McPherson COLLEGE. McPherson, KANSAS,




"Nine Till Six" Is English Play Which Instructor Saw in —To Be Assisted by Principles of Interpretation Class






Presents Difficulties of Both Em-ployer and Employee in Dressmaking Shop

The college dramatic art class is beginning a new project early this year by starting work on a three-act play. "Nine Till Six". to be given sometime In November.

Miss Della Lehman has announced that the advanced dramatic art class will give an English serious comedy. by Aimee and Philip Stuart. Miss Lehman saw the play given by an all-English cast In Geneva. Switzer-land, when she was In Europe recently. She was so Impressed by It that she brought a copy of the play back with her and read it to her class for consideration. All the students seemed eager to begin work on the

production, Since there are only eleven members In the class and six-teen characters in the play. some of the smaller parts have been given to students of the principles of Interpretation class.

"Nine Till Six" consists of an all-woman cast. but the "man element"" is not left out. The action takes place In a large exclusive dressmaking shop In London. There are three acts of five scenes altogether and three different stage settings. The play presents problems from the viewpoint of built the employer and the employer. A stolen dress creates quite a little excitement and inter-est.

The cast has been picked but It may not be permanent. for a reading rehearsal had not been held when it was announced. The characters from the dramatic art class are as follows Mrs, Pembroke. prpre-trraa. Genevieve Crist: Miss Roberts. millinery saleswoman Marjorie Brown; Freda, stock-keeper In the dressmaking:, Hope Nickel; Gracie Abbot, an apprentice. Una Ring: Clare Pembroke. Mrs. Pembroke’s daughter, Ada Brunk: Mrs. Abbot. Gracie's mother, Corrine Suter; Lady Avonlayc. Audrey Groves; Bridgit Penarth. Lady Avonlaye's daughter, Oneita Boyer: Daisy, a junior. Odessa Crist; Violet, a Junior. Florence Dresher and M'selle. head of a workroom,. Maxine Ferris. Those chosen from the Interpretation class are the following: Beatrice, a manne-quin. Maxine Ring: Judy a manne-qois. Lois Edwards; Helen, a mannequin, Gladys Riddell: Carry, head packer and matching girl. Ruth Ihde; and Gwladys, a Junior, Ruth Hobart.

Miss Lehman, the instructor of the class is to direct the play, and those who have seen plays in former years directed by this instructor feel certain that the play will be a success dramatically.


Some have deemed it advisable to change the Saturday library hours; so the students are to be given a chance to decide which they want by voting sometime soon In chapel.

It is inconvenient for some stu-dents to come out early, and some find It possible to go to the li-brary at all In the morning. There fore it has been proposed that the hours be changed from 8:00-12:30 to 10:30-3:30. The students have been asked to be considering which they want in order that be ready to vote at any time.

Today — Faculty picnic Thurs . Oct. 6 - Pep chapel. Friends University game at Wich


Tues.. Oct. 11-First lyceum number. the play. “The Bubble”.

Regular Y. M.-Y. W meetings.


Opponents Have One of Strongest Team in Years and Predict Victory


Coach Binford and Teams Want Upset Dope and Defeat the Quakers

Must Spend Five Hour a Week or Ninety Hours a Term—Ten Teach in Senior High School, Six in Junior High, and Seven in Grade,


Arthur MacMurray's Players to Make Fourth Appearance in “The Bubble”

Arthur MacMurray's Community Players will present a three-act com-edy, 'The Bubble", by Edward Locke, at the community hall Tues-day night, October 11. as the open-ing number of the coming lyceum course Tins is their fourth appear-ance In McPherson. “His Honor. Abe Potash". "The Big Pond", and “Skidding” were also their productions.

Three other entertainments have been definitely engaged for the fu ture and a total of five numbers is guaranteed. Last year this expected total was exceeded because of the splendid attendance.

On November 18 the Ramos Mexi-can Orchestra returns after playing a concert here four years ago. Jessie  Ray Taylor, a man Impersonator. will; give her performance March 7. The date has not yet been set for Edwin

Steiner, outstanding American lec-turer to speak.

In the past. season tickets have sold as high as $3.50 but for this series or programs they are obtainable at $1.00 each while single admission. is 50 cents. They are available at Bixby and Lindsay's or The People's State Bank and may be bought from S M. Dell at the college.

Since the rental of it church down town is somewhat less than that of the ball It Is possible that a few of the performances may be given in a church. However, this will depend upon the number of people In attendance.

One of the special features of last year's lyceum course was the presen-tation of the Welsh singers. It is expected that the entertainments outlined for the coming months will prove to be even more worthwhile

than preceding ones.

The Bulldogs Journey to Wichita tomorrow for a night encounter with the Friends University Quakers The game was originally scheduled for Friday night, but due to the Wichita Universities having a game with Phillips Friday night. the game has been changed to Thursday

After being decisively defeated by the Ravens at St. Benedict's. the Bulldogs have entered Into a week

of intensive training to meet the Quakers tomorrow night The de-fense around end and on off-tackle plays was weak in the St. Benedict's game and much emphasis has been placed on this in recent practices.. Also, the blocking of the team on offense at Atchison was not very good and an effort has been put forth by Coach Binford to improve the blocking of the team.

Friends boasts one of Its best teams In years In this season's squad and are planning on having an easy time with the Bulldogs. They have two freshman backfield men namely Rey-nolds and Ellis who are fast and shif-ty In the line they have such veterans as Kidd, Southard. and Lands-downe. The Quakers defeated the Bulldogs 12-7 here last your and the Wichita school feels confident of an-other victory tomorrow night

Coach Binford plans to take two teams to Wichita The squad will leave shortly afternoons. Binford and his Bulldog gridmen have been working hard this week in an effort to correct some of the faults of last week's game and plan to give the Quakers a real battle


' Estes Echos was the subject of the Y. W, C. A, program this week. Members of the. organization who have attended the Estes Park Stu-dent Conference talked upon the different phases of the conference.

Margaret Hecketorn led devo-tionals, Edith Bechtelhelmer and Merle Fisher talked of the speakers who appeared on the program at the meetings: Dorothy Dresher told of the worship services held each mor-ning. and Bernice Fowler gave a general summary of the other acti-

vities which occured at Estes. Pic-tures, seenic personal. were dis-played to enable the girls to realize better what Estes really Is.

Next week the programs will be given over to the finance committee who will sponsor the finance drive.


Only Sophomores and Seniors Are

Allowed to Take Course -Critics Paid



The McPherson College Church or the Brethren gave a reception to all college students In the church parlors following the church service Sunday night. October 2. Earl Reed was in charge of the program and Prof. Alvin Voran was In charge of the music.

Miss Jones, an alumnus of McPher-son College, gave two dialect read-ings. George Bryan, secretary of the city Y. M C. A... gave a short humorous talk and welcome to the stu-dents. Lilburn Gotmann responded by telling what the church meant to the students. President V. F., Schwalm spoke briefly, encouraging students and all church attendants to make friendships.

Light refreshments were served cafeteria style at the close of the pro-gram.


Jess L. Dunning, a student of last year, was recently elected president of the Brethren Young People's de-partment at his home in Wenatchee, Washington. The group which Mr. Dunning heads has a total member-

ship of over eighty members.


Eleven Outride Member. Voted in — To Have Costumes

The W. A. A. is sponsoring in pep club organization, for which the ex-tra members were Voted in at a spe-cial meeting Thursday, September 22. The eleven girls elected Into the club were Etta Nickel, Dorothy Dresher, Margaret Schwartz. Mar-garet Oliver. Edith Bechtelheimer. Lois Lackey. Alice Egbert. Audrey Groves. Maxine Ring, Una Ring, and Agnes Bean.

The Pep Club was formally an-nounced Thursday morning Septem-ber 29. to all young women In school.; Genevieve Crist. president of the W. A. A., explained the purpose and reg

ulations Of this group The purpose is “to create an active interest in athletics. debate, music and other extra-curricular activities." The cos-tume of the club will be while and red. The membership of the club consist of all the W A A. members and enough other girls to make a total of thirty. Forty young women expressed their desire to enter the club.

Dr J. Willard Hershey was the speaker in chapel Wednesday. September 28. He spoke on the rela tion, of science and the scientist to religion.

He said that every true scientist was religious and that anyone who is continually seeing the wonders of the universe cannot help but believe In a Supreme Being. Although the scientist may not agree with our views be still has his own thoughts about the subject. Science without religion is a curse, but If both science and religion work together it will be for the betterment of man, giving him the key to progress and hope for the future.


Marlene Dappen and Milton Early Have Charge of Entertainment

One hundred students and faculty members turned out for the play night held In the Y. W. C. A. room Friday. September 30.

Almost innumerable games were provided for entertainment during the first period of the program, the whole of which was divided into four parts. Bean bags, dominoes, check-ers, rook, rummy, and even tiddledy winks occupied the guests' attention.

The second part of the program consisted of group games directed by Milton Early. Thu guests had pre-viously been separated Into the four college classes, and representatives from each group took, part in the


Dean Mohler began the third divi-sion by a short talk. Following this were two dialect readings by Gene-ieve Crist, and duets by Wayne Cari and Galen Ogden.

At title point came a recess for re-

freshments and then the general ac-

tivities began again. The last, and to many the best, part of all was the pep session that closed the party. Mr. Voran led the group in every McPherson College song that has  been written, and the old building resounding again with the voices of a happy, peppy group.

At length everyone departed thank-ing the committee in charge. Marlene Dappen and Milton Early. for a very pleasant evening.


Stay in Cabin at Twin Lakes Discuss Plans for the Ensuing Year

Two pep meetings were held last week. The regular pep chapel occur-ed Thursday morning at ten o'clock with the members of the football team taking the faculty's places on the stage. Friday morning about seven o'clock. nearly one hundred students gathered at the football boys' bus to give them a royal send-off to Atchison

Next Thursday, the freshmen are putting on a stunt at pep chapel and the freshman cheer-leader will lead the students in yells.

Several Bulldog yells are printed in this paper. Students are asked to

clip then out, learn them, and help yell them at the next pep chapel.


The Y. W. C. A. cabinet held its annual retreat In a little out-of-the-world log cabin at Twin Lakes near McPherson Saturday night. The cab-inet members, accompanied by their sponsors, Mrs. Schwalm and Miss Della Lehman, gathered at the camp early In the evening and spent the night there.

After lunch, problems which confronted the organization were dis-cussed. The budget for the ensuing your and some methods of raising the necessary funds were decided upon. The nature of program neces-sary. Interesting and useful to the college girl were considered.

The recreation period was spent in telling ghost stories consulting the occult intelligence of the oiuji board, and In delving Into the mysteries of menial telepathy.

Early Sunday morning a sunrise worship service was held under the

leadership of Miss Lehman. After breakfast all went home in time to attend morning church services.

Every day this semester during school hours twenty-three teachers-

to-be go to the downtown schools

where they spend an hour instructing young hopefuls the principles of phy-sics, biology, Latin, or whatever the course may be. These twenty-three students are enrolled in the practice teaching course under the supervi-sion of Prof. J. A. Blair, professor of


Each one must spend five hours a week or ninety hours a semester In his work. One third of the time is spent in observation, another third in participation, and the last third in actual teaching. They are graded almost entirely by the critic teacher.

Those teaching in the high school are Harvey Shank, physics, under Mr. Bell: Elizabeth Holzemer, biology. under Miss Benson: Lilburn Gottmann. and Charles Austin, Amer-can history, under Miss Kingsley; Elsie Rump, geometry, under Miss Kuhn: Ward Williams. Constitution. Everett Fasnacht. economics. under Miss Lennon: (Genevieve Crist. bot-otny. under Mr Schultts, Grace Heck-man. Latin III, and Vernon Rhoades. Latin I, under Miss Wickersham.

There are six practice teachers In he Junior high school at the Park building. They are Pearl Walker. booking. under Miss Brooks; Doro-hy Dresher, general science, and A. V. Hands, algebra I, under Mr. Dresher: Donald Dresher and Loren lock, manual arts, under Mr. Holloway: and Esther Brown, cooking, under Miss Jones.

There are six students engaged in

teaching in the elementary grades at Park. They include Lola Hawkins, sixth grade, under Miss Aspegren: Kenneth Moore, fifth grade, under Miss Gosen: Grace Lerew and Arlene Wampler, first grade, under Miss Roskam: and Ruth Hobart, third trade, under Miss Thomas.

John Goering practices teacing the pupils of the sixth grade at Lin-coln grade school Miss Priest is the critic teacher.

Each critic teacher receives twen-y-five dollars for the instruction giv-en the college student. Fifteen of his twenty-five dollars it paid by be Individual and the remainder by thu college.

According to a law made three years ago in regard to the certifica-

ion of teachers, all instructors are required to have had work In prac-tice teaching Only sophomores and seniors are eligible to take this course. These desiring an elemen-tary teaching certificate take the course in Supervised Observation and Teaching in the Elementary Schools while the seniors fulfilling the re-quirement for high school teaching take supervised Observation and teaching to Secondary Schools.


Five new books have been receiv-ed by the library this week. Three of These are histories which were pre-sented by Dr. V. F. Schwalm.

One of the new books In the li-brary is by a former McPherson Col-lege president, Dr. D. W. Kurtz. It is entitled "Sixteen Centuries of the Christian Church." "The National Government of the United States" by Everett Kimball and “A History of England" by Benjamin Terry were the other two books given to the library by Dr. Schwalm

The two books purchased by the Library Fuad are Normal and Ele-mentary Physical Diagnosis" by Mor-rison and Chenowith, which deals with the subject of physical educa-tion, and 'Introduction to Religious Education” by J. M. Price.


The Spectator

Official Publication of McPherson College. Published by Student Council McPherson, Kansas


student realizes loss






Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917, at the postoffice at McPherson. Kansas, under the act of March 3. 1897.

Subscription Rates For One School-Year _$1.00_

Address all correspondence to

THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas


Editor-in-chief.............'.....—.. ;Una H. Ring Business Manager    . Harry Frantz

Associate Editor.,_________Wilbur C. Yoder Ass't. Business Manager .........Melvin Lnniln

Associate Editor,..:.----Everett Fasnacht Ass't. Business Manager.....-...................Paul Booz

Sports Editor    -Wilbur C. Yoder Circulation Manager    Everett Fasnacht

Agnes Bean Dorothy Dresher Marlene Dappen Pauline Decker

Faculty Adviser

Elmer Staats Lois Hawkins Paul. Heckman Odessa Crist

Etta Nickel Ann Heckman Margaret Oliver Jo Wagoner ...Prof. Maurice A. Hess


The movies have changed many traditions and customs, including the educational program. Yet only recently have the schools come to give picture shows as a part of Instruction. It is so expensive that only the larger can afford them, and then the films are often out of date and shakily hard on the eyes.

It will probably be a long time before schools are equipped with talking pictures, but has anyone thought of the tremendous value this will give to certain subjects? Think how much easier it would he to learn German or French if one could go to class and hear cultured natives speak the language. Vocabularies could he learned by watching the action with the words. Would It not fix It much more easily in the student's mind?

The teacher could send the students to a chapel such as our chemistry classroom. They would listen to a short skit spoken in the desired language; then the teacher could require them to write the story In English. This would create an interest and a valuable one.

Since most students cannot go abroad to learn the language in local surroundings, this would be a good substitute.


Out of man's struggle for existence has come the development of the modern state. He has been drawn into closer relationships, social and economic, with others of a common rule or heritage. In that society man has became more or less dependent upon the state for his sustenance. As a result the competitive state has become the common enemy. Great barriers have arisen in the form of nationalism All wars, past, and present, have been based upon this primitive struggle.

In the past we have been taught that patriotism. is an. indication of the healthy development of the state. War, although destructive, was considered necessary. It sharpened the mind, it drove the citizen to develop himself to the height of his possibilities. If was a struggle for the survival of the fittest. Such are the weaknesses in man that are played upon by the politic Inn and by the unscrupulous press.

Throughout the past the true statesman (not the politician), has hoped for loyalty to larger units on the social scale. In spite of this agitation the world can little boast of such an attitude. There are relatively few individuals who can calmly, dispassionately, and with thorough objectivity proceed to the analysis of such topics as the German war guilt, America's motives In the last war, or the justification of Hitler's reparation policy, or the blame for the Franco-German antagonism. The people of the world are influenced too much by petty passions and trivial whims, We are living too much with the past and too little with the present Our love for Caesar is greater than our devotion, to Gahndi

The perfect Judge Is not among us. One can, however, become more competent to Judge if he will view his problems In the light of logical impartiality. The higher call of the statesman is for a new loyalty and a new patriotism. In a word—Cosmopolitanism—E. S.


On Saturday night the cabinet girls of the Y. W. C. A. spent the night at the cabin at Twin Lakes. A retreat such as this makes college really melon something to a student. In these few hours of close contact the girls learn to know and appreciate each other more than In years of school association. The worship among such surroundings is much deeper and Is more Inspiring than it would: be In any number of short meetings.

This was made possible only through the courtesy of Fred K. Entriken. On account of the weather and transportation facilities, the Idea of an all night retreat had been relinquished, Because of the proximity of Twin Lakes and of the generosity of the owner the girls of the Y. W. were able to spend the night out.

All of the girls realize this and wish to thank Mr. Entriken for his kindness.

Since Kittell Is Promoted He -Will No Longer Be Seen on the Campus

Oh! how I wish, that whistle would blow. I sit here in This chemistry lecture room and watch every move the clock makes. Dr. Hershey Is explaining something about alchemy, but perhaps If I read the text I'll be be able, to find out what it Is. There, it is only five more minutes until we get out. I wonder if Henry brought me a letter. I'm so anxious to find but. Henry’s the mail carrier, you know. So far, he has brought me a letter every day and I haven't had to listen to a single chapel speech. Talk about luck! Oh! there's the whistle

Hurry up, you’re so slow. Do you think Henry brought you a letter? Oh, hello there Henry! You're a little late, aren’t you? Some people Call you a good egg because you always keep Freshmen like us from getting homesick by bringing us let-tern. Well, here’s hoping you keep it up.

Say, have you heard that Henry got promoted? Oh yes, he’s going to be postmaster now. He sure was the big noise on this campus about ten o'clock every day. But talking about noise, did you know he really can slug? He sings In the Messiah Chorus at Swedesburg lots. They probably can’t get along without him. I'd: like to know who in going to take his place. I'm sure tickled that he got a promotion but whoever succeeds him will have to hump to fill his boots.

Mother Emmert announced, at the dinner table today that the dorm kids are going to give Heavy a presents The present sounds good but the nickel we give means one less candy bar. Oh well, I like Henry lots so I won’t mind. I wonder what they'll get him. I heard one of those upper classmen say they thought a pillow would be nice—nnd so it would. Where's my book? Anybody seen it? I gotta go to Psychol-ogy.

We're going to walk down to Hen-ry's house tonight and present him to a pillow-top, I mean, present a pillow-top to him. He lives down town somewhere, I wish I had a pair of oxfords to wear, These high heels nearly kill my feet. I was going to buy some oxfords yesterday but I've run over my allowance already, Well here we go. They're walking pretty fast. All except those daters, of course. They sure do poke along.

That Kraus kid is loading some yells for Henry. Here he is—-three cheers for Henry. Gottmann is pre-senting the pillow now and say. Henry looks pleased, doesn’t he? We’re all shaking hands with Henry and singing, "Good. Night, Henry." Gee,

I hate to walk home. Wish I’d get a ride. ’Bye Henry.

The English history class has finally, after one whole class period discussion, learned what is a first cousin once removed. It Is not what is commonly called a second cousin.

Last year the Y. W. and Y. M. hold the retreat together. This year the joint session was voted down by those who did not have any particular attraction in the opposite cabinet. Somehow, five steady couples were put on the cabinets last year, and the separatist party decided that they would like to have some part in the meeting this year.

The dormitory students have been rejoicing—They are new getting butter regularly with no oleomargarine. It seems that oleo had been even higher priced than butter.

And by the way, are you sure you know how to pronounce that word ’oleomargarine’’? It is not a soft


These profs with fuzzy hair should be consistent in wearing oil on the hirsute quantity up on top. One history class almost left because they didn't know Dr. Bright had arrived. His hair was all pasted down and the students thought he was a visi-


Modena Kauffman-------Oct. 5

; Raymond Tice---—_ Oct. 6

Ruth Ihde __ Oct, 7

Esther Pote ____Oct. 8

Lester Pote — _______—.—... Oct. 8

Glenn Hammann — —. Oct. 9

“Why have you been sitting In your car all afternoon. Papa?"  "I'm waiting, for two gentlemen.’ The guy who owns the car in front of me and the guy who owns the car in back."    —C. C. N. Y. Mercury.



I will study the language of gentlemen and refuse to use words that bite and tones that crash.

I will practice at home lest my ‘temper break through unexpectedly and disgrace me.

I will remember that my neighbors have troubles enough without unloading mine an them.

I will excuse other's faults and failures as often and fully as I expect others to be lenient with mine.

I will be a friend under trying tests and wear everywhere a good-will face unchilled by aloofness,    

I will love boys and girls so that age will not find me stiff and soured.

I will gladden, my nature by smiling out loud on every fair occasion and. by overlooking optimistically,

- I will pray frequently, think good things, believe in men. do a full day’s work Without fear or favor



A Moral Principle met a Material Interest on a bridge wide enough for but one.

•'Down, you base thing!" thundered the Moral Principle, "and let me pass over you!"

The Material Interest merely looked into, the other's eyes without saying anything.

"Ah," said the Moral Principle hesitatingly. "let us draw lots to see which one of us shall retire till the other has crossed."

The Material Interest maintained an unbroken silence and an unwaver-ing stare.

“In order to avoid a conflict." the Moral Principle resumed, some-what uneasily, "I shall myself lie down and let you walk over me."

Then the Material Interest found his tongue. "I don't think you are very good walking," he said. “I am a little, particular about what I have under foot. Suppose you get off into the water."

It occurred that was—From "Fantastic Fables,” by Ambrose Bierce. Published by G. P. Putnam Sons.

tor. __

Dicky-—"My dad is an Elk. a Lion, a. Moose, and. an Eagle,”

Micky—"Wot does It cost to see him.?’1

Dr. Schwalm minus his derby and plus a cap on the side of his head and a little curl on his forehead equals schoolboy—You ought to see him that way; It's a treat.

At the Y. W. retreat the girls asked. Ouija the Initials of Corvine Bower's future lifetime mate. Andit answered J. A. K.! What's the matter, Don?

. One of the leading campus ministers suggested that an, editorial be written concerning the students who cross the street from the campus to have their regular smoke. One would be written. if it were felt that, those protectors of the Adam's apple over read the editorial column. And are you sure, Mr. Preacher, that they really cross the street?

John Kauffman, Cleason Minter, and Faithe Ketterman went to Abilene over the week end.

Dorothy Lerew was visiting her sister Grace Lerew Saturday. She returned to Portis Sunday.

Leone Shirk and Leona Benhardt spent the week-end at their homes in Ramona.

Esther Stegeman went to her home at Tampa over the week-end.



• At the first meeting of the Inter

national Relations Club this evening, September 27, Miss Gretta Griffis senior, was elected president and El mer Staats was chosen to act as sec retary. The meeting was well represented.

Mr. Herbert Eby, last year's president, opened the meeting and differ-ent members offered suggestions as to the organization, program, and ,membership of the club.

In an unusually active and important year in world affairs, the I. R. C will work out definite programs through a program committee appointed by the president. A definite topic is assigned to each meeting, af-ter which in open forum, current events of international Interest will be discussed. Dr. J. D. Bright is fac-ulty advisor to the club.


New Headgear Causes Much Comment — Boys Get Paddled and Girls Endure Painted Foreheads If Caps Are Left at Home

What a spectacular sight! Freshmen running around In the brightest Irish green caps—and when I say green—I mean green, but they are cute affairs. The boys wear little jockey caps (is that what they’re called?) while green berets of the same bright color adorn the girls' heads—They, too, are rather snappy-looking. Just the same, it all goes with being a freshman.

Y. W. C A. BUDGET, '32-'33

National pledge ---

$ 75.00

Quadrangle _ ...-


publicity and Secretary —

__ 5.00

World Fellowship


Conference speakers —

. 50.00

Estes conference delegates

_ 20.00

Social service -----—




Miss Portia Vaughan, a graduate of McPherson College, has been appointed by the civil service commis-sion, Washington, D. C., as teacher of music of the Sequoyah School located at Tahlequah, Oklahoma

This government position comes as a promotion following four years of successful teaching In the Salina. schools.

Miss Vaughan took up her new work on Monday, September 26.



Altho out an broad Kansas plains, Here not in vain are we.

For we will strive with might and main.

That right and truth may be.

The student loves to dream his dream

or life that's yet to be,

or future days and years that'll seem

The best for old M. C.





"Why does the State of Missouri stand at the head of mule-raising In this country?"

"Because the other end is too dan-gerious, sir."

larger attendance, Mr. Paul Sargent has been the teacher for the last few weeks.

Jo Wagoner Is in Charge of Christian Endeavor Meeting


In the chapel Friday. September 30, high Ideals and character development was the theme of the pro


There's one boy—oh. what is his name? I met him twice at school socials and swore I wouldn't forget his title 'cause plenty cute kid—anyhow he looks divine in his cap, a halo would be no more flat-tering to him than is this little bit of green felt.

The other day one of the frosh girls made the strange wish that ev-ery day until Thanksgiving were Sunday Upon inquiry. she answered

*’Oh. so I wouldn't have to wear this —beret all the time." Such is the aspect of freshmen toward their caps — while to the family they are a means by which the frosh can be identified because there are some juniors and seniors that look nearly as green as some of the members of the downtrodden freshman class. The sophs feel as If they have more prestige than ever, but—lest we for-get—it was only last year that they had to go through the same agonies. The girls of last year's class escaped wearing them.

And tbere’a another boy—. He's sorta good-looking—nothing to write home About, however—who looks so good in green-brown eyes and brown hair, you know! He really looks as good In his cap as Jimmy Walker or our honorable proxy looks In a derby.

The sad part of it all as far as the girls are concerned is that all the berets are the same size. Those girls who have large heads look as It they might have skull caps on, but the small-headed ones' caps hang clear down around the cars. There are some who look plenty snappy in. theirs—two girls In particular. both which live off the campus; one is a black-haired, black-eyed lassie. and the other has brown curly hair and brown eyes.

But Who is the lad who Insists upon wearing a blue shirt, a blue necktie. and a blue sweater with his little green head adornment? He evident-ly doesn't realize what a contrast the colors make, but regardless he is faithful to the custom

—Oh yeah, said custom is that the members of the frosh class must wear these caps until Thanksgiving

Day or until the boys have played the soph boys in a football game and beat them. If any freshman is caught not wearing his cap, woe be unto him, for he will have to go through a long belt line, and she will have to wear a red M on her forehead, Only one girl has refused to wear her beret and so had to go through the ordeal of punishment at the football game with Wichita University. Such is life! But from such experiences one has many happy memories.

To all public affairs, football games, pep rallies, down town, and op the campus the frosh must abide by the laws set by cruel upperclass-men — however, on Sunday, as it should be. he has a day of rest— from wearing his cap.



During the last two Sunday School class periods, officers for the various groups have been elected. In the freshmen-sophomore girls’ class, taught by Mrs. Schwalm, the president is Martha Andes; vice-president, Ruth Ihde; secretary-treasurer, Ann Heckman; devotional chairman, Eliz-abeth Wagoner; social chairman, Bernice Dresher Membership com-mittee, Lola Hawkins. Modena Kauffman, and Alice Egbert.

In Mrs. Bright's group of Juniorsenior girls. Bernice Fowler is the now president; Elizabeth Bowman, vice-president; Gulah Hoover, sec-retary-treasurer; Genevieve Crist, devotional chairman, and Mary Miller, social chairman. Elizabeth Bowman also serves as membership chair-

Thus far either Prof. R. E Mohler or Mr. Earl Reed has taught the freshman-sophomore men who have

chosen as their president, Royal Frantz; vice-president, Paul Heck-man: secretary-treasurer, David Dun-canson; membership chairman. Hobart Hughey.

Then are to be no officials among the junior-senior men. for the croup Is too small to need them. Each member will take It upon himself the responsibility of trying to obtain a



The College Christian Endeavor program Sunday night was devoted to "The Meaning of Christian Missions." The missionary chairman, Jo Wagoner, was in charge of the meeting

After several opening songs. Miss Wagoner led the group in devotions Merle Fisher and Edith Bechtelheim-er sang a duet. The first discussion topic was given by Dorothy Dresher on "The history of missions." Miss Dresher gave briefly the history of the great work Christ started nineteen hundred years ago, and told of some at the other Important leaders of missions.

Delvis Bradshaw talked on "What missions mean to me,” Bradshaw presumed the deeper concept of mis-sions in opposition to the hero-worship idea of missionary service. "The meaning of missions to Christian America,” was summed up by Vernon Rhoades in four points; first, missions fulfill commands and principles of Christ; second, missions carry out church principles: third, missions hold personal and general rewards for workers; and fourth, missions promote Christian spirit and attitudes of brotherhood and cooper-ation.

Clarence Sink, in his talk on 'What missions mean to the world," said, “Ignorance closes all paths to progress. A Christian must go, give, or send to fulfill his duty." Gene-vieve Crist told “What our part In missions is." She pointed out that we must be Christ's co-workers and be willing to sacrifice. In closing, Miss Crist said our share is to "give our best and then some."


Several passages of scripture were read responsively. The song, “I Would Be True." which should be an inspiration to everyone, was sung by the student body.

Deaf and Dumb Yell Slap knees three times

Shake fists three times

Clap hands three times Jump up and yell—Bulldogs

Kyo! Kyo! Kah-Flippity-Flim Come out of the woods Sandpaper your chins We’re wild, we’re wooly. We're rough like a saw McPherson, McPherson Rah. Rah. Rah.

End, tackle, center, guard All together hit ’em hard Hit 'em high, hit 'em low Yea, team let’s go.

Campus Sisters Go Together Over Hundred Attend

The annual candle-lighting service Of the Y. W. C. A. was held at the Brethren Church Monday evening. October 11th Nearlty seventy-five girls attended. besides a number of visit-ors.

The girls met in the basement of the church where each received a candle. They then filed upstairs each girl with her campus sister. The processional was played on the organ by Bernice Dresher. After the girls had taken their places. Miss Della Lehman told the story of Sir Parsifal the Pure, who spent his life searching for the way In the Holy


A vocal trio composed of Mildred Dahlinger, Merle Fisher, and Lois Edwards, accompanied by Gulah Hoo-ver, sang a pleasing selection, the theme of which was love.

Mrs. Replogle presented the charge to the group. In her talk she said that every girl should have abiding faith in all good things and should be not afraid to let her mind travel over new trails even if they were not blazed. At the conclusion she pre-sented the lighted candle to the pres-ident, Grace Heckman, who in turn lighted each girl's candle as she marched past.

While the girls remained standing In a circle with lighted candles the song. “Follow the Gleam,” was sung. This produced such a beautiful affect that it made a lasting impression on the minds of those present. As soon as the song was finished the girls marched out as Miss Dresher played the recessional.

The regular W. A. A meeting was held Monday evening. September It. The following vacancies were filled: Lola Hawkins was elected vice-presi-dent In place of Velma Bean Dalke, Ruth Hobart for hiking manager, and Ruth Ihde for health manager. Mrs. Melvin Binford label the place of Miss McGaffey as faculty advisor.

The W. A. A, Pep Club was dis-cussed and It was decided to vote In enough other girls besides W. A. A. members to make a membership of thirty in the club.

Following the candle-lighting serv-ice on Monday. October 3, the girls of the Y. W. C. A. cabinet went down to Miss Della Lehman's apartment for a surprise birthday party.

The girls were assembled in the room and shouted "Happy birthday” as Miss Lehman came in. She was sufficiently surprised to please everyone. A gift was presented to her, and then several hours were spent in making candy and popcorn, and talking. Mrs V. F. Schwalm and Mrs. J. T. Roberts were also present.

Miss Ida May Markham and Mr

Floyd Tector were married In Hutch-inson, Kansas. June 4. Mrs. Tector is a McPherson College graduate They are now living on a farm south-east of McPherson.


We’ll hope for our M. C. We'll cheer for our m. C. While winds do blow.

And sunflower grow. We'll long for thee, M. C.

True soldiers once with sword and might,

Fought for our freedom long.

And now to keep our pages white, Will be our purpose strong,

Beneath the smile of sunny days, Let truth and freedom reign.

Within our College let us praise The deed that’ll leave no stain.

We are an army—on the way.

Some day the world will see us larger grown.

And then they’ll say,    

Yet 'tis the good M. C.

Dear truth, without thee we must fall,

O then our pillar be,

O, truth, he thou our stay for all, And stand for our M. C.

' A lot of fellows are caught in the

act who are not vaudeville perform-ers—Northwestern Purple Parrot Book Review

This book I hall With awed delight The biggest words or praise I read

It must be something erudite—

I wholly fail to understand it!

— Margaret Mackprang.

Opposing Team Scores Twice and

Keeps McPherson on Defense

A fast, hard charging St. Bene-dict's team. eager for victory in their first game under the coaching of Larry "Moon" Mullins. found the Bulldogs handicapped by a long trip made the same day as the game They were able to take advantage of the tired condition of the Bulldogs to score two touchdowns, while holding the McPherson team scoreless.

It was evident from the start of the game that the Bulldogs were not playing as they were capable of do-ing although In the first quarter the Raven team was outplayed by a small margin.

In the last half Coach Binford sent In a number of his reserves, several of which showed by their play that they ran to In the game without weakening the team's play

The touchdowns for the Ravens were scored In the second and third quarters The first was made by McCann, Raven quarterback on a short plunge through the center of the line, The second was made by Cahill, a flashy halfback, who ran around and 70 yards in cross the goal line, untouched by any of the Bulldog team. He was aided by per-fect blocking of his tea. The extra point was missed after each touch-down.

St. Benedict’s put the ball in play at the start of the game, by kicking over the goal line. Carpenter at-tempted to return the ball, but was downed on his own four yard line Wiggins punted on the first play. The Ravens then failed to gain but little yardage on three plays. A bad pass from center on a punt formation placed the ball on the Raven 44-yard line in possession of the Bulldogs After two exchanges of punts the Bulldogs carried the ball to the Ra-ven 10-yard line where the ball was lost on downs. The rest of the play in the quarter was mostly an ex-change of punts.

After several exchanges of punts in the second quarter, a bad pass from center lost considerable yard-age for McPherson, and was indirect-ly responsible for the first touch-down for the Ravens. Following a punt from Wiggins. Cahill made a 21-yard run. Two plays brought another first down, and then after two plays McCann plunged over for the first touchdown from the 1-yard line. The extra point was missed by place-kick. Neither team did very much from them on till the end of the


St. Benedict's













Zinn (capt.)




















McCann (capt.)



Local Team Plays Well During First Quarter But After That It Was Entirely a Raven Affair

yards; McPherson 52 yards. Kick-offs, SBC (Berry) for 108 yards, average 36 yards: McPherson (Zinn) 1 for 35 yards.

Substitutions. SBC Casey for Maes Heim for Busch, Peterson for Burns. Ricketts for Casey. Wanstrath for Chapman. McGinley for Cahill. Miller for Nadolski, Kuckelman for Beattie. Londgsdon for Mermis, Helmert for MrCann, Schletzhaum for Kuckel-man. Powers for Berry, Heffner for Longsdon Gambold for O'Neal. O'-Neal for Gambold, Beattie for Schletzhaum. Surdoval for Heffner, Chapman for Powers, Berry for Wanstrath, Maes for Ricketts, Burns for Peterson.

McPherson. Bowman for Pauls, Pauls for Bowman. Blume for Ander-son, Ellis for Minear, Lichty for Johnston, Johnston for Lichty, Hays for Keck.




Newspapers on the day following the St. Benedict's game reported that McPherson had a big team but was too slow. During the first quarter the Bulldogs played a good offen-sive game and slightly outplayed the Mullins men. Perhaps the two hun-dred and fifty mile drive just before

the game bad something to do with

the tired condition of the McPherson team.

The Bulldogs have won one game and lost one now and one more game is on the schedule before the Binford men take on a Kansas Conference opponent. This game comes next Thursday night against Friends Uni-versity at Wichita. McPherson is given about an even change to win this game and If the Bulldogs play their best football they should turn in a victory.




first half.

Ellis kicked off 40 yards to start the second half. Following one ex-change of punts. Cahill on the first  play took the ball and raced around end 70 yards to cross the goal standing up, Again the extra point was missed by placekick Neither team threatened to score again in this quarter

In the fourth quarter both teams made several nice gains. Once the Bulldogs threatened to score when they carried the ball inside the Raven 20-yard line where It was lost on downs. Coaches Binford and Mul-lins substituted frequently In this quarter.


SUMMARY: First Downs. SBC 7; McPherson 3, Yards gained from scrimmage. SBC 253 McPherson 84, Yards lost In scrimmage. SBC 10. McPherson 14. Passes completed SBC 2 of 5 for 28 yards: McPherson 2 of 12 for 8 yards. Punts. SBC O'Neal and McGinely 11 for 443 yards average 24 McPherson Wig-gins 14 for 463 yards, average 13 yards Punts returned. SBC 20

St. Benedict's undoubtedly had a good team as was shown by the num-ber of yards from scrimmage made by both teams. The Ravens had two backfield men that were plenty fast and elusive. Playing with the fa-mous Notre Dame shift the Bene-

dictines showed that they were well

coached and knew football. The Ra-vens were exceedingly eager to win their first game under their new coach.

Scouting a team is done by some opponents but when a team Is quite a distance away it hardly seems probable that they would send someone out to get a line on the opposing team. Well, long distance or not a team that defeated the Bulldogs did that very thing and got good results Maybe that's good football.

One Swede friends to the north also suffered a defeat last week. They played the strong Hays team and lost by a 13-0 score. It looks as though the Swedes aren't lacking so much In material as they thought because Hays boasts one of the best

teams in years this season. Anyway the Swedes will have a football team.

Although outplayed and outgained. Kansas Wesleyan defeated Phillips University at Salina 6-0. During the last half the Haymakers worked the ball to the ten yard line several times, but were unable to score. Kansas Wesleyan has a good, big team again this year.

Kansas Wesleyan had an added at-traction at their game Friday night During the intermission between halves Jim Bausch, Olympic decathlon champion, put on a demonstration in some of his best events. Bausch probably received more publicity during his university days at Kansas than any other athlete has in this section for some time.

"It isn't sanitary." protested the

traveler, "to have the house built over the hog pen that way.”

"Well I dunno." replied the na-tive. "we ain't lost a hog In fifteen years.”

Will Play Various Athletic Games—Organize Cubs and Yanks

Due to conflicts in freshmen schedules, which have allowed only fifteen men to report for physical training, prior to this week, intra-mural activities have been somewhat slow in developing. Nevertheless, from this group of men two teams have been organized the Cubs under the leadership of Paul Booz and the Yanks captained by Willard Bram-mel. The Yanks won the first two games by close scores. However, the time for this class has been changed from 2:00 on Mondays and Wednes-days to 2:30 on Tuesday and Thursdays so with a much larger number of athletes out the teams will be or-ganized Again and the baseball clas-sic continued

On Monday. October 17. the Intramural basketball tournament will be started. From six to eight teams will be organized.    An attempt will be

made in choosing these teams to put players of its nearly equal ability as possible on each team so many hard-fought contests can be expected this fall and winter. Some varsity bas-ketball man will be put in charge of this tournament. Any man, whether taking physical education or not, is eligible to play on one of these teams if he does not go out for the varsity basketball team.

Mince nearly all the upperclassmen enrolled for physical education are for football the freshmen will have control of the fall baseball and will start the basketball tournament.

Volley ball will follow the basket-ball tournament and another baseball contest will be held In the spring Coach Binford is also making ar-rangements for a handball court to be built in the very near future This is another intra-mural event which will surely prove of interst to many for it requires a world of speed and ability which is always so much ea-joyed by both spectators and players.

Rumors have been floating around among the freshmen in regard to that sweet day when they whip the sox out of the sophomores in the annual sophomore-freshman football game and ran build a bonfire to watch their little green decorations go up in smoke and flames. Nothing definite has been done by either organi-zation as yet, openly.

Because of its increase in size the college church choir is now to be seen sitting in the rear balcony of the auditorium on Sunday mornings.

It is directed by Prof. Alvin Voran while Mr. Paul Sargent leads the congregational singing.

Choir rehearsals are called for each Thursday night at 7:30.