McPherson college, McPherson. Kansas, Wednesday, apr. 5. 1933




State Superintendent of Schools W. T. Markham and Pres. Pihl-blad of Bethany to Give Addresses—Supported by City Chamber of Commerce


Library Science Students and Staff Enjoy Social

Miss Heckethorn and her library staff gave an April Fool's party Saturday evening In the college library at 7:30. Various party games In keeping with the day were played and at the close of the evening light refreshments were served. This year's library science students and the library committee of the faculty were Invited. Approximately twenty-five were present.



The next beauty aid Is that concerned with soaps. Do not advertisements say "You cannot mask your skin"? Maxine King and Leta Wine say that they use the "Soap of the Stars"- Lux. Well, they do make good M. C. Play Cast Stars at that! And I heard that ivory Soap was going well on Arnold second—  especially with Martha Hursh. Gerald Meyers likes "Bakers" soap, while Kraus, Rock, and more of Fahnestock use "Lifebuoy." And who. pray tell me use* Palmolive? Surety Home one has to keep that schoolgirl complexion for our college. Who? The little BIRD didn't tell me!

| Another hint is don't cramp your smile because your Ivories don't sparkle. Show the boy or girl friend a real smile with- one of the tooth paste recommendations of a good M. C. friend: "Ipana", by Panline

Decker and Marjorie Shank; "Koly-uos" by Mildred Pray; "Pepsodent” broadcasted by Beanie and Alice Egbert; "Colgates Ribbon" by Clea-son Minter, and "Listerine" by. Teuton.

Next tip-off is shaving lotions. You might decide on Brammel's "Aqua Velva"

The next secret will be that of Face Powders. "Max Factor" is highly recommended by Audrey Groves and, Lola Hawkins; Leona Benhardt likes "Outdoor Girl" while Esther Stegeman and Mary Jane Groves use "Three Flower". "Avon" is Lenora Johnson's favorite. Cleason Minter uses some kind In a Compart, but we know not what kind. At least Minter posses the Compact—whether for that purpose or not. Talcum Pow-ders are used galore by the Males: Meyers has "Queen Crushed Rose";

(Continued on Page Three)


To Show Three Films in College Chapel


queen of McPherson college may fete

Preliminaries Held on Wednesday in Chapel—Bernice Fowler and Pearl Walker Also Contend for High Honors


Student and Faculty Ticket Sale to Begin April 10—Town Sale April 17

The third annual McPherson Col-lege Booster Banquet will be held Friday. April 21, at 7:00 p. m. at the Community Hall. It promises to be one of the biggest events of the year and many are expected to be In attendance. Governor All Landon of Topeka has been secured as the main speaker of the evening. It was formerly announced that Henry J. Allen. former senator from Kansas, would speak at the banquet, but because of the forced chance In date he will be unable to be present.

State Superintendent of Schools W. T. Markham from Topeka will give an Interesting address. Dr. Er-nest Pihlblad, president of Bethany College. Lindsborg, will also speak briefly. Besides these three there will probably be other educators present to bring greetings from their schools.

These booster banquets are endorsed by the McPherson Chamber of Commerce and are supported by It. It Is expected that all (he beauty and chivalry of McPherson will be presented. Dr. V. F. Schwalm is expecting a hundred per cent attendance front the faculty and students. Two years ago In the face of the worst snow storm of the year 375 persons were present. It was  this year that Governor Woodring spoke. Last year there were nearly as many In attendance.

Music for the banquet will be furnished by the A Capella Choir and the college male quartet. Twenty-five hundred dollars returns has been set as the goal for the banquet. Ten dollars will be charged for the first plate and one dollar per plate for the other members of the family. Students will be charged a dollar. Ticket sales will begin at once for alumni and friends of the college outside of the city. Student and faculty ticket sale begins Monday. April 10. The town sale starts Monday. April 17.

The banquet will he served by the Women's Council of the College Church. The decoration committee will consist of Prof. J. Bowman, Coach Melvin J. Binford. Miss Clara Colline. and Mrs. E. R. Bohling. Dean R. E. Mohler, Leland Lindell. Miss Constance Knaus. and Ralph Johnston are In charge of the publicity-committee for the banquet. The ticket sales will be conducted by Dr. J. J. Voder. Dr. V. F. Schwalm. Prof. J. A. Fries. Prof. Maurice A. Hess, and Mr. LeRoy Doty. Prof. J. A. Blair and Professor Hess will see to the arrangement of the tables.

The college family, students, and friends are enthusiastically preparing for this socially Important event and a large attendance is expected.


Thespians Give Skits from Their Production

The Reverend Ira Frantz of Grand Junction. Colorado, spoke to the college students In chapel. Wednesday, March 29. He is the father of Royal Frantz and an alumnus of the college. He expressed his envy of the students of today that have the privilege of attending such an institution as McPherson College. Students should recognize the value of the moral, ethical, and social standards as are set forth by a Christian school.

Three skits from the Thespian production. "The Importance of Being Earnest" were given. Ada Brunk announced the presentation of the play which was given Thursday and Friday nights. Those participating in the skits Included Fred Nace. Donald Evans. Hobart Hughey. Blanch Harris. Maxine Ring. Una Ring. Edith Bechtelheimer. Delvis Bradshaw, and Marjorie Brown.

McPherson college


Brethren Churches in This Territory to Recognize That Day

As a means of emphasizing McPherson College. April 23 has been set aside In the Brethren Churches In this territory, as McPherson College Day. This day was set by the board of trustees In their meeting last March.

The. churches on this day will stress Christian education and McPherson College In particular. The churches are also asked to take a collection for the college on this Sun-day.

Loiters have been written to the various churches with suggestions for this day. Sermons and music have been adapted to the theme, “The Need and Value of Christian Education."

Such a program has been thought necessary because of the large area which McPherson College represents. In this manner the values of the college can he clearly placed before supporters and prospective students.

The program Is a part of the plan to get one hundred additional students for McPherson College next year.



Sing Numbers Which Are to Be Given over Radio

Professor Alvin Voran and the A Capella Choir were In charge of the chapel period Monday, April 3. They sang several of the numbers which will be given over the radio during the college radio-broadcast Easter Sunday.

The choir sang three numbers, "Send Forth Thy Spirit". "Planta-Mon". a beautiful negro song, and "My Love Dwelt In n Northern Land." The male quartet song an Interesting. amusing number, "Frank-lyn's Dog."

The chapel hour was concluded by the singing of the college song. "All Hail to Our Dear M. C.”

Beauty Hints, Any Beauty Hints from M. C. Students? Sure, why not?—-And I got the dope here for you! And let me toll you how I got It? Amazing—A little BIRD told me!

The first beauty hint was dropped down to me by Bob Bowman when he said be used "Finol" (or was it Fine Oil?) on his hair—and come to find out Eddy. Pauls, and Wiggins agree to his point of view. Not Willie Brammel though—we know his recommendation would be "Rose Hair Oil". Wilbur Voder would say. "No, use Lilac." Harry Frantz wouldn't agree on anything hut "Brilliantine" and Landes would say It had to be "Lucky Tiger". In advising you what kind to boy. take a look at these males and decide which glossy-appearing gentleman looks best, then nab to his kind of "beauti-fier"

Wed.. Apr. 6—Motion pictures in college chapel at 7:00.

Thurs., Apr. 6—Inter-class track meet begins.

Fri.. Apr. 7—Remainder of Inter-class track meet.

Sun.. Apr. 9—McPherson College broadcast over KFBI at 3:00 o'clock.

Mon. and Tues.. Apr. 10 and 11--Dr. Willard Uphaus will be on the campus under auspices Y. M. C. A.


“Importance of Being Earnest” Given in College Chapel Thursday and Friday


Second Art Given In Gymnasium-Ada Brunk Coaches Production

The Thespian Club production of the three-act comedy farce. "The Importance of Being Earnest" writ-ten by Oscar Wilde was successfully given before large audiences both Thursday and Friday evenings. March 30 and 31, The first act was given In the College Chapel, the second setting was laid in the gymnasium. while the third act was presented back In the chapel. The play was very ably directed by Miss Ada Brunk. Each member was well cast an had Ills part worked up in excellent fashion. The play is an English one and the scene is laid In London

The first act was laid In Algernon Moncrieff's flat in Half Moon Street, W. Algernon Moncrieff, a likeable Englishman who thoroughly enjoys doing nothing that might be called work, but who has two pet hobbies— eating and Bunburying, is conversing with John Worthing. J. P. his friend, about the Invention of a Mr. Bunbury. a permanent Invalid whose opportune had health serves as an excuse for Algernon's repeated visits to the country at any time he may choose. Algernon demands an explanation of a mysterious person named Cecily who has called John Worthington, known to Algernon as Ernest, by the name Jack. After much persuasion Worthing tells Algernon that Cecily Is the name of his ward, Cecily Cardew. and he has also Invented a younger brother Ernest, whom he Impersonates while in town. The entrance of Lady Bracknell and Gwendolyn Fairfax with whom Worthing Is very much in love ends the conversation.

The second act is in the garden at the Manor House of Worthing's at Woolton where Cecily Cardew and Algernon, Impersonating the Invent-ed Ernest, meet. Miss Prism. Cecily's governess an elderly spinster, is much interested In the Reverend Canon Chasuble, and the developing of this romance proves interesting.

Both Miss Fairfax and Miss Cardew desire their lover's name to be "Ernest and It In around this Important matter and the fact that John Worth

(Continued on Page Four)

This evening at 7 o'clock In the chapel three moving pictures will be given under the auspices of the science departments of the college. The films to be shown are "Conquest of the Forest”, "New Ways for Old”, and "Yellow Gold”.

The pictures last week were shown In the chemistry lecture room, because the chapel was being used by the Thespian Club.


Faculty Passes New System to Make Students Come to Chapel Regularly

A special faculty committee was appointed to make a report of chapel attendance. At a meeting last Friday the faculty passed the following system which the committee recommended

1.    That monitors report each Friday before noon to the chairman of the chapel committee all absences from chapel.

2.    That the chairman of the cha-pel committee report to the faculty advisers as soon as unexcused absences total five.

3.    That the faculty advisers ascertain from the students the reasons for the absences and file these reasons with the chairman of the chapel committee.

4. That If the absences reach a total of ten, the chairman of the elm-pel committee shall report the delinquency to the chairman of the ad-ministrative committee. The administrative committee shall have placed on the student's permanent record the number of unexcused absences from chapel when they exceed ten. and shall Impose any other penalty which may seem desirable.

5. That the chairman of the chapel committee report to the faculty in the latter part of each semester a summitry of the reasons for absence. and If he sees fit. make recommendations for modifications of the system.

C. That this report go Into effect immediately after Its adoption by the faculty.

Students are asked to keep these rules in mind and attend chapel as regularly as possible.



Dr. V. F Schwalm recently re- reived from E. E. Flory of Enders. Nebraska, a beautiful coral from

i1 Honolulu. Flory is au uncle of Leta and Newell Wine.


Physical Training Classes Preparing Dances for May Festival

The McPherson College student body elected Clarice Evans, an attractive and popular senior, as the college May Queen. The final election which resulted with Miss Evans as victor, was held in chapel Friday, in the previous chapel sessions on Wednesday, all senior girls were voted upon. In tills election. Clarice Evans. Bernice Fowler, and Pearl Walker received highest honors and were, consequently, eligible for Friday's election.

On Thursday morning, the various classes met to elect their attendants and escorts for the queen. The freshmen elected Edna Bengston and Clarence Sink; Lola Hawkins and Walter Pauls are the sophomore representatives; the junior class chose Corrine Bowers abd Wayne Carr.

As yet. no senior class attendants have been chosen.

The festival will be sponsored by the Student Council. Audrey Groves, girls' physical education Instructor, Is in charge of the dances. The gym classes are now at work on the program.


A Capella Sings at Church Sunday Evening

The A. Capella Choir under the direction of Alvin C Voran again rendered a program last Sunday evening, this time at the Lutheran church in McPherson. The church was crowded and many college stu-dents were in the audience. Besides the choir numbers, the male quar-tette, the ladies trio, and a duel composed of Margretta Okerlind and Professor Voran sang during the program.

"Theme Song"

"Oh Holy Father"—Palestrina "Gloria Patri"—Palestrina "The Legend"—Tschaikowsky Trio

"Send Forth Thy Spirit" -Schuet-ky

"Listen to the Lambs"-.—Dell Quartette

"Lo How a Rose E’er Blooming” Praetorius

"Cherubim Song" Tschaikowsky Duet


"O Watchers of the Stars"- Cain "Lord God of Hosts' -Tschaikowsky

"The Lord Bless You and Keep You" Lulkin


Says Lives Should Be Built on Spiritual Values

An Interesting chapel talk was given by Her. F. L. Roper of the local Baptist Church on Friday morning. The theme of his talk was based upon a parable of Jesus which is found In Matthew 7. This parable which told the story of one man building upon a solid rock foundation while another built upon a shal-low, sandy foundation furnished the theme of Reverend Roper’s talk.

During the course of the service emphasis was placed upon the neces-ally or building life with spiritual as well as physical values in mind. He also said that when one builds upon the strong foundation It was necessary to determine one’s true rela-tionship to God. Then after one had determined that relationship with the Creator ft Is essential that one determine one’s relationship to his fellowmen.

Reverend Roper's talk was Inspiring as well as interesting.

The Spectator


Official Publication of McPherson College Published by Student Council, McPherson, Kansas.




Entered a second class matter November 20, 1917, at the postoffice at McPherson. Kansas under the act of March 3, 1807

Subscription Rates For One School Year $1.00

Address all correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas




Associate Editor Associate Editor Sports Editor

Una H. Ring Wilber C. Yoder Everett Fasnacht Wilber C. Yoder

Business Manager —__ Ass't. Business Manager Ass't. Business Manager

Circulation Manager

Harry Frantz . Melvin Landes ----Paul Booz

Everett Fasnacht



Dorothy Dresher Marlene Dappen Pauline Decker Faculty Adviser

Elmer Staats Ida Hawkins Paul Heckman Odessa Crist

Etta Nickel Ann Heckman Margaret Oliver Jo Wagoner Prof. Maurice A. Hess


Within a short time student elections will be held for the coming year. The ballyhoo of campaign managers and supporters will be a familiar sight. All will enter Into the friendly competition to emerge victors.

Student elections should be vigorous and organised. Our student body next year will deserve to have In office those best equipped and fitted for the position. This campaign should not pass lightly. Our student organizations and functions next year will be determined largely by the leaders of various activities.

A campaign is helpful, also, because it gives the students experience In organisation. The enthusiasm aroused by the campaign should be bene-ficial The exposition should he friendly and Impersonal.

Mildred Pray and Ruth Ihde spent the week-end at their homes near


Posey Jamison, a graduate of last year who Is now teaching In Arnold. Kansas, visited friends on the campus last week.

LeNore Shirk visited her sister Leone Shirk at the dormitory the past week-end.

Camilla Moore visited the campus this week-end. Her father Is a former student of McPherson College who recently moved to this city. Miss Moore Is at present attending the Teachers' College at Edmond, Oklahoma.

Mildred Doyle of Topeka was visit-ing old friends here over the week, and.

conferences with a limited number or students, and he will also lead several general discussion group meetings. to which all are invited. He will apeak In the chapel at 10:00 a. m. on both Monday and Tuesday.

Dr. Uphaus comes to the campus highly recommended as an educator, young people's guide, and author. Prepare to take advantage of your opportunities to use Dr. Uphaus' services.


Richards Addresses New Cabinet—Fifty Students Attend

Noel and Hazel Rhoades were here Saturday and Sunday to visit Vernon Rhoades.

Modena Kaufman’s mother and her aunt, Mrs. Foster, of Topeka were here over the week-end visit-ing friends.



Leona Benhardt spent Sunday In Salina visiting friends.

The Thespian Club Is lo be congratulated for its work in presenting its play last week. The directors and players are to be complimented on their success In Its production.

Such a presentation requires not only skill hut long hours of work and preparation. The presentation has not only proved of value to the participants but real enjoyment to the student body. Dramatic art requires real skill and ability.

The student body should feel proud for the success of the club.— E. S.

Those who appreciate good music are looking forward to hearing the. college A Capella Choir broadcast over station KFBI from Abilene this Sunday from 3:00 to 4:00 p. m. Dean F. A. Replogle's talk will also be a feature of the program.

In last week's Spectator article concerning the program one feature of the program was omitted. Pascal Davis, fine arts student. Is to play a cornet solo as a part of this program. Mr. Davis is a well-known cornetist In the McPherson community and his renditions are always favorably received.


International Relations Club to Meet Monday

The College Christian Endeavor Society Installation service was held in the parlors of the College church Sunday evening. About fifty students attended.

The new Christian Endeavor cabinet, officers are: president, Royal Frantz: vice-president, Paul Sherfy: secretary. Ruth Ihde; treasurer. Paul Heckman: program, Leta Wine: music, Lois Edwards; social. Lois Fry; sunshine, Grace Lerew; amd publicity. Alice Egbert.

Lois Lackey played the processional as the new cabinet took their places In the church basement auditorium. The Invocation was given by Delvis Bradshaw after which Rev. H.F. Richards gave an address to the new cabinet. Rev. Richards stated that there are three roads front which young people may choose: first, the path of moral delinquency, second, the road of conventional conformity, and third, the road of prophetic daring.

- Mrs. M. W. Emmert presented the charge after which the candle lighting service of the program was carried out. After the benediction by •Rev. Richards, Lois Lackey played the recessional.


A naturalist divided an aquarium Into two compartments with a clear glass partition. In one he put a lusty bass, and In the other, minnows.

The bass struck every time a minnow approached the glass partition. After three days of fruitless lunging, which netted him only a sore nose and disappointment, he ceased his efforts. Thereafter he swam Idly about, paying no attention to the minnows, and contented himself with the less desirable food that was dropped Into his tank.

Then the naturalist removed the glass partition. The minnows swam all around the bass, but he did not attempt to strike at a single one.

The poor fish had thoroughly convinced himself there was no use trying.

The difference between success and failure is often no more than a hair’s breadth, asserts a business man whose income Is reputed to be more than a million a year.

”ln my case." he said, "every big thing that 1 have accomplished was the result of the last week or two of effort. Often tempted to quit, my firm belief in this principle encouraged me to keep on. I have noticed that often things look darkest Just before the turning point. There seems to be some baleful Influence that throws a pall over one's efforts when success Is actually near, and I have found that this is the moment not to let up but to put forth extra effort."

J. C. Forbes In his magazine has said: "The more I dig into the lives of men who have accomplished big things, the more convinced I am that one of the essential qualities is stick-to-it-iveness. There have been periods In almost every self-made man’s career when he had the temptation to give up—when It appeared as if success would never come.

"Eastman had that temptation when hit first photographic formula refused to work. Frick had that temptation when the panic of 1837 toppled over coke enterprises right and left and left him stranded and deserted by bis associates. Woolworth had that temptation when his first five-cent store failed. Doheny. the oil-king, had it. not once but several times, until he was past forty. Westinghouse had It, Willys had It. Ford had It. Vail had It. Edison had It. Patterson had It. But each doggedly held on and ultimately won out."

If there Is any moral In the experiences of these men who triumphed over the most discouraging obstacles. It is this: When you find yourself In a tight place, when everything goes against you. when It seems useless to make another effort—never give up then, for that is Just the place and time the tide will turn.

Take another lunge at the minnows. Maybe the glass partition Isn’t there!

Miss Lillian Carlson entertained the following at a bridge party Saturday night: Posey Jamison. Mildred Doyle. Lloyd; Larsen. Kermit and Guy Hayes. Verle Ohmart. Constance Rankin. Fern Heckman. Edna Nyquist. Margaret Steiner, and Edna Nelson. During the evening a delicious luncheon was served. Most of the guests were graduates of last year.

Lilburn Gottmann had charge of the evening services at Turkey Creek Sunday.

Dr. J. D. Bright and Mr. and Mrs. Griffis entertained the history majors at a dinner last Thursday evening. Those present were Grace Heckman. Ward Williams. Charles Austin. Dr. and Mrs. Bright and Martha Jane and Merrill. Milton Early. Lilburn Gottmann, and Gretta Wilma Griffis’. The dinner was served by Grace Lerew and Lola Hawkins.


We can’t help thinking that Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch had the host kind of philosophy. Her attitude toward life was worth more than diamonds and pearls and first mortgage bonds.

She summed up this attitude admirably when she said: "I believe In gettin' as much good out'n life as you kin. an’ I jes* do the best I kin where the good Lord puts me at, an* It looks like I got a happy feelin’ In me most of the time. Looks like ever’thing In the world comes out right if we jes’ wall long enough."

Mrs. Wiggs had sense enough to know that In a rich world a person is a fool for wearing a poor face.—Selected.


Secured by Y. M. C. A.—To Visit Various Kansas Colleges


I believe In the stuff am handing out. In the firm I am working for and In my ability to get results. I believe that honest stuff can be passed out to honest men by honest methods. I believe in working, not in weeping; In boosting, not knocking; and In the pleasure of my Job. I believe that a man gets what he goes after, that one deed done today la worth two deeds tomorrow, and that no man la down and oat until he has lost faith in himself. I believe In today and the work I am doing. In tomorrow and the work I hope to do. and In the sure reward which the future holds. I believe In courtesy, in kindness. In generosity, in good cheer, la friendship and in honest competition. I believe there la something doing, somewhere. for every man ready to do It. I believe I’m ready—right now!—Elbert Hubbard.

Arnold Bennett says that "Many a man sleeps himself stupid." Now that provides a neat excuse either for being stupid or tor staying up all night.

What’s the good of one’s life being "as open book." If the pages are


The McPherson College Y. M. C. A. Is looking forward enthusiastically to the appearance of Dr. Willard Uphaus on the campus Monday and Tuesday. April 10 and 11. The local Y. M. la completing arrangements tor the conferences and group forums at present.

Dr. Willard Uphaus has been secured by the Kansas student Y. M. C. A. organisation for a series of visits In Kansan colleges and universities. Among the schools he will visit, are Ottawa University. Southwestern College Wichita University, Friends University. Bethel College. Kansas Wesleyan University, and Kansas University. He will spend one or two days at each of those schools. He is coming here from Bethel College. Newton, and will go from hero to Kansas Wesleyan. Sa-lina.

According to present plans. Dr. Uphaus will be available for private



Program Consists of Poetry. Prose, and Music

Glen Lichty spent the week-end In Kansas City.

Margaret Schwartz spent Wednesday and Thursday In Manhattan, visiting her brother. Dr. W. C. Schwarts and family.

A group of dramatic art students gave the play "The Chinese Water Wheel” at the Lyons Club Monday evening.

Miss Helen McIlrath spent the week-end at her home In Kingman.

Professor J. Hugh Heckman is still confined to his bed. He will probably not return to his classes for a week or two.

Sigma Fortner of Canton visited LeNora Johnson Friday.

The discussion at the International Relations Club Monday evening, April 10, will center around the troubles In South America.

The Chaco dispute between Uru-agay and Bolivia will ha discussed by Maxine Ring. Lester Pole will review the (Leticia dispute between Columbia and Peru. The Techiaricha dispute between Chile and Peru will also be discussed.

The club la meeting on Monday evening this week and at 7:00 o’clock rather than 6:30. the usual time.

Tuesday’s Y. M. C. A. program consisted of the reading of prose and poetry quotations. The quotations given were selected because of their beauty and Inspiration. Those who assisted In the program Included Lester Pole. Carol Whitcher. Donald Evans. Everett Fasnacht. Paul Heckman, Clarence Sink. Elmer Staats. and Ward Williams.

Gulah Hoover sang a solo during the program. She was accompanied by Bernice Dresher.

"I tell you I won't have this room.” protested the old lady to the bell hoy. "I ain’t goin’ to pay good money for a pigsty with a measly little foldin' bed In it. You think Jest because I'm from the country—" Disgusted, the boy cut her short. ”Get in, mum. Get In. This ain’t your room. This is the elevator."


saying* which It Is necessary for girls of high rank to know. She was taught that the harm In lying lies is being found out, and to be careful never 'to lose one's face.' One point was often discussed between them, and that was about the pagoda: Little Small-Feet wished to go these but for once Wang Dah Mah absolutely refused to take her: Instead she tried to frighten her out of her desire by horrid tales of evil spirits and demons.

"One beautiful autumn day when Little Small-Feet was four and a half years old. she sat listening to the pagoda belits; she decided she must know how the bells sounded outside the city wall.

“By the time the last step to the pagoda was taken. Little Small-Feet was weary enough, and climbing up two flights of the steep stains to the corner of the carved balcony, she Curled up In a heap to listen to the bells and enjoy the sight of a fleet of beautiful ships In the river.

"Suddenly the wanderer awoke with a shiver to find that night was coming on with swift, noiseless tread, and out of the dark. In the chamber of the pagoda, she saw two bright cruel eyes watching her. The child started forward with a shiver of terror. Unfortunately she took, a road leading to another gate farther down toward the city, and this mistake changed the whole course of her future existence.

"As Little Small-Feet approached the city she come up to a group of beggars who were going in the same direction. On catching sight of this beautifully dressed child they turned at once and surrounded her. One shrewish crone, the leader said: 'We will take her and hide her for a ransom. which will come to more than a thousands suits such as this.'

What happened later to Little Small-Feet? Head the "Bell* of the Blue Pagoda”, a story of Chinese Life, by Jean Carter Cochran and find out. Anyone who enjoys poetic description and fascinating narration will be sure to like this story. Old Scared Face, the leader of the bog-gars. and her accomplice. Creeping Sin, are also portrayed vividly. "The Bells of the Blue Pagoda” Is on the browsing shelf this week. Read it and enjoy It.—Bookworm.


In a certain class the other day the thought turned to politicians and their various modes of behavior. The teacher was telling of the tac-tics of would-be politicians — He said they even went around kissing babies! One girl asked the other If she would like to be a politician. "No. I'd rather be the baby." she quickly retorted.

Whitcher was trying to lock Dr. Schwalm out of the Bible class room the other day. so the students wouldn't have to have an O. T. Lit class. Just as he was in the process of locking: the door, who should force his way in but the honorable prexy? Carol calmly remarked. "Well, Dr. Schwalm, the devil's In me."

Imagine playing "Sardines" In the dark, spooky library. The library students and assistants enjoyed such a game Saturday night. It gave one kind of a creepy feeling to be blundering around In the dark, looking for Helen Webber who was securely located in the furnace room.

Spring is her here! Tra la! And are the co-eds shedding? LeNora Johnson. Gretta Wilma Griffis, and Lola Lackey appear with shorn locks and then even Grace Heckman goes unusual by doing the usual. Her knot has disappeared completely.

We mustn't lose our prestige for telling on our absent-minded professors; so here goes: One of our most esteemed faculty members while traveling on the train recently discovered that be was a little short of money. You remember Mildred Jo Rhoades of Tampa who was here last year, don’t you? Well, she happened to be sojourning, too. So she loaned our dear teacher $3.50. And be has never thought of it since!


ties speaking to each other in a few weeks.

At the music recital Monday night one of the players loaned over the piano so far and so often with that artistic touch that Beanie remarked. "You'd think the player was looking for something."

We, hear that the Shanks have had their picture taken. But it Is also a very private affair—and peek.

Stoner wiggled his cigar so much in the play Monday night that Hughey had to follow it around with the match to light It. Nice that the audience couldn't tell It.

We thought that the sun bad come up when the red lights suddenly were turned up in said play. Oh. well, as Miss Lehman says. It Is good experience for it won't be apt to happen again. 'Twas good entertainment. however, while It lasted.

Last Thursday, all the girls of the foods class carefully garnished a salad and asked Miss McIlrath to eat It. Why the sudden politeness? Well, we don't like shrimps either.

This modern generation! Two weeks ago at Hutchison Ruth Ihde and Larson were left to take care of Ruth's five months old niece. Presently they were seen driving around the city without the baby. On being asked what they had done with the baby. Wop replied. "We turned on the radio and left a glass of water by the bed.”

An April fool Joke ran be carried too far. so thinks Harvey Shank. Marjorie gets the prize for pulling the best one. She sent him a letter telling him that everything between them was all bluey. Of course It was April Fool, but Harvey didn't catch It at first.

The following is quoted from Dr. V. F. Schwalm concerning the McPherson College Booster Banquet to be given April 21:

Mere mention of the Booster Banquet of McPherson College for 1933 causes some folks to throw up their hands In horror, and exclaim. “A Booster Banquet in such times as this?" Our answer is simple and direct. •‘Surely, this is the time above all else when we need a Booster Banquet.”

The "horror” referred to above is due to a misconception of what the Booster banquet is. There is a meal served, that's true, but not an extravagant meal. In fact most of us eat three meals a day whether at home or elsewhere, and what loss if we eat It together.

Certainly we all understand by now that the Booster Banquet is a method which the College and town have adopted and apparently approved to raise money for McPherson College. Those who pay rather large sums for their tickets understand that only a small share goes for the meal. The banquet while It Is a big affair and a thrilling affair is not an extravagant affair. This is so because so many people gladly contribute their services to put on the banquet.

Our privately endowed colleges are tried to their utmost these days.

Ottawa University recently pot on a campaign for $35,000 for current expenses. The College of Emporia, I believe, put on a campaign for $40,-00. Washburn College recently put on a campaign tor $50,000 for current funds. With reduced attendance in all of our colleges and universities, with defaulting Interest from securities, with unproductive real estate. our college has but little income except from our student fees at present. Our teachers have taken terrific cuts In salaries this year. And yet we. must still have from friends of the college at least $5000 before June 1. In order to pay our teachers and other necessary obligations. We do not expert the town to raise this entire amount. We have set our goal for at least $2500 through the Booster Banquet. We believe the College deserves this lift and Is worth It to the town.

On April 23rd we shall have McPherson College day In our outlying churches. At that time they will be asked to contribute to the current funds of the College to match the gifts of the city.

The Alumni who have Jobs are asked to contribute at the same time.

Altogether we can weather this economic storm and when It has passed, march safely on to greater things.

Private colleges are the gifts of philanthropy and can only bo held and maintained whom men and women who have faith In them are willing to give In large sums for their creation and maintenance.



"Old Wang Dah Mah." the amah, always maintained that If the pagoda bells had rung at the moment when Little Small-Feet was horn, the baby would have been the much desired son, Instead of n third unwelcome girl. Lord Chang, the little girl’s father, was the most bitterly disappointed of all the family. To have no heir to offer sacrifices before the family ancestral tablet was worse than unfortunate: It was a calamity Poor Lady Chang! Added to her own sorrow was the realization that she was considered at fault. Little Small-Feet herself, cuddled up warm to her mother's side, was absolutely oblivious to the coolness of her reception to the land of apricot blossoms. yellow dragons. and blue pagodas. Under old Wang Dah Mah's blue cotton coat beat a warm motherly heart, and she looked after the little newcomer's 'welfare so carefully that the baby throve like the spring flowers on the mountain side.

"A formal feast celebrated the day when Little Small-Feet was one month old.

" 'Ah!' exclaimed a guest. "I think she will be very beautiful. See how tiny her hands and feet are, and how her eyes sparkle."

'Yes,' replied the old Lady Li. who was wont to take a gloomy view of things, ’but the saying is: The beautiful bird gets caged!'

" 'That's the reason. I suppose.' tittered a pretty young wife In an aside to another, 'that Li Tai Tai la so free to go back and forth at will; no one would think It worth while to cage her.'

"Slowly Little Small-Feet grew to girlhood, and all the time she was absorbing and learning. Wang Dah Mah taught her respect to parents, bow to bow to ladles who came to visit her mother, and countless polite

She would appreciate this maybe as paign! With none of the various par-a gentle reminder.



(Continued from Page One)

while Rock goes in for "Dermaline”: Brammel for "Orange Blossom”: Frants for "Malvis" and Pauls has a supply of “Watkins' Velvet”.

What about Tissue or Cold Creams, mustn't; Why, bird, alive! There’s no secret to that! "Happy" Riddel likes "Midnight Tissue Skin Cream" ( must be the late hour gag! ) Leone Shirk and Martha Andes have been seen with Ponds' Cream". Ada Brunk and Esther Brown recommend "Elmo". Ann Heckman puts on "Melba Cold Cream”. Harry Frantz Is proud possessor of a Jar of Rexalls', and Rock uses "Lemon Cream".

And there's nothing like perfume! as a beauty aid!" Lois lackey simply loves “Evening in Paris" (no wonder she's such a sweet little girl). R.

The girls of Arnold Hall are under mother Emmert's watchful eye all of the time, and—should the telephone ring for one of them too late In the evening—under her listening ear also. Just ask Esther Brown who was called last Saturday night at 11:30.

Another excellent rule which could he added to the list "help me to remember". posted on the bulletin board of Fahnestock Halt recently, would be. “keep your nose out of other people's business".

It's a wonder Margaret Schwartz didn’t drown. She got up so early yesterday morning that she went to sleep In the bath tub!

When Dr. Schwalm broke the map in Bible class last week he remarked. "I guess the empires were breaking up that time.”

The fair queen Clarice has been wondering If there Is going to be a King of the May. If so she might like to choose him herself. And she also wonders if she would be allowed to choose him from the faculty!

A clever girl commented the other day when telling about a tremendously sharp crease in one of the fellow's trousers. “If he would cross his knees, he would cut his legs.”

A former student who went to the Thespian play Friday night, arrived a short while after the play had started. When the act ended she was surprised that everyone got up and left. She thought It was a rather odd ending, but decided that If it were that way It waa—-well, just that way. She spoke to people as they all left_ hurriedly and finally got up enough nerve to remark to one of the last spectators. "Er—that was—a--rather a funny ending, wasn't It?"

And was she surprised when In*

formed that two more acts were yet to come and that everyone was mere- ly adjourning to the gym for the  second one.

We have heard a great many people say that they certainly thought it wan a novel Idea of Miss Lehman's to take the play and audience to the gym. We wonder If those who thought differently beforehand have yet changed their minds.

However. It might have seemed a trifle disagreeable If it had been pouring down rain.

These student elections; And don't

we hope It's a hot political cam-

The annual festival for high school seniors will be held at McPherson College this year on Saturday. April 29. High school seniors from the state will he invited to spend the day-in the college campus. Amusement and entertainment will be provided by the college for this event.

This program is held each year to attract high school students to McPherson College.


Four New Volumes Added lege Library


Hobart puts on “Coty". Esther Pote is in season with “April Showers" Gulah Hoover likes "Seventeen" best, while Hope Nickel is for Nar-cisse". One boy uses "Sweet Pea".

Then there are no curls like the ones set by “Jour Wave Set" as highly recommended by Ruth Ihde. And wouldn't you like to have Velvet Fingers?-—Then use Hinds' Honey and Almond Cream suggested by Hawkins, Prey. Meyers, and Oliver.

And at plays, parties, teas, etc. Should the finger nails be tinted or natural? Ada Brunk and Elaine Beard display "Rose" while Betty Juelfs and Happen show up with “Natural. By all means you save with any kind of Liquid Polish.”

Margie Schwartz displayed her new beauty aid the other day a cute little Armand's Lipstick in a slide-up-and-down container. Four mules showed their interests In examining the case.

Training track men suggest a sim-ple treatment—let the Massage and First Aid Class give you a massage every day. And too. doesn't the W. A. A. hike a lot! (load for the figure—even playing tennis, too.

Well. I've exhausted my list of hints that the little BIRD told me— and I want to thank all other little BIRDS for collecting the data. Au Revoir.

Recent acquisitions of the library are: "The College Library" by Randall, a descriptive study of the. libraries in four-year liberal aris colleges in the U S: "Educational Leadership”, a 1933 yearbook put out by the Department of Superintendence of the NEA; Shepherd's "Historical Atlas”, a 1929 edition: and "Recent Social Trends” in the U. S.. a report of the President's Research committee on social trends.


Bernice Fowler Willard Brammel Mary Jane Groves

Apr. 13 ,Apr. 17 Apr. IS

We are looking forward to clever and unusual advertising schemes although the student council feels that It Is too poor to allow a dollar to each candidate. This ought to stimulate the campaign managers to more original thought.




Many Men Out to Compete in Behalf of Their Classes—Early Is Captain of Seniors, Fasnacht of Juniors, Wiggins  of Sophomores, and Custer of Freshman


Nine Basketball Players to Be Awarded “M’s” This Year

Coach Melvin J. Bin has announced that fifteen men have met the necessary requirements for set ting a letter In football for last sea son and will receive their letters near the close of the school year.

The following men will receive letters for football: Captain George Zinn. Cleo Minear. Orval Eddu. Guy Hayes. Newel Wine. Paul Nelson. Walter Paula. Robert Bowman. Raymond Evans. Harold Reinecker. Chester Johnston. Russel Carpenter. Wayne Illume, Leonard Wiggins and Eugene Anderson.

Also Coach Binford announces that nine men are being recommended to the athletic board for letters In basketball this year. These letters will also be presented at the close of the year upon the completion of the required twelve semester hours of college work.

The following are recommended for letters for basketball: Captain Loren Rock. Chester Johnston. Harold Johnston. Ralph Replogle, Rufus Jamison. Walter Pauls, Wilbur Voder, Leonard Wiggins, and Harold Reinecker.


Results Will Likely Indicate Varsity Squad Members

The all-school tennis tournament began last week and has been progressing rapidly since that time. In-eluded In the list of 32 that entered the tournament are three lettermen from last years' tennis team. These men are Kelly, Gottmann, and Austin.

An unusually large number of the college men entered and many of the contests have been close. The following were In the tournament when the elimination began: Guy Hayes. Merland Edwards. Paul Booz. Delbert Kelly. Don Overboil. Rufus Jamison. Luther Horn. Wilbur Voder, Robert Bowman. Glen Lichty, Carol Whitcher. Bruce Kauffman. Ernest Sweetland, Lester Pole, Lloyd Lar-sen. Harvey Shank. Melvin Landes. James Robertson. David Duncanson. Lilburn Gottmann. Arnold Taylor. Ward Williams. Sam Stoner. Raymond Tice. Junior Lytle, Leonard Wiggins. Gordon Kraus. Franz Crumpacker. Charles Austin, Chester Johnston. Newel Wine and Loren Rock.

In most cases the mutches have been coming out as was expected, although there have been upsets In n few cases. Play has advanced to the quarter finals and In the upper bracket. Kelly and Overholt will play. The lower half of the upper bracket Is not completed as far as the quarter finals yet. Bowman and Whitcher will tangle and Larsen meets Pote. The winner of these two matches will play for the right to cuter the semifinals.

In the lower bracket Gottmann Is scheduled to play Tice, and Kraus and Austin meet in the other quarter final match.    

The losers In the first rounded were rebracketed and are playing a consolation tournament. Probably the outstanding players of the consolation round are Johnston. Sweetland. Stoner, and Jamison.

Both of these tournaments are to be “ran off as fast as possible, so that varsity practice may begin In

play. Great credit is due the Thespian Club for the success of the dramatic production.


Play “Moonshine” Is Given After Musical Program

An unusually large audience enjoyed the fine arts recital given on Monday evening In the college chapel.

The following musical selections were presented:

Ivy Leaves .............. . Jungmann

Miss Katherine Foster Hungarian    MacDowell

Miss Era June Zimmerman My Little Woman    Osgood

Mr. Chris Johansen Grillen    Schumann

Miss Hazel Crawford

Grillen ............ . Schumann

Arthur Rolander. Jr. (Context selection)

The Little Shepherd    Debussy

Ballad D Minor    Brahms

Mr. Ronald Vetter The Friend of You    Ware

Miss Lorene Voshell A Deserted Farm    MacDowell

Wedding Day at Troldhaugen Grieg Miss Elrae Carlson Clair de Lune     Debussy

Finale from sonata e minor Grieg Miss Joyce Vetter

"Moonshine", a one-art play, was presented by the dramatic art department. Jim Dunn, played by Samuel Stoner, tricked his captor. Luke, a moonshiner, played by Hobart Hughey, into releasing him. Jim cleverly escaped execution by making him think that he had been trying for some time to commit suicide. Knowing this. Luke refused to kill him.

A great deal of the credit Is reflected upon Leta Wine, the student director, as well us upon the cast for this realistic presentation.


Freshmen Have Most Men with Nine Outs for Meet

Tomorrow and Friday afternoons McPherson College will hold her annual Inter-class track meet and many men have signified their willingness to make a good showing for their Individual classes. As dope runs the Senior aggregation expects to have little difficulty In earning the most points, with the. Sophomores and Freshmen scrapping It out for second and third places. Right now things don't look so bright for the Junior class but dope on the whole is mere speculation and speculation is sometimes right and usually wrong. Twenty-seven men are work-ing to get into shape for this week end and perhaps some will show up then who have thus far failed to appear for practice.

These men have organized accord-ing to classes and captains have been chosen for each croup. Milton Early. fast little sprinter and hurdler, will lead the Seniors. Everett Fasnacht, distance runner, will captain the other upper-class. Leonard Wigginshurdler and high Jumper, will he field manager for the Sophomore ag-gregation. Gerald Custer. fast 220 man. will captain the Freshmen.

Early has four men besides himself. Zinn. Rockk. Buskirk. and Williams all of whom have won previous M. C. letters and they are all expected to place tomorrow and Friday. Zinn will run the hundred yard dash and throw the discus, shot, and Javelin. Rock will run the high hurdles and throw the discus and Javelin. Buskirk will probably run the 880. mile and two-mile. Williams will enter the high Jump. 440 and 880; he may also broad Jump. The races which these men are to he In are by no means certain ns they may enter others or less than named here according to rules of the meet unit the desires of their captains.

Fasnacht Is hacked by only three men besides himself at present. These arc Pote, Richards. and Hayes who will probably enter the field events and shorter dashes. Fasnacht expects to Ret a few more men than these out for the meet tomorrow. Richards Is a miler .

Wiggins has seven men to draw upon. They are Goering. Reinecker. Weddle. Kraus, Pauls. Eddy. and Whitcher. This aggregation Is a bit indefinite, as yet. as to what events they will enter but probably they will line up as follows: Goering, and Reinecker will try the distance events, mile and two mile. Weddle the quarter mile, half mile, and hurdles. Kraus and Whitcher will do the 220 and 440 and perhaps the 100 yard dashes. Eddy will handle the weights and Pauls will broad Jump, high Jump, and hurdle.

Custer will lead the largest aggre- gation In tomorrow’s meet with a total of nine men besides himself. They are Friesen, Brubaker, H. Johnston. Brammell, Jamison, Edwards, Sink, Replogle, and Heckman. Here again the men are having difficulty in finding their positions but at any rate Custer Intends to keep Wiggins on his toes to make as near as many points as the Senior men Intend to roll In. A probable lineup will find Frlesen. Sink, Brammell, and Heck-man in the mile and two mile events. Brubaker. Edwards. and Replogle will take the half mile and 440. Jamison and H. Johnson will take the hurdles, high Jump and broad Jump. Edwards will throw the discus. Custer. Sink and Johnston will run the 100 yard dash.

In this pre-write of events no reference was made the entries for the pole vault but they will surely be there scrapping for high honors. This should prove a very Interesting meet and a good rest from hard studies for the entire school.

Support your class tomorrow and Friday.

Line ups of events are as follows:

Thursday afternoon the following events and order will be carried out: 220 yard dash, half mile, two mile run. shot put, pole vault, high hurd-les, and high Jump.

Friday the schedule of events will be 100-yard dash first, 440 yard dash second, mile run third, discus next, thou javelin, low hurdles, and broad Jump.

No contestants may enter more than five events.

earnest. The varsity squad will undoubtedly be picked largely on the basis of tournament results.


The following article was taken from last night's McPherson Daily Republican:

The physical education department at McPherson College has one of the highest records of any college or university in Kansas, according to Information secured from the authorities of the Institution. Eighty-one per cent of all boys enrolled In the college participated In the recent basketball Intramural tournament, a figure us high us any institution in the state.

McPherson's Intramural system is outstanding in that It puts a high percentage of the young men in some physical training exercise,'' under the; direction of Coach Melvin J. Binford.' coach and head of the department. |

In the basketball tournament, held during October and November, six teams were organized and a single round robin bracket was played. In December. January and February two additional brackets were played. So closely were the teams organized that the last game in each group derided the championship of that Individual group.

Each man participated In from 12 to 15 games of basketball, and each one was given a definite practice period. Members of the regular varsity team acted as roaches of the various teams.

An intramural free throw tournament was held, including 69 men. In class A 37 men were entered, and Reinecker won by throwing 44 out of 50-attempts. In class B Minear was first by throwing 31 out of 50 attempts.

This spring an intramural tennis tournament Is being organized, and already 32 men have entered. Play ground bull Is also being started on the campus.

The McPherson College physical education department Is one of the strongest departments, of Its kind In Kansas, and during the past year arrangements have been made whereby u B. S. degree may be secured In this department.

A course of study. Including six different courses, is demanding the interest and attention of 90 young men enrolled In the courses. Coach Binford Is the Instructor In the various courses, which include: "Games and Playground Management" two hours: "Basketball Coaching", three hours; "First Aid and Massaging", two hours: "Track and Field", two hours: "Methods of Teaching Physical Education", two hours; "Physical Training", two hours.

Much progress has been made during the past year in this relatively new department, and additional plans are being made for next year. The physical education program will be featured next year, and already students not enrolled In the college are making-inquiries concerning the department. The local department is one of the best balanced in Kansas.



(Continued from Page One)

ing's parents are unknown that the rest of the plot is developed. The last act opens In the drawing-room of the Manor House where the entanglements are amusingly and cleverly cleared up.

The difficult role of the likeable, easy-going Englishman, Algernon Moncrieff, was portrayed with startling reality by Fred Nace. His ex-citable friend; John Worthing, adept at getting Into difficult positions was handled with great skill by Donald Evans. The part of the dignified and snobbish Lady Bracknell, the Aunt of Algernon. was played by Marjorie Brown In her usual well-interpreted manner. Una Ring elev-rly took the part of the changeable Gwendolen Fairfax. Miss Prism the governess with a past, who is plainly out to catch the minister, was ably handled by Maxine Ring. Blanch Harris took the role of the Reverend Canon Chasuble Id an amazingly original manner. Lane, the manser-vant, was well acted by Hobart Hughey. Delvis Bradshaw, as the austere and most dignified butler, j produced many laughs.

Music for the play was furnished by an orchestra directed by Pascal Davis. Mary Miller had charge of the properties, with the assistance of Ruth Hobart. Hobart Hughey was stage manager, while Miss Della Lehman directed the makeup for the,



Several Are Nominated for Different Positions

It looks as If the student elections will be quite close and the campaign boated, for three students are up for several different positions. Although not all of the petitions have been signed and given to Donald Dresher, the following will probably he candidates:

For president of the student council. Guy Hayes and Robert Bowman; editor of the Spectator. Margaret Oliver. Elmer Staats, and Royal Frantz: cheer king, Chris Johansen, Glen Lichty, and Ernest Sweetland; treasurer of the student council. Newel Wine and Ruth Hobard; and business manager of Spectator. Paul Booz.

Campaign managers should be chosen soon for the primary election will be held April 12 and the final election April 21.