McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas, Wednesday, mar. 22, 1933



Bulldogs Are Unusually Strong in Weight Events but Are Lacking Badly in Several Other Things

Humiliations, Insults, hurt pride. and Inferiority feelings were all heaped upon the new W. A. A. members on the day of March IS when they were Initiated Into the Women’s Athletic Association. The first warn-that all was not as it should be was received on Tuesday when all new members received slips of paper Informing them that print dresses were to be worn backwards, one arm was to be carried In a sling, while the footgear for the following day was to consist of bedroom slippers and ank lets. Worst of all the would-be members were required to walk-backwards and food salted peanuts to all superior W. A. A. members. That was the program for the day. but at night the pledgee learned that the miseries of initiation has Just begun At exactly seven o’clock all the new members were required to assemble in the music room on the top floor of the Science Bunding. Blind-


folded, each girl was led Into the secret room where she was humbled Into subservience by being required to kneel on the floor before the court of old members and taking a humiliating vow of allegiance. Then there came a gruelling hour of answering personal questions which the - old members relentlessly tired at them.

Still blindfolded each girl was taken through the agonies of electric shocks, jumping on tacks, and slippery hikes through sticky, slimy molasses. At last the blindfolds were removed but still the horrors ware not over, for each girl was forced to take a dose of good old olive oil. But finally the nervous strain was over and Maxine Ring. Ruth Tice. Lola Richwine, Agnes Bean, Clarice Evans. Alice Egbert. Cleora Follmer;. Esther Stegeman, Verna Mae Hevertson, and Lenore Johnson were elevated to the same high status as that enjoyed by the old members of the organization.



Films Are Given for Public for Visual Learning

The four departments of McPherson College are presenting education'll pictures each Wednesday evening. These departments includes home economics. biology. Industrial arts, and physics. These films are put out by the University of Kansas Extension Division. Their showings are open to the public and are given for visual educational purposes.

Two sets of films have been shown already. A program of pictures will be given each week, the last one on May 24. The pictures which will be shown tonight are "I See Yon Calling Me", a telephone picture, "Modern Milk", and a slide on milk. Those on March 29 will be "Concrete and Its Uses". "Magic Yellowstone'', and "The King of the Halls."


Three Prizes Will Be Awarded—Winner to Compete in State Contest Which Is to Be Held in McPherson College Chapel April 12


Lawrence Lehman, Graduate of 1933, Placed First In State Last Year

The local Peace Oratorical Contest will be hold In the college church Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Seven students are trying out this year.

Those who are competing in this contest are Clarence Sink, "The World Court”; Lilburn Gottmann. "Unification of Peace Efforts”; Alex Richards, "Passive Resistance"; Elmer Staats. "America and World Peace"; Paul Booz. "A Student Peace Policy”; Ward Williams, Nationalism": and Guy Hayes "National Imperialism”.

Three prizes are awarded to the winners In this contest; $7.50. $5.00, and $2.50 are given for first, second, and third place, respectively. The winner In this contest will represent McPherson College In the state contest which Is to be held In the college chapel April 12. Lawrence Lehman, who graduated from here last year, won the state contest last year.

The Judges who have been chosen for the local contest are Prof. J. A. Blair. Prof. K. It. Bohling, Dr. J. D. Bright, Miss Della Lehman, and Dean F. A. Replogle.

The contestants have been practicing daily and Coach Hess announcer that this contest promises to be as Interesting as any held in recent years.


To Be Held April 21 Unless It Conflicts With Plans of Main Speaker

The third annual McPherson College Hoosier Banquet, which had originally been stated (or March 21. will not be held until April 21 because of difficulties which arose out of the present financial condition.

Tentative plans are to have Henry Allen, ex-governor and former senator from Kansas, as the main speaker. If the set date Is In conflict with any of Mr. Allen's previous engagements, possibilities are that the date for the social event will again be changed.

Committees are continuing their work in preparation for the banquet, which has been a popular event the past two years.


Binford Most Develop Some Strong Material from New Candidates

Fire lettermen and eleven others of varying experiences were on hand at the first call for track men. Others will undoubtedly be out before this week is over since the Intramural basketball leagues have been completed.

Loren Rock. George Zinn, Leonard Wiggins. Ward Williams, and Milton Early are the lettermen back for this season's track campaign and these men will have to carry the brunt of the Bulldog attack this spring. - Rock has won letters In the weight events, being especially good with the Javelin. Rock holds the conference record In this event. Zinn won his letter last year In the shot put and discus, being very capable In both of these events. Wiggins Is a high jumper and pole vaulter. Williams has earned his letters In the distance runs, specializing on the two mile event. Early won a letter three years ago In the low hurdles.

Walter Pauls. Raymond Buskirk. Ralph Replogle. Harold Johnston. Clarence Sink, Gordon Kraus. Gerald Custer. Carol Whitcher, Willard Brammell are also out tor practice. It is uncertain what events they will enter but as soon as the weather clears up again and the men can got out on the track they will shape Into their positions.


Paul Sherfy, Ruth Ihde, & Paul Heckman Other Officers

Royal Frantz, sophomore student of Fruita, Colorado, was elected president of the McPherson College Christian Endeavor Society In the election Sunday evening. Paul Sher-,fy. junior, was elected vice-president Ruth Ihde, secretary, and Paul Heck man, treasurer. The Christian En-deavor Installation service will be held Sunday evening. April 2, accord ing to present plans.

An Interesting open forum was led by Doan F. A. Replogle. In conllnua tion of the service of the preceding week. The forum was thrown open to all student problems and questions. Those about which most of the forum centered, were boy and girl problems, dating, etc. George "Dixie” Bryan will bo in charge of the forum next Sunday evening. Bring your problems and questions and prepare for an Interesting program.

Gulah Hoover sang a solo at the opening of the program. She was accompanied by Lois Edwards.

"Is Jim very self-conscious?”

“Is he? Say, they call him the Fuller Blush Man."—College Humor.


Mrs. Schwalm Speaks—Grace Heckman Presents Pillow

Mrs. V. F. Schwalm talked to the girls In the Y. W. C. A. meeting yesterday morning on Oberammergou. She told of the setting of the Passion Play and of the atmosphere of the surrounding country.

Grace Heckman, former president of the Y. W. C. A., presented a sofa pillow to the organization in behalf of the old cabinet. Each member had embroidered her name on the pillow.


Interesting Characters To Be Presented By Members of Thespian Club

Gay repartee and quick retorts characterize the Thespian farce-com-edy. "The Importance of Being Earnest" by Oscar Wilde, which is to be given In the college chapel Thursday and Friday. March 30 and 31. This well-known play by the author of "Lady Windermere's Fan" is often used In the study of the development of the drama.

Two sophisticated men play the most Important roles. John Worth-ng Is played by Donald Evans. "My name is Ernest In town and Jack In the country.” "It Is a terrible thing for a man to find out suddenly that all his life he has been speaking nothing but the truth.” The other gay young man of society is Algernon Moncrieff played by Fred Nace. "The very essence of romance is uncertainty. If ever I get married. I'll certainly try to forget the fact. . . . The only way to behave to a woman is to make love to her If she Is pretty, and to someone else If she is plain."

The parts of the girls who play opposite them are taken by Una Ring as Gwendolen Fairfax and Edith Bechtelheimer as Cecily Cardew. The vi-vacious Miss Fairfax says that her Ideal has always been to love some-one by the name of Ernest." "Men often propose for practice. I know my brother Gerald does. All my girl friends toll me so.” The naive Cecily tells her young man frankly. "I hope you have not been leading a double life, pretending to be wicked and being really good all the time. That would bo hypocrisy.”

Marjorie Brown ably plays the role of the formidable Lady Bracknell Gwendolen's mother. As she says "Thirty-five is a very attractive age. London society is full of women of the very highest birth who have, of their own free choice, remained thirty-five for years."

Hobart Hughey is Lane, the man-(Continued on Page Four)

Wed.. Mar. 32—Education film in chapel.

Fri., Mar. 24—Four one-act plays presented In chapel at 7:30 by dramatic art class.

Sun.. Mar. 25—Local peace oratorical contest in college church at 7:30 o'clock.    


To Be Given in College Chapel at 7:30 o'clock Friday evening


Student Council to Serve Coffee Between Plays—Admission 10 and 15 cents

The dramatic art class will present throe one-act plays on Friday evening In the college chapel at 7:30 o'clock. Although they are student coached they are all under the direction of Miss Della Lehman.

'•Moonshine'’ will not be given as was planned, but will be presented Monday. April 3. along with a fine arts recital.

Almost every player portrays a character role greatly different from himself. For Instance. Is It easy to picture Melvin Landes keeping files brushed off the baby? Or Agues Bean as his twin? There is also the fair Clarice Evans as a gaunt and awkward mountaineer their mother. Florence Dresher Is easire to imagine as an aristocratic northerner. All of them appear in "Pink and Patches" which Is being directed by Una Ring.

Alex Richards is no longer Alex Richards when he appears as a be-draggled. yet Industrious, old farmer with a scrubby beard. Genevieve Crist Is his stolid wife. Blanch Harris Is unusual as a saturnine half-breed who goes A. W. O. L. whenever he smells lilacs In the breeze. Bernice Fowler's role of a frail girl from the city Is slightly more In keeping with her own personality. Raymond Dunkirk Is an unimaginative farmer lad. who fails to understand the dreams of his fiance. These make up the cast of "The Chinese Water Wheel" which Is coached by Blanch Harris.

Marjorie Brown is directing the production. "Blackberryin'." In which she also plays, but can you imagine  her talking of men as sheepstock?

Odessa Crist really looks picturesque In her pink sun bonnet, but a different adjective would be applied to | Leta Wine, a bobbing, snoopy, old  lady. Corinne Stuer may be a col- lege student In the daytime, but on Friday night she will be a somewhat decrepit old lady with a sharp eye. Mary Miller becomes a loud-voiced overpowering head of the berry-pickers.

The student council will probably serve coffee In the Y. W. room he-

ween plays. Only .10 cents will be charged for all students. Including high school and grades, and 15 cents for outsiders.


World Service Group Chooses Officers at Meeting

At a recent meeting of the World Service Group, new officers wore elected after which' Prof. J. Hugh Heckman reviewed a chapter from the layman's report on "Rethinking Missions.”

Delvis Bradshaw was chosen as the new president; Jo Wagoner, vice president; Clarence Sink, secretary: and Martha Andes, treasurer.


St. Patrick’s Motif Carried Out —Genevieve Crist Is Toastmaster

St. Patrick wove his spell when the girls of the W. A. A. entertained their boy friends In a "wee bit of heaven fallen to earth,” at the Brethren Church parlors. Thirty couples gathered around the five appropriately decorated tables to enjoy the five course banquet which Included such delicacies as Irish delight, Bridget's special. Emerald Isle, and mineog.

Myriads of Irish jokes began circulating about amid the shamrocks, tall green candles, and flowers.

The item that headed the list of program events was "Shillalah Whacker” by Genevieve Crist, toastmaster for the evening. This turned out to be a brief statement of the purpose of the organisation, and a few jokes Introducing Loren Hock, president of the M Club, as the next speaker. "Toime Out” was granted Rock, presumably for the purpose of taking a deep breath. Loren, allas Pat. gave "Pat's View of It," "It" meaning the W. A. A. Clarice Evans and Chris Johansen granted a "Bit of a Chune" on a pair of violins. Ruth Tice's talk. "Treadln' the Wheel.” was a review of all the humiliating. undignified experiences prospective members were obliged to endure before being allowed to Join the club. Maxine Ring's "Ripples from Ireland" were two Irish dialect readings.

Genevieve at tills point apparently became fearful that her abundant supply of Jokes was going to give out before enough fun and merriment had been provided, and so she called on the boys for Irish Jokes. Hero the "Irish Fun" began and resulted In the judges, Coach and Mrs. Binford. awarding the first prize to Clarence Sink and booby prize to Charles Austin on their Jokes.

"Colleen's Farewell” by Esther Brown, was the farewell speech of the senior girls who will become associate members after, graduation. The last event, group singing, wax dubbed "Killarney and Tipperary" on the programs, and was led by Ruth Ihde and Lois Edwards.

The first letters of each number on the program spell St. Patrick.

Those who served were Lois Lackey. Guy Hayes. Faithe Ketterman, Milton Early. Ann Heckman, and Warner Nettleton.



Arrangements were made for ordering their caps and gowns and com mencement Invitations by the seniors In a class meeting held Friday morn ing. March 17.

They are considering the possibility of giving this year a pageant or similar dramatic production Instead of a play. The matter was referred to the play committee of which Hope Nickel Is chairman, and will be reported on In the near future.

The Washburn Players are going to present "Esmeralda", a four-act comedy which was popular fifty years ago.


Tell in Chapel of Speakers at Conference at William Jewell College

The girls who attended the International Rotations Club Conference which was held at William Jewell College, Liberty, Missouri, March 10 and 11, gave their reports in chapel Wednesday morning. March 16.

Margaret Oliver gave a general report of the conference proceedings, and the unusual Incidents. Marlene Dappen then told of the three roundtable discussion groups which were held Saturday afternoon. Questions discussed at those meetings are of prominent International Importance and Included the Sin-Japanese affair. Philippine Independence, and the war debt situation.

Maxine Ring gave the Introduction of Henry C. Haskell. International News Editor of the Kansas City Star, who gave the main address at the banquet Friday evening. He spoke on the subject. "Some Economic Problems Facing the Incoming Administration." Marcella Ledell and Gretta Wilma Griffis reviewed this talk, bringing out the nine political and economic points as presented by Mr. Haskell.

The Spectator

Official Publication of McPherson College Published by Student Council. McPherson. Kansas.




_ Entered as second class matter November 20, 2017 at the postoffice at McPherson. Kansas. under the act of March 3. 1897.

Subscription Rate For One School Year

Address all correspondence to THE SPECTATOR

McPherson. Kansas

Editor-in-chief Associate Editor Associate Editor Sports Editor





.....-Una H. Ring

Wilbur C. Yoder Everett Fasnacht .Wilbur C. Yoder.

Business Manager . . .

Ass't Business Manager Ass't. Business Manager Circulation Manager_

---Harry Frantz

- Melvin Landes

-----— Paul Booz

Everett Fasnacht

Agnes Bean Dorothy Dresher Marlene Dappen

Pauline Decker

Faculty Adviser .


Elmer Staats Lola Hawkins Paul Heckman Odessa Crist

Etta Nickel Ann Heckman Margaret Oliver Jo Wagoner Prof. Maurice A. Hess


_ The Y. W. and Y. M. cabinet members for the following year have been elected and duly installed. The ones who hare Just completed their year of helpfullness to the college served faithfully and wall; the ones who took their office a little over a week ago should do just as well or better, for they have the example of those who have gone before. They know what ideas may be continued and what errors are to be avoided.

But no group of officers or set of leaders can carry out an efficient successful program through the year without the co-opperation of those who are supposed to help them, and the Y cabinets arc no exception. The thing for each student to do Is to stand back of his organization, both now and in the future. At the first of next year he will be told of various commit tees on which he may choose to work. He should not adopt a plan of work on one of these committees without serious thought: first, of how he could best help the organization; and second, of how the organization would be of most aid to him.

Choosing the committee, however. Is only the beginning. Get In and work. The student should not be afraid to tell the chairman of Ideas that he may have, and he should not be afraid he has too many other things on his mind when the chairman asks him for assistance. A little helpfulness never hurt anyone seriously, and has, really encouraged a number of persons who would otherwise be discouraged about life In general.

. Finally, attend the meetings. The cabinet members will then do their best to make the organization interesting and worth while for everyone on the campus: and anything that is worth while on the campus Is sure to be worth while elsewhere. .

Just as we expect more, from ministers because they are ministers: so we expect more from cabinet members because they are cabinet members; why not expect more from the average member of the organization because be is a member of such an organization? make the work of the Y. M. and the Y. W. felt In the life of the campus; not only on Tuesday mornings at the regular meetings, but also on every other day.—A Y. W Member.

Ellen Steinberg spent the weekend at her home near Lorraine.

. Gordon Kraus and Harry Frantz spent Saturday and Sunday at the former’s home In Tampa.

Esther Brown. Ruth Hobart, and Mildred Pray spent Saturday In Hutchinson shopping.

On Saturday evening Mrs. Emmert, her daughter, Mrs. Stone, and Prof, and Mrs. Voran dined with Or. and Mrs. Schwalm.

Genevieve Crist and Martha Hursh spent the week-end with Hope Nickel at her home in Wichita.

On Friday evening Miss Della Lehman went to Wichita to see some Little Theater plays.


This tentative listing, of possible majors was made by Freshmen at the end of the sixth week of the first semester 1932-1933.

Alice Egbert and Esther Stegeman were overnight, guests of Audrey Groves Friday night.

Ruth Tice was a Sunday dinner guest of Esther Stegeman.

Leone Shirk and Leona Benhardt left Friday for their homes in Ra mona for an extended visit.

Margaret Schwartz was a guest of Ruth Hobart's at lunch Sunday.

Department Commerce . _.....

Rank Order

No. In each Department 9

English . ..... .



Home Economics ...

............. - - -................... 2


Chemistry ........

History ................

...........................-........... 3

........................... .......' 3



Biology ...............

- - 4


Music ......-........

......................................... 5


Aeronautical Engineering--------------- ---------— - 6


Mathematics _

.................. ..........- ____ 6


Religion ........

-------- 6



__________-_____ 6



...........-............... -..... -...... 7


Art . .....................



Physical Education

............................................... 8


Education ............

................... ...... .... 8


Agriculture .......

.................,...*............... 9


Industrial Arts

................ ............. ........... 9


Journalism ......

_____■_____......... 9


Medicine ----------






Psychology ......

.......................................... 9


Radio .................

. 9



Pages and pages, volumes upon volumes. There is no end to the length of reading assignments In the library. Far back ip the stacks the librarians dig out copies this treatise and that review to place on reserve The conscientious student is so completely swamped in required work that he doesn't have time to. read those things which are really of beneficial Interest to him. It seem useless to spend so much time reading things which will he remembered only for a short, time.

The immediate value of reading so extensively on subjects which are not concomitant to the student's major interest may assume a pseudo-worthlessness when compared to reading on subjects of primary importance. Some consolation may be bad from Professor R. D. O'Leary's statement last week that regardless of the fact that no person will ever remember half of what he has read, be will have benefit ted by reading It.

Professor O’Leary understands the student's reading problem and bas given many students In his classes an opportunity to acquaint themselves with the library facilities by his system of "browsing". The compulsion that so often accompanies any required work. Is done away with, and the student reads not to cover pages but to gain what be can from the material.

It is reading with this attitude of mind that is of supreme benefit to the student, and other courses might benefit if the assignments worn not based on the number of pages but on mastery of material.—University Daily Kansan.

Say, I’ve a funny feeling or hunch we have a magician on our campus. At least It seems like someone’s playing card tricks! Here I go and "plank" down a nice big "Joker" of a feature story to the editor about our lovely spring lover, when along comas Mister Weatherman and drops a big "Ace"—of cold winter—upon my "play". What in the "deuce" can one do in that case but play another card for the next "trick". Henceforth it means another feature story so here I "play my cards":

I had just sat down at my campus table, when I found I had to "make Six Books’’ with two extras added to make the "score’’ In my Child Psychology lesson.

1 decided to be a '’Dummy" In the next "deal", so I sat on and watched Five Hearts" pour out to us their knowledge learned at William Jewell and songs they sang while passing over "Bridges" on the way. Later I saw "Four Clubs” dropped down upon this card for higher "Honors"



Old Members Give Symbols to Their Successors

The out-going Y. W. C. A. cabinet gave a luncheon Monday evening in the "Y” room In honor of the now cabinet. After the luncheon each member of the old cabinet formally gave over her duties of office to her successor on the new cabinet. To each new member was given some symbol of office, a description of her duties, and the well wishes of the out-going member.

Gulah Hoover, accompanied by Bernice Dresher, sang "Be the Best of Whatever You Are".

Marlene Dappen, former social chairman, and her committee were in charge of the luncheon.


In time of stress In public affairs and when confusion reigns on ovary hand, even the student in hit secluded place of life It affected. It would be Impossible for the student to take an indifferent attitude toward the outside world even In his narrowed work. The serious student Is aware of the world's problems and is conscious of bis duty to find a solution. These solutions, however, seldom reach a stage of maturity above theory.

From Oklahoma University comes the report that a "Indent is running for mayor In his city. Even though be fails in election this Incident portrays the attitude of some of our fellow students. Their attitude is not indifferent and many are taking an aggresive step toward, the formation of public policies and the solution of many of our country’s difficulties.

The vital need of our nation Is that the student of public affairs may Inject a spirit of vigor and Idealism Into public policies.


If there Is anything that delights one it is to meet a human being who is so In love with the day that be fairly exults In mere existence, delights to be alive

If we are In love with the day we will get infinitely more out of it than If we drag ourselves through It. and regard our living-getting as a disagreeable necessity.

Many people mm to find no joy In anything. They spend their time fretting, whining, compaining, and frowns are seen always on their faces, looking as if life had not produced what they most desired. Such people carry gloom with them and cloud the day for all who cope into their presence.

Give us the man who is In love with the day. who sees in It a chance to make good, an opportunity for delightful experiences, for glorious service! Think of the possibilities of a day for doing good, for scattering sunshine, for helping others for giving the weaker a lift!

There is no greater joy or satisfaction than that which, comes from helping others day by day, as we go through life, giving a lift to those who are down; a bit of encouragement to those who are disheartened, cheering on those who are lagging behind. The possibilities of love had service in a single day are beyond all computation.

at speech-making and getting-it-back after such a "Set”.

The "King" and "Queen” of the Y "Clubs” were thrown Into the pile” and proved to be "High" at another "round".

I understand the "Jack of Hearts’ has been up to mischief in the Queen of Hearts" kitchen. We wonder if he stole any "Diamonds”?

Signs of Spring have set Forney busy with his "Spades". Do you suppose the "Ace of Clubs" (Student Council) will make It a "Point" for us to have the "Honors” of helping Forney make a "clean sweep" of the college? And why not "Bid" to "Double" the holiday so we will get more time to "play”. Or will the faculty "Trump" It?

One "Ace” (Professor) made a "grand slam” In chapel and told us to grow up. We wonder if he meant to have the "Jacks" and "Queens” "draw” up a "Partner" "Contract” and go on a "Honeymoon”!    j

Well, for a second hand—or "Re-deal: don’t you think this feature story made up a good "Deck of Cards"? "Rubber" In this paper to see If you can find my Spring Fever story to see which gets the "Prize"! Then "Shuffle" out and see if it is Spring. P. S. "Refreshments" to this party will come about the time of the booster Banquet.



Charles Douglas Booth Is Featured Speaker of Conference

Friday morning Charles Austin, Lester Pote. Delvis Bradshaw, and Guy Hayes, who were the boys that attended the International Conference at William Jewell College, Liberty. Missouri, gave brief reports on their view of the convention.

Charles Austin, the first speaker on the program, gave a brief description and survey of the appearance and Ideas of Yukio Kato. a Japanese student now studying at Wichita University. Wichita. Kansas. Mr. Kato was formerly a member or the International Relations Club at Waseda University, Tokyo. Japanese action In Manchuria was strongly upheld by Mr. Kato In the Sino-Japanese round table discussion.

Lester Pote, in his talk introduced to the student assembly the general characteristics and achievements of Charles Douglas Booth, the featured speaker of the conference. Delvis Bradshaw, summarized Mr. Booth’s Friday luncheon address which was entitled. "The British Foreign Policy." and Guy Hayes concluded the program by reviewing Mr. Booth’s Saturday luncheon speech: the subjects of which was "Economic Nationalism In Europe."    \

In one state teachers college, the following plan has been tried. Campus clubs will compete with each other to see which one can return the most books. The one returning the largest number will receive a cash prize of $10 and the club returning the next largest a IS reward. Other clubs will be given five cents apiece for each book brought in.

Eight men and women are kept busy throughout the school year repairing more than 1,000 books at the University of Minnesota bindery.

The fallow who said that the average woman’s vocabulary is limited to about 600 words, certainly has never dented a fender for one of them.

.Between two    distinguished so little    that

they choose them both. Just to be sure that they have chosen the least.'


Class Decides to Give Annual Junior-Senior Banquet

The Junior class held a meeting early Friday morning to discuss the possibility of having n Junior-senior banquet.

It was voted to hold n banquet this spring and President Guy Hayes appointed Mary Miller head of the committee in charge of the banquet la general. Gulah Hoover was made chairman of the program committee.

The treasurer made a report of the dues which have been paid.

Proof is Offered That McPherson College Campus Is Stricken with Spring Fewer

After sixteen hours of stretching and pulling my imagination and tossing end whirling my gray matter about. I feel as if I were on a plateau of my learning plain; that is, I'm ready to end it all and jump off sucha precipice— But yet. Just as I feel this impulse forcing me to do much a cowardly act. the radio throws forth the new little tune. "Love is A Dream" What do I think of? Three things and SPRING FEVER is all three of them. Yes, I believe that is the "life save" for me and I'm to catch the disease to see what life has In store for me    .—

This thing called "Spring Fever"

I understand is very catching and my object Is to prove that the Mc-

Pherson College campus is soon to he quarantined with this quickly-get-ting-aickneas.

Let us Imagine we are studying— say—geometry, or some kind of mathematics where they prove theorems to professors. Today then, for our lesson, we'll hand to Prof. Bowman our Theorem on Spring Fever:

Given: First, an approximate number of "romantic cases"; second. the rectangular tennis courts with the Fatars"; third, the circular track grounds with track men: fourth, the strollers who go for triangular, circular. etc., walks; and lastly, the miscellaneous curves and lines as lack of study, causes of sleepiness; etc.

To prove; That Spring Fever is catching at M. C.

Proof: (1) The approximate number of "cases” at M. C. proves that several students are "parallels”, oval least they think so. Of course? signs of these "cases" have appeared all winter, but spring produces the most evidence of romances. 'Tis true every season has Its romances, but tis. Spring that’s fresh and new— therefore, the signs thrown forth by our college cases prove some students are getting the spring fever.

(2) Rectangular tennis courts are flooded by popular players—tennis Is the racket!—Yes. the "stars” are at St and here's hoping the fever sticks until our "collegiates" win the tournament. This mobbing of the courts gives proof of Spring fever, too.—What say?

(3) The circular track grounds are being "warmed up" nowadays. Daily we see some follow running three turns about the track and oh—-the exercise and training surely proves that the coach and track men are feeling signs of spring In their hones.

(4) Often on these sunny days we see students strolling—the walks sometimes form a square (a block), sometimes a rectangle (two square blocks), sometimes a circle (around the flagpole), and even sometimes these strollers prove that a straight line is the shortest curve (to town from campus). And, doesn’t this suggest that students want the fresh spring air in their lungs?

Lastly, we have various lines and curves mixed in to show our signs that spring Is here. Students often neglect to study, some sleep, some day dream, some dream at night, some signs of different wearing apparel are in evidence, etc.—these things all cluster about the fact that students are aware of the fact that spring Is here.

Therefore, we have proved to all professors, teachers, students, and to whom it may concern, that Spring Fever is certainly catching at M. C.

I’ve now finished my feature story, and I’m glad I didn't jump off the precipice.—Reasons?—sure. I'm off for a good time with— Yeah, I guess I've caught the Spring Fever already! Toodle-doo.


Boys Give Various Answers to Girls When. Invited to Banquet


Well, the W. A. A. Banquet Is over and wasn't It fun—and wasn’t it distracting and hair tearing. I tell you I am glad that I am a girl, 'cause If I were a boy I would be a thousand wrecks already—that is. If I had asked for a thousand dates. Agonizing over who to take; standing In the Ad building for an hour waiting for a certain boy to pass, then be rushes by without even looking my way; going to the library each hour of the day to see who. is there; calling 72 on the telephone, then trying to look innocent when girls get Inquisitive— these are Just some of the trials preceding a W. A. A. banquet.

Anyway I know some new "excuses" now. besides the old trusty, "I have to study". Anything from a corn on the toe to an earthquake In California is legitimate. Girls, list


all or 'em you have heard in the last two weeks and try ’em out on the boys—they'll be amazed at your originality.

Anyway, by the time you have persuaded someone that he is lucky to get the chance to go with you. you will probably forget all about that new "formal” that you intended to buy and at the last minute will have to rush madly around to borrow one. By that time It is too late to polish your finger nails, and Just as you start to put on a stocking the bell starts to jingle from down stairs and you hysterically catch your ring In your stocking—a big runner! The bell rings again. Grab a necklace— that green one will do—may not look so good, but this Is St. Patrick’s. The bell rings frantically! Grab your hat and coat. You’re off! Have a good time!

Oh boy. the fun Is worth all the trials and tribulations.


Three new books came to the library last Saturday morning. One Is "Difficulties In Religious Thinking” by Lankard. It contains clear discussions of real religious questions.

Another Is volume I of "History of the George Washington Bicentennial Celebration." The first part is the complete story of Washington's life told in episodes, taken from trustworthy sources. "The George Washington Atlas." "Highlights of the Writings of George Washington." "George Washington Play and Pageant Costume Book." and "George Washington Plays" are other parts of the book. It is a gift to the library from the Bicentennial Commission.

The third book is "The Rise of the City" by Schlesinger. It Is the tenth volume of "A History of American Life."


Last Monday evening in the college chapel a piano recital was given by twenty-one students, eighteen of whom are students of Miss Lingenfelter. Miss Brown teaches the other three. In ages, the children ranged from about five to thirteen. One had taken lessons only seven weeks. The recital was very successful.

Duel—Old French    Noel__.Kohler

With Marital Step--------Kohler

Ann and Frances Allison

Dancing Daisies ......O. Spaulding

Anita Mullins

Valter Glissando ..........J. Rogers

Waller Lobrentz

Summer...... Lichner

Joyous......................... Gwynn

Lois Lohrentz

Happy Songs ................. Curtis

Dandelions... Curtis

Dorothy Mae Tillman Old English Melody    Folk 8ong

Carolee Uhrlaub

Lightly Row------- Folk Song

Roger Frazer


Mildred Allison

Rondino------J. Rogers

Giant!...... .........A. Lively

China Roy ----------Lively

Johnny Waller

The Return_____ Burgmuller

Don Ferguson

Tea Parly ---------------M. Adler

Julia Angevine

Swing 8ong -----+-■-..........—Curtis

Tessbelle Palmer

Pomponnette---.____Aug. Durant

Warren Miner

Barcarolle .....-_____..Guiliant

Lota Murrey

Curious Story    ---Heller

Betty Schwalm

Cinderella at the Ball -----Nurmberg

Mildred Fries

Trio-Pizzicato from Sylvia. Saratorio

March___________J. B. Wekerlin

Mary Elizabeth Rape Madelynn Carlson Julia Alice Mullins

A Flat---- _C. Chopin

Impromptu D Flat 12-----G. Raff

Anna Janet Allison

Spectator :

A young gentleman who attended the regional tournament last week found himself In a very—to say the least—embarrassing situation. He had eaten an eskimo pie and then pulled out his handkerchief to wipe his mouth. Then he reached back and began to cram his handkerchief into his pocket. He stuffed and stuffed. Suddenly a rosy hue arose about his ears, as he turned and said to the woman sitting-on the bench behind him, "Oh. pardon me!" with deep Inflection In each word. He finally explained that he had somehow been trying to take the lady's dress by putting It In his pocket. He had thought that the handkerchief seemed yards long.

Everyone seems to get busier every day even though they all think they can't possibly get any busier than they are already. The other evening Lilburn Gottmann was trying to find a room In which to do a little practicing on his oration. In the chapel an educational picture was being shown; In Miss Lehman's room, the Thespian play practice was In progress; In Prof. Blair's room Another dramatic group was practicing lines; downstairs in Hess's room someone was declaiming another oration.

Maybe Lily (short for Lilburn. only we've never heard it) gave up In despair. At least he seems to go around In a trance. Maybe it's the weight of the oration upon his mighty brain. Or possibly it's the weather.—-Or maybe something else.

The principles of interpretation classes had Just finished studying Poe's poem "The. Bells". Announcing that Tuesday was to be the last session on this literary work. Miss Lehman said "We'll drop 'The Bell*' now". ,We wonder that their clamor and tolling didn't arouse the whole school.

Professors are absent-minded—especially Dr. Schwalm. Yesterday at 9:30 he told his English Lit. class that he had to leave because he had made an appointment with his dentist. forgetting that he had a class at that hour.

Wednesday was W. A. A. initiation day. Among other tortures, the Initiates had to carry a sack of salted peanuts around and give some to every senior member of the organization. Maxine Ring had peanuts about a year old; Clarice Evans had epsom salts in here; and Agnes Bean mixed climalene in with her peanuts. Really worse for the members of the club than for the Initiates!

Maybe It Isn't spring yet. but the number playing tennis daily, the lovers strolling around, and a general let-up on studies are all evidences of the approach of this season.

In keeping with St. Patrick's Day some few freshman girls ventured forth In their green berets which they wore at the beginning of the year to show their classification.

The dorm girls of William Jewell College drew up a petition for later hours, the privilege of their boy friends coming In the dorm parlors on week-end nights, the privilege to have dates to all school activities, and other matters and presented It to a board made up of faculty members. The committee passed all the requested desires. Initiative, eh what?

A member of one of the numerous play-casts came to practice last night barefooted In his shoes. When someone remarked about it, he looked-er-rather odd and Mid that he took a bath, slipped on his shoes, and evidently forgot his socks. Maybe it’s just an old Spanish custom—or possibly a new collegiate fashion.

As Larsen came out of the library yesterday he called out to Wine, "Tuffy! Hey Tuffy!” A little girl who was skating on the campus said to him that he must be a kitty because she had a cat named Tuffy. Quite catty, eh?

When Kraus and Harry Frantz came back from Tampa Sunday after noon In Harry’s open Ford they almost froze their physiognomies When they finally reached their des-tination they took practically all the hot water in the boys' dorm. Although a top might have kept off a little of the blizzard wind. Harry. said that it would have, made It impossible for them to move. They were happy to maintain a stationary position at times and not be blown backwards.

We hear that the boys are getting unusual odors on the spring breeze for the woodwork department below has been using unusually strong varnish—or maybe It’s paint.

Carrots seem to be springing up. No the garden hasn’t sprouted yet. but we understand that the vegetables have been tossed about recently at the dinner table. Is this what Emily prescribes.

And the boys had to leave the table so. that the W. A. A. initiates could talk without breaking their rule of silence in masculine presence? We never before heard of men making women tongue-tied.



There Is no frigate like a book To take us lands away.

Nor any coursers like a page Of prancing poetry.

This traverse may the poorest take Without oppress of toll;

How frugal is the chariot That bears a human soul.

Emily Dickinson.—A Book.

"The Little World" by Stella Benson Is a collection of articles and sketches which have been reprinted from newspapers and magazines. An excerpt of a review given by the American Library Association says that It is “a travel record of unwonted freshness, telling of journeys In America. Japan. China, and India." The Illustrations are all very quaint.

For one who likes to read only fiction. "Outre Mer” by Longfellow might be recommended. It was In-tended by the author to tell of the richly picturesque traditions of old Europe. For this reason the travel element overshadows the romance of the book. Those who do not care to go so far afield will enjoy "A Stepdaughter of the Prairie" by Margaret Lynn, which will give a greater appreciation of Kansan. Here also, the vividness of the description overshadows the story.

Although it is a hook for children, any college student will enjoy V. M. Hillyer’s "Child's Geography of the World." It really Is as entertaining as fiction, and the numerous sketches which illustrate It are fascinating. It is certain that many of us would

The University Players at Wichita U are going to repeat performances of "Saturday's Children" and "The First Mrs. Frazer." A sliver offering will be taken in place of charging for admittance.

have enjoyed our grade school geography much more if we could, have used Mr. Hillyer's work as a text book.

“Across Mongolian Plains". by Roy Chapman Andrews Is a "naturalist's account of China's great northwest." It is the narrative of the travels of Mr. and Mrs. Andrews through Mongolia and North China, and is written entirely from the sportsman’s standpoint, the author having purposely avoided uninteresting and wearisome scientific details. The illustrations given are photographs taken by Mrs. Andrews.

No one wants to quit traveling until he has had a little excitement; we’ll gain ours from the "Book of Real Adventures" by Charles J. Finger. There is only one story which the author thinks Is untrue, but read them and decide for yourself.

We can bo sure that the student who rends any or all of these books will enjoy his trip; and It In to be hoped he takes many more journeys In the same way.—Bookworm.

A passenger on the Limited, looking under his berth In the morning, found one black shoe and one tan. He called the porter's attention to the error.

The porter scratched his head in bewilderment.

"Well, If dat don’t beat all,” he said. "Dat's de second time dis mawnin' dat mistake's done happened."

"Why so sad, Joe?"

'Oh, I just heard a good recipe for home brew, and I haven't got a home."


Pearl Walker -----



Zelta Mae Oxley



Martha Hursh ____



Narcella Severtson___



Alice Egbert



Harry Frants




Reinecker Beats Rock in Finals of Tournament

Last week a free throw contest was held In the form of a tournament and divided Into two classes according to the ability shown In a qualification round. Thirty-six men appeared at the gym for the qualification round. Each man shot 50 shots and all making over 31 out of fifty were placed In class A. All those making between 20 and 31 were in class B. All those under 20 were eliminated, only four being eliminated.

In the first round of class A. Chet Johnston heat Bob Bowman 41-33. Rufus Jamison defeated Weddle 40-25. Paul Booz conquered Orval Eddy 31-29, Everett Fasnacht beat Paul Sherfy 28-27, Ralph Buckingham downed Ernest Sweetland 31-20, Loren Rock beat Harold Johnston by default, and Tuffy Wine won from Elmer Staats 37-35. In the second round Chet Johnston. Reinecker, Buckingham, and Rock were the survivors. In the semi-finals C. Johnston lost to Reinecker In very close contest 53-51 In an over 50 shot contest. and Rock came through to the finals heating Buckingham 41-37. Reinecker took the finals from Rock by a 40-38 count.

In the first round of class B. Bernard Suttle won over Samuel Stoner by default. Paul Heckman beat Guy Hayes In an over 50 contest 32-30. Ward Williams beat Glen Lichty by default. Price Brubaker defeated Chris Johansen 30-24. Eldred Mathes eliminated Glenn Webb 25-19, Donald Evans was downed by Sink 27-19, Kraus beat Brammell by one point, and Minear won from Pote 31-28. Suttle, Brubaker, Sink, and Minear came through to the semi-finals where Brubaker and Minear moved on out to the finals. Minear then, beat Brubaker In the finals 28-23.

to 19 In favor of Red Jackets.

The box score:

Snowstorm era (16)



Esther Pote g



Maxine Ring f



Dorothy Bonham g



Lois Fry g



Clarice Evans f



Edith Richards f






Red Jackets (19)



Esther Stegeman f



Verna Severtson g



Lola Richwine f



Lois Edwards f



Ruth Deardorff g



Ruth Hobart f






Red Jackets vs.

Dizzy Dames,


to 12 In favor of Dizzy Dames. Dizzy Dames (39) FG


Ruth Tice g



Alice Egbert f



Elrae Carlson g



Genevieve Crist f


Lola Hawkins f


Cleora Follmer g






Red Jackets (12)



Esther Stegeman f



Verna Severtson g



Lola Richwine f



Ruth Deardorff g



Ruth Hobart f






The varsity team consisted of Ruth Tice. Elrae Carlson, and Esther Pote, guards; Esther Stegeman. Genevieve Crist, and Lola Hawkins as forwards.
















Johansen’s Yellow Jackets Cap. ture B Championship


Custer, Replogle, Weddle, Min-ear, and Kraut Make First Team

All-League Teams, Class A First team—

Forwards: Custer and R. Replogle. Center: Weddle Guards: Minear and Kraus Second Team—

Forwards: Gottmann and H. Replogle

Center: Bowman Guards: Wine and Austin Honorable mention: Brubaker and Lytle.

The final came of the Class A league of the intra-mural was played early this week and then attention was given to the picking of an all-league team.

Like any all-league team the above will probably not suit every Individual. but this will be considered as official.

Coach Binford had charge of the selections and the final choices were based on a point proposition, (roach Binford and some of the coaches of the various teams plus some varsity squad members all picked teams and two points were giving for a first team vote and one for second with the five receiving the most points placing on the first five.

The forward positions went to Ralph Replogle and Custer. Replogle was probably the class of the league having played considerably with the varsity. He was a unanimous selection. Custer was a high scorer and Is s good ball rustler In spite of his small stature.

Weddle scored well and his defensive play has Improved considerably since early season.

Minear was a unanimous choice for a guard position and was also high scorer of the league. Kraus was the other choice for a guard position. Although he played much of the time at forward, he is placed at guard on the all-league five.

The second team Is largely a repetition of the first and In some Instances the men could probably bo used interchangeably.

All-League Teams, Class B First team—

Forwards: Landes and Williams Center: Whitcher Guards: Pote-and Buskirk Second team—

Forwards: E. Sweetland and Booz Center: Brammell Guards: Suttle and Johansen Honorable mention: Evans and Fasnacht.

With the aid of varsity squad men Coach Binford has picked an all-league team from the Class B teams. This was handled on a point basis, the same as the Class A selections were made.

Landes besides being a unanimous choice for a forward position, was high scorer for the league. He was the scoring are against all opposition. Williams was given the other forward position, He is tall and has a pretty good basket eye.

Whitcher, was a unanimous choice for the center position which proved his popularity for the position. He was second high scores of the league. Pote. who was placed center on the  championship quintet was given a unanimous vote, but was shifted to a guard position. He Is tall and also scored well.

Buskirk. a tall man, who also played with the championship team is given the other guard position. He was probably the best defensive guard in the league.

Three of the first all-league five were picked from the championship team and the other two played with the team that finished second.

In some cases the voting was close between first and second team selections, but probably the first team Is a little more aggressive.


Tice, Carlson, Pote, Stegeman, Crist, and Hawkins Make Varsity Team

During the last six weeks the girls of the W. A. A. have been playing basketball. Those girls who wished to play were divided Into three teams and members of these teams participated In a practice period covering five weeks. The last week of basketball was tournament week.

In order for a girl to be eligible to play In the tournament she must be present at three-fourths of the practices held by her team during the five weeks of practice. The manager of the basketball schedule, Martha Hursh, made the ruling that three tardies to practice would be equivalent to an absence, thus eliminating tardies.

The three teams Into which the girls wore separated were the Snow-stormers, Red Jackets, and Dizzy Dames. The Snowstormers consisted of the following girls: LeNora Johnson. Adelyn Taylor, Esther Pote. Maxine Ring. Lois Fry, Clarice Evans. and Edith Richards. Edith Richards was captain of her team. Those girls playing on the Red Jacket team were Verna Severtson. Lola Richwine. Lola Edwards. Ruth Deardorff. Ruth Hobart. Marlene Dappen, and Esther Stegeman. Esther Stegeman waa captain of her team. The Dizzy Dames consisted of Alice Egbert. Elrae Carlson, Genevieve Crist. Cleora Follmer, Ruth Tice, and Lola Hawkins. Lola Hawkins was captain of her team.

During the practice period the Dizzy Dames won 8 games, the Snow-stormers 4 games, and the Red Jackets 2 games. The Dizzy Dames lost one game to the Red Jackets,

The girls who made the most points during the practice period were Lola Hawkins with 30 field goals and 1 free throw, Edith Rich arda with 28 field goals and 2 free throws. Esther Stegeman with 18 field goals and 3 free throws, an< Genevieve Crist with 18 field goal: and 1 free throw.

The tournament results were as follows:

Red Jackets vs. Snowstormers, 16


Yesterday witnessed the last game in the class A League In which Replogle beat Harnly to win the class A championship. Replogle won 36-26. At half time Replogle led 18-16. Replogle played under a five point handicap as usual.

Replogle (35)





0 0

R. Replogle


1 0

H. Replogle


0 1



0 1



0 1



0 1



1 4

Harnly (26)





1 2



0 2



2 0



0 0



0 0



3 4

The class A follows: Captain Replogle Kraus Harnly Austin

team standing Is as

W. L. Pct. 5 1 .833 4 2 .657 2 4 .333 1 5 .166

Class A high scorers are as follows: Minear 66, Custer 56, R. Replogle 47, Kraus 45. Bowman 44, Weddle 42, and Gottmann 40.

Seventy-four men have participate In these two leagues alone, showing a great Interest In the intra-mur al athletics that coach Binford is handling and sponsoring In our college. In class B nine men have participated in every game and five others have missed only one while in class A 16 men have been entered In every contest and only nine have missed over one game.

Organization of spring intra-mural athletics Is under way now which will include both playground ball leagues and track and field events Including an Inter-class meet.

The trophies for the winning intramural basketball teams will not be cups as formerly announced because of the depression but a basketball will be painted and put In the trophy case In science hall. On It will be the names of the players of the two winning teams. Each team will be given a separate basketball.

Class B Basketball league was completed two weeks ago and the final team standing is as follows: Captain Coach Johansen Yoder Brammell Jamison Sweetland Reinecker Heckman 8toner

High scorers In this league were Landes 113. Whitcher 102. Pote 58, E. Sweetland 57. Booz 54. and Sut-tle, 53.

Success conies to him who hustles wisely.    

N. S. P. A. NEWS

The editor, managing editor, and columnist of the "Creightonian". Creighton University, will meet a team from the Commerce department of the same school on December 19 in a debate on ethics. The question will be: "Resolved, that the moral hazards of the Journalist are greater than those of the business man".

The Field Museum In Chicago now lias in its possession evidence to prove that cribbing In examinations Is a practice several years old. The evidence consists of a silk Chinese handkerchief covered with tiny Chinese characters. The "crib notes" were used by students writing civil service examinations during the Kang Hi dynasty three centuries ago.

An architect graduate of Kansas University has designed a new jig-saw puzzle. He owns and operates a Jayhawk Jigsaw Puzzle factory it Lawrence. The puzzle is different from any other on the market and will not fall apart when it is lifted, due to the now dovetail interlocks of the various pieces.—University Daily Kansan.


(Continued from Page One) servant of Moncrieff. He speaks seldom but unbends enough to say. "I have only been married once. That was In consequence of a misunder-standing between myself and a young woman.”

The part of the simpering, clinging Miss Prism is played by Maxine Ring. "You should get married. A misanthrope I can understand, a woman-thrope, never!” The Reverend Dr. Chasuble, portrayed by Blanch Harris. mixes his metaphors. “Were I fortunate enough to be Miss Prism's pupil, I would hang upon her lips."

Merriman. who is really Delvis Bradshaw, is John Worthing's butler.

The practices are coming along fine, all lines having been learned and the polishing begun. As a student 'project Ada Brunk is directing the play, with a few suggestions from Miss Della Lehman, the Thespian sponsor.

The college dramatic art club has for years had an enviable reputation and an entertaining evening Is promised. An unusual feature may be worked out by giving one act In the college gymnasium Instead of the chapel.

Ask for Support of Fellows During Coming Year

The Y. M. C. A. program Tuesday morning consisted of three talks by members of the new Y, M. cabinet. Elmer Staats spoke on “The Y. M. C. A. and student support through aiding financially;" President Lester Pote gave a talk on "The Y. M. C. A. and student support through interest In Christian activities;" and Everett Fasnacht spoke on "The Y. M. C. A. and student participation in Christian activities."

In their talks, the three speakers representing the cabinet asked for the coopreation and support of the fellows of McPherson College, in making the Y. M. C. A. program in the next year, successful.

Carol Whitcher led the group In devotional thought at the opening of the service.