McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas, Wednesday, apr. 26,1933



Positions Are Scarce Because of New Legislation

Although many students, sophomores and seniors In particular, are applying for teaching positions, only four so far have secured positions, Because of recent legislation positions are not available as early as in recent years.

The new law requires that the annual school board meeting be held In May Instead of April. Since schools of the state are put on a cash basis this year, the progress of teachers will be small, for many schools are waiting until July before making any reservations concerning salary.

Vera Burkholder some time ago signed contract to teach In a rural school near her home In Nebraska. Father Brown will teach home economical In the high school of Abbey-ville next year. Ruth Hobart will teach In a rural school near Fre-donia. and Ward Williams has se-cured a position near the Castleton community where he preaches.



The A Capella Choir has two programs planned for this week. Thursdays evening the group is to sing at the Windom high school. All the numbers are to be secular. The second program, a sacred one. is to be given at the Congregational Church next Sunday morning. Several other programs are being planned for the lost weeks of school.

Well, Master is over and most Bulldogs had a swell vacation. And to let you know what some of the other students did during those days we will hit the high spots or side glances of some of the vacationists!

Harry Frantz's Ford traveled westward. In It were Kelly. Pearl. Oxley. Beanie. Harry, and Dusty. The first two dropped off at Dodge-City. Zelta next clambored out, hut the last throe hit Rocky Ford, Beanie bought that post office out of cards, and also put three cent stamps on all of them. Extravagant girl, yes?

Lota of more couples traveled. We understand Una and Wilbur went to Morrill—Yoder says he went for Morrill (moral) approval!

In Hutchinson we saw Arnold Taylor floating around on Main Street with a pretty cute little gal at his side. And we understand he brought her back to school with him—only In

picture though—and not In person!

Likely as not Bob Bowman and Benchy Lichty went shopping In Sa-betha. They both Blossomed out in yellow shirts on Tuesday after vaca-tion.

Kurtz went to visit Norman Saylor. a last semester student. They went to the sunrise services and church—before they went to ned.

We really should warn Carr about leaving his girl here alone! She was seen working a jig-saw puzzle with that Edwards lad In the matron's room. Across In the parlor corner were Chet and Pote—working on Booster Banquet menus. Don't tell us Esther doesn't know how to entertain her B. F.

Maxine and Etta were seen twice at Woolworth's soda fountain Friday in Hutchinson. Really Woolsworth's have attractive "Special Sundae" signs.

John Harnly forced his way Into




Large Crowd Hears Governor Alf M. London and Other Noted Speakers—More Than 600 Present—Convention Hall Attractive in Red and White


Schwalm Expresses Appreciation of Support of Enjoyable Affair

Outstanding In every respect was the third annual McPherson College Hoosier Banquet, Friday. April 21. About six hundred people, the greatest number to attend such an affair, showed their Interest and loyally lo McPherson College by being present at this banquet at the Convention Hall.

The speakers, of which Governor Landon was the principal one, were scaled at the speakers' table an the raised platform In the north end of the hall.

Back of tills table was an artistic arrangement of evergreen and flowers. Red and white crepe paper added to the decorations, by being looped from the balcony. In each of these loops, was a college pennant.

Each table had a red basket of flowers and wus further decorated with the words, McPherson College, printed on It with candy.

The Reverend G. II. Colton of the Presbyterian Church pronounced the Invocation. The delicious banquet dinner, prepared by the ladies of the Brethren Church, was served by college students. While the guests were eating, an orchestra under the leadership of Pascal Davis, played.

Homer Ferguson of the Farmers' Alliance Insurance Company and a good friend of the college, acted as toastmaster. He spoke briefly of the loyalty of McPherson toward tbn college and how essential It was to the city to have such an educational and spiritual institution as McPherson College.

The McPherson College A Capella Choir, assembled In the balcony, sang two numbers. "My Love Dwelt In a Northern land" by Elgar and "In These Delightful Pleasant Groves" by Purcell.

Mayor E. C. Crary gave the address of welcome. The site McPherson College now occupies bad been chosen years as the location of the state capital, when McPherson had a faint hope of obtaining it. "Now," said the mayor, "we are glad we did not secure the capital, for we have an Institution on College Hill far greater than the state capital—McPherson College.”

Governor Landon was accompanied at the banquet by Mrs. Landon and Mrs. Will West, a former McPherson resident. Owing to the fact that he had an appointment with Oklahoma and Texas oil men Saturday morning, the governor had lo leave for Topeka Immediately following Ids speech so that he might obtain a much needed rest.

Landon stressed the importance of the small denominational college. He, a graduate of the University of Kansas, said that If he went to do it all over again. he would take his academic course In a small college.

He spoke of the two great problems that are confronting the nation today, the economic and social problems. He stressed the fact that It is not mass production but distribution which Is causing the present economic condition.


Has Been Instructor of Bible and Philosophy Here Since 1928


Has Taught and Preached In Many Institutions and Pulpits

The untimely death of one of the college's most beloved and respected professors came as a blow to his great host of friends and relatives. Professor J. Hugh Heckman was one of the prominent members of the faculty and In spite of his lengthy illness had been able to continue his teaching duties until six weeks ago. Professor Heckman passed away Saturday evening shortly after mid-night.

Professor Heckman has been active on the McPherson College family for the last five years save for one semester when he was compelled to rest due to ill health. He has been instructor In religion and ethics. He was born In Illinois on July 17, 1887. He became a minister of the gospel and served In several pulpits. Among them was the one at Bethany Church In Chicago, and at Fruita, Colorado, where he preached for three years. Following this he came to McPherson College as professor of Bible and Philosophy.

Professor Heckman, since 1920. has contributed a weekly page to "The Teacher's Monthly". He was also co-author of the "Second Year Teacher Training Book" and he published a book. "The Teacher’s Appreciation of the Old Testament" only last year.

The many students who have had classes under him have greatly missed him during his illness and now that he is gone a permanent loss is felt. Grace Heckman, a senior, and Paul Heckman, a freshman, are children of the deceased profes sor.

The funeral services were held this morning at ten o'clock In the Breth ren Church. Many friends attended and almost the whole college body was present, sitting In a group. The front of the church was banked with flowers as a token from his many friends who overflowed the building

This untimely death will he fell permanently by all who knew Professor Heckman.


Funeral services were held this morning at the Brethren church for our professor, endeared to the hearts of all students and faculty.


College Sponsors Event Annually—Have Contests and Banquet

The annual high school festival sponsored by McPherson College In honor of all graduating seniors will be held April 29.

Special features of the day are the music contests. tennis tournament, and banquet. The music contests are to he held In the chapel beginning at 10 a. m. in the morning and 1:30 p. m. In the afternoon. Contests will be held In violin, piano, and voice. Entrants may be made In either the adult or juvenile class. Students under thirteen will be entered In the Juvenile contest. The age limit in the adult class Is thirteen to twenty years.

The prizes for these contests In the adult class will be first prize $25 music tuition scholarship and second prize $12.50 music tuition scholar ship. Prizes in the Juvenile contest will be an $18 music tuition scholarship and second prize a $9 music tuition scholarship.

The tennis tournament Is also a special attraction, contests being  held in both singles and doubles. The banquet which is the main event of the day will be held at 6:30 o'clock. Miss McIlrath and her foods classes will have charge of the menu and preparation of the food. Decoration will be planned by Mrs. Emmert.

Dr. Bright who will be toastmaster for the evening, promises an Interesting program, two features of which will be music by the quartet and a play by the dramatic art department.

Wed.. April 26—Motion pictures In college chapel.

Thurs.. April 27—Dual track meet Bethel here.

Fri., April 28 - Annual chemistry trip to Hutchinson.

Principles of Interpretation class-' es breakfast.

Saturday. April 29 Annual High School Festival.

Mon.. May 1—College May Fete.

Tues.. May 2—Student recital.

Regular Y. M. and Y. W. meetings.

Track meet with K. Wesleyan at Salina.

Tennis match with Bethany at Lindsborg.



Hayes Defeats Bowman-Staats Wins over Oliver by Scant Margin


Lichty Will Be Cheer Leader and Wine Treasurer of Student Council

The finals of the mutual school election wore held Friday, April 21, the polls closing at noon. The students for the offices of president of the student council, treasurer of the stu-dent council, editor of the, Spectator. business manager of the Spectator, and yell king were voted upon. The primary election was held April 12. preceding which the fiery campaign speeches were given.

There has been much competition and the electioneering and enthusiasm reached a high point before the final votes were cast. For president of the student council Robert Bowman and Guy Hayes wore the candidates. Guy Hayes was elected by a majority of twenty-nine votes. the returns being 105 to 76. Ruth Hobart and Newell Wine were running for the office of treasurer of the student council, Newell Wine being elected by a vote of 124 to 55.

Margaret Oliver and Elmer Staats, seeking election to the office of editor of the Spectator, ran the closest race. Elmer Staats winning by a majority of eleven with 181 votes cast. Paul Boot was the only candidate running for business manager of the Spectator.

The students running for cheer leader were Chris Johansen and Glen Lichty, the latter winning by a majority of 142 to 34 votes.

Upon these students rests the res-ponsibility of the leadership of much of the school's activities for next year. By their previous records one will readily admit that each student Is entirely capable of filling the office for which he was elected.



Will Take Annual Trip to Hutchinson Friday

Early Friday morning the chemistry students will leave the campus for Hutchinson for their annual Inspection trip.

every year Dr. J. Willard Hershey superintends the visit at all chemistry students to the salt mines, paper mill, candy factory, flour mills, reformatory. and other points of Interest. The trip has always proved both Interesting and educational, the whole day being taken fur the tour. The Hutchinson salt mines are the largest In the world.

Those who have taken chemistry and have not made the trip before are also entitled lo go.


Group, Duet, and Solo Dancing To Be Featured in Gala Occasion

The southwest corner of the campus will be the scene of much gayety May 1 when Clarice Evans Is crowned May Queen. School will be railed off for half a day and at 2:30 the festival begins.

Members of the gym classes and some outside girls are working on elaborate dunces under the capable direction of Audrey Groves, physical (raining Instructor. Marjorie Barber has charge of the decorations and costuming and promises some lovely effects.

The program will start off with a Grecian dance with Marjorie Shank. Lois Lackey. Ruth Ihde, Grace Le-rew and Elizabeth Bowman. Following this Is a dance of the sixteenth century. In this arc Lois Edwards. Elsie Lindholm. Esther Brown. Elrae Carlson. Lola Richwine, and Leta Wine. A minuet with Alice Egbert. Verna Mae Severtson, Cleora Fulmer, LeNora Johnson. Leona Bea-hardt. Ann Heckman, Lois Fry. Rather Stegeman will come next. Then there Is the quardille In which are Pauline Stutzman. Ruth Deardorff. Margaret Hauser. Elizabeth Holzemer. Ruth Tice. Mary Jane Groves, Dorothy Matson, and Leone Shirk, Last is the polka by Gladys Riddell, Mildred Selberg. Helen Webber Ruth Christenson. Ester Pote, Laurel Fields. Margaret Schwartz, and Betty Juelfs.

The accompanists are Theda Felton. Narcella Severtson and Arlene Wampler.

Two dances, a solo and a duet will

(Continued on Page Four)

Miss Heckethorn's library three hours before a banquet at which he had to be-toastmaster! He looked for two hooks about toastmaster speeches, and Marlene Dappen had checked both out. She also had a toast to prepare for the same feed!

And we understand one Quinter lad wrote a letter to his girl, while being pestered by four sisters!

Margie Schwartz dyed eggs for her nephews in Manhattan. We wonder If she hunted them too.

Tuffy Wine and Clarence Sink looked sober and really lonesome here at the dorm. At that Tuffy thought he was going to play bridge with three - femmes — not quite though. Almost a break anyway.

And of course the usual of the unusual was that Sara would hide Gladys’ new Easter bonnet and make her delay the date to search for it. He's got his tricks—that man!

(Continued on Page Three)


Under the leadership of Edith Bechtelheimer, the program chair-man, the Y. W. C. A. In sponsoring several group discussions for the girls each Thursday morning between 10:00 and 10:30. Last Thursday, the topics discussed were "Boy and Girl Relations", “Entertaining Gentleman Friends”, and "Being at Ease In Society", Professor Replogle led the first one. Faithe Ketterman and Ada Brunk respectively started the discussions In the latter two. Many girls attended, making the discussions both Interesting and worth while.

Official Publication of McPherson College Published by Student Council, McPherson, Kansas.




Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917, at the postoffice at McPherson,

Kansas, under the act of March 3, 1807.

Subscription Rates For One School Year $1.00

Address all correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas


Editor-in-chief —.Una H. Ring Business, Manager ---------.. Marty Frantz

Associate Editor    Wilbur C. Yoder Ass't. Business Manager ------Melvin Landes

Associate Editor ----- ----- Everett Fasnacht Ass't. Business Manager-----!— Paul Bom

Sports Editor ----Wilbur C. Yoder Circulation Manager    Everett Fasnacht

Agnes Bran

Dorothy Dresher Marlene Dappen Pauline Decker Faculty Adviser

Etta Nickel Ada Heckman

Margaret Oliver

Jo Wagoner

Prof. Maurice A. Hess

Esther Brown spent the week end at her home near Hutchinson.

Esther Stegeman was an overnight guest of Ruth Tice recently.

Other groups that gave programs in various churches Sunday were the male quartet and Ann Heckman, accompanist, at Ottawa, and Gulah Hoover, Lois Edwards. Vernon Rhoades, Delvis Bradshaw, and Bernice Dresher, accompanist, who were at Sebetha with Dean F. A. Replogle.

Arnold Hall's population has Increased during the last week. Tillie Heidebrecht, Lorene Morrison, and Ruth Spilman are the new members.

Orville Pote of Halstead was visiting hid brother and sister, Lester and Esther Pole this week end.

Ruth Hobart, Margaret Oliver, and Fern Handke Dillon attended the high school music contest at Salina Friday night.

Alma Morrison, a former student of McPherson College, was visiting Pearl Walker Sunday.

Kermit Hayes, a graduate of last year, was hero Friday to attend the Booster banquet.

Mrs. Viola Heckman, mother of Ann, arrived yesterday from Rocky Ford. Colorado. Tor the funeral of her brother-in-law, Prof. J. Hugh Heckman.

I. D. Heckman and W. T. Heckman of Cerro Gordo, Illinois, are here on account of the death of their brother. Prof. J..Hugh Heckman.

Miss Della Lehman spent the week end at the home of Hope Nickel in Wichita.

Minna Heckman of Chicago, a sis-ter-in-law of our deceased professor has arrived here.

Cleo Minear was at his home in Canton over Easter vacation.

Edward- Kauffman of Windom, was in McPherson, for the Booster Banquet. He is a former student of this institution.

Prof, and Mrs. J. A. Blair spent Sunday In Darlow.

Pres. V. F. Schwalm arrived In Kansas City Saturday morning only to be called back immediately because of the death of a faculty member, Prof. J. Hugh Heckman.


Tonight in the college chapel three more educational films will be shown free to the public. They will be “The Wizardry of Wireless", "Glimpses of Greenland", and "The World at Pa-ber".

Last week "Mazda Lamp Manufac-turing" and "Seeing the Yosemite from the Saddle" were given.


REPORTERS Elmer Staats

Lola Hawkins Paul Heckman Odessa Crist


The life that was lived so bravely and conscientiously has been snuffed out. Bravely he fought the discouraging battle for physical fitness. meeting each day's tasks and dispatching them with thoroughness and efficiency. Conscientiously our beloved professor followed the footsteps of his own Perfect Teacher and Instructed his students in the same ways.

Gone the weakened body, but his Christ-like spirit will never depart from the portals of the college where his memory la held moat sacred. —A. B.


We are told that Napoleon, on the eve of Austerlitz, pitched his tent among his grenadiers and encouraged them to sing until late at night Napoleon loved his soldfers—and knew them as few leaders have over known their men. Through song, he beguiled their thoughts away from scenes of carnage so that they slept the sleep of children, untroubled by dreams of the stem happenings of the morrow.

Napoleon all but mastered the world—what part did music play?

Here Is another example. In an ancient weather-worn house in Virginia lives an old lady. Back In "sixty-four" when the armies of the Polo mae and Of Northern Virginia came to such deadly grips In this territory, she was but a slip of a girl of twenty, with a face of sunshine and a low sweet voice. Of summer evenings she was wont to sing the sweet melodies dear to the Southland. The sound of her voice floated out through the dusk to the lines of the Blue and the Gray, both so closely drawn about her home.

Often at night as she thus sat at her piano singing, men In Blue and then In Gray would leave those lines and steal near the house to catch the words of her song. Forgot was war. when her music streamed out In the night—for It seemed like a breath of heaven.

At last the wilderness sprang ablaze and the two armies clashed in one of the fiercest struggles yet fought on the Western Hemisphere. But her home was a lane of neutrality, a sanctuary, a holy of, holies amid all that wilderness of fire and destruction.

Yes. there Is magic In music.—Selected.


Everyone attending the Booster Banquet was moved by the spirit of cooperation expressed by the community to aid McPherson College. The affair represented an effort to promote Its welfare both In a financial man nor and by giving enthusiasm to those connected with the collage.

The students of McPherson College should express their appreciation to our community, net only In the financial dealings which the student has with merchants of the city, but also by giving to the college the best that he has to make McPherson College worthy of our city, Boost McPherson College by helping McPherson College Boosters.


Many and varied are the benefits derived from the weekly educational films which are shown in the chapel each Wednesday evening between 7 and 8 o’clock.

Some of the films take the spectators through the most minute processes of manufacturing add sight seeing, it has been said that the pictures are as educational as an actual trip through a cheese factory or a vacation spent In Yellowstone Park. Another result Is the broadened view of the student who attends the programs. Many of the film touch upon subjects that students do not study in regular class work, but the films are also adapted to the lines of work In which students are most interested. Such films as portray the processes of glass manufacture, weaving of textiles and the steps in orange growing both broaden the ordinary student and assist and emphasized the work of the home economics, biology, chemistry, and physics departments.

Then too. when one is counting the benefits there Is this little matter of recreation.


Andrew Carnegie used to fake great delight in tolling a fable to em-phasize the disadvantages of Inherited wealth. It concerned an old Scotch deer hound. This old hound had worked hard all his life chasing and catching deer. In his latter days he determined that his children should not be obliged to work so hard in order to live and be happy, He could not bear the thought that they should have to tire and strata themselves as he had done. So he gathered together great herds of deer and drove them into a park surrounded by a high fence. Then he conducted his puppies Inside tho enclosure, where they might eat deer at their leisure, without having to race all over the country to catch them, Having arranged his family affairs In this highly satisfactory manner, the well-meaning old deer hound laid down and died happy.

young hounds, or course, lolled Idly about the park. There was no compelling necessity for their hunting or exerting themselves In any way. and besides It was so much pleasanter to lie around in the sun. or In the shade, according to the season and sleep and dream—the monotony of their existence being varied now and then by vicious fights themselves. As a result, they ate too much meat, their muscles grow weak and flabby, they got the mange, and in a short time they all perished miserably.

One only needs to scan the newspapers to realise that Carnegie's fable is being enacted in human life almost daily. The richest heritage a man can bequeath to his children is not a huge ready-made fortune, but those qualities of heart and mind and body that will Inspire, urge and enable them to create their own fortunes. Perhaps Carnegie was right-In believing that the only way in which great wealth can prove a blessing to its owner when he himself has ceased to see It in his work, is to give it away in such a manner that the greatest number of others less fortunate may profit by it.—Selected.


Mrs. M. W. Bowers announced the engagement of her daughter Corrine  Rowers to Donald Dresher at a dinner Monday evening.

The sixteen guests were seated at 7:00 o’clock at dainty quartet tables which were decorated with roses and  lighted tapers. Little Bonnie Jean Bowers read a poem, telling them to

(look in their favors. Life savers made into the form of flower pots held the message which read. "Captured by Dan Cupid, notorious bandit. Corrine and Donald and held  without ransom". Mr. Dresher will graduate from McPherson College this spring, while Miss Bowers is a  junior.

After dinner the young people played the appropriate game of "hearts".

The guests at this pleasant dinner were Faithe Ketterman, Lola Hawkins, Dorothy Dresher, Florence Dresher, Elsie Rump, Lois Lackey, Lucille Bowers, Corrine Bowers. Milton Early, Loren Rock, Vernon Rhoades, Alex Richards, Raymond Dunkirk, Gay Hayes. Galen Ogden, and Donald Dresher.

Has Numbers of Music, Poetry, and Prone

Sunday night's Christian Endeavor program consisted of presenta-

tions of musical numbers, and poet- ical and prose readings concerning "Trees’'. Leta Wine played a piano  prelude and led the group In singing.

Lola Richwine conducted devotion-als. Ellen Steinberg and Faithe Ket-terman sung solos; and Clarice Ev-ans played a violin solo. Coriane Suter, Grace Lerew. Florence Dresher. Bernice Fowler, Carol Whitcher. and David Duncanson aided in the  program by reading prose and poet- ical selections. The program progressed without introductions be-tween numbers. The program was well given, and a large group was In attendance.

Dean R. B. Mohler took Ruth Ihde. Lois Lackey. Marjorie Shank. Edith Bechtelheimer, and Alice Hubert to the Navarre and Buckeye churches Sunday representing the school in McPherson College day.


To Give Play at Future Citizens Entertainment

Next Monday evening some students of McPherson College will participate In the first program of Fut-ture Citizens Week, when "Pink and Patches" will again be presented by members of the dramatic art department. The cast consists of Agnes Bean, Melvin Landes. Clarice Evans, and Florence Dresher.

The program Monday will be a dramatic one. while Wednesday's will be musical. Prof. Alvin Voran Is helping plan the latter program.

The Future Citizens Week Is sponsored by the Y. M. C. A. and Boy Scouts.


Harold Crist of Roxbury was here Friday and Saturday in order to visit friends on the campus and to attend the Booster Banquet.

Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Hill of Win-dom, both former college students, were hero for the Booster Banquet.

Elgin Moyer of Chicago reached McPherson yesterday to attend the J. Hugh Heckman services.

Ira Ihde, a former student here. came from Chapman to visit campus friends and to attend the Booster, Banquet.

Prof. J. A. Blair was nt Hope Nickel’s for luncheon Easter Sunday.

David Heckman of Morrill is here for the funeral of his non. J. Hugh Heckman.

Kenneth Rock, of Abilene,, was here last Friday to visit McPherson College friends and to attend the Booster Banquet.

Among those here for the Heckman funeral services is John White-neck of Chicago, a graduate of Mc-Pherson College.

Esther Brown, Leteer Lewis, and Lealand Enberg were guests of Hope Nickel's at her home In Wichita this week end.



Never Goes to Class but Knows More Than Anyone Else—Can Tell as Much as a Date Bureau

Wall, when I first started to school last fall they called me a two-seated buggy! My days at good old M. C. are soon to be at an end— about 22 days yet! I must make a confession, that though my master left me out in the cold, breezie, dewy, stormy, snowy, rainy, etc. weather I have enjoyed my stay at the grand old college.

I never go to class, but I know a plenty. In fact, I could he called a “gossiper" or else one, of those

Principles of Interpretation Claw Gives "The Last Supper”

All Impressive dramatization of Leonardo da Vinci's picture "The last supper" was presented in chapel Wednesday. April 12. Miss Lehman gave a short introduction to the picture and explained that the picture was being posed from the Interpretation of students and not da Vinci.

As the curtains parted slowly, the ruinous painting was depicted. Those taking part were Clarice Evans. Mary Miller. Lola Richwine, Martha Hursh. Maxine Ring. Margaret Oliver, Faithe Ketterman. Ada Brunk. Donald Dresher. Milton Early. Glen Hammann. Blanch Harris, and Willard Brammel.

As the picture was being posed, Charles Austin read the Scripture concerning the last supper, Pascal Davis played "O Holy City” as the curtains were drawn together. Marjorie Barber coached this Impressive production.

Previous to this, Mary Miller read "Number Six.” This told of the story of on artist who was trying to paint "The Last Supper." bat could not find a character to portray Christ or one to portray Judas.


Office of Education Sends Interesting Monographs

The library has received some very interesting monographs from the Office of Education of the Department of the interior: "Research Problems In School Finance". "Articulation of High Schools and Colleges". “Nursery Schools in the United States".

English”. “Music and Art". "Mathematics,” and "Science." The above publications will be of particular Interest to the "budding” teachers of the institution.

Another book which has been received by the library as a gift from the Near East Relief Association is

It seems as If Prof. Blair's chapel talk on “Who Should Enter the Teaching Profession" wan almost out of place, or possibly Just satirical. Front the number of positions that have been offered to students one would begin to think that no one should take up the profession.

When Bright said that a man had gone to "the happy hunting ground", Ogden was wondering later If he had died.

Even Blair himself suggests that he is fit for the absent-minded column. Friday he calmly skipped a class—oh unintentionally of course. When students greeted him with a reminding word, he was somewhat nonplussed. He says he has often been surprised to walk Into his room and find a class awaiting him.



Wayne Carr    . May 1

Gerald Meyers    May 2

guys that get In on all the news—a newspaper reporter. Well. I’m not quite one of those things yet though I am telling the news.

Remember the night of the Swede-Bulldog basketball name? Wed. I think I served my purpose for that night. Yea! The people In me seemed to set a big kick out of me! Honest-ly they blinked my eyes and made me squeak and holler so much I almost needed some cough syrup next morning.

Then do you remember back last fall when my—I mean our—college played Wichita Friends In football! Sure I was them! A loyal Bulldog, I was.

The other night three pairs—I mean three couples—were in myself when I decided to fool them—also scare 'em! I went zissssss—Bang!! Yea, a blowout! and were they mad! I'm afraid I didn’t realise that the words they said weren't In Margaret Heckethorn's Now International or Webster's or Wagnalls or Wiggles or — anyway I've heard something about a dictionary In the library.

The other day the cutest boy and girl came and sat In my front seat. I overheard the sweetest conversation. Then another guy came up and dropped himself on my running hoard or side flaps! Soon some more students congregated at my sides and I was fairly well monopolized!

One night a mess of males dominated my control—and how they controlled me! I'll say—I thought the way I went down the street my sides would never stick to the middle of me. and my wheels felt like going In all opposite directions.

The other day my stomach began to growl and I get so thirsty! Yea. I needed gas and oil! I wouldn’t mind hitting it on a now spark plug either once In a while! Anyhow I'm content with at least one gallon of gas and I traveled some more.

We have a Quilting Bee or Ladies Aid out back of the dorms every night. By "we" I mean the other cans. Fords, and buggies! Do wo tell what has happened! Really we know more about the dates than any date bureau! And how wo enjoy It! We can only talk "car language" or I might let you in on a thing or three! What—my master calls. I hope he washes my Fisher Body. I hate this Kansas mud—It's almost as bad as the master's girl friend's gum which she pastes on my upholstering or steering gear—too bad I haven't got a bed post.—Well, I guess I'll be seeing you later!


(Continued from Page One) A tribute worthy of the Democratic president was paid by the Republican governor In his speech when he said. "We are In as critical a state as this country has been In In times of war. We should stand by and support the president of the United States today as we did during the World War. I admire his courage and willingness to tackle the Job."

He prophesied that the influence of McPherson College in years to come would be beyond estimation. in closing, the governor addressed Dr. Schwalm and said. "You are fortunate In having a community to rally to your cause as this community has done.”

President V. F. Schwalm then spoke a word for the college. He expressed the Idea that the college aim Is education given under the auspices of religion. “If the denominational college is at an end, then God pity America. My humble faith is that America will come back to. the Christian college. It is time America takes stock of the direction la which It is taking. Colleges are going to pat Christian character Into practice. McPherson College will continue this practice." Dr. Schwalm said.

The college male quartet, composed of Warner Nettleton. Wayne Carr. Harvey Shank, and Chris Johansen, sang a number and responded with an encore.

W. T. Markham, state superinte-dent of schools, stated his belief in the educational system of Kansas and that the schools were determined to carry on despite the depression, Markham expressed his pleasure of the school. Its faculty, and the student body.

Professor Alvin C. Voran, head of the voice department and a graduate of McPherson College, sang two numbers.

Then Leslie Edmonds, a prominent figure in Kansas sport circles, briefly spoke of the Importance of education and religion. Edmonds commended the college upon Its athletic coach. Melvin J. Binford, who. he said teaches character along with athletics.

A few of the out-of-town guests were Introduced by the president of the college. Colonel Leon White-man. Hoisington, and Foss Farrar. Arkansas City, aides to the governor were present as well as Claude O. Conkey. stale senator, and E. A. Pinkerton, state highway commissioner. Mr. Edmonds Is also an aide.

Dr. Schwalm expressed his appreciation to the following people: Mrs. W. C. Heaston, managing the meal: Mrs. J. L. Bowman. Miss Clara Colline, and Melvin J. Binford, decorations: R. E. Mohler, publicity; M. A. Hess and J. A. Blair. hall; J. J. Yoder. ticket sale. The Prairie Garden's for the evergreens, cream from the ladies of the Monitor community, forty-five cakes from the Brethren ladies, grape fruit from Rupp Brothers. Texas, and the loud speaker from Green Electric also were given thanks.

While considered a great attainment financially, the banquet was as well a social success. The great number present showed the Interest, enthusiasm, and loyalty held by the town people, college people, alumni, friends." and students toward the college.


the “Story of Near East Relief (1915-1939)." by James L. Barton. This work is a narrative of American philanthropy, the story of the Near East Relief.


Campaign stories continue to thrive. Consider for a moment, the lassie who. In an Informal conversa-tion asked a certain male for his vole for her particular candidate. Yeah, he'd vote for said nominee if she (the campaigner) would take a date to the big banquet with him.—Sorry. she already had a date!

No siree, you can't bribe votes! Regardless, the man in the above story had already decided to vote for the said candidate.

The weather's lovely—at least one ran walk along, swinging his arms, and inhaling the fresh air—until suddenly a whiff of the refinery odor hits his nostrils—It's all over. The day Isn't nearly so grand! '

Now that all our vacations are past It Is about time for someone to begin agitation about an all school picnic.

Now Corrine and Don have gone and done It! We were almost afraid the year would pass with no romances culminating in the usual way. Now everyone is asking If Corrine will he in school next year.

We hear that the Shanks are "that way" too—already. But they haven't seen fit, yet we guess, to announce It.

Maybe It's spring—Tra! La!



Next Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock another fine arts recital will be held in the chapel of Sharp Administration Hall. As yet the programs have not been printed, but the entertainment will probably consist of seven or eight piano numbers, several voice selections, and some readings. Most of the participants In the recital will be college students.



The principles of interpretation classes under the direction of Miss Della Lehman are going to entertain themselves at a breakfast on Friday morning nt 7 o'clock In the home economics room. The meal will he prepared and served by Ada Brunk and Esther Pole.

Each student Is to represent some country, and will give an after-breakfast speech suggestive of that nation. There will be present a Spanish seniorities, a French miss, an Englishman, a Chinky Chinamen, a dago, a Russian peasant, a German Jew. a traveler from Palestine and many others.

Miss Lehman experts the students to develop poise In after dinner speaking from this amateur practice.

be special features of the fete. Betty Owens a young dancer from town will give the sole, and Dorothy Bonham and Pauline Decker will give clever taps.

A great deal of time and effort have been spent on making this a successful occasion and much credit Is reflected upon Miss Groves and her students. A large crowd is expected to witness the dances and the crowning at the May queen. The public is cordially invited.


He was the featured speaker at the Booster Banquet Friday night.


Foods Class Will Entertain Guests Tomorrow

The foods class will entertain nt a buffet luncheon at 3:30 Thursday afternoon. Each girl Is privileged to invite one guest. Mothers, faculty women, wives of faculty members, and others will be on the guest list. The luncheon will be served In the home economics department.

Dorothy Fearey, Phyllis Barngrover. Genevieve Crist, and Faithe Ket-terman will be in charge of the decorations, and Elaine Beard and Marlene Dappen will plan the menu. Grace Lerew, Esther Pole. Elizabeth and Jo Wagoner, Elrae Carlson, and Mabel Stryker will take care of other details of the afternoon.

I had planned on “doing" Europe and the Mediterranean this summer, hut after a careful scrutiny of my purse I found that I lacked about seven hundred and sixteen dollars of having the necessary seven hundred and seventeen dollars that the travel bureau demanded. That was three weeks ago nod now I don't even have the one spot.

I'm rather glad I changed my mind though, it set me to looking about our campus and I find that I've seen some things that were no doubt just as good as I would have seen abroad and I didn't have to pay, for It either.

One thing I've wanted to see (and also her) is one of these animals called Romeo. After my disappointment in not getting to go where they really lived I made a careful search through both encyclopedias, three unabridged dictionaries, and Shakes-peare's "Love's Labor Lost." From these I gained a set of rules and characteristics by which to recognise The Romeo species of lady-killer and after a careful reconaissance of the campus found my Ideal In "Tuffy" (Wine Women and Song)

Being a member of the weaker sex I have always admired strong men and so I felt that If I could get out into the world and really discover one for my very own I might possibly find one In our own school. Accordingly I procured the measurements of this year's Olympic cham-pion and you may imagine how surprised and delighted I was to discover that Willard Brammel fitted Into them Just like they had been his own. Oh. how I should like to lay my curly head on his manly breastbone.

I've always wanted to go to dear Old England too, but after that Thespian play I really think I could he satisfied with either Freddie or Donnie. Just Imagine the cold chills that would chase each other over my vertebrae Joints If either of those chappies should grab me like they grabbed 'em the other night. I wouldn't be half as particular as those girls were either. You know I didn't sleep nearly all night for thinking about those two boys. J was especially afraid Freddie would be sick from eating so much. I know the best cure for stomach ache too.

Then there's Germany. From the time I was a teeny-weeny little girl I always did think I'd like to go there. I changed my mind though after Teuton made his oration In the dining hall. I'd rather stay here and listen to him. My heart Just turns over and climbs way up high In my throat when that little Dutcher comes around. I'm going to fall In love with him some day. Won't he be surprised?

I’ve got to go to bed now 'cause matron says it's about ten thirty, but I'll tell you more about what I discovered when the lights come back on.

Wasted Energy

Cop: "Madam, didn’t you see me bold up my hand?"

Lady Driver: "I did not."

Cop: "Didn't you bear me blow my whistle?”    

Lady Driver: "I didn't."    

Cop: "Well. I guess I might as well go home. I don't seem to be doing much good here."—Exchange.


Coach Binford Divides His Track Men as Evenly as Possible Into Two Teams with Rock and Zinn as Captains

with this year's track team. Most of his men are Inexperienced, but they have been Improving steadily until now he has a pretty Rood track team.


Choose Next Year’s Student Council Representative


Soft Track and Field Makes 'Record Slow—Early Scores 3 Firsts

Last week the Juniors and seniors defeated the freshman and sopho-mores in a dual track track on the college track. Coach Binford had Heckman and Wiggins act as cap-tains for the underclassman and the upperclassmen were led by Hayes and Williams.

The track wax extremely slow due in the heavy rains. It was so soft that the 220 and low hurdles were cut short twenty yards to avoid the mud at the north end. The upperclassmen won the meet scoring sev-enty-five points while the underclass-men scored fifty-one points. No very good marks were made but the meet was interesting.

Early scored firsts In the 100, 220, and low hurdles, making a total of

The W. A. A. election for student council representative and sports managers was held Monday evening at the regular W. A. A. meeting. For student' council representative Lois Edwards defeated Marlene Dappen.

For soccer manager LeNora Johnson won over Martha Andes; In volleyball Alice Egbert nosed out Arlene Wampler: Verna Mae Severtson will have charge of baseball instead of Ruth Ihde; for basketball Ruth Tice downed Dorothy Bonham; Lola Hawkins defeated Ruth Hobart for the position of tennis manager; the supervisor of health points will be grace Lerew, who won over Maxine Ring; Ruth Deardorff will be hiking manager Instead of Lola Richwine. Those managers will take office next year.

The club voted to pay half of the expense of pins for the two girls who will receive them this year. Genevieve Crist and Elsie Rump have earned the required number of points for this honor.


Former, McPherson College Professor Is Authority

A book on meteorites. "Our Stone-Pelted Planet.," written by Prof. H. H. Nininger, former science Instructor at McPherson College, has re-cently been Issued by the publishing company and is now being put Into circulation.

professor Nininger's many years of concentrated work has made him one of the world's leading authorities on meteorites. At this time the former McPherson College professor is curator of meteorites at the Denver museum.

His study of meteors has given him a curious view of the immensity of the universe. He says In hs book that If a map of the known universe, calculated after a study of meteors and light, were made the also of a city block that not only the earth would not show but that a dot the size of an ordinary news print period would be 50.000 times too large to represent the solar system.

Meteorites carry a good deal of Interesting Information, he explains in his book. The author estimates that there have been about 45.000 falls of meteorites since the Tertiary period, the number of stones per fall averaging 277. Only once, In Constantinople, did a heavy fall damage property In a largo city. the chance against meteoric damage In cities is many thousands to one.


Tells Requisites of Those Entering Profession

"Who Should Enter the Teaching Profession" was the subject of Prof, J. A. Blair's clover chapel speech Wednesday. April 19.

The requisites for the profession Include good health, a well-modulated voire, an Intelligent command of English,' a good face and countenance, tact, child-mindedness and un-derstanding, reputation, responsibility.

If one Is to be a teacher, be should bo proud of his profession and should defend It. He should take part in the community's activities.

Professor M. A. Hess gave the Introduction to the short talk made by Doan F. A. Replogle concerning the Booster Banquet, and then Hess add-ed a post-script to the speech.

REDS 68. WHITES 63    

Several Good Marks Made—Rock Beats Own Conference Javelin Record

Monday afternoon Coach Binford divided the track men Into teams and had a dual meet between the two. Rock captained the Reds and Zinn was the captain for the Whites. The two teams were very evenly divided with the Reds scoring 68 points as against 63 for the Whites.

Home good marks were made In this meet which makes prospects look better for this year's track team. Coach Binford has developed his team until now he has a well balanced track team.

Rock Broke his own conference record In the Javelin by more than two feet In this meet. Custer, the diminutive freshman. tied the school record In the high Jump when he cleared the bar at 5 feet. 8 3/4 Inches. Early was clocked at 10 seconds flat In the hundred with Hayes crowding him at the finish.


High hurdles: Johnston, Whites, first: Weddles. Reds, second: Wiggins. Reds, third. Time 18.5 seconds.

100-yard dash: Early. Reds, first: Hayes, Whites. second; Zinn. Whites, third. Time, 10 flat.

Mile run: Reinecker. Whites. first: Fasnacht. Reds, second: Brammel, Reds, third. Time, 5 minutes. 7.9 seconds.

440-yard dash: Hayes, Whites, first; Williams. Reds, second: H. Johnston. Reds, third. Time 56.6 seconds.

Polo vault: Wiggins. Reds, first: Custer. Whites. second: Kraus. Whites, third. Height, 10 feet. 1 Inch.

Shot put: Zinn, Whites first: Rock. Reds, second; Pauls. Whites, third. Distance, 39 feet. 11 1/4 inches.

11 Itch Jump: Custer. Whites, first; Williams. Reds, second; Wiggins. Reds. third. Height. 5 feet. 8 3/4 Inches.

320-yard dash: Early. Reds, first: Hayes. Whites, second: sink. Reds, third. Time. 23.8 seconds.

Discus: Zinn, Whites. first; Rock. Reds, second: Jamison. Whites, third. Distance 125 feet, 10 Inches.

880-yard run: Williams. Reds, first Pauls. Whites, second: Reinecker, Whites, third. Time, 2 minutes. 14 seconds.

Javelin: Rock. Reds, first: Wiggins. Reds. second: Zinn. Whites. third. Distance. 176 feet, 6 inches.

Low hurdles: Early. Reds, first; Johnston, Whites, second: Weddle. Reds, third. Time 28. 5 seconds.

2-mile run: Pote. Reds. first Bus-kirk. Whites. second: Fashnacht. Reds, third. Time. 11 minutes. 23.5 seconds.

Broad Jump: Williams. Reds, first; Custer. Whites, second; Zinn. Whites, third. Distance 20 feel, 6 3/4 inches.

440-yard relay: Whites (Zinn, Custer, Kraus. Hayes).

fifteen points for the upperclassmen.


High hurdles: Weddle, first; Wig-gins. second; Heckman. third. Time.


100-yard dash: Early. first: Hayes, second: Zinn. third. Time. 10.4."

Mile run: Reinecker, first; Fasnacht. second; Brammel, third. Time. 5:26.8.    

440-yard dash: Hayes. first; Williams. second: Johnston. third. Time. G2.3.

Pole value: Wiggins, first; Custer, second; Kraus. third. Height, 10


Shot put: Zinn, first; Pauls, second; Rock, third. Distance. 37 ft., 6 In.

High Jump: Custer, first: Williams. second: Wiggins, third. Height

5 ft.. 8 1/2 & in.

220-yard dash: Early. first; Hayes. second; Sink, third. Time, 22.5.

Discus: Zinn, first; Rock, second; Jamison, third. Distance. 120 feet.

880-yard run: Williams, first: Pauls. second; Reinecker, third. Time. 2:19.8.

Javelin: Rock, first: Wiggins, second; Inn. third. Distance. 154 feet.

Low hurdles: Early. first; Johnston. second; Weddle, third. Time,


Two-mile run: Buskirk, first; Pole, second; Heckman, third. Time. 11:57.5.

Broad Jump: Zinn. first; Custer. second; Williams, third. Distance, 19 feet. 4 Inches.


Defeats Tice in Final Game of Tennis

Delbert Kelly, senior and a letter-man from last year's tennis team, won the school tennis tournament by defeating Raymond Tice in the finals. The scores of the nets played In the final match were 6-3, 0-6, 6-2.

Kelly won the right to play in the finals by winning over Bob Bowman In straight sets 6-1, 6-3.


Bethel Comes Here and McPherson Goes to Salina Tuesday


Tennis Men Play Swedes and Bethel —Cancel Bethany-McPherson Track Meet

Tomorrow afternoon the Bethel College track and field team will be In McPherson to engage In a dual meet with the Bulldog tracksters.

In recent years the Bulldogs have usually won over Bethel In track, but It seems as though the Bethel team Is stronger this year than In years past. Also Bethel has the advantage In that they have already competed In two meets. They lost a dual meet to Wichita University and won In a dual meet with the Hutchinson Jun-ior College. Kennison Is probably the biggest threat on the Bethel team. He does several events well, but bis specialties are in the Jumps and pole vault. Landes Is a star distance man on the Bethel team. Beth cl's tennis team will also play the Bulldog racqueteers tomorrow after-noon.

Next Tuesday the Bulldog track team will go to Kailua for a dual meet with Kansas Wesleyan. The Coyotes appear to have one of the stronger teams In the conference this year Including several stars and a well balanced team In general. The tennis team will play the Swede ten. his team at Lindsborg next Tuesday. but the track meet with, the Swedes has been canceled.

On Friday, May 5, the annual pentangular track and field meet will be held In McPherson. The schools

in this meet will be Kansas Wesley-an. Friends. Bethel. Bethany, and McPherson.

Coach Binford Is doing great work

or this bill would only bring temporary relief and In passing It Congress was admitting defeat and Is sidestepping the issue.

He gave as an example the condition of Germany after the inflation of Its currency during the World War. Also he said there was no need for Inflation because the wheat price was advancing normally. The passage of this bill, according to Professor Bohling, would not solve the present difficulty.



McPherson Places Fourth In State Meet—Very Close Race

McPherson college day IN BRETHREN CHURCHES

Sermons and music adapted to the theme, "The Need and Value of Christian Education’' were presented In the Brethren churches last Sunday, April 23, to aid McPherson College.

The churches stressed Christian Education In their programs and McPherson College was given a prominent place In the services.

Such a program was doomed helpful in numerous ways. It places before prospective students the value of McPherson College as a Christian institution. Because of the large area represented by McPherson College this program was thought to be a cooperating factor.

A collection was taken for the college on this day.


Play?" and Everett Fasnacht spoke on "How Far do Jesus' Teaching* Affect our Speech and Acts?"

Carol Whitcher led devotionals Y. M. President Lester Pole announced the approaching Y. M. training conference to he held at Wichita Saturday and Sunday. May 6 and 7. All fellows interested In Y. M. work are urged to attend.

It Might Be Worse A writer states: "Billiards require the greatest finesse and most expert touch of any human endeavor."

The writer, obviously, hasn't tried to borrow money from a bank lately.

—Santa Fe.



Gives Chapel Speech on Present Situation

Professor Earl Bohling, head of the commerce department, gave an Interesting talk during the chapel hour Monday. April 24. on the Inflation of currency.

In speaking of the proposed plan to Inflate the currency he gave the four points of the proposed bill now before Congress. He said the passage

"How Far do Jesus‘ Teachings Affect our Conduct?" This question was discussed In the weekly Y. M. C. A. meeting Tuesday morning.

Paul Boot spoke on "How Far do Jesus' Teachings Affect our Attitudes and Motives?” Dave Duncanson talked on "How Far do Jesus' Teachings Affect our Work and

In the state oratorical contest held at McPherson College. April 12. Ray Guy of Bethel College took first place and won the prize of fifty dollars.

Southwestern placed second and Marymount College of Salina third. The prizes for second and third places were thirty and twenty dollars respectively.

Prof. M. A. Hess announces that the contest was very close. There, was a tie for first and second and for the second and third with only one point margin between first and fourth.

The entrants In this contest with their orations were Carl Hagan of South western College. "We Talk Peace and Prepare for War;" Ward Williams of McPherson College. "Nationalism;" Ray Guy of Bethel College. "Mars or God:" Margaret Geiss of Marymount College. "America's Hour;" Bernard Braun of Friends University. "The Idea of Peace;" and Elmer Snell of Sterling College, "Neighbors."

Prof. J. A. Blair presided at the contest. Ronald Vetter gave a piano solo while the Judges were making their decisions.

This was the tenth annual contest on peace.