McPherson college, McPherson, kansas wednesday, june i, 1933
Is President of State Agricultural College at Manhattan—A Capella Choir Will Furnish Music—Brown and Replogle to Present Candidates
In chapel Wednesday Mrs. Melvin Binford. W. A. A. adviser, presented athletic letters to Odessa Crist. Elsie Rump, and Lois Edwards. who had earned the required 1000 points In athletic participation. Pins In their favorite sport, basketball, were awarded to Genevieve Crist and El sie Rump, who had earned 1350 points.
To Thee. O God, we pray for strength to meet The strains and stresses we confront today:
Amid the turmoil keep our spirits sweet:
Above all else. we for Thy guidance pray.
We ask not for the fickle crowd’s acclaim But for the challenge that awakes the soul;
Not brief possession of illgotten gain
But for the poise that come* with self-control.
We ask that we may serve thee as Thou art:
Great God of mercy, lore, and gentleness,
May these become our qualities of heart.
And selfish seeking change to kindliness.
God. let use serve Thee, the one way we can— By humble service to our fellow man.
\ —Ward Williams. '33.
At a class meeting last Thursday, the sophomores elected John Goering as president. Other officers were us follows: Faithe Ketterman. vice-president; Alice Hedge, secretary; Gladys Riddell, treasurer, and Waller Pauls and Jo Wagoner, student council representatives.
A Christian knows that the highest form of helpfulness consists In giving out values greater than money. In prayer and the practical rendering of moral Influence each one may minister to health and happiness by cultivating the manly quail-ties of human character.
Norman Thomas says we Americans have come to think of Truth as a delicate young lady who cannot go out for a walk without a policeman, Truth can take care of itself. Do we believe It? Jesus did.
—J. Hugh Heckman
Production Written by Members of Class—Costumes and Lighting Effects Elaborate—More Than Sixty in Cast— Given in College Church
Schwalm Will Confer Degrees— Four to Finish at End of Hummer
The forty-sixth annual commence-ment will he held tomorrow. June 2. at 10:30 o'clock In the Brethren Church. The address will be given by President F. D. Farrell of the Kansas State Agricultural College at Manhattan. With this address and musical numbers an Interesting program is promised.
Music for the march and the recessional will be played by Miss Jessie Brown. Following the Invocation music will he furnished by the male quartet. The A Capella Choir will also present several number. The presentation of candidates will he made by Miss Jessie Brown and by Dean F. A. Replogle. President V. F. Schwalm will confer the degrees.
Fifteen will graduate under the Bachelor of Science degree, namely Esther Brown. Raymond Buskirk. O-dessa Crist, Donald Dresher. Milton Early, Bernice Fowler, A. W. Hands. Elizabeth- Holzemer. Delbert Kelly. Lloyd Larsen, Hope Nickel, Loren Rock, Elsie Rump. Harvey Shank, and Milo Stucky.
Fourteen Bachelor of Arts degrees will be conferred. Those receiving them are Charles Austin. Genevieve Crist, Dorothy Dresher. Florence Dresher. Clarice Evans, Lilburn Gott-mann, Gretta W. Griffis, Grace Heckman. Melvin Landes, Millicent Ny-quist, Vernon Rhoades, Ellen Steinberg, Pearl Walker, and Ward Williams.
Mrs. Ruth Harms Nigh will receive her Bachelor of Music degree; Nar-cella Severtson and Ronald Vetter their teachers' certificates In piano, Gulah Hoover her diploma In piano, and Ellen Steinberg a certificate in public school music.
Four students will graduate at the close of the summer term, George Zinn. Tlllle Heldebrecht. Lillian Johnson, and Clara Peterson
Entertains Graduating Class at Home Saturday
On Saturday evening at 8:00 o'clock. Pres. V. F. Schwalm gave his annual reception for seniors at his home on College Hill.
Bernice Dresher played the piano as the guests entered and after they were seated Dr. Schwalm welcomed them. The rooms and quartet tables were decorated with fresh flowers. The evening was spent playing different appropriate games. Lloyd Larsen won the grand prize of the evening.
Mrs. Schwalm, assisted by Betty Schwalm and Miss Della Lehman, served dainty refreshments at the close of the reception. *
All seniors who wish to receive the Spectator next year should leave their names and addresses with Ed-win Carlson or Paul Booz before leaving school. The subscription rates are one dollar per year.
Paul Booz Is Elected President of Lower Class
Last Thursday morning the freshman class held a meeting and elected officers for the coming year. Paul Booz will head the sophomore class of next year.
Other officers are as follows: vice-president. Leone Shirk: secretary, Edna Bengston: treasurer, Ronald Vetter: and student council members. Pauline Stutzman and Cheater Johnston.
Forensics, Publicators, Athletes, and Student Leaders Get Letters and Pins
The college male quartet opened the chapel services. May 31, by singing two numbers. "Still, Still with Thee" and "Home on the Range”. They responded with an encore then.
Milo Stucky, president of the Student Council, made the following awards:
Male quartet, silver pins for one year's work: Warner Nettleton. Wayne Carr and Chris Johansen. Harvey Shank received a gold pin for his second year’s work.
Ladles’ trio, silver pins for one year’s work: Mildred Dahlinger and Gulah Hoover. Lois Edwards received a gold pin for her second year's work.
Joyce Vetter received a silver award for her work In piano.
Quadrangle: Delbert Kelly, editor, received a gold pin. Wilbur Yoder, this year's business manager and elected to the same position for next year, will be acknowledged then.
Spectator: Una Ring, editor, received a gold pin: and Harry Frantz, business manager, received a silver pin.
Debate, men's varsity team: Guy Hayes and Elmer Staats. bronze awards, for their first year's work: Lilburn Gottmann, a gold pin for his two year's work, and Ward Wil-liams, a gold pin and guard for his our year's work.
Women's debate team: Ruth Spil man. Marten Dappen, and Gladys Riddell received sliver pins for their first year’s work. Rith Hobart resolved a gold pin for her two year's service.
Lois Lackey received an award for being treasurer of the student coun cil. and Milo Stucky got one for be-ing president.
Many athletic awards were also made at this time.
Thurs., June l—Alumni Banquet at College Church.
Fri., June 2-—Commencement exercises at college church at 10:30 a. m.
Mon.. June 5—Summer school be-gins.
President Speaks of "Christian Standards for Measuring Success”
Applause and Possessions Unnecces-sary—Should Continue to Create
Last Sunday evening at 8:00 o’clock at the Brethren Church Proa. V. F. Schwalm gave the baccalaureate sermon for the seniors. His sub-ject. "Christian Standards for Measuring Success", was must fitting and pertinent.
Prof. J. A. Blair had charge of the opening devotionals. Miss Fern Lingenfelter played the processional and recessional. The A Capella choir furnished special music.
"Every graduate of this class expects to succeed," began President Schwalm. There are wide differences of opinion among men as to who has succeeded and who has failed. I desire to indicate a few qualities of life without which it can not be said that life Is successful, measured-from a Christian standpoint.
"First, popular applause or papular approval is not on itself un adequate measure of Success. Life is easier and more pleasant when It Is so. and the approval of the public Is desirable In a democracy. It is easier
to promote great causes with the
good will of men than against their desires. Certainly the good will and approval of good men and women Is a better guarantee to success than their ill will. And while Jesus indicated that men were blessed when they were reproached and persecuted the fact of reproach and persecution Is not in Itself a guarantee of rectitude or divine approbation. Our persecutions may come from our perversity and selfishness rather than that we have too strenuously contended for the cause of Christ. While public approval Is pleasant and desirable, popular applause should not he bought at too great a price. Jesus certainly taught that there are loyalties that transcend this loyalty and he that violates his conscience and disregards his convictions sells his soul and brings woe on himself. ‘Woe unto you when all men speak well unto you. for in the same manner did their fathers’ to the false prophets’.
"Second, the getting of possessions or wealth Is not a Christian standard
(Continued on Page Two)
Dean R. E. Mohler left Friday for a trip to the Eastern states where he will attend a church conference and visit Rotary Clubs. He will be accompanied by his family to Scots-ville. Michigan. Dean Mohler’s old home.
Dean Mohler will attend a conference of the Brethren church in Pennsylvania. From there he will go to Poland Springs. Maine, to attend the Rotary International Training Club. He will also visit the International Rotary Club at Boston before returning.
Dean Mohler's other activities will carry him Into Virginia. Maryland, and Pennsylvania, where he will engage In men's church work. On his return trip he plans to visit the World’s Fair at Chicago. He plans to return about July 20.
The remainder of the summer will be spent In visiting Rotary Claim of the state and In working for McPherson College.
LOST—Thomas. Manchester and Scott, "Composition for College Students". Ralph Buckingham.
A Capella Gives Last Concert at New Gottland Church
On Thursday evening of last week the A Capella Choir motored to New Gottland where they gave a program in the Swedish Lutheran Church. A good-sized audience was In attendance. After the program was over the ladies of the church served a delicious lunch of sandwiches. cake and coffee, to the choir.
Nine Hours Credit Can Be Obtained—Several Departments Are Offered
One Monday. June 5. the summer session of McPherson College is scheduled to begin and will continue for eight weeks.
The departments offering courses are the education. English, history, science and fine arts department. Of especial Interest is the summer training school for crude children. This school Is being operated for the benefit of those taking practice touching. Miss Robinson, of the McPherson city schools, will supervise tills department. The first, second, and third grades will be offered.
All class sessions will be held from 8:00 to 12:30 in the morning. My taking work In summer school It Is possible for a student to earn nine hours of college credit which In the maximum allowed.
Faculty members of the summer school session are Dr. J. D. Bright. Ur. Willard Hershey. Prof. J. A. Blair. Miss Della Lehman. Miss Jes-sie Brown, Miss Korn Lingenfelter. Miss Robinson. Prof. M. A. Hess, Miss Edith McGaffey, and Dean F. A. Replogle.
Alumnus Tells How to Make College Life Best
The McPherson College Christian Endeavor's last program of the present school year, was a vesper service held on the lawn northwest of the library. Mary Miller was chairman of the service. Lola Richwine conducted devotions. Clarence Sink and Edith Bechtelheimer read two devotional poems. The main part of the evening's program was a talk by Ethel Sherfy. Class of '32. who talked on making college life the best possible life.
June McIlnay, Wayne Carr and Galen Ogden sang a beautiful trio. Warner Nettleton led the group in opening and closing songs.
"Progress and Promise", the pa-geant presented by the seniors last evening. May 31, at 8:00 o’clock in the Brethren Church was welcomed by a large and attentive audience. It was a clear and beautiful relation and dramatization of events In the history of McPherson College, with over sixty in the cast.
Colored lights and a spotlight thrown on the stage and the characters as they appeared gave a beautiful effect. The choir loft which was decorated In blue was the platform where the Spirit of Christian Education and Truth and Light, her aides, made their appearance. The prairie Invited pioneers to settle In her domain and they In turn called for Christian Education If they were to live there.
The Church pledged her support to a college which was to he established on the prairie. After many offers. McPherson was chosen to be the host for McPherson College. Buildings appeared and gave their history. For a while Doubt hovered about the institution but was driven away by the support of additional states. Children came inquiring about what McPherson College had to offer them. The Spirit of Alumni called many of her people as a testimonial of what had been done for youth and a voice of prophecy told what could be done for future students. Doubt suddenly became Victory and two heralds drew the curtain which revealed a picture of the future McPherson College. The A Capella Choir closed the pageant, by singing and then humming the college hymn which was written by Ethel Sherfy.
Many people besides seniors aided in the presentation of this produc-•Continued on Page two
Several Will Attend World's Fair—Summer School Attracts Others
A great variety of activities and occupations will hold the interests of students and teachers this summer.
Summer school will claim Ruth Hobart. Jane McIlnay. Marlene Dappen. Beth and Jo Wagoner, Charles Austin. Lula Hawkins. George Zinn, Milton Early, and Tillie Heldebrecht. Vernon Rhoades will attend summer school at Washburn College in Topeka.
Robert Brooks will continue his work at Gore’s Variety Store and Arnold Taylor will work at Lichesky's. Alice Hedge will probably work for Prof. J. A. Blair for a while before going home. Edith Bechte-heimer and Wilbur Yoder will work in the People’s Stare Bank. Edith and Miss Della Lehman will keep house at Wohler's In their absence.
Dean Mohler will take an extended trip east to Michigan, Poland Springs, Maine; Boston, Massachu-setts: Maryland, Virginia, and Chicago Fair.
Dr. Schwalm's duties also carried him to parts unknown, He will attend the National Annual Conference of the Church of the Brethren at Hershey, attend young peoples' conferences at Iowa and Minnesota, spend a few weeks on the Ozarks. and finally visit the Century of Progress.
Dr. Bright will teach summer school and visit the World’s Fair. Olliers who plan to attend the Fair are Modena Kauffman. Florence Dresher, Esther Brown, and Wilbur Yoder.
Ward Williams will work for Dean Replogle, and Lois Lackey will work for a while here and then visit In _(Continued on Page Three)_
Elmer Staats Lola Hawkins Paul Heckman Maxine Ring
As the year drawn to a close It becomes evident that many have contributed to the Spectator and made its publication possible,
The assistants and reporters have been invaluable. Their work of the year has been faithful and well-done. With little thanks or recogni-tion they have accomplished monotonous tasks. Outside of the regular staff on unusually large number of students have written willingly for the Spectator. At all times the president, faculty, linotype operator, and students have given cooperation, valuable assistance, and advice.
In the last Issue of this year a heart felt and appreciative "thank you” Is offered to the many who have helped In the publication of the Spectator for 1932-’33.
Most of the activities on the campus have a direct contact with the student body. This Is true of the Thespian Club, the M Club, the W. A. A., the Spectator staff, and the Quadrangle staff. These organizations work directly with various parts of the student body.
With the Student Council this Is not true. This vital organization of student government works in the background and makes contact with student groups only Indirectly. The council, however, has a central control over most of the student activities on the campus.
Many students may complain that this year the organization has been Ineffective and has failed to sponsor all the activities previously conducted by the council. The organization has been faced with small revenues and a mounting deficit and the reduced expenditures of this year follow as a necessary consequence.
May the Student Council, restricted by necessity this year, find it possible to sponsor necessary student activities next year.
The senior of '33 will soon embark upon a career so different from college life that his outlook will be greatly changed. His view and perspective will probably be lessened for awhile at least. The ideals of college life may seem. too remote and too for removed from practical life to be of value. The values which he has set upon as the cornerstones of his future life may be quickly undermined in his flood of daily experiences.
The senior, will have to adjust and reorganize his outlook; He will have to remain calm and keep his vision clear until he can understand life. The man of the slums who has never seen the Inside of a school house may know far more about-the realities of life than the college graduate. The college graduate, however, has the ability to reorganise and adjust while keeping a view on life's values. The viewpoints gained In college should not be lost sight of.
The graduate should not feel sad the he is leaving college. Rather It should come to him as a challenge to face the so-called hard realities of life.
The financial standing of the student council, after a year In which expenses have been pared to the low-est possible piano, consistent with the demands of the various-activities; is quite satisfactory. It has been the council's policy throughout the school year to watch every dollar and not spend a cent needlessly. The council has not been overactive in social affairs and has this saved money, also clarifying their stand that social functions should be carried on by other, organisations on the campus.
Dun to the decrease In enrollment, the athletic department suffered be-cause the council was unable to turn over as much for student admission as la former years, even though efforts were made to keep the percentage the same.
The reorganisation of the state debate tournament contributed a great deal In helping the students save money. Expenses for debate were al most cut in half of what they were last year.
Splendid cooperation from the music and dramatic departments aided In helping finance their, active pro-grams.
The decision to postpone the edition of the Quadrangle undoubtedly was wise and saved the student council from a huge deficit, instead the council, has- been able to com-pletely pay. the debt of $113.50 Incurred by last year’s Quadrangle and in addition has been able to lay aside a surplus of between $50 and $75 as a subsidy for next year's edition providing expenses during the summer do not ran too high.
Official Publications of McPherson College Published by Student Council McPherson, Kansas.
Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917. at the postoffice at McPherson. Kansas. under the act of March 3, 1897
H. Ring Business Manager----.Harry Frantz
C. Yoder Ass't. Business Manager............Melvin Landes
Fasnacht Ass't Business Manager.-----------Paul Booz
C. Yoder Circulation Manager.--------_ Everett Fasnacht
Subscription Rates For One School Year $1.00.
Editor-in-chief................ Una
Associate Editor____________Wilbur
Associate. Editor. - —-----Everett
Sports Editor ..........____.„..Wilbur
Agnes Bean Dorothy Dresher Marlene Dappen Pauline Decker Faculty
Financial Standing Satisfactory —Every Dollar Watched Closely
Address all correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson Kansas
Etta Nickel Inland Enberg Margaret Oliver Jo Wagoner
. Prof. Maurice A. Hess
The Budgets for both semester are as follows:
First Semester | ||
'Basis of 200 student — |
$500 | |
Gen'l expense |
10% |
$ 5O |
Athletics |
36% |
175 |
Drama |
12% |
60 |
Music |
3% |
15 |
Debate |
10% |
50 |
Surplus |
30% |
150 |
Second Semester Basis of 175 students— $437.50
Gen’l Expense |
48% |
$218. |
Tennis |
8% |
35 |
Music |
4% |
17.50 |
Athletics |
40% |
175 |
(Continual from Page One)
or succors. Jesus probably would approve the holding of private property today. He taught, however, that property should be made not the end of life, but- rather the means of life. "A man's life consistent not in the number of things he possesseth”. Moreover Jesus- taught that there was a subtle danger to the man who sets his heart to get wealth; which makes It next to impossible for him to become a member of the Kingdom of God.
He that sets his heart, on the get ting of wealth finds the process at Interesting, becomes so obsessed with The power that wealth brings, and so delighted with., the things that it buys, that gradually it numbs his spiritual sense deadens his conscien-tious scruples and leaves him with nothing but his wealth. Wealth as a means of life is good: Wealth at an end In life leaves one with the taste of ashes In his mouth.
-A third - Christian: standard of success is whether our activities and interests give continuous. Inner sat-isfaction. Jesus does not deny the right of happiness,. but it is not a Punch and Judy sort of giddy hilar-ity It- is rather- a. sort of spiritual
well being, a satisfaction that is con-tinuous. So many of life's pleasures are transient, thrilling today, leaving one with a dull headache tomorrow. Any measure of worthwhile thing's In life must be whether or; not they give continuous inner satis- faction, continuous not only during our youth; but to the end-of -life
"A fourth Christian standard of success is living progressively creative toward ever-receding goals. St. Paul's life way that way. There was an upreach and a forward stretch in Paul's life which apparently never relaxed. One of the most Interesting observations of one's life as one. grows older Is the unequal way In which, men run In the race of life. Some start early and mature young, produce in their twenty or thirties, pass from the scene of action and are heard of no more. Others grow up, are full of aspirations and Inspirations In their twenties, cool off In their, thirties and die in their, forties and are heard, of no more. There are still others who begin a life of ac-tiveness and usefulness usually nottoo early. They mature In their twenties or thirties, are going: strong In their forties or fifties and keep on creatively producing In their, chosen field until the setting .of life’s sun. Such a. man was Paul. Such a man was Gladstone. Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Thomas A. Edison and others. One of the most curious and Interesting questions of life Is, how. ran a man keep something of. the aspirations. ardor, enthusiasm and creativeness of youth as he goes past the meridian of life. In marching toward the netting of life's sun. There are many Instances on. every hand where men. who through lack of ap-plication or because they early closed their minds to new truth, or because they disobeyed the higher light in their own lives, or because they loved the creature comforts of earth too much, and still others because of voluptious living have died as far as creative achievement Is concerned. We- must needs love the highest when we see it and be loyal to the finest Idealism of our lives'.
•'Another test Is the test of social responsibility. The man or woman who lives through life without any sense of his obligation, to his fellow-men Is a failure. The school that graduates students and leaves, them without a sense of social obligation for world betterment Is not giving them a Christian education, and the man or woman, who does not find himself of service to his fellowen is falling In a very Important function in his life,
These then are some of the tests I would apply to life to determine whether or not it has been successful. Let us hope that. when. all. of us finally approach our Maker, to render may face the Great Judge of the up to Him our stewardship., that we earth with confidence and hope be-. cause we have been, faithful to the trust which ho has committed to us.”
(Continued from Page One)
tion. The cast of characters was as follows:
Indian ____._____George Zinn
Prairie-.— ....Dorothy Dresher
Pioneers — ______ Vernon Rhoades
Odessa Crist Lawrence Blair
Christian Education ......—
_____Genevieve Crist
Church------Grace Heckman
City of McPherson Ruth Harms Nigh
Herald-------Pascal Davis
McPherson College—.Charles Austin Fahnestock Hall —— Lloyd Larsen
Sharp Hall :---Ward Williams
Carnegie Library....Tillie Heldebrecht
Alumni Gymnasium---Loren Rock
Doubt-----— Pearl Walker
Kansas—--------Elsie- Rump
Colorado -- Donald Dresher
Oklahoma--A. W. Hands
Missouri ___ Milton Early
Nebraska--Lillian Johnson
Arnold Han------Bernice Fowler
Idaho__Esther Brown
Montana ■_*--Mila Stucky
Kline Hail-------Hope Nickel
Harnly Hall----Harvey Shank
College Church .. . Lilburn Gottmann
Louisiana-----Melvin Landes
Texas _____Millicent Nyquist
New Mexico _ Elizabeth Holzemer
Herald______ Delbert Kelly
Mount Morris College--Galen Ogden
Iowa ... Clarice Evans
Minnesota___— Ellen Steinberg
North Dakota-----Raymond Buskirk
South Dakota-________Clara Petersen
Students of the Future-
Ardys Hershey and Mary Jo Dell
Spirit of Alumni-- Eunice Almen
Housewife-- Rowena Sargent
Teacher-Annie . Brand
Business Man__— LaRoy Doty
Farmer .................Harold Beam
Missionary - Ella Ebbert
College Professor —... Milton Dell
Minister . J. J. Yoder
Scientist _______Clifford Dresher
Physician’------- . W. C. Heaston
Victory —2----Pearl Walker
The prologue was written by Ber-nice Fowles and the pageant by Gretta. Wilma Griffis and Dorothy Dresher. It Is composed of three episodes. The first episode gives a genesis of the college, the second gives the growth of the college, and the third gives, the future or the college. The college hymn was written, by Ethel Sherfy. Vera F. Rolander composed the prelude and Winston Cassier composed the McPherson College March. Miss Della Lehman was the director of this presentation. Marjorie Barber , painted the large picture especially for the occasion. Helen Holloway was the accompanist.
Announcements are being made of the approaching marriage, of Leland Lindell of this city and Floyd Brown of Hutchinson. The romance which began .during college days at McPherson will culminate on June 11 at Miss Brown's home. Both are graduates of McPherson College, Mr. Lindell with the class of '31 and Miss Brown In 1929. Miss Esther Brown, a. senior here and sister of the bride will be maid of honor: Gilbert. Meyers, class of ‘32, will net as best man Prof. Alvin Voran will sing at the wedding.
Mr. Lindell Is employed by the McPherson Daily Republican. For two years he was editor of the Spectator. Miss Brown has been teaching In the Ellinwood high school for the past several years. The couple will live in an apartment at Mrs. J. Hugh Heckmans until their home on South Ash. Is finished.
On Monday evening a large group of' McPherson students char-ivaried Mr. and Mrs. John Wall, who were married. Id Oklahoma City on Saturday, May 20. Mrs. Wall, formerly Miss Othetta Clark, was a student at McPherson College last year, and Mr. Wall Is a graduate of this institution.
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Holt (formerly Helen de Armand) were seen on the campus Tuesday,
Among the many former M. C. students who have been visiting here are Ruth Trostle. Walter Wellman. Clarence Zink, Avie Wattenburger, Blanche Pyle. Lucile Crabb, and Po-sie Jamison.
Ruth Spilman. and Lorene Morrison spent the week end at their homes near Roxbury.
Miss Della Lehman was unable to meet any classes yesterday because of Illness.
Mrs. W. H. Landes and her daughters, Sarah and Florence, mother and sister of Melvin Landes are spending commencement week on the campus. Mrs. and Mrs. Ralph Landes and Mr. Brice Peek accompanied them.
Carol Walker and his mother have been visiting the campus the last few days.
Noel Rhodes, Is on the campus visiting his brother, "Dusty” Rhodes.
In these last few days, a great many students have been overly flattering to members In the faculty. It won’t do any good, in some cases, however, for several profs have already graded their examination papers.
Velma. Keller of Minneola and Louise Okenberry of Rocky Ford, Colorado, who. attended school here last year have been visiting. friends on the campus the past week.
Orville Pole of Halstead, class of 23 has been a recent visit on the
Chronicles Reviews Happenings School—Includes Games, Romances, Plays, Parties, and Elections
Turn buck the pages of this year's McPherson College memory book and look it over:
Seventy-three green-looking freshmen Joined our ranks. making a total of two hundred nine students enrolled for the school year, 1912-'33. The usual combination of misery and fun In enrolling, the Y. M.—Y. W. watermelon feed on the sixteenth. and then the faculty reception for the students. the nineteenth—all are memories of the first weeks. Remember how. cruelly the freshies were punished for not wearing their green caps We received two new members on
By Millicent Nyquist The Senior Class of McPherson College In this year of our Lord. A. D., 1933, being of sound and disposing mind and memory and not being under any restraint by any Juniors, does hereby make and declare this Its last will and testament; hereby revoking any and all former wills by It made.
First: The members of the Class of 1933 give, bequeath, and devise to McPherson College, faculty and students alike, the memory of their excellence In scholarship, their outstanding leadership, and of their, growth from bashful, erring freshmen to stately and more or less sober seniors.
Second: The Members of the said Senior Class give, will, and bequeath to the faculty of McPherson College all of the small remnants of knowledge which they are not taking with them to be dispursed to future generations of students.
Third: We will, bequeath, and de-vise to Dr. Schwalm all of the gratitude and character and aches and pains which we gained from sitting and listening In those hot. heavy caps and gowns to his most Informing baccalaureate sermon. We devise to Dean Replogle In fee simple all of our stern dignity In order that he might even more strictly repress all laughter In his classes. We further will to all of the other faculty mem-bers our appreciation of service rendered and harm done,
Fourth: We are deeding to the class of 1934 all of the high scholarship. high positions and high Seniority to which we have attained in this school year of 1932-1933. To the data of 1935 we assign the beauties of the campus, the upward climb, and the desire to make good. To the Class of 1936. we ran only say Here's hoping”.
Fifth: We the Individual members of the class of 1933. In consideration that as honored and glorious as the fame of this class may be In the future and present annals of McPherson College, many of us may be candidates for the bread line or the coop next year, do now humbly beg and beseech our legatees to excuse from any present pecuniary bequests this needy class of 1913. Therefore each Individual member of this body of dignified seniors does hereby will, bequeath, devise, and give the ensuing characteristics, os hereinafter stated, to-wit:
Our estimable president. Vernon Rhoades, hands over the light and majesty of his office to Newel Wine with the admonition that It most be cherished, nourished, and upheld. Ward Williams In his knowledge and care for the needs of children bequeaths the worn tire on his Pontiac to the freshmen In order that the poor dears may have something to swing on. Thinking about grown ups,
our, faculty, Mother Emmert, Matron of Arnold Hall and acting dean of women, and Alvin C. Voran, (better known as "Cheesy") as head of the voice, department.
The Bulldogs started the football season In the proper manner by beating the B learn from Wichita Univer-sity. 7-0. During the remainder of the season we won two games.
No Quadrangles! It was definitely decided that due to the economic difficulty that the annual would not be published.
Dr. T. Z. Koo, a terminate of Shanghai University visited our cam-pus, October 21, under the auspices of the Y. M.- and Y. W. and gave sev-eral Interesting talks. Coach Binford, and his team went to Oklahoma City, where they played the Oklahoma City Goldbugs. October 28. We got knocked off—47-6. The kids evi-dently bad a good time as they still talk about it occasionally.
The college girls had an eventful time at the slumber party held in the dorm. October 29, notwithstanding the rock salt in the beds.
An all-school Hallowe'en party was held October 31, at which all kind of ghosts and spirits were present.
Homecoming was November 11-13. Many alumni and friends visited the campus and enjoyed reunions with former associates. A Homecoming social was held in the Brethren Church on the night of November
Gottmann. Hayes, Staats and Williams were selected for the varsity debate squad. Dappen. Hobart. Spil-man, and Riddell were chosen on the women's debate team.
Springing a surprise, the freshmen heat the sophomores In their gridiron contest 18-6. This event, which was held November 12. decided for the freshies that they no longer needed to wear their green caps.
The dramatic art department presented "Nine Till Six" In the City Auditorium, November 22. This production was coached by Miss Lehman and was highly successful. All women in the cast!
Poor Olie. the Swede Jinx, was cremated at fitting services the night before the big Swede-Bulldog tussle —at which the Swedes took the long end of the score. 7-2.
A Thanksgiving party was given November 26 for those who did not get to go home for the vocation.
Pauls, McPherson end. and Wiggins, Bulldog halfback, were chosen on the Kansas Conference second team.
Binford started the basketball sea-son with five lettermen. Pauls. Rock. Stoner. Reinecker, and Wiggins. During the season, however, Yoder, the two Johnstons, Replogle, Jamison showed their ability as real basketeers.
The Y. M. decided to provide some entertainment for the students; so they Installed a ping pong table In the ad building.
An event of the year socially was the leap year party. Girls learned then how it feels to ask for a date and then maybe he turned down.
The debaters made a trip to Winfield when a good time was had by all.
At last—vacation—Kids scattered everywhere to spend the holiday season. “Cheesy” went to Chicago and brought back Mrs. Cheesy. The vows were made on December 29. When they got home, showers and a charivari awaited them.
St. Benedict’s beat the college eagers in their opening game. January 11. The score was 26-12. During the season the Bulldogs won five games and lost nine.
Cramming- underway for the semester finals which were Invoked January 23-25.
Then second- semester got underway. Enrollment figures showed about the same number seeking knowledge as there were the first semester.
We received word that Blanch Harris was coming back to school, bringing with him Mrs. Harris. Later we learned that they warn, married January 22.
(Continued on Page Four)
Playground. Management, Class Compiles Volume
After some delay, the five num-bers of the Review, of Reviews, from January to May of this year have been received by the library.
A translation of Dante's "Divine Comedy," by Jefferson Buller Fletcher. ha* Just been received as a gift from the translator and the Macmillan, company. A book, which will be helpful in next year's orientation. class Is "The Adjustment Problems of College Freshmen." by Earle Edward Emme, of Chicago University. This book has been purchased recently from the Cokesbury Press of Nashville. Tennessee.
The class In Playground Management has made a compilation, of “Games and Relays" which has been bound and is now In the library. The compiling committee consisted of the following members of the class: Elizabeth Bowman, Paul Sherfy. Pearl Walker, and Wilbur Yoder.
again. Donald Dresher Is leaving his Corrine to the dear old school that another, man and his wife may together hall McPherson College as their Alma Mater. Harvey Shank thinks that Chris Johansen should have his singing ability and his ways of acting cute. Florence Dresher has just about decided to leave all her friendliness to the next grouchy student that comes on the campus. Charles Austin, one of us who Is lucky enough not to have to starve next year. Is of the opinion that his pastorate at Darlow. Kansas, should be assigned to Gordon Kraus. Milton Early In his achievement of a degree and college graduate Is putting off his childish ways and deeding them all to Lester Pole. Pearl Walker says that Josephine Wagoner should have her faculty of being able to he such an excellent substitute for the Quadrangle. Milo Stucky.. being of the masculine gender, has forever assigned his deep dimples to Ruth Spil-man. Lloyd Larsen cordially advocates four good years of McPherson College for any freshman. Queen Clarice has given her blond beauty and the right to be May Queen to Mildred Dahlinger with the hopes that she will make good use of It. Having once been tested for sanity and found wanting. Gretta Wilma Criffis Is gladly yielding up all rights to her own nuttiness In favor of Corinne Rutter. George Zinn bequeaths all of his athletic prowess to Ralph Replogle. Bernice Fowler Is deeding her soft voice and flirta-tious ways to Lois Edwards, who from this time henceforth must be watched for she will be dangerous. Loren Rock has kindly consented to assign his pleasing personality and position as basketball star to Willard Brammell. Dorothy Dresher Is not only leaving the vision of a prairie but Is also leaving for Mexico very soon. Genevieve Crist has nothing but memorie to bequeath to old M. C. Millicent Nyquist thinks the college Is in need of a taxi and so Is dedicating her old Ford to the cause. Esther Brown Is willing all of her remarkable ability In physics to Lois lackey. Buskirk and Elsie Rump are together bequeathing Elsie's Jolly laugh to the bluest of all next year's blue freshmen. Kelly has decided that Tice should have the tennis championship for next year, Landes Is leaving the horse laugh which Lawrence Lehman willed to him last year to Paul Sherfy urging him not to strain it overmuch. Grace Heckman thinks that Zelta Mae Oxley should have her polite manners and excellent grades. Odessa Crist wills to Dean Replogle all of her beautiful. long, black, curly locks. A. W. Hands leaves to McPherson College the hopes that someday she will have a beautiful paved driveway without any bumps In It. Elisabeth Holzemer assigns her ability to make college In three years to some poor, dumb, struggling student. Lilburn Golt-munn gives his knack of knocking the arguments of his opponents, and his devotion to one girl, to Elmer Staats. Hope Nickel Is hoping that Miss Lehman will acquire all of her wit and make her always Interesting classes even more so. Ellen Steinberg Is gladly giving her height to Pascal Davis. Tillie Heldebrecht leaves her ability to keep a teaching job and her beautiful blue eyes to any Junior who applies first.
Witness our hands and the seal of the Senior Class of 1933, this the first day of June. 1933.
The Senior Class of 1933.
ourselves. However, we think that the "original” should be written in six foot capitals with thirty-five and a half exclamation points following.
The costumes alone were enough to hold anyone's interest. And that painting of a Greater McPherson College was enough to give us our mon-ey's worth.
(Continued from Page One) Indiana and Iowa. Esther Stegeman. Ruth Ihde. Martha Andes, and Flor-ence Dresher will also stay In McPherson to work.
Dorothy Dresher Is going to spend the summer milking cows amd Ruth Spilman will wash dishes. Newel Wine will lose himself on a ranch In Nebraska which he says Is several thousand acres In extent.
The male quartet will take a 2.000-mile trip In behalf of the college, singing and giving various programs.
Samuel Stoner will travel for a canning company, and Walter Weddle will drive an oil truck and keep hooks. Hobart Hughey will make rustic furniture for a ranch house If he can get enough money to write for money to come home on. Gerald Meyers will work on his father's farm. Merle Fisher will visit Leeta Oaks, a former student, and relatives in Missouri.
No doubt there will be quite a little visiting of couples but few of them divulged their plans.
LOST- —"Engineer Drawing’’ by French. Harry Frantz.
FOR SALE- One good brown leather M. C. notebook. Fred Nace.
Them were several things we missed this’ year: among them a Quadrangle, open house at the dorms, an all school picnic, tall basketball players, more announcements of engagements, senior play, fresh-man-senior kid party, and informal school socials.
But some things with which we were pleasantly presented were: Easter vacation, senior pageant, Swede victory, several plays, the amorous freshmen, marriage of a professor, few graduating letter-men. leap year party.
The Thespian Club has received word that In 1930 they incurred a bill at a certain drug store by the purchase of six cigars. Since there Is seldom any smoking In the McPherson College plays, not a few dramatic members wonder about the why-fore.
lations Club has no cabinet for next years There were so few present at
the last meeting that they adjourned and went over to Dr. Bright’s to eat ice cream instead of electing officers.
What a let down In the library the last, two days. During, the early, part of the week it was necessary to tap a person on the shoulder three times before one could gain his attention. The library was full and everyone went Into a trance to study. Now the building is practically deserted and those who Inhabit It seem to wander about aimlessly or read only the newspapers.
These people who like to rise so early! Imagine all those girls on the Y. W. cabinet getting up at 5:00 o'clock. Friday in order, to go on a breakfast! And It wasn't so very many weeks ago that the Thespian Club hold Its initiation at 5:00 In the morning at a frosty breakfast.
Miss Lehman used to make the German students give their excuses for being late In German ns a punishment. Excuses got so trite that, she decided to take the suggestion that all tardy ones sing the German song "Die Lorelei”. They have had several quartets.
Last weak the child-welfare class met several floors above their regular room. So when two stragglers could not find the group they went down the hall calling, "Child Welfare!” Needless to say. Miss McIlrath soon helped them to their destination.
For a week now It has seemed as If the end of school were in view. It began when old grads and trunks In the hall began to appear.
Possibly we should forget for a moment that the end of school has arrived or we are apt to become sloppily sentimental. Shall we speak of something else?
Did someone mention that the senior pageant of last night was original? It was absolutely unique! In fact we could spill superlatives all down the page and not half express
How sad! The International Re
Second year: Austin and Kelly.
First year: Tice.
Intramural sport champs were an nounced. The winner of class B was Johansen’s team, coached by Yoder. Class A’s winner was H. Replogle’s squad, which was coached by Zinn.
It Is Interesting to note that four men received letters In the three major sports. They were: Reinecker Wiggins, and Pauls, sophomores and Chet Johnston, freshman. Last year Wiggins was the only man to receive this honor. Only one latter-man In football and one In basket hall are graduating this year. They arc the captains. Zinn and Rock.
proached the promised land of oar Junior year In which we hoped to roam unmolested by requireds and upperclassmen.
As Juniors we tried to meet further responsibilities. 1931-’32 found more of our members In responsible positions than before, while others won distinction for themselves and the school In other ways. Debate and oratory, music, scholarship, religious organizations, dramatics, track and tennis. Our two famous debaters brought the school a silver cup from the Winfield Tournament. Our an nual sneak, which happened In the rain, and our Junior-Senior banquet In an oriental garden were the biggest social events of the year. Charles Austin guided us safely to our fourth year.
With Vernon Rhoades as president, Lloyd Larson as Vice-Presi dent, Loren Rock secretary, and Delbert Kelly treasurer we entered our final college year, looking forward to still greater achievements and tipping to continue to grow In the fourfold life fostered by M. C. Each of us had some responsibility In the life of the school, be it direct or Indirect. Among our number are to be found orators, actors, preachers, musicians, athletes, housewives, school teachers and many would bo school teachers. We have not all waited until after graduation to begin work for some have been teaching, preaching or housekeeping this year. Our gift for Arbor day consisted of two young Chinese elms and four pfitzer Junipers.
We now must close behind us the doors of this Institution and face forward to find our niche In this busy world of affairs. We look to the future for a greater and a larger vision In which the Ideals of service, fellowship and love shin ever brighter and brighter. We are proud to be another generation of students who have been fortunate enough to be under the Influence of the School of Quality and pray for the strength and the power to live up to the Ideals set forth to us by our Alma Mater.
Jan. 12—Ottawa at McPherson. Jan. 23—Bethany at McPherson. Jan. 27—C. of E. at Emporia. Feb. 2—Wesleyan at McPherson. Feb. 7—Baker at McPherson.
Feb. 13—Wesleyan at Salina. Feb. 16-—C. of E. at McPherson. Feb. 23—Ottawa at Ottawa.
Feb. 24—Baker at Baldwin.
Feb. 28—Bethany at Lindsborg.
Coach and Mrs. Melvin J. Binford entertained at their homo last night the Senior athletic boys and their girl friends. The name given this affair was a Hodge Podge Party. Each person won as many colors as possible and the effect produced much merriment.
A treasure hunt over the campus finally terminated In a two course supper consisting of sandwiches, the kind you fix yourself, pickles and Iced tea and strawberry sundae and angel food cake.
Those present were George Zinn Margaret Oliver, Milton Early, Faithe Ketterman, Raymond Buskirk. Elsie Rump. Ward Williams, Ruth Hobart, Lilburn Gottmann. Grace Heckman, Loren Rock, Lola Hawkins, Delbert Kelly, Pearl Walker, Charles Austin and Grace Lerew.
By Grace Heckman
Initiated as 101 green Freshmen Into McPherson College In the fall of 1929, we, the Seniors, have split our pods are ready to find our places In the wide. wide world. Many and varied accidents and otherwise have happened to us during these four years, but 14 of the original class have weathered the storms together. It Is also interesting to note that eleven of our members have embarked upon the sea of matrimony to try their skill In one of the great ad-ventures of life.
The upperclassmen compelled us when Freshmen to wear our little red and white caps. Eton the girls wore red sailor caps until no one seemed to notice them. Under the leadership of Blanch Harris the class was soon brought In to the spirit of the School of Quality. The Senior-Freshman kid party helped us to be at ease after seeing how childish the Seniors could act. Our first year was Interesting and fruitful with Freshman participation in many school activities In a largo way. Ward Williams made the varsity debatee team. Lucille Crabb was the first woman to win In the State Peace Oratorical contest. The effectiveness of our group was felt throughout the school, even though we lost the foot--ball game to the sophomores. When the Juniors and Seniors both sneaked on the same day, most of us decided It was worthless to, remain, so we cut classes loo. In spite of our blunders wo had hidden potentialities. We were eager to grow and draw out those potent threads of life that were than concealed.
Eber Tice proved to be a capable leader during our Sophomore year. A class picnic to Coronado Heights was the outstanding event of our second year. Again we furnished a winner In a state oratorical contest. One member served his second year as a varsity debater, both quartets contained members of the class of ’33. one headed the College C. E. and one was business manager of the Quadrangle. Confidently wo ap
Eighty-One Per Cent of All Men Students Participate in Sports
Last spring an article appeared In the Spectator which mild that the biggest year In Intramural athletics at McPherson College was coming to a close. This year Coach Melvin J. Binford has increased the number of men participating In sports to eighty-one per cent of the total men students enrolled.
McPherson's Intramural system Is outstanding In that it puts a high percentage of the young men In some physical training exercise under the direction of Coach Binford. It Is thought that the percentage of participants In some form of athletics here Is as high as that of any Institution In the state.
Physical training classes were placed In the intramular games and credit for physical education was earned by participating In these games. An intramural basketball league was started in October and a single round robin was played with two teams tying for the championship. After Coach Binford started varsity basketball, another Intramural league was formed. This time an A and a B league wns made with four teams In each. The final game In each league decided the championship. An Intramural free throw contest was hold with 69 men entered. This spring an Intramural tennis tournament was held with 32 men participating.
The physical education program has been growing the last few years and now It Is possible to get a B. S. degree In physical education at McPherson College, Prospect look good for an even greater number in the rapidly progressing physical education department at McPherson Col-lege.
“Bud” Selves May Take Up Duties During Football
It has been decided that McPherson College will have an assistant coach during football season next fall. This was passed at a recent board meeting and some action has been taken since the meeting.
At the present time it seems very probable that this assignment will be Lester K. (Bud) Selves. Selves Is graduate of the College of Emporia where he starred In football and track. Solves assisted Coach Binford during the 1931 campaign and aided materially with the team. He Is very popular over the state and Is considered us a good football coach.
The executive hoard is working to get some other Job for him besides his coaching duties. Solves Is well known In the city and it Is the general opinion of many that, with the fine prospects for next year, the Bin-ford-Selves combination will put out a winning team next fall.
Coach Melvin J. Binford made the following athletic awards In chapel yesterday:
Third year men: Zinn and Wine.
Second year men: Wiggins. Anderson. Minear, Pauls, and Carpenter.
First year men: Blume. Nelson. Reinecker. Eddy, Hayes, Bowman, and Chet Johnston,
Fourth year men: Rock.
■ Second year men: Pauls. Reinecker. and Wiggins.
First year men: Jamison. Chet Johnston, Yoder, Harold, Johnston, and Replogle.
Fourth year: Williams. Rock.
Third year: Zinn.
Second year: Wiggins. Early.
First year: Pole, Custer. Fasnacht. C. Johnston, and Wiggins, Reinecker and Hayes.
Third year: Gottmann.
Brrr. Ring! Snore! Time to get up. blank blank. "Hey Bunkie it's your turn to rake hash: and no more of your . . . . " There Is a clatter of skillets. "Hey mug how do you want your hen fruit?” And the reply Is mumbled from the bed: "Adam and Eve on a load of hay with their eyes blindfolded." And by way of explanation, dear reader. this isn't a Bible story, It Is a pair of eggs on a hunk of toast.
"Hey quit cleaning your too nails with my razor, I gotta shave after breakfast." The roommate sits down to breakfast and the conservation continues: "Say the next time you go to the dorm bring buck one of those hunks of pie to hold the coffee pot down; this coffee Is strong enough to walk off alone and such toast! What do you think my stomach Is—an are lamp—tossing carbon In It all the time.”
‘There goes that - rhetoric
whistle and we haven’t had time to put those beans to soak, only fools and rhetoric Profs have eight o’clock classes.’'
And so to dinner. There’s beans add spinach. "Now eat, your fool heads off. and fellows this will warm your heart. Wo are going to have a little variety for supper, spinach and beans. What’s the idea, that's the second time you've turned that plate over. I think you had better wash It the next time or you will get Hess-itis.
Yo! Ho! Boys Its supper time. Drag out the 3.2. Eat, drink and be merry for next week wo die: It’s the week of final examinations. Boy will be glad when school Is out. I eat enough of your lousy grub. Why that last roast beef we had I thought was a lump of salt until you told me you had salted It slightly. If we keep this up for throe more years, we will make a good wife for a good hard working truck driver. Wo recall a few putrid remarks that Sherman made concerning war which leads us to wonder If Sherman ever batched with my roommate.
EVENTS OF 1932-'33
(Continued from Page 3.)
Sunday. February 6. the A Capella choir, which was organized by Prof. Voran, made a trip to Abilene, where they broadcast over radio station KFBI. Throe nights later they made their debut in McPherson. Remember the tuxedoes, formats, and ev
erything? As the year wore on, this organization became more and more popular, singing before many different groups.
Chalcea White of Southwestern was a guest of the Y. W. the sixth and seventh of February. At this same time, Stella Scurlock was also on the campus.
Heart Sister week was February 7-14. During this week some unknown friend presented the college girls with a radio. It had Its stay In the Y. W. room only a few short weeks and was then mysteriously stolon.
The regional conference was hold hero February 19-24. It was a highly successful occasion, bringing to the campus such personalities as Dr. Otho Winger and Dr. Edward Frantz.
Our big Swede victory of 36-34 on March 3 gave us a one-day holiday.
• March 9, ten of our collegians and Dr. Bright started for Liberty. Missouri, to attend au International Re- lations Club conference held there at William Jewell College.
Mary Miller and Lester Pole were chosen to head the Y. W. and Y. M organizations for next year.
March 24 the dramatic arts depart-ment entertained us with three ono-act plays.
The W. A. A. banquet was held and a St. Patrick motif was carried out.
Ward Williams won the school peace oratory contest. March 26. His subject was "Nationalism".
The Importance of Being Earnest” was presented March 30-31. Ada Brunk coached the play which was an enjoyable comedy. This production was repeated again in the City Auditorium May 17.
Yukio Kato visited McPherson College, March 27, under the auspices of the International Relations Club.
The Y. M. C. A. had a guest on the campus. April 10 and 11, Willard Uphaus.
Student elections were held, resulting In Hayes being chosen ns student council president; Elmer Slants, Spectator editor; Newell Wine, student council treasurer; Paul Booz, business manager of the Spectator and Glen Lichty, cheer king.
April 22, our school body was saddened by the death of the professor of Bible and Philosophy, Dr. J. Hugh Heckman.
April 23 was McPherson College Day In the Brethren churches of this college district.
The Bulldog track team beat Bethel April 27 but was defeated by Kansas Wesleyan May 2.
The chemistry class made Its annual pilgrimage to Hutchinson, April 28.
April 29 was the college festival for high school seniors.
May 1 Clarice Evans was crowned May Queen at the college May Day festival..
The Y. W. and Y. M. cabinets went to a conference at Wichita, May 6 and 7.
The Bulldogs won a track and field meet, May 8, defeating Bethel and Bethany. On this same day, the
Juniors wont on their sneak to Salina.
Class officers were chosen. Paul Booz was elected Sophomore president; John Goering, Junior; and Newel Wine, senior.
May 19, the college Junior-senior banquet was held In the college church. An Indian theme was carried out. All members of both classes were present.
The seniors made their getaway. May 21 and 22. The greatest result was sunburn.
The M Club Initiated Its new members May 23.
Baccalaureate was held for the seniors. May 28, and all that remains is their commencement exercises, June 2.
Donald Dresher and Corrine Bowers were the only college students that caused an excitement this year by announcing their engagement. Congrats and host of luck!