McPherson college, McPherson. Kansas, Wednesday, feb. 15,1933



Annual Meeting of Board of Trustees to Be Held at Same Time —Outstanding Speakers from Different Parts of United States to Be Present



Cosily arranged furniture, a now radio, and a general feeling of the heart sister mystery being solved all mode the heart sister tea of February 14, a tremendous success.

At four-thirty nearly eighty-two girls who participated In the heart sister week congregated In the V. W. C, A. room which had been artistically decorated by Margaret Oliver and Margaret Schwarts. After all of the girls bad arrived Ruth Hobart took charge of the program in which each girl discovered who her heart sister had been for the past week, Gladys Riddell and Bernice Dresher passed, to ouch girl a red paper heart and a matching white arrow. Then by each girl writing her own name on the arrow, and the name of her heart sister on the red heart and by the collection and distribution of the hearts and arrows the mystery was solved. Later Gulah Hoover led In group singing.

Dainty refreshments of coffee and heart-shaped cookies were served by Ruth Ihde. Pearl Walker and Lois Lackey.


A week ago. on February 8. Mrs. Melvin J. Binford Invited the basketball squad to a surprise birthday party on her husband.

Wednesday night after basketball practice Harold Johnston had a weak hack. Coach. as a dutiful coach should. put a lamp on him. worked with hint, and couldn't figure out why Harold thought up all sorts of excuses to keep Coach right beside him.

Harold's actions gave the rest of the basketball buys a chance to get over to coach's house. and to and behold! was Coach surprised when he walked in and saw that whole mob of boys. Then be seemed to remember something about his having a birthday. They had a scrumptuous supper, but what seemed to make the biggest Impression on Rock was Mrs. Binford's angel food cake.

The boys paddled Coach after sup-per. limiting each fellow to three spats.

The evening was spent playing rook and bridge.



Thanks to some remodeling done in the manual training department, a new set of bookshelves has been placed in the lobby of the library. On these shelves are displayed interesting books in various fields which may be checked out by the students for recreational reading. It is hoped that students will avail themselves of this privilege of becoming acquainted with books outside of assigned material for class reading. Those books may be checked out for a period of two weeks at a time.


A Capella Choir Gives Classical Program—In Formal Attire

Unusual In Its presentation was the debut concert given by the Mc-Pherson College A Capella Choir. Wednesday evening. February 8. at the City Auditorium. The apprecia-tive audience, however small due to the severe weather, enjoyed all the numbers as given by this recently or-ganized musical group.

The informal setting formed a delightful background for the choir; all of the members of which were seated in davenports or chairs. To make the stage appear more homelike, ferns, lamps, and tables added to the stager setting. Alvin C. Voran. director of the group, was dressed in a black swallow-tail dress suit, the lady members In dainty evening gowns, and the men In tuxedoes.

The first group of numbers sung by the ensemble "O Holy Father Infinite In Mercy", by Palestrina; "Low. How a Rose. E’er Blooming'’, by Praetorius; and “When Icicles Hang by the Wall", by Brooks re-ceived their due applause.

Curran's "Dawn" was the number sung by the male quartette whose personnel included Warner Nettle-ton. first tenor; Wayne Carr, second tenor: Harvey Shank, baritone; and Chris Johansen, bass.

The entire ensemble then sang ' "Lord God of Hosts" and an eight part arrangement. "How Sweet the Moonlight Sleeps" by Failing.

Gulah Hoover, first soprano; Mil-dred Dahlinger, second soprano; and Lois Edwards, alto, composing the college ladies' trio, sang in a most pleasing manner "The Nightingale" by Weekles.

"The Legend", by Tschaikowsky: "Listen to the Lambs", by Dett: and "Gloria Patri", by Palestrina

The Christian Endeavor program Sunday evening closed the series of lessons on the Character of Jesus. The theme was "Patience”.

The first topic. Humility, was discussed by Guy Hayes. In order to be humble. Hayes says we must be teachable, willing to serve, and forget our dignity, Grace Heckman told of the Courage of Jesus, bringing out the point that Jesus courage was of the nature of Isolation, while that little courage we have is supported by groups which might he questionable.

The third topic, Indignation, was discussed by Carol Whitcher. who said that hypocrisy was the greatest thing that aroused Jesus “anger with scorn". Vera Burkholder told of the Reverence and Holiness of Jesus,  stating that God is the only Holy ' One and that we are Irreverent because we fear what our friends will ' say If we attempt to be reverent. The program was closed with the Chris-tian Endeavor benediction.



Eighteen Attain Honorable Mention with Thirty-five or More Points-—Fifty-one Is Highest Score Made by Anyone


Frantz, Editor of "Gospel Messen-

ger" and Winger of Manchester to Be Main Speakers

Beginning Sunday morning and continuing until Friday noon, next -week's events promise to be of ex-treme Interest for McPherson College. The Regional Conference and the annual meeting of the McPherson College board of trustees, both to be held next week are outstanding events of the year's college program.

Participating In the Religious Em-phasis Week for McPherson College are outstanding speakers from dif-ferent sections of the United States. Dr. Edward Frantz. former president of McPherson College and present editor of the "Gospel Messenger", and President Otho Winger of Manchester College are the chief speakers of the conference. Miss Ruth Shriver Is from Elgin, Illinois. Other out of town speakers Include the Rev. C. E. Davis of Independence.; Kansas, former president of Mount Morris College, and the Rev. W. H. Voder of Waterloo. Iowa.

The addresses and conferences will Include all phases of religious subjects and Bible study. Dr. Frantz Is offering two series of addresses: “What Would the Prophets Say" and "The Gospel For Our Time" This man is recognized as one of the foremost speakers In the Brethren Church. President Winger's topic, not yet announced, will probably deal with some phase of ministerial education.

This conference is an annual event, having been Instituted to promote religious Interest and to stimulate activity of the ministers of this region. The Rev. W. H. Yoder has charge of the conference for this re gion. Music will be provided by the Fine Arts Department of the College.

Also here next week is the annual meeting of the college board of trus-tes. The trustee meeting of Monday and Tuesday will Include twenty-five men from nine states. The faculty reception to the trustees will be in the basement of the college church on Monday evening from 5 to 7 o'clock.


Telia Under Which Case College Students Fall

President V. F. Schwalm spoke in chapel Wednesday morning. February 8. He based his talk upon the lives of three young men mentioned In the New Testament, the prodigal son, the rich young ruler, and Jesus.

Into which group do we as college students fall? In the first case, the son left home and went Into a faraway country. When he lost all his friends, money, and character, he returned home. This young man manifested the wreckage of sin. Sin starts at low levels and is evident in some activities of collegiate life. "One always pays the price of living on low levels." Schwalm stated.

The question of the rich, young ruler was “What may I do that I may have eternal life?” He, like many people today, saw the gleam of the distant goal, but seeing the price of obtaining It. turned away. Oftentimes college students fall to pay the price for high character and achievement.

Jesus made the world over with His new principles. He was opposed and humiliated but became the world's greatest hero. He saw the vision, knew the price and paid it and became a victor. There Is a religious need for victories today and this need can be fulfilled in the oncoming religious week.




The chapel. Monday. February 13, had for its theme Lincoln's birthday. The Gettysburg Address was read responsively. Ward Williams told some of the true happenings in Abraham Lincoln’s life, many of them humorous. One of the most Interesting was an Incident about Lincoln's rejection. He fell duty-bound to propose, and almost disappointed when he found out that the corpulent lady did not care for him after all.


“At the Gate Beautiful” Is Presented in Church—Scene Is Laid at Temple

"At the Gate Beautiful", a play written by H. S. Mason. was presented by the Principles of Interpretation and Dramatic Art classes at the Brethren Church Sunday evening. It was directed by Genevieve Crist.

The scone of the play was laid In Jerusalem at the gates of the Temple which could be seen at the back of the stage. A render of Idols sits al the Temple gates and cry his wares to those who came to worship. There comes also to this place the unbeliev-ing Berith to seek a cure for her son who was fast dying. Demas. the rendor of Idols sells a statue of Diana to her with the promise that her son would be cured If she would be faithful to her god. Then comes Abigail, a Christian, and her healthy non. Is-sachor; when she discerns the trouble of the other woman she at once beseeches her to follow the Christ who has the power to heal the sick. Berith cannot - but value the god whom she had to purchase above the Christ she could have but for a little faith. A lame man Is brought before the gates of the Temple to beg. He Is healed by Peter and John because of belief In the Christ. At last. Diana failing her. Berith again comes to the Temple Cate and there finds Peter and John who tell her of the Christ and his powers of healing.

The cast consisted of Demos, vendor of Idols, Alex Richards: Berith, \ Jewish mother and an unbeliever, Mary Miller: Abigail, a Christian Jewish mother. Lets Wine: Issachar. Abigail's son, Artis Hershey: Raa-mah. a cripple. Willard Brammel: Peter, a disciple, Milton Early: John. a disciple, Donald Dresher: Citizens of Jerusalem, Corinne Suter. Odessa Crist, Clarice Evans. Raymond Bus-kirk. Samuel Stoner, Melvin Landes and Blanch Harris. All the parts were well-played, probable honors going to Mary Miller. Willard Brammel. Leta Wine, and Alex Richards.

Those In charge of the scenery were Miss Hoerner and Mrs. Wagoner. John Harnly, Harold Johnston and Marjorie Barber were responsible for the scenery and stage settings. Ada Brunk, Florence Dresher and Bernice Fowler served on the make-up committee.



A clever and comical stunt was put on by four boys In pep chapel Thursday, when Delbert Kelly, representing McPherson, and Milton Early, representing Ottawa, each tried desparately to get Into a small box which had been previously placed on tbs stage. Finally after many wild maneuvers, and the shedding of various amounts of wearing apparel In order to make themselves smaller, Delbert Kelly was able to enter successfully the little box, closing the lid after him. guy Hayes and Tuffy Wine dressed to the red and white of the college came In to carry off a McPherson College victory.

Friday. Feb. 17-- Sophomore class party.

Sunday. Feb. 19 Regional conference begins.

Monday. Feb. 20—Bethel game here.

Tuesday. Feb. 21 Regular Y. M. and V. W. meetings.


Coach and Team Expect to

Turn in Victory to Make Up for Last Week’s Loss


Large Crowd Is Expected since Game Will B During Regional Conference

The Bulldogs do not have a basketball game this week, but on Monday of next week, the men of Binford will play host to Bethel College of Newton.

Neither Coach Binford nor the team seem to be very well satisfied with the way the Bulldogs played at Bethel last Friday when they were defated 38-23, and expert to turn In a win here Monday night.

Bethel has a strong team this year, but the Bulldogs have the "stuff" In them to defeat the Newton cagers and Coach Binford and his team are determined to do it.

A large number of outsiders and friends of the college will undoubtedly attend this game as the Regional Conference will be In session here at that time. A fast preliminary game will be played at 7:00 o'clock with the main attraction at 8:15.

(Continued on Page Two)    



“Patience” Is Theme for Christian Endeavor Program


John Goering, Grace Heckman, and Vernon Rhoades Follow Close Behind

An unusually large number of students have rated high In scholarship for the last semester, fourteen having made the honor roll and eighteen having obtained honorable moo-lion. Last year at this time only one person bad enough honor points to be listed.

To get bis name on the honor roll, a student must get forty honor points; to get honorable mention ho must gain thirty-five points. A person receives three points for each A hour, two for each B hour, One for a C hour, and none for any grade lower.

Elmer Staats carries off the high-est scholastic honors for last semester having received A’s for all his seventeen hours of college work, which gives him 51 honor points. He is closely followed by another A student. John Goering, who has 5O points to his credit.

Right on their heels are Grace Heckman and Vernon Rhoades with 18 honor points. Then there are Marcella Ledell with 46 points; Lil-burn Gottmann. Maxine Ring, and Alice Unruh with 45; Verna Mae Severtson. 43; Lola Hawkins, Her-bert Replogle, and Ward Williams. 12; Gretta Wilma Griffis and Loren Rock, 41.

Those who have obtained honorable mention are as follows: Berube Fowler, 39: Kenneth Moore. Ronald Vetter, Jo Wagoner, Pearl Walker.

   and Helen Webber. 38; Paul Booz. Margaret Schwartz, and Narcella Severtson. 37; Edna Bengtson. Marlene Dappen. Hope Nickel, Margaret Oliver, and Paul Sherfy, 36; and Mary Jane Groves. Guy Hayes, Ralph Replogle, and Elizabeth Wagoner, 35.

These students are to be highly commended for having attained such 4 high degree of scholarship, be-cause many hours of work and hard study were necessary to gain such grades. On the whole most of these students are those who are prominent In outside activities and school life.


Sophomores to Have Social on Friday in ”Y” Room

Plans are progressing for the sophomore party which will be held this Friday evening. February 17, at 7:30 in the Y. w. room.

Kenneth Moore, president of the class, appointed Grace Lerew, Mar-garet Oliver, and Leonard Wiggins, as general commutes in charge of the party. Ruth Hobart and Galen Ogden will plan the entertainment, and Lola Hawkins, Elsie Lindholm, and Waller Weddle will prepare the refreshments.

The committee In charge Is at-tempting to see each member of the

c    lass personally In order that there may be a good representation at the party.



Tells in Y. M. C. A. Important Pieces to Personality

Prof. R. E. Mohler gave a talk In Y. W. C. A. this morning on the subject of Jigsaw Puzzles.

One never knows when he sees the minute pieces of a Jigsaw puzzle what the entire picture will be—usually It will be much more beautiful than one thinks when he sees the mass of seemingly unrelated parts. Human personality has many parts and one never knows what will be the product of that combination of parts.

Three important pieces to the jigsaw puzzle of personality are reli-gious, education, and self-mastery.

Official Publication of McPherson College, Published by Student Council. McPherson. Kansas




Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917. at the postoffice at McPherson, Kansas, under the act of March 3. 1897.

Subscription Rates For One School Year



Business Manager__Harry Frantz

Ass't Business Manager    Melvin Landes

Ass't. Business Manager...............Paul Booz

Circulation Manager - -------Everett Fasnacht

REPORTERS Elmer Staats.

Lola Hawkins Paul Heckman Odessa Crist

Agnes Bean

Dorothy Dresher Marlene Dappen

Pauline Decker Faculty Adviser


Margaret Hauser spent the weekend at her home at Marion.

Zelta Mae Oxley was ill several days last week.

Gordon Kraus was at his home in

Tampa Saturday, He returned to the campus Saturday night.

Ellen Steinberg left Friday afternoon for her home at Lorraine. She hasn’t returned yet because of Illness.

Dorothy Bonham was an overnight

guest of Alice Egbert Thursday night.

Several girls from town have been invited to the girls' dormitory for. dinner by their heart sisters. Some of them are Dorothy Feary, Edna Bengston. Margaret Oliver. Etta Nickel, Marcella Ledell, and Laurel Fields.

Marjorie Shank has been ill the past week.

Dr. J. W. Hershey has been confined to his bed the last several days.

Lilburn Gottmann has been teaching Professor Heckman's classes during his absence

Maxine Ring spent the past week at home In bed because of an attack of the flu.

Ward Williams and Everett Fas-nacht went to the Bethel game Fri-day night. After spending the night in Newton they went on to Wichita for a business and pleasure trip. On Sunday they went to Castleton before returning to the campus.

Harry Frantz, Arnold Taylor, Glenn Lichty. Glenn Webb," Gordon Kraus, John Friensen, Dean Replogle; and Lloyd Larsen attended the Bethel game at Newton Friday.

Friends of Ann Heckman were sorry to hear that her father. John M. Heckman, died at his home In Rocky Ford, Colorado, Sunday evening. He Id the brother of Prof.' J, Hugh Heckman and Mrs. Wagoner.

A number of boys went to Lindsborg Monday night to see the Kansas Wesleyan—Bethany game. Among them were Melvin Landes, Wilbur Yoder, Walter Pauls, Leonard Wiggins. Orval Eddy, and Robert Bowman.

On Monday evening a group of dorm boys got together at 10:30 and made ice cream and ate apple. They were Lester Pote, LaVere Flora, Orval Eddy, Harvey Shank, Delvis Bradshaw. Merland Edwards. Charles Austin, Lawrence Lehman, Everett Fasnacht. Ward Williams, and. Lil-burn Gottmann.

In Sunday School basketball practice last night Raymond Tice dislocated his knee cap. He was taken to the doctor who put It In place and advised him to stay off it for several days.

The twenty-seven members of the organization include Faithe Ketter-man Elizabeth Holzemer. Margretta Okerlind Helen Holloway. Elizabeth Wagoner Ellen Steinberg, Marjorie Barber, Clarice Evans. Jo Wagoner, Bernice Dresher, Leta Wine, Merle Fisher. Gulah Hoover, Mildred Dah-linger. Lola Edwards. Milton Early, Vernon Rhoades, Everett Fasnacht. Merland Edwards, Delvis Bradshaw, Raymond Tice. Charles Austin, Now-ell Wine, Wamer-Nettleton. Wayne Carr, Harvey Shank; and Chris Jo-hansen.

Address all correspondence to. THE SPECTATOR McPherson. Kansas


Editor-in-chief.. ...............—.....Una H. Ring

Associate Editor-------------Wilbur    C. Yoder

Associate Editor_____Everett    Fasnacht

Sports Editor--Wilbur    C. Yoder

Etta Nickel Ann Heckman Margaret Oliver Jo Wagoner . Prof. Maurice A. Hess


Last fall at the beginning of the term of school many students pledged-themselves to regular attendance at Y. M. C. A. and to Increase the actual attendance If possible. Since that time attendance has dwindled and Interest on the part of many has lagged.

It is not necessary or even desirous that all men of the college should become and attend regularly. It la desirous, however, that many should participate and contribute to Its weekly meetings.

The Y. M. C. A. is a student activity. Each-should make his contribution and take a part In Its programs. For the full benefit of everyone this organization requires that each contribute his cooperation and suggestions. This organization has the ability to solve many of the students' common problem providing the members give their-support.


At the age of 65 William Allen White of Emporia says that his life-motto has been "Ain't It grand to be bughouse?"

"There is no sanity no devastating as utter sanity." he wrote. "Logic Is an addiction that drives men Into acute melancholy and makes dumb bunnies of its devotees," which merely means that man should see and act on only one side of a question at a time;

All this does not Imply that one should not weigh one argument against another In arriving at his decisions. The dullest of the dull, however, are those who see both sides at the same time and cannot act for lack of decision. The person who always sees "two sides" and is unable to decide will accomplish little.

What If Lincoln had paused to meditate the "side" of the South or the revolutionists the British side? With this state of affairs Adam might still be considering the other side of the question.

A great writer has stated: "Would you win success, choose a noble but unpopular cause." In our dally lives we should be devoted to our cause. Seeing both sides at once can lead only to vacillation, lack of despatch, and a zero In our thoughts.


Every girl who has ever participated In heart sister week looks for-ward to It from year to year because of the pleasure It carries with It. There is a lot of enjoyment In receiving things without knowing the name of the giver. and much more pleasure In making life happier for someone else during the week. But why wait for heart sister week to be thoughtful and kind to someone else? Why not make year a "hear sister year?"

The boys may think "heart sister week" Is only for girls. Perhaps It Is, but boys have the privilege of being helpful to their fellow men, also. For them, also, the week should bo extended Into a year, and then longer.

Another thing. A girl or boy should think of more than one person while he or she is being kind. It doesn't help much If a person is thoughtful of one individual alone; and takes no notice of anyone else. While making It a heart sister year, why not do It right, by being real heart sisters to everyone?    

One boy recently made the remark that It should he so arranged that the boys could tell the girls what they thought of them, during heart sister week. If the spirit of heart sister week la carried through the year by everyone, the boys will have the privilege of helping the girls If they care to. Why not?—A heart sister.


Do you think that a "Good English Week" would have much effect »n the students of our college? Perhaps It might hole. Such expressions as "I don't hardly think so." "He don't do it right." "I done." are incorrect and unnecessary, but don't they sound familiar? College B. A.'s have been known to use them. Some even say "Somebody learned some-one else something". The first someone must have had great ability!

Colleges exist to help students become more fitted for positions later In life. They have rounded off the square corners of many a green country lad and helped to develop his ability. Of course clothes and good English are not everything in making a success In life, but they do play their part. Impressions go a long way. Let's try to take advantage of our opportunities In learning to speak. well. if not good English, at least good American.—Submitted.


A very wise business man we know has what he calls his "Trouble Tree It is located about a block away from his house, where he has to pass it every night on his way home.

"When I reach that tall poplar In the evening," he explains, "I leave all the troubles and worries of the day right there. 'Let them hang on the branches if they want to,' I say to myself, 'I'm through with them for the day.’ And I throw back my shoulders and stir up a grin and get ready for a fine evening with my family.

"I used to take my troubles home to my wife, and often they would stay with me all night, and I’d get up next morning with a grouch. But no more. I hang them on the Trouble Tree and, five nights out of six. they have all blown away by morning."

This man has learned one of the most Important secrets of living happily. He refuses to drag a roll-top-desk home with him every night to spoil the family dinner and to Interfere with his night's rest He retires from business every night and starts in afresh every morning.

Try it on your way home tonight If there aren't any trees on your street, pick out a telephone pole!—Selected.

Big business does not always mean good business,—Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Prosperity is not without many fears and distastes; and adversity la not without comforts and hopes.—Bacon.

Thrift Is the foundation of success in business. of contentment In the home, and of standing in society.—Russell Saga..


Some Girls Receive Candy— Others Have Breakfast in Bed

Abe Lincoln has been a very popular man this week. An abundance of offerings has been laid at his feet only to be snatched away before he could get his bronze (or is It plaster of Paris) bones and muscles to percolating. Notes have been found in his ears, hands, and every other nich and cranny that would hold them.

Candy sales at the book store have picked up considerably in the last few days, also. As a consequence not a few heart sisters have had spoiled appetites at meal times. This is not so invariable, however as shown by the extra table that had to be set in the dining hall for the dinner guests last Wednesday.

Esther Stegeman's heart sister made arrangements for working in the kitchen for her once, and Gretta Wilma's called Tuesday to let her know she was thinking about her. One-day Elsie Rump received a large box, and upon looking inside found one stocking: the next day she got a little box and found therein the mate. Some of the girls have been demonstrating their culinary skill—cake, cookies, fudge, and even strawberry preserves.

Some of the more common but none the less acceptable gifts are handerchiefs, candy bars, station--ary, dishes, notebook paper, candy men; Joke books, flowers, kleenex, perfume, gum. bathsalts, and sachet.  Maxine Ring wrote a note on a valentine, cut It up and gave it to her heart sister to put back together again. Lola Richwine gave Elizabeth Holzemer a pajama bag, and Lola Hawkins got a wall motto. Dorothy Dresher's heart sister was practical and gave her a card with the heart pasted on It under which was a nickel for the Sunday School collection. Beth Bowman got the current Issue of McCall's Magazine."

Margaret Oliver said she liked Italian Balm hand lotion and promptly received a bottle. Modena Kaufman needed an English Literature book, and through the efforts of her heart sister she Is now the proud possessor of that object. Clarice Evans was sent on a wild goose chase and finally ended by finding her grades all listed for her.

Merle Fisher received an Indescribably clever heart her sister made

Among those who attend the Bethel game Friday night were Prof, and Mrs. Alvin C. Voran, Orville Voran. Ruth Hobart, Esther Pote. and Esther Brown.

were especially impressive numbers presumed by the choir.

Reappearing, the male quartette sang in a most commendable way Ne vin's ‘'Venetian Love Song" and an swered with an encore, "Mosqui-toes , by Bliss.

In closing, the entire choir sang Tschaikowsky's "Cherubim Song'', De Lamarter's "A Juno Moonrise", and Cain’s "O Watchers of the Stars".

It is interesting to note that the' program was started with a selection from a composer of the sixteenth century and ended with a composi-tion from a present-day writer, No-bel Cain, who is the director of the A Capella Choir In Chicago.

The title "A Capella" is taken from the Italian and means "unac-companied". The covers of the programs were printed from linoleum cuts which were made by Marjorie Barber.

Much credit is due Professor Vor-an and his choir who In such a commendable manner presented the en-tertainment of the evening.

from paper hearts, and Bernice Fowler got a ticket to the A Capella Choir debut. Helen Webber gave a pair of butterflies made from tin foil and bobbie pins. Elrae Carlson got -a pasteboard and cloth chair to be used for a handy sewing kit. Le-Nora Johnson got a silver pintray and several girls have been seen running around eating whole Jars of olives.

Pauline Decker was sent from Lincoln to the keyhole of the second floor fire-escape door. There she found a note sending her to Mother Emmert's office where a pancake compact awaited her. When Ruth Hobart got home from the game "M. C.” was written in candy hearts on her dresser and on her bed in like manner "Your Heart Sister" was inscribed. On Sunday morning her heart sister arranged for her breakfast to be sent up to her.

Now that it is all over until next year, how many girls are saying, "I wish I had heard of some of those clever ideas sooner?"

Mandy had a check for $13.91, and- presented it at the bank; and after receiving the money, counted and recounted It many times, blocking the line.

. “Isn't it all there?" asked the teller.

"Yassuh, It’s all heah, but It Jus’ Is." replied the dusky damsel.

CHOIR CONCERT ENJOYED especially Impressive nu

On Monday evening, February G, two uninvited guests visited on the McPherson College Campus. (At least wo don’t believe the president, student council. Y. W. C. A., or Y. M. C. A. requested their presence.) These two characters had no need to be Introduced to the students, as everyone knew of their presence and who they were. The two successful Intruders who trespassed at our college were none other than non-trustee members. Mr. I. M. Cold and Mr. Wild Wind. They made quite an extended visit In spite of Forney’s trying to chase them away.

On Tuesday morning they succeeded In their first attempt at redecorating the campus. Wild Wind swept down a cover of white over the entire place, while Mr. Cold danced and pranced about to see If be could nip off our handsome men’s ears and noses; and ho delighted In pinching and tickling the fairer sex's toes, fingers, and faces. Indeed the sight was quite out of the ordinary.

Girls donned boots, mitts, anklets, etc., while boys discarded leather jackets for more leather jackets or for truly warm overcoats. Professors used apparel which hardly made them recognizable. Yes, 'tis so. Prof.

Blair wore a different piece of head-gear—a helmet—and spats. Whoops!

Larsen’s ears were really truly frozen: and Fasnacht's too. Esther Pote put on woolen anklets, together with mob of followers who did like-wise. Classrooms were deserted and other rooms on the south walls were hugged. Indeed, It looked like these two strangers had come Into our midst and ruled as kings for the day.

Yet, on Wednesday morning they had shown no signs of disappearing.

We found Mr. Cold’s "fever" at 18 below zero when we made mad dashes for our mush. We lived through the tough battle today, oven returning to our natural abodes In classes.

Thursday morning we had become quite accustomed to the newcomers.

We even used some of Mr. Wild Wind’s fresh air that he blew Into our chapel, to expand our lungs and rid our systems of our ever-clinging Bulldog spirit. Evidence of this came from Kelly and Early who bravely discarded garments to help McPherson win. We braved the storm that eve by plowing and dragging through the snowstorm to watch the Braves and Bulldogs tangle.

After the game an hour’s work proved useless to five boys who could not get their "buggy’’ percolating.

Five fair maidens rescued them from | perishing by pumping them down the main drag with their auto. Boy Scouts those girls proved to be—Eh what?

On Friday beauty reigned on the campus with Mr. Sun as governor.

Mr. Sun was gladly welcomed Into our fold and his attempts really proved that Wild Wind and I. M.

Cold were our rejected suitors.

We hate to be so Impolite to our visitors, but we are afraid Emily Post hadn’t given us Instructions as to how to handle these Imposters.

In other words we let our warm and cold sense receptors bo our guide— instead of our conscience.



to McPherson college campus FOR EXTENDED LENGTH OF TIME


A Capella Chooses Marjorie Barber President

Shank Incorporated has rented out Mother Emmert's bedroom since the Majorie half of the company has gone abed with a pain In her head. Or we suspect that It might be her heart. Or maybe we are mixed up and It Is the Harvey partner that has the pain In the heart—or did you say somewhere else?

McPherson College has gone dry with a vengeance. Even the fountain in the Ad building refused to give up any drop of H20.

It was suggested that Bernice Fow-ler be run through the line and pad-died for not sitting in the rooting section at the last game.

One of the numerous “flu-cold” patients went extravaganza the other day and broke a thermometer. While trying to take her temperature her olfactory organ—plain "nose” to you—began to itch. Nothing daunted she lifted a dainty finger with which to scratch the offending pro-trusion—and out popped the thermometer. And shattered. Only one measly dollar for a new one. Measly? Ob yeah!

The girls who don’t date should quickly move In with those who do —before the candy or flowers they received yesterday are gone.

And that reminds us that yesterday was Valentine's Day. Had you


There was one little boy who bought a "dreat bid bots of tandy” on Friday. And he gated upon it all day Friday and contemplated the look on the little woman's face when she received it. And on Saturday he gated at the big rod heart—all done up In cellophane—and contemplated again. And he couldn't wait until Tuesday with endless days of contemplating In between. So he gave It to her Saturday night! Oh well, she seemed paaalenty paaaleeesed anyway!

And we wonder If the driver of that taxicab ever found any use for the vest from one tux. A certain tenor—It doesn’t matter who 'cause wo can’t quite remember whether it was Wayne Carr or not. Well, as we wore starting to say, this warbler Is now singing “The Tux I Left Behind Me."

And by the by—as we read In an English - book—-Wayne Carr's suit was one which fitted. 'Twas a Joy to behold, n'cst-ce pas, nicht war, or what have you?

One girl is corresponding with a French boy In Brussels received a large photograph of him Monday. In uniform. And is he handsome? Oooh! la! la! And he said, "My high is just two yards."

Guess Laurel Fields ’just didn't like her lunch the other day. She sat around In the "Y’’ room at noon with great big forlorn eyes. And tried to look stark and starving. Although Laurel hardly needs to watch the calories yet, she succeeded rather poorly In looking bleak and hungry. However, she did excite a little sympathy and different ones offered her sustenance. About the time the meal as a whole was over she remembered that in her. early morning haste she had put her lunch outside In a locker.

Last week one girl put In a rather large order for her Heart Sister. She said that she hoped that her sister would find a way for her to get to the Bethel game.

The next time the trio or quartet performs, why not give a red flag to one so that he may wave It when they should get up to how, so that they could all do It at once. Or better yet. why not sing again?

What we really wanted to see In pop chapel:—Delbert Kelly getting out of that box after he once got In. Ho must either have been curled up like a tomato worm for an hour, or maybe Just suffocated after being locked up In that candy coup—or

cookie crate.

Dresher students Incorporated have been hurt. Last week we said there were only three cars out here on Tuesday. Wrong again! There were four—and the fourth was the Dresher limo. Well, how could one ever see It when it was parked behind the dorm?    

This Is Just about the best one we have beard recently: In order not to have to dole out the necessary shekels to get into the Bethel game. "Benchy" Lichty entered as a player. You know Benchy's size, and the man at the gate looked at him rather questioningly, but let him pass. When Coach arrived, the gateman was so muddled that he asked Binford if he had a short, stocky fellow in a turtle-necked sweater who played on the team. Coach thought over all the players, then brightened and said, “Why yes! That’s Rock, and he's captain of the team.” That man must think we grow big captains here!

Marlene Dappen is at It again. We cant’ seem to keep her out of this column. Now It la her ears that are refractory. You remember the weather last Wednesday? And that the A Capella Choir was making its debut that evening? And that an unfrozen auto was unheard-of? Well, we cere trying to find a way to go, and Molly said that she was going to meet some girls at the laundry. The laundry? That’s a long ways out of her way, and to go there on a stormy wintry night like that! Well! Wo had our Ideas of a girl who would make Molly come to her father’s establishment to meet her. Molly waited at the dark, cold laundry. and finally went across the street to the Mary Ann. where the other girls finally found her. They wouldn't understand why she hadn’t met them In the lobby of the community building.

’ We were clear across on the other side of the auditorium, but we recog-nized Margaret Oliver’s laugh. Even Dr. Schwalm tapped us on the shoulder and said, "Did you hear Margaret laugh? She seems to have a good time wherever she goes.”

Tee hee! You should have gone to Salina, though? Margaret had such a good time that her sister was embarrassed to death by her boister-ousness. We didn’t mind though.

Speaking of lobby-laundry. . . . When Miss Lehman telephoned to Abilene to congratulate the broadcasters she said to the operator, "From McGaffey and Lehman." Then us an afterthought she added, “Make McGaffey '.’ ’ And the operator made It "Pearl McGaffey.” We wondered from whence Pearl McGaffey had sprung.

Yesterday the Topeka Daily Capital stated that ’’Jig-Saw Puzzles are Sporting Goods." Perhaps that accounts for the late-burning light the last several evenings In the coach’s room In the gymnasium, where such puzzles are fitted together.

Then the writer laid dawn his pen. raised his eyes heavenward and sighed. "Another Quip column finished.”


Speak. in Y. M. C. A. of Mc-Pherson College Forty Years Ago

Dr. H. J. Harnly, senior faculty member of McPherson College, spoke to the Y. M. C. A. group Tuesday morning, on ‘‘McPherson College forty-two years ago”. Dr. Harnly came to McPherson College In 1892 and has been on the faculty ever since. Harnly exhibited early catalogs and publications of McPherson College. Among Interesting Items In the catalog was the fact that dormitory student expenses for board, room, and tuition totalled slightly more than $115 per your. Elocution anil public speaking courses were emphasised: later under the direction of Mr. and Mrs. Fahnestock, the commercial department grew to be of paramount Importance. One of the rules prohibited the chewing of gum. A later catalog points out that “Ladies and Gentlemen will not ride, walk, or play together without the permission of the President.”

During the college's first year. Fahnestock Hall Included both dormitories, the chapel, the library and all classroom and offices.


Heart Sisler Week was brought to an unexpected and happy climax by a large valentine received from a mysterious friend of McPherson College. This friend gave to the girls of the college a Philco radio that was Installed yesterday afternoon In the Y. W. C. A. room.

The girls greatly appreciate It and wish to°thank this unknown donor for such a splendid valentine.

After practice on Monday night, the A Capella Choir held a short business meeting in order to elect officers.

Marjorie Barber was chosen as president; Chris Johansen, vice president; and Newell Wine, treasurer. Faithe Ketterman. who has been secretary from the first of the year was retained in that position.

The choir expects to make several trips; so a transportation committee was selected with Chris Johansen at its head. The finance committee consists of Newell Wine. Chris Johansen, and Wayne Carr.



Item found in the University Daily Kansan: ” Yesterday this column contained an editorial pleading for a more adequate stream of water from the drinking fountain In the Kansan news room. Today the fountain will not work at all;’’ They have nothing on us; one of our fountains doesn't work either.

The Y. W. C. A. of Sterling College also has been sponsoring a Heart Sister Week. Theirs lasted ten days, however, as contrasted to our customary seven.

The French students of K. S. T. C. at Emporia recently attended a typical French “soiree". They listened to French music, played French games, worked French puzzles, and conversed In French.

One group of students at Ottawa University has organized a dating bureau. The president of a similar club In operation a few years ago had four dates In that many years. We hope the present will meet with more success.

In the personals of the “Washburn Review” a Marjorie White Is mentioned and then farther down there is an item about Marjorie Black. That’s nothin’. We hare a Marjorie Brown on our campus.

The following are some of the unusual names chosen by Intramural basketball teams nt Bethany: Pink Elephants. War Horses, Bone Crushers. Meat Mashers, Sod Busters. King Louie’s Hotshots. Norsemen and Army Worms.

One of the students at Bethel has made a three foot map showing the location of all the Mennonite congregations west of the Mississippi as her semester project for social sociology. Mimeographed copies were made to give to other members of the class and friends.

In "The Farthest-North Collegian.” an Alaskan colleges publication, there is an advertisement concerning the development of reindeer, "more valuable than Alaska's gold."

Eight boys are taking up clogging at Washburn under the women's physical education Instructor, as a part -of their requirements for a major in physical education.


Braves Flash Fancy Shots and Brilliant Type of Basketball with Swift Passing and Sure shooting


Graymaroons Lead 23-7 at

Half—McPherson Better in Latter Part

The McPherson College basketeers went to Newton Friday. February 10. and lost a non-conference game to Bethel College of that city by a score of 38-23.

The defense that lagged considerably in the Ottawa game on the previous night was still poor against Bethel. The Bulldogs seemed dead on their foot at the start or the game and Bethel was extremely hot and scored twelve points before the McPherson team scored.

McPherson played listless ball during the entire first half and Bethel shot from all angles and scored consistently. Kennison, Bethel captain and center led the Bethel offense during the first half, caging five field goals. The half coded with Bethel leading 23 to 7.

The Bulldogs played a different brand of ball during the last half, but never seriously threatened the big lead that Bethel gained during the first half. McPherson started the second half with some fast playing and ran their total up to sixteen and Bethel still had their twenty-three points. This was the closest that the McPherson quintet came to the Bethelites.

At this point the tiring Bulldogs began to weaken and Bethel started on another scoring spree. Cunningham, a fast Bethel forward, went wild and scored three baskets to lead the Bethel offense for the second half. Both teams played rather roughly during the last halt and there were many scrambles for the ball during the latter part of the game, Rock led the scoring for the Bulldogs while Kennison of Bethel was high scorer of the game.

The box score:

McPherson (23)




Hock f

... 3



C. Johnston f ....




H. Johnston f




Jamison c

--- 0



Pauls g




Yoder g




Wiggins g




Reinecker g

...... 3



. 10

Bethel (38)




Bartel f

---- 3



Cunningham f

_. 4



Cook g



Roberts f








Referee: Darling, Newton





George Zinn ___......— Feb. 15

Leonard Wiggins ________ Feb.    16

Paul Heckman ..._____ Feb.    16

Grace Lerew_________ Feb.    17

Galen Ogden .....Feb.    18

"Sure, this Is me wolking shirt— It's all the time woiking outa me britches, ain't it?"—Annapolis Log.

His Dark Secret

"Haro you and your wife ever had any difference of opinion?"

"Yes, but she doesn't know It!”— The Elevator Constructor.


Score of 9-8 in First Half Is Closest Bulldogs Ever Get to Ottawa

The Ottawa University Braves won a Kansas Conference basketball game over the McPherson College Bulldogs Thursday, February 9. at Convention Hall by a score of 50-32.

The conference leading Ottawa quintet took an early lead and leng-thened It as the game progressed. The Braves scored first on a free throw and ran their score up to nine before the Bulldogs were able to register. The Bulldogs scoring ma-chine began to function at this point with the local team scoring eight points making the score nine to night in favor of the visitors. This was the closest that the Bulldogs came to tho Ottawa team.

The remainder of the past half was a free for all scoring game with both teams scoring heavily. Captain Rock came Into the game for McPherson and kept the Bulldogs in the running with some set-up shots. But the entire Ottawa team was hot and they were sinking counters from all over the court. The Ottawa guards wrecked the Bulldog front lino defense and drove through for shots or for passes. The half ended with Ottawa loading 32-21.

Ottawa continued with their fast passing and hot shooting during the last half and Increased their lead over the Bulldogs. The Braves usually received the ball from the tip off and passed fast until someone could get a shot. The game got rather rough during the last half and numerous fouls were called.

Senter and Long each caged a half dozen field goals for Ottawa and Billon made four with three charity-tosses. Captain Rock was high for


The box score





H. Johnston f




C. Johnston f

........ 0



....... 3

Pauls g


• 3


Yoder g




Rock f

_______ 4



Replogle f




Reinecker g




..... 0

Totals .








Dillon. f




Barker f...........

------- 3



Long c -------




Knapper g




Senter g ....




Elder f

..., 0



Mattis f

.. 0



Mullins c

.. ... 0



Crilly g---

.... . 0





1 2

Referee: Dwight Ream.



Having defeated the champion Bethany Swedes twice within a week. Ottawa university has well-founded hopes of bringing the Kansas conference basketball title to Ottawa to rest beside the football championship.

'Forewarning of the fall of the champions was given when the Swedes needed an over-time period to subdue lost-place Baker univer-sity, 30 to 28, at Lindsborg a week ago Monday night. Bethany had managed to tie the coant late In the game on two free throws by Anderson, a guard after trailing through most of the contest.

That victory sent the Swedes out of a three-way tie with Ottawa and Wesleyan, but Ottawa rejoined Bethany at the top of the standing Thursday night by defeating McPherson on the Bulldog court. 50 to 32. Senter and Long made half a dozen field goals each and Dillon, the other member of the Braves’ star trio, poured in four goals and three free throws.

Baker. Ottawa forward, and Knap-

per a guard, led the early attack that gave the Braves a 20-15 lead at the half In their game with the Swedes at Lindsborg Friday night. The Braves wound up with a 9-point scoring bee in the last eight minutes and bent the Swedes 39-30, duplicating the feat they accomplished at Ottawa the previous week.

After an Invasion of Nebraska on which they defeated the Kearney Teachers, 47-24, and Hastings college. 37-27, Kansas Wesleyan's Coyotes In the runnerup position, re-sumed conference competition In a game with Bethany at Lindsborg Monday evening and they play Ottawa at Ottawa Friday night and Baker at Baldwin Saturday, figuring In all three conference games billed for this week. On Monday the coyotes strengthened a hold on second place In the conference race by defeating Bethany 26-15.

Baker lost an exhibition decision to Washburn last week, 24-34. and McPherson was taken by Bethel. 23-


The College of Emporia, fifth place team in the Central conference, invades the Kansas conference this week for three games. The Preshies play Baker at Baldwin on Monday. Ottawa at Ottawa Tuesday and Bethany at Lindsborg Friday.


The latter part of next week the Bulldog cagers will tour the eastern part of the state to play two conference games and one non-confer-ence game. On Thursday Feb. 23. the Bulldogs will play the Raker University Wildcats at Baldwin. The following night McPherson will tangle with the conference leading Ottawa Braves at Ottawa. Then on Saturday night the Bulldogs will be In Atchison to play the Ravens of St. Benedict's. This last game Is a non-conference affair.'

This road trip will probably be very strenuous for the Bulldogs because they will be playing three very good teams. These games with the one with Bethel here on Monday night makes four games In six nights for the Bulldog cagers.

The Bulldogs had what could be termed a good defensive record until last week, but since last week the record could almost be classed as "rotten". Some of the men who had been looking good on defense weakened considerably and were caught flat footed several times In the games last week. Well, those games are over and the Bulldogs have several hard games which they must look forward to.

Coach Binford seemed to realize that the weakness of his men in last week's games because Monday's practice session was spent almost entirely on defense. And believe yoy me Coach surely did work those fel lows," too.

While Bethel was defeating the Bulldogs Friday night, the Swedes were taking a defeat from the fast traveling Ottawa quintet. The Braves have only lost one game in the conference and that was to the last place Baker team.

Monday night the Swedes received another set hack at the bands of Kansas Wesleyan. Bethany annexed fifteen points while the Wesleyan five scored a total of twenty-six points. Bethany held a scant lead of one point at the half, but Wesleyan was too much for them In the last half.

Rock led the scoring of the Bull-dogs in both games last week and it appears as though ho has found himself. and will he able to continue his fast pace. Harold Johnston has been scoring consistently since ho Joined the squad at the beginning of the second semester and also has been doing a good Job of ball rustling.

Next Monday night Bethel will play a return game with the Bulldogs and Binford and his men seem determined to win this game It was very evident that McPherson did not play the game they are capable of playing when they played Bethel last week and want to redeem themselves.

Several other hard games remain on the schedule and only by bard training and good support from the student body ran the Bulldogs come through In these games. The Swedes came here to close the season for the Bulldogs and tills should climax the season.



Various Students Take Part In Giving Numbers

Several members of the committee on religious life were responsible for the chapel program Friday. They were Edith Bechtelheimer, Ward Williams. Bernice Fowler, and Everett Fasnacht.

Without announcement different-students who were seated in the back of the room gave their parts in the program.

The opening and closing music was played by Bernice Dresher. Then af-J ter the first number, from the back of the room came Edith Bechtelheimer’s voice reading "Tell Me What Is Poetry?" "Statement No. 1", was given by Lester Pote, followed by Genevieve Crist's ..reading "The Great Lover". "Statement No. 2", was given by Guy Hayes. Poems were then read, such as "Builder"

given by Margaret Oliver, “From Columbus", by Mary Miller, and “A Little Word”, by Carol Whitcher. The ladies' trio sang a sacred song.

followed by a poem by Orval Eddy, "So He Died for His Faith". After Charles Austin had directed prayer, a silence followed, which was broken by soft music by Bernice Dresher.


Work Jigsaw Puzzles and Listen to Radio

About thirty students attended the freshman party Friday evening, February 10. the party was held In the Y. W. C. A. room.

The evening was spent in working Jigsaw puzzles and listening to the radio. Refreshments were served by the committee in charge, Modena Kaufman, Lois Fry, and Esther Stegeman.

In the smokeroom of the sleeping car the Scot had been boring everyone with tales of the great deeds he had done.

“Well, now," said an Englishman at last, "suppose you can tell us, something you can’t do, and. by Jove. I'll undertake to do It myself."

"Thank ye,” replied the Scot, "I, canna pay ma railroad fare."—The; Earth Mover.

Professor: "Tell me one or two things about John Milton."

Plebe: "Well, he got married and he wrote 'Paradise Lost.' Then his wife died, and he wrote ‘Paradise Regained.' ”—Christian Register.

What a Business!

Two waiters were standing by a table on which Eugene Maguire, after a hard day's work, had fallen asleep.

"I've already wakened him twice,” said the first waiter, "and I'm going to wake him a third time."

"Why don't you wake him and suggest he leave?" asked the other.

The first waiter shook his head artfully. "Nothing doing." he whis-pered. "Every time I wake him up he pays his bill."