The Spectator




Library Week at McPherson col- lege has been set for February 5 to February 10. Dean R. E. Mohler. Dr.  J. D. Bright, and Miss Della Lehman  will give chapel speeches concerning  books in several fields of learning.

Dean Mohler will speak on "The Reading Habit; how is is acquired,  and what is its value," on Monday, February 5. He will also tell of books  and other current library material in  the field of natural science.

Dr. Bright will speak on "The Choice of Books," on Wednesday,  February 7. He will give the criteria  for, judging reading matter. Books, magazine articles, and any other ma- terial of interest about social science  that is in the library will also be re- viewed by Dr. Bright.

Miss Lehman will give several re- views or sketches from books in the fields of language, literature, and  arts, on Friday, February 9.

Books mentioned in the speeches will be on display at the library. On  the day books are reviewed, they will,  be found on the browsing shelf. Later  they will be in the case with the new books. Recreational reading of inter- est to various types of students will be placed on tables in the library. All  books on display daring library week  may be checked out for two weeks.

According to Miss Margaret Heck-ethorn. M. C. Librarian, a large num- ber of books for recreational reading were checked out between the first  and second semesters. Library week  is intended to farther encourage this  type of reading.

Lawrence Lehman who has been working for the Wear-Ever alum- inum company near Eureka has re- cently been transferred to Dodge City, Kansas.

The lecture by Charles Lofgren on the "Human Side of the Byrd Expedition" with four reels of pictures taken at the South Pole formed what many believed to be the best number on the lyceum course so far. In his lecture, Mr. Lofgren, a member of the first expedition made by Byrd to the bottom of the world, told how the men lived in the Antarctic, what they ate, what they did for entertainment, how they conducted their exploring expeditions, and of the dangers they encountered in the ice-bound region. He was accompanied by a husky, called Tom Pratt, who was born at the Pole.

Mr. Lofgren is a retired Admiral from the U. S. Navy and a personal aide to Admiral Byrd. He gave up a second trip to the pole because of his contract to lecture on his first expe-dition to students in this section of the country.



Following the interest of the students from the announcement in the last issue of The Spectator a meeting will be called the first part of the week to deride upon the proposed project for student recreation in Sharp Hall. The proposed room would require considerable work on the part of the students and as every effort is to be made to keep down ex-penses, the full cooperation of the students would be needed to carry out the plans. While no action has yet been taken it is urged that all students consider the expense, effort and benefits that would be derived from the proposal and attend the meeting when it is called.

Dean Mohler states that these remains are probably older than most of those Indian finds in this part of the country. The teeth of the skeleton were worn down almost to the gums. The Indian was probably quite old. The lower jaw is missing and the upper jaw is damaged considerably. The trunk, however is in a fairly good condition.

The work of preparing the find for exhibition in the museum is being done by Lester Pote and Alex Richards, seniors. The task of restoring the remains will be a slow and tedious one.

The exact date of the burial cannot be determined and a guess might be far from correct due to conditions of burial. The skeleton was found on the side of a hill.

Dean Mohler is of the opinion that the find will prove a valuable contribution to the museum and that it will probably create more interest than the prehistoric sloth, sabre tooth tigers, and the mammoth that have been found in the same pit.



Sherwood Eddy, noted lecturer and social leader will be on the campus April 16 and 17 it was announced this week by Dr. V. F. Schwalm. His coming will be sponsored by the college rather than by the Y organizations as it was previously announced. Mr. Eddy’s addresses deal with a wide variety of subjects including conditions in Russia. India’s problems, religious trends, and social conditions. His coming is being looked forward to as one of the outstanding events of the spring.

D. W. Kurtz, president of the Bethany Bible School and former president of McPherson College will be one or the principal speakers at the Regional Conference to be held here February 18-23.


Organization Turning Efforts Toward Making Concert A Success


Admission Charge of Twenty Cents Is Asked of Students

Preparations and practices for the A Cappella Choir concert to be given in the City Auditorium next Tuesday were nearing completion this week.

Director Alvin C Voran, Chris Johansen, president of the organization, Newell Wine, treasurer, and Bernice Dresher, publicity chairman, are putting their efforts into the program to make it of the highest order.

Contrary to previous reports an admission of twenty cents for stu-dents and thirty-five cents for others will be charged. Irene Mason and Elizabeth Wagoner are captains of the ticket sale in which every member participates.

A unique staging effect is being prepared by Margretta Okerlind. Vern Traver and Prof. Voran. Woodblocks for the attractive red, white and blue posters and stickers and silhouettes for the program are being made by Chet Colwell.

The women will wear evening drosses and the men have been measured for tuxedoes.

The program which has been arranged will include numbers by the male quartet and the ladies trio with choir accompaniment. Selections of composers ranging from Palestrina of the sixteenth century to Noble Cain, present director of the Chicago A Cappella Choir which sings over the N. B. C. will be heard.

Tickets will be reserved at Bixby and Lindsay’s Drug Store on Monday and Tuesday.


Debate, Oratory, and Extemp Contest To Be Held At Hutchinson



Dr. D. W. Kurts, Former Pres-ident Here, Will Be Main



Programs To Be of Interest

To Ministers and


McPherson college will again be host to the Regional Conference of the Church of the Brethren in the Central West Region this year beginning on February 18 and lasting until February 23.

This conference is primarily one dealing with ministerial and educational problems. Addresses will give special emphasis to problems in this field.

The leading speakers this year will be Dr. D. W. Kurtz, former president of McPherson college and at present head of the Bethany Biblical Seminary of Chicago. Dr. Kurtz is a dynamic speaker and is well known as a speaker and lecturer. President W. O. Mendenhall of Friends University will also speak. Dr. Mendenhall is widely known in Y. M. C. A. circles. Student Volunteer groups, and educational groups. Next year he will head Whittier college in California.

Other speakers that have been scheduled are M. R. Zigler, secretary or the general Missions board of the church of the Brethren; C. E. Davis, pastor at Independence, Kansas; Ada Corell, an alumnus of McPherson college: and Dean F. A. Replogle, Dean R. E. Mohler. Dr. Ray C. Petry, and Dr. J. D. Bright, all of the college faculty.

Music will be furnished by the music department of the college under the direction of Prof. Alvin C. Voran and Miss Lois Wilcox. On Sunday, February 18, the college Christian Endeavor organization will give a special program.

Lodging will be furnished free. The annual trustee meeting will be held on Monday and Tuesday.



Chapel Programs Will Deal

with Cultural Values of



W. O. Mendenhall, president of Friends university will give a series of lectures at the Regional Conference. President Mendenhall is prominent in V. M. C. A. circles and will be president of Whittier college next year.


First Annual Extravaganza To Be Staged in Chapel on February 9

Various organizations of the school have been selected to participate in the first annual Extravaganza of McPherson college to be staged on February 9, in the college chapel. The presidents of each organization have been asked to submit the name and nature of their stunt on or before February 2, in order that proper stage equipment and other arrangements for the program may be made.

Prizes are offered on the basis of originality, performance, and quality of production. Impartial and competent judges to be announced at a later date, will be selected. Qualifications for the performances state that each stunt require a minimum of stage equipment, employ not more than five persons and be from eight to twelve minutes long.

The Extravaganza is expected to be a big event, and a large Hill and town audience is expected. A small admission price will be charged.

Friday, Feb. 2Basketball game

with Kansas Wesleyan College.

Friday, Feb. 2—Forensic tourna-

ment at Hutchinson.

Sunday, Feb. 4—Violin Recital in

Baptist church at 3:00.

Monday, Feb. 5- Y. M. ping pong

tournament begins.

Tuesday, Feb. 6—A Cappella Choir

concert in city auditorium.

Tuesday, Feb. 6—Regular Y. M.

and Y. W. meetings.


Remains Found Near Conway Repretent Valuable Find

The skeleton of an Indian, believed to be that of a squaw, was uncovered  last week in the sand and gravel pit  on the Hammann farm tenanted by  John Akers, northwest of Conway,  and was brought to the college mu- seum. The excavation work was di- rected by Dean R. E. Mohler and Dr.  J. H. Harnly.

The discovery was made by work- ers while removing the sand from the pit in the process of making concrete.  The McPherson college professors  were immediately notified and were  asked to excavate the skeleton. The skeleton was found in a sitting posi- tion indicating the narrowness of the grave, typical of an Indian burial. In  the same layer of sand several pieces of charcoal were found. The bones  were described as being those of a prehistoric Indian, probably those of

a woman.

The skeleton was in a badly de-composed condition and crumbled with the slightest touch of the hand.  When the bones were being shellaced  in an effort to preserve them they crumbled under the weight of the  brush. The shellac was then poured  over the bones.

In order to remove the bones safe- ly a cement slab was placed under the remains and the entire thing was brought to the college where it is  now encased in a plaster Paris mold.

The skeleton is believed to be that of a squaw since the bones were so  small and since a pair of beads was  found around one of the legs of the person. Then too the lack of any  weapon or abundant jewelry that us-ually accompanied the burial of a  warrior is evidence that the skeleton  is not that of a man.



Five Homes Hold Open House for Sophomore, Junior and Senior Classes

A progressive party was given for the members of the sophomore, junior and senior classes in five faculty members’ homes on Friday evening. January 26.

The fifty guests were divided into five groups, moving progressively from home to home every half hour.

At the Harnly home. Mrs. Anna C. Tate, accompanied by Mrs. Rush Holloway, sang, and Floyd Harris, accompanied by Joy Cullen, played several cornet solos. Mrs. V. F. Schwalm and Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Harnly were hosts and hostesses

Miss Della Lehman provided the entertainment by reading at the Rep-logle home. Dean and Mrs. F. A. Rcploge. Miss Lehman, and Miss Constance Myers were present.

Games and contests were enjoyed at the Hershey home. Professor and Mrs. S. M. Dell and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hershey were hosts and hostesses.

At the Bowman home contests conducted by Mr J. D. Bright, were enjoyed. Those present included Mrs. J. Hugh Heckman. Dr. Bright, and Professor and Mrs. J. L. Bowman.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Doty assisted Professor and Mrs. J. A. Blair at the home of the latter where the students enjoyed various games.

The groups were served refreshments at the last home which they visited.    


The Kansas Association of Physical Science Teachers, of which Dr. J. Willard Hershey is president is holding a convention at Wichita on February 3. The meeting is in connection with the annual session of the Coun-cil of Administration of the Kansas State Teachers Association. A program of addresses relating to chemistry and physics has been announced by Dr. Hershey, Mr. C. H. Dresher, of the science department of the McPherson high school, will give a talk on "How I Teach General Science.”


From information given out at the dean's office last evening the enrollment for the second semester shows a decrease of twenty students over last semester. The present enrollment by classes is as follows seniors 26, juniors 48, sophomores 39, and freshmen 97. The greatest decrease in enrollment came from the freshmen class which had 121 last semester.

It was stated at the office that several of the 28 students attending college last semester who did not enroll may do so in the near future. Eight new students began their work here for the second semester.

There is, however, a limit at which forbearance ceases to be a virtue.

McPherson’s second team debaters, orators, and extemp speakers will compete in a debate tournament which will be held tomorrow and Saturday at Hutchinson.

This contest which is open to college students with not more than 60 hours of college credit includes both oratory and extemp. In the oratorical contest students may write on any subject which they desire. The extemp subject may be chosen from the following; "Permanent increase in the powers of the president," "Federal control and regulation of the radio industry." or a choice of one of the two subjects for the contest to be hold at Winfield. Two men and two women may enter in each event. The oration must not be more than 1600 words in length. The extemp speeches must be more than six and not over eight minutes in length.

Those students who will make the trip to Hutchinson are Paul Booz, Paul Lackie, Paul Heckman, John Adrian, Gall Patterson and Francis Christian.


The ping pong tournament sponsored by the Y. M C. A. will begin next Monday. February 5. In the singles tournament twenty-four students have indicated that they will enter. Others who wish to do so should sign the paper on the bulletin board by noon today. Pairings will be made and the first rounds will be played on Monday morning. Immediately after the singles' tournament a doubles’ tournament will be staged.

A new set of rules has been posted on the bulletin board in the Y. M. room. All students entering the tourney are asked to note the changes in previous regulations. The committee in charge of the tournament is made up of Eldred Mathes, John Goering and David Duncanson.

Subscription Rates For One School Year

$1. 00

Address all correspondence to THE SPECTATOR

McPherson, Kansas


Editor-in-chief Elmer Saats Business Manager Paul Booz

Associate Editor Una Ring Ass't. Business Manager Clarence Sink

Feature Editor     Margaret Oliver Ass't. Business Manager Joe Zuck

Sports Editor Wilbur Yoder Circulation Manager Byron Eshelman

Ass't. Circulation Manager Vernon Michaels


Ann Heckman        Kenneth Weaver

Maxine Ring    Paul Heckman

Ernest Sweetland    Royal Frantz

Gevene Carlson    Robert Booz

Paul Lackie        Helen Webber

Faculty Advisers _____________Profs. Maurice A. Hess and Alice Gill

The way to build McPherson College is to patronize college boosters.


Dr. Charles A. Beard, noted historian, in a recent book, "A Century of Progress, " states that out of a century of development in our nation we have achieved much in the way of increased efficiency in production and in labor saving devices, but that the problem of leisure is gaining new sig-nificance. To meet this challenge the student should begin in college to form those habits of recreation that he wishes to carry over into later life. These habits should be formed now, consciously.

In forming leisure habits the idea that leisure means loafing should be rejected once and for all. Neither does it mean that our mind should be given a rest by devoting ourselves to physical pleasures. The new leisure must be met with the attitude the added time is to be used in creative work. Here is an opportunity to develop personal friendships, an appreciation for art, a strengthening of mental and physical vigor, and for increasing our stability of character. It should mean an opportunity for reflection and the breaking of the monotony of the modern world. These are the aspects of the new leisure that challenge each of us to work on this problem in college.

The challenge of the new leisure should inspire the student to take advantage of the recreational facilities and do his share toward farthering this work. His success in later life will be determined as much by the education which he receives in this manner as upon his more formal work.


America, according to Secretary of Agriculture Wallace, has never had a youth movement worthy of the name.

Of course, he is correct. We have witnessed and are continuing to witness sporadic outbursts of youthful exuberance, ranging from student strikes and protests against Nazi-ism to embryo crusades for peace. But, taken all in all, the average college is pretty much a provincial institution, despite the variety of "broadening" courses which are offered to stimulate student interest in world affairs.

It is safe to say that there certainly are enough students with the mental equipment equal to the task of organising—or perhaps, more correctly, participating in—a notable youth movement, but their forces, wherever exhibited at all, seem to be scattered. Those who are active are decidedly in the minority, and for that there are a number of very good reasons, including:

1.    Students who presume to express more than purely academic or juvenile opinions are very often considered nuts.

2.    Students whose interests extend beyond their local campus more often than not are regarded by the townspeople as "nuts" or radicals or upstairs who should be shown their place, or all three.

3.    Students who start and join "movements" generally either are not taken very seriously or are taken too seriously, in which event they are frowned upon by the college administration and townspeople and socially boycotted by a large proportion of students.

But, withal, it is quite possible that within a short time under the "New Deal" we may witness the development of a youth movement that IS worthy of the name—one that represents wholesome interest in and participation in world affairs and one that is not regarded either as an incipient Communist revolution or as a glorified football rally.


"The trouble with the NRA is, of course, that practically every feature of it runs exactly counter to accepted economic principles—principles based upon past experience. Business recovers by cutting costs enough to make profits possible even with the existing low level of prices of products.

"One of the heaviest costs of balloons is the wage bill. Therefore, one of the most effective ways of cutting costs is to lower wages per hour and increase the hours per week. "

Unbelievably puerile as it may seem, that is the quoted statement of a college professor—of Professor Wlliford I. King of New York University. Any freshman knows the answer, and if he doesn’t, any fair-minded economics professor can give him an earful.

What we are worried about is not the validity of Professor King's statement, because its thoroughgoing ridiculousness in a time when even the profit system itself is being questioned by our best thinkers (to say nothing of our best statesmen) is patent; not the absurd narrowness of such a viewpoint in the face of a near-disaster caused by past application of Professor King's theory: nor are we defending the NRA, BUT—

We ARE worried when any university professor, who should be a person of much more than average intelligence, makes a statement that sounds suspiciously as if it were not dictated by his own intelligence and his own conscience, but by other consideration basically selfish.

If it be true, as has been rumored, that in this day of the "New Deal" men of high academic standing are being need to spread selfish propaganda entirely contrary to their own findings and beliefs, then the day of com-plete academic freedom is indeed remote. We are not charging that Professor King was intimidated, nor that he has been guilty of a violation of an academic trust, but we are willing to wager that where he employed in some part of the country more remote from Wall Street, his astounding statement—assuming it is correct—would never have been made.

And if Professor King's statement DOES represent his Idea of "accepted economic principles, " then thank God the NRA violates them!

Women's superlative world is to build a better race—Albert Edward Wiggam, author.

The line of least resistance is to go back to gold, but at a different ratio. —Sir Norman Angell, British economist.

Submission to authority is no way detracts from the domain of freedom. —Cardinal Patrick J. Hayes.

Melther law nor circumstances should efface the Christian ideal of man's obligation to his neighbor. —Ogden L. Mills.

Campus Chaff

We managed at the last minute to

go to, Newton the other night to see the game. We thought it was a real game even if it was non-conference!


Walter Weddle...................... Feb.    2

Elizabeth Bowman................ Feb.    7

Max Oliver ...... Feb.    7


Suddenly somebody told us that a girl on the other side of the court had been with a carnival. You could just hear her saying, "Step right up—ten cents a throw, " whenever she yelled at the Bethel team.

I wrote the above and decided that I couldn't be funny—that is no funnier than I naturally am—which reminds me that one of the funniest and most Interesting persons who ever lived—not someone from this school—was told by her practice tearcher—who lives quite a sum of miles from here also, but I found out anyway, and you don't have to believe me If you don't want to because I could hardly believe It myself. but it's true anyway because this person always tells the truth— that this student—the person who can tell the most uninteresting incident in a way which will make you hold your sides from laughter—that he had—and this was the reason he was not getting a better grade presumably—that he had no sense of humor!

I started to enroll the other day— as no doubt a number of you started to do also—and maybe some of you have had the good luck to finish, even up to getting past the business office, but I haven't got my mind completely made up—I started and then found that I must take what I didn’t want—as no doubt you did— so I filled out my pedigree and filigree—as probably you did—and well. I'm tired and possibly you can guess the rest.

The school's pet black cat has hung around me so much lately that I can no longer walk straight, because I've gone in circles so long trying to keep away from its path.

Meredith Sperline, of Sabetha, Kansas, is enrolled as a Freshman for this semester, and is rooming at the dorm. He comes from Kansas State, where he attended last semes-ter.

Among the fellows who have moved out of the dorm to private homes are Archie Van Nortwick, Clayton Rock, Eldon Wingered, Bob Bowman, Ralph Cripe, John Dunn, Aaron Landis, Rob Ferris and Leonard Lowe.

Emmett Shank and George Toland did not return to school for the sec-ond semester.

Maurine Stutsman and Alice Gill spent the week end in Wichita.


A call to college and university alumni throughout the land to op-pose the return of the saloon under special repeal was issued last week by the Yale Alumni Weekly.

A master's thesis based upon a survey of extra-curricular costs of a college education at Marquette University reveals that the average student

Here we find ourselves... back again within the old college portals .... to resume the grind... Yeah it's a great life... Most everybody looks familiar... Occasionally one catches a glimpse of a new person on the campus... Am wondering if the next eighteen weeks... will fly by as rapidly and easily... as the last...

Some few of us found ourselves in Emporia for the game... where a good time was had by all... Then Monday night we vagabonds motored to Newton to watch our Bulldog cagers defeat the Bethel five... for the second time... Such a gymnasium as they played in... It was over a produce store... Ugh!

Did you ever notice bow nice the girls look when they enter the library?... I’ve noticed more than one coed give herself the once-over ... in the glass in the library door ... as she opens the door to enter  spends two cents a week on books and five cents on movies. The medical student has the highest weekly expenditure of $22. 25 while the journalist has the least.

At Chicago university the dean of students is sending a questionnaire to obtain accurate information regarding their financial condition.

President Roosevelt, along with a small group of professors, is a mem-ber of a "brain trust" which has become famous recently. He is an honorary member of Phi Beta Kappa.

At Illinois State Normal University, when half a dozen fellows visit the girls' dormitory without dates, the women candidates drop their names into a punch bowl, whereupon the fellows draw and the evening is started.

Only three Big Ten coaches are

now located at schools which they attended as students. They are Ber-nie Blerman, Minnesota: Harry Kip-ke, Michigan: and Sam Williams, Ohio State.

John Grimminger, a student in meteorology at George Washington U left to accompany Rear Admiral Byrd to the Antarctic and will gather important weather data which will be of great benefit to the expedition and meteorology in general.

A group of engineering students at the of of North Dakota threw one of the student solicitors, who was trying to force faculty members to subscribe to a University news organ, into the campus lagoon. The action was prompted by the sixty per cent salary cut given the faculty members and the sympathetic nature of the engineers.

From the Oklahoma Daily we read that a public speaking instructor flunked a student with the cryptic remark. "So you wont talk, eh? "

Kentucky mountain men and women walk 30 miles of steep rocky mountain roads to attend school, and barter sorghum, molasses, slabs of bacon, and other produce to help pay their education.

The University of Michigan singers, a group of one hundred members of the glee club, will offer entertainment at football games next fall by singing Michigan and other songs. It was decided after their commendable offering at the Michigan-Minnesota game.

One of Columbia University's most ancient traditions—tho annual fresh-man-sophomore tug of war has been abandoned. Lack of interest and interference with traffic on busy streets were given as reasons for the abandonment.

According to Madame Albertina Rasch, the model co-ed is a combina-tion of Venus do Milo and Mae West.


"Honey, " he said, at the end of the first five minutes, "will yo' all marry me? "

"Why, " she gasped, "this is so Southern. "—Ala. Rammer-Jammer.

the building of much knowledge...

Expect the unusual from the freshmen.. Here the upperclass girls expected to have their dorm rooms stacked Friday night... by these mischief makers... during the soph, junior, and senior, progressive party ... and they didn't do it... It would have bean revenge on their part had they done it... as the freshies' rooms ware stacked the night of the senior-freshman kid party...

About five of our inmates of the old Fabnestock Hall vacated and moved their headquarters a block west of the institute... They intend to do their own housekeeping, cooking etc....

We have to defeat Coach Mackie's Methodists from Salina this Friday night... When... and if... we do this... we'll be in second place in the conference standing... Not bad ... Not bad...

Well, it's late... and I crave... need... and must have sleep!


How would you like to attend school at night? That is what is done part of the time at Alaska Agricultural College, for on December 21 the sun shines only 3. 7 hours. It nev-er gets very dark however, for the weather is often clear and the snow reflects the light. Also the moon never sets during this period.

Friends University is offering a course in fly fishing this semester.

Thirty-six girls recently enrolled at Fort Hays College for instruction in Girl Reserve sponsorship under the state Y. W. C. A. secretary. Miss Florence Stone. The entire course covered nine hours and the girls received a certificate to sponsor G. R. in any high school in Kansas.

The director of the orchestra at Baker University has written and produced three musical comedies.

Skis ordered from Norway in July have just arrived at the Alaska Agricultural College. It took five months to have them shipped via Panama Canal.

A 'record' party was held at Wash-burnburn College recently. Each of the students spoke his or her name and class into the tiny microphone and then several foolish poems were recited and songs sung. The records will probably provide hilarity for future students.

The W. A. A. girls of Friends University recently went on a three-day camping trip.

A new course in designing buildings in structural steel to be taught by Prof. H. E. Pulver through correspondence has been announced by the extension division of the University of Wisconsin.

Listing their fear experiences, 49 out of 100 U. of Wyoming students confessed to a fear of automobile accidents and 29 admitted they were afraid of being alone in the dark.

The state of Ohio's collegiate population numbers 41, 784 in 26 schools.

The football team of St. Lawrence University, Canton. N. Y., actually lives, eats and sleeps football. The squad lives in the same dorm, and every night at ten o’clock the coach rings a bell, meaning that it is time to run signals in the dorm hall.

Valuable ancient maps of the world, drawn by noted geographers centuries ago, are being displayed in a special exhibit in the University of Nebraska library.

Because of the fact that the period of sun spot of the past years has come to an end. McGill university astronomers predict a long, severe winter.


Miss Edith Bechtelheimer was given an informal party and surprise shower, Tuesday evening, January 30, in honor of her approaching marriage to Kermit Hayes, class of '32, by the girls of Arnold Hall.

The girls gathered in the parlors of the dormitory at 8 o'clock, where they played games and ate taffy and popcorn which had been prepared by a committee before the party began.

A new game was announced shortly after 9 o'clock. The players were asked to close their eyes and guess what would appear in the circle. When they opened their eyes, a red and white trimmed basket of gifts was in front of Miss Bechtelheimer.

Gifts were small, and varied from a skillet and a pot holder, through green glass mixing bowls and salt and pepper shakers, to a tray and six sherbet glasses.. An unusual coincidence was that the girls gave things which would harmonize with the rest of the new home. All the colored gifts were green, the color Edith had planned to predominate in her kitchen.


Then there’s the one about the actor who toured the country in "Ham-let."    

"What kind of a run did you have in Savannah? " he was asked.

"Well," was the reply, "we beat the audience over the county line by three minutes! "—New York Morning Telegraph.


McPherson college has recently begun the publication of a new type of college bulletin to be issued monthly, excepting the months of July and September. The publication will carry news of general interest to the alumni, parents, and friends of the  institution. The January issue contained 1, 800 copies.

The bulletin was formerly issued quarterly.


"Must Be New, Vital, Adventurous Approach, " Secretary States

Washington—(CNS)—Amplifying his previous statement that "Amer-ica has never had a youth movement worthy of the name, " Secretary of Agriculture Henry A. Wallace this week predicted that a vital youth movement of some kind will arise as a definite part of the "New Deal. "

He pointed out the "New Deal" itself is, in effect, a form of a youth movement, since the men who are primarily administering it are attempting to put into practice new and essentially youthful ideas that will provide a mechanism for social justice by balancing production with consumption and by guiding the nation in a "decent, sensible way" in its relationship with other nations.

"It seems to me, " he said, "that youth instinctively believes in the doctrine of the New Deal as against special privilege.

"The depression of the past three years should create a genuine youth movement. Hundreds of thousands of boys and girls who thought they were going to slide through college on father's money now know that either they will have to work their way through college or they can’t go at all. Thousands of students who have recently been graduated can’t get jobs.

"Of necessity, therefore, hundreds of thousands of young people are asking those questions: 'Why should this great grief have come to us? What has suddenly gone wrong with civilization? What can we do to fix it up? ’

"A true youth movement must be a new, vital, adventurous approach to the potentialities of coming of age. There has never been anything of this sort in the United States, because hitherto our youth have seen fit to disagree with their elders only on superficialities.

"Our college life has expressed its vitality in such rackets as organized football, or college activities of the sort which remain essentially the same from generation to generation. ”

Secretary Wallace predicted a tremendously increased interest in politics on the part of youth when American political forces ultimately express themselves through a conservative and a liberal party.


Los Angeles—(CNS)—Re-affirm-ing its previous stand, the Board of Regents of the University of California this week was on record denying the petition of student leaders from the Berkeley campus of the university, who asked that compulsory military training be abolished as a policy of the institution.

The petition was presented at the Los Angeles meeting of the board and was signed by Wakefield Taylor, president of the Associated Students at the University of California at Berkeley; James McCollum, editor of the Daily Californian, and Bruce C. Yates, who was editor of the paper last year.

They declared that sentiment against compulsory R. O. T. C. courses was widespread among student groups at Berkeley and asked that the rules which force freshmen and sophomore men students to enroll for military training be relaxed.

After the petition had been presented to the board by Dr. Robert Gordon Sproul, president of the university, and the board refused to alter its previously expressed policy, the regents asked Dr. Sproul to determine whether or not the petition represented a preponderance of student sentiment at Berkeley. The president was instructed to make a report at the next monthly meeting.

The regents sometime ago declined to allow two students of the Univer-sity of California at Los Angeles to remain in school, although they refused to enroll for R. O. T. C. The students then appealed to the State Supreme Court, but lost the decision.

Glen Seitz and Beulah Blickenstaff both former McPherson college students were married recently and are now located at ElDorado, Kansas, where he is in the aluminum business.

Justice is like the North Star, which is fixed, and all the rest revolve about it. —Confucius.


McPherson College Financial Drive to Begin in Near Future

McPherson college will soon stage a financial campaign during which it is hoped that the deficit created in the last two or three years will be wiped out, according to an announcement made recently by Dr. V. F. Schwalm.

The redaction in revenue resulting from the widespread economic depression has made it extremely difficult for the college to operate. The curtailment of income has taken the form of reduced gifts, the failure of investments, and the lowering of student payments.

Dr. Schwalm and Dr. J. J. Yoder, treasurer of the board of trustees, recently appeared before the McPher-son Chamber of Commerce and reviewed the financial situation of the college. Their appeal met with the hearty endorsement of that body.

Dr. Schwalm, viewing the situation made the following statement:

"The past four years have been very difficult ones for all kinds of schools. Higher educational institutions have suffered especially. In many private colleges a major share of the decrease in income has been borne by the faculty in the form of reduced salaries.

"In order to meet the accumulating deficits many private colleges in Kansas have during the past few years put on heavy drives for funds among their friends. Washburn, Ottawa, Emporia and Kansas Wesleyan as well as others, have all had drives, some for $12, 000; some for $34, 000, $36, 000 and even to $100, 000.

"During the past three years McPherson college has raised some money to help with the current expenses of the college through the Booster Banquet. But these were comparatively small sums. They have not been sufficient to prevent the college from running up a deficit each year. Due to this fact, and the fact that returns from investments and other sources of income and collections from students have been very bad this year McPherson college plans to put on a campaign to raise a much larger sum in McPherson and McPherson County during February and March. Alumni of the college throughout Kansas have contributed rather generously already this year. The Brethren Churches will be called upon to give on McPherson college Day, April 22nd. The campaign in the McPherson community will end with the Booster Banquet on March 23rd, but will be of much larger proportions than the usual Booster Banquet Campaign of the past. "


Miss Lois Wilcox, violin instructor at McPherson college, and Lenn Tib-beta, concert violinist and instructor at the Central College of Music at Wichita, will give a double violin recital accompanied by Miss Laurene Schlatter, at the Baptists church at 3 o’clock on Sunday afternoon.

The following numbers will be played in duet arrangement:


Hungarian Dance No. V......Brahms

Andantino ................ Lemane

Sextette .....................Donizetti


Hebrew Melody....................... Saenger

Serenade................................. Godard


Vivace from Double Concerto....... Bach

Cavatina....................................... Raff

Humoreske............................. Dvorak


Trees...................................... Rasbaeh

Minuet................................ Paderewski

Glowworm................................. Lincke

The public is cordially invited.


The college orchestra has set February 26 as the date for its public concert to be held in the chapel, it was announced this week by Miss Lois Wilcox, director.


Besides being busy with examinations last week the college male quartet gave a number of programs in McPherson and its surrounding communities.

Appearances were made in the Brethren churches of Hutchinson, Nickerson, in Wednesday's chapel, at Canton. Conway and at a meeting of the McPherson American Legion.



An extensive move is underway by

the college heads of this district to obtain CWA funds for work to aid college and university students. Several weeks ago Chancellor E. H. Lindley of Kansas University appeared before a committee at Washington in defense of the project.

United States Commissioner of Education, George F. Zook, in a recent letter to Harry L. Hopkins. CWA administrator, pointed out that at the present time many colleges have students who are doing this type of work. To this would be added the privately controlled institutions of the nation. The project it is believed has the approval of Administrator Hopkins and pressure is being brought on the president for his opinions.

Chancellor Lindley in a letter to Dr. V. F. Schwalm states that he believes "there is an even chance that the project may get through.



Dr. William M. Jardine, educator and diplomat and at present state treasurer, has accepted the position as president of Wichita University. The announcement was made Saturday. Dr. Jardine was one time United States secretary of agriculture.

He will assume his duties on March 1.


Washington. D. C. —(CNS)—According to George F. Zook of the United States Department of the Interior, no rules against the employment of students under the Civil Works Administrating program exist.

He added, however, that local CWA officials have wide discretion in the matter of choosing projects and governing working conditions. Students desiring CWA jobs would, of course, be required to satisfy the usual requirements for all other workers, he said.

34 members of the Purdue football squad are majors in mathema-



It is reported that Dr. Ray C. Petry who left last week to visit his father will return this week. Dr. Petry's father, who lived in Burnettsville, Indiana, died Monday, January 22.

Dr. Petry is reported to be recovering from an illness and will assume his duties here soon.


Bulldogs Must Win In Order To Stay In Running for Championship

Tomorrow night the McPherson College Bulldogs will oppose Kansas Wesleyan university defending champions of the conference, on the Convention Hall floor.

The Bulldogs must win from the Coyotes tomorrow night in order to stay in the running for the conference championship. Wesleyan has several members of the last year’s championship team back in this year's lineup.

Last year the Bulldogs dropped both games to Kansas Wesleyan, once losing by a wide margin. This year the Coyotes have not been faring so well and the Bulldogs are rated as having more than an even break in this game.

Tomorrow's game will be the fourth conference game for the Binford coached team and the squad is set on turning in a victory. A large crowd is anticipated with many planning to come from Salina.


The Bulldogs lost a rough and tumble game to the league-leading College of Emporia basketeers at Emporia Saturday night by a score of 33-27.

The score was close with the Em-porians having a slight edge all the way. The victory leaves College of Emporia alone at the top of the conference with no defeats marked against them. Barb led the scorers with 11 points. Pauls of McPherson scored 8.

The box score:

McPherson (27) Fg



C. Johnston, f .................. 1



Pauls, f ............................. 2



Meyers, f ......................... 1



H. Johnston, g ................. 2



Binford, g ......................... 1



Yoder, g ............................ 0



Totals........ 7



C. of Emporia (33) Fg



Fullington, f ..................... 0



Barb, f ............................. 3



Corson, f .......................... 1



Thatch, c .......................... 3



Hanson, g ......................... 2



Titchie, g .......................... 2



Lee, g ............................... 1



Totals ..................... 12




Dr. V. F. Schwalm returned Tuesday evening after spending a week in Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania, and other parts of the East. Most of the week was spent at the Thirty-Fifth Annual Bible Institute of the Brethren at Elizabethtown college, Dr. D W. Kurtz also spoke.

Dr. Schwalm spoke on two series of lectures. One dealt with modern problems of a social, political and economic nature. The second scries centered around the subject, "Lessons in the Sermon on the Mount." He gave a total of seventeen addresses. The meetings were well attended Some of them gained an attendance of 1,400.

After leaving McPherson. Dr. Schwalm attended a meeting of the Association of American Colleges at St. Louis. He also preached with Dr. Kurtz at Danville, Ohio, and visited Juniata College.



The student Y cabinet organizations have 'recently been following out a plan of giving personal criticisms of each of its members at their meetings. The Y. M. cabinet carried out the plan first, the group discussing the faults of each of its members separately. This was followed by an exchange of criticisms between the two cabinets.     


Pauls just couldn't seem to get going in that disastrous game of last Saturday night, but he'll get "hot" some of these days yet.

M. C. still has a good command of the League outcome if they can only get back their earlier game punch. Here’s hoping that they do so, and at a real early date, too!

Kansas Wesleyan will furnish the opposition Friday evening of this week when the next, conference game of the season comes off.

K. W. U. had rather tough sledding so for this season, but they can always be looked for to put up a plenty stiff battle.

The Coyotes have defeated Bethany once, but they did this in a close battle, while Ottawa walloped them badly!

McPherson has beaten the Swedes twice by large margins, and they have taken a pair of games from Bethel, and one from Ottawa. This dopes points to the Canines!

Come on out and help them turn in a win!

Lillian Sandy, '24, Ethel Sherfy, '32, and Grace Heckman, '33, who are teaching school at Hillsboro. Chase, and Marion, Kansas respectively spent the holidays in their homes at McPherson.

Jean: "Fashions may come and go, but there's always a demand for cos-metics."

June: "Yes, women can't go wan forever."—Pennsylvania Punch Bowl.

Secretary of very inferior golf club: "Well, what did you think of the course?"

Visitor: "Oh, wonderful! By the way, what is your local rule when a ball is lost on the green?"—Humorist.

Detroit university has an enrollment of 77 men and 3543 women.



The Bulldogs won for the second time this season over the Bethany Swedes in a hard-fought, defensive basketball game. The score this time was 28-11.

Before the Christmas holidays the Bulldogs won over the Swedes in a non-conference exhibition game by the lop-sided score of 42-14.

The second game seemed much closer than the score indicates, with the Bethany quintet putting up a great scrap during most of the contest. The Bulldogs held a slight edge during the entire game and toward the latter part of the second half they pulled away to a comfortable margin.

Bethany (11)




Malmgren f




Bruce f




Oliver c




Anderson g




Lemon g




Cameron c




Hartley f








McPherson (28)




C. Johnston f




Pauls f




Meyer c




Binford g




H. Johnston g




Yoder g




Wiggins g








Referee. Gene Johnson, Wichita.


Lubbock, Tex.— (CNS)— A two-year home-and-home football contract has been signed by Texas Tech and Loyola University of Los Angeles, Coach Pete Cawthon of the former institution announced this week.

San Francisco—(CNS)—The new 1,000,000-volt X-ray therapy machine, which is being built by the University of California Hospital for the treatment of cancer, will be completed next month, it was announced this week.

Knoxville, Tenn. — (CNS)—Authorities this week estimated that the damage to Morrill Hall, one of the oldest buildings on the campus of the University of Tennessee, which was almost completely destroyed by fire last fortnight, would amount to $300,000.



Lincoln, Neb. (CNS)—Methodist, as well as Quaker and Mennonite, students will be excused from military training classes if they so desire, Chancellor E. A. Burnett of the University of Nebraska announced this week.

Formerly Quaker and Mennonite students were the only ones allowed to escape compulsory R. O. T. C. courses, because of religious convictions, but in view of a resolution denouncing war and adopted by the general conference of the Methodist church last year, the new policy will be placed in effect. Chancellor Burnett said.

His announcement followed a meeting of the Board of Regents at which three Lincoln pastors ap peared to protest against the application of the university for federal public works funds with which to construct a new armory on the campus. A resolution of protest against this project previously had been passed at a mass meeting of students, faculty members and pastors. Secretary of the Interior Harold L. Ickes was asked to disapprove the building of the armory.

We may neglect the wrongs which we receive, but be careful to rectify those which we are the cause of to others.—Dewey.

A joint fraternity meeting at Pitts-burg proved so successful that more are planned in the future. The fraternities holding the meeting were Alpha Gamma Tau, the physical science fraternity, and Lambda Sigma Kappa, the biology fraternity.

The constitutional right of individual liberty cannot be made a shield of anarchy.—Donald R. Rich-berg, NRA general counsel.

The two students ousted from the University of California at Los An-geles have indicated they will appeal to the courts.

The Bulldogs had a little hard luck against Emporia, but we're still look-chumps, champs!