McPherson college, Mcpherson, Kansas. Wednesday, nov. 16, 1932
McPherson Plays Good Football for Two Minutes - - Baptists Completely Outplay Local Team — Second Touchdown Comes on Bad Break
Y W. C A. to Sell Oriental Articles
A Japanese bazaar will be held in the Y. W. C, A. room the week fol-lowing Thanksgiving. Small inex-pensive and useful articles of Japan-ese origin will be sold. The articles selected for this sale will make Ideal Christmas gifts for the "folks back home" and their prices will be well adapted to the status quo of the pres-ent-day pocketbook. The exact time and date of the bazaar will be an-nounced later.
Classes Give Stunts—Play by Newton Students
Professor Maurice A. Hess was master of ceremonies at the Home-coming Social held in the parlors of be Brethren Church last Saturday night.
Stunts were given by the senior and sophomore classes. The fresh-man class presented “Shakespearian Bash.’ Mr. Samuel Kurts of New-on, Kansas brought over two play-ets to add to the entertainment Between numbers Professor Hess called on students, faculty members, former students, and alumni for ex-emporaneous speeches. In conclu-sion refreshments were served under the direction of Mrs. J. A. Blair.
Students who took part in the sen-ior stunt were Harvey Shank, hero; Lloyd Larsen. ticket agent: Lilburn Gottman, messenger boy; and Charles Austin. Milton Early, Grace Heckman and Melvin Landes pas-sengers.
The cast of "Shakespearian Hash" included Juliet. Pauline Stutzman: Julius Caesar. Gerald Myers; Cleo-patra. Marjorie Shank: Hamlet. Fred Nace; Lady Macbeth. Dorothy Bou-am and Shylock. Willard Brammel. help manager was Donald Overholt.
In the sophomore stunt were Lea-land Enberg, bus driver: Agnes Bean, napper: Martha Hursh. grandame; Harold Reinecker and Esther Pote. newlyweds; Marjorie Brown, wife; Harry Frantz. her henpecked hus-band; and John Austin, bugcatcher.
Professor Voran, accompanied by Gulah Hoover and Bernice Dresher, led the group in some college songs.
Among the extemporaneous speak-ers were numbered Dean Mohler, Dr. Schwalm. Professor Blair, Miss Lehman, Ethel Sherfy, Donald Trostle, Royal Frantz, Lilburn Gottmann, Harold ‘Berries" Crist, Miss Brown, Mrs. Harnly, Margaret Oliver, Ker-mit Hayes. Rush Holloway, Earl Reed and Leland Lindell.
The first play by the Newton students was entitled "On the Lot," and had been directed by a student, The second "Counterfit.” was written by Mr. Kurtz and his wife.
Also Pamphlets Acquired •• Author Presents Gift
Two new books and various pam-phlets have been added to the library. "Revolution in Economic Life", by W. Russell Shull is a book, aimed to help meet the need and alleviate a situation which can be called "the great crime Of the present day—unemployment".
The annual book published by the National Education Association on its "Addresses and Proceedings'’ has been received. This book gives de— tails of the seventieth annual meet-ing held at Atlantic City, New Jersey. from June 25 to July 1, 1932 This book is a gift from W. B. Charles of New York and the author.
Ruth Hobart, Gladys Riddell, Ruth Spilman, and Marietta Dappen Make Varity—-Now Working in Preparation
for Winfield Tournament
Bulldogs Advance Ball to Twenty-
Five Yard Line at Start of Game
Ottawa University undefeated leaders in the Kansas Conference strengthened its held on first place in the league by defeating the McPherson College Bulldogs here last Friday afternoon by a score of 18-0.'
Except for a few minutes at the start of the game, the Bulldogs were outcharged, outgained, and com-pletely outplayed by the heavy Ottawa, team. The Braves accounted for two touchdowns in the second period and another in the last period. None of the extra point tries were successful.
The first quarter was fairly even with both teams making some nice gains. The Bulldogs advanced the ball Into Ottawa territory, but lost the ball on down, on the Ottawa twenty-five yard line. Toward the last of the first quarter the Braves begun a sustained march that pushed the Bulldogs back into their own territory.
The beginning of the second quar-ter saw the Braves continuing with this drive with Gray and Knapper carrying the ball 4 and 5 yards at a time. Gray got loose through the line for a gain of twent-yards that put the ball in scoring position. Gray carried the ball over for the first touchdown, Ottawa scored again in this quarter on a bad break for the Bulldogs. With the wind against them, the Bulldogs could not gain ground, and punts also failed to gain. Standing in the shadow of his own goal, Wiggins attempted to punt, but fumbled and Ottawa re-covered on the McPherson 4-yard line. The line held for three plays, but on the fourth a pass from Knap-per to Mattis was complete over the goal line.
At the beginning of the second half McPherson played better football and held the Braves In their tracks. The McPherson backfield showed a little power and gained a few yards. The pursing combination front Knapper to Mattis was going good and two passes put the ball in scoring position and in the last quar ter Knapper hit the McPherson line far the third touchdown.
Line-up— | ||
MiT'hrrwjn |
Ottawa | |
Pauls |
LE |
Wilkin |
Nelson |
LT |
Jeter |
Eddy |
LG |
Wilkins |
Minear |
C |
Watters |
Keck |
RG |
Haley |
Wine |
RT |
Daugherty |
Bowman |
RE |
Mattis |
Johnston |
Q B |
Elder |
Blume |
L H |
Senter |
Wiggins |
R H |
Knapper |
Zinn |
FB |
Gray |
Officials: Referee, Archer, Hays; Umpire, Dunbar. Ottawa: Headlines-man. Ahearn. Kansas State.
For. the past several weeks since
''the dramatic art class has been prac-ticing the play "Nine to six." posters very attractively advertising the play have been displayed on the bulletin board in Sharp Hall and in the library. Several have been put up down town this week. The posters which have been designed to catch and hold the eye were made by Marjorie Barber, Clarice Evans, and Helen Webber. Each individual poster displayed hero has taken an average of five hours of the artist's time, En-, thusiasm raised by this advertising will draw a large crowd.
The college library is eager to secure either by loan or gift "Phy-siology" by Kimber and Gray. for use on the reserve shelves. Anyone who knows anything about such a book which is available should see Miss Heckethorn.
Thurs.. Nov, 17—Pep chapel.
Fri. Nov. 18--Game with Baker University at Baldwin. — "Ramos Mexican Orchestra" on lyceum course.
Mon., Nov. 21 Student recital in
college chapel.
Tues.. Nov. Dramatic art play. "Nine Till Six", In city auditorium.
Baker Has Strong Team With Very Good Record for This Season
Local Team Is Expected to Make Better Showing Than They Did Last Week
Next Friday the Bulldogs will tan-gle with the Baker University Wild-cats at Baldwin in a Kansas Confer-ence game.
Baker always has a good team and this year has one that has made an exceedingly good record. Last week they defeated the strong William Jewel team in an interstate game played at Kansas City. Baker has a big team that gives promise to last running attack.
In the backfield Hardinger, Wild-cat fullback, has been featuring the
offensive play of the Baker team. He is big and fast and It Is his line plunging that has gained many yards or Baker the last few years. An other back that has been showing up well for Baker Is Anderson. This man comes from a Kansas City high school and Is considered a very dan-gerous broken field runner. In the Baker line probably the most out standing player is Spear whi work it the center position. He is regard ed as one of the best men at that point In the conference.
Thu Bulldogs are given more than a mere chance In win this game, but Baker has a little more impressive. record than the McPherson team has Ottawa defeated Baker 12-0 and th Bulldogs lost to Ottawa by a score of 18-0 Which would give Baker a six point margin on paper. Earlier in the season. Baker gave the Swedes 7-0 defeat.
The Bulldogs are pulling in a hard week of practice both on of fense and defense because of their rather poor showing against Ottawa Coach Binford expects his men to give a better account of themselves gainst Baker than they did last week against the conference leaders. The team will leave for Baldwin some-time Thursday.
An interesting exhibit was dis-played in the clothing and food lab-oratories Saturday. November 12, for the benefit of the Homecoming visi-tors. Garments that have been made and are being made by members of the clothing class were on display as well as notebooks made by the house planning and costume design classes various posters and signs connecte-with dress-making and the like wer-posted on the walls of the clothing laboratory room,
In the foods laboratory were note books and posters of interest which were made by members of last year's class.
Miss Helen McIlrath, head of the home economics department, ar ranged the exhibit.
A number of piano and voice pu pils will be presented in recital in the college chapel at 7:30 p. m. Mon day evening, November 21. The pro gram is open to the public and a printed outline of it will appear on the bulletin board.
Students who will take part are: piano- Virginia Quiring, Kathleen Roberts. Marjorie Jackson. Lois Edwards, Elrae Carlson, and Joyce Vet-fer; voice—Margretta Okerlind.
Warner Nettleton and Lois Edwards.
Gretta Wilma Griffis Responsible For "Tete-a-tete"
The little playlist called the 'International Tete-a-tete," which was given by the International Relations Club at the Homecoming program Friday night, was created on the Me-Pherson campus. Gretta Wilma Grif-fis, wild little help, wrote the action of the plot and most of the speeches. It was an unusual program, reflect-ing credit upon Miss Griffis. who did the work voluntarily.
Has Many Changes of Scenery and Costume — Large Crowd Expected
The dramatic art play. Nine Till Six." which Is to be given next Tues-day. November 22 is now being giv-en the finishing touches under the able direction of Miss Delia Lehman the instructor.
There are several unusual features in this play. The cast consists of women only, yet there is a love story running through the theme, which really consists of the problems be tween employer and employee. The action takes place in an English. dress-shop. the hours of which are nine till six. from whence comes the name of the play. There are five changes of scenery, using three dif-erent sets. Threw scenes take place a the office of the proprietress on the mezzanine floor one In the ap rentices dressing room, and one in, the rest room. All sixteen player. make at least one change of costume and the four mannequins wear many beautiful gowns.
Different in committees from the principled of interpretation class are helping in the production. Sing-manager are Hobart Hughey
chairman Samuel Stoner Donald,
Dresher Milton Early. Glenn Ham mann. and Eugene Anderson, The property committee is made up on Agnes Bean. Margaret Oliver, am ’Jlak Lindholm Marjorie Barber is a charge of the poster committee,
and she has been aided by Helen. Webber and Clarice Evans
A fact that may make the produc-tion of especial interest to the local people is that seven of the players are graduates of McPherson High. school.
Many people seem to be eager to. see "Nine Till Six" and a huge a expected. College students will be admitted by their activity tickets, while the price for adults is 35 cents and for high school and grade stu-dents 25 cents.
Grace Heckman entertained in a most charming manner the members of the Y. W. C. A. cabinet at a six o'clock dinner on Wednesday eve-ning, Novemeber 9
When the guests arrived they
found three quartet tables prettily decorated with the Thanksgiving
most cleverly carried out. Turkey place cards. nub up- decorated with day sprigs of bittersweet and cen-terpieces of bittersweet all contribut-ed to the Thanksgiving effect.
Alter the three course dinner which was served by Ann and Vera Hackman such genies as table cro-
quet, bean bag, and "I doubt it* were played.
Those present were Miss Lehman, Ida Brunk, Dorothy Dresher Gene-vieve Crist Lou Ring Bernice Fow lor, Marlene Dappen. Corrine Bow ers, Ester Brown. Gulah Hoover Mary Miller, and the hostess, Grace Heckman.
Only One Has College Experience— Groves and Juelfs Are Alternates
The women's varsity debate team was chosen last Wednesday. November 9. Those making the team were Ruth Hobart. Ruth Spilman, Gladys Riddell, and Marlene Dappen, The two alternates are Mary Jane Groves and Betty Juelfs
The tryouts were held at 3:30 in the chapel, each candidate for the team being required to give a five-minute ; speech on the debate question which is "Resovled that the inter-al-lied war debts should be cancelled by the United States." A two-minute
■rebuttal was also given by each girl. The judges choosing the team were Professor Hess, Miss Heckethorn,
and Professor Blair.
All who made the team are sopho-mores, but only one has had college
■experience Ruth Hobart was on the varsity last your and has had quite a bit of work in debate. Gladys Riddell had some experience in high school, but mine of the others have ever seemed to take an interest. in forensics before.
At the present time the team Is working hard in preparation for the Winfield Debate Tournament which is to be held December 2 and 3. The tiDrlii* have been made, Marlene Dappen and Ruth Hobart being plac-ed together, and likewise Gladys Rid- dell and Ruth Spilman.
Ramos Players be at City Auditorium Friday
The Ramos Mexican Orchestra will put on the third number of the lyce-um course. It will be presented at the city auditorium. Friday, Novem-ber 18.
Hesiquio Ramos, the director of the orchestra, is the best known mu-
ician in his native country, Mexico. He was born in Pueblo, the son of a noted painter whose pictures hang
in the National Palace In Mexico
tu At the age of 22 he won first prize in the International Piano Con-test held in Mexico City, Playing his own composition. Thirty-one nations competed in this contest.
He is a concert pianist and a com-poser of distinction and has been a director of the National Symphony Orchestra of Mexico City and of the orchestra at The Opera, Pueblo.
The musical organization consists
of Senor Hesiquio Ramos. his son Rafael. violinist; and his three daughters. Lupe, Rosa, and Concep-cion who play the mandolin, mando-
cello and other typical Mexican in-struments. Each member is a grad-
uate of the National Conservatory of Music at Mexico City
The colorful, exotic costumes of the señoritas and the fire and rhythm of the music will create an atmos-phere of old Castilian Mexico. A number of college students expect to attend
Dr Schwalm conducted the chapel services on Armistice Day. November 11.
Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God". was a bit of the scripture upon which Dr. Schwalm based his thoughts of the morning. He also read A few paragraphs from a talk given by Glenn Frank. In conclusion Dr. Schwalm made a statement In which he hoped for a forward march to new idealism, an idealism which was apparent during war days. but which was soon lost in an attitude of cynicism.
Mr, Voran led the college group In the singing of patriotic and college
The Spectator
the Homecoming social was very suc-
The spectator
Official Publications of McPherson College Published by Student Council. Kansas,..
Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917 at the postoffice at McPherson,
Kansas, under the act of March 3. 1897,
Subscription Rates For One School Year $1.00
Address all correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson. Kansas
Associate Editor Associate Editor
Sports Editor
Editorial Staff
Business STAFF
-—Una H. Ring
Wilbur C, Yoder Fasnacht Wilbur C. Yoder
Business Manager .
Asst. Business Manager
Asst Business Manager
Circulation Manager_____
-Harry Frantz
. Melvin Landes
- -j.--:Paul Booz
Everett Fasnacht
Agnes Bean Dorothy Dresher Marlene Dappen
Pauline Decker
Faculty Adviser .
Elmer Staats Lola Hawkins Paul Heckman
Odessa Crist
Etta Nickel Ann Heckman Margaret Oliver Jo Wagoner
...Prof. Maurice A. Hess
If ever an alumnus remarks that he has been away from his Alma Mater as long that It has little attraction for him anymore, that the students is college are now unfamiliar to him, or that the changes while have taken place make It all seem so different—may he somehow have occasion. to visit the campus for just a few moments. Such brief return would bring Immediate longing to Invade once more the old haunts of his college days. Oh, If only he had time to visit each just once, If only for a moment! Could be be among the beloved crannies, turn hack the pases of time, What A thrill he might experience! He would no longer he that alumnus who standing at the entrance to the campus, feels strangely at home, but lost,
Would he might fling off the experiences of these several years and once again see himself an that freshman gaily mounting the steps of the Ad Building, much in anticipation of the four years at college before him. What matter that enrollment was not complete, an he had expected. in only a few hours? Neither did any particular worry arise to cloud his jubilant spirit when he found himself In the wrong classroom at the right time. To be called "greenie" to wear the eternal head gear of the frosh. to be IMWa and battered-all were cheerily home for one year to make him a correctdly developed upperclassman. And who was the buoyant but timid lad who approached him . for information? Yes indeed. he had fully cast oft any ear-marks of having been last year one of those beginners. What glory he now felt In requesting the underclassmen to do their respective duties! And somehow s Certain little lady appealed appealed to his fancy, and he wondered If — But soon as a Junior he discovered that this thing of college Life was a pretty serious one. Somehow the days had shortened and It was next to impossible to keep up with classes and outside activities, not to mention finding some precious moments to saunter down the railroad tracks with Its certain little lady, or to take her to that lyceum, or Just to sit a while on the steps and discuss the stars.
He believed he was fully aware of what was expected of a college senior, but somehow he did not just fit this conception when his final year begin. Attempts to appear less serious than he truly felt were vain. Life seemed to have a closer grip on him than be had realised. It puzzled him when he lay at night mulling over the incomplete ideas flooding his mind, wondering why he did not sleep, yet trying to decide that one thing was definitely this way or that. Had he chosen the vocation he really was best fitted for? How could he know for sure be might be successful In following It. and would it be fair to her, If she promised to share his success—or failure—with him? The least he could do surely would be to try as a man, and believe that life would bring them their just deserts-—And so the bubble bursts. He finds himself standing at the entrance to the campus, a lump In his throat, vowing to himself as he departs, that at the first opportunity, he shall Indeed steal back to his dear Alma Mater, and carefully retrace every one of these Imaginary steps which have so pleasantly flitted before his memory.—M. C. ‘26.
The days are coming on which make a student spend long
of consideration, trying to decide whether to wear a sweater, a spring coat, or his winter furs. It he wears a heavy coat, the student next to him is sure to have on a light sweater and Insist that all windows be shut tight and radiators turned on as much so possible. Or if be wears a thin wrap the day is apt to turn chilly and he will freeze when crowing the campus. To solve the situation one might wear a robber slicker and sit In the sun if cold and In the shade If warm. Or be might Join the nudist colony where the problem Would not even exist.
When Elrae Carlson dived over five girls to turn a somersault at the W. A. A. program. Saturday, someone said that ha bet she was a plenty good swimmer add diver. No one seemed to be informed as to whether she could even float or not. But It was noticed that she was the only one who went, over five girls, si-though Dorothy Bonham and 0neita Boyer went over four.
Another thing. It was pointed out
that Dorothy Bonham looked Just like a bobbie pin when she was bent In the middle to "make a slim “U" an she did the "worm” walk. At least she got across the stage In n hurry,
While speaking of that program the ‘faux pas" of the day just must
The freshman class gave a very clever stunt Saturday night. It was excerpts from Shakespeare’s play— and what excerpts! Fred Nace was especially good as Hamlet, but the characters were all good, so why bother to enumerate and mention their good qualities?
And Leteer Lewis has gone colle-giate! That large fur cost and his yelling at the game Friday surely made him look it!!
The freshmen might be warned that grades are not given out the next Monday morning after the mid-semester has passed. Be patient— two weeks and maybe three isn’t such a long time to wait!
Pep—I'll say Pep! Why the yells were going good at the Homecoming game! The old fight was surely kept up.
Quizzes, quizzes, and more quizz-es! Whoever thought of the Idea of midsemster exams ought to be taken out and tarred and feathered, boiled in oil, or shot at sunrise!
And then there was our history prof who gave a midsemester test and after everyone had worked and worried himself gray-headed, said that the grades were comparatively" unimportant.
Landes, Buckingham, and Kraus were the players for the winners. Kraus scored fourteen points for his team. Landes three, and Sallee two. For the losers Lindholm. Hughey, Stoner. Fasnacht, and Williams were the players. Stoner did most of the scoring for his team with eight: Lindholm was next with three; and Hughey followed with two.
Yesterday at 4:30 Yoder’s basketball team downed Meyer's team in a close game by three points. 21 to 18. Yoder led In the scoring for the victors With a total of twelve. Custer made four. Edwards two, and Larsen three. Early, Heckman, and Mathes were the other players. For the losers Pote was high point man making a total of six, Whitcher was next with five, Meyers made three, and Booz and Sink each made two. Bram-mel and Brooks were the other members of this team.
So far Austin's team is leading with two victories and no defeats. Kraus' team is next with only one game played and they won It. Next comes Replogle and Yoder with one game lost and one game won, Stoner and Meyers are trailing with one game lost and only one game played.
Keith Hayes and his wife, the former Miss Viola Bowser, were among the alumni here for Homecoming.
He was partner In an empire. He was a master of military strategy. He commanded an army of veterans keen for victory. Yet he chose to risk everything on a naval battle and he was not a sailor. At the beginning of the battle he deserted with the flag ship, leaving the improvised navy to certain destruction. On shore the army which had followed him through hard campaigns waited seven days believing In their leader. But he had asserted them also. Why?
Two women were the answer. One was an Egyptian queen, the other a lawful wife. Equal in beauty and honor, they were different in personality. Mark Antony sacrificed Rome under the Influence of one of them. Who has not heard the story of Cleopatra? But how many even know the name of the other woman? Yet she was a Caesar.
Strong ‘personalities have always left their mark In the struggle to civilize the world. Your personality Will show Itself in the progress you make In life. Cultivate your personality. Be a little kinder is everyone than you Just have to be. Have a little more sympathy for those with whom you associate. Feel a gentle interest in everyone and forget yourself. Others will remember.
Many years ago. when Li Hung Chang was an ambassador to this country, he was once the most popular visiting celebrity and the bane of newspaper reporters. How that wjly Chinaman could ask questions! Instead of being the interviewed he became the interviewer. Reports of conversations with him usually amounted to nothing but the reporters' his penetrating questions concerning American manners, cus-toms and opinions. By the simple expedient of asking-questions Instead of ventilating his personal opinions, he avoided the pitfalls Into which a less cautious talker would have been dragged; and by the name device he learned those things he most needed to know.
Intelligent curiosity is a characteristic of a vigorous Intellect. The stupid one is never Inquisitive, The man who ceases to ask questions, ceases to learn, and a lack of Intellectual curiosity is a alien or mental stagnation.
Thera la much wisdom In Li Hung Chang’s plan. Perhaps one of the easiest ways to acquire a reputation for being a profound thinker is to cultivate the art of being a good listener. Most people like to talk, they are flattered by being Invited to tell what they know or think about Just say old thing, and if you will let the other fellow do most of the talking' he will speedily come to the conclusion that you are an extraordinarily Intelligent person incidently, you may gain considerable knowledge.; Your company will be eagerly sought after by those who have something to say. or feel that they must say something. You may even be invited to, dinners and banquets. At any rate, It is well to keep still and let the other fellow talk occasionally; one cannot learn much by listening to oneself all the time —Selected.
To a mere man It seems that if a woman makes a mess of a dish. she dumps it on a lettuce leaf and calls it a "salad. ’
be mentioned: A 'group of ten was building pyramids. 'On count one they, stopped forward in unison; on count two the girls In the middle turned back to back, while two others lay down on the floor; at count three, two girls went up on the knees at the center ones, while two others slowly straightened out their bodies as they balanced on the feel of the girls on the floor. Silence while they held it! Then—unk! (“Unk" In plain English stands for a grunt.) No one would have known where the "unk" came from If, when they got back In place, Agnes Bean’s face bad not been so rosy and she bad not tried to hide behind the others. Afterwards, all she would say was "Well, you would grunt, too, If you had Esther Brown's toe boring through your stomach Into your Back."
When we arrived at 1:30 Saturday we thought there was a good-sized crowd for the W. A. A. Home coming Program, but by the time It was half over, we decided there was lot nearly a large enough audience to do Justice to the Intricate dances and tumbling. But we just thought about bow devastated with distress the others would be when they heard about what they had missed.
Can you imagine Miss Heckethorn-s embarrassment she started out one night and got as far as the church before she found that she had changed only one of her shoes!!
We can well believe Brammel Is a good cheerleader and football man combined. At the freshman-sophomore game one could hour him telling the freshmen stars to "keep up the ole fight" as they Used up. and believe us be kept It up all during the battle too.
In all these years we have been In college no one has been able to tell us why there is a sidewalk leading up to just a window at Kline Hall.
In the Rev. Sweetland's chapel speech, Monday, he said that man Is never content Just to enjoy the pleasant and easy things of life. Some of the students must not be men. then; not after these mid-semester exam-
The “Nine to Six" posters that have adorned the bulletin board lat-ely arrest the students’ attention. They cannot be missed. Perhaps if professor Fries were to display thus the list Of those people Who should business office, they would find their moment of "earliest convenience more quickly than they have so far found it.
Those casts of players from Newton High who presented two playlets Saturday night should come in for a lot of thanks. Their work was won-derful and very much appreciated.
The informality of the program at
Austin’s Intra-mural basketball team has taken the lead in the intramural tournament by virtue of a 24 to 11 victory over Replogle's team last Thursday at 2:30. Nettleton led the scoring for the victors with ten points and was followed by Austin and Tice who made six each and Webb with two. Sherfy. Friesen. and Johansen made up the balance of this aggregation. For the losers Foll-mer made the most points with two field goals and a free throw. Suttle, Replogle and Brubaker each made two points. Kauffman also saw action for the losers.
At 3:30 Kraus's defeated the Stoner men 21 to 13. Kelly, Sallee,
At the dinner party Once Heckman gave for the Y. W. cabinet, the guests picked up the Turkey place cards to look for any names which might make it an announcement party. All they could find was "Ger-many“-
Don't you wish you were a boy? Of course If I were a boy I would be a football player, and then I would be able to go with the squad on their trips.
The Y. M. C. A, Tuesday presented a program it which the Y. M. student camps and conferences were discussed and evaluated. Following an opening prayer by Paul Heckman. Ward Williams took charge of the program.
Lilburn Gottmann spoke about the Estes Park Y. M.-Y. W. C. A. summer conference. He told of the setting of the camp, the nature of the meetings, and spoke at length about the camp leaders. Everett Fasnacht told of the Christian World Education Conference at Wichita last spring, and of some of the values of the meeting.
Ward Williams reviewed Interest' ing points concerning the ”Y” Officers' Training Conference, and some of the problems discussed there. Dean Replogle closed the meeting with prayer.
States that the Average Man Knows Almost Nothing about Problems
The speaker for the morning's chapel address, Wednesday, November 9, was Earl Bohling. head of the college commerce department.
Professor Bohling's talk was centered around the many economic problems of the day. He discussed supply and demand, especially in relation to the production of wheat, and war debts.
He said that the economic problems are so important that everybody should bear an interest In them. He made the remark that about ninety-five per cent of the people today know as much about economies as a pig does about Aristotle, Bohling be-lieves that if the country's economy was placed above everything else In the minds of men In two years, the economic problems would be solved. What the country needs is an equality of the factors of wealth, nature, labor, and capital Professor Boh-ling advocated stabilization of prices, whether they be high or low. Changing prices always cause havoc.
America wants a favorable balance of trade, meanwhile we advocate the
Gordon Kraus visited with him here during Homecoming.
Members Give Number in Costume for Homecoming Event
A large crowd attended the International Relations Club Homecoming Program Friday evening. November 11. The program was In keeping with Armistice Day. and was very Interesting at well as Instructive.
Elmer Staats, president of the Club, took charge of the evening's proceedings. The program was started by the entire crowd singing "My Country 'Tis of Thee". Amelia Barber very effectively read “The Unknown Soldier” by Zona Gale. An International Tete-a-tete was held. The seven countries participating were represented by, Ward Williams Great Britain, Lilburn Gottman-United States. Gretta Wilma Griffis-France, Margaret Oliver - Italy, Herbert Eby - Japan, Alberta Cornelius - Germany, and Charles Austin -Russia, These nations had a general round of discussion, bickering and sarcasm, but never reached any helpful conclusion until "Youth", played by Alice Hodge, appeared on the scene and gave many new startling Ideas for consideration.
The speakers of the evening were two former students, Miss Lillian Carlson, '32. and Mr. Keith Hayes, 31. Both were varsity debaters. Miss Carlson spoke on “The Present Status of Disarmament". Mr. Hayes gave "The Role of the United States in World Affairs".
After this, the lights were put out, and the crowd had the privilege of seeing the "League of Nations”. Two reels were presented. In which one could get a good Idea of International Proceedings.
Importation of nothing and the Increase of exports. War debts may be settled by any of three methods, namely, gold, service, and goods. Even though this is a depression, there is more money per capita today than ever before.
The main object of the speech was to arouse Interest in the multitude of economic problems for which there is a need of sound economists, a field open to college people.
A trio, composed of three college girls, Gulah Hoover, Mildred Dahlinger, and Lola Edwards, sang "Trees". They were accompanied by Bernice Dresher,
Walker and Hursh Talk-Wagoner Sisters Sing
Decisions which are inadequate are often reached through allowing 'prejudice, tradition, fashion, or Impulse to have full sway. Our decisions should be governed by principles and not rules. Four great principles that could well be followed with profit are "love your neighbor as yourself'; look into the future, consider it: do that which will best serve your fellow man; and do the Will of God. Martha Hursh and Pearl Walker brought out these points In their talks this morning In Y. W. C. A. on the subject "How can we know we are right?" Devo-tions were ted by Alice Egbert, Elizabeth and Jo Wagoner sang a duet.
Next week the Cosmos Club will present a play to the Y. W. C. A. Everyone should be present on time.
Says that Man Goes through Any Hardship to Excel
The Reverend Mr. L H. Sweetland from the Methodist Church was the chapel speaker Monday, November 14. His topic was "This Way Up".
Man Is never content Just to enjoy the pleasant and easy things of life, but his ambition Is constantly urging him to conquer new realms. He refuses to he outdone by any creatures; so he spends his time going through hardships and difficulties In order to excel.
Man’s chief glory lies in seeing the possible achievements In the challenges of the spiritual world.
The Reverend Mr. Sweetland concluded his talk by saying that In his opinion the present younger generation is facing a more serious problem than any other generation In the history of the race has ever faced.
Ronald Vetter Nov. 13
LeNora Johnson . Nov. 20
Willie Follmer____ Nov. 22
Yob know this week they are going to Baldwin to play Baker. Baldwin isn't much of a city. but they stop at big places like Emporia. Ottawa. or better yet maybe they will go around by Topeka and Lawrence. I would so window shopping at some of those places, and look at some of the new dresses and hats. No that wouldn't be right. Boys don't look at dresses and hats I suppose—they always go Into those five and ten cents stores and talk with the store girls—silly things. They say Lichty is acquainted with some girls In Topeka, and when the squad stopped there en route to Atchison, he called on every one of them.
I wonder what the Profs do that accompany the boys on their trips.
I Imagine they forget their dignity as soon as they get away. At least Rep would. I'll "bet Coach has to watch him as much on he does the boys. Why I heard that Coach caught him coming Into his room at 2:30 In the morning when the boys were In Oklahoma City. And did you hear that Fries was taken for a member of our coaching staff by the Oklahoma people? I'll bet Fries was so tickled over that, that he gave them a quarter.
They say Eddy was so much Impressed with a little waitress In Perry, Oklahoma, that be wanted to bring her home with him—he would I don't see why they just mentioned Eddy. There were probably some others who saw girls they fell for, too. I wouldn't do that If I were a boy.
Did you notice that the Loises (Lackey and Edwards) and Lola Hawkins received letters from their boy friends, when they were away?
I wish there was some boy on the squad who would write to me when be was away on a football trip. I know one boy on the squad who I think is pretty nice, but I’m not going to toll who he Is. And any, did you know Edith Bechtelheimer received a telegram from Oklahoma City when the boys were there? Wasn't that keen! Of course you know who sent it.
Why it's after ten o'clock. The time seems to go so fast when you are talking about—well you know.
(Editor’s note: This article was not written by a girl, but a boy).
Oneita Boyer spent Sunday with her parents in Hutchinson.
Miss Letha Lingo of Topeka, visited Florence Dresher during the weekend.
Several former students who were visiting in the dormitories during the Homecoming were Margaret Stegeman. Mildred Stutsman. Alma Morrison. Harold Crist, Kermit Hayes. Clinton and Donald Trostle, John Harnly, Howard Williams, and Marjorie Bunce.
A car load of young people drove to the Dresher home near Canton on Saturday afternoon. They returned Sunday morning, and all reported having a very good time. They were Genevieve Crist, Dorothy Dresher. Letha Lingo, Vernon Rhoades, and Donald Dresher.
A number of. people came from Quinter for the Homecoming. Dr. and Mrs. Hoover and Ada Maxine were visiting Gulah: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Custer and Ula were visiting Gerald; and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Reinecker and Pauline were visiting Harold Reinecker. Howard Williams, a last year's student, was also' here.
The parents of Gerald Myers of Morrill were visiting here this week end
Modena Kauffman had her mother from Topeka as her guest over sun-day.
Avis McWilliams came here Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Saylor of Morrill. Kansas, to visit Norman. Jr.
The parents and small brother of
The sophomore class presented the stunt at the pep meeting Thursday morning, November 10. The stunt represented a fire department at work after "a hot time In the old town tonight." Harry Frants, Ken neth Moore, Orville Eddy. Harold Reinecker, Henry Kittell, Archie Lindholm. Glenn Webb, David Dun canson, and LaVere Flora were the firemen. A cat and a baby were rescued.
The cheer lenders and "Cheesey" Voran then took charge of the meeting and a good deal of pop was stirred up.
Students Tall of Systems Used in Foreign Countries to Control Liquor Traffic
The College Christian Endeavor had a worthwhile program Sunday night on the subject of prohibition.
The American system of prohibition was compared with the methods used by other nations that have attempted to control the liquor traffic.
Carrol Whitcher discussed the attempt made by Sweden to control the consumption of liquor by limiting the amount which each citizen could use. He pointed out, that, although this method greatly decreased the amount consumed, It fell far short of stopping the liquor traffic.
Ruth Deardorff talked on Canada's system of government control. She told of the failure of this plan to meet the need of the people and stated that Canada's prevent system is certain to be supplanted by federal prohibition.
David Duncanson told of the conditions in the U. S. before prohibition, He attacked conclusively several of the present arguments of the wets.
The last talk was made by LaVere Flora who gave a brief history of the prohibition movement In the U. S. and pointed out the Industrial, social. and political improvements which have resulted from the passage of the Eighteenth Amendment.
Hobart Hughey was in charge of the meeting. A baritone solo by Casey Voran was a feature of the program.
McPherson Is To Play Baker This Week
Team |
W |
L |
Pct. |
Ottawa —...... |
__3 |
0 |
1 000 |
Kan. Wesleyan |
... 2 |
1 |
.667 |
Baker |
1 |
1 |
.500 |
McPherson |
__ 0 |
2 |
.000 |
Bethany |
_ 0 |
2 |
.000 |
Games next Friday:
Bethany vs. Ottawa at Ottawa (night.)
McPherson vs. Baker at Baldwin.
Ottawa. Kan.. Nov. 15—Ottawa university strengthened Its hold on the lead Its the Kansas conference football race last week by defeating McPherson, 18 to 0, In the only conference contest Jack Knapper, the Ottawa ace, averaged nearly 5 yards for each time he carried the ball.
Baker, resuming Its cannonading against Missouri teams, defeated William Jewell at Kansas City, 13 to 7, a week after having tied Missouri Valley, the leader in the Missouri College union title chase.
Gilbert Robinson. the Wesleyan star made all four touchdowns that gave the 1931 champion Coyotes a 24-0 Victory over Rouckhurts at Salina Friday night. In their 1931 meeting Robinson’s placekicks gave the decision by 14 to 12 on Rock-hurst's gridiron at Kansas City. He plunged and sprinted almost at will against the Kansas City Hawks.
The two last-place teams, McPherson and Bethany, both twice beaten, go up against two high-ranking teams next Friday. Ottawa plays the scoreless Bethany Swedes in a night game at Ottawa and McPherson goes to Baldwin by an afternoon clash with Baker, which has a 500-record, having won and lost.
The conference windup is billed for Thanksgiving day with Baker playing Wesleyan and McPherson meeting Bethany
McPherson College representa-
tives to the state W. A. A. convention which was held at Kansas State College were Martha Hursh and Mar-lene Dappen. The schools represented at the conference were Kansas State College, Kansas University, Ottawa University, Wichita University. Friends University, Sterling College, Hayes Teachers' College, Emporia Teachers' College, College of Emporia. Washburn. Baker, and McPherson College.
The Spectator
McPherson kicked off and Ottawa returned to the 30-yard line. Gray gained 2 yards. Knapper hit the McPherson line two successive times but failed to gain. Knapper punted 21 yards and out of-bounds and McPherson look the ball on her own 40-yard line. Blume hit the Ottawa line but failed to gain. A pass was Intercepted by Elder who returned to the 35-yard line. Gray made a yard, Knapper was smacked at the line of scrimmage for no gain and Senter gained 2 yards. Knapper punted 7 yards and McPherson took possession of the ball on the 20-yard line. Ottawa was penalized 5 yards. Zion gained 2 yards, and Johnston went through the line for 7 yards and a first down. McPherson received a 5-yard penalty. Zinn fumbled and recovered but failed to gain. Blume was thrown for a 3-yard loss and an attempted pass was incomplete, Wiggins punted over the goal line. Knapper made 6 yards. Ottawa fumbled and Pauls recovered on the Ottawa 26-yard line. Zinn hit the line for 1 yard- A pass lost five yards. A pass from Wiggins to Paula was Incomplete, Wiggins punted over the goal line. Ottawa received a 5-yard penalty. Knapper advanced 4 yards, then 10 yards for a first and ten. Gray gained 5 yards. Hayes went In for Eddy. Thornburg went in for Senter for Ottawa, and Carpenter took Blume's place. Ottawa as penalized 5 yards. Knapper failed to gain and Gray advanced 7 yards on the next play. Again Knapper was downed at the line of scrimmage.
Thornburg gained 3 yards and Knap-per added 1 more. Knapper punted 8 yards, and the Bulldogs took the ball on their own 38-yard line. Bow-man went in for Reinecker. Zinn ad-
valued 1 yard and Wiggins punted 35 yards. Gray gained 7 yards In 2 line smashes. Ottawa substituted Pett for Wilkin. Jeter for Daugherty. Watters for Stannard. and Mullins for Thornburg. Score: McPherson 0, Ottawa 13.
Fourth Quarter
Knapper failed to gain against the McPherson line and, then punted-42 yards and Johnston returned 5 yards. Carpenter went off-tackle for 2 yards, Zinn gained 2 more, and John-ston added 8 yards for a first down. Carpenter advanced four yards and a pass from Johnston to Wiggins gained 1 yard. Johnston lost 2 yards, Wiggins punted 28 yards. On the first play Knapper punted 38 yards, McPherson taking the ball on the Ot-ttawa 1-yard line. Zinn failed to gain. On the next play an attempted pass from Wiggins to Johnston was Incomplete. Zinn hit the line for a 1-yard gain. Wiggins punted 24 yards. Armstrong went In for Gray In the Ottawa backfield. Knapper was thrown for a loss of 3 yards, Knapper punted 70 yards and out of bounds. Carpenter gained a yard on first play, Johnston added four more and on the next play Zinn fumbled, but recovered. Wiggins punted 26
yards. Ottawa substituted Washburn for White, Dillon for Pett. A pass from Knapper to Mattis gained 14 yards, Mullins gained a yard and Armstrong gained 4 more. Another pass from Knapper to Mattis gained 12 yards, Blume went in for Car-penter with the ball on the 18-yard line, Knapper gained 7 yards on an off-tackle play. McPherson received a 5-yard penalty, Lichty went In for Johnston at quarterback for McPherson. Armstrong gained 4 yards, and on the next play Knapper dived over the-McPherson line for a touchdown. Ottawa substituted Fisher for Mattis, Townsend for Elder. Martz for Jeter. Jacobs for Haley, and Goodrich for Mullins. McPherson substituted Lytle for Blume, Evans for Pauls, and Duncanson for Nelson. Ottawa tried a pass In their try for point but Wiggins knocked it down. Knapper kicked off to Lytle who returned to the 36-yard line. Ottawa was penalized 5 yards for being off-tackle. On the next play Wiggings went off-tackle for a 15-yard gain, and the game ended. Score: McPherson 0, Ottawa 18.
In the absence of the president Lola Hawkins the vice president, presided at the W. A. A. meeting held Monday evening. Marlene Dappen and Martha Hursh gave reports on their trip to the Manhattan con-. vention and the meeting adjourned
First Quarter
Minear kicked off for McPherson and Elder received on his own 15-yard line and returned to the 29-yard line. Knapper gained 9 yards and Gray added a yard for a first and ten. Senter lost a yard and Knappcr was thrown for a loss of two more yards. Knapper punted 23 yards and McPherson took the ball on their own 40-yard line. On the first play Wiggins went off-tackle for 31 yards, but the play was called back because both teams were offside, Zinn hit the Ottawa line for 21 yards. Wiggins failed to gain and then Zinn added 2 yards, Ottawa was penalized 5 yards for being off-side. On the next play Zinn gained 3 yards, fumbled, and Nelson recovered for a first down for the Bull-dogs. Johnston fulled to gain, Blume lost a yard, and a pass from Johnston to Wiggins netted 4 yards. A pass from Wiggins to Pauls was in-complete and Ottawa took the ball on their own 25-yard line. Knapper gained two. Senter 4, and Knapper 4 again for a first down, Gray lost 4 yards. A pass from Knapper to Senter was incomplete. Knapper gained 11 yards. Knapper punted 9 yards and McPherson took the bull on her own 47-yard line, Carpenter went in for Blume at left halfback for McPherson, Wiggins gained a yard, Carpenter failed to gain, and Zinn hit the line for a yards. Wiggins punted over the goal line and Ottawa took the hall on the 20-yard line. Knapper gained 3, then 6, and then 5 more for first down. Gray gained
Knapper 1, and Senter added 4 for first down, Gray made 9 yards in two off-tackle plays, Ottawa re-reived a 5-yard penalty. Senter failed to gain and Knapper punted 29 yards and McPherson took the ball on her own 22-yard line. Wiggins punted 54 yards and Knapper returned 10 yards an the quarter ended. Score: McPherson 0, Ottawa 0.
Second Quarter
McPherson substituted Hayes for Keck, Ellis for Nelson, and Reineck-er for Bowman. Knapper gained 4 yards. Senter added a yard, and Knapper 5 more for a first down. Gray went off-tackle for 27 yards. Knapper gained 2 yards, Senter 1, and Knappcr 6 more for a first down on the 12-yard line, Gray gained 7 yards In two plays, and Knapper 3 yards for another first down, Knapper gained a yard, and on the next play he was thrown at the line of scrimmage. Gray went over for a touchdown and Knapper's drop-kick for extra paint was wide. Ottawa kicked to Johnston on the 20-yard lino and he returned to the 17-yard line. Wiggins gained a yard and Zinn gained 5 In two plays. Wiggins punted 13 yards and Ottawa took the ball on their own 42-yard line. Knappcr made a quick punt for 49 yards and out of bounds on the McPherson 8-yard line. Zinn gained 2 yards, and Carpenter 2 yards more. Wiggins at-tempted to punt, but fumbled the ball and Ottawa recovered on the 4-yard line. On the first play Ottawa was penalized 5 yards. Keck went in for Hayes, Gray gained a yard, Knap-per gained 2 yards, and on the next play Knapper was thrown for a loss of one yard. On the fourth down Knappcr shot a pass to Mattis over the goal line for a touchdown, Stan-nard went In for Watters at center for Ottawa Stannard's kick for extra point was not good. Ottawa Kicked off to Zinn on the 3-yard line and he returned to the 13-yard line. Wiggins was thrown for a 7-yard loss, Johnston gained a yard and Zinn failed to gain. Wiggins punted 15 yards and Ottawa took the ball on the McPherson 39-yard line. Anderson went In at fullback for Zinn. Ottawa substituted Thornborg for Senter. Armstrong for Gray, and White for Jeter. A pass from Knap- ‘ per to Thornburg was good for 4 yards. Thornburg gained two yards and Knappcr hit the McPherson line for 4 yards and a first down. Ottawa was penalized 5 yards. Kelson went
in at tackle for Ellis. Thornborg gained a yard on a wide end run. On the next play Knapper fumbled and Wine recovered for McPherson at the half ended. Score. McPher-son 8, Ottawa 12.
Third Quarter
Underclassmen May Put Away Caps After Thanksgiving
The Freshman football team won a hard-fought game from the Sophomore eleven by a score 13-6 Saturday, November 12. The event was part of the annual Homecoming program. and by their winning, the Freshmen secured the right to remove their green caps and berets permanently at Thanksgiving, after the Bulldog-Swede game.
Kenneth Moore, Sophomore captain and quarterback, was the outstanding player of the field.. He was not only captain and quarterback—-he it was who carried, passed, and kicked the ball for the Sophomores —-and It was Moore who so effectively stopped the Freshman ball-luggers —when they were stopped: Gordon Kraus, playing at half-back position, carried the ball some and made the Sophomore touchdown when he caught a pass from Moore In the second quarter.
Custer, diminutive Freshman halfback, made most of the scrimmage gains for the Freshman team. He also made some beautiful kicks for his team. Edwards, husky Freshman half, carried the ball for several good plays, also. Other Freshmen backfield players were Price Brubaker, captain, who did a good Job of backing tip the line, and Ralph Buckingham, quarterback, who called the plays that won the game.
The Freshmen made their first touchdown in the first quarter when Myers, left end, circled through behind his backfield, took the hall from Custer on a fake play, and ran twen-y-five yards to the goal line. Edwards curried the ball across the line for the extra point.
The second touchdown was made in the third quarter, when Custer no a wide play succeeded in getting the ball over the goal line. Buckingham failed in his attempt to carry the ball for the extra point.
The Freshmen played a good game, and their players showed more experience In the game than most of the Sophomore players. The Freshman line held well in nearly all plays, and the backfield did excellent blocking. Loren Rock, Senior, coached the Freshmen.
The Bulldogs failed to show the the strength against Ottawa that everybody expected them to exhibit. In fact they did not play the game as they have in a few others. Except for a few minutes at the start of the game, the Bulldogs were swept off their feet.
If both teams had not been offside when the Bulldogs pulled their first play, things might have been different if each play following that particular one had gained as that one did. and the first play had counted, the Bulldogs would have had a tuch-down plus six extra yards before they lost possession of the ball. However, that doesn't mean anything.
The McPherson line was ontcharg-ed in the Ottawa game. Time after time large holes were made for the Ottawa backs and they made use of these big openings, Their off-tackle smashes seemed to be their best play for gaining ground.
Knapper, the Braves’ captain and greatly publicized man played a good game, but he should not have credit for all the good playing at McPher-son. The Ottawa lino did splendid work In making a place for the backfield to go and Mattis. at end did some nice receiving of passes. Gray in the Ottawa backfield is a hard line plunger, and gained many yards against the Bulldogs.
Practically all the newspapers gave Knapper credit for all three of Ottawa's touchdowns against. Mc-Pherson but he actually made only one of them. Gray scored the first one on a line plunge, a pass from Knapper accounted for the second out and Knappcr dived over the Bulldog line for the third touch-
The Bulldogs are expected to make
a better showing against Baker and
Richards, Maxine Ring, and Lola Hawkins; a sailor dance by Grace Lerew, and Elsie Lindholm; baseball song and tap. by Margaret Oliver. Martha Hursh, Marjorie Shank, and Lola Edwards; and a flapper tap by Maude Amelia Barber, Agnes Bean, and Lois Lackey. Then the freshman girls' gym class gave a tumbling exhibition. which illustrated the type of work the gym classes have been doing this year. Lastly, a group of girls gave a number of pyramids which had been utilized at football games as stunts.
All the numbers were given in appropriate and unusual costumes.
LOST—Keycase and keys lost around campus. Gerald Meyers.— adv
After the Baker game only one remains and it Is the big game with the Terrible Sweden from Bethany. This game is to be played at Lindsborg this year and as usual it will probably be a thriller. The Bulldogs and the Swedes battled to a scoreless tie last year in a blizzard and snow storm.
should play much better football. If they play the game of which they are capable they should turn in a win over the Baldwin school. None of the players have serious Injuries and the team should go at Its best against Baker,
If either team has an advantage as to dope it is Baker. The record of the Wildcats is probably just a little better than that of the Bulldogs. Baker hold Ottawa to 12 points while the Braves were able to score 18 points against the Bulldogs. Baker won from McPherson by a margin of one touchdown hero last year.
Thu Bulldogs are Working hard this week In an effort to get out of the cellar of the conference when they play Baker, Friday, If they get going both on offense end defense, the Bulldogs should leave the Wildcats with the short end of the score.
Dances and Tumbling in Costume Are Well-Liked
In the college chapel at 1:30 on Saturday, a program of dances and tumbling, sponsored by the W. A. A., was given as a Homecoming event.
The program consisted of a military tap by Margaret Schwartz, Ruth Hobart, and Elsie Lindholm; a Polish dance by Agnes Bonn, Edith