McPherson college, mcPherson, kansas, Wednesday, dec. 21, 1932



Spectator Sends Greetings

The Spectator Staff wishes to take this opportunity to send greetings and best wishes to students, faculty, advertisers, and all readers of our newspaper. We hope that you have the merriest of Merry Christ-mases and the happiest of Happy New Years. May the coming year be a most pleasant and prosperous one for all concerned!—The Editor.

Page Two

The Spectator

Official Publication of McPherson College. Published by Student Council, McPherson Kansas




Subscription Rates For One School Year


Address all correspondence to the SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas



Editor-in-chief......-----------------... .„.Una H. Ring

Associate Editor------^-------Wilbur C. Yoder

Associate Editor------Everett Fasnacht

Sports Editor------..........Wilbur C. Yoder


Business Manager.------—Harry Frantz

Ass't. Business Manager ..._....._Melvin Landes

Ass't. Business Manager    ------- Paul Booz

Circulation Manager.------Everett Fasnacht

Marlene Dappen Faculty Adviser

REPORTERS Elmer Staats Lola Hawkins

Paul Heckman Odessa Crist

Etta Nickel

Ana Heckman

Margaret Oliver

Jo Wagoner

____.Prof Maurice A. Hess

This write who Is writing this written writing has learned one thing this year; One never can know when someone wants his name in the paper. When a person says to be sure not to mention a certain thing in your column and then tells you all about the certain thing you may wonder if he may be subtly sug-gesting that you should put it In. But when he tells your relatives the same thing and repeatedly says to Be careful that nothing about it is printed, you may be positive that he wants it in the paper. Especially when you haven't heard of it any-



Christmas time is a happy time for the student. It brings home, father, brother and sister. friends-— and the student is once more re-vitalized for the great tasks and opportunities that are his.

Christmas is a happy time, for it brings a holiday season. The value of a rest—a period of relaxation from the routine of one's weekly schedule, is estimable. The student not only rests and visits during vacation.; he becomes rejuvenated so that be may again enjoy that daily and weekly routine of classes, activities, and studies during the period of school following vacation.

Christmas brings to the student a time of elevation and benefit, for the student has time to stand apart from his erstwhile student life, weigh add measure the values that are presented to him. He has a "time out" period in which he may stop and estimate the value of the growth he Is making in his personal development.

Christmas probably means more to the student than to most of the other large social groups. Christmas Is a time of bountiful giving and grateful receiving; it should be also a time for renewing mutual friend-ship and a time of peace and goodwill to all, for It is the annual celebra-tion of the birth of the Prince of Peace—the son of God, who came to raise man to a richer and fuller understanding and appreciation of God and fellowman.—E. F.


Ten cardinal commandments that go to make up the Ideal college man have been outlined by the Rev, John A. Berens, S. J., dean of men at Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He has been adviser and in-structor of boys for twenty years.

Father Beren's commandments are: 1. He should have a strong ambition to succeed, together with the determination to overcome obstacles.

2. He should take part In the normal activities of extra-curricular af-fairs, but without excess in them.

3. He should possess qualities of leadership, but this does not imply that he must be a class officer or hold office in campus organizations.

4. He may do outside work if he must, but it is honor to save money for one or two years after preparatory school and then enter college.

5. As to character he must possess the qualities of honesty, upright-eousness, courage, and fidelity.

6. He must be temperate.    

7. Inasmuch as the countenance reflects the quality of the soul, he must give an outward appearance of pleasantness. He need not be good lodging or a Beau Brammel.

8. He must be neat in appearance and in habits.

9. He must be mature. A boy who appears immature at 18 should delay entering college. A year or two of work would bring him into con-tact with difficulties of life; he would learn the value of money and develop a better outlook on education.  10. He must conduct himself in such a manner as will give evidence of a sincere, Christian gentleman.

"Give me the student who answers to these requirements," Father Berens said, "and I will show you the ideal young collegian, Nor need he bend over backward' to approach, those qualifications. Any normal grow-ing boy is a candidate for the title."

When the German classes sang In a foreign language, the students ap-plauded long and loudly. Possibly they were glad to relax once, since it did no good, anyway to listen to the words.

Pity the poor librarian! Since the bell on the desk has been fixed, even the staff members have become enthusiastic over the use of it.—So much so, in fact, that some of them flag it for mere pleasure.

The depression is pretty bad when it even affects the flowers! It struck Miss Heckethorn's Christmas cactus that she had in the library last Friday. One girl said that was what made it no small. If that was true, don't you think the depression might be blamed for causing said cactus to fade so soon?

One girl who was turned down several times when she asked for leap year dates submitted the following:

Under the hanging mistletoe,

The homely co-ed stands,

And stands, and stands, and stands, and stands,

And stands, and stands, and stands

Someone who evidently wished to remain unknown wrote an answer In opposition to M. C.'s Lonesome Man, and left ft In the Spec box. Since he didn’t enclose a stamped and self-addressed envelope—nor even his name—we snail print only excerpts from his message, "it's hard," be writes, "to turn down a shy and scar, ed girl who musters courage enough to shoot the question, but my how it hurts when the girl you've been watching all year comes around Just three hours too late. . . . Carry me on to 1933 when man can reign, nearly supreme in the choosing of dates.''


History of College Newspaper Reveals Background of Strict Censorship

One would find it impossible to picture present day college life without its weekly edition of the Spectator, but in early days of the institution students were not allowed to edit or publish a newspaper. Rather, the faculty furnished all of the printed literature issued from the college. This consisted of a sixteen page monthly magazine known as the "Teacher and Student." Such subjects an mormonism, lynching, national debts, arbitration, and free sliver were discussed, The faculty however, gave way in 1899 to a new publication called "Rays of Light which was published by the students under strict supervision of the faculty. The cover of this magazine plainly stated it to be "an education-al, literary, and news magazine."

After a life of sixteen years "Rays of Light" was replaced by a magazine called "The McColpa." The title was taken from the first letters of The McPherson (Mc) College (Col) Paper (Pa), The McColpa was a thirty-six page paper larger then the

"Rays of Light" and published without strict faculty censorship

Not until the advent of the Spec-tator in 1917 did the transition from magazine to newspaper take place. The first Spectator was a four-page weekly, half as large as the present paper. Simple headlines began to be used. Later a six-page newspaper was Issued every two weeks, and in 1919 it became an eight page weekly. In 1921 the Spectator assumed the size that It has today, and gradually faculty censorship has become less.


Short as it it this year, you may be sure that M, C. students will make the most of vacation,

Students who go home will take advantage of the opportunity to tell the ones they left behind that college doesn't hold anyone that can match up to them and that they have found no one they like better—or that they have. They will meet Old friends again, and attend family reunions, and eat big dinners, and wish it didn't have to end so soon. For the students who will be at home In McPherson very much the same round is in store. Those who are staying at Kline will probably find many new experiences

For one and all may there be happy days of Christmas cheer, plums pudding, presents, and even wedding bells.

But why watch the girl all year? Why not ask her for a date yourself?

Imagine playing such a gentle game as ping pong and doing such a clumsy thing as falling down while playing the game. A girl whose name is mentioned elsewhere In this column did just that.


There is much to be said for our scheme of Christmas, as it has been developed because it multiplies and intensifies the activities of a com-munity during the weeks before the event.

The happy community is always the busy community and that is Just as true in times of uncertainty like those as In times when everything is functioning normally. Pre-Christmas activity this year is, indeed, more beneficent than usual because It concentrates the community mind upon something specific to do at a time when the specifics are all too few,

That specific thing to do does not, fortunately, concern self, Most folks have been worrying about themselves too much. The all-pervasive spirit of, Christmas concerns others, In their shopping excursions, their charitable enterprises, their planning of family reunions either here or else-where in their general preparatory milling about with a focal point on Christmas Day people have more selfless minds and therefore happier minds than In many a month.

' It is a great institution- Christmas—as America has evolved it. The proof of It is in the better spirit that always rules in this land at this sea-son.—Wichita Eagle.,

Last week saw a new drama between debtor and creditor. Next time your creditor sends you a statement send his a half dozen letters explain-ing why payment would hurt him. Try it and then If you cannot convince him—default.

The leap year dates are about to break up some “happy families''. One young man was approached by a fair co-ed who asked him for the pleasure ‘ of escorting him to the party; he flusteredly but gallantly accepted and felt flattered: Then his conscience began to prick, and he won-what his regular girl would think about it—and say—and do. And what she thought—and said— and did was plenty. After a stormy session the youth’s fury became aroused against the one who had caused all this, and tha date was broken. Here is hoping that since the party is over conditions will return to normalcy and peace will reign once more with all severed diplomatic relations restored.

The other day Coriane Suter was wondering who might be the third Replogle In school. She said that his first name was Dean.

Debaters are having a hard time deciding whether the war debts should be canceled or paid. One consolation is that Congress is not bothered with this trouble.

A lot of hard luck comes from sitting around waiting for a soft snap.

Since than will be few happen-ings and comparatively little news over the Christmas vacation, the Spectator staff fee that it win be bast to leave no number on the Wednesday Immediately following vacation.

“Sir, I am in desperate straits, My wife wants food,"

"Listen, brother, you don’t know what trouble is. My wife wants a diamond ring."

Did you know that Dorothy Fearey thinks the song "Pink Elephants" fits her—that Is, when she wears her pink coat?    




At Y. W. C. A. this morning Ann Heckman played a medley of "Silent Night. Holy Night", and “Oh Come All Ye Faithful." as a prelude. Then an invisible trio sang several Christ-mas carols, which were introduced by short sketches read by Genevieve Crist. The trio consisted of Mildred Dahlinger, Gulah Hoover, and Lois Edwards.


Strange Things Are Disclosed Which Were Heretofore Unknown

In the trip to Winfield the male varsity debaters and Ogden, scouter and alternate, showed extreme selfishness In regard to the second team. Going to Winfield, Gottmann, Williams and Ogden took charge of the Misses Riddell and Spilman while Coach Hess. Staats. and Hayes took care of the Misses Hobart and Dappen. They traded coming home and made the second' team. Goering. Kauffman. Booz. Suttle, and their driver. Paul Heckman, go alone both ways.

Paul Booz had obtained a date for Saturday night before the second team men had been in Winfield fif-teen minutes but he had to give her up on the end because the other members of his car didn’t have such good luck and wouldn’t stay Saturday


The non-decision rounds held on Friday gave the debaters many valuable ideas and the scouters Ogden and Heckman got many valuable points from teams like those put out by Oklahoma Women’s college and Hutchinson's Junior college team which were made up of women.

Hayes, Williams, and Hess drew the greatest applause given at the banquet Friday night "when they led the McPherson college group In the Rolla Bolla yell. Gottmann had a unique way of getting more buns by

having Spilman and Booz who sat next to him take buns and give them to him. Hayes almost drowned Miss Dappen when he gripped his paper drinking cap too hard. Ogden had great difficulty In refraining from eating his paper plate but Miss Hobart helped to keep him from doing this. Miss Riddell took care of Williams as best she could so the rest of the McPherson men focused their

6.    Thou shalt not stack thy neighbor’s room: nor wear thy neighbor's coat nor his dress nor his tam.

7.    Thou shalt not steal—down the fire-escape,

8.    Thou shall not kill—the mice and cockroaches that run over thy floor.

9.    Thou shalt tattle all to the ran-tron e'en tho' all they friends forsake thee.

10.    Six days shall thou labor and do all thy washing and ironing, and On the seventh thou shall sing classical songs.

The students at K. U., especially the girls, are trying to get the ruling that girls should be in by 10:30 changed. Imagine!

The first official Goethe film. which was made in Germany, was shown at Friends University recently. It showed the life and works of Kart Shurz, the celebrated German dramatist. The film was shown under the auspices of the modern language department.

An Interesting exchange paper Is the Farthest-North Collegian from Alaska. The names of the places are tongue-twisters, though.



The Y. W, C. A. gave a Christmas party to twenty-one little needy children or the community yesterday afternoon at four o’clock. Newell Wine acted as Santa Claus and each child was given a toy. a practical gift, candy and nuts. Gretta Wilma Griffis told them a story and Gulah Hoover taught them several little Christmas songs.



Play Games and Listen to Pro-

gram—Girls Entertain Boys

Chivalry reigned Monday night In the basement of the college church when the girls of the school took their turn at doing the honors. About 125 students and one family member attended the all school leap year party.

Lloyd Larsen was master of ceremonies. After all the dates and the few stags were seated, the program began with two harmonica numbers by Willard Brammell. Faithe Ketter-man read "His Unlucky Day" and Mildred Dahlinger sang "The Elope-ment" by Bonds.

Then came the social. Those present were divided into four groups, and amid cheers from their backers a necktie relay was run. The different groups sent out representatives and proposals were made by the girls to the boys. The judges selected Oneita Boyer and Orval Eddy as the winners.

Two relays, singing led by Prof. Alvin Voran, and on impromptu tap dance by Wayne Carr and Glenn Lichty followed, after which the girls, especially those who brought steadies, were bled for their fees. Refreshments of coffee and doughnuts were served and the party, but not the evening, was over.

The girls were required to take the boys to and from the party, help them with their coats, find chairs, open doors, and get their refreshments for them.

Gulah Hoover and Guy Hayes were the committee for arrangements. Lloyd Larsen. Loren Rock, and Maxine Ring planned the program, while Ada Brunk. Pearl Walker, and Martha Andes were responsible for the refreshments.


Former Professor Says People There Feel We Will Have War Soon

Dr. E. L. Craik, former student add professor In McPherson College, now professor of history and government at Juniata college, Huntingdon. Penn., writes from Edinburgh. Scotland, where he is studying this winter:

"You have no idea how the idea prevails here that we are face to face with another war. The papers are full of It. I greatly fear some very bad feelings will come out of this war debt question with the U. S. The people here think we ought to extend the moratorium or cancel. They have little appreciation of our weight of taxes In America. Of course, theirs ARE very much heavier—as we all know—but they persist in thinking the Americans have an easy time of it. From what I hear and read I would not want to come to Europe a year hence. I cannot conceal the fact that I am pretty much disheartened with the prospect."

Dr. Craik left McPherson In 1924 when he look the position he now  holds. He has been attending the University of Edinburgh. During the holidays he will visit In Germany and after several weeks will resume his studies at Cambridge University. Mrs. Craik Is living in Lawrence this winter, where Warren Is attending the university, They expect Dr. Craik to join them in April.


"Horse Scholars" is the term given at K. U. to the brilliant scholar type of student who knows he’s smart  and tells everybody about It. He always does more than is assigned and smiles pityingly on those who aren’t prepared to recite.

Here are then commandments made up by some clever student at South-western College, Winfield

1. Thou shall not "shhhhh" In the halls!

2. Honor thy matron that thy days may be long In Smith Hall.

3. Thou shall not breathe heavily between 1:45 and 3:45.

4. Thou shalt not make noise on sleeping porch.

5. Than shall not take the name the Dean of Women In vain.

attention on the waiters. The M. C. group without a doubt took the best picture when the flashlight camera in the balcony went off and scared everybody but Staats, Goering, Kauffman. and Suttle to starvation.

In the evening after the banquet while Coach Hess was at a meeting the rest of the party went to the city library but of the second team carload only Kauffman and Goering who had debates the next day returned to their rooming house on time. The others saw Sherlock Holmes and barely missed taking some Winfield waiters but Booz was still loyal to his date which he didn’t know he would have to break.

The tournament the next day was good even though the teams didn’t go so far. The second team, after being eliminated in a hard fought word battle with Tonkawa. Oklahoma, visited the state home for the feeble minded at Winfield and then went to the high school where the varsity and women's teams were having it out; later they went through Winfield's fire department. The second team was Just In time in hear the elimination of both M. C. teams and While no hard feelings are held, the verdict given by many capable lis-teners varied greatly with that given

by a supposedly capable judge.

Dinner was taken at Wichita and before it was over Suttle disappeared. After the other teams had gone on to McPherson he appeared with a friend who knew how to get ticket to a twenty cent show for a dime, So they saw & double show for a dime The "Gorilla" and "Sea Legs" were the shows seen. They ate a bit at Newton and after finally arguing Suttle out of going to a show there they came back to McPherson.


Some Going Great Distances— Others Visiting Friends

Although school closes for only a short lime, students and faculty of McPherson College are making plans to visit their homes or those of friends during the Christmas vacation. A few plans in continue their stay at the college during the holidays.

Some are traveling quite long distances during the respite from school. Ezra Feller is going to Texas to his home. Wheller Kurtz, Professor Alvin Voran, Paul Heckman. and Chris Johansen are making Chi-cago their destination, but for vastly different reasons. Professor Voran Is planning to acquire a wife while there. Wheeler Kurtz to visit his parents, and Chris Johansen to see his girl. Miss Della Lehman is visiting a friend In Louisiana. while Coach Binford and Professor J. H. Fries are going to attend a meeting In New York. Harry Frantz is going to Detroit to visit his brother,

The state of Iowa attracts many. Including Lois Shelly. Wayne Carr, Corrine Sutter, Galen Ogden. Ruth Deardorff. Ralph Buckingham. Price Brubaker, and Alberta Cornelius Orval Eddy goes to his home in Min-nesota. Harvey Shank, Lilburn Gott-mann and Milton Early are going to Missouri during vacation. Grace Heckman will accompany Gottmann to his home.

Rocky Ford. Colorado is Ann Heckman’s home. Esther and Lester Pote and Hobart Hughey plan to visit their homes In Oklahoma. The old home in Nebraska calls both Clarence Sink and Pearl Walker.

The many students living In Kansas who plan to visit their homes are Melvin Landes. Gerald Meyers, and Norman Saylor at Morrill: Gerald Custer, Harold Reinecker. Gulah Hoover. La Vera Flora. Elizabeth and Robert Bowman. Odessa and Genevieve Crist at Quinter; Faith Ketterman, Alice Egbert. John Kaufman. and Lloyd Larsen at Abilene; Ester Brown and Oneita Boyer at Hutchinson; Martha Hursh at Cass-idy; Ruth Idhe. Lola Hawkins. Mildred Pray, and Esther Stegeman at Hope; Leone Shirk and Leona Ben-hardt at Romona.

Vernon Rhoades is going to entertain Louise Ikenberry at his home In Topeka during the vacation. Lois and Merland Edwards Intend to visit relatives in southeaster Kansas.

Edith Bechtelheimer, Lois Lackey, and Merle Fisher are staying in Kline Hall Bernice Fowler, will occupy Miss Lehman's apartment, others who are staying in McPherson are Royal Frantz. Mary Miller. Warner Nettleton, David Duncanson. Wilbur Yoder. Lola Richwine, Bernard Suttle. Charles Austin. Carrol Whitcher Landes, Carrol Whitcher. John Ket-terman, and Ronald Vetter, pianist.


Binford and Fries to Attend National Meeting

Tomorrow morning Coach Melvin J. Binford and Prof. J. H. Fries will leave for New York City where they will attend the rational athletic com-ference. They were chosen to represent the Kansas Conference at this national meeting when the coaches of our league met In November.

This meeting will start Tuesday and continue until Saturday, Many well known speakers will be present. Including one who is the author of the text book the principles of physical education class is now using.

Patronize Spectator advertisers! They are M. C. boosters.


Participants Take Part Spontaneous-ly—Williams Plans Program

Patronize Spectator advertisers! They are M. C. boosters.

The Spectator Staff wishes to ex-press its sincere sympathy to Audrey and Mary Jane Groves at the death of their brother.

—The Editor,

The Y. M. C. A. presented a Christ-mas worship service in Its Tuesday meeting this week. The service em-phasized that part of the Christmas teaching that deals with peace. The program proceeded spontaneously from the start, each participant contributing his share in the program, unannounced.

Ward Williams. Y. M program chairman. formulated and executed the program. with the assistance of Lester Pote. Clarence Sink. Gerald Meyers. Everett Fasnacht. Melvin Landes, Carrol Whitcher, and Ron- ald Vetter. pianist.


Nine Teams Make Up Two Leagues—Varsity Players to Coach



Tells of Various    Wants of Stu

dents and Organizations

Dearest Santa Claus:

Gee, I was glad to see you down town the other day! Did you see Ollie and me wave to you? Well. I'm appointed chief scribbler of the whole bunch of Bulldogs and I write one letter for all to save postage and pager and also your time reading so many lists. We’ve cut our list down to things we absolutely need so as to help your pocketbook too.

First, I want to know if you've ever found that blond boy friend I asked for three years ago. If so.

guests over the week-end at Oneita Boyer’s home In Hutchinson.

Miss Della Lehman has moved from her apartment on East Euclid to some rooms in Kline Hall.


No Games Are Stated Until After Christmas Vacation

This week marks the openin of official intra-mural relations. Teams have been organized into two classes A and B for basketball. There are five teams in class A competition and four in class B. A volley ball

league has also been organized con-sisting of four teams. A challenge cup will be given to the winning teams. It will bear the names of the team which won in its class and will be kept in the trophy case. Varsity basketball men have been made coaches of the basketball teams and they will have champ of practices and lineups at games. In volley hall the captains will be managers of their teams.

The teams in class A make up the Big Five Conference. Team No l's color Is white. Its coach. Pauls. Its captain. Minear. and It consists of Bowman. Early. Tice, Fullmer, and Sink. Team 2's color is green. it is coached by Rock, captained by Harnly. and supported by Hayes. Gott-mann, B. Kauffman. Wine, and Say-lor Team 3's color is red. its cap-tain. Kraus, its coach, Wiggins, and it's players are Lichty, Duncanson. Blume, Custer. and Buckingham Team 4 has yellow fur its color. Zinn for its coach. H. Replogle- for its cap-tain, and Hart, Meyers, Brubaker, Brooks, and Edwards for its players, Team 5 has purple for a color. Aus-tin for a coach, Weddle for a captain and Larnsen, Eddy. Sallee. Nettleton, and Taylor for a personnel.

The teams in class it make up the Little Four League, The color of team 1 is white, its coach is Wal-strom, its captain its Brammel and Its men are Sherfy. Fasnacht. Evans, R. Frantz, and Whitcher, Team 2's color is green, it is coached by Stoner. captained by Heckman. and sup-ported by Kelly. Suttle. Lindholm. Hughey. and Vetter Team 3 has red for its color. Reinecker for its coach, R. Sweetland for its captain and Abel, Booz, Mathes, E. Sweet-land. and Friesen for its members. Yellow in the color of team 4, its roach is Yoder, its captain. Johan-son, and its players are Landes, Webb, Pote, Flora, and J. Kauffman,

In the volleyball tournament Pote is captain of team 1 and his players are Edwards. Lindholm. H. Replogle. Suttle. Nace, Heithecker, Gottmann,

Williams, and Sink Eddy Will lead team 2 and his men are Bowman. Booz, Heckman, Rhoades. E. Sweet-land, Lichty, Wine. and Hayes-Shank is captain of team 3 and he is supported by Larsen, Minear Brad-shaw. Webb, and Brubaker. Bun-canson is captain of team 4 and his team will consist Tice. Flora, Sherfy, Zinn, and Whitcher, Names are being thought of for both volley ball and basketball teams.

Schedules of all of these teams will consist of a triple round robin of Play. Many interesting games may be expected during this plan of con-tests. Watch the bulletin board for schedules, No basketball games will be played before the Christmas holi-days. However, volley ball games will probably begin this week.

please place him on my Christmas tree this year.

The Y W. C. A. has so many teas, they need a tea wagon. You see if

the Y. W. had one, then Doc Bright's history classes could borrow it for their affairs. That combination has been settled: so you see you'd save buying an extra wagon. The Y. W. could also make use of a new over-stuffed parlor suite for the “Y" room.    If you could get one with

window shades attached, the girls time would be saved every Monday morning from having to screw light blinkers back in their sockets.

Max Ring wants a sleigh. Good-ness knows, Una is busy enough without having to pull her little sis around an a sled. Then too. the reporters would like a volume of those already - written- up news stories.

We hope you will be generous and send Willie Brammel a package or  two of dates and enough boxes of  chocolates for his girl friends.

You ought to give a fifty-seated non-pay-as-you-enter automobile to M C for transportation in and about, town and other high spots. We would all be so happy. The athletic department could use it an long trips. Another combination, yes?

The pep leaders want the book. "One Hundred Thousand Snappy Yells." written by Ura Slacker. They want to start the basketball season off right. And Coach Binford asks for a tall basketball star for center position. We all want him to be sev-en feet tall, big, husky. and strong If you can't get him down Forney's tall smoke stand, bring him In the window.

Santa, you'd be a regular old dear if you would put running elevators in every building in place of the stairways. An elevated train from build-ing to building would save the sidewalks from getting cracked, bumped up, and hurt, especially on these cold mornings.

Santa, please furnish the boys' dorm with 1000 bars of Palmolive soap in order that the boys may have that schoolgirl complexion at the next leap year party.

Galen, Paul, and I want a basket -affair attached to our song book rack by our chapel seats. We won’t break the rack down then by our volumes of books. The basket ought to have some clothes hooks attached so we can hung up our caps, hats, and gloves.

Wheeler Kurtz wants a good hot pipeless furnace for his Pontiac so he can keep warm on his Chicago trip.

Dean Mohler would enjoy a non-collodable Austin and the other facul-ty members want red pencils. They want these for marking sidewalks for hop scotch, not for grading papers,

The Y. M C. A. wants a radio, six new lounging chairs, and sixteen pairs of knitting needles. They want these needles so that those who can't play ping pong can have an enjoy-able time also.

Well, I've come to the end of the paper they have given me and Maurine won't give me more so we say "Merry Xmas, Santa,"' and don't forget to stop here.

Your faithful believer always


Gretta Wilma Griffis entertained a few of her friends Friday evening with a Christmas party, The group attended the Christmas pageant at the College church and then went to the home of Miss Griffis to a doughnut fry and a taffy pull. Those present were Mary Miller, Elsie Rump. Edith Richards. Dorothy Dresher. Grace Heckman. Genevieve Crist. Odessa Crist. Grace Lerew, and Eliza-abeth Bowman. Florence Dresher and Corinne Suter were unable to attend.

During the past few weeks a number of students have been out of school on account of flu” or a cold. Among them were Robert Brooks. Elsie Rump, Corinne Suter. Florence Dreaber, Charles Austin, Una Ring. Lilburn Gottmann. Clarice Evans. Guy Hayes, Margaret Schwartz. Leona Benhardt, Margaret Oliver, and Maurine Stutzman.

John Friesen was absent from school last week because of an injury in his leg which he received from a fall.

While Dean R. E. Mohler was in Elgin. Illinois, last week attending church board meetings, students taught his different subjects. Those who held his classes were Dorothy Dresher, Genevieve Crist, Melvin Landes, and Edith Bechtelheimer.

Mr. LeRoy Doty from Hutchinson. Kansas. former McPherson College student, spoke In chapel Monday on the insurance endowment plan which the alumni association is working up in order to give this college a larger


In this plan a person in to pay sixty dollars a year, varying some accord-ing to age, for ten years. At retirement age, sixty-five, this money will be returned or in case of death will be given to the estate,

Miss Lohman's German class sang the Christmas hymn. "Silent Night, Holy Night." In German.

Last Friday Professor J. H. Fries talked to the students to chapel, giving a modern application of the Sermon on the Mount. Postmaster Henry Kittell sang "At Dawning" and "Mother Machree.”

Professor J, Hugh Heckman had charge of the chapel service in the absence of Mr. V. F Schwalm who was in Newton, cluding the story of the first Christmas from the Bible. Edith Bechtelheimer and Merle Fisher hummed and sang Christmas carols at Intervals during the program. Faithe Ketterman played a piano prelude and postlude The Y. W. c. A. room was dimly lighted for the occasion.


Among the magazines missing from the College library are the American for October, 1932 and the Good Housekeeping. October, No-vember, and December, 1932. We should appreciate the return of these or their replacement from the files of some subscriber who does not care to keep them.

The Judges have announced that Maxine Ring will take the part of Miss Prism, the governess in the Thespian play. “The Importance of Being Earnest.” This farce by Oscar Wilde will be given early next se-mester,



As their pages o’er we turn. That we’re apt to leave behind us

Letters that we ought to burn.

—Vancouver Province.


Elrae Carlson

Dec. 21

Chris Johansen

Dec. 22

Gladys Riddell

Dec. 25

Paul Booz


Vera Burkholder

_Jan. 2

Glenn Webb

Jan. 3

Marcella Ledell

. Jan. 4

Elsie Lindholm

Jan. 1

Esther Brown

Jan, 5

Don Overholt

Jan. 7

LOST—Key case and keys lost around campus. Gerald Meyers..— adv.

John Kauffman. Lloyd Larsen and Loren Rock accompanied Dr. V. F. Schwalm to Abilene, Saturday. They returned to like campus Sunday night,

Esther Brown spent the Week-end at her home near Hutchinson.

A waffle supper was given by Faithe Ketterman, Ruth Idhe, and Lola Hawkins. Friday night. The guests were Milton Early, Lloyd Lar-sen, and Loren Rock.

Lola Hawkins spent Monday night with Una Ring.


LeRoy Doty Tells In Chapel of In-surance Plan



Henry Kittell Sings—Heckman Is In Charge


Y. W. C. A. Room is Dimly Lighted for Occasion

The World Service Group program Thursday, December 15, consisted of a Christmas worship service. Ruth Ihde read devotional readings. In-

tapestries bad been used.

Following this they inspected houses which were under construc-tion, and in some the contractor told the cost of the different materials.

A Warning

Lives of great men all remind us.

Odessa and Genevieve Crist were

Last Thursday the houseplanning class, under the direction of Miss Helen McIlrath. went through several houses of the town One of the most interesting visits was made at the Dan Kuns home where the owners look the students through every room including those in the basement,  They explained how different colors  had been obtained and why different