As a special feature for guests of the Regional Conference, the World Service Group is holding a meeting next Tuesday at 6:45 p. m. The theme of this meeting will be discussions on problems relative to conducting religious services.
Anyone who has a particular Interest in this phase of religions life will be welcomed as a guest at this meeting.
Six new books, with a value amounting to at least $15, have been presented to the International Relations club by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
The books are as follows: "Germany Enters the Third Reich" by C. B. Hoover: "World Revolution and the U. S. R. R." by M. T. Florinsky; "The Future Comes" by C. A. Beard and H. E. G. Smith: "Caribbean
Backgrounds and Prospects" by C. L. Jones; "Government and Politics of Italy" by H. R. Spencer; and "Europe Since 1914" by F. L. Benns.
Friday, Feb. 16 Basketball game with College of Emporia.
Sunday, Feb. 18.—Regional Conference begins.
Monday, Feb. 19.—Friends game here.
Tuesday, Feb. 20.—World Service Group meets.
Wednesday, Feb. 21.—Local AntiTobacco contest.
Approximately fifteen college students are employed at present in the cure of the buildings and campus of McPherson College.
In Fahnestock Hall the first floor is taken care of by Mike Vasquez, the second floor by Newell Wine, and the third floor by Irvin Bentz.
Lester Pote is assigned to the work in the library.
In Sharp Hull, David Metzger cares for the offices, Delvis Bradshaw for the chapel and recitation rooms, and Orville Eddy for the third floor.
Aaron Landes, Clayton Rock, Willard Brammel, and Bryce Peck have charge of the work in the first, second, third, and fourth floors, respectively, of Harnly Hall.
Russell Carpenter and Walter Pauls work to keep the gymnasium in spic and span condition.
Dave Duncanson is chief assistant to Superintendent of buildings and grounds, Frank Forney.
Twenty-two students will be added to this list of campus workers when the federal CWA for college students goes into effort.
Assistants and secretaries in the various departments are not included in the work.
Outstanding Speakers Have Been Secured for This Year’s Program
Part-time Jobs Given To The Needy College Students In Various Types of Work
Average Salary Will Be $15 Per Month for Rest of Year
McPherson College is allotted twenty-two students as its quota for those to be given part time jobs under the CWA plan for relief among needy college students. The new program is a part of the Civil Works Administration re-employment plan.
Hailed as one of the most encouraging announcements, from the point of view of college students, that has been made since the start of the depression, part-time jobs will be provided for 100,000 needy collegians who otherwise would be unable to complete their courses this semester.
According to Harry L. Hopkins, chief administrator, about three-fourths of the students to be aided will be those who would be forced to drop out of school for financial reasons, while the other one-fourth will be made up of students of good character and marked ability who are eligible for admission to colleges and universities but otherwise would not be financially able to enter. The part time jobs will be allocated between women and men students in proportion to the enrollment of each last September, Hopkins Bald.
It is expected that the program will require between $5,000,000 and $7,000,000, the exact amount depending on the number of students who qualify with the authorities of the various innstitutions where allocations of funds will be made.
State emergency relief administrators have been authorized by Hopkins to provide part-time jobs at the colleges for needy students up to 10 per cent of their regular enrollment of full-time students as of Oct. 15, 1933. The program provides for part-time employment to the end of the current academic year, but not including the 1934 summer sessions.
The students will receive from $10 to $20 per month for socially desirable work on the kinds of jobs customarily done by students working their way through college, including clerical, library and research work and work on buildings, grounds, in dormitories and dining halls.
The allotments to the various col-leges will provide jobs in addition to those provided at the present time by the institutions themselves.
The presidents of the colleges and universities will be individually responsible for the program in their respective institutions, allotments for which will be based on an average of $15 a month for each student employed.
Those students who will be given aid in McPherson College are: Elmer Staats, Everett Fasnacht, Chester Colwell, Carol Koons, Floyd Harris, Vincent Watson, Warner Nettleton, Harold Johnston, Harold Binford, Galon Ogdon, Martha Andes, Frances Christian, Elizabeth Bowman, Verna Mac Severtson, Una Ring, Nova Root, Lloyd Moehlman, Arnold Johnston, Marjorie Brown, Ruth Webber, Miss Breon and Miss Bradsky.
The type of work included in the work on the campus consists of library work, accounting, stenography, painting, assistants, campus upkeep, and various other types.
These students receive from $12 to $18 a month for work ranging in time from 40 to 60 hours a month.
The local Anti-Tobacco Oratorical Contest will be held next Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock in the college chapel. Postponement of the date was made to allow greater time for preparation.
Six students will enter the contest. Those who are entering are Elmer Staats, Galen Ogden, Paul Booz, Royal Frantz, Willard Flaming, and Byron Eshelman.
Two judges have been selected from the Regional Conference speakers, Dr. D. W. Kurtz and the Rev. C. E. Davis. The other judges are Dr. J. D. Bright, Miss Della Lehman and Dr. Ray C. Petry.
The winner of this contest will represent McPherson in the state Anti-Tobacco Oratorical contest.
Floyd Harris Wins Second Prize With Group of Tricks
On Cornet
The Junior Class received first prize for their stunt given at the first annual Extravaganza. Friday Feb. 9, and Floyd Harris won second prize. International Relations and the Faculty were given honorable mention.
A take off on a meeting of the disciplinary committee of the faculty was the stunt awarded first prize, and the second prize winner gave a group of tricks on the cornet. The International Relations group gave a skit from the peace conference and the faculty imitated a vaudeville employment bureau.
Sponsors of the. Extravaganza, the Y. M. and the Y. W., took in a total of $16. The first prize consisted of 10 per cent and the second prize of 3 per cent of the proceeds.
Heart Sister Week was brought to a close by a party in the Y.W.C.A. room yesterday afternoon. The girls met at 4:30 to learn who had so mysteriously befriended them during the week.
Several contests were held under the direction of Elizabeth Bowman. The girls were divided into five groups and named for five animals: cat, dog, cuckoo, mule, and turkey. Each group elected a captain and went to look for candy hearts which were hidden around the room. When a nest of hearts was found, the individual would make the noise of the animal his group represented until the captain arrived. The turkeys won having found the most hearts. The rest of the groups had to give stunts for this group.
Small red hearts were then passed out and each girl wrote the name of her heart sister and her own name on this heart. These hearts were passed around until each girl found out who her heart sister had been.
Light refreshments were then served by the committee.
The program of the Y. M. meeting Tuesday consisted of several discussions by members on the influences of college environment.
Included in the short talks were discussions by David Duncanson, on the influence of college athletics as to sportsmanship, cooperation, and health; by Willard Brammell, who took up the phase of contributions to later life, such as reading habits. Christian influence, and noted speakers; and by Archie Lindholm, dealing with family relationships, application of book knowledge, life interests, and life occupations.
The thing I admire about the American is his feeling of selection. If you ask him about a certain com-position, he will admit he is unfamiliar with it.—Jose Iturbi, Spanish pianist.
This week our nation celebrates the one hundred twenty-fifth birthday of our sixteenth president, the Great Commoner, and probably the greatest statesman that America has ever had. The great president whose memory we cherish and revere was bound by principles as great today as they were in 1860.
There is a close parallel between the events of the 1860's and those of the present. In each instance the is-sues resulting in the crisis had long been in the making. When the great slave issue was gradually rising to a head men shuddered at thought of its possible outcome. The economic crisis of 1920 and the depression that ensued spread fear and insecur-ity throughout the nation. In both cases great statesmen arose to lead the people out of the turmoil. In both cases it was the people who responded to the call of their leaders. In both instances the citizens were inspired to a greater idealism.
In a like manner the problems of the future will be similar. When the crisis is weathered, there remains the problem of readjustment and reconstruction. Unfortunately in 1865 America was robbed of its great leader. We hope that it will be our good fortune to retain our present leader throughout the period of reconstruction.
The problem of the future is to rebuild America of the nobler ideals of the past. The nation of the future must be "dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal." "Today we are met upon the battlefield of that war" of economic and social problems. "The unfinished work which" we have "thus far nob-ly advanced" is a challenge to the great tasks lying before us" that our economic difficulties "shall not have been in vain." In the future may America "have a new birth of freedom; and that government of the people, by the people, and for the people shall not perish from the earth."
Yesterday afternoon from 2:30 to 4:00 tryouts for the Thespian play "The Enchanted April," were held In Miss Lehman's room. The cast has not yet been announced by the judges because several members were unable to be present and are trying out this morning. The chosen cast will probably be announced sometime this afternoon.
The judges were Miss Della Lehman, Miss Alice Gill and Ada Brunk, who will coach the play. "The En-chanted April." a comedy in three acts, will probably be given early in April. The club plans at this time to anaugurate the new cyclorama which they are giving to the school. Work on it has been progressing nicely under the direction of Ada Drunk.
The Talented Group Entertains With Variety of Songs In Program
The Deep River Plantation Singers presented a program of chants, melodies, and spirituals in the fifth number of the 1934 lyceum course last evening.
This group of talented, educated entertainers opened their program with a song "My Old Kentucky Home" presented in a southern plantation setting. The first half of the program continued, with negro folk songs and spirituals. The second half of the entertainment was composed of modern songs of the South interspersed with individual numbers by the pianist, baritone, and first tenor. The baritone dramatized two modern songs. "Brother Can You Spare a Dime?" and "The Glory Road." The first tenor then sang "Cheesy Voran's General Store" and read "When Melinda Sings."
Included in the personnel of the organization are Mr. V. S. Drown, pianist and manager; Mr. Raymond Berger, first tenor; Mr. Carl Wellington, second tenor: Mr. John E. Smith, baritone: Mr. Julius Sharp, bass.
Probably the largest crowd of the lyceum season turned out for this number.
The World Service Group held another deputation program in its meeting Tuesday evening. Readings, talks, singing, and scripture readings made up the deputation work.
Those who took part in the program were Mary Eisenbise, Glen and Norval McGonigle, Willard Brammel and Clarence Sink.
Large Number of Students Expected to Hear Conference Program
The Regional Conference of the Church of the Brethren will open next Sunday morning with services in the college church and will continue throughout the week, ending on Friday.
Several outstanding speakers have been chosen for this year's program. Dr. D. W. Kurtz, former president of McPherson College and the present head of Bethany Biblical Seminary of Chicago, has been selected as the multi speaker for this year. Dr. Kurtz is well known as a lecturer and preacher, and it is expected that his appearance here will draw a large audience. President W. O. Mendenhall of Friends University is a popular leader in student and Y. M. C. A. groups. He will go to California next year to head Whittier College.
Other speakers that have been scheduled are M. R. Zigler, secretary of the general Missions board of the church of the Brethren; C. E. Davis, pastor at Independence, Kansas; Ada Correll. an alumna of McPherson College; and Dean F. A. Replogle. Dean R. E. Mohler, Dr. Ray C. Petry, and Dr. J. D. Bright, all of the college faculty.
Music will be furnished by the music department of the college under the direction of Prof. Alvin C. Voran and Miss Lois Wilcox.
Lodging will be furnished free. The annual trustee meeting will be held on Monday and Tuesday.
This conference which is held each year places special emphasis on ministerial and educational problems. The subjects which have been chosen stress problems in this field. A program for the week appears elsewhere in this issue.
More books were checked out from the library during the first two weeks of this semester than during the same period last year. There was also an increase in the number of magazines read this year.
There was, however, a lower daily average for Library Week alone than for the same week of last year. Daily average for Library Week this year was 139. The daily average for a corresponding week last year was 171.
In spite of this, more reading of books in the literature group was done during Library Week than during the same time last year. This year 191 literature books were used during Library Week in contrast to 140 used the second week of the last semester of 1932-33.
Magazines show an increase of 86 for the week. Records for last year give 44 as the number checked out. whereas 130 were used during Library Week this year.
At least nine men attending McPherson College this semester should make ideal husbands. At any rate, nine men are diligently struggling to learn the art of cooking the meals while the wife attends club, etc. Miss McIlrath reports that thus far, the men are doing nicely. At the present time, the class is studying the need for knowledge of nutrition. Actual sewing will not be experienced, but the selection of clothing will be studied extensively. The nine home-loving men are as follows: Eldon Win-gerd, Delvis Bradshaw, Everett Brown, Glen Webb, Max Oliver, Richard Moser, Kenneth Weaver, Otho Clark, and Arthur Goughnour.
The Spectator
Subscription Rates For One School Year
Address all correspondence to
THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas
Editor-in-chief ......................... Elmer Staats Business Manager ...................... Paul Booz
Associate Editor ............. Una Ring Ass't. Business Manager ....... Clarence Sink
Feature Editor ..................... Margaret Oliver Ass't. Business Manager ............... Joe Zuck
Sports Editor .......................... Wilbur Yoder Circulation Manager .......... Byron Eshelman
Ass't. Ciruclation Manager ... Vernon Michaels
Alvin Heckman Kenneth Weaver
Maxine Ring Paul Heckman
Ernest Sweetland Royal Frantz
Gevene Carlson Robert Booz
Paul Lackie Helen Webber
Faculty Advisers ......................................................... Profs. Maurice A. Hess and Alice Gill
Pledged to full cooperation in constructive, campus projects.
Recently the federal government has inaugurated a plan whereby stu-dents may attend college and do part time work. The salary, which will vary from $10 to $20 per month, will be paid by the government. Ten per cent of the student enrollment on October 15, 1933, may take advan-tage of this plan. About three-fourths of the students to be aided will be those who wold be forced to drop out of school for financial reasons, while the other one-fourth will be made up of students of good character and marked ability who are eligible for admission to colleges and universities but otherwise would not be financially able to enter.
Several reasons make this a splendid plan. It offers an opportunity for more students to attend college. It makes it possible for the students who are attending not to have to depend so much on their parents for finan-cial support. The work that these students will do will be of value to the college. There are several projects that can be taken care of in this way without any additional cost to the college.
An added feature of this plan is that the students, who are to be future citizens, feel that they really have a part in the recovery program of the government.
McPherson College should indeed feel fortunate to be able to be a part of this system to help the nation as well as the student body.
Everyone who saw the game at Salina Tuesday night noticed a marked increase in enthusiasm exhibited by McPherson College students. The whole crowd in the McPherson section cooperated with the cheer leaders and made itself known to the audience.
There are only five men at one time who can really get out and play. These five ere out there all during the game, putting forth all their energy to win. No matter what is the outcome of one game they are ready to fight again at the next one.
It is not possible for the larger per cent of the students to play a basketball game or to do anything of that nature, but most of them are not even doing what is possible—giving their complete support to the team.
There aren't a great many ways in which it can be shown that the team hast the support of the student body, so it is paramount that everything possibly be done to prove that the team has full support. This can be done by the students individually being loyal Bulldogs and following rules set up by the pep committee. They are as follows:
1. A loyal Bulldog sets with the cheering section at all games.
2. A loyal Bulldog refrains front booing.
3. A loyal Bulldog attends all pep chapels.
(Reprinted from the January, 1934, Issue of National Council for Prevention of War News Bulletin)
In 1934 the Broken World reaches its 20th birthday.
In 1914 the World War began the debacle. In 1918 the convulsion took on new forms. In 1929 the cataclysm was recognized as a plague of the entire planet. This year we are alive in this broken world and many of the world leaders play with palliatives or with panaceas. Next year——?
This year, this month in fact, the American Congress will declare for certain politics. They will be world policies to meet changed conditions, or they will be limited policies supporting idle hopes of American recovery apart from others' welfare.
This year Congressmen will come up for election, appealing to the voters for support or policies. Nineteen thirty-four is the voters' year to af-firm their peace wishes and to get Congressmen to make these their policies.
This year the Disarmament Conference through success can hold off a next war; if it fails, war will be speeded up.
This year is the last full year during which Japan is bound by her League of Nations commitments until she returns to the League.
This is the year before the 1935 Naval Conference.
This year you are alive, and able to take some part in affecting the policies of Congress, the attitudes of Congressmen, the fate of the Disarm-ament conference, the reshaping of the League, the preparations for the Naval Conference. No one knows how inconsequential an act may mean success in any one of these areas, or failure. These are the facts of 1934.
The question is, will we face them? Will we face them in their rela-tionship to us personally? Will we sit down and say "Suppose this does happen, then what? Suppose this does not happen, then what?"
This is the year for talking earnestly to one another. This is the year for close study. This is the year for quiet reflection.
This is the year 1934. This is the year to work for recovery of the world. We're doing it. Will you?
In the country where I had come from, I had been drinking the soup
out of the plate 20 years before I ever heard of Washington and without having any handles on the plate, either.—Sen. Huey Long of Louisiana.
We artists what only to sing. We prefer to let the business end take care of itself.—Lucrezia Bori.
I won't pay any more faith in some bankers than I do in dentists. Both
use gold and neither knows much about it.—Frank A. Vanderbilt, financier.
I never really liked the theater.—Mixine Elliott.
Napoleon didn't know that France wasn't ripe for a revolution, so he started one and conquered a continent.
Columbus didn't know that the world was flat, so he sailed right over the edge and discovered differently.
There is no reason why a North American cannot live in Central America without suffering from disease, if he leads an active, healthy life,
and keeps indoors after nightran.—Dr. Raymond L. Ditmars, zoologist.
Extra! Extra! Louisiana boy so hot that he sleeps in a snow bank all night and doesn't know it! Believe it or not, somebody put a half box of artificial Xmas snow in Dave Metzger's bed the other night and he didn't know anything about it untill the next morning.
Speaking about putting things
in people's beds, Guy Hayes and Tuffy Wine found four tiny mice in their bed a few nights ago.
Oh yes! I must remind Bradshaw to ventilate the chapel. You know, it has been awful bad in their lately. It really should have some fresh air, cause Dr. Schwalm said so.
Have you noticed that there is an undue amount of static electric-ity in the library in the last few days? Day before yesterday Carrel Koons came sliding up behind Velma Keller and touched her ear. Those around were quite amused to hear Velma shriek.
Tsk, tsk, tsk. It is rumored that Leola Mohler, Margaret Hahn, and Esther Bowers skipped prayer meet-ing and had a sleak fry the other night. My, my. What is the younger generation coming to?
John Dunn, like the prodigal son, has returned to the fold. He got tired or batching and came back to the dorm Monday night.
Boy, did you see how red
Schwalm's face got when the Planta-tion Singers gave their rowdy-dow-dow stuff in chapel the other day?
And by the way, I wonder if all that applause in chapel Wednes-day was for the Miles-Dahlinger duo or for the Plantation Singers, who came in just as the above-mentioned pair finished their num-ber.
Donner and Blitzen! If you were not at stunt night you missed a swell program. Maggie made her debut with that Katrinka number which had everyone laughing.
But best of all was "The Magic Carpet. The Junior class did right well with that piece. The way Eddie took those funny mincing steps and Dune patted his bay win-dow and looked up at the celling was almost too much for me. I'm still laughing.
Oh yes! I musn't forget to mention Cheesy's top dance and Miss Leh-man’s opera number. They should incorporate and go in the business.
Galen Allen got a big red valen-tine Wednesday from some one back in Maskrat Slide. Come on now, Allen, 'fess up. Who's the flame? I'll bet she’s got blond hair and blue, baby eyes.
Miss Pauline Stutzman, Thomas, Okla., has been visiting her sister, Maurine, the past week.
The following girls were entertained for dinner Sunday at the home of Esther Stegeman, Tampa: Pauline Stutzman, Leone Shirk, Ruth Tice and Dorothy Matson.
Miss Darlene Messamer assisted Mr. Galen Ogden with his program at Groveland, Sunday. Ogden has been conducting services there since
Since this space has been allotted me I must fill it . . . So what'll I say. It seems that our Bulldogs played the Coyotes Tuesday night. Yeah. . . Well, we’re still back of you. Bulldogs. We'd take our coach and our
team any old day. . . Regardless of how the game ends. . .
One of the popular barbers down town. . . Sid Easterling by name . . . gave all the football lettermen free hair cuts. . . I think some of them had enough taken off by thin free shearing to last the rest of the year.
This weather certainly given one the spring fever. It is a big tempta-tion to skip classes . . . and play tennis . . . or go walking . . . or do anything other than listen to some
Paul Heckman Feb. 16
Esther Kimmel Feb. 16 Ruth Welmer Feb. 16 Leonard Wiggins Feb. 16
Galen Ogden Feb. 18
the first of this semester.
Miss LaVonne Lindholm spent the past week in Norman, Okla., visiting friends.
Miss Neva Root and Miss Faithe Ketterman were in Newton Sunday. visiting Mrs. H. F. Crist.
Miss Iva Walker has moved to the home of Professor Dell.
Miss Leola Moehler spent the past week end in Salina Visiting her sis-ter.
Miss Essle Kimball, Nickerson, visited friends in Arnold hall this week.
The following girls were enter-tained at the home of Bertha Berg-thold, Tuesday evening: Elizabeth and Jo Wagoner, Hazel and Ruth Welmer, Dorothy Matson, Barbara Petz, Mildred Seliberg, Margaret Young, and Edna Bengston. The evening was spent playing games and refreshments were served at the close.
Our President
Speaking - - -
There are tims in the lives of most of us when the springs run low. Our lives are drab and dull. They lack spontaneity, freshness, spiritual vigor. There is nothing equal to a great conference such as we have coming here next week to rekindle our flagging spirits and set our hearts on fire again.
Faculty folks and students need the tonic of such an experience at about this time of year. A new voice from outside our little college world, with a fresh message is stimulating and helpful. All young people who are affiliated with the Church of the Brethren should hear Dr. Kurtz's great message on Sunday morning. Do not miss it. All week he and others will be bringing us help and inspiration. Let's be there.
The college museum is quite a place. It has specimens of things an-cient and modern from all parts of Mother Earth. A Spec reporter re-cently made a visit to the museum and here records his observations.
As I step inside the museum the first thing that commands my attention is what is left of a big fish— the label says his (or her) name is "Porthesis Molossus." It gives me the further information that the poor thing was taken from its resting place in some chalk deposits in Gove County, Kansas, and that it lived at a time when all of western Kansas was part of the ocean. That must have been quite a while ago. Part of it has been washed away but that has been taken care of by a little art work in the missing places. I wonder if the artist couldn’t have made the head somewhat better looking, too?
On the wall over the fish there hangs a Chinese motto and a Chinese flag. It’s Chinese all right and for me it might as well be the language of the big fish. Wonder what particular significance there is in
prof. lecture or to study. . .
Old Dolly every look funny? That bow was all light, Mildred . . . Part of that encore was intended for you and Loyal . . but coming when it did
it was hard to tell if the applause
was for you or the other vocalists who were last entering the chapel.
Girls will fust be girls now. Heart
sister week with all its fun is over.
This is an annual event and always proves interesting. . . .
Speaking of our Wednesday chapel again. . . We thought it quite appro-
priate since Wednesday was Valen-
tines Day . . . Dolly and Loyal sang something about Love . . . and then
Dr. Smith's little talk on Love. . . . Ain't it grand? ....
At Stanford co-eds must pass a physical examination before they are allowed to stay out until 12 o'clock Saturday night.
Students at Connecticut State col-lege demand half royalties on examination papers which are sold to the humor publications.
Rochester University has abolished 8 o’clock classes on the theory that its students will be better off sleeping in their beds than in class rooms.
Baker University celebrated its seventy-sixth anniversary Feb. 12, with an all-college broadcast over WDAF.
The only college news reel theater in the United States has begun its second year at the University of Min- nesota and is open every noon to students for an admission price of five cents.
The Pennsylvania state highway patrol recently, confiscated twenty-five cars owned by students and classified them as "relics unfit to operate on the streets."
McGill University (Canada) students have turned out in such numbers for ping-pong matches that the school has built a special bleacher section to accomodate all spectators.
Students in the department of ge-ology at the Pacific College will make a trip lo the mohave desert region and Death Valley during the spring vacation to study soil and rock formations.
Mae West has been chosen to select the girls who make up the heahly section of Louisiana Tech’s yearbook.
Upon observing the notice, “Dates Signed for English Examinations.” a student at the University of California remarked. “There are hardly any more functions here where a man can go stag."
If students at the University of California make grades of A, they receive a $5.00 rebate on their tuition.
Pop Warner, football coach at the University of the Pacific, is the originator of the plan designed to eliminate scoreless ties by awarding one point for each first down.
The female of the collegiate species is inclined to abstain from alcoholic beverages much less than the male, if a questionnaire circulated by the Commerce Bulletin of New York university indicates anything.
Princeton freshmen admit they prefer Phi Beta Kappa keys to varsity letters.
having the two so close together?
Well, guess I haven’t time to ex-amine everything thoroughly. One case next to the prehistoric fish has a collection of foreign moneys and a bunch of pretty meteorites. Then there is a case of Indian relics. Up on top of a case on the cast wall there is a big eagle with a ferocious look on his face and his wings spread out as though he were ready to fly. He has a six-inch egg between his feet.
Going on back a ways I come across a famous Giant Sloth. He must have been a terrifying creature once, but he’s all wired up now so I guess I needn’t worry. Besides his label says he's 20,000 years old.
Way back in the corner is a wild hog from China, but he doesn’t look as though he’d make very good sausage. There are some turtle shells there, too (about 3 1/2 feet long) but they aren't labeled.
One case on the west side contains various parts of the anatomy of an elephant and it says they were dug out around McPherson and Hutchinson. Another case has a bunch of fossil remains—fossil fish. Insects, leaves, etc. In one case there are all sorts of beetles—big beetles and little beetles, pretty ones and ugly ones— stuck on pins. Then there is a case of birds’ eggs—all sixes, shapes and colors. On the north wall there are a couple of bunches of artificial flowers made from sea shells by a McPherson woman. She has more patience than I ever expect to have.
There is a host of other quaint and curious animals represented in this collection in our museum.
11:00 A. M. Sermon, "The Ideals of the Church of the Brethren"
.......................Dr. D. W. Kurtz, Bethany Biblical Seminary, Chicago
7:30 P. M. Sermon, "Choosing a Hero"............................................Dr. W. Kurtz
Annual College Trustee Meeting All Day
10:00 A. M. College Chapel Program ...........................................Dr. D. W. Kurtz
2:00 P. M. Address, "Christianizing America Today and Tomorrow"
...............................................................................M. R. Zigler
3:00 P. M. Address, "Home Ideals"
C. E. Davis, Pastor, Church of Brethren, Independence, Kansas 7:30 P. M. Special Musical Progrant.
8:00 P. M. Address, "The Gospel of Freedom".......................................Dr. Kurtz
Animal College Trustee Meeting
8:30-10:00 A. M. Ministerial and District Board Conference ............M. R. Zigler 8:30-10:00 A. M. Conference on Children's Work Led by Ada Correll and Others.
10:00 A. M. Chapel ................................................................................Dr. Kurtz
10:30 A. M. Bible Hour .........................................................................Dr. Ray C.
Petry, Professor of Philosophy and Bible, McPherson College 11:30 A. M. "How I Find, Prepare, and Deliver My Sermon"
(a) "The Pastor's Study ................................................Dr. Kurtz
12:30 M. Noon Hour.
2:00 P. M. "Democracy and Our Thought of God" ............................C. E. Davis
2:50 P. M. Address, "The Clinical Opportunity of the Pastor"
................................................................................Dean Replogle
3:30-4:30 P. M. Music
.................A. C. Voran, Director of Vocal Choir, McPherson College
7:30 P. M. Pageant .................................Women’s Council, McPherson Church
8:00 P. M. Address ............................................................................Dr. W. O.
Mendenhall, President, Friends University, Wichita, Kansas WEDNESDAY
8:30-10:00 A. M. Ministerial and District Board Conference ............M. R. Zigler
8:30-10:00 A. M. Conference for Children's Workers
........................................................Ada Correll and Others
10:00-10:45 A. M. Chapel .........................................................Pres. Mendenhall
10:45-11:30 A. M. Bible Hour. "The Book of Amos" ......................Dr. Ray C. Petry
11:30-12:30 A. M. "How I Find, Prepare, and Deliver My Sermons"
(b) "What to Preach" ..............................................Dr. Kurtz
12:30 M. Noon Hour.
2:00 P. M. Address ..................................................................Pres. Mendenhall
2:45 P. M. Address, "The Church, The Christianizing Force of Society"
............................................................................ Dean R. e. Mohler
3:30-4:00 P. M. Music .............................................................. Prof A. C. Voran
7:30 P.M. Music ....................................... Orchestra, Miss Lois Wilcox, Director
8:00 P. M. Address, "The Gospel of Suffering" ..................................... Dr. Kurts
8:30-10:00 A. M. Conference of Ministers and District Boards..M. R. Zigler 8:30-10:00 A. M. Conference for Children's Workers
........................................................Ada Correll and Others
10:00 A. M. Chapel ............................................................................M. R. Zigler
10:30 A. M. Bible Hour, "The Book of Amos" ..........................................Dr. Petry
11:30 A. M. Address, "How I Find, Prepare and Deliver My Sermons"
(c) "Effective Delivery of Sermons" ....................................Dr. Kurtz
12:30 M. Noon Hour.
2:00 P. M. Address, "Present Status of the International Situation"
................................................................................Dr. J. D. Bright
2:40-4:00 P. M. Men's Meeting ...................................Led by Dean R. E. Mohler
2:40-4:00 P. M. Women's Meeting.
7:30 P. M. A Capella Choir ................................................A. C. Voran, Director
3:00 P. M. Address. "The Gospel of Victory" .........................................Dr. Kurtz
8:30-10:00 A. M. Conference of Ministers and District Boards M. R. Zigler 8:30-10:00 A. M. Conference of Children's Workers
..........................................................Ada Correll and Others
10:00 A. M. Chapel.
10:30 A. M. Bible Hour. "The Book of Amos" ............................................Dr. Petry
11:30 A. M. Address. "How I Find, Prepare, and Deliver My Sermons"
(d) "Christ the Supreme Artist" ...........................................Dr. Kurtz
Mystery—mystery! Secrets!
"Do you know who is my heart sister?"
"Did you see what Gulah got yes-terday?"
"I think my heart sister is Margaret. This note sounds just like her."
"I wish I could think of something original to do today."
"Some people are so clever."
"Sh—Here she comes."
These are just some of the things one has been hearing all week. It is so exciting to have unexpected things done for one and not be able to find out who is doing them. And it is just as exciting to do something for some-one else.
One heart sister is an excellent boot black. Velma Watkins wishes that the M Club initiation and heart sister week would come more often so she wouldn't have to do the task of blackening shoes. The roses that Maxine Ring received from her heart sister served a double purpose. They were used as a centerpiece for dinner on Saturday night when her real sister, Una, had guests! It seems that several of the girls have been saying it with flowers! At least many of the girls have been getting carnations, roses and sweetpeas—maybe some of the boys are responsible for those. But it couldn't be the boys as they would have to sign their names.
Mother Emmert served cake at her table for two meals when the other tables had graham crackers. I hear that her heart sister gave her a lovely lemon cake. All the girls in the dorm surely enjoyed the angel food cake that Neva Root got. It just "melted in your mouth." And talking about things to eat—the dorm girls are filled up on sweets again. Let’s hope these will last until they get to go home or something unusual happens again. Martha Hursh got some swell cookies right during the middle of the afternoon when she was real hungry. Boxes of candy have been quite plentiful. Elrae Carl-son got a little pumpkin pie with
pecans on it.
Iva Walker sent ice cream to her heart sister but the heart sister was gone for the evening, so since a cer-tain young man in the boys’ dorm was ill, he received the ice cream. Even the boys wish that heart sister week came more often. Professor Blair has been helping out in this heart sister business also. In class one day he delivered a lunch to Marcella Stansel. Velma Keller was given a big juicy drum stick for dinner one day. Four girls assisted her in eating it and all stated that it was delicious.
Many of the dorm girls treated their sisters to a meal in the dormi-tory. I guess they enjoy dorm meals as much as dorm students enjoy home meals.
Poetry is a means of expression, so much poetry has been exchanged with the giver unknown. Some very clever notes and original poetry have been means of expressing kind thoughts from the giver.
Jo Wagoner was probably embar-rassed when she found out who her heart sister was. On several days she received two identical gifts, one for her sister Beth, since the two girls always have everything alike. Miss Lehman's second year German class seemed to have become the place for reporting recent heart sister maneu-vers, and Jo raved on at great length each day about how nice hers had been to her. Miss Lehman always drew her on and asked what her heart sister had done today. Well— Miss Lehman was her heart sister.
Some girls have been going from building to building on the campus
Emerging victor over thirty-two contestants. Elmer Staats won the ping-pong championship of McPherson College yesterday by winning Over Robert Booz in the finals. Kenneth Wearer was the consolation winner over Lawrence Fields.
In the semi-finals Staats defeated Eldred Mathes and Robert Booz won from Paul Booz. By winning these matches Staats and Booz are quali-fied to enter the state tournament to be held in McPherson on Feb. 24.
Next week a doubles tournament will be held. It is planned to make a round robin tournament of this contests by which each team to re-quired to play every other team.
Professors at the University of Chicago are combining football and geometry by preparing texts with geometrical theorems illustrated by football plays and devices. This is one way to get students to study geometry.
tracing notes which will finally lead them to a candy bar. It is fortunate that it is a candy bar, oftentimes, as such strenuous exercise calls for a worthwhile reward to build up lost energy.
Mildred Pray reports that some kind friend washed four pairs of discarded hose for her. Next time she says she will put the good hose in a conspicuous place.
Heart sister week may cause some of the girls to become lazy as they have been permitted to stay in bed and have their breakfast served to them.
Wednesday morning Velma Watkins asked a girl to deliver an elaborately decorated package to her heart sister, Edna Reiste. Velma said "This has so many stickers on it 'cause I had to use them up as this is the last day of heart sister week."
Some girls got in on two heart sister parties. A group of downtown girls entertained Tuesday night. Well all good things have to come to an end sometime so heart sister week ended with a grand party on Wednesday afternoon. Then all the mysterious feeling was over and everyone found out who had been so good to her. Here's hopin' we have more and more heart sister weeks.
Three Departments To Participate In Display
Exhibits of work in art, clothing, and industrial art are being prepared and will be on display in the various class rooms of these departments during the Regional Conference.
Students will have the opportunity of showing the public just what they are doing in these three departments. Miss Colline announces that the art exhibit will include oil paintings, pastelles, water colors, posters, leather work, carvings, and novelties. Notebooks and articles made at school by those taking clothing under the supervision of Miss McIlrath will be exhibited in the clothing department. Many different pieces of furn-iture will make up the display of the industrial arts department, which is directed by Professor Dell. All exhibits are results of this year's work.
Washington (CNS).—Reflecting reestablished relations with Russia, courses in Russian language, literature and history will be added to the summer curriculum of George Washington University, it was announced this week.
New York (CNS)—A total of students are registered in 12 "emergency colleges" throughout New York State where courses compar-able to the freshman year are given free to high school graduates who otherwise would be unable to go to college. It was announced this week by Lewis A. Wilson, assistant commissioner of education for the state.
New York (CNS).—Authorities this week were attempting to determine the value of records and papers destroyed in a fire which damaged a two-story building housing offices of the College Entrance Examination board of Columbia University.
(Tune: Dear Lord and Father of Mankind)
Dear Alma Mater, College fair.
Our praise to thee we give.
May doubt, defeat ne'er thee ensnare:
Thy life, thy hopes we gladly share;
In loyal service live.
Bear thou thy torch aloft, undimmed;
Press on. thou flame of truth;
Light all the world with lore divine;
May God thru thee our hearts refine.
Thou cherished friend of youth.
—Ethel Sherfy.
McPherson Leads At Half, 16 to 11; Defeat Makes C. of E. Game Important
The last place Kansas Wesleyan Coyotes stepped up and won a big upset victory Tuesday night at Salina when they defeated the McPherson College Bulldogs 28-27. The defeat put a damper on McPherson's championship hopes and was a bitter blow for the Canines to take.
The score was close for the first ten minutes of the first half and then McPherson pulled away to a slight lead. The Bulldogs played good ball toward the end of the first half and led 16-11 at the intermission. The McPherson five widened their lead and at one time in the second half were leading by ten points.
The Coyotes staged a rally by Lob-dell and with ten seconds remaining to play Suran scored the deciding point on a fast break down the court. McPherson failed to play heads-up ball during the latter part of the game and failed to take advantage of the lead that they had piled up. Although a little lax on defense Meyer led in scoring for McPherson with 8 points.
The box score: | ||
mcpherson (27) | ||
Fg |
Ft |
F |
C. Johnston, f ................. 2 |
1 |
1 |
Pauls f ............................ 3 |
1 |
0 |
Meyer, c .......................... 3 |
2 |
1 |
Binford, g ........................ 1 |
2 |
3 |
Wiggins, g ....................... 0 |
0 |
2 |
H. Johnston, g ................ 1 |
1 |
0 |
Yoder, g ........................... 0 |
0 |
0 |
Totals .......................... 10 |
7 |
7 |
WESLEYAN (28) | ||
Fg |
Ft |
F |
Stephen, f ...................... 0 |
0 |
0 |
Duerksen, f ................... 0 |
1 |
2 |
Gagnon, f ....................... 2 |
1 |
2 |
Lobdell, c ....................... 4 |
1 |
1 |
Mortimer, g .................... 1 |
1 |
3 |
Hight, g .......................... 0 |
1 |
2 |
Totals ......................... 11 |
6 |
10 |
New Costume Should Prove Latest In Tennis Apparel
In spite of a few intermittent cold days, springlike weather continues to prevail. This, naturally, makes one think of spring sports of which tennis holds an important place.
For the past few weeks the courts have been in use almost every day without an exception. Nearly everyone who enjoys the game has found some time to take a few "swats" at the ball to see to what degree his game has deteriorated.
However, the cooler weather of the past week has cramped the style somewhat, of Dave Duncanson. "Dune" as you must have observed if you happened by the courts on several particular days, has introduced something new in the way of tennis costume.
The only difference you can find in it from the conventional basketball suit is that he holds a tennis racket in his right hand. "Dune" states that this type of suit affords him "free wheeling" and perfect "knee action." Until the tennis courts can be work-ed into a smoother condition and the bumps eliminated, the "knee action" should be a great asset in getting over the courts.
It must be understood, however, that this new style is strictly masculine. "Dune" says that he will not take the responsibility for what might happen to anyone of the feminine sex who appears on the courts —attired in a similar manner.
Only time will tell whether or not Duncanson will be to the men what Marlene Deitrich was to the women a short time ago in the matter of style creation. The weather will have to become a few degrees warmer before any judgment can be drawn as to the ultimate success of the fashion. Even "Dune" has not been willing to expose himself to the mediocre coldness of the past week.
"A blend of mirth and sadness, smiles and tears; a quaint errant of the pioneers; a homely hero born of star and sod; a peasant prince; a masterpiece of God."—Walter Ma-lone.
Paul A. Lackie
Well, Kansas Wesleyan finally turned the trick! Those boys have been lying in wait for some time, hoping to find a victim who was just a bit overconfident, and whether or not this applies to the disaster of Tuesday evening, it is very apparent that they found their victim in McPherson!
That little item of winning the majority of the league games on tap and then being caught off guard on a foreign court and beaten, has been a weakness of basketball teams for years, it seems.
How well we remember the embarrassing encounter Melvin Miller, Ray Nonken, Elmer Crumpacker and Kinzie had with Mr. Buller's Bethelites on the Convention Hall floor the year the Bulldogs went on to the quarter finals in the National Tournament!
In that game there was no excuse offered or needed—the Bulldogs were just "cocky"! But those Mennonites certainly put them in their places with a 32-25 setback. Buller just had
those boys running in circles, and getting nowhere fast!
Now McPherson must turn in a win with Emporia Friday evening to even tie up the Kansas Conference lead again. And, should anyone ask you, that is a man sized job!
By the way, the Canines did return with one excuse Tuesday P. M. It seems that George Gardner, who was to referee, was not notified of same, and so did not show up.
So, as a last minute scheme, the Salina crew procured Stuart Dunbar. Journal sports writer, and Ernest Uhrlaub, Salina high school basketball coach, as officials. Now there seems to be some inference that one or two of the Wesleyan boys got by on three fouls by the simple procedure of having the fouls they committed charged up to a fellow team-mate who had a hotter record on misdemeanors.
Whether this be true or not, it hardly seems logical that Salina could have come from an 11-16 disadvantage at the half and salted the game away so neatly on refereeing alone.
This becomes more apparent when it becomes known that the Bulldogs gained a ten-point advantage during the last half, forging ahead to a 24 to 14 lead. So it must be concluded that Coach Mackie's bunch played
Tomorrow night the Bulldogs will play the conference leading College of Emporia quintet on the Convention Hall floor.
This game will have an important bearing on the standing of the Kansas Conference. At the present time the Bulldogs are in second place and a victory will give the McPherson team a chance to tie for the title.
During the latter part of January Binford's men lost a hard fought game to the Presbyterians by a six-point margin. Following the upset, defeat by the Wesleyan Coyotes the Bulldogs are determined to topple the leaders from the top position. The game will begin at 9:15 p. m. following the preliminaries in the McPherson County League tournament. A record crowd is expected.
Three new students have enrolled this week. The new students are Lloyd Moehlman, William Smith and Arnold Johnston, Chester Colwell and Marjorie Brown who dropped out at the end of the first semester have re-enrolled. It is expected that two more students will enroll this week.
Because of the sessions of the Regional Conference on Tuesday of next week the Y. M. will not give a program. Other programs for the near future are: Feb. 27, the Hi-Y of McPherson high school will give a program; Mar. 6, the election of new officers will be held; and Mar. 13, installation services will be held.
some basketball to go with the 'good' refereeing.
Meanwhile Emporia has been sailing on practically untroubled waters so far, but there is quite a bit of conference to be disposed of yet, and the Presbyterians may meet a jinx or two yet!
Here's hoping that McPherson is able to furnish the first Waterloo for C. of E. next Friday evening when they clash on the local court!
This should really work out as wanted if the Canines come to life and profit by their experience of Tuesday to the extent that they play "heads up" ball!
Austin, Tex. — (CNS) — Public Works funds amounting to $1,633,000 will soon be made available for an addition to the University of Texas library.
Annapolis (CNS)—Naval Academy officials and Annapolis police this week were investigating the breaking and disfiguration of statues of naval heroes by vandals who broke into the academy library in Mahan Hall.
Akron (CNS)—By a vote of 385 to 363, students of Akron University this week had decided to continue a ban against smoking on the campus. The ban has been in effect since 1875.
Now York. -- Pledging themselves to go to jail rather than fight in the event of war, 200 Columbia university students, in addition to a score of faculty members, this week were on record for pacifism. In addition to adopting this pledge at a peace meeting, the students laid preliminary plans for a national convention of college students to further pacifist principles.
Stanford University. Calif.—Will Rogers. Jr., son of the humorist, will be a member of the debate team representing Stanford which will hold a transatlantic radio debate with Cambridge University in England on Feb. 18, it was announced this week. "Resolved, that the political salvation of the world lies in democracy rather than dictatorship" will be the question, with Stanford upholding the affirmative.
Ypsllanti.—Herbert Bean, 21, and Lyle Higgs, 22, of Bay City, Mich., have discovered a new way of working their way through college.
The two have signed up with a circus tumbling team for a series of professional appearances beginning next week. They hope to return to Michigan State Normal college with enough money to allow them to complete their senior year.