The Spectator

McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas, Thursday, nov. 23, 1933



Four Beginning Tests Have Been Completed With Several Yet To Be Taken


Eleven in Upper Ten Per Cent of American Council in Psychology Exam

McPherson college freshmen have practically completed the battery of examinations and tests which include English, music, personality inventory, and the psychological or intelligence examinations, it was an-nounced yesterday by Dean F. A. Replogle, Registrar of McPherson college.

From time to time students will take interest, aptitude, and other forms of diagnostic forms of tests to aid in personal guidance. Every student entering college for the first time is asked to take the psychology examination of the American Council on Education. This is more commonly known as the intelligence lost, but is in reality a psychology examination to be used along with the other tests for individual diagnosis and classification.

Eleven McPherson students ranked in the upper ten per cent on the American Council test that was given over the other colleges of the country. These students are: Erwin  Bentz, Belly Lou Cameron, Maxine DeMott, Vare Hunt, Darlene Messamer, Loyal Miles, Gail Patterson, Donald Richards, Laurene Schlatter, Velma Watkins, and Keneth Weaver. The students are not given in the order of their ranking.

The high ranking students of the personality test will not be published due to the erroneous conception held by students and others concerning these examinations. No correlation has been discovered between personality or integration and intelligence. Only three of the upper ten per cent in the American Council examination are in the upper ten per cent of the Thornstone Personality Schedule. Three of those in the upper ten per cent of the personality test fall in the lower quartile on the intelligence examination.

It can readily be seen from these facts that there is little correlation between personality and intelligence. A whole battery of tests of this type given to the same student is known to have great predicative values from experience of former years.


Month of Publicity Will Carry Program to Every Church in Kansas

Dr. V. F. Schwalm has recently been chosen chairman of a committee of college presidents of the denominational schools of Kansas that is planning an educational drive that will reach every state going high school student in the state. The initial plans were formulated at a recent meeting in Topeka.

Next April has been set aside for the date of the publicity of all de- nominational colleges of Kansas. One Sunday the work will center in Kansas City, and in every church in that city it is planned to have some church school present an educational program.         

Another Sunday will be set aside for Topeka and Wichita, and on April 22 a state wide series of programs will be held in most of the churches of Kansas.

Posters have been secured to advertise the educational campaign. It is being planned to use the radio to a large extent.

The other two members of the committee are Dr. W. O. Mendenhall, Friends, and Dr. Wallace Fleming, Baker.



Prof. J. A. Blair head of the department of education and psychology in McPherson college, is popular as an educational lecturer. Saturday he went to Atwood, Kansas were he addressed the Rawlins County Teachers' Association. In the past few weeks he has been called to the far corners of Kansas. A few weeks ago he was in Johnson county and next week he is going to Chey-enne county.

Prof. Blair has become popular in educational groups and his views on educational problems are highly res-pected.


Twenty Students To Take Part in Program Which Includes Many Pianists

The piano pupils of Miss Fern Lingenfelter will appear in recital on Friday evening. Nov. 24. at 8 p. m. In the college chapel. The program as arranged by Miss Lingenfelter, is to include both solos and ensemble playing, consisting of duets and trios.

About 20 students will take part in the program and among them are a number of precocious pianists. One of the feature numbers of the evening will be the presentation of two 4-year-old pupils who have already shown outstanding talent.

The recital is to be open to the public and all who are interested are invited to attend.



Eighty-two McPherson college young people made the trip to the Salemsborg Swedish Lutheran church about six miles north of Lindsborg last Sunday The group arrived at the church in time for Sunday school which was taught by the Reverend Ericson, pastor of the church. After Sunday school Rev. Ericson explained the pictures on the church windows and told a bit about the history of the local church for the benefit of the visitors. Following that, the students heard a short sermon in Swedish which was interesting, although perhaps no impressive ideas were obtained. The pipe organ and chimes were of course played and greatly enjoyed by the visitors.

After church Reverend Ericson and his wife showed the students through the church and several of the more adventuresome climbed up the chimes tower to investigate it. A bounteous dinner of all kinds of sandwiches, beans, salad, coffee, grapes, apples and cookies was then served in a grove near the church.

After dinner Reverend Ericson showed the visitors through the par-sonage explaining the functions of the many clocks, both old and new, which he has. The Ericson family has a number of old Swedish Bibles, a pair of wooden shoes, and a number of musical instruments which were of great interest to the students. This collection alone made the trip well worth while and with all the other added attractions of the church and picnic dinner the day was very profitably spent.

Most of the group visited Coronado Heights on the trip home from which attempts were made to locate McPherson, and throwing contests were held.



Class is Divided Into Groups of Five to Seven Students to Discuss Problems


Numerous Advantages Cited Unit Plan Over Old System of Recitation

This year, students are learning the fundamentals of elementary psychology by a new method. In years previous this course has been taught by the lecture system. Now, instead of hearing Professor J. A. Blair explain the principles of psychology the students discover them themselves.     

The class is divided into seven congenial groups. Each group has a leader, who at the beginning of each class period, checks the progress of each individual student in his group. The students’ work consists of filling out exercises in a work book or manual, after he has read the required reference. He may skip around and work in any part of the manual, but only after a test is done, may the leader check it on his list.

A student is not confined to work individually but may receive assistance from any member of his group or from Professor Blair.

He may work on his projects outside of class, and it is quite essential that he work on them in class.

Home of the groups are composed of girls, others of boys, and some few of both boys and girls. Group leaders are George Toland, Edna Reiste, Van Hunt, Kenneth Weaver, Vernon Michael, Margaret Hahn and Herbert Replogle.

The method adopted is yet in the experimental stage, but, to date, we feel that the results have justified the change. The students instead of being lined up behind each other in the conventional rows looking at the back of the necks or hiding as much as possible behind the rows ahead, are arranged in groups of from five to seven. The groups are as far as possible selected on a basis of congeniality and ability to progress. They sit in a circle of around a table and discuss their problems face to face in a real life like manner.

A leader is selected for each group and is responsible for checking on a prepared check-sheet the progress made each day. If it seems desirable the teacher may at times lead a discussion of two or more groups combined. The following advantages of the new recitation method are cited:

1—The teacher does not waste time giving information until the student has faced the problem and tried to solve it for himself. Consequently he is mentally prepared and the explanation is much more meaningful.

2—    The pupil reads with a purpose, it makes a great difference whether we just read or whether we read looking for something we need.

3— The student's progress depends upon his own initiative. He cannot hope to be carried along by class momentum We are assured of some work and some response before or during every class period.

4— It has been proved that group discussion is more effective than individual work.

5— Each student has a constant measure of his own progress. This is a valid type of motivation.

6— It provides opportunities for maximum response on the part of every one.

7— It provides training in cooperation instead of individualism.



The Y. M. and Y. W. held a joint meeting last Tuesday which was intended to be a Quaker meeting. Favorite selections were given by several members of both organizations. Those who presented readings were Agnes Bean, Maxine Ring, Mary Ela-enbise, Viola Harris, Esther Steg-man and Fern Early of the girls organization and Galen Ogden. Carol Whitcher, Leonard Lowe, Ralph Sherfy and Paul Booz of the Y. M.


On One of Seven Committees Chosen to Act in the Crisis in Education

Washington, D. C. Nov. 20. —Paul C. Stetson, superintendent of schools, Indianapolis, Indiana, and president of department of Superintendance of the National Education Associa-tion announced at Association headquarters here today that Fred A. Replogle, Dean of McPherson college. McPherson, Kansas, has been appointed a member of a national committee on education for the new America. This committee will meet and report at the Cleveland convention of the Department of Superintendence, February 24 to March 1, 1934. Dr. Harold Rugg of Columbia University is chairman of the committee.

The appointment of this commit-tee is an important item in a fundamental reorganization of the convention plan followed by the educational leaders in their national professional organization for many years. The change was made to ex-tend greater responsibility to individual members in the Department’s attempt to plan more effectively for meeting the current crisis in education.

Seven such committees have been appointed by President Stetson. These groups will give their attention respectively to problems of teacher training, a comprehensive program of public education, finan-cing the schools, education for the new America, a national outlook or education, the interpretation of the schools to the public, and public edu-cation and public welfare.


Accept Twelve New Members

from Twenty-Three Girls, Twenty-Two Boys


Total Membership Now Twenty-One—To Hold Initiation Soon

Forty-five students tried out on Monday and Tuesday for the Thespian Club, the dramatic organisation of the school. Twelve new members were, accepted.

At a meeting of the club last night the present members voted to take in the twelve recommended by the Judges:     Maxine DeMott, Bernice

Dappen, Neva Root, Gall Patterson, Geraldine Burdette, Homer Kimmel, Glen Turner, Paul Booz, Wayne Carr, John Adrian, Orval Eddy and Newell Wine.

Twenty-two boys and twenty-three girls, probably the largest number in the history of the club, made appearance for tryouts. There was such excellent material that the three judges found it exceedingly difficult to choose the best. They felt that by another year many will become members who were unsuccessful this time.

Five of the winning contestants were freshman. This is unusual for this is the first year that underclassmen were allowed to try out. At present there are nine in the club and with the twelve new students, the total membership will be twenty-one. Since the freshmen are to be in the club the membership has been raised from twenty to twenty-five. Some others may be taken in later if they seem worthy. Initiation of new members will be held soon.

The judges were Miss Della Lehman, the Thespian sponsor, Miss Alice Gill, and Mrs. Paul Swensson. Club members who assisted with try-outs were Edith Bechtelhelmer and Una Ring.

You never get an even break. The luck all goes your way—or the other way.     

A file of the "American Organist" magazine has been sent to the library by G. Winston Cassler, graduate of McPherson college in the class of 1927.

The magazine is devoted largely to pipe organs and pipe organ music. The gift is greatly appreciated by the library staff, as it furnishes material on a subject not fully covered elsewhere in the college library.

The file includes magazines from

March 1932 to October 1933.



Former M. C. Professor Given Sketch in Current Literary Digest

Prof. H. H. Nininger, formerly of McPherson college and now with the Colorado Museum at Denver, is experiencing the rise to fame begun when he was a member of the McPherson college faculty.

In the current issue of the Literary Digest in the section entitled "They Stand Out From the Rest. " is a short sketch of the work of Prof. Nininger. The Literary Digest article is as follows:

"Prof. H. H. Nininger, wiry wea-ther-beaten hunter of meteorites, knows no thrill like finding some stone which at some time before was hurtling through space. He became interested ten years ago when a meteorite shot over a Kansas college town where he taught biology. Despite ridicule he searched until he found the stone. Since then he has devoted all his time to the work and has found more than 1500 stones, representing approximately 200 falls. Farmers are his chief assistants in the field. At the Colorado museum in Denver he has on exhibit a valuable collection and has recently written a popular book entitled "Our Stone Pelted Planet. " Museums the world over buy their meteorites from him. "

Friday, Nov. 24. —C. E. party in college church at 8: 00 p. m.

Friday, Nov. 24. —Lingenfelter recital at 8: 00 p. m.

Tuesday, Nov. 28. —Regular Y. M. and Y. W. meetings at 10 a. m.

Wednesday, Nov. 29. —Thanksgiving vacation begins at 4: 30 p. m.


Miss Margaret Heckethorn was elected chairman of next year’s Kansas College Library round table by the College librarians of Kansas, at their recent meeting in Wichita.


Girls Ask For Dates; Wear Clothes Backwards

The annual C. E. party will be a "backwards" party this year if the plans of that organization are fulfilled according to schedule. The leap year party that does not fall on leap year will be held tomorrow evening at 8: 00 o'clock in the parlors of the college church.

In this party the girls must bear the responsibility of asking for the dates and doing a large share of the entertaining. The clothes of the students must also be worn backwards.

A strict code of ethics for girls has been posted on the bulletin board and they are asked to observe these closely. The program is a result of the recent dismission on the problem of dating on the college campus.


Last week and for the next three Mondays the chapel programs are to be sponsored by the four classes. The seniors began last week with a program dealing with Thanksgiving.

The seniors opened their meeting with the reading of the one hundredth psalm by Una Ring which was followed by a number from a girls' trio composed of Mildred Dahlinger, Gulah Hoover and Lois Edwards. A short talk by Guy Hayes outlined the history and importance of Thanksgiving. After a vocal solo by Warner Nettleton the program was closed with a drawing by Ada Brunk portraying a peaceful autumn scene.

Next Monday the juniors will give the program and on the following Mondays the freshmen and sophomores will give the programs. This is the first time this plan has been used and if successful will probably be used more in the future.

Subscription Rates For One School Year $1. 00

Address all correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas

Our President Speaking - - -


Editor-in-chief Elmer Staats

Associate Editor Una Ring

Feature Editor Margaret Oliver

Sports Editor    Wilbur Yoder

Ass't Circulation Manager Vernon Michaels


Business Manager Paul Booz

Ass't. Business Manager Clarence Sink

Ass't. Business Manager Joe Zuck

Circulation Manage Byron Eshelman


Ann Heckman Ernest Sweetland

Maxine Ring Gevene Carlson Paul Lackie

Faculty Advisers

Royal Frantz Robert Booz Helen Webber Kenneth Weaver

Profs. Maurice A. Hess and Alice Gill

The way to build McPherson College is to patronize college boosters.


Apparently the dove of peace is in the same situation as a mallard deck during hunting season. War talk and hysteria among the nations seem to be as prevalent as ever. But there is something that makes the situation a little bit different, and it was reflected recently in a symposium of faculty opinions compiled by the Daily Trojans at the University of Southern California.

In connection with the celebration of Armistice Day, Wendell Sether, editor of the paper, asked those faculty members who had seen service daring the World War for their opinion of the conflict, 15 years after. Without exception, their comments showed a bitterness and a brand of cynicism that thoroughly debunked the idealized glories and adventures of war. Typical statements were these:

"Nothing was actually accomplished by the war. It was futility enshrined; yet we fought to make the world safe for democracy. "

"Non sensible man will, of course, hesitate to fight in self defense. We must avoid war hysteria and fear, and keep well within the bounds of reaeon in the matter of preparedness. As for Japan, we’d bettor sell her the Philippines, pocket the money and save ourselves future grief. ”

"I don't think many today have any illusions as to why they went to war. There will probably be another one. The kids of today are just as gullible as we were then, and there are more big interests than ever to be protected. It will probably seem just as necessary as it did then. It would be interesting if the heads of corporations would have to fight instead of the youngsters. ”

Perhaps a few shattered illusions will postpone the "neat war" longer than many of us expect.


Is it a professor’s duty to see to it that his courses are made interesting?

This ever-burning question is being answered at the University of Washington, where a special class for family members has been established to teach them "the psychology of educational salesmanship. " The theory of the class, it appears, is that it IS the duty of the professor to determine how best to "sell" knowledge.

While the class is essentially a discussion group, certain principles upon which dynamic teaching methods can be based are emphasized, and the faculty members are learning how they can heighten the aspects of their personalities which will make possible a more clear and forceful expression of their knowledge, according to Dean Willis L. Uhl of the School of Education.

The Washington experiment offers immense possibilities, and although there must be a distinction between what is called "educational salesman-ship" and what might be educational coddling, any system or method which will make the practice of teaching more dynamic and more vital, more interesting, more colorful and yet substantial should receive thorough consideration.


(Polytechnic Reporter, Brooklyn Polytech)

Times of strife and turmoil always bring doubt and dejection. Even the firment of institutions are subject to the shock from violent social and economic changes such as those that are now ensuing. Since we are now in the midst of the greatest upheaval of the machine age, it is well that the engineering institutions in particular should look to their laurels. They must determine whether or not the engineering graduate of today is fitted to cope with the problems of the future and whether or not the present principles of engineering education will be applicable a decade hence.

Many persons have suggested that there are too many engineers. There may be too many technicians but there can never be too many engineers if engineers realize that they must solve economic and social problems as well as purely technical propositions. This fact is in reality the major issue which has ben evolved in the past few years.

It has been said that the downfall of a civilization is caused by the genius of its development. Any civilization prospers only until its units of production and consumption become so large that the solution of the problems which they present Is beyond the scope of the human brain. Then the civilization falters. Even the leading scientists of our day, who claim to have knowledge of the intricate workings of stellar space of their very fingertips, seem usable to tell us the solution of our seemingly minor problems of social and economic life. 0

If educators of engineers of the future are to forestall a catastrophe in our day, then they must become more tolerant and mare liberal with the humanities. They must dispense with the many and varied minor details and teach the student more of the fundamental and basic principles of en-gineering procedure. In addition, they must season this knowledge with a greater understanding of how the accomplishments of the engineer can be made to mesh, to synchronize with, and to be applied to the problem of living. For after all, in the final analysis, the improvement of the conditions of life must be the aim of every profession.

If such be the education of an engineer, then he will be far more than a mere technician. He will find that his accomplishments one received more favorably by the layman, that his profession will have a far greater influence than it has at present, and that he will become a far more valuable asset to his fellow-men. He will find that there never can be too many of his kind.

Literary men cannot write plays. Shakespeare was first of all an actor and a dramatist. His beautiful language was just something thrown in for good measnre. -—Daniel Froham, theatrical producer.

If I have a dollar today, it's only because I couldn't help it. —Marie Dressler.

We do not need more of the things that are Seen, we need more of the things that are Unseen-—-Calvin Coolidge.



Dr. Schwalm recently gave to the library a group of magazines includ-ing back numbers of "Time, " "For-um, " "Good Housekeeping, " "Coun-try Gentleman" and several others.

Back numbers of "Scientific American, " '‘Hyglea, " and "McCalls" are among a group of magazines counted to the library by Dr. Quantins.


The Y. M. C. A. of Sterling college recently discussed Halloween pranks. The opinion was reached that it was not un-Christian to indulge in such pranks if it were done for the purpose of having fun without destroying property.

The Manchester collage newspaper "Oak Leaves, " has a headline written in German over the current story of the German Club's doings.

Someone at Manchester college has calculated that 150 students working approximately 7700 hours a month earn the surprising sum of

$2500 in round numbers toward their college accounts each month.



Othetta Wall



Melvin Landes



Betty Lou Cameron ........



Betty Juelfs



Kenneth Weaver



attempt to enter his room, and then stumbling over the offending article, Kurts demonstrated his ability to use foreign language. (I think he used Frenoh part of the time).

Have you noticed the numerous overstuffed upper lips running around the campus lately?

On Values

One peculiarity of value, more especially of those values which we call spiritual, is that their discovery requires a certain moral discipline: it has moral conditions.

This is the hardest thing for a university student of today to believe. But all of the great spiritual teachers agree on this and through all the ages agree with Calvin and Spinoza, that soma discipline and something skin to asceticism are an inescapable price for the highest reaches of value; and that no strategy of value-addition can evade it.

There is some mystery about

enjoyment which our simple theories of value have not sounded. It appears that to execute some inward renunciation of them is the only way of attaining their full flavor. There is, perhaps and element of self-possession, holding oneself apart from the thing enjoyed, which creates the right setting for the element of knowledge which must enter into every full satisfaction.



(New Mexico)

Come stroll with me o'er mountain grades

Across the streams and 'midst the glades.

And we will find some stirring scenes 'Pon rocky glades or on the greens Where sunlight glimmers through the trees

And dances off across the leas With nature’s sweet consent.

There dwell the deer in dancing herds

Below the soar of National Birds, And round about these lofty pines All touch the sky with topmost spines.

In these the chipping squirrels dwell Or in some hidden mountain knell. With nature wall content.

We'll find some Indian’s ancient home,     

For o'er these hills they loved to roam;

They loved this high and healthful air

Before the white man ventured


Some Indians dwelt yet to this land. But not as in the great war band As nature first had sent.

And when the sun sets in the west Across the stream which I love the


Which sparkles gold and ruby hues. Shading the crimsons into the blues.

I long for nowhere else to dwell ’Cept in this land where sun sets well.

And nature is unspent.

Then strolling down upon the plain, There stretch those fields of golden grain.

Which wave at autumn in the breeze As sunset waves upon the seas.

On boundless plains and on the green

There roam the best of all bovines For nature willed it so.

Those boundless mountains, plains, and streams

Are not just realized in dreams. For our young state, the best of all, Is wishing for the world to call And find the paradise for those Who go wherever nature goes. Here nature leads the way.

'Tis just an infant state today.

The Sunshine State, the world will

For seldom days are full of storm

Without some sunshine bright and warm.

When through this state you chance

to go,

The truth of this you soon will know,

That here is nature's home.

By Clarence Anderson, Clovis, New Mexico.

Campus Chaff

The other day we strolled into the library down town. As we were looking over the books one girl picked up "Fun in Bed, " a volume for invalids. Another remarked, "Yes, that ought to be a good book, for then you won't have to get up so early": and the other returned. "I should take this book for I'm a shut-in. At least no one ever takes me out. "

A few of us found ourselves at Bethany's Black and Tan Minstrels Tuesday night. We couldn't quite decide whether it was just the thing for a refined crowd of M. C. students to witness, but we did agree that their music was unusually excellent

We would like to suggest that whoever owns the motorcycle would learn that etiquette says that it should be parked between the two north steps of the Ad Building, in order that some of the downtown students may retain a lady-like vocabulary upon suddenly finding a large parking space taken when turning in in a hurry.

We challenge you to write a longer or more involved sentence that the afore-going one.

Twenty-two boys desired entrance to the Thespian Club: After years of feminine contestants, even the judg-es were unusually pleased.

They say that Miss Lehman really tried out forty-five times, for her face registered every motion of each student who tried out.

We have been hoping that the girls will ask the most bashful boys for dates. The others are capable of getting their own dates at any time, and a little competition won’t hurt them.

Possibly the girls should ask the boys for dates who are out for basketball, for later they may have to practice—or train.

Some of the males are looking rather inal pis today as a result of

the much-talked-of-but-just-recently-played sophomore-freshman football game.

Brammel was so battered that he could hardly get around while per forming his services on the gridiron. At that, that boy is a scrapper!

The sophomores staged such a ral-ly in the last half that it looked for awhile that they might defeat the lowly freshies.

"Coach" Tuff Wine had plenty of subs and he used them quite fre-quently. He really had some good material.

We see now—judging from this game—that we have hopes for an-other good varsity eleven next year

Some practical joker took the pins out of Kurtz' door the other night. After knocking the door down in an

Guess the football boys had a good time on their Oklahoma trip.... Why doesn't somebody tell us about Fries and the bus-driver... Guy said to "See Fries".... How often we've heard that before.... Hope we beat the Nebraskans.... We want revenge after the taming the Baptists gave us... I mean the Oklahoma Baptists...

Speaking of football... or were we... I hear the freshie-soph scrim-mage is on... Traditional stuff ... Why have it... The freshies didn't wear their caps anyway... Their stubbornness ought to help them win the game... This year’s sophs... last year’s freshies of course... won last year... and I still remember how Brammel talked it up while they played... Wonder if he's at it now... It's too windy to go and see... or hear...

Windy... yeah... how is it the proxy says it... The usual unusual weather is more usual than unusual ... or the unusual usual weather is more unusual than usual... anyway I can't say it... But you’ve heard it before...

There's a contortionist here in the library... His feet are on the same chair as... well, as he is.

Exchange Notes

The girls of Elizabethtown college, Pennsylvania, decided recently that their ideal man must be more intelligent than they while the men said the ideal woman should be a blonde and use Listerine and Absorbine, Jr.

The Barber Shop officer of the State Reformatory at Hutchinson was recently given a handful of four o'clock seeds. He slipped them into his vest pocket where there were also some pills. Forgetting about the seeds, he took them for pills. The effect has not yet been learned.

In 1893 the calendar for Washburn college included a day of prayer for women and a week of prayer for men. Evidently the men must have been "naughtier" than the women.

Everett Brown was in Wichita visiting his parents over the week end.

W. H. Yoder of Waterloo, Iowa, visited his son Wilbur last week.

Dean R. E. Mohler was in Newton Monday at a meeting of the Rotary Club.

Rev. F. J. Wiens, former student of M. C. and a missionary from China, was visiting the library last week. He gave the library two copies of his book, "Fifteen Years Among the Hakkas of South China. " one copy in English and one in Ger-man.

Football boys had a two days' vacation... Tuesday and Wednesday ... Maybe the Monday night banquet was too much for them... At that... Eddy and Duncanson keep their avoirdupois down by playing tennis...

Was it any of our female contingent who said "My treasury” after he had so romantically called her "My treasure? "...

There's a story going the rounds about a door in the boys’ dorm falling down... Hinges wore out... Naturally the door fell when an attempt was made to open it... And the roommate was responsible.

What’s this... A backward party ... Girls bring their dates... And here I thought leap year was last year... Guess I skipped a year someplace along the line... Well, it'll be novel at least... The usual unusual... Yeah, I'll shut up...

Turkey day is coming... Tra-la-la... So is Christmas... Better start brushing your teeth... getting in early.. and the like... or Santy won't come down your chimney...

According to Fiak it’s time to re-tire... So night-night — an' sleep tight... and all that!


College Students Over Nation Take Firm Stand Against

Future Wars

(By College News Service) Wellesley, Mass, ---    Indignation this

week was expressed by American

Legion officials at the action of approximately, 75 Wellesley College girls, who staged an anti-war demonstration on Armistice Day.

College authorities, however, said that, despite reports to the contrary, no faculty members had participated in the parade of the students, who carried large placards bearing antiwar slogans. Miss Betty Muther, chairman of the peace committee of the International Relations Club at Wellesley, was said to have been a leader in the demonstration.

Northampton, Mass. — Placards carried by a group of students participating in an Armistice Day "peace parade" were seized and destroyed by police here.

The students who took part in the demonstration were from Amherst, Massachusetts State, Smith and Mount Holyoke Colleges, the latter two being women's schools.

police destroyed one banner, said to have been carried by girls

representing the Mount Holyoke branch of the National Students League, reading: "NRA Means Nationalism and War. "

Philadelphia, — Abolishment of military training in educational in-stitutions and strengthening of the Briand-Kellogg peace pacts were favored by the World Alliance for International Friendship In an Armistice Day meeting.

The organization also urged that the United States announce a policy of refusing to send troops beyond its borders and a willingness to abolish armaments, if other coun-tries will do the same.

The views of the alliance were contained in a report prepared by Dean Luther A. "Weigle of Yale.

Dean Weigle's reports also urged that general agreement among nations be reached, insuring international consultation if war should threaten, and that the shipment of arms and munitions to beligerents he prohibited. The manufacture of such products should he a government monopoly, the report, concurred in by the alliance, held.

Now York.—Little progress toward peace has been made since the World war, President Nicholas Murray Butler of Columbia university declared in an Armistice Day broadcast.

"The fundamental trouble is that while the order, ‘Cease firing,' was obeyed 15 years ago, it has not been obeyed in the hearts and minds of men or in the policies of their governments," he said.

Amberat, Maas,—Britain and America should reach an agreement as to a common policy in the event of another war. Walter Lippmann, author and newspaper commentator, declared is no Armistice Day address before the Amherst College Alumni Council. Neither would be safe if one were neutral while the other were at war, he maintained.


J. S. Rice, a McPherson college student and a Free Methodist missionary to South Africa, with his family, will leave the city some time next month for Durban, Natal State. South Africa, where he will take up his work in the mission field.

The Rice family will sail December 30 from New York on the City of New York liner. Mr. Rice has spent many year in the mission fields of South Africa, and the experience will not be new to him. He is a graduate of McPherson college.

Three of the Rice children were born on the Black Continent. John, 24, James, 18, and Mable, 15, were born in South Africa. Carl, 12, was barn at Indicott, N. Y.


A body of Y. W. girls have been working on a new publication for that organization, "The Midget." which will be published soon. This publication which will appear in the interests of the organization will be published monthly.



Majority of Student Serious

Minded But Disillusioned;

Flaming Youth Absent

What has become of the "wild young generation" which not long since furrowed so many elderly brows? Where now is the flapper, and where is Flaming Youth, with its hip-flasks, its speedy cars and flamboyant clothes and many tacit declarations of freedom? Not, indeed, on the campus. The traditions they created there are now regarded with indifference; "the collegiate business and all that" are definitely old-fogeyish and as dated as balloon trousers.

To be sure, many of the things once looked at askance have become normal and familiarly accepted— smoking by co-eds, for example. But also fashion has turned, outlawing excesses and social flashiness from their once high places and substituting new habits, new interests and a changed idea of what is and what is not admirable and smart.

The new era on the campus began, it is now apparent, about 1930. It was manifest first in a marked drop in attendance at football games, a drop in the number of students trying out for teams, an increased registration in economics, history and social-science courses, and a flare of interest in politics.

The nonchalant and well-dressed man chiefly notable for his social successes is still, to be sure, prominent on the campus, but he is now recognized as a "smoothie." On the other hand, the greasy grind is no longer so funny as he once seemed, though he is not a model either. The brawny athlete is no longer a campus hero, and is apt to be looked upon as a "dumb egg" by the rank and file of his fellow-students. Instead, the limelight is often on the editor of the college daily, who, for the first time in history, perhaps, may be a non-fraternity man.

The Signs of Change

These are the signs that the American college is turning somewhat from football and its equiva-lents—to what? Can it be veering toward politics and social problems? A growing undergraduate minority is. Student strikes are by now familiar items in the daily news. Agitation against war and to the same end, against military training in schools, has appeared in one form or another in most of the large colleges in the country, beth co-educational and otherwise. Liberal clubs, social problems clubs, Socialist clubs, chapters of student federations of a liberal or radical character have been formed in most universities.

One bulletin board, noted at random on the Columbia campus recently, announced the following: An antiwar meeting; a lecture on the negro problem; a debate, "Should Palestine Be Rebuilt Along Socialist Lines?"

a meeting to protest the discharge of a faculty member active in student politics; another meeting to discuss art from a Marxist angle; and one to protest against German fascism.

Do these signs mean that the United States is slowly producing a "youth movement" and that in the future American students may take as important a part in shaping the destiny of their country as do their European and Latin-American fellows?

At first glance it might seem so. But more probably the frequent items of news about campus political struggles in our country mean that the minority which in other days devoted itself to things radical in literature, dramatic and artistic fields is reflecting the intellectual temper outside of the campus by going politically leftward. The great majority of the students are indifferent so far to the burning issues thrust before them.

Seriousness Is the Mood

What has happened, apparently, is, first and most strikingly, that the student body as a whole has acquired a deep respect for the practice of reading and research, which authorities and educators call "the new seriousness." But it is not a respect for study as such, nor are high marks and other signs of academic distinction the motive. Rather it is simply a need to know an interest in techniques and information, which has established in many students the habit of carefully reading a daily paper and which in some colleges, one student observes, "has driven so many people to the library that the


Tells Conditions Which Have Made Move Successful in Germany

Speaking of the Hitler movement in Germany in a chapel speech yesterday. Dr. J. D. Bright stated that we were not sure as yet whether Hitler is to be a dismal failure or a great leader in Europe; whether he will be a showman, montebank, leader, demagogue, or statesman.

After giving a short history of the Hitler movement and of the life of Hitler he stated that we were certain of the vitality and uniqueness of the Nazi lender’s character. He also gave a sketch of Wilhelm Goring and Paul von Goebbels, two of Hitler’s right hand men.

There have doubtless been excess-es in the movement. Dr. Bright stated, but there are three aspects of the movement which have made it successful. It has appealed to the doubt on the part of the Germans as to the success of the democratic form of government. In rejecting capitalism it has placed the interests of the community above that of the individual. The Nazi movement has also made the church a social agency in unifying it under the new leadership.


In ourselves the sunshine dwells: From ourselves the music swells; By ourselves our life is fed With sweet or bitter daily bread.

—Nixon Waterman.

faculty is alarmed."

There is a sharp difference between the pre-war student, ambitious and hopeful, with phrases such as "the public good." "service" and "patriotism" in his vocabulary, and the present generation, which is neither very ambitious nor very hopeful, and looks upon such words as decidedly quaint.

More than anything the most characteristic student of this generation is a skeptic. The self-assured young man with the flask on his hip has been replaced by a young man no less self-assured, but sure especially of his high to doubt. Frequent exposure of graft in politics and shadiness on a grand scale in finance have impressed upon him the idea that this is a cut-throat world, in which the clever and not too scrupulous man is rewarded.


The regular W. A. A. meeting was held Monday evening. Martha Hursh presiding in the absence of the pres-ident, Elizabeth Bowman.

The amendment was passed adding ping pong, roller skating, and bicycling to the list of sports, and Alice Christianson was elected manager of the three.

Ways were discussed of attending the play day at Hays college this

week end.    


J. H. Harnly of Pacific Palisades, Calif., a contract bridge expert, is in McPherson this week visiting with relatives and friends. He has recent-ly completed a simple and new system of bidding that he says can be understood by a nine-year-old child.

The authority of the new Harnly bidding system is a brother of Dr. H. J. Harnly, of McPherson college, and Mrs. W. C. Heaston of this city. He also has relatives at Moundridge.


Last Tuesday evening the topic of the World Service was why religions services fall or succeed. Mary Eisen-bise gave a reading and then Carol Whitcher led a discussion on why religious services fall. He stressed the point that services fall because of all adapted sermons and lack of unity in the entire service. Clarence Sink gave a number of ideas why religious services succeed and how to obtain unity of program and sermons which meet the needs of the people can be had. Paul Heckman enumerated a few things which contribute to the success of a religious program such as well handled announcements and offertories. The group as a whole responded splendidly to ideas presented and an interesting forum was held.    


The Y. M. C. A. of McPherson college is planning a recreation room to be placed in the basement of the administration building. Because of the limited budget of the organization it cannot hope to furnish the room this year. For this reason the organization asks that anyone who has furniture which they would be willing to give to the organization to add to its recreational program should get in touch with the Y. M. C. A. of the college. The organization will appreciate your cooperation.


Because our football team has defeated the Bethany Swedes so decisively and because of the success of the team this season we petition the faculty of McPherson college for an extension of the Thanksgiving holi-day to December 5. Such was the nature of the petition that was being circulated on the campus this week in order to honor the Swede defeat and add to the holiday.


The chapel program of Friday of last week consisted of music furnished by students of the college. The first number was a piano solo by Hazel Welmer, followed by a vocal solo by Lois Edwards. The last two numbers were violin solos played by Glenn Turner.

Dr. J. J. Yoder opened the program with a short devotional talk.




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1 2

. 333 27 33


0 4

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schedule is

Central Conference




Pct TP




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1. 000



•Fort Hays —


1 2

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1 1

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2 2

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3 0

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4 1

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(*Denotes conference schedule is completed; tie games count half won and half lost).




McPherson BOWS TO


Non-Conference Game Ends With Bulldogs Failing To Score, 19-0


Players Are Resting and Recuperating for the Final Game of Season

The McPherson college Bulldogs, hindered in their game last week by injuries which kept four key men out of the game took the small end of the score with the Oklahoma Baptists at Shawnee 19-0.

In this game, McPherson played under great handicaps. Buress, Hayes, Carpenter and Binford were either not in the game at all or for only a short time. The Bulldog team contained only five or six regular players at any time. Despite these great handicaps the McPherson team stood up well and fought a hard game to the last.

The Baptist's team is especially strong this year. Earlier in the season it defeated Friends university by a score of 37-6 and has made an excellent record this season. The Bulldogs had previously won from Friends by the narrow margin of 7 to 6.

Oklahoma scored first in the opening quarter when Stark ran 99 yards to a touchdown through the McPherson team. Stark is a broken field runner of no little ability. Again in the second quarter he took the ball over the line for a score, and on the opening kick-off of the second half Stark got the ball and ran 92 yards for a touchdown.

McPherson's offense was broken because Burress and Binford, two great blocking backs, were out of the game because of injuries. Dunn started the game but on the first play he received a leg injury that sent him out for the remainder of the game. The Canine backfield throughout most of the game consisted of Haun, Carpenter, Schurr and Wiggins.

Saturday afternoon was very hot at Shawnee, and the Bulldogs were greatly handicapped. The Oklahoma game was the first daylight game of the season.

This week the Bulldogs are resting and recuperating from injuries in preparation for the game with the York, Nebraska, team on Thanksgiving day.

Binford, Hayes, Burress, Dunn and Van Nortwick are laid up with either injuries or infections. This week’s rest is believed to be something that is greatly needed by the team, and it is predicted that all of them will be ready to go again against York college.

While little is known as to the actual strength of this team, it is believed that the competition will be strong. However it is hoped that the team will make a good showing after a week's rest.

The first round of intramural athletics has been completed with Shank's and Johnston's teams still undefeated. More play will follow shortly and some very interesting games are looked for throughout the basketball season from the eight or ten teams which have been organized over the campus.

Second round play will probably start the first part of this next week, as soon as all of the various teams are fully organised.

A Nation’s Builders

Not gold, but men can make A people great strong—

Men who for truth and honor's sake. Stand fast and suffer long.

Brava men who dare work while others sleep.

Who dare while others fly—

They, build a nation's pillars' deep And lift them to the sky.

—Ralph Waldo Emerson.

"There is a personal letter for you at the house. "

“What did it say? ”


Games This Week Friday

Washburn vs. Southwestern at Winfield.

Kansas Wesleyan vs. Baker at Baldwin.

Kirksville Teachers vs. Pittsburg Teachers at Pittsburg.

Bethel vs. Bethany at Lindsborg.


Nebraska State Teachers vs. Fort Hays Stale at Hays.

Results Last Week

Ottawa 38, Bethany 0.

Emporia Teachers 0, Pittsburg 21.

McPherson 0, Oklahoma Baptists 19.

College of Emporia 14, Kansas Wesleyan 6.

Wichita ''B" 0, Bethel 35.

Fort Hays 0, Washburn 0 (tie)

Haskell 6, Wichita 28.    

Southwestern 6, Bacone Indians 13

Maryville Teachers 0, St. Bene-dicts 33.        

The boys came up against a mighty tough team in Shawnee last Saturday afternoon, but they put up a mighty good game just the same!

Nearly a two weeks' rest is now being given to the badly crippled Bulldogs before another encounter, and it is hoped to materially thin out the hospital list before the last game of the season.

The final game of the 1933 successful season for the Canines is scheduled for Turkey Day afternoon in McPherson, at which time the strong York, Nebraska, college will be here.

While the Bulldogs should win this last encounter nicely, yet they realise that they will have a fight on hand!

Several of the Bulldog men have been recuperating from bad injuries this week with a game of tennis, which certainly takes out the kinks.

The boys have certainly had a suc-cessful season, however this York game comes out, but they want to win it, and with our support and help they can do it!


In a ragged and windy game yesterday afternoon, the McPherson college freshmen defeated the sophomores in the annual traditional grudge battle by a score of 20-13.

The freshmen scored early in the first quarter after recovering the ball on the opening kickoff. They scored again in the first half on a long run by Toland. The freshman scored again in the second half after a pass put the ball in scoring position. The sophomores did not score until the second half. Their first touchdown came on a sustained drive and the second on a long pass from Custer to Schul. The point after touchdown was made by another pass. The game ended with the ball in midfield in possession of the freshmen.

The green caps of the freshmen will therefore be laid away or burned after the Thanksgiving Day game.

University Board Votes to Submit Application to Aid Minnesota Students (By College News Service)

Minneapolis, Minn. —Months of discussion in many parts of the country as to the possibility of using federal relief funds to finance the education of students who otherwise could not attend college, this week resulted in a definite move in this direction by the University of Minnesota.

Upon the recommendation of President Lotus D. Coffman, the university Board of Regents voted to submit a formal application to the fed-eral government for sufficient funds to provide 100 unemployed youths in the state with an allowance of $15 per month each to provide housing and food while attending the university or some other college in the state.

According to Dr. Coffman, the usual university and college fees would be waived in the case of these students and expenses above the federal allowance would be provided by the university.

Selection of the students would be in charge of the Minnesota Relief for Unemployed Youth, of which Professor Harold S. Benjamin, assistant dean of the College of Education, is director. Three groups would be eligible; Students now at the university who may be forced to leave because of lack of finances; former students not now in school because of luck of funds, and others who have never before attended the university and are unemployed.

Some such plan as this has been urged during recent months by prominent educators throughout the country, including President Robert M. Hutchins of the University of Chicago. They contend that the federal government, concerned as it is with recovery and relief problems, could well afford to finance the education of otherwise unemployed young people thereby eliminating them from competition with heads of families who need jobs.

Then It's All Right

He: "Do you think kissing is unhealthy? "

She: "I don’t know—I've never

been. ”

He: "Never been kissed? "

She: "No, never been ill from kissing. "


Teacher: "What's an adult? "

Willie: "One that's quit growing except in the middle. "

— Exchange.


Recent purchases of the library include "Adventures of Ideas" by Alfred N. Whitehead, and "First Aid in Emergencies, " by Eldridge L. Eli-ason, M. D.

"Adventures of Ideas" is a history of the human race from the point of view of mankind’s changing ideas.

"Professor Whitehead begins by pointing out a major difference In all theorizing on - society between the present and ancient times. The ancient philosophers accepted human slavery as an inescapable promise of civilization. No thinker today will accept slavery as a necessity. Here in a vital and revolutionary change in ideas, in our basic thought on man and society. It is in such changes and victories of ideas that Professor Whitehead sees clues to a justification and explanation of human life.

"This is a stimulating and fascinating book for all who have faith and interest in ideas. ”


The first year chemistry class gave a program last Tuesday afternoon dealing with modern developments in the field of chemistry. Sixteen students took part in the program which covered all the different phases of chemistry.

Those who took part in the program are Irene Bails, Vare Hunt, Kenneth Weaver, Bernice Dappen, Max Oliver, Edith Bechtelhelmer, Donald Richards, Franklin Hiebert, Maxine Atchison, John Adrian, Glen Turner, Robert Ferris, Esther Kim-mel, Robert Booz, Galen Fields, Maxine DeMott and Vernon Michael.

At the next meeting the oil wells around McPherson will be discussed.

(By College News Service)

New York. —Miss Isabel C. Ebel has enrolled as a graduate student in the New York University College of Engineering. The only woman student, she is studying aeronautical engineering.

If the government passes a law cutting the acreage of wheat or reducing the hours of labor, just what economic principles are involved? Are such acts sound in principle or merely the fancy of theorists or the result of effective propaganda?

These are the practical problems of economics that are learned in the economic courses given in McPherson college. One cannot estimate whether a given action will be a success or a failure until he knows the principles back of it.

In the economics courses every day problems are discussed and applied to their principles. Theories are advanced, criticised, and rejected. The student is given a chance to develop an economic theory of his own.

A student cannot develop into a public-spirited citizen until he is acquainted with the foundations of our economic life. It is his public duty to acquire sound opinions for our social control.

(By College News Service)

New Haven, Conn. —Let the women and old men do the fighting in any future war. This was the novel deterrent for international conflict offered this week by Amelia Earhart, famous woman flyer, in an inter-view published by The Yale Daily News. The oldest people should be drafted first, she believes.