McPherson college, mcpherson, Kansas, Thursday, jan. 11, 1934
John Gluvers, student from Holland enrolled in McPherson college this year until he was called home because of the illness of his father, has finally reached home. It was learned here last week in letters received by Prof. Alvin C. Voran and at the S. B. Hoerner residence, where John made his home while in Mc-Pherson.
The shy Holland student who gained so many friends on the campus while he was here studying music, writing in a broken English, expressed deep gratitude to all his friends here and stated that he was looking forward to the time when he would bo able to return here to college.
It was Gluvers who, when he received word of the break In his father’s health, was given a boost by the students and faculty by an increase in his pocket money from seventy-five cents to nearly thirty dollars, on which he began his journey. The student who was rated as a second John McCormack by his voice instructor, won popularity and respect during the short time that he was here.
John left here early in November, hitch hiking his way home. He had not been heard from since he left Columbus, Ohio, which he reached in less than a week. His lot in New York City was difficult. His money fast becoming exhausted and not being able to work for his passage
Holland Student Becomes Stowaway
When Attempts To Find Work Fail
home. Gluvers was getting desperate. Finally he went to the immigration officials at Ellis Island to obtain passage. Here he was told that he could not get passage for two or three months. Realizing that his father was in a critical condition he decided to become a stowaway.
On boarding the ship he could not find a place to hide so he acted like a visitor and it was about two hours later before he was discovered. Taken to the captain he was questioned and given a job shoveling coal which he found very hard. The captain took pity on him and paid him wages instead of turning him over to the police.
Fortunately the ship was bound for Rotterdam and John arrived home on December 11. His parents were overjoyed at his coming. His father, although greatly improved. is not able to work so John is attempting to find work to support his parents. Economic conditions in Holland he states are very bad.
In a tone of disappointment he told of having to go to the army in a short time where he will have to remain for fire and one-half months. There he will try to enter aviation work. He baa had no opportunity to sing since he left McPherson.
For Thanksgiving dinner, while most students were relishing turkey, John feasted on rye bread.
Washington — (CNS) — America has never had a youth movement worthy of the name, but the depression will give rise to one, Secretary of Agriculture Henry A. Wallace predicted this week.
And while in the business of expressing pronounced opinions on things collegiate, Secretary Wallace branded college football as a racket and said that he doubted if "there is anything so extraordinarily worthwhile in extracurricular activities."
"As a matter of fact." he added, "many of us are beginning to wonder if the colleges themselves are as vital as they should be in furnishing the leadership to enable the youth of today to grapple in an adventurous way with the realities of the coming day."
Attic Scene is Background for Students Attired In Colorful Costumes
Last evening, in a well-filled chap-el, promptly at 7: 30. the advanced expression class gave a costume recital. "A Bit of Life’s Tapestry, " under the direction of Miss Della Lehman, head of the college dramatic art department. Each member of the class presented a number.
The scene was laid in an attic, where Agnes Bean as a little old lady gave a musical reading. "Up in the Garret. " Then she reviewed her memories and philosophy of life, which were interpreted by the other members of the class. Maxine De-Mott was unrecognizable as a much-abused boy, and read "Soap. " Faithe Ketterman was attractively bundled in white furs, looking fresh from the North, as "The Eskimo. " Maxine Ring, gorgeously gowned as a noble lady from Old Spain, gave effectively a dramatic reading "A Love Story of Old Madrid. " a cutting from the book In the Palace of the King. "
The next time the curtains were parted an old Indian woman, Velma Keller, was weaving at her loom. Interpreting "The Weaver" and "Her Blanket. " Bernice Dappen got several laughs as her Italian "Pete the Peddler. " Edith Bechtelhelmer. as a quaint little lady of long ago, both spoke and sang. "When Honey Sings an Old Time Story. "
Neva Root kept the audience snickering when she appeared as a flippant girl on the golf course for "The First Lesson. " "When Earth’s Last Picture is Painted" was interpreted well by Othetta Wall as an artist. Marjorie Brown added color in several ways as first a young skittish negress in "Encouragement" and as an old mother in "In De Mo'nin'. "
The last number was a play in two scenes. "Pandora Yesterday and Today. " The first act consisted of an interpretive dance by the first Pandora, characterized by Una Ring. The second act showed the same girl, but now modern, discovering the box. The Voice of the Mirror was spoken by Wanda Hoover.
Accompanists for the musical numbers were Laurine Schlatter, Alma Atchison, Lois Edwards, and Leah Bean.
Dean R. E. Mohler, governor of the Eighth Rotary District, has received a wide assortment of Christmas cards this year. Thus far he has received seventeen cards from foreign lands. The cards sent by the Rotary officials represented a wide variation in design. Greetings have been sent from China, France, Germany, Argentina, Italy, Great Britain, Holland and various other nations.
One of the most recent cards came from a London member, designed and etched by himself, representing a street scene in Britain.
Well Known Players Appear In Shakespearean Play At Lyceum
"A Merchant of Venice." given by the Misner Players, was the feature of the third number of the lyceum course Thursday night, at the Community Building. This play, one of the best known of Shakespeare’s works, was given in an abridged form so as to make an enjoyable evening's entertainment rather than a whole afternoon's performance.
The Misner Players are a troupe of seven players who come from the Misner School of the Spoken Word and Fine Arts in Omaha, Neb. They are well known in McPherson for their fine talent, having played here every year for the last eight years. They travel all over the country, especially in the central sections of the U. S.
This particular play was notable for the excellent presentation of the part of Shylock, the avaricious Jew. This part was played by Mr. Misner himself. The clown, Launcelotte Gobbo, provided comedy relief from the heavier parts of the play.
Friday night in the college chapel the Misner players presented the play "Ships Afloat." written by Ernest Raymond Misner and Ethel T. Wol-verton.
The setting of the play was in Chinatown, San Francisco. The story dealt with the growing prevalence of dope fiends among the young people of America, and with father and son relations.
For allowing the Misner players to use the college chapel for the production, the student council received forty per cent of the proceeds. There was a large crowd present.
Hunting the polecat is the latest intramural sport at Earlham College.
Friday, Jan. 12—First conference game with Ottawa at 8:15 o'clock. —A Cappella Choir makes first appearance in chapel.
Tuesday, Jan. 16.—World Service Group meets.
—Regular Y. M. and Y. W. meetings.
Sunday, Feb. 18—Regional Confer- ence begins.
Friday, Mar. 23—Booster Banquet.
Student opinion is in favor of a change of the present method of final grading in McPherson college if the opinions taken at random from the student body indicate anything.
In asking the student to state his opinion the following question was asked: Should a method of final grading be adopted to replace the present method? The system to be adopted would abolish the competitive mark in favor of a method by which the student would receive criticism from the instructor with a general estimation of his work.
These students were asked to state their opinion in the advocated change:
Victor Moorman, freshman: I
think the present system of giving final grades or credits should be altered. To take away the competitive situation and supplant it with personal achievement would increase the knowledge that a student would acquire from a course.
Paul Booz, sophomore: Although grades may be an impetus for some students to do better work. It seems to me that they are too often an end in themselves. If a destructive as well as a constructive criticism replaced or accompanied grades, the course would be improved.
Lester Pote, senior: No wonder there is so much competition in the world which has developed into unfair channels. It is given impetus in college to be carried out into community life. A criticism of a student's work would be desirable rather than a symbol which may or may not denote his achievement.
Royal Frantz, junior: The present system of grading should be eliminated or altered as to show such things as the student's interest, industry, and effort, not shown by the A B C method of grading.
David Metzger, freshman: Instead of grades being designated in form of letters they should be labeled "satisfactory" or "unsatisfactory."
Donald Evans, junior: The object of this college should be to learn rather than to pile up credits toward a degree.
Kenneth Weaver, freshman: The
ranking 'system is all right for grade schools where competition is needed to spur the child on to greater efforts. But in college no such spur or chock should be needed. A student would do bettor work if he would forget grades.
Paul Heckman, sophomore: I am strongly in favor of the teacher criticism part of such a plan, but I feel that many students, especially underclassmen, still need the incentive offered by the present system
Otho Clark, freshman: It would help the less intelligent student rid himself of the inferiority complex.
Margaret Oliver, junior: In the
newly-proposed system a student does not get a symbol as a grade, instead he is informed whether or not he is doing satisfactory work, and he individually receives criticism, whether constructive or destructive, from his instructor. This system is now being employed by many schools and universities.
I believe this new system would prove beneficial to the student. In that he may realize then his weak-points and strong-points in his studies, and thereby strive to improve especially in the phases of work in which he is weak. Then too, the student and teacher would probably understand each other better, which, of course, would not be a bane to either.
Dr. Walter Thompson, class of 1912, and professor of political science at Leland Stanford University, was a visitor on the campus last Thursday. Dr. Thompson was returning from a conference of the National Social Science Research Council in Philadelphia where he appeared on the program. He has been on those programs frequently.
Dr. Thompson stated that he had the fun of participating in the "bull sessions" of the California brunch of the National Research Council with former president Herbert Hoover.
Members of the faculty report a profitable hour with this M. C. alumnus.
New Method Provides For Those With Varying Amount of Previous Preparation
Prof. J. L. Bowman has been lunching his algebra classes by a different method from that used in former years. Opportunity is provided for each student, to work as fast as he can.
At the beginning of the year, dated lesson sheets were made out to cover the whole textbook, that is, the work of both semesters. As soon as a student finishes one sheet, he goes on to the next, regardless of the futurity of the date. In this way, if the student worked fast enough, he might finish two semesters’ work in one semester. He would get credit for only three hours, however, but he would have learned more for his fifteen dollars than he would have otherwise.
The students hand in no daily papers: all of the work is done at the blackboard. Each lesson is explained on the day for which it is scheduled on the lesson sheet. If the student has gone beyond that lesson and has no questions to ask, he may go to the board at the beginning of the hour and ignore the recitation. Sometimes the students have no particular problems and the entire day is spent at the board; other times most of the period is spent in recitation. Quizzes are given every two or three weeks, whenever a section of the book has been finished in class discussion.
Altogether there are forty-four students in the two sections of the algebra class. Several of these have already begun the second semester's work, and two or three of them have finished the entire year's work this semester. Very few are lagging behind the dates of the lesson sheets.
Professor Bowman has inaugurated this plan because all of the students do not have the same previous preparation. Coming from many different high schools as they do, some have had much stiffer courses than others. There is also a difference in the course offered in large and in small high schools. According to the new plan each student can go as fast as he has been prepared to go. For this reason Professor Bowman prefers this method to the old one of keeping the entire class at the same speed.
Dr. Petry To Give Course in Social Pathology Dealing With Social Problems
The Committee on Curriculum and the faculty have approved five new courses for the second semester, it was announced this week.
One of the courses, the theory and practice of preaching, is designed for young men and women who expert to become ministers and who are in immediate need of some of the technics of ministerial work.
The course in social pathology covers the pathological conditions in society, especially as they relate to municipalities, unemployment, and the consequent family and institutional problems. This course will be given by Dr. Ray C. Petry and will contain much of his research in this field.
Abnormal psychology is a course which will deal with the variations in behavior both in the technical and functional phases of human life. The slight evidences of maladjustment as well as the more violent abnormal-ties will be studied.
A course in advanced journalism will be primarily for those of previous journalism experience and es-pecially for those connected with the school publications. The first semester course will be repeated for those who do not come in the two groups mentioned above.
Programs of religious education will give the theory and practice in the religious education of children, young people, and adults. These groups will be analyzed. Particular emphasis will be given to programs the local church has applied to these groups. Vacation church schools, weekday schools of religion, character educational agencies, summer camps, youth conferences, and other programs will be studied.
Another course, the Life and Letters of Paul, will deal largely with the work and history of the religious leader in early Christianity. The course will be given by Dr. Ray C. Petry.
Five Colleges Represented in Junior College Tourney Here Last Week
In a junior college debate turns-ment held here last Saturday Man-hattan was winner, losing only one debate to Bethel college who won second place. Five colleges were represented in the meet.
Each school in the tournament entered two teams, debating two rounds in the morning and two in the afternoon, making a total of twenty debates. Only debaters of less than sixty hours of college credit were allowed to enter the compe-tition.
The coaches of Kansas Wesleyan, Manhattan, Bethany, Bethel, and McPherson colleges acted as judges. Dr. J. D. Bright and Prof. J. A. Blair assisted in the judging.
The number of debates won by each college was: Manhattan, 7; Bethel, 6; Bethany, 4; McPherson, 3, and Kansas Wesleyan, 0. The coaches expressed a desire to repeat the tournament next year.
On February 2-3, the McPherson second team will enter the junior college tournament to be held at Hutchinson. An oratorical contest will also be held in connection with this contest.
Helen Flory, a former McPherson college student, of Great Bend, Kansas, was married last Saturday to Wilbur Maxim of Lincoln, Nebraska. They were married at the home of Ray and Irene Whiteneck, both McPherson college graduates.
The Spectator
Subscription Rates For One School Year
Address all correspondence to
McPherson, Kansas
Editor-in-chief Elmer Staats Business Manager Paul Booz
Associate Editor Una Ring Ass't. Business Manager Clarence Sink
Feature Editor Margaret Oliver Ass't. Business Manager Joe Zuck
Sports Editor Wilbur Yoder Circulation Manager Byron Eshelman
Ass't. Circulation Manager Vernon Michaels
Ann Heckman Paul Heckman
Ernest Sweetland Royal Frantz
Maxine Ring Robert Booz
Gevene Carlson Helen Webber
Paul Lackie Kenneth Weaver
Faculty Advisers ______________Profs. Maurice A. Hess and Alice Gill
The way to build McPherson College is to patronize college boosters.
The move on the campus to change the method of final grading is of greater importance than simply another method of grading. Haying as its purpose the elimination of the present method by which the students are graded according to his relative position in the class, the move will aim change the whole impetus for; college work.
In a college education there is little meaning in the “A” or "B" that the student receives. True the striving for a high mark may be an inducement for some to do a higher grade of work, but such work is done for the grade and the course is planned toward that end. The college student has supposedly reached the place where the impetus for good work should come from an attempt to obtain the most from his course.
The grade that a person should receive should, not be in its present form, but in a form wherein the student will obtain criticism and an estimation of his work in the course. The removal of the present, method and the substitution of the method proposed would have a tendency to raise the plane of work for most of the students.
Everywhere the new year is hailed as being not only the end of a successful year, but also as the beginning of a new year that would leave depression and discouragement far behind, and bring great advancement in American life.
The student taking stock of the past year may or may not have reason for rejoicing, depending upon the view which he takes upon the wide changes that have been made in this nation in 1933.
One thing is not doubted. Our attitude has been changed from one of despondency to one of hope. The wholesome attitude of attempting to control economic forces has won favor. Allan Nevins, prominent political writer, states in 1933 we have had "a magnificent vindication of democracy." Lenders have been found for our nation. The student sees around him in school and out, constructive forces at work. Shall these forces continue in their course in 1934?
In 1934 it will take more than psychology and high sounding phrases to continue our upward trend. It will have to be more than a magnificent usurpation of power over industry. To control our society we need scholarly criticism, a mind not to be swayed by powerful propaganda, and deliberate decisions. For now, after the crux of the crisis has been weathered, a few hasty and unwise decisions might destroy the constructive work of the past year. May the student of McPherson college do his part in 1934 to think and act constructively on present social problems.
"Are we trying to higher-educate too many people?" pertinently asks an eastern college editor. Another wonders what is to be done about the over-crowding of professions.
The latter cites American Bar Association statistics to show that 9500 new attorneys are admitted to practice throughout the country every year, although only half that number are said to be needed to maintain the 1930 census ratio of 191 lawyers to every 100,000 population.
He also quotes Dean Roscoe Pound of the Harvard Law School to the effect that poorly trained lawyers who crowd the lower ranks of the bar simply complicate and impede the legal system by their inability or unwillingness to comprehend the ideals of justice on a broad scale.
"It seems a great many boys, who might become good artisans, are spoiled by being made into poor lawyers, poor doctors and probably poor preachers," he concludes.
Meanwhile, the first editor is worried because, he thinks, we have too much mass education, too much training without a specific objective. Of course, he has a right to work, as does Editor No. 2, but may we suggest that acute as the problems of higher education may be, the solution is not less education—less training—but a better distribution of KINDS of training.
Higher education is in no more of a dilemma than business and industry, where distribution also is the biggest problem. But just as we can expect more revolutionary changes in business and government, we must look forward to and intelligently direct similar., destructive changes in education.
And that, Mr. Roosevelt, is just another little job for your New Deal!
Frequent and often unnecessary changes in college textbooks are to be the subject of an investigation at the University of California at Los Angeles. This should bring applause from many students who have had just cause to feel that in some instances, at least, they have been on the paying end of what is really an organized racket.
So bad has the situation become that this story to going the rounds of the various colleges and universities: It is said that, while riding in his automobile, a student at one well-known university was overtaken by a policeman.
"What's your hurry?" the copper demanded to know—as was to be expected.
"I'm sorry," replied the student. "I admit I was speeding, but, you see, I bought a new textbook and I’m trying to get to class before it goes out of date!"
Which is a story with a moral—an obvious moral!
Campus Chaff
All that third floor hears now is
Weaver singing - Somebody stole my gal.
Some of the boys are planning on selling their services to the Philadelphia Athletic's American baseball team this next year since the aforesaid ball team is short of pitchers. For further particulars see Dave Duncanson who is able to pitch those curved balls into Arnold hall.
Wanted: More ice cream for
"Spud's" table in order that the laundry bill may be cut in half.
One more chance gone boys, Modena has decided to answer a "certain" advertisement that appeared in the local paper. For further particulars see Modena or write P. O. Box 235.
We wonder if the Missourians recognised the Hog-Callin’ in Arnold Hall. No doubt the boys in "Funny Stock" Hall thought that it was just another seige of extra snoring from the inmates of the other "Hall."
Columbus discovered America and the boys discovered what may be a new 50-yd. dash man, last Tuesday noon, Jan. 3, as Pearson set a now dash record down a certain Fahnestock hallway.
It has been noticed, of late that Galen Ogden has a propensity for jumping around from Bower to Bower. Wo wonder which one he will eventually land upon.
Popcorn feeds in the boys' dorm have become all the rage of late. Forney came in the other day and, said it was an awful shame the way the boys slunk the dorm up with popcorn. He should worry as long as he doesn’t live there.
John Dunn and Eddy woke up all the guys on third and second Sunday with a first class imitation of a couple of prehistoric dinosaurs. It was side splitting to watch pajam-maed figures pop out from the various rooms to see what was causing the disturbance.
Pascal Davis believes in doing things up brown. He was seen in the Mary Ann the other night entertaining not one, but three girls. Bravo! My brave fellow!
It would indeed be a great boon to some of the fellows of McPherson college if some one would put on a sale of window glass. During the time when snowballing was a com-mon thing on the campus, no less than three windows in the two dorms were broken by stray snowballs. Tsk, tsk, tsk! Such carelessness.
Speaking of snowballing, we wonder where all the snow came from which shot out of third floor win-
Speaking - - -
Wilbur Yoder .................Jan. 13
Frederick McCoy ..............Jan. 17
Exchange Notes
dows during the snowy days. It's a good thing the fellows around here don’t wear high top silk hats.
Did you see the prexie sitting on the steps of the girls’ dorm Friday night? Well, if you didn't recognize him, it is excusable because he was only a statue of snow, made to look like our president.
Data to bring secured by the reference librarian of Pittsburg on what kind and how much recreational reading is done by the students. Fiction is leading in all classes. Freshmen and sophomores are doing more quantitative reading of all types, whereas, educational and professional books are in demand by the juniors and seniors.
The other night Robert Booz asked Velma if she didn’t have someone at home for whom she still cared. She said. "No, I was just one of the great army of the unemployed."
The "Crutch and Carry" club is a new organization among the students of Abilene High School. A number of M. C. students should be able to qualify for membership.
The other day VI Harris was heard to say that if people didn't have any more ambition than to get married, why let them go ahead and marry. Rather inconsistent, it seems to us.
Freshmen at Washington State college have been deprived of library privileges because their attitude toward upperclassmen was "Improper.''
If you ever get hard up and want to know how to live cheaply, just ask Hughey, Kurtz or Weaver how. These three fellows batched in the dorm during the two weeks of Xmas vacation for only $2.00 a person, and they maintain that they had the very best of meals.
Eight fellows who stayed in the dorm over the vacation were entertained with a chill supper in the home of Dean R. E. Mohler, a couple of days after Christmas. After sup-per the boys enjoyed games of rook. The fellows appreciate the kindness of Dean Mohler in helping to break the monotony of life in the deserted dormitory.
And by the way if you think the dorm wasn't quiet and deserted, you should have been here. Some days there weren't more than three or four fellows around, and it got awful creepy at times. It sure was good to see the fellows come stringing in after vacation was over.
Mrs. Schwalm, Mrs. Hershey, Miss, McGaffey, Elisabeth Holzemer, and Wheeler Kurtz attended "Green Pasture's" at Wichita, last Monday night.
A card received from Galen Allen states that he to recovering from a serious hernia operation at the University of Iowa Clinic at Iowa City, Iowa.
Snow does not discourage those brave men who form the belt line. Last week, when it was too snowy outside, they merely stayed in Fahn- estock hall. Zuck and Pearson were the victims of the indoor paddle line.
It is quite a change for David Metzger from the green fields of Louisiana to the snowy plains of Kansas. He reports that the grass is still green, and there has been no killing frost in his home state. The air is so damp there, however, that he does not mind the cold here.
The week of May 5 has been designated as Interscholastic Week at the University of Missouri. There will be both music and athletic events.
Pledging themselves to go to jail rather than fight in the event of war, two hundred Columbia University students, in addition to a score of faculty members, went on record for pacifism.
For the first time in 39 years the entire University of Michigan lighting system was out of order last Sunday night, plunging the university and all activities into darkness for almost a half hour.
Ventura Junior College is contemplating inaugurating a new aeronau-tics course in the future in addition to its auto shop.
The Catalogue published by the Oklahoma A. & M. college lists a course, "Nut Culture." with this explanation, "study of pecans, walnuts, etc., not maniacs.”
Tardiness is punished by a one-hour quiz by a Texas University professor.
Upperclassmen of Fort Hays State College are in letter health than the freshmen, according to information received from Dr. Earl F. Morris of the health department.
Friday’s chapel program will be presented by the college A Cappella Choir directed by Prof. Alvin C. Voran. This is the choir’s first appearance.
Plans are underway for the concert to be given in the city auditorium at a date to be announced. Last year a severe blizzard cut down the attendance of a similar performance but those who were present recognized its splendid quality. Noticeable improvement is expected in this year's organization.
Having developed the necessary technique for almost unlimited production of wealth, the engineer no longer can afford to stand idle while financiers, promoters and politicians so tragically bungle the problem of its distribution.—Dean A. A. Potter of Purdue University School of Engineering.
We must teach our children that criminals are not heroic.—Mrs. Oliver Harriman.
The following from William DeWitte Hyde expresses my New Year's suggestion for all of us at McPherson college.
Live in the active rather than the passive voice, lutent upon what you can do rather than what may happen
to you.
Live in the indicative mood, not the subjective, concerned with facts as they are rather than what they might be.
Live in the present tense, concentrating upon the duty at hand, without regrets for the past or worry for the future.
Live in the first person, criticising yourself rather than condemning others.
Live in the singular, caring more for the approval of your own conscience than for the popularity of the many.
And inasmuch we must have some verb to conjugate we cannot do better than to take the one we all used both in Latin and in English, amo. "I love." I live in the spirit, of the intelligent good will that all activities of my life may be brought into a unity of purpose.
"It is upward, outward. Godward reach of a man's aspirations and re-solve that gives him character."
Ruth Hobart, student here last year, was a week end visitor. She is teaching near Fredonia, Kans.
John Kaufman, student here the first semester last year, visited in the boys’ dorm Saturday between debates. He was a member of one of the debate teams from Manhattan.
Marlene Dappen, a student at Kansas university, and former student of M.C. visited on the campus the other day.
Clarence Anderson and Ralph were both quite into returning from their vacation. They got hack Friday.
Galen Allen and Everett Fasnacht have not yet returned from vacations. Galen is in a hospital in Iowa for a major operation, and Fasnacht is working in Wiley, Colo.
Gulah Hoover, the faithful accom-panist for the college male quartet, was surprised by a gift of a mirrored handkerchief box at the quartet's last rehearsal before vacation.
Miss Lois Wilcox was the guest artist of the Crossroad Playmakers at their meeting last Monday night. She was accompanied by Miss Fern Lingenfelter.
The Spectator
Experiences of Student in Wilds of the West Are Related
The time spent near the Bear Rock location was uneventful except for the finding of many Indian tools and utensils. In fact we found such an abundance of these that it was impossible to carry them all on our horses so we cached many of them until we could make a return trip.
We returned up the valley by a different route, but found little except a few indications of Indian camps here and there. We rested one day on our arrival at our headquarters. By rested I mean that we investigated only one Indian fort that was perched high on a rocky point and rode about ten miles in search of deer.
The day after that we pushed into the upper Purgatoire where I had never been before. For the first few miles we used the short cuts with which I was familiar, but later it was necessary to follow the directions given us by inhabitants in the lower valley.
Near the end of the country which I knew we passed the mouth of a small tributary canyon where a religious sect which inflicts self punishment holds meetings at Easter time each year. It is the custom of the men to carry great crosses on their backs up a stony trail that leads up the canyon to a shrine. As they trudge along under the great load of the crosses they lash themselves with plaits of Spanish dagger and the Ocatillo, or whip cactus. Each blow draws the blood from long gashes left by the stinging whips and I have see individuals so cut up that blood ran down their bare legs as they punished themselves for their sins.
Knowing that those left to guard the valley would resent any intrusion on our part we decided to wait until our return to enter the canyon. This last decision was because we were entering uninhabited terrain where it would be fairly easy to have men disappear permanently somewhere among the tumbled stones of the lonely side canyons if one were so willed. Having had one experience with the fanaticism of the sect I knew they would not forgive or forget any intrusion on their religion and I cared to take no chances on the lonely trail ahead.
So we moved on into the blue haze that filled the valley in the distance. At noon we ate at an old ranch where a bewhiskered and aged cowboy told us of days gone by in the broken, monosyllabic sentences used by one who spends much time silently and alone. Some day a curious rider will wander into the ranch to find, him dead—passed on to a fairer range. As we ate I wondered if he would be content to spend eternity in the company of the silent cliffs and the somber cedars.
From here we drifted past a ruined adobe church: its roof fallen, but with the cross still standing on its altar. Close to the walls were a little group of gravestones cut from the native sand rock. As we rode by I read names that I had heard my father speak many times. Long, musical names that hailed from the mountains of northern Spain. Their bearers had wandered far to find a resting place under the cliffs of the Purgatoire. Now the range cattle trampled through their last rendez-vous and the rock wrens fly twittering from headstone to headstone.
Close by, half ruined walls of stone and adobe proclaimed the site of their village.
The faint trail led down to the river to a crossing that had been used by Indians for ages and by white men since they had come into the country. The river bed consisted of a flat expanse of solid stone, and was used much because of its freedom from quick-sand. The stone was smooth as a floor except for a series of shallow depressions which we found to be the footprints of some monster of past geologic ages. The prints were twenty-four by thirty inches in size and the animal took six feet at a stride.
We pressed on southward, crossing and recrossing the winding stream and picking our way through dense thickets of cottonwood saplings. At last we emerged on a great flat where the river made an abrupt turn to the west towards the blue points of the Spanish Peaks. Here the red rocks began to rise gently towards the west and we passed into a canyon whose walls rose red as blood on either side. It was near this
Arguments Advanced Against Final Grading By the Competitive Mark
In their efforts to remove the present grading system by which the student receives a competitive mark at the end of the semester, many of the students have called attention to the opinion of many of the educational leaders of today.
Burton P. Fowler, president of the Progressive Education Association, states that "grades should be abolished along with the other paraphernalia of an antiquated, competitive, and artificial machine. They should be abolished because they make students feel inferior or superior, encourage dishonesty, give a feeling of insecurity, dulls the edge of intellect-ual curiosity, make students course passers instead of learners, and provide in general unworthy motives for hard work."
Further he states that "giving a pupil school marks is hiring him to do a thing which should be his greatest privilege." and that "every school mark given is a confession of the teacher’s lack of faith in the real and drawing value of the course."
In an article written by J. L. Worl-ton in the Elementary School Journal recently on "Shall We Eliminate the Comparative Marking System from the Report Card?" he states that "since the tendency of progressive education is decidedly in the direction of developing the total personality of the individuals—their habits, attitudes, character and citizenship, it is apparent that marks for mere academic achievement is not enough. On the contrary school marks have a negative effect upon both high and low students. As long as the present unscientific system of marking school subjects continues to be the criteria by which promotions are made and credits given, many common practices will continue to develop habits of dishonesty. Such undesirable practices can be avoided by the eliminating of the compara-tive, competitive grading system and pulling in its place an all-inclusive report which includes all phases of conduct."
Dean F. A. Replogle has been elected chairman of the Case Committee of the McPherson County Red Cross to fill the vacancy left by Mr. Ray Strohm. Mr. Replogle has also
been appointed to the Executive Committee of the McPherson County Red Cross.
The increasing need for every student to develop a profitable time tor leisure was the subject of a chapel speech last Monday by Prof. S. M. Dell. A hobby will provide much in the way of providing for the new leisure that is prevalent today.
And we have snow . .. and we have snow . . . All the little boys and girls on the campus have dug out their winter boots stockings and everything from their summer hiding. . . Some of our more playful element indulged in the foolish pastime of building a snow man. . . . which was either properly or improperly placed in front of the girls' domicile. . . . Others are haunting crocks or any body of water to try to find a good place on which to enjoy a favorite winter sport—skating. . . While some few more of as go sleighing. . . . Saw the boy from Montana guiding a sled the other night which was tied on the back of Wheeler's popular Pontiac. . . . I even heard two girls saying the other day that they'd like to play "fox and goose" . . . Remember when we were kids and use to play this? . . While quite often one does some very peculiar antics to escape an on-coming
snow-ball. . . But more often more peculiar antics are enacted to miss falling down when they do occur. . . These falls and tumbles are humor-ous to many, but not quite such a funny incident to the falling victim.
Our poetic prodigy from good old New Mexico . . . as his poetry would lead us to believe . . . arrived back at school about three days after the grind had taken up after the holidays . . . His hitch-hiking didn't prove so successful . . . And I can't understand yet how anybody could pass up this innocent looking freshman.
Interest is already being stirred up for the Booster Banquet and Regional Conference . . How is it we say it about the first-named. . . . "Boost for a Bigger and Better McPherson college?" . . . If that isn't accurate verbatim, it at least con-tains the essence of the thing. ....
Well, as we say in dealt ol’ France . . . All Revoir . . . and . . Bonjour!
Inspirational poetry was the subject of last Tuesday's Y. M. program. Carol Whitcher opened the meeting with scripture after which a number of inspirational poems were read by Delvis Bradshaw, Archie Lindholm, Carol Koons, Earnest Sweetland, Paul Heckman, Royal Frantz, Carol Witcher, and Glenn Webb.
About thirty men were present for this inspirational program. Next week some current events will be taken up in more or less open forum style.
Gilbert Myers and Helen Holloway, both of the class of '32 will edit the alumni magazine which will appear in a few months. Helen Holloway will act as editor with Gilbert Myers performing the duties of business manager.
Several changes have been made in the studying of, library reference books. The most important of those changes are those of the hound magazines, and the eleventh edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica. The bound magazines are now shelved in the new case north of the Reader's Guide. The Eleventh edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica is now directly under the Fourteenth Edition.
Harold Crist, '30 of Roxbury. Glenn Harris, '30 of Jennings. La., and Fern Shoemaker, '29 of Gypsum spent part of the Christmas holidays in McPherson.
Miss Myrtle Ainsworth of Abilene, Kansas, a former McPherson college student, was married to Winthrop C. Rheno of Vineyard Haven, Massachusetts, November 3.
The W. A. A. held a short meeting Monday evening. The banquet to be given in the spring for the new members was discussed and a tentative date set for the first week of March The club decided to hold a play day for senior girls when the college has the spring festival for seniors of surrounding high schools. In the past only the boys have had athletic contests during the day.
place that my horse sank in the sands and I had to leap off the ani-mal and let him find his own way out.
Here too we came upon the only buck deer that we saw during the night. I had scouted ahead to find the best trail and was crossing a narrow ravine on a steep slope when a full grown buck leaped out almost at my feet and hounded up through the cedar thickets. My horse reared and plunged across the loose stone and nearly slid off the bank below. When I had quieted him I turned and shot at the buck just as he went over the rimrock. The bullet clipped through the cedar boughs at his side, but the shot was a clean miss. I was glad afterward that I hadn't killed him. He looked too noble to kill as he went across the mountainside. Perhaps he will be more wary now, and he will need to be that when he drifts down to the lower valley to feed during the wintry storms.
The canyon became narrower and deeper towards the west and as the sun sank over the distant peaks we made a dry camp under the edge of a thousand foot cliff of red sandstone. We had only a half gallon of water for the three of us. The river water was bitter with alkali and unfit for use, but we did not care, we sat underneath the stars and talked and cooked our supper and then rolled up in our blankets to sleep until the spinning world should bring as another day.
The Spectator
Friday night Coach Melvin J. Binford will turn his Bulldogs loose in their first Kansas Conference, basket-ball game. Ottawa, last year's runner-up will be here to furnish the opposition for the Bulldogs.
After showing all sorts of form in the pre-season non-conference games, local fans are eager to see just what the team will do in conference play. The Binford coached men started out in great form, winning two games by lop-sided scores. Last week the Bulldogs showed a complete reversal of form and dropped two games on a road trip.
This week Coach Binford is making every effort toward getting the team back in its winning stride for this conference court battle. The spirit of the team is much improved and the squad seems determined to turn in a win. The game is scheduled to start at 8:15.
The Bulldogs are determined to demonstrate to their supporters in a decided manner that the poor showing made by them in their games played on their road trip are not to be taken as being indicative of the showing they intend to make in Kansas Conference circles this season.
Their first and most important step will be offered to local fans in their game with the strong Ottawa Baptists of Ottawa university.
This will be the first Conference game for either of these two teams, and both are determined to get off to a flying start in league standings by turning in a win on Friday night.
Ottawa university, being one of the largest schools in the Kansas Conference, has been in the habit of putting out some great teams, and can always be depended upon to put up stiff competition.
This boy Knapper is reported to be just as much of a whiz at basket ball as he is at football, and than means that he will bear watching.
The Bulldogs lost the first game of their trip to Coffeyville by a score of 25-12. The opponents took an early lead and the Bulldogs never threatened.
The entire McPherson team was experiencing an off night and could, not get organized. Time after time a McPherson man would be caught off guard and his man would slip in for a set-up. Bad passes, fumbles, and very erratic shooting also featured in the play of the McPherson team.
All in all it was a complete reversal from the type of play that the Bulldogs had shown in their two games before the holidays.
Following the poor showing made by the Bulldogs in their game at Coffeyville, the squad travelled to Pittsburg, where they played the Pittsburg State Teachers on Saturday night. McPherson lost this game by a score of 41-16.
The Bulldogs played a much better game than they showed the night before but were still decidedly off on their shooting. The passing in this game was much improved but the Canines found considerable trouble in finding the basket.
After Pauls started the scoring the Teachers took the lead and increased it as the game progressed. At the half the Gorillas led by a score of 16-8. At the opening of the second half the Bulldogs came back strong and scored two baskets before Pittsburg registered. The Gorillas soon got warm and hit the basket from all angles. Baker, Pittsburg center, led the scoring with 12 points while Pauls was high for McPherson with 7.
Personally, this is one guy which would like to see "Toot" run wild and roll in six or seven baskets while Ottawa sits dumbfounded. And the records show that he can do it too! Yeah, “Toot!”
Here's hoping that the Bulldogs
In the first basketball game of the newly reorganized intramural basket ball league, the Class A Mohlers defeated the Blairs by a score of 29 to 20, in a ragged and loosely fought contest. This game was doped as a set-up for Mohlers.
As a second feature of the afternoon. the Dells suffered a surprising defeat at the hands of the supposedly weaker Replogleites, by a score of 25 to 15. This was a complete upset, as the Dells are considered as one of the strongest teams in the league, and even possible championship contenders.
On Wednesday afternoon, the Hecks were defeated true to form by the much stronger Hersheys by a score of 29-19.
This league will bear strong watch-ing as it is possible and even probable that some fast games will be
Students and faculty were pleasantly surprised when the Varsity Male Quartet made its first appear-ance last Friday in chapel. They sang four numbers.
On Monday night the Quartet was invited to sing at a special meeting of the American Legion Auxiliary. Their songs were enthusiastically received and when the numbers provided by Prof. Voran had been exhausted Vera Traver responded with “The Last Roundup.”
This group has been listed for several more appearances in the future.
New Haven, Conn.—(CNS)—Rex-ford G. Tugwell, assistant secretary of agriculture and professor of economics at Columbia University, has been named research associate in the Yale Law School, it was announced this week. Tugwell is one of the leading members of President Roosevelt’s professional "brain trust."
Kathryn Burgin ’28 and Clyde Sheaks of Garden City announced their engagement during the holidays.
go as far in basketball as they did in football, and that's saying something! Let's all get out there, give 'em our support, and then just watch ’em go!
Five new books for the Greek history class, and two for the Bible classes have been purchased recently by the library. Those for Greek his-tory include: "Six Greek Sculptors," by E. A. Gardner; "Aristotle." by W. A. Ross; "Herodotus," by T. R. Glover; G. C. Fild's "Plato and His Contemporaries," and C. R. Cochraoe's "Thucydides and the Science of History.”
The books obtained for the Bible classes are "Career and Significance of Jesus," by W. B. Denny; and "Life of Paul," by B. W. Robinson.
Local college students interested in playwriting are being given a chance to write one-act folk plays by participating in the Midwestern Intercollegiate Folk Playwriting Contest being conducted over nine states in the middle west. Interested students are urged to see Miss Della Lehman of the local college faculty for a pamphlet giving full information.
Any graduate or undergraduate resident is eligible for the contest, the winner of which is to have permanent possession of a gold trophy cup. Students must submit their plays to Miss Lehman by Feb. 20 so that the best local play may be chosen. This play will be submitted to the sponsoring institution, State Teachers College, Capo Girardeau, Mo., for the final contest to determine the championship.
Any type of folk play with a setting in the middle west and requiring less than 30 minutes to read, is eligible.
One college professor suggests that we should laugh to prevent stomach aches. Not bad!
The box score:
McPherson (16)
Fg |
Ft |
F | |
C. Johnson, f-g ........... |
0 |
0 |
1 |
Pauls, f ....................... |
3 |
1 |
2 |
Schul, f ...................... |
0 |
0 |
0 |
H. Johnston, f ............ |
0 |
1 |
1 |
Meyer, c ..................... |
0 |
1 |
3 |
Binford, g .................. |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Wiggins, g .................. |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Yoder, g ..................... |
2 |
0 |
2 |
Totals .................... |
6 |
4 |
10 |
Eastman, f .................. |
2 |
2 |
2 |
McClure, f ................... |
3 |
1 |
0 |
Harris, f ...................... |
1 |
1 |
0 |
Garcia, f ..................... |
1 |
0 |
0 |
B. Roberts, f ............... |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Baker, c ...................... |
5 |
2 |
3 |
Tims, c ....................... |
1 |
0 |
1 |
Edwards, g .................. |
1 |
0 |
0 |
Myers, g ..................... |
2 |
0 |
1 |
Tarrant, g ................... |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Polizzotto, g ............... |
0 |
1 |
2 |
Owsley, g ................... |
1 |
0 |
1 |
Russell, g ................... |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Totals .................. |
17 |
7 |
10 |
Halftime score—Pittsburg 16, McPherson 8.
Technical fouls—Pauls.
Referee—Collins, Missouri.