McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas, Wednesday, may 3, 1933
Banquet in Church Basement is Feature of Day—Bright Acts as Toastmaster—Home Economics Department Has Charge of Serving
Schools Should Help Find Vocations and Develop Character
An Interesting speech on “Tho Power of a Vocational Motive In Ed-ucation" was given by Professor M. S. Dell during the chapel period Monday. May 1.
He spoke on the need for vocational training and the motives of parents. students and Institutions In offering mid obtaining educations for the learning of a vocation.
The parent wants an education for his child In order that the child might not have to work as hard as it was necessary for the parent to do: that the son might become a great man: that he might carry on an established business: or that be might be trained for awaiting positions.
The student's desire for an education might be to prepare for a specific vocation or It might be caused by the fact that a friend has achieved something worthwhile by obtaining an education.
It is a school's wish to help a student find a vocation, to develop his character, to prepare him for service that he might give more than he gets, or to develop his personality.
A most true and worthwhile state-ment made by Professor Dell was that "A man who does not teach his son some trade prepares him for a robber.”
• Rosie: “Aren’t you getting John-nie and Bill confused?”
Mary: “Yes. I get Johnnie confused one night and Bill the next.”
—Annapolis Log.
Work Continues Since Last May—All Plates for Campus Scenes Ready for Engraver—Dummy is Re-arranged-—Individual Write-ups for Seniors Done
At Wichita on Saturday and Bun-day of this week a number of the members of the Y. M. C. A. cabinet plan to attend the cabinet training conference. This will be somewhat similar to the Y. W. conference which will be held at Bethel at the same time.
Those who are making plans to attend are Lester Pote, Carol Whit- cher. Dr. J. D. Bright. Royal Frantz. Everett Fasnacht. Clarence Sink, and Ward Williams.
Twenty-five Schools Attend Annual Event Given on Saturday
A program of sports, music, and speeches entertained over 300 seniors of nearby high schools Saturday at the annual high school festival held on the college campus.
The program In which seniors of twenty-five high schools were represented consisted of a tennis tournament In the afternoon and a banquet In the basement of the college church Saturday evening.
J The day culminated In the banquet given by the college, the home economics class being In charge. The church basement was prettily decor-ated In red and white. The meal was served by sixteen college students. Dr. J. D. Bright was toastmaster.
At the banquet the male quartet gave two numbers. Dr. V. F. Schwalm In a talk on “College Intrinsics" spoke of the necessities of a college. “College Entrance” was the subject of Dean F. A. Replogle's speech.
Dean R. E. Mohler Introduced the representatives of the various schools, following which Warner Nettleton gave a vocal solo. A play entitled “The Chinese Waterwheel” was presented by the dramatic art department.
Several schools who entered In the tennis tournament were not present at the banquet.
Piano, Vocal, and Dramatic Selections Given
Last evening In the college chapel at eight o'clock the students of the fine arts department presented a recital consisting of piano, vocal, and dramatic selections. The program was as follows:
Andante - Vario F Minor. Hayden — Miss Narcella Severtson
Floral Dance. Moss—Mr. Ronald Vetter
Elegio, Massinet—Miss Jean En-triken
Spring Showers. Fink—Miss Frances Coons
The Time of Parting. Hadley— Miss Elizabeth Holzemer
Grillen. Schumann—Mr. Edward Jones
Spring. Louise Wright—Miss Char-lotto Campbell
Reading “Over the Bannister," Wells -Miss Faithe Ketterman.
Chopin. Godard—Miss Glennys Doll
Loves it Merchant. Crew—Miss Ellen Steinberg
Reading. “The End of a Perfect Day". Anon.—Miss Elsie Lindholm
Autumn. Macdowell—Miss Lois Edwards
Spring's Awakening. Dudley Buck —Mrs. McQuiston
Polonaise C sharp Minor—Chopin
Prelude, op. 18 no. l8. Chopin— Miss Gulah Hoover.
Warner Nettleton Sings Solo— Hoover Leads Singing
In the weekly Y. W. C. A. meeting yesterday morning. Mrs. R. E. Mohler read a paper on the education of the southern mountaineers.
Gulah Hoover led In the opening singing. Then Edith Bechtelheimer led In devotionals and Warner Net-tleton sang a solo accompanied by Bernice Dresher.
Mrs. Mohler said that many of the people of the mountains are eager for education, although many are too lazy even to sell what products they have.
A Capella Sings at Windom Thursday Night
last Thursday evening. the A Capella Choir gave an hour’s program In the high school auditorium at Windom. The program consisted of numbers by the choir, ladies’ trio, and male quartet. Scattered In the audience were several McPherson students. As soon us the program was over, the quartet went on to Mitchell to sing there for half all hour.
Critical Service Scores Publication—Total of 739 Papers Judged
This year's Spectator achieved Second Class Honor Rating or Good by the score of the National Scholastic Press Association.
The Spectators which are Issued before Christmas were the only ones entered this year In the thirteenth All-American Newspaper Critical Service conducted by (he National Scholastic Press Association In the Department of Journalism. University of Minnesota. A total of 739 papers were judged.
The scorebook was received recently which rates the newspapers according to news values and sources. nows writing and editing, editorials and entertaining matter, and headlines, typography, and make-up. This twenty-four page booklet contains valuable criticisms and Is full of helpful suggestions for Improvement.
The honor ratings which are given are All-American Honor Haling—Superior: First Class Honor Hating— Excellent: Second Class Honor Rating—Good: Third Class Honor Rating—Fair: and Fourth Class Honor Rating—Below Average—No Honors.
There are few Institutions the size of McPherson College putting out a newspaper as large or as often as the Spectator. It Is considered an honor to achieve this year's score. The same rating was obtained last year. Two years ago the paper was not entered In the critical service, hut before that a Third Class Honor Rating was achieved.
Monday’s Program Postponed Because of Weather
The McPherson College May Fete, which was to have been held Monday, May 1. was postponed because j of the rain and cold weather. Pres-ent plans are to have the festival take place this afternoon at 2:30 on the college campus If the weather permits.
A stage has been built northwest of the library and seats placed for the audience. Vernon Rhoades, the senior class president, will crown Clarice Evans who was chosen by the school as May Queen. Audrey Groves. the physical education Instructor, who Is In charge of the program, has been working hard and promises an Interesting program.
On Saturday and Sunday. May 6 and 7. a Y. W. C. A. cabinet training convention will be held at Bethel College. Newton,
This meeting la being held for all the colleges In this district and seven local cabinet members are planning to attend unless too many conflicting activities arise. The program and plana will be discussed In a cabinet meeting this evening.
Wed., May 3—May Fete at 2:30 on college campus.
Educational films in college chapel at 7:00.
Tennis match with Bethany at Lindsborg.
Fri.. May 5—Pentangular meet here.
Tues. May 9--Regular Y. M. and Y. W. C. A. meetings.
Visit Salt Mines, Flour Mills, and Factories
About Forty Go on Excursion—All Meet at Paper Mill
Dr. J. Willard Hershey took his first year Chemistry class on its annual trip to Hutchinson last Friday. The eight cars carrying about forty students met first in, Hutchinson at the paper mill. Following this. Dr. Hershey led the way to the flour mill and then to the Carey Salt Mine. After coming back to the surface from the mine, the class went through the Carey Salt Plant, receiving its due share of sample in hath, table, and rabbit salt. Each car then went its own way in search of lunch.
At 1:30 the group congregated at the Morton Salt Plant where two guides explained the methods of procedure.
In the Reformatory, which was next visited, the class saw the rugmaking. printing, carpentry, mechanical. and electric departments. The students were taken through the kitchen to cell house No. 1 and then to the chapel where an officer explained disciplinary problems and punishments of the Reformatory.
The bakery was very Interesting. Although It was not time for the loaves to he automatically sliced and wraped. an obliging guide showed these operations on a few loaves.
Those students who wished to. next went to the foundry, following Which they either remained by carloads in Hutchinson or returned home.
Educational Pictures to Be Shown In College Chapel
Tonight at 7:00 o'clock In the college chapel three educational films will be shown free to the public. On this evening's program will be Included "The Land of Cotton". "Food Shot from Guns", and “The Yoke of the Past".
Last week the audience enjoyed "The Wizardry of Wireless". "Glimp-ses of Greenland", and "The World of Paper".
Joyce Vetter Places in Several Contests
Miss Jessie Brown announces the results of the music contest In which her piano student. Miss Joyce Vetter entered as follows:
On April 18 Miss Vetter finished second In the Arkansas Valley League Music Contest held at Halstead. Seven schools were represented.
On April 21 Miss Vetter placed first In the state music contest Held at Friends University. Wichita. Twenty-five contestants were entered In the contest. The prize consists of a $76 tuition scholarship at Friends University.
On April 21 at the Emporia state music contest Miss Vetter with seven other contestants received the rating of "excellent" which was the highest rating awarded In piano this year. There were thirty-six entries In this contest.
Miss Vetter is the daughter of Mr. land Mrs. Carl Vetter of Moundridge and the sister of Ronald Vetter. She Is a sophomore In the Moundridge high school.
Professor Bohling, economics Instructor. read last Friday In chapel a paper on the present banking alt-nation In the United States.
The history of the banking system was reviewed as a background tor present conditions. The causes of the breakdown. Professor Bohling attributes first to the failure of banks to stick to commercial banking. That is the banks rather than making only short term loans which were self-liquidating extended their business lo long-term loans. Secondthe breakdown was due to the mismanagement and lark of capital.
In order to remedy the present factors which have caused the banking deadlock Professor Bohling suggested that all banks be brought Into one system, that the law require minimum capital Investments, that provision Ik- made for chartering new banks, that there be some use of branch banking, and that there be strict regulation of loans with license to operate banks being only to men of experience and character.
Wichita to Be Scene of Y. M. C. A. Meeting
Squad and Individual Pictures of Football and Basketball Teams Prepared
Work on next year's Quadrangle has been In progress since early last spring and when school is out this year, practically everything will have been done that can possibly bo accomplished. When It was learned last fall that It would be Impossible to publish an annual this your because of financial reasons, the Quadrangle staff began work on the two year book which will be published next year and will include activities of this year and next.
When the two year book was planned it railed for a re-arrangement of the dummy and this has all been worked out. All campus scenes and plates for these scenes are ready for the engraver. Most of the pictures of the faculty members have been taken and those plates are also ready.
This year's seniors have had their pictures taken and the write-up of their Individual activities which will accompany their pictures has also been prepared. This year's cheer leaders have had their pictures taken and they will have a spare In the annual as well as next year's leaders.
The football squad picture and the Individual pictures of the lettermen of last fall have all been taken. Some action pictures of games last fall are also ready and will be features along with the story of the season. The basketball squad and Individual pictures have been taken and the story of the season has been written. Track pictures of last spring, both Individual and action, are ready to be used. Some good tennis pictures were taken last spring and the Individual pictures of the lettermen will be used In the annual.
Approximately two hundred snap shots have been taken of students In their everyday life on the campus and many more will be taken next year In order to make an Interesting feature section In the Quadrangle.
Economy is being sought on all sides In publishing this book, but the staff is not allowing economy to Interfere with the beauty of the book. Price Is being kept down wherever possible and any saving that the staff can make will be passed on lo the students In purchasing their "Quads". The price of the book will have to be somewhat higher than It has been In the past. In previous years the book has had only the activities of one year and next year's quadrangle will Include two years. but It Is thought now that the cost will not he much more.
Seniors and others who will not be In school next fall should get In touch with the business manager and give him their tentative addresses for next year and make some arrangements for paying for their Quadrangle. It Is thought that be-cause the price will be but little more than In former years and will include much more material that the sales will be greatly Increased. Most students buy books each year and undoubtedly the ones that do not get an annual every year will buy one of the Quadrangles that come out next year because It will contain two year's activities.
Delbert Kelly Is editor of the book for this year and Wilbur Yoder In the business manager. Everett Fan-nacht has been elected editor for next year. Yoder will continue as business manager next year and Kelly. the present editor, will graduate this spring. Vernon Rhoades had been serving on the staff this year as an associate editor.
Bum: "This big Italian fighter has to have a bed over seven feet long."
Mub: "Bay. that's a lot of bunk." —Annapolis Log.
Official Publication of McPherson College. Published by Student Council, McPherson, Kansas.
Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917, at the postoffice at McPherson.
Kansas, under the act of March 3, 1897
Ann Heckman was unable to at-tend several of her classes because
of a badly sprained ankle which she received when she fell down the dormitory steps last week.
Colorado Church Member Prof. J
Hugh Heckman
Subscription Rates For
One School Year $1.00
Address all correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas
Mrs. Viola Heckman, mother of Ann. left yesterday for her home in Rocky Ford, Colorado.
Editor-in-chief--- Una H. Ring
Associate Editor __________Wilbur C Yoder
Associate Editor Everett Fasnacht
Sports Editor-----Wilbur C Yoder
Business Manager Harry Frantz
Ass't. Business. Manager Melvin Landes
Ass't Business Manager____ Paul Booz
Circulation Manager_____ Everett Fasnacht
Agnes Bean Dorothy Dresher
Marlene Dappen Pauline Decker Faculty Adviser
Elmer Staats Lola Hawkins Paul Heckman Odessa Crist
Ella Nickel Ann Heckman Margaret Oliver Jo Wagoner Prof. Maurice A. Hess
Have you ever heard someone say he does something because he gots a "kick" out of It? You've probably heard some such remark a number of times and maybe you've even Included It In your own conversation. If called upon, could you explain Just what you mean and why you express it thus? What kind of a kick is It? It's rather an odd expression when you consider the word, in It. But It seems to be In the English language even If it is not entirely grammatical and as long as no one is noticeable hurt by It we might as well not try to eliminate It.
The meaning of said expression need not he discussed. Put In other words, the "kirk'' referred to is nothing more nor less than a thrill. More important questions than this would he: "What do you get a kick out of?" and ‘'Can you enjoy something that does not give you a kick?" A man engaged In the fascinating job of newspaper reporting once remarked that "Getting drunk is the only thing I can get a kick out of." The one who heard him was puzzled to know whether he should pity the poor creature or put him out of his misery. A woman once admitted that she could get a kick from nothing but swearing. Boys sometimes give as their sole reason for smoking the fact that they ret a kick out of it. The same excuse is given at times for dancing and other activities. The trouble Is that some people are unable to get a kick out of anything but a few questionable activities and cannot enjoy anything that does not give them a so-called kick. Few such people are ever found In college but If one should be he should certainly not find It hard to get out of his pitiable condition. In college a student can find Innumerable healthful and constructive activities, from which to yet his thrills. And he should learn to enjoy other thlnrs which give a deeper and more permanent satisfaction than a mere thrill or "kick”.—R. F.
Oneita Boyer a student of last se-mester from Hutchinson, was a guest
of Elsie Lindholm last week.
Reuben Bowman, a graduate of McPherson College, was visiting friends here over the week end.
Pres. V. F. Schwalm talked at the Brethren -Church, Sunday. In Quinter.
Mildred Stutsman and Tillie Hel-debrecht have enrolled as students of the college. They have both formerly attended school here.
Gertrude Long of Chase, who was a student here last year, was a vis-itor on the campus the last few days.
Dr. J. J. Yoder leaves today for various points in Iowa where he will work an a "field man" for the college.
On Sunday night. April 23, the Brethren Church at Fruita, Colo- rado, held a fitting and impressive • memorial service In honor of Prof. J. H. Heckman. Professor Heckman was the pastor of this church for three years before coming to Mc-Pherson ad was loved and respected by all in the church.
The program consisted of special music and talks from some who had worked with him- Among those on the program were Clarence Brown and Glen Austin, former students of McPherson College.
pears that we are distributing our educational hours over the life span Very unwisely. Many more hours should he devoted to learning during adulthood when ability Is at its max-imum and when the learned facts are used. Adult education should serve to complete the structure that has had Its foundation laid during the pre-adult years.
Several months ago it was practically Impossible for anyone of the school to obtain orchestral music for a progam. The college lacked this musical organization.
Pascal Davis, a new student of the second semester and a freshman at that, has organized a small but efficient orchestra. There was a lot of stray talent around the college, but of It little utilized. The members have spent many hours In laborious practice. While It Is naturally bene-fical to themselves, it Is something which takes time and a drive of Its own. They receive no college credit, yet they fill a need of the Institution. They furnished music for the Booster Banquet and for the Thespian Play.
If more students would show Initiative of this sort, they would Improve not only themselves but the college.
Melvin Miller, a former student of this Institution, was seen In town Friday talking to college friends.
Members of the dramatic art department put on the pay "Pink and Patches" for the Boy Scout benefit program Monday night.
Ethel Sherfy, who is teaching at Chase, visited campus friends Sunday.
Several alumni of McPherson College from Roxbury wore visiting on the campus during the Senior Festi-val Among them were Alma Morrison, Harold Crist. and Vernon Spil-man.
The somewhat insignificant writer who once said "Life to be lived at all must he condensed." might have had in mind the life of a college student.
Nat that college students are or should bo dissatisfied with their life, but they certainly must condense It. studies pleasures, meetings, classes, work, and hill entertainments are crowded Into each day. Only now and than do spare moments give a fellow a little time to stop and think just by himself.
In many respects a busy condensed life teaches the student to do his work quickly and as thoroughly as his conscience may demand. The pity la that It has taught him to permit many opportunities for fun and for gain, to escape, simply by saying "I haven't time."—University Daily Kansan.
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Hill of Windom visited Friends here on Saturday.
Floye Brown, a graduate now teaching at Ellinwood. visited friends last week end and attended the Senior Festival.
The following is from a report by Richard R. Price of the University of Minnesota to the group on adult education at the Minneapolis meeting:
Adult education is a continuation of education which has Its beginnings In the grades, it is difficult to distinguish the beginnings, of adulthood from endings of adoles-cense. Chronological adulthood should be distinguished from mental, adulthood.
Education from the cradle to the grave should recognize In a practical way the most potent psychological force In education: namely maturation. Mental development Is most rapid before the teens and by the end of the teens, it has been nearly completed. The period of mental prime Is most likely the age span from twenty to forty.
Outside of native mental capacity, adult Intelligence depends on exer-cises and education. Adults who do not maintain the study habits acquired In school will suffer mental atrophy from disuse. On the other hand, adults who study systematically learn more in terms of their abilities than do high school students. The unexercised adult mind tends to congeal Into an inflexible unit.
The productivity of men of scholarly pursuits shows that middle age is a very productive period of life. Many popular notions to the contrary are poorly founded.
In view of the nature of abilities from Infancy to senescence, it ap-
An English lesson was being given in a foreign school, and the mistress asked if any pupil could make up a sapience containing the words "defense. "defeat" and "detail."
The sentence she got was as follows:
"Ven a cat Jumps over defense defeat goes over In front of detail!"
A Hot Idea
"Willie." said the Sunday school teacher, severely, "you shouldn't talk like that to your playmate. Had you ever thought of heaping coals of fire on his head?"
"No, ma'am. I hadn't, but it's a peach of an Idea!"
The dictatorship of the Nazi In Germany has led to strict censorship and rigorous control of every phase of life. Prominent Jew, both students and professors, have been persecuted.
The question of natural consequence is the effect such action will have upon the freedom of Gorman students. Will the traditional freedom of student inquiry be destroyed?
When the student id guided In his thinking and his freedom of thought is infringed upon one of the foundations of education will be destroyed.
Lola Richwine visited relatives at Abilene Saturday and Sunday.
Evelyn Saylor who graduated last year and Is now teaching In the le-high high school visited campus Friends Saturday.
Ruth Rhoden and Dorothy Stege: man of Tampa visited Father Stegeman Saturday.
Ruth Bish was among the alumni of McPherson College who attended the Senior Festival.
Vacation days will soon be here. Most of the students will return home. To make it a successful summer boost for our college In your community. The college administration Is working vigorously on a program to help McPherson College next season.
Cooperate with our college for a bigger and better M. C. next year.
Why is It that If business has gone where everyone says It has. some of the frozen assets don't thaw out?
After, looking them all over, we think the dachshund Is the host front-drive dog on the market today.—Judge.
We cannot hope to escape a social cataclysm if churches, charitable Institutions, libraries, museums, schools, and colleges, public or private. are forced to close their doors or are seriously crippled because of lack of financial support.—Milton C. Potter.
We read that a gangster's bullet passed through a Chicago man's hair without injuring him. A parting shot, as it were.—Humorist.
What the school does is a better Indication of what the school believes than are the tenets of educational philosophy.—Frederick L Redefer. Executive Secretary. Progressive Education Association.
Teachers are not restrained from expressing honest opinions along social and economic half so much from fear of losing their positions as from ignorance of the problems larotved. The public seldom falls to respect the well-informed teacher's point of view.—J. W. Crabtree, Secretary N. E. A.
Issues of College Pager
The Library Staff, under the direction of Miss Margaret -Heckethorn, librarian, has recently started binding the volumes of The Spectator which It has on file, so that they will be preserved more permanently for student use in the future.
In checking over the files In the library, the staff finds several issues missing. Because of its intention of binding the papers, the staff will appreciate very much the services of anyone who will donate these Issues to the library, or aid In any way the staff's search for them.
The missing issues are: November 25, 1931. March 9, 1932 September 10, 1930 April 2, 1929 May 26, 1926. October 4, 1921. November 22. 1921. April 27. 1921, September 19, 1922. and January 18, 1923.
Pearl Walker was a week end visitor at the home of Lloyd Larson, her cousin, at Abilene.
Corrine Bowers. Dorothy. Flor-, once, and Donald Dresher were visit-ing Mr. and Mrs. G. Z. Dresher Sunday.
Ruth Ihde and Lola Hawkins spent Sunday at their respective homes at hope and Tampa.
Clarence Kink visited friends here last week end.
Our college is not the only one to have a "New Deal" problem in its elections. The Washburn Review carried an advertisment in one of its recent issues for the New Deal of its Coalition Party. It is quite a popular campaign slogan.
mine. We went In groups of fifteen down into the mine in a monkey-cage elevator. It took un exactly one minute and twenty seconds to reach the underworld (645 feet below) Benchy Lichty was our chief tutor illation bureau. What he couldn't, think to ask the guide wasn't worth finding out. By this time we were so hungry we almost stole one of the workmen’s dinner pails, but we resisted the temptation by supposing it contained a spinach sandwich. Samples of salt were given us at the Carey salt plant. Ruth Tice said she got enough samples to start house-keeping. Boys take notice.
Noon! How we ate! We know two girls who each ate one toasted chicken salad sandwich, potato salad. an orangeade, and a fresh straw-bery sundae. No danger of them reducing. What was that blue streak whizzing down Main Street? Donnie Overholt driving Dr. Hershey's Whippet. Overholt testifies that the car does 50 when Dr. Hershey drives and that It has no brakes, Lo and behold, what was It doing when Don hud It at noon?
We predict a new supply of Jewelry, cosmetics, and what have you for the M. C. girls. All the femmes made a pilgrimage to Woolworth's and Kresses at noon.
The Morton salt plant was visited after lunch. They gave us each a blotter; won’t the profs be glad to see a decided decrease in blurred papers?
We visited the reformatory, but somehow we failed to leave any of our M. C. lads. Guess they have been on better behavior the last few weeks. A talk by one of the officials in the reformatory chapel gave Don Overboil and Dr. Hershey a good chance for a nap.
Our trip was almost ruined when we hoard wo couldn't go through the candy factory. At first we supposed they wouldn't lot us In because Harry Frantz got away with so much candy last year. We were soon Informed that the reason was that the factory was not operating Friday.
Our Inspection tour ended with the Bond Bakery and the iron foundry.
Again Benchy got mixed up in things—this time ‘twas bread dough. He also got away with some cinna-mon rolls, though how we don't know. At the bakery Custer and Etta each wished for a pair of stilts to see over the mob.
Several ears returned home before dark; however Elrae Carlson refuses to tell when she got in. The other students stayed to see the stage show of 25 chorus girls (so-called dark-skinned—otherwise plain Negro). Take note that It was mostly boys who stayed for this. Did we hear someone regretting the fact that wo missed chapel? Not much! We had It on the way home when wo sang everything from college songs to "This is My Father's World’’ accompanied by our symphony orchestra (shoe taps, whistling, barking, and general Jingling). We had our physical ed. too, when two of our number exercised their feet out of the windows.
Saturday. Oh. what makes us so, tired and stiff? We hear that Phylis, Barngrover has an extremely sore toe because she failed to wrap up her pet corn. Oh yes, she wrapped up a toe, but It was the wrong one. Tired? Yes, but we did have a good time.
Tour of Inspection Furnishes Interesting Data to Students and Friends
Friday, six bells! Oh, how we dreaded to get up. but the chemistry trip to Hutchinson started at seven. On the way we had the extreme pleasure of passing Webb's Buick, only to be forced to give way to Sweet-land and his gang. We wondered If Marjorie Brown was having a had case of the Jitters as he was doing at least 75. Although one chaperon, Ardis Hershey. "forgot" to go with us, we arrived at the Hutchinson straw board factory at 8:16. Of course, we had to wait on three of our passengers, because they were raiding the Hutchinson stores for cracker Jack. Although we wished for clothespins for our noses, we managed to get through the straw board factory without being asphyxiated.
Our next destination was the Kelly — —--—
Mills, followed by the Carey salt
Rhetoric Pupil Taking Drastic Means for Theme
Truly there is no rest for the wicked. Trials and tribulations dog the heels of that vast army of the young who faithfully, and one might say prayerfully, make their daily pilgrimage to do their part in keeping the candle of knowledge steadily glowing. Great sacrifices are laid up In this alter dedicated to the public schools of McPherson, Kansas.
In the first place, If the amount of gasoline, or perhaps shoe leather required to carry some twenty teachers to town and bark every day, five days a week was estimated. It would run into a considerable sum. And to this the ten shekels extra they are taxed for this privilege of teaching the young.
la spite of everything the whole experience is fun—In retrospect. Why Just the lust rainy spell caused more excitement then should be attributed to the most inclement of weather. Professor Blair was forced to provide a small portion of his little brood with transportation because that heaven-sent water was too much for a certain green Ford. Part of that contingent taxied back, the rest pulling In a couple of hours late. Perhaps some of you notice lane Mellnay's disconcerted expression when she arrived In Old Testament Literature Just in time to be excused.
0ne sight that would probably do Chet Johnston's old heart good is that of Esther Pote making the rounds of the playground with urchins clustered around her six deep on every side.
Future school masters might taka a lesson In evasion from Milton Early. When one of his bright American History students usk him a question
he comes bark with "You asking me?"
And then there Is that Flora boy who stayed up all night to do some practice teaching work. Well, sometimes It Is almost necessary or else the practice teacher Is forced to go unprepared and he embarrassed. Even that Isn't as had as bating Johnny get up and tell all about seeing "you In a rattly old Ford with writing on the back of It.
There are many more experience that may he recounted but the hour grows lute and I must retire and dread this In tomorrow’s Spectator for errors.
Dean F. A. Replogle has found somewhat startlingly that many of the college courses are a mere repe-tition of what a student has learned before he enters the higher institution of learning.
22.8 per cent of the history taught In college repeats exactly that taught In high school; 29 per cent of the science courses Is repetition; and 36 per cent of social science subjects gives that which was taught in high school.
Harnly Hall. What an establishment! At least, that's what some people May. As for my poor little self, don’t see enough of It at one time to know what It's really like. But I’m supposed to write a description of it for Professor Hess In rhetoric. Perhaps If I take an Inch at a time, when I finish—several hours from now—I can piece my perceptions together and have a mental picture of it, oven though I couldn't give that same picture to anyone else.
I'd better start at one corner. Oh. I know! I’ll climb a little way on this tree; perhaps I can see two inches at a time then. Oh. the wind's blowing! I'd hotter Jump to the building; I might fall off the tree. Umph. I hit something hard and red and quite rough. I guess I'll crawl a little way. Here's the end of— whatever it is—I think perhaps It’s what people call a brick, for here's another. That's an Idea. I'll Just count the bricks.
But this isn't a brick I've reached by this time. It’s hard, shiny stuff, and you can ace through It. What did I see? I didn't see a thing. It was wholly impossible to keep from sliding enough to fix my gaze on anything. I'll put some of Professor Wottasnozzle, or Waternozzle's—you know, the great inventor of the funnies—glue on my hands next time. I guess.
I slid down to the bottom, crawled across beneath some more of those glazed win—win—well. wind-somethings; and now I'll start up this White material. It's a little smoother than those bricks were but it Isn’t quite as slick as—I remember now. I Just heard a freshman say they were windows. I believe that I'll wiggle my way up to the lop of this thing—it must reach to the sky— And find out If it to be as far
from there to the ground, as It looked from the ground to there.
Somebody who likes to whittle must have been here! Only they whittled on something harder than wood when they made these letters. I've gone all around one of them and now I'm In another. I thought I'd never get out of the rut of that first one; In fact, I got so tired I had to stop and take a snooze before I started on. However. I did get out. and I'm still alive; consequently I'm going to go through as many as I can find. Ooooh! ketchoo! KETCHOO! •I guess I won't either. Just watch me get out of here as fast as I can. It’s too awfully dusty. That wind the other day must have done this. If I could only tell that wind what I think of It! And that had to happen when I was really getting Interested exploring those rutty letters.
Rut I'm going on up. anyhow. I want to see the top of this thing. Ab. I'll know enough to be careful here, and go around those windows. They're littler than the one I played "slippery-slide" on awhile ago: so I couldn't slip so far. and It wouldn't be so much fun. Besides. I might trip and fall all the way down; that would be simply horrible after getting this far. I'm finally past all those little bits of windows.
Ah, they always said practice makes perfect. I actually think I've been wiggling a little faster the last few yards, 'cause now I can see a little wee hit of the sky on the other side -of this point. I must be at that point somebody said was at the top of the middle of the building. The next thing to do. I suppose Is to get to the roof of the building Itself. I bad better got a little of this dust off first, in order to Judge my distance better. Whew, one of the college professors asked If this building wasn't about four hundred feet long. It's longer; why it's twice that high, because I measured it with my feet; and It would surely be longer than It was high.
Yes. I’ll got to that roof If you'll just give me time. But the wind hasn't blown all the dust off me yet. There, that's much butter. Here goes, One, two, thr-o-oe-eee, Jump. That was tun. I believe i'll Just try Why this brick’s wiggling. Oh. I fell through. I wonder where -I'll laud. Kerplunk!! Ooo-ooo-oooh! I just haven't enough strength to toll you any more, except that whatever it was I lauded on wasn’t a hit soft, and it knocked the wind clear out of me.
Phyllis Barngrover has a wonderful conception of art and fashion, Realizing that it was fashionable to carry accessories matching one's outfit, she suggested that Margaret Schwartz borrow a farmer's gray Jersey calf to carry with her gray suit. The bovine animal. however, belongs to a Hutchinson farmer and so was not obtained.
Did you ever check out a book, take It home, lay It aside, never open. It, and then have your attention prompted to a card under the glass on the librarian's desk which says "So and So return to the library due 5c first hour and 2c each additional hour—such and such a book by some author". A nickel, dime, or fifteen cents pays for such negligence—as many have learned, much to their sorrow.
Don't you think it is rather a far cry from the Clarice Evans who played the part of the bedraggled mountaineer In "Pink and Patches” Monday night to Clarice Evans. the fair May Queen?
On Monday morning Miss Lehman called Dusty Rhoades out of bed. That must have put him In a revengeful mood, for he turned to the phone and got a girl out of her bed just to ask for a book.
The window of a room In the girls' dorm was left open over the whole week end. The winds hod left a heavy ravering of fine dust. The girl who cleaned It greeted as with bleary eyes and a watery nose. Dust gives her hay fever!
Forney drew us Into a secluded corner to whisper a dark secret about "dark" goings-on in the "Y" room, when he burst in. He asked us to fix It up for the paper but we're afraid of getting squelched for something we didn't do. But Forney can tell you—and yon may know already. Just somp'n he found when some couples asked him to open the "Y" room Saturday and again Sunday night. We'll whisper to you that the couple who came out sheepishly said that the room was locked when they went In. and ho they decided It was s’posed to he that way.
Our "superintendent of buildings and grounds" has oft been furnished with entertainment from said people In said room. We're glad someone does something for the one who helped the nine students go to the Rooster Banquet.
One would think that the college was sponsoring a kindergarten. The girls In the clothing class have finished their baby garments. The lab room looks rather Juvenile.
So many people attended the track meet last Thursday, that we decided that next time we would stand at the entrance and tell the comers that there was admission charge. And then collect.
We hope that at the next meet there won't be a crowd of ticket booths set up. But perhaps we flatter ourselves.
Sunday morning we heard this one: A girl was trying to talk her boy friend Into taking her to hear the A Capella Choir sing at the Congregational Church. "A capella means unaccompanied and I want to bear that choir once," she said plaintively. He merely turned a deaf ear; so a bystander told her that she would just "'have to go A capella."
The dramatic art class bad a cracker of a program yesterday. Rather impromptu, too. Corinne Suter read an original pageant; Una Ring assisted by Blanch Harris produced an original skit; Franz Crumpacker displayed a miniature stage set: Ada Brank gave brief marionette show;
and a "salesman from
Showed samples of drapes which can
he used for a cyclorama.
Speaking of that miniature stage set—It has the cutest fixtures and furniture. The chandelier is made out of a watch chain, glue, an overall button, and pearl heads. You can. even prop up the top of the grand piano. The side lights by the fireplace are painted match heads. It’s all so realistic.
We have all been lamenting because we have such stable ankles. It looked as If It would be a lot of fun when Ann Heckman was gallantly carried up the steps of the dorm— clear up lo her room—by two obliging males. We guess we shall life be doomed to a sturdy life.
Professor Hess doesn’t know what he has been missing in the way of debaters? June McIlnay and Elsie Lindholm entertained the child psychology class yesterday with an In-teresting and emphatic debate on child punishment. One would never know they were inexperienced baters. But they are inexperienced no longer,
Bookworm Gives Review of Interesting Book
"In selecting for publication these few memorial addresses from a portfolio containing notes and manu-scripts of many such, delivered at various times during a long residence In Chicago, I am conscious of at least two motives. The first is to make a reply. If only to myself, to that oft-repeated magazine questionnaire and to the queries of others by word of month and by letter as to 'What do you believe?' 'What is your attitude toward the future life?' It is possible that an honest answer to such questions may he found through the recorded reactions In those first black days of sorrow, following the death of a dear friend.
"I was once summoned to a Chicago hospital by a woman who. twen-ty-four hours before, had lost her children in a hideous fire. She herself had been badly burned and I could see nothing of her face but two gleaming eyes at the bottom of a well of bandages and distorted lips through which came In husky whispers. 'Do you believe In Immortality? Please be sincere with me. I cannot endure any more empty words." As I visited my new-found friend through the days of her convalescence when I often found her devoutly reading her worn Prayer Book and her Bible, she seemed to me a living demonstration of the refusal to he content with a mere mechanism of escape from reality, which she suspected to have been made to the order of man's desires.
"The second motive for the publication of this little hook Is a desire to preserve. In a more permanent form than fugitive addresses offer, something of the personalities of a few people In various ways Identified with the early efforts at Hull House. It has seemed barely possible that assembling the records of these lifelong comrades, so diverse In their Interests and yet so united In a devotion to the newer social ethic, might freshly reveal ultimate purposes to us, the survivors, If we remember hot that they are dead but contrariwise that they have lived: that hereby the brotherly force and flow of their action and work may be carried over the gulfs of death and made Immortal in the life which they worthily had and used.' "
"Unlike one another In many ways, certainly the subjects of the tan chapters exemplify the old statement
that, though all else may be transitory in human affairs, the excellent-must become the permanent."
These statements were taken from the introduction to Jane Addams' "The Excellent Becomes the Perma-nent." The chanters are short personality sketches of a few Individu-als who have been connected with the Hull House; among them are: Jenny Dow Harvey, who founded and conducted the first kindergarten at the Hull House; Alice Kellogg Tyler, who was the first of the Chicago artists who have given their services to the Hull House; and Samuel A. Barnett, who was the founder of Toynbee Hall, and who was also the originator of the settlement method.—Bookworm.
Bring your friends to the May Fete this afternoon!
Canine Contestants Excel In Discus, Shotput, and Javelin
In Its first dual track and field meet of the season McPherson College defeated Bethel College on, the local track and field. The final score of the meet 67-64.
Some good marks were made In some of the events In spite of this meet's being held early In the season Bethel won nine firsts while the Bulldogs took but six; however the local team took enough seconds and thirds to win the meet.
Early lost the l00 yard dash to Bergen of Bethel, but came back In the 220 to win over his rival by a fairly good margin. In the discus, shot put. and Javelin McPherson ex-celed winning all three of these events and taking all three places In the shot put.
Bethel defeated the Bulldogs In the mil relay after the lead changed a few times.
120-yard high hurdles—Won by Pankratz, Bethel; second, Johnston. McPherson: third. Wiggins. McPher-son. Time: 17.8.
Mile run—Won by Landes, Beth-el: second. Reinecker, McPherson: third, Fasnacht. McPherson. Time, 4:59.2.
100-yard dash Won by Bergen, Bethel; second, Early. McPherson; third, Hayes, McPherson. Time. 10.1.
Shot put—Won by Zinn, McPher-son; second, Rock. McPherson: third. Pauls, McPherson., Distance, 40 feet, throe inches,
Polo vault—Won by Kennison. Bethel; second. Wiggins. McPher-son; tied for third, Cunningham. Behtel. Bartels, Bethel. Height 11 feet.
4 40-yard dealt—Won by Williams. McPherson; second, Pankratz, Beth-el; third, Unrau, Bethel. Time, 66.2.
Discus—Won by Zinn. McPherson, second, Rock, McPherson. third. Miller, Bethel. Distance. 120 feel. 10 1/2 Inches
880-yard run—Won by Williams. McPherson; second, Krocker, Beth-el; tied for third, Reinecker, Mc-Pherson and Pauls, McPherson. Time. 2:11.9.
220-yard low hurdles—Won by Pankratz, Bethel: second. Cunning-ham, Bethel; third. Johnston, Mc-Pherson. Time, 28 seconds,
High Jump—Won by Kennison. Bethel; tied for second and third. Williams, .McPherson. Wiggins. McPhersom. Height. 5 feet, 10 inches.
Javelin—Won by Rock. McPher-son: second. Roberts. Bethel; third. Wiggins, McPherson. Distance. 168 -foot, 4 inches.
Two-mile run Won by Landes, Bethel: second, Pole, McPherson: third. Buskirk. McPherson. Time, 11:12.1.
Broad Jump—Won by Kennison, Bethel; second, Custer. McPherson: third. Cunningham, Bethel. Distance. 20 feet, 11 inches.
220-yard dash—Won by Early, McPherson: second. Bergen. Bethel: third, Hayes, McPherson. Time, 23.2.
Mile relay—won by Bethel.
The Bulldogs won three matches and lost three matches In tennis with the Kansas Wesleyan Coyotes at Salina yesterday.
Kelly and Gottmann won their matches In the singles while the other two members of the Bulldog squad lost their singles matches.
In the doubles Gottmann and Tice won and the other doubles team lost to Wesleyan.
Kelly, McPherson. won from Springer. Wesleyan. In straight sets 6-1. 6-4. Hiatt of Kansas Wesleyan defeated Tice of McPherson In a match that went to three sets. The scores of the sets were 5-7. 6-4. 7-5.
McPherson college defeats bethel 67 to 64
Bethel Wins Nine Firsts and Bulldogs Take Only Six, but McPherson Gets Number of Seconds and Thirds
In response to a petition sent by the International Relations Club on April 26 to Senator Arthur Capper from this state. Miss Gretta Wilma, Griffis, president of the organization, has received the following letter: "I have received a petition signed by the students of McPherson protesting against the bill calling for thirty new battleships at a cost of; 230 million dollars. I am In hearty sympathy with your appeal and shall vigorously oppose any such program. I am more Interested In promoting' a disarmament program than in building more big battleships. I will be glad If you can Inform the students of my attitude in this matter.
Sincerely yours.
Arthur Capper.
International Relations Members Talk of Powerful German
And what did the Dean of the University of Tokio tell you?”
• "He told me to make myself useful as well as Oriental."—Syracuse Orange Peel.
Austin lost to Lindeman of Wesleyan In another three act match. The scores were 2-6. 6-4. 7-5. Gott mann won his match easily from Kinney In straight seta 6-2. 6-2.
In the doubles Kelly and Austin lost to Lindeman and Platt In a three act match. The scores were 6-3 2-6.
6- 3. Tice and Gottmann of McPherson won their doubles match from Kinney and Springer In straight sets
7- 6. 6-2.
Rock Wins Javelin with Throw of
172 Feet Some Races Close
Yesterday afternoon at Salina McPherson lost a dual track and field meet by a 37-94 count. The feature event for McPherson was Custer's five foot nine and a half Inch high jump which broke the McPherson College high Jump record which was established last year at 5 feet. 8 3/4 inches by Wiggins and Moore. Rock's heave of the Javelin to 172 feet. 9 Inches was another feature for the McPherson team and although It is five feet short of the present school Record which he holds It was 20 feet further than the throw of his nearest competitor. Hards. Robinson, and Boxberger were the outstanding men for the Salina team. Hards took first In the mile and two mile runs as well as the 880 yard dash. Robin-son finished first In the 100 and 220 yard dashed and won first In the broad Jump. Boxberger won In the shot put, discus and took second In the broad Jump and third In the Jav-elin. Those three men accounted for 44 points of Salina's 94 count.
While the score or his meet looks as If Salina held a tremendous ad-vantage still many of the events were very close and decisions differed even among Salina men. Fasnacht coming from behind in the close of the two mile to nab second place shows that the McPherson team is developing rapidly and should make a good showing In the pentangular meet to be hold In McPherson next Friday.
Summary of events:
High hurdles: first, Suran of Wes-leyan: second. Pummer of Wesleyan: third, C. Johnston of McPherson: time. 16.8 seconds.
Mile run: first, Hards of Wesleyan: second. Reinecker of McPherson: third, Canfield of Wesleyan; time.
4 minutes and G2 seconds.
440-yard dash: first, Kassner. Wesleyan: second. Suran, Wesleyan: third. Williams. McPherson. Time. 53 seconds.
Shot put: first Boxberger. Wesleyan; second. Zinn, McPherson; third. Rock. McPherson. Distance. 4 2 foot.
1 Inch.
100-yard dash: first. Robinson, Wesleyan: second. Sanderson. Wesleyan: third. Hayes. McPherson.
Time, 10 seconds.
High Jump: first. Caster. McPherson; second, flight. Wesleyan: third. Wiggins. McPherson. Height. 5 feet. 9 1/2 inches.
880-yard ran: first, Hards. Wesleyan; second. Williams. McPherson: third. Kassner. Wesleyan. Time. 2 minutes. 7 seconds.
Discus: first. Boxberger. Wesleyan; second. Zinn, McPherson; third. Rock. McPherson. Distance, 125 ft..
11 Inches.
220-yard dash: first. Robinson. Wesleyan; second. Sanderson. Wesleyan; third. Hayes. McPherson. Time. 22.8 seconds.
Polo vault: first Eckart. Wesleyan: Pummer and Milton of Wesley-an tied for second with Castor and Wiggins of McPherson, Height. 11 feet. 1 Inch.
Javelin: first. Rock, McPherson; second, Dyck, Wesleyan; third. Boxberger. Wesleyan. Distance. 172 feet.
2-mile run: first. Hards, Wesleyan, first; second, Fasnacht, McPherson. third, Pote. McPherson. Time, 10 minutes. 67 seconds.
Low hurdles: first, Milton of Wesleyan: second. Suran. Wesleyan: third, Early. McPherson. Time. 26.2 seconds.
Broad Jump: first. Robinson. Wesleyan; second. Boxberger. Wesleyan; third. Caster, McPherson. Distance. 20 feet. 9 1/2 Inches.
Mile relay: Won by Wesleyan— Suran. Canfield. Kassner. Robinson. Time. 3 minutes 39 seconds.
Friday. May 5th. the local college will be host to the annual Pentan-gular track and field meet. At the present time it looks as though the meet will probably be a Quadrangular because of the possibility of Kansas Wesleyan not coming. The Coyotes hare a track meet with Hays on Thursday and arc. not planning to come here on Friday.
If Kansas Wesleyan does not come here for the meet, the four schools entered will be Bethel, Bethany, Friends. and McPherson. None of these schools have exceptionally strong all-around teams, but all of them have a few outstanding men.
Probably the strongest threat for Friends Is Reynolds who runs the dashes. Bethany's strength in track hasn't been proven this year, but Hanson from last year’s team Is a good high Jumper. Bethel has two good men In Kennison and Landes. McPherson's team has been fairly well divided, but In recent meets Rock and Custer have been showing up well.
This will undoubtedly be a pretty fast meet and If the weather Is nice some good marks should be set up. The four schools in this meet seem to be very well matched and a good meet will probably be In store for McPherson sports fans.
McPherson Takes Every Set— All to Get Letters
The Bulldogs won every, tennis match against Bethel In the mutches played on the college courts last Thursday. McPherson's net men were masters over their opponents and never allowed the Mennonites to win a set. All the McPherson men won their letters against Bethel.
In the singles Gottmann won over Kicker, 6-3. 6-1. Kelly defeated Sparrow In straight sets 6-2, 7-5. Austin won over Penner by scores of 6-0, 6-1. Tice won the other singles match from Kroy with scores of 6-2,
In the doubles Kelly and Austin defeated Kry and Penner In straight sets 6-2. 6-2. Gottmann and Tice won from Kicker and Sparrow by scores of 6-1. 6-0.
The rise of Adolf Hitler to power In Germany was the topic discussed at the International Relations Club last evening.
Carol Whitcher discussed the life of Hitler. The Nazi foreign and domestic policies were explained by Marlene Dappen and Margaret Oliver.
The coming World Economic Conference will be the subject for dis-cussion at the next meeting.
Many Interesting speeches were given at the International breakfast at which the principles of Interpretation classes entertained themselves on Friday morning at 7:00 o'clock. Four tables In the home economics room were set with lovely flower centerpieces for decorations.
Milton Early represented a German Jew; Lois Edwards. Germany; Ruth Ihde. Persia; Faithe Ketter-man. Gypsy Land: Samuel Stoner. America; Ruth Hobart, Mexico: Maxine Ring. Holland; Blanch Harris, America; Agnes Bean. Russia; Elsie Lindholm, Sweden; Edith Bechtelheimer. Palestine; Hobart Hughey. Japan; Elrae Carlson. China; Dorothy Dresher, Spain; Helen Webber. France; Lola Richwine. Negro; Mary Miller. Italy; Bernice Fowler, Scotland; Glen Hammann. England; and Marjorie Barber, Egypt.
Miss Della Lehman, the Instructor acted as toastmistress.
The Y. M. C. A. held a short worship service Tuesday morning during its regular period. A group of poetical selections were road by students, 'following which Warner Nettleton sang a solo. He was accompanied at the piano by Bernice Dresher. Those who took part In the program were Carol Whitcher, Ward Williams,
Fred Nace Milton Forty. Everett Fasnacht. Chris Johansen, and Lil-burn Gottmann.
A German talking picture. "Das Lied Ist Aus” ("The Song is Over"), was presented recently at a theater In Lawrence for the benefit of Gorman students at the University of Kansas. A percentage of the, proceeds went into the German club treasury and will be used in assisting to defray expenses of productions to be put on by the club members later.
The A Capella choir of Southwestern College recently presented a series of ten concerts In Kansas and Colorado, going as far west as Denver.
Paul Whiteman, nationally known orchestra conductor, and Jack Pearl, bettter known as the Baron Munchausen will be Judges for the beauty queen contest of the 1933 Kaw, the Washburn year book.