McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas. Wednesday, sept. 20, 1933





Held In Y. W. Room Tuesday Because of Weather

About eighty girls attended Y. W. campus sister party. Tuesday. September 13. at four-thirty o'clock. Due to the rainy weather, the party was held in the Y. W. room instead of on the campus as was originally planned.

The group enjoyed a get acqaint-ed game, conducted by Elizabeth Bowman, after which, the hour was spent in singing. Bernice Dresher, Y. W. song leader, had charge of this part of the program.

Refreshments of s a n d w i c h e s. punch, and wafers were prepared and served by the refreshment committee. Elizabeth and Jo Wagoner.

Games Played on College Cam-pus—Petry, Lehman, Feature in Chapel Program

One of the outstanding all-school socials of the year, the Y. M.-Y. W. watermelon feed, was held Friday evening, September 15, on the college campus.

George N. Bryan. secretary of the McPherson Y. M. C. A., had charge of the games, which opened the activities of the evening. After a get-acquainted game, the students were divided into their different groups for the evening's play. Newell Wine, Carol Whitcher, and Paul Booz assisted Mr. Bryan.

After considerable recreation, the entire group went Into the chapel where a program was presented. The Varsity Ladies' Trio, Gulah Hoover. Mildred Dahlinger.' and Lois Ed-wards, sang two numbers. Miss Della Lehman. head of the college dramatic department, read "A Chip Off the Old Block." and as an encore an interpretative reading. "The Bride." Professor Ray C. Petry. a new member on the faculty, gave a clover talk, after which Professor Alvin C. Voran led the group in some pep songs.

Going back out on the campus grounds, the guests enjoyed the actual part of the watermelon feed.

The. party this year was planned by the two social chairmen of the Y organizations. Margaret Oliver and Paul Booz.



Gives Brief Address Emphasizing Nobleness of Character



College dreams have a unique way of coming true If given a chance. This was the challenging statement offered by Dr. J. D. Bright In the opening chapel address of the year.

The college student should dream, but his dreams should bo purposeful. They should formulate his character and his culture. The modern student too often falls to do this. Mass education should not be discredited but every student should really par take of his liberal education and grimly determine that he will make the most of It. Dr. Bright drew from the experiences of Daniel Webster and Thomas Ewing to Illustrate his point.

Three building stones are necessary to make our dreams realities. In the first place we must have a yearning for knowledge. We must also have a mature religion and philosophy of life. In the third place we should constantly look forward lo our career or vocation.

Dr. V. F. Schwalm led devotions and greeted the students lo McPher-son college. Later ho Introduced the facility and several groups of students. The music of the morning was furnished by Miss Lois Wilcox, new Instructor In violin, who gave a violin solo: Mr. Floyd Harris In a vocal solo, and John Glovers In a vocal solo.

The development of nobility was the theme of an address given by Dean R. E. Mohler in chapel Friday.

Dean Mohler in his brief address stressed that nobleness of character should be one of the objects sought in a college education. The noble mind must live on a high plane at all times.

The music of the morning was furnished by Warner Nettleton who gave a vocal solo.


Pictured to the side is the col-lege male quartet. composed of Chris Johansen. bass; Harvey Shank. baritone; Wayne Carr, second tenor: and Warner Nettle-ton. first tenor. The group traveled approximately 7,000 miles this summer singing over this part of the country.

During their travels this group was well received and many let-ters of congratulation were sent lo the president's office.


Petry, Wilcox and Gill Now on Teaching Staff of College


Lester Selves Will Assist Coach Binford Through Coming Football Season

Student returning to McPherson college this year were greeted by three new members of the faculty. To bead the Department of Bible and Philosophy, vacated by the death of Prof. J. Hugh Heckman. Is Dr. Hay C. Petry. Dr. Petry Is acquainted with McPherson college, having been here during 1929-30 teaching for Dr. J. D. Bright who was on leave of absence for that year.

After graduating from college Dr. Petry took his Ph. D. degree from the graduate Divinity School of the University of Chicago. He spent four years there taking his degree In 1932. Since that time he has been In the service of the Unemployment Relief Commission of Chicago. Dr. Petry has also taught one year In Manchester college. Having already won recognition as an outstanding teacher and scholar, Dr. Petry comes here with the greatest respect from the student body.

Miss Lois Wilcox of Salina, Kan-sas. will teach violin and orchestra this year. Miss Wilcox graduated from the violin department of Beth-any college last year where she was an outstanding music student. ' She has done considerable work in violin and orchestra and will cooperate with Mr. August San Romani In developing violinists for his orchestra In the city schools. Miss Wilcox will make her home here.

Miss Alice GIN. 'a major In Journalism at Kansas University comes here to teach Journalism and typewriting this year. Miss Gill has her A. B. and A. M. degrees from Kansas University.

Mr. Lester Selves who assisted In football coaching In 1931 will aid In that department again this year.


Miss Lora Trostle, for fifteen years matron of McPherson college, died at her homo In McPherson on July 29. She held her position from 1915 to 1930. Miss Trostle was forced to give up her position because of fulling health, for which she spent some time In California. She had made her home In McPherson.

Funeral services were held in the First Church of the Brethren.


Hoover, Pote and Schwalm Represent McPherson College

Saturday noon. Dr. V. F. Schwalm. •Gulah Hoover. Lester Pote and Hollis Hayward of Kansas Wesleyan college motored to Camp Wood near Elm-dale. Kansas, where they attended a ”Y” presidents' retreat.

Pres. Schwalm. Pres. King of Washburn College, and Dr. Nash were the main speakers. Other important leaders in Y. W. and Y. M. C. A. work led discussions.

Dr. Schwalm spoke on the subject The Function of Religion in College. ”

Approximately forty people attended the week end retreat from the central and eastern part of Kan-


Tour 7000 Miles Singing—Accompanied by Voran—Return August 10

The McPherson college male quar-tet. with their director. Prof. Alvin C. Voran, traveled approximately 7,000 miles between June 8 and Aug-ust 10 representing the college In this district.

The first section of their trip ex-tended over five weeks and took them to the churches of South Topeka and Kansas City. Before going up through Missouri, Iowa and Minnesota. they appeared on programs of young peoples conferences at South English. Iowa, and Lewiston. Minnesota.

After singing in Minneapolis, Minnesota, they returned to McPherson

way of Iowa and Nebraska.

When the group had rested a few days, they started for Colorado. Go-ing westward their chief stops were at Garden City. Kansas: Colorado Springs and Denver, Colorado. The return trip was made through south-

ern Nebraska and the last stop was made at Summerfield, Kansas.

At Garden City the program was

carried over the city by amplifiers. At Colorado Springs they sang be-fore a 'gathering of 250O people be-sides the regular church attendances.

The members of the college quartet were: Warner Nettleton. first tenor: Wayne Carr, second tenor; Harvey Shank, barltone; and Chris Johnsen, bass.



Buildings and Furniture Repainted During Summer

Several Improvements were

made on the campus this summer. Thu interior of Fahnestock- hall was repainted and all the furniture in Arnold hall wus refinished. New curtains were also hung in the girls' dormitory. Colorful new cushions and a large rug were placed in the Y. W. room, and the entire campus was given a general cleaning. The Ladies Aids of various churches have contributed to this work.

Thurs.. September 21 World Service Group meets in the college church at 6:30 p. m.

Mon.. September 25 -"Y"-Freshman Outing at l: 00 p. m.

Tues.. September 26 - Regular Y. M. and Y. W. meetings at 10:30 a. m.

Wed.. September 27- Chilocco Indian football game here.    .



Over Two Hundred Student# Arc Entertained by Faculty At Annual Social


Musical Numbers and Speeches By

Professors Constitute Program of Evening

At 8:00 o'clock on Monday evening. September 18, the annual faculty reception was held In the parlors of the Church of the Brethren. Over two hundred students and all of the faculty members with their wives and husbands were present.

For the first part of the evening, the students passed down the receiv-ing line, and introductions and handshakings were in order.

When everyone was seated, Dr. J. D. Bright, as master of ceremonies, extended a welcome to the students . He Introduced the first speaker of the evening. Dr. J. J. Yoder, giving as his subject "Why I Like Kansas." Dr. Yoder stated that at the end of four years each of the students would be "fixed up" in English. In science, and in each of the departments of the college. He closed by wishing the college group a most successful career in McPherson.

Miss Lois Wilcox, violin instructor, favored with a violin solo. "Adoration.” accompanied at the piano by Miss Fern Lingenfelter. Following this. Prof. Alvin C. Voran sang a negro spiritual. "De Glory Road." accompanied by Miss Lingenfelter. As an encore he sang another negro song.

Pres. V. F. Schwalm gave the closing speech, saying that if one, wishes to make friends in college, he should show himself friendly. He concluded with a poem which told of things which make life worth the living

At the end of the program, punch was served by Miss Edith McGaffey Mrs. R. E. Mohler. and Mrs. J. D. Bright, assisted by several of the students.



On Monday afternoon at four o'clock the Y. M. C. A. will hold an outing for the freshmen. The group will then go to Anderson's grove for the evening. The freshmen have been asked to meet on the south side of the Administration building at the

designated time.

God has placed no limits to the exercise of intellect this side of the grave.



111 Freshmen Attending McPherson College—Largest Class In Years


Records Not Yet Complete—Total So Far Is 218 Students

Enrollment at McPherson College this year has shown a decided in-crease over last year. The freshman class is the largest in several years

According to information given out at the dean's office, 111 fresh-men had enrolled last evening. Compared with the enrollment at this time last year the increase is approximately 33 per cent.

There are 46 sophomores, 5 2 Juniors and 25 seniors enrolled. Also, there are 14 special students enrolled, making a total number of 248.

Fifteen states are represented in this year's enrollment.

This year's added enrollment will mean one of the greatest years for McPherson College. New students took up their class work on Wed-nesday morning at 8:00 o’clock. Dr.

J. D. Bright giving the opening chapel address at 10:00 o'clock. The campus has been improved and the col-lege is fully prepared for the new year.

A few have enrolled late and a few more are expected to enroll yet.

Students and faculty at McPherson College are optimistic over the enrollment and plans are being made for a big year ahead.


Many Volumes Given By Faculty and Friends During Summer

Books, new and old. have come Into the library during the summer. Among the donors are Professor S. M. Dell. Professor. E. A. Bohling. Miss Greta Wilma Griffis, and Mr. Forney.

Two very old books were given by Professor Dell. One. "A Greek and English Lexicon of the New Testament." by Edward Robinson, was copyrighted In 1825; and the other. "The Works of Flavius Josephus," by Wm. Whiston was published In 1829. Mr. Forney has also donated several old volumes.

New books include: "Protection of Women and Children in Soviet Russia," by Alice Field, a gift of the author; "Meet the Germans." by H. A. Phillips, a gift of the Carl Schurz Foundation, and "Manchoukuo, Child of Conflict." by K. K. Kuwakami, gift of the Maemillan Publishing Co.

Gretta Wilma Griffis. a graduate of lust year, bus given two books. "Essentials of Speech.” by Pelama. and "Physiology of Plants." by Pierce, and Professor Bohling has donated a copy of Kester's "Account-ing. Theory and Practice."

Several large pictures of scenes in Germany have been received from the German tourist bureau.


President student council Guy Hayes Treasurer student council

Newell Wine

Editor Quadrangle

Everett Fasnaeht Business Manager Quadrangle ,    ,    Wilbur Yoder

Editor Spectator    Elmer Staats

Business Manager Spectator

Paul Booz

President Y.M.C.A.    Lester Pote

President Y.W.C.A. to be chosen President Senior Class Newell Wine President Junior Class John Goering President Sophomore Class

.„        Paul Booz

President "M" Club Leonard Wiggins President W.A.A. Elizabeth Bowman President C.E.    Royal Frants

President World Service Group......

Delvis Bradshaw President Thespian Club Una Ring

Address all correspondence THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas




Direction and Purpose Should

Be Sought This Year, Replogle Advises Students

This year's student should look about him and formulate definite aims and objectives. This was the advice given by Dean F. A. Replogle in chapel last Monday.

He should first seek to do more than to fit into things as they are. The student should determine in himself that he will not fall into the old trends of thinking If they are wrong. We should also know the other person and consider his good points as well as his bad. College should cause us to think clearly and constructively at all times.

This year the student should think and talk only in terms of facts rather than assumptions which leads only to idle gossip. The individual exercising self control and respecting regulations will experience far more freedom than the one who does not. Then, too, the attitude of getting by must he destroyed before it is too late. One of the Important things that a student should do is to develop an ideal for good tastes and culture.

In conclusion Dean Replogle stated that the student should generate a purpose or direction for his life during his school year.

Subscription Rates For One School Year $1. 00




Elmer Staats

Business Manager

Paul Booz Clarence Sink

Feature Editor Sports Editor

Margaret Oliver

Wilbur Yoder

Asst. Business Manager

Circulation Manager

Joseph Zook ..........—

Ann Heckman Etta Nickel Agnes Bean Maxine Ring Faculty Advisers

Paul Heckman

Royal Frantz Robert Booz Helen Webber

Profs. Maurice A. Hess and Alice Gill


The "Y" organizations sponsored a book exchange last week to enable students to trade in their secondhand books for others that they might need. Many students took advantage of this method of securing their textbooks and others were able to realize a bit of money from the sale of their old textbooks. It was soon found that the demand for second hand books was much greater than the supply. There were many calls for books which could not be filled.

The "Y" asked a commission of 10 per cent and in this way a worthwhile sum was obtained to be added to the treasuries of the Y. M. and

Y. W.

Royal Frantz and Corrine Suter were in charge of the exchange.


every other stone. —


Boost McPherson College


To the new student In McPherson college the Spectator extends a word of welcome. With your new environment has come new problems of adjust-ment. It is hoped that with the aid of other students your problem* may be greatly reduced. With your coming has been added new talent to McPherson college. insuring It of greater success in the future. The student body greet* you and will cooperate In every way to make this year enjoy-able and profitable for you.

An added responsibility will fall upon the old student in college. It should he his duty to see that every accommodation Is provided for the newcomer.

May the new and the old students cooperate in making this year bigger and better for McPherson college.


This newspaper will strive to fulfill certain duties on the campus. Every group or body needs such organ to further its ends. In beginning the new school year the Spectator wishes to announce its policy:

1.    To set forth all the news of the campus for those who ore interested in the school—the students, faculty, parents, and alumni.

2.    To make the paper Interesting in Its style and content.

3.    To promote worthy campus projects: to discourage the less worthy.

4.    To create a wholesome school spirit and to support the best traditions of the school.

5.    To encourage and promote true sportsmanship.

6.    To promote scholarship. The Spectator will deal with fundamental values.     

7.    To provide an outlet for students who wish to do creative literary

and artistic work.    

8.    To record In a permanent form the history of the school.

9.    To focus the Interest of the school on matters concerning the entire student body.

10.    To produce a paper in style and quality worthy to be known as a

product of "The School of Quality. "    


In nearly ovary college some rules or regulations have been placed upon the freshmen by upperclassmen. In some the upperclass organizations have lost in power; In others the rules have been removed by the college administration or by the action of student government.

It should be one of the major purposes of the school to remove any mark of distinction which might set the freshmen opart from the rest of the students. Every year the “M" Club requires that freshmen wear caps provided for that purpose. This alone has not brought general disapproval from the freshmen. But this year the club has added additional regulations to the freshmen. Such a spirit is destined to set the freshmen off as a group and to create hostility toward the upperclassmen.

Freshmen will not object so greatly to wearing their caps, provided that other regulations are removed. All this may be done in a spirit of fun. but it can only make for hostility.

Let us keep M. C. a democratic school by keeping it democratic in spirit.


From nearly every college and university comes word that the freshman enrollment has risen greatly. In each school the administration has mot the increase with optimism. The large number of students, they say, in an indication that economic conditions are getting easier.

Whatever may bo said as to the truth of this statement it can be said that the student has not lost faith in our educational system. He is eager to prepare himself for the new tasks ahead. A year or two of walling has shown him the seriousness of his life. The student will come back with a new enthusiasm and desire for a true education.


Every student when he comes to college is removed from his ordinary surroundings, his old habits, and his old friends. One of the first acts of the student is to acquire friendships on the campus. In doing so he should take the utmost precaution not to be too hasty. An ill formed friendship too quickly acquired may lose a person the respect and esteem of his classmates. On the other hand a person should not neglect to develop this phase of his campus life. His most valuable experiences in college will come from close association with the right kind of friends.

The ideal way for the student to acquire his friendships is to be friendly and agreeable with everyone choosing after some time his closer friends. The friends that one makes in college may prove to be his most valuable assets in after life.

Of all the things which man can do here below, by far the most momentous, wonderful, and worthy are the things we call books. —Carlyle.

There is no genius in life like the genius of energy and activity. — Mitchell.

Character in the diamond which scratches Bartol.     

The only jewel which will not decay is knowledge. —Langford.

The supreme end of human effort is making man a wiser, nobler, diviner being.

Worry's worst enemy is work.

What you will be depends upon what you are.

Moss never grows on the back that keeps moving.


Several Attend World's Fair— Mohler, Schwalm,. Yoder Attend Conferences


Many Teach in Summer School—

Vacation Later—Blair and Hershey to Pennsylvania

The faculty of McPherson college spent the summer in various activities. Many attended the World’s Fair, others looked after personal interests.

Dean R. E. Mohler spent the early part of the summer attending the Brethren Conferences at Hershey. Pa. He then attended two meetings of the Rotary Club: one in Poland Springs, Maine, the other in Boston, Mass. After this he spent some time lecturing in some eastern churches. On his return trip he visited the World's Fair. Dean Mohler spent the latter part of the summer visiting Rotary Clubs In Kansas.

Prof. J. A. Blair, after teaching in summer school, toured eastward in August visiting his mother in Pennsylvania and stopping in Washington, D. C., and Chicago. Dr. Hershey and his family also visited relatives in Pennsylvania and Virginia. Dr. Hershey taught in summer school.

Dr. J. D. Bright taught in summer school and later made a trip to Rochester, Minnesota, and Chicago. Miss Della Lehman spent the early part of the summer in McPherson and later visited and vacationed in Colorado.

Drs. J. J. Yoder and J. H. Harnly spent part of the summer looking after farm interests. Dr. Harnly visited the World's Fair and Dr. Yoder attended the District Conference of the Brethren in North Dakota in July. Prof. J. H. Fries looked after business in the college office and made a couple of trips into Texas looking after farm interests.

Prof. S. M. Dell spent the first two months of the summer in the Iowa State college at Ames, Iowa. Misses Brown, Lingenfelter, and Col-llne taught in the summer school. Prof. Maurice A. Hess also taught in summer school.

Dr. V. F. Schwalm, after attending the Annuul Brethren Conference at Hershey, Pennsylvania, made trips to Iowa and Minnesota for young people's conferences. He later spent, two weeks vacationing near Colorado Springs In July. The remainder of his time he spent attending conferences and speaking at teachers institutes.

Profs. J. L. Bowman, E. A. Bohling and Melvin Binford spent most of their summer in McPherson.

Florence. Dorothy and Don Dresh-er of Canton, M. C. graduates or last year attended the watermelon feed Friday night.

Luther Horn, who was graduated with last year's class, visited college friends Friday evening and attended the Y. M. -Y. W. social.

Friends of William Follner, a student here last year, will be interested to know that he has pledged Phi Kappa Tau fraternity, at the Agricultural College at Manhattan.

Among the recent sorority pledges at Manhattan the name of Marlene Dappen is listed with the. PI Beta Phi’s. Miss Dappen is a former McPherson College student.

Alex Richards discovered some an-imal footprints imbedded in some rocks near his home. If Alex ran prove his theory, the discovery may have an important hearing upon our knowledge at the early animal life of this section of the country.

Several members of the faculty of McPherson college attended district conference of the Brethren Church this summer.

Mr. Leroy Doty and Mr. H. R. Gardiner have been employed as field

men by McPherson college this sum-mer, enrolling new students. They have succeeded in bringing to this college many who could not have come otherwise. Mr. Doty is a for-mer graduate of McPherson college.

Dr. V. F. Schwalm, president of McPherson College, greeted freshmen here Freshmen Week. He spoke to the new students on the first Monday of school.




To Be Used by Beginning Chemistry Students

The beginning chemistry class is using a manual this year, written and published by Dr. J. Willard Hershey and Leland Engberg, a student in McPherson College last year.

The manual has been compiled in book form. It is known as the "Laboratory Manual for General Chemistry. " The new manual is illustrated showing the use of laboratory apparatus in the experiments.

Containing forty pages, the man-ual has one or two blank pages between each written one. thus affording a place for the students to write up their experiments.

The book has not been put on sale at other colleges. However it has boon copyrighted.

Leland Engborg was assistant to Dr. Hershey.


In Y. W. yesterday morning Lois Edwards sang "Today is Mine, " after. which devotionals were led by Elisabeth Wagoner. "Seeing the good and the beautiful in small things, and finding happiness at home" was the subject of a short talk by Edith Bechtelhelmer. o


To live and be happy,

Have friends who are true,

To know you can trust them, That they can trust you;

To know that they miss you,

When you are away,

Make life worth the living

For you every day.

To know that you're doing

Your best all the while,

Though rough be the road,

If then you can smile;

If children and old folks Are blessing your name.

Success then is ours,

Far better than fame.

— C. W. Wood.

Deeds survive the doere-—Mann




By Una Ring

A day and a half later -a day and a half later than what? Why the groat faculty reception, the really formal event of the year. After I got out my best suit and had it cleaned and pressed—or was it my backless gown? Now I have even forgotten what gender to use. Since I started in with German and gender is no longer determined by sex I don't know whether to call a her a he or a him an it. When I met the new freshman who sits in a class beside me I said. " I'm glad to know you Mr. Bozo. Are you the daughter of Mr. H. L. Bozo of Bozorine. Nebraska? I mean are you the son of Mr. Bozo—er—a—I mean is he your mother? ” Anyway she wasn’t his father nor any of her relation; so please don’t ask mo about it.

Doesn’t it seem grand to get back and stroll together under the hedge? Oh. I forgot—you are a freshman, aren't you? And I guess I don't mean hedge—maybe it's elm or possibly I simply mean down Euclid.

You know I was a freshman one time. That was the year Just before I was a sophomore. That reminds me: with such a lot of men in the freshman class you may be able to take your distinguishing caps off by Thanksgiving. Still the sophomores won last year, only they were freshmen that year. I men that the freshmen this year will have to beat the freshmen last year; but the game will be played this year.

I hope that by Thanksgiving I will be able to tell who are freshmen and who are uppers. (Speaking of uppers our illustrious Selves was recently deprived one one of his upper—or maybe lower—wisdom tooth). As I was saying, I recently caught myself being very humble to a nice-looklng classmate when he happened to turn his back and I noticed a bit of tell-tale green peeping from his hip pocket. However. I hope that I soon know to whom to be condescending or con-ascending (or something —scending). Still—I have met one girl four times sires 'v and she will probably say how do you do very coldly the next time I am introduced. I wish it were duo to my many changes of clothing, but alas I have not one distinctive feature, let alone more than one distinctive outfit. And my condescension is trailing in the dust.

I am droopily yours.



7: 45—12: 30;    1: 30—5: 30; 7: 00—9: 30; Mon., Tues.,

Wed., Thurs.

7: 45—12: 30; 1: 30—5: 30; Fri.

10: 00—12: 30; 1: 30—3: 30; Sat.


No material should be taken from desk, reserve shelves, or stacks without signing the card.

All books assigned for class work are reserve books and should be in the library during library hours. They may be checked out for over night use during the last half hour the library is open, but must be returned when the library reopens. Students needing to take reserve books from the library at other times must gain permission to do so from the librarian.

General reference books are shelved in the north east room of the library and should never be taken from the building.

Books not belonging to either of the above classes may be checked out for a period of two weeks.


Failure to return a reserve book during the first half hour the library is open subjects the student to a fine of 5c for the first hour and 2c for each additional hour until the book is returned.

Failure to return or renew books from the stacks when due, subjects the student to a fine of 2c per day for each day over due.


If no one is at the desk, ring the bell for service.

Things Begin to Happen Be-fore Enrollment Starts on Monday

Dearest folks back home:

Hello, everybody! The moon is just coming up over the good old M. C. campus. Gee it seems good to be back with all the kids—and professors! I dare say this week has proved quite a thriller.

Things began to happen when Brammel dropped In Saturday night. A good old handshake like his makes you feel like a million dollars. There were only three of us old girls in the dorm amongst all the newcomers. Wo almost wondered how we could play campus sisters to them all. Martha Hursh busted In on us at noon to relieve us of our worry, and then kids kept popping in on our like fairies.         

Of course on Monday we began the annual breadline to make Rep-logle believe we were hungry for knowledge.

The Bulldog football team proves to bo full of action. So you know what will be our movie this year. Quite a few are getting knocked cold. Wo had to name one "Scarface, " after that movie (you know the gangster picture) but it’s not machine guns that gave him the scars. It takes a good Bulldog to put up such a fight.

Say, 90 per cent of the romances left over from last year are still blooming. Not many have seemed to withered over the hot summer months. The way some "star gaze" around here almost make me sure they weren't astronomy students. And has Dsn Cupid sent some more arrows whirling. You can't ever tell what's going to happen.

The freshmen sure prove to have some talent even if they are the green crop. A horn blower almost sets you to dancing and there's a vocalist that sure has the volume. I guess he'll be everyone's radio around here this winter. The pianist in the boy’s dorm is so good that the castle bulges out on both sides.

I met that cute heart sister of mine, Gee, I feel sunk beside her.

She's got rings, pins, letters, etc., etc., because she was valedictorian and oven Victorian at her high school. Anyway the sister party was a success even after the rainy weather.

The first freshman rebellion came at the watermelon feed Friday night. Nevertheless they still have to wear their green caps and like it too.

The faculty members seem quite nice. I like all the kids, too. My the chapel seems 92 and two-thirds per cent filled now with the 112 freshmen and others.

There are gobs of Fords decorating the campus. The yellow one is the loudest and best looking.

Joe E. Brown is in our midst! At least we have a freshie what looks like a man. Maybe we're just kidding ourselves though.

Well, I had about ten minutes time out but that's because the guy I've been going with talked me into "ankleing" down town with him on a date. I wish I'd brought my roller skates so it wouldn't be so bad—but being as it's who it is I won't mind my dogs getting a little tired.

Order the Spectator so I won't have to write so much in my letters. That tells you the dope off first, second, and third class.

Classes are going O. K. though they were kinds haywire the first few days—trying to get schedules to fit the hours, or hours to suit the schedules. I don’t know which.

Love to the old hunch,



Miss Edith McGaffey resumed her duties in the Department of English this year. During her leave of absence last year Miss McGaffey took graduate work in the University of Chicago.

If hot air wore music some people would be a whole brass band.


Various Phases of M. C. Life Given by Campus Leaders In Y. M. Program

Yesterday at 10: 00 o'clock the Y. M. C. A. held its first meeting with a total attendance of sixty-eight men. The meeting was opened by Carol Whitcher who read "The House by the Side of the Road, " and led the group in prayer. He then presented the purpose of the first meeting which was to create a clearer understanding of the organisations which influence college life and inspire those already familiar with them to keep McPherson College a school of quality.

Guy Hayes then summarised the activities of the student council organization. The student council is made up of a president and treasurer who are elected by the entire student body. Each class also elects a man and a woman to represent them and the "M” club, W. A. A. organization. Fine Arts department, and faculty also contribute representatives. The activities of the student council pro the sponsoring of the Spectator, the Quadrangle, social functions, forensics, dramatics, dorm rules, and discipline problems.

Orval Eddy then outlined the athletic program of McPherson College. He pointed out the extensive intramural program of the school which includes every man on the campus who desires to partake in it. Intramural activities include the Freshman-Sophomore football game. A and B league basketball, and intra-mural track meets. Mr. Eddy gave a very hopeful report for the coming varsity athletic program.

Delvls Bradshaw told of what the College Christian Endeavor Society, the World Service group, and the Y. M. C. A. organisations contribute to the college. In the C. E. the men and women intermingle to discuss problems and this organisation is a bit general. The World Service group sends out as many deputation teams as seem advisable and holds discussions about many problems or widespread importance. The Y. M. C. A. is an organization where young men discuss heart to heart problems. Mr. Bradshaw closed his talk by pointing out how a great electric machine is worthless without current so a man is worthless without divine guidance. Wo are all created in the Spirit of God. It is this spirit which makes McPherson College a School of Qaul-ity.

Lester Pote announced a freshman stag hike for next Monday evening at 4: 00 o'clock.

The next edition of the Spectator will bo dedicated to the Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A., student organizations on the campus. With this edition the "Y" organizations will begin their annual membership drive. Members of each cabinet will be given an opportunity to express themselves on some topic or theme related to their organizations.

This edition will also be dedicated to the alumni of McPherson college and copies of the Spectator will be sent to them.


Vesper Service on Campus Is First Program

The first meeting of the college Christian Endeavor society was a vesper service held on the college campus Sunday, September 10. Included in the program was a selection of nature readings given by Miss Della Lehman. This was followed by a talk by Dean F. A. Replogle. Dean Replogle, in his talk, challenged students to higher and more constructive thinking, pointing out the great need of constructive thinking today.

Sunday, September 17, the regular C. E. program was given in the basement of the college church. This program consisted of a number of short biographies given by different students. Wayne Carr discussed the life of J. Cook. Neva Root told of the hardships and trials of John Bunyan. Clarence Sink and Faithe Ket-terman discussed the lives of two Bible characters. Sink telling of Nehemiah, his work in the king's court and later in rebuilding Jerusalem and Miss Ketterman speaking on the trials of Job. Wayne Carr sang a tenor solo. "Like As a Father. " Guy Hayes was in charge of devotions for the meeting.

The Christian Endeavor society will need to be reorganized in a short time due to the fact that a number of the officers and committee chairmen are not returning to school. The officers who have returned are Royal Frantz, president; Paul Sher-fy. vice president; Paul Heckman, treasurer; Galen Ogden, program chairman; Lois Edwards, music chairman, and Lois Fry. social chairman.

Ward Williams of the class of '33 was on the campus Saturday.



S. M. Braden, who has been dean of the Kansas Bible college at Lawrence. Kansas, for some time, has recently accepted the pastorate of the First Christian Church at Paducah. Kentucky. The Rev. Braden began his work there on September 3.

Mr. Braden is a former graduate of McPherson college.

Ward Williams of the class of '33 and Royal Yoder of the class of '32 attended the summer conference sponsored by the Y. M. C. A. and the Y. W. C. A. hold at Estes Park. Colorado, this summer.



Backfield Looks Stronger Than Any In Recent Years But Line Needs Power and Weight—Ten Lettermen Reporting    


ticket selling and quite a few tickets Scrimmaging and Hard Work Begun have been sold. Plans are being made For Contest Only Week Off for a new canvass of the town.



27. —Chilocco, here.


6. — Friends, here.


13. —Wesleyan, Salina.


20. —Baker, here.


26. — Bethel, Newton.


3. —Bethany, here.


10. —Ottawa, there.


17. —Okla. Rap.. Shawnee


30. —York. Nebr.. here.

The McPherson College campus welcomes again the students to its doors. Above is an aerial view of the campus. This is the picture as It will appear in The Quadrangle this year.

"Save and teach all you are interested in to save: thus pare the way for moral and spiritual success. "-— Thomas Jefferson.

Through the law of mental meditation, the most difficult problems are solved.

"Enjoy the little you have while the fool is hunting for more. "


for these positions. Custer: a member of last season's team is showing up well in the backfield.

Hahn is proving to be a good half-back. He is a good punter and also docs well in the open field. Godsey and Dannenburg have shown up well at the halfback position.

Coach Binford is without a veteran for the fullback position but has two men with good high school records working for the position. One of these men is Buress, who captain-ed the Blackwell, Oklahoma. high school team last year. The other probable fullback is Dunn, who play-ed with the Nickerson high school team.

The backfield has been doing well, but considerable work will have to be done with the line in the next few days. Scrimmages have been gone through the last few nights and workouts will be much harder during the next few days.

The opening game will be played next Wednesday evening with the Chilocco Indians at McPherson.



The ticket sale for the five home games of the Bulldogs this year is getting underway downtown. Season tickets are being sold for $2. 00 or an average cost of 40 cents a game.

Harry Frantz is in charge of the

Football practice has been in prog-ress for the McPherson College Bull-dogs for the past two weeks and Coaches Melvin J. Binford and Les-ter Selves are beginning to get a line on the material they have at hand.

At the present time there are ton lettermen reporting for dally practices. Prospects for the new men to develop are looking good.

Lettermen in the line include Min-ear. Guy Hayes, Orville Eddy, Newell Wine. Waller Pauls and Robert Bow-man. Backfield men who have won letters at McPherson college are: Leonard Wiggins. Harold Binford. Chet Johnson and Russell Carpenter.

The Bulldog line will be lighter this year than last and somewhat inexperienced. For center position Coach Binford has Cleo Minear, a two-year letterman. However, he is being pressed by Kauffman. an all-Central Kansas League man and it looks like a real battle for the position.

Eddy and Hayes are lettermen at guards. Berger and Vasques are new men who have been showing up well as guards. Vasquez was a backfield man in high school but is a good blocker and at present it looks as though he will see much action at guard position.

Wine, a three-year letterman is the only veteran tackle in the Bulldog camp. Walter Weddle and David Duncanson, squadmen from last year are working for tackle positions. Chester Caldwell, who has been an all-Central Kansas League selection for the past two years looks like a good candidate for one tackle. There is also the possibility of shifting Eddy to a tackle position.

Lttermen at ends are Pauls and Bowman. Archer Van Nortwick. another end was a member of the Bulldog squad two years ago. Harold Johnston, captain of the local high school team last year. is trying for one of the end positions. Prather, another freshmen looks like a good man for an end.

At present it seems that the back-Held will be the strongest that it has been for several years. If the line holds up the backfield should be a power in the conference this year. Chet Johnston and Harold Binford are both lettermen at quarterback. Byron Eshelman and Cox are new men trying for this position.

Carpenter and Wiggins are veterans at the halfback positions, and several other good men are bidding


Lester "Bud" Selves, who assisted Coach Binford In training the Ball-dog team two years ago is back. Last year Mr. Selves was employed in Emporia.

Coach Selves is working on the backfield while Binford has been coaching the line.


A number of downtown fans bare been watching the McPherson college football squad in its workouts recently, and now that the scrimmage stage baa been reached. Larger crowds are getting out in the late afternoon. It looks now as if Coaches Binford and Selves have the best group of grid talent that has been available at the school in recent years, and they are shaping into form nicely. There is a big array of backfield material trying out for the first team positions, and looking over the men at work it would appear as if the coaches will have to use the judgment of Solomon in making their selections in this department. The line is showing marked improvement, and it looks now as if the Canines will give their supporters some real entertainment this fall. —McPherson Republican.



The McPherson college summer school had an attendance of 72 students this year. Also there were 24 fine arts students under Miss Fern Lingenfelter.

Those members of the faculty that taught in summer school were: Miss Edith McGaffey. Prof. M. A. Hess, Prof. J. A. Blair, Dr. J. D. Bright, Prof. J. L. Bowman, Prof. E. A. Bohling and the Misses Brown, Ling-enfelter and Colline.

Approximately 1000 students have enrolled in Wichita University and 400 at Friends University this semester. Both schools have shown a substantial increase in the freshman class.



Detailed Programs Dealing With Freshman Problems Given Here

Speeches, questionnaires, socials— everything is being done to greet the freshman and adjust him to college life. Monday and Tuesday the freshman’s time was chiefly occupied with registration and a series of meetings and addresses.

Monday evening freshmen and fac-ulty joined in a get-together and social in which each student was given a chance to get acquainted with the faculty. The enrollment hours for freshmen on these two days were from 1: 30 to 5: 30 o'clock on Monday and from 2: 30 to 5: 30 on Tuesday.

The objectives of freshman days as outlined by the Freshman Committee are: "1. To give the freshmen a friendly welcome to McPherson college. 2. To help the freshmen get acquainted with one another and with the school. 3. To shorten the time that is usually required for the freshman to adjust themselves to college environment. 4. To introduce the freshmen early to the many desirable influences which affect college life. 5. To have the freshmen fully prepared to begin classwork on Wednesday at 10: 30. ”

Those members of the faculty on the Freshman Committee are: Prof. S. M. Dell, Prof. M. A. Hess, Prof. J. L. Bowman, Prof. E. R. Bohling, Miss Della Lehman, Miss Helen McIlrath.


With this issue the Spectator begins its seventeenth year as the weekly publication of the student council of McPherson college. Beginning with the second week of school, the paper is issued each week. This procedure has been followed, with slight exception since its beginning. No paper will be issued the week of Christmas vacation.

Each Wednesday noon the Spectator will be placed in a box in the hall of the administration building. One paper will be provided each student.

There will be thirty-five issues this year.

At Ottawa University the annual "chicken scrap" ended last week with the sophomores winning. Each sophomore succeeded in tying up two freshmen in the time allotted him. This contest is similar to the freshman-sophomore football game on our campus.