Will Talk to Both Cabinets and Then Address Chapel for Full Hour—to Hold Private Half-hour Consultations in the Y. W. Room

Committee Is Now at Work—-

To Keep Complete Record of Each Student

Personnel work is rapidly coming

to the fore in educational work as a means of assisting each student to coordinate life situations and his quest for knowledge symbolized in the school. To assist In this work McPherson College has designated a Freshman-Sophomore and a Junior-Senior committee whose task It is to counsel students In their respective groups.

Data on Freshman and Sophomore students is available for those coun-selors and of value In the dealing with any case. These records deal in the main with the following materials: admission blanks, activity Interest", intelligence scores, personality test, autobiographies, vocational analyses. problem and pleasure re; port", students own analysis of his strength of weakness, high school transcript, records of college Interviews. grade records, and correspon-dence concerning the student. A file folder In prepared for each student and these materials are filed and made available to counselor" Who need data in preparing for guidance In a student Interview. Counselors will eventually report all formal or Informal Interviews with students In order that complete record may be kept of each student.

This year all freshmen are asked to fill out a now personnel question-naire which gives at once an understanding in a general way of each student. This schedule covers such matters as general Information, parents. health, training. Interests, vocational, emotional, and social control, opinions and convictions and reasons for coming to college.

Each entering student will also be asked to furnish a photograph or snapshot to be kept In the permanent record for purposes of Identification, not only during college but In years ahead when the student requests transcripts or recommendations 0r needs followup guidance.

The freshman committee and the orientation group are at work Jointly on this matter of studying the personnel of the freshman and sophomore groups. In another year this material will begin to be of value to Juniors also. From time to time changes and additions are to be made to Improve the program of contact with students.

The whole objective of the personnel program in college is to discover and act upon those things which will be of benefit to the student. By having this understanding of students the college and the faculty can do its work more effectively and sympathetically.


Last Wednesday evening at about five o'clock the football boys went on a picnic after they had finished their afternoon, practice. Anderson’s Grove proved to be the chosen spot and the coach with his team spent an enjoyable social hour together. The game of football was abandoned for the game of baseball. Of course the rest of the time had to be spent In the devouring of the "feed"*

McPherson COLLEGE, McPherson. KANSAS.

WEDNESDAY, OCT. 19, 1932


The students or McPherson College were given the privilege of hearing the A Capella choir during the Friday chapel service, October 14. The choir under the direction of Prfessor oVran did remarkable work and was well applauded by the student body, Professor Heckman led devotionals by having those assembled say responsively the Beatitudes.



Held After Wesleyan-Bulldog Game in Dining Hall

Three rousing cheers for the Cheer Ettes. and maybe the Cheer Ettes didn't get a thrill from those three cheers from the football boys!

After the Kansas Wesleyan Bull-dog game all the Cheer Ettes had been instructed to go to the dining hall where a feed was to be held In honor of the football boys, That ac-counted for that string of red and white clad girls rushing down the Steps leading to the dining hall where chairs were pushed Into a big circle In the kitchen sandwiches and hot chocolate were hurriedly made.

At last everything was In readi-ness for the arrival of the football boys, and the feed was in order. Phonograph music took the place of the dinner orchestra, and then after the Cheer Ettes and Bulldogs had seated themselves alternately, refreshments consisting of sandwiches. hot chocolate, and apples were

served. Elizabeth Bowman was chairman of the committee arranged the honor for the boys  It certainly was a gay party.



Five Teachers Will Act As Judges to Choose Varsity Speakers and Alternates—Coach Hess Urges Everyone Interested to Try Out

Mrs. Abzelle Brown Director

—Membership to Increase

slowly but surely McPherson Col lege Is organizing an orchestra. Ev-ery Wednesday evening a practice Is held with Mrs. Abzelle Brown of Bethany College of Lindsborg. as the director. The orchestra is not as yet fully organized, but new music has been ordered which is expected to arrive this week, so that the or-chestra can start In progress In its making.

Some of the members that have

been to practives are Mildred Pray. Clarince Evans. Chris Johansen, Helen Webber. Donald Evans. Bernard Sut-ile. Don Overholt. Vera Burkholder, Elroy Carlson, Raymond Tice. Verna Mae Severtson,    Clarence Sink, Jun-

ior Saylor. nnd Hath Itaardurf. There nre several other students who expect to Join.


Y. M. Member* Tell of Stu-dents' Duties in Meetings

The Y. .M. C. A. program Tuesday morning was on “My part In the Y.

M C a. during the coming year." Different services that would help the Y- M. were discussed by five speakers.

Orville Eddy told how each one may help the meetings with his attendance. Lester Pole pointed out that we should accept opportunities to help with the programs or music. Gerald Myers gave reasons why we should give financial support. Ralph Buckingham spoke on the value of Interest In meetings. Johnnie Kauf-man told how we can make the Y. M. programs more effective by consider-ing and remembering the programs that are presented.

Donald Brooks opened the meeting with devotions. The meeting was In charge of Ward Williams, and was dismissed by Everett Fasnacht

vol. XVI


This Chinese Religious Worker At-

tended Estes Conference

In 1928

Dr T. Z. Koo. who Is a graduate of St. John's University In Shanghai. China, and who accepted the Doctorate of Laws from Colgate University, will be the honored guest of McPher-eon College. Friday. October 21, His appearance here is sponsored by the local Y. M. - Y. W. C. A. and has

largely been made possible by Harold Colvin, district Y. M. head at Topeka.

Today Dr. Koo speaks In Chicago. He comes to McPherson from an en-gagement at Kansas University. In Lawrence, Kansas, and leaves Friday night on schedule for a day In Denver. Colorado, whence he goes to Portland. Oregon. Since his stay here Is so brief It is important that the following schedule be strictly ad-hered to: 8:00 a. m... Talk In Y. M--Y. W. cabinets in Y. W. room. 10:00, Address chapel for one hour: 2:00-5:00. Personal conference in Y. W room, not to exceed a half hour in length; 7:30 p. m„ Public Address In Methodist Church.

In 1925 Dr. Koo was one of three Chinese members of the Second Opium Conference- called In Switzerland by the League of Nations. In the same year he was an outstanding fig-ure at a conference of the World's Student Christian Federation In Man-chester, England,

The effectiveness of his leadership In a movement In the Chinese Uni-versities evoked the following testimony of the Executive Commute of Communist Youth International In Moscow: "Our comrades in China have a difficult task. We have to count with a very strong Christian Propaganda, which is particularly represented by the Young Men’s Christian Association."

For the past twelve years Dr. Koo has been associated with Chinese Y M, work, serving In various capacities. Recognizing In 1927 the need in the United States and Canada for an Interpreter of the Chinese situa-tion from the Chinese standpoint, the Chinese Ambassador in Washing-ton approved Mr. Koo as competent. Consequently he has spent the past five years in tours of America. A number of McPherson students who attended the Estes Conference in 1928 met him and Mrs. Koo and their four children, all in native costume, at that time. They expressed great appreciation of his messages as do numerous press notices.

He recently resigned from the Chinese National Council of the Y M. C. A. and will continue his religious work among students In the city of Peiping and on behalf of the World's Student Christian Federation, of which he is Vice Chairman.


The College Christian Endeavor enjoyed a unique and Interesting program Sunday night when Dean F, A. Replogle led an open forum discussion. The students were asked to bring up and discuss any problem or question they wished.

The first problem suggested was "Is a student Justified In going home Sunday morning, after Sunday School?" Some interesting points were that the decision on the matter depended on what he would do if at home, what he would got out of the service, add his influence on others. The second question was "Should the C. E. group applaud after numbers In an Informal program?" The various factors were discussed, and a vote taken. The majority 'of those present voted that applause Is desirable. The third problem was "Is hitch-hiking or bumming justified?” The problem led to Interesting discussion on motives in traveling and other available means of traveling.


Last Saturday the new library schedule begun. Lindens could study from 10:00 to 12:30. Then the library was closed until l:30, when It was reopened until 3:33.

The students voted In chapel Friday not to have it open from 8:00 to 10:00. The new hours won by a large majority.



Fri.-Oct, Dr.—Dr. Koo    to be on


Tues,, Oct 25—Regular Y. M. & Y. W. meetings.

Fri„ Oct. 28—Oklahoma City Uni-versity football game at Okla. City.


Will End on Sunday—To Open With McPherson-Ottawa Football Game


Programs of Varied Interests Is Be-ing Planned—Different Ones to Participate

Definite plans are now being laid for the annual McPherson College Homecoming. This opens on the af ter noon of Friday. November 11. with the McPherson-Ottawa football game, and will continue throughout Saturday and probably Sunday.

A program of widely varied inter-ests is being planned. In which many different groups will participate. There will be International. athletic. social, religious, and numerous other types of events.

The hard-working committee con-

sists of the president of the student council. Milo Stuckey president of the M club. Loren Rock,    an alumni

member. Mrs. Rush Holloway: social chairman. .Miss Della Lehman; and the athletic association chairman. Dean R. E. Mohler. These people met last night for it discussion of plans.

There will be a detailed announcement of the entire program in next week's issue of the Spectator.



Five of the McPherson College stu-dents are playing in “A Bachelor's Honeymoon" which is to be given this evening at the community building in the city.

The play is being given in order to raise funds for the McPherson High School band which is hoping to attend the World Fair at Chicago next summer.. The band has won the state championship for four con-secutive years.

The college students taking part in the play are Arline Anderson Ruth Hobart, Vivian Steeves, Mar-caret Schwartz. and John Austin.


Divide Topic into Four Parts —To Talk on Election

Thn International Relations Club met last evening with ‘Manchikuo, the Storm Center of the Eatch ', as their topic for discussion.

The topic was divided Into four parts. The respective divisions were given In accordance as the crisis dev-eloped. The first phase was discussed by Ward Wiliams on the relations of Japan and China previous to the year 1931. and Herbert Eby on the relations of China and Japan in the present crisis. The second phase of the question was taken up by Delvis Bradshaw on the attitude of the Uni-ted States and Elmer Staats on the attempt of the league of nations to conciliate.

In this next meeting, the club will put on a program concerning the present presidential election.


Is Conveniently Placed on an Unusual Stand

If you do not know the meaning of such words as "rejuvenescenu" or “hocuspocus", try using the new dic-tionary in the study room of the library. It is conveniently placed on a novel stand, in order to attract the attention of the students to use It.



Material for Debate Question Is Now

on Reserve Shelf in Library

The debate question for this year is tentatively worded as follows ‘Resolved, that the United States

■ should agree to the cancellation of the inter-allied war debt,"*

Material for this debate is being

assembled by the librarian and will soon be available for those who de-sire It, These books are subject to the same rules as those that govern special reference books. A debate on the subject with a brief and biblio-graphy is to be found In the 1932 University Debaters Annual Those Using any material are asked to coop-erate with other people interested In debate and return all material promptly. It has also been asked that no material containing a biblio-graphy be taken from the library without special permission. Reading an the question should begin at once.

The plans as they now stand are that men's tryouts will be November 8, and women's tryout the following day. On November 1, at 1:10 p. m. candidates for the men's teams will assemble In Room D to draw for ldes. Women will draw the following any, Candidates will then pre-

pare a tryout speech of five minutes with a rebuttal of two minutes, on the side chosen, and will be paired by ot with single opponents, pairings being announced In Room D fifteen minutes before delivery of the speeches.

Five teachers will act as Judges and will choose the four vanity speakers and two alternates from any class. A second team of four speakers and two alternates will be chosen from candidates of the fresh-man and sophomore classes who are not varsity speakers. A women's team of four speakers and two alternates will be chosen.

The Winfield Tournament is sched-uled for December 2 and 3, It Is probable that six single teams will be entered. Each team at the tourna-ment will participate in four debates, and those losing no more than one will continue until eliminated by a loss. Tournament debaters must be prepared to speak on both dies of the questions.

Professor Maurice A. Hess, debate coach, is urging that any or all of those students possessing forensic talent see him and sign up for tryouts, If one does not possess the tal-ent but Is Interested in this line of  work, he should try out. The enviable

, forensic record of McPherson College must he carried on.

This year prospects are bright fur a good debate squad. Lilburn Gott-mann and Ward Williams, members of last year's men's varsity team, are in school They are the supports upon which Coach Hess will build his present year's team.

John Goering and Elmer Staats. members of last year's second team, are back fighting for a place on the varsity.

Guy Hayes had experience for two years on the second team of former years and will probably answer the debate call.

From the McPherson High School debate team come Margaret Schwartz. Paul Booz, and Paul Heckman. all anxious to get additional forensic training.

Hope Nickel and Ruth Hobart are good prospects for the women's team Both debated for McPherson College last year.

Probable entrants for the tryouts Include John Kauffman, Ronald Vet-tor. Leone Shirk. and Ann Heckman

Robert Brooks, Ruth Spilman, Sam Stoner. Bernard Suttie. and Galon Ogden are listed among those Interested In debate,

Beneath this stone rests all that's left

Of Motorist Harry White, He made a peach of a left-hand turn—

But he'd signaled to the right.

According to makes the Fords come first with sixteen found on the campus, but the differences In appearance are so great that one scarcely recognizes them as all Fords. There are three V-8’s which are generally seen. Two of these are maroon coupes, the other Is a tan coach. A green stripped-down makes Itself quite conspicuous on the college grounds. Another green Ford is very often replaced by several other varieties of the same make. It depends upon which one happens to be In working order.

Nearly as many Chevrolet are driven as Fords, twelve being the number. All of these are old models except three, two coupes and a coach. One of these Is most generally seen behind the boys' dorm.

Four Pontiacs come next in count with three coaches and one coupe.

A Chevrolet truck Is substituted for one of the coaches occasionally. The owner remarked that the truck was fun to drive but slightly heresy.

Three Buicks and three Dodges are always visible on the campus. One of these Dodges is a yellow-wheeled sedan. Another is an old model touring car. A road star and two sedans made by the Nash Motor Company are driven to this institution of high er learning. Once in a while the roadster is left at home and a Chrysler sedan is driven.

A stunning black and yellow Olds-mobile roadster is seen at school part of the time, also an Oldsmobile sedan. The famous Whippet has only two of its clan here. The student Who. drives a Willys Knight, Oakland, or a Plymouth shows his Individuality by being the only one driving that make.

The majority of these hear Mc-Pherson County license tags. A few. however, come from out of the county or oven the state. One of the Pontiac sedans carries a 28 county tag, another a California license. A Chevrolet coach has an Iowa, tag, while one Ford sedan bears an Idaho li-cense and another Ford a Colorado one.

A green-wheeled Ford roadster which is generally seen behind Arnold, Hall has a Sedgewick County plate. There is one 35 tag which is carried on a black Chevrolet coupe.

The newest means of conveyance is a, motorcycle owned by someone in the boys' dorm. It has been reported. that the driver is getting pretty proficient at handling the bars; at least he manages to drive quite successfully In traffic or on sidewalks. And for some time two or three students have been riding bicycles to work.

various means of Conveyance

CARRY M. C. STUDENTS TO and from school

Over Fifty    Automobiles Packed Daily About Campus—Every

thing from Stripped-Down Fords to Chryslers

Cars, cars, and more cars are continually coming to and fro from the campus. There are all makes and all ages represented and everyone of them runs at least part of the time. Over fifty cars are parked on the campus every day. One may see everything from old model T stripped-downs to a big-black, expensive-looking sedan. No matter what kind of a car is driven they all serve exactly the same purpose, namely that of carrying the students back add forth from school. If a car serves that purpose what matter hour It looks? Some have been Improved by adding bright colors or taking away part of the accessories of the car. Others are still in their original glory and one wonders how they run, but they still do.



How did you like the cheer leading at the second quarter of the Kansas Wesleyan—Bulldog game the other night? The regular cheer leaders took a vacation letting "Cheesey" Voran and "Berries” Crist have a chance at getting some old pep stirred up. Pretty good. WHAT SAY? And then did you notice those big red and white neckties they had on? Cute too, don't you think? Cheesey and Berries were cheer partners back In the good old days.

The teacher was giving the class A lecture on "gravity.”

"'Now, children,” she said. "It is thw law of gravity that keeps us on

the earth."

But, please, teacher." inquired one small child, "how did we stick on before the law was passed?"


Five new books have been, purchased by the library fund this week.

One of these Is a large atlas measuring approximately 2 1/2 by 3 feet and containing the new 1930 census. It Is entitled, "New Commercial Allan of the World" compiled by Lloyd Edwin Smith.

A book which will be of interest to many Is the one on "Representative One-Act Plays by British and Irish Authors" selected by B. H. Clark.

The other two are chemistry books, one "An Introduction to Bio-chem-istry" by Roger J, William and the other a "Textbook of Organic Chem-istry" by A, Bernthsen which has been revised and brought up to data by J. J. Sudborough.



Real success Is obtained through faith In God and perseverance to high ideals. The Reverend Mr. J. H. An-derson, pastor of the local Christian Church, spoke on this thought In a talk In chapel Monday. October 17.

The so-called advantages of life are not always the real ones. A person may be the victim of top many home advantages and those do not

Many great lives are made through hardships. These develop stability of character. But very often tribulations are not the means of success. only when they are accompanied by faith.

As a sequel to Prof. M. A. Hess's chapel speech of a few days ago on “Errors I Have Seen Freshmen Make", Dean F. A. Replogle talked Wednesday on "Errors I Have Seen People Make”. Of these he mentioned five: meddlesomeness, sentimental -ity. condescension, substitution of well-wishing for well-doing. and gul-libleness. Each of these mistakes serve to affect the doer as well as his associates, which is another reason to abstain from making them. Chapel was closed with singing of hymns.



The stunt at the football game last Friday night was put on by the Cheer Ettes and directed by Audrey Groves. The girls participating In the series of pyramids were Odessa Crist. Agnes Bean. Marlene Dappen. Esther Pote, Martha Hursh, Esther Brown, Alice Egbert. Maxine Ring. Una Ring, and Elizabeth Bowman.

The gymnastics the girls went through were rather difficult. some requiring skill and much physical effort. The pyramids Included head-stands, cartwheels, splits, and even the weight of three girls on one.


The Cheer Elies, who were In charge of the pep chapel last Thursday, put on a clever stunt.

The McPherson team, amid much struggling, put the Kansas Wesleyan players In a sausage grinder. After, loud walling and moaning each Coyote was brought out of the machine very much smaller and worse for wear. All the players were In cos tume.

The rest of the period was spent In yelling and singing. Oncita Boyer was In charge of the stunt.



Students have been teaching the classes of Dr. J. D. Bright during his absence the post week. Dr. Bright accompanied his wife to Rochester, 'Minnesota where she was taken for an operation.

Those who taught In his absence were: Ward Williams, American His-tory; Elizabeth Wagoner. English History; Lilburn Gottman. Contem-porary European History; Elmer Staats. European History; and Grace Heckman. French I. The places were taken by students from their respective classes.

Many and varied are the business es. professions. and occupations of the parents and guardians of the Mc-Pherson College students. Student very rarely give a thought as to what a fellow classman's father or mother does to help give that student his col-lege education. Of course. these mean much to each Individual and as an estimate of what each student's folks are doing the following summary is given.

There are about seventy-five far-mers who have children in college here. The various kinds of farming occupations Include chicken raising dairying, cattle feeding, and grain raising.

The ministers are second on the list with about twenty-five. Then are about fifteen mail carriers and post masters. Six merchants are next with five oil field workers following on the list. There are four persons engaged in the Insurance business and teaching.

The housewives and homemakers can well take next position and perhaps could take a higher place. Then there are three physicians. The fol-lowing have two represented: bridge contractors, missionaries. millers, hardware dealers, clerks, lawyers. la-borers, barbers. grocers, and welders.

Lastly, one person is engaged as a concrete business manager, stock-man. cook, road patrolman, filling station manager, druggist, Janitor, telephone office manager, telegraph operator. plasterer, printer, dry cleaner. pattern-maker, banker, rail-road agent. laundry manager, mill engineer, lumber yard manager, pho-tographer. road builder, real estate agent. and wholesale produce owner.


GIRLS IN Y. W. meeting

Elizabeth Wagoner Chairman of Program

"A girl must learn to adjust herself to people.’** Mrs. Emmert asserted In a talk to the Y. W. C, A. girls this morning, "the rights of others must always be considered-" She dis-cussed the ways and means of making adjustments in college as an edu-cation In making similar adjustments in life. Friendships should not formed only with the few but should be broadened out to take in many types of Individuals.

Ruth Ihde gave a musical reading, "Compensation", Elizabeth Wagoner acted as chairman of the meeting.

Famous Speeches

If they had played golf, what notables might have said for publication:

Caesar: "I shot. I Sliced. I bunkered. “

John Paul Jones: “I have not yet begun to putt."

Perry: "We have found the balls, and they are ours."

Jackson: "Don't shoot until they'-re on the green."

•Sherman: "Golf is hell."

Patronize Spectator advertisers!

They are M. C. boosters

Evangelist: "Young man, you should brighten the corner where you are."

Railroad man: "But I work In roundhouse,"



The Spectator



Local Team Is Unable to Stop Robinson As He Scores Two Touchdowns—Bad Breaks Indirectly Responsible for Two Scores—Bulldog Line Strong

















R. G.



R. T.



R. E.



Q. B.






B. T



F. 1.


Officials: Referee, Me

ers, Kansas`

State. Umpire,

Woodward. Kansas



A h e a

n , Kansas

McPherson threatens once

Wine, Keck, Minear. Zinn. Feature , Play of Bulldog Line—

Passes Don't Gain

The McPherson College Bulldogs were held scoreless while Kansas Wesleyan. the detending conference champions, scored nineteen points In the first conference game of the season here last Friday night.

Robinson, star half-back of the Coyotes was the chief ground gainer for the visitors. His speed and shifty running ability brought two touchdowns and proved too much for the Bulldogs. Boxberger. another big. fast man In the Wesleyan backfield, scored the other touchdown on a wide end run.

In the first quarter with the wind at their back. Wesleyan pushed the Bulldogs back In the shadow of their own goal. Robinson's first punt sailed nicely for forty-eight yards and out of bounds on the McPherson 8-yard line. Wiggins punted out for the Bulldogs and the Coyotes had possession of the ball In McPherson territory. Kansas Wesleyan hit the McPherson lino and went around end and carried the pigskin to the one yard line. Here the Bulldog forward wall rose to the occasion and held the Coyotes for downs and look pos-session of the ball a scant yard from the goal.

Standing behind his own goal line, Wiggins booted a nice kick, but Robinson brought It back about fifteen yards. Again the McPherson line held the visitors on two plays and threw a Wesleyan man for a 4-yard loss on the next, but on this same play the Bulldogs drew a 15-yard penalty putting the ball on the 1-yard line. On the second play Robinson went off-tackle for a touchdown. Robinson made the extra point with a place-kick.

The second quarter found the Bulldogs In a steady march down the field that ended about 2 yards from the last white marker. Aided by frequent penalties, McPherson advanced the ball by means of a 10-yard pass off-tackle smashes and a few line drives. With a touchdown In sight the Bulldogs lacked about six Inches of a first down with 2 yards to the goal line. With their back to the goal line Wesleyan punted and the Bulldogs' scoring threat was over. Neither team was able to gain much ground during the remainder of the half with the teams battling back and forth near the middle of the field..

Both teams came back With lots of drive and determination at the start of the second half. It looked as though the, game was going to be a penalizing affair with penalties being given on many plays during this quarter. Wesleyan drew several 15-yard penalties during this quarter as a result of their holding. Another Wesleyan score came In this quarter With two breaks against the Bulldogs Indirectly responsible for the score.

On their own thirty-yard line a McPherson punt was partially blocked, thus putting the local team In a dangerous position. The Coyotes made a first and ten and then the Bulldogs held them for downs and took possession of the ball on the second play came the second bad break, a McPherson fumble and Wes-ley an recovered on the Bulldogs 18-yard line. Several plays advanced the ball to the 4-yard line from where Boxberger scored on a wide end run. Robinson's place-kick for the extra point was blocked. McPherson made another nice march, again aided by penalties. Carpenter made a nine-teen-yard run and this charge ended on the Wesleyan twenty-four yard line."    

During the last quarter the Bulldogs opened up with lots of passes which failed to function as they did In the Friends game and as were ex-pected to In this game. Wesleyan again made several rather long gains around the Bulldog ends and a few gains through the line. The final counter of the game was made by Robinson. He skirted the McPherson right end and then raced down the sidelines thirty-one yards for the score. His place-kick for the extra point was wide and the scoring was over. By this time Robinson was pretty badly crippled up and was soon taken from the game. McPherson attempted a few more passes and the final play of the game was a pass from Wiggins to Johnston good for seventeen yards.

The McPherson line functioned well In this game and held during most of the game. Robinson was the star of the game making almost all the Wesleyan runs of any distance. Penalties featured during most of the game and the Bulldog passing machine failed to function as was expected. Robinson and Boxberger featured the visitor's attack while Wine. Keck. Minear. and Zinn looked good for McPherson'

Substitutions: McPherson—Eddy for Ellis, Bowman for Evans, Hayes for Keck. Anderson for Blume, Keck for Hayes. Nelson for Eddy. Reinecker for Bowman, Evans for Pauls, Ellis for Nelson, Wesleyan—Hayes for Milton, Smith for Williams, Sny-der for Eckar, Milton for Hayes, t for Milton. Barnes for Robinson. Reeves for Boxberger. Buffing-ton for Baer, Knowle for Mortimer, Boyd for Hards. Worley for Hayes, Dairs for Hauser. Going for Buffing-


Yards gained from scrimmage, McPherson 95. Kansas Wesleyan 219. Yards lost from scrimmage, McPher-son 15 yards. Kansas Wesleyan 42. Punts. McPherson 9 for 242 yards,' Kansas Wesleyan 10 for 358 yards, return from punts. McPherson 22 yards. Kansas Wesleyan 55 yards. Penalties. McPherson 5 for 55 yards. Kansas Wesleyan 13 for 155 yards, Passes, McPherson attempted 13 completed 3 for 29 yards, Kansas Wesleyan attempted 2 completed none and intercepted 3. First downs. McPherson 8. Kansas Wesleyan 9.

against Wesleyan. Time and again one of these men would break through to throw the Coyote runner for a loss. Boxberger found It hard to get through one of these men for much of a gain.

Ottawa is continuing with Its stellar playing and it seems as If they will be well up In the standings when the conference race is over. This week they defeated Bethel 31-0 and last week Bethel beat the Swedes 2-0. Everything put together shows that Ottawa seems to have a. powerful, team.

Baker lost their game last week to Haskell and the Terrible Swedes did not have a game This week Baker and Bethany play in a conference game Dope In this came seems to be fairly even with Baker probably having a little advantage If there Is any.

The Bulldogs do not have a game this week, but next week they Journey to Oklahoma City to tangle with Oklahoma City University, Last year this team was probably the strongest In the middle west, barring none. They are considered one of the best teams In this section again this year-

There seemed to be plenty of en-tertainment at the half Friday night. The Girls' Pep Club put on a stunt, but the stunt between the upperclassmen and the freshmen boys and the down town buys seemed to draw almost more attention. It seemed as though the upperclassmen wanted to put a few freshmen without their caps through the line and the outsiders Interfered.

the church. Music was distributed: and the procession lined up leaving

gaps for the one car load of singers over whom the director tore his hair.

Twenty-nine minutes and thirty seconds after seven o'clock passed bringing with them. Just barely on time, the belated singers. They had removed their hats and combed out what was beneath while In a Nickerson garage.

The gaps were filled, the word was given, and the procession neared the stage. All hut one girl sat on the front row, She was asked more than once the next day who the red headed boy beside her was.

Pilches were given and taken with very little humming, the director raised his arms and tones Issued forth. The result was quite unified, and apparently enjoyed by the audience for a Salem girl remarked. "You've gotten lots of compliments on your singing.”

Most of the A Cappella returned to the college that night, only several remaining. They arrived safely shortly before Monday morning ready to sleep off the fun of the trip.

A policeman brought In a negro woman. The desk sergeant scowled and roared at her:

"Liza, you’ve been brought in for Intoxication."

"Dat’s fine,” beamed Liza. “Boy. you can start right now."

— drippings —



Kansas Wesleyan, the defending conference champions, opened their 1932 season with a victory and Mc-Person was the victim of this powerful Wesleyan team. The Coyotes again have one of the best teams In the conference, but the McPherson line is as good as the Wesleyan one.

Robinson was the big threat of the Wesleyan backfield. He was the Coy— otes best ground gainer, did the punting. some of the passing, played safety when McPherson was expected to kick, and looked good on the defense, He made two of the Wesleyan touchdowns, one on a thirty-one yard spring and the other on an off-tackle play for about two yards.

Penalties featured the game last Friday, night. Offenses anywhere from off-side to coaching front the sidelines, roughing and holding were called frequently. In the third quarter It looked as though each play was called bark because of some penalty, Wesleyan drew a hundred yards more In penalties than the Bulldogs.

The center of the McPherson line has been working in fine shape thus far this season; Wine, Keck, Zinn. and Minear all played good games


AT Nickerson MEETING

Several Students Cause Much Worry for Director

At various times beginning at three o’clock and ending at six on the afternoon of Saturday. October 15. parts of the A Capella Choir left the campus for parts-away. but not unknown. With them went such small change as could be found, for supper must he had alone the war that throats might not ache as they bellowed forth required, or unrequited notes.

No untoward Incidents occurred along the way—no smash-ups, no wheels lost, no engine trouble, no flat tires. In spite of Helen’s assertion that she could change tires, that Is. she could boss the job.

To bo sure of the turning south from Mitchell, Prof. Voran asked a man with five day's growth of beard and two horses, which road to take to Nickerson. What 'Charlie sez', proved Voran's Intuition to be right.

Three cars lined up "side by each'--In Nickerson while occupants sought a cafe. The proprietor said preparation would take only a few minutes, but If he told the truth, his few min-utes exceeded our hours. The director's appetite cost him half a dollar, his main Idea seeming to be to eat till everyone else had finished. He did not want his tenors and basses to buy candy bars lest they yield to temptation before their vocal chords were limbered, but. when reproved as to his consumption of sweet apple pie, he replied. "I don’t have to sing anyhow; I just have to wave my arms around."

Two happy tenors satisfied their minds by Investing in 10-cent guns, thus making the rest of their trip both lively and noisy.

After devious turnings on country roads, all but the last car arrived at

FOOTBALL schedule

Sept. 23—Wichita University. 0. McPherson. 7.

Sept-. 30—St. Benedicts 12. Mc-Pherson 0.

Oct. 7 Friends University 0, McPherson, 7,.

Oct. 14 —Kansas Wesleyan 19. McPherson 0,

Oct. 28 —Oklahoma City University, there.

Nov. 4 —Bethel College, at Newton.

Nov. 11 —Ottawa University, here. (Day)

Nov. 18 —Baker University, at Baldwin.

Nov, 24 —Bethany College, at Lindsborg.

Official Publication at McPherson College Published by    Council    Kansas




Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917, at the postoffice at McPherson. Kansas. under the act of March 3. 1897.

Address all correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson Kansas


Editor-in-chief    Usa    H. Ring

Associate Editor    Wilbur    C. Yoder

Editor    Everett    Fasnacht

Sports Editor    Wilbur    C. Yoder

Agnes Bean    Elmer Staats    Etta Nickel

Dorothy Dresher    Lois    Ann Heckman

Marlene Dappen    Paul Heckman    Margaret Oliver

Pauline Derker    Crist    Jo Wagoner

Adviser,    ....... ...... ™-*.. .....—Prof. Maurice A, Hess


That the character building agencies of the world have never faced a harder, more Important task than of the present is clearly brought forth by a letter written to a Cleveland newspaper by Newton D. Baker. Mr. Baker's letter was An answer to a charge that. the Y. M. C. A. and other young people's organizations were depriving the laboring man of his badly needed charity.

"The peril of our civilization." says Mr. Baker. “Is not a dearth of material, things. The real danger is that this glittering, material civiliza-tion will dwarf the Individual character and that personal integrity and Industry and thrift and reverence will be lost sight of In a high-speed. Industrialized society which has broken many of the models in which char-acter used to be formed.”

After the collapse of our so-called , prosperity a few years ago. the world beheld the ”feet of clay” on the brassy image of materialism. We no longer needed to look at the world through smoked glasses. We could do well to look at It with all due faith. The world sobered from Its dissipations to build anew. Man was cast off Into a great sea and Immediately began looking for a landing place. If he had the. fundamentals to remain afloat he may build again, perhaps more soundly and securely. The danger is that he, not knowing how to swim. will, sink into despondency and decay.

At present the nation's policy for another four years Is about to be decid'd, In possibly no other campaign have the issues of materialism been stressed so greatly and In no other campaign have been the fundamental Issues of character building more greatly seeded.' Our national policy of stressing the materialistic has justification. but glaring materialism should not overshadow the fundamental issues at stake?. A safe and sane effort on the part of the Individual Is necessary for any progress In this direction.

If this country permits itself to sink so deeply Into materialism again It will be with all disregard for her present experience, The Ideal of our people is that they should be cultured as. well as prosperous. In any case one must agree, with Mr. Baker that "character-building agencies are In-dispensible to any effort which confronts poverty, want and disease.” E. S.


Designed to create pep and enthusiasm for the school's athletic contests, the Cheer Ette organization is determined to realize their purpose.

The establishment of the organization began    the w. A. A., a

club, with interests that are primarily and fundamentally In athletics. This is an ideal    place    for a pep    club to be Instigated, and    so the start

was. made In the    right    direction.    The W. A, A. Is    small and. therefore It

was decided to elect enough new    members to constitute a pep. club, of

twenty-five girls. So    many girls were Interested    that the    number was

raised to thirty.    These girls were elected on their    ability to    produce pep,

and another stop was made in the right direction. Activities began Imme-diately and in the time the club has been functioning, the ponderous question of a name has been settled, a couple of stunts presented, and a feed for the football fling after the game Friday night.

In spite of everything there. Is an undercurrent of dissatisfaction and no little bit of grumbling about certain little unimportant matters. The big thing the club is working for and showing promise of succeeding In, In threatened with submergence,

The Cheer Ette Club is succeeding In its primary purpose, and time and a little patience will smooth out, the difficulties always attendant on the establishment of a new organization. These are the things necessary If the club is to live and thrive -- A B.


What a thrill they get out of college life, those little, green freshmen. New people to get acquainted with, new activities to take part In. every-thing. from the. waiting lines on enrollment day to the chance word of an upper classman gives these freshman a thrill. They are gay, happy, carefree, making new friends and contacts. They are like birds trying out their wings every little accomplishment every contact is new and exciting. They seem to stand on tip-toe and enjoy life. They are a happy crowd, those freshmen.

Then the next year these same freshman are sophomores and things seem to have lost their former thrill and glamor. Life seems to have taken on a new seriousness. The sophomores find they are thrust into more responsible position of leadership, Their responsibilities are greater. They are more quiet, more subdued. Maybe the sophomores are just growing up. Maybe they miss the attention they, received as freshmen or perhaps after all they are Just accepting their own responsibilities Never-theless that freshman outlook is a grand thing to have when It comes to enjoying life.—M. D.


- Items    Time

WORK—Enough to earn my wage my bread    and self-approval.

PLAY — Enough to escape the peril of my work that I may not take my task. too solemnly. myself too seriously and my annoyances too savagely,

SLEEP — Enough so that my powers will be on edge, and not my nerves. BOOKS—Enough to give me a sense of companionship with, great, minds and souls.

FRIENDS —Enough to keep my friendship warm; to convince my friends that I think them God's best gifts to me.

SERVICE— Enough to make a decent payment on my vast debt to my community and my forbearers.

WORSHIP — Enough to keep clear my vision of God of Good and of the of the whole of things to rest, restore, and replenish my oft-exhaust-ed spirit,

TOTAL, — Twenty-four hours a day.

—Dr. Jay T, Stocking.

And then there was the cow girl, says Winnie

Show and held her roan with the best of them.—Rice Owl

home folks    in Hope,

Loren Rock returned Sunday from a visit at his home near Enterprise.

Ellen Steinberg to Lorraine with her parents last week end.

Harold Crist, a former student, came here for the game Friday.

Did you know that from hence ev-er we will have the privilege of

having only one chapel a week? And that Isn't all — we will gave two weeks Christmas vacation Instead of nine days. At least at a parliamentary drill In the principles of inter-pretation class, the students passed such measures. But far be It from them to be the authority. These motions were only practice and they will never be carried Into effect.

You may see somewhere In this paper a short article about the col-lege orchestra. Any peculiarity of the headline is not supposed to be visible now, but the second deck first read. "Mrs. Abzelle Brown Is Direc-tor—-Expected to Increase In Size.”

If you need anyone to paint your car, barn, or anything, you might call on Loads Riddell. Have you noticed that chevy coupe with Its spiffy-looking new coat of paint? It belongs to Gladys and she painted It all by herself.

My. my, my! It Just about makes the old heart take Another flip to see all these now dates crop, doesn't It? The lyceum play and the football game brought out a lot of things be-sides actors and football game brought out a lot of things besides actors and football fans. It was too bad that It was necessary to strain the neck so much before and after the game In order to see who came with whom. There ago a few disadvantages to that custom of forcing dates to sit apart. These freshmen have suddenly seemed to awake to the fact that freshmen other than themselves exist in a very real sense. And the near-freshmen too—for someone said the other day that sophomores are only freshmen once removed.

Do you remember that editorial of a few weeks ago about talking pic-tures in classes? (Or is It Impossible for you to remember what you have not, read?) Anyway, wouldn't it be grand to sit In class and learn French from Maurice Chevalier's love songs or German from the lovely Marlene Deitrich's husky voice? No trouble with class attendance there, and think of the picture money It would save

Subscription Rates For One School Year $1.00


Business Manager    Harry Frantz

Ass't. Business Manager ____Melvin Landers

Ass't Business Manager.----Paul Booz

Manager Everett Fasnacht

Dr. and Mrs. Galen R. Dean an-nounced the. birth of a son Sunday-

October 16. Both Dr. and Mrs. Dean formerly attended McPherson College.

Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Bowman, farmer McPherson college students, were on the campus over the week end.

Coach and Mrs. Melvin J, Binford and son Charles, Bob Bowman and

Orville Eddy went to Manhattan Saturday where they witnessed the de-feat Kansas Aggies handed Missouri


Edna Hoover and Alma Morrison were here to see the football game Friday. Both are former McPherson students and are now teaching In Roxbury.

Gulah Hoover spent Sunday at Nickerson with Essie Kimball who went to school here two years ago.

Kermit Hayes, Carrol Walker, and Kenneth Rock were among the. McPherson College graduates who visit-ed here last week end.

Floy Brown, a graduate of Mc-Pherson College, visited on the cam-pus last week.

Lola Hawkins went to her home at Tampa Friday night and returned Sunday afternoon,


Lois Edwards_Oct     20

Lola Hawkins    Oct.    22

Margaret Schwartz-------Oct. 22

Alberta Cornelius    Oct.     23

Raymond Evans-------Oct.    25

Lloyd Larson was at his home In Abilene last week end.

Ruth Ihde and Mildred Pray returned Sunday from a visit with

How can Orville Eddy weigh 20 pounds? For to keep up th avoirdupois Is It not necessary to eat plenty and eat often? Wall, Eddy ate only one sandwich at the Cheer Ette feed Friday night and do you suppose it caused the coach as much conster-nation as It did the Cheer Ettes?

In chapel last Wednesday Dean Replogle said that the best feeling comes to a person who does some service in secret and has It found out by accident. All very true. It is agreed, but Just how Is one to be sure that an accident will happen?

That Is too bad, Gerald, It really was not Intentional — leaving your name out of the article last week about the freshman pep stunt. Next time we will remember to mention that you announced the opening of the program.

' The pep club costume will probably have to be changed to black and white, for so many girls sat down on some black grease at the game Friday. There white trousers became similar to a leopard’s skin.