McPherson college, mcpherson, Kansas, Wednesday, mar. 29,1933
Student Council Not to Furnish Fund for Campaign Purposes— Primaries to Be April 12 and Final Election April 21
Replogle To Speak Over KFBI —Musical Program Planned
McPherson College will give Its second broadcast of the year April 9 from 3:00 to 4:00 o'clock over the Abilene station. KFBI. Dean F. A. Replogle will be the speaker of the broadcast.
The program as planned thus far will consist largely of music provided by the Fine Arts Department of the college. Prof. A, C. Voran. In charge of the music, states that while the program is not yet definite a tenta-tive schedule has been planned.
The A Capella Choir will sing five numbers: "How Sweet the Moon light Sleeps" by Faning. "Send Forth Thy Spirit” by Schuetky. "Good Night. Good Night” by Pinsuti, "My Love Dwelt in a Northern Land" by Elgar, and "Oh Lord Send Thy Fire" by Cain.
Because of so much favorable comment the choir will sing again the song "Listen to the Lambs", by Dett which they sang at the last broadcast.
The girls' trio will sing two numbers: "Rain" by Curin and “Evening Hymn" by Back. The male quartet will also sing.
Piano solos will he given by Miss Fern Lingenfelter and Gulah Hoover.
Attend the Thespian production. "The Importance of Being Earnest" Thursday or Friday night!
Tom: "I thought your was blonde?”
Jerry: "She was. but she's gone off the gold standard."
(Continued on Page Two
Tells What "Men’s Work of Church of Brethren" Does
Dean It. K. Mohler spoke to the Y. M. C. A. Tuesday morning on "Men and the Church". Mohler Is secretary of Men's Work of the Church of the Brethren, and he described various ways In which men's organisations have functioned, and can function.
Hr expressed belief that if one ties his loyalties to his church, be will also tie his loyalties' to his Job, his home, and other worthwhile things. Mohler recommended plans for organisation and work of the church men at the home churches of the students present. He said that if men can be induced to serve the church they will become more Interested In It.
Special music in the form of a trio by Jane McIlnay. Wayne Carr, and Often Ogden, was thoroughly enjoyed by all those present.
Wins Over Six Others in Local Peace Contest Sunday Evening— Guy Hayes Takes Second Place and Elmer Staats Third
Six Colleges to Compete Here on Wednesday, April 12
Ward Williams, by winning over six contestants In the local Peace Oratorical Contest in the college church Sunday evening, was chosen to represent McPherson College In the state contest. Guy Hayes won second place and Elmer Staats placed third In the tryout.
The prizes given were $7.50, $5.00, and $2.50 for first. second, and third places. The contest was hold during the regular church service and a large crowd attended.
The state contest will he hold In the McPherson College chapel Wed-nesday. April 12. Those who will be represented in this contest are Bethel College of Newton. Sterling College, McPherson College. Friends Univer-sity of Wichita. Southwestern College of Winfield, and Marymount College of Salina.
Prices in the state content In for-mer years have been $60 and $40 for first and second places.
In the local contest the seven ora-tors trying out were Clarence Sink. Alex Richards. Guy Hayes, Paul Booz. Lilburn Gottmann, Elmer Staats. and Ward Williams.
Those who Judged In the contest cere Prof. J. A. Blair. Dean F. A. Replogle. Dr. J. D. Bright, Prof. E. R. Bohling. and Dr. J. W. Fields.
Petition for Nomination Must Be Signed by Fifty Students
Nominations for student elections sponsored by the Student Council opened Tuesday. March 27. A petition signed by fifty names In neces-sary for nomination. The financial condition of the Student Council does not permit Its furnishing any advertising for campaign purposes, as has born done in past years.
The primary election will take place Wednesday. April 12. and the finals Friday. April 21. Since a Quadrangle editor was elected earlier in the year only five offices remain to be filled. They are President of Student Council. Treasurer of Student Council. Editor of Spectator. Business Manager of Spectator, and Cheer King.
The council decided that one man cheer leader, a Cheer King. should he elected who will have the privilege of choosing his assistants next year. Tryouts for the position will be held Thursday April 6 In a practice pep session.
Nominations are not valid until signed by fifty students. Then the signed nominations must he turned over to Donald Dresher.
These elections are always of great Interest and unusual Ingenuity Is shown by the campaigners and political bosses. Several petitions have already appeared on the bulletin board for nominations for offices, and a lively political campaign looks promising.
Will Help Buy Cyclorama with Proceeds of Production
Those who are interested in dra-matic art will be eager to see the Thespian production. "The Impor tance of Being Earnest", a three-act farce-comedy by Oscar Wilde Thursday and Friday of this week.
The proceeds of this production are to be used in buying a cyclorama for the college dramatic art department A cyclorama will do away with the necessity for different sets for various scenes. Miss Della Lehman believes that In the long run a cyclo-rama will be an economy.
This unusual comedy takes place in London and shows many English characteristics. The second act, which Is a garden scene, will take place In the college gym. the audience going from one building to another. The net which is used for the interiors has been repainted and the committee has been working for the last two weeks In order to gather the properties.
The different committees who are assisting In the work of the student director. Ado Brunk, are made up of members of the Thespian Club. Ruth Hobart and Mary Miller are looking after the properties; Genevieve Christ and Florence Dresher have charge of the publicity: and Hobart Hughey Is stage manager.
It will be given two evenings In the college chapel starting at 8:00 o'clock. This will give everyone, Including students who go home over week ends, an opportunity to see It. Student admission Is only 15 cents.' For others It is 25 cents.
Milo Stucky, president of the Student Council, announces that a box will be placed In the hall of the administration building this week In-which students are asked to place suggestions for a general clean-up day.
Says Mike to Pat
Mike: "I used to live In Panama." Pat: "Ah! Now I know why they put locks on the canal."
Exhibits in Y. W. C. A. Pictures Taken In Mexico
A film on Mexico was presented by Alex Richards In Y. W. C. A. this Richards and Professor H. H. Ninin-morning. The pictures were taken by ger. former Instructor in biological science here, when they made a scientific expedition down into Mexico three years ago.
The films portrayed the conditions in Mexico as they exist today. Richards explained the pictures as they were thrown on the screen.
Kato Tells of Life of Kagawa Great Christian Leader
The speaker for chapel Monday. March 27,. was Mr. Kato. a Japanese student, now studying at Wichita University. The students attending the International Relations Club Conference at William Jewell College met him and It was through their influence that he was brought here.
Mr. Kato Is a graduate from the University at Tokyo. This Is his second year of study In the United States, the first being at Colgate University.
Mr. Kato spoke of the Christian movement In his country, the education of women, and the new types of schools. He told of the life of one of he greatest Christian leaders, Kagawa. This man was adopted by a rich uncle who sent him to school. When he finished high school he announced his Intention of becoming a Christian minister. This angered his uncle so greatly that he was thrown out penniless. He was then adopted by Dr. Meyers, who sent him to school in Japan and then to three years at Princeton. He has been ac-tive In trade unions and social wel-fare bureaus at Tokyo. He is the most popular present day religious leader In Japan. He Is a great speak-er and preaches on the street until exhausted. Although he Is a poor man he gives much to the poverty stricken.
Wed.. Mar. 29—Films In chemistry lecture room at 7:00.
Thurs.. Mar. 30—Thespian play "The Importance of Being Earnest" at 8:00 o'clock In college chapel.
Fri.. Mar. 31—Second presentation of Thespian production.
Mon.. Apr. 3—Fine arts recital In college chapel.
“Pink and Patches.," “Black-
berryin’ " and "Chinese Waterwheel” Presented
Miss Della Lehman Supervises Pro-ductions of Southern Life
Last Friday evening the dramatic art class presumed three one-act plays in the college auditorium. A large crowd of students and people from town attended. All of those plays portrayed scenes of southern mountain life. Miss Della Lehman was the dramatic director.
The curtain first arose on an outdoor scene of "Pink and Patches." a heart-stirring little drama. Many considered Agnes Bean's portrayal of the drab but dreamy Texie, the best of the evening. However. she had the advantage of having a role with unusual dramatic possibilities, and there were other actors who showed as much talent. As she sobbed her last lines, not a few eyes in the audience shed a tear or two.
Clarice Evans as her mother, gave an unusual Interpretation of a gaunt and worn-out wife of a laxy mountaineer. The way she carried the baby seemed to show that she had been lugging youngster for the past twenty years. Even her voice showed the case with which she no longer played the part of Clarice Evans. Melvin Landes could hardly he recognised in the role of the loafing Rexie, to which he added a clever bit of comedy stage business. Florence Dresher was daintily pretty In the straight part of the northern Indy.
The story centered around the fifteen-year-old Texie who always wore old brown calico, and longed for n filmy pink dress. One of the "summer ladies." who Is her Ideal, finally gave her a dress, and Texie thought her dreams had come true, but It was only a brown useful dress. Toxic resolved to keep on hating brown and patches even If she wore them the rest of her life.
"Blackberryin'" by Howard Forman Smith, was the second play of the evening. Corinne Sitter as the bent old Mrs. Waste lent a real air of senility to her part as a worn and aged berry picker. Odessa Crist was the bright spot In the group of dingy women. She played the part of a pretty and fresh young girl starting on her honeymoon. Leta Wine war comical In her part of Mrs. Hathaway. She made an unusual character role of the part by her own acting
Famous Religious Educator to Be Here April 10 and 11
Dr. Willard Uphaus. New Haven. Connecticut, will be on the McPherson College campus Monday and Tuesday. April 10 and 11. His visit to our campus has been secured by the college Y. M. C. A.
Dr. Willard Uphaus is well-known In the field of religious education. He has written several books, and has been a lecturer In Yule Divinity School. He is a man of wide experience and his coming to the McPherson College campus will he one of the high lights of the present year.
Presents Numbers to Darlow,
Castleton, and Hutchinson Audiences Sunday
The McPherson College A Capella choir and its director. Prof. A. C. Voran, presented two music programs In churches at Darlow and Hutchinson. Sunday. March 26. The afternoon program was presented at Darlow, with the congregations of the Darlow Church of the Brethren and Castleton Community Church in attendance. Two McPherson College students. Charles Austin and Ward Williams, are the pastors of the respective churches.
Sunday evening, the choir returned to Hutchinson. where the ladies, of the Brethren church served them supper. The evening program was presented at 7:30, The choir pro-tented, both It programs before full houses.
Next Sunday evening the choir will present a program at the McPherson Lutheran Church, and the following Sunday. April 9. they will go to Abilene to take part In the Mc-Pherson College radio hour, which is 3:00 to 4:00 Sunday afternoon.
Yukio Koto Is Brought by International Relations Club
Under the auspices of the International Relations Club. Yukio Kato a graduate student at Wichita Uni versity. was brought to the campus Monday. Mr. Kato spoke In chape Monday morning, at a conference with the class In Family in the afternoon. and again at the International Relations Club meeting In the evening.
In his chapel speech Mr. Kato spoke on the religious leaders In Japan and on the general Christian movement In his country. Despite the present crisis the Christian purpose In Japan Is gaining headway.
Mr. Kato. In his afternoon discussion. spoke on the family life of his people and their domestic problems. The present trend In Japan Is toward Americanisation In every field of activity. the speaker stated.
The discussion in the evening centered around the Chino-Japanese crisis. Mr. Kato defended the actions of his country freely and effectively.
Mr. Kato came to the United States two years ago. studying first In Colgate University and now at Wichita University. He Is working out his master's thesis on Japanese-Ameri-can Relations In the Roosevelt administration. The I. R. C. became acquainted with the Japanese student at the William Jewell conference.
In Step with the Times
Will Present Play "Moonshine” —Good Music Promised
A Fine Arts recital will be given Monday evening. April 3. In the col-lege chapel. The students of Miss Jessie Brown and Miss Fern Lingen-felter will participate. The one-act play. "Moonshine", will be given by the dramatic art department In con-nection with the musical recital.
This play. which is coached by Leta Wine, takes place In a moun-taineer's cabin. The character of the ouch, hard-boiled, bootlegger moun-taineer is portrayed by Hobart Hugh-ey. The revenue officer who is at the mercy of the slayer-bootlegger Is characterized by Samuel Stoner. The revenue officer Is found prowling iround the still of the moonshiner and Is captured. The man of the backwoods offers the unresisting other a hospitable drink before kiting him. In the course of conversation which follows, it Is learned that-the man or the law has been trying to commit suicide. Interesting events develop.
The presentation of both the play and the recital Will make for an evening of Interesting entertainment which will be presented to the public free of charge.
Main Feature
The chemistry society will hold Its bi-weekly program this evening in the chemistry lecture room. The meeting will be at 7:00 p. m. Instead of the usual time.
The program will consist of two motion pictures, both of which are non-technical. Thu pictures ara "Valley Gold" and "The Triumph of the Century”. This last-named will be of Interest to all for It concerns the World's Fair to he held In Chicago this summer. The picture shows the portions of the fair already constructed by taking one on a pictorial trip through the grounds. It is a very effective presentation.
The public Is cordially Invited to attend. Remember—7:00 p. m. this evening In the chemistry lecture room.
Subscription Rates For One School Year $1.00
Business Staff
Business Manager ....____Harry Frantz
Ass't Business Manager._____Melvin Landes
Ass't. Business Manager_____Paul Booz
Circulation Manager---Everett Fasnacht
On Monday evening Mary Jane Groves a birthday party in honor at Alice Egbert. Those besides the hostess who enjoyed the evening at the Groves home, were Leone Shirk, Esther Stegeman, Ruth Deardorff, Leona Benhardt. Ruth Tice, LeNora Johnson, and Alice Egbert, the honoree.
Elmer Staats Lois Hawkins Paul Heckman Odessa Crist
Agnes Bean Dorothy Dresher
Pauline Decker
The girls’ physical training classes, under the direction of Miss Audrey Groves. are Working on folk dances which are to he given at May both here and downtown.
Leona Benhardt and Leone Shirk went to Lindsborg Thursday evening with Mrs. E. G. Nigh.
Miss Della Lehman and two dorm ladles left for Oklahoma with John Wall Saturday noon. Miss Lehman visited her sister, Mrs. Tom McLain In Oklahoma City and Ruth Hobart visited her parents there. Maurine Stutzman went only as far as Black-well. Oklahoma, where her brother. Dwight Stutzman, lives. The group returned to McPherson late Sunday night.
LeNora Johnson who is in the habit of spending Week-ends at her home in Galva stayed in the dorm this week on account of a case of mumps at home.
Bernice Dresher, Newell Wine, Ruth Ihde, and Lloyd Larsen Were at the home of Ruth's sister in Hutchinson for Sunday dinner.
Agnes Bean entertained Lois Fry, Gerald Myers, and Harry Frantz at a wattle supper at her home Sunday evening.
(Continued front Page One)
and interpretation. Marjorie Brown and Mary Miller played their parts as two forceful women, Mrs. Granger and Mrs. Whitmore, who clashed over their childrens' marriage. They both showed dramatic ability, Mrs. Granger when she gave in that the bas-kets weren't hers in order to prove her daughter's marriage was legal and Mrs. Whitmore when she unwillingly acknowledged the marriage.
"The Chinese Waterwheel,'* by Edna Higgins Strachan, was the last play. Bernice Fowler was attractive in the role of a fragile city girl working on a farm, and made the audi-ence feel her dislike of the perpetual noise Of the waterwheel. Genevieve Crist was unbecomingly real as the toothless and hard-working woman who showed determination in every line. Alex Richards, as her husband, played his part in such a way that everyone knew he was glad to get off to bed at the end of a hard day. Raymond Buskirk put romance into the character of the unromanic boy who was in love with Camille. Blanch Harris had accomplished the fine points of a southern accent and seem-ed not to be acting In the part of the dreamy half-breed hero.
This play concerned a city girl who had come to the country to find beauty, but had found only hard work and unimaginative people. Although engaged to a farmer lad, she finally found solace In the half-breed who believed in playing when he had the urge.
The stage managers, Raymond Dunkirk and Melvin Landes, did their, work well. The first play bad an exterior showing trees, a stamp with chips about, a clothesline full of clothes and the exterior of a cabin. The second showed the inside of a bare berry-house. The third play took place in the sitting-dining room of a farmhouse. Throughout the play a creaking waterwheel could be heard. The stage manager were assisted by property managers of the different plays.
These presentations reflected much credit Upon Miss Lehman, the instructor of the dramatic art class. The student directors were Una Ring. Marjorie Brown, and Blanch Harris.
Seven girls of the A Capella Choir were entertained In Esther Brown's home at Hutchinson after the program at Darlow Sunday afternoon. Those present were Elizabeth and Jo Wagoner. Leta Wine, Mildred Dahlinger, Gulah Hoover. Marjorie Barber. and Faithe Ketterman.
Ruth Tice. Dorothy Matson, and Pauline Stutzman motored to Linds-borg Sunday afternoon.
Yo Ho! Wait for me. will you, and I'll walk over to clothing lab with you. We'll have to hurry or the whistle will blow before we get there. Look! There goes beanie on a run, too the probably couldn't find anyone to crank her Ford for her.
Well, here we are! She doesn't call roll any more, does she? I guess she's acquainted with all of our bright and shining faces. Say Molly, can I have the iron after you? Oh heck -this old ironing board wiggles so you'd think it had heebie jeebies. The old iron is a big spoofer too. it won't Work — I'm sorry I blamed the from —some dumb egg over In Physics Lab blew out a fuse. My. ur (as prof. Hess says).
That girl across from me Is making a baby's dress. It’s got the cutest lace on it and she's making It all by hand too. You know we have to make child's garment so most of us chose to make baby's dresses. Lucky we have a handy little sister, cousin, niece, etc.!!!
This sure is a stuffy old lab. Can't have any windows open cause the draft will blow somebody's pattern to Guinea and back again! Some girls have all the luck though. They get time out to go play games in Physical Ed while the rest of us have to sit there and prick oar fingers.
Sssssst! Molly!! What time Is it? 4:30? Gee. I'd better begin to put my Junk away. We get out at 5:15, but there's nothing like being on time!!! Toodle Doo!
Official Publication of McPherson College Published by Student Council. McPherson, Kansas.
Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917, at the postoffice at McPherson, Kansas under the act of March 3, 1897.
Address all correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas
Editor-in-chief__________________ Una H. Ring
Associate Editor----;___Wilbur C. Yoder
Associate Editor--,------ Everett Fasnacht
Sports Editor.------___Wilber C. Yoder
Etta Nickel Ann Heckman Margaret Oliver Jo Wagoner Prof. Maurice A. Hess
chapel Speeches
In a school year the student can expect a variety of chapel speeches and chapel programs. Thus far this year many programs have been highly instructive and entertaining. Others have been equally boresome and unattractive. Chapel programs as a whole cannot be criticized harshly but others can be censored as time wasted.
The student is most interested in chapel speeches. The same dry monotony is accosted many times In the year. The speakers either from, lack of Ability or unpreparedness have many times proved to be uninteresting. For example, the speaker who has to apologize for his speech will not gain much in the program. The chapel program is a valuable project and should be so made by the speakers. Such criticism is not general but this opinion has been expressed many times on the campus this year, The students and faculty should cooperate on putting more interesting programs.—'E. S.
The student council of the Kansas State Teacher's College at Pittsburg voted to ostracize three fellows, among whom was the vice president of the Y. M. C. A., Who danced With Negro girls. Our student council has. written the following letter to the similar organization of Pittsburg:
McPherson, Kansas March 28, 1933
President of the Student Council Kansas State Teacher's College Pittsburg, Kansas Dear Sir:
In the March 23 issue of the Kansas City Times, we read of the social hour, sponsored by the Y. M. C. A., at which three of your young men danced With Negro girls, and of the subsequent action of the Student Council.
We, was the Student Council of McPherson College, wish to protest against the action which you took concerning the Incident, since It is In opposition to the Ideals of racial equality upheld by the Y. M. C. A. We feel that If Negros are allowed to take part In' school affairs, they should not be discriminated against In social functions.
Sincerely yours.
Student Council
It costs the American people $300 a year to keep a man In prison, It costs only $100 a year to keep a child In school. The nation spends a billion add a half a year cm its 500,000 prisoners; It spends only two bulion and a half to educate its 26,000,000 school children.
Could anything more eloquent be said against some of the proposed Plan restricting our schools so that they can not function adequately? These times demand Strict economy In government and no city or state can afford any unnecessary expenditures. But the money we spend on schools is not an unnecessary expenditure and it is not unduly high. Compared with the cost of keeping men In prison It is Insignificant.
The public school system of the United States is the best crime pre-tentative we have. And it is amazingly cheap when we consider the cost of maintaining Our prisons, which are no preventative at all.
So those charged with handling the school budget should keep this important fact well in mind. The investment of $100 in a Pratt school child this year may save the taxpayers of the state of Kansas paying $300 a year to keep a criminal in Lansing a little longer.—Pratt Tribune.
Once, it is said, there was a man with an exceedingly mean disposition. He was so cross his children always crawled under the bed when they heard his footsteps on the front porch. He was so close he could swim a mile upstream holding an eel In each hand and one under each arm. When his wire needed a new dress she had to call In a dentist to give him gas In order to extract the price from him. And the dollar which he was seen to drop In the contribution basket at church every Sunday really had a rubber cord fastened to it. and flew back up his sleeve when he relaxed his clutch on it.
One day, so the story goes, this fellow was returning from foreclosing a mortgage on a poor widow's home when he was overtaken In the midst of a woods by a terrific rainstorm. Sorely besot he looked about for a refuge. He saw a fallen tree Into the hollow trunk of which he was able to crawl, with some difficulty.
The rain descended In torrents. He waited and Waited, but there seemed little prospect of cessation of the downpour. Presently he noticed that the log appeared to he closing in on him! Reflecting oh the curiosity of the phenomenon it finally dawned on him that moisture was causing the wood to swell. Perceiving the danger of the situation he attempted to crawl out, but found himself securely held In the log's embrace.
As the appalling nature of his Condition became clear, he began to ex-perience all the terrors that are said to afflict the wicked In peril. His past life moved before him like a panorama. All the mean, selfish, cruel, contemptible things he had ever done mocked and hooted at him.
The realization of how utterly helpless he was caused his self-esteem to shrink and reflecting on the ill-natured. vicious and worthless life he had led, made him feel so small that shortly he was able to work his way out of the log.
With the advent of spring weather the student's attention is turned to outside activities. After being forced indoors for the winter months, the student is glad to relax from his studies.
In previous years McPherson College has had a clean-up day for the campus. Students have donned old clothes and With rakes and mowers have lifted the face of our alma mater. In such a spring atmosphere the time is opportune for a clean-up day.
Not only a means of aiding our Institution financially, a clean up day gives a valuable opportunity for the expression of the cooperation Spirit and social outlets.
Recommends various
The average person thinks of his-tory as merely a record of the wars of the world; while very few stop to think that the progress of medicine, science. Industry and government Is Just as much history as the record of the decisive battles of any nation. Someone has said "History Is made up of the lives of great men.’’ This Is true In every, case. Everyone should know at least a little of the men whose efforts helped the progress of civilization.
Dr. Wade W, Oliver, in his "Stalkers of Pestilence". takes the reader from the time of the prehistoric man and his Ideas of disease, on through the many generations and centuries with their changing beliefs, to the twentieth century with Its known facts about many of the diseases Of mankind. Dr. Oliver tells of how at one time Illness was connected entirely with religion, or rather lack of It. Later, some people connected a magic element with all disease. Some of the progress made In this field was done by wild conjectures and guesses. Pasteur's experimental genius brought greater change in the medical world than over before, tor now instead of having to treat symptoms, we may treat the real cause of the sickness. Best of all, with proper care, a great deal of the illness which used to be considered Inevitable, can now be entirely prevented. Dr. Oliver tells this story of progress by telling of the lives and work of the leaders at the passing years to the medicinal world.
"Hunger Fighters” by Paul de Kruif, is also a book telling of the lives and work of great men; but the great men of this book are not those who are famous; instead, they are those who are almost forgotten In every day life. They are all men however, who fought hunger, whether It was hunger for enough food or hunger for the right kind of food
The student, as well as the teach-er, realizes a science becomes much more valuable If there Is some human Interest attached to the study of It, It was with this Idea In mind that Floyd L. Harrow wrote "Masters of Science and Invention". It Is a book which offers a simple account In biographical form, of the develop-men of scientific achievements from Galileo to Einstein. By giving the actual work of the scientists. It makes the romance of science and Invention clear to the reader.
James Parton's' biographies which are given in his "Captains of industry" tarnish plenty of material for arousing interest and stimulating the ambition to seek success in the In dustrial world. Leaders are selected from what is commonly considered the humbler walks of life, and their lives are told Interestingly and In such a way that the reader realises that their success Is due, not to in-heritance. fate, or lurk, but to Imagination, character, and hard work,— Bookworm.
Third Open Forum Discussion Held in College C. E.
The College Christian Endeavor held its third open forum discussion just Sunday night, under the direction of George Bryan, secretary of the City Y. M. C. A. Several religious problems were introduced, among them, "What impression of God do yon have?" and "Why do we Fear God?" The discussions were Interesting. and some valuable points were brought out.
Lola Richwine was devotional leader at the evening, and Lester Pote in-troduced the forum leader.
Two from McPherson College Be-come Doctors at Philosophy
Two of the students who are receiving the degree of doctor of philosophy this spring at the Chicago University are graduates of McPherson College. Roy W. Wampler, who Is specialising In chemistry, received his A. B. degree from here In 1920. He wrote his thesis on “The Activity Coefficients and Adsorption of N-Butyl Alcohol in Aqueous Solution".
Raymond W. Baldwin got his A, B. at McPherson in 1906 and his A. M. in 1906. The subject of his thesis Is "Price Differentials In Wheat Fu-tares Between Kansas City and Chicago”.
When the Dove Coos Magistrate (to woman involed In matrimonial dispute)—-"Did you and your husband quarrel on Friday night?"
Wife—"And the next day
Certainly not"—Wall Street Journal.
Life Becomes Lazily exciting as Student Wanders in Search of Girl Friend and Classes
Criminently Shut off that alarm! What! Quarter ’til nine? Gosh, and I can't afford to cut another bugology class! No. I don't have my lesson. Where the dickens did I put that striped sweater of mine? I’ll bet that sonovagun across the hall has taken It! Will I ever kill him?
Hey. worm, have you seen my notebook! Well, where it In It any
Butler University Is offering a special course dealing with matrimonial and domestic troubles In an attempt to check the evils of divorce. It may be of interest to note that the classes
One of the characters In “Pink and Patches," was omitted from the printed programs. It should have said that the part of the baby was played by Rose Budette.
Oh yes! Hobart Hughey wasn't mentioned as playing the part of the Voice In "Blackberryin'" either.
This column is becoming filled with stories of our absent-minded professors. Here are some of this week’s latest: Prof. Hess "private” parking space has frequently been occupied recently when he arrived at school. The other noon he came from class, got out his keys and almost had the ear door open when he discovered that he had come to the wrong automobile.
Then Friday morning when there was a foggy rain. Dr. Hershey came to school holding an umbrella above himself, But he had forgotten to raise the top of it and a fine mist had gathered In his hair.
And in passing we must not forget to comment that as far as we know It was the first time In three years that any one bent Hess to that parking place.
From the proud way Harry Frantz looked after the plays Friday night. one would have thought he had played a part so well Instead of Beanie.
If you all attend Christian Endeavor regularly you may already know this one, but we who miss once In a while just heard this one the other day. In one of the open forum discussions they have been having, someone asked what a girl should do if she wanted dates but did not have any. Lilburn Gottmann answered that she should Join the W. A. A.
Yeah. It's leap year every year when that organization has a banquet.
We heard someone say that after, he had seen so many worn old wom-' en with such crooked backs In the plays Friday night, that he had a "crick” in his back. too.
A woman who traveled In the south last summer said that Clarice Evans as the hard-working Ma looked exactly like a woman she had seen except that she could not spit tobacco quite as far.'
When being spoken of. the bovine family is In for some radical mix-ups sometimes, especially are such mix-ups prevalent In a girl's speech. For instance, la one of the plays Friday night. Instead of asking "Which cow was the pall under?" Mary Miller demurely asked "Which pall was the cow under?" Another girl, seeing a ferocious-looking bull, said, "Well, look at that cow with that nose in its ring.”
Superintendent of City Schools Gives Talk in Chapel
R. W. Potwin, superintendent of the McPherson public school system,
spoke to the college students in cha-pel. Wednesday. March 22.
He said that it was a debatable period that we are now living in and It is questionable whether we should educate or pamper. It la. according to Superintendent Potwin, a sad time for students politically, financially, morally, educationally, and religious-
He made a plea for the return of a spirit of more stability and hard work In education.
Education has been misconceived as a glorious holiday and an easy pathway. There has been too much popularization on the Idea of the child's freedom In education.
The word, pamper. Is of German derivation, and means living luxur-iously. which is an outgrowth of a pampered education. Leud out is the meaning of the Latin word, odacare. which has come down in our word, education
The person to he educated Is the one which Is to react to the process of education, and not the Instructor. The need then Is a seriousness of purpose on the student’s part.
Inquire Later
Lady: "Excuse me: do those tatto marks wash off?"
Bailor: "I couldn't say. lady."
—The Humorist (London)
how? On the dresser? O. K.
Late to breakfast? Oh. wal—I wasn’t hungry anyhow. I’ll bet that fat chump ate enough for me!
Soon as I find my other shoe I'm off for class—Yeah. I know I'm late, but It's a small matter.
. Well, I struggled through that class. Of course, I didn't know If a fly was a four or a six legged quad-raged thing. And all that dope about a Jelly fish's Intestines sure gurked me. That cute little thing on the first row sure thought she knew the whole d- works.
Chapel. I guess it must hare been a usual session. First time I've been there In six weeks and I have the privilege of sitting on the third row. having esteemed the inevitable position of a lofty senior.
Ten thirty-five, Guess I’ll go over In the bastille and sleep awhile. Yeah. I'll wake up before the eleven-thirty torture session.
Ye gods! Ten minutes after twelve! Did I ever over sleep? I'll bet those two other guys are having conniptions 'cause I didn't get to class with our book. That's the dickens of owning a book in cahoots.
Dinner. Pie day! Of course it's the one kind of pie Hint I detest—Oh wal! Such is life. I guess. Kids at the table were gabbing about the prexy making the rounds and herding the delinquents to chapel. Am I a happy lad that I got there? My back really should be patted for such an accomplishment, but I fear l‘d break my arm if I tried doing so myself.
Well, I promised the lil' woman I'd see her sometime this afternoon. And so with the agility of a rodent. I start over toward Carnegie. Looking around I see several rather good-looking damsels, but none that will compare with her fairness. So doing a vanishing American act, after making the pretense of looking at the papers, so my actions won't look too suspicious, I dart toward the Science Hall. Is this Tuesday? Maybe she has clothing lab. Nope, she doesn't take that stuff this year. And no with the rapidity of greased lightning, I hasten to Sharp Hall and after thoroughly ransacking through the rains of the ad building. I find no traces. And I even venture bravely Into the Y. W. denizen In ray frenzied quest.
My only hope—the dorm. So I start over there. After ringing her bell two or three times, she calls down, '•I'll be there In fifteen or twenty minutes. Wait for me." I'm told by one of her more Intimate friends that it'll at least half an hour as she Just got out of the shower room. Oh well. I don't mind waiting. I've at least located her. Whatta consolation!
She accepted the date; she's never refused me yet—not even last night, night before last, the night before that. etc.
2:30—I'm off for another psychology class—and am I happy? I won't mind sitting through the session at all!
Don't Throw Away Old Auto-mobile Numbers Before Reading This
The following article was found In an old publication. It is reproduced hern with a few changes to suit the situation.
From millions of garages throughout the land harsh, clanging sounds are heard. Millions of 1932 automobile license plates are being yanked off and thrown carelessly away. Next to a cancelled postage stamp It ts commonly believed that there Is nothing more useless than a last year's license tag. This is a grave mistake Which results In the loss of millions of dollars annually. To curb this woeful economic waste, at least to some extent, a few timely suggestions are in order for utilities these discarded metal insignia.
Take a pair of manicure scissors and neatly cut the numbers out of the plates. The cut-out figures will make a very nifty set of place-markers for your bridge table. Much of the fascination of bridge lies In Its uncertainty, so If the numbers happen to be all alike. It really doesn’t matter, ft will add to the Interest of the players when they try to find their places at the tables, and indicate to them that you are clever and original.
Fire hazards have made the wooden shlugle, as a roofing material, very unpopular. Perhaps this scarcity of loose shingles around modern homes is responsible In some way for the wave of juvenile delinquency that is sweeping the country. At any rate, for dressing down an obstreperous youngster, the new-fangled roofing materials can't hold a splinter to the old-fashioned cypress shingle. But for disciplinarian purposes a discarded automobile license plate Is an admirable substitute, the latter Is really more durable, covers Just as much territory per swat, and a half dozen of them ought to be sufficient to rear a very large family of children in paths of rectitude.
Aside from the immediate practical uses suggested above. it Is well to save your 1932 license tags, because you never can tell when somebody may start a fad of collecting these antique tags, just like some people today collect stamps and old coins. Some day a set of 1932 plates may command a price equal to what you paid for them. Who knows?
License plates make dandy house numbers, and by using them you can have a number on both the front and the rear. So. If you are planning to build a home, by all means save them. Of course. If yon have a number like 98-675, It may be necessary to locate your bungalow a little farther out in the suburbs than you first Intended. But what of that? You save money by not having to buy house numbers.
Notice that the year Is Indicated on the tags merely by the numerals 32. Hence, by saving them you can use them again In 2032. and hardly anybody will know the difference. If you are too old to drive your own car by that time, you can give the plates to your grandchildren, who will certainly appreciate your thoughtfulness.
As n final suggestion, go to all your friends who have cars and ask them to give you their 1932 licenses. Unless they have rend this article they will be glad to get rid of them. When you hare collected several hundred of the plates you can use them to shingle the roof of your garage. If there Is any troth in the old saying that “there Is safety In numbers," a garage so protected ought to be perfectly safe from fire and burglars.
It has been reported by the University of Kansas Librarians that men students are spending their leisure hours reading Instead of spending money on the girls.
At Bethel College. Newton, an Interesting diary of 1874 was received which gave prices of several commodities.
In 1874 the price of beef was 4 cents per lb., while now It Is 12 cents; wheat flour was $2.10 per 100 lbs. and now It is $1.38; a loaf of bread 8 cents, same as today; a pound of lard was 14 1/2 cents, now It Is 5 cents; a pound of beans was 4 1/2 cents and Is now 4; and a pound of salt was 1 2/4 cents, and Is now 5 cents.
From the University Kansan — Rules at Baker' University forbid women students to dance, play cards or go to the movies on Sunday. From Baker Orange—Evidently one of our co-eds had her excuses well in mind when the Kansan ed visited the Baker campus.—And the University Kansan reply, "No. the ed got the date, but what we found out was that the Baker women can't dance, and can’t play cards. We were Just being polite by saying It was due to a rule." are to be taught by an attorney who has been married twice.—Washburn Review.
Washburn College put on a Swimming Carnival not long ago. A clever water play was given with all sorts of fancy diving scenes, while among the members of the play were Minnie the Mermaid and Ghandi. Spectators certainly enjoyed the clever stunts.
A sign on the door of the dean’s office at Creighton reads, "Get year grades here" and beneath t "Pass— out quietly".—Washburn Review.
Since beer's not Intoxicating, according to the experts' testimony In Congress, It must have been the pret-zel that used to inspire "Sweet Adeline".—College Life, Emporia.
40,00 keys are needed to open the classrooms, laboratories, and store rooms at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
2,000 wads of gum were removed from the library tables during spring cleaning at the University of Texas. Wouldn’t that $20.00 be handy now?
Heads or tails! Yeah, the profs even do it! fn one class. It was debatable who should read his theme on the life of an English author. “All right. If it's heads. Miss Groves will read hers; If It's tails, Wiggins will read his; and If It lands on edge, Minear will read his.” As luck would have It, it landed heads up, so Mary
Jane was compelled to rend about the author.
Extra! Extra! The boys' home economics class had their pictures taken in their cooking outfits Tuesday noon. Undoubtedly there will be a great demand for these pictures.
Such means of entering and exiting classrooms that students have! It's a popular custom to crawl In or nut the chem lab windows. At noon sometimes It has been known for students to crawl out of the windows of Prof. Heckman's room, onto the fire-escape and down.
Miss McIlrath did not give her clothing students a nine weeks! test and as she told them. “I want you to remember that."—Thanks, the students really appreciate such a kindness!
As I was working on this column I looked out the window and saw a corpse lying right out on the campus. Yes. sir. it was certainly the body of a man. and he lay motionless as If he were dead. No, I guess I was wrong—It was only Forney, after all. lying down with his arm down In a man hole, working on sump'n or other.
When Mary Miller and Ruth Hoburt were hunting for properties for the Thespian play, they encountered a few difficulties and not unusual situations In their search for wins glasses. One man said that his wife had some but that be didn’t think she would part with them. But he went on to tell them where they could get as many as they wanted. He asked them if they didn't want to buy some and they explained that they merely wanted to borrow them for a few days to use in a play, He lifted his eyebrows with a puzzled look and asked them where they were from. When they mentioned this Institution of learning, he exclaimed. "I thought you were some 'oil' women who were planning to throw a party.”
They got the wine glasses from him anyway.
When anyone went into the Y. W. meeting yesterday, she Invariably stumbled over everyone until she could see enough to find a chair. It became funny only after she had sat down and could watch the next ones fall over themselves ns they came suddenly Into the darkened room.
Shades had been put over all the windows giving a rather gruesome effect until one learned that It was only for the films that Alex Richards was showing.
"I'm glad you're so impressed. dear. by these explanations I've been making about banking and eco-nomics." remarked the young husband.
"Yes. darling, it seems wonderful that anybody could know as much as you do about money without having any of It."—Exchange.
L. A. |
L. A. and |
Total |
F. A. Deg. |
F. A. |
Total In |
Total |
Change from | |
Only |
F. A. |
L. A. |
Stud. |
Spec. |
F. A. |
Reg. |
last yr. | |
Baker | ||||||||
Bethel |
144 |
30 |
174 |
0 |
7 |
37 |
181 |
0 |
Bethany |
182 |
182 |
70 |
57 |
127 |
309 |
—61 | |
College of Emp. |
288 |
49 |
337 |
49 |
19 |
68 |
356 |
+ 20 |
•Friends |
233 |
58 |
291 |
2 |
3 |
50 |
291 |
—84 |
Kansas Wesleyan |
182 |
47 |
229 |
11 |
69 |
116 |
378 |
—21 |
McPherson |
180 |
31 |
208 |
64 |
95 |
275 |
—21 | |
Ottawa |
268 |
268 |
11 |
11 |
279 |
+ 34 | ||
Southwestern |
288 |
82 |
370 |
34 |
61 |
177 |
465 |
—136 |
Sterling |
74 |
54 |
128 |
4 |
3 |
61 |
131 |
—18 |
An additional |
140 In downtown Music Studio. | |||||||
♦ An additional |
100 In |
Business College. | ||||||
L. A.—Liberal Arts. |
F. A —Fine Arts.
This data on Kansas College enrollments was compiled by Mr. Myers, Professor of Mathematics and Registrar of Southwestern College. Mr. Myers died of heart disease late In October. 1932.
Bulldog Track and Field Men Will Probably Be Present at Lawrence
The eleventh Annual Kansas relays will be held at Lawrence, Kan-sas, April 22, under supervision of the University of Kansas These annual Belays are one of the biggest presented annually In the mid-west. Dr. H. C. Allen, director of athletics at the University of Kansas and manager of the Kansas Relays, is of the opinion that the field of athletes will be little reduced this year In spite of unsettled conditions In athletic departments of colleges and universities.
Most of the best track and field men from the colleges and universities In the middle west will be on hum! for this relay carnival.
It Is very probable that some of the Bulldog track squad will be entered In the Kansas Relays. It Is not known as yet Just who will be entered from here, but undoubtedly Loren Rock, holder of the Kansan Conference record In the javelin, will be one. It Is possible that still others might bo entered.
It Is very probable that the field for the Missouri Valley A. A. U. decathlon to be held in connection with the Kansas Relays may Include all three members of the United States decathlon delegation In the last Olympics. James A. Haunch. Kansas City Athletic Club star and holder of the world decathlon record made In winning the Olympic event. Is understood to be planning to enter the event at Lawrence.
Enterprising Male Tells of Memories of Masculine Journey
Not many weeks ago the national A. A. U. basketball tournament was the center of attraction for sports fans In the Middle West. Several follows In our college who appear as athletes at various times of the year plus our coach seemed to be quite Interested In this classic. On the very earliest days of that week, one could hear such things as this. “Well are we going to Kansas City?" Answers would come back like this. "Boy. I surely would like to go. but I haven't much money.” or "Do you think wo could get in If we got them?”
Finally Thursday came and our men were getting plenty anxious because little time was left to go to the tourney. After several had borrowed money the load of five, and Eddy was added besides which made a real load, left our campus at about 12:45. Trouble In the gas line caused a stop at Marion, but the trouble still bothered until Herington, but from there on the car "perked" right along.
It was evident that our destination could not be reached too soon because the first game was at 7:00 Thursday night, so the gang stopped momentarily In Olathe to eat—I mean get something to eat. Well, whether you believe It or not the total cost of supper for the six was ten reals. What? Sure Benchy was along. He went In and bought—I mean got the stuff. I suppose the storekeeper gave It lo him. Just the same everybody had two good-sized sandwiches.
The score was 2-0 on the first same when we got perched way up • In the top. of the second balcony In Convention Hall. Players looked little down there on the floor, but wo had a hunch that they were regulation size It seemed that about everybody was smoking and about 10:30 the smoke was so thick In that bal-cony that one could hardly see the floor.
After the games that night the next problem was to find a place to sleep. After looking some time for the finest, no. my mistake, the cheapest hotel in town we finally found one. Even at that our little Jew had to got the proprietor down to 50 cents per person or a total of $2.00. Yea. the other two were guests. Well, we had fair accomodations there Including a good supply of soap, tow-els, and other things.
The next day was spent in looking around town and Conch spent most of the time "running down" some complimentary tickets for the night's games. Yes, and he got 'em too. Eddy was the only one who did much shopping. Along with his purchases was a towel "donated" by the Kansas City Athletic Club. Oh yes, Reinecker got a serving tray. It Is one of the kind that the Gayety sells—as a prize with their delicious candy.
Well, Friday night wo attended the semi-final games after "Tuffy" and Coach had managed to get enough "comp" tickets for the bunch. We had $2.00 seats (best In the house and right on the bottom floor) and certainly got our money’s worth. Coach and another of the follows sat on the very front row, but plenty of dirty remarks were made about the two as they showed their ability to wedge through the crowd.
Friday night after the games our gang hardly had the cash to stay for the finals; so they struck right out for home. We stopped In Topeka to get some food—that is all but Tuffy and he still thinks that he ate in Lawrence. He wasn't the only one that was sleepy, but that honest hunch tried to convince him that we ate In Topeka. Speaking of honesty reminds ns of some of the Jokes that were pulled on a few of our friends. Reinecker isn't sure yet Just what ball club eliminated the Reno seconds and Yoder wonders If Coach really got a $2.00 "comp" ticket with Eddy written across It.
Wo arrived on our campus at 5:45 Saturday morning—a hungry, sleepy, and moneyless bunch.
Yours for more economical trips.
Girls Are Divided Into Four Groups—Grace Lerew la Sport Manager
This week the baseball activities of the W. A. A. have been started. The girls who are taking part in the sport have been divided by the sport manager. Grace Lerew, Into two groups who will practice and compute with each other at the practices which will be held two or three times weekly at either 4:30 or 6:30 as the girls shall decide. Fifty points are given for participation In baseball, and an additional twenty-five points are given to the girls being on the winning team. The championship team Is determined by a tournament which is held at the close of the sea-son. Also points are given to the girls who win places on the varsity baseball team. The members of this team are selected from the entire group of girls participating In the baseball sport.
The girls who will take part In the baseball program are as follows; team one, Dorothy Bonham, Esther Stegeman. Genevieve Crist, Esther Pote, Ruth Ihde. Grace Heckman. Elizabeth Bowman. Lola Richwine. Elrae Carlson, Arlene Wampler. Verna Mae Severtson; team two, Elsie Rump, Alice Egbert, Cleora Foll-mer, Lola Hawkins, Ester Brown, Clarice Evans, Lois Fry. Ruth Deardorff. Odessa Crist. Ruth Hobart, and LeNora Johnson.
Senior Girl to Be Queen—To Choose Attendants from Lower Classes
Election of a May. Queen was begun. this morning in chapel under the supervision of the student council. All the names of the girls of the sen-ior class were thrown open to vote.
Friday at ten those seniors receiving the highest number of votes for May Queen will again be balloted on. The freshman, sophomore, and Junior classes will hold class meetings Thursday at 10:00 o'clock to elect an attendant and her escort from each class and the seniors will meet early next week to vote on theirs.
Miss Audrey Droves, director of physical education for women, is In charge of the May Day program which will be given oft the southwest side of the campus at a date not yet set. All the girls* gym classes and a group not enrolled are at work on parts of the program.
Underclassmen Record Thirty-Two Likes and Sixty Dislikes
Without any preliminary discussion, Freshmen were asked to write what they disliked and what they liked about McPherson College. This was done at the end of the fourth week In college. A total of thirty-two likes and sixty dislikes were recorded. A greater number of dislikes Were mentioned, but the dislikes were not as pronounced as the number checked In the chart will show. The first ten items in each list are given In the accompanying table In the rank order as mentioned. Tills entire list Is available at the office for those who wish to study the entire list.
Things Liked About McPherson College:
Items Frequency
Friendliness of Students and
Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A._ 19
Socials .....................--13
Small Classes-------------—— 5
Activities ------- 5
Things Disliked About McPherson College:
Items Frequency
Superiority complex of some
Too much profit on green caps...... 7
Way some rooms are heated ........ 7
Wearing green caps -------.——— 7
Not enough time to study__________ 6
Condition of boys' dormitory- 3
No discussion followed the writing of the statements. This method was used largely as a psychological release for some freshmen who wanted to tell someone what they thought or the college. Talking on paper sometimes proves to be a boon to personality, organization, and Integration.
Audience and Choir Sing Responsively
The A Capella Choir under the direction of Prof. Alvin C. Voran took charge of the Friday chapel service. The program was opened by the choral singing of "Gloria Patri" In Latin. An especially Interesting feature of the service was the alternate singing of the student body and the choir. Two hymns written In the same key had been selected by Mr. Voran, the students then singing a verse of one song followed by a verse of the second hymn which was sung by the choir.
Among other numbers rendered by the A Capella Choir was "Dedication". the theme song of the group, and “Mighty Lak a Rose”.
Lonesome males at the University of Alabama need no longer fear the outcome of a blind date, since the dater's guide has been Issued by the school. The publications will contain the names of all of the popular co-eds and their rating. — Kansas State Collegian.
Students of the University of Arizona have tried the plan of separating men and women Into different rooting section with great success. The fact became apparent after separation that boys made a lot more noise when their style was not cramped by feminine company and the girls when unaccompanied by men. forgot to be lady-like.—Daily Kansan.
Here are some Interesting figures to be taken for what they are worth. At Syracuse University. 62 per cant of the freshmen do not smoke. 82 per cent do not drink, and 57 per cent get seven or more hours sleep each night.
Male students read their papers more carefully than do their female
classmates. Men at Tulane Univer-sity, when questioned on facts obtainable from the daily press, drew grades ranging from 14 to 86: women students rated between 8 and 54.
The problem of coaxing outstanding books back to the library Is one that every college librarian faces. An Investigation at the University of St. Louis showed that fines on overdue books are hardest to collect from men and that students in the Science. Literature and Arts college are the time-limit rule offenders. Philosophic and scientific books are the ones kept out longest.
At a prominent western university (name withheld) the Dean who had Just given the diplomas to the graduating class of doctors saw a woman In the audience faint and rose to his feet to call out In a loud voice. “Is there a doctor In the house?"
Kansas Junior College Kansas City, Kan., has found one way to combine charity and outdoor sport. Twenty students recently staged a rabbit hunt and in twelve hours returned with 68 rabbits and 13 squirrels which they gave to the local Family service society to help those In need of food. Local merchants did their bit by awarding prizes to the best marksmen.
Make It Snappy
Two spinsters were discussing men. "Which would you desire most in a husband—brains, wealth or appearance?" asked one.
"Appearance.” snapped the other, "and the sooner the better."
Lois Fry.............March 30
Dorothy Bonham .March 31