Twenty-five Men Report for First Practices—Coach Binford Later Cuts Squad to Sixteen and Plans Another in Near Future



Advocates Merging of Colleges and Churches

Edward G. Kaufman, president of Bethel College at Newton spoke to the students and faculty of McPherson College. Wednesday, in chapel.

Kaufman said that Christian lives appear to people today as a beautiful Ideal, but one that is not to be achieved. He advocated the build ing of a great pacifist church, com-posed of members of Quakers, Men-nonite, and Brethren churches. Such a merging would bring together Friends, Bethel, and McPherson Colleges. There is the same background of religion back of these three colleges. "In unity there is strength."

McPherson college Mcpherson, Kansas, Wednesday, dec, 14. 1932



developed the Instinct of seeing col-oulcs of vitamins crawling In every spoonful of spinach, and stacks of calories in each piece of pic. and they don't need a megaphone to hear the phosphorus and calcium and Iron atoms calling out for recog-nition all the while.

Girls, choose which you would be —a neat, slender Greta Garbo or "vast natural phenomenon with a whole flight of double chinn". Dietetics knows how it's done.


That It taken no more energy, in actual calories, to study than to rest or cat.

That It takes the same amount of Calories to sing as to iron with a five found iron.

That most people eat too little food rather than too much.


Miss Della Lehman, Mrs. George Bryan, and Mrs. Roland Jones Are Judges—Twenty-five Contestants Turn Out


Donald Evans and Fred Nace Win Leads in "Importance of Being Earnest"

The results of the tryouts for Thespian Club which were held last Friday have been announced. Also the cast for the forthcoming producing “The Importance of Being Earnest". was picked at the same time.

The Thespian Club Is the college Dramatic organisation. Each year tryouts are held before judges, who recommend certain ones for mem-bership. It is then necessary for them to be voted in by the present mem-bers. The judges this year wore Miss Della Lehman, Mrs. George Bryan, and Mrs Roland Jones. Mrs. Bryan is going to coach the Thespian play.

Twenty-five students tried out. but only eleven were voted in since the membership of the club is limited to twenty. The following were taken in as new members: Edith Bechtelhei-mer, Una Ring, Maxine Ring, Flor-ence Dresher, Marjorie Brown. Mary Miller. Ruth Hobart, Donald Evans, Fred Nace. Delvis Bradshaw, and Milton Early.

Tryouts for "The Importance of Being Earnest ”, a three-act farce by Oscar Wilde wore held at the same time. The cast which was chosen consisted of John Worthing, J. P. Donald Evans; Algernon Moncrieff. Fred Nace: Rev. Canon Chasuble, Hobart Hughey; Merriman (butler), Delvis Bradshaw; Lane (manser-vant), Milton Early: Lady Bracknell, Marjorie Brown; Hon. Gwendolen Fairfax, Una Ring: Cecily Cardew, Edith Bechtelheimer.

The Judges have not yet been able to decide who shall take the part of Miss Prism, governess.



First Game Is Set After Holidays

with St. Benedict's

Coach Binford has now reduced the basketball squad to sixteen. with another cut to follow soon. Although so games are scheduled until after the holidays, the squad Is working out daily in the college gym. The present workouts consist mostly of drills in fundamentals, with some practice on defensive play. A number of the squad appear to be rounding Info form.

The squad as a whole lacks height and experienced guards, but it appears quite certain that Coach Binford can put five men on the court that will play a fast floor game, combined with a good eye for the basket.

The most promising candidates areas follows: centers—Pauls 6': Wal-strom, 6': forwards—Rock, 5‘8“; Replogle, 5' 11”; Johnston, 5’ 8”; Stoner, 5’9 1/2”: and Evans guards—Reinecker. 5' 11"; Wiggins, 6': Yoder. 5' 9 1/2"; and Austin, 5' 10",

Pauls may be shifted to forward with Walstrom playing the pivot position. Walstrom gives promise of developing into an excellent center with the exception of not being tall enough to get the tip against strung team. This gives Pauls the opportunity to work out at his natural position at forward and thus Increase his scoring power.

The forward positions are strongly contested by Rock, veteran and captain; Replogle, a rangy freshman ..from Indiana with a good basket eye; Johnston, local high school star forward of last season; Stoner, a substitute forward of last season; and Evans, a freshman from Canton

Wiggins, regular forward last sea-sun. may be shifted to guard, thereby adding height to the defense far rebounds. The other guard position is wide open at present. Reinecker, last year letter guard. Yoder, a small but clever ball handler and accurate


Richards Tells Y. M. C. A.

about Spirit of Christmas

Reverend H. F. Richards. pastor of the college church, spoke in the Y. M. C. A. meeting yesterday morning, on the spirit of Christmas. Rev Richards said that Christmas afforded an opportunity for expression of those Christian qualities of brother-hood goodwill, and kindness to all. He also pointed out the tremendous difference there would be If the spirit of Christians continued for the full year, He said in closing that the great need of the world for Christian values, should challenge all to live their best.

Willard Brammell opened the meeting with Scripture. Lilburn Gottmann Introduced the speaker and made several announcements. Rev. J. M. Evans dismissed the meeting with prayer.


Marjorie Barber save an impressive chalk talk this morning in the Y. W. C. A. meeting. She was accompanied by Clarice Evans, violin. Bernice Dresher, piano, and Bernice Fowler who read '‘Going Homo for Christmas" by James Whitcomb Riley.

Next week's meeting will be given over to a Christmas program.


Even Goes So Far as to Tell How to Manage Love Affairs

The Intent on cosmetics has ar-rived! All the girls will be flocking to the library to find out the latent any in concoct perfumes, powders, face creams, and rouge. It really tells how to do it. All girls who have had chemistry, or If they haven't perhaps the boy friend has, can start experimenting. There’s a chart to help in matching the colors of the cosmetics.

All this In found In a book by William A. Poucher called "Perfumes. Cosmetic, and Soaps", volume 2, which has been added to the college library recently.

Face lifting and hair dyeing are discussed. This should be read very carefully as it will be of value fifteen or twenty years hence.

Those who intend to be actresses or actors should read all about the-itrical requisites. It tells how to use make-up to make people look the different ages.

Perhaps some would even be inter-ested In the chapter on smelling salts: so they will be sure to grab the right bottle In case of emer-gency.

Here’s a hint in the girls: a male has very often been led to the altar by pink checks, not caused by the weather, either. He doesn't care where it comes from as long as it pleases him.

Since the subject of men Is brought up they are asked to read this book also. There Is something In It for them, too.


Tells Girls Cleanliness Is Main Quality of Health

"Cleanliness externally, internally, and eternally", was the burden of Mrs. L. F. Quantius' talk to the girls if the school Thursday morning in he chapel. Dr. Quantius gave many useful Ideas for maintaining health and attractive appearance in school. After the lecture she answered any questions the girls had troubling hem.

If you have noticed several girls measuring every footstep they take, or observing their watches every lime they climb a flight of stairs; if you see them refuse candy and pie and eat spinach and carrots; if they use codliver oil for salad dress-ing (they have hardly been brave enough to try It yet) and walk down town when they have a chance to ride, it isn't that they are starting a reform movement or even "riding a hobby.” They are taking DIETETICS.

"How do modern people ever manage to live>” is the question these girls are asking. They say, “Count the calories" and "count the vitamins” as well as "count the cost." And right here is a chance for someone to become rich and famous-—invent a vitamin-microscope. But the Dietetics girls don’t need it; they have

Thurs., Dec. 15»—World Service Group meeting.

Fri,, Dec. 16— Chemistry Club Social.

Mon,. Dec, 19—All School Leap Year Party.

Tues., Dec. 20—Regular Y. M. & Y. W. meetings.


Committee Secures President of Kansas State College at Manhattan


Well - Known Educational Leader Writes Papers

After considering a number of educational men the Senior class has secured President F. D. Farrell of Kansas State College at Manhattan for Commencement speaker. The Commencement Will be held June 2. at 10:30 a. M. in the College Church, President Farrell Is one of the outstanding educational leaders of Kansas. He has served in the United Status Department of Agriculture and has had numerous other outstanding positions. At present, besides acting as president at the State College, he is a member of the Kansas State Board of Education. the Kansas State School Book Commis-sion. the American Association for. the Advancement of Science, and other commissions and societies. President Farrell has also written numerous bulletins and papers on Agricultural and Educational subjects.

The Senior Committee that has been working on this consists of Gretta Wilma Griffis, chairman. Ward Williams and Grace Heckman.



Miss Margaret Shelley, who was a violin instructor at McPherson Col-lege the past several years, has suc-cessfully passed a competitive exam-ination which placed her in the master class or violinists In the Royal Conservatory of Brussels. Belgium under Mathias Crickboom. The membership of this class consists of only ten students, which are then given special attention

Miss Shelley studied under Arthur E. Uhe at Bethany, where she obtained her A. B. and B. M. degrees. She obtained her master’s degree in mus-ic at Columbia university


Miss Dorothy Brooks a student in McPherson College last year, was critically injured last Wednesday, December when a car in which she was riding, was struck by a Rock Island train, switching on lint truck across East Marlin. Miss Brooks was thrown out of the car, and con-

cussion of the brain rendered her condition quite critical and uncurtain. She Is employed as a teacher, by the McPherson city schools.


A college student is considered in the privileged class of young people He is envied by many and is continually pointed out us a college student. It Is his duty to walk worthily of his friends and to choose the highway in order to help those who need guidance

This is the substance of Dr. V. F. Schwalm's talk in chapel, Monday, December 12.


History of Each Song Given by Unseen Voice—Voran Is Director

One of the most beautiful chapel services of the year was given by the A Capella Choir under the direction of Prof. Alvin Voran on Friday morning, December 9, Much credit in due the director for the splendid per-formance.

After the reading of the scripture by Rev. Brougher the A Capella Choir opened its part of the program by the Impressive humming of "The First Noel", a traditional English folk song Another Christmas carol which the choir rendered was "The Legend" by Tschaikowsky, who is an Interesting Russian composer, “Oh Holy Father Infinite in Money" from the pen of Palestrina who lived during the sixteenth century was also well done. The last number of the program was entitled "Listen to the Lambs" which was written by a Ne-gro, Nathaniel Dett. During the pro-gram the ladies trio composed of Mildred Dahlinger. Gulah Hoover, and Lois Edwards also sang a short Christmas carol.

One point in the program which was especially conducive to the greater appreciation of choral music was the short history of each song which was given before each number by an off-stage voice to the accom-paniment of the humming of the choir.

The program closed with first the humming and then the singing of

"The First Noel".



Next Friday evening the annual party given by Dr. and Mrs. J. Willard Hershey to all chemistry students will be held In the Y W. C. A. room, in years previous to 1931, the entertainment was usually in the form of a rook party. This year the program Is In the charge of the social committee of the Chemistry Club composed of Leteer Lewis, Chairman. Elaine Beard. Gladys Rid-dell, and John Austin. The party will take the place of a Chemistry Club meeting. All students who are enrolled In this department are in


That 100 calories of carrots contains enough vitamin A to keep 7330 rats living for a period of eight weeks. while 7330 calories of polished rice does not contain enough vitamins to keep one rat alive for one day.

That "oleo" almost entirely lacks vitamin A. which Is plentiful in but-ter.

That one chocolate candy bar con-taining nuts yields 500 calories, (Papa will be glad for his girls to learn tills—especially since the "depression").

That a potato and an orange are chemically almost the same thing.

That your beans and peas should be sprouted before eating them.

That many people who complain of

(Continued on Page Three)



Three members of the dietetics class, Esther Brown, Ada Brunk, and Pearl Walker, were hostesses at a six-course dinner Monday evening. The guests included Miss Della Leh-man, Hobart Hughey. Delbert Kelly, and Leland Lindell.

The dinner was served at six o‘clock in Miss MeHrath's office, The guests were seated at a long able which was decorated in the Christmas motif. Long red tapers, which were placed at each end of the table, lent a pleasant glow, and a howl of red carnations centered the table.

Florence Dresher and Odessa Crist planned, cooked, and served the dinner under the supervision of Miss Helen McHrath.



One on Middle Ages and Other on Medieval Art.

A book which should he of Interest to everyone is "The Wandering Scholars" by Helen Waddell, It dis-closes the rich and teeming lives and methods of the Medieval Ages a the study of the wandering schol-ers who were the precursors of the formal universities, It consisted of Latin scholarship.

"Mont-Saint-Michel". a book by Henry Adams discusses medieval art, its sources, its direction, Its flowering, and Its meaning. It deals especially with art expressed in architecture.

Those books have been purchased by the library recently.    



Mr. George A. Allen. Kansas State Superintendent of Public Instruction, was fatally injured In an auto acci-dent near Carthage, Missouri, Wednesday. December 7, Mr. Allen was returning to his home is Topeka, from an education convention is the South.

Official Publication of McPherson College, Published by Student Council McPherson. Kansas




Dependability is one of the chief virtues of life and one of the most Important factors In a good personality. An Individual without a spark Of dependability In his make-up Is sure to be a failure as an assistant or officer of any kind, in school or out. A member of the faculty recently said that one of the chief things be required of his assistants was that they keep their appointments. The person who can be depended upon to do his work and do it well, even if he is not under supervision is the one who will make progress is any line of work. The most intelligent person who ever lived or ever will live will neither succeed nor hold his own if people know he is not likely to fulfill his promises.

College is one of the best times to develop dependability along with Other worth while habits. Therefore the college student should be careful to keep all his promises. Everyone will like him better if be can depend on him. One knows that if he promises to do something for them, he will do It. One thing to be realized Is that "Promise is most given when least Is said," as George Chapman has said. A student who does the most is the one who usually says least about It. The one who keeps his promises In small things never lacks for important tasks. He avoids, however, promising to do anything he knows be has not time to do. If an unforeseen occurrence takes plans, making it Impossible to carry out his intentions, be arranges at once for someone else to carry them out for him. For In-stance, on an advertising committee. We does his part at ones without waiting until the last minute to tell the chairman that he "doesn't have time."

It Is up to the Individual himself to see that others do not think of him as see of those who are described by Massinger in his "Great Duke" “Giants in

Their promises, but those obtained, weak pigmies

In their performance."—H W.

Franklin Roosevelt. Helen Wills Moody, and Bill Murray! Yes. they all and many others assembled at a foodless banquet In the principles of Interpretation class. Friday, December 9

Only ten more days until Christmas: If you haven’t already done so, you had better be doing year Yule-tide hinting!

On girl expressed the A Cappella choir program, Friday, as being a

gorgeous one—and wasn't It all that and some more?

The other day Oneita Boyer came home from the dentist with a big tusk which she said was her wisdom

tooth. "And it didn’t hurt a bit," as

she exhibited the talon-like thing.


Dorothy Matson must think Eng-lish kings are long-lived. The other

day she said that Henry VII ruled from 1485 to 1609.

Absent-minded professor! Prof. Voran started to go to the church and then forgetfully went on home.

If anyone wants to know how it feels to have a needle jabbed Into

oneself, Just ask Ernest Sweetland. He cut his hand and had three stitch-es taken and couldn't stand to have a fourth one. He said If ever be wanted to faint it was at that time, but he had no such luck.

Guy Hayes said that last Christ, mas Santa thought he was a bad boy —we wonder what he’ll think this

Imagine a gathering of such important personages as Gandhi, Mussolini. Jan Addams. Colonel Lind bergh, Mme. Schuman-Heink. Mrs.

One timid girl who was consider-ing getting a date for the leap year party asked if it were the girl's place to use any encircling arm. Well, we

ask you!

At last the girls have found out

how a boy feels when he asks for a date, and some of the boys know What It Is like when everyone neglects to call.

If any of the boys have any fears about not getting asked to the leap year party, they had better start concentrating on one particular girl In the Intervening time. Then she will probably get up her nerve and ask the concentrator for a date.

Isn’t it odd that some of the McPherson College students continue their education on Saturday by attending country school! A car full of students was seen last Saturday at one of the nearby rural schools.

Pity the poor reporter, for he can never he the life of the party. Whenever he knows a spicy bit of gossip or news he must gulp It down and save It to print In the Spectator.

Do you know there seems to be a Blues Disease" at M. C.? At least it seems to be catching fast. We heard two members of the weaker sex discussing troubles about "sure getting the tough breaks this year and "deciding to be men-haters" Then a fair hero showed his dis-couragement after attempting to re-ceive a data over phone, gets a tough break” whin two girls hang up In his face! And not so long ago we saw a regular couple sit beside each other in class with a vacant chair between them—we’re sure each must have been sad at heart. Then last week a "Lonesome M. C. Man" shouted out to some girl his wanting a date. All we can say is—look’s like the Blue Pontiac Isn’t receiving as much attention as our last week’s ad should call for.

The Spectator

Entered as second class matter November 20, 117. at the postoffice at McPherson. Kansas, under the act of March 3, 1897.

Subscription Rates For Our School Year


Address all correspondence to THE SPECTATOR

McPherson. Kansas




Una H Ring Business Manager ------Haryy Frantz

Associate Editor,..............

.. Everett Fasnacht | Ass't. Business Manager-------- Paul Booz

Sports Editor..........

_.Wilbur C. Yoder Circulation Manager Everett Fasnacht


Elmer Staats

Etta Nickel

Dorothy Dresher

Lola Hawkins

Ann Heckman

Marlene Dappen

Paul Heckman

Margaret Oliver

Pauline Decker


Jo Wagoner

Faculty Adviser

_______-_...Prof. Maurice A. Hess


In the past several years students have often been heard to complain of the lack of social activities and that the school was exceedingly uninter-esting. With nothing ever happening.

There seems to have been a change this year. At least complaints are few and parties numerous. To data there have been approximately twenty-seven social events and Friday the chemistry party will be held and an all-school leap year party given Monday. The cry this year has been "not enough time to attend an many, gatherings.’'

The social committee, with the aid of the faculty has done unusually well in seeing that none of the students have-time to get homesick so far. They have done exceptional work and seem to be keeping it up.


The Y. M C. A. has installed a ping pong table in the basement of the Administration Building. This is a consequence at a suggestion made recently by one of the fellows In the Y. M. C. A. Since several students favored the idea, plans were inaugurated and carried through to completion. The project was turned over to Donald Dresher, chairman of the Social Committee, who with the help of Edwin Carlson constructed the strong, well built table that we now have.

All McPherson Collage students, both men and women and the faculty, are invited to use and enjoy our ping pong table. We are fortunate in having a large, well lighted room for our use. The table was used almost constantly over the week-end. Both singles and doubles were played, impromptu tournaments were run off and a general spirit Of good fellowship and fun prevailed. We appreciate the attitude of the students, and the spirit in which the room has been used. The hours for its use are posted on the bulletin board In the ping pong room. The Y. M, C. A. invites one and all to share our room and table with us.—President of the Y, M. C, A.



If the student were told that he could not expect to learn much from his teacher, he would not believe it. If be were told that a college education would not pay if be learned only what his teacher taught, be would be more dismayed- But that Is the very subject that educational circles have thrashed out and concluded that our business is college is to learn, not to be taught.

No student should feel that it is his business to be taught. Rather it Is his business to learn. All the treatises of Montesquieu or all the ora-tions of Demosthenes are worthless if they fall on dumb ears and passive minds. The part of the student it to take an active interest in his work.

The business of the teacher is to teach. There is no question about that, But the primary duty of the teacher is to guide and direct the stu-dent's work; to arouse his interest and enthusiasm, and to weigh, his judgments. Education lies almost wholly with the student. There is no royal road to learning, but the student who gets his whole training from the classroom cannot be said to have an education.—E. S.

The man who buys his friends usually pays more than they are worth.

Happiness is that delightful sensation a woman feels when her new drew Is the admiration of men and the envy of women.

"One should take care," said Addison. "not to grow too wise for so great a pleasure as laughter."

It is very difficult to persuade yourself that a confirmed liar Is wholly untrustworthy when he says nice things about you.

Combining business with pleasure is comparatively easy, but a much . harder thing these days is to combine business with profit

The world of failure is divided north and south by lines of latitude; east and west by lines of longitude.

Most of us are condemned, and we condemn others, because our faults an not their faults.

printed last week and then discussed at a staff meeting. They finally decided that the girls must have sat on the boys' laps and fed them.

We desire that all students of

Prof. Mohler's classes bear kindly with him in his grant misfortune. “He has been very rudely awakened, by some inconsiderate person, to the fact that he uses the term “all right" to a slightly Immoderate extent. He confessed his fault in Biology class the other day only to find that he could not resume discussion of the lesson without the use of the term. He told of this experience to another class but within, the next minute he had used the term three times to his own vexation. However, he bliss-fully and unconsciously used his "all right" at least sixteen times In the next twenty minutes.

Rome fell — so did Elaine Beard. She had Just commented how ter-rible It would be If someone should fall—and down went Elaine on the sidewalk between the ad building and science hall! Self-pity—eh pity, eh what?

Maybe the Bethel president was talking Oke when he said we were

only worth 98 cents. But let us ask the question—Would Hope and Etta Nickel each be worth $1.08 at that rate?

Dr. Bright suggests that the business office use high-powered salesmanship as Edward IV did. Then the students will not object to going in then and will come out smiling.

Professor Hess maintains that the young people of today are just as silly when it comes to matters of love, especially the first week of school, as they were way back in the Roman period. Well, we guess he knows.

The girls who “whileaway” the time in the T. W. room find many topics for discussion, all the way from priests to their favorite kind of pie, the last being the result of the chicken dinner at the Brethren church.

If any of you fair femmes are thinking of marrying any of these college shieks, now is the time to make a good wife out at you future husband!

The person who has a car which, will run these icy days is somewhat

oat or lack, for he is usually request-ed to transport several extra passen-gers whose limousines refuse to respond.

How many know what “lap suppers" are? Part of the Spectator staff did not when the phrase was


To Be Held in Church Parlors Monday Evening at 8 o'Clock


Last Chance for Women to Get Elus-ive Man Before the Year Ends

An all school leap year party is to be held Monday evening. December at 8 o'clock at the Brethren Church Parlors. This affair is being held to give the college girls a last chance to ask for dates during the remaining part of the leap year.

Girls must ask for dates, call for the boy friends at their homes, escort them to the party, see them home safely, supply means of con-veyance, pay the refreshment dues of five cents apiece. and all other trim-mings. A tax of ten cents is to be charged to a girl who brings her steady. A couple who bas had five dates and not more than six other dates in that same time are called • steadies—so observe this rule, if ' this applies to your case.

Boys and girls who have no dates are urged to stag the party if neces-sary, but girls should take this last opportunity and give the boys a break —for which so many have been longing. Boys are asked to be generous and accept dates, making it easy for the girls. Boys should nab the first chances no they won’t be left out. Faculty members need not stag it. All in all, the success of the party depends on the girls' asking for dates and the boys' responses.

Come and find out the rest—and also what the refreshments will be. Both the refreshment and entertainment committees are working hard. Don’t be afraid to stag it—you'll be in line with others. Don’t be scared to ask for dates, girls, boys will jump at the chances. Don't turn her down, boys, you might miss a good time.

Come leap, laugh, look,-—end love.


Little Embarrassment Caused in Spite of Depression

To give or not to give—that is the question. I tried to persuade “ye olde time Editor” that the only Issue about that was settled at the time of the stock-market crash by the vanquishing of Sir Pocketbook. But she only grinned maliciously.

Suppose that you or I were swished to the land of Dreams Come True (or anything) where everyone could purchase the girl- or boy-friend a—or an—Xmas present.

Simple, wasn’t It? No congregations of the righteous needed to decide that “to give" In the answer now. No wear and oft-racked brains need lie on sleepless pillows over a little thing like that. Everybody, from the far-sung senior to the self-advertised frosh goes downtown tomorrow without consulting Rears and Sawbuck first and purchases to his heart’s content the three or one most expensive gift be can uncover and prosperity returns with a bang that makes one deaf to pleas for term papers and good old et cetera.

Of course, there either was or wasn't any depression on where we were visiting, but if there was that's what would or would not happen.

A skeptical “little” sophomore seems to be having great difficulty. What Is it, dear? Oh, she doesn't think my scheme Is practicable— well, if I were you I shouldn’t want to be heard calling It names either— and anyway she doesn't know yet What to buy a Guy.

Perhaps this may help you all. Give an inconspicuous or ostentatious glance. (Whichever brand or glances you carry), to the price-tag of an invitingly lined box. (The lining Is the only part of the present likely to be noticed, so Its contents are relegated to secondary impor-tance.) If the aforementioned tag hears a number over ten close your peepers Instantaneously and back to the next. Never mind onlookers; they’re probably in the same condi-tion you are and Just haven’t found the cure. You’ll be able to tell them a lot when on Christmas Eve you meet again to play “eny-meny-miny-mo" with what’s left.

Just one precaution, no. two. It might be well to decide, as has one intelligent Prof, to make a gift meet


College Novice in a Bit Mixed by Too Much Backseat Drivers' Advice

two purposes. But if you don’t, and the boy-friend discovers you’re sent him the rattle intended for sister's baby, and gets it into his head you don't like his mode of conveyance— better be prepared to find yourself singing, (as the Ramos Mexicans did), "Lofer Comb Back toe Ma’


(Continued from Page One) rheumatism actually have scurvy.

That one half ounce of nuts yields 100 calorics.

That if yon went down stairs all your life, you would only need one third an much to eat an If you went upstairs all your life.

That one year of a rat’s life is equal to thirty years of a human life.

That a tall slender person needs more to eat than a short fat one of the same weight.

That spinach is one Of the best all around foods.

That everyone should become thoroughly acquainted with the “protective family, which consists of Milk, Spinach. Carrot, Orange, Tomato, Egg, and Potato.

That you shouldn't he frightened when you hear girls uttering such mysterious words as “Hors d’oeuvre” and “Entree”, and speaking of such foods as caviar, broccoli, anchovy and avacado. That all pertains to fancy cookery, and Is connected with Formal eight-course dinners, uniformed maids, finger bowls and all such things that make freshmen tremble with awe.

Yeah. It was the most fun. Bet I gained 10 pounds just going to town. We found old Dynamite in the ditch over by the tennis courts and we all piled in. She stepped on the com-mencer, but silence answered her effort. I offered to twist ’er tall but she said nix, it had always start ed before; so It would now—sooner or later. Well, I was in no hurry, but I decided that it would probably be later; so I started swinging on the crank. Every time I got it would up tight she's step on the starter— and then we did It over again.

About then some of the men came strolling down the walk and one of the other girls suggested we ask one of them to help us. but the driver refused. She Insisted that it would start; so we cranked some more. We got tired of this soon enough. We hailed the next he-being that came in sight and asked him if he didn’t want to help the maidens in distress. Of course that played upon his vanity and he could hardly refuse.

After quite some labor, he got Dy-namite to cough but the driver didn't let the choker go; so he did it again, We thanked him sweetly and piled in. Due to a lack of gas, the engine died before we got out of the ditch but It started again and we were off.

We were going past Mary’s house for something; so we headed down Kansas avenue. About a rod from the driveway we halted abruptly right In a puddle of that soft oil. Mary hopped out and dashed in after the stuff.

While she was gone our chauffeur decided to drive on up to the driveway. Instead of stopping on the street she headed In so when Mary returned she had to back out. She said she'd never backed before but

we, knowing we more about It than she did, started telling her how to

do it: but, pull on that back seat as we might, we couldn’t get it backed. Finally we hit on the Idea of stepping on bath the reverse peddle and the clutch. It worked and we started on our way again at a merry gait.

Oh, yes, while we were stopped we had found one rear tire was low— but only on the bottom. Well, we turned the first corner without letting up on the gas and I was sure that tire would come off or blow out, but I guess we wore on two other tires. The next three corners weren't so had and we got stopped pretty well at the filling station.

The attendant said the air hose wouldn’t stretch; so we had to move up a little more. She asked the man if he thought she needed some gas and of course he thought she did, but since we were all broke we decided to trust to luck and went on, parking in neither of the usual manners.

My sides hurt so much that I could hardly walk but it was the most fun I've had in a car since I came up here. But really, with all the back-seat drivers that are running loose, it’s a wonder an amateur driver ever gains confidence enough to steer a car. I noticed today that old Dynamite was parked with the other con-veyances this morning; so I guess we helped a little bit.


Different Students Speak in College Christian Endeavor

in his ministering to men's needs, the sympathy of Christ, and of his forgiveness.

Alex Richards, closed the service with several present-day situations In which there is opportunity to show human Interest similar to that displayed by Christ.


Tells of Extreme Discontent of People Under Soviet Regime

Students were given the opportunity last evening In obtain first hand Information on the Russian system. The speaker, Mr. Hal Bradley, ex-plained the Russian situation as he saw it from eleven months’ experience as an engineer in the Russian oil Industry.

Mr. Bradley, now an employee of an oil company near McPherson, first explained his work In Russia. He stated that the Soviet government In an attempt to obtain efficient engineers to carry out tje Five Year Plan found it necessary to hire for-eign engineers and operators of her Industries.

The Russian government has subordinated the morals, education, family life, and Institutions of the people to the lowest possible plane in an effort to complete her Five Year Plan. Love, marriage, and all, personal ambitions of the Russian people have been destroyed, according to Mr. Bradley

The speaker further explained that the masses of Russia, poorly fed and poorly clad were seething with dis-content under the Iron military dictatorship of the Soviet government. Under such conditions the govern-ment cannot succeed.

After completing a half hour talk, the speaker answered the questions of the students In a vivid and striking manner. About twenty students were present.

The Compliment

"You remember Agnes Calich at college, don't you?”

“Why, no; I don't recall such a person,"

“Well, she was the plainest girl in our class—but, I forgot - that was alter you left,”—Pathfinder.

“The Divinity or Jesus” was the second of the series of Sunday evening programs presented by the College Christian Endeavor on the life of Christ. Alex Richards again led an Interesting discussion.

Elsie Rump spoke on "Jesus as a Revealer of God." She said Jesus presented God as n loving Father; Jesus taught that God in near, and gave proper ideas of prayer. “Jesus as a Teacher of Truth,” was discussed by Herbert Replogle Christ avoided all formalism, and based his teachings on the life unified In him-self. Christ used a positive rather than negative method, and intrusted followers with a trust In God.

Grace Lerew told of the "Great Figures and Metaphors of Speech by which Jesus Reverted Himself as God.” She told of some of the methods which Christ employed In making his presentations, and some of the well-known phrases attributed to Christ. “The Greatness of Jesus” was capably discussed by Galen Orion In the last talk of the program. He told of the magnanimity of Christ


Yoder, Custer, Austin, Gott-mann and Meyers on First Five

One of the spans writers for Mc-Pherson College's greatest newspa-per. The Spectator, picks the all-star intra-mural basketball team. If you don't like the selection make one of your own and it will be your official team. This is ours.

First team selection: Forwards, Yoder and Custer; Center. Austin (captain); Guards. Gottmann and Meyers.

Second team selection: Forwards, stoner and Kraus; center Taylor; Guards, Tice and Larsen (captain).

Honorable mention: Brubaker, Replogle, Williams, Whitcher, Lan-des, Sink, Edwards, Johansen, Net-tleton, Sallee. Hughey, and Follmer.

The two teams which tied for first place In the league had the largest number on the first team; two each, and Meyers captain of his own team was the other selection on the first team. Yoder and Custer could never he denied their places on the first team with their ability to dribble In and sink baskets. Yoder was sure fire on his passes as well as In putting the ball through the hoop. Canter though very small In stature more than made up for this lack In speed and his setups were always made good. Austin was made captain of the all-stars mostly because of his excellent team management even when he had only four men on the court.. He was also very accurate on his shots. Gottmann and Meyers could above all else play their positions at guard through accurate passes and were able to sink baskets when over the opportunity arose. Meyers usually played forward on the floor but he would have made a good guard if put in that position.

Stoner and Kraus could hardly be

denied places on the second team and were very close, In ability, to the first team men. Their passes and shots were generally true however they could not break quite as fast as the first team men when they were supposed to get down the court in a hurry. They were high scorers. At the center post was put Taylor, on Replogle's team, who liked to shoot and often made the ball go through the hoop by some magic trick or otherwise. The choices for the guards were Tice and Larsen from the two winning teams and their ability to hold down opponents who fain would shoot baskets cannot be underestimated. However they seemed to lack slightly in their ability to roll up points that the guards on the first team mold make. Larsen was made captain of this aggregation.

Every one of the men who received honorable mention were scrappers always In there with skill ready la work against the best wishes of opponents. However every member in the league gave his best for his team and all should get generous helpings of the praise which might be distributed.

Wichita University has withdrawn from the Kansas Debate Conference and instead has organized an Inter-fraternity and Inter-sorority debate league to be conducted on a tournament basis.

Dr. Hugo Wall of the Political Science Department of Wichita U. addressed the Social Science Club at Bethel last week on the timely question of Trade and Debts.

The Farthest-North Collegian the publication put out monthly by the Alaska Agriculture College and School of Mines at College. Alaska, says that thirty-three per cent of their students are from the United States and foreign countries

The Southwestern Collegian, the weekly newspaper at Winfield, is now limited to one page.

A Wichita University professor is giving a candy bar to any student


Alice Egbert was a week-end guest at LeNora Johnson's home In Galva.

Oneita Boyer was a luncheon guest Sunday at Elsie Lindholm's.

While at Baker the students are seriously considering the policy of “going Dutch” on all dates.

The Arden Players at the Kansas State Teachers College at Pittsburg recently produced the play "The Passing of the Third Floor Back.”

And over a week ago Washburn held a Leap-Year Varsity at the Woman's Club.


Coach Melvin J. Binfold enter-tained the football boys at a waffle supper on Friday evening, December

The members of the team that were present were George Zinn, Leonard Wiggins, Wayne Blume, Harold Reinecker, Robert Bowman, Donald Walstrom, Eugene Anderson, Glen Lichty, Russell Carpenter, Loren Rock. Fred Nace, Paul Nelson. Newell Wine, Walter Weddle, Orville Eddy, David Duncanson, and Cheater Johnston, and the coach.

At 8 o’clock the boys went to the evangelistic meeting at the church, afterwards returning to the Binford home. An enjoyable social hour was had by all.

Deck Tennis or Tenna Quoits Innovated

Deck tennis, or tenna quoits. Is played by the freshman girls in their physical education classes.

The game is called tenna quoits

when only two or four people play. The quoit, or rubber ring. Is thrown back and forth over the net, the score being counted the same way as in tennis. The quoit may not touch the body of the player except the hand and wrist, and It must be caught in only one hand. It must leave the hand of the server before It is as high as his shoulder, going upward at least six inches. No overhand throws are allowed. The quoit may hot be held at all; It must be returned Immediately, by the band that caught It. No player may run with the quoit.

In deck tennis the rules are the same, except that as many as desire may play, each side rotating and counting Its score as In volley bull.


Another amusement has been offered for the use of the McPherson College faculty and students. The Y. M. C. A. has installed a ping pong table In room C. west of Professor Hess' classroom in Sharp Hall.

The table and the paddles were built by Donald Bresher and Edwin Carlson in Woodwork class. The net was made by the clothing class, the canvas being contributed by Vernon Rhoades.

Each student who plays is asked to bring his own balls. These may  be purchased from the Y. M. C. A. president. Lilburn Gottmann. The  room is open from 12:30 to 5:30 each day except Saturday when the hoars are from 7:30 a. m. to 10:30 p. m.. and on Sunday, when it is open outside of church hours.


Interesting and varied things are happening at other schools as anyone can easily see If he looks over the exchange papers In the library:

Thu University Daily Kansan is of the opinion that college students should be given more "ten minute quizzes" so that their gleanings from the course can be more accurately determined. Is this a reflection on K. U. professors?

At Hays State Collage last week Clark Hallam. lecturer and journalist, spoke on Chinese problems, art. and poetry.

This whole week is Leap Year Week at Bethany. No boy is allowed to ask a girl for any date, while a girl may request mate company on any night. Moreover, one sorority requires all its pledges to have a date every night.

who can prove that the professor

railed him down unjustly In any of his classes. It is supposed that the depression is one reason why that is not tried at M C.

At Wichita University all but 158 of the 1285 students enrolled have a church preference.

Edna Bengtson spent Thursday night in the dormitory with Leona Benhardt.

At a recent district tournament at Hutchinson, the Ellinwood high school debate team took first place of class B schools. This team, which has won first place the last two years, was coached by Floy Brown, a graduate of McPherson College,

Lola Hawkins and Ruth Idhe went to Hutchinson Saturday to shop and returned Sunday afternoon.

Lois Shelly spent the week-end with Margaret Hauser at the latter's home in Marion.

the squad but will not be in school until the second semester.

Merely as an experiment the college will attempt to meet the present demand by lowering the admission price for the opening game of the season. Twenty-five cents will be the admission charge for the opener. Which is with the St. Benedicts Ravens here January 11. If the proposed plan is successful it is understood the college will not change the price.

Following is the tentative schedule of the Bulldogs:

Jan. 11—St. Benedicts, here.

Jan. 13—Friends, there.

Jan. 20—Wesleyan, there.

Jan. 27-—Friends, here.

Feb. 1—Bethany, there.

Feb, 3—Baker, here,

Feb. 9—Ottawa, here.

Feb, 10—Bethel, there.

Feb. 20—Bethel, here.

Feb. 23—Baker, there.

Feb. 24—Ottawa, there.

Feb. 25—St. Benedicts, there.

Feb. 28—Wesleyan, here.

March 3—Bethany, here.

organization wishes to thank those

who patronized this gift sale and those who helped in making it a success.

"I wish you’d help me with this Problem, Dad." said a small boy struggling with his homework, '‘Can’t, son." said Did from be-

hind his paper. 'It wouldn’t be right,"

"I don't suppose It would," said the boy, "but you might have tried,"

"What struck you most on your travels?”

"Other people’s umbrellas.” — Pathfinder.

LOST—Keycase and keys lost around campus. Gerald Meyers.— adv.

Edith Bechtelheimer. Lois Lackey, Guy Hayes, Kermit Hayes, and Lloyd Larsen motored to Hutchinson Saturday afternoon.

A party consisting of Esther Brown, Esther Stegeman. Leona Ben-hardt. Leone Shirk, Vernon Rhoades. Leland Lindell. and Prof. Alvin Voran resurrected a sled from a cave and were among those to go sleigh riding last week. Agnes Beau, Maude Amelia Barber. Harry Frantz, and Glenn Lichty, took advantage of the snow on Monday night.

Loren Rock and Lloyd Larsen were in Hutchinson Sunday afternoon.

Mrs, Lora Trostle, who was matron at the girls dormitory here for many years. is critically ill at her home on College Hill. She has suf-fered several severe heart attacks.

BULLDOGS START BASKETBALL (Continued from Page On shot, and Austin, a senior with a good basket eye, are all working for the position

Other members of the squad Include Hart, forward, and Wine, Weddle, and Meyers, guards. Harold Johnston Is also working out with