form. After changing the characters some more he found that he had a novel.

The theme of his popular book is that there is always happiness for one in doing things for others. Dr. Hudson, the chief character of the book, has many peculiarities. He loves to do things for other people. He never lets anyone know where the help came from. After his death others find out his great obsession and pass it on.

He has also written another book, "Forgive Us Our Trespassers,'' which has been well received by the reading public.

Tickets may be obtained from Prof. S. M. Dell or from any of the student ticket sellers on the campus.


For those who wish stickers for their windshields, suitcases, music instruments cases, etc., an official "Bulldog" sticker has just been issued. These stickers are in the college colors, red and white, and symbolize the fighting Bulldogs of McPherson college. The work was done by export artists of the Mid-Contin-ent Engraving Co.

These seals may be purchased from Homer Kimmel or from Velma Watkins, at the rate of five cents each or three for a dime. They may be had gummed on either side.



Dean F. A. Replogle spoke Saturday to approximately two hundred school teachers who gathered at the senior high school for a regular meeting of the County Teachers' Association.

Dean Replogle was the principal speaker at the afternoon session.

We must get back to the truth that education is not training, nor is it propaganda.—Dr. Robert E. Vin-son, president Western Reserve University.

Paul Harris To Give Students Some Peace Projects

To Work On

Students were enthusiastic last week over the appearance of Paul Harris, Jr., on the campus. Appearing in several meetings and discussions, the student leader left McPherson college students with something definite to work on in the work of promoting peace.

In this chapel address Paul Harris spoke on his travels in Europe, revealing the European attitude toward the United States and discussing how misunderstanding often develops from a lack of appreciation of the foreigner. He appealed to the students to do everything possible to promote the cause of peace and steadily renounce war. He amused the students by speaking fluently in French and German. Mr. Harris has made two trips to Europe in the last four years.

At 11:30 o’clock Paul Harris spoke on the "One Way to Stop War". He stated that we should combine the long term method of education with that which draws out from us the best that we can do. One type alone will fail one of the striking statements that he made was that the next war would lead to a world in which there would be a last struggle between Fascism and Communism.

In the meeting with the International Relations Club, the speaker, gave the students some definite ways in which they could promote the peace problem. He asked the students to send requests for material from his organization at Washington.

In the evening Mr. Harris spoke before the Rotary Club of the city on the idea of promoting international harmony and good will. Later he returned to the college chapel where he spoke on the latest movements in Europe, dealing at length with the Hitler menace to peace.

Several individual conferences were also held with the speaker. Every student was filled with enthusiasm and a desire to work on the project.

Mrs. Harris visited Kansas Wesleyan college on the preceding day and left for Kansas State college. He was hero under the auspices of, the Y organization on the campus.


Secretary Holds Series of Dis-cussions in Two-Day Visit On Campus

Miss Stella Scurlock, national secretary of student Y. W. C. A. for this region, which includes Kansas, Nebraska, and Colorado, was on the McPherson college campus Monday and Tuesday. October 23 and 24, speaking at various group meetings and bolding private conferences with the students. This is her second visit to our campus. Her office is in Ken-tucky.    

Her first speech was in chapel Monday morning. He was introduced by Velma Keller, vice-president of McPherson college Y. W. C. A. "A person is affected by situa-tions around him only as long as he lets himself be affected." Miss Scur-lock says.

"Making a fellowship instead of an organization out of the Y. M. and Y. W." was the topic of her discussion at a joint meeting of the cabinets of those organizations Monday evening at 8:30.

"Taking on Color” was the subject on which Miss Scurlock talked at a weekly prayer meeting in the girls' dormatory last night at 9:40"An individual should express his own personality instead of taking on the color of the characters which he  happens to meet,'' Miss Scurlock said.

"Everybody is homesick" she said in the regular Y. W. meeting Tuesday morning. It is not always for home but it is a longing to feel at

(Continued on Page Three)


McPherson Scores In Last Two Minutes of Play To Defeat Wildcats


Score After Baker Interferes With Pass To One

    Yard Line

The McPherson college Bulldogs won their second conference game of the season last Friday night and went into the undisputed lead in the Kansas Conference race. The final score was McPherson 7, Baker 0.

The McPherson score came late in the fourth quarter with less than two minutes to play. A Baker man interred with Pauls, receiver of one of Wiggins accurate passes which placed the ball on the one-yard line from where bullback Burress plunged over on the next play, Wiggins place kicked the extra point.

Following the opening kickoff, Baker reeled off two first downs in rapid succession going 10 yards on the opening play. The Bulldogs showed less fight at the start of the game than they have shown all season but the Binford-Selves eleven soon came to life and held the Wildcats and then Pauls blocked a punt and the Bulldogs took the ball.

The Bulldogs failed to show much of an offensive drive against the powerful Wildcat line but good punt-ing on the part of Wiggins kept the ball deep in Baker territory during most of the first quarter.

During the second quarter Baker made a desperate attempt to score. With the wind to their backs, the Wildcats immediately opened up with a passing attack. A Wildcat pass was good for 22 yards and a few more plays put the Bulldogs in dangerous territory. Baker advanced to the 10-yard line, then on the next two plays the Wildcats lost 5 yards. On the third down a pass was incomplete over the goal line and the Bulldogs took the ball on the 20 yard line. Wiggins booted a good punt against the wind to get the Bulldogs out of danger.

With the ball in the center of the field the Wildcats again opened up their passing attack. A few fell incomplete, one was completed for a 2 yard loss, and toward the latter part of the quarter Binford stepped in front of a Baker pass and relumed 25 yards. The Bulldogs advanced the bull with a few runs making a first down on the Baker 30 yard line as the half ended.

The second half was McPherson's game with the Bulldogs outplaying their opponents in all departments of the game. The Bulldogs showed (Continued on Page Four)



Friesen Still Leading With Twenty-eight to His Credit

With twenty-eight Quadrangles to his credit. John Friesen is leading the contest for the sale of the college yearbook. According to Sam Stoner, the head of the sales force, about one fourth of the school has been sold so far. Other salesmen who have turned in are Clarence Sink, John Dunn, Esther Kimmel, Maxine Ring, Ruth Tice, Velma Watkins, and Margaret Oliver.

The sale of the Quadrangle is to last until November 5th. Anybody making a deposit of $1.00 may get a Quad with a payment of only interest on the amount remaining. After this offer is over all Quad-rangles will be sold for $4.50.

The University of Texas and the University of Chicago jointly are building the new McDonald Observ-atory in the Davis Mountains in southwestern Texas to house the sec-ond largest telescope in the world. The largest telescope in the world is the 100-inch reflector at Mount Wilson, Calif.


Subscription Rates For One School Year $1.00

Address all correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas


Editor-in-chief Elmer Staats

Associate Editor     Una Ring

Feature Editor Margaret Oliver

Sports Editor     Wilbur Yoder

business staff

Business Manager    Paul Booz

Ass't. Business Manager    Clarence Sink

Ass't Business Manager    Joe Zuck

Circulation Manager    Byron Eshelman


Ann Heckman Etta Nickel Maxine Ring Gevene Carlson

Paul Lackie Faculty Advisers

Paul Heckman Royal Frantz Robert Booz  Helen Webber

Kenneth Weaver

Profs. Maurice A. Hess and Gill

The way to build McPherson College is to patronize college boosters.


On Sunday mornings there are several worthwhile programs that you can attend. These include Sunday School Classes. Dean Replogle's Teacher Training Course, and the Down Town Churches. If you take a Sunday morning now and then to catch up on sleep you lose out on an important lesson and so lose connection of the work.

Since there are only fifty-two Sundays a year it is necessary to make each one count if any good is to be had. Make a definite decision as to which program you wish to attend and then be regular. Keep going forward in spiritual development.

Welcome to Professor Petry's Sunday School Class for freshman-sophomore men.


To the student who has in any way kept up with the proceeding of world politics and the discontent and fear which hangs over the nations of the earth, our present situation is none too safe. But the students feel apart from it all and seldom stop to think what he might do.

It seems that the least that he can do is to search out the facts of the problem and to keep himself well informed. The students in general cannot be accused of a slack interest in this problem. Then the student ran work out a definite attitude toward war. Since last year many colleges have taken a student poll on the question of war and peace. This was done to establish a definite attitude toward war. And then, having done this, the student can take every opportunity to combat the causes of war and those who make war possible.

The situation today is one that must be viewed as an individual problem.    


A student cannot possibly be actively interested in all the courses that he is taking this semester. This course I am actively interested in for I wish to take it up after leaving school. I shall strive to make good grades in it so that my chances for a position will be better. This course will give me a credit in English which I must have for graduation. I will not need much from this course as I am majoring in science. This illustration could be used for various courses in a college.

This attitude is far too general in the college of today, It proves that the student has not learned the value of the liberal arts college or in the advantages in having requirements for graduation. It partially explains the attitude of getting by in the classrooms. The student who has the above attitude will eventually learn that the required course may have equal value to the one which is not.

The student when he loaves college, or even before, will learn that the thorough study of any course that he may take will aid him greatly in his chosen field. Then, too, one of the purposes of a college education is to train students for future citizenship, which he cannot responsibly assume without a practical knowledge in several fields.

The student can possibly be justified in placing less emphasis on one course than another, but the wilful slacking of one course simply because he is not majoring in that field is bound to lead to disappointment.


(The Johnsonian, Winthrop College)

Personality, not brains, is the reason for a girl’s success. Dr. H. W. Mikesell, professor of psychology at the Wichita University, believes.

"Psychology has determined by actual experiment that success depends 85 per cent upon personality and 15 per cent on brains." he states.

Brains are our natural endowment from heredity. The best that we can do is to develop achievement quotients within our limit.

Personality as the sun total of a person’s make-up gives a broad field of growth and development, and places 85 per rent of our success on our own initiative. Courtesy, cooperation, dependability, friendliness, all contribute to the charm of the admirable personality—and hence to one’s success!    

Winthrop gives wide opportunities for brain achievement—but what of personality development? That is here, too: rending, culture, adaptability to varied personalities of students and instructors—many things for developing inner selves and charm. Will we use them to develop our charm and contribute to our success?


(Notre Dame Scholastic, Notre Dame University)

Much has been written recently concerning college publications. The writers blatantly declare that they are an unnecessary expense, a waste of the student's time, that they give "no fundamental news writing experience to any of the students." and that "their advertising departments make nuisances in the business communities.”    

If the censors of our student publications would thoroughly investigate the conditions of our local, collegiate (and we might add high school) journals, they would find that the college publication presents one of the few extra-curricular activities, both educationally and financially, on the campus.        

Student papers may not give “fundamental news writing experience to any of the students." as one writer says, but, strange to say, there are many alumni of college journalism who are enjoying successful careers in that field.

None of the advertising in our college papers is solicited as a business man’s favor to the school. Students provide a live market for the products of modern business and wise business men seek their patronage through the closest medium—the school paper. National advertisers contact the college man and woman through agencies whose exclusive interest is collegiate.        

Collage journalism is not a fad nor a product of adolescent frivolity but an established institution with an enviable record of achievement.

Troy Shrock, of Manchester, Ind., stopped in Mac and visited friends about an hour yesterday on his way to Idaho.    

Viola Harris was in Wichita visit-ing friends over the week end.

John Schul was in Newton and Hutchinson Sunday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Custer and daughter, Mrs. Marleah Smith, parents and sister of Gerald Custer, visited him Friday evening and attended the college game.

Maurine Stutzman, Viola Harris and Alice Gill spent the week end in Wichita.

Dr. C. O. Hoover of Quinter spent Friday evening in McPherson attending the football game and visiting his daughter, Gulah.

exchange notes

The library of Wayne State College, Nebraska, has installed a rental shelf in order to supply the demand for popular fiction and non-fiction but still not draw too heavily on the book budget. Each renter must deposit fifty cents with the librarian. The fan of three cents a day for a book borrowed is subtracted from this sum until it is exhausted; then another deposit must be made.

The girls in the home economics department of Washburn College will study the General Electric-model kitchen when it is brought to their campus November 8.

During the week of September 19 the freshman girls of Wnyno State College were forced to go without make-up, wear green ribbons bearing their names, and run from class to class.

The first year news writing class of Baker University plans to attend several newspaper plants during the year, including the Topeka Dally Capital. Kansas City Star, and Kansas City Journal-Post.

The Kaw, the Washburn College annual, will appear this year in three magazine issues instead of one book at the end of the year. The first issue will come out December 15.

The Monogram Club of Bridgewater College, Virginia, has changed the rule that members of the club might wear their letters only on uniform crimson sweaters prescribed by the club. They may now wear them on any crimson sweater.

The women at Pittsburg state college exceed the men 580 to 573

The cemetery at the College of Emporia contains sixty-one stones representing football victories. A mock funeral is hold every time the team has a victory, at which the conquered school is buried.


Mr. and Mrs. Philip Spohn, 29, of Two Buttes, Colorado, are the parents of a son born October 15, 1933.

Gilbert Myers, 32. and Edith Oldham of McPherson were married at Newkirk, Oklahoma on October 12, 1933.

Alumni Association is planning to cooperate with the college in the home coming activities. The main activity for the Alumni and friends on Saturday will be luncheon in the college dining ball. Admission of 25c a plate will he charged. A program will be had, featuring speeches by some old grads.

Irene Stover, former M. C. student, married George Krebs on October 22, 1933.

Martin Wise, 21, formerly assistant chemist of Western Star Mill at Salina, Kansas, is now head chemist at the Goerz flour mills in Newton.

Kenneth Rock, '24, of Abilene, Kansas, is taking post graduate work at University of Southern California.

He is on leave of absence from Abilene High School.

Charles Lengle, '26, is selling Union Central Life Insurance at Concordia, Kansas.

Joe Yoder, ’29. is teaching at Sydney, Iowa this winter.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Andrews of Galord, Kansas, graduates of the class of '31, are the proud parents of a baby daughter born late last summer.


Edna Bengston ..............Oct.    26

Elizabeth Wagoner .........Oct.    27

Byron Eshelman ..... Oct.    28

Donald Evans ..................Oct.    29

Faithe Ketterman ...........Oct.    30

Victor Moorman ....... Oct.    31  '33, were in McPherson for the Baker game and visited friends over the week end.

Alma Morrison and Edna Hoover, graduates of '31, were visiting friends on the campus Saturday and Sunday.

Ada Brunk, Edna Reiste, and Dar-lene Messamer entertained Hobart Hughey, Lester Pote, and Carol Koons with a chicken dinner Thursday night.

The number of fellows who go home every week end is rapidly de-creasing with the coming of cold weather. George Toland of St. John, Edwin Carlson of Little River, and Everett Brown of Wichita.

Galon and Lawrence Fields saw the Nebraska-Kansas State football game at Manhattan Saturday.

Prof. M. A. Hess was in Eastern Kansas over the week end.

Coaches Lester Selves and Melvin Binford, Newell Wine, Walter Wed-dle, and Russell Carpenter attended the Kansas Aggie game Saturday.

Fahnestock Hall has a nudist colony. Nuff said. See Whitcher.

Violet Lowe, of Sabetha, visited her brother Leonard and saw the Baker game Friday.

Dale Carpenter, brother to Russel, came from Sabetha to see Friday’s game.

Glen "Benchy" Lichty, student here last year. Robert Lichty, and Mildred Funderburg, of Sabetha, were here for the game Friday.

Mrs. Mary Hoff, of La Verne, California, and "Aunt Mary" Stutzman were guests of Mother Emmert at dinner Sunday.

It is reported that Miss Alberta Yoder who has been ill for sometime in the Allen Memorial hospital in Waterloo, Iowa, is improving. She was graduated from McPherson college two cars ago and is a sister of Wilbur Yoder.

Music! Yes and more music. That was the college Christian Endeavor program Sunday night. It was an inspirational as well as entertaining service for all present.

A very interesting part of the program was furnished by four little tots, students of Miss Lingenfelter of the college fine arts department. These numbers were: A piano solo by Alice Mary Walters, two readings by Caroline Peterson, a piano solo by Johnny Walters, a vocal solo by Alice Mary Walters, accompanied by Johnny Walters and a cornet solo by Arthur Rolander. These little folks exhibited a remarkable amount of talent and demonstrated the high quality of the work being done by Miss Lingenfelter and the fine arts department.

The other numbers on the program were a piano solo by Viola Harris, a vocal solo by Brice Peck, a piano solo by Mary Elizabeth Rape, and a vocal solo by Loyal Miles.

The last number was a beautiful chalk picture drawn by Ada Brunk while appropriate music was sung by the ladies’ trio. The final touch was given to the program by a cornet solo by Floyd Harris.



Next Sunday night the college Christian Endeavor will devote its time to a consideration of the new constitution of the organization. The constitution is being worked out this week by the members of the C. E. cabinet. Next Sunday it will be submitted to the organization. It is urged that the students take an interest in this meeting as the future organization of the C. E. depends on the steps taken at this time.

Dr. V. F. Schwalm spoke Sunday at Stet. Missouri. Yesterday he vis-ited Kansas University, where he heard Paul Harris speak. On Wednesday he will speak to the Women’s Federation Club at Caldwell, Kansas.


Vernon "Dusty" Rhoades and Ward Williams, both of the class of

The third floor of the boys' dorm is rapidly turning into a menagerie. There has been a Koon up there all year, and now Lester Pote has added a 'possum, several mountain boomers, and various insects.





Student Tells Experiences In the City Schools—Class Not So Pleasant

An excerpt from the autobiography of one who has been practice teaching for the past five weeks:

With fear and trembling I present myself to my practice teacher early Monday morning. She looks me over, but forgoes any audible comment. She invites me in and I sit. (I continue to sit for the next two weeks). She introduces me to the class and requests that I stand. I get to my feet and seventy eyes (really thirty-five students, but I can’t believe it) look me over and they are all saying "How can you think you know anything about this subject?" I sink to my seat and shake my head that I don’t.

I am told on the second day that I take the roll and, as the pupils watch me as I move about the room.

I feel sure that my hair needs combing or if the eyes travel downward that I have a hole in my heel.

We begin a sort of laboratory work and my training teacher announces that if anyone has a question I will be glad to answer it. Glad? Oh yes!

The next day a student offers me a stick of gum. I look at it with longing but prudence tells me I must refuse. Then someone seems to trust me enough to ask a question — although I secretly fear he is only trying to find out if I know. And wonders of wonders! I do know! I hold my chin a trifle higher as the pupil murmurs "Thank you” and seems surprised that I answered so clearly.

It isn’t long, however, until my chin again rests on my bosom. I am sought for knowledge and I give it very convincingly. The student finally sees my point and agrees that I am right. But as I turn away a doubt creeps into my mind. Could I possibly be wrong? I have to admit it. I returned to the pupil to try to explain that his first thought was the correct one. Alas! I have convinced him so thoroughly that the wrong is right that he can no longer see the right.

We have a firedrill. The teacher tells me that we must go outside. As we leave I hear someone mutter, "I hope it burns." But it doesn't.

It isn't long until I find out which ones come to me because they fear to show their ignorance to their teacher and which are still a bit skeptical about my knowing anything.

The day dawns when I am first to teach. When my trainer—please do not confuse me with wild animals— announces I shall take charge, a face or two brightens and I boom questions at them. And they come back swiftly with answers! It lasts for five minutes. A week later I remember to ask for criticisms, but my teacher has few and I decide that possibly I can outlive the rest of the semester.



(Continued from Page One)

home in the present situation. One girl may be homesick for any one of several things, among which are: material possessions which she does not have, friends, a feeling of good will toward other races, poise in liv-ing up to certain standards. A student may even be homesick for God.

"Constantly we have to transform our ideas of being at home to harm-onize with the situation in which we are living." she continued. "In order to get rid of obstacles which prevent our doing this we must broaden our horizons, and get a bigger perspective on life."




students and faculty in this matter. Very sincerely.

Louis McHenry Howe, Secretary to the President.”

Kurtz is always talking about “The School of Quality—The Place Where Dreams Come True." He was understood the other day to have said "The School of Quality—The Place Where the Green Shows Thru.” Watch your slanguage. Kurtz!

Debate must really be underway— at least I notice the prominent forensics coach in the library quite often, pouring over those texts, called "American Government" and the like.

I'm still in a quandry about this affair for Sunday night. Guess me and mine will have to attend.

Wingerd had a new bed partner the other night - a nice little kitty! Some prankster was responsible for its being in his bed when he went to turn in. Poor kitty. Eldon wouldn't let it sleep with him.

Hollywood took up the fad some time ago, but it only recently seems to have hit the M. C. campus. I’m speaking of this bicycle-riding habit. I saw Custer, Van Nortwick, Bow-man, Meyers and Wiggins looking most elegant on bikes last week.

I went out to get a drink and had to give three great puffs before I could get enough dried leaves off the fountain to get any water.

Raymond Tice is really loyal to the M club. However, his loyalty got misplaced Friday night. He offered his services at the stand at the football game because he thought the M club was helping the W. A. A. sell refreshments. But the Quad staff and W. A. A. thank him for his help.

The refinery has made itself known again. Oh well! I no longer need to spend money on perfume.

We have heard a whisper that something is going to happen Sunday night. We heard the word "refreshments” mentioned, and that is how we happened to prick up our ears. Anyway we have heard several advising all boys to get a date and be handy.

The only reason we hate to see this year end is that we like the pic-ture of the girl so well on the 1933 calendar in the library that we could never transfer our affections.

Everett Brown and Kenneth Weaver have been expecting some beautiful pink underwear. In fact their whole color schame seems to be pink. And through no fault of their own. They put a red sweat shirt in the wash with everything else, and then couldn’t understand how it faded. Maybe rules for washing, such as were once tacked up in the gym laundry room, should be passed around.

Dr. Hershey Is Permanent President of the Organization

At the first meet lug of the Chemistry Club for this year. Tuesday, October 17, officers were elected as follows

Vice President    Leland Engberg

Secretary    Esther Stegeman

Reporter    Ronald Votter

Chairman of Program Committee

Arthur De Vor Chairman of Social Committee

Gladys Riddell Dr. J. Willard Hershey is permanent president.

The purpose of the Chemistry club is to further the interests of chemistry for those who are interested in the subject. Meetings are held every other Tuesday at 4 o’clock in the chemistry lecture room. Members of all chemistry classes are invited.

Last Wednesday evening Dr. V. F. Schwalm sent a telegram from the students of McPherson college to President Roosevelt stating that the students were deeply concerned over the peace problem and urged that the president do his utmost for world understanding and harmony.

President Roosevelt in response sent the following letter to Dr. Schwalm:    

"My dear Dr. Schwalm:

The President has asked me to acknowledge receipt of and thank you for your telegram of October nineteenth, It is very gratifying to him to know of the interest of the

No one ever amounted to a whoop by acknowledging an impossibility.


This year’s Medical Aptitude test will be given December 6, it was an-nounced by Prof. J. M. Blair Monday. The test will be given at 2:00 o’clock p. m.

Last year the test was taken by 9131 students in 546 colleges. 90 per cent of the medical schools used the results of these tests in selecting their students.

All McPherson college students interested in medicine as a profession should report to Prof. Blair.

Good Games Coming Up This Week in Both Central and Kansas Conferences

KANSAS COLLEGE FOOTBALL Central Conference Standing Team W L T Pct. Tp Op

Wichita 3     0     0     1.000 32     15

Washburn 2    0     0     1.000 12     3

Fort Hays     2     1     1     .625 43     34

Pittsburg 1 1 1    .500 14     8

C. of E. 0     2     1     .160 9     18

Southwestern     0     2     1     .166    23     39

Emporia 0    2     0    .000 12     28

(Tie games count one-half won and one-half lost.)

McPherson has had one of the most successful seasons in the memory of the fans and should continue to do so.

And boy, are they drawing the crowds with that fast playing! They have really had the support which means a lot to the team.

McPherson college bulldogs have honor


Every Other Kansas College Has Met Defeat—Ottawa Tied with McPherson in Percentage


Now the Bulldogs are concentrating on the remaining three games of their schedule with Bethel, Bethany and York.

As a result of the student council election held in chapel last Monday. Paul Booz, sophomore, and Margaret Oliver, junior, were chosen as student members of the social committee of the college. The results of the election. Paul Booz defeated Leonard Lowe by n vote of 140 to 45. Ada Brunk lost to Margaret Oliver by a vote of 55 to 129. These student will work with the faculty social committee in preparing the social events for the school.

Miss Della Lehman is chairman of the committee. The other members of the committee are Dean R. E. Mohler and Miss Edith McGaffey.


Kansas Conference Standings Team    W L Pct. Tp Op

McPherson 2 0 1.000 13    0

Ottawa     1 0 1.000 21 0

Baker    1 1 .500 27 7

Kansas Wes. 1 3    .333 27 33

Bethany 0 2    .000    6 54

   Games This Week


Bethel vs. McPherson at McPherson.


Southwestern vs. Emporia Teachers at Emporia, (night).

Baker vs. Ottawa at Ottawa, (night).

Fort Hayes State vs. Bethany at Lindsborg.

Omaha vs. Washburn at Topeka,


Oklahoma City U. vs. Kansas Wes-leyan at Salina, (night). Missouri Valley vs. Baker at Baldwin.

St. Benedicts vs. Chillicothe Business college at Chillicothe, (night). Haskell vs. Oklahoma A. & M. at Stillwater, (night).

Friends vs. Alva Teachers at Alva,



Pittsburg Teachers vs. Wichita at


Events Last Week

Washburn 6, Pittsburg 0.

Southwestern 15, Hays 19.

Emporia Teachers 0, Haskell 0.

Kansas Wesleyan 0, Ottawa 21.

Baker 0, McPherson 7.

St. Benedicts 21, Warrensburg 6.

Friends 6. Oklahoma Baptist 37.

Bethel 9, Hutchinson Jr. Coll. 12.

Wichita 6, College of Emporia 0.

The only undefeated and untied Kansas college football team— Coach Melvin Binford's McPherson college Bulldogs.

McPherson rarely figured as even a contender for the title, came thru the last week-end skirmish with a 1-0 decision over Baker university’s Wildcats, became the only unbeaten team in the state and won the top position in the Kansas conference championship race.

The Bulldogs' victims to date are the Chilocco Indians, Friends university, Wesleyan, and Baker.

All of the other 17 college squads in the state have suffered defeat. Three of them fell out of the victorious class last week-end when the University of Kansas lost to Tulsa 0-7, Kansas State bowed to Nebras-ka 0-9 and the Pittsburg Teachers dropped a Central conference game to Washburn 0-6.

Altho McPherson rates first place in the Kansas conference as a result of Fullback Burress’ touchdown against Baker, Ottawa university has the Bulldogs tied for percentage. Ottawa opened its title defense, campaign with a clear-cut, 21-0 victory over Kansas Wesleyan. The Braves depended largely on Halfback Jack Knapper's passes on all three touchdown drives.

St. Benedict’s beat the Warrens-burg Teachers, who are beset with eligibility troubles, 21-6: Friends lost to Oklahoma Baptist, 6-37, and Bethel dropped a derision to Hutchinson junior college, 9-12.

Only three conference clashes are billed for this week, two in the Central and one in the Kansas circuit. Southwestern meets Emporia Teachers Friday night at Emporia and Pittsburg Teachers invade Wichita Saturday. Baker and Ottawa have a struggle Friday night at Ottawa. Six of the seven, exhibitions next Friday are interstate engagements.

Bethel is to be met Thursday night of this week on their home field at Newton, and a goodly showing of local backers are expected to be seen on the sidelines when the opening whistle is blown.

While the Canines are expected to turn in a nice win in the above game they are not by any means being fooled into thinking that this will be a set-up.

Leslie Edmonds, well known sports writer in his column in The Topeka Daily Capital commented on the Bulldog-Coyote game. He praises McPherson in those words:

“Congratulations to Melvin Binford and Lester Selves. McPherson college coaches for bringing their football team back into the league; that was a noble victory over Kansas Wesleyan and one that deserves a great big hand from these who like their football straight, undiluted by partisanship . . Kansas Wesleyan, under A. B. Mackie, has had an enviable record in athletics; that’s what makes the McPherson swat seem the more desirable to the followers of the latter school . . There's always more fun in beating a good opponent.”

This would seem to be one of the big years as far as the Bulldogs' hopes of trouncing the Swedes royally are concerned, but the Bulldogs intend to take no chances in putting this game on ice.

Bethany has had particularly hard luck this season it would seem as far as injuries and losing games, not having won a game this year.

The last game of the season for the Bulldogs has been scheduled with York college, a strong Nebraska team which is expected to put up a good fight.

The grid battle with York will be staged as an afternoon game on Thanksgiving Day, and will climax the Canine season at home before their many supporters.


At the W. A. A. meeting Monday evening, October 23, it was decided to appoint a committee to arrange for adding roller skating, bicycling, and ping pong to the list of sports.

Ways and means for attending the coming play day at Hays were discussed. The club voted to suggest the week-end of November 17 as the time for this convention.

A very informal practice was held for a stunt to be given in pop chapel Thursday.


What will probably be permanent basketball teams have been chosen in the boys' gym classes.

The captains of these five teams are Emmett Shank, Eldon Wingerd, Kenneth Watson, John Schule, and Bryce Peck.

A regular round robin intramural basketball tournament will be held among these teams.

Fourteen colleges of the East have agreed to eliminate the evils of the fraternity and to increase the benefits of college life.

McPherson to meet BETHEL TOMORROW

Graymaroons Are Out To Defeat the Bulldogs

Tomorrow night the Bulldogs will go to Newton to battle the Bethel College gridders in a non-conference game. Dope in this game should be with the Binford-Selves aggregation but Bethel has a much stronger team than they have had in former years. Bethel has never defeated the Bulldogs in football and they are very much keyed up for this game. Information coming from the Newton school is to the effect that they have, the best chance to win over McPherson that they have had in recent years and that they hope to take the Bulldogs into camp.

Bethel won from the Chilocco Indians this year 19-0, while the Bulldogs defeated the Braves by a 34-0 margin which would give the local team a two touchdown margin advantage according to comparative scores. In years past Bethel has had a dangerous passing attack and they are expected to use some flashy passes again this year.

If the Bulldogs play as they are capable of playing they should win by a decisive margin, but with Bethel "out to beat McPherson" as they are this year anything might happen.

The two teams will be practically even in weight and also in the number of experienced men. Bethel has a weight advantage in the line but McPherson has some advantage in weight in the backfield.


(Continued from Page One) some drive and a good offense that gained, a little against a stubborn Baker line. Baker’s punter got off a good kick with the wind but Carpenter, with good blocking on the part of his teammates, and some side stepping returned the punt 30 yards. A few plays more and a pass from Burress to Pauls was good for 20 yards.

The entire last quarter was played deep in Baker territory with the Bulldogs threatening throughout. Wiggins’ punts continually kept Baker in extremely dangerous ground. McPherson used pass after pass in an effort to score in the closing minutes. A Baker back inter-fered with Pauls as he attempted to catch a pass on the one-yard line and the play was ruled complete. With first down and goal and only 1 yard to go, Burress plunged over on the first down and Wiggins added the extra point.

Following the touchdown McPherson kicked to Baker and the Wildcats tossed one pass which was incomplete and Hann intercepted the next pass. The Bulldogs ran a couple of plays and the game ended with the ball near the middle of the field.

The starting line-up:



























K. Brown










Substitutions:    McPherson—John

ston for Binford. Binford for Johnston. Johnston for Binford. Binford for Johnston. Baker—Anderson for Albright. Hare for Winslow. Griest for McDaniels. Bryant for K. Brown.

Summary: Yards gained at scrim-mage: McPherson 81, Baker 120. Yards lost at scrimmage: McPherson 9, Baker 20. Passes: McPherson attempted 8 completed 4 for 59 yards, average 14.7 yards: Baker attempted 13. completed 5 for 60 yards, average 12 yards. Punts: McPherson 14 for 481 yards, average 34.3 yards; Baker 14 for 504 yards, average 36 yards. Penalties: McPherson 3 for 25 yards. Baker 4 for 27 yards. Fumbles: McPherson none. Baker one. Passes intercepted: McPherson two for 28 yards. Baker one for no gain. Returned from punts: McPherson five returns for 66 yards. Baker 3 for 29 yards. First downs: McPher-son 6. Baker 10. Scores: McPherson 7. Bake none.

Officials:    Referee, Quigley, St.

Marys, Umpire, Ream, Washburn, Headlinesman, Meyers.

Six college men of Cornell Univer-sity are on a year cruise around the world in a sixty-one fool cruiser.


Library Receives Set of Books Edited by J. B. Nash, Deal-ing With Physical Education

Physical education and commerce books purchased by the library this week should be of interest to other departments as well.

Four volumes of “Interpretations of Physical Education” edited by Jay B. Nash, have been purchased. They are, respectively: “Mind-body Relationships.” “Nature and Scope of  Examinations.” "Character Education Through Physical Education.” and “Physiological Health.” The fifth volume of the set, “Professional Preparation,” is not yet published. The set is part of the "School of Education Series.” of New York University.

Other physical education books just secured by the library are: "The Philosophy of Athletics,’’ by Elmer Berry: "Exercise and its Philosophy,” by A. G. Gould and J. A. Dye; "The Administration of Physical Education.” by Jay B. Nash; and "A Brief History of Physical Education,” by E. A. Rice.

"The Now Psychology of Selling and Advertising," by Henry C. Link, is for the use of commerce classes.




Paul Harris in his speeches last Wednesday made numerous references to lack of interest in the peace question by the Rotary club. Dean R. E. Mohler, governor of the Eighth Rotary District, received a statement from a Rotary member last week which he thinks is defense for the Rotary organization. The letter received by Dean Mohler quoted a statement of Luis Machado, Rotary member and one time dictator of Cuba, who stated: "I am positive that the action of the Rotary Club averted Civil War in Cuba.”