McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas, Wednesday, apr. 12, 1933




Sophomores Get Second by Winning One Point More Than Freshmen—Seniors Take Ten Firsts Out of Fourteen Events


Rock. Early. and Zinn Are Next Highest— All Are Seniors

The seniors won the Interclass track and field meet last Thursday and Friday by running up a total of 75 1/3 points. The sophomores barely nosed out the freshmen by one point earning 34 3/4 points to 33 points for the other underclass. The Junior class was last with 10 points.

In the fourteen events-of the meet the seniors took 10 firsts and tied for first In another event. The sophomores won two firsts and tied for another while the freshmen won one and tied for another. The tie was a three way one Including these three classes. The Junior class was unable to ring a first or second.

Williams. Rock. Early. and Zinn. all seniors, were the high point men of the meet, scoring 20 1/3 19. 18 and 15 points respectively. Wiggins, sophomore, was next high point man with 14 points while Chet Johnston led the freshman class by a total of 9 3/4 points. Hayes scored half of the points earned by his class, five points.

The high hurdles, two mile run. pole vault. 220-yard dash, shot put. high Jump and half mile run were the events of the first day of the meet. At the close of this day the seniors were lending with 31 points, the sophomores were second with 54 points, the freshmen were third with 17. and the Juniors had 4 points. On Friday the seniors pulled away and the freshmen closed up the gap between than and the sophomore class, their old rivals. At least the sophomores have partly avenged the 13-7 football defeat handed them by the underclassmen last fall.

Summary of events:


High hurdles: Rock, senior, first: Wiggins, sophomore, second: C.




Ihde, Hobart, an Bean Show How Speeches Should Be Given

Three members of Miss Lehman's; principles of Interpretation class spoke In chapel Friday. April 7.

Ruth Ihde based her speech on a quotation from Shelley's "Ode to the West Wind”—"If winter comes can spring be far behind?"

Having heard chapel speeches on "Where Do You Live?" and How Do You Live?" Ruth Hobart took another viewpoint and spoke Interestingly on "Why Do You Live?” o

Agnes Bean very cleverly expounded her theory of usefulness.

These were sample speeches that the class had given and they proved very beneficial and Inspirational to the faculty and students.


The three South American disputes were the topics discussed in the International Relations Club In its meeting last evening.

The speakers were Maxine Ring, Alex Richards, and Lester Pote.

It was decided at this meeting that the International Club would send a  protest to our representatives in Congress against the proposed increases in naval building.

The rise of Hitler to power in Ger-

Imany will be the discussion at the next session on April 25.

Election of officers for the W. A. A. was held Monday night at a meet-ing of the organization. Those heading the club for the coming year are Elizabeth Bowman, president: Esther Stegeman, vice president; Bather Pole, secretary; and Martha Hursh. treasurer.

It was decided to send eleven representatives to the Play Day at Kansas Wesleyan. April 2l. These will be chosen from among volunteers.

Maxine Ring and Dorothy Bonham took the pledge and wore admitted into the club.

Sunday was a full day for the Mc-Pherson College A Capella choir. Shortly after 2:30 p. m.. the singers began to collect at KFBI radio station for the broadcast which was to begin at 3:00 o'clock. All those who listened report that an unusually good program was given. The program was opened by the humming of the “Theme Song" and was as follows:    

"My Love Dwelt In a Northern Land"-- Elgar

Piano Solo—Gulah Hoover Two trio numbers "How Sweet the Moonlight Sleeps" —Failing

"A June Moon rise"—Lamarter Talk—Dean Replogle Two Quartette numbers "Tenebyae Factae Sunt" -Palestrina

"Listen to the Lambs” - Dett Piano Solo—Miss Lingenfelter "In These Delightful Pleasant Groves"—Purcell

Cornel Solo—Pascal Davis

"When Icicles Hang by the Wall” —-Brooks

The singing of the College Song ended the broadcast.

During the rest of the afternoon, the choir gradually gathered at the Brown Memorial Home, where, lat-


held in McPherson college chapel tonight

Six Orators Will Compete for State Championship — Ward Williams to Represent McPherson College

The tenth annual peace oratorical contest will be held In the college chapel this evening at eight o'clock. Six orators will compete for the state championship.

The contestants In the contest this levelling are Ward Williams. ‘‘Nationalism": John Hagan of Southwestern College, "We Talk Peace and Prepare for War"; Ray Guy of Beth-el College. "Mars or God": Elmer Snell of Sterling College on “Neigh-bors“; Margaret Geiss of Marymount 'College (Salina ) "America's Hour"; and Bernhard Braun of Friend's University on "The Idea of Peace".

Prof. J. A. Blair has been chosen as the presiding officer of the contest. At the close of the program and while the Judges are making  their decisions Ronald Vetter will  play a piano solo.

No admission will be charged. The public Is invited.

(Continued on Page four)


Connecticut Man Speaks in Monday’s Chapel

Dr. Willard Uphaus from Now Haven. Connecticut, who was on the college campus Monday and Tuesday, spoke during the chapel period Monday. He was brought here by the Y. M. C. A. and while here spoke In several of the classes.

His speech was based on the theme of being at home In the world. He said that the old world is dying and we are now looking toward a new one. One's at-homeness In this new world will depend upon one's general nature—Its daring and courage.

There are four things necessary to accomplish this. An awareness of the new world's problems, a sense of harmony and unity In our lives, and complete abandonment to the solution of Its problems are Indeed necessary. but these without a sense of empowerment through fellowship with God are Incomplete.


Friends Recommend Him for State High School Inspector

Prof. J. A. Blair. Instructor of Psychology and Education, has been recommended and endorsed for appointment to the position of state high school inspector. Friends of Prof. Blair feel that he is exceptionally well qualified for this position, and that If he secures the appointment. he will servce very capably the educational interest of the state of Kansas.

Prof. Blair has served more than a dozen years on the faculty of McPherson College. He has transformed his department into a very popular and efficient teacher-training school.


Dramatic Art Department to Exchange Personalities

The dramatic art department. Including two principles of Interpretation classes and the advanced dramatic art class, are planning to hold a "mirror" party next Tuesday evening. The classes have drawn names, and for the whole evening each student will dress, act, and talk like the person whose name he has drawn.

Miss Lehman believes that much can be gained by being another person and seeing oneself as others see him.


Campaigners Tell in Chapel of Good Points of Candidate*

The cniupnlgn of the student elections got a real start at the ballyhoo chapel. Thursday. April 6.

Each candidate had a campaign manager who stressed at great length (a minute and a half) the good qualities of his candidate. These talks were all clever ones, and brought out some hitherto unknown furls about the various candidates.

For the position of president of the Student Council. Orval Eddy spoke for Robert Bowman. Vernon Rhoades for Guy Hays, and Bernard Suttle for Blanch Harris.

Two girls. Esther Brown and Gladys Riddell veiled the qualities of their candidates, Ruth Hobart and Newell Wine.

Sam Stoner's candidate for yell king was none other than Mr. Glen Lichty. Benchy led the group In a yell and a song.

The virtues of the candidates for the position of editor of the Spectator were presented next. Blanch Harris spoke for Royal Frantz. Una Ring for Margaret Oliver, and Lilburn Gottmann for Elmer Staats.

Clarence Sink didn't have such a hard time convincing the audience to voto for his candidate. Paul Booz, for business manager of the Spectator, since Paul Is unopposed.

Amid an oratorical display, Paul Heckman presented Ernest Sweet-land, us a candidate for yell king. Ernest then led In two yells.

Mike Stucky had charge of the chapel services: George Zinn wielded the paddle when a speaker Insisted on talking over his allotted time, and Donald Dresher acted as timekeeper.


Intend to Dig It Up in 1943 at Their Class Reunion

Every year the seniors graduate, plant trees and ivy. and In general finish their four happy years of college. Last Wednesday, however, the seniors after chapel continued to uphold a new custom which was originated by last year's graduating class.

In one bottle the seniors have sealed a scroll history of their four years college life telling of such high points as the Junior sneak, the freshman caps and belt lines, and class victories in debate, oratory, and music. Also In this bottle the class roll was enclosed with a current Issue of the Spectator. This bottle containing a summary of college memories of the Class of 1932 was solemnly burled last Wednesday in the northeast corner of the campus. In ten years at the annual class reunion. In l943 the senior class will again go to the northeast corner of tho cam-pas and redig this earthy, old bottle with its summary of four years spent In McPherson College.

Wed.. Apr. 12—State oratorical contest here In college chapel at 8:00 p. m.

Motion pictures In college chapel, at 6:45 p. m.

Thurs.. Apr. 13 -- Easter vacation begins at 4:30.

Track meet between upper and lower classmen.

Tues April 18 Resume class work.

Dramatic art department mirror party.

Fri.. Apr. 21—McPherson College Booster Banquet.

W. A. A. Play Day at Kansas Wesleyan, Salina.

Sat.. Apr. 22—Annual Kansas Re-lays at Lawrence, Kansas.


Students and Faculty Vote for One Hundred Per Cent Cent Attendance


Expert Kale Downtown to Go Over In Fine Fashion

The ticket sale of McPherson Col-. lege Booster Banquet which Is to In-held a week from Friday on April 21 got off to a good start Monday morning when the sale started among faculty and students.

In chapel last Wednesday the students and faculty voted for a hundred per cent attendance and for paid admission by all.

Outsiders are supporting the banquet in a surprising manner. Reser-vations from alumni and friends are already being received. So far the ticket sale is going fully as well as and possibly better.

Ticket sales downtown will start next Monday, and it is expected that a large number of friends of the college will attend. In former years the town people have cooperated In a splendid fashion, and it Is expected that they will repent It again this year.

It is expected that home church organizations in the territory will send money for the banquet. This has been done in former years and It is hoped that It will be continued.

Governor Alf M. Landon. who has been secured as the main speaker Is an attraction that will Interest many. State Superintendent of Schools W. T. Markham and Pres. Ernest Pihi-hlad of Bethany will also speak. Music will be furnished by the A Capella choir and the college male quartet.


W. A. A. Holds Election of Officers for Coming Year


Upperclassmen Speak and Give Musical Protram

Last Wednesday the seniors celebrated Arbor Day In the morning chapel exercise. Dorothy Dresher gave In a concise manner the history of Arbor Day and Its relation to the McPherson College tradition of planting trees and ivy for the beautifica-tion of the campus. Arbor Day. Miss Dresher pointed out. Is purely American In origin. April lining the most common month for Its celebration.

Lilburn Gottmann in a short talk spoke about McPherson College traditions. Among the school traditions which he mentioned were those connected with the freshman-caps, the paddle line, the annual Y. W. C. A. and Y. M. C. A. watermelon feed, the rivalry between the Bulldogs and Swedes, the famous Bulldog rally, sportsmanship and fair play, examinations, graduation rituals, and finally the college Arbor Day tradition In which the seniors always plant some bit of shrubbery or tree as a memorial to their days In college.

Two cornet solos were played by Mrs. Ruth Nigh, and two poems suitable for on Arbor Day celebration were read by Genevieve Crist.

The program was concluded when Vernon Rhoades In behalf of the senior class presented to the college two pin oak trees which were planted east of Harnly Hall and four Pfitzer Juniper shrubs, two of which were planted on each aide of the entrance to Sharp Hall.




Public Is Invited With No Admission Charge



Moving Pictures Given Every Wednesday Well Attended

• The movies, which have been spoil-sored by different departments of the college, have been well attended. These pictures have been given every Wednesday evening for some time and are greatly enjoyed by those attending us well as being Instructive.

Those given Inst week were "The Golden Gift", "The Conquest of the Forest", and "New Ways for Old". Tonight In the college chapel at 7:00 o'clock three more movies will be presented. "Our Daily Bread". "The Conquest of the Cascades", and "Fifty Years of Telephone History". These promise to be most Interesting and a large crowd Is expected.


Speaks in Chapels and in Classes and Private Conferences

Dr. Willard Uphaus, the nationally-known young people's leader and religions education research director, made a number of contacts with students and faculty or McPherson College besides those formed In the chapel and Joint Y. M.-Y. W.

A. meetings. Dr. Uphaus was busy constantly, from his arrival In McPherson Sunday night, until his departure Tuesday night, lecturing.

holding private conferences, explain-ing his researches, and Inspiring Mc-Phersob College students to launch out on broader Christian principles of living.

Monday at 10:30 A. M. Dr. Uphaus spoke on "The Effect of the Machine Age upon Human Personality." In this lecture he explained the limitations put upon growth of personality In the modern factory. At 11:30, he spoke on “Our Philosophy of Rugged Individualism." At six-thirty Monday evening he met with the Y. M. C. A. cabinet and their sponsor, and outlined In brief and concrete words his suggestions for the improvement of the local Y. M. C. A. program.

Tuesday morning at 8:00. Dr. Up-haus spoke III Philosophy of Religion class, on "The Challenge of the Pres-ent Economic Crisis to the Church." At 9:00 he reported on extensive surveys and researches dealing with "The Influence of our Homes and Communities upon the Social Ideals of Children."

He spoke In the Y. W. room at 3:30 Tuesday afternoon, on "Re-or-ganization of the College Curriculum." In this talk he stressed the opportunities offered college groups to study social and Industrial situations first hand. He reported on some researches In Education, and led an open forum on educational methods, at this last meeting.

Official Publication of McPherson College Published by Student Council. McPherson. Kansas.




Entered as seco    class matter November 20 1917, at the postoffice at McPherson.

under the act of March 3. 1897.

Subscription Rates One School Year $1.00

Address all correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson Kansas.


Editor-in-chief . _ Una H. Ring Business Manager_______ Harry Frantz

Associate Editor . .    Wilbur C. Yoder Ass't Business Manager    Melvin Landes

Editor - -. .. Everett Fasnacht Ass't. Business Manager ___________ Paul Booz

Editor-----Wilbur C. Yoder Circulation    Everett Fasnacht

Agnes Bean Dorothy Dresher Marlene Dappen Pauline Decker

Faculty Adviser

REPORTERS Elmer Staats Lois Hawkins Paul Heckman Odessa Crist

Ella Nickel Ann Heckman Margaret Oliver Jo Wagoner Prof. Maurice A.


The Y. W. cabinet has fixed up a special lunch room for the girls who eat their lunch In the Y. W. room. This room is very cozy. but It is rather small for the number of girls who are usually there. The girls are willing to cooperate with the cabinet In keeping the room clean, but they ask that other girls using the room during the day and evening and scattering gum and candy bar wrappers further cooperate with the cabinet.—Those Who firing Their Lunch.


Such organizations on a campus as McPherson College has. are bene-ficial to everyone concerned. The Y. M. C. A. has recently proved helpful to students and teachers alike In securing Dr. Willard Uphaus as a guest speaker. He has proved Interesting and Inspirational to his many hearers, Dr. Uphaus had charge of several classes and from the comments of many students his talks proved more Instructive that many discussion classes often are. Dr. Uphaus proved his broad general knowledge by being able to talk fluently upon many social, religions and economic problematic conditions which exist today. Perhaps one thing that has endeared him to many while making his stay In McPherson Is his likeness and similarity in speech to the college dean of men.

The Y. W. C. A. made a wise selection several weeks ago In having Miss Chalcea White of Southwestern College as a speaker. Many binding and lasting friendships were formed during her few days’ stay.

Last year many well-known men and women were presented on the campus by these two organisations.

This is only one phase of the many branches of work which organizations such as our Christian clubs afford for students.—M. O.


Most of our educational Institutions are tainted with nationalism, They are guided by national traditions and Ideals. Although they may profess international viewpoints and pence their outlook Is nevertheless limited.

From Geneva, Switzerland, the home of n hundred international Insti-tutions comes a ray of hope. News comes that the proposed International Theological Seminar will open this summer. With a city where nearly all of the International government of the world Is located, this school has great possibilities. There will be a new impulse for comparative religious study. An international faculty will tench subjects from all nations. The ' school will collaborate with the Institute of International Affairs already established to tench law, politics and economics.

There Is a great need for any Institution having as Its purpose Inter-national harmony and cooperation.


"Thyse byeth the tuelf articles of the cristene byleue, that ech man cristen ssel yleue stedeuestliche, uor otherlaker he ne may he ybor-e.  huanne he heth wyt and scele.”

No—the paragraph you Have Just stumbled through, very much mys-' titled perhaps, is not Scandinavian. Polish. Singalese. nor Indeed any other foreign tongue. When It was written (in the year of Our Lord, 1340) it was very good English, of the Kentish variety, and says:

"These are the twelve articles of the Christian belief, that each Christian man shall believe steadfastly, for otherwise he cannot be saved when be hath understanding and reason."

When we reflect on what the Introduction of printing has done for

•    the world, we generally think only of Its educational, commercial and social achievements. Yet. had printing not been Invented. English-speaking

•    people today would perhaps have as much difficulty In understanding each other's speech and writing as yon doubtless experienced In trying to com-

: prehend the words In the opening paragraph above.

Early in the fifteenth century the language of England had become such a Babel of dialects that the people, as a whole, could scarcely understand one another. Nothing but the advent of printing could have rescued the confused dialects from crumbling Into a Jargon of patois.

With the printing-press came scholarly printers, who proceeded with great patience to bring to one standard form the multitude of spellings and eccentricities of grammar which filled the manuscripts submitted to them. Some Idea of the difficulties that beset those early printers, and of the curious jargon from which our language has evolved, may be gleaned from the following specimen. It is part of a preface by the printer. Caxton, to Virgil's Eneydos. published In 1490:

"Fayn wolde I satysfy every man; and so to doo, toke and olde boke and redde therein: and certaynly the englysshe was so rude and brood 'that I conde not wele understande it. Our language now used varyeth ferre from that whiche was used whan I was borne. And also my lorde abbot of Westminster tied do shewn to me late certayn euydeneee wryton In olde englysshe for to reduce in to our englysshe now use. And certaynly it was  wretoh In suche wyse that It was more lyke to dutche than englysshe; I  coude not rednee no brynge It to be vnderstonden.”—Selected.




Modena Kauffman is recovering from an attack of the flu which has kept her from her classes since Friday. April 7.

George Lerew of Portis, Kansas. came Friday to visit his sister Grace. He graduated from here last year. They will go home for the Easter holidays.

Miss Jessie Brown. Vernon Rhoades. Myreta Hammann. Cleora Follmer. and Narcella Severtson attended the concert by Lawrence Tib-bett Friday.

Dr. and Mrs. Bright left yesterday morning for Rochester. Minnesota. With them went Orval Eddy. David Duncanson, and Warner Nettlelon to spend Easter In their homes.

Marlene Dappen spent Saturday night with Ruth Hobart at Arnold Hall.

Grace Lerew, Lola Hawkins, Charles Austin. Loren Rock, Edna Bengston, and Lester Pole were In Wichita Friday night to hear Lawrence Tibbett.

should go out a vitalized. socialized, social engineer. Dr. Uphaus concluded.


Because of Easter vacation on Friday and Monday there will be no Spectator issued next week.

Since so many of both the editorial and business staffs will be gone, and news will probably be scarce. It Is felt that an Issue would be impractical.

Uphaus Talks at Joint Meeting

of Y.M. and Y. W. C, A.

The Y. M. C. A. and the Y. W. C. A. held a Joint meeting In the chapel Tuesday morning. Dr. Willard Uphaus talked of the function of the Christian college and the part played by the Y. M. and Y. W. organiza-tion.

We of the small denominational colleges, he asserted, must beware lest we allow the tax supported Institutions to surpass us In our "unique purpose". Of late years the state schools have doubled their courses. In religious education and students are receiving wider points of view In such Institutions.

Dr. Uphaus declared that the purpose of the Christian college In to help the boys and girls who are graduating from high schools to make the transition from home to the larger environment, in such an Institution, where there Is smaller enrollment. it is much more possible to set up a model society and build up within the student body proper attitudes which will be carried over Into life situations.

It Is the duty of the church school to prove that there Is more to religion than the mere teaching of religious subjects. The Christian college should teach its students of the close Interrelationship of bodily health, moral control and spiritual Insight.

The Y. M. C. A. and the Y. W. C. A. should point out the definite relationship of spiritual and moral attitudes to aesthetics.

The function of the small college In to demonstrate a living example In every community; the student immimmm i i ■s.t jO«a . i ■ n n

Hope Nickel spent the week end at her home In Wichita.



Mr. and Mrs. Blanch Harris, Ann Heckman, and Warner Nettleton were among those who heard law-fence Tibbett's program Friday evening.

Harry Frantz. Vernon Rhoades, and Zelta Mae Oxley expect to leave Thursday for Wiley and Rocky Ford. Colorado.

Margaret Schwartz and Marlene Dappen were at the dormitory for lunch Sunday.

Miss Della Lehman, Lois Lackey. Edith Bechtelheimer. Mrs. J. Willard Hershey, Miss Della Horner, and Gulah Hoover were seen In Wichita Friday.

Wheeler Kurtz, Robert Bowman, Glen Lichty. Gerald Meyers. Lois Fry. amt Ann Heckman will leave tomorrow for Morrill, Kansas, to spend the holidays.

The following were among the many who attended the musical concert In Wichita last Friday: Chris Johansen. Prof. Alvin C. Voran, Ward Williams. John Harnly. Florence Dresher. Gretta Wilma Griffis. Bernice Fowler, Ronald and Joyce Vetter. Dr. and Mrs. Harnly. Ralph Sweetland. Mildred Dahlinger, and Margretta Okerlind.

Committee Votes for College Play for All Schools' Day

At a meeting Friday evening the All Schools' Day committee decided to have the college Thespian play The Importance of Being Earnest" given as entertainment on All Schools’ Day. Wednesday. May 17, at the city auditorium. This play was given March 30 and 31 In the college chapel.

Ada Brunk, the coach of Oscar Wilde's farce-comedy, met with the committee and told them about the play and Its expenses. Although other plays were considered, the group voted unanimously for the Thespian production.

The county graduates will be the guests All Schools’ Day. and a large crowd Is always on hand for the play.

A sub-salesman Is one who insists on selling you what he thinks you think you want. A super-salesman Is one who is clever enough to discover what ft Is you need, and sells you that. Antonio Peruggini. who had a sidewalk stand of Christinas trees and greenery, belonged in the super  category—as will be seen. Observing a lady la the crowd of shoppers gating longingly at his holiday wares. he called out encouragingly:

“Buy a Christmas tree, lady—buy a nice tree an make your leetla - kiddies happy!”    

The lady colored slightly, but responded with a smile: "Sir. I have no children.”

The fugitive blush did not pass unnoticed by the nimble-witted Tony "Buy some mistletoe, lady—buy some buce mistletoe!"--Selected.

"Were you one of the many fooling with the stock market?”

"Not me. I was serious, the market did the fooling."




It's 7:45 In the morning and I'm going to tell you of all the excite-ment these town students go through to get to M. C. for an 8 o'clock class.

About 7:46 Laurel Fields and bro-thers come put-put-a-put-t down the, street in the old Ford sedan going at its speed limit. Dorothy Matson gets her buggy perculating and Hetty Juelfs speeds by—Millicent Nyquist finally gets started. Honk. Honk.

Honk. and Nickel. Oliver and Schwartz Company Incorporated take off through red light signals and alleys to hit the subway—Euclid. The Ring sisters herd their car down Highway No. 50 trying to make the hill before running out of gas. Bill Starts to pick up Chet Anderson and Pat Davis. Then Friesen speeds by In his substitute for his Ford V8 and Paul Booz takes leave from Main Street.

Anyway, Euclid Street proves to be a race track about 5 minutes to S. Margie Schwarts Is making up an excuse in German to give to Miss

Lehman.—We pass Mrs. Ritz coming back from taking Molly. "Stop for Feary, kid." There goes Marcella Ledell.—"I guess we'd better pick up Sweetland."

"Kid you're doing 50. Can't you make this thing go faster?" There's Dolly getting a ride with Milly In her Ford. "Pass Bill: he's too pokey."

Why doesn't that truck driver learn how to drive that can? Ah. Leh-man's corner, now we needn't pick up anyone—it's near enough to walk.

"What did you say about last night?

Tell me later In chapel."

There's Edna Bengston's brother dropping Edna at the entrance and there's the Prexy—drive slower! Oh! that hump! Will Forney ever fix it?

That Miller kid would take our parking place—there's a space by Blair's car. Don’t hit It! Oh there comes Max. Una. and Marianna. We must be late! If we can ever keep this

"moving library” of ours straight we could find our hooks. Grab my notebook. Well. kid. start ankling over to Science so she won't give you another little. "T" I have to return this hook to the library first. Wow.

finally In class. Did you say that was the first whistle? I'd have had time to read the bulletin board. I guess. If I ever got calmed down know what the lessons' about.


Did you know that a scant Inch . and three-quarters kept a banner head off the Spectator this Week? Yes. sir. If It hadn’t been for that inch and three-quarters, clear across the top of the front page In big black letters would have been something like this, "Bean Shot by Bullet" or "Kraus Kills Agnes Bean". Then the first column would have given the main points. Continuing on page two. the details would hare been related.

It's a wonder Kraus Isn't spending his days In remorse, or Jail maybe Kurtz too. Anyway, what was kind of funny might easily have been a tragedy — If it hadn't been for that Inch and three-quarters!

To explain:

Thursday at the track meet — there was an interclass track meet last week, you know—Kraus had his ankle spiked by one of the runners, almost to the bone. Anyway, you could see gory meat under the hole.

(You get the bloody picture. I trust.)

To continue:

In order to see the latter part of the truck meet he sat in the back  seat of Kurtz's car. Then Beanie

There comes the Evans Kids—and Beanie— wonder If she had trouble with her Jitney; "What? Did you say Molly lost her pocketbook again? She probably left It at home."

8:10 and Johnny Austin storms In. Oh. well. such Is life!!


We have heard that the new little room which has been fixed up for the girls who take their lunch was fixed for eight people, hut twenty usually eat there.

However, the overflow Is taken care of nicely for they merely oat . In the big room where they used to.

The principles of interpretation classes seem to be most unusually active, what with showing the faculty how to make chapel speeches and putting on plays 'nsfrth. We have also heard It whispered that they are practicing for another scrumptious chapel program to be given soon.

We have long known that It was considered proper and fashionable for young ladies to economize by a lack of hose in warm weather, but we consider It new* when the gentlemen begin to do it. Carol Whitcher appeared yesterday minus his socks. Maybe he did as Blanch Harris once did. Just forgot 'em

Over fifty heard Dr. Uphaus speak In Bible class Monday. One would have thought it was a party or social gathering from the different positions they were In. Some were grouped on window sills, one lounged In a morris chair, some reclined on the floor, and still others sat on radiators.

We saw some of the latter ones remove themselves from their positions. though, about the time the heat began to penetrate.

Pauline Decker really believes In rocking. Recently white resting In a chair In the Y. W. room—Incidentally she was rocking—she went so far hack that the chair went over, and Pauline slid down the back of said rocking chair to safety on the floor.

It almost got to he a game! During Dr. Uphaus' stay here, some students noticed the similarity between his and Dean Mohler's voices. They would close their eyes and Imagine It were Dean Mohler speaking. Really the similarity of Inflections. sentence construction, emphasis, and the like was remarkable.

Have you heard that Harvey Shank's chief ambition Is to he "Head priest In a mummery"? That's what he told the kids on the way to Abilene Sunday.

Mrs. Schwalm asked Sam the other night If Gladys wasn't driving a different cor to school now. "Oh. yes." said Sam. "It’s the folks' ”

it has been suggested, resuggested. and resuggested again that somebody be responsible for having some windows open at every chapel session. It seems quite thoughtless to have none or very little ventilation In a room In which about 250 people are assembled. We want to become air-minded.

It's too had that some of the political speeches were cut short last Thursday. Why. there had been hardly any mud-slinging and only the first speaker was booed. We even got to our classes early and we were planning on being at least 15 minutes late while the merits of some candidate were expounded at length.

Yours for bigger and better boos.

In history class recently Dr. Bright was explaining how the colonies sent meal to the southern islands who In turn sent the meat to Canada. Ogden pipes up and wants to know how they kept the meat fresh that long; David Duncanson quickly replied sot-lo voce. "Oh. they wrapped it In cellophane."    i

At the track meet the other day we heard a girl remark about Wiggins in the broad jump that he Just lifted his legs up. held them in the air. and finally put them down. Someone else said that the longer one could hold his legs up without putting them down, the better jumper he was.

Jane McIlnay and Wayne Carr met a gentleman In the registration room of the Browne Memorial Home at Abilene. He observed them casually and. as Jane took her place before the table, remarked. "You'd better sign it Individually—It'll look hotter!"

Professor Dell really should cultivate a wiser countenance and a larger crop of gray hairs. One of the ladies who wore serving the A Capelin choir, drivers, and "extras" last Sunday evening recognized him as a former classmate. "Why. Milton", she exclaimed, "and when will you he graduating?" decided that she wanted a good point of view; so she got in the front seat Of the car In front of Gordon.

Now. my children. Kurtz always keeps a rifle near him—whether to keep off bandits, or mere college professors I couldn’t say. Possibly you get the idea. anyway, that there was a rifle in the back of the auto. Kraus' ankle was paining him; so be began to play nervously with the gun. Everyone In the car was watching a race, when suddenly a muffled report was heard toward the west side of the auto. They till looked around and when Kurtz saw Kraus' face, he hollered. "Kraus. you d—n fool, don't you know that that gun Is always, always loaded!!" When she realized what had happened. Beanie started to tremble and fell out of the car In an effort to find the bullet hole to see how near she had come to leaving this earthly life.

Just a bare Inch and three-quarters! And Beanie might have been no more! Everyone in the car laughed with nervous excitement until the meet was over.

Kraus said that after the gun went off he sat there and held his breath waiting to see If Agnes would yell or slump down In her seat.

It would have been wonderful copy a murder on the campus. But It seems to have been lined for a little space anyway.

Noisy Siesta

"Did you hear Robinson snoring In church this morning? It was simply awful."

"Yes. I did he woke me up."— Literary Digest.

Things look brighter In the South. A silver loving cup Is awarded the fraternity at the University of Ten-nessee whose house Is Judged to be

in the cleanest condition.


Bernice Fowler

Apr. 13

Willard Brammel

Apr. 17

Mary Jane Groves

Apr. 18

Glen Lichty

April 20

Ezra Feller

April 21

Mildred Pray

April 21

Charlies Austin

April 23



WEDNESDAY. APR. 12, 1933

McPherson radio program

(Continued from Page One) or In the evening. a delightful lunch was served.

The evening service In the Methodist church was given by the choir. It wan well received by the audience. It, too, began with the humming of the "Theme Song” and continued an follows:

"Oh Holy Father"—Palestrina

"Gloria Patri"—Palestrina


"The legend”—Tschaikowsky

"Cherubim Song"—Tschaikowsky

Two Quartette numbers.

"Listen to the Lambs—Dett

"Tenebrae Factae Sunt"—Palestrina

"O Watchers of the Stars"—Cain


"Send Forth Thy Spirit"—Schuet-ky

"Lord God of Hosts"—Tschaikowsky

The Lord Bless You and Keep You"—Lutkin.



Tice Reaches Finals After Defeating Two Lettermen

The tennis tournament has been progressing nicely and will probably be completed by the tatter part of the week. The upper bracket has advanced to the semi-finals with Kelly and Bowman remaining in the race. The lower bracket has advanced to the finals with Tice being the finalist. Tice has been going strong In the tournament and has already eliminated two lettermen.

In the quarter finals. Kelly defeated Overholt in straight sets 6-1, 6-0. Bowman won over Larsen with scores of 6-0, 6-3. Kelly and Bowman must play to decide which will represent the upper bracket in the finals.

In the lower bracket Tice won from Gottmann In a match that went to three sets. The scores were 6-4. 4-6. 6-1. Austin won from Kraus in the other quarter final game 7-5. 6-4.

In a semi-final game Tice defeated Austin 6-1. 4-1 to advance to the finals. The other semi-final game will be played soon and then the championship match will follow in the near future.


McPherson Bulldogs to Meet Kansas Wesleyan Coyotes Next Week

Tomorrow. April 13. a duel Inter-class tracks meet will be staged In which the underclassmen will oppose the upperclassmen.

From the results of last week's interclass meet this should be a very close contest with the outcome In suspense till the very last event is over." Laid week the combined results of the upperclasses amounted to 85 points and that of the underclasses was 70, but the events were very close and last week's winners may have to give way to other men tomorrow.

Next week, probably Wednesday, the canine tracksters will oppose the Kansas Wesleyan Coyotes In a duel track and field meet.


(Continued from Page One) Johnstom, freshman, third: Brubaker. freshman, fourth; time. 20 sec-onds.

Two-mile run: Heckman, fresh-maty first] Pauls. Sophomore, sec-ond, Pote, Junior, third: Reinecker, sophomore, fourth; time, 11 min-utes 51.5 seconds.

Pole vault: Wiggins, sophomore, first: Custer. freshman, second: C. Johnston, freshman and Kraus, sophomore. tied for third; height, 10 feet, 6 Inches.

220 yard dash: Early. senior, first; Kraus, sophomore, second; Williams, senior, third: Hayes. Junior, fourth: time, 22.5 seconds.

Shot put: Zinn. senior, first; Hock, senior, second; Pauls, sophomore, third; Eddy. sophomore, fourth: distance. 39 feet. 5 inches.

High Jump: Wiggins, sophomore. Williams, senior. C. Johnston, freshman. tied for first: Pauls, sophomore. fourth; Height. 5 feet, 5 Inch-es.

Half mile run: Williams, senior, first; Early. senior, second: H. Johnston. freshman, third: Pote, junior, fourth; time, 2 minutes 19.5 sec-onds.

• Friday:

Mile run: Reinecker. sophomore, first; Stockman, freshman, second: Fasnacht. Junior, third: Buskirk. senior, fourth: time, 5 minutes. 21.5 seconds.

100 yard dash: Early. senior, first: Zinn, senior, second; Hayes, Junior, third; H. Johnston, freshman, fourth: time 10.5 seconds.

Discus: Zinn. senior, first; Rock. senior second: Austin, senior, third; Jamison. freshman, fourth: distance 120 feet, 10 Inches.

440 yard dash: Williams, senior, first Johnson freshman, second: Hayes Junior, third; Edwards. freshman, fourth; time 57.9 seconds.'

Javelin: Rock, senior, first: Wiggins, sophomore. second; Zinn, sen

ior. third: Brammell, freshman, fourth; distance 157 foot, 10 Inches.

Broad Jump: Williams, senior, first; Rock, senior, second; H. Johnston. freshman, third: Pauls, sophomore. fourth; distance, 19 feet. 8.5 Inches.

Low hurdles: Early. senior, first; C. Johnston, freshman, second: Weddle. sophomore, third; Brubaker. freshman. fourth: time, 29 seconds.

There was displayed some good material In both field and track events and with the track season beginning In real earnest some new records should be established and several track meets won. Meets will be scheduled very soon.

A delightful luncheon was enjoyed by a group of girls of the college Tuesday noon. April 11, in the Y. W. C. A. room. The girls who habitually bring their lunch and a few invited guests went together and had a covered-dish luncheon.

Several most Interesting and amusing Incidents happened—such as Ed-na Bengston sitting on her plate, Mary Miller eating her 5th cookie. Dorothy Peary and Dorothy Bonham finishing; their lunch by; drinking 3.2% olive juice, and as one girl said In finishing. “Thanks, girls, for the Interesting noon, but oh! the afternoon."

Those present to take part In the enjoyable occasion were Alice Unruh. Marjorie Drown, Elsie Lindholm, Millicent Nyquist. Vera Burkholder. Gladys Riddell. Marcella Ledell. Clara Nickel. Alice Hedge. Dorothy Bonham. Clarice Evans. Laurel Fields, Corinne Suter. Anna Fuchs, Ruth Christenson, Dorothy Feary, Mildred Sellberg. Edna Bengston. Mabel Stryker, Dorothy Matson, and Paulino Decker. Regrets were received from Helen Webber.


Committees Appointed and Officers Elected

A meeting of the Thespain club was held last night. Ada Brunk, president of the club, appointed the committees for the hike and Initiation of new members. Genevieve Crist read the organization's constitution. An amendment concerning membership was discussed.

The election of officers for next year was held. Una Ring was chosen president. Blanch Harris vice-president. and Marjorie Brown, secretary and treasurer.


Program Includes Talks, Reading of Poems, and Special Music

"Living", was the general theme of the Christian. Endeavor program last Sunday evening. The service Included talks, the reading of poems, and special music.

Lilburn Gottmann was chairmann of the program. Edith Bechtelheimer was In charge of the music, and she. with Ruth Ihde sang a duet.

Prof. R. E. Mohler spoke on ’“The Way we Live and How It Influences Others.” Mohler said that we should use the talents we have. In ways that will Influence others for good. He stressed the importance of each Individual’s being one's self. He gave as an example of the extent to which one's life may affect others, the life of the Apostle Paul. Mrs. M. W. Emmert spoke on "How to Make our Lives Count." Mrs. Em-mett told of the Importance of having a fully rounded out life. She Illustrated her meaning of the foursquare life with the biography of Mr. Arthur Johnson, a missionary to China, who gave his life In Christian service. She also told of the excel

lent current opportunities for students to live one hundred per cent because of the great problems to be solved.

Other, students on the program were Lola Lackey, and Genevieve and Odessa Crist.


The Church C. E. Is over:

To the ad building I draw near;

I watch the couples on ahead And see them disappear.

My escort laughs at my puzzled look And says. "Turn to the right For the "Y" room Is the keenest place

To spend a Sunday night."

I approach this place with wonderment

And step inside the door;

My eyes glance quickly ‘round the room

For I’ve not been there before.

My escort turns Inquiringly And says, "Am I not right?

The *'Y" room is the keenest place To sit in Sunday night."

The people sit so very close At first I cannot see How many’re in that big arm chair But I'm sure there can’t be three. The chairs are nice and cozy And I find to my delight That the “Y" room is the Keenest place

To spend a Sunday night.— Anonymous.