VOL. XVII McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas, Wednesday, oct. is, m3 NUMBER 5

VOL. XVII McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas, Wednesday, oct. is, m3 NUMBER 5






The college student in order to keep the highest morals should keep himself doubly anchored. This was the advice of Prof. M. A. Hess who spoke in chapel last week.

Prof. Hess stated that every campus had rocks of moral temptations. The student away from home must make good moral decisions or he will be lost in these rocks. Moral habits and customs that are learned at home should not be discarded until some better moral anchorage is found.

Lois Edwards gave a piano solo.

Students Are Urged to Attend All Meetings of Student Leader


Games' and Program Provide Entertainment of Traditional Event

Several college students this year are earning part of their tuition and expenses doing secretarial and assistant work for the various members of the faculty.

There are seven assistants in the library this year. These are: Wan-da Hoover, Ralph Sherfy, Kenneth Weaver, Fern Early, Mrs. Wagoner, Bernice Dresher and Helen Webber. The first four are working in compensation for their scholarships.

The student secretaries are: Lois Lackey for Dr. V. F. Schwalm, Corrine Bowers for Dean F. A. Replogle, Edith Bechtelhelmer for Dean R. E. Mohler, and Maurine Stutzman for Prof. J. H. Fries. Mildred Sellberg Is an assistant for Prof. J. A. Blair and Faithe Ketterman does some secretarial work for Dr. Hershey. Le-land Engberg and Jo Wagoner are assistants in physics. Dr. J. D.  Bright's assistant is John Goering. Harry Frantz and Edwin Carlson are assistants in woodworking.


Miss Lois Wilcox, director of the McPherson college orchestra, announces that the students who obtain an unexcused absence the first semester must give a party for the rest of the members.

Membership is forfeited if two unexcused absences are obtained. The rehearsals are now being held weekly: on Tuesday at 6:45 p. m., Wednesday at 4:30 p. m.. and Friday, at 8:00 a. m.

Home economics students will re-ceive the most benefit from books secured by the library this week, as eight of the ten books purchased are for use in that department. The other two are for use in the education and biology departments, respectively.

Books on home economies include: "Coat and suit making," by Minnie A. Anderson: "Shopping Book," by William H. Baldwin; "Food Purchas-ing for the Home," by Ruetta Day Blinks and Willetta Moore; “Large Quantity Recipes." by Alice M. Bur-goin: "Pattern and Dress Design." by Josephine F. Eddy and Elizabeth C. B. Wiley: "Home Architecture." by Rexford Newcomb and William A. Foster., "Essentials of Dietetics." by Amy Elizabeth Pope, and "Managing the Home.” by Mildred Weigley Wood, Ruth Lindquist and Lucy A. Studley.    

"Principles of Mental Development," by Raymond H. Wheeler and F. Theodore Perkins, is for the use of students of education. It is a text in educational psychology which stresses the Gestalt viewpoint.

"My Garden Helper." will be of interest to biology students, especially those who like gardening of any kind It gives valuable gardening hints for each month. The editor is A. C. Hottes.



Went To The Sand Pit Last Tuesday Evening

Biology provides not one shred of observational evidence to support the spontaneous origin of living mat ter in the world today.—Dr. James Gray, Cambridge professor.

Thirty members of the college orchestra and hand went on a picnic at the sand pit last Tuesday evening, October 10. Though originally planned as a hike, all the students rode in cars, except two feminine enthusiasts.

Archie Lindholm, Audrey Groves, and Laurene Schlatter were in charge of the entertainment. James Reed. Pascal Davis and Corrine Bowers had charge of the food purchases which Velma Watkins had previously purchased with the twenty cents that was collected from each member.

There is a very serious question as to whether our free education system can continue. — Belmont Farley.

Wherever we have learned new truth, sensed new beauty, improved taste, or found new ways to live. It has never been by the vision of majorities.—Dr. Robert Wicks of Princeton University.


Lloyd Douglas to be Here Oct.

30—Season Tickets to be Sold for One Dollar


Misner Players To Be One of Features—-Dell Has Charge

of Ticket Sale Here

The community lyceum course this year will consist of five numbers. The first number featuring Mr. Lloyd C. Douglas, author of the "Magnifi-cent Obession” will be here October 30. The price of the season tickets is one dollar.

This lyceum course is composed of all high class numbers. Lloyd Douglas is a minister, orator, novelist, and essayist. He is also the author of "Forgive Us Our Tresspasses.”

On December 13, Lorado Taft, distinguished sculptor, art critic, lecturer and author, will be here to speak. “Beauty in American Life” will be his subject."

A tronpe of actors sent out by the Misner School of Dramatics of Omaha is also scheduled. The high class Misner Players will give a play.

Charles E. Lofgren, personnel officer of the Byrd Expedition two years ago. will lecture here on the “Human Story or the Byrd Expedition." He will be here on January 24.

The Petrie Novelty Quintet will conclude the course by an appearance here on March 2.

With the exception of the Misner production all these numbers will be given in the Congregational church. The dramatic number will be given in the community auditor-ium.

The ticket sale is now underway and tickets may be purchased at the People's State Bank, Bixby, Lindsay and Co., Supt. R. W. Potwin, or Prof. S. M. Dell.


Social To Be Monthly Affair For English Students

About twenty-five students of the English and modern language department were entertained at a tea Friday afternoon. October 13, at 3:30 o'clock in the Y. W. room.

Miss Della Lehman read the play, "The Barretts of Wimpole Street.” This is a most interesting English play based upon the romance of Robert Browning and Elisabeth Barrett.

Tea was poured by Miss Edith Mc-Gaffey. Members of the Shakespeare class acted as assistant hostesses.

It was planned to have a similar so-cial once a month for those interested in literature and language. Miss McGaffey will probably give a book review at the November meeting.


Dr. Y. F. Schwalm represented McPherson college in the inaugural last Wednesday evening of the Rev. Hugh Alexander Kelsey. D. D., as president of Sterling college.

College officials from Kansas, Missouri, and Illinois participated in the program. The Rev. T. H. McMichael of Monmouth. III., gave the chief address. Chancellor E. H. Lindley of Kansas University also spoke.


The traditional freshman-senior kid party, in which the senior must entertain the freshman, was held last evening in the college gymnasium. The students came dressed as small children.

Immediately after 7:45 the students assembled in the center of the gymnasium where the freshman might shake hands with the lucky senior and win an all-day sucker.

The students were then divided into four groups where each was required to sing a nursery rhyme to the tune of some popular song.

Following this came the judging of costumes. The judges in this event were Dean F. A. Replogle, Irene Mason, and Sam Stoner. The winners in this contest were Spud Minear and Maxine Atchison. These two won a box of stick candy.

The regular program followed this. Wayne Carr sang a solo. Ada Brunk gave a reading, and Una Ring gave a toe dance. Carroll Koontz and Lois Edwards played a piano duet.

Four pictures were taken of the group.

Appropriate refreshments of ice cream, animal crackers, and suckers were served.

The committee in general charge of the program was made up of Wheeler Kurtz and Una Ring. Cor-inne Suter planned the games, Elizabeth and Robert Bowman planned the stunts and Corrine Bowers prepared the menu. Wheeler Kurtz acted as master of ceremonies.

Eight of Ten Books Received Are For Home Economics Students

Wednesday, Oct. 18—Paul Harris will speak to the International Relations Club at 2:30 in the Y. W. room, to the Rotary Club at 6:30 and to a public Katherine immediately afterwards.

Thursday. Oct. 19.—World Service Group meets at 6:30 p. m.

Friday, Oct 20—Baker football game here.

Tuesday. Oct. 24— Regular Y. M. and Y. W. meetings at 10:00 a. m. Monday, Oct. 30 --First lyceum number featuring Lloyd C. Douglas.

Eighteen Hold Valedictorian Scholarships—Salutatorians Also Get Reductions

Sixty McPherson college students are being aided in their college expenses by one of the five kinds of scholarships which McPherson col-lege offers. These scholarships range in value from one-half of tuition expenses to twenty dollars a semester.

Twenty-five of this number are taking advantage of scholarships offered to pastor's children. Only children whose parents are engaged in active work of the Brethren church are entitled to this scholarship, except in McPherson, where the denomination is disregarded. This scholarship has a value of one-third of all tuition expenses.

Three students have scholarships given to active ministers. This scholarship is worth one-half of the tuition. Eighteen students hold valedictorian scholarships, which is valued at twenty-five dollars per semester for the first two years after graduation. This scholarship is offered to students ranking first in their high school class.

Twelve people have salutatorian scholarships valued at twenty dollars a semester for the first two years after the student has finished high school. Students ranking second highest in their high school class are entitled to this scholarship.  Two students are being aided by music scholarships, of a total value of twenty-five dollars. This scholarship is offered to high school seniors winning the music contest sponsored by McPherson college every spring.




1.    All seniors and Juniors should have sittings for photographer before Wednesday, October 25. Many pictures are already in: the remainder should be arranged for immediately.

2.    All sophomores whose last names begin with letters before M in the alphabet, are scheduled to pose for photos before Thursday, October 26.

3.    Proofs will be brought to you for your selection and approval by a "Quad" staff member. Make your selections as soon as possible and return the proof to the Staff member. This service is furnished only for those individuals who have pictures taken by Walker Studio, Quadrangle photographer.

4.    If the above schedule is unsatisfactory for some individuals, or if any student has questions, please make arrangements with Wheeler Kurts or Everett Fas-nacht; be sure you make some arrangement soon.

—The Quadrangle Staff.


The Collegiate Digest, a rotogravure magazine has been added to list of papers on the exchange shelf, in the library.

This picture section contains news of the campuses of the nation. It is published by the Intercollegiate Press Association of which the Spectator is a member. The only compensation that the association asks is that pictures of our own campus be sent to them to be published.

There is a possibility that the picture section will be added to each copy of The Spectator.


From Twenty-two Schools Reporting, M. C. Students Are Fourth

Of twenty-two schools who have reported their results of the freshmen English tests taken by students over the entire country this year, McPherson college freshmen ranked fourth. The results were compiled by the Emporia Teachers college and returned to the English department here.    

The M. C. students' percentage score exceeded that of 64.5% of the 3,217 students for whom scores were reported. Of the nine Kansas schools reporting, McPherson ranked first. The State Normal School at New Haven, Connecticut, was in first place, its score ranking 6.5% above the M. C. freshmen.

The scores in this test varied widely this year, and while all questions did not show the same degree of difficulty, no question was answered correctly by all the students. Six questions however, were answered correctly by 95% of the students. On the other hand two questions were answered correctly by less than 20% of the students.


Several Earn Part of Expenses Working As Assistants or Secretaries

To Speak to International Relations Club at 2:30— Addresses Chapel


Paul Harris, Jr., youth leader and a firm believer in the power of men to overcome obstacles to his improvement, is on the campus today. Through lectures and speeches, Mr. Harris imparts an enthusiasm and inspiration which he has acquired through wide experience and study.

Mr. Harris will speak this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock to the International Relations Club in the Y. W. room. At 6:15 he will speak to the city Rotary Club and at 7:45 a meeting will be held in the chapel. A joint meeting of the Y cabinets is being considered. The speaker is brought here under the auspices of the Y organizations of the campus.

Mr. Harris is the Director of the Youth Movement for the World Recovery, a younger pence movement encouraged by the National Council for the Prevention of War. This position requires a man whose outlook is youthful, but still has sagacity born of wide experience. He studied in the Kentucky State College and Vanderbilt and later on the National Stuff of the Boy Scouts of America. From 1927 to 1930 Mr. Harris be-came associated with several organizations whose purpose was the improvement of man.

The recommendation of the speaker by the state Y. M. C. A. secretary closes with the following statements: "In the last analysis, Paul Harris is not so much the director of-the Youth Movement for World Recovery as he is the imaginative force at the center of the Movement. He realizes that the enthusiasm of youth wants and needs more of the should-er-to-shoulder drive than of direction. He understands how to let youth take the initiative, once its imagination has been stirred." It is urged that students attend as many of the meetings as possible.


To Be Given As Part of Annual Homecoming Program

The advanced expression class under the direction of Miss Della Lehman has begun work on two Oriental plays, "The Joy Lady." and "A Flower of Yoddo” which will bo presented Saturday evening, November 4, during Homecoming. "The Joy Lady" is also to be given Friday afternoon for the ladies of the community.

The parts are all to he taken by women, although there are several male characters.

The cast of "The Joy Lady," a Chinese play, is as follows: Mr. Hsu. a retired and impoverished mandarin of the old school, Velma Keller; Jasmine, his daughter, Maxine Ring: Blossom, her maid. Falthe Ketter-man; Mr. Chin, a successful silk merchant, compelled into modern ideas. Bernice Dappen: Yin. his son. a University student. Othetta Wall; King of the Thieves Guild, a confederate to Mr. Hsu in some political scheming. Edith Bechtelhelmer: porter to Mr. Hsu. Marjori Brown: and servant to Mr. Chin. Geneve Carlson.

“The Flower of Yeddo.” which has its setting in Japan, a poet. Maxine DeMott; Musme (Sashimi), a dancing girl. Una Ring: Talphoon (Djo-wlos), Neva Root; and Sainara, beloved of Kami, Agnes Bean.

A marriage code for ministers, recommending that clergymen guide couples both before and after marriage and condemning "stunt" weddings, has been issued by the Federal Council of Churches of Christ in America.

Subscription Rates For One School Year $1. 00

Address all correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas


One of our young co-eds who does her weekly washing in the college laundry—namely, the wash machine in the basement of the college gym-nsium—had a sad experience. She look her clothes over there and prepared to wash. Then she changed her mind and decided to do the work a few days later. When she finally came back she found that the clothes which she had not bothered to take homo had been food for a number of little varmints. They had become as the proverbial selve!


Editor-in-chief    Elmer Staats

Associate Editor.............................. Una Ring

Feature Editor..... _______________ Margaret Oliver

Sports Editor Willbur Yoder


Ann Heckman Etta Nickel Maxine Ring Gevene Carlson Paul Lackle Faculty Advisers

Oliver Ikenberry of Rocky Ford, Colorado, class of ’29, was married to Margaret Moulton also an M. C. student, last August.

Keith Hayes, ’31, formerly of Hoisington, Kansas, is now teaching at Stafford, Kansas.

Late last summer Mr. and Mrs. El-vis Prather, 25, and Mr. and Mrs. Anson Horning, former students of M. C., figured in the capture of a notorious Oklahoma bandit.


Ho who seeks to lose himself in good thoughts never needs to defend his actions.


Business Manager. .......... Paul Booz

Ass't. Business Manager    Clarence Sink

Ass't Business Manager..... Joe Zuck

Circulation Manager Byron Eshelman

Paul Heckman Royal Frantz

Robert Booz

Helen Webber Kenneth Weaver

Profs. Maurice A. Hess and Alice Gill



Paul Harris, Jr., who is on the campus today represents the youth of America. He is a leader of the youth of our country. Haying been associated with the younger generation from early life. Mr. Harris knows their problems and approaches them with a common viewpoint. Yet his wide experience gives him a sagacious outlook. His enthusiasm and wide experience should inspire the student to new goals and new imaginativeness.

To the Y organizations the students of M. C. owe a real debt of grati-tude. An organization which will bring men of this type to the campus is interested in the welfare of the entire student body. This organization means to help not the few but the entire group. It is their desire that the students should prepare themselves, not only for a successful college life, but also for wholesome living in the future.

The student should feel fortunate that we have these organizations on the campus. In return for their interest he should strive to make them successful in their campaigns for finance and membership.


The Quadrangle Staff is seeking the cooperation of all McPherson College students in helping to make the 1934 Quad a high-class annual. Students can aid materially by getting their Quadrangle photographs taken promptly when requested to do so. The Quadrangle is a book every student will want, and every student will want his own picture as well as those of his friends, in it. Have you ever stopped to consider the very good reasons why you should have your picture in the 1934 Quad? Don’t fail to have your sitting for a picture soon—you’ll want it in the Quad at the end of this year, but it’ll be too late then.

—The "Quad" Editor.


The spirit of antagonism between the "M" Club members and non-"M" Club fellows is at the base of an incident which occurred on the campus last Monday after the noon meal; such an incident might easily cause an off-campus observer to question the sportsmanship of McPherson College men. An "M” Club fellow left the dinner table before the meal was dismissed. A group of "M" Club members followed, and gave him official birthday greetings, with their belts. The remainder of the dorm fellows soon emerged from the dining hall, expecting to have a similar opportunity. Several students untactfully attempted to persuade the fellow to run “thru the belt line” again; after some hot words had caused some hard feelings, the fellow ran through the belt line. If the fellow celebrating his birthday showed poor sportsmanship the fellows who unwisely argued with him did likewise.

McPherson college is noted for sportsmanship; sportsmanship in athletics, forensics, and in all other fields of intercollegiate competition. We are proud of our record of sportsmanlike attitudes toward other schools— let's show it on our own campus as well. Long live our fame as the School of Quality and clean sportsmanship! —Submitted.


The student, occupied as he is by the events of campus life, cannot be unconscious to the problems of the world. In looking about the great crime wave discourages him. The graft and corruption in local and state governments are equal to that of days of Ross Tweed. Four years of de-pression and little to look forward to after leaving school is sure to dim his hopes of past years. And finally when the hopes for world peace have grown dark the student is likely to lose hope and in despondency say, “What’s the use? ”

The student is likely to be more conscientious about these problems than the man engaged in some other occupation. He looks out from his narrow circle and tries to form opinions about the nation and the world. For this reason the student needs perspective. He should try to conceive of a way out despite the forces working against him.

But rather than do this many students are likely to try to elide these problems. This method is no solution and ran only serve to postpone rather than solve them.


College students are doing their part to help the NRA, a survey of the campi reveals. From Maine to California, from Syracuse to Podunk, the students are showing themselves to be 99. 9 per cent behind Mr. Roosevelt —the other one-tenth of one per cent being behind Mr. Garner, the Forgotten Man.     

All of which is liable to lead to agitation in favor of a code of fair competition for the football industry. Washington State College students already are thinking of appealing to General Johnson. The Evergreen, student newspaper, recently charged that one of Coach Jimmy Phelan's assistants at the University of Washington appeared on the Washington State campus in Pullman for the express purpose of inducing a potential grid star to change his registration to the Seattle institution.

Coach “Babe" Holingbery of the Cougars heard about the deep, dark plot, according to The Evergreen, and managed to frustrate it only after a wild auto ride, which resulted in the rival coach being run out of town.

Coach Holingbery hereafter is going to post signs around the campus, reading: "No proselyting beyond this line. "

Doing good is the only certain happy action of a man's life.

An ounce of push is worth a pound of pull.

"Waste neither time nor money, but make the best use of both. "

Help Spectator Advertisers. They are M. C. Boosters.


Lois Edwards ...............Oct. 20

Bernice Dappen —... Oct. 24 up of pillows. The best one was a perfect imitation of Hobart Hughey sitting at a table studying! Anyone who knows Hughey can well appreciate this.

Alvis Burger, Clyde Shurr., and David Prather all visited their homes in Luray over the week end.

Mike Vasques was in Lyons and Kanopolis Saturday and Sunday.

We have been wondering just how long Warner Nettleton was going to be in possession of the extra fuzz on his upper lip. Last week we thought that it had shrunk a trifle, but it is still in evidence.

The question nowadays seems to be "to mustache or not to mustache. "    

If you should wander into the dramatic art classroom you might notice on the blackboard a number of mys-terious looking marks with accompanying initials. The class was casting a play in which some of the girls are to take the parts of men. They coudn’t tell just who were taller, because of the various kinds of heels worn, so Miss Lehman had them take off their shoes and stand up against the black board, while she marked the height and put the person's initials by it. Thus, it was necessary only to look at the board to pick out the "men" in the class.

Two groups of young people got together Saturday night and enjoyed themselves with games and refreshments. One bunch met in the Y. W. room and played group games and ping pong, after which they had candy and popcorn. The other group of students had candy and popcorn in the kitchen.


Harvey King of Larned, Kansas, a former McPherson college student and athlete, married Viola Wampler of Pawnee Rock, Kansas, on October 12.

The hash we have around here should be called “Character”—the sum total of all our yesterdays.

Modena Kauffman visited at her home in Topeka over the week end.

Albert Mohler, father of Leola Mohler of Fruitland, Idaho, and Mrs. Roy Doty spent Sunday and part of Monday in McPherson.

Mrs. J. D. Bright has been ill for several days.

Mike Vasques visited home folks in Kanopolis Saturday and Sunday.

Dr. V. F. Schwalm will speak at Hutchinson Thursday evening and at Wellington Saturday. On Sunday he will go to the Northwest Missouri District Conference of the Brethren.

Loyal Miles spent Saturday and Sunday in Wichita.

Ruth Tice and Esther Stegeman took dinner in the dormitory Sunday noon. They were guests of Raymond Tice.     

Bernice Dappen visited her sister, Marlene, in Manhattan this weekend.

Ernest Sweetland has enrolled in the course in Oratory.

Among the regular week-enders were Emmett Shank and Clayton Rock of Navarre; George Toland of St. John: Everett Brown of Wichita, Edwin Carlson of Little River.

McPherson college had its first and only impersonator and pillow artist. The boys who didn't go to the game Friday discovered his genius when he entertained them with imitations of well known college students, made


School began September 25 at the reformatory in Hutchinson, with 200 enrolled. The first eight grades are taught. Half of the boys attend school in the morning, the other half in the afternoon.

Paddling of freshman has been abolished at Baker university. This does not signify that they may discard their green caps, but merely that in the future their punishment will take some other form if they fall to wear them.

John Warkentin was slightly ill Saturday and Sunday.     

The club at Ottawa university cor-responding to our International Relations Club is called the Contemporary Affairs Club.

Jack Gordon and Arthur Gough-nor were In Wichita Sunday.

A few weeks ago the Ottawa Campus declared that the Kansas conference football championship this year would go either to Ottawa or to Kansas Wesleyan.

Paul Lackle was a guest in the dining hall for dinner Monday.

Loyal Miles and John Dunn were in Wichita Saturday and Sunday.

The old temperance play. "Ten Nights in a Bar Room." is to be presented November 3, at K. S. C., Manhattan.

Leonard Lowe is a new member of the band.

Lilburn Gottman, graduate of the class of '33, visited here Saturday and Wednesday. Gottman is now at Center, Missouri.

The freshmen at Fort Hays State College, when given their choice, voted to wear reps instead of little brass buttons, as their insignia.

Galen Allen favored the diners at supper the other night by rendering a tenor solo, "Nut Brown Malden. " to the vast enjoyment of those present.

mens. Donald Dresher. ’31, is accom-panying Mr. Richards on the trip.

Francis Berkebile, '29, is now employed at St rouse Clothing store at McPherson.

Lost—one bar of laundry soap, by Galen Allen, on the third floor of the boys' dorm, sometime Saturday. Finder will receive reward.

After seeing the kid party last night, one would think that this was a college of exceedingly brilliant students. Such precocious, pupils, not one a day over ten!

Rev. James Elrod '30, has been appointed pastor of the West Wichita Brethren church. He started as active pastor this fall.

Edward Kauffman. '30, principal of Windom high school has been elected president of the McPherson County teachers' association.

Everyone was so excited after the game Friday night that no one seemed to notice that we were singing the wrong song—not “All Hail to Thee. "

Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Lauver, '32, of Tampa. Florida are entertaining a baby hoy, born early last summer.

The juniors can be glad they have a large class, for so many can easily entertain the few seniors. Pity the poor twenty-five seniors who had one hundred eighteen freshmen to care for last night. They had over five apiece.

After seeing some of the green up-shoot around here we agree with Fatima—“What a whale of a difference a few sense makes. "

Alex Richards, former student of M. C. and a paleontologist, unearth-ed tracks of prehistoric birds and animals in a rock garden at Sylvan Grove. He is now on a trip in Colorado seeking to unearth other speci-

The Spectator






Library Student Gives Meaning To Large Number of Papers There

Officials Rule That Students Must Enroll for Military Training

The "State College Leader" of Fort Hays, Kansas, who was of the "Apostolic Faith" and the "Leader. " of Kingman, Kansas, was especially interested in the “Christian Science Monitor. " wanted others to know more about "College Life" and ’’Uni-versity Life. " Consequently, they wrote the "Bulletin" of Friends Bible College, and the "Bulletin" of K. S. T. C. using the "Park Stylus" during "Our College Times. "

When it grew dark, they tried writing an "Educational Bulletin" telling the month’s radio program. "is it 'New York Times? '" asked one. “No, it is ‘Kansas City Times’, don’t you realize it is the ’Kansas City Star’ we’re under? " said the other.

The two leaders planned a political meeting. They sent out the "Reformatory Herald" and the "Bethany Messenger" to advertise it, and gave the two individuals "Topeka Daily Capital” to finance the trip. Those who attended the confab were the "McPherson Daily Republican" and the "Evening Kansan Republican” from Newton. The "Spectator" was amazed when they both gave a "Democrat Opinion. ” The meeting was adjourned just before the "Spotlight” came on at ’St. Nobert Times. "

The "Meloneer News" of Rocky Ford, Colorado, reported the gathering to the "Washburn Review. " thus bringing it to the notice of the "Farthest North Collegian” of College, Alaska, and his friend the "Panama American. " They had become acquainted by reading the "Collegiate Digest. " a paper giving the national college news in picture and paragraph.

Word of the venture’s success put a "B. C. Bee"—with a “High School Buzz"—in their bonnet. They decided it would be a "Lark” to have a party of their own.

They could decorate the "Ottawa Campus" in "Blue and White" and "Baker Orange. ” Someone mentioned "Red and Black" but because so many colors might class, it was decided to save the last two for an-other time.

When the "Southwestern Collegian" of Winfield, Kansas, heard the plans, he suggested the use of the "Park Beacon" with the "B. R. C. Reflector. "

The "Prairie Owl" hooted at sev-eral of the ideas and threatened to spoil the fun with "Cactus. " Under the watchful eye of the "Wichita Eagle” however, all he could do was drop a "Sunflower” on the grounds. The "Haymaker" raked it away, so that there was no damage.

Finally, with the help of the "Abilene High School Booster" and the K. S. A. C. "Industrialist. ” everything was ready for the guests, who were the "William Jewell Student’ of Liberty, Missouri, the “University Pally Kansan. " of Lawrence, Kansas, the "Weekly Newtonian" from Newton, Kansas, high school, and all the others who have been mentioned.

Hilarity reigned untill it made even "Ye Sterling Stir” in its resting place at Sterling, Kansas. Everyone departed at a late hour, with a cheery. "Collegio. "

Los Angeles, Oct. 18—"Sign up or be signed out! "

Such, in effect, is the ruling of the Board of Regents of the University of California which has been sent to officials of the University of Califor-nia at Los Angeles with regard to the cases of two students who have refused to enroll for military train-ing courses.     

"Compulsory military training is simply a form of physical exercise which has been part of the university’s activities for years, " declared George I. Cochran, a Los Angeles regent, following a meeting of the board at which the ruling was made.

"It is working no hardship. It has worked no hardship: on the contrary, it has been highly beneficial, and we believe in its efficacy. We are reaffirming our conviction that it is worthy and that it will remain an academic function.

"Students who do not conform will have to go elsewhere. ”

John Beardsley, attorney, had appeared before the board on behalf of the two students. Alonzo Reynolds, Jr., and Albert W. Hamilton, both of whom are ministers’ sons and "con-scientious objectors” to military training, to ask that the rule requiring all freshmen and sophomores to enroll for R. O. T. C. be set aside. This the regents declined to do, however, on the ground such an action would be contrary to the charter of the university.

Beardsley immediately announced that he would institute a court action on behalf of Reynolds and Hamilton in an effort to force the university to allow them to attend without taking military training courses. This case will be carried to the Slate Supreme Court, he said.

The students are members of an assertedly pacifistic organization known as the Green Shirts. They are also being supported in the protest against compulsory R. O. T. C. courses by Methodist ministers in this vicinity.

Friendship was the topic for discussion in the meeting of the college Christian Endeavor Sunday. The first talk was by Willard Flaming on "Hindrances to Friendships." He mentioned a few of the things that hinder friendships such as the time required, selfishness, and mental attitudes towards friends.

Bernice Keedy spoke next on "Essentials of True Friendships." She pointed out that a true friendship is the product of a gradual growth. Included in a true friendship is loyalty and a love for each other.

Esther Bowers discussed the question "Should We Choose Friends With High or Low Standards?" She said that if we are weak in character we should choose friends with high standards who can help us, but if we have high standards we should choose friends that we can help.

Joe Zuck gave the lass talk which was the difference between true friends and "fair weather" friends. He stated that we could tell the difference by their attitude toward us when we are in need.

Leonard Lowe was the leader of the meeting. Warner Nettleton gave a vocal solo.



As a part of their financial campaign, the Y. M. C. A. is preparing a sheet for homecoming day. This paper will include the names and pictures of the roaches and the members of the football squad. The sheet will also carry some additional information concerning the players and the game. It will be distributed at the Bethany game.

The sheet will be paid for by advertising. Paul Booz is in charge of the project.

Small Son: "What are diplomatic relations, Father?"

Father: "There are no such people my boy."



Henceforth the students, when planning for a picnic, party, or other social affairs, should follow a definite procedure. Such a procedure, it is thought, would avoid conflicts and save the organization trouble by reserving a future date for the activity.

The procedure as announced is: (1) Consult school calendar for conflicts, which is in charge of Prof. J. H. Fries. (2) Get a permit from social committee. Miss Della Lehman is its chairman. (3) Reserve a date on the college calendar in the business office.


Several girls are earning W. A. A. points in fall tennis, which has officially begun last week under Velma Keller, the tennis manager. To earn points in this sport, a girl must play three hours each week for four consecutive weeks.




Fine arts students enrolled under Miss Fern Lingenfelter will give a musical program for the college C. E. Sunday evening, October 22.

The program is as follows: Cornet solo, Johnny Walter and Vincent Allison; vocal solo, Alice Mary Walter; piano solo, Anno Janet Allison.

"Milk from a college going cow is more healthful. ” This is the adver-tisement of Charles Hager, freshman, who in order to pay his expenses through school, has brought his cow to school with him and is selling milk to defray expenses. His Holstein gives 20 quarts a day, which he sells to a downtown grocery store in the morning and to eight private customers in the evening.

Hager does chores for his board and room, and his cow pays for his  tuition, books, and personal expen-ses. He plans to get his four years of education by selling milk, and intends to be a farmer, specializing in dairy cattle. Hager is from Chase, Kansas.



The student council in its first meeting of the year chose Bob Bowman as vice-president and Jo Wagoner as secretary for this year. A social chairman is yet to be chosen.

The council also adopted a temporary budget for this year, but as it not definite, it is not being published as yet. The Spectator this year, if it makes a profit, must apply if to the deficit of former years.




To illustrate the change in the attitude toward religion and the quaint old customs, once so prevalent that have been discarded, Miss Edith McGaffey read a poem taken from the Atlantic Monthly of 1921 in chapel Monday.

While on his way home from the convention at Chicago, Dr. J. Willard Hershey had the good fortune to meet Babe Ruth and talk to him. Dr. Hershey was able to get not only the autograph of the home run king, but also those of his wife and little girl. Dr. Hershey had quite a little talk with the Babe, in which he learned that Ruth is going to Honolulu, where he intends to play his beloved baseball.




Right now, McPherson's chances look the best in years, with their three victories stored away and the entire team clicking nicely.

And that boy Pauls certainly snagged one beautiful pass in Friday night's game, when he leaped high in the air, barely taking a long pass away from a Coyote man.

Bulldogs Score in Second Quarter After Forty-One Yard March Down Field—McPherson Makes Eleven First Downs To Six For Wesleyan

Kauffman, the only substitute sent in by Coach Binford, held up his part of the line nicely and played a dandy game at center while he was in there.

Baker likewise has a backfield that is composed largely of freshmen grid men. But they are a backfield to bo watched every minute of the game.

Sports writers over the state are liberally praising the Bulldog back-field which has been functioning so nicely in their games.


Wesleyan — 0
























Worley QB











Score by periods:


0 6 0 0—6


0 0 0 0—0

Scoring—Touchdown, for McPher-


Wesleyan Makes Desperate Attempt To Score In Final Quarter

The McPherson college Bulldogs won their first Kansas Conference football game Friday night at Kalina when they defeated the Kansas Wesleyan Coyotes, 6-0.

McPherson scored on the first play of the second quarter when Burress plunged over from the 1-yard line after a long march which started from almost mid-field. The Bulldogs threatened to score on two other occasions while Wesleyan's only scoring threat was in the fourth quarter when they advanced to the six-yard line.

The first part of the opening quarter was played on even terms with the ball in midfield most of the time. Robinson, Wesleyan punter, booted a good kick and Wiggins kicked one bark that went over the Coyote safety and was good for 70 yards. A few running plays failed to gain much so Robinson punted and Carpenter brought the ball back 18 yards, putting the ball on the Wesleyan 41 yard line.

Two plays brought no gain and on the third down a pass from Bur-ress to Haun was good for 7 yards. A Coyote was offside on the next play, which gave the Bulldogs a first down. Carpenter went around the right side of the line for 8 yards and on the next play Burress hit the center of the line for 3 more and a first down.

With the ball on the 19-yard line, Haun gained 7 yards, Burress 2, and then Haun 7 more, placing the ball on the 3-yard line with first and goal to go. Carpenter gained 2 yards as the quarter ended and on the first play of the second quarter Burress smashed through for the lone score of the game.

At the start of the third quarter Carpenter gained 10 yards on the first play and for a few minutes the Bulldogs showed an offensive threat, but the Coyotes soon held. Bucked up to the goal, Wesleyan was forced to punt and Hayes blocked the kick and Pauls recovered on the Wesleyan 10-yard line. The men of Mackle held the Bulldogs for downs and Robinson sent a long kick down the field to got out of danger.

Wesleyan started a drive in the latter part of the third quarter that proved to be their only real threat of the game. Enslee and Robinson did most of the ball lugging and made three first downs.     

The start of the fourth quarter found the Coyotes still driving for the goal. Robinson raced 11 yards down the field on a reverse, placing the ball on the 6 yard line. Two more plays lost a yard and on the next play Pauls recovered a fumble on the 9-yard line. Wiggins punted 51 yards and the threat was over.

The Bulldogs showed their drive again toward the latter part of the game. Robinson got a kick off to the side and Binford returned it and the Bulldog backs took turns lugging the ball until it was placed on the 5-yard line. The Wesleyan line held and on the fourth down an attempted place kick barely missed.

During the remaining few minutes the Coyotes tried desperately to score. They tried several passes but none were completed and some fake reverses gained only a few yards The game ended with the ball in the middle of the field.

The Lineups

son, Burress.

Officials—Referee. E. A. Thomas of Kansas: Umpire, Fred Archer: Linesman, Ward Haylett, Kansas State.

Substitutions:    Wesleyan—Milton

for Worley, Worley for Milton, Hards for Hauser, Hauser for Langmade, Milton for Worley, Weians for Hall, Hook for Smith, Nesmith for Baer. McPherson—Johnson for Binford, Binford for Johnson, Kauffman for Minear.

Summary: First downs. McPherson 11, Wesleyan 6. Yards from scrimmage, McPherson 133, lost 24; Wesleyan 101, lost 22. Passes, McPherson completed three of five for 36 yards, 1 incomplete. Wesleyan attempted 6, incomplete 6. Punts, McPherson 11 for 365 yards, average 33 yards, returned 11 yards; Wesleyan 13 for 467 yards, average 36, returned 40 yards, one blocked. Penalties, McPherson 3 for 15 yards, Wesleyan 5 for 35 yards. Fumbles, McPherson 2, recovered 2; Wesleyan 3, recovered 3.


Teams    W L T Pct. TP OP

Wichita    2 0 0 1. 000 26 15

Washburn    1    0 0 1. 000 6    3

Pittsburg    1    0 1. 750 14    2

Fort Hays    1    1     1. 500 24     19

C. of E.    0    1 1. 250 9     12

Southwestern    0 1 1. 250 8 20

Emporia Tehrs. 0 2 0. 000 12 23

(Tie games count one-half won and one-half lost).


Teams W L Pct. TP OP

McPherson    1     0 1. 000     6     0

Baker    1 0    1. 000     27     0

Kansas Wesleyan 1 1. 500 27 12 Bethany    0     2     . 000 6     54

Ottawa    0     0     . 000 0     0


Washburn vs. Pittsburg Teachers at Pittsburg (night).

Southwestern vs. Fort Hays State at Hays (night).

Emporia Teachers vs. Haskell at Lawrence.

Kansas Wesleyan vs. Ottawa at Ottawa (night).

Baker vs. McPherson at McPherson (night).

St. Benedict's vs. Warrensburg Teachers at Warrensburg (night).

Friends rs. Oklahoma Baptist at Shawnee.

Bethel vs. Hutchinson J. C. at Hutchinson.


Wichita vs. College of Emporia at Emporia.

Results Last Week

College of Emporia 6, Southwestern 6 (tie).

Emporia Teachers 6, Wichita 13.

Pittsburg Teachers 0, Fort Hays Stale 0 (tie).

Washburn 0, Tulsa 7.

Bethany 0, Baker 27.

McPherson 6, Kansas Wesleyan 0.

Ottawa 0, St. Benedict's 19.

Haskell 0, Temple 31.

Chilocco 0, Bethel 19.


Teams are still competing for superiority in baseball and basketball in the boys' gym classes.

In the near future, basketball practice will be taken up in three classes and the finer points of the game will be brought out with an eye to developing intramural teams and possibly varsity material.

What a game that was with Kansas Wesleyan!! Boy, did Coach Mack-le's Coyotes ever go back to their dens with beaten hopes dragging behind them? — They did!

Now the biggest problem facing the Canines is disposing of the tough Baker Wildcats who will be in the city next Friday night to pay their respects to the Binford crew.


Lead In Kansas Conference Will Depend On Outcome

Friday night the McPherson college Bulldogs will tangle with the Baker university Wildcats in what promises to be the hardest game the local team has encountered so far this season.

At present these two teams are tied for the leadership of the Kansas Conference with one victory each. Baker defeated Bethany 27-0 last week while the Bulldogs won from Kansas Wesleyan, 6-0. This game will feature the play of the conference schools for this week-end.

Dope in this game seems to be fairly even, and an advantage, if any, should probably be given to Baker. Last year the Wildcats won from the Bulldogs by a score of 20-0. Baker's advantage this year is probably given to them because of their emphatic victory over the Swedes, not only in score but in every other department of the game.

The Binford-Selves aggregation came out of the Wesleyan game badly bruised but the men are coming out of it and it appears as though the entire squad will be ready for action against Baker.

The coaching staff is using every precaution in preparing for this game

and are leaving nothing undone. The Bulldogs are showing more drive and determination in each game and they must be at their best in this crucial game. The game is scheduled to start at 8: 00 p. m. at the McPherson Athletic Park.

Prof: “Robert Burns wrote “To a Fieldmouse."

Voice (from rear of room): "Did he get any answer?"

The student body will be needed in their fullest strength out to the game when Baker and McPherson meet, as that is the way the team can do 40 per cent better than their best, in the words of Neva Boot, our snitzy new cheer leader.

The men students in McPherson college average two years older than the women students.