McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas, Thursday, DEC. 7, 1933
Alex Richards Recalls Experiences of
Expedition to Wilds of Purgatory Valley
O ye Trojans! O ye Gods—and Goddesses, ye Fates and Furies of Mount McPherson! Ye curious spirits of the mortal world! Har-ken!
The Great God Pan will reign supreme in the fortress of the Amazons on Saturday night until the eleventh hour when Morpheus will take into his keeping the destinies of the said fair warriors.
Come ye to partake of the gods and to listen to the imported oracle within the Amazonian walls. Perchance you may hear a snatch of Philomel's sweet song, or pos-sibly you may find Pandora's Box unlocked, who knowest?
In other words the girls of Arnold Hall invite all students (girls and otherwise), the faculty and interested friends to their Open House, Saturday evening, December 17.
Men Will Have Recreation
Room In Basement of Administration Building
At last after weeks and months of persuasion, work has been started on a recreation project for the men of McPherson college. The project is to be under the supervision of the Y. M. C. A.
Early this semester several of the students took the initiative and began working for a room that would provide amusement for students in their leisure time. During the Thanksgiving vacation members of the Y. M. began working on the room below the general office in the Administration building. The room was cleaned and painted. Although furnishings for the room are not yet complete, the organization hopes to have it completed in the near future.
In this room will be placed a ping pong table and other games and lounges will be provided.
It is asked that the students observe the regulations that will be asked regarding hours for its use and order to be kept.
Will Lecture on “The Beauties in American Life; Large Crowd Expected
Lorado Taft, one of the great sculptors of the day and popularly known as "The Great American Sculptor," outstanding as a creative artist, nationally known as an author, art critic, and lecturer, will be in McPherson December 13, to give the second number on the Community Lyceum Course. The lecture, "Beauties In American Life" will be given in the city auditorium.
Sculptor Taft's life has been one of great appreciation which he has been able to convey to his audience. Born at Elmwood, Illinois, in 1860 and graduated from the University of Illinois' where his father taught geology, his life has been one great pursuit of beauty in art. As a child he wrote stores and illustrated them but his real interest in sculpture came at the age of thirteen, when he helped a Belgian sculptor repair a collection of casts that were damaged in transit to the university. His work in this was somewhat like fitting a jigsaw puzzle together. He gained a new enthusiasm when clay modeling was discovered.
In 1880, he went to Paris, independently, where he studied art in the Ecole des Beaux Arts for five years. He came back with the idea that any nation in order to develop great art must also develop a pas-sionate appreciation for it. Because of his adherence to this ideal it has often been said that he had done more to inspire a knowledge of art and a love for the beautiful than any other man in America. In January, 1886, he opened a studio in Chicago where he has since resided.
As Instructor in modeling and later as a lecturer he has been connected with the Art Institute of Chicago for thirty-five years. At the University of Chicago he holds the title of Professional Lecturer on the History of Art and is a non-resident professor of art at the University of Illinois.
His first great work was at the Columbian Exposition where he dec-orated the Horticultural Building. This brought him high recognition and a later commission.
The best known of his professional works are: “The Solitude of the Soul," at Chicago: "The Blind" after Maeterlinck's novel of the same name; Sculpture of the Columbus Memorial Fountain, at Washington; “The Fountain of the Great Lakes” at Chicago, The Washington Monument, The Black Hawk Memorial at Oregon, Illinois; The Thatcher Memorial Fountain at Denver, and The Fountain of Time at Chicago.
He has done considerable writing in the field of architecture and art. He had also delivered several thousand lectures. One, the “Process of Architecture," has a record of 1200 evenings.
His lectures are easy and fluent, full of spontaneity, alive with humor, and of the highest educational value. The Chicago Tribune once said of one of his addresses; “After all it was the wit of Lorado Taft that most charmed the audience last evening. From the moment the great sculptor began talking, in his genial, composed way and the first picture was flashed upon the screen, the running fire of comment sparkling with wit . . . Mr. Taft is a great success as a lecturer."
Single admission will be forty cents.
The students and faculty of McPherson college extend their deepest sympathy to Edith Bechtelhelmer in the death of her father—Pres., Stu-dent Council.
(By Alex Richards)
The sun was over two hours high by the time we were ready to strike the trial the first morning. Unfamil-iarity with packing up camp equipment and fitting it on a pack was responsible for most of the delay. Then of course the pack horse had to swell up like a toad so that the cinches would have to be knotted. We soon took that out of him though. He was an old black cayuse which answered to the name of Easter and should have been called Christmas or Judgment Day from his speed. He was fair at picking trial except when he became tired and then he chose the shortest way to the detriment of the pack and our patience.
I took the lead on a red and white pinto called Paint. “Don" (Donald Dresher, McPherson college, ’33). followed on a leggy bay whose cog-nomen was properly Stranger, but who called forth many other expres-sions from his rider and “Pote” (Eldon Kaser, a friend from my home town), wrapped his long legs around the deck of Battleship, a white bronk whose delight was to do everything his rider did not desire. "Pete" led Easter who wan groaning horrible at the weight of the pack. By groaning I mean the series of sepulchral and long drawn out grunts in which experienced pack animals always Indulge in an effort to entice a green
Fifty Per Cent of Students Taking Poll Would Not Fight
As a part of a peace program that is to be extended to many of the colleges of the state of Kansas, the students at McPherson college took a poll yesterday to voice their attitude toward war.
In the student poll two propositions were given the student. One in case our country were attacked and the other in any war which the student considered offensive or defensive. Of the 142 students voting, 50 per cent stated that they would not fight under any conditions, 6 per cent stated that they would enter as a volunteer in a defensive or offensive war. 23 per cent stated that they would take up arms if drafted to prevent an attack upon their country. To 21 per cent the reason for attack was taken as determining their attitude toward war.
It is expected that this poll will be carried out in other colleges of the state to determine the student attitude of Kansas colleges toward war.
The remainder of the program Included the distributing of peace propaganda through the college papers and making the college editor responsible for the supervision of peace information on his college campus. The peace literature will be furnished by the Youth Movement for World Recovery, and other peace organizations.
The objective of this movement is to demonstrate to our government that the student realizes the futility of war and the vigorous attitude that is prevalent among students against militarism.
The poll was taken under the direction of Elmer Staats, editor of the Spectator.
Members of the college A Capella Choir hurried back from their Thanksgiving vacations to make their, first public appearance at the Elks Memorial services last Sunday afternoon. The choir sang three numbers.
Warner Nettleton sang a solo accompanied by Bernice Dresher. The memorial address was given by the Rev. T. N. Shellenberger of the Presbyterian church.
A silver tea for the Y. W. will be held Friday.
horn to lighten the load.
The trail was down river and held close to left cliff of dark red sandstone. Shortly after leaving I took over the packhorse and released my two companions to get some speciments of the sand-hill cranes that we had seen alight on the river. The boys left their horses and crept across the sand towards the stream, taking advantage of the sparse tufts of grass for cover. They were extremely careful to avoid being seen but the sharp eyes of one of the birds spied them out and the whole flock rose, screaming wildly, and filed ponderously out over the cliffs to the south. The boys emptied the maga-zines of their guns in a last effort to bring down one of the slowly flying birds, but the range was too great.
One the way back across the flats two prairie dogs were killed, but they were not in condition for mounting so we discarded them.
In the meantime I had located a huge boulder at the base of a jutting point of the cliff on which the Indians had made many signs and pictures by pecking on the red surface of the sandstone with sharp fragments of quartz and quartzite. At the base of the boulder were several of the discarded tools, their edges battered and blunted from use.
The pictures themselves were of
(Continued on Page Three)
Inflation Serving to Keep Money in Liquid Form, Bohling Says
There is an old theory in the field of money that the price level is closely related to the quantity of money. It is quite apparent that our present monetary policy is being influenced by this theory. History verifies the theory at least in those cases where money serves ns the chief medium of exchange or where the monetary system is perfectly elastic to the ups and downs of business.
But in an economic society where credit and credit instruments are used to settle ninety per cent of business transactions, the quantity theory loses much of its significance. The situation is further complicated by the velocity of circulation of money and money substitutes. The amount of credit instruments used as a medium of exchange far exceeds the actual amount of money used in the U. S., so that when the bunk moratorium tied up twenty per cent of our bank deposits, it affected prices more adversely than withdrawal of an equal percentage of actual money.
Present monetary policy seems to be lending itself to all these factors. In the first place, an attempt is being made to increase credit by encouraging banks to lend for sound commercial purposes. Also, provi-(Continued on Page Three)
Friday, Dec. 8—Debaters leave for Southwestern college to enter de-bate tournament.
Saturday, Dec. 9—Open House at Arnold Hall.
Sunday, Doc. 10—Silver tea for ladies at 3:00 p. m.
Tuesday, Dec. 12--Regular Y. M. and Y. W. meetings.
Wednesday. Dec. 13—Lorado Taft speaks at City Auditorium.
McPherson Teams Meets Little
Difficulty in Overcoming Visitors
McPherson college closed the football season Thanksgiving day by decisively defeating York college at the McPherson Athletic Park. The final score was McPherson 27, York 0.
After a few minutes of the first quarter the outcome of the game was never in doubt. The Bulldogs advanced the ball on straight football through and around the heavy York line for consistent gains. The entire Bulldog backfield carried the ball in this drive which was featured by good blocking by the lineman. With the ball on the 9 yard line Carpenter went around the right side of the Bulldog line, side stepping two men and went over for the first score. Haun’s attempted place kick hit the goal post, leasing the score 6-0.
McPherson kicked to York and the Bulldog line held for three downs, forcing York to punt. With the ball in mid-field, Haun dashed off tackle then made a quick cut back eluding the secondary defense, and ran 50 yards for a touchdown. This time Haun’s kick for point was good. With but a few minutes left in the first quarter Coaches Binford and Selves sent in several substitutes who played until the end of the first half.
The first string started at the beginning of the second half and again they gained consistently thru the York line but failed to score in the third quarter. At the start of the fourth quarter with the ball only six yards from the goal line Carpenter tossed a pass to Pauls for the third Bulldog counter. Haun again place kicked for the extra point.
Burress scored the final touchdown following a drive from the center of the field. In this drive Burress cracked the center of the line for 20 yards placing the ball on the 5 yard line. In two more plays he carried the ball across and Haun kicked goal, making the score 27 for Mc-Pherson.
(Continued on Page Four)
Fifty-three Colleges Entered in Debate Classic to be Held at Winfield, Dec. 8-9
McPherson college will be represented in the fifth annual interstate debate tournament to be hold by Southwestern college at Winfield, Kansas, tomorrow and Saturday by sixteen debaters, what is believed to be the largest representation from any college.
The local teams will depart Friday morning to participate in four practice debates that day before the elimination begins on Saturday. Each school is allowed to enter two var-sity teams in the elimination. Those who will represent McPherson on the varsity teams are: Gall Patter-son, Francis Christian, Gladys Riddell, Emma Schmidt, Kenneth Weaver, Guy Hayes, Elmer Staats, and John Goering. Bernice Dappen and Betty Juelfs will enter the varsity practice tournament on Friday. The men’s and womens’ tournament will be held in the Winfield high school.
The second team, which will debate at St. John's college, are: Paul Booz, Paul Lackie, Willard Fleming, and Paul Heckman.
McPherson is entering what is be-lieved to be the largest team from any school represented at the tournament. It is the largest team ever entered from McPherson. The tournament which includes seven states and fifty-three colleges will begin at 1:00 p. m. More than 150 teams will compete at this contest.
J. Thompson Baker, head of the speech department of Southwestern college, states that this tournament has "the largest enrollment of colleges indicated that we have ever had at one of these tournaments."
Winners of last year's tournament were Denton, Texas, Teachers college, first in men’s division; Teachers college, Ada, Okla., first in the women’s division; and Miami, Okla., junior college first In the junior college meet.
The Junior college of Wichita Falls, Texas, has a longer distance to come than any other school entered in the tournament to date.
This morning twelve odd-looking characters appeared on the campus, for today the initiation of the new members of the Thespian Club, the college dramatic organization, took place. Each initiate was requested to come to school today dressed as some certain assigned character from a literary or dramatic masterpiece. The final event of the day will be a party in the Y. W. room tonight.
The new members are taking the part of the following characters today: Geraldine Burdette, Madame Butterfly; Peter Pan, Gall Patterson; Helen of Troy, Bernice Dappen; Peg-gotty, Neva Root; Peg O' My Heart, Maxine DeMotte; Little Lord Faun-tleroy, Wayne Carr; John Silver, Orval Eddy: Ichabod Crane, Glenn Turner; Huckleberry Finn, Homer Kimmel: Monsieur Beauclaire, Paul Booz: The Virginian, John Adrian; and Scarecrow of Oz, Newell Wine.
Topeka. Kan. (CNS)—Investigation of charges of discriminating against Negro students at the University of Kansas this week was ordered by the State House of Representatives.
An investigation committee will be appointed, and it will particularly inquire into allegations that colored students desiring to enter the School of Medicine have been discriminated against.
Subscription Rates For One School Year $1.00
Address all correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas
Business Manager Paul Booz
Ass't. Business Manager Clarence Sink
Ass't Business Manager Joe Zuck
Circulation Manager Byron Eshelman
We would probably have continued for a long time to boo the referee at the football game Thanksgiving when he started from the vicinity of the goal line to the other end of the field, if we had not seen Eddy grin. It was merely the quarter, but we surely were getting hot under the collar when we thought we were about to witness the greatest penalty in football.
Ann Heckman
Ernest Sweetland Maxine Ring
Gevene Carlson
Paul Lackie
Faculty Advisers
There is no killing the suspicion that deceit has once begotten.— George Eliot.
The Baker Players of Baker University recently presented the well-known play. "Secrets." Mary Pick-ford was starred in the motion picture version of the story.
The second annual ping-pong tournament has begun at K. S. T. C. in Emporia. A prise will be given to the winner.
The first celebration of homecoming was held at the University of Illinois in 1911, when a special effort was made to get the alumni back to attend a football game.
The students of Chadron State Teachers College, Chadron, Nebraska, are dividing date costs. The coeds must now bear their share of the expenses.
Penn State's 1933 football squad isn't much heavier than a high school
team. The average weight is one hundred and seventy one pounds and the average height, 5 feet 10 inches.
The longest run from scrimmage is credited to Willy Terry, of Yale, who covered one hundred and fifteen yards against Ohio Wesleyan in 1884.
Tuesday eve Paul Lackie and Floyd Harris were having a friendly little scuffle in the library, when they suddenly bumped into the clock. "Time out." Galen Allen appropriately called.
The journalism class was discuss-ing the backward party which was held before vacation. When Harold Burress complained that he knew nothing about it, he was told that the girls had asked for the dates. Ills rejoinder was. "Well, I don't see anything so backward about that. "
Esther Stegeman was explaining that Faithe Ketterman had taken the part of a brunet In an Illustrated lecture on costume design Tuesday night. Her companion had to pun, "Oh did she have to bear the brun—et of the lecture?"
A group of folks from Missouri were guest of friends and relatives in the dormitory during Thanksgiving. They were Pauline and Esther Shirk, and Hubert Vandereau of Plattsburg, and Grace, Lota, Vera and Lloyd Early, Nora Mason, and Lorn Hawkins of Hardin.
Esther Brown visited her sister, Mrs. Leland Lindell during the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Wenrick and son Franklin, of Warrensburg, Mo., visited their daughter and sister, Mrs. Ted Dell on Thanksgiving.
Rev. and Mrs. E. F. Weaver visited on the campus Saturday and Monday.
Ward Williams, '33, now teaching at Castleton, spent the holidays on the campus.
Elva Reiste, of Dallas Center, Ia., visited her sister, Edna, during the vacation.
Among those who went to Wichita Tuesday night November 28, to hear E. Stanley Jones lecture were Edwin Carlson, Wanda Hoover, Kenneth Weaver, Edna Reiste, Lester Pote, Ann Heckman, Darlene Messemer, Viola Harris, Glenn Turner, Corrine Sutter, Leah Bean, Jack Gordon, Leonard Lowe, Galen Ogden, Everett Fasnacht, Carrol Whitcher, Clarence Sink, Delvis Bradshaw, Paul Booz, Paul Heckman, and David Metzger; also Mother Emmert, Dr. and Mrs. V. F. Schwalm, Dr. and
Edito-in-chief Elmer Staats
Associate Editor Una Ring
Feature Editor Margaret Oliver
Sports Editor Wilbur Yoder
Ass't Circulation Manager Vernon Michaels
Paul Heckman Royal Frantz Robert Booz
Helen Webber Kenneth Weaver
Profs. Maurice A. Hess and Alice Gill
The way to build McPherson College is to patronize college boosters.
At last—at long last—the way is opening! American college men and women are finding a way to work effectively for world peace. And—they
The Youth Movement for World Recovery explored for months the many things that might be effective to improve world conditions. Also a plan was wanted which would arouse the thoughtful unillusioned voters and near voters of the nation. The plan is now begun and to working. Here's a partial story of the past few weeks: ___
Paul Harris, with doors opened before him in Kansas and Nebraska through interested students and advisers. spoke fifty-six times in ten days. He touched nineteen colleges and universities. He interpreted the world happenings of today. He answered questions. Then he gathered on each campus the most intelligent and interested students into a small meeting and placed before them the plan for action. He advised against permanent organization immediately; instead, he urged thought and reflection. Then he left, assuring them that he would be their counselor if needed.
The messages are coming in. Scores of requests for material arrive, increasing numbers of requests for advice on definite plans are on our desks. One telegram says:
"Steering council for Nebraska Committee on Peace Action sends greet-
"Tonight planned meeting of entire Committee November 6. . . . Trying to contact students in every county through that Committee."
A letter from an adult student advisor says:
"I heard Paul Harris the other evening and am quite anxious that we shall do our bit to bring peace pressure. Will you please send me the necessary material . . .? I expect to push these things in the College and in the surrounding country."
A leading student writes:
"Nine schools and presidents wish to cooperate with any peace enterprise that we develop on our campus' . . . from letters received by Chancellor."
And this is what one college professor writes:
"And we are going ahead. The plans to date are: (1)A mass meeting of students tomorrow . . . and preliminary steps toward finding out from the 'folks back home' the names of precinct leaders and congressmen, with the intention of writing the precinct leaders for information about the stand of the congressmen. . . . The students expect to be known to their politicians from the word 'go'. (2) A small committee in the community ... (to get) names of carnest peace advocates in every precinct of the city, preliminary to calling informal voters' meetings in those precincts. . . ."
The plan In Its simplest form to ready. Its variations are innumerable. Do you wish to stay inactive— be only a dilettante who to "interested in peace"? If so, forget this page. Or do you want to be a pioneer in a real American youth push for peace among the nations? Then—your copy of the plan to ready. Write for it. Present it—in a forceful, telling way. And use for your Washington consulting office, your old colleague and Paul’s.—RUTH SARLES of the Youth Movement for World Recovery.
The student is brought each day to the realization that jobs are getting harder and harder to get. We are living in an era of change when man's efficiency is increased to such an extent less laborers are required. The logical result, it appears, is that more jobs will have to be made through new wants and the opening of new fields of activity. With several million men out of work, when college graduates are filling the breadlines, and all the professions are overcrowded, the student can well consider what the opportunities for new jobs are.
An effort to explain this perplexing problem has been made in a book received at the library, "Book of Opportunities" by Rutherford Platt, which he calls a dictionary of jobs. This timely work considers 3,500 occupations, dealing with the spirit and feeling associated with the job rather than the facts concerning it.
The author in this work believes that there is no rule for getting a job; no formula for being happy in it once you have taken it. It is all luck and light, and the more light the more luck. The new study in the field of vocations is that of personal adjustment to jobs in new fields.
Here is something for college students, who are worrying about jobs, to think about: Walter V. Bingham, director of the Personnel Research Federation in Now York, believes that unemployment among college-trained people is not so much due to the scarcity of jobs as to the fact that such people seek the wrong kind of jobs. He says:
"It is getting fashionable to assert that there are now altogether too many high school graduates and college-trained men; that the professions of medicine, teaching, engineering and law are crowded; that there is a large over-supply of skilled tradesmen, and that there are few careers open to musicians, artists, writers and so on down the list.
"Sweeping remarks of this sort reveal at once a growing concern and an ignorance of facts about the changes that have been taking place in the distribution of occupational opportunities. There are shortages today in certain lines of specialization. Physicians, trained social workers, stylists, nurses, hair dressers, interior decorators, beauty specialists, coppersmiths and skilled laundry operatives are in demand.
"There need be no surplus of occupational talents if the changing trends of opportunity are understood, proper training is provided and young people are helped to plan their preparation for callings that will most probably be in demand."
It is the old problem of vocational choice and vocational guidance, but present conditions make it apparent that more than ever before most these problems be considered of paramount importance by educational in-stitutions.
Mrs. Ray C. Petry, Prof. R. E. Moh-ler, Dean F. A. Replogle. Dr. J. D. Bright and Dr. J. W. Hershey.
Bernice Fowler, ’33, of Worthington, Minn., was on the campus during the holidays.
Orval D. Pote and Esther Evans of Halstead, Kan., visited Lester and Esther Pote Friday.
Marlene Dappen and Margaret Schwartz, both former students were home for Thanksgiving. Miss Dappen is attending Kansas State college and Miss Schwartz is a student at Kansas university.
Dr. and Mrs. J. D. Bright left the other day for Rochester, Minn.
Darlene Messemer, Paul Sherfy, Faithe Ketterman, and Tuffy Wine took Ethel Sherfy to Chase Sunday night.
Miss Ruth Webber of Bazine, Kan. has been visiting her sister, Helen Webber, during the last week.
Esther Stegeman, Una Ring, and Faithe Ketterman assisted Miss McIlrath at an illustrated lecture on costume design which she gave for the Cosmo Club, Tuesday, Dec. 5.
Harvey Shank, a graduate of the class of 1933, has accepted a position in the Hercules Powder Company at Wilmington, Delaware.
Among those alumni who were here for the week end were Bernice Fowler, Grace Heckman, Ward Williams, all of the class of 33, and Or-ville D. Pote of Halstead, Kansas.
Who’s Who For Last Year Also Among New Books Received
The library has secured a number of new book recently, both as gifts and purchases.
Books given to the library are the "Yearbook for 1933," of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, and the "Smithsonian Report" for 1932.
Purchases of the library include: Who's Who in America, 1932-33." "Statesman's Yearbook. 1933." "Clever Sketches." by Stedman; “Three Plays, Scriptural and Historical." translated from the French; "Music, an Art and a Language,' by W. A. Spalding; "Growth of the Gospels," by F. C. Grant; Elson's "Music Dictionary." "The American Yearbook" for 1933; "Intercollegiate Debates," by E. R. Nichols; "Psychology of Abnormal People." by J. J. B. Morgan: "Addresses and Proceedings of the National Educational Association." "Textbook of Anatomy and Physiology." by Kimber and Gray; and “Educational Psychology" by Starch.
Good manners and good morals are sworn friends and firm allies.—
learned man . . .Tsk! Tsk! . . . But who doesn't care for this little creature . . . ("Mickey"—not the prof !) . . .
A girl was singing "Did you ever see a dream walking?" . . . And one of the brighter members of the freshman class, Lackie of course, says, "Well, just look at me" . . . Just like that! ... It must be egotism ...
Buress boxed downtown Tuesday night and I'm told he won his bout . . . If he's as good at that as he is at ball-lugging . . . well he's plenty good then ...
There goes Sam Stoner . . . with his shirt tall out . . . And I thought flag day was Jane 14 ... or some such day . . .
Christmas is drawing nearer and nearer . . . Have you ever heard about the old maid who asked repeatedly for a curly-haired blonde boy friend for a Yuletide gift . . . Well, She's just beginning to believe that there "ain't no Santa Claus . . . So, girls, if your mammas haven't told you . . . I will . . . There "ain't" no Santa Claus.
That's all ... So long . . .
An all-campus vote in the University of Michigan is to be held to give students an opportunity to voice their opinions on campus beer-selling question, the university ban on automobiles, and the honor system.
A species of fly said to bo unique on this continent has been found on the campus of Fordham University and is being carefully studied by biology students at the University.
Columbia's traditional ghost, who haunts the tunnels and halls of the college dorms, made its appearance to members of the freshman class in John Jay Lounge the other night.
No doubt I just haven’t recuperated from the past vacation ... At least it seems impossible to fall back into the old routine . . . Classes seem to last forever . . .
Again I'm struck with the idea that we have a good football team . . . The glorious victory over York on Turkey Day . . . and Les Edmonds' selection of the all-confer-ence teams brings out this fact again
And still the freshmen are hoaxed . . . The upperclassmen grabbed the down-trodden freshie boys last Wednesday . . . and through the belt line they went . . . The freshies are supposed to have advanced to a superior rank since Thanksgiving . . . Action, however, do not indicate this
Those of you who weren't in the library Thursday night missed a near riot . . . Just ask Lackie or Harris . . . Miss Hecketherne might be able to give you the particulars . . . even though she wasn't there . . . But news travels, don'teha know?
One prof tells us that personally he's crazy about "Mickey Mouse" . . . Imagine that coming from a
Sacramento Junior College, California, held a tong dance last week in which a Chinese theme was worked out for all the decorations, favors, and floor show.
Union College, Schenectady, won its first radio debate from Hartwick College recently.
Because he was aroused from bed late Wednesday night to go on a "wild goose chase," Dr. Samuel Lang of Northwestern University infirmary, declared that all night calls will be investigated from now on.
(Continued from Page One)
deer, men and many intricate designs that were evidently an expression of the Indian’s idea of art. There were also outlines, of several hands, life size.
We photographed these and went on down the valley and turned up a side ravine where we found a great flat slab covered with the pictures. Farther down the river we noticed a single circle on edge of the cliff. It was probably about one foot In diameter and was visible only on a small portion of the trail. Our curiosity aroused, we climbed the cliff and found many pictures on the flat edge of the rim rock. Turtles, some of them life size, and many greater, and snakes were shown here. There was also a circle of stones fifteen feet across, no doubt the foundation of some tepee that had been set up on the heights of the cliff by hands that long ago were dust.
In the sheltered nooks of the tumbled boulders at the cliff’s base I picked up a metate and mano stone; the former a flat sandstone slab about two feet long, eighteen inches wide, and six inches thick. In the center of one side a depression had been patiently pecked out with a quartz fragment and formed for use as a utensil for grinding the corn that was grown in the valley beside the river. The mano or hand stone was oval in shape and was worn smooth from contact with the hands of Indian squaws and the grinding of the meal.
A mile farther down at the mouth of a rocky defile called Jack Canon there was a huge shelf in the cliff where the soft clay strata had weath-ered from between two layers of sandstone. The stone jutted out over the shelf above and in this natural shelter the Indians camped secure from enemies who could not reach them from above and could hardly force the steep passages that led up from below. The river ran at the base of the cliff and helped to form a barrier. In the bare rock floor of this habitation many depressions bad been hollowed for use In grinding and fragments of the hand stones were scattered everywhere, showing that the place had been inhabited for a great length of time. Today, only the cliff swallows fill about in the brilliant sunshine and build homes fearlessly under the shelter that was once the Red Man's refuge.
From here we crossed the river to another jutting cliff that formed the point between the river and a tributary valley. Here also were many pictures on the atones and many implements used by the Indians, a great number of the latter still in the cracks and crevices where they bad been placed by their users. Here on a flat boulder near the edge of the river we found many Raccoon tracks that had been pecked into the stone by the Indians. An interesting fact is that the tumbled boulders of that particular spot is regarded as a good place for hunting 'coon by the local hunters of today.
flation may raise prices, it cannot raise values. Values will remain the same even though the general price level increases one hundred fold.
The student of money Is aware that the tampering with the currency is a dangerous policy. A modern writer on the subject of inflation, describing conditions in France nearly a century and a half ago says. "What the bigotry of Louis XIV, and the shiftlessness of Louis XV, could not do in nearly a century was ac-complished by this tampering with the currency in a few months. Everything that tariffs and custom houses could do was done. Still the manufactories of Normandy were closed, and vast numbers of workmen in all parts of the country were thrown out of employment. In the spring of 1791, no one knew whether a piece of paper money represent-ing 100 francs, would, a month later, have a purchasing power of 100 francs or 90 francs, or 80 or 60. Capitalists declined to embark their means in business. Enterprise received a mortal blow. With the masses of the people the purchase of every article of supply became a speculation. Commerce was dead; betting took its place."
High Court Refuses to Review Appeal From Maryland State Court
Washington, (CNS)—Refusing to review an appeal from a tower court decision, the United States Supreme Court this week had thus upheld the right of the University of Maryland to require its students to enroll for compulsory military training courses.
The Supreme Court's ruling marked the end of the long battle which Ennis H. Coale, once ousted from the university for his refusal to join the R. O. T. C., had waged to force university officials to re-admit him as a "conscientious objector."
Just what effect the ruling would have on the project suit of two youths, who were forced to leave the University of California at Los Angeles after having declined to enroll for military training, was conjectural due to the many logal technicalities involved. In the Maryland case, it was pointed out. the Supreme court refused to review a Court of Appeals decision, upholding the constitutionality of a state law which requires compulsory military training at the university, but it was not known what precedent. If any. would be established with relation to the proposed California suit.
(Continued from Page One)
sion is being made to open many banks that have been closed several months.
In the third place, the actual amount of money in existence has been increased by the government's policy of purchasing its own securities and the more recent policy of buying gold at a high figure.
It would seem then that the price level should be advancing rapidly since an attack is being made from every angle that affects prices. Where then is the catch to the proposition?
It appears that we have taken more normal periods in our economic life for the verification of our theory. We perhaps have even chosen periods of prosperity when a natural increase in business was accompanied by an elastic monetary and credit structure, but when it comes to forcing an artificial condition not justified by economic laws we run into difficulties.
The velocity of circulation of money and its substitutes increased materially last spring when the first fear of inflation swept the country. People bought forward. Then the idea died down. This was an artificial stimulus and it will take larger and larger doses of inflation to force forward buying in the future.
The amount of money put out by central banks has reached a new high since the depression hit us, but this condition has been accompanied by a new high in bank deposits. Whenever the price of government bonds begins to sag the Federal Reserve Banks begin buying bonds. This is another artificial condition. It is apparent here that the people who sell the proceeds in the bank rather than in circulation. People who are aware of the danger of inflation prefer having their wealth in liquid form so as to be ready to hedge when the time comes.
Those in command of our monetary policy at the present time find themselves between two fires. First, there is the demand for a higher price level. Second, there is the necessity for vast borrowing operations to finance many proposed projects. People do not care to lend on fixed obligations such as bonds where a doubling of the price level means a cutting in two of the real income. Neither do people desire to lend if there is the possibility of being repaid with fiat money. The German government repaid its bond-holders with paper money and later redeemed the paper with gold marks at the rate of one trillion is one.
As the price of gold advances, government bonds hare been declining even in the face of heavy purchases of such bonds by the central banks.
If the point is reached where peo-ple refuse to loan to like government, the next step might easily be resort to the printing presses. The entire national debt could bo paid with a few dollars worth of engraved paper. Of course, inflation of this extreme a nature would sweep prices skyward. Up to now mild inflation has not seriously impaired our chances of returning to gold, but once we cut away from gold entirely, there is no limit to which depreciation might, go.
It is most unfortunate that most people think of value and price as being synonymous. Inflation is supposed to help the farmer by raising the price level. The price of farm produce is out of line because of maladjustments within the industry and not because of monetary conditions. An inflation extreme enough to raise the general price level will leave the farmer exactly where he now is. In
After working here we hurried on down the valley and pitched camp close to the rim rock where a spring trickled down the cliff through myriads of mosses and ferns. Here was water for ourselves and our horses.
Across from camp a life-size picture of a bear had been painted on the white cliff with black oxide and it showed up plainly in the evening light. Many years ago the Indians left offerings of food and tools at its feet.
We prepared the evening meal under a canopy of stars while the horses crunched in the darkness around us, the owls hooted and nighthawks screamed. A coyote howled out an eerie good night and we lay down on the hard earth to sleep under the protection of the Indian God. "The Black Bear."
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Alex Richards will tell more of his experiences in the coming issues of the Spectator.)
The home economics department of McPherson college under the supervision of Miss Helen McIlrath has been making some tours of the down town stores to study kitchen equipment, floor equipment, and other problems of home economics.
The Foods class visited Peterson's hardware store to study kitchen equipment. There they found the things used in an average kitchen. They also studied the prices. Wolf's plumbing shop was also visited.
The Household Management class made a visit to Green's Electric store to study electric appliances. Other visits have been made to new houses under construction in the city by the House Planning class.
There is a heroic innocence, as well as a heroic courage.
Dr. J. D. Bright and Mrs. Bright left last Tuesday morning for Rochester Minnesota, where Mrs. Bright will receive treatment at the Mayo clinic for cancer.
During Dr. Bright’s absence. Dr. V. F. Schwalm is teaching the European and U. S. history classes. The first year French class is being taught by some second year students. John Goering and Lester Pote are teaching the Greek and U. S. Colonial history classes.
Worry never won a bet.
Basketball practice is well under way for the Bulldogs with the first game a week from tonight with the Hastings Teachers offering the opposition. Several of the men not out for basketball have been working out for weeks but practice in earnest began last Monday.
Coach Binford has cut his squad to fifteen men which includes seven letter men. Four of those letter men were regulars on the team last year. The following letter men are now reporting for practice: H. Johnston, C. Johnston, Yoder, Wiggins, Binford, Pauls, and Stoner.
This year's team will be built around the above letter men, but some now men have been looking good in practice. Meyer, elongated freshman center, is showing good form under the basket. Several other now men are showing signs of developing into fine basketball players.
Coach Binford is driving the team hard this week to prepare for the game only a week off. The squad holds promise of developing into a fast travelling aggregation.
Hayes, Wiggins, and Carpenter on Official All-Conference Team
At the close of each season various sports writers over the state pick their all star selections for the various leagues. Here, are a few of the ones that were picked at the close of the past season. Several McPherson men were named on the various teams with all of the first eleven named in one way or another:
Parke Carroll, sports writer for the Kansas City Journal-Post, has selected three McPherson college football players for the mythical All-Kansas conference team. Pauls was placed at end, Hayes at tackle and Binford at quarterback, Lobdell. Kansas Wesleyan, was placed as the other end, Daugherty. Ottawa, as tackle. Baer, Kansas Wesleyan and Pike, Baker, guards, Walters, Ottawa, center. Knapper, Ottawa (captain), and Robinson, Kansas Wesleyan, halfbacks, and Armstrong. Ottawa, fullback.
Three McPherson men were given berths on the second all-conference team. Wiggins, McPherson, and Pott, Ottawa, were the second team ends. Hards, Kansas Wesleyan, and Halye, Ottawa, tackles; Youngquist, Bethany, and Hampton, Kansas Wesleyan, guards; Haskins, Baker, center; Albright, Baker, quarterback; Carpenter, McPherson, and Hartley. Bethany, halfbacks and Burress, McPherson, fullback.
Honorable mention was given to Wine, McPherson, tackle; Minear. McPherson, center: Haun, McPherson, halfback: Farrow. Bethany, end, Hollister. Baker, tackle; Wheat, Baker, guard; Snyder. Kansas Wesleyan. center; Anderson. Baker, fullback; Elder. Ottawa, halfback; Myers. Bethany, fullback; and Inslee. Kansas Wesleyan, fullback.
In commenting upon his selection. Carroll said: "Binford of McPherson wan almost a unanimous choice for quarter and Armstrong left his rivals far behind in the balloting for fullback. Pauls of McPherson and Lobdell of Kansas Wesleyan were ends as good as the conference has seen in several years. The same tribute can be paid to Wiggins of McPherson and Pott of Ottawa, the first team pair being chosen after a vote so close that a neutral observer who had seen them play was asked to cast the deciding ballot."
On the official all state team Wiggins was placed at end on the second team selection. Carpenter was given a halfback position on the third team. Besides these, Pauls, Hayes, Vasques, and Burress were given honorable mention in the all state selections.
According to dope, M. C. has one of the best teams in the United States. How's this for dope (dope is what all sport fans like to play with).
Southern California was last year's National Champions.
Now for this year ....
Stanford boat Southern California
Northewestern tied Stanford . . .
Notre Dame won over Northwestern . . .
Kansas U. played a tie with Notre Dame. . .
Washburn college has a better team than K. U. (according to their games with Tulsa University) . . .
Hays State college tied Washburn AND
M. C. beat the Swedes a lot worse than Hays did.
First Team
Ends—Leonard Wiggins, McPherson and Willis Lobdell, Kansas Wesleyan.
Tackles—Lester Daugharthy, Ottawa and Guy Hayes, McPher-son.
Guards—Charles Pike, Baker and Virgil Baer, Kansas Wesleyan.
Center—Clear Watters. Ottawa.
Backs—Jack Knapper, (Captain), Ottawa: Russell Carpenter, McPherson; Oscar Armstrong, Ottawa; Gilbert Robinson, Kansas Wesleyan.
Second Team
Ends—Allen Pott, Ottawa and Walter Pauls, McPherson.
Tackles—Merill Hards, Kansas Wesleyan and John Haley (Captain). Ottawa.
Guards—Mike Vasquez, McPherson and Dwight Hampton, Kansas Wesleyan.
Center—Sam Haskins, Baker.
Backs—Harold Burress, McPherson; Erwin Elder, Ottawa; Ernest Albright. Baker; Tony Hendrickson. Bethany.
Honorable Mention Youngquist, Bethany, guard;
Wheat, Baker, guard; Thornburg,
Ottawa, back; Snyder, Kansas
Wesleyan, center; Inslee. Kansas
Wesleyan, back; Haun, McPherson, back; Minear, McPherson.
center; Hartley. Bethany, back;
Mathis, Ottawa, end.
man for Minear, Berger for Burress. Caldwell for Eddy, Schurr for Binford, Duncanson for Vasquez. Prather for Wine, Burress for Haun, Wine for Duncanson, Minear for Caldwell. Pauls for Prather, Eddy for Berger, Schurr for Carpenter, Kauffman for Eddy, Berger for Vasquez, Caldwell for Minear, Rock for Hayes, Bowman for Pauls and Wedel for Wine, York —Amadon for Jordan, Feamster for Walker, Graham for Thomas, Speece for May, Wallonder for Norwood, May for Speece, Smith for Moore, Walker for Ayers, Moore for Smith, Jordan for Amadon, and V. Walker for Feamster.
Summary: Yards gained at scrim-mage: McPherson 316. York 43.
Yards lost at scrimmage: McPherson 15. York 38. Passes: McPherson attempted three, completed two for 23 yards; York attempted nine, completed three for 31 yards. Punts: McPherson, five for 128 yards, average 26.6 yards; York nine for 263 yards, average 28.1 yards. Yards returned from punts: McPherson twice for 13 yards, York once for nine yards. First downs: McPherson 19, York 5. Penalties: McPherson 6 for 45 yards. York 3 for 15 yards. Passes intercepted: McPhorson twice for 23
yards. York none. Fumbles: Mc-
Volley ball is the W. A. A. sport which now holds prime interest. El-rae Carlson is manager and eighteen girls have been participating.
There are three teams, each of which practices twice a week: The members of Team I are Irene Bales, Fern Early, Martha Hursh, Ruth Tice and Margaret Young. Team II
consists of Elizabeth Bowman, Alice Christianson, Viola Holderread, Esther Kimmel, Velma Keller, Esther Scott, Leone Shirk and Arlene Wampler. Phyllis Barngrover, Lois Edwards, Mary Elsenbise, Bernadine Ohmart and Maxine Ring make up Team III.
The track meet this year will be held at Ottawa.
(Continued from Page One)
The York score came as the result of a blocked punt which gave the Nebraskans the ball just 15 yards from the goal. A pass was good for 5 yards and soon Graham crossed the goal line on a fake reverse and the try for point was good.
Substitutes played a great part of the game for McPherson. The Bulldogs completely outplayed the Nebraska team and outside of the time York scored the Bulldog's goal was never threatened.
The starting line-up:
McPherson |
Pos. |
York |
Wiggins ............ |
LE ....... |
W. Walker |
Hayes ............... |
LT ....... |
...........May |
Vasques ............__ |
LG ....... |
.........Ender |
Minear ............. |
C ......... |
......°Jordan |
Eddy................. |
RG ....... |
..........Moore |
Wine ............. |
RT..... |
...........Lewis |
Pauls ....... |
RE........ |
........Ayers |
Binford ............ |
QB ...... |
......Norwood |
Haun ............ |
LH ...... |
......Maurer |
Carpenter |
RH_ |
__Thomas |
Burress ........... |
FB ...... |
.........Moline |
Substitutions: |
McPherson—Kauff- |
September |
Opponents Bulldogs | ||
27—Chllocco, here ......................... |
............ 0 |
34 | |
October |
6—Friends, here ................. |
............ 6 |
7 |
October |
13—Wesleyan, Salina ..................... |
........... 0 |
6 7 |
October |
20—Baker, here ................... |
....... 0 |
26 |
October |
26—Bethel, Newton........... |
.......... 0 | |
November |
3—Bethany, here ............. |
........... 0 |
39 |
November |
10—Ottawa, there ........... |
...........13 |
0 |
November November |
17—Oklahoma Baptists, Shawnee |
______19 |
0 |
30—York, Nebraska, here ......... |
........ 7 |
27 | |
Total.. |
45 |
146 |
Pherson none, recovered one. York two, recovered one.
Officials: Referee, Lindsay Austin, Umpire, Fred Archer, Headlinesman Dutch Houser.