McPherson College McPherson, Kansas, WEDNESDAY Oct. 12 , 1932
McPherson Scores on Pass from Carpenter to Pauls in Second Quarter—Friends Is Kept on the Defensive Most of the Game
The chapel Monday mornings October 10. was a short musical one. A ladies' trio consisting of Lois Ed-' wards. Merle Fisher, and Mildred Dahlinger sang. They were accompanied by Gulah Hoover.
Dr. V. F. Schwalm then road a selection written by Henry Van Dyck. Warner Nettleton closed the service with a vocal solo. He was accompanied by Bernice Dresher.
English Professor of Kansas Wesleyan Is Main Speaker
The ladies of the Brethren Church gave a tea for the college girls at the church basement Sunday afternoon. October 9 at 3:30.
Mrs. Heaston opened the program with a welcome talk to the college girls, Mrs. E. G. Nigh, accompanied by Miss Fern Lingenfelter, played a
cornet solo entitled "Somewhere a Voice is Calling."
The main speaker of the afternoon was Mrs. McCarty, the professor of English at Kansas Wesleyan. The subject on which she talked was "The Re-evaluation of Our Traditions." She suggested that If we contrast our traditions with those of others we would be better equipped to give our traditions their true value. She mentioned five traditions of which we as Kansans ought to be proud. First, we inherited a courage from our forefathers and every day evidences are seen that this high courage still exists. Second, the prohibition law of Kansas was made by our forefathers for our benefit and we should hold it in reverence. To compare the life of a total abstainer with that of a drunkard gives us ample opportunity to value more highly our prohibition law. Third, we as Kansans have inherited a capacity for neighborliness — a capacity which more thickly populated sections do not have Fourth, tradition associates the beauteos Kansas prairies with God and no one could underrate that. Fifth, religion on a Kan-
sas college campus Is traditional—a tact for which we are and should be thankful. Mrs McCarty left with us the thought that a re-evaluation of our traditions would make us realize our blessings.
The last selection on the program was a violin solo by Mrs. Ahzelle Brown who Is directing the college orchestra this year. Her husband accompanied her
After a brief social time over the tea cups, the guests departed.
Settled That Annual Will Be Printed 1933-34—It Will Include Material from Both This Year and Next—
Deficit in Preceding Years
Jayhawkers Have 155 Enrolled -—Colorado and Nebraska Come Next with Six
Local Team Has Three Other Chanc-es to Score— Defense Good When Needed
The Bulldogs Journeyed to Wichita last Thursday and defeated the Friends University Quakers by a 7-0 score. The score came late In the second quarter on a beautiful pass from the 10-yard line,
Except for a little while during the first quarter the Bulldogs had everything their own way. At the very start of the game the Quakers. with the wind at their back, pushed the Bulldogs back to the 32-yard line. From there Reynolds made a first down in three plays. On the next play Friends was penalized 5 yards for being offside. On the last down the Quakers tried to pass, but an alert Bulldog knocked It down and the Quaker's only scoring threat of the game was gone. After this one time the Quakers were never inside the 20-yard line
During the second quarter the Mc-Pherson team opened up a really offensive drive and begun pushing the Friends team back by means of passes, line plays, and off-tackle Carpenter tossed a nice pass to Wiggins that gained thirty yards. After a few line plays the Bulldogs tumbled and Friends recovered. thus stopping this threat. Doug-las of Friends broke loose for a pretty end run and made thirty yards. The Bulldog line tightened and Friends win forced to punt Wiggins punted back and got a beautiful spir-al over the safety for sixty-five yards. The Quakers took the ball and fumbled and the Bulldogs recovered on the 20-yard line.
Anderson hit the Friends line three times and made a first down on the 8-yard line. A line play failed to gain and a fumble on the next play lost 3 yards. On the next play Carpenter shot a beautiful pass to Pauls in the corner of the field and Pauls stepped out of hounds Just after he crossed the line. Wiggins kicked the extra point and the score was 7-0 in
(Continued on Page Four)
Efforts to Organize Male Glee Club Will Be Made Tonight
The announcement regarding the personnel of the varsity male quartet is being withheld at this time be-cause of the keen competition for the various positions that has shown up during the last two weeks. Director Alvin Voran, however, believes that within a short time be will make his selections.
A male glee club will be organized, and all men interest in singing are asked to meet with Professor Voran in the chapel at 6:30 o'clock this evening. The meeting is Important and It is urged that all those interested In this type of activity attend the short session.
A peculiar situation prevails this year in that there is a decided lack of alto voices, but It has been decided that a girls' octet or sextet Will be formed rather than a girls' glee club. However, as the work progresses and as other students enroll a girls' glee club will be formed.
The first meeting of the Chemistry Club was held last Thursday after. noon at 4:30 in the Chemistry lecture room. The purpose of the meet-ing was to elect the officers
Dr. J. Willard Hershey is the permanent chairman and the rest of the officers were elected from the advanced classes. Hope Nickel was elected the president. Esther Brown, secretary. Lealand Eugberg. reporter. Leteer Lewis, social chairman, and Lola Hawkins program chairman The committees will be chosen later,
Young People More Interested In World Affairs
"Our duty Is to make a contribution that will help others Live better lives," This was the gist of a fine talk in Y. M. C. A. this morning, by Dr. W. P, Minton, secretary of missions of the Congregational and Christian churches. Points Dr. Min ton stressed were (1) The fun of pre-paring for ones life work: (2) Fun of doing work: (3) Fun of knowing that you are working with others as willing and anxious to help others as you yourself: and (4) Fun of climbing higher and the fun of doing more worthwhile things.
Dr. Minton said that young people the world over are becoming more Interested and influential In the world's problems and are helping each other to make it a better world He pointed out that If we will win out. we must climb. Dr. Minton's talk was made Interesting by the use of Illustrations taken from his own college experienced and travels.
Thurs., Oct. 13—Pep chapel.
Fri.. Oct. 14 K Wesleyan game District meeting at Nickerson be-gins.
Tues.. Oct. 18 Regular Y M and Y. W. meetings.
PROF. ALVIN VORAN Voice Instructor
Plan to Put on Program at District Meeting at Nickerson
Group Spends Two and One-Half Hours in Practice Each Week
work is well underway by the A Cappella College Choir which Is ex-pected to appear on the McPherson program Saturday night. October 15, at the district meeting at Nickerson, Kansan.
The following is only a partial list
of the membership since a few more voices may be added by the end of the week: sopranos Gulah Hoover. Helen Holloway. Faithe Ketterman, Ellen Steinberg. Elizabeth Wagoner, Mildred Dahlinger, Margretta Oker-lind, and Rosalind Hanson. altos-Lois Edwards, Jo Wagoner, Marjorie Barber. Merle Fisher. Ruth Evans. and Bernice Dresher tenors-— Harvey Shank. Warner Nettleton, Everett Fasnacht. Vernon Rhoades. Milton Early and Wayne Carr, basses— Chris Johansen. Delvis Bradshaw, Merland Edwards. Donald Evans, Newell Wine, and Charles Austin.
This group meets in the chapel for rehearsals on Monday and Thursday at 4 o'clock, putting in two and one-half hours per week. They are now-working hard preparing for the trip to Nickerson.
One-half hour per semester of college credit is given those who partic-ipate regularly In rehearsals and per-formance of the college church rliolr. Credit has not formerly been given for this activity.
As Is commonly known, the choir Is larger than in previous years and
a number of favorable comments
have been made on its work so far. There Is still room for more voices, however, and Professor Alvin Voran. director, invites others who are in-terested in learning something about voice work of a somewhat difficult nature to attend.
Rehearsals convene on Thursdays at 7:30 p. m.
Dr. T. Z. Koo. distinguished Christian lender of the Chinese student movement will be on our campus Friday. Oct. 21. The Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. are very fortunate to be able to present a figure or such International Importance to our campus for one whole day, Every one should bear him If you are planning to go home. or to leave the campus, cancel your plans You will not be sorry. Next week's Spectator will carry a more detailed account of Dr. Koo and a tentative schedule for his day with as.
Those of the faculty who were present enjoyed their picnic on Wednesday evening, October 5th. in a little grove two miles east and one-half mile north of the college very much. Those who arrived first played the usual picnic games until the rest came. Then a delicious lunch of wieners, scalloped potatoes, baked beans, tomatoes, pickles, apples, buns, cookies and coffee was served, after which the picnic broke up in time for the evening's work.
Have you ever thought of where the person that is rooming next to you is from? And have you ever thought of Where all the other stu-dents of McPherson College are from? You might find it interesting to see how many states are represent-ed on our campus.
Naturally every one isn't from the "Sunflower State”, but the majority of students are from the central state in the heart of the nation. There are one hundred and fifty-five true, loyal "Jayhawkers".
Believe it or not Mr. Ripley, but Iowa represents us next. This "Hawk eye State" sends us ten full-blooded Bulldogs. There happen In be six "Crackerjacks" from Colorado. The "Black Water State". alias Nebraska runs neck and neck with Colorado also sending six. The "Sooners" from the next state south of us. number five and this "Sooner State," known us Oklahoma, ties with Idaho, that place clear up there in the northwest
Then that muddy state of Missouri falls In with Minnesota for fifth place try each sending four "children" to be educated Into real men and wom-en. "The Hoosier State” sends three faithful male Indianans to the west to be of some use to the McPherson College
Texas sends two "Lone-Stars" up here. While "The Sucker State" has. two Illinois persons enrolled. Montana. Washington, and the "Cyclone State:", known as North Dakota, send one delegate each.
The first of a five number lyceum course, a play called "The Bubble", was held at the Community Building Tuesday evening. The play was given by the Community Players who have appeared four times In McPherson before. The play was an interesting comedy of a trustful shop keeper and a slick promoter. The unsuspecting shop keeper is saved from losing his life’s savings, but the pro-cess gave many laughs.
The play was well attended both by college students and town people.
Friday morning. October 7. the Senior Class elected the heads of six committees. These committees will begin hard work at once and will
continue throughout the entire year.
The following people were elect-ed: senior play committee, Hope Nickel; Invitations, caps and gowns committee. Loren Rock: senior sneak
committee. Charles Austin: arbor day committee, Dorothy Dresher; senior "take - off" day committee, Lloyd Larsen, and commencement speaker and program committee. Gretta Wilma Griffin.
Friend: What's your son's aver-age income?"
Father: From two to two-thirty
a. m.“
Assistant Editor and Business Man-ager To Be Elected In Near Future
The Quadrangle will not be pub-lished this year, but the following edition will include events from both this year and next An election will be held soon for the purpose of chousing an editor and business manager for the coming year.
At two lengthy meetings of the student council held on October 6 and 7 It was decided not to publish a Quadrangle, but to print one for 1933-34 which will include material from both years. This decision was made been use of a deficit in the funds of the last annual and the present financial status of the students. The present editor and business manager met with them and expressed their Ideas upon the possibility of putting out a paying annual.
Previous to this the faculty had unanimously voted against the advis-
bility of putting one out.
Last year the students elected Delbert Kelly for editor and Wilbur Voder as business manager. These two will be in charge of the work until the new officers, who are to be elected by the student body In the very near future and are to serve as assistants to the present executives, take office next fall.
The students who have paid for this year's Quadrangle will receive their money by leaving their names with the present business manager. They should take their receipts with them
Seniors Head List of Those Making Own Way Through School
Thirty-two men are paying their own expenses In college this fall Forty-four are paying 75 per cent or more, fifty-nine are paying 50 per-cent or more, and sixty-six are paying some part of their expenses ac-cording to information given out at the office of Prof R. E. Mohler, Dean of Men
From this thirty per cent are paying all their expenses and sixty per cent are paying some part of their expenses In college. Of those who are paying all their expenses In col-lego fourteen paid their own expens-es In high school. Or the remaining thirty-four paying less than this am-ount in college only fourteen paid a part of their high school expenses The seniors head the list of those paying their own way while fresh-men have the smallest number.
Some of these students have positions assisting In work about the col-lege Others have jobs In business houses down town and some work in different homes.
A group from McPherson College were in attendance at the District Meeting of Northeast Kansas held at Topeka over October 7-10. A num-ber of students whose homes are in that part of Kansas look the opportunity to see home folks. This In-cluded Modena Kauffman, Edith Bechtelheimer, Lola Fry. Willard Brammell and Vernon Rhoades Oth-ers who went on the trip were Flor-ence Dresher and Lois Edwards. Mer-land Edwards and Joint Kauffman. Professors R. E Mohler and J. Hugh Heckman Were at the meeting and took active parts on the program Vernon Rhoades was on for a talk. Many former McPherson students in at work In that District and oc-cupied prominent places In the conference
WEDNESDAY. OCT. 12, 1932
Official Publication of McPherson College. Published by Student Council McPherson Kansas
a cheer ette reviews
Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917, at the postoffice at McPherson, Kansas, under the act of March 3, 1897
Trip to Wichita Furnishes • Enough Thrills for Everybody
Subscription Rates For One School Year
Address all correspondence to THE SPECTATOR
McPherson, Kansas
Editor-in-chief Usa R Ring Business Manager-----Harry Frantz
Associate Editor Wilbur C. Yoder Ass't Business Manager____ .Melvin Landes
Associate Editor Everett Fasnacht Ass't Business Manager. —Prof Bows
Sports Editor Wilbur C Yoder —Circulation ____ Fasnacht
Agnes Bean Dorothy Dresher Marlene Dappen Pauline Decker Faculty Adviser
Elmer Staats Lois Hawkins
Paul Heckman
Etta Nickel Ann Heckman Margaret Oliver
Jo Wagoner
_.Prof. Maurice A. Hess
The students have been hearing various and wondrous lectures- advis-ing freshmen about what to do upon entering college. The following articles are admonitions given by underclassmen themselves, for these are some of the papers which last year's freshmen went required to write In orientation on what their counsel to a freshman would be.
"You see that guy over there?" an upperclassman was heard to say of a freshman. "Well, he's the best liked fellow on the campus.”
Immediately the freshman began to wonder why this person was the most popular person on the campus, and upon investigation he found that the "fellow" referred to was nothing other than-a. good sport.
He found that everyone likes a good sport and that everyone wants to be one, but how to go about It was one of the freshman's greatest problems. Therefore he decided to watch the upperclassman who was said to bo so well liked.
One of the chief characteristics of the good sport was his thoughtful-ness. This did not mean the goody-goody, pious kind of thoughtfulness that can slmosi make one sick, but It was the cheerful. vigorous ability of this student to make the bashful, timid person of a party feel at home and less left out. The “fellow referred to was a friend to everyone. He wasn't afraid to laugh. He knew that he was as good as anyone else, but be also knew that anyone else was as good, as he was. He accepted! his responsibilities, and took an active part in leadership.
In short the freshman found that the most popular person on the cam pus was no other than a thoroughly happy individual, who was receiving, joy and an Interest In life from his work, his play, and his friends.— Marlene Dappen.
To a person Just entering college am a freshman I could give a few words of advice, which I hate and have not practiced which, would be helpful.-
The thing which I hold most important In regard to making a good start is to have and follow a definite schedule. This should pertain both to classes and free time. He should know what he has to do each hour and then do It.
The matter which I place second is to plan time far activities and pleasures. Such times should be set aside for your personal pleasure and enjoyment, in which you can forget your school work.
To get the most out of your experience and to have a record of the costs of college I should keep accounts pertaining to my finances. By such a record I could look back and see how much my schooling has cost and gather some conclusions as to the cost of continued schooling.
Aside from studies and material things I should try to be a friend of everyone by bring a friend to them. THere is much enjoyment which can be gained through the association with good- friends.
Another thing which would be very helpful to a freshman would, be to join the Y. M. C. A. or the Y. W. C. A. Many Interesting things in regard to the problems of freshmen are discussed la these groups.
The point I should place last but not least Is to put your studies first In line of attention but not to let them Interfere with your education. By this I mean to develop a four square life Instead of a one sided one.— Harry F. Frantz.
it isn't every day that little me gets a chance to make the trip to Wichita the metropolis to the south of us. Of course I love to shop and All of that but when one has Just paid the college almost the last cent of Dad's money for tuition one doesn’t pick up bag and baggage and make a shopping tour to Wichita.
Well, as I said before I love the bright lights and was plenty glad when Jenny Crist announced that the Cheer Ettes were to make the trip to Wichita for the sole purpose of cheering the Bulldogs to victory. The Cheer Ettes, you know, is our newly organized pep club. We had quite a time deciding what we should wear on said trip. First we thought we would wear white slacks, white shirts. red ties, and red belts, then we thought of little stripped—I mean striped—sweater not the jailbird kind though.
It finally ended that we could wear whatever we pleased on this trip, because quite a few Cheer Ettes decided they couldn't make the trip after all. But whether the Cheer Ettes went as Cheer Ettes or not mattered not at all to me. I had set my heart on seeing those Bulldogs battle through the line and that Is exactly what I did.
At last we did get started, having had early suppers at the dorm. We were all so thrilled though that we didn't have time to eat much, so we were plenty glad when one of the girls took time off and popped a sack of pop corn for us. Maybe you will appreciate our hunger when I tell you that even the "old maids" tasted good.
We just got to the Quaker's foot-boil field at the right moment, which was In time to see the first kick off. I don't know what we would have done without the street car tracks. One of the native "Wichitans" told us upon Inquiry, that the way to get to the Friends field was simply to follow the street car tracks. We were so mixed up on directions that west was south and south was east, that without the tracks we probably would never have even seen the
The Arkansas City-Hutchinson high school football game at Hutch-inson, Friday night was refereed by Coach Melvin J. Binford of McPherson College.
Oneita Boyer went to her home In Hutchinson. Friday evening to attend the high school football game.
Zeita Mac Oxley and Esther Pote stayed with Elsie Lindholm Friday
He was studying the menu as the waitress approached to take his order.
, “Have you frogs' legs?" he asked, . "No, sir.” she replied. "It’s my rheumatism makes me walk this way.”
Freshman, don't take the first week of college seriously. The lectures were never designed for your entertainment and pleasure. If you've some-thing else Important to do, don't let those lectures keep you from it, Sev-eral events that are, perhaps, worth attending are the social hour in the faculty homes and the faculty reception. When you go to enroll if you're not one of the first ten In the line I advise you, to go take a nap. Once registration is attended to, the rest of enrollment doesn't take so long. You're going to be treated as a freshman. If you happen to be a boy don't ever forget that pretty green cap—so becoming to yon. Also no sit ting with your date at the football games. As a freshman you're expected to be and act dumb—try not to disappoint the upperclassman.
If you want to make good grades, you will have to work hard. Pro-bably there are twenty more students just like you—an honor student in a small school. Competition is keen. One of the freshman's problems is what to do with the hours each-day that be doesn't have a class. This grad-ually solves itself When college finally gate underway, those extra hours are easily uses for outside reading or reference work. In some course.
It is a good plan to go out for some outside-activities. The Y. W, and Y. M. are school organizations open to every young woman and young man, There are the glee clubs, debate club. or reportship on the college paper, the Spectator, If you are talented in any of these lines.
Study hard freshman! That you may not have to hope at the
of the first quarter on account of weak eyes.—-Gladys Riddell.
I'm not so terribly Intelligent when It comes to the technical part of a football game, but I certainly did know enough to get a thrill out of the 65-yard punt that Wiggins made. And did I ever get a thrill out of that touchdown? I still think our standing there by the line and urging them boys on had something to do with it. After that we followed the line pretty closely, but the boys didn't make any more touchdowns. They came mighty near It though, After the game was over we were
pretty hungry; so Shulley's was the next stop of the night. Shulley's was the cafe where the football boys ate. By the time we had all congregated there it looked like a reunion of the entire McPherson College. I don't imagine Shulley's have bad that much business since the depression began. They weren't quite prepared for the mob for In order to feed that crowd Ward Williams and Benchy Licthy had to pitch In and help. They make adorable hashers too, but even at that we didn't get what we ordered until nearly an hour after we had ordered It, and then It wasn't what we had ordered; however that didn't matter much. We were having bread, butter, and sugar which was is plenty good time, and besides the already on the tabled didn't taste so
My advice to a college freshman would be quite simple. If I were talking- to one I am sure this is what I would say
Don't be afraid of any thing or anyone. If some soph high hats you just elevate your nose just one degree higher then his. He’s not so smart! He's just thinking how he felt a year ago and wants to be sure he Is not the only one to feel that way,
It a senior springs a wise crack on you, spring a wiser one on him, If he really springs an unbeatable one laugh with him and hope and pray for a time when you can make him feel like a two-cent stamp that has been licked.
If your teacher gives you the once— over over his specs, look him straight in the eye and smile if he doesn't melt then look at him as long as he looks at you? If he realize you aren't afraid of him he won't try to be so "lordly”.
If your chemistry prof says, have a test Monday", don't get
frightened. Review a little before go to bed and sleep. If you stay awake and worry you will be more apt to flunk than if you just forgot about it (Continued on Page Three)
Cheer Boys Cheer
Mildred Pray spent the week end at her home at Hope, Kansas.
All Hail to Our Dear M. C.
Fight For Old M. C.
Willard Brammel returned Sunday from a short visit to his home at Ozawkie, Kansas.
Several girls were guests of Elizabeth Bowman. Friday evening, October 7. Two hours of pure fun were spent. Candy and popcorn making wore the main features of the eve-ning. Those invited were Elsie Rump, Gretta Wilma Griffis, Genevieve Crist, Dorothy Dresher, Martha Hursh, Marjory Shank, Ruth Ihde,: and Odessa Crist.
Rev. and Mrs. Sink of Carleton. Nebraska, have been visiting their ton, Clarence, during the past week.
All hail to our dear M. C.
College we love the best Crimson and white our banner bright.
Forever shall lead the rest.
We'll go singing, Singing of you Crimson is brave White pure and true We'll go singing, singing of you
Alma Mater our dear M. C.
Fight for old M. C — M. C. will win-Fight to the finish, never give In— RAH! RAH! RAH!
You do your best, boys; we'll do the rest, boys, fight on to victory.
-Cheer, boys, cheer,
Oh, M. C.'s got the ball,
Cheer, boys, cheer.
We'll never let it fall And when we hit that line There'll be no line at all There'll be a hot time in the old town tonight,
The college library can now boast of the acquisition of a new, unabridged, dictionary. A Funk and Wagnall's "New Standard Dictionary if the English Language" has been added to the library facilities. This dictionary is Just off the press, a 1932 copyright.
If the Matron had bawled us out for getting in so late I was going to blame it on Shulley's service. We finally did get home somewhat after midnight, but we bad to sing every thing from "Jesus Loves Me” to "Snuggled on Your Shoulder” to keep awake,
All in all the trip was a huge suc-cess; the game was swell, and I love Wichita Here's to more football games in Wichita.
A Cheer Ette
Dr. and and Mrs. J. D. Bright left for Rochester. New York, as Wed-nesday morning, October 5, where Mrs. Bright underwent an operation at the Mayo Brothers Hospital. Re-ports received here since are to the effect that she is doing as well as could be expected under the circum-stances.
A member of THE y. w. c. a recollects
The girls oh-ind and ah-ing upon entering the cabin. "How darling! Isn't this sweet? How Ideal for a honeymoon! Wouldn't you Just love to
spend weeks here?"
(Continued from Page Two) until you see the questions on the board.
Again I say, don't be afraid of anything or anyone. Self-confidence is man's greatest friend. If you are self confident you are sure to be a success at anything you try My dad always told me that I could do anything I thought I could. If you have enough self confidence so that you think you can rule the world, you can. At least, in your mind.—Lorene Morrison.
If I were asked to give a college freshman advice I should say, "Don’t take yourself too seriously, and above all, don't have an Inferiority complex."
A great many freshmen start to college filled with the high and holy desire to reform the world. They take everything too seriously, their work. their quizzes, and even the faculty. They plod painstakingly through their work, always agreeing with their teachers and then wondering why the frivolous person across the aisle who sometimes dares to disagree with pro-fessor gets such good grades. These too-serious students not only miss lots Of fun. but they get an awful Jolt when they find out the world doesn't want to be reformed by their idealistic methods.
As for complexes. It's always better to take a superiority complex to college with you than an Inferiority complex, because a superiority complex ; isn't such a lasting malady, It Is usually completely Removed, or at least . noticeably reduced within several months. This procedure Is generally painful but quite beneficial. An Inferiority complex, however, grows and intensifies until It becomes a permanent trait and causes lifelong timidity and nervousness.
Don't be scared. Remember that every upperclassman was once a freshman like you and he's only trying to forget his own greenness in the gentle Sport of showing you yours.—Ruth Spilman.
Take It easy until you find out what It's all about—try not to be alarmed or flustered if you miss a class the first day, etc. After you get situated it is a good idea to get in line with the teacher, that Is, analyze the teacher so you know what they expect and how you can do what they want. It isn't a question of "working" the teacher; a good grade is essential but you can also get a little knowledge along with it.
The next thing is to try to get organized in a social way. This may be run into the ground but it is a diversification to the routine and helps a lot in giving some enjoyment to your college life. Don't get worried— you have three more years, but of course you don't want to fade out In the first one. A good social background will help, though, through the other three years—Burr Miller.
Standing In line waiting to get
some supper. Yelling for salt. What is this stew called? Boy. It's good. Saying Marlene could easily get a man if It is true that a way to a man's heart Is through his stomach.. Marlene answering that she was afraid she would have to take her mother along.
Everyone taking sides on the ques-tion of telepathy. Miss Lehman and Mrs. Schwalm being the leading par-
Grace Heckman urging the girls to put up Ouija In order to have the real meeting. And finally sitting in a dim circle around the fireplace, most of then sprawled on the floor. Quiet, at last.
The lights on again and Miss Lehman and Bernice Fowler with their hair down while Una Ring and Ada Brunk experiment with it. Miss Lehman is a severe washerwoman for a moment, while Bernice is a — well what-is-it.
Asking Ouija the Initials whom everyone is going to marry. Yes, Grace got L. G. and Ada got H. H.. but the rest were unknown. Genevieve Crist saying she knew someone by these Initials and asking Ouija where he was,
Marlene Dappen and Dorothy Dresher tugging to get their boots off.
Lights out at last for one—two seconds. "E-e-e-e-k!“ Mrs. Schwalm Jumping out of her bunk, certain there was a mouse In the mattress. Brave Mary Miller and Grace Heckman hunting for it
Una Ring taking a time exposure picture from the top bunk of the ten people sleeping on the floor. The girls trying to keep still while a little mouse ran along by their feet, coming to a stop in Esther Brown's shoes.
Somebody snoring.
B-r-r-r-r! “Do we have to get up? It’s still dark.” Standing on the bridge for the sunrise service, watch-ing a lone star’s reflection in the waters. Countless numbers of frogs sticking their heads out of the water.
Gulah Hoover's hoarse whispering voice.
Miss Lehman making toast for breakfast on a smoking stand. An argument on whether the pastry Is cinnamon rolls or doughnuts,
Dr. Schwalm arriving in time to
take pictures of everyone.
Perhaps the business office thinks that it's the hard times, but it has
been rumored that it single candy bar yields 150 calories, and one sundae at the fountain yields 500.
And by the way. the dietetics class has found out that cold showers help to make the pounds vanish—no more hot water in Arnold Hall, Forney.
Have you noticed the new way Miss Lehman has been wearing her hair? Ada Brunk fixed it at the Y. W. retreat and Miss Lehman liked It so well that she has been wearing it that style ever since. It really is quite becoming.
When Guy Hayes was asked If he had any suggestion for items for this Quip Column, all he answered was, "Well, my sore toe Is getting better.” Glad to hear it. Guy. glad to hear It!
Lola Hawkins has a picture of Loren Rock which she says she got at the ten-cent store In Topeka. So, girls, if you want a picture of Rock. Just go to Woolworth's or Kress's and Inspect their line of photos. Maybe you will oven find the likeness of the flower of your heart there.
A car that was to have carried a group of the faculty to the faculty picnic last Wednesday failed to respond to the starter. After numerous attempts and a delay of twenty minutes, It grudgingly consented to run. When, however. the picnic was over, prolonged efforts availed nothing At last a lively young professor took the wheel. Although the car finally agreed to run, it only compromised with the professor. He drove It to Its "home", but by the light of another man's car.
Dean Replogle has asked the members of his freshman orientation class
to bring him their pictures. The idea is that the dean Is going to pat the picture In the student’s Individual file In his office.
Ugh- Ugh-ugh-keraboo! I take my pen in hand and write with a lead pencil to inscribe my sentiments. There are unsocial acts and unsocial acts. One of the greatest of these is entering the library with lungs sup-ersaturated with the fumes of a certain product of the south—but woe unto us it does not remain in the lungs, or on the clothes, of the few, but permeates the entire atmosphere.
Have you noticed the good-look ing posters on the Y. W. bulletin board in Sharp Hall? Give thanks to Marjorie Barber, as they're samples of her work. That girl certainly can draw and design!
Harry Frantz did a neat Job of making those little board-affairs that decorate the desks and serve as introduction to the dean's and president's secretaries, Corrine Bowers and Lois Lackey.
Maxine Ring has been receiving letters from a French lad In Belgium. Maxine, hasn't your mother taught you not to speak to strange men? (However, Miss Margaret Shelley wrote an Introduction >.
Some McPherson College students are going to miss the complimentary remarks made by Quadrangle scrib-blers. There is nothing like an old Quadrangle to bolster up one's declining ego.
Some Jolly Juniors like to ride bicycles. Otto sunny Saturday afternoon a Junior, namely Guy Hayes, chose to ride on the handle-bars. They hated to part with him—at least, the seat of his trousers; so it was necessary for him to walk backwards to the boys' dorm.
About that pep chapel last Thursday—Did you notice the large amount of pep the freshman cheer leader aroused among the students? If they yell that well for a freshman imagine what they ought to do for upperclassmen.
Why is It that two boys will invariably pick the same night to ask a girl for a date? You boys ought to do some systematic planning No girl can have two dates with two boy on the same night.
One good way for a student to get his name In the Spec Is to contribute an article. The editor, at least, might appreciate it, too.
McPherson College is a singing school. All doubters should have attended the alt-school picnic last Friday. There Is nothing like a campfire sing to develop school spirit.
Christian Endeavor Is Led By Faithe Ketterman
“Work and the Worker" was the subject of an interesting program led by Faithe Ketterman in the College Christian Endeavor Sunday night The theme was divided into four discussion talks. Lola Hawkins spoke on "Kinds and Qualities of Work '; Genevieve Crist, "The value of work to the worker”; Elizabeth Wagoner. "Work enables us to be happier”; and Guy Hayes, "Is there work for everyone?"
Some interesting conclusions were brought out in the talks. Work tumid be healthful. honest, honorable, and useful. Work is not punish-ment but useful, purposeful work well done, brings peace to the worker, Work relieves one of fear and worry, and helps him maintain a cheerful attitude, Hays said 6 per placed the blame for this condition on our inability to readjust economically following the abnormal condi-tions of the world war period. In reply to the question "What Can I Do?" Hays suggested that we be not so greedy, spend our leisure time profitably, and use opportunities to help others.
Orpha Beams sung a solo Ada Brunk read Robert Burns' poem "a Man's a Man For A' That.” Next Sunday Dean Replogle will lead an open forum discussion on student problems.
Many freshmen are too modest to engage In extra-curricular activities, while others participate In too many, much to the detriment of their studies. A student should be able to make up his mind and keep to his decision.
A wealthy society lady had just engaged a new maid and was Instructing her in the duties of waiting on the table.
“At dinner, Mary." she explained, "you must remember always to serve from the left and take the plates from the right, Is that clear?"
"Yes, ma'am." answered the girl condescendingly, “What's the matter, superstitious or something?'' —New York Morning Telegraph
Advice was given to freshmen in chapel, Wednesday. October 5. by Professor Maurice A. Hess
••Errors I Have Known Freshmen to Make” was the subject of Professor Hess* talk. He enumerated several problems which have to be solved by every underclassman. The care of one's health, reputation, and ex-cess time are three things which should not be neglected. because they greatly Influence one’s life both dur-ing college and afterwards.
While trying to punish Esther Stegeman at the picnic Friday for not wearing her freshman cap, the promoters of the idea let her slip into the mud. Originally the plan was to pretend they were going to duck all girls who did not wear their ber-ets, in the muddy, murky water. As a result, Esther's slippers and white duck trousers were muddy- but will these freshmen never learn that they are supposed to wear their caps? Others who supposedly went through the ordeal were Cleora Follmer, Ann Heckman, and Pauline Stutzman.
Over the coming week-end from
Friday afternoon until Monday noon the Church of the Brethren In South-western Kansas will hold its District Conference in the rural church near Nickerson. People whose names ap- pear on the program include Dr. V. F. Schwalm and Professors J. Hugh Heckman. Robert E. Mohler, and Alvin C, Voran. Saturday evening is to be College Night and a large dele-gation of students are going to help In singing and generate college spirit in a large way.
The money-bag was opened In Y W C. A. this morning by a group •song, "I Would Be True" with em-phasis on the second stanza, which treats of the spirit of giving.
The coins were counted by Clarice Evans wherein she gave the uses made of the money which In pledged to the Y. W. C. A. The shekels were dropped, pledges made while Mil-dred Dahlinger sand a vocal solo. The meeting was In charge of Mary Mill-er, finance chairman Next week Mrs. Emmert will talk to the group.
A garden wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Allen July 31, 1932, at Ottawa. Kansas, uniting in marriage their daughter Miss Louise Allen and Mr. Ernest E. Watkins son of the Reverend Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Watkins. The father of the bridegroom read the service at 8 o'clock. Both Mr. and Mrs. Wat-kins are former students of McPher-son College and they are now mak-ing their home at 5 W. Ottawa St., Paula, Kansas.
Coming through the Ad building you can see. If the door is open, a girl typing furiously In Dr. Schwalm's office. And she really has a job, too, She's Dr. Schwalm’s private secretary and her name is Lois Lackey, There are four other professors who are aiding prosperity’s come-back by em-ploying private secretaries. Dean F A Replogle's aide-de-camp is Cor-rine Bowers; Prof. J. A. Blair em-ploys Alice Hedge; Dean R. E. Mohler’s helper Is Edith Bechtelheimer; and Dr. J. W. Hershey's is Faithe Ketterman.
First Conference Opponent Has Many Lettermen Back
Binford and Team Want to Upset Dope and Turn In a Victory'
Friday night is the first conference football game of the season. Kansas Wesleyan, conference champions of last year will oppose the Bulldogs on the local field '
After winning two non-conference games and losing a third, the Bulldogs are putting on an Intensive week of practice for the first conference game of the 1932 seaon, coach Binford has been putting his men through hard workouts this week to correct some of the early season mistakes.
Kansas Wesleyan comes to McPherson Friday night with a long string of conference victories, a veteran team, and a lot of weight and power. The Coyotes so far this season have won from Phillips University and lost to the strong Kansas State learn. In the backfield Wesleyan has Robinson, a fast broken-field runner, and Boxberger. line plunger, both all-conference men. The Wesleyan line Is big and fast with many lettermen In the forward wall.
Although dope in this game seems to favor the Coyotes, the McPherson team has a chance and will fight for the breaks. With the heavy Bulldog line and fast backfield the local fans are expecting the canine team to hold the powerful opponent. The Coyotes defeated the Bulldogs by a very onesided score last year and McPherson Is still smarting from that defeat and this year will give all they have to gain revenge. The same is scheduled to start at 8:00 o’clock and a record crowd is anticipated.
seems to get the Braves lots of scores. Ottawa has a team composed mostly of lettermen and most of the men are big.
Kansas Wesleyan. last year's conference champion- and one of this year's favorites, stepped out of Its class last week and played the Kan-sas Aggies of the Big Six. The Aggies defeated Wesleyan 52-6 and showed lots of power against the smaller school. The Coyotes were able to hold their own against the Aggie B team and even gained yards against them. The Wesleyan score came In the third quarter on a lateral with Robinson running about twenty-one yards for the touchdown.
Baker University played a non-conference game with College of Em-poria last week. The Kansas Conference school won over the Emporians 3-0, Baker In another team to be considered for the conference title with home sports writers giving them firm place already.
Kansas Wesleyan comes here next Friday night as the Bulldogs' opponent. The Coyotes are the defending champions of the conference and have a big team Dope in this game is fairly even with the Coyotes probably having a slight advantage. Aft-ter defeating Friends the Bulldogs have been working hard all week in preparation for this game and are going to try to stop Robinson and the rest of the Wesleyanites.
Reinecker for Evans, Nelson for Ellis. Anderson for Blume. Lytle for Johnston, Blume for Carpenter, Johnston for Lytle. Bowman for Reinecker, Ellis for Wine. Wine for Ellis. Lytle for Johnston, Hayes for Nelson. Eddy for Keck.
Yards gained from scrimmage, Mc-Pherson 105. Friends 135.
Yards lost from scrimmage, McPherson 16, Friends 21.
Punts. McPherson 10 for 349 yards. Friends 8 for 233 yards.
Penalties. McPherson, 9 for 55 yards. Friends 3 for 30 yards.
Passes, McPherson attempted 10 completed 5 for 99 yards and Intercepted one. Friends attempted 12 completed 2 for 11 yards.
First downs. McPherson 8 Friends
Arlene Wampler Is manager of soccer which Is now being played by the members of the W. A. A, Practices are being held at 4:30 on Mon-day, Wednesday, and Thursday eve-nings, As In all other W. A, A. sports, members must attend three-fourth of the practices In order to win points.
The following teams have been or-ganized:
Ruth Deardorff. Lenora Johnson, Ruth Hobart. Elizabeth Bowman, Odessa Crist. Esther Polo. Ruth Ihde. Lois Fry. Verna Mae Stevenson, and Marlene Dappen.
Lola Hawkins, Alice Egbert. Martha Harsh. Esther Stegeman. Martha Andes, Genevieve Crist. Elsie Rump. Oneita Boyer. Pauline Stutzman, and Nellie Heaston
hurry and. in her haste, takes the wrong sack by mistake. Since all of the sacks look so much alike, this person doesn't notice her mistake until she has torn it open. Unlike you would expect, this mistake is not regarded as being at all serious, and after the exchange of property. lunch proceeds without any ill feel-, ings toward either party.
Paper napkins used to be in evi-dence, but since the Depression we have found a way to do without them and yet, still have them. We simply tear the sack down one side, and there you have your entire lunch spread out before yon. with a napkin underneath. Lunch In a paper sack is not as bad after all.
The Thursday morning pep chapel proved to be a big success. with the freshman class putting on the program. A broadcasting stunt was held front KMC, with Ezra Feller as station announcer. Willard Brammel gave several harmonica solos, one vocal solo, a short speech on "Pep" and led a group of freshman boys In the 'Rolla Bolla" yell. John Kauffman gave the latest news flashes and Fred Nace read the weather report. After the station had signed off, Mr. Brammel. the freshman cheer leader, led. the group In several yells.
Later the meeting was turned over to the regular cheer leaders and "Cheesey” Voran led the Bulldogs in several songs.
Next week the Girls' Pep Club will put on the stunt. Students hope that the stunt will prove as successful as the freshman program.
He: “They tell me you stutter when you're about to be kissed."
She: "Y-y-y-y-yes. th-that's r-r-r-right
Thursday Morning Wichita papers were predicting the Quakers to win by one touchdown. The evening's paper gave the Wichita school a two touchdown advantage over the Bulldogs. Thu Quakers were Just plenty , lucky that they weren't beaten by two or three touchdowns instead of one. —time
Besides the one time that McPherson scored, the Bulldogs were on the three yard line once when a fifteen yard penalty stopped them, and another time on the eleven yard line when a fumble stopped further pro-gress. Still another time a Bulldog dropped an attempted Quaker pass on the five yard line. McPherson Just had it all over the Quakers as they were only Inside the twenty yard line once.
The speedsters of the Friends backfield found It hard to get around the McPherson defense, Douglas got away for one pretty thirty yard run. but outside of that the Friends backs were helpless against the McPherson defense. Reynolds a star of the Friends backfield, did not stand out as much as was expected.
1 Wichita papers gave McPherson -credit for having the best passing machine that has been seen in Wich-ita this season. Wiggins was shoot-ing passes with deadly accuracy and the receiving looked pretty good. Carpenter also threw some of the passes Including the one on which the touchdown was scored.
The Terrible Swedes were defeated by Bethel College by a score of 2-0 las week That won the first time in the history of the school that Bethany had failed in defeat the Newton school by a pretty big store However. in looking over the summary one will find that the Swedes outplayed their opponents, but not in the scoring-
Outlaws seems to be one of the best
teams in the conference Last Week they deluded the strong William Jewell team. The famous passing of Knapper and receiving of Seuter
BULLDOGS DEFEAT FRIENDS (Continued from Page One)
favor of the Bulldogs.
The third quarter found the Bulldogs still going strong and keeping Friends on the defense most of the time. A nice pass from Wiggins to Lytle gained thirty-five yards and a few line plays put McPherson on the 11-yard line. Here the Friends defense stopped the Bulldogs and the Quakers look the ball on their own 7-yard line, During the remainder of the quarter neither team was able to gain much ground with Friends fighting hard to hold the Bulldogs back.
Friends tried hard to score during the last quarter and took many chances The Bulldogs again missed two good opportunities to score In this quarter. Once McPherson work ed the ball to the 1-yard line. With third down and goal to go McPher-son was penalized 15 yards for rough ing and then lost the ball on downs Another time a McPherson man drop ped an attempted Quaker pass on the 5-yard line.
The game was draggy In spots, but the Bulldogs kept the spectators on their feet during most of the game. The Canine defense weakened at times out held like a stone wall when
it really needed to. The McPherson passing machine was working in fine shape.
Friends McPherson
Knechtel ----- LE Pauls
Moore L T Ellis
Landsdowne LG _ Keck
Kidd (Co-C) C Minear
McPherson RG Zinn
Southard (Co-C0 RT Wine
Ashford., .... RE . Bowman
Geist ------Q Johnston
Douglas LH - Carpenter
Reynolds —’ R H — Wiggins
Ellis - --F ..... Blame
Officials: Referee. Hinman. Spring-field Umpire. Kice. Wichita Head Linesman. L. Johnson., Wichita
Substitutions«: Friends. Torkleson
for Knechtel, Enlow for Kidd, Carrier for Landsdowne, McPherson. Evans far Pauls. Pauls for Bowman.
But on the other hand, the paper sack holds quite a fascination for you when you hear the noon-day whistle tell the town folks that It Is time to go to lunch. It is then that you look at your watch and say to yourself. “Class is only half over."
The next half hour seems like ag-es, but finally the shrill, piercing' sound of a whistle brings you out of a reverie and you come down to earth with a thump. Without waiting to hear what the instructor Is saying, you grab for your books, dash for the door, thunder down the hall and into the Y. W room, add make a ; bolt for a certain paper sack. Oc-casionally. someone gets In too big
Sometimes people wonder If there is a single thing on earth that hasn't changed—"gone modern". If you please. Have you ever stopped to consider that even the Inevitable school childs' or student's lunch has “modernized"? He used to swing his dinner pail by the handle, now he wrings his paper sack by the neck, but what is In the paper sack?. To one who has had thirteen yearn ot experience along this line, this question is not difficult to answer. My guess would be that the sack contains a sandwich or two, an orange or an apple, and perhaps, a piece of cake or some cookies. To be sure; that sounds as though it were nothing whatsoever to complain about. Perhaps not, but Just imagine yourself being stared In the face every single school day with something of this kind
Fumbles. McPherson 4 recovered 7. Friends 3 recovered 0.
Used to Swing Pail by Handle— Now Wring It by Seek
Sept. 23- Wichita University. 0. McPherson, 7.
Sept. 30—St. Benedicts 12. McPherson 0.
Oct. 7 Friends University 0. Mc-Pherson. 7.
Oct. 14 — Kansas' Wesleyan. here.
Oct. 28 —Oklahoma City University. there.
Nov. 4 —Bethel College, at New-
Nov. 11 —Ottawa University, here. ( Day)
Nov. 18 Baker University, at
Nov. 34 Bethany College, at