


McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas, Wednesday, oct. 4, 1933




Definite plans for this year’s lyee-um course will be announced soon.

It was learned today from the lyeeum committee. While the final arrangements are not yet known it was stated that a very valuable program will be offered this year.



By College News Service

Seattle, Oct. 6- Funeral services were conducted this week for Dr. Henry Suzzallo, head of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and widely known educator, who died as the result of a heart aliment.

Dr. Suzzalo, who had interrupted an international tour in the interest of education because of what had been thought to be only a slight ill-ness, became head of the foundation in 1926, after being removed as president of the University of Washington. He had been charged by then Governor Roland H. Hartley with "mixing education and politics.” He was born in San Jose. Calif., and was educated at Stanford and Columbia Universities. At different times he was a member of the faculty of both these institutions.


Picking teachers is something like picking wives. It would be hard to find any two men to agree on the qualities to be sought in either.— Dean Harry N. Irwin.

Modern guards are the key men of offensive.—Harry Kipke. University of Michigan football coach.

There are twenty-six students enrolled for practice teaching at Bethany.


Downtown Girls Entertained In A Slumber Party at the Girls’ Dormitory

A slumber party with very little slumbering was held in Arnold Hall for all the girls of the school last Friday night.

At the designated time the down town girls were met at the door by a reception committee and assigned a room in which to don their pajamas. Everyone assembled in the parlor where games of every kind and description were played, and a very clever mind reading stunt was given by Una Ring. Later all of the girls went to the dining room where ap-ples and popcorn were served and dominoes and rook were played. Group singing was being held in the parlor when someone yelled "Help!” from the third floor: a mad scramble was made and found out that some of the occupants of that place called Fahnestock Hall were trying to stack beds and tear things up in general.

By this time the majority of the girls were tired enough to quiet down somewhat; and after three quiet bells and the guns and fire crackers were still, everyone went to sleep. The next morning after much groaning and grumbling at the early hour of arising, the girls managed to get to the breakfast table in time.

The party was rated a great success as far as loss of sleep was concerned, which seems to the the main reason for slumber parties.



Debate Tryouts To Be Held About Nov. 1—Three Oratory Contests This Year

Along with the new prospect in athletics and music this year McPherson college acquired many new prospects in forensics.

In debate this year McPherson college has six experienced debaters from last year. The two experienced varsity men who are back are Guy Hayes and Elmer Slants. From the varsity women’s team Gladys Riddell has returned. John Goering, Paul Booz, and Paul Heckman are members of last year’s second team who are back seeking a place on the varsity team.

Many other students have enrolled this year who have had experience in high school or other colleges. These students are: James Reed, a Junior, who had experience on the University of Idaho freshman squad; Gall Patterson who had three years experience on the Lyons high school team; John Adrian of Moundridge and Willard Flaming of Buhler, and Paul tackle and Franklin Hiebert of McPherson.

In addition to these are many oth-

er active prospects. The new stu-tents who have signified an interest in debate are: Loyal Miles, Byron Eshelman, Maxine DeMott, Neva Root, Emma Schmidt, Theodore Regier, John Schul, Joe Zuck, Leonard Lowe and Eldon Wingard. The old students who will probably enter the tryouts are; Clarence Sink, Donald Evans, Galen Ogden, Royal Frantz, Betty Juelfs, and Mary Jane Groves.

Prof. M. A. Hess, debate coach, urges all students who are interested in debate to enter the tryouts to be held the first part of next month.

The first debate tournament this year will be held at Winfield, Kansas, on December 8 and 9. A second team tournament will probably be held here in January.

The question which is still unde-cided will probably be announced in the near future.

McPherson college will enter three oratorical contests this year. The old line and anti-tobacco contests to be held in March this year and the peace contest will be held in April. In addition to those mentioned as interested in debate it is hoped that several from the class in oratory will enter the contests.

This year’s expansive program offers an opportunity to those interested in forensics and should make a successful year in forensics.


Student Should Find His Place In Our Complex Life

The value of religion in the life of a student was the subject of a talk by Dr. V. F. Schwalm in the college Christian Endeavor meeting last Sunday night. Dr. Schwalm pointed out the value of religion in helping a person to find his place in the complex and confused life of today.

Edith Bechtelheimer read Kipling’s poem. "If" for the devotional part of the program. Also included in the program was a vocal duel by Jo and Elizabeth Wagoner.


On Monday evening, September 25, the W. A. A. held a hike for the new girls of McPherson college. The group followed a devious path on a treasure hunt which led to Brubak-er’s posture. Here the girls played games until the food arrived. At the end of the repast, several of the old members gave impromptu speeches about what they liked best in W. A. A., concluding with a talk by the president of the organisation. Elizabeth Bowman.

Upon returning to the campus, the girls conducted a raid on Fahnestock Hall, the boys reciprocating with one on Arnold Hall. Then the erstwhile enemies joined forces and held a pep meeting on the front steps of the girls' dormitory.

The committee in charge of the hike was composed of Lois Edwards, Esther Stegeman, and Maxine Ring.



Last Thursday the seniors held a brief class meeting to decide what the dues would be for this year. They voted to renew the tradition of a freshman-senior kid party and a committee was appointed to take charge. Una Ring is chairman, with Gulah Hoover and Wheeler Kurtz as members.


Speaks in Chapel and Leads in

Several Discussions During the Day

Mr. Harold Colvin, state Y. M. C. A. secretary, was on the campus Monday giving a chapel address and talking in several conferences during the day.

In chapel Monday. Mr. Colvin spoke on the goals which the student should strive for this year. In open-ing his address he stated that the world is in a state of revolution and confusion. He asked the students whether they were wide awake to the rent issues of today or were occu-pied by petty or secondary things.

He advised the students to plan a program for this year and then made

the following suggestions for it: (1)

The student should ho in the affairs of the world. This can be done by reading and conversing. (2) He should plan a well integrated life by making discriminating choices. (3) Wo should develop principles tor the development of life. (4) Generate a motivation or purpose to guide him.

In conclusion Mr. Colvin stated that these goals would determine whether we would become intelligent citizens or ignorant people with college degrees.        

In the afternoon the secretary held a series of individual confer-ences with the Y. M. C. A. cabinet members and in the evening led the cabinet in a discussion.


At the junior class meeting held Thursday Agnes Bean was chosen class secretary to fill the office left vacant by Alice Hedge who did not return this year. Prof. Alvin C. Voran was chosen class sponsor for the coming year.

The juniors are asked to get their pictures taken this week. It was de-cided that the Juniors would take action to make an annual possible next year.


The Y. M. C. A., beginning its membership campaign last week, is campaigning vigorously for new members. At the second cabinet meeting of the year each member was given several students to solicit for membership. Most of the reports from the cabinet members are encouraging.    

The campaign will continue until each man in college is asked to join. The Y. W. C. A. membership campaign has been postponed.



A choice of serving on one of several committees of the Y. W. C. A. was given each girl this morning when she signed the membership pledge. The duties of the various committees were explained by several girls so that the newer girls could make their decision more easily.    

A boy’s trio, consisting of Warner Nettleton, Galen Ogden, and Wayne Carr furnished the special music.

"Sin always has a morning after. Whoever begins the day with God is less likely to go astray in the hours that ensue, than one who does not." This was the substance of a short talk given by Gulah Hoover.


Eighty-Seven Students Considering Teaching As Their Life Profession


Medicine is Second and Business is in Rank of the Chosen Profession of Student

By a considerable margin this year’s student has chosen the teaching profession as their life work. Of the total number of students indicating a choice. 87 students chose the teaching profession. Of these 63 are women and 24 are men.

The ranking professions other than teaching are: medicine with ten

students:     business with eight;

church work, seven:     engineering,

seven, and law, five.

Of the students who have not decided upon a life work, thirty-one are women and fifty-six are men.

The other professions included In the list are:    coaching, missionary

work, farming, science, commercial art, radio engineering, journalism, banking, chemistry, aviation, social service, radio broadcasting, stenography, dietetics, music, art and library work.

Thursday. Oct. 6 —Pep chapel at

10:00 a. m.

6:30 p. m.—World Service Group meeting.

Friday. Oct. 7—Football game with Friends University, here.

Tuesday. Oct. 10— Regular Y. M.

and Y. W. meeting at 10:00 a. m. Wednesday. Oct. 28—Paul Harris, nationally known speaker, will be here as a guest of the Y. M. C. A. Saturday. Nov. 4 Homecoming program.


The International Relations Club held its first meeting to elect officers and to decide the time of meeting last Thursday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock in the Y. W. room.

Maxine Ring was elected president and Gevene Carlson as secretary of the club. The second and fourth Monday In every month at three-thirty was selected as the time of meeting.    

Dr. Bright, sponsor of the organization, urges every one interested in this kind of work to come to the meetings. The program committee was left to the selection of the president and has not been announced. About ten students attended the first meeting.


Twelve Girls and Forty-Three Boys Earning 100 Per Cent of College Expenses


Most of Men of College Are Earning Major Part of Their Expenes This Year

Forty-three boys and twelve girls are earning their total expenses through college this year according to information given out at the office of the dean of men and the dean of women.

Many more are earning a large part of this year's expenses while very few are earning nothing.

There Is a total or eighty-six male students who are earning some part of their expenses this year. Forty-nine girls are earning some part of their expenses. Many of the girls are earning a smaller part of their expenses. Fifty-nine girls are earning nothing and fifty-seven men are not working.

The percentages and number of men students who are working are: 100 per cent. 43; 90 per cent. 9; 75 per cent. 11: 70 per cent. 3; 50 per cent. 13; 40 per cent. 2; 25 per cent. 4; 15 per cent. 1; and nothing, 57

The number of girls who are working and their percentages are: 100 per cent. 12: 95 per cent. 2; 90 per cent. 2: 75 per cent, 3; 70 per cent. 2; 50 per cent. 15; 25 per cent. 8; 15 per cent. 5; and nothing, 59.

The great number of students who are earning their way through college this year speaks well for the attempts of the college to find students jobs and for the cooperation of the business men of the town.


Elementary Methods Now A Prerequisite — Students Teach Major Subjects

Fourteen students arc enrolled in practice teaching this year, according to information given out at the office of Prof. J. A. Blair, head of the practice teaching department of McPherson college. The decrease in the number of students is due to the fact that the course in Elementary Methods has been made a prerequisite to this course. This ruling will bar most of the sophomores until the second semester.

The senior students who are teaching this year, their majors, and supervising teachers are: Gulah Hoover, music, under Miss Dahlinger; Guy Hayes, economics, Miss Lennon; Ada Brunk, home economics, under Miss Brooks; Lester Pot, biology, under Miss Benson, and Una King, English, under Miss Haight.

The students teaching in the Junior high school are: Edwin Carlson and Delvis Bradshaw, manual training, under Mr. Holloway; Paul Sher-fy, general science, under Mr. Dresh-er; Elizabeth Bowman, algebra, under Mr. Dresher, and Irene Mason, English, under Miss Kauffman.

Those students teaching in the grade school are:    Martini Andes,

first grade, under Miss, Robinson: Ester Stegeman. fourth grade, under Miss Reichert; Ruth Tice, third grade, under Miss Thomas, and Leone Shirk, sixth grade. under Miss Aspogron.

The practicing fee this year has been reduced from twenty dollars per student to fifteen dollars.


Twelve Out of Class of Thirty-two Are Teaching-Three Continue Their Education

The gradual lug elans of 1933 is scattered widely. Twelve are teaching while three are continuing their education. Their activities are scattered over eight states.

Those who have teaching positions are: Charles Austin located at Mound City, Mo.; Esther Brown at Abby-ville, Kansas: Genevive Crist at Goal, Kansas:    Odessa Crist at Quinter.

Kansas: Milton Early at Norboone, Mo.: Graco Heckman at Marion, Kansas: Lilian Johnson and Clara Peterson in McPherson, and Ward Williams at Castleton, Kansas.

Raymond Buskirk is at present tending his wheat crop at Aboom, Texas. Donald Dresher spent the summer at his home near Canton and plans to make a geological trip to Colorado in the near future with Alex Richards. Dorothy Dresher will leave for Lakeland, Florida, in a few weeks where she will take care of her grandmother. Florence Dresher spent the summer in McPherson and is now at her home.

Clarice Evans and Bernice Fowler (Continued on Page Three)


Band and A Cappella Practice Getting Under Way

The music organizations of McPherson college are getting underway with their practice and organization.

On Tuesdays and Thursdays Paschal Davis’ twenty-piece pep hand meets on the fourth floor of Harn-ly Hall for its rehearsal. The band plans to play Friday evening at the football game with Friends University.

The A Cappella Choir’s initial re-hearsal was held Monday night in the chapel. The results of the election were: Chris Johansen, president; Faithe Ketterman, secretary; Jo Waggoner, librarian; Nowell Wine, treasurer: and Bernice Dresh-er, chairman of the social committee. The personnel is not yet definitely completed.    

The Spectator

McPherson college bulldogs open season


Little Is Known of the Strength of the Opposing Team— Binford and Selves Will Not Make Predictions As To Outcome of the Game


Bulldogs Have Been Working Thru Home Hard Drills This Week

The McPherson college Bulldogs will open their 1933 football season on the home field tonight with the fast and tricky Chilocco Indians offering the opposition.

Little is known as to the strength of the Indian team but the fact is well known around McPherson that they are fast and use considerable deception in their play. On the other hand the strength of the Bulldogs cannot be estimated because they have not been in any game.

The team went through some hard drills the first part of the week with some tapering off practices the latter part of the week. Coaches Binford and Selves will not make any prediction as to the outcome of the game other than that the boys will give a good account of themselves.

A probable starting line-up for tonight's game is Minear at center; Vasquez and Hayes, guards; Wine and Eddy, tackles: and Bowman and Pauls at ends. Binford will probably be at quarter with Carpenter and Wiggins at the halfback posts and Burress at fullback. Nothing is defi-nite about the lineup and a few last minute changes might be made.

The sudden change in the weather has made it ideal for football and because of this a record crowd is anticipated. The game is scheduled to start at 8 o’clock.


The files of the Y. M. C. A. secretary’s book carries the accounts of the organization back to March, 1915 when Homer Engle was president and Paul Moser was secretary..

The Y. M. C. A. pledged $20 that year to the state organization.

In 1916 J. L. Bowman was elected secretary of the Y. M. C. A.

J. C. Forney was soon made president and J. L. Bowman was made vice-president.

The Y. M. C. A. bore half the cost of adding two new tennis courts west of the campus.

Wilbur Vanlman was treasurer in 1916.

The students that year were allowed to use the Edison phonograph in the administration building.

LeRoy Doty was secretary during 1922-23.

Milton S. Dell was vice-president in 1924.

Earl Kinzie was elected president in 1927.


Y. M. C. A.

Purposeful Living is the Aim of the Y. M.

The Young Men s Christian Association is a union of student and faculty members for the purpose of encouraging greater fellowship among young men and also to help encourage the living of a richer and better life.

Students prefer to do things that are practical and of immediate value instead of things that are abstract and meaningless. Young men in the college period of life have laid and are laying the foundations for the fifty or more years of life that will be theirs. Our characters are being molded and will be harder to change after we are out in the world as citizenry.

The one great aim of the college Y. M. C. A. this year is to direct the line of student moral progress by grouping ourselves together and working for a common goal-growth in Christian character—accomplished by fellowship, worship and service. It is the aim of the Y. M. to help the students to learn and appreciate the Beautiful and Good in life. The third aim of the Y. M. is the stimulation of a desire on the part of the students to live a higher type of personality. "Purposeful living" are the key words of this year’s program.    

The objective of the "Y" work is to stimulate students to strive toward the aims already mentioned. One stimulation agency will be our Quest or Searching Groups, to be held at frequent intervals on subjects selected by the students. Another stimulating agency will bo the nationally known speakers and student leaders that will be on our campus this year under the auspices of the "Y" organizations.

The Y. M. sincerely solicits your support in helping to carry out this program. In order to make the loud move, all will have to help out in some way or another. Your support and interest may mean the accomplishment of a meaningful and helpful year in "Y" work.—LESTER POTE. President.

The Young Men's Christian Association

It might be well, in one article of this special edition of the Spectator, to point out the purposes and ideals of the Y. M. as they are expressed in the name of the organization.

First, there is the word "young." The Y. M. C. A. is a youth organization. As a youth organization it is built to serve the wide-awake, red-blooded youth of today. As a youth organization it is always in step with the latest advances made by man for only in this way can it be of any service to the youth of today.

In the second place, the Y. M. C. A. exists for "men." Its members are true men with character and nobility who will not stoop to any dishonest or unfair deed to one of their follows.

Thirdly, the “Y" is a Christian organization. Its officials and members practice the principles of Christianity throughout their lives.

In the last place, the Y. M. C. A. is an “association." It is carried on not by the efforts of a few but by the cooperation of every member.

Thus, the Y. M. C. A. has expressed in its name its intention of being a worthwhile and serviceable organization. And the student Y. M. C. A. of McPherson College has always been a worthwhile organization, continually rendering service to the men of the college.—ROYAL FRANTZ. Vice-president.

The Work of the Secretary

The “Y” Sponsors Extra-Curricular Work

"The great business of life is to serve God; to glorify Him in our bodies and spirits which are his. If we do this we shall have answered the great challenge of life. If not, no matter what may be our attainments, our lives will be failures."    

Interwoven in the fabric of our everyday classwork and associations is the thread of religions and moral experience and thought. The growth of this, the spiritual part of student life, is supported and strengthened in a material way by the "Y" organizations.

The McPherson College Y. M. C. A. is an organisation of fellows who believe they can be mutually helpful, and in an effort to do this, the Y. M. C. A. sponsors certain activities absent in the college curriculum, and supplements certain other activities which may be cither deficient or of such nature that student benefit is gained mostly from student participation. —EVERETT M. FASNACHT, Program Chairman.


This year’s chances of the Bulldogs trimming the Swedes look good as Lindsborg has one of the lightest and smallest squads out for football in the history of the school.

When interviewed as to which end he played and why. Pauls replied. "Oh, I always play right end, because If I play left end I do everything backwards and find myself running off the field.”

Social Life, Its Development

Most students come to school with social development ns one of their aims. Some come with it alone in mind and still others come with none at all in mind. Therefore it is the duty of those in charge of the social program to do something to satisfy those who want the normal social life and at the same time do something to impress those others of the utter uselessness of either of their programs. If they don’t become impressed, they at least do not follow out their undesirable aims. Those whose aim is a continued social whirl are merely disappointed in not finding it. Those who wish no contact at all are so urged to attend that they seldom refrain. Thus the social program attains something. Of course no one contends that there is not room for improvement. In fact all social chairmen are more than willing to listen to suggestion. If you have one to make don't mind making it.

Still another kind of cooperation other than making suggestions is the aid given by the proper attitude of students toward each individual function. The person who comes to a social believing that he will not enjoy himself is merely wasting time. He will lost part of the evening before his spirit can be changed. An excellent example of student cooperation was shown last Saturday evening. Everyone seemed to have come with the idea of enjoying the program. At any rate there was no stiff formality to detract from the entertainment. The hope of the social committees is that in the continued program there will be the same desirable spirit.

PAUL BOOZ, Social Chairman.

M. C. has all it could ask for in the way of coaching this year as both Coaches Binford and Selves are tutoring the Bulldogs and with this combination and the available material, the strongest team in some years appears to be shaping.


Dean F. A. Replogle was chosen as the senior class sponsor for this year at a class meeting held Monday noon.

The seniors were also advised at this time to get their pictures taken for the Quadrangle.

Why Y. M. for a Freshman

Every freshman, that is desirous of living as he should, needs the "Y." It presents to him the four fold way of living and helps him in his religious life. He gets pure help untainted by denominationalism. The solution of his problems seems easier when taken in the light of the "Y" standards.        

The Y. M. offers clean recreation that makes it easier for a person to rest his mind and como back to his studies with a fresh mind that makes it easier to master his lessons.

The training and opportunities offered by the organization are unusual. If a student wishes to got the most out of his college life, he will take advantage of every opportunity to get training and broaden his views of life.    

The association of "Y” workers are never out lived nor can a person become completely separated from its influence. It encircles the world by a great bond of associations.

Free wholesome entertainment enriches the mind of those who attend the meetings. Entertainment that doesn’t blight the soul and pollute, the mind, but gives a foundation for clean, bright lives.

The freshman who doesn’t join the "Y" or come to its meetings is going to miss some of the best hours in his college life.—VICTOR MOORMAN. Freshman Associate.

The "Y" edition of the Spectator is becoming a tradition. Each fall for several years the paper has cooperated with the organizations in their annual campaigns for membership. Three years ago the Spectator announced a special "Y" edition and since that time the second issue of the paper has been dedicated to the organizations.

Tuscon, Ariz., Sept. 27.—Re-discovery of a “lost” asteroid, known as Zertlina in the constellation of Pegasus and approximately 160,000,000 miles from the earth, this week was announced by the Steward Observatory at the University of Ar-izona. It had not been seen since its original discovery in 1904.

In an organization like the Y. M. C. A., every officer must play a definite part in promoting the welfare of the body. If each one will do his work well, the organization will function smoothly. If the officer does not cooperate, the organization loses its effectiveness.

The work of the secretary as an officer is not so important as some of the others. However, it plays a vital and definite part in the organisation. One of his duties is to keep an account of each cabinet meeting and to record all or the business of the Y. M. This is necessary for reference. Also the secretary does the correspondence for the organization.

This work may not seem important but it plays a definite part in the work of the organization.

ELMER STAATS, Secretary.



Requests That Students Learn

College Tells and Songs

Annual Nightshirt March Draws Wide Attraction

The student will find given below several of the college yell* and songs to aid him in learning them for the coming year.


(College Song)


Altho out on broad Kansas plains. Here not in vain are we.

For wo will strive with might and main:

That right and truth may be.

The student loves to dream his dream-

Of life that's yet to be.

Of future days and years that'll seem The best for old M. C.


We'll hope for our M. C.

We'll cheer for our M. C.

While winds do blow.

And sunflowers grow.

We'll long for thee. M. C.

True soldiers once with sword and might.

Worked for our freedom long.

And now to keep our pages white. Will be our purpose strong. Beneath the smile of sunny days.

Let truth and freedom reign.

Within our College let us praise The deed that'll leave no stain.


We are an army—on the way,

Some day the world will see us larger grown.

And then they’ll say.

Yet 'tls the good M. C.

Dear truth, without thee we must


O then our pillar be.

O, truth, be thou our stay for all. And stand for our M. C.

About two hundred college students took part in the annual nightshirt parade last Tuesday evening.

Invading main street in all kinds of attire, the group let it be known that their objective was to beat the Chilocco Indians.

The students paraded up and down Main street making their way in and out among the numerous business places and giving their yells and songs nt each intersection. Traffic was held up for blocks, but to the carefree students this meant nothing as the police were working in cooperation with the students.

The group through the courtesy of Charles Helstrom, was afforded the privilege of seeing a free movie at the Empire Theatre after the, parade.

The night shirt parade was highly successful judging from the results of Wednesday night’s game.



“Blessed are the Bolsheviks” was the topic of an address given by the Rev. Leon Sweetland of the Methodist church of McPherson in chapel last Wednesday. He stressed that Individualism was necessary to gain ones ends in life. Success depends not on following the crowd, but on carrying out ones own beliefs and ideals.



(Continued from Page One)

are spending the winter at home in McPherson and Worthington. Minnesota. respectively. Lilburn Gott-mann is at his home in Center. Mo., but he is planning to take up a sales-manship job near McPherson in a few weeks. Gretta Wilma Griffis is taking a course in Social Service Administration in Chicago University in preparation to taking her master's degree. She has a scholarship there, A. W. Hands is preaching in McPherson. Elizabeth Holzemer is taking post graduate work In McPherson in preparation for her A. B. degree. Last year she obtained her B. S. degree.

Delbert Kelly is working at the McPherson Citizen's state bank. Melvin Landes is taking commercial designing in McPherson college. Lloyd Larsen is working at Abilene, Kansas. Hope Nickel has an assis-tant teaching job in Wichita University where she is taking work for her master's degree. Ruth Nigh will be at her home in McPherson this winter.        

Millicent Nyquist is working for her father who is county attorney. Elsie Rump will work at the. F. A. Vanlman home this winter. Harvey Shank spent the summer traveling with the college male quartet and is now at home in Carthage, Missouri. Ellen Steinberg and Pearl Walker will spend the winter in their homes in Lorraine, Kansas, and Omaha, Nebraska, respectively. George Zinn is working at Lost Springs, Kansas.

WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH M. C. Oh!—What's the matter with M. C.? She's all right!

What's the matter with M. C.? Full of fight!

Oh!—(opponent). — Oh! — (opponent)—. you’re going to flop And down on the comer you're going to drop

Oh!—What’s the matter with M. C.? She's all right!

By College News Service Philadelphia, Oct. 5—An increase in the number of opportunities for employment offered by the University of Pennsylvania Alumni Placement Service to graduates of the university has been noted for the first time in four years, Dr. Clarence E. Clewell, director of the service, announced this week. During the first two weeks of September, he said, three times as many calls for graduates were received than during the same period last year.

All human government in the last analysis is experimental.—Prof. Raymond Moley.




Fight, Bulldogs, Fight, Fight, Bulldogs, Fight, Keep up the fight,

You're all right,

Fight, Bulldogs, Fight, Come On, Bulldogs,

Come On, Bulldogs,


By College News Service Los Angeles, Oct. 4—Marjorie and Ethel Jane Benbow of Los Angeles believe in keeping scholastic honors in the family. Last year Marjorie won a University of Southern California scholarship. This year a similar one was awarded to Ethel Jane.


Old M C row row row


Whisk-broom-bully-whacker-bow Old M C row row row.

BOOM, RAH, McPHERSON Boom—Rah—McPherson M-C-P-H-E-R-son M-C-P-H-E-R-son M-C-P-H-E-R-son McPherson Fight! McPherson Fight! Bulldogs!



Yea, Bulldogs!

Yea. Bulldogs!

Yea, Bulldogs!







Interference Is Great Factor in Aiding Backfield To Run Up Score—Strength of Bulldogs Shown In Opening Game of Year


So far this season, the Quakers have played only one game, that with Wichita university, in which Friends was defeated by a rather large margin, but as Wichita university plays many of the larger colleges this does not indicate a weakness on the part of Friends.

Another strong factor which the Bulldogs may depend upon if neces-sary is their aerial attack which clicked nicely in the Chilocco Indian game.



Hauu, Burress, Carpenter, and Binford Are Scorers—Visitors Outplayed in Every Way

The McPherson college Bulldogs opened their 1933 season very emphatically by trouncing the Chilocco Indians here last Wednesday night. The final score was 34-0.

McPherson kicked to Chilocco and at the very start the Bulldogs showed their power to the large crowd. After falling to gain in three downs the Indians punted and Carpenter made a nice return.

With splendid interference and good running the Bulldogs made several first downs and Carpenter carried the ball over for the first touchdown on an off tackle drive with the game only a few minutes old. Wiggins kicked for the extra point.

Chilocco chose to receive and the McPherson forward wall again smothered the fast running attack of the Indians and farced them to punt. The Canines smashed their way close to the goal, but the Indian defense tightened so Burress dropped back and shot a beautiful pass to Binford for 18 yards and the latter smashed over the last few yards for the second touchdown. Burress kicked a beautiful place kick and the score was 14-0 for the Bulldogs.

Coaches Melvin J. Binford and Lester E. "Bud" Selves began mak-ing numerous substitutions and soon the starting lineup was all replaced by substitutes. Late in the second quarter Haun skirted the left side of the McPherson line and with perfect interference ran 55 yards for a touchdown. Haun's kick was blocked and the half time score was 20-0.

With most of the regulars back in the game, the McPherson aggregation again tore the Indian defense to shreds. Haun proved to be a consistent ground gainer in this drive and he scored from the 2 yard line on an off tackle smash. Wiggins' kick was good for the extra point.

The Braves tried desperately to score in the last quarter and begun using all sorts of passes and trick plays. Burress gathered in one of those passes and raced 65 yards for the final Bulldog score. Burress booted the bull between the uprights for the extra point making the final score, 34-0.

The local team outplayed the visitors in every department of the game. The Bulldogs looked extremely good against their much weaker opponents.

The starting








T. Smith



J. Smith



























Substitute:    Chilocco——Posey for

Byntton, Quinton for Barker, Barker for Quinton. Barker for Byntton, J. Smith for Dieton, T. Smith for Fields, Jefferson for Quinton. McPherson—Calwell for Vasques, Kaufman for Wine, Van Nortwick for Bowman, Johnson for Binford, Dunn for Burress, Schurr for Carpenter, Prather for VanNortwick, Berger for Eddy, Hagger for Hayes, Cripe for Minoar, Custer for Haun. Haun for Schurr, Calwell for Hayes, VanNort-wick for Bowman, Prather for Pauls, Ralston for Wine, Cripe for Eddy, Godsey for Haun.

Summary: Yard gained at scrim-make: McPherson 257, Chilocco 22. Yards lost at scrimmage: McPherson 8, Chilocco 28. Passes: McPherson attempted five, completed two for 30 yards: Chilocco attempted 16. completed three for 22 yards. Punts: McPherson six for 188 yards, average of 31.3 yards: Chilocco, 10 for 363 yards, average of 36.3 yards. Yards returned on punts: McPherson 96 Chilocco 107. Fumbles: McPher-

son two, Chilocco two. Penalties: McPherson nine for 65 yards. Chilocco six for 30 yards. First downs: McPherson 13, Chilocco one. Passes intercepted: McPherson three for 83 yards.

Probably one of the most crucial tests of the grid season for the Bulldogs will come on Friday evening, October 6, when the Friends university Quakers of Wichita, Kansas, come to McPherson to contest the supremacy of the Canines.

Sports writers over the state are of the general opinion that the Friends' team this year can give the middle-sized colleges in this part of the country a battle royal.

One particularly strong factor to the Quakers' advantage is the unusually fast backfield. If the Bulldogs can hurdle this test they should be able to prove a worthy foe for any of the Kansas Conference teams during the present season.

It is not believed however, that the Canines can expect to run up such a huge score as that made against the lighter line of the Chil-occo Indians in last Wednesday evening's game in which the Binford men had comparatively casy going, gaining almost at will through the line.

With one of the strongest teams in years, they should chalk up another victory Friday evening. If they hold up to expectations.

(Note: Students are invited to sub-mit any classroom happenings of interest in this column.)

The course in American Government offers an illustration for a study which is unusually pertinant at the present time. Within the past six months the country has seen the government pass from the "rugged individualist" in Herbert Hoover to the extremity in social control. This course makes a detailed study of the changes in the philosophy of government.

Speaking of the recent changes in government it is impossible to study government from a textbook alone. The changes are too fast and too numerous. Hence the Time Magazine is studied, current events are followed and a term paper is written by each student.

The students in Library Science are having a new puzzle to work out. The librarian simply gives the students a pile of books to put in the shelves and about two hours later returns to find them completing the replacement.

If the study of oratory will produce orators then McPherson college need not worry about forensics. The students in oratory are each writing on oration as a term project. Many of these will be expected to be given in the three local tryouts this year.

While the wicked flee when no

man pursueth, they make better time if some one is after them.—Dr.




Thirteen Books Were Added to Library Recently—Many Are Gifts of Friends

Recent book purchases of the library are "Carmina." by T. A. Daly, "Readings and Monologues." by Francos Loedom Hess, and "Win-a-Prize Readings." by various authors.

Besides the purchases, there have been several gifts. A group of handbooks, including the "Century Vocabulary Builder," and the "Century Book of Selections," both by Garland Greever and Joseph Bachelor. were given by Miss Della Leh-man. "Elements of Human Psychology." by Warren and Carmichael, and "Composition for College Students," by Thomas, Manchester and Scott, are gifts of Ruth Deardorff, a former student of McPherson college. "Mechanical Drafting,'' by Milter, "Problems in Woodturning." by Fred D. Crashaw, and "Grade Woodwork Notes and Drawings." by Joseph F. Parks, were donated by Miss Elizabeth Hoerner. "Nature and Development of Plants.” by Carlton C. Curtis, and the second edition of "General Biology.” by Burlingame. Heath, Martin, and Pierce, were given to the library by Dean R. E. Mohler. “A Philosophical Appraisal of Relativity,” by Theodore Stalzer, is a gift of the author.

A set of road maps of the various states, also Mexico and Canada, has been received from the Conoco Travel Bureau.


Intramural athletics were started Monday evening in the boy's gym class when teams were chosen for playground baseball.

Four teams have boon organized for the ensuing season and records will bo kept as in regular league baseball. John Schul, Loyal Miles, Victor Moorman and Elmer McGon-igle were chosen as captains for the teams, and in the near future names will be given to the various teams competing in this “league."



Verna Mae Severtson To Be New Student Council Representative

At the sophomore class meeting held Monday noon Miss Verna Mae Severtson was chosen to fill the office of student council representa-tive left vacant by Pauline Stutzman who did not return this year. The class sponsors this year will be the Freshman Committee of five faculty members.

The class dues for this semester will be $1.50.


The classes that have found their rolls incomplete this term might be interested to know that several of last year's students are teaching this year. The following list is not complete but contains several of them: Lawrence Barngrover at Canton, Kansas: Lola Hawkins at Durham, Kansas: Ruth Idhe at Hope, Kansas; Marcella Ledell at McPherson; Ruth Hobart at Fredonia, Kansas; Vera Burkholder at Octavia, Kansas; and LaVere Flora at Quinter, Kansas.

Those are generally good at flat-tery who are good at nothing else.

"He drinks something awful."

"Yes, I know. I've been to his parties."

—Ala. Rammer-Jammer.