McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas, Wednesday, sept. 27, 1933
Every Student In ColIege To Be
Solicited Soon For Aid in Fi-
nance and Membership
President and Vice President Did Not Return This Year
With this issue of the Spectator the "Y" organization will begin their annual membership and financial drive.
Each year after the freshmen and the new students have become ac-quainted with the nature and work of these organizations the cabinet
officers begin a campaign to draw the students into the organisations. The financial aid of the new mem-bers will also be sought. The work of soliciting members will be divided among the cabinet officers and each student in college will be visited.
The "Y” leaders are planning to make this year a great success. With an increased enrollment and many prospects for "Y" lenders the officers are optimistic.
In this issue of the Spectator the cabinet officers have been given a chance to express themselves on their organization. The president and vice president of the Y. W. C. A. who did not return this year are yet to be elected. Gulah Hoover is now acting president of the organization.
The student body must choose three officers in the near future. The officers to be selected are a yell king and two members of the social committee.
The student council has chosen Nova Root as temporary cheer leader. Glen Lichty who was chosen for that position last fall did not return this fall.
The election will take place as soon as the freshman representatives have been chosen and the student council can decide on the time.
Today—Football game with Chil-occo Indians here at 8: 00 p. m.
Monday, Oct. 2. —Harold Colvin, state Y. M. C. A. secretary will be here.
Tuesday, Oct. 3. —. Regular Y. W. and Y. M. meetings at 10: 00 a. m.
Wednesday, Oct. 18. —Paul Harris will be on the campus.
Dr. Schwalm Asks Question:
“Where Do We Go From
Here? ”
“Where do wo go from here? ” was the theme of two recent chapel addresses by Dr. V. F. Schwalm.
The first of the three phases dis-cussed was taken up last Friday. At that time Dr. Schwalm spoke of the change in our economic philosophy. Beginning as a nation of rugged in-dividualsists in which freedom was the watchword, we have become a nation of vast social and economic control. Individualism is at an end.
On Monday. Dr. Schwalm took up the second phase of his subject, dealing with the change in our social and moral conduct. Reformers are urging that men place no restraint upon their desire and allow their emotions to express themselves. To solve this great problem of moral restraint. Dr. Schwalm urged that every person should have a passion for ideals and greatness rather than attempt to practice self-denial.
The last phase in which we are at an end of an era is in the field of international relations. The isolation of the past war period is gone for-ever.
First Party Held in Y. W. Room—Evening Spent Playing Games and Contests
The first all-school party of the year was held Saturday evening. September 25, in the "Y" room. About one hundred twenty-five students were present.
The first hour was spent in playing informal games, including rook, dominoes, and bean bag throwing. At the end of this hour, the group played "Congress, ” the girls versus the boys.
Next the students were divided into four groups and contests were held among their representatives.
The entertainment was completed with a short program consisting of a reading by Bernice Dappen and an Impromptu vocal solo by Homer Kimmel, accompanied by Carroll Koons.
Margaret Oliver planned the party and had charge of the program. Miss Della Lehman acted as sponsor.
Invites Alumni to Homecoming —Asks Them to Cooperate In Aiding M. C. Students
Alumni and Friends:
McPherson college has started another school year. Judging from conditions as they were last spring and as they appear to be now it would seem that the alchemy of the new deal under the N. R. A. has transformed a self-pitying nation into one of determination to move forward again.
Your association feels that with the increased interest in education we should do everything in our power to make it possible for students to come to McPherson college. We are happy to say that the alumni are again one of the two greatest influences in bringing the freshman to college.
So many suggestions arc coming to us regarding ways and means of
A new chapel seating plan has been devised in which it is hoped that the student will develop a school consciousness rather than a class consciousness.
Rather than have the upper classmen sit in front with the lower classes arranged in the rear, the students are arranged in alphabetical order from front to back.
This plan will also give the upper classmen a chance to get acquainted with the freshmen.
Maxine DeMott is Highest in Class of 102 Students-Two in Tie for Second Place
Former Students of McPherson College Will Assemble Here for Annual Program
Change In Date Made To Accomodate Alumni and Business Men of the Town
Hold Elections in Orientation Class—Moorman Vice-Pres.
In the freshman class election yesterday in the orientation period Loyal Miles was chosen to head the newly organised freshman class.
The other officers who wore chos-en are: Victor Moorman, vice president; Esther Bowers, secretary: Willard Fleming, treasurer; Lucille Ballard and Glenn Turner, student council representatives; and Joseph Brown and Gall Patterson, class cheerleaders.
helping students that we are attempting to carry out some of them. We agree with you that college students should attempt to help themselves so that they may become upstanding, self respecting, productive and consuming citizens. We are wondering if perhaps there might not be some-thing which we could do to benefit our alumni who may want to secure different positions or make any changes in vocations.
Remember Homecoming and the Swede game here November fourth. Also the teachers meeting Just before. We are always glad for suggestions and constructive criticism any time. Good luck and best wishes to all.
S. M. DELL. President of
Alumni Association.
To Take the Place of Glen Lichty Who Did Not Return This Year
Miss Neva Root, freshman, has been chosen as temporary yell king by the student council. The selec-tion was made known to the student body last Thursday in pep chapel.
Miss Root led the yells for the morning meeting with full cooperation from the student body. Mr. Glen Lichty who had been chosen cheer leader did not return this fall
Donald Dresher and Edwin Carlson. two students in the Industrial Arts Department, last year have prepared a manual for that department. The work was done under the supervision of S. M. Dell, head of the department.
The manual is composed chiefly of compilations for the use of the student and is being used as a text in that department. The manual is being constantly revised as the course is given.
College Youth Should Receive Aid From Government
(By College News Service)
Chicago, Sept. 27. —If the federal government is to accept the idea of sending young men back to school is a means of further reducing unemployment, the necessary action should be taken at once, those sponsoring the movement declared this week.
Chief sponsor is Dr. Robert M. Hutchins, president of the University of Chicago, who believes that young men who cannot otherwise afford to go back to college should receive financial aid from the government, thus eliminating them from competition with married men in the struggle for jobs.
There are thousands of youths this fall would like to go to college and are qualified either to enter as freshmen or re-enter as upper classmen, but ar unable to do so because of lack of funds, Dr. Hutchins points out. Consequently, their numbers will tend to displace heads of families in many instances when jobs are available.
The government, it is contended, could easily afford to pay the cost of educating such young people. In view of the vast sums being spent to finance other methods of re-employment.
More books were checked out during the first two weeks of this year, than during the same length of time for the last five years, as is shown by the following figures:
1920 1930 1931 1932 1933 Week -30 -31 -32 -33 -34
First 555 462 435 606 805 Second 1295 1095 979 940 1092
Total 1850 1557 1414 1546 1897 This increase in book circulation in due in great part to changing methods of instruction, as well as to the increased enrollment for this year.
By a recent ruling of the administration, a student to be admitted to student council activities, must show his student activity ticket. The action was taken this year because of the new method in paying tuition fees and to make the students identity clear at the games. The ticket must be shown each time a student desires to sec a student council ac-tivity.
Students taking less than twelve hours arc required to pay $1. 25 for their ticket.
We do not need more law. We need more Religion. —Coolidge.
Beat the Chilocco Indians
Miss Maxine DeMott, a graduate of McPherson High School, ranked first in a class of 102 students last Thursday by making a score of 145 of a possible 160 in the freshman English test. The test was a standard objec-tive test taken by most of the college freshmen of the state.
Donald Richards and Miss Emma Schmidt, of Buhler, were in a tie for second place with a score of 144.
The class averaged higher than last year. The first quarter of the class is 12 points ahead of last year's class. The meridian is 22 points higher and the third quarter is 21 points higher.
As yet the reports from other colleges are not complete and the standing of the class among other schools is not known.
The ranking for the first ten places in the class Is an follows: Maxine DeMott of McPherson, 145; Donald Richards of McPherson, 144; Emma Schmidt of Buhler, 144; Gall Patterson of Lyons, 140; Hazel Wel-mer of Lewiston, Minnesota, 140; Marie Stover of McPherson, 137; Lucille Ballard of Nickerson, 135; Franklin Hiebert of McPherson, 135; Loyal Miles of Nickerson, 132: Phyllis Powers of McPherson, 131, and Kenneth Weaver of Clovis, New Mexico. 131.
The high score last year was 143 made by Margaret Sehwartz.
The test was taken in the Chem-istry Lecture Room under the supervision of Prof. M. A. Hess.
The annual homecoming program of McPherson college will be held here on November 4. The football game with the Bethany Swedes is scheduled for this time.
The program will begin on Saturday afternoon at 2: 30 o'clock with the annual freshman-sophomore football tilt.
Immediately following this will be the homecoming banquet in the col-lege dining hall at 5: 30 o'clock. For this a small charge of 25 cents will be asked of the alumni. The hall wj|| be decorated and accomodations provided for the old students. It is thought by the Homecoming Com-mittee that the old students would welcome the return to the college dining hall.
At 7: 00 o'clock the preliminary football game will be held and at 9: 00 o’clock the football game with the Bethany Swedes is scheduled.
On Sunday morning the Rev, H. F. Richards will deliver a sermon to the alumni.
A social committee will be chosen to have charge of the program of the day. Prof. S. M. Dell will prepare the program schedules.
The homecoming date which was previously scheduled for November 3 was changed to the following day to accomodate the alumni who will be attending teachers' institute at the same time.
Miss Lois Wilcox announces that this year McPherson College is to witness the development and performance of a splendid Little Symphony Orchestra.
Rehearsals which are called for 5: 30 p. m. on Wednesdays, and 8 a. m. on Fridays in the chapel, have been well attended so far and are expected to continue to be. A night rehearsal is planned and will be begun soon so that these may be three a week. The orchestra members go to the chapel ten minutes early to tune up and be ready to go when the whistle blows.
There is a full instrumentation with approximately thirty musicians enrolled. Try-outs for pianist were held yesterday with Miss Brown judging and Miss Wilcox directing. Selections will be prepared looking forward to two concerts during the year. The orchestra's appearance in chapel will be eagerly anticipated.
Date For Recital Not Yet Set —To Be Free To The Public
Miss Lois Wilcox, violin and or-chestra instructor at McPherson college is planning a violin recital in the near future. No date for the appearance has been set. She will be accompanied by Miss Fern Lingen-felter of the piano department of the college.
At present Miss Wilcox is planning to use a group of three movements form Lalo's "Espangnole Symphonie. ” In her numerous appearances over this part of the country Miss Wilcox has won popularity and brilliancy in her work.
This recital is to be made free to the public.
At present Miss Wilcox is meeting her orchestra two or three times each
Debaters will he glad to learn that the University Debaters' Annual for 1932-1933, has been received by the Library, and will be ready for use in a short time.
A number of copies of the Time magazine have been given to the library by Herbert Eby. The Library staff appreciates such donations.
A rolling stone is always headed for the bottom.
The College Christian Endeavor meeting last Sunday night consisted of an open forum discussion led by Dean F. A. Replogle. The subject for discussion was "the Sunday night movie. " Dean Replogle opened with a brief talk on the problem of the Sunday night moving picture as it exists today. After this, the group engaged in a very interesting discussion of the subject with several different opinions being expressed.
At the opening of the program Glen Turner and Chris Johansen played a violin duet which was great-ly appreciated.
A Cappella Choir tryouts have been in session every afternoon since Friday and will continue until each of the eighty applicants has had his
In addition to testing vocal ability.
Prof. C. C. Voran is giving the stan-dardized Kwalwasser-Ruell Musical
Accomplishment Test to all singers and music students.
Last year the personnel of the choir numbered thirty but there is a possibility it may be increased this year due to the larger total enrollment.
This summer the Y. M. C. A. Cabinet started a circular letter to go around to each of the cabinet members. Each member added his bit and sent the letter on.
The letter pasted through five states and got around twice to ouch member. A letter of this type proved not only interesting but helpful in formulating Y. M. plans for this year.
Beat the Chilocco Indians
Subscription Rates For Address all correspondence to One School Year THE SPECTATOR $1. 00 McPherson, Kansas |
EDITORIAL STAFF BUSINESS STAFF Editor-in-chief Elmer Staats Business Manager Paul Booz Associate Editor Una Ring Ass't Business Manager Clarence Sink Feature Editor Margaret Oliver Ass't Business Manager Joseph Zook Sports Editor Wilbur Yoder Circulation Manager |
REPORTERS Ann Heckman Paul Heckman Etta Nickel Royal Frantz Agnes Bean Robert Booz Maxine Ring Helen Webber Faculty Advisers Profs. Maurice A. Hess and Alice Gill |
Mrs. Nan Swanson Sharpe, 1919, is secretary for the Red Cross in McPherson county.
The old scenes that you have left behind are still here. They have not lost their appeal to the students or the alumni. The old scenes that held such an appeal to you continue to attract an increasing number of students.
In sending you this issue the Spectator hopes to recall those pleasant memories to your minds and arouse your loyalty to McPherson college. We hope that you may keep in contact with the institution of your college days.
On the campus of the small college a program of an organization can better unify the students and direct student thinking. On the larger campus it would not be possible for one organization to foster thinking as does the "Y" organization in our school.
For this reason the Spectator dedicates this issue with the alumni edition. The organization in promoting their programs have adopted the spirit of the small college. Theirs is the type of leadership that leads to constructive thinking and high personal ideals. The programs should affect every student on the campus and be an inspiration to their thinking.
The students of McPherson College should be willing to cooperate with our campus organizations and to take an active port in their development.
If I were going to college next year, I would aim for:
1. A letter in athletics. Becuase play is an essential part of life. Athletic contests—some of them—are play at its best for a normal, healthy man.
2. A grade average of B. Grade "c” or "d" usually means shoddy work and that’s a bad habit. "A" for me would require a grind and neglect of life—which I refuse. "B" is all that is left.
3. Time for some real friendships, both men and women. Life’s chief value finally in friends. These four years must not be friendless or hurriedly, superficially "friendly. "
4. Some real piece of service on the campus or in the community. A great growing selfish life—"There ain’t no such animal. "
5. To do well what I do. It’s a slow college nowadays that has less than one hundred extra-curricular activities on the campus. Well, about ninety-six of these I would let the other fellow run and I would "saw wood" on the few that seemed to me of most value.
6. The discovery of scientifically valid processes of growth: physical, mental, religious, and the beginning of habits of growth In this direction. Life is not a store house. It is an organism. Not what I know on Commencement Day, but what habits are mine which will give drive and productivity increasingly when I’m out in life. So I'd test any college activity by habit producing value.
Would I date it and "say it with flowers? " Sure but l wouldn’t talk myself hoarse saying it.
In a word, I’d try to be a growing human Christian student and if any one got more fun out of life than I, I’d ask him how he got that way. —Selected from The Intercollegian.
McPherson College is expecting a great football season this year and she has a right to do so. With ten lettermen and a world of talented new material how could she expect less. Yes, McPherson college is expecting to give the Chilocco Indians a tough battle tonight. Her football team will trot out onto the gridiron with every McPherson college student behind every member of its personnel expecting the boys to give their best and if possible, turn in a victory.
On the campus are many religious organizations and high ideals. There are many leaders and participants In these groups. These groups include the Y. M. organizations, world service, college church. Christian endeavor, and possibly others. M. C. was founded as a Christian college but it is possible that in the hurry and scurry of class work and social functions we are prone to overlook the devotional side of our college life, without which McPherson is merely equal to the larger schools you passed up to come here. Are you in line with these activities or have you found all your time devoted to the valuable but insufficient material side of the school.
The increase in Freshman enrollment and religious interest manifested thus far this year should be a challenge to the leaders of these organizations to give their best. Don’t be hesitant, you leaders, because by far the great majority of M. C. 'S STUDENT BODY IS BEHIND YOU.
Organization was in order last Sunday in the Freshman-Sophomore men's Sunday School class. Ralph Sherfy was elected president, Ted Regier is the new vice president and Galen Allen will be secretary-treasurer. Talented men were put on the devotional, social, and membership committee and a happy, wholesome, active time is in the making.
Last Sunday only eighteen men were present. The doors are open, underclassmen, if you are not attending Sunday School elsewhere. Come and refresh yourselves for the week of school end activity to follow each Sunday.
Professor Petry is the teacher and last Sunday he led an inspiring review discussion on the qualities of leadership shown by the Bible leaders studied during the past quarter.
You are needed in Sunday School both by the class and yourselves. Welcome, underclass men, to the South-East balcony classroom in the Brethren Church. COME!
This above all; To thing own self be true: And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou const not then be false to any man.
Several members of the class of 23 came a long distance to attend the class reunion on June 1. These included: F. S. Hoover, Kansas City, Kansas; Earl Fisher, Fruitland. Ida-ho; Everett Brammel, Strong City. Kansas; Anna Myers, St. Louis. Mo.; Mrs. Jesse Carter Johnson, Cincin-nati. Ohio; Dr. and Mrs. Raymond Clark. Augusta, Kansas; Ada Cor-rell. Abilene, Kansas; Orville D. Pote. Halstead. Kansas: Claude
Lowe, Oxford. Kansas; Ray Vani-man, Cordell. Okla.; Glen Johnson. Newton, Kansas, and Carl Dell. Oneida, Kansas.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl V. Reed have moved from McPherson to Wichita, Kansas.
E. L. Cralk, 1913, gave the alumni address: “These Three and Twenty Years, ” on the afternoon of June 1, and was toastmaster at the alumni banquet that evening. Dr. Cralk had just returned from a winter's study in universities of Scotland, England, and the continent.
There was a great spelling match —in reverse order. Naturally Bram-mell had to hesitate on the word "girl. " It was Royal Frantz who came out ahead of the whole school and faculty when it came to putting his letters backwards.
We have decided that if one wants to find out what is going on in music he should go to church. It was a surprise Sunday night to hear several now students perform. It won’t be long until there will be enough singers to make up four or five strolling quartets. If one group isn’t in use on the program it can go out serenading. Oh. Juliet, you better be getting on your balcony.
The W. A. A. ers stirred up a little more than pep when they returned, from their outing with the verdant froshes. They visited the boys’ dorm, so the gentlemen returned the compliment. Not a few were soaked un-der the shower and with buckets of water. Oh well, man was always wont to show his superior strength. How-ever, it all ended nicely in one lovely pop meeting.
Speaking of pep—it looks as if old M. C. is coming to the fore with tal-ented musicians. We really have a cheer leader that almost rivals Cheesy when it comes to making the students perk up.
Gall Patterson visited her home in Lyons over the week end.
Mose Stucky was on the campus yesterday. Mose is a former student of McPherson college.
Mary Ann Switze,. a former student in McPherson was recently married to Mr. Clinton Hawley.
Francis Berkeblle, ’27, of St. John, Kansas is employed at Strouse's Clothing Store.
Loyal Miles and John Glovers sang at the college church Sunday evening.
The annual Y. M. C. A. Budget for the coming year will be $125, it was announced last week after0tke first Y. M. C. A. cabinet meeting of the year. The budget is somewhat smaller than that of last year because of reduced pledges of students and a desire on the part of the cabinet to cut expenses to a minimum.
The budget as prepared is as fol- lows:
Association Field Council-----$50.00
Outside speakers........ Social Activities.......... |
30.00 17.50 |
Quadrangle................. |
15.00 |
Recration..................... |
7.50 |
Miscellaneous............. |
5.00 |
Total ........................... |
$125.000 |
Gerald Meyers is treasurer of the
Y. M. C. A.
Beat the Chilocco Indians.
Velma Keeler |
Sept. 27 |
David. Prather |
Sept. 29 |
Fern Early |
Sept. 30 |
John Warkentin |
Sept. 30 |
Maxine Ring |
Oct. 2 |
Jack Gordon |
Oct. 3 |
Rufus Ralston |
Oct. 3 |
New York, Sept. 27. —A faded, diploma, awarded 100 years ago. this week had been returned to New York University for its archives.
The parchment was awarded to James Joseph, Achegon in 1833, and was returned to the Alumni Federation of the university as a valuable document worthy of a place in the archives by Russell A. Chapin, a grandson, of Santa Monica, Calif. Acheson was one of three members of the university's first graduating class, which has since awarded 52,662 degrees.
Austin, Tex., Sept. 27.—University of Texas officials this week disclos-ed that they would seek lo obtain $2,800,000 in NIRA funds to finance the construction of five new dormitories and complete a new library building on the campus.
Thoughts at random:
At last a face or two is recognizable. A person ran expect no more than three or four new students in one day and possibly he can find any number of old acquaintances.
Since it turned cold yesterday it seems as if school had been going on forever. As long as it was warm it continued to be summer. It surely would be nice to be a woolly bear and hibernate. (Pardon me while I get myself the dictionary to look up that word. The dictionary is a means of bringing me up to the typewriter since I can’t bring the typewriter down to me. )
The party Saturday night was really a party. First, one could do as he pleased and then if he didn’t wish to play in a group he could go home—since he didn’t need to wait until refreshments were served.
And refreshments were just whatever one chose. Haven't you heard of feeding upon your imagination?
H. R. Stover, 1922, is superinten-dent of schools at Nortonville, Kan-sas, this year.
Grace Crumpacker, 1923, has been appointed to a position in the li-brary of the Supremo Court of Kan-sas.
Miss Ruth Blickonstaff, 1930, of Nampa, Idaho, was married on June 20, to Willard D. Gilbert. They are now living at Abilene, Kansas.
Ethel Jamison, 1931, is teaching at the Quinter, Kansas, high school.
Harold Fasnacht taught a class in commerce in the Greeley. Colorado, Teacher's College during the past summer.
Posey Jamison is principal at the Arnold, Kansas, high school.
James H. Elrod, 1928, who recently secured a divinity degree from the Bethany Biblical Seminary has been called to the pastorate of the First Church of the Brethren in Wichita.
Berkeley, Calif., Sept. 27. —Dr. J. M. Linsdale, research associate in invertebrate zoology at the University of California, this week exploded a popular theory that rattlesnakes always acquire just one rattle per year.
On the contrary, he said, they sometimes acquire as many as four annually—one each time it sheds its skin. The skin shedding, according to his observations, occurs during periods when the rattler has enjoyed good feeding and warm weather.
The greatest happiness comes from the greatest activity.
As most secretaries are supposed to do. I record the proceedings of our cabinet meetings. This probably does not sound like a very interesting work, but I have enjoyed doing It. When the former secretary gave me the record book, she also gave me a large, oilcloth scrap book. I always enjoy scrap books and this is a little different from any I have ever worked on. We keep clippings from the Spectator which deal with members and our activities. There are several snap shots and accounts from years back, so we do not soon forget former members.
Some time in the near future I intend to get in touch with some foreign students either in America or in foreign schools, I think correspondence with such people would be very interesting, not only for myself but for the other girls as well. —GULAH HOOVER. Secretary.
The object of the Program Committee is to help each one of us in "Broadening Our Horizons. " which will be the theme of our meetings this year; to help each girl meet life's challenge and responsibilities eagerly, through living an adventurous and enriched life; and to help solve the problems of each girl.
Our programs will come to you in various forms, discussions, talks, dramatics, music, etc., given by our own girls, faculty members, and speak-ers from campuses other than our own.
"Man does not live by bread alone, roses and sunsets, songs and symphonies. essays and poems are also means of grace. "
Any organization having a program, as well as a purpose, as large as the Y. W. C. A., requires funds to back it.
My task is to work with a committee to finance this organisation, I must keep account of receipts and expenditures, and try to keep all of the bills paid.
We shall sponsor a special financial program at which all of the members are asked to pledge to the Y. W. any amount of money that they find it possible to give. Not only is the pledge appreciated, but also the spirit in which it is given. We believe that this will aid in making you feel as though you are a part of our organization.
It is also the duty of this committee to formulate a budget. We try to figure an approximate amount we will receive from contributions and sales. Then we list our probable expenditures for such things as flowers for girls who are ill, parties, outside speakers, national fund, etc.
We try to meet our budget in various and interesting ways. We will sell candy bars at basketball games later in the year. During the Christmas season we will sell Christmas cards. We also cooperate with the Y. M. C. A. in the sale of used text books.
I believe the Y. W. C. A. an organization that needs the best of every college girl and you in turn need it.
"God is its author and not man; He laid The key-note of all harmonies; He planned All perfect combinations, and He made Us so that we could hear and understand. "
The purpose of the music committee is to make all meetings of the Y. W. C. A. more interesting and more enjoyable to all its members. Through music the committee attempts to instill a spirit of reverence into its worship services. In the more informal meetings of the organization the committee strives to impart a peppier spirit to the gathering through music. The music committee works hand in hand with the program committee in endeavoring to secure unity throughout the meetings.
BERNICE DRESHER, Music Chairman.
One of the main purposes of the social committee of the Y. W. C. A. is that of entertainment. Every year the Y. W. sponsor an all-school watermelon feed. From a social standpoint, this is one of the high-lights of the school year.
Picnics, frolics, teas, and parties constitute part of the social functions planned for the Y. W. C. A. by this committee.
Through such entertaining and recreational activity, as planned by such a committee, the students become better acquainted and a better spirit of understanding exists.
MARGARET OLIVER, Social Chairman.
The work of the social service committee is perhaps the most varied of any of the committees in the Y. W. work. It requires imagination, love for children and work. Besides keeping the Y. W. room "homey" and cheerful, we have charge of the silver tea, a Christmas party for children and other odds and ends of this kind of work. We are also given a chance to help in the social service work down town.
A program of this kind of work for a whole year makes this committee’s work very Interesting—ELIZABETH WAGONER. Social Service Chairman.
"The value of an object is that which one who knows its worth will give for it. He who made the Soul, knew its worth and gave his life for it."
It is the object of the World Fellowship committee to bring the girls in closer fellowship with Christ.
This committee sponsors a period of worship and meditation each week for all of the girls. Programs of this kind hope to promote a joyous life full of creative living which gives a deeper purpose in life. —MARTHA ANDES, World Fellowship Chairman.
Campus life was described as a great stage composed or many different types of characters by Prof. J. A. Blair in chapel last Wednesday. Each student plays a definite part in the campus stage.
Prof. Blair in his speech highly commended the humorous type portrayed by the popular humorists. “Amos 'n' Andy. ” He described them as presenting a clean, highly skilled type of humor to all the classes of people in America.
The other types which Prof. Blair mentioned were the shirker, the pest, the “cocksure’ 'person, the quitter, and the doubter.
At the Y. M. C. A. meeting yester-day morning the program consisted of a continuation of the opportunities offered by McPherson College. The meeting opened with a song. Holy. Holy. Holy, which was led by Warner Nettleton with C. Koons at the piano. After the song. Doctor Bright led the group in prayer. Then Everett Fasnact gave a brief review of last week’s meeting and announced the program to follow.
James Reed gave a very splendid violin number with Miss Wampler as accompanist. Before playing the selection Mr. Reed gave the story which the tune was to portray which made the number all the more valuable.
Elmer Staats outlined the intellectual opportunities afforded by McPherson college. First of all the freshmen go into the Orientation class where sometime during the year they are shown how to study. First of all however, comes the library where books and magazines may be used to gather interest in some class that has begun to get a bit dry. The library affords much general knowledge which is very useful in intelligent conversation with others. Also the library affords a great opportunity to study books in fields that students have decided to make their life work in and thus keep that interest active. The second source of intellectual development comes in discussion of problems or hard lessons with instructors. Third the student should have conferences with other students for often their problems are alike and much help may be had in this way. However, the final adjustment is an individual problem and must be faced individually.
Galen Ogden then discussed the social opportunities of McPherson College. In the first place he suggested that the rights of others be respected. among these rights be placed the right of a chance to sleep nights in the dorm, manners at the table, and the right to have dates. He presented the point that too much kidding at the first date a man has might be treading on his rights. His second point was that we should be examples in our own actions if we want to help make for social happiness. In example we should be honest and clean of speech.
(By College News Service) Cambridge. Mass.. Sept. - Substantial reductions in dining hall charges and room rents were announced this week at Harvard. Board has been reduced from $9 to $8 per week, except in the houses, where it will be $8.50. Similar reductions in rent were announced.
(By College News Service)
New York. Sept. 27. Thirty-five American students this week had arrived home via the Hamburg-Ameri-can liner Albert Ballin after a summer tour of Germany. The display by the younger Nazis in their drills would excite ridicule in this country, they said.
A slumber party for all the girls which is to be held in the girls dormitory. Friday night, was announced in Y. W. this morning. Edith Bechtelheimer had charge of devotionals, which were followed by two special musical numbers, a song by the girls’ trio; and "The Lost Chord." by Sullivan, a cornet solo played by Floyd Harris. Miss Lehman concluded the program with a reading taken from "The Sign of the Cross. "
Bernice Dresher accompanied the trio, and Mr. Harris was accompanied by his sister, Viola. The Y. W. C. A. membership drive was postponed until later.
Each year for the past few years we have approached the opening of school with a measure of fear and trembling. We felt things growing more and more difficult each year. During the past summer the college made extraordinary effort in student recruiting. The male quartette, with Mr. Voran, traveled in six states, giving between 50 and 60 programs. Mr. LeRoy Doty, an alumnus of the college and Mr. H. R. Gardiner, did effective work in and about McPherson. As a result we opened the school year with a very good enrollment considering the times. Our Freshman class is again approximating in size those of days of prosperity. Many new sophomores and juniors have been enrolled from other colleges. Our total enrollment has now gone considerably above. 300 again. We have an extraordinarily large number of students of ability who are bound to make a good record. Our athletic and musical talent is exceptionally promising.
This has been made possible by the cooperation of the alumni. In several cases during the past summer alumni drove long distances to the college, bringing prospective students with them. This cooperation is wonderful and greatly appreciated by the college officials.
On November 4th is to be the HOMECOMING. This means a Swede game and other activities. Plan now to he here. Bring some of your students along if possible. This is the best contact they can make with the college.
McPherson college is attempting to carry on thru these difficult days, on a plane as fine and as high as possible. The assurance of your sympathetic interest is a great help to us who are here at the home base.
Your success and welfare is a matter of deep concern to us. If we can be of service to you, do not hesitate to call on us.
Help Spectator Advertisers. They are M. C. Boosters.
The Spectator
“The great business of life is to serve God; to glorify him in our bodies and spirits which are his. If we do this we shall bare answered the great challenge of life. If not, no matter what may be our attainments, our lives will be failures."
Interwoven in the fabric of our everyday classwork and associations is the thread of religious and moral experience and thought. The growth of this, the spiritual part of student life, is supported and strengthened in a material way by the "Y" organisations.
The McPherson College Y. M. C. A. is an organization of fellows who believe they can be mutually helpful, and in an effort to do this, the Y. M. C. A. sponsors certain activities absent in the college curriculum, and supplements certain other activities which may be either deficient or of such nature that student benefit is gained mostly from student participation. —EVERETT M. FASNACHT, Program Chairman.
This year’s chances of the Bulldogs trimming the Swedes look good as Lindsborg has one of the lightest and smallest squads out for football in the history of the school.
Bulldogs Have Been Working Thru Some Hard Drills This Week
The McPherson college Bulldogs will open their 1933 football season on the home field tonight with the fast and tricky Chilocco Indians offering the opposition.
Little is known as to the strength of the Indian team but the fact is well known around McPherson that they are fast and use considerable deception in their play. On the other hand the strength of the Bulldogs cannot be estimated because they have not been in any game.
The team went through some hard drills the first part of the week with some tapering off practices the latter part of the week. Coaches Bin-ford and Selves will not make any prediction as to the outcome of the game other than that the boys will give a good account of themselves.
A probable starting line-up for tonight’s game is Minear at center; Vasquez and Hayes, guards; Wine and Eddy, tackles; and Bowman and Pauls at ends. Binford will probably be at quarter with Carpenter and Wiggins at the halfback posts and Burress at fullback. Nothing is defi-nite about the lineup and a few last minute changes might he made.
The sudden change in the weather has made it ideal for football and because of this a record crowd is anticipated. The game is scheduled to start at 8 o'clock.
The files of the Y. M. C. A. secretary’s book carries the accounts of the organization back to March, 1915 when Homer Engle was president and Paul Moser was secretary..
The Y. M. C. A. pledged $20 that year to the stale organization.
In 1916 J. L. Bowman was elected
secretary of the Y. M. C. A.
J. C. Forney was soon made president and J. L. Bowman was made vice-president.
The Y. M. C. A. bore half the cost of adding two new tennis courts west of the campus.
Wilbur Vanlman was treasurer in 1916.
The students that year were allowed to use the Edison phonograph in the administration building.
LeRoy Doty was secretary during 1922-23.
Milton S. Dell was vice-president in 1924.
Karl Kinzle was elected president in 1927.
Most students come to school with social development as one of their aims. Some come with it alone in mind and still others comm with none art all in mind. Therefore it is the duty of those in charge of the social program to do something to satisfy those who want the normal social life and at the same time do something to impress those others of the utter uselessness of either of their programs. If they don’t become impressed, they at least do not follow out their undesirable aims. Those whose aim is a continued social whirl are merely disappointed in not finding it. Those who wish no contact at all are so urged to attend that they seldom refrain. Thus the social program attains something. Of course no one contends that there is not room for improvement. In fact all social chairmen are more than willing to listen to suggestion. If you have one to make don't mind making it.
Still another kind of cooperation other than making suggestions is the aid given by the proper attitude of students toward each individual function. The person who comes to a social believing that he will not enjoy himself is merely wasting time. He will lost part of the evening before his spirit can he changed. An excellent example of student cooperation was shown last Saturday evening. Everyone seemed to have come with the idea of enjoying the program. At any rate there was no stiff formality to detract from the entertainment. The hope of the social committees is that in the continued program there will be the same desirable spirit.
PAUL BOOZ. Social Chairman.
When interviewed as to which end he played and why. Pauls replied. "Oh. I always play right end. because if I play left end I do everything backwards and find myself running off the field."
M. C. has all it could ask for in the way of coaching this year as both Coaches Binford and Selves are tutoring the Bulldogs and with this combination and the available material, the strongest team in some years appears to be shaping.
Dean F. A. Replogle was chosen as the senior class sponsor for this year at a class meeting held Monday noon.
The seniors were also advised at this time to get their pictures taken for the Quadrangle.
Every freshman, that is desirous of living as he should, needs the "Y." It presents to him the four fold way of living and helps him in his religious life. He gets pure help untainted by denominationalism. The solution of his problems seems easier when taken in the light of the "Y" standards.
The Y. M. offers clean recreation that makes it easier for a person to rust his mind and come back to his studies with a fresh mind that makes it easier to master his lessons.
The training and opportunities offered by the organization are unusual. If a student wishes to get the most out of his college life, he will take advantage of every opportunity to get training and broaden his views of life.
The association of "Y" workers are never out lived nor can a person become completely separated from its influence. It encircles the world by a great bond of associations.
Free wholesome entertainment enriches the mind of those who attend the meetings. Entertainment that doesn't blight the soul and pollute the mind, but gives a foundation for clean, bright lives.
The freshman who doesn't join the "Y" or come to its meetings is going to miss some of the best hours in his college life.—VICTOR MOORMAN, Freshman Associate.
Y. M. C. A.
The Young Men’s Christian Association is a union of student and faculty members for the purpose of encouraging greater fellowship among young man and also to help encourage the living of a richer and better life.
Students prefer to do things that are practical and of immediate value instead of things that are abstract and meaningless. Young men in the college period of life have laid and arc laying the foundations for the fifty or more years of life that will be theirs. Our characters are being molded and will be border to change after we are out in the world as citizenry.
The one groat aim of the college Y. M. C. A. this year is to direct the line of student moral progress by grouping ourselves together and working for a common goal—growth in Christian character—accomplished by fellowship, worship and service. It is the aim of the Y. M. to help the students to learn and appreciate the Beautiful and Good in life. The third aim of the Y. M. is the stimulation of a desire on the part of the students to live a higher type of personality. "Purposeful living" are the key words of this year's program.
The objective of the "Y" work is to stimulate students to strive toward the aims already mentioned. One stimulation agency will be our Quest or Searching Groups, to be held at frequent intervals on subjects selected by the students. Another stimulating agency will be the nationally known speakers and student leaders that will be on our campus this year under the auspices of the "Y" organizations.
The Y. M. sincerely solicits your support in helping to carry out this program. In order to make the load move, all will have to help out in some way or another. Your support and interest may mean the accomplishment of a meaningful and helpful year in "Y" work.—LESTER POTE. President.
It might be well, in one article of this special edition of the Spectator, to point out the purposes and ideals of the Y. M. as they are expressed in the name of the organization.
First, there is the word “young.” The Y. M. C. A. is a youth organization. As a youth organization it is built to serve the wide-awake, red-blooded youth of today. As a youth organization it is always in step with the latest advances made by man for only in this way can it be of any Serv-ice to the youth of today.
In the second place, the Y. M. C. A. exists for “men.” Its members are true men with character and nobility who will not stoop to any dishonest or unfair deed to one of their fellows.
Thirdly, the "Y" is a Christian organization. Its officials and members practice the principles of Christianity throughout their lives.
In the last place, the Y. M. C. A. is an “association.'' It is carried on not by the efforts of a few but by the cooperation of every member.
Thus, the Y. M. C. A. has expressed in its name its intention of being a worthwhile and serviceable organization. And the student Y. M. C. A. of McPherson College has always been a worthwhile organization, continually rendering service to the men of the college.—ROYAL FRANTZ, Vice-president.
In an organization like the Y. M. C. A., every officer must play a definite part in promoting the welfare of the body. If each one will do his work well, the organization will function smoothly. If the officer does not cooperate, the organization loses its effectiveness.
The work of the secretary as an officer is not so important as some of the others. However, it plays a vital and definite part in the organization. One of his duties is to keep an account of each cabinet meeting and to record all of the business of the Y. M. This is necessary for reference. Also the secretary does the correspondence for the organization.
This work may not seem important but it plays a definite part in the work of the organization.
ELMER STAATS, Secretary.
The "Y" edition of the Spectator is becoming a tradition. Each fall for several years the paper has cooperated with the organizations in their annual campaigns for membership. Three years ago the Spectator announced a special "Y" edition and since that time the second issue of the paper has been dedicated to the organizations.
Tuscon, Ariz., Sept. 27.—Re-dis-covery of a "lost" asteroid, known as Zerlina in the constellation of Pegasus and approximately 160000,000 miles from the earth, this week was announced by the Steward Observatory at the University of Ar-izona. It had not been seen since its original discovery in 1904.