McPherson College, mcpherson, Kansas. |
Y. M. C. A. Y. M. C. A, Seeks to Find True Way of JesusWhat Is the real the ultimate value In life? This question, of vital importance to every man forming his philosophy of life, is of more impor-tance to the college man of today, Because of this, our Y. M. C. A. Is fill-ing a need that can be filled by no other organization on the campus. It devotes its entire program to building Christian character, and forming bal-anced, poised personalities, who are able to approach present day situations In the spirit of Jesus. Our Y. M. C, A, Is a voluntary association of college men which seeks as a group to find the true way of Jesus. We determine our own needs and problems, and attempt to work them out together. Every fellow who comes to college with a High Purpose in Life will find our association help-ful. Each Tuesday morning at ten o'clock In the chapel we meet together for discussions, talks, music, and other interesting programs This program provides food and stimulations for those who are sincerely interested. We discuss religions. Social, and economic questions of Importance In the world today. No student can afford to miss our periods of devotion and discussion Of religious problems, The Y. M. C. A. is known for its liberality in most fields. We strive to find the truth from which we may draw our conclusions. Kirby Page says, "I do not think that there is a single young person who has caught even a faint glimpse of the tremendous difficulties that lie ahead In the next fifty years." Our college must produce balanced personalities to meet these difficulties. Our Y. M. C. A. Is THE conscious effort on the pari of our students to balance and round out our personalities to meet these needs. In order that our association may be of more help, an organization has been effected which is known as the Y. M. C. A, Cabinet. This cabinet is composed of the leading men in college that are Interested In religion. Each man has a certain function to perform, In addition to helping carry out any movement the general association thinks is necessary. These men are open to suggestions from any fellow in school, and we want everyone to feel free to offer suggestions or advice. The men on the cabinet are, Archie Lindholm, Loren Rock, Everett Fasnacht, Ward Williams. Harvey Shank, Donald Dresher, Vernon Rhoades, Melvin Landes, Galen Ogden, Milton Early, end Paul Booz. The Association belongs to you. Help us to build into it those things that we need now in College, and that we can curry with us after school. Religion is a vital part of every man's life. In this association of men each Individual grows into a deeper spiritual reality. Following Jesus, with his friendly spirit, his sublime courage and trust, his great loving heart, his thoughts of devotion, and his practical teachings for everyday life, we grow into an appreciation of the value of his influence in our lives. Will YOU fellowship with us this year in an effort to spread His influence to every man on the Campus? Lilburn Gottmann President Cooperating for Mutual Gain The duties of the vice-president on the Y. M, C. A. cabinet are few. The only time I have any work to do Is when the president is absent from cabinet meetings or weekly Y. M. meetings, of during any special task which the president assigns to me?. It would be difficult to write an article or any interest about the duties of the vice-president. Therefore I shall venture to write in a few sentences reasons Why the students that live downtown should cooperate with the students that live on the campus. In the first place if the two groups did not work together it would be difficult to accomplish much. Secondly, to cooperate brings the two groups into closer contact with each other, therefore creating better fellowship than otherwise would exist. There hat been a tendency In the past tor the-two groups to become separated or in other words not to have much to do With each other. I do not think It is because a one group feels that it is superior to the other, but the chief reason is my mind Is that the students that live downtown do not take an active part in extra-curricular activities. This has been more true in the past than at the present, but I have discovered that the students from downtown are beginning to realize the Importance of the extra-curricular activities on the campus and are taking advantage of the opportuni-ties that they have. if they will continue to Increase their Interest I think much more win be accomplished not only for ourselves but for others. Archie Lindholm Vice-President. Recording “Y" Proceeding, To the Y. M. C. A. secretary falls the task of keeping written records, memorabilia and minutes. Besides this, the secretary may assist the president with what correspondence he may have. The Y. M. C. A. has in past years kept brief minutes of the weekly cabinet meetings and all other busi-ness of the land organization, These records, some of them fifteen years old, tell of the "Y" programs and religious life on the campus, and also of the student leaders in charge The Y. M, C. A„ its programs and influence, have a large place to fill in the McPherson college religious and social life, and the Y. M. will have failed If It does not fill that place, it Is the sincere desire of the 1932-33 secretary that the Y M. C. A. will prove even more actively and dis-tinctively Christian in its influences this year than It has in the past. Everett M. Fasnacht Secretary Y. M. C A. Devotional ProgramOn of the prime purposes of the Y M C A is to bring its members. Individually and collectively, into a closer fellowship with Jesus. Christ. The history of all men of all ages has proved the fact that a vital, mean-ingful religion is the i hnn" of a well balanced and dynamic life. Our local association seeks to aid college men In their devotional life by means of regular devotional periods conducted within the cabinet, by devotional exercise at each meeting of the organization, by special devo-tional programs, by promotion of ‘ inner circle"'.group meetings and ra- |
treats. and by individual daily periods of-Meditation, Bible study, and prayer. We work In close cooperation with other religions groups on the campus local churches, and city and state Y. M, C, A. Thus the devotional program to and should be one of those receiving chief stress on our local campus It will be our aim this year to da our best toward developing the spiritual side of the four-square life of M. C. men. Vernon Rhoades Devotional Chairman The Y, M. C. A. Program Character through control, personality through purpose: this is a summary of the Y. M. C. A. objective. The man who possesses character no longer needs many policemen or laws because he has determined his own objectives and controls. The man who has a definite add worthy goal has laid the foundation for a worthwhile personality which shall be developed as he builds those abilities and qualities and that aid In the attainment of his objectives. The Y. M. C. A. wants to help men find add to encourage them to pursue worthy goals. The "Y" seeks to attain these ends through the participation or as many men as possible in its activities, and It invites you to Join the others who are seeking character through control and personality through purpose. Ward Williams Program Chairman Music Helps Make Program Worshipful God gave us love for those who care, He also gave us hope to share; He gave us faith to help us know. And Music came to keep us so. We know that God loves us and we know that our lives should be devoted to Him. The Y. M. C. A. is a place where we can be reminded of our opportunities of serving Him. nnd the organization helps us to be stronger and more sincere in doing It, Music Is the vitalizing part of the Christian Religion, If we have no music the worshipfulness of a program Is partially lost. It is the sincere desire of the music committee to help make the weekly program of the Y. M. C. A. as worshipful as possible, Harvey Shank Music Chairman The Y, M. C. A. Social Program If It were not for the social functions that the Y. M. sponsors we would feel that our program would not be complete. One of the chief duties of our “Y" organization is to create good fellowship in every way possible. Throughout the school the "Y" sponsors a number of social affairs. Some-time during the first week of school, when the freshman man might feel a slight homesickness, It has been the custom for the "Y” cabinet to take them as a group and hike out Into the country and spend the evening to-gether here they become better acquainted with one another and with the "Y" program. The all-school watermelon feed Is sponsored by both the Y. M. and the Y. W.; It Is a social gathering for the entire student body, the purpose of which is to give a better opportunity to the students to become better acquainted. During the Thanksgiving vacation another social is given for alt those that remain here during that time. . Donald Dresher “Watch For Advertisements” PERSONALS Merle Fisher, a sophomore. en-tered college Friday, September 23. Her home is In Fruitland, Idaho. Prof. S. M. Dell took his class In animal husbandry to the Hutchinson State Fair last week to Inspect the . The industrial arts department has been painting Paul Sargent's house. Deans F. A. Replogle and R. E. Mohler are going to spend the weekend at St. John and Larned, speaking at harvest meetings. Alice Egbert, a freshman, won third place and a prize or two dollars on a tailored wool dress she entered In the 4-H style show at the state fair in Hutchinson, Wednesday. September 18. Marjorie Shank. of Nampa. Idaho, became a member of the freshman class September 23. She is living in Arnold Hall, Miss Ruth Bish, of Rocky Ford, Colorado, and alumnus of McPherson who is teaching at Sylvan Grove. Kansas, visited friends In Arnold Hall last Week-end. Misses Edna Hoover and Alma Morrison were visiting friends In the dormitory over the week-end. Both young ladies are teaching at Rox-bury. Lester Pote, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs Julius Holsinger of the college farm, visited his home In Ripley, Oklahoma, on Saturday and Sunday of this week. Jay Hertzler, who attended school here for two years, was a Sunday visitor at the dormitory. Advertising has been going on ever since 3000 B. C., as there is a sheet of papyrus found In the ancient ruins of Thebes giving a reward for a runaway slave at that date. Advertising has since come down through various stages, as the pre-printing stage, early printing stage, and modern stage. Advertising has been used In the early stages to advertise everything from tooth paste to "Wanted—Matrimony." It Is Interesting to note the similarity of these early ads to the modern ads of today. Not only were there numerous handbills written but there were town criers. It Is said there were 400 in the city of Paris at one time, Thus advertising has developed and Increased in volume to all parts of the world by magazine, newspapers, handbills, radio stations, and samples of goods. It Is the purpose of the advertising commit tee to keep before the public the coming events of our Y. M. C. A. organization. The purpose of the Y. M. C. A. is given In the other writeups, and we feel that one-half hour a week of everyone's time could not be spent in any more profitable way than by Joining us on Tuesday mornings. „ Melvin Landes Publicity chairman One of last years graduates was in town the other day looking for Job. She lifted up a foot to show how shockingly the sole of her shoe was worn to shreds from walking from office to office. One might say that to save her soul she cannot find work. MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE HAS CHARGE OF PROGRAM The Y. W. C. A, meeting this morning was in charge of the membership committee chairman, Corrine Bowers. The aims and duties of each committee of the organization was briefly explained by different girls who were Interested In the various committees; Elizabeth Bowman, finance; Ruth Hobart, program; Lois Lackey, publicity; Gretta Willma Griffis, membership; Edith Becthel-helmer, world fellowship Lois Edwards, music; Gladys Riddel, con-ference: Faithe Ketterman, social; Alice Hedge, social service, Narcella Severtson played a piano solo. Approximately seventy-five girls signed membership cards at the close of the meeting. Next week our program will be "Estes Echoes" Those who have a desire to know more of the "whys and wherefore" of Estes and its con-ference will be Interested in this meeting and those who know little of Estes will gain valuable Information concerning this Inspirational camp In the heart of the Rocky Mountains. Merle Fisher of Fruitland. Idaho, and Marjorie Shank of Bowmont, Idaho, arrived in McPherson Friday morning, Their friends were sur-prised, but heartily welcomed them to old M C. |
ties, and to seize its opportunities with both hands. " It is the object of the program committee to create a desire in each member to live more courageously than before. To so plan that in the programs someone, we hope all, may find an answer to her problems. The material to be presented in discussions and talks, with the help of the girls, our faculty friends, and speakers from other campuses, will be personal, religious, racial, social, and economic problems. "Man does not live by bread alone. Roses and sunsets, songs and symphonies, essays and poems are also means of grace. " The social service committee of the Y, W, C. A. offers many opportunities for real service, It is our aim this year to make a study of school conditions, such a unemployment. At Christmas time this committee will sponsor a party tor little children of the town who will not have any other Christmas. Work is also done an our campus. The Y. W. C- A. room is cared for by the social service group. A special effort Is made to keep it as home-like as possible In order that the girls from town and from the hill will have a place to spend their spare time Esther Brown Social Service Chairman Plan Varied Program for the Year "To item Is to meet life eager and unafraid. to refuse none of its challenges, to evade none of Its responsibilities to go forth daily with a ■ay and adventurous heart to encounter its risks, to overcome its difficul- CABINET MEMBERS OF CHRISTIAN GROUPSOUTLINE HOPES AND PLANS FOR THE YEARy. w. c. a. Y. W. C. A. Tries to Give Full and Creative Life to Everyone The Young Women's Christian Association is one of the definitely religious organizations on McPherson College campus. Specifically stated, our purpose is; "We unite In the desire to realize full and creative life through a growing knowledge of God. We determine to make this life possible for all people. In this task wo seek to understand Jesus and follow him." The Y. W. C. A. Is a group of girls who are finding Christian attitudes about ordinary incidents It provides situations in which new attitudes can grow. It provides facts so that a girl may see and think more clearly. "Working in the hearts and minds of girls" demands leading on continuously into deeper and richer experiences to go step by step into better and wider relationships and into wider responsibilities. Finally, a girl needs the skill or technique to act upon each situation as it comes. In many ways the Y. W, C, A. helps her develop this skill. Through our weekly meetings. our socials, conferences, speakers, committees, and organisation, she is helped to find knowledge and understanding and Is given The fellowship In Which She may experiment day after day In the situations which she meets, Judging and rebuilding as her understanding grews. Life is an adventure and each of us Is called to take it. The Y. W. C. A. encourages and prepares toward the Increasing experiences of womanhood. Miss Della Lehman and Mrs, V. F. Schwalm are our adult advisor. Eleven girls who are officers or committee chairmen make up a cabinet which meets twine a week to carry on the business and decide upon questions of vital interst to the girls on our campus. Each cabinet member has charge of her department of the Y. W, C. A- work and cooperates with a committee of her own composed of girls who have expressed an Interest In that particular work. In this way each girl in college Is a worker In the organization and can help to make it what she thinks it ought to be. Grace Heckman • President Has Charge of All Sister Movements The work of this committee began in the latter part of the summer at which time It was the duty of the chairman ta assign to the girls who were here last year, the new girls who would be coming Into the school this fall. Each girl made an effort to write to the new girls, acquainting them with the customs and regulations of the school and welcoming them to the campus. After the opening of school, them was much Interest shown on the part of an girls who were here formerly to help everyone become acquainted. This work is known as the Campus Sister Movement. A Campus Sister Frolic was given at which time the girls were given an opportunity to become better acquainted. The main work of the vice-president’s committee is the membership drive which will begin September 27. and continue throughout the year. We are going to try to have 100 per cent of the girls In the college active members of the organization. Later in the year, the membership committee will sponsor the "Heart Sisler Week” and "Appreciation Week”, All of the girls will enjoy and anticipate these occasions. We hope that everyone will enter Into the spirit of the organization and make the year a success. Corrine Bowers Vice-President Keeping Funds StraightNaturally any organization having a program as large as the Y. W. C. A , demands funds to back it. My Job Is to work with a finance committee to keep funds for the work of the organization. I must keep account of money received and spent, and try to keep all of our bills paid. To meet our budget we use several different methods, We will sell candy bars at basketball games later in the year. During the Christmas season we will sell greeting cards with the college seal. Also we cooperate with the Y. M. C. A. In a sale of used text books. This is an accomodation to students not wishing to keep used books and to those who want to buy second-hand books. We sponsor a special finance program at which all the members are asked to pledge any amount Of money that it is possible for them to give. Perhaps It is not so much the amount pledged, but the fine spirit of giving that In appreciated. For, the gift without the giver In bare, you know. One other talk given the finance committee is the making of a budget. Here was figure as approximate amount we will receive from contributions and sales. Then we list the amount we can use for summer conferences, national fund outside speakers flowers for girls who are ill, and parties and get-togethers. I think the Y. W. C. A. a wonderful association which deserves the best. Therefore, though I am a new member on the cabinet. I want to put forth every effort possible to make this a successful Y year. Mary Miller Treasurer Music Hath Charm "In music the most indefinite and profound mysteries are revealed and placed outside us as a gracious, marvelous globe; the very secret of the soul is brought forth and set In the audible world. No other art smiles us with so powerfully a religious appeal as music; no other art tells us such old forgotten secrets about the beauty around us, Beauty Is the child of love--love the mother of the soul.“ The purpose of the music committee Is, to make all meetings of the Y. W. C. A. more Interesting and more enjoyable to all its members. Through Its music the committee attempts to Instill a spirit of reverence Into Its worship services. To the more Informal meetings of the organization the committee strives to Impart a peppier spirit to the gathering through music. The committee works hand in hand with the program committee in endeavoring to secure, unity throughout the meetings. Gulah Hoover Music Chairman Takes Care of "Y" Room |
Splashes of Color Here and ThereA dash of color to attract the eye and clever words to retain the attention making a combination which is thought-provoking; that is the aim of the publicity committee. Addison wrote In the "Tatler" the "art In writing advertisements is the finding out a proper method to catch the reader's eye; without which a good thing may pass over unobserved, or be lost among commissions of bankrupt. " We want none of our programs to "pass over unobserved", or be lost in the whirl of other activities, We also try to direct the thinking of our public into a new channel for a few moments now and then by placing, where all can see, small gems of great thought. Dorothy Dresher Publicity Chairman Promotes World Fellowship The World Fellowship Committee of the Y. W. C. A. endeavors to bring girls into a closer relationship with God. And when a life comes into close fellowship with Christ, it can see the beautiful fellowship with Christ, it can see the beautiful fellowship of a brother. This committee sponsors a period, for worship and meditation each for the girls. And such a program fills an important place In promoting joyous, creative living, and in giving deep purpose to life. From fellowship with Christ and neighbors, it is hoped that such work may help us toward world fellowship and peace and goodwill. Genevieve Crist World Fellowship Chairman Helps with Campus Recreation The Social Committee has as its main object the purpose of helping the students on the McPherson College campus to become better acquainted with each other through the means of picnics, frolics, parties, tens, and other school socials. It is often that the Y. W. C. A. and the Y. M, C. A. social committees work together, as In the case of the watermelon feed, which is one of the annual events of McPherson College sponsored by the Y. W C- A. and the Y. M. C. A. The prime purpose of the Y. W. C, A. social committee is to help the students on the campus to find a fuller, and richer recreational life. Marlene Dappen, Social Chairman Good Times at Camp Stories go floating around about the beauties and grandeur of Estes, which is high up in the Rocky Mountains. But all the rumors, no matter how elaborately told, can never do the actual reality of this wonderland surrounded with snow-capped mountains justice. It is my duty as a cabinet member to let the rest of the girls know of this ideal setting for a ten-day conference, and to tell them of the conference leaders who make every conference meeting, whether it be a large group, discussion group, or only a personal conference, valuable and worthwhile. At Estes Park Conference you are promised a cabin to live in, conference meetings, hikes, horseback riding, auto trips to spots of interest, campfire meetings, an international banquet and many other things including a great big appetite. Part of my work, also, is to bring some of these conference leaders to the campus so everybody may learn to know them. Ada Drunk Conference Chairman It has been proved that a herring traveled from New York to Liver-pool. Goldfish, of course, think nothing of going right round the globe. —Humorist. W. A. A. GIVES PICNIC On Wednesday evening the Women’s Athletic Association was hostess to the freshman girls, and all girls Interested In the W, A. A, Ideals of health, scholarship and good fellowship. A short frolic period was spent In the gymnasium, after which the girls resorted to the Y. W. C. A. room for a social hour. The purpose and Ideals of the W. A. A. were explained to the new girls, and ways and means of adding new pep and zest to the school were discussed.' The silo of the freshman caps was also started hero. A delicious lunch was served to twenty-five girls. THESPIAN CLUB ELECTS ADA BRUNK AS NEW PRESIDENT The Thespians, the college dramat-ic club held its first meeting on Tuesday, September 20, to elect of-ficers. Ada Brunk was chosen pres-ident. Genevieve Crist vice president, and Hope Nickel secretary-treasurer. The club decided to hold tryouts soon for new members and to con-tinue to take in freshmen as associ-ate members. Last year's associate members were voted in at this meet-ing. They intend to pick the cast soon for the play “The Importance of Be-ing Ernest, " which they will give sometime in the near future. Willio (observing leopard at zoo): “Mother, is that the dotted lion the insurance man was telling you about when he loaned his fountain pen to you? "
BULLDOGS WILL PLAY ST. BENEDICTS FRIDAY Friends University of Wichita, a non-conference school, but an oppo nent of the Bulldogs this season is reported to have a heavy line and an Inexperienced backfield. Friends lost two star backs from last year to Mor-ton and Coleman. The Quakers defeated the Bulldogs here last year 12-7 due mostly in the fleet feet of Morton Again to Play Against Notre Dame System ■ Coach Melvin J, Binford and his McPherson Bulldogs Journey to Atchison this week for a game with St. 'Benedict's College. St. Benedict's has about forty men out for football and reports state that the team is heavy and has lots of drive. The backfield is considered especially fast and consists mostly of experienced men. Two star backfield men of the Ravens are Beattie, hard-lilttinc fallback, and McGinley, a fast broken field runner and a good passer. Bethel College at Newton is anoth er non-conference opponent of the Bulldogs. Bethel has a large number of men out for practice with several of their old men back. The Bulldogs defeated Bethel by a 13-0 margin last year. Another opponent that the Bulldogs face this year Is Oklahoma City University. This Is probably the strongest learn that McPherson meets this season. Last year they had one of the best tennis Ip this section and have several men back from last year.
The other opponent of the Bull-dogs and the next one Is St. Bene-dict's at Atchison. The Ravens have ‘about forty out for football; several of these are veterans and all are quite hoary. They use the Notre Dame system and are reached by Larry Mullins a former Notre Dame player. — drippings — tram THE DOPE BUCKET The St. Benedicts' team Is coached by Larry "Moon" Mullins, former star back with Notre Dame. Again this week the Bulldogs will br playing against the Notre Dame system when they tangle with the Benedic- tines. Coach Binford has been driving his men hard this week In an effort to overcome some of the weaknesses that showed up In last Friday's game. Binford plans to take about twenty men to Atchison for this game but is undecided as to just who will make the trip. The team will leave McPherson Friday morning by, bus and the game will be played Friday night. . The McPherson College Bulldogs have opened their 1932 sesason and with a victory. The Bulldogs showed good team especially during the first half. A week or more or good hard training will probably see the Mc-Pherson eleven traveling through the entire game as they did the first half against Wichita. Baker, a Kansas conference school look on Washburn, a central confer-ence opponent last week and were defeated by the strong Ichabod team. Baker .is reported to have a strong team again this year and the Bulldogs will have plenty at competition when they play them, McPherson was nosed out by a six point margin here last year by the Bakerites. Ottawa, last year's runner-up In the conference was defeated. last week by the strong Haskell Indian team, Ottawa will be out for revenge this year when they play the Bulldogs because It was McPherson that defeated them 14-6 when they ex-pected to win by four or five touchdowns. Kansas Wesleyan is reported to have another strong team this year with more than enough lettermen for every position. They have not played a game yet. but are scheduled to play the Kansas Aggies October 7, .The other member of the conference is the Terrible Swedes from Bethany Coach Carlson has a squad of twenty-four area out for practice with six of these lettermen. Bethany seems to have, plenty of material In the backfield, but the line will have to be made of many new players. They play their first game September |
It looks as though the Bulldogs should have a good year with eight lettermen and several others with college experience The fellows are a determined group and are In the right spirit. BULLDOGS DEFEAT WICHITA ( Continued from Page One) the play before It was started and Wichita punted forty-four yards and Johnston was downed before he could start. Carpenter went off-tackle for 11 yards and a first down. Andy hit the line for 3 yards and Wiggins punted fifty yards and the quarter ended. Second Quarter In two line plays Wichita gained 4 yards and then punted 28 yards. On the first play Wiggins gained 5 yards and then Wichita was penalized 5 yards. On the next play McPherson drew a 15-yard penalty, Wiggins punted thirty-five yards, Wichita made a yard through the line and fumbled, and recovered on lire next play. Wichita punted forty-four yards and on the first play Johnston was thrown for a 2-yard loss. Carpenter gained 2 yards on an off-tackle play. Wiggins punted thirty-eight yards and Lavendar returned 4 yards. Lavendar gained a yard and on the next play Bowman recovered a Wichita fumble on the twenty-four yard line. An attempted pass was Incomplete and on the next play Andy hit the line for 6 yards. Two line plays failed to gain and Wichita look the ball and on the first play another Wichita man took the hail and an the first play another Wichita fumble was recovered by the Bulldogs. Carpenter hit the line for 3 yards. Johnston made 2 yards and Andy got 4 more. A 5-yard penalty stopped McPherson’s chances to score. Andy made a yard and Wichita took the ball on their own 10 yard line. Fulton hit the line for 2 yards and Wight man added 3 more. Andy tackled Kestor for a 1 yard loss and Wichita punted thirty-five yards and Johnston returned 9 yards. Lich-ty went in for adjusting. Andy went through the center of the line for 3 yards and on the next play a pass was completed from Wiggins to Lichty for 7 yards and a first down. Carpenter was thrown for a 1 yard loss and on the next play Wiggins was downed for a 14-yard loss as the half ended. Third Quarter Johnston went in for Lichty as the second half started. Minear kicked to the 10-yard line and Arnold returned to the twenty-eight yard line. On the first play Lavendar want around end for 11 yards and a first and ten. Aronld gained 2, Laven-dar added six, and in two more attempts no gain was made, and It was the Bulldogs' ball.. After two at-, tempts at the line a McPherson fumble was recovered by Wichita. Arnold lost 2 yards and then gained 7. Wigging batted two passes to the |
ground and Wichita drew a 5-yard penalty and McPherson took the ball Carpenter drove through far 4 yards and Johnston gained 9 and a first down. Carpenter made a yard and Blume went in for Anderson. A pas-from Wiggins to Johnston was good for 11 yards and a first and ten. Johnston and Blume gained 3 yards In two plays and a pass from Carpenter to Wiggins was incomplete. An-other pass was grounded and Mc-Pherson drew a 5-yard penalty. Lav-endar went around end for 17 yards and first down. Arnold gained a yard and Evans went In for Pauls. Arnold gained 15 yards and another first and ten, Lavendar gained 3 yards and Fulton was stopped for no gain. Wiggins Intercepted a pass and returned it 5 yards. Wiggins went around for 5 yards and John-ston hit a hole and gained 6 more yards and a first and ten for the Bulldogs. Johnston gained 5. Blume 1. and Johnston 7 more for another first down. An attempted pass was incomplete. Carpenter gained a yard and Johnston was tackled for a 1-yard loss and the quarter ended. Fourth Quarter Lichty went In for Carpenter Wichita draw a 5-yard penalty and Wiggins punted twenty-nine yards, Arnold gained 2 yards and a lateral pass was good for 7 yards, Lavender gained 4 yards and first down. Lav-endar gained a yard and another lateral pass was complete, but for no gain. Lavender fumbled and recovered for a 3-yard loss. Wichita punted thirty yards. Johnston and Blume each gained a yard and Wiggins punted 17 yards. Lavendar failed to gain and Arnold advanced 14 yards for a first and ten. Fulton hit the line for 5 yards and a pass was good for twenty-five yards and first down. Carpenter went back in for Lichty, Lavendar gained a yard and Fulton 2 more. Wiggins broke up two at-tempted passes and Wichita got a 5-yard penalty. Anderson reported for Blume. Wiggins went around and 9 yards and Johnston added 2 more and first and ten. Johnston hit the line for 3 yards and on the next two plays Wiggins and Johnston were stopped for no gain. Wiggins punted thirty-four yards. Lavendar lost two yards and on the next play a pass was good for 15 yards and a first down. Another pass was completed for twenty-six yards and a first and ten. Another pass was in-complete. Arnold gained a yard and on the next play Lavender was thrown for a 14-yard loss and the game ended. Wichita Line-up McPherson Mann L.E. Pauls Phares L.T. Nelson Hatfield L.G, Keck Atkinson C. Minear Shaul RG. Zinn (Capt.) Hersch R. T. Wine Jones R.E. Bowman Kestor Q. Johnston Wightman L.H. Carpenter Arnold R.H. Wiggins Fulton FB. Anderson Substitutions—-Wichita, Elder for Hersch, Lavender for Jones. Wilson for Shaul, Widiger for Kestor. Jones for Wightman. Shaul for Kestor. Yeager for Elder, Turner for Shaul, Woltz for Hatfield, Emerick for Jones. McPherson. Lichty for Johnston. Blume for Anderson, Johnston for Lichty, Evans for Pauls, Lichty for Carpenter, Carpenter for Lichty. An- derson for Blume. Summary — Yards gained from scrimmage: McPherson 167. Wichita 11. Yards lost from scrimmage: Mc-Pherson 20 Wichita 19. Punts: McPherson 6 for 203 yards, Wichita 7 for 226 yards. Passes: ; McPherson, attempted 7 completed 2 for 18 yards, Wichita attempted 8 completed 2 for 51 yards. Penal-ties: McPherson 3 for 25 yards, Wichita a 7 for 35 . yards. Fumbles McPherson 3 recovered 3. Wichita 5 recovered 6. First downs: McPher- |
ison 12 Wichita 8. Touchdowns: Carpenter, McPherson 1 Point after touchdown : Wiggins. McPherson by i placekick. ' Officials: j Referee, McCarroll, Penn, umpire, Uhriaub, Kansas, Head Linesman, Kopelk, C. of E. BLAIR GIVES VALUABLE ADVICE IN CHAPEL TALKProf, J, A. Blair who gave the chapel address on Monday, Septem-. ber 26, made several outstanding statements during his talk of the | morning, "There is nothing.'' he said, "more gruesome than the memory of no accusing conscience, and there is no ■ Joy comparable to the memory of a 'duty well done." Another of his worthwhile statements was, “The value of a kingdom Is measured by the straitness of Its gates' Prof. Alvin Voran led the student body In singing the college song, as tribute to the victorious football team. ABOUT 125 STUDENTSIN NIGHTSHIRT PARADEAbout 125 McPherson College students formed a "snake-line" of ap-proximately two block's length last Thursday evening when the annual ‘•night-shirt1' parade was held. The yelling and singing from the enthu-siastic Bulldog Boosters aroused a great deal of Interest from the downtown folks. The large group of merry students met at the college entrance at 7 o'clock, then walked, ran, or caught-a-ride down to the north end of Main Street. The large snake then wound Its way through many business houses and blocked traffic at each Inter-section as the big circles were formed. When the length of Main had been covered the crowd went to Walker's studio, where pictures were taken, At it o'clock the students |
entered the Empire Theater where they enjoyed the hospitality of the management. The football men were allowed to see the first show so that the coach's "bed-time” rules would not have to be broken. HANUKE—DILLON Miss Fern Handke and Mr. Charles Dillon were married at the McPherson Christian Church, Sunday afternoon. June 12, at four o'clock, Mrs. Dillon was a freshman at McPherson College lat year. They are now living In Newton, Kansas. |