VOL. XVII McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas, Thursday, dec. 14, 1933 NUMBER 12

The Spectator


Tonight — Basketball game with Hastings college.

Friday. Dec. 15.—Chemistry social.

Saturday, Dec. 16.—Freshman Social at 7:15.

Tuesday, Dec. 19.—Basketball game with Bethany Swedes at 8 p. m.

Tuesday. Dec. 19.—Regular Y. M. and Y. W. meetings at 10 p. m.

Tuesday, Dec. 19.—World Service Group meeting at college church. 7 p. m.

Thursday, Dec. 21.—Christinas vacation begins at 4:30 p. m.


Second Team Tournament Will Be Held Here On January 6

The Kansas Intercollegiate Debate League has been postponed for one year it was announced by Prof. M. A. Hess this week after a meeting of the debate coaches at Winfield over the week end. The league which included Kansas Wesleyan, Bethany, McPherson, and Sterling colleges and Friends university, was dispensed with because of the economies that would be effected because of its discontinuance. The debates this year will be carried on in a state tournament at Winfield on March

9 and 10.

Arrangements are being made by which McPherson will be able to at-tend this tournament. All the senior colleges of the state are invited to this contest. Last week end the debaters attended a practice interstate tournament at Winfield.

Each college Is allowed to enter two men's and two women's teams in this tournament. In addition two men and two women orators are slowed to participate in the Old Lino Oratorical Contest to be held in Winfield at the same date. Two men and two women from each college will speak on some subject yet to bo announced. The tryouts for these contests will be held about February 1.

The second team tournament will be held in McPherson on January 6. Junior college teams will enter from Kansas Wesleyan, Manhattan, Bethany, Bethel, and McPherson colleges. These debates will be Judges by the debate coaches.

Alex Richards Tells of the Legends That

Surround the Historic Purgatory Valley


Well Known Sculptor Says Art Alone Has Endured Through the Ages


Subtle Wit and Humor Win Immediate Favor of Audience in Address

“America has a need for an appreciation for beauty and art." This was the idea conveyed by the great American sculptor in an address last evening on the second number of the community lyceum course.

Lorado Taft, one of America’s leading sculptors and lecturer on Art, spoke before a large audience on "The Beauties in American Life" which he demonstrated from the classical and medieval works in the field of sculpture. The lecture was given in the city auditorium.

The sculptor won an immediate response from his audience by his subtle wit and humor. His charming personality and his appearance as a cosmopolitan gentleman made an impressive figure before the audi-ence.

The illustrated lecture portrayed the masterpieces of art from the earliest times through the ages, Greek, Roman, early and late Ren-aissance. The sculptor in each picture told briefly the story connected with it; its characterization, its contribution to architecture, and most of all, his interpretation as a movement in history. The numerous slides were sufficient to give a person a reasonable perspective into the movements of architecture and an appreciation for the work of the early civilization.

The theme running through the entire lecture was that each large city and university could well afford to develop a museum of its own after the masterpieces in plaster models which are cheap and beautiful.

This museum, he states, should have two requisites. It should be well lighted and arranged chronologically. Their absence are two major defects which spoil much of the beauty in American art today.

Taft stated that in early life he developed three definite convictions in relation to art. First we live in a world of beauty; we have a great Inheritance of beauty to study from: and that certain individuals have a natural ability which can be developed into creative art.

America.' he stated, not only lacks art but lacks an appreciation for the beauties of the world.


The Fine Arts Department of McPherson college, presented eleven students in a recital given Monday in the chapel. Piano, voice, violin and dramatic art numbers made up the program which was well attended.

Among the piano students who appeared in the recital were Glennys Doll. Ila Mae Witteman. Arthur Rolander, Elrae Carlson and Hazel Welmer. The violinists were Helen Burton and Corrine Bowers. Neva Root and Bernice Dappen presented dramatic selections, and Delvis Bradshaw and Lois Edwards vocal numbers. Martha Krehbiel, a piano student, whoso name also appeared on the program was unable to attend the recital.

The faculty members whose students were represented in the recital included Miss Jessie Brown, Miss Fern Lingenfelter, Miss Lois Wilcox, Miss Della Lehman and Mr. Alvin Voran.    


Dean R. E. Mohler in a chapel speech yesterday stated that the only way in which we can get men who have correct social attitudes is to get men who think right.

We cannot obtain these men by improved highways or by increased neighborliness but by maintaining an interest in the church and other social agencies, Dean Mohler stated.



Dean R. E. Mohler and Dr. H. J. Harnly, McPherson college profos-sors, a few weeks ago were invited to examine the bones extending from a sandstone cliff near Geneseo. The bones which they found are believed to be the remains of an ancient sea animal living before the age of mammals. The bones which were found in the formation of a Dakota stratum might have been a turtle or some species of fish. Again, the remains might have been those of a reptile of some sort.

The bones have been brought to McPherson where they will be placed in the college museum.


Religious Life Committee Now

Surveying Attendance At Religious Activities

The Religious Life Committee of the college in a meeting last week discussed the religious program of the college and the attitude of stu-dents toward it. In the meeting were student, faculty, and community representatives of various religious activities.

It was felt by those present that conditions as they exist today constitute a distinct challenge to aggressive Christian programs in the college. McPherson collego is a Christian institution specifically devoted to the ends of Christian education. Its chief claim for existence is the training of all students for effective Christian living.

It was decided to conduct a survey of the religious interest of students as it is shown by attendance and participation in meetings of the organizations and at college church services.

The survey was started last Sunday. An accurate record is being kept of all students present at Sunday School, preaching services, and religious meetings on the campus. Duo consideration will be given the fact that a large number of students on account of work or for other reasons cannot attend these programs.

The survey will continue for a number of weeks and in the mean time its findings will be used an a basis for the stimulation of religious interest and more active participation of all students in Christian activi-ties.

(By Alex Richards)

Perhaps it would not be amiss to tell something of the general characteristics of the Purgatory Valley. It was first called Purgatoire by the French explorers on account of the treacherousness of the smooth stretches of the smooth sands in the river. Many are the stories that are told in the valley today of animals, wagons, and in one case of an entire family that had broken through the deceptive surface of the boggy sands to sink from sight forever.

Probably the Spaniards were the first white men to look down from the cliffs upon the cottonwood-lined bonds or the Purgatoire, judging from the remains of an old Spanish armor that was recently found under a rock ledge near the summit of the cliffs. There are some reasons for doubting the genuineness of the armor, but it is true that a small bronze cannon with the barrel inscribed in Spanish was found in the upper valley by one Elfido Lopez. The gun is now at Pueblo, Colorado.

The Santa Fe Trail ran across the plain on the North side of the river and paralleled its course as far as Trinidad, Colorado. A few of the old wheel ruts are yet visible. It was a favorite trick of the Indians to hide in the cedars and ravines and attack the wagon trains wherever the trail ran close to the valley. For this reason the trail seldom came close to the valley. It was also almost impossible to pursue the Indians through the rocky trail that led from the

plain to the bed of the river.

Many men had gazed on the beauties of the valley from the plain above as the wagon trains moved towards Santa Fe. They saw the grass that grow as high as a horse's back on the river flood plains, the deer, bear, elk and antelope, and at night they listened to the deep throated howl of grey wolves and the wall of the coyotes. In the cool of the dawn they heard the gobble of wild turkey in the dark thickets of cedar and pine. They noted the great cottonwoods that would serve for logs for dwellings, and the deep pools of the river where giant fish hid in the shadows. In short it was the paradise of which every pioneer dreamed and few found.

But the Indians, too, coveted these same things and the white men often saw caravans of the red men filing into a rugged canon to some hidden camp. Now and then a group of tepees sent up their smoke from some almost inaccessible cliff and the white men knew it was worth their lives to settle in the valley.

However, there came with a train one day, a small, stocky Irishmen who looked into the valley and was fascinated by its promise. At Trinidad he found a Spanish friend he had known in New Mexico and together they led a party down through a crooked pass now known as the "Nine Mile Road" and built a great blockhouse close to the river. Here the Irishman, who married one of

(Continued on Page Three)


The Y. M. C. A. room in the basement of the administration building has been furnished and is now in use. Much of the furniture was contributed by Dr. L. F. Quantlus of McPherson. The students have done most of the work, thus keeping costs to a minimum.

8tudents are asked to observe the rules for the use of the room. The table is not for use in the morning. Because of the offices in the rooms above it is necessary that order should be kept at all times.


Group Under Prof Voran to be Presented After Holiday Vacation

Professor Alvin C. Vorn expects to present the Varsity Male Quartet to the public soon after the holiday vacation.

This year's organization is composed of Warner Nettleton, first tenor, from Lewiston, Minnesota; Vern Traver, second tenor, McPherson; Loyal Miles, baritone, Nickerson, Kansas; and Chris Johansen, bass, Chicago, Illinois.

Nettleton and Johansen have had a year's experience on the college male quartet which toured McPherson college territory last summer. Traver has been a member of Central college’s male quartet and Miles, school male quartet.

Though practices begun early in the school year under the direction and inspiration of Prof. Voran a complete repertoire is being mastered.


Art Work on Year Book Nearly Completed; Group Pictures to be Taken

Practically all plans for the 1934 Quadrangle have been completed. The Staff is planning to have all group pictures taken before Christmas.

The theme of the 1934 Quadrangle is "Contacts." The art work, beautifully carrying out the theme throughout the book, is nearly com-pleted. The 1934 yearbook will be one of color:    throe-color lay-outs

are designed for division spreads, and several sections of the book will be run in two-color work.

The pictures for the tennis and track suctions have all been sent to the Quadrangle engraver, as well as a major part of the pictures relative to football and last year's basketball season.

A number of organization and activity group pictures are yet to be taken: these include the Y. M. C. A. cabinets, orchestra, band, Spectator staff, World Service Group, Chemistry club, the Student Council, and probably one or two other groups. The Quadrangle photographer will be on the campus to take these group photos on a schedule to be announced soon.    


The Y. M. C. A., discussing currant economic and social problems. Tuesday to lead the discussion on in-obtained Prof. E. R. Bohling last flation of the monetary system.

After discussing the past program of the government in respect to the monetary policy. Prof. Bohling stated the ways in which the currency might be inflated.

The points emphasized in the speech were that our gold and monetary supply is sufficient but that credit is lacking: that the gold buying policy of the government could not keep prices stable; and that inflation tends to increase prices disproportionately.

A forum followed Prof. Bohling's speech.


Basketball Squad to Play First Game With Hastings College Tonight


New Members Showing Up Good in Practice; Starting Line-up Not Announced

The Bulldogs will open their 19331934 basketball season tonight at Convention Hall with Hastings college of Hastings, Nebraska, offering the opposition.

The Nebraska team will have an advantage in experience this season because they have played two or three games. Last night they played Bethany at Lindsborg and they have played one or two games with strong Nebraska teams before this.

With hardly two weeks of practice the Bulldog squad will probably be a little rugged and show a little early season stuff in this first game. Coach Binford has seven lettermen and these men with the addition of some valuable new recruits are rapidly developing into the Bulldog's style of play.

Anton Meyer, elongated freshman center, looks like a sure starter in tonight's game. Pauls, a veteran, will probably start at one forward position. At the other forward will be either Chet or Harold Johnston. Both of the Johnston's are lettermen and are good ball rustlers.

At the guard positions Coach Bin-ford has three lettermen that look most promising. Yoder, Wiggins and Harold Binford are all lettermen and two of these three are due to start tonight's game with Hastings. Stoner, another letterman has had exper-ience at both guard and forward positions.

Of the new men, Haun, a forward, and Vasquez, a guard, show promise of developing into good court men. Several other new men have been showing up well in recent practices.

Coach Binford thinks the squad as a whole has been coming along fairly well and predicts that his men will give a good account of them-selves in tonight's opener. The Bulldog reserves will play Windom high school in a preliminary at 6:45 with the main game scheduled to start at 8:00 p. m.


Deputation Work, Christian Instruction, and Leadership Training Included

The World Service Group under the leadership of Dr. Petry is conducting a constructive program of leadership training and religious influence on our own campus. It is also fostering a program of deputation work in nearby churches that will be valuable to the churches, valuable to the students taking part and a means of keeping the churches in contact with McPherson college. The program committee, consisting of Jo Wagoner, Irene Mason, and Delvis Bradshaw is preparing and carrying through some very educational and inspirational programs in the regular weekly meetings. Deputation teams have been organized and are planning to give programs in nearby churches quite soon.

The program Tuesday evening was on "Appreciating the Best In Denominations." Three excellent talks were given by Paul Booz, Leone Shirk and Alex Richards, on the Methodist, Congregational and Catholic churches respectively.

The meeting next Tuesday evening will be a devotional and educational program on the contributions of the different world religions to religion, philosophy, and allied fields. It will be cast in a novel setting and the program also will be new and impressive. This meeting will be in the college church basement at 7:00 p. m.


The Spectator

Subscription Rates For One School Year

Adress all correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas

Campus Chaff




Editor-in-chief     Elmer Staats Business Manager Paul Booz

Associate Editor ................Una Ring Ass't. Business Manager Clarence Sink

Feature Editor. Margaret Oliver Ass't. Business Manager Joe Zack

Sports Editor ....................... Wilbur Yoder Circulation Manager Byron Eshelman

Ass't Circulation Manager Vernon Michaels

On that first cold day this week,

Dean Replogle was delayed in getting to his classroom; and, since his students are not lacking in ingenuity they raised the windows to their fullest height. They posted Charles Rankin at the door to warn them when their dear teacher should have in sight. When the professor entered he sniffed the frosty air and an-nounced that it was evidently too chilly to hold class that day.

Darlene Messamer .......

.....Dec. 15

Ann Heckman----

.....Dec. 16

Neva Root ..................

.....Dec. 16

Chester Johnston ______

.....Dec. 17

Velma Watkins ......

. ...Dec. 18

and Monday night for the recital by the fine arts department.

Lucille Ballard, freshman, left for her home in Sterling, Kansas, last Wednesday because of an attack of chronic appendicitis. She expected to undergo an operation either in Lawrence or Kansas City.


Ann Heckman    Paul Heckman

Ernest Sweetland    Royal Frants

Maxine Ring    Robert Booz

Gevene Carlson    Helen Webber

Paul Lackie    Kenneth Weaver

Faculty Advisers        ............Profs. Maurice A. Hess and Alice Gill

The way to build McPherson College is to patronize college boosters.


No fact has become more appalling in the last five years than that of the necessity for new leisure. Our industrial and social organizations have become adjusted and force a greater utilization of the working period. It follows that a new field in leisure is to be opened.

The period of adolescence provides a strategic time for this new adjustment. Our habits of leisure; to work creatively, to think constructively, to develop higher moral standards, and to work out solutions for new social control—these will be learned to a large extent in our early periods of leisure.    

The idea that when wholesome constructive leisure cannot bo found, the next best thing is taken is not far wrong. The appeal of our lower grades of recreation has its basis in the student's early life. For these reasons, the best facilities of our college should be utilized in the new work that is being carried on in the McPherson college.

Recreation is as truly a part of the college education as the curriculum —perhaps more important.


California, and in a measure the entire country, were thrown into a controversial turmoil over the lynching of Thomas H. Thurmond and John M. Holmes in San Jose. College students were particularly aroused be-cause Brooke Hart, the kidnap victim of Thurmond and Holmes, was a recent graduate of the University of Santa Clara.

Last week a group of University of California professors demanded that Governor Rolph of California resign because of his statements condoning the lynching. But throughout the raging controversy over Governor Rolph’s stand, one very sound viewpoint has been generally neglected. It was best expressed by Wendell Sether, editor of the Daily Trojan at the University of Southern California, who asked editorially:

"Who killed Thurmond and Holmes?" And answered:

"We did. We, the citizens of the United States, who tolerate slow-moving courts, inefficient police controlled by politicians, and sentimental, unintelligent juries. . . . We who have made crime pay killed Thurmond and Holmes. The success of recent abductors, which made the idea of punishment so remote, prompted the kidnaping of Brooke Hart, and the fear that the courts would fall, the parole board would release, or the governor would reprieve, caused the San Jose lynchings. . . ."

In other words, the lynchings represented an open revolt against in-efficient governmental machinery, and whether or not we approve Governor Rolph's stand—which we personally do not—this fact must be counted as having the utmost significance, particularly during a period of almost revolutionary readjustment.


It is a little sad to reflect that the lessons of history do not stay learned.

In the World War, our zeal to fight well "the war to end war" cost the world ten million soldiers known to be dead, three million others pre-sumed dead, thirteen million dead civilians, twenty million wounded, three million prisoners, ten million refugees, nine million war orphans, five million war widows, and $346,000,000,000 in property and production an reckoned shortly after the close of the war.

The United States' war bills for 1932 were $600,000,000 higher than the total Federal income. The 1932 experience evidently did not serve as a reminder, for out of the $3,300,000,000 borrowed money in the public works fund, almost $600,000,000 has been allotted to war preparations. Will we ever learn?

The economic nationalists are advocating a speedy retreat to self-sufficiency, claiming that national self-sufficiency is a more secure guarantee of world peace than internationalism. This, in spite of the fact that in a world of isolated countries intensely nationalistic attitudes inevitably develop; that certain nations do not have among their own resources all the raw materials necessary to their citizens; that the less fortunate countries would try to gain enough territory to give them what they need: that alliances between those countries which have little are inevitable; that the "fortunate" isolated countries would be in constant danger from the allied less fortunate powers; that imperialistic efforts are the certain outcome of nationalism.

History furnishes a lesson in this class which has apparently been forgotten by the economic nationalists. Germany was slow in getting into the imperialistic game. It was not until the seventies that Bismarck was won over, but how thoroughly he was converted is well known. By 1914 Germany had acquired German South West Africa, one and a half times as large as Germany itself; Cameroons, one and a half times as large as France; and Togoland, a small colony. At the time of the outbreak of the War in 1914 a secret Anglo-German treaty, which has been initialed by the negotiators, was awaiting signature. This secret treaty would have split some of Portugal's African holdings. behind her back, between England and Germany.

What did Germany gain by her years of sharp dealing and imperialistic adventure? Instead of building a permanent empire she had the doubtful privilege of seeing her years of effort result in alliances against her and her gains topple in the World War, her armaments taken from her, and a frightful mortgage placed on her future. This—the wages of imperialism, which is inevitable when nationalistic attitudes run riot.

Todgy France has a colonial empire twenty times the extent of France itself; Holland, an overseas empire of sixty times and Belgium of eighty times the size of the mother countries: Great Britain, possessions a hundred times the area of the British Isles; for the United States a different kind of imperialism was developed, taking the form of intervention in the affairs of weaker powers thirty times in twenty-nine years.

Will they learn from Germany? Nationalism for any power can only produce the results of imperialism whether in any given war they "win or lose.” The results are disastrous.

Is an nation so infallible that it can afford to take the change?

RUTH SARLES, Editor, International Notes.

We have heard a few whispers which make us believe that a "stunt night" is going to be held shortly after Christmas vacation. Every organization had better be looking toward its most clever members, for they will be needed when it comes to trying for first place with an original stunt.

Yesterday Lois Edwards was diligently typing when she suddenly noticed that the spacer refused to work. She hit and hit, and still it refused to space. She turned the typewriter upside down and ex-amined the workings minutely. Finally she was seen wellding a butcher knife and taking out tiny little screws. Still the spacer refused to budge. So she got a tooth-brush and cleaned all the letters. She finally decided to give up and took the paper out—to discover that the only reason the spacer would not work was that she had reached the end of the line, thus locking the keys.

We hear that everyone enjoyed the birthday party which VI Harris gave for Glen Turner last week--including the uninvited guests. (They were necessarily present since it was held in the dining room dur-ing the noon hour). They say that the longest belt-line of this year awaited to help him celebrate.

If you saw Lorado Taft's illustrated lecture last night, did you notice that Alexander resembled Edith Bechtelhelmer?

The genetics class went down to Winfield Monday to go through the

home of the Feeble-minded.r Hughey is taking genetics, but he didn’t go along. It is said that Ada wouldn’t let him go for fear he might not come back.

Gail Patterson says the dorms in the Winfield asylum are just like those we have. This is probably more truth than fiction.

It is being rumored that Guy Hayes fell hard for a beautiful blond debater at Winfield. I forgot just what college she's from, but Guy can give you her address. Hot cha.

Guy was caught kneeling by his bedside Friday night just before turning in. We are all wondering if he was praying for good luck in the tournament the next day, or whether his bed-fellow kicked him out of bed.

Weaver had to send his overcoat to the cleaners after he got back from Winfield. He let a Hershey bar melt in one of the pockets.

Paul Booz is quick at taking sug-gestions. At the banquet for the de-baters at Southwestern college Friday night, the speaker of the occasion talked on looking afar off for the better things in life. Paul was seen

gazing fondly at a petite little brunette in a scarlet dress clear across the hall: See Paul for particulars.

Lackie was caught buying a True Lovers' Confession magazine at Winfield. We imagine he intended to get his rhetoric lesson out of it.

Did you notice the affinity New Mexico has for Oklahoma? Our big blonde Dane from way down South had a date with the Mistletoe daughter from the Sooner State to the Lyceum Wednesday night.

Tsk! Tsk! Tsk! Can you imagine college students, reputedly in their right minds, playing the time honored game of Hop Scotch? That is just what a number of our college men and co-eds were discovered doing Wednesday soon after dinner. Among those who have gone into their second childhood are Glenn Turner (the champion), Joe E. Brown (alias Homer Kimmel). Gail Patterson, Betty Lou Cameron, Dorothy Matson, and Parson Allen, who acted as the referee. Woe is met Alus and Alack-a-day! What is the younger generation coming to?

Dr. and Mrs. Galen Tice and family, of Kansas City, spent the week end with Mrs. Tice's relatives. Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Kilmer, and Dr. Tice's brother and sister, Raymond and Ruth Tice, who are attending Mc-Pherson college. They were accompanied by Dr. Tice's sister, Dorothy. Dr. and Mrs. Tice were graduated from M. C. with the class of '22.

Mrs. Fred Clarenbach. of Springfield, Missouri, visited at the F. G. McGaffey home last week. Mrs. Clar-enbach was a member of the class of '25.

Mrs. W. C. Heaston has donated a set of wicker furniture to be used in the Y. W. room, and a bookcase to be used in the library.

A grill room has been furnished for the girls of Arnold Hall. Room 1 of the dormitory has been redecorated, and an electric stove installed for that purpose.

Richard Mosor was called to Prairie Center, Iowa, Tuesday on account of the death of his grandmother.

Our President Speaking - - -

What a blessing is a book A book has been a savor of life to thousands who were alone or unemployed or shut in. Libraries are busier now than for many years. They are a refuge for the discouraged and the defeated. And what a host of good new books are constantly appearing!

The routine drudgery of daily lessons has robbed many students of the supreme joy of discovering great books and of reading them during leisure. To listen in silence to the great voices of our day and of the past is to be made wiser and to bo inspired for nobler living and finer ideals. Books are not the only source of Joy hut they are one source that is easily available. College students may learn to road wisely after leaving school, but many, I fear, do not. And those who do have lost valuable years during which they can store their minds with good things.—V. F. Schwalm.


The young women of Arnold hall entertained about 130 guests at their open house last Saturday evening from 7:30 to 11 o’clock. Visitors were asked to register in nearly ev-ery room. Many of them made the rounds and then stopped in various rooms to play games until reception hours were over. Candy, cookies, and nuts were served in the rooms by a number of the hostesses. Punch and wafers were served in parlor to the guests just before they left.


Dr. and Mrs. J. D. Bright returned Monday from Rochester, Minnesota, where Mrs. Bright received treat-ment at the Mayo Clinic.

Kermit Hayes visited on the cam-pus over the week end.

Dusty Rhoades was in McPherson over the week end attending the county teachers' convention.

The third floor of the boys’ dorm enjoyed a 11 o'clock popcorn feed Friday night.

Mrs. E. R. Carlson, of Windom, mother of Elrae and Edwin, was here Saturday night for the Open House.


Br-r-r . . . It is cold . . . Everybody running to and from classes . . . . Trying to escape the coolish gales . . . It's a long, old walk over to Harnly Hall on these cold mornings . . . Ooh . . . That north wind . . . It even comes into this good old Sharp Hall . . . Impossible, you say . . . Oh, no . . . you just don't know our ad building . . . with its numerous cracks and crevices . . .

Odors of moth balls hit my nos-trils . . . The old trusty red flannels must have been pulled out of their summer lodging . . .

Our basketball season opens to-morrow . . . We meet the Hastings crew . . . All the college coeds and eds are anxious to see what brand of play the Canine squad will un-cork . . . Even though it isn't prop-erly aged yet . . .

I'm going to send all the Profs. Christmas cards . . . Polishing the

apple, huh . . . Guess I'll patent the idea . . . so all you kids won’t be

sending greetings to them . . . Cause if you do . . . my two-for-a-penny card will have no affect . . .

The college driveway has been dragged . . . Thereby eliminating some of the humps . . . I was told there was a board of trustees' meet-ing . . . so the drive was smoothed before said meeting . . . I wonder?

If you don't want to have a class

. . . Try leaving the windows open . . . Yeah, it'll work . . . at least, it has . . . but it IS had on one's health to be copped up in refrigerated room. . . .

"M" club initiation Friday prom-ises to be good . . . Thespian initiates were riots . . . With all the grotesque figures ambling around . . . I suppose you saw Peg o' my Heart . . Lord Fauntelerpy. . . Peggotty . . . and the

rest . . . Peter Pan nearly froze to death in her scant outfit. . .

I must go get my dose of culture . . . I'm going to heard Lorado. . .

So I'll be seeing you there—Toodle-



Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Christmas Special! Quadrangles to be sold at a reduction for two weeks! Yes, dear students. If you haven't yet bought your copy of the Inevitable College Yearbook for thin year, you still have a chance to get one at a reduction from regular rates. For the next two weeks you can reserve a Quad by paying Samuel A. Stoner the small sum of just one simoleon, the balance, which amounts to just $3.15, to be paid upon receipt of the book. This may be your last chance, friends, for hereafter all Quads will cost $4.50, and there is no certainly of getting one even then, for the number printed is going to be reserved as much as possible to the number ordered. Take heed! A word to the wise is sufficient!


Placement Bureau Ends Because No Positions Can Be Found

The Kansas State Teachers Association is not in the job hunting business this year. After 13 years of service the directors have dropped the placement bureau.

The depression killed the bureau. Its income declined so sharply that this year it brought barely 18 per cent of the 1924 income. Expenses were almost twice the income. So many teachers are out of work that no bureau could find jobs for them. When the bureau couldn't get jobs for the applicants, and pay its own way the directors decided it was time to quit.

"No one has any accurate idea how many teachers out of work there are in Kansas." F. L. Pinet,  secretary of the association, said dolefully as he announced the abandonment of the bureau. "A true estimate is hard to arrive at, but I am certain there must be 5,000 or 6,000 jobless teachers. Hundreds of them are good, well qualified teachers, but there are no jobs for them."

"I don't know whether we can open the bureau again or not. "It would be a good thing because it must have saved Kansas teachers $50,000 or more during its life. It charged 3.5 per cent, mere cost, you know, whereas commercial bureaus charge 5. But until the demand for teachers more nearly parallels the supply, it would be hopeless to maintain it."

All city and county superintendents are being notified of the suspension of the bureaus's activity.


(Continued from Page One)

the Spaniard's daughters, lived. The others builded their cabins and tilled fields nearby.

Having led the party into the valley the work of the Irishman was finished and leadership fell into the hands of Antonio Andreas Lujan, a giant Basque Spaniard who was known among his companions as El Guerrero, the warrior.    

Antonio brought with him two sons, David, a quiet farmer, and Monico, who inherited the turbulent spirit of his father and was content only to serve as a scout and spend the days on horseback, letting his hair grow long and wearing only a breech clout and moccasins so that the six feet, four of his magnificent body grew brown as any Indian's.

In addition to these, he also brought a married daughter and  her English husband, the daughter  who married the Irishman and a still younger daughter who married one of the Spaniards of the party. The descendants of the youngest two daughters still live in the valley. David was killed soon after the settlement was made and Monico wandered away one day and disappeared forever. This was long after the Indians were a menace though, and many have thought that he grew tired of the inactivity of a secure life and slipped away to find new adventures.

Another Spaniard, Juan Martinez, and four Americans made up the remainder of the party. Of the Amer-icans, the names of two are still born by the inhabitants of the Purgatoire.

The settlement prospered to the detriment of the valley. Too many cattle were raised and the grass is now gone. The bare earth washes

into gullies and the river roars during the rains and piles up boulders and sand on the fertile flats. The fish are no more and it is rarely that a deer or turkey is seen. The cottonwoods were cut long ago and the cedars and pines have been taken in many places. However, in the inaccessible portion, much of the natural beauty still remains and it was into many of these remote recesses that we penetrated on our trip.

Geologically speaking, the Pur-gatoire valley is a great gash in the plains between Las Animas, Colorado and Trinidad in the same state. In this valley the river follows a torturous way between high rock walls, flowing along slowly and smoothly, at times, and throwing itself angrily at the restraining cliffs. It has had its source in the snows of the Spanish Peaks and rushes down the mountain side and across the plain for a few miles to lose itself the chasm of the Purgatoire. For over one hundred miles it follows this canon to emerge on the plain and


Send Protest to Board of Education Against “Spreading War Propaganda’’

New York. (CNS)—After adopting a pledge that "under no circumstances will we support or cooperate with the government of the United States in any war it may conduct." students who attended a peace meeting at New York University this week had agreed to plans for an intercollegiate "anti-war" union.

The student delegates who attended the meeting claimed to represent 15,000 undergraduates in various colleges and universities and declared they would organize an effective "anti-war" movement in institutions of higher education throughout the country.

The proposed intercollegiate union it was said, would sponsor peace demonstrations on national holidays, in addition to spreading the "gospel of peace" throughout the nation.

In addition to adopting a resolution, stating their refusal to cooperate with the government in the event of war, the students also sent a protest to the City Board of Education against assertedly compulsory pledges of allegiance in primary and secondary schools. The 500 delegates who attended the meeting formally expressed disapproval of the use of college laboratories for the development of war materials and "the spreading of war propaganda by faculty members and through text books."


The Y. M. program next Tuesday will be a musical program it was announced this week by the chairman of the program committee.

All men are invited to attend these weekly programs.


The College orchestra and its director. Miss Lois Wilcox, have accepted an invitation to furnish a program at the Moundridge high school on Friday morning. The program. which will be given during the high school chapel hour, is to include four numbers by the orchestra, a violin solo by Miss Wilcox, and a cornet solo by Pascal Davis.

enter the Arkansas River near Las Animas. Here it is a sluggish, alkaline stream devoid of any of the beauty that characterizes the upper river.

Once many ages ago the preserves in the interior of the earth became great enough to heave the billions of tons of stone skyward. The tipper stratas could not withstand the terrific strains placed on them so a great crack appeared along what is now the valley of the Purgatoire. Many years of erosion has deepened the valley, but it is not uncommon to find rounded boulders and water-washed sands on the summits of some of the hills in the valley, thus proving that the river bed was hundreds of feet above its present site.

Near the center of the valley’s length the stream has cut deep into the great curved dome that was pushed sykward where the valley was born. This dome is nearly fifteen miles in length and the stone is blood red. More of the characteristics of the formation will be described in the trip into the upper reaches of the Purgatoire.


Class Will Hold Continued Party to Five Dif-ferent Homes

All freshmen are requested to be in front of the Ad Building at 7:15 o’clock sharp on the night of Saturday, December 16, to go on a continued party.

The class will be divided into five groups, each to be taken to the home of one of five faculty members. Here they will remain for the space of half of one hour, at the expiration of which time they will be conducted to the second installment of the party, that is, each group will be, taken to a different home than the one to which he went first. This process is to be continued until each group has had all five installments, that is, until it has been in each of the five homes. Refreshments will be served in the last home.

All students who urgently wish to take a date will please notify Paul Booz and arrangements will be made accordingly.


Rev. Evans Speaks in College Church in His Absence

Rev. H. F. Richards, pastor of the college church, is now away from McPherson, working with the program committee for the annual conference of the Church of the Brethren. He left Sunday afternoon for Ames. Io-wa, where the conference will be held in June, 1934. From there he will go to Chicago.

Sunday night the pulpit of the college church was filled by Rev. J. M. Evans, pastor of the Congregational church, who delivered a sermon on present national and international conditions. Following are a few quotations from Rev. Evans' address:

"The eighteenth amendment has not failed: it has been betrayed."

"In the consideration of the liquor problem there is no need of despair."

"Kidnapping is receiving so much attention today that conditions seem to be getting worse instead of better.''

"War is bad! You say we are facing another war—yes. perhaps we are, but never in the history of man has war been as unpopular as it is today.”

"What the people love, not what they have, is the basis for hope."


Organization Will Give Play In Chapel Christmas Program

Last Thursday evening the college dramatic organization, the Thespian club, finished the initiation of the twelve new members with a party in the "Y" room.

Each initiate was required to portray an assigned emotion so that the rest would easily recognize. Then they were divided into groups which had to give original playlets for the benefit of the old members.

In the business meeting which followed the club decided to give a Christmas play. And dlt Came To Pass." in chapel. Marjory Brown dramatized the story from the Delineator magazine and is directing the production. The entire club is in the east of Biblical characters.

After other business matters for the ensuing year had been discussed, dainty refreshments were served by the old members. Maxine Ring and Delvis Bradshaw were in charge of the initiation.


The sophomore class presented three living pictures in a chapel program last Monday, the program being delayed because of the Thanksgiving vacation.

The first picture. Whistler’s "The Artist's Mother." was posed by Marcella Severtson and accompanied vo-cally by Ernest Sweetland. The sec-ond number by Breton, "The Lark," was posed by Leone Shirk and accompanied by a reading by Dorothy Matson.

"The Madonna of the Street,” was posed by Esther Stegeman, accompanied by Ruth Tice in a reading.

Final Conference Standing





............ 4




............ 3



K. Wesleyan

............ 2



Baker ...........

............ 1



Bethany ........

............ 0






Next Tuesday night at Convention Hall the Bulldogs will play the Swedes in a pro-season basketball game that will have no bearing on the Kansas Conference race. It will be an exhibition affair, but will carry with it all the color and rivalry of any Bulldog-Swede athletic contests.

A bird egg collection was recently added to the University of Colorado museum. It is one of the best and most complete in the west.

Coeducation was first adopted at Oberlin college.


Only Four Members on Team

Are Graduating This Year; Twelve First Year Men


Twenty-two men have been recommended for football letters by Coaches Melvin J. Binford and Lester Selves at McPherson college, only one letter was given to a four year man. Newell Wine, tackle, being the only man to receive a letter for the fourth year of play on the Bulldog football team.

Three year men include Leonard Wiggins, Walter Pauls, Cleo Minear, Russell Carpenter, and Harold Binford. There were only four two-year men, Orval Eddy, Chester Johnston, Guy Hayes, and Robert Bowman. Men receiving letters for the first time are: Harold Burress, Mike Vas-quez, Bruce Kaufman, Archie Van Nortwick, Leo Marquis Haun, Clyde Schorr, Chester Caldwell, John Dunn, Elvis Berger, David Prather, Walter Weddle, and Dave Duncanson.

Only four men on this year's team will be graduated in the spring. These men include Cleo Minear, Guy Hayes, Newell Wine, and Robert Bowman.


Dec. 14—Hastings at McPherson.

Dec. 19—Bethany college here. (practice).

Jan. 6—Pittsburgh Teachers at Pittsburgh.

Jan. 12—Ottawa at McPherson.

Jan. 23—Bethany at McPherson.

Jan. 27—College of Emporia at Emporia.

Feb. 2—Wesleyan at McPher-son.

Fob. 7—Baker at McPherson.

Feb. 14—Wesleyan at Salina.

Feb. 1C—College of Emporia at McPherson.

Feb. 23—Ottawa at Ottawa.

Feb. 24—Baker at Baldwin.

Feb. 28—Bethany at Lindsborg.


An apparatus for the synthesis of one atom from two atoms of another element has been designed by Prof. Bergen Davis of the Columbia university physics department.

Delinquent freshmen in the chemical engineering school at Purdue are counseled in their studies by Phi Lambda Upsilon, chemical honorary fraternity.

An international directory has been prepared at Michigan which lists five hundred and sixty foreign students in attendance here. China is first with sixty-one, Canada has twenty-one, and Porto Rico, fourteen.

Johnny Mack Brown, movie star and All American from Alabama, is the great-great-great grandson or the first white settler in the state, who married an Indian.

The cash earnings of the 425 men at the Fresno State College was about $81,000 last year. This is exclusive of services like room and board.

President Ralph Cooper Hutchison of Washington and Jefferson college declared that the primary motive for students entering colleges for many years has not been a desire to seek education but to profit socially and financially.

Paddling or freshmen "in any shape or manner" has been abolished by the student body at Missouri.

With the football togs tucked away, Coach Binford has been whipping his basketball team into shape for the non-conference games that come early in the season. With less than two weeks of actual practice the Bulldogs will take the floor to open the 1933-1934 basketball season.

The above paragraph referred to Coach Binford "whipping" his team into shape and that seems to be the correct word because he surely has been driving his men. Last Friday they had practice at 3:30 p. m. and then again at 7:00 p. m. Then to top session at 8:00 a. m. Saturday that lasted until about 10:30. That was all until Monday.

The Bulldog Reserves have played a couple of games with nearby high school teams and have won both of them. Windom was defeated by one point in an overtime game after the Bulldog seconds had just engaged in one night of practice. Windom comes here to play the seconds in the curtain raiser for tonight's game.

The referee for the Bulldog-Hast-ings game tonight will be George Gardner, former coach at McPherson college. Gardner was the Bulldog coach up until Melvin J. Binford succeeded him four years ago. Since that time he has been basketball coach at Washburn, college up until tills year. His many friends in Mc-Pherson will be glad to see him back in the city.

Football season was hardly over until Harold Burress was at his boxing game. He won a bout a few weeks ago with a knockout over a strong opponent from Hutchinson. Decomber 20 he is scheduled to appear in the main bout at Convention Hall against a strong opponent.

Well, tonight is the opening game and the Bulldogs have promised to give their best and the fans will see some good basketball. Let's have the student body out and we will show the team that we are behind them.



The Y. W. C. A, gave a silver tea Sunday afternoon in the Y. W. room. The proceeds will be used to help defray expenses of the Christmas party to be given for children next Wednesday.

Special numbers were given intermittently throughout the afternoon. The ladies's trio, composed of Gulah Hoover, Mildred Dahlinger, and Lois Edwards, sang twice, accompanied by Bernice Dresher. Several vocal solos by Mrs. Anna C. Tate were greatly enjoyed. The afternoon was brought to a close by the reading of a one-act play by Miss Della Lehman.

Several tapestries were hung upon the walls and draped over the lounges, and the room was further decorated with potted plants and candles. A pink and white color scheme was carried out at the tea table, the centerpiece consisting of a bowl of pink and white roses and sweet peas and pink and white tapers. Too was poured by Gulah Hoover and Mrs. G. W. Griffis.



The college Christian Endeavor gave a good musical program last Sunday evening. Those who took part were: Carroll Koons, Modena Kauffman, Mildred Dahlinger, Hazel Weimer, Ann Heckman, Velma Keller, and Chester Caldwell who drew a chalk picture.


The class in genetics made a visit to Winfield to learn at first hand the practical lessons of heredity at the state institution for the feebleminded Monday.    

Each year the trip is taken as a part of the regular class work.