McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas. Wednesday, feb. 8. 1933
McPherson college basketeers defeat baker
Wildcats Take Early Lead but Bulldogs Rally and Are Lead-ing 11-8 at Half
Wed.. Feb. 8—A Capella Choir program at City Auditorium at 8:00 p. m.
Thurs., Feb. 9—Ottawa game here.
Fri., Feb. 10—Bethel game at Newton.
Sun., Feb. 12—Play by dramatic art class at evening church service.
Tues.. Feb. 14—Regular Y. M. and Y. W. meetings.
Teach in City Schools for Credit in Subject Required by State-Will Achieve High School and Elementary Certificates
A second girl was added lo Prof. J. L. Bowman's family. Sunday. January 29. The baby who has been named Jo Anne, was born at 2:00 o’clock at the McPherson County Hospital. Mr. Bowman is professor of mathematics and physics.
Friends of Marjorie Shank are sorry to hear that she received word from home on Sunday that one of her younger brothers In Beaumont, Idaho, had passed away.
Course Open Only to Prospective Teachers Who Are Sophomores and Seniors
McPherson plays well
Jamison. McPherson Freshman Center. Leads the Scorers with Seven Points
The McPherson College Bulldogs defeated the Bake* University Wildcats 24-19 at the Convention Hall coart in a Kansas conference game last Friday night. The game was a thriller from star to finish with one team In the lead and then the other, but the Bulldogs took n comfortable lead In the closing minutes and won by a five point margin.
The Bulldogs played good ball during most of the game and hud the Wildcat quintet guessing an to how to penetrate the McPherson defence. Coach Binford’s team played a very conservative game and especially In the last half the Bulldogs took few chances, but drove hard when the opportunity came.
Baker took the hall on the opening tip off and worked a fast play with Spear, a star forward, going in for a act up. Baker again got the ball from the Up and soon Cunningham rung up another field goal and Baker thus had a four point lend. Pauls was fouled and he made his free throw good to give the Bulldogs their first score. Brown fouled H. Johnston and Harold added another point to the McPherson score.
Chet Johnston went Into the Bulldog line up at a forward position In place of Captain Rock. Chet soon received the hall on the side of the court, faked a shot, then made a quick pivot and dribbled under the basket for a neat set up (Continued on Page Four)
Physical Education and Child Psychology Texts Added
The college library has again had several new additions. Two books. "Tests and Measurements In Physical Education" by Bovard and Cozens. and “The Organization and Administration of Playgrounds and Recreation” by Nash will attract physical educationalists. The former gives standards by which to judge students In this course, the latter what its title signifies. Students enrolled in the child psychology course will enjoy reading "The Management of Young Children" by Blatz and Bolt. Another psychological study. Pratt’s "The Religious Consciousness" will interest Bible students.
The Department of Highways of Quebec, Canada, has sent out a tourist guide for the province. It is Illustrated by pictures and maps, and gives statistics and histories of the points of Interest. It it good for general reference work on Quebec’s history and geography.
"At the Gate Beautiful" to Be Presented Sunday
Next Sunday during the evening church service members of the dramatic and principles of Interpretation classes, which are taught by Miss Della Lehman, will present a play. “At the Cato Beautiful". a play by Harry Silvernale Mason. is being coached by Genevieve Crist, a student of the advanced class.
The principle parts are played by Mary Miller. Lola Wine. Alex Richards. Willard Brammel. Milton Early. Donald Dresher, and Richard Mohler. Other players are Raymond Buskirk. Blanch Harris. Clarice Evans. Odessa Crist, Melvin Landes, and Corrine Suter.
Costumes are being provided by women of the college church. John Harnly and Harold Johnston are stage managers.
This group has been working hard under the supervision of Miss Lehman. and an unusual presentation is anticipated.
The girls’ affirmative team and the boys’ negative second team took part In both debates on Monday afternoon on the stage In the dramatic art room. Ruth Spilman and Ruth Hobart met the Salina negative girls' team while John Goering and Bernard Suttle met the Salina boys' team.
The debates were non-decision, but were interesting and well-given. Prof. Maurice A. Hess served as chairman.
Kinzie of Navarre and Brandt of Holmesville Visit McPherson Campus
The Rev. W. A. Kinzie of Navarro. Kansas, and Rev. Paul K. Brandt of Holmesville, Nebraska, two off the trustees of McPherson College, were the speakers for chapel on Friday morning. They were here making contacts with the faculty and student body In preparation for the general trustee meeting which Is to he held on the twentieth of this month.
Devotions for the morning were led by Reverend Brandi following which he gave a short talk In which he pointed out the challenge which the present depression gives for the true evaluation of life. "All great characters of the past." he said, "have been forged in the hour of adversity."
The message of Reverend Kinzie also contained a bit of sound philosophy and encouragement. In summary be said. "Take courage: slay on the lob: finish your training; and adjust yourself to the conditions of the times.”
The college male quartet sang two numbers between the talks of the trustees.
Tells of Opinions of Different Men on 1932
Wednesday. February 1. the Reverend J. H. Anderson of the Christian Church spoke to the assembly or college students.
Some at the attitudes as expressed by different men on their opinion of 1932 as a your were mentioned by Rev. Anderson. One man had said. "Let's forget It. It was a nightmare." Quite another likened the year to a crazy-quilt pattern. It possibly had order and purpose, but they were not discovered by the people.
The speaker took exception to such statements as these. One writer, who well remembers greater depressions which had more suffering than the one in 1932. says the present society was well-organized to meet the situation.
People have established a civilization based on stocks and bonds Instead of the kingdom of God which is based on mercy and happiness. "God alone builds eternal habitations that will shelter us." Anderson said.
Some most Intricate and clever tumbling stunts and pyramids were performed by the college girls' physical education classes between halves at the Baker game Friday night.
The program was opened by the girls’ doing a leap frog over each other until they completely encircled the outside edge of the gymnasium. Eighteen girls participated and showed that the classes have been accomplishing much under the direction of Miss Audrey Groves.
Braves Have Practically Same Team as Last Year
Coach Binford and His Team Are
Determined to Upset the Braves
Tomorrow night the Ottawa University Bravos will he in McPherson to engage the Bulldogs in a Kansas Conference basketball game.
Ottawa finished In the runner-up position in the conference race Inst year and with practically the some team back this year. the Braves have been going at a fast pace. At the present time the Ottawa quintet is In second place In the conference race. Besides these games Jr the conference the Bravos have won from some strong teams outside the conference circuit.
The Braves have loomed as one of the strong contenders since early in the season. hut last week they emphasized the fact when they handed a 30-17 defeat to Bethany, the defending champions. This defeat ended a string of 28 consecutive victories that the Swedes had rolled up In the conference.
Included In the lost of star per-formers on this year’s Ottawa team Is Captain Crilly, who last year received all conference recognition at a guard berth. Jack Knapper, probably more famous for his activities on the gridiron. Is also a star on the Ottawa quintal. Knapper was placed on the second all conference team last year at the center position. This year he jumps center and then drops hack to a guard position. Senter, who plays the center position for the Braves is also considered a star performer. this being his fourth year with the Ottawa team. Dillon, a let-terman from last year has been the leading scorer In most of the games for Ottawa this year and is considered a dangerous scoring threat. Barker, a tall man has been playing most of the time at the forward position opposite Dillon and has been using his height to advantage.
Coach Binford has been working the team hard this week In preparation for the hard game that faces the Bulldogs tomorrow night. The team Is In fairly good condition and several combinations can now be placed on the floor with very little difference in ability.
With the added Improvement of the Bulldog team, supporters of the team are expecting the local boys to play their best game of thu season and turn in a victory over the power ful Braves. The largest crowd of the season Is expected to be on hand tomorrow night when the Bulldogs and the Braves tangle on the Convention Hull floor.
Has Enviable Name — Large Crowd is Expected
Under the leadership of Professor Alvin C. Voran the McPherson College A Cappella Choir, assisted by the male quartette and the ladies' trio, will make Its debat appearance tonight at the City Auditorium at eight o’clock.
This clever group of vocalists has made numerous appearances and has won an enviable name for itself. Its most recent concert eras 8unday afternoon when the group broadcast from radio station KFBI at Abilene. Kansas.
College students have had charge of the ticket sale and it Is expected that a Urge audience will be out tonight to hear “Cheesy" and his songsters.
The fifth and last lyceum number of this season. a group of Impersonations by Jessie Ran Taylor, was greatly enjoyed at the Congregational Church last Wednesday night.
Among Miss Taylor's representations were an Italian, an old Negro woman, a pantomine clown, a newly-rich woman from Oklahoma. and a New York “tough." Her characteri-zations of men were especially well done. A large group of college students attended.
Chalcea White and Stella Scur-lock Give Advice on Personality
Miss Chalcea White, dean of wom-en at Southwestern University at Winfield and home economics super visor there, spoke in chapel Monday. February C. She gave a most Interesting talk on "Personality Adjustment*". Miss Stella Scurlock also spoke. Both speakers were brought here by the Y. W. C. A.
Life from the time of birth to death in composed of adjustments to be made. Everyone wants to have a normal, pleasing personality. Con-trary to the thoughts of some, every person has a personality. The point Is to develop It Into a pleasing one which anyone may do It he is willing to work enough for It.
It has been said that the disease of our time Is weakness of will. All the sorrow and tragedy of our time comes under the term, "half man”.
The first Impressions one makes upon others Is due to the outer self of the Individual. Therefore neat-ness, poise, and posture are Important things to consider. The impres-sions one makes upon others are the means of judging personality. A person should let the outer appearance contribute to success rather than try to attain success In spite of It.
Miss White brought out three points particularly In developing personality, the first being outward appearance. The second Is the much discussed Inferiority complex. She said that people go at a difficult problem In various ways. Some go through the problem without hesitating: some approach it with confidence and then waver when they confront It but finally through It: others waver until the problem Is finally completed: and still others go around the problem entirely.
The main point in overcoming an Inferiority complex is to compare oneself with oneself and not with another person. One should get ready to face a problem and then forget about it and be natural. Do not spend loo much time on oneself for this prohibits the helping of others. The third point is growing up.
Following Miss White's talk Miss Stella Scurlock. national field secretary of the Y. W. A., gave a delightful talk. She said that a person should not be under compulsion to think or act In a certain way. but should he free In this matter. In developing a pleasing personality a person should learn to trust himself.
Baby In Horn to Prof awl Mrs. J. L Bowman
Professor J. A. Blair, head of the department of education, reports that there are exactly the same number. twenty-three, students in practice teaching this semester as last.
Eight are working for high school certificates and fifteen for grade school certificates. Six of them go to the senior high school, three to junior high, nine lo Park Grade School, four to Lincoln Grade School, and one to Roosevelt Grade School.
Each student spends one hour of each day teaching In the city schools under the supervision of the regular teacher. However, they haven't yet progressed as far as actual teaching, for the find third of the semester is spent in observation, the next third in participation, and the last third In teaching. They will receive their final grades and criticisms from their respective supervisors.
This practice course Is required by law before a student may receive a teacher's certificate, and is open only to sophomores for elementary car-tificates and to seniors for high school certificates.
Those who teach In the high school are Hope Nickel, biology, under Miss Benson John Harnley. physics, under Mr. Bell; Milton Early. American history, under Miss Kingsley: Lloyd Larsen, bookkeeping, under Miss Kuhn: George Zinn. commercial law. under Miss Lennen; and Alex Richards. botany, under Mr. Sebultis.
Those who go to Junior high school are Luther Horn, general science, under Mr. Dresher: Odessa Crist, rooking, under Miss Jones; and Raymond Buskirk teaches In the secondary education classes In Junior high.
The students who practice teach in Park Grade School are Lorene Morrison and Agnes Bean, sixth grade, under Miss Aspegren; Walter Pauls, fifth grade, under Miss Gosen; Zelta Oxley, fourth grade, under Miss Feldt; Mildred Pray, third grade, under Miss Thomas: Jane McIlnay and Esther Polo, second grade, under Miss Roskam and Vera Burkholder and Ruth Ihde, first grade, under Miss Robinson.
At Lincoln Grade School there are Marjorie Brown, sixth grade, under Miss Priest: Alice Unruh, fifth grade, under Miss Lingenfelter; Elsie Lindholm, fourth grade under Miss Johnson: and LaVere Flora, second grade, under Miss Collins.
Ella Nickel teaches In the first grade at Roosevelt, under the supervision of Miss Carns.
Are Entertained at Ketterman Home—Receive Telegrams
At a quarter till two last Sunday afternoon, the A Capella choir gathered together at station KFBI In Abilene, Kansas, By the time the hour was reached, everyone was in his place ready to begin. The program consisted of a talk by Dean Mohler, a vocal solo by Warner Nettleton. two piano solos by Ronald Vetter, and quartet, trio, and choir numbers.
After the broadcast, Faithe Keller-man led the way to the Brown Memorial. Home smith of Abilene. Thu visitor’s book now bears the name of each choir member. The choir and quartet sang, and Vetter played for the old people.
Returning lo Abilene, the group again collected, this time at the Ket-terman home. After a pleasant hour, Faithe served delicious refreshments. Then, as it was becoming quite into for those who were on the evening program at the college church, all started back to McPherson.
A number of telephone calls and telegrams of congratulation were received during the broadcast.
(Continued on Page Three)
Official Publication of McPherson College Published by Student Council. McPherson Kansas
Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917. at the postoffice at McPherson. under the act of March 3, 1897
Lola Hawkins Paul Heckman Odessa Crist
After the game with Baker on Friday an unusual amount of Jubilant enthusiasm won shown by the students. They paraded to cafes, or joyously skipped wildly for home or called up friends to toll them of a victory. Even the boys On the squad seemed reluctant to go home and yet their required amount of sleep.
Would this have happened if the college bad won 'every game? Might they not have missed the exuberant feeling of a well-fought game Well-won, and possibly have yawned ”Ho-hum! Another victory. Well. I guess we might as well go to bed." Of course the latter has some attraction, but fewer victories bring more Joy when they do come than those which take place all the time.
The object of much controversy of the past few weeks has been grades. One student is trying to pull an A in history. Another is trying to make the honor roll by amazing forty half or points. Then some are not so energetic and are willing to “get by Others are influenced by the competition of his classmates. Each has as his object a grade; the benefit of the classroom is Incidental.
. To those whose object is the making of grades the grading system Is detrimental. He will realize after graduation that It was not grades that he wanted, but something else. He will realise that the only object of a grading system is for record and to maintain a level or Work which the student must satisfactorily do to complete his course.
In the Ideal group the grading system would work differently. The institution from time to time would confer with the student and give him an estimate of his work and help him plan the course of study, He could warn the falling student.
To many such a system would be needless. Some get the real value of the course regardless of grades, but all are prone to look for grades to a certain extent. Our present system Is not entirely wrong hut grades cannot tell all. The student should have as his object the value of the course to him rather than the mark on record.
Of course you don’t have any money; no one does. It Isn’t even the style anymore. And of course you can’t take that girl to a show every night of the week, nor send her perfume, and flowers, and candy every time you think of her, but don’t let a little thing like that bother you.
The problem then is what to do on these moneyless dates. Well, why don’t you try walking? Exercise Is good for one and besides you might learn realty to enjoy the beauties of nature. Then too, you can learn to develop that fine old art of pleasing conversation. Reading helps a lot in developing this gift. It gives you something to talk about. Another thing that might assist In the entertainment of the girl friend Is the Y. M. C. A. ping pong room. Ping pong is quite the rage now, and really a lot of fun. That’s One place to spend the evening; and what about those Inexpensive Jigsaw puzzles? If there’s anything entertaining It’s working a jigsaw puzzle with your girl friend.
Then sometime when yon want to dress op take your girl to church or Christian Endeavor or League. You can drop a shirt button In the collection plate If It embarrasses you not to put In any collection. And another thing, why not utilize the football and basketball games, and the school plays which are paid for with the Incidental fees at the beginning of each new semester?
Anyway when yon can't take your girl to a show don’t lot It bother you. Find something else to do. There are plenty of ways to entertain Yourselves on a moneyless date.—Submitted.
A writer in a business magazine Illustrates the changes of achieving a "big success", In this manner: "Lay a plank eight Inch?* wide on the sidewalk. and a million people will walk its entire length without a thought of losing their balance. Set It 25 that high and hardly one In a thousand with venture upon It. Raise It 100 feet above the ground and not more then one in a million will dare to walk It from end to end. The difference la not In the plank, but In the people."
So it is with achievements in every "walk of life". The little, Insig-significant things are easily accomplished, because they arouse no thought of failure. But let the timorous one enter upon a seemingly difficult profiled, thinking failure and fearing failure, and he will get failure. The successful man—the man of a thousand—will walk the self-same plank. looking straight ahead, dreaming success, working for success, never showing a thought of failure to find a resting place in his mind, and success will be his.
It is just an easy to make a big success as a little one If we can main-tain our mental equilibrium. The thing to do is to aim For the highest and look straight ahead all the time. Make it our ambition to attain something worth while. something into which we can put our best, then go after It, and keep on going until we get it, If we use all our mind, our will and VaVifcy. The force of concentrated desire and determination, the desired result must come.—Selected.
I do the very best I know how; the very best I can; and I mean to keep on doing so until the end. if the end brings me out all right, what is said against me won't amount to anything. If the end brings me out wrong, ten angels swearing I was right would not make It so.—Abraham, Lincoln.
Bftkaod is that man and beloved of all the gods, who is afraid of no man. and of whom no man is afraid.—Hindu Scripture.
Those who tell us that Winter began only today should be rated down right pessimists, Anyhow they'll have a hard time convincing most of us.
They say that a certain near-sighted lady is still wondering why she has had no reply to say of the six letters the mailed the other day by dropping them like an Austin parked near a street corner.
well—perhaps church won’t start until seven-thirty.
"Have you ever been In trouble be-fore?” gruffly demanded the traffic cop of the timid gentleman whose flivver had upset a sandwich cart. “Well, sir." he replied, nervously, "one time the public library fined me two cents.”
"Ah. my brother, above the clouds the sun is shining," cooed the polly-anna optimist.
"Oh, yeah?" growled the herd-headed pessimist. "And under the ocean there is plenty of land, but that doesn't help the guy wbo’s fall-en overboard.”
Subscription Rates For One School Year
Editor-in-chief ___.____Una H. Ring
Associate Editor---:'.Wilbur C. Yoder
Editor___Everett Fasnacht
Sports Editor---:----Wilbur C. Yoder
Agnes Bean,
Dorothy Dresher
Marlene Dappen
Pauline Decker Faculty Adviser
Address all correspondence to
McPherson. Kansas
Business Manager-----------------Harry Frantz
Ass't Business Manager . Melvin Landes
Ass't Business manager _________Paul Booz
Circulation Manager Everett Fasnacht
Etta Nickel Ann Heckman Margaret Oliver Jo Wagoner Prof. Maurice A. Hess
Prof. J. Hugh Heckman and Mrs. Wagoner left Monday morning for Rocky Ford, Colorado, because of the Illness of their brother.
Miss Leona Benhardt spent the week-end in Salina visiting friends.
Miss Leone Shirk visited relatives at Canton over Saturday and Sunday.
Guy Hayes, Vernon Rhoades. Delbert Kelly, and Loren Rock spent the week-end at Lloyd Larsen’s home fa Abilene.
Posey Jamison, who graduated last year, was visiting old friends on the campus Friday night and Saturday.
Faithe Ketterman entertained the A Capella Choir at her home In Abilene Sunday afternoon after the broadcast.
Esther Brown left Sunday morn-ing for her home in Hutchinson. She returned to the campus Sunday night,
Ann Heckman was called to her
home In Rocky Ford. Colorado, because of her father’s Illness. She left Saturday noon.
Mother Emmert’s 'daughter. Mrs. Viola Stone, has been taking care of Miss Lora Trostle since the beginning of the new year.
Miss Laurel Fields entertained Es-ther Stegeman, Ruth Deardorff, Alice Egbert. Ruth Tice, Dorothy Matson, and Pauline Stutzman at her home Sunday evening.
Margaret Schwartz entertained group of six girls at her home with a tea. The time was spent in listen-ing to the McPherson College broadcast. composing a telegram of congratulation, and Working Jigsaw puz-zles before dainty refreshments were Served.
A number of classes were not held yesterday because It was Impossible to get the rooms heated,
Paul Heckman drove to Rocky Ford. Colorado, With his father to see his uncle who is ill.
Leteer Lewis received word yesterday that his grandmother at Galva had died.
Luther Horn and Mildred Selberg spent Saturday evening In Hutchinson.
Last week Dorothy Bonham stayed all night with Alice Egbert,
A number of students have been eating at the dormitory or staying all night since cold weather set In.
Sunday noon Prof. Maurice A. Hess entertained Evelyn Fields, Helen Flory, and Grace Heckman at lunch. Miss Fields, who Is attending Kansas University, and Miss Flory, who Is teaching at Great Bend, are graduates of McPherson College.
Only three cart came out to the campus yesterday morning. They belonged to Miss Fern Lingenfelter, John Austin, and Lealand Enberg. Other students came In taxis, or were brought out by parents or friends. Many were unable to brave the winds to attend classes at all.
The following analysis was se-cured by the Freshmen Committee and represents the reasons given by sixty Freshmen for their appearance at McPherson College last September. This may give some guidance In the program of student getting. Why I Came To McPherson College
43—Influence of parents.
26—Influence of former student of McPherson College.
26—Other Influences or reasons; largely expenses.
19—Influence of a friend.
15—Influence of one connected with the faculty the college.
8—Influence of teachers.
5— Influence of pastor.
4—influence of athletics, or ath-letes.
4•—influence of a visit to McPher-son College.
3—Influence of "The Quadrangle".
2— influence of catalogs, circa-lars bulletins, etc., seat out by the college.
1—Influence of radio talks from
Zitz, zitz, zitz—three, six, nine, eighteen—white horses, white chick-ens. white-bearded men—well everything but pink elephants. Yes, we all enjoyed the scenery very much. In fact. I don’t believe there was one white thing we missed all the way to Abilene. Who won? It was a non-decision affair but Helen Holloway sat in the front seat: so wo gave her the credit.
There Is one thing We just can’t figure out. We passed that little green Lingenfelter car.—lost them— then, when we drove up to the cafe In Abilene there they Were waiting on us. Perhaps the chief motive was Tuffy’s desire to wash the artistry off his face. S’pose? Ask Dolly and Margretta—
Did you ever lock your car and then leave the keys on the inside? And—did you know that Heckmans had a little hole ib the right hand corner of their Windshield? What i've been wondering about is—Where on earth did Paul get that long piece of copper wire he used to open the door through that certain little hole.
Was the prof ever excited on that ••Dedication" number? Whee-oo; maybe that announcer estimated his time better than we did. Anyway, he found out that the maestro could sing as well as act. (The announcer unexpectedly said that the number would be sung; so Cheesy made a mad scramble for music and filled in on the solo part.)
That good-looking young announcer said that he was trying to calm the ladies trio by his acceptable 'flirtations. Ah!—we wonder. Then, were we glad to receive those telegrams and phone calls? I ask you! You know the old saying, "Any old dog from home looks good"? Well, when we came out from under the "ether" there stood Larsen. Rock. Kelly, and Hayes!
Oh. yes—the Y. W. C. A. ought to buy some overstaffed lounges — et cetera — like those in Brown’s Mem- orial Home for the aged; then maybe the members of our choir wouldn't try out every chair in the living room that we visit.
Leta Wine always had the last word, and—when we were all In our cars ready to leave, there she was oft the third floor balcony being shown about by one of the interesting older-ly gentlemen of the home. And what was his other name for the women’s ward? Just question Leta!
The most enjoyable luncheon and favors received at Faithe Ketter-man’s home were more than appreciated. Mr. Early should be congratulated. Did I say no?
. By the way Charlie—did you evertake advantage of driving a good car? The Chevrolet it still the best— if you don’t believe it, ask Bernice.
All In all. we have been invited back and the next time we go—
1—Influene of general reading in newspapers, etc., about M. C.
It is positively astounding the answers one gets to the question. "What is your favorite form of recreation?”—especially the answers of those people who reply before they discover the motive which prompted the question.
Alice Hedge was the first one en countered. Alice Is kept so busy working that she has very little time for recreation; so she said that she liken to sit and let her mind go blank. Upon further thought she said perhaps she like to play cards better. Ruth Spilman reads "College Humor" one Sunday. "Time Maga-zine" the next. In between times she sleeps.
When Mary Miller was asked she, laughingly said. "Oh go On a spree every once in a while." She went on to explain that when she got tired of studying and sitting around she liked to get out and have a good time.
She doesn't mean the term "spree" to have the usual interpretation.
Narcella Severtson likes to read when she is not studying. which Is most of the time.
Galen Ogden likes to do lots of things: play ping pong. read news-papers, especially the “Spec", play basketball. and most of all does he like to talk—to good-looking girls.
Corrine Suter enjoys outdoor sports, reading and playing "pig" in the "Y" room.
Horseback riding. although Impossible here at school. is the favorite hobby of Mabel Stryker. Gladys Riddell enjoys going to dances, Both Mildred Selberg and Ruth Deardorff rend in their spare time. Ruth also likes to play cards. Elizabeth War-, oner said that embroidering was her favorite past-time.
In the reading room of the library Glenn Webb was found, fife at first said he enjoyed sleeping more than anything else, then a few minutes later he amended this by saying he did research work for chemistry during his spare moments—Perhaps he realized why the question was asked.
Ruth Christenson was also in the reading room. Her hobby is outdoor sports, but then while she was saying this she had a copy of "Scribner's"
In her hand, the article she was reading was entitled. "Boys are Bad She Seemed quite Interested.
Grace Lerew enjoys Just “messing around" and Royal Frantz likes hiking.—but Is that all there Is to It?
"Tuffy” Wine likes pitching horse-shoe, playing bridge, and strolling with the girls—especially the good-looking ones, isn't it odd how the good-looking one* are picked?
If all of these recreations were faithfully pursued here we would have a most interesting college life, full of variety. Variety is the "spice of life", you know.
and to close the sack when fall, we climbed back Into the four-wheeled vehicle and went back to town.
After about ten minutes we decid-ed we had better go back to rescue our young colleague from the vicious snipes and on arriving at the spot we found her sitting on the sack racked by paroxyms of glee.
A girl Who is taking foods declared after her first class that she had made the best coffee In the class. When she was asked if she was sure, she replied. ''Oh. It didn’t taste very good. but It was the prettiest."
They say women talk n lot hut actually two boys were able to Ant-talk more than a dozen girls, on the subject of “Dutch" dating. And suf-fice It to say they art their feet down against the Idea. This subject was talked over In a discussion group Monday led by Miss Chalcea White.
Now. girls, you won't have to learn how to cook oatmeal. The boys' home economics class made that breakfast food yesterday.
Corrine Suter called for a taxi yes-terday at 7:30 and got one at 10:30. Just a little matter of a three and one half hour's wait. At that. the was lucky to get one at all.
Student Tells Of Memorable
Trip Taken by Guile-
In this "enlightened year of our Lord, nineteen hundred and thirty-three. you would think any self-pos-sessed, sane-minded young college thing (especially of the female species) who hadn't heard Of the age-old. world-renowned "snipe-hunt" wasn't normally bright;now wouldn't you?
But will you believe me when I state In all sincerity, and with malice toward none, that wo have the perfect example of such a back-number right here on our own campus? Why to this unenlightened little creature a snipe signified nothing more nor less, better nor worse than the common cigarette butt
Well, when. In the course of the evening, snipes were Incidentally mentioned, this unsuspecting young Innocent blandly questioned the other members of the party as to the origin and whereabouts of such. Soon several good snipe-hunting grounds had been suggested, and scrambling Into the postier quarters of a huge
truck we dashed off to the northerly edge of this fair city. On arriving at an orchard that had the pungent odor of one of those striped quadrupeds that was so thoroughly described by the male quartet last week, our young Innocent grabbed the sack and we staked It out for her. Instructing her to grasp tightly the sack and call 'Come Snipy. Snipy. Come Snipy" Instead of “Sook, Snipy. suc. suc. suc. suc' as she suggested.
Quips and Quibbles
Yes, we were Wrong—we even ad-mit It! Our suggestion of last week was destructive and not constructive. We refer to the idea that some couple should break up in order to make a little news. Evidently Several caught the Idea and decided that It would be much better to create new "steadies" Instead of doing away with old ones. Did yon witness the brand new dates at the lyceum course, and On the same evening the "new crop at the Bethany game at Lindsborg?
And there was one blond couple at the lyceum — both are blond, we mean — which pleases us very much. They are of about the same temperament; he is quite a bit taller than she both are quite intelligent: and both (we guess) have dated about the same amount. Sh! Sh! Did you say that this most eminent column has taken up matchmaking?
In trying to describe some sweat ers Ruth Ihde started out with rat-tle-snake and got down to turtledove, before it was finally surmised that she meant turtlenecked.
In Old Testament lit class 'Prof. Heckman asked with what word the Bible describes the serpent In the Garden of Eden. The class dutifully answered, "Subtil". Then with a puz-xled glance Heckman asked of Ber-nard Suttle, "How did you get your name, Mr. Suttle?” Suttle looked at him a moment and then replied, "I Inherited it."—Better take good care of your heirloom. Bernard.
A request was passed from one end of the gym to the other at the Baker game in order to ask Leteer Lewis to put on his derby for Zelta Oxley to see.
Psst—It's a secret, we think, but it has been rumored that members of the famous choir which will make Its debut tonight, will appear In formal dress—tuxedoes 'n' everything!
Quite a cheerful team we have! Teuton and Rufus were such grinning guys at the Swede game—We like that kind of an attitude.
Reverend Anderson forgot to mention In his chapel address about last year the Optimistic fellow who said this of 1932. "Wasn't that depression awful?"
If Duncanson doesn't come to class, he creates so much noise that his fellow classmates' minds are diverted between Dr. Bright’s words and the pounding that "Dunky" is doing.
You might think the League Of Nations was bolding an assembly in Miss Lehman’s room If you should happen in there some time. It Is only the principles of Interpretation classes studying dialect. The Swedes. Italian, Irish. Scotch, and Negro are all present.
Wayne Carr's theme song might well be “Walking My Baby Back Home", at least from all evidences Since the arrival or the diminutive eastern brunette.
Have you missed Norman Saylor. Harold Sallee, Lois Shelley. Nellie Heaston, Archie Lindholm, or several others yet? Well, they are not In school this semester.
My dears! (Especially the dears who drive cars.) Did you know that at most oil stations you can get free
gas? Yes, sir-free gas! That Is what a college education does for one. We might never have thought of It If we hadn’t taken chemistry. Yes it is true that you can get free air most any place. And isn't air a gas?
During a single noon hour In the Y. W. room the girls who eat there-gave a gym exhibition, told the dumb thing they did In "childhood'', ate lunch, and had an expression recital. One would hardly expect so much to be accomplished In so short a time.
It is said that sometime we will revert to the habits of our ancestors. Mary Miller has already done It. Lately who has been speaking In an Irish dialect. Perhaps this is partly duo to having to learn an Irish poem In principles of Interpretation class.
scandal or scandals! Prof. Bowman'll baby daughter is already breaking dorm rules by arriving here 2:00 o'clock.
When Marlene Dappen was sprinkling "honeys" around among her girl friends, someone warned her that she might someday use that term when she didn't mean to. She named one boy whom she once gave that cognomen, "But that's the only time I did It when I didn't mean to."We wonder just how often she did then when she did mean to.
Doesn't It look funny to see all the space around the drive with no cars? Just snow and wind—and I believe you can really see the wind on these days.
Dr. V. F. Schwalm visited the "Y" room Sunday evening—much to the consternation of some of those present.
Mrs. Roland Jones' Pupils Give Dramatic Program
A stage setting of actual evergreen boughs and fragrant flowers formed a realistic garden background for a dramatic recital last Wednesday night. It was given In the college chapel by pupils of Mrs. Roland Jones, a graduate of McPherson College. A large number of college students attended and were exceedingly Interested In the unusual spring setting.
The young students who participated In the recital were as follows: Phoebe Steel. Marilyn Rice, Melba Nininger, Dorothy Ann Kail, Erlene Hoggatt, Jean Cotterill. Joan Cotter-Ill. Eugene Nininger. Caroline Peterson. Cathleen McFall. Ruth Mingenbecck. Sonny Boy Smith. Anita Joy Smith. Dorothy May Fillman. Fay-lene Stansel, Betty Jo Harper. Dona Joyce Stine, and Bud Holzworth.
(Continued from Page One)
Telephone calls were received from Jesse Hamilton. J. E. Bowser. Elmer Harris, Perry Brihleart. and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Johnson, all of Abilene, Kansas; Dr. V. F. Schwalm, Pearl McGaffey. Miss Della Lehman, and H. L. Barber family of McPherson; the Correll family and W. J. Miller of Buckeye, Kansas; Dr. B. Hull of Salina. Kansas; and Jessie Daron of Herington, Kansas.
The telegrams Were as follows:
Salina. Kansas. Enjoying the program and extend congratulations for your splendid work. Mrs. and Mr. F. L. Sondergard and Mr*. Edwin Crouch.
Geneseo, Kansas. Congratulations to music department of McPherson College and Dean Mohler. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Hayes. Kermit and Volney Dobrinski.
McPherson, Kansas. Hello Bulldogs. Congratulations! Party enjoying big broadcast. Sing skunk song
Including motions. Loyally yours. Agnes. Margaret. Marlene, Maxine. Etta, Margaret O. and Una.
Wakeeney. Kansas. Congratulations! Reception coming In fine. Mm. Lucy Anderson and family. Mm. Minnie Lindsey, and Mr. and Mrs. John Phillips.
It’s Polite to Agree A Virginia family was training a colored girl the country In her duties as maid. On answering the
telephone the first day she brought no message.
"Who was that, Sara?"
"Twar,'t nobody. Mrs. Bailey. Jes' a lady sayin', ’It's a long distance from New Yorks and I says, ’Yes ma'am, it sho’ is!' ”
Since the New Rules "Hello is this the City Bridge Department?"
"Yes. What ran we do for you?" "How many points do you get for a little s1am?"
The Kansas conference basketball race turned Into a wide open scramble between three teams last week when Ottawa handed the defending champion Bethany Swedes a defeat and left those two teams and Kansas Wesleyan tied for first place.
Ottawa pulled the Swedes down into the three-way tie Saturday night by winning from Bethany. 30-17. while Wesleyan heat Baker. 30-17.. In Salina.
Baker dropped from a triple tie with Wesleyan and Ottawa for runner-up position to last place by losing to Wesleyan and earlier In It week to McPherson. 19 to 24. Mc-Pherson lost to Bethany. 20 to 27 but now holds the position below the tied lenders with one victory and two defeats compared with Baker's record of one and three.
Bethany pulled ahead of the other two leaders Monday night by defeating Baker In their game at Lindsborg, Ottawa Is due for a tour to the western end of the circuit, meeting McPherson Thursday night and Bethany Friday night. If the Swedes and Ottawa are successful In their tests against Baker and McPherson, their game at Lindsborg will be of a crucial nature.
Wesleyan will go to. Nebraska to play return engagements with the Kearney Teachers. Thursday, and Hastings college. Friday. The Coyotes beat Kearney and lost to Hastings In Salina.
Other exhibitions scheduled for this week are between Washburn and Baker at Baldwin and McPherson and Bethel at Newton, both on Friday night.
McPherson defeats
(Continued from Page One) which tied the score. Again Chet got the ball and dribbled through the Baker defense for two more points to give the Bulldogs the lead. Baker tightened their defense, so Yoder shot one over the Baker front line that added two more points to McPherson's score.
Again McPherson got the tip from center and Jamison look a rebound two more points. in doing this Jamison was fouled and he added another off the basket and batted one In for point. Chet Johnston and Pauls each made fouls but neither of the tree throws were made good. Wiggins went In for Pauls at guard. Brown. Baker guard went through the McPherson defense for a field goal. Cunningham soon added another field goal to bring Baker's score to eight Reinecker went In at a guard
McPherson college bulldogs are to play
Bethel Defeated Bulldogs Last Year by One Point in Overtime Game After McPherson Led Most of the Time
Team Has Been Improving and Is Eager for Victory
Friday night Coach Melvin J. Bin-ford is going to take his Bulldog cagers to Netwon for a battle with the Bethel College basketball quintet.
Although this is a non-conference game It will probably be one of the toughest teams that the Bulldogs will encounter as they are always set to beat McPherson when the two teams play.
Last year Bethel defeated McPherson In the only game between the two schools by the narrow margin of one point. The Bulldogs led most of the way in last year's game and in the extra period the Bethel cagers managed to win by one point.
The Newton team is probably a little stronger this year and has been playing good consistent hall. The Graymaroons are led by Kennison. star center, who is considered a dangerous offensive threat.
A largo number of students and local town people will probably follow the team to Netwon to see this Important game. The Bulldogs are a determined hunch of players and are art on getting revenge for last year's defeat at the hands of Bethel.
position for McPherson. The half soon ended with McPherson leading 11-8.
Spear started the scoring In the second half on a fast play under the basket and Ghrist the other Baker forward soon followed with another two point score to give Baker a 12 to 11 lead. Ghrist was fouled by Yoder, but the Baker man missed his free throw and Cunningham fouled Jamison who also missed a free throw. Again Spear drove in fast under the basket for a set up which gave the Wildcats a three point advantage over the Bulldogs.
At this point McPherson took time out to plan a method of stopping the Baker attack. Yoder scored on a long shot from the side that brought the Bulldogs to within one point of the Wildcats. Harold Johnston missed a free throw, hut Jamison batted it In to give the Bulldogs the lead at 15 to 14. Christ added a point for Baker on Yoder's foul and Cunningham added a point on a foul by C. Johnston to give Baker a one point lead.
Pauls faked, and then dribbled through the Baker defense for a set up to put McPherson in the lead. Baker made a couple substitutions at this point. Yoder dropped in a basket from the side which brought the score to 19 to 16 for McPherson. Christ made a field goal which cut the McPherson lead to one point.
Jamison got the ball In the corner and went under for a set up. Rock was fouled while shooting and he made both of his free throws count. Spear fouled Pauls and "Teuton'’ made his free throw good. Christ added a point on a foul by C. Johnston and Yoder missed on a foul by Cunningham and the game ended with McPherson on the long end of a 21 to 19 score.
Conch Binford's cagers played a good brand of ball and most of all they showed that they hud the ability to come hack strong when they got In a pinch. The Bulldog defense held Baker for a minimum number of good shots and the Binford coached team took every opportunity to score and passed the hall until they got a good change to score.
The box score: McPherson (24) |
FG |
FT |
F |
H. Johnston f |
. 0 |
l |
0 |
Rock f----------- |
0 |
2 |
0 |
Jamison e .......... |
. . 3 |
1 |
0 |
Yoder g ..........----- |
3 |
0 |
2 |
Pauls g |
... 1 |
2 |
2 |
C. Johnston f |
. 8 |
0 |
3 |
Reinecker g |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Wiggins g |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Totals _____ |
_ 9 |
6 |
7 |
Baker (18) |
KG |
FT |
F |
Spear f |
. 3 |
0 |
2 |
Ghrist f _______________ |
... 2 |
2 |
1 |
Cunningham c |
. 2 |
l |
2 |
Martins g |
_ 0 |
0 |
0 |
Finley g |
... 1 |
0 |
0 |
Totals ........ |
____ s |
3 |
7 |
Referee: Altman, pbria. |
College |
of |
Em- |
McPherson Leads at Half but Bethany Comes Back Strong and Wins 27-20
The McPherson College Bulldogs lost a hard fought basketball game to the conference leading Bethany College Swedes at Lindsborg Wednesday, February 1. by a score of 27-20.
The Bulldogs started out nicely and took an early lead of a few points. McPherson showed a nice passing game during the early part of the game, but their shots were Just missing by inches. The Bulldog defense also was functioning nicely and the Swedes were held to a minimum number of shots. McPherson continued to lead by a point or two during the first half and at the end of the first period the Bulldogs were on the long end of an 8-7 score.
At the start the second half the Swede quintet came back strong and
worked two nice blocks on the Bulldogs that were good for counters. With this slight lead the Bethany team played a very cautious game and made few attempts to penetrate the McPherson defense. Toward the close of the game the McPherson front line had to rush the Swedes and the Bethany team took advantage of this and drove In for a few more counters.'
The Bulldogs seemed unable to work the ball through the zone defense that the Swedes placed In front of the McPherson team and when they did get open for shots were un-able to hit consistently. During the latter part of the first half with Harold Johnston leading the offensive threat the Bulldogs worked In for some nice shots, but never seriously threatened the early second half lead of the Swedes.
Box score— McPherson (20) |
FG |
ft |
F |
Pauls t..... |
. 1 |
1 | |
3 | |||
Jamison g_________ |
. 1 |
1 |
0 |
. l |
0 | ||
1 |
0 | ||
. 0 |
o |
3 | |
6 |
s |
10 | |
Bethany (27) |
FG |
FT |
F |
Bruce f ------- |
. 2 |
0 |
3 |
Dyck f-------^ |
. 3 |
2 |
1 |
. 1 |
0 |
0 | |
. 1 |
2 | ||
Bergstrom g------ |
. 1 |
0 |
2 |
Anderson g .. |
. 3 |
l |
2 |
Totals ............. |
11 |
5 |
10 |
Dean of Women of Southwestern Gives Various Speeches
Miss Chaleos White, dean of women at Winfield has been on tho campus yesterday and today us guest of the Y. W. C. A. She spoke on Personality Adjustment In chapel Monday. At 8:30 Monday she hold a discussion group on campus problems. Some of the topics discussed worn "Dutch" dating, disintegration of personality as a result of unemployment. and socially maladjusted students.
Miss White talked to the girls In Child Welfare, to Professor Heckman's class in Family, to the Y.. W. C. A. and led a discussion group on the subject of family relationships. She is considered an authority on family problems. She gave a brief history of marriage, discussed the causes of the breaking up of homes, and talked of thw functions of the home. Lack of preparation, for marriage, she says, is one of the cardinal causes for failure in that Institution. The functions off the home divide themselves into three groups— biological. sociological and personality enrichment.
She led the girls In their weekly meditation period Monday evening. She gave some of Kirby Page's principles of living creatively.
Speaks at Church on Sunday— Holds Discussion Groups
Miss Stella Scurlock, national student secretary of the Y. W. C. A. honored McPherson campus with her presence Sunday evening and Monday morning. She is making plans for a conference on economic and social problems to be held at Emporia some week-end in March.
Her stay was hurried but Interesting and hopeful for those who had opportunity to speak with her. Sunday evening she spoke at the Brethren Church on college students and their religious problems. Following the church service a small group of students met in the parlor of Arnold Hull for a discussion on current problems. She had time for only a few short conferences and gave a brief talk in chapel.
W. A. A. Has Charge of Thursday Pep Chapel
During the pep chapel Thursday morning. February 2. on unusual double ring wedding ceremony was presented an the W. A. A. stunt. The young couple supposedly to have been married were Miss Victory and Mr, McPherson. After much opposition by Mr. Baker, the happy couple were finally announced to be "joined for life". The stunt proved to bo quite a success putting the group Into a peppy mood.
The cheerleaders then look charge of the meeting. Blanch Harris, last
year’s cheerleader, led the group In the pep songs.
His One Regret
She insisted on taking innumerable frocks with her, and they ar-rived at the station loaded with luggage.
"I wish.” said the husband, thoughtfully, "that we’d brought the piano."
"You needn’t try to be sarcastic.” came the frigid reply. "It’s not a bit funny."
"I'm not trying to be funny." he explained, sadly. "I left the tickets on It.”—Washington Labor.
The Village Cut-up
Judge: "Well, here you are again, Rastus.”
Rastus: "Yassuh. bos. ’ise buck afore you again, but dis time Ah got a cause.”
Judge: "Well, what is It, Rastus?”
Rastus: "Judge, what would you do If someone steal your wife?”
Judge: "I'd cut her company, Ras-tus, and let It go at that."
Rastus: "Dat's jes' what Ah did—-and Ah cut him deep."
A dictionary published has decided on the ten most beautiful words In the English language. They Include dawn, hush, lullaby, murmuring, mist, tranquil, luminous, chimes, golden and melody.
How exceedingly different the gen-tleman must have been. Here are a few of the ten most beautiful words made Into sentences by the students of the Fort Hays State College.
There will be NO assembly today.
Here Is a BLONDE you must get acquainted with.
Here's that TEN DOLLARS I owe you, old pal.
How about having DINNER with mo this evening?
What only a 4-5 average for this semester.
We have decided to have a week's VACATION between semesters.
Four spring semester enrollment fees will be GIVEN to you for the asking at the office.
Here comes that absent minded professor who thinks be Is John D. ROCKEFELLER with a sack of 1933 dimes.
WASN'T the depression awful.
Leaving Room
"Sorry you are going. The place will seem quite empty without you." said the host to the stout guest as he departed.—Christian Science Monitor.