McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas, Wednesday, may 10, 1933




Robert Brooks Takes Second in Annual Chemistry Meet

Last Thursday at 4:30 the Chemistry Society held their annual spelling contest meeting. The contest Included both first and second year students. The first prize was a set of five popular chemistry books while the second prize was one dollar in cash.

Ronald Vetter look first place by outspelling Robert Brooks on the word "cyanogen". The contest was well-attended and each person present did well. The judges were Fern Heckman and Lealand Enberg.

By Alex Richards

There were twenty-six of ns Inside the car. We had had no trouble getting In at the yards. A brakeman noted us and gave us orders to keep the doors closed while passing through towns. "If you don't the conductor'll kick you into the middle of Hades." he remarked and passed on.

I stood close to the door. It was my first trip as a bum and I think I was a bit nervous as to the character of the motley crew around me. Up the track the locomotive tooted twice and a lean Individual with pig eyes and bulbous nose croaked. "Highball." As he spoke there was a succession of sharp rattles ahead of as, a sudden lurch that catapulted mo Into the middle of the car where I lay momentarily with the wind knocked out of me.

"You're green aren't you," a squat.

bewhiskered man observed and grinned cheerily. I nodded and sat up. "You've got to look out when trains start. Ruddy. Brace yourself when you hear two whistles and above all keep out of open doors. Sometimes they close. I saw a chap got his brains smashed out last week.

I accepted the advice humbly. There was no more conversation only a hard Jolting and deafening rattle as the wheels bumped over the rail Joints. Our speed Increased and in a few moments the car was vibrating terribly. Men clung onto the sides of the car and each other, stood up on their toes and flexed their knees to counteract the shaking. The racket was terrible and for a little bit I looked forward to absolute misery on a three-hundred mile trip. As the din grew worse and worse I heartily wished I was buck in the



Eighth District Holds Election in Wichita




Coming to School Daily from Country Home Possibly Not All It Is Cracked Up to Be


Spend Night at Twin Mounds —Eat Lunch in Abilene and Supper in Salina


Attend Picture Show Monday Night —Over Twenty-fire Attend Annual Event

Late Sunday evening and early Monday morning members of the Junior class quietly left the campus for their traditional sneak day.

Unaccompanied by the usual plotting of other classes, over twenty-five Juniors went about midnight In six cars to Twin Mounds where they spent the night about a campfire built In the hollow. Early the next morning they arose, and after they had breakfasted they went on to Abilene.

The morning was spent at Brown Memorial Park playing baseball and In various other ways. The committee in charge bought the luncheon which was eaten early.

Soon after the meal the class again sought their cars and drove to Kalina. The afternoon was spent boat riding, sleeping, and playing games.

After the picnic supper was devoured. all attended the picture show. Some went boat riding on the river In the moonlight, but almost all of the class had returned by midnight Monday.

The committee in charge of the sneak who made the successful arrangements for a clean getaway were Newell Wine, Wheeler Kurtz, and Elizabeth Bowman. They notified the members of the class, and made ar-rangements for entertainment, transportation. and refreshments.

Prof. Alvin C. Voran. the class sponsor, and his wife accompanied the Juniors on their sneak.


Y. M. and Y. W. Hold Joint Conference Saturday and Sunday


Clarice Evans Crowned Queen by Vernon Rhoades, Pres-ident of Senior Class


Outdoor Stage In Haiti on Campus by Industrial Arts Department

The first college May Fete to be presented within several years was held last Wednesday afternoon. May 3. at 3:30 In the southwest part of the campus.

The setting for the crowning of the May Queen who was selected by the student body at large from the girls of the senior class was perfect. The queen's throne was located upon a beautifully decorated platform In front of a group of evergreens. At the back of the platform was a beautiful lattice-work of spirea blossoms. Artistically arranged baskets of spring flowers also made the throne a thing of beauty.

Although the skies were somewhat cloudy the May Fete, which had been postponed to Wednesday, drew a large crowd of over 300 to witness the group dancing and the crowning of Clarice Evans, the McPherson College queen.

Pascal Davis, robed In herald's attire announced on Ills bugle the coming of the queen's party. To the strains of soft music Martha Jane Bright. little daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J. D. Bright. led the procession dressed In a light green chiffon dross with a sash and hair ribbon of a delicate pink. Little Miss Bright dropped flowers In the path of the queen. Directly following her was the May Queen In a flowing gown of white, dotted Swiss. The purple and white train of tho "Queen of the May" was borne by Justin Replogle, won of Dean and Mrs. Replogle and Donna Mario Bowman. daughter of Professor und Mrs. Bowman. Donna Marie was attractive In a fluffy dress of yellow organdy and Justin Replogle was attired In a trim white sailor suit.

Immediately following the queen and her train bearers were the atten-dants. representing the four classes of McPherson College. The attendants were Pearl Walker. Loren Rock, Corrine Bowers, Wayne Carr, Lola Hawkins, Walter Pauls. Edna Bengtson. and Clarence Sink.

In honor of the queen a Cycle of Dances beginning with the Grecian dances of 1320 to a modern dance of 1933 was presented. The dances were Introduced by Sarah Owens who turned the pages of a large hook in Which were printed the names of the numbers. The dances Included the 1323 "Springtime in Hellas", the 1600 heel-toe polka, 1776 minuet, 1851 Quadrille. 1869 "Seaside Polka", and 1933 "Modernity". Two lap dances, "Yankee Clog" and "Dixie Clog" by Pauline Decker and Dorothy Bonham as clowns, were special numbers. The last and featured dance of the afternoon was rendered by Miss Sarah Owens, skilled aerobatic dancer of McPherson. All of the dances were given In appropriate and attractive costumes.

At the conclusion or the dancing. Vernon Rhoades, senior class president. crowned the queen with a gold crown bearing the Insignia of McPherson College. Charles Binford, crown bearer, preceded Mr. Rhoades to the throne where Miss Evans was crowned Queen of McPherson Col-lege.

Miss Audrey Groves, physical training Instructor, had general charge of the dances and May Fete. Marjorie Barber had charge of the decoration. Pascal Davis the music, the Industrial arts department the stage setting. The Church Lumber Company contributed the stage material.


Mr. and Mrs. Earl V. Reed of Wichita, Kansas, announce the birth of a son born Monday night. May 8. at the Wesleyan Hospital. Mrs. Reed, formerly was Miss Alberta Vaniman, and both she and Mr. Reed are graduates of McPherson College.



Of interest to their ninny McPherson College friends Is the announcement of the birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Glen Strickler. Friday. May 5, at the McPherson Hospital. The baby has been named Ruth Elaine. Mrs. 8trlckler is the former Miss Nellie McGaffey, a sister of Miss Edith McGaffey. Mr. and Mrs. Strickler. who are now living in Ramona, are McPherson College graduates.


Royal Frantz, C. E. President, Gives Introductory Talk

The Monday evening church service of the Brethren Church, arranged by the Christian Endeavor, was both novel and Impressive. The outstanding feature of the program was the portrayal of Leonardo da Vinci's "The Last Supper" by the dramatic art department of the college.

A suitable background (or an appreciation of this dramatization was supplied by a talk given by the president of the Christian Endeavor. Royal Frantz. who pointed out the general nature of Christian Endeavor and that Leonardo da Vinci's picture was one example of exalted Christian Endeavor.

Mary Miller, as a preliminary to the picture, read "Number Six", a story based upon the painting of au-other artist's "Last Supper". The actual history of da Vinci's "Last Sup-per" was given by Miss Della Lehman. which was followed Immediately by the dramatization of the picture. A perfect Illusion was created as the characters seated at one long (able held their pose for an Instant. The action of the story was carried out ns Carol Whitcher read from off the stage the Biblical account of Christ's last supper.

Those taking part In the program were Clarice Evans, who played the part of the Christ, and Faithe Ket-terman. who represented Judas. The other disciples were portrayed by Margaret Oliver. Mary Miller. Blanch Harris, Maxim Ring, Willard Brammell. Clarence Sink. Martha Hursh. Ada Brunk. Glen Hammann. Milton Early, and Lola Richwine.

As a result of the Rotary Club elections held In Wichita yesterday Dean R. E. Mohler was elected Governor of the Eighth Rotary district.

For some time Dean Mohler's friends have been working to secure this position for him. With the slogan "Bob Mohler for "Governor" representatives of the McPherson Rotary Club established their candidate firmly with the election committee.

The vote was fifty to seventeen for Dean Mohler.

The other candidate for this honor was W. J. Daugherty of Syracuse. Kansas.


Says Person Who Degenerates in Crisis Has Been in Process Beforehand

Dean F. A. Replogle addressed the student body Wednesday. May 3. His topic was "How Can a Person though Unemployed Keep front Moral Deterioration?"

The person who degenerates morally and mentally during a crisis has been in the process of doing so before the crisis came around. Some people do not "go to pieces" In a crisis, nor would they In employ-ment. They have prepared before the disaster.

One hears the capitalists and politicians blamed for the distressing state. Naturally, those who are the farthest removed are more likely to be blamed.

Dean Replogle asked the question "If you know definitely that you would be disabled in eighteen mouths and could not work, what would you do?” Again, one’s previous life would have much to do in such a situation.

Some people will not make the un-mployment adjustment until the crisis is all over; the same Is true of the depression. If the depression were lifted, one half of the unemployed would still go on without work.


Dental Pictures and One on Bakelite Resinoid to Be Given

The films or visual education which will be shown in the college chapel this evening are on "Nutrition and Dental Health" and "The Story of Bakelite Resinoid".

The picture shows which are given free every Wednesday evening have been attracting large crowds. Those shown last week were "The Land of Cotton". "Food Shot from Guns", and “The Yoke of the Past".


Time Is Limited Daring Rush to Get to Town

Heavens. It's twenty minutes of eight! Won't Dad ever get that car started? I'd go out and crank the old thing myself If I could. I’ll be-late this morning sure as everything. Just the other day some dorm girl was telling me how lucky I am because I can stay at home and go to school, it would be all right If I lived In town, but I can't say that I enjoy driving six miles every morning. Wouldn't It be fun to change places with Leone Shirk. Le Nora Johnson, or some of those kids? All they do is walk a few steps and they're there. Here's the car at last!

Well. I'm off. I guess. I've got sixteen minutes to get there -I can do It. Where's my lunch? I'll bet I forgot It! I guess I'll Just have to beg a sandwich from Laurel. Site always lakes at least four—she doesn’t need that many. Let's sec. do I have everything for today? I haven't got any more of my management, but maybe I can find a seat In the back row. I don't have rhetoric till ten-thirty; so I'll have plenty of time to copy my theme in Ink.

Say. this old Ford's acting up. What's the matter, anyhow? It's the gas line that's clinked up! What on earth will I do? She'll make fifteen miles an hour—I'll get there before noon—maybe.

The ear's working belter now since I've reached town. There’s still no danger of my going over the speed  limit, though. There's Anna Kurils right In front of Mary Jane's and (Audrey’s house. I guess I'll pick her  up-she'd appreciate a ride so's she'll get to German on time. Maybe I'm not so late after all. 'cause there comes James Robertson and Dorothy Bonham. And there goes Ralph Buckingham up the south steps of the Ad building. hut then I've heard he makes a practice of coming late to rhetoric.

Here we are at last. Oh. the gas tank's about empty. That means I'll buy gas before going home tonight instead of paying Margie Schwartz those class dues. Gas is a lot more Important, of course.

Isn't It sweet of Ralph Replogle to come along Just as I'm going in so's he can open the door? Here comes Pauline Stutzman and Ruth Deardorff Just going from the Y. W. room to rhetoric. "Has the whistle blown?" I ask as I meet them. They Inform me that It hasn't, but that It's about time for It. I rush down to the Y. W. and leave some of my books. There's the whistle! I won't be so very late, will I? I guess I better hurry up to management. Prof. Blair has already started to call roll. Gee, I'm glad my name comes near the end. Talk about lurk! There’s an empty seat In the back row. Driving in from the country's not so bad after all. if you don't come later than this, is It?

college dorm, but after a while the noise settled into a steady hum and the vibration gradually died away.

Another man noted the puzzled took on my face and observed. "They always do that when they reach fifteen miles an hour. Then it's nice ridin'."

I fell relieved. Over In a corner a mouth harp started "Golden Slippers". I looked and saw a negro boy of about fifteen blowing for dear life. His Jacket was torn and his black skin showed through Ills trouser leg. When he finished I clapped. Then a pockmarked Mexican walked the length of the swaying car. sat down beside the negro. pulled out a Jew's harp and said. “Over the Waves." And over the waves It was. A" rhythmically swaying box car. a Negro playing with all the music In his soul, a Mexican trying to Imitate

(Continued on Page Three)

A Joint conference of the Y. W. C. A. and Y. M. C. A. cabinets was held at Friends University In Wichita. Saturday and Sunday, May 6 and 7. Schools represented in the conference Included Kansas Wesleyan, Bethel. Sterling. Southwestern. Arkansas City Junior College. Friends, and McPherson College.

The first session was an address "The Function of Religion In an Age of Confusion" by Dr. R. A. Scher-merhorn of Kansas Wesleyan. At the Estes luncheon Saturday noon. Ward Williams and Lilburn Gottmann spoke briefly on the conference at Estes last year. The Y. W. met to a discussion group with Miss Stella Scurlock while the Y. M. met and discussed "The Function and Purpose of the Y. M. C. A." The entire group then went to discussion groups to talk over their particular problems as a cabinet member. Dr. J. D. Bright led one of these discussions on "Freshman Work".

The Reverend J. Henry Horning delivered the address In the evening at dinner on "The Student Movement's challenge to the World”.

Dr. Schermerhorn led the devotional period. Sunday at 8:30. The various methods groups met again, after which the final meeting was held. This was an address by Dr. J. It. Langenwalter of Friends Univer-sity.

Members of the Y. W. C. A. cabinet attending the conference were Mary Miller. Faithe Ketterman, Martha Andes. Una Ring. Marlene Dap-pen. Margaret Oliver and the sponsor. Miss Della Lehman.

Those attending from the college Y. M. C. A. Included Lilburn Gott-mann. Ward Williams. Carol Whit-cher, Lester Pole, Clarence Sink. Melvin Landes. Everett Fasnacht, and the faculty adviser Dr. J. D. Bright.


Official Publication of McPherson College Published by Student Council. McPherson. Kansas




Entered as second class matter November, 20 1917, at the postoffice at McPherson, Kansas under the act, of March 3, 1897.

Subscription Rates For One School Year


Adress all correspondence    In

THE SPECTATOR McPherson Kansas


Gordon Kraus snf Gerald Custer spent Saturday and Sunday at the Kraus home at Tampa.

Waller Pauls spent the week end

at his home In Inman.

Agnes Bean and Harry Frantz were at Hutchinson Friday afternoon and evening.



Wall, business manager.

A copy of the magazine Is In the library and is available for student


‘Two Seniors Tell    Functions

of Local Organization




Editor-in-chief ___________ ... Una

Associate Editor------_ Wilbur

Associate Editor -.....Everett

Sports Editor ----Wilbur

H. Ring Business Manager    Harry Frantz

C. Yoder Ass't.    Manager    Melvin

Fasnacht Ass't. Business Manager    Paul Booz

C. Yoder Circulation Manager    Everett Fasnacht

Arnold Taylor made a business trip to Inman Saturday.

Agnes Bean Dorothy Dresher Marlene Dappen Pauline Decker Faculty Advisor


Elmer Staatz Lola Hawkins

Paul Heckman

Odessa Crist

Etta Nickel Ann Heckman

Margaret Oliver Jo Wagoner Prof. Maurice A. Hess

Dr. V. F. Schwalm and Prof. E. R. Bohling attended the Young Peo-ples' Conference at St. John Saturday and Sunday.


Having read and heard that the editorial column is a plane In which student opinion should be expressed, we have decided to expound upon a subject. Why doesn't the McPherson College student body learn the words of the college song and then be given the privilege to sing it?

We estimate that we have not sung all of the song once this year and it it not habitual for us to skip chapel and pep chaple. Chances are a freshie could not repeat the first stanza and again chances are a senior couldn't say all of the stanzas.

It would certainly show a little more loyalty and college spirit to ha able to sing al of the song. than merely being able to mumble through the first stanza and the chorus.

The fault seemingly does not lie with the music director. He tries to conduct the students when an attempt is made to sing the song. All it will take is a little Individual initiative and practice.

No one's menial capacities will be taxed to the limit In memorizing the song, so why not start out the 1933-'34 school year the right way and learn to sing. "Although out on broad Kansas plains —"

—A student thinker.

Dean F. A. Replogle attended the Young Peoples' Conference at Partis. Kansas, over the week end.

Dean and Mrs. R. E. Mohler loft Sunday afternoon for Wichita to at-tend a Rotarian meeting.

“What the Y. M. C. A. can do on our campus." was the subject discussed by two Senior men In Tues-day morning's Y. M. program. Lil-burn Gottmann, ex-president of the college Y. M. C. A., spoke of the function, of the local organization in crystallizing student opinion, bringing outside a speakers,. and sponsoring conference, for student benefit. Gottmann showed how speakers brought to this, campus by the Y. M. C. A. have meant much and have had a vital contribution to the value of his college career.

Ward William, said that the value of the Y. M. C. A. program must be measured in terms of the contribution It makes to students. He spoke on the high value of one’s having the best Christian objectives in life, and showed bow the Y. M. C. A. can aid one In maintaining a righteous purpose.

Vernon Rhoades was In charge of devotions, and led the group on opening prayer.

Nautical Experiences Subject of Lehman Chapel Speech

"Nautical Experiences" was the topic Of Miss Della Lehman's chapel talk last Friday morning.

The service was especially interesting as Mias Lehman told of her personal experience, on board during a hurricane on the sea. Vivid description, given in her own char-acteristic style gave the talk an interest and vitality which the McPherson College student will not forget. Miss Lehman closed her talk by pointing out that greater and mom awe inspiring than these great spectacles of nature is the beauty and majesty of a noble soul.

An intramural boxing and wrestling tournament was held recently at Southwestern.


It has been a great year. Despite the fact that shiny suit and runners in hose have been exceedingly more prevalent on the campus this year than over before since we have been here we are moved to declare It the most successful year of our college Ufa. Successful? Yes. Student have been more friendly, more ready to help the other follow—and speaking of cooperation. have you ever seen such a working out of the Idea of "public own-ership" In the matter of textbooks? Have you ever seen a mora economic social life? And yet we have hud a good time. Our ingenuity has been taxed but we have met every issue happily. Friendships have been deepend and extended as never before. It has been a grant year. It has seemed that material depression has strengthened friendship and cooperation and appreciation.—A Senior.


Occasionally one sees a student whose sole objective, it seems, is to make a grade. He strives for an "A" grade and loses the thing that the grade is supposed to represent.

Do not criticize the student who wished to do good work. As a rule good grade will represent good work, but not always. Many students who consciously work with the aim of making a grade without work are doing themselves harm.

It will be the peraon with ability that will succeed after be leaves college rather than the one to attempted to make the honor roll by other than honest work.—E. S.


Right now, when thousand, of Kansas boy, and girls' are rapidly nearing the end of their high school training, the perplexing question arises, "Should they go to college?" Many who have no business there will go. Others who should go to college will be unable to attend, for one rea-son or another.

In the current Issue of Kansas Industrialist, Pres. F. D. Farrell. Kan-sas State College, offers the following bit of advice to those who are try-ing to decide the "college question":

"A constructive service that a college graduate may render to his Alma Mater, to public welfare and to the young people concerned is to encourage able and earnest high school seniors to go to college. An finally Important service is to help these young people to develop sane attitudes regarding the purposes, the benefits, the limitation, and the requirements of genuine college education.

"This spring. because of economic conditions. the question whether to go on to college is an unusually difficult one for many high school seniors. College graduates may he helpful to these seniors In deciding this Important question. The following fact might well be discussed with superior high school seniors by college graduates who wish to render a useful ser-vice:

1. High school seniors have • ,,Life expectancy" of about 43 more years. welfare and happiness during three years is profoundly Influ-enced by what they do in the five or all years following graduation from high school.

5. Most people who do not enter college soon after finishing high school never go to college at all.

3. Very few, if any. people regret having gone to college. Tens of thousands. when It is too late, regret that they did not go.

4. By enriching one's life and increasing one's value as a citizen. col-lege education provides great benefits In addition to its effects on economic earning capacity.

5. Following each previous economic depression there has been a greater demand far college-trained men and women than there was before the depression began. *

6. The necessary cost of going to college is lower now than It has been for many years.

A large proportion of people who have finished college have been able to do so because they and their parent, have made immediate sacrifices for the sake of future benefits.

"Alumni wishing to be helpful to young people should recognize that not all high achool graduates should go to college. But superior graduates should. If a student has completed creditably the entrance requirement, if standard college and of he has acquired good mental, physical and moral habits. any necessary investment of time, money and work that he devotes sincerely to college education will pay him sat isfactory dividends. In material rewards and spiritual values."—The Garden City Daily Tele-gram.

Odessa Crist was entertained at lunch Sunday by Elizabeth Bowman.

Margaret Stegeman has been visit-Ing her sister Esther. She is from Tampa and a former student of McPherson College.

Miss Margaret Heckethorn attended a librarians meeting at Larned Friday. She was accompanied by Helen Webber.


Reviews Personalities of Presi-dents in Chapel

President V. F. Schwalm spoke on the present financial and moral situation In chapel Monday. May 8,

Dr. Schwalm reviewed the personalities and beliefs of several of the presidents and in so doing showed the decline In the moral attitude of the world. Theodore Roosevelt was an Indomitable man who waged a war against evils. For him life was never dull. He was followed by William Howard Taft who was a good man personally, but much too mild and easy-going for the presidency.

Next came the great Woodrow Wilson who continued where Roosevelt had left off. HU Inaugural address was a call to battle. During his administration laws were passed to control big business. After the war came Warren G. Harding who wild. "Let us return to normal", which In reality meant to relax from the ideals of Roosevelt's and Wilson's time.

In the past few years educational advance has not been apparent. The moral decline is not believed to be permanent, but is dependent upon the attitude of the younger generation.

"The possession of a car, even if it is only a second-hand one, is an advantage," declares a writer. The kind of advantage that one had to push home, sometimes.—Humerist

The graduating class at Ottawa University is somewhat larger than that of McPherson College, with 44 student, receiving their degrees. Commencement exercise, will he held May 30.



Marjorie Bunce of Bushton Is visiting friends on the campus. She is a former student of McPherson College.

Margaret Hauser spent the week end at her home In Marion.

Lorene Morrison returned Sunday evening from Roxbury where she had been visiting her parents.

Greta Wilma Griffis was a guest of Grace Lerew's at her In Portis Saturday and Sunday.

Hope Nickel returned Sunday afternoon from her home In Wichita where she had spent the week end.

Warner Nettleton. Genevieve Crist, and Ann Heckman on the program at the Young Peoples Con-ference of the Northwest district at Portis last week end.

Delvis Bradshaw was at his home In Waldo last week end.

Lilburn Gottmann was In Arlington Sunday applying for a teaching position.

Leona Benhardt went to Ramona Saturday to visit home folks.

Mary Jane Groves was an overnight guest of Alice Egbert Saturday.

Helen Holloway Acts as Editor For Quarterly Issue

The April Issue of the "Alumni, Magazine" which is published by the McPherson College Alumni Associa-tion was mailed out last week.

Many articles of Interest are to he found In this magazine.

An article about the matron, Mother Emmert, and one about Professor Alvin C. Voran Is In the magazine. Pictures of these two appear also. Dean F. A. Replogle wrote an article. "McPherson College Is a Progressive Institution” for the magazine.

Included also are two features, "My Alma Mater". One was written by Alberta Yoder and the other by Sue Harnly Heaston.

The magazine contain, sixteen pages. On the hack cover Is an attractive cut of Sharp Hall.

The staff Included Helen Eberly Holloway, temporary editor; Leland Lindell, make-up editor; and John

A little city boy was visiting his country cousin.

"What do you know about cows" quitted the country lad. "You don't even know If That's a Jersey cow."

"I don't know from here 'cause I can't see Its license."

Ml their own. Some are going to

Jobs, some are returning home, having sent all of their money bark to

families. Some are adventurers. Many are misfits In their vocations. Far too many are boys who have run away from home, Perhaps they are foolish. but there is always a story of maladjusted family relations. Others are criminals fleeing from authority. No doubt some of them are detectives following murderers or gangsters. One had a suitcase full of booze.

And as I became acquainted with them I wondered what is wrong with our civilization that such conditions exist, that honest men must steal rides to support their families, that others must deliberately; do those tilings that make for deterioration of civilization. that some have plenty and others little. What Is back of It all? Are some men Inherently evil? Is there no hope for some? Are they born to be eternally damned? I can not think so. There is, somewhere, an opportunity for everyone to become his best If given the chance and it seems to be the duty of those of us who are placed so that we have that opportunity to do all In our power to give the same to others.

After due calculation, we discover that only 7.77 % of our school term remains. A happy thought, or Isn't It?

Justin Replogle for some reason refused to have Ills picture taken with the May Fete attendants, dancers. and all; so It remained for his dad to take his place. Dressing up In one of the colonial sir's white coats and borrowing a white wig. he posed, carrying the queen's train.


Something new—having a movie director on our campus! And did you see Dusty smile when Alex yelled "Smile now". Yep. we’re anxious to see the. pictures.

Arlene Wampler has been painting a baby In art. but can't decide what to name it. because none in the class can agree on the sex of the child. The class has practically decided on Frauds (Frances) or Marion.

Elmer Slants informs us that he is an exceedingly versatile man. He can spell his last name backwards or forwards with equal ease — or do both at the same time.

Hobart Hughey seemed to have a good Idea—whether original or not

wo don't know. He was one of the students in freshman rhetoric class who had to describe Harnly Hall. So he put a snapshot of It before him as he wrote.

Johnnie Friesen came out the other evening all prepared to go home, when he discovered that vandals. none other than Dusty Rhoades and Tuffy Wine had made off with his car. Maybe he never got home that night, but he has been driving his  Ford again lately.


Alice Unruh    May 10



To Be Produced Commence-ment Week—Is Original— Class Play Discarded

The senior play committee has decided to give an original pageant

during commencement week on May 31, 1933. at the Brethren Church. instead of the usual senior class pro-duction.

The pageant committee, consisting of Miss Della Lehman. Vernon Rhoades Bernice Fowler. Gretta Wilma Griffis. and Dorothy Dresher. are writing and collecting material for this original production. The pageant has not been named as yet but deals with the history of Mc-Pherson College.

The usual play given by the senior class has been cancelled because of the high expenses for royally and for securing a coach.

Every member of the class has a role with a few additional characters from other classes and alumni.

Hope Nickel and Donald Dresher are members of the publicity com-mittee. Miss Lehman is to be the coach.

The pageant Is something new, original. and untried before at McPherson College, and If the depression continues. It may be convenient for other classes to follow this precedent.


Produces Dramatic Art Project —Estes Conference Discussed

Yesterday In the regular Y. W. C. A. meeting Corinne Suter produced an unusual pageant which she had written as a project In dramatic art class. The theme of It centered about a college girl trying to find activities suitable for herself. It was given in the chapel In order to use the stage.

The parts of two college girls were played by Alice Hedge and Gladys Riddell. Clarice Evans and Una Ring took the part of the two voices. A social leader was represented by Marlene Dappen: debate, by Ruth Spilman; Y. W. cabinet by Mary Miller; dramatics by Genevieve Crist; music, by Gulah Hoover; sports, by Elizabeth Bowman; high scholarship, by Grace Heckman; and religion, by Jo Wagoner.

The early part of the program was given over to talks about the annual Estes conference. Grace Heckman was the main speaker.


Hersheys Give Dinner for Chemistry Students

Last Friday evening at 6:30. Dr. and Mrs. Hershey entertained .the chemistry assistants at their home. A most delicious dinner was served by Mrs. Hershey after which came entertainment In the form of various games.

Those attending the party were Hope Nickel. Letteer Lewis. Harvey Shank, Faithe Ketterman. John Harnly. Esther Brown, and Lealand Enberg.

Regrets were sent by Milo Stucky.


(Continued from Page One)

a guitar of his native land, and twen-ty-four of us listening In rapt attention. How they played, those two. They adlibbed and did everything known to music. Softly for a moment the notes came like streams of smoothly flowing water, then rippling like bird notes and finally It ended In a grand flourish that set us all clapping and calling more. Requests followed thick and fast. Swanee River, My Bonnie, La Palo-ma. Wearin' o' the Green and Die Lorelie. The men betrayed their nationalities by their songs.

And so the time passed. Songs, stories, and as night came on with Its chill we gathered wrapping paper from the car floor and made our beds. At one stop we stole some firewood and built a fire on a sheet of steel filched at the some town. One of us kept watch for trainmen though.

I think I was the only college student among them. But few of them were professional bums. They are men of all professions, of all walks of life. They have a code of honor

No one even missed the Juniors last Monday until Dr. Schwalm tried to find some one to lead the singing In chapel. "Where's Mr. Voran?" Dr. Schwalm’s question made It evident that at least some of the Important members on the campus were missing. “Cheesy" Voran, Junior class sponsor, had sneaked out with the rest and Harvey Shank was drafted In as song leader.

We hear that on Saturday night In Wichita, some of the kids who went to the “Y" cabinet training conference saw Lester Pote and Everett Fasnacht on a street car . It was after 11:00 o’clock and they were near the end of the line. The car turned around and Pole and Fasnacht with It. They were the only passengers but they seemed to to riding In state from one end of town to the other with feet cocked up and head resting on elbows.

We were wondering "why so many boys were all dressed up yesterday morning when we learned that the members of the men's home economics class were to criticize each other's clothes that day.

Information has reached us that Price Brubaker was tied up and deluged the other night because he sprinkled some boys below him from an upstairs window of the boys' dorm. It seems that Willie Dram-

mell told on. him: so then he was soaked, too. for tattling.

The Juniors rather, put It over on the rest of the students late Sunday night. Quite a few had found out

about the proposed sneak, but nothing seemed to happen.

Everybody must have been hard up for "sneaking" excitement, for when the rumor was out Monday night that the seniors were slipping away, many Fahnestock members left their beds to keep watch. Not a few masculine eyes were droopy yesterday!


The book, "Educational Leadership. Progress and Possibilities", the eleventh yearbook published by the Department of Superintendence of the National Educational Association of the United Slates has recently been acquired by the college library. It Is chiefly concerned with the edu-cational leadership of the superintendents of schools. After stressing the cooperative nnd Individual aspects of educational leadership and the necessity for constant adjustment to meet changing social conditions. the took, presents and solves some of the problems of large and small school systems. Following a discussion of the needs of rural and stain superintendent" is a self-rating device by which each superintendent may rate himself in his work.

"Shakespeare's Problem Comedies" by William Witherie Lawrence was given to the library by the publisher.

"The Call of the Time" by Anna Marie Roos was a gift of the author. It is a took on student religion.

Sunday night! Kids stealthily throwing sweaters and blankets out of dorm windows. Going upstairs, meeting an enemy, and thus coming back empty-handed.

Trying keys to get Harry Frantz’s Ford (which was stolen) started.

Meeting at Mildred Dahlinger's to dress and get organized, Getting Audrey Groves out of bed to inform her that slumber was not for a Junior.

Going around by Canton to arouse "Spud" Minear to take him to Twin Mounds.

Arousing drowsy merchants to buy food. Getting stale rolls very cheap. Hushed whispers that the seniors were prowling suspiciously about.

Wheeler Kurtz getting arrested for running a stop light when trying to elude a pursuer.

Gathering around the campfire at Twin Mounds.. Cheesy standing by It all night long. Eating breakfast before It was light enough to see food.

Finding no boats In Abilene, Leta Wine turning up In a laundry truck on her way back front her daily walk—(this time Into Abilene. Eating gobs of ice cream on a paper plate. Swinging on steel swings and rings. Baseball.

Salina Park In the afternoon and welcome-food In the evening. Kurtz getting special prices at the picture show.

The track men. Fasnacht, Hayes, and Pote, arriving with Yoder In time for supper.

Boat riding In the moonlight on the river. Too romantic—so home.


Drained Her Crank Case

A young visitor from the city watched the farmer milk the only cow he had.

The next morning, the farmer was much excited, as the cow bad been stolen daring the night.

Farmer: "Drat the thief that stole that cow. He's miles away from here by now."

Little Girl: "I wouldn’t worry boat it Mister, they can't get so far away with It, cause you drained her crankcase last night."



The College A Capella Choir gave the last group of numbers on the Wednesday evening program of the Boy Scout’s Week. The songs sung by the group were mostly secular in nature. Following the program, the choir adjourned to Ostlind's Studio, where a picture of the group was taken. In this case the third time was the charm, for the choir had twice before attempted unsuccessfully to pose before a photographer.

On next Sunday evening the choir will give another program at a Little River Church.

McGaffey takes over


Miss Edith McGaffey, a faculty member who has had a leave of absence this year, has taken over Pres. V. F. Schwalm's English literature classes. Dr. Schwalm has had extra work by teaching some of the late Prof. J. Hugh Heckman's classes and was unable to continue with his literature classes.




College to Take Part—To Issue Spectator as Usual

Next Wednesday. May 17. there will bd no school because of the annual McPherson All Schools’ Day.

The college will take an active part In the days' program, for the physical training classes will put on several of the dances which are given at the May Fete. In the evening the Thespian Club will again produce "The Importance of Being Earnest" at the City Auditorium.

The Spectator will come out as usual. In spite of no classes.

Miss Alice Ruchlen, a former college student. was married to Mr. Robert Hodson, Sunday. May 7, at eight o'clock, at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Ruchlen. 1503 East Euclid Street. Mrs. Hodson was a junior In college last year. She has been teaching near Little River this year. The couple will make their home on a farm near Little River.

Was Not Speeding When a woman motorist was railed upon to stop, she asked Indignantly, "What do you want with me?"

"You were traveling at 40 miles an hour,” answered the officer.

"Forty miles an hour? Why. I haven't been out an hour." said the woman.

"Go ahead." said the officer. “That's a new one on me."

Collecting Coupons

Jones: "Well, how are you getting on in your new eight - roomed house?”

Smith; "Oh. not so badly. We fur-nished one of the bedrooms by collecting soap coupons.

Jones: "Didn't you furnish the other seven rooms?"

Smith; "We can't. They're full of





Triangular Held Monday—McPherson Scores 68 1-6 Points, Bethel 43 1-2, and Swedes 19 1-3 Points—Bulldogs Win Six' Firsts




Bookworm Reviews Magazine Article

with more goods than can be sold; his wife uses them to produce leisure of which she can never have too much.

“The women use the labor-saving devices for the heretical purpose of saving labor, and In doing so they have. I think demonstrated In their homes a practical object lesson In economics which their husbands would do well to master. While theorists are still searching for the causes of the depression, and politicians remain at loggerheads In their effort to conjure up remedies, I am templed to think that the perplexed business man might discover a possible solution of his troubles If he would Just spend a few days In his wife's kitchen,

"For Instance;

“Mr. Jones Is a modern captain of Industry, Mrs. Jones Is an Intelligent woman who knows more than the average about economics and has the knack of seeing things through to their essentials. She had often discussed business problems with her husband, and had endeavored without success to win him to her point of view. At last she persuaded her husband that he owed It to humanity to demonstrate the correctness of his Ideas by applying them to the home—the one field which men had not yet touched with their organizing genius.”

Read the article, and see what happened when Mr. Jones got In the kitchen: how he made ten cakes at once, because It took less time and trouble than one did when his mother made It; how he raised his wife's Irony when he wasted time which would have been utilized at his office; and how he set out to show them methods of officiency, organization, and mass production, at a charity dinner the women of the town were giving; and why he changed his mind about economy.—Bookworm.


Kansas Wesleyan and Friends University Unable to Attend

The McPherson College Bulldogs defeated Bethel and Bethany colleg-es In it triangular track and field meet on the local college track and field. Monday. May 8. The Bulldogs scored 68 1-6 points while Bethel scored 43 1-2 and the Sweden were third with 19 1-3 points.

Coach Binford's men wore going good In this meet and won six firsts and placed In every event. The Bulldogs made a clean sweep of the shotput. Pauls won the shotput and thus earned his letter for this season. Rock again won the Javelin event for the local team. His throw in this meet was 170 feet, 6 Inches. Custer tied for first In the pole vault with Kennison of Bethel with both men clearing the bar at 10 feet, 10 Inches.

This meet as originally scheduled was to have included Kansas Wesleyan and Friends University besides the ones mentioned above, but these two schools were unable to come be-cause of conflicting dual meets.

The summary:

100-yard dash—Won by Bergen. Bethel; Early. McPherson, second: Hayes. McPherson, third. Time. 10.2 seconds.

Pole vault—Won by Custer. McPherson and Kennison. Bethel: Cunningham. Bethel, and Wiggins, McPherson. tied for third place. Height. 10 feel. 10 Inches.

Shot put—Won by Pauls, McPherson; Zin. McPherson, second: Rock, McPherson, third. Distance, 30 feet. 6 1/2 Inches.

Mile run—Won by San Romani. Bethany; Landes, Bethel, second; Reinecker, McPherson, third. Time 4:40.5.

Discus—Won by Zinn. McPherson; Rock. McPherson, second; Miller. Bethel, third. Distance, 122 feet. 9 Inches.

High Jump—Won by Kennison. Bethel; Custer. McPherson. Hanson. Bethany, and Wiggins. McPherson, tied for second place. Height, 5 feet, 6 Inches.

120-yard high hurdles Won by Cooper, Bethany; Johnston. McPherson. second; Pankratz. Bethel, third. Time,. 17.2 seconds.

440-yard dash—-Won by Williams, McPherson; Pankratz. Bethel, second; Hayes, McPherson, third. Time. 55 seconds.

220-yard low hurdles—Won by Early, McPherson; Cooper, Bethany. second; Johnston. McPherson, third. Time, 24.4 seconds.

Juvelin—Won by Hock. McPherson; Wiggins. McPherson second; Roberts. Bethel, third. Distance, 170 feet, 6 Inches.

Broad Jump—Won by Kennison. Bethel; Custer, McPherson, second; Cunningham. Bethel, third. Distance, 20 feet, 11 Inches.

880-yard run—Won by San Romani, Bethany; Reinecker, McPherson. second; Krocker. Bethel third. Time, 2:6.4.

220-yard dash—Won by Early. McPherson: Bergen. Bethel, second; Hayes, McPherson, third. Time, 23.2 seconds.

Two mile run—Won by Landes. Bethel; Pole, McPherson, and Bus-kirk. McPherson tied for second. Time. 11:20.3,

Relay—Won by Bethel.



Usually Fast Contest—Will Be Held at Baldwin

Saturday. May 13. the annual conference track and field meet will be held at Baldwin. This Is usually a fast meet and this year several of the schools have some outstanding men which should make the meet an unusually good one.

Baker has won thu conference meet for several years In the past and they have a good team again this year.

Kansas Wesleyan and Ottawa have proven that they have exceptionally strong teams this season and will probably show up well In the conference meet. These three teams appear to be the strongest with good men in every event and some especially good men In some events.

Couch Binford plans to take a few men from the Bulldog track and field team to this meet to represent McPherson College. Because of financial and other reasons probably only a very few of the squad will make the trip. Rock and Zinn will go to this meet, but it is a question as to whether any others will go and also as to who It would be. It will also be decided later whether or not any tennis men will represent McPherson In the conference meet.


Swedes Total Seven Points, McPherson Five, and Bethel none

Bethany college won the tennis match that was hold In connection with the triangular track meet here on Monday. The tennis matches were held on a point basis and the Swedes won with a total of seven points while McPherson scored five points and Bethel was last with no points.

The Swedes seemed to have the best, balanced team and thus won the point decision although the Bethany team lost a few matches. The doubles team of Kelly and Austin of McPherson won over the Swede learn of Bowen and Bruce. Willman of Bethany won from Gottmann of McPherson In a good hard fought match.


Bowen-Hellberg. Bethany. defeated Richert-Penner, Bethel, 6-0, 6-0.

William. Bethany, defeated Gottman-Tice. McPherson. 6-0, 6-0.

Kelly-Austin. McPherson, defeated Bowen-Bruce. Bethany. 6-4, 0-6, 6-4.

Krey-Penner,    Bethel. defeated

Lindquist-Bruce. Bethany, 6-0. 6-1.

Gottmann-Tice, McPherson, defeated Krey-Penner, Bethel, 6-3, 6-1,

Kelly-Austin. McPherson, defeated Krey-Penner, Bethel, 6-3, 6-1.

Willman, Bethany, defeated Gott-mann, McPherson, 3-6, 7-5, 6-1.

Lindquist, Bethany, defeated Tice, McPherson. 6-2. 6-0.

Lindquist. Bethany, defeated Krey. Bethel. 6-0. 6-2.

Gottmann. McPherson, defeated Richert, Bethel. 6-2, 6-0.

Willman. Bethany, defeated Rich-ert. Bethel., 6-q, 6-2

Tice, McPherson, defeated Krey. Bethel. 6-1. 9-7.

Coach Melvin J. Binford has done some great work with this year’s track squad Starling this spring with only a few seasoned men, he now has developed a pretty good team as was shown in the recent triangular track and field meet. More than anything coach has a buuch working for him.

Rock and Zinn, both veterans In the weight events have shown up well as they were expected to do. Early has been running some good races in the short dashes. Williams and Wiggins have been gathering In points In their events much as they did In previous years. These men have all done well, but they were lettermen and were expected to do that.

Some new material has been found and the beat has surely been gotten out of these fellows. Probably an outstanding feat of one of the new men is the high jumping of the dim-

inutive Custer. It will be remembered that recently the set a new school record In the high Jump at ‘5 foot, 9 1/2 Inches. Hayes with no previous track experience now runs good races In the 100- and 220-yard dashes.

In the last meet Pauls earned a letter by placing first In the shot put. In the middle distance races and long runs some real work has been done by the new men. Ones Included In this group arc Reinecker. Buskirk. Pote, Fasnacht, and Heckman. The two Johnston brothers have also shown up well In track this season.

The tennis men have also done very well this spring and should get their duo praise. The Swedes captured honors In the triangular affair Monday, but the Bulldogs divided honors with them last week. Anyway Gott-mann, Tice, Austin, and Kelly de-serve praise for their work. It sounds as though the spring sports arc being given quite a boost in this column but It appears that they have It coming.

Coach Binford says that possibly the Bulldogs will engage in another track meet after the conference meet. Possibly It will be another triangular meet with Bethel and Friends being the other schools entered. Anyway It seems very probable that another meet will be scheduled.


Win One Singles but Take Both Doubles in Tennis

The McPherson College Bulldogs broke even In a tennis match with the Bethany Swedes last Wednesday. The matches were played at Lindsborg.

The McPherson team won only one singles match, but took both doubles to make It an even break for the match.

Willman. Bethany, defeated Kelly. McPherson, 6-1, 8-6. and Lindquist of Bethany downed Gottmann, Mc-Pherson. 6-2, 8-6. McPherson’s only victory In the singles was Tice’s defeat over Heiberg. 4-6, 7-5. 6-3. Bowen of Bethany won from Austin, McPherson, 6-4, 6-2.

In the doubles Gottmann-Tice combination of the Bulldogs won over Willman-Helberg In a 4-6 game play. McPherson took the first set. 9-7, but lost the second. 9-11. to the Swedes. In the third and deciding sot McPherson had but little difficulty In winning. 6-4. Another McPherson doubles team. Kelly and Austin, defeated Gunnerson and Ja-derborg. 6-3, 6-4.

Not many students stop to road such magazines as Scribner's. The English Journal, and the Atlantic Monthly. Usually they are satisfied with the American, the Good Housekeeping, or the Country Gentleman. Those wo do read the former find them as entertaining as anything they ever read. For example:

The Atlantic Monthly for August 1932. contains some good advice to the girls of M. C. who are engaged, or are planning to be. I would advise their "Intendeds" to read it. also, so that the girls won't put anything over on them.

The article I speak of Is "Put Your Husband in the Kitchen." by Helen Keller.

"Our Grandmothers had yo perform a tremendous amount of dreary drudgery In managing their homes. They were kept busy from morning till night, for those were the days when a woman's work was never done. Since then, however, the machine ago has come upon us, transforming the home no less surely than the factory. In consequences the modern woman enjoys a degree of leisure which her grandmother could hardly have dared to dream of.

"Few of as seem to have grasped the significance of this new leisureliness which has come to grace our households. As a matter of plain fact, what women have done with labor-saving machinery In the home is exactly the reverse of what men have done with It In their factories and offices. The captain of Industry seizes upon Improved tools as means to increase production, and now he finds the channels of trade clogged

In the. Old Days

The policeman’s son was learning


"How many beats are there to the bar In this piece of music, Dad?"

"Fancy asking a policeman a question like that.” said the boy's mother. "If you asked your daddy how many bars there were to the beat, he might have been able to tell you.”