McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas, Wednesday, may 24, 1933




Spent Early Days in Cerro Gordo, Illinois—Ill Health Dogged Heels for Many Years—First Sought Colorado Climate at Age of 20


Pres. Schwalm Says in Article that Late Colleague Had Strong Intellect, Warm Spiritual Fervor, Genial Friendliness, and Calm Courage

In four years of ministry and Bible leaching In McPherson. I shared and enjoyed the counsel and guidance of Prof. Heckman's thorough under standing and his deep appreciation of the Bible. His perfect confidence In any religious problem helped to make me unafraid in the presence of such problems. He seemed so completely in possession of his own soul that he must hare shared the assurance of the Psalmist In the challenge. "The Lord is the strength of my life, of whom shall I be afraid?”

He was held In reverence by many of our Leadership Training School friends because he made the Bible mean so much to them. I have sat with him in his own private room in his home while he unfolded to me the Scriptures, never overlooking that Scripture, "The letter killeth. the spirit giveth life” and I left each time wishing that I might stay longer.

So his simple trust In God. and his sense of things fundamental,— these two things,—will abide with me ever as a gracious benediction. —Rev. J. M. Evans.


Prof. J. Hugh Heckman Receives Great Tribute from Annual

As a tribute to Prof. J. Hugh Heckman the Quadrangle, the annual yearbook for 1931, was dedicated to him. The dedication was written as follows:

It Is a universal law that he who would excell In the field of endeavor In which he chooses to locate himself. must pay for the degree of excellence which he enjoys In that field. The price is work, which Is the fruit of discipline, self-denial, self-sacrifice. and Industry, all of which combine themselves In revealing the character of the worker to the world bout him. The time, strength, poise, rapacity for sustained work, and steadiness of will Involved In the suc-essful performance of olio's work exclude from the race all save those who bring to It health, vigor, and energy. There are those men who have been provided with those traits of character, yet. because they have not been pleased with the physical stamina which seems necessary for the success of their work, they have fallen short of their goal. But more beautiful is the life of the man. who, overcomings everything, rises above all handicaps to enjoy the fruits of his labors. We need not go far to find such men. On our own rumpus we have such a man In the person of J. Hugh Heckman, and to him whose beautiful strength of character, moral vigor, and serene faith are silently reaching out and influencing our lives hero on the campus, we dedicate tills 1931 Quadrangle.



For over a decade Prof. J. Hugh Heckman wrote regularly and has had several books published. Even at the time of his death he was preparing two volumes for publication.

As a young man Heckman look an curly interest In church periodicals and contributed occasionally in them. Since 1920 he has contributed a weekly page to "The Teachers' Monthly" on "The Lesson In Everyday Life". He was co-author of the "Second Year Teacher Training Book" of The Elgin Press in which he has a course of lessons on the ''Program of the Christian Religion".

Only last summer The Elgin Press published Heckman's last book, "The Teachers' Appreciation of the Old Testament”. At the time of Ills death Professor Heckman was working on two additional books for the Hoard of Christian Education: "The Teachers' Appreciation of the New Testament" and a "Doctrinal Book for Young People”.

The men and women of all history who have participated in the con-structive work of the world have proceeded upon their faith and not their doubts.

—J. Hugh Heckman


Preached and Taught for Many YearsTook Early Interest in Church

Jacob Hugh Heckman was born near Hammond. Platt County. Illinois on July 17. 1887. He grew to manhood at Cerro Gordo, Illinois. At the age of twenty he sought the climate of Colorado for his health and lived for three years at Rocky Ford. Since that time he has made his home In successive order at Mount Morris. Chicago, and Oak Park, Illinois, at Fruita, Colorado, and McPherson, Kansas.

Brother Heckman came naturally to a deep Intercut In spiritual things through generations or godly ancestry and the Influence of home and church. He united with the Church of the Brethren In Cerro Gordo In 1902 and was railed to the ministry by that congregation In 1905. Immediately ha assumed some pulpit responsibility and preached in the home church and at the newly-opened mission In Springfield. Ill. He assisted actively In the work of the church at Rocky Ford. Colorado, and In the District of S. W. Kansas and Eastern Colorado. When the mission was opened at Colorado Springs he was regular pulpit supply for several months. Ho held summer pastorates at Decatur. Illinois. ami Green-springs. Ohio, was pastor for one year at the Bethany church In Chicago. and for three years was pastor of the church at Fruita. Colorado. He was ordained to the eldership by the Chicago church in 1916. As health permitted he held series of meetings and Bible Institutes In many churches.

It was Professor Heckman’s own estimate of himself that his greatest contribution to the church and society lay In the teaching of religion. He began teaching In the Sunday School at the age of fifteen and only III health at Intervals kept him from a continuous record. His education was secured In the grades and the high school of Cerro Gordo, at Colorado College, Mount Morris College. Bethany Biblical Seminary, and the University of Chicago. He was for ton years a teacher In Bethany, leaving there to seek recuperation In Colorado In 1925. After three years at Fruita. In 1928 he accepted the position of professor of Bible and Philosophy In McPherson College, which place he held for five years.

Jacob Hugh was the youngest of ten children born to David and Eliza-beth Miller Heckman. The mother and six daughters and sons have passed on before, including B. F. Heckman, the Missionary to China. Those surviving are the father. David Heckman of Morrill. Kansas, two brothers. William T. and I. D. Heckman of Cerro Gordo. III. and one sister. Mrs. Ellen Wagoner formerly of India, now of McPherson. Kansas.

On August 19, 1911, J. Hugh Heckman was married to Jennie A. Sellers of Fostoria. Ohio, who has ever been a faithful companion in sickness and In health. The three children horn of this union are Grace Kathryn. Paul Hugh, and Vera Maurine.

The subject of this sketch has always lived In the conviction that the truth of God and the human heart were made for each other. He labored to enlarge In himself a conquering faith In bis Lord and a sincere lovo for his fellowmen. and has come to the end of his days In a happy assurance of blessedness yet to be.

Bro. Heckman has been Prof. of Bible and Philosophy in McPherson College since Feb., 1928. save for one semester when he was compelled to rest due to ill health. He had to give up his work six weeks before his death. During this time be grew steadily weaker. The end came quietly shortly after midnight In the early moments of Sunday. April 22.

(Continued on Page Four)


This morning's chapel service took the form of a memorial program for the late Professor Heckman.

The program wax opened by Miss Autumn Lindbloom who played a violin solo. After the Invocation by Proff. R. E. Mohler. Ward Williams and Ethel Sherfy told of their appreciation of Professor Heckman as a teacher. This was followed by Dean F. A. Replogle's talk on 'Professor Heckman's Contribution to Religious Education.” Prof. M. A. Hess spoke of his appreciation of Professor Heckman as a colleague and Miss Lehman read sketches from his poetry.


Heckman Faculty Member on Cabinet for Several Year*

Professor J. Hugh Heckman was the faculty member of the Y. M. C. A. cabinet from his appointment on the McPherson College faculty until the school year 193l-'32. when his health made it Impossible for him to continue.’

His leadership was tolerant but possessed of conviction; Ills viewpoints were practical and based on scholarship and information. He possessed the capacity of understanding and sympathising with the undergraduate view of problems and situations. but reserved for himself the right to hold the views to which greater experience and knowledge entitled him. The value of a leader Is dependent not alone upon the qual-ity of his public work or the mastery of his own field of study, hut Is largely a mutter of his own character and personality. The quality of Professor Heckman's example and the purity of his life arc among his greatest contributions to those who knew him. The Y. M. C. A. as a representative Christian organization upholds the Ideals of courage and strength. In the way Professor Heckman faced his own problems and troubles he revealed his worthiness to lead students In their attempt In face their own problems courageously as a Christian should.

The imprint of his personality and his contributions will not be forgotten by those who worked with him in the Y. M. C. A.


Evans Says Many Held Him in Reverence


Above is our Into professor to whom this issue Is most appropriately dedicated.


Blair Says He Possessed Virtues of Best of Us

There are times when we are keenly conscious of the futility of words to convey our ideas or portray our feelings. In writing this brief tribute to the memory of my friend and coworker, J. Hugh Heckman. I am fully aware of the weakness of ordinary language to express my sentiments. The occasion warrants the gift of the poet or the Inspiration of the artist. So admitting ray personal limitation for the task. I am happy to hear testimony to one who possessed all the virtues of the best of us. and none of the weaknesses of character and personality which make the effort* of so many otherwise generous souls sordid and unattractive.

Professor Heckman really needs no eulogist. The memory of his earnest labor and exemplary living Is Indelibly engraved upon the hearts of all who were privileged to enjoy his Instruction. counsel, and fellowship. He walked before God and man without blame. He did his duty without thought of honor, popularity, or fame. The trivial and petty consid-rations of life gave him little con-ern. If there he one single word III all the wealth of the English language which adequately describes his predominating quality of character in is the word "loyalty"—loyalty to family, friends, college, church, country. God, and every cause and work In which he was engaged, He was truly unselfish and never hesitated to give unstinted commendation to his fellow-workers and associates who wrought faithfully and well. Like the chief artists who weave the Gobelin tapestries. he was content to stand behind the cloth and let those In front appear to be the chief controbutions to the beauty of the fabric.

A* a scholar, he was careful, discriminating. and profound. His splendid intellect and scholarly habits kept him free from all that savored of cant narrowness, and dogmatism, and Inspired him with tolerance and a wholesome faith in God and man. His optimism was refreshing, his enthusiasm was genuine and con-tagious and his radiant countenance evidenced personal poise and spiritual victory.

As a teacher he was more concerned with the personal develop ment of his students than with precepts. facts and formula. While not neglectful of subject-matter, he looked upon it as a means to an end rather than the end In Itself. To him, teaching meant the stimulation of youthful dreams, the cultivation of a new and ever broadening point-of view, the nurturing of positive and constructive attitudes, the improvement of personality, and the development of character.

As a friend and colleague, he was unselfish, helpful, considerate and generous to a fault. If there was criticism It was always constructive and given In the spirit of helpful-


In the absence of Prof. J. Hugh Heckman In his illness and death his classes have been taken by other members of the faculty. During his six weeks' absence students and teachers substituted for him.

At present Dr. V. F. Schwalm is teaching the Old Testament Literature class. Dr. H. J. Harnly has taken the course In Family. Dean F. A. Replogle is now teaching the course In Philosophy of Religion.

Because of Dr. Schwalm's additional duties Miss Edith McGaffey, now on leave of absence for 1932-'33. has taken his class In English Literature.


Most Profound Philosophical Dis-

cussions Not Baffling to Him

In "The Gospel Messenger" for May 20, 1933. appeared an article by Pres. V. F. Schwalm on J. Hugh Heckman. Paris from the same article were read by the author at tho funeral of the deceased. The following Is an excerpt.

Ever since the passing of our dear Brother Heckman, there has been on the lips of all who knew him a uniform chorus of praise for the beautiful life that has come to such an untimely end. It Is the same tes-timony that has come to me of his life ever since I first learned of him 20 years ago Just us he was graduating from Mt. Morris College; the same story that came to us when he was for ten years on the faculty of Bethany Bible School; the same story that came from his flock when I visited the town where he served as pastor In Western Colorado; the same testimony that has come from his students and colleagues here at McPherson. And as we lived, and labored, and fellowshipped together these five years, the closer Intimacies of our life, did not require us to revise our opinion of him or to lower our estimate.

Unquestionably there has passed from our midst a very extraordinary man -one of the most revered, the most beloved and one of the host men It has ever been my lot to know. Hundreds feel that they have suffered a personal loss in his passing. Some scarcely know how they can cary on without his calm faith and wise counsel. I think I never knew of so much kindly good will manifest toward any man and so little adverse criticism.

The question that arises unhidden is; What wore the combination of qualities that produced such a character and what was the secret of his beautiful life. First as to the qualities of his life.

Bro. Heckman was a man with a strong Intellect. The frailty of his body did not affect the quality of his mind. His mind was brilliant, and original. Many times In repartee, In debate or In his writings the subtle brilliance of his mind was evident. But he was also profound. The most profound philosophical discussions did not baffle him. He saw clearly and expressed his thoughts In clear simple language. I have seen him take passages couched In long, many-syllabled words and rewrite them lulu clear simple English, retaining the thought but simplifying the language.

This intellectual quality In his life saved him from sentimentalism In religon. Mere emotional excitement had no appeal to him unless there was also present a body of troth that  gave strength and stability. This strong, masculine, discriminating, in- tellectual quality In his life was one of the factors that helped determine the character of the man.

A second quality of his life was the warmth or spiritual fervor that he  maintained. Many men of intellec-

Stual strength become cold and, not seldom, hard. Bro. Heckman auc- ceeded in the most difficult art of  exercising a discriminating Intelli-

I genre and maintaining at the same time a degree of spiritual fervor. Who of us have not sat in his class and listened to him unfold some  great spiritual truth while his heart  became warm his face became radiant. until It seemed his frail body could not contain the powerful emotion of his soul!

It is this combination of qualities that made him a great teacher of religion. Here we had the scholar and something of the evangelist combined. He saw Into the heart of things and he had passion that gave a glow to his words. This caused scores of students to flock to his

(Continued on page two)

Official Publication of McPherson College Published by Student Council McPherson, Kansas

The Spectator


The home OF


as second class matter November 20, 1917. at the postoffice at McPherson. Kansas, under the act of March 3. 1897.



Elmer Staats

Lola Hawkins Paul Heckman Maxine Ring

The Passing of the Saints


In Memoriam: Jesse B. Emmert, J. Hugh Heckman

Time. with his searching eyes and keen-edged blade.

In stalking through the haunts and homes of men,

Time, relentless foe of all the Eternal made.

Hath lately cut down two. and strode his way again.

The one, with eyes toward God and hands toward human need.

Had passed the halfway mark In life's short span.

And thousands In the end will bless his name Indeed.

As one who loved his Lord and fellow-man.

The younger of the two—ah, dear, good friend.

I would that I might place upon thy bier A wreath of gold, for one who, to the end.

In grace and Christian cheerfulness was without peer.

But let us not grieve. The heaven from which they drink May be not far from us—much nearer than we think.

(Editor's not: The author of the above poem was a roommate and classmate of Professor Heckman's at Colorado Springe University for two years.)


The life that has been dedicated to service has departed. That personality, whom the college students so dearly loved, ended as it lived with a strong faith in his Creator.

Prof. Heckman’s absence from our campus will only be personal. The spiritual atmosphere and an attitude of loyally to a finer life which he promoted will remain as invaluable assets to our college.

For the life dedicated to service will forever remain in the hearts of those who knew him.—E. S.



Industrious application to useful industry through all the week is the way to keep all time holy.

All time belongs to God. What we have is a gift from him to us.

People who really love the Lord are careful and glad to observe a day of worship and fellowship In refreshing spiritual power.

One of the most potent antidotes to hatred is understanding.

A self-pampering Individualism which strives only for self glory and "to be seen of men" is a block over MORE

which many stumble.

Society suffers greatly from a superficial mentality which flouts on the surface of the facts of life.

Possibilities for greater Christ-likeness urge us on and on.

The whole world of affairs are clamoring for Christian solutions.

The Christian world citizen does not dissipate his faith Into Ineffective generalities of peace and order, but  labors for their achievement in Ills  in the discharge of world responsibilities It Is Incumbent upon us to demonstrate the practical meaning of Christian meekness, a spirit of humility and modestry. but all the while a firm insistence upon the right as wisdom is given to see and know It.

It Is a vital part of the Christian program to make the truth of Jesus aply more and more to affairs of state and commerce and the relations of people.

Wo may live under many different conditions now from those which surrounded the early Christian, but there is no substitute for the ardor which moved the apostles.

In everyday life society has a right to demand of Christian believers that they show In practice that they mean what they profess to believe.

The first business of the Spirit Is not to prepare us to die hut to enable us to live.

I think we can write the history of. the Christian cause for every period of strength and decline In terms of personal loyally to Jesus Christ.

Human nature Is made for truth.

God put something of himself into the heart of man and by this endowment man recognizes his God when he meets him.

Subscription Rates For One School Year $1.00

Editor-in-chief    Una    H. Ring

Associate Editor    Wilbur    C. Yoder

Associate Editor ............. Everett    Fasnacht

Sports Editor ----------Wilbur    C. Yoder

Agnes Bean Dorothy Dresher Marlene Dappen Pauline Decker Faculty Adviser _


Student Speaks of Appreciation of Heckman an Professor

Writing from the viewpoint of a student. I believe that Professor J. Hugh Heckman was one of the greatest teachers I ever had. I enrolled the first semester this year In a course, "Life of Christ" under him; I didn't know what I was getting Into. However, when the second semester rolled around, I was eager to get in a class of his because I knew then what I was getting Into. His first semester course had been a real enjoyment and he presented Christ to us In a most realistic fashion. The few weeks that he was with us the last half of the year were happy ones and many students hold his memory as a teacher as a precious one.

In the classroom. Professor Heckman was as likeable a character as be was on the street, on the campus, or wherever one chanced to meet him. Always cheerful and smiling, It was a delight to be In his class. He never was angry with the students, but with a genuine human personality understood their weaknesses and shortcomings. A commendable feature In the minds of students was the fact that ha could call each student by name. His personal comment given after a recitation or written upon a paper often nerved aa a boost for the student.

Ha truly was a noble character who led a great Christian life, exemplifying the very highest type of n godly person. His presence la missed much by the studaau and there comes over one a feeling that no person can quite near fill his place on the college faculty.—Margaret Oil


(Continued from Page One)

classroom and to remember his beautiful and helpful work. Many have said that his writings In. the S. S. Teacher's Monthly have been meet helpful.

Bro. Heckman was a genial. companionable friend. Everyone can recall hU pleasant genial smile as we met him In the railways. on the street, in the church or In his home, ill health, which might have driven many lesser men to self-pity, did not

THE SPECTATOR McPherson. Kansas


Business Manager    Harry Frantz

Ass't. Business Manager    Melvin Landes

Ass't Business Manager    Paul Booz

Circulation Manager--Everett Fasnacht

Etta Nickel Leland Enberg Margaret Oliver Jo Wagoner

Prof. Maurice A. Hess so affect him. He maintained a healthy many-sided Interest In life and was able to converse Intelligently with friends on many subjects. He seemed to love companionship. He did not confine his friendships to a few chosen associates. The circle of his friendships Included old turn, and woman, man In different social circles from his own. working man and woman, young people. I have seen man farthest removed from him in education or In social position seek his companionship In the most beau-tiful and natural way In his home or on the veranda. and they found there a kindly Interest in the things that concerned them. And yet he bad a wholesome reserve that did not admit everyone Into the holy of holies of his life unless ha had first proved his right to be so admitted. Bro. Heckman may ba longest remem-bered by many by the fine quality of his friendship.

There was a nobility is him life. A nobility In which there was the absence of all that is low. or base or mean, or petty or selfish. No one could bo In the presence of Bro. Workman and be little or base or mean. Not that he rebuked In words, but the very dignity and beauty of his life made littleness and pettiness seem an out of place as to make one ashamed In his presence. I doubt If there is a soul In this audience who has ever seen Bro. Heckman when be was not in calm possession of his life on a plane so high as to require no apology, or explanation.

If there is another quality, I would mention. It la the calm poise and courage with which he faced the hardest things life asks of any of us, and did it without murmuring or complaining. To suffer as he suffered. and to maintain thru It ail a beautiful victorious faith a calm poise. a radiance of countenance that becomes a source of Inspiration and help to others is a conquest more glorious. Surely he too "was made

trfect thru suffering".

The glory of that face was the revelation of a hope that there lay realms of undiscovered truth on ahead, that religious experience did not end here, that friendships more abiding and more satisfying lay In the future In a land free from the limitations of the flesh.

seas. His counsel was wise, his advice sound, and his conclusions de


As a church leader, thinker, and writer, he ranked with the best. His loss In this field Is Irreparable. He believed In the social message of Christianity. He accepted the prin-ciples of humility and self-sacrifice as the Jesus way. He taught that religion Is a way of living. He demonstrated a triumphant faith and a victorious life.— Prof. J. A. Blair


Lilburn Gottmann Gives His View of Heckman, the Friend and Teacher

The Quadrangle for 1931 was dedicated to Prof. Heckman It was a tribute to his beautiful spirit, his scholarship, and his personal roar-age. The student body recognised him as a friend. as well as a good teacher.

Prof. Heckman possessed a bal-anced. poised personality. He was conservative enough. and sane enough to guide the most radical senior in religions and philosophical thinking. He was progressive enough, and open-minded enough to be familiar with their Ideas, and their point of view. He was a constant friend to the freshmen who were troubled In their thinking about God and science or about the attitude of a few seniors. A personal experience of my own will illustrate that point. I was worried about some of the things the older students were thinking, and I personally could see no way around their thinking. He leaned hark In his chair with a twinkle In his eye and said. "Well, I have lived longer than they have, and have taken a great deal more college work than they have, and I don't think the way they do. I wouldn't worry about It If I were yon. It will clear up In time." And It did.

Professor Heckman was completely at home In the field of philosophy and religion. His underclass Bible classes were always large, and Interesting. Religion Itself assumed a more vital place In the lives of many of his students after being In his classes, He was a master at helping students grow, rather than giving them his own Ideas. One of his marked characteristics was his ability to use the students' own ideas summarizing and crystallizing the work of the hour.

The great flood of tributes from old friends and former students since his death are Indicative of the high esteem Id which he was held.

He was Just without being stern, tolerant but not weak, cheerful yet with a singular depth of seriousness to his personality. Ills life was a benediction to every student in his classes. He offered the cup of know-ledge, and a philosophy of life that he himself exemplified In every day of his own life.—Lilburn Gottmann.

Since 1920 Prof. J. Hugh Heckman wrote regularly for the "Brethren Teacher" Monthly". In every Issue he had a page called "The Lesson In Everyday Life". The following are quotations from some of his later writings:

There Is no Inner Joy comparable to the possession of an uncondemn-ing conscience.

Life holds such possibilities for grace, happiness and beauty of Individual holiness and social goodness that we ought not miss any of them.

There Is no place In Christian thought for careless and flippant living.

Death Is not to be counted as long as there remains useful work to do and strength to do It. But to the Christian death Is but a natural Incident which cannot eventually Interrupt a career which has set Us aspirations upon God and goodness.

No man is free whose soul Is laid under restraint so that his manhood withers and his nobility dies.

There is no haven of freedom where an Individual or group cap retire Into the Isolation of dutyless existence.

There In no peace except It be founded upon an Inner spiritual understanding.

Ignorance is a supreme obstacle to our progress.

The human heart has always been sensitive to the voice of God.

Only by the spiritual nature of man are we able to form a true Idea of the essential nature of God.


"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." How truly It ran ho said of Prof. Heckman that he gave his life for his friends. A man dogs not have to he n martyr to give his life for others. He needs merely to live his life with the motive of service at the foundation. Prof. Heckman offered his life for the needs of his fellowmen as truly ns any Christian martyr of the past. He said of himself that he always lived In the belief that "the truth of God and the human heart were made for each other." And he dedicated hls life to the task of bringing them together.

As a pastor Prof. Heckman was capable, efficient, and well-liked by all—the Colorado church which was his last pastorate remembered him In a most fitting memorial service soon after his death. As a Christian writer and author he was seldom equalled —Rufus Bowman said at his funeral that he was one of the best, if not tbe best, writer In the Church of the Brethren. As a teacher of religion there are scores of students and former students of McPherson College who will testify to his wonderful ability In this line. And there are other scores of graduates of Bethany Biblical Seminary who studied under him and went out bettered by his teaching and Influence.

Thus. as a Christian preacher, writer, and teacher. Prof. J. Hugh Heckman lived and taught others to live—a life of service.—Royal Frantz.

Guest Are Seated at Quartet Tables In Midst of Outdoor Scene


Indian Motif Runs Throughout Program and Decorations—Guy Hayes, President of Junior Class, Is Toastmaster


Thurs., May 25—A Capella choir sings at New Gottland.

Friday, May 26—Gulah Hoover’s graduation recital In chapel at 8:00 o'clock.

Sat.. May 27—President’s reception for seniors at 8:00 o’clock.

Sun., May 28—Baccalaureate at College Church at 8:00 o’clock.

Mon.. May 29—Examinations begin. Art. Home Economics, and Industrial Art Exhibit.



Senior Pageant to Give History of McPherson College

The senior pageant. “Progress and Promise" will he given next Wednesday evening at eight o’clock in the College Church. As a history of the college. It furnishes many important and Interesting Items of Information such as the rules and regulations concerning the students who entered McPherson College in 1887 and the erection and use of the various buildings on the campus. All the members of the class as well as some children, alumni and friends are taking part In the pageant.

Marjorie Barber Is painting a large picture to be used In the background n the last episode. Most of the costume* are made and the first dress rehearsal is scheduled for this evening.

The Senior girls of the college gave the Y. W. C. A. program this morning. It has long been the custom that each outgoing group of senior girls give a last Y. W. C. A. program and leave something of the Inspiration they have received In the organization to the ones who will take their places.

They presented the "Summum Bonum” of the Y. W. C. A. In the form of a small framed motto and In a few brief talks. The greatest good of the Y. W. C. A. centers around LOVE and the things that accompany It—patience, kindness, generosity, humility, courtesy, unselfishness. and a good temper.' These were discussed by Gretta Griffis, Dorothy Dresher, Pearl Walker. Odessa Crist. Grace Heckman. Esther Brown, and Elsie Rump. Genevieve Crist read two appropriate poems. The college girl's trio sand "Faith. Hope, and Love." Ellen Steinberg played the prelude.


At last the seniors snuck! And what an unprofitable year It has been! No one was held back by for-


About seventy-five people enjoyed the banquet Friday night when the Juniors entertained the seniors at 7:00 o'clock in the basement of the Brethren Church.

An Indian theme was carried throughout the decorations and pro gram. The guests entered through a tepee and came upon a scene of outdoor Indian life. Trees and branches formed a woody background Brightly colored blankets covered all spaces and several wigwams. squaws. and braves added to the atmosphere. An the guests entered to music an Indian nested by his wigwam was beating upon a tom tom. A yellow moon hung above the trees by one tent. Quartet tables were decorated with lighted tapers. Indian canoes, and tepees.

Every student from the junior and senior classes was present at the banquet. Guy Haye, president of the Junior class, was toastmaster. He first Introduced Mary Miller, who gave the welcome on behalf of the Juniors with a areal big hearty "How!" Vernon Rhoades. president of the senior class, responded. Other toasts were “The Big Hunt”, by Milo Stucky. "The Feast" by Newel Wine, and "Launching Forth In Our Can-oes" by Dr. J. D. Bright. Music was furnished by the varsity ladies' trio who sang "By the Waters of Minnetonka". the varsity male quartet who sang "Indian Dawn”, and Prof. Alvin f. Voran who sang "Indian Love Call".

During the delicious three-course banquet, which was served by darkhaired girls dressed on Indians, Mrs. Helen Holloway played appropriate music.

Leteer Lewis look the part of the Indian chief and Marjorie Brown took the part of the Indian squaw. The waitresses were Lois Lackey. Ruth Ihde, Bernice Dresher, Lola Hawkins. Faithe Ketterman. Martha Andes. Arlene Wampler and Marjorie Barber.

The general chairman of the banquet was Mary Miller, Gulah Hoover was chairman of the program committee and Corrine Bowers, chairman of the menu, room and table decoration committee.


Some to Finish Work During Summer Session

Friday morning. June 2. at 10:30 o'clock In the college church, thirty-three dignified seniors will receive their degrees thereby ending their college careers.

The fifteen seniors who will receive their bachelor of science degrees and their respective majors, follow: Esther Brown, chemistry: Raymond Buskirk. Industrial arts: Odessa Crist, home economics; Donald Dresher, industrial arts; Milton Early, history and education; Bernice Fowler, education; A. W. Hands, biology: Elizabeth Holzemer. biology; Delbert Kelly, commerce; Lloyd Larsen, commerce: Hope Nickel, chemistry: Loren Rock. Industrial arts; Elsie Rump, biology; Harvey Shank, chemistry; and Milo Stucky, chemistry.

Bachelor of arts degrees will be granted the following fourteen seniors In their respective majors: Charles Austin, history; Genevieve Crist, English and biology; Dorothy Dresher, biology: Florence Dresher, home economics; Clarice Evans, education; Lilburn Gottmann. history; Gretta Wilma Griffis, history; Grace Heckman, Latin; Melvin Landes, biology and education: Millicent Nyquist. English: Vernon Rhoades, Latin; Ellen Steinberg, music; Pearl Walker, home economics; and Ward Williams history.

George Zinn. a senior who has been In school this year will receive a bachelor of science degree in commerce at the close of the summer ses-sion. Tillie Heldebrecht, who has been In school the last few weeks. will also be graduated at this time. Others who will graduate at the close of the summer term are Lillian Johnson and Clara Peterson.


Monday. May 29 8:00-10:00

All 8:00 classes.


All 3 hour 2:30 classes. 1:30-3:30

All 10:30 3 hour classes. 3:30-6:30

All 2 hour 10:30 classes. Tuesday, May 30 8:00-10:00

All 3 hour 9:00 classes. 10:30-12:30

All 2 hour 9:00 classes. 1:30-3:30

All 1:30 classes.


All 4:30 and 2 hour 2:30 class es. All Rhetoric sections. Wednesday. May 31 8:00-10:00

All 3 hour 11:30 classes. 10:30-12:30

All 3 hour 11:30 classes. 1:30-3:30

All 3:30 classes.

Note: Four and fire hour courses are examined at the same period as the three hour courses, and one hour courses at the two hour periods.

It was deckled by the administrative committee that all students who have not made satisfactory settlement of accounts with the college by May 22. be dropped from the class rolls and from class work.


Every Year Outgoing Group Leaves Inspiration


Sleep at Oakdale Park—-Leave at Different Times to Fool Underclassmen


Spend Time Swimming and Hunting —Some Go to Minneapolis

The expected finally happened unexpectedly. At least. the seniors sneaked. They accomplished this Sunday afternoon and evening. May 21. They disguised their Intentions by leaving at different timed. The first car went about four o'clock and the last one didn’t leave until after midnight.

The seniors In a hilarious mood first went to Salina where they met at Oakdale park. While awaiting Vernon Rhoades’ car which contained the food, the rest of the dignified seniors played on the merry-go-round. the slipper-slide. and the swings, much to the dismay of the children present. Also some of them stood on the bunging bridge until their hunger gave them nausea. Finally Dusty came bringing hamburgers and Eskimo pies.

In the evening they went to the show, Rhoades and Larsen Jewing them down on the price to a quarter.! That evening they slept In the tourist park at Oakdale. At least they tried to sleep In spite of the barnyard chorus which followed.

By the next morning all of the seniors having arrived, they started for Lake Bennington. As they went through the town, they stopped to get food supplies. Melvin Landes decided to abduct some of the food for himself, so he started off down the road. He was overtaken after three track stars took after him.

When they arrived at the lake they went swimming and boating. Because of the wind one could go boating and swimming both at the same time. A slight redness os to personal appearance Is the telling factor on those who Indulged In this pastime.

An interesting bit of knowledge was obtained by the college girls during this trip. It seems a family was camping near the lake and one of the boys of the family came to breakfast late. When he was asked the reason for his tardiness he said had been patching his trousers. His mother replied that It was a good thing he was learning, because he might marry a college girl and she wouldn’t, know how. All this happened within hearing of the know-all seniors.

In spite of this rebuff the good lime continued. Some of the party drove on to Minneapolis to see some geological formations, while the rest came home.

The seniors assert that they had a much better time on their sneak than the Juniors did on theirs.

What romantic days at the dorm now. It's a wonder baby talk and

love ditties don't come flying out of the dining-room windows. It seems that Shank got to thinking about how only a few days were left In which be could be with his Marjorie, and how every moment apart was wasted. So being a resourceful young man be went to Mother Emmert and asked If he couldn't he seated by Marjorie at the dining table for the rest of the year. Mrs. Emmert wished lo please and still haled to he partial. So now all the couples are seated together at meals!

If the Juniors and seniors seem wont to greet you with "How” and talk about-the “heap big hot weather" you may know that the Junior-senior banquet was an Indian affair.

Lorene Morrison exhibited some badly chewed legs Monday night and announced that she had twenty-eight mosquito bites on both appendages.

The people who work at the cleaners thought Marlene Dappen was a little "off” Monday, when she came Into the shop and wanted a wool dress cleaned before 6:30. A wool dress on a bet spring evening! They didn’t know that It was a dress she had made in clothing In the winter time and had to have It for the exhibit yesterday and the 6:30 practice on Monday.

students from other classes

on either the junior or senior sneak. No car windows were broken; an one became angry: no one was made to walk back several miles; and no one was thrown info a slush pond. Everyone got away peaceably.

Imagine our joy and glee, then, upon hearing that someone had removed the carburetor cap from one of the cars during the Junior-senior banquet. The driver was unable to start his automobile for a few momenta.

The seniors contend that they had a better time on their sneak than the Juniors did. At least the after-effects were much more In evidence upon their shining sunburned countenanc-

However. If fatigue Is an Indication of a good time, we can't be Judges. All sneakers hare been unusually draggy.

If the home economics department had advertised that they would serve tea and sandwiches at their exhibit yesterday, they would probably have doubled their crowd—at lean as far as the students are concerned.

Everything was displayed in the style show from Juvenile dresses to gingham evening gowns. Some of the models made quite attractive mannequins. Maybe it was a result of their practicing at mannequinning the night before.

After looking at several rooms completely filled with work from the home economics classes we decided that the only reason the board considered taking out the department was that they decided the students had learned all there was to know.

The spectators were mostly feminine. We couldn’t see why for the men’s home economics class had a display—and the food was good.

Oh yeah. didn't the Junior* think they were somebody when they parked In the seniors' chapel seats, while the class of so-called dignity, were on their "sneak”.

More than one senior look* as If he were In perfect misery—maybe the sneaks aren't so much after all —huh? At least, maybe that’ll console the freshies and sophs.

Florence Dresher feared for any one to touch her: Milton Early looked pitifully III; "Dusty” Rhoades looked very much worn out; Charles Austin was ill in bed. — Sunburn! Senior sneak!

Every once in a while one hear* such a statement a* "Well, what’ll we do all summer without the college kids?" or "I wonder what I’ll do this summer at home all alone?"


Yesterday afternoon at 3 o’clock over fifty viewed the style show and home economic* exhibit. Displays were made by the classes In clothing, foods, child welfare, dietetics, house-planning, costume design, and home economics for men.

Ten and sandwiches were served during the afternoon.



A graduating recital will he given Friday evening May 26 at eight o’clock in the college chapel by Miss Gulah Hoover who Is completing the diploma course in piano and Mrs. Ruth Nigh, who is completing thee course leading to the degree Bachelor of Music in cornet. The following program will he given:

Sonata op. 26    Beethoven

Andante con Variapioni Miss Hoover

Air Vario ............— Harlow

Drink to Me Only with Thine

Byes    Old English Air

Mrs. Nigh

Prelude op. 28 no. 18    .... Chopin

Prelude op. 28 no. 21    Chopin

Polonaise C sharp minor . Chopin Miss Hoover

Alpine Echoes .    ... Hoch

Somewhere a Voice Is Calling Tate Mrs. Nigh

May Night -------- Palmgren

The Sea -------,....... Palmgren

Miss Hoover Commodore Polka    Chambers

Melody In A flat major ... Nigh Mrs. Nigh

Am Meer .    Schubert-Stoye

Miss Hoover



Graduating activities will begin for the seniors on Saturday evening when Pres. V. F. Schwalm will give a reception for them at 8:00 o'clock. For the past several years this Has been one of the events of the week.

On Sunday night Dr. Schwalm will give the baccalaureate sermon at 8:00 In the college church. On Monday will be the art. home economics, ad industrial art exhibit.

The Christian In Ills conflict with foes fights causes, not people.

—J. Hugh Heckman



Chester Anderson _____May 25

Kenneth Moore    —    May    26

Bruce Kaufman ______ .    May    28

Grace Heckman    .    May    29


Annual Initiation Held Last Evening at Sand Pits— Play Games


Pauls and Yoder Other Officers— Refreshments Served

Las evening eleven new members were taken Into the "M” Club, at the annual initiation which was held at the sand pit south east of the cam-pus. They were all warmly taken Into the club. Just two puddles were completely demolished during the evening's ceremony but most of the rest are to badly scorched for future use.

As a warm up feature, a bait game was held between two teams chosen by Rock and Coach Binford. Rock's team won 4 to 1 with Pauls starring for his team. Binford knocked the only home run In the game for his team’s counter.

The first event In the Initiation consisted In a group of boxing match-es between new members. Chet Johnston and Eddy put up a hard fight and according to the Judges. Replogle and Coach. It was a draw so each was duly punished. Pole and Fasnacht put on the gloves next but they were too easy on each other and this. also, was declared a draw. Custer and Tice put up a nice fight but according to the officials the match was too close to draw a decision. Jamison and Bowman both battled furiously. hoping to win by a knockout but their fight was declared a draw. Yoder had no partner to fight so one of the members of the club of several years ago, John Harnly, put on the gloves to get Yoder warmed up for the evening. Although this was a good fight, Yoder was declared the loser In order that be might receive his punishment for not winning a decision.

Sack races and horse races wore held next and all losers were punished. The mud ball race In which each contestant was required to roll a ball of mud with his nose was the feature of the evening. Anyone wondering how Bob Bowman got the skin off of the end of his none will know that he hit a stump In Ills efforts. All of the new members were then required to run a paddle gauntlet between the lags of the old members and Harold Reinecker scored the most hits with a perfect record of no misses and several good swats on some. A tug-of-war across a small creek ended quite damply for the Johnston brothers, Custer. Replogle, and Eddy. Of course this was followed by a swim.

By this time everyone was quite hungry: so a supper consisting of sandwiches, pickles, oranges, cookies, and Ice cream was soon put to good advantage.

A short business session was held and Leonard Wiggins, was elected president, of next year’s M Club; Walter Pauls, vice-president; and Wilbur Yoder, secretary-treasurer.

Following the supper, another game of pumpkin hall was held between the old and the new members. The old members proved to be superior though by winning seven to five.

The new members initiated Into the M Club were: Chester Johnston, who earned letters In football, basketball, and track; Eddy, and Bowman, football lettermen: Yoder, II. Johnston. Jamison. and Replogle, basketball lettermen; Pote. Fasnacht.

and Custer, track lettermen: and Tice, a tenets lettermen. Old members of the club who were present were: Rock. Wiggins, Pauls. Wine. Larsen. Williams. Kelly, Early.

Hayes. Harnly. Ralph Johnston, Coach Binford, and Dean Replogle:


Rufus Jamison, freshman, emerged victor In the consolation tennis tournament last Tuesday by defeating Sam Stoner in straight sets 6-3. 6-4.

Delbert Kelly was victor In the other bracket several weeks ago by winning over Raymond Tice.

The consolation match was delayed several weeks because of the inability of the contestants to find a vacant period.


Mohler Speaks in Chapel of Essential to Living

"An Essential to Great Living” wax the subject of Dean R. E. Mohler's chapel talk last Friday.

He spoke of Darwin, Einstein, and Edison who seemed to do an Impossible number of things. There is one word which tells what is essential to great living that made It possible for those men to do what they did: loyalty.

There are certain things In life to which great souls have to he loyal to attain great heights. A great person must ho loyal to his own, home, his church. Ills community life, and his school. A person who Is cynical about his own school always tears down what has been an important part of his life.

Mrs. Emmert. Ruth Hobart, Alice Egbert, and Leone Shirk were entertained Sunday by Hope Nickel at her home In Wichita.

Milton Early spent the week end In Abilene.

Margaret Stegeman returned home Friday after visiting a few days with her sister, Esther.

Ethel Sherfy, a graduate of last year, is spending a few days on the campus.

Faithe Ketterman spent the week end with home folks at Abilene.

Elizabeth Richards Is visiting her brother Alex, a Junior.

Ruth Tice. Dorothy Matson, and Ruth Deardorff spent the week-end with Esther Stegeman at her home near Tampa.

Mildred Pray and Lola Hawkins spent the week end at their respective homes near Tampa.

LeNora Johnson has had for her guest Lela Day of Burrton, Kansas.

Loren Rock and Lloyd Larsen were at home over the week end In Abilene.

Mrs. Ray Kramer. Mr. Victor Ben-hardt. and Miss Suzanne Prinow of Ramous visited Leona Benhardt Wednesday and attended the All Schools' Day events.

Mildred Dahlinger, Myreta Hammann and Vivian Steeves were guests In the girls' dormitory Saturday night.

Lilburn Gottmann gave a sermon at the Christian Church at Grove-land Sunday afternoon. Ho was accompanied by Wilbur Yoder and Ger-ald Meyers.

Helen Webber spent Thursday eve-ning at her home In Bazine.

Dean F. A. Replogle gave a high school commencement address at Alexander Thursday.

Pros. V. F. Schwalm was the main speaker at the commencement program at Otis Thursday night.


He was at the time of his death 4S years, 9 months and 6 days of age.

Thus there has come of the end of his earthly career a masterful teacher, a genial friend, a wise counselor, a good father, a loyal husband end last, but not least, a great Christian.

We watched him die Nay! Rather say.

We saw him enter Into life!

This brother of our common clay.

Who loved his friends and In full faith

Responded to the call of his best Friend

To learn the secret of eternal rest.

It Is the last of earth. The tact Is grief

Only to those who stay. Weep not for him

Whose great heart now is free.


Adelyn Taylor Says Influence of Spirit Will Remain

A Christlike man has been among us and although now he Is gone the influence of his bountiful steadfast spirit will remain.

He was and still Is. through our remembrance of him. one of the rocks on which Christ built His Kingdom. His courage against so great odds gave courage to others with similar burdens of pain and ill-health. His simple childlike faith Inspired others, who doubted, to a greater trust and belief In spiritual things.    

Our loss is great but It Is not without comfort and consolation for we. have our memory of his gallant life and our knowledge and faith that a spirit such as his cannot die.—Ade-lyn Taylor.


Mrs. J. Hugh Heckman Presents Copies to Library

Mrs. J. Hugh Heckman has presented to the college library many copies of magazine which had been owned" and saved by Professor Heckman. There are twenty-nine numbers of "The Christian Century Pulpit”, ranging In date from November, 1929. to May. 1933: six of the ”ln-terrolleglan” from October. 1928. to March. 1930; twelve of ’’Christian Education’ from June. 1929. to June, 1931; six ‘"Bulletins of the Association of American Colleges" from March, 1930. to December, 1931; six of the “The International Student” from December. 1930, to October. 1932: seventeen of "The Divinity Student”; and twelve of "The Institute".

Besides these there are numerous pamphlets on peace, health, missions and other subjects. Among this diversified list, there is sure to he something to interest each student.


After having spent a year In the Heckman home I was Impressed with the kindness and the cheerfulness of attitude of Professor J. Hugh Heckman. and his willingness to help others with their personal problems. These characteristics, plus the abundant knowledge which he possessed, gained for him the high place In which he was held by those with whom he came In contact.—Newel Wine.


After the death of Prof. J. Hugh Heckman Mrs. Heckman received countless numbers of letters from friends and associates. Parts of a few of them are quoted here:

Earl Frantz. Sahel ha

"I considered Prof, Heckman one of my most valued friends and one of the finest Christian characters whom It has ever been my privilege to know.”

W. B. Devilbiss. Ottawa

"I shall cherish his memory as one who made his contribution to life and consider I am the better for buying known him."

E. G. Hoff. Elgin. III.

I feel very deeply the personal loss la J. Hugh’s passing. I can think of no other man except my own father who has made as great a contribution to my life. His friendship was one of the chief or my friendship treasures . . . There. Is much cause for comfort and Joy In the nobility off J. Hugh’s life.”

C.-H. Shamburger. Elgin. III.

“His style of writing was as lucid as his public address. Over the years he has written n good many volumes In the “Lesson in Everyday Life”. It was to his credit that he could teach philosophy to critical students and at the same time write lesson helps for people who never had been to . college. I have heard many of them say on Sunday morning. ’This is the way Bro. Heckman explains


| Effie Sharp. Lawrence, Kansas

“His life was so well spent, so true, so good, an attempt always for the best."

Anetta Mow, India missionary “Bro. Heckman’s life was a great Inspiration to me. The way he lived above his pain, certainly was a challenge to me. I marvelled at the way he could do it."

Hazel Zimmerman. Castleton. Kansas “We think of Prof. Heckman as one of those rare high souls who walk with God.”

Edward Frantz, Editor of Gospel Messenger

"The fine quality of his mind, the utter unselfishness of his devotion to the cause he loved In all these years of suffering and physical weakness were truly wonderful."

Miss Ella Smith (blind). Long •Beach. California “J. Hugh Heckman's death makes me sad. The church has lost a man Whose place cannot well be filled. I think ho was about the best preacher I ever heard and a grand man and a good personal friend."

Paul Bowman, President of Bridge-water College

“In spite of bis health handicap your husband was one of the strong, influential men of the church. The brotherhood has sustained a very heavy loss In his death.”

Prof. E. L. Craik, Lawrence. Kansas "While I did not know Bro. Heck-man Intimately I know him well enough to appreciate something of his worth and to love him. His writings In the church periodicals always breathed forth a simple and valiant faith and my personal contacts convinced me that that faith was the rule of his life. He was young In years, but ripe In Christian experience."

Doris Ballard, Alta Vista. Kansas “One of the most Inspirational contacts with personalities I have known Is the challenge Professor Heckman lived every day.’’

Oliver and Hazel Austin. Sturats Draft. Virginia

Prof. Heckman was surely one of “Prof. Heckman was surely one of could not be In his presence without being made better; ho left a divine imprint on all with whom he came In contact. It must have been a glorious and uplifting experience to have sat in his classes. This was never our privilege but we always reveled In his addresses at conference and his exegesis of the Sunday School Lessons In the Teachers’ Monthly. How grateful we are for knowing him as a frlond.”

Attilia C. Anderson, Kansas City "The things I learned from Prof. Heckman gave me a deeper and sweeter understanding of our Bible and the meaning of the word 'service' Is Infinitely greater from his own unselfish life for others.

Lawrence Turner. McCammon. Idaho “Many of my hours In McPherson were spent under Professor Heckman's influence—In the classroom. In Y. M. C. A. cabinet, and In many friendly visits In your home—as well as many other associations. I know that I have been Inspired to better

living through his Influence."

Prof. Ray C. Petry. Chicago. Ill.

"We shall always boar In our own Inner selves the abiding Inspiration of his unassuming Christian dignity and of his deep. Intelligent faith."



The librarian and staff announce that all library material should be returned this week. Cooperation will be appreciated.

The library will close for the year on Wednesday, May 31, at 4:30 p. m.

Jesus became a supreme Illustration of what a human life fully surrendered to the will of God may become.

God himself Is so great because he Is so Infinitely good.

—J. Hugh Heckman