Youthful Explorer Returns Home To
Find 'Lost' Companion By Fireside
A Cappella Choir Assisted By Male Quartet and the Ladies Trio
Twenty-seven Patron Tickets Are Sold; Present Gift To Director
Thu second annual A Cappella Choir concert under the personal direction of Professor Alvin C. Vor-an was presented at the Community Building to a capacity house on Tuesday evening. Feb. 6. Numbers were offered in four, six, and eight part arrangements.
Formal dress was the attire of the choir. The back drop of the stage was back velvet, and the choir was seated on two semi-circular tiers. This, besides the two potted ferns on either end of the stage, formed a very pleasing setting.
Assisting the choir was the McPherson College Male Quartet composed of Warner Nettleton, first tenor; Vern Traver, second tenor; Loyal Miles, first bass; and Chris Johan-sen, second bass. The quartet and the choir sang a group of two numbers, "Celtic Hymn" by Robertson and "Ye Sons and Daughters of the King." by Leisring. "Neath Your Window" by Gates and "Can't You Heah Me Moanin’ Lord," by James, were the numbers offered by the quartette.
Gulah Hoover, first soprano; Mildred Dahlinger, second soprano; and Lois Edwards. contralto made up the Varsity Women's Trio which also took part in the program. Moffat's "Chit Chat" was the title of the selection sung by the trio. They also assisted the choir in "Pirate Dream" by Huerter. In a selection "Go Not Far From Me O God," by Dell. Professor Voran sang the solo part.
Woodcuts of Noble Cain and Palestrina, both noted composers and directors, decorated the front and back covers of the program respectively. These were made in black and tan and made the program very effective. Those woodcuts were made by Chester Colwell of the Fine Arts department.
Just before the closing selection Director Voran received a bouquet of roses sent by the varsity quartet and trio. An electric waffle iron was given to him by the A Cappella choir.
After the concert the group was photographed for the Quadrangle at Walker’s Studio.
The sale of twenty-seven patron tickets at $1.50 each, to admit adults was a new feature this year.
(By Alex Richards)
After the echoes faded away into low murmurs far down the canyons I listened intently, but no sound came in answer except the discontented hoot of an owl perched in a cedar on the rim. I was alone in the darkness with the silent stars and the vague shadows of the cliffs. Again I fired, but only the ringing voices of the precipices answered.
Forming a plan of action I rode hurriedly down the valley to a point where a side ravine branched off from the main canyon. Here I dismounted and searched the branching trails for fresh hoofprints. I found one other trail besides my own, but the crumbled dust that had fallen in along the edges of the track showed that it was at least one day old.
A short distance farther down I turned up another side canyon and here I found fresh tracks, their contour blurred and splotched with little droplets of dust which showed that a horse had passed over this trail in haste.
As I followed the trail up the rocky defile I continued to call and shoot at short intervals, listening closely in the silences that followed the echoes. My horse, sensing trouble, neighed shrilly every time I paused to listen and the cliffs returned again
Two students from McPherson Col-lege are qualified to enter the state ping pong tournament which is to be held in McPherson on Feb. 24, it was announced this week by George N. Bryan, secretary of the local Y. M. C. A.
Each city or division is permitted to enter two representatives in the meet and the winners of the college tournament will enter from McPherson College.
These two players, chosen from the finals of the tournament will meet some of the best players from the state.
Debaters Win Eleven Out of Twenty-Nine Debates at Hutchinson
McPherson College was represented at the Junior College Forensic tournament held at Hutchinson Friday and Saturday with live teams. The debaters won eleven of their twenty-nine debates. In individual team rankings the team composed of Paul Lackie and Paul Booz tied for third place by winning five of their six debates. McPherson ranked eighth of the twelve schools entered.
The winner of the debate tourna-ment was Arkansas City Junior College, with Independence second, and Hutchinson third. Hutchinson won first place in men’s extempore and women’s extempore.
McPherson was entered in debate, men’s oratory, and men’s and women’s extempore. Eleven of the defeats came from teams winning second and third place in the tournament.
Those students who were entered from McPherson were Paul Heckman, Willard Fleming, John Adrian, Byron Eshelman, Paul Booz, Paul Lackie, Frances Christian, Gall Patterson, Betty Jeulfs and Bernice Dap-pen.
The deadline for the first round in the Y. M. ping-pong tournament was set for last evening. The winners coming through in the first round were, C. Johnston, Staats, Fusnacht, Lackie, R. Booz, P. Booz, Mathes, Duncanson, P. Shorfy, Lindholm, Hayes, Wine, and Evans.
A consolation winner will also be chosen. It is expected that most of the rounds will be played off this week.
and again until the universe seemed a vast remuda of neighing, shrieking horses. Once the trail rose high along the steep talus slope at the foot of the cliff and as I paused here to listen again there came a faint call echoing again and again across the rocks. There was no direction, no definiteness, no anxiety or pleading in its tone. There was nothing to guide one. It was just a high pitched haloo tossed about by tho rocks, coming from space and going on and on. I called in reply and again it came drifting through the darkness, changing pitch as the cliffs tossed it along until the night was calling incessantly.
Knowing I could accomplish nothing waiting there I returned down the trail, intending to find "Pete" and have him pitch camp and build a signal fire on the side of the cliff to guide Don in case he was simply riding up a side canyon and returned to the main valley.
As I emerged around the wall of the canyon I saw a flicker of light on the rimrock above the spot where we had left "Pete." Somehow or someway he had found the trail to the rim. I rode swiftly to the place and when I called. "Pete” answered from
(Continued on Page Four)
Friday, Feb. 9—First annual Extravaganza in college chapel at 7:30.
Friday, Feb. 9—Library week closes.
Sunday. Feb. 11—C. E. meets.
Tuesday, Feb. 13—Basketball game with Wesleyan at Salina.
Tuesday, Feb. 13—Regular Y meetings.
Tuesday, Feb. 13—World Service Group meets.
McPherson Now In Tie for Conference Lead; 24 to 6 At Half
The Bulldog basketeers went into a tie for first place in the Kansas Conference race last night by winning over Baker on the Convention Hall floor by a score of 33-23.
McPherson went into an early lead and were never headed although the Wildcats gained on the Bulldogs in the second half. C. Johnston put the Bulldogs in the lend with a basket early in the game and continued to sink baskets during the first half. The Bulldogs looked especially good in the first half and at the intermission McPherson led by a score of 24-6.
Baker came back strong in the second half and scored some long shots and also a few baskets that were of the sensational variety. With a substantial lead the Bulldogs tried to protect their lead and just coasted in to victory.
McPherson showed some fine passing in the first half and as a result they were getting good shots close in to the basket. Baker outscored the Bulldogs in the last half of the game.
C. Johnston, Bulldog forward, led the scoring with 15 point.
The local Anti-Tobacco Oratorical Contest will be held next Wednesday in the chapel. Students with orations of 1800 words in length are qualified to enter. The contest will be judged by members of the faculty.
Those students who have signified their intention of entering the local contest are Willard Fleming, Elmer Staats, Paul Booz, Byron Eshelman, Galen Ogden, and Royal Frantz.
Sunday. April 8, has been set as the date for the local Peace Qrator-ical Contest which will be hold in the college church.
Chemistry students in a regular meeting of the Chemistry Club last Tuesday gave biographies of several famous chemists. The following students read biographies: John Frie-sen, Ronald Vetter, Ralph Sweetland, Martha Hursh, Glenn Webb, Arthur DeVor, Lealand Engborg and Ken-neth Weaver.
The next meeting of the club will be held February 27.
Miss Fern Lingenfelter has begun preparations for a musical playlet by her downtown music pupils who range in age from four to twelve years in the College chapel early in March.
She is assisted in this project by Mrs. C. A. Berger and her first year Public School Music Methods class composed of Joy Cullen. Narcella Stansel, Laurene Schlatter, Haze! Weimar, Martha Andes and Ann Heckman.
Lions Club members responded en-thusiastically to "Why Adam Binned." "Shortenin Bread." and "Irish Stew." presented by the male quartet last Monday evening.
It is not possible to found a lasting power upon injustice, perjury and treachery.—Demosthenes.
College of Emporia students are not in favor of war according to statistics compiled from a recent poll taken there on that question. Out of 187 students taking the poll only 34 stated that they would volunteer in an offensive war.
Because they felt that war is morally wrong, sixty-two said that they would not participate in an offensive war in any circumstance. Thirty-two stated that they would not participate in a defensive war. One hundred one students would volunteer in a defensive war.
The poll was taken in McPherson college several weeks ago with fifty per cent of the students stating that they would fight in no circumstance.
Ten Per Cent of Enrollment May Receive $15.00 A Month
Harry L. Hopkins, CWA administrator, announced this week that plans by which 100,000 students will receive an average of $15 a month each for the rest of the winter and spring. Both public and private in situations are included in the pro ject.
The general plan is to allow funds on a basis of ten per cent of the lota full time enrollment for the current year, presidents of each institution to select those most in need of assis tance. The program is to cover the next four and one-half months.
Hopkins announced that from $5, 000,000 to $7,000,000 had been set aside to help needy students through out the country by means of part time jobs paying $10 to $20 a month
Each college using this aid is re quired to allow the student receiving the aid to be exempt from fees and tuition. This aspect of plan will make it probable that many colleges will not take advantage of it.
Much credit for winning CWA aid for college students is given Chancel lor E. H. Bindley of Kansas University, who has been working on the project for some time.
Longer library hours and more study simply do not harmonize.
No more studying occurred during the time that the library war kept open until 10 o'clock p. m than there was before that time. Some students, of course studied later, but many of them arrived later also. Several evenings, a few arrived found the ones of their choice, left for an hour or so. and came back to finish during the last half hour.
Those in charge of the library decided that if the extra time was not being used, the students did not need it. The decree, therefore, has been sent abroad that the library shall close at 9:30 as before.
Donald Evans, junior, will leave this week for Omaha, Nebraska where he will enter the Misner School of Dramatics. Evans played an active part in dramatics while he was here taking a leading role in the Thespiar production last year. "The Importance of Being Earnest," and taking part in several other plays.
The Mistier Players receive their experience in this school. These players were in McPherson recently giving a lyceum number. "The Merchant of Venice."
Dr. Andrew W. Cordier, nationally known lecturer and educator will be in McPherson from May G-8 this spring. It was announced yesterday by Dean R. E. Mohler. Dr. Cordier will be here before speaking at a Rotary conference in Abilene on May 8. Dr. Cordier will speak in the college church on Sunday.
This noted speaked was here two years ago, lecturing on international problems.
Ten Per Cent of Proceeds To Be Awarded for the Best Stunt
Competition Bused on Originality, Performance, and Quality of Production
The first McPherson College Extravaganza will be featured tomorrow evening at 7:30 o'clock in the College Chapel. Ten organizations of the campus will give stunts in an effort to win the first prize awarded by its sponsors, the Y. M. and Y. W.
The first prize will consist of ten per cent of the proceeds and the second prize will be five per cent.
Competition will be on the busts of originality, performance and quality of production. The groups are re-quested to use a minimum of stage equipment, employ not more than five persons in the stunt, and have the stunt from eight to twelve min-utes in length.
Organizations expecting to partici-pate are the Thespian club, Inter-national Relations, Y. M., Y. W., World Service group, W. A. A., and the freshman, sophomore, junior and senior classes.
The committee in charge expects the Extravaganza to be an outstand-ing attraction of the year. An admin-sion price of twenty cents for adults and fifteen cents for all students will be charged.
This Extravaganza will be made in annual event.
Friendship Theme of Program Beginning Friendly Week At College
Heart-Sister Week, the "friendli-est week of the year" for the women of McPherson College, began in the Y. W. C. A. meeting Tuesday morn-ing, with a program on "Friend-ship."
Warner Nettleton sang "Friend O' Mine." by Sanderson, and an original playlet on "Friendship" was presented by several students. Those taking part were Bernice Dappen, Maxine DeMotte, Ruth Tice, Leone Shirk, and Martha Hursh, Nettleton was accompanied at the piano by Bernice Dresher.
At the close of the meeting, each member of the Y. W. chose a slip of paper on which was written the name of her Heart-Sister. The slips were some which those who wished to par-ticipate in Heart-Sister Week had handed to a committee after chapel on Monday morning.
Home friendly deed will be done for each Heart-Sister every day dur-ing the following week. The identity of the Heart-Sisters will be made known at a Valentine party to be given on Wednesday, February 14.
Current Religious Problems was the topic around which last Tuesday's Y. M. meeting centered. Three members of the Y. M. discussed the problems after which questions were asked by the group. The material was taken chiefly from recent issues of the Christian Century.
John Goering discussed the Fel-lowship of Reconciliation, Clarence Sink explained the Goodwin plan for obtaining church revenues, and Rob-ert Brooks discussed an article in the Christian Century, "Can the Y Be Christian?"
As a part of the Library Week, Dr. J. D. Bright speaking for the social sciences gave a summary of some of the more important works which have been published in this field and urged students to develop a criteria for their reading.
The Spectator
Subscription Rates For One School Year $1.00
Address all correspondence to THE SPECTATOR
McPherson, Kansas
Editor-in-chief ....................... Elmer Staats Business Manager ...................... Paul Booz
Associate Editor .......................... Una Ring Ass't. Business Manager ..... Clarence Sink
Feature Editor ................. Margaret Oliver Ass't. Business Manager .............. Joe Zuck
Sports Editor ........................ Wilbur Yoder Circulation Manager ....... Byron Eshelman
Ass't Circulation Manager .....Vernon Michaels
We feel cheated. The one marriage of the year, and we miss out on it. Kermit and Edith barely gave us time to give a few romantic signs before they up and got married while we were at a game. Not even one grain of rice did we get to throw. Oh, well, there's lots of time yet and they missed a plenty exciting game too.
Loyal Miles ............................ Feb. 8
Vernon Michael ..................... Feb. 9
Marjorie Brown ................... Feb. 11
Ann Heckman Kenneth Weaver
Maxine Ring Paul Heckman
Ernest Sweetland Royal Frantz
Gevene Carlson Robert Booz
Paul Lackie Helen Webber
Faculty Advisers ....................................................................... Profs. Maurice A. Hess and Alice Gill
We apparently missed out on something yesterday. The cast of a high school play came out yesterday to give us a sample, but they arrived just as we were leaving the chapel. Now we will have to go to the play to find out what we missed.
Landis are living in apartments in the Hoerner home.
Gall Patterson, Betty Lou Cameron and Bernice Keedy were in Lyons Monday evening.
Emma Schmidt and Margaret Hahn spent the past week end in their respective homes.
Faith Ketterman spent Sunday at her home in Abilene.
Do you know what a snowbird is in basket ball? Well, neither do I. but that is what they call some kind of shot at Blue Ridge College. New Windsor, Maryland.
Seventy-four College of Emporia students have relatives who attended school there. This figure is approximately one-fourth of the entire enrollment.
The editor of the St. Norbert College newspaper. West De Pere, Wisconsin, is named James Lang. Could he have any connection with the James-Lange theory of fear?
The way to build McPherson College is to patronize college boosters.
Many times have we heard the two following statements: "The mind can only hold so much; fill it with something worthwhile," and, "Next to the living man, a book is the greatest thing in the world." In combining these two valuable maxims, we find that to fill our minds with that highest type of knowledge which we can gather from really worthwhile books constitutes, in itself, perhaps as noble an education as any of us can hope for.
Yet, upon consideration, we shall discover what are probably the two outstanding hindrances or barriers to the end of enriching ourselves through worthwhile literature.
In the first place, and of most importance, is the striking fact that it has become comparatively easy for every American to gain a full education through books. Through the outstanding development of America's municipal libraries, we have attained the stage of civic development wherein it is a practically unheard of thing for children to be where they do not have access to good books in abundance. However, in this case, the main drawback is that children do not appreciate the books when they are so easily attainable as when they are gained only through great personal struggles. It is a well-known characteristic of the American people that they do not appreciate that which is given to them, but rather bewail what is forbidden them.
Then we also find that even in the cases of those who are avid readers and perhaps spend hours in reading every day, too often the types of literature devoured were perhaps of such characteristics that they were better unread. Much of the crime, scandal, and vagrancy in America has been traced to just such literature as that cited above. Until America learns to choose wisely in what is read, then the mere reading of words will avail us of little.
And so we see that it is important to the future development of Amer-ica that we as individuals influence the mass of the people, first to read for pleasure, and then to read for more valuable results.
Faithe Ketterman was asked to read one item from her paper in a class the other day. She got a little mixed up: so she told the class that she had just coupled two together. Replogle said that was matrimony.
We went to a game the other night where so many men enjoyed their smoking during the game, so that a girl behind us remarked. "I guess we will have to go out at the half to get air, since they no longer go out to smoke at the half.”
Monday night the A Cappella Choir was practicing at the city auditorium. The stage was only partly set for the program, and the seats were not yet covered; so they had to sit on the very rough boards. Therefore when they began to sing "Hospodi Pomi- ial" some bright lads kept repeating "Hospodi Pull-a-splintcr-outa-me."
Twns high on to 10:30 p. m. and two little boys were basketball players. "We'll have to hurry to get there by 10:00 o’clock," said one. "Yes," replied the other, "we will have to back all the way out in order to get there on time."
Newell Wine, Guy Hays, Delbert Kelly, Raymond Tice and Paul Sher-fy attended a dinner Sunday at the home of Lloyd Larson, Abilene.
Harold Patterson has been visiting his sister, Gall Patterson, during the past week. He attends school in Kansas university.
Coach and Mrs. Binford attended the Wesleyan-Baker game at Salina Tuesday.
Margaret Schwartz visited friends and relatives here during the past week. She attends school at Kansas university.
Betty Lou Cameron, who suffered an attack of acute appendicitis Tuesday, was taken to the hospital for observation. She has improved and will probably be back in school soon.
Two students of St. Norbert College were recently arrested when attempting to hitch-hike back to college from a near-by town. They were given some fatherly advice and sent on their way. They resumed their journey—by hitch-hiking.
In medieval universities a student had to swear a solemn oath that he would not use a sword or dagger on the examiner after the examination was over. Then he could proceed with the examination.
Amherst professors who delay more than 10 days in giving students marks are fined a dollar each day the grades are late.
There is a wide diversity of opinion as just what the college newspaper should print. Should it confine itself to matters of purely academic life or should it broaden its views and consider student problems in the World about us?
The Spectator this year has innovated into its columns news from the fields of education and social problems of interest to the student. It has not done so without the criticism on the part of many. Varying in their nature these criticisms have stated that student opinions expressed on social problems are either immature or that the college newspaper goes out of its field when it ceases to deal with campus life alone.
In answer to an inquiry of this type by a student magazine, C. Mildred Thompson, dean of Vassar college stated that "if education is real it should help to relate the problem of study carried on in college to the world outside; and if a student’s mind is active she will have opinions on war, peace, social reorganisation, etc. Students cannot be expected to jump full fledged into maturity and to face responsibilities of active citizenship if they ignore critical events and policies, simply because such problems do not happen to be confined to the college campus. Such separation of interest would thwart one of the chief functions of education, which is to interpret life through learning."
She further states that the opinions expressed in the college paper should not be taken for more or less than what they really are—the sincere expression of young students on the world about them.
With all due respect to the critics of this policy that is gaining favor in many colleges throughout the land, we feel that we should clarify our position on this matter.
1. To keep before the students body the problems of the outside world that are vital to him.
2. To take an active part in turning student attention to constructive moves on the campus.
3. To make the paper interesting, entertaining, and not a mere gossip column on matters on the campus.
4. To strive for a balance in campus news and news off the campus.
After running into a committee meeting or a practice no matter where one goes, we have decided that the stunt night on Friday should be a great success.
You better speak early and avoid the rush if you want a picture of your favorite college tenor—or bass or what have you—in the tuxedo used for the A Cappella Concert. It seemed a trifle to so many tuxes on the campus in the afternoon—that is until we saw the kodaks and cam-eras, too.
If you over get lost in a city, don’t trust Paul Lackie to find your way. While in Hutchinson on the debate trip last week, Lackie and Weaver were trying to find the way to the place where they were going to stay. it was late in the evening, and no one was about from whom to inquire. So the fellows kept walking and walking, until finally Weaver asked Lackie if he knew the way. "Oh, yes," he said. "Just keep with me and we will soon be there." Finally after what seemed hours of walking, an inquiry was made, and it was found that the fellows had gone seven streets too far north. Oh, yes, trust Lackie to find the way home.
Chester Colwell cut an artery in his hand, Monday, while carving a lion from a block of wood. Colwell is well known throughout the school for his work in the art department.
Misses Marjorie and Phyllis Barber of Wichita were among the out-oftown visitors at the A Cappella rendition Tuesday evening. Marjorie attended college here last year and was president of the A Cappella organization.
Leone Shirk has taken Edith Bech-telhelmer-Hayes’ place as secretary to Dean R. E. Mohler.
Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Ketterman and Mrs. Kenneth Cavender of Abilene, parents and sister of Faithe Ketter-man, attended the concert Tuesday evening presented by the college A Cappella choir.
Miss Pauline Stutzman is visiting relatives and friends on the campus
Misses Elsie Brooks and Edna Kauffman, and Mr. R. L. Eshelman of Abilene attended the choir program at the Community Building on Tuesday evening.
Miss Ellen Steinberg, a student of last year, enjoyed the A Cappella concert Wednesday evening. She was a member of the organization last year.
Willard Flaming spent Sunday at his home in Buhler.
The freshman athletic teams at Ottawa university are called the Papooses. The varsity team is called the Braves, you know.
The federal public works board recently granted $88,100 to the University of Minnesota for the purpose of constructing another unit to its athletic buildings.
Huron College, situated in London, Ontario, is probably the smallest college in existence today. It carries a total enrollment of twenty students and five faculty members.
Students at Florida Slate college for women must take an examination on the college government. Those falling to pass the test are campused for two weeks. At the end of the punishment they must take another test before regaining their social privileges.
Ninety students at the University of Kentucky have been given work under the C. W. A. program. The government has granted financial support to eleven campus projects. The majority of the work consists of repairing campus roads and painting university buildings.
Twenty-five men have answered Coach Millard Perterson’s call for Rugby candidates at the University of Southern California.
Our President Speaking - - -
Which fork should I use?’ What should I say and do when introduced to an honored guest? How should I eat my soup?
Yes, these are questions concerning etiquette that we all need to know when we are out to dinner or on special occasions. But, there are just as many rules pertaining to etiquette that may be and should be observed about the campus and in the classroom as there are rules concerning our actions when attending social gatherings.
Politeness has been talked about repeatedly, but there always seems to be room for a little more emphasis on is. Gentlemen always hold the doors for the ladies and assist them in every possible way without the slightest sign of disgust. It is never distasteful to the true gentleman to be of assistance at all times. On the other hand, a lady should always return the favor with a cheery "Thank-you." She never lets the incident pass by without acknowledging the thoughtfulness on the part of the gentleman.
Once inside the classroom, all manner of respect should be shown to the one in charge of the class. No one should be making a speech or explaining a certain topic and be able to hear a constant buzz and even loud talking and laughter in the room. Everyone knows that it shows decided ill-breeding for persons to carry on conversation while someone else has the floor. Yet, this frequently occurs in classrooms while the teacher is laboring to explain some subject to her students. Teachers should be shown the utmost respect and not interrupted by the constant chatter of some students. Help is being given to us by our teachers and we should be willing to make their work as much easier as possible by our constant attention to their explanation and guidance.
Eldon Wingerd, Clayton Rock, Robert Bowman, Archie Van Nort-wick, Walter Pauls, Harold Binford, Ralph Cripe, John Dunn and Aaron
Among out-of-town visitors for the A Cappella concert were Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Dresher of Lyons.
John Bowers, of McClouth, Kansas is enrolled as a new student here this semester. Although a freshman, he attended one semester here in the fall of 1929.
So many fellows have left third floor of the boys dorm that it has come to be known as the bachelors' floor. Only two fellows on this floor have room mates.
It is futile to attempt to straighten up the country by law, for law will not cure sin—Senior Bishop Warren A. Candler of Atlanta, Methodist Episcopal Church, South.
I pick up my pencil and write with my pen . . . chiefly because I’ve lost my typewriter . . . no less . . . it’s lost. . . .
Gee, wasn't that concert grand? Of course I mean the A Cappella Choir rendition. . . To "Cheesey" and his gang . . . here's our biggest and best congrats. We hear that Cheesey was the happy recipient of an electric waffle iron and some roses . . . um . . . as well . . . Mrs. "Cheesey" is co-owner too. All the kids looked swell. . . If they could have had a prom afterward so as to derive full benefit from the formals and rented taxes. . . All of which reminds me one of the vocalists found rice in the pockets of his rental garment . . evidently that suit had been present
at someon'e ceremony when the vows of "I do" and "I will" were taken. . .
Speaking of vows, Edith and Ker-mit took them lost Wednesday evening much to the surprise of many who had anticipated the event to take place February 24. . .
Heart Sister week is creating its usual mystery . . . It's lots of fun to get candy bars, notes, and the like from an unknown source. . . Especially if you're hungry . . . in that case candy bars will, lend more physical support than notes. . . .
We wonder if kids will ever settle down and decide what courses they want to take. . . "Rep" spends half his time making out transfer slips.
If I had anything more to say I'd say it . . . if I had more paper to write it on ... If I had time!
The programs during the week in chapel emphasizing the value of good books and the reading habit is of importance to every student. "A friend to trust, a book to read," are among the Items that some poet has called "things that make life worth while to me."
One of the most encouraging signs I’ve seen among students is their ability to appreciate and to read good books. One young man was assigned four ponderous volumes on the life of Lincoln to read in a few weeks' time. Under pressure he read them and began to realize what could be done if his time were well planned and well used.
In the library there is awaiting you the voice of Plato and of Bacon; the voice of Shakespeare and Milton and Dante; the voice of Goethe, and Schiller and Tolstol.
The best thought, the highest ideals out of the life of the great of the past is yours for the taking. Now is your best opportunity to read. Do not let the petty round of daily activities prevent you from what is yours as "heir of all the ages."
K-Club members of Fort Hays must attend all meetings of the club, and must wear their K-sweaters the day before football games, basketball games and track meets. Disobedience to these rules is rewarded by the offender’s being sent through the paddle line.
University Head Challenges Widely Accepted Theory of Education
Berkeley, Calif., (CNS)—"There are many young people for whom a college or university training is not to be recommended: our society must be willing to grant that it is respectable for a young man or woman to refrain from a university career."
These statements, boldly challenging a widely accepted theory of higher education in the United States, were made this week by Dr. Robert Gordon Sproul, president of the Uni-versity of California.
In discussing the question of who should or who should not go to college, Dr. Sproul expressed the opinion that it is a mistake to force such education on those who do not want it or those who cannot profit by it. He said:
"We ask ourselves, ‘Who should go to college?'
"To say that nearly all boys and girls with sufficient intelligence to he graduated from a good high school have intelligence sufficient to do the same type of university work is perhaps true, but it is not an argument for universal higher education. it is an indictment of our lack of any sound method of classifying institutions. Nothing is easier than for an educational establishment in this country to call itself a college or university, even though it has not the first characteristic of university organization, method or ideal.
"Painful as it may be, we must recognize that there are those among our young people who do not have the ability to profit by higher education, or for whom higher education has nothing interesting to offer. In education, as in other activities of life, there is a point of diminishing returns beyond which it is useless and expensive to go. And for each of us, that point is different. Some cannot sing at all. Many will do well in chorus. Only a few will be among the stars. . . .
"If the structure of educational expenditures is not to become top-heavy, our society must be willing to grant that it is respectable for a young man or woman, whatever his social or financial standing, to refrain from a university career.
"There are many useful occupations and trades, necessary for human welfare, worthy of respect by all men, that do not require as preparation a college education; there are many fine individuals for whom higher education is an unnecessary and undesirable expenditure of time and effort."
McPherson music lovers were well represented at the double violin recital given in the Baptist church last Sunday afternoon by Miss Lois Wilcox, Mr. Lenn Tibbitt of Wichita, and Miss Laurene Schlatter, accompanist.
The program of favorite classical numbers was divided into four groups of three selections each.
With the program listeners were handed a paper entitled "Does it pay to study music?” Suggestions as to the desirable influences of music were set forth in the sheet.
Miss Wilcox and Mr. Tibbett plan to give similar programs in nearby communities in the future.
Miss Edith Bechtelheimer became the bride of Mr. Kermit Hayes, Wednesday, February 2, at eight o'clock in the evening, at the V. F. Schwalm home. Dr. Schwalm performed the single ring ceremony. The couple was attended by Miss Lola Lackey and Mrs. Guy Hayes, brother of the groom.
Both have been popular McPherson College students. Mrs. Hayes entered school here in 1931. She was classified as a junior this year and has been secretary to Dean Mohler since her college entrance. Mr. Hayes was graduated from the college with the class of 1932. Since his graduation, he has been teaching school near Geneseo. Mr. and Mrs. Hayes are living on a farm near Geneseo.
Harvard University officials this week refused to endorse a proposal that idle land which they control should be equipped as a parking space for student automobiles, more than 500 of which have been tagged by police for all-night parking.
"No more hiking for us," was the decision two brave young college women made recently after a noble attempt to win a few prized W. A. A. credits.
In order that a student may be-come a member of the Women's Athletic Association, she must win a stated number of points. She may do it in any of a number of ways, including one which is especially inviting on the warm days at this time of year, namely, hiking.
Two residents of Arnold Hall, desiring to amass a number of these extremely necessary requirements for membership and not particularly wanting to study, dressed themselves in hiking clothes one day last week and started out to enjoy an afternoon of walking. Everything was lovely until they turned down a by-road to get away from traffic. In not such a long time they saw that they were heading straight for a man carrying something which looked suspiciously like a gun.
They were in a dilemma. They did not know whether to go ahead and risk being shot at or whether to turn and run back. In the ehd they compromised and ran through a field, meeting all sorts of difficulties, from painful trips over stones to unpleasant encounters with cattle. Finally they came safely to another road and wended their way wearily homeward.
Later in the day, they were relating their "horrible" experiences to some fellow classmates, and imagine their embarrassment when they found out that the "man with the gun" was really only an unsavage college man carrying a stick.
“A stick or a gun—it meant the same to us!” maintained the two adventurers.
Dean K. P. R. Veville of the University of Western Ontario recently made this statement. "I'm heretic enough to say that a man has no business in education after 40."
John Guy Fowlkes, professor of education at the University of Wisconsin, believes it would be a good idea to allow children to learn something of the rottenness of government.
The hounds chasing Eliza over the ice almost stopped the show at the recent production of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" presented at the University of Michigan. An attempt to drag them across by leashes ended by having the curtain rung down and an early intermission.
Co-eds at the University of Michigan answering to the name of Helen have formed a "Troy" club.
Fifty-two per cent of the students graduated from Iowa State college at Ames, last quarter, have been placed in positions since graduation.
Norman Thomas, Socialist, told a gathering in New York recently that schools in this country had been "sterilized" by the removal of controversial subjects from their curric-ulums.
Carlos Hevia, 33-year-old graduate of the United States Naval Academy, accented the presidency of Cuba last week after a chaotic day during which nobody knew who was running the country.
A study of a "typical freshman class" at the University of Kentucky, carried on by Dean Paul P. Boyd of the College of Arts and Science, dis-closed that of 319 matriculating in 1929, the number gradually decreased through the four years, until only 80 were graduated in 1933.
Greencastle, Ind. (CNS)—DePauw University, said to be the only Methodist institution in the country offering military training courses, this week announced it would discontinue its R.O.T.C. unit. The trustees voted to request this War Department to withdraw the unit from the university, presumably on the ground that the courses are not consistent with Methodist principles of peace.
New York, (CNS) — Owen D. Young, General Electric Company executive, this week resigned as chairman of the Board of Trustees of St. Lawrence University in Canton. N. Y., having served for ten years. He will continue as honorary president of the board, however.
Ohhh! I can’t breath! Why doesn't Bradshaw come in and relieve me? Ohhh! After that dust storm last night I'm stifled! Every crack in me is filled with dust. Ohhhh!
But even this isn't as had as the time Eddy sat in me. I think every piece of wood in me cracked! I creaked with anguish, but he just sat all the harder. I groaned, I poked him with splinters, but he sat on. Then he laughed so hard at one of Blair's jokes, that he nearly split my sides. At last chapel was over and he left me, but he nearly took the edge of me with him. I ached and ached for weeks after that horrible experience, but no kind soul came in with Sloane's Liniment. They didn't even bring me furniture polish.
At last, here comes Bradshaw. Tee hee hee! That tickles! Oh, hee, hee! Ha, ha ha! Oh, at least — hee! — I can — tee hee — breathe now.
Here comes the kids to chapel. That's the advantage of being a back row seat: I can see everyone who comes in. There's Arlene Russell. She's always early. She never does sit on me, though, I wish she would sometime. There's Professor Hess. Oh. he's making that crazy Jewish motion with his hands. The faculty must be going to play volley ball tonight.
I wonder who will sit on me today. That's another nice thing about living on the back row - I get someone different nearly every day. I draw an awful lot of boys, though, and they weigh more than girls. I like girls better.
Oh, Gladys and Sam are coming to this row. I hope Sam won’t sit on me —oh, I’m trembling with fear! Oh, he's going to!—Oh, no, thank goodness, he moved back and Gladys is sitting on me. I like to hold her, because I can sit and listen to baby talk and sweet nothings, instead of having to listen to the chapel speech. What's this? They're fighting! Oh,
Gladys, don't you know Sam doesn't mean that! Sam, how can you say such things! Oh, they won't listen to me, and I'm showing at the top of my cracks. Now they won’t even talk, and I'll have to listen to the chapel speech after all.
Oh, that speech didn't take long. Everyone's getting up: I guess it's over. Oh, no—they’re yelling. The Proxy must not be here. Let's see, I did hear Wiggins say something about the game tonight. I sometimes wish I weren't so stationary because I'd like to see a game. I have advantages, though, by being in this one place all of the time, I get to hear the A Cappella choir every night for two weeks and didn’t have to pay a cent. They do say they were all spiffy in tuxes and formats the night of the concert, but I couldn’t have seen them anyway. I'm too nearsighted.
Now they're passing out. Oh. here's Dr. Hershey. They must have had a chemistry quiz: he's giving out the grades. Oh Edna, you might have known he would send you away. Don’t you know Reiste is too near the end of the alphabet for you to receive your grades among the first ones? Never you mind, though. I'll ask him your grade before he leaves, and when you come in with Pote tonight I'll tell you.
Ho, hum! Alone again. Chapel may be awfully dull to some of the students, but it is the bright spot of each day for me.
Are you interested in knowing whether some of the foods you eat and the cosmetics and drugs you use are properly advertised and contain harmful substances or not?
On the bulletin board on the second floor of Harnly Hall are posted some pictures many well-known products exposing their false advertisements and contents. All of these pictures are put out by government lenders in an attempt to arouse the public mind to the need of a new food and drug act. Take a little time off to see just how interesting the display really is.
Altogether fourteen fellows have left the boys dormitory, as opposed to two who have moved in for the second semester.
Jac-O of "Nerts," who comments so interestingly and usually in rather an uncannily accurate manner on McPherson sports in general, "feared," go to pieces entirely as soon as they were taken off their own court, for they won another contest last night in Ottawa. Score: 32-30.
As the narrow difference indicates however, the Baptists put up a mean fight, and Emporia may flud some tough sledding yet. Here’s hoping part of it comes to them in their basketball encounter with the Canines.
Ottawa, by the by, is seemingly somewhat the boot this season, having been "kicked about" somewhat painfully in the Kansas Conference. Yet the scores have been close, and they may not end up in the cellar after all!
Yours truly will wager, ole’ Nell’s buggy that there’ll be one dose game seen by ye gals and ye boys on the Convention Hall court, and that’s when the Bulldogs and the Presbyterians clash! Dope seems to favor the M. C. quintet a bit, but you never can tell! You never can tell!
McPherson Makes Rally At Finish to Win Over Champions
McPherson College gained first place in the conference basketball race last Friday night when they defeated Kansas Wesleyan University on the Convention Hall floor by a score of 22-17.
The Bulldogs took an early lead and during the first half it looked as if Binford's men would have a fairly easy victory over the Coyotes. Displaying a tight defense and a fairly fast offense, the McPherson five held the upper hand during the entire first half and this period ended with the Bulldogs on the long end of an 11-3 count.
At the start of the second half the defending champion Coyotes came buck strong and took the lead for a few minutes. Wesleyan gradually pulled closer to the Bulldogs and at one time the Salina team was leading by 2 points. At this point the score was 13-11.
The Bulldogs then put on a final desperate scoring spree and ran their score to 22 while the Coyotes managed to boost their score to 15. With about 10 seconds remaining to play a Coyote scored a basket and the game ended 22-17 for the Bulldogs. C. Johnston of McPherson and Mortimer and Gagnon of Wesleyan each scored 7 points.
The victory gave McPherson first place in the Kansas Conference race with 3 victories and a single defeat. College of Emporia tied the Bulldogs in the standings the following night when they defeated Bethany College,
McPherson |
Fg |
Ft |
Pf | ||
C. Johnston, f |
2 |
3 |
4 | ||
Pauls f |
1 |
4 |
0 | ||
Moyer, c |
1 |
0 |
2 | ||
H. Johnston, g |
1 |
0 |
1 | ||
Binford |
1 |
2 |
0 | ||
Yoder, f |
0 |
1 |
0 | ||
Totals |
6 |
10 |
7 | ||
Wesleyan |
Fg |
Ft |
Pf | ||
Suran, f |
0 |
0 |
2 | ||
Duerkson, f |
1 |
0 |
0 | ||
Height, c |
0 |
0 |
0 | ||
Mortimer, g |
2 |
3 |
3 | ||
Plummer, g |
0 |
0 |
3 | ||
Gagnon, f |
3 |
1 |
2 | ||
Robinson, g |
0 |
1 |
0 | ||
Lobdell, g |
0 |
0 |
1 | ||
Totals |
6 |
5 |
11 | ||
W |
L |
Pct. |
TP |
OP | |
McPherson ..... |
4 |
1 |
.800 |
123 |
99 |
C. of E. ............ |
4 |
1 |
.800 |
195 |
144 |
Baker ............. |
2 |
2 |
.500 |
97 |
115 |
Bethany ......... |
2 |
3 |
.400 |
118 |
151 |
Ottawa ........... |
2 |
4 |
.333 |
175 |
207 |
Wesleyan ........ |
1 |
4 |
.200 |
110 |
118 |
Scholarships of various kinds have been awarded to 17 students of the University of Kansas.
Paul A. Lackie
Was that a game or no? We should surmise! Baker must have taken the Canines for a bunch of flatfoots. But, oh boy, did they learn, to the tun of 33-23, McPherson!
While they were guarding Pauls, who has the reputation of a “hotshot," Chet Johnston was neatly dropping in fifteen points from the side of the court! Not bad eh?
Wildcatting in the form of long shots must have been more worth while at Salina Tuesday night, when they annexed a game from the Coyotes by a score of 24-22.
This margin would have indicated to the "dopesters" that McPherson was due for a large battle with Baker, because of McPherson's narrow win over Wesleyan last Friday evening by a 22-17 count.
However, said battle failed to develop, partly because Baker depended upon those long shots rather than working the ball in for close, sure shots, but mostly because the Bulldogs failed to miss any chance to tally with set-ups and “set” shots.
Harold Johnston and his man seemed to be having a rather interesting little game of their own until the referee stepped in, and then, to our surprise, called Harold for the fracas! But perhaps we were prejudiced!
But Harold soon evened the count by making a "natural" of a set-up only a few seconds later, and then gaining a charity toss from the same man.
"Teut," while closely guarded and consequently unable to connect for field goals, accounted for eight out of nine chances at the free-throw line, He's always in the game, one way or another!
Well, C. of E. didn’t, as our friend
39 Prexies Blairs 16
22 Blairs Reps 28
Bent Fords Hecks
13Freeze-Outs Mc’s6 4 Hersheys Bohlites 15
Library week was opened Monday with a talk by Dean Mohler on one of the three phases of the curriculum, the program of Natural Sciences and the adaptation of reading to this division.
Dean Mohler stated that every student should have an outlined program of reading on which he spends a definite amount of time each day.
Upholding his usual quota of interesting quotations. Dean Mohler stated that "A book is a soul embalmed in words," and "No man can be called friendless who knows God and has a good book." He closed the address with the tribute: "Save a living man, nothing is so wonderful as a good book."
Mrs. J. E. Wagoner spoke to the college Christian Endeavor group on Sunday night. Her topic was "The Challenge or Christian Service." She told of the joys experienced by those in Christian work and related some of her own experiences as a missionary to India.
Vern Traver sang a vocal solo us a part or the program and Irene Mason led in devotions.
(Continued from Page One) half way up the mountain.
The ground was so steep and rocky that I left my horse and zig-zagged between the boulders as I ascended. Finally I came to a dim trail and was soon up with "Pete." He was leaning against a rock and the pack horse was panting heavily. Upon questioning him he told me that Don had found the trail to the ranch and my cousin had lighted the fire above.
"Pete" then started up the trail leading the pack horse and I followed close behind to shove the animal from side to side to keep him from scraping off his packs as we passed between the boulders. My cousin met us at the gap in the rim rock and it was all the three of us could do to get the packs through the break in the cliff.
Once out on top we rode along under the pines and cedars and out onto the level prairies. After a scant mile’s ride we arrived at the ranch, unsaddled our horses and went to the house where we found Don sitting beside the stove.
He laughed at us for not getting to the ranch sooner and although he did do a good job of trail hunting in unfamiliar country, he caused a long half hour of anxiety down in the dark canyons of the Purgatoire.
Feb. 13—Wesleyan at Salina. Feb. 16—C. or E. at McPherson. Feb. 19—Friends at McPherson. Feb. 23—Ottawa at Ottawa.
Feb. 24—Baker at Baldwin.
Feb. 28—Bethany at Lindsborg.