McPherson college. mcPherson. Kansas, Wednesday Nov. 1932



PROCLAMATION—A. National Thanksgiving

"Whereas, it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor;

"Now, therefore, I do recommend and assign Thursday, the 26th day of November next, to be devoted by the people of those States to the service of the great and glorious Being who is the beneficient author of all the good that was. that is, or that will be; that we may then all unite in rendering unto Him our sincere and humble thanks for His kind cure and protection of the people of this country; for the civil and religious liberty with which we are blessed, and the means we have of acquiring and diffusing useful knowledge; and, in general, for all of the great and various favors which He has been pleased to confer upon us.

"And also that we may then unite in most humbly offering our prayers and supplications to the great Lord and Ruler of Nations and beseech Him to pardon our national and other transgressions; to enable us all, whether in public or private stations, to perform our several duties properly and punctually; to render our Nation a blessing to all the people by constantly bring a Government of wise, just, and constitutional law's; to protect and guide all sovereigns and nations and to bless them with good government, peace, and concord, to promote the knowledge and practice of true religion and virtue; and the increase of science among them and us; and generally, to grant unto all mankind such a degree of temporal prosperity as He alone knows to be best.

“Given under my hand, at the city of New York, the 3rd day of October. A. D. 1789.


(From Sparks’s Washington. Vol. XII. p, 119. Abbreviated),




Thousands of young peopke enrolled in American colleges and universities today have no business to be there. and would serve both them-selves and the institution Involved If they withdrew and gave up all thoughts of getting any more education.

This Is the sentiment of Dr. Albert K. Heckel. dean of men at the University of Missouri, In a recent Interview. Anyone who has ever bothered to look Into the matter will be Inclined to agree with him.

That, of course. does not mean that a college education should be withheld from any ambitious and deserving youngster. What it does mean is that thousands of youngsters are In college today simply because they have a notion that It Is the correct thing to do. They don't want to be educated; they are. In fact, not susceptible to an education. They simply clog the wheels and waste the efforts of the Institution they attend. A sharp drop In college enrollment figures would probably be a very healthy Indication.—Hutchinson Herald.


As society has progressed. necessity and common purposes have led people to be drawn Into closer relationship. Success and progress have been only In proportion to our ability to cooperate with oar neighbors. Such progress has been unduly slow and tedious.

Premier Herriot. speaking before a committee on the Disarmament Conference last week, stated that no marked and definite progress could be made until all the nations Involved could cooperate. Nations have advanced proposals rejected amendments, and departed when their selfish shortsighted plans are not heeded. Conferences of nations fail when nations are not willing to forego their own petty hopes for the good of all.

Since the war, nations, old and new. have been groping in the darkness. They have played hide-and-seek with great problems. Our world has been a troubled one and the chaos of the war Is still here. Its presence makes It more difficult to see the problem unbiased. It makes a constructive solution mote difficult. Such a solution must be based upon general principles of thought guided by reason and idealism. The vision of our nations must be kept clear.

Thinkers have kept before us always the vision of the ideal of progress. Later they have hoped the ideal would mature Into policy. Great progress is Impossible when thinkers and policy makers are separated. True progress can be realized only when idealism can be practiced before necessity requires it.

When the vision of those who guide the nations becomes unclear, dissatisfaction and despair become prevalent, Statesmen are wallowing In a ima of muddled policies, They cling to traditions fearing to look to the hope which few have. They have lost sight of the Ideal. They cannot conceive of nation through international machinery solving the problems of a society of Interdependent nations.

True, our thought must advance to a greater extent than our policies, But the scholar who would solve the problems of the troubled must carry the ideal Into creative human machinery. Problems must be solved from a world viewpoint. A world of confusion must give way to a world of clear ideas Of public duty and morality. There must be more Adam Smiths and John Stuart Mills, Narrow-minded politicians must be replaced by men of Idealism and enlightenment,—E. S.


Before the vast magnitude or the tasks ahead, man's spirit has faltered and his vision contracted. The public mood is apprehensive where It should be hold and defensive and broad where broad and generous policy Is most required.

Everywhere men fly to new tariffs and restrictions, to nationalistic policies, domestic currencies, parochial purchasing and personal hoarding :—like frightened rabbits each scurrying to his own burrow. Surely It is for the moment only. Which country of us has not. but a few years since, shown the resources we now require of courage, of personal devotion, of Industrial and financial leadership, of public devotion in a need no greater and a cause more worthy? We are. if we could but grapple with our fate, the most fortunate of the generations of men. In a single lifetime, science has given us a greater power over nature and extended further the range of vision of the exploring mind than In all recorded history. Now, and now only, oar material resources, technical knowledge, and industrial skill, are enough to afford every man of the world's teeming population physical comfort, adequate leisure, and across to everything In our rich heritage of civilization that he has the personal quality to enjoy. We need but the -speculative wisdom to control our specialized activities and thrusting energy of sectional and selfish Interests, To "face the troubles that beset us. this apprehensive and defensive world needs now above all the qualities it seems for the moment to have abandoned—courage and magnanimity.— Sir Arthur Salter.

The spectator

Official Publication of McPherson College Published by Student Council, McPherson, Kansas.

Entered as second class matter November 20. 1917, at the postoffice at McPherson. Kansas, under the act of March 3, 1897,

Subscription Rates For One School Year


Address All correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas




Associate Editor Associate Editor

Wilbur C. Yoder Ass't Business Manager - - Melvin Landes Everett Fasnacht Ass't. Business Manager Paul Booz

Agnes Bean Dorothy Dresher

Marlene Dappen


Elmer Staats.

Lola Hawkins. Paul Heckman


Ann Heckman

Margaret Oliver

Pauline Decker Faculty Adviser ____

Odessa Crist

J. Wagoner

...... . — Prof. Maurice A. Hess

Quipd And Quibbles


Coached by Bernice Fowler—

Margaret Oliver Has Lead

Bernice Fowler. program chairman of the Y. W. C. A., had charge of the Chapel exercises for Wednesday, November 16 which consisted of a modern morality play, “Where Love Is, God Is," presented by members of the Y W, organization

The play centers around an old Russian cobbler, Martin, whose life has become a weary one due to many grievances At the recommendation of an old friend. Ivan, he buys the Gospels and reads them. He finds God through kind acts and deeds he does for the old snow-shoveler Stephen, and for a soldier’s wife. It was staged with appropriate Russian scenery and costumes.

The east consisted of Martin. Mar garet Oliver; Ivan, Clarke Evans; Stephen. Edith Bechtelheimer; the soldier’s wife, Ruth Hobart; and the voice, an invisible part, Dorothy Fearey, Miss Fowler, aided by Miss Della Lehman, coached the play. The parts were well-played, showing that much time had been spent upon them.

The boys' glee club sang at the close of chapel.


Again a geometric theorem has gone hay-wire. Hasn’t it been prov-ed time and again that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line? Well, this is all abash, as far a this college is concerned. Take, for Instance, this example: You are Industriously studying In the library; the whistle blows which makes It necAssary far you to grab your book and run to your class which is In the science hall across the campus. Instead of going up the steps, through the ad building, and down the steps again— in a straight line—try running around the front of the ad building. It will save time and maybe you will get to your class on time.

p. S. Ye old ed disagrees with the above. Tells me that It is not shorter to go around, but maybe she hasn’t ever waited until the last half minute to try to get to her class on time.

Is short hair really coming In again with a bang—or do I mean bangs? Mary Miller Is the most recent addition to the army of the


These blue turtle-necked sweaters In which the boys are blossoming out are quite natty looking, don't you think? If one happens to have blue optics, they appear all the "bluer" on account of these sweaters. Quite collegiate some of the males have gone!

Baker baa a nice sympathetic team! Anderson, who received a black eye In Wednesday's practice, wan In for much apologizing from members of the Baker team after the battle Friday at Baldwin. Huh?— They are not as tough as they thought they were. because the Injury was from one of Andy's own col-leagues.

Dean Mohler defined a student as a person still living, thinking, and growing. At that rate some of the so-called students of M C. should not be classed as such: .

It had looked as If all the girls had gone to Baker to be with their football friends Friday; so we had supposed there would be no dates at the lyceum that night. But goodness, gracious! It seems that the whole female and male population had paired off for the evening.

Dear me! And we thought we were getting a scoop When we told that Galen Ogden was Wayne Carr's uncle. Now we are informed that he Is a great uncle. My! My! And at his age!


A two-weeks series of evangelistic meetings will start at the College Church of the Brethren, Sunday, November 27. Rev. M. J. Brougher. prominent evangelist and successful minister, has been secured by the local church to conduct this series of meetings.

Reverend M. J. Brougher Is pastor of the Church or the Brethren In Greensburg, Pennsylvania, where he is recognised as a leading pastor of his city. When he became pastor of the Greensburg church several years ago, there was only a small group of church members. Rev. Brougher had Increased the size of his church to several hundred members at present. He is a member of the General Ministerial Board of the Church of the Brethren. He gives his time to several evangelistic meetings each year. The local church has had his promise for four years.

Reverend Brougher's first service will start at 7:30 p. m next Sunday, with a song service, and he will follow this with his sermon "Jesus Christ the Wonderful at 7:45. The evening services will be character-ized by special music Prof. Alvin Voran to in charge of the music for the meetings.

The meetings will be of interest and high value for all who attend, and a large attendance of students and adults is expected.


McPherson College’s Fine Arts Department was represented by eight musicians In a student recital presented In the chapel on Monday night. November 21.

Three compositions for piano by Grieg were played. They were "Norwegian Bridal Procession." by Kathleen Roberts: "Finale from Sonata in A Minor" by Joyce Vetter: and "Wedding Day at Troldhaugen," by Elrae Carlson. Miss Carlson also played "Alt Wien," by Godowsky.

Marjorie Jackson's piano selection was "Bagatelle, op. 33 no. 2," by Beethoven. Margretta Okerlind sang "The Wind’s In the South.” by Scott, and Kathleen Roberts' second number was Mozart's "Turkish March."

Virginia Quiring played “To a Water Lily.” by MacDowell and "Prelude” by Chopin. One piano and one vocal solo were contributed by Lois Edwards. They were. respec-tively "Marcel from Le Hugenot," by Godardt and "Thou Art Lovely as a Flower," by Schumann.

Warner Nettleton sang. "How Beautiful Upon the Mountain,” by Harker. The recital closed with “Al-legro," played by Joyce Vetter.

At the dinner party Grace Heck-man gave for the Y. W. cabinet, the guests picked up the Turkey place cards to look for any names which might make It an announcement party. All they could find was “Ger-


Lenora Johnson spent the week end at her home near Galva.

Eight Students of Fine Arts Department Perform

He: "What would I have to give you for Just one little kiss?”

She; "Chloroform!”

Shopper—"Have you anything snappy In rubber bands?"

New Clerk—"No but we have something catchy in fly-paper. "



All-Feminine Cast Disproves Need for Male Characters— Genevieve Crist Takes Difficult Lead—

Setting Laid in Fashion Shop


Play Presented Under    of

M. C. Department of Dramatic Art

Playing before a large and appreciative audience last night, the dramatic art department of the college presented its play, "Nine Till Six." This production was truly the suc-cess and anticipated. Under the able coaching of Miss Della Lehman, head of the department, the play had been well worked up. and each and every actress took her part in splendid fashion.

Perhaps It was as unusual a production as has ever been put on by a McPherson College group in that all roles were played by feminine characters.

The play, an English one, has Its setting throughout In the fashion shop of Mrs. Pembroke. The first scene of the first act Is In the office of the proprietress. Two new employees, Gracie Abbot, a poor girl, and Bridget Penarth. daughter of a lord, are engaged by Mrs. Pembroke through the Influence of Freda, stock-keeper, and Clare, a daughter of the proprietress.

The second scene of this same act takes place In the dressing room of the shop, at closing time. The mannequins and Juniors, after a hard day's work, are hurrying about preparing for a harder night's frolic. At the close of the scene Freda, a trusted member of the staff, steals a flame-colored chiffon dress, for she feels she has a right to pretty things. Mrs. Pembroke's office is the getting of the first scene of the next set. It is sit weeks later. The proprietress and her daughter. Miss Roberts, and Freda, meet to discuss the matter of stealing which has been going on it the store. Gracie is going out with Bridget and her brother; so she borrows a dress for the Afternoon. She is caught with it And accused of all the thefts or the past six weeks.

The last act opens In Mrs. Pembroke's office, and Gracie is about to be turned over to the police. An unusual ending with a note of pathos and several confessions made the play exceedingly interesting and well-liked.

The cast was well chosen; it included Genevieve Crist. playing with restraint the difficult part of the gracious Mrs, Pembroke: Marjorie Brown, cleverly taking the character role of Miss Roberts, the dignified And Austere milliner; Hope Nickel, a bit out of her usual line and handling with skill the difficult part of the dishonest yet likeable Freda; the part of Gracie, a young, bright-eyed, eager apprentice, was played with a dash by Una Ring; her fussy mother was cleverly portrayed by Maxine Ferris; the role of Clare, Mrs. Pembroke's proud daughter, was played with fiery intentness by Ada Brunk; Violet, the flippant, hurrying, scurrying Junior employee, and Daisy and Gladys, lively apprentices, were all nicely handled by Florence Dresher. Odessa Crist, and Ruth Hobart, respectively.

Lady Avonlaye and Bridget her daughter were aristocratically portrayed by Audrey Groves and Oneita Boyer; Carrie, the "Sorry-for-myself” girl, was unusually well presented by Corrine Suter; Beatrice, Judy, and Helen, as mannequins, lent a note of beauty to the play and were represented,, by Maxine Ring Lois Edwards, and Ruth Ihde; the part of the French milliner was filled nicety by Gladys Riddell,

The play had many properties and costumes, making effective its use of unusual and attractive wearing apparel. It's theme was of current interest in that It showed both the employer's and the employee’s side.

To Miss Lehman, her cast, and her helping committers goes the credit for making a success of "Nino Till Six", the outstanding dramatic production given in McPherson this fall.


Dennis-Andes and his sister. Autumn. called on Martha Andes Sunday afternoon. Mr. Andes was In school here the three years previous to this one,

Donald Trostle of Nickerson called at the dormitory Sunday, He was In McPherson attending the funeral of his grandfather. Mr. Price.

Misses Lola Hawkins and Mildred Pray were guests of Grace Lerew at the Griffis home Sunday.

Dorothy Dresher and Margaret Houser were at their respective homes during the week end.

Ellen Steinberg. Grace Heckman, and Genevieve Crist have been victims of the "flu" the last few days.

Gretta Wilma Griffis spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Constance

Rankin, a graduate of last year.

Students and teachers who made the trip to Baldwin Friday t0 see the McPherson - Baker game included Edith Bechtelheimer, Lois Lackey, Merle Fisher, Lloyd Larsen, Wheeler Kurtz, Wilbur Voder. Prof. A, C. Voran, Prof. J, H. Fries, and Dean A. Replogle.

Clinton and Donald Trostle, class of ’32, were in McPherson Sunday to attend the funeral of their grand father. Mr. F. J. Price.

Newell Wine, Glen Lichty, Eugene Anderson, Donald Walstrom. and Paul Nelson saw the Kansas State-K. U. football game at Manhattan Sat-urday.

.Frances Barber has been substitut-

ing at Roosevelt school for the past two weeks In the second grade. Miss Kitts, the regular teacher, Is confined at the Newton hospital with diphtheria.


Last-Thursday, November 17. at 4:30 the regular meeting of the Chemistry Society was held. The program. In charge of Dr. Hershey, consisted of a number of summaries of Interesting topics In the field of applied chemistry. These summaries were given by a number of freshman students. The program follows: Germs and Tuberculosis Cure by Martha Harsh; Chemical Used in Fight Disease. Ezra Feller: Acetic Acid Made from Wood. Robert Brooks; The First Morphine, Margaret. Schwartz; Magneto-optic Analysis. Don Overholt; Chemical Energy and Ostwald, Burr Miller; Grain Alcohol Made from Sawdust, and Mental Disease, Audrey Groves; Edison Effect, Leland Heithecker; Hydrogen Atoms of Twice Usual Weight Are Discovered. Ronald Vetter: A Harmless Chemical Proves Effective as Cleansing Agent, Cleora Follmer; and Powerful Explosive Made from Wet Natural Cas, Eldred Mathes. These short talks were Interestingly given. Congratulations—Freshmen. and you too. Miss Groves.

The next meeting of the Chemistry Society Is to be held on next Wednesday. November 30. The time has been changed to 6:30. The program will be one featuring motion pictures on three different subjects. They will show modern chemical manufacturing processes as used in industry of today. There will be two reels on sulfur and its processing, three reels on fire-clay refractories, and one on carbon monoxide.

Everyone is invited and students especially, are urged to bring their friends and relatives, enemies and neighbors

with the numbers on it- Gerald My-ers wearing a football suit for the

first time—Good work on Hauser's part Three superior of field is aided by the coach—Duncanson and Eddy dragging the chains—GUIs running around in silly outfits following W. A. A. program in chapel— Nice work by Edwards, also Brubaker Sallee and Robertson looking out of place In football paraphernalia—Occasion-al plunges on the part of the players into the spectators Nice interfer-ence made by linesmen, such as Heckman and Sink—Side-line coach-ing—Lewis and Whitcher limping after game was over—Feller utterly exhausted—Kraus making considerable gains— Freshman tackles. Tice and Replogle, functioning nicely— Competitive yelling, booing, screams ing, or what have you smile making severnal nice catches—Brammel bolstering team’s morale—Minter out of natural habitat and playing a good game ns linesman-Stoner boldine up the game due to his late arrival —All In all a lot of fun and silliness for both rooters nnd players.

One's soul may live in the realm of beauty, which comes with beauti-ful memory, not with skeletons In the closets of mistakes.


The funeral services of our dearly

beloved "Swede" will be hold this evening at 6:30, in the McPherson College chapel. The body will be burned following the services at a large bonfire on the football practice field, north of the college

Everyone is cordially invited to at-tend. Bring your PEP with you.



General Expense    10%    $    50

Athletics    35%    175

Drama    12%    60

Music    3%    15

Debate    10%    50

Surplus    30%    150

(Distribution based on    200     stu

dents @ $2.50.)


Students Invited to Party Friday Night on Campus

Student Record a Impressions of Saturday Battle



The chapel Monday, November 21. was conducted by Professor R. E. Mohler who spoke on "The Soul of the Student”, the student referring to everyone who is living and thinking.

He said that the soul of a person may live in either one of two realms, the realm of the skeleton or the one of beauty.

The court of conscience Is always in session: so one should keep ahead of his conscience by doing nothing which will cause him regret later, The skeleton may not seem horrible at first glance, but one should not need to say, "Would that I into done better."


In the absence of President V, F. Schwalm, who left Wednesday for Omaha and Denver, Dr. H. J. Harnly took charge of the chapel on Friday morning, November 18.

The morning program constated of a scripture reading by Dr. Harnly, a vocal solo by Warner Nettleton. and a humorous; reading by Hope Nickel entitled "A Highly Colored Sketch, In which she impersonated two Negro characters.


In order to advertise the play, "Nine Till Six" which was given by the dramatic art class last night, several short skits were put on at the city schools last week.

Thursday morning a group of play-ers went to Junior high and took charge of their chapel program. Besides scenes from the play, a trio composed of Gulah Hoover, Mildred Dahlinger, and Lola Edwards, sang. They were accompanied by Bernice Dresher.

On Friday, at senior high school, In addition to the same program, Miss Della Lehman gave a musical reading.


Henry Kittell ... . ■ .



Melvin Landes _



Marjorie Barber .



Betty Juelfs






Thanksgiving vacation, but no chance to go home—a lamentable situation indeed! What to do with those extra hours and days will constitute more or less of a problem for many students who remain here during the week-end.

However the Y. W. C. A, and V. M C. A. have partially solved the problem by planning an all-school social, to be held in the Y. W. C. A. room Friday evening, beginning at eight o’clock.

Ruth Hobart and Galen Ogden, members of the social committees in charge of arrangements for the party, have worked out a varied and interesting program consisting of stunts, contests, games, and other entertainment, and rumor has It that refreshments will not be lacking. All students who remain here are Invited. and a good time is promised to those attending.

Freshman-Sophomore Game Is Remembered

Reminiscences of the football game . . . "Jerry” Caster's sensational ball-lugging—Kenneth Moore, re-gardless of a nose injury, playing a plenty neat game—Rock. a happy, smiling freshman coach—Bucking, ham’s playing of exceptional quality Antagonism between the two classed of girls—"Carpy" made soph couch as game is about half over— Arnold Taylor and Glenn Webb changing clothes at half—Some freshie girl (after her team had made a touchdown) yelling across the field. "Was that a touchdown?

- Tsk, tsk—Johnnie Austin's perpetual smile—Cute boy with the box


The lineup

Baker - Pos.


Streator LE


Hare - LT


Pike . LG


Hankins ... C


Gaunce RG


Spear RT


Hollister RE


Butler Q


Farrow LH


McDaniel RH


Hardinger F


Officials Umpire.

Kemper. K. S.

T. C. referee. Riley






Baker Proves Too Strong Foe For McPherson in Game Friday Afternoon

baker 20, McPherson 0 Recovered Fumbles and Intercepted Passes Aid Opponents— Cunningham Stars

The McPherson College Bulldogs lead a Kansas Conference football scoring game in the Baker University Wild-cats by a score of 20 to 0, last Friday afternoon at Baldwin

Led by Cunningham, substitute at fullback for Hardinger in the Baker lineup, the Wildcats managed to win from the Bulldogs. Cunningham scored the second Baker touchdown on a 30-yard run behind nice inter-ference. He also scored the final

touchdown on a short line plunge in

the final quarter

McPherson played very rugged football and Baker's passes caught the Bulldogs flat-footed several times Baker second early In the first quarter after Johnston fumbled a punt and the Wildcats recovered on the seven yard line. The Bulldog line held for three downs, but on

the fourth down a pass from Hardinger to McDaniels secured a touch-


The second Baker touchdown came in the third quarter after Baker in-tercepted a pass deep in the McPher-son territory/ On the first play after this Cunningham went off tackle for

a touchdown

The other touchdown for Baker was made by Cunningham on a line-plunge after a 35-yard pass from Winslow to Ketcham had put the ball in scoring position. Farrow place-kicked two extra points for Baker.

The Bulldogs made a good drive in the second quarter but were stopped after pressing deep into Baker terri-tory. Again in the fourth quarter the McPherson team showed some good offense. In this second drive the best ground-gainers were Lichty and Anderson: some passes from Lichty in Evans also gained for the Bulldogs. The drive ended on the 16-yard line when the final gun stop-ped the Bulldogs.

head linesman. Snattinger. K, U.

Substitutions:    Baker Cunning-

ham for Hardinger. Winslow for But-ler. Wheat for Pike, Graffath for Streator. Clark: for Haskins. Daugh-erty for Atherton. Butler for Pike, Lowe for Gaunce. McDonalds for Winslow, Anderson for Hardinger.

Gaunce for Lower L Huiller for But-ler, Atchison for Hollister. Wheat for Gaunce, Haskins for Spear, Pike for McDavis.    McPherson Lichty for

Johnston, Blume for Zinn. Anderson for Carpenter Zinn for Hayes. Lichty for Wiggins Johnston for Lichty, Reinecker for Bowman. Walstrom for Carpenter, Evens for Pauls Hays for Zinn, Zinn for Blume, carpenter for Zinn. Lichty for Johnson, Blume for Carpenter.

The summary: Yards gained from scrimmage Baker 145 McPherson 126 Yards lost from scrimmage— Baker 21, McPherson 20, Punts— Baker 10 for 344 yards. McPherson 10 for 288 yards. Baker completed 11 passes for 136 yards; McPherson completed 4 passes for 52 yards. Baker intercepted l pass; McPherson in-tercepted 1 pass. Passes incomplete —Baker 4, McPherson 7, Penalties Baker 5 for 35 yards, McPherson 3 for 32 yards Fumbles Baker 1, McPherson 2, Own fumble recov-ered Baker none. ‘McPherson 2.

Does your son burn the midnight


•“Yes, and a lot of gasoline along with it"    


The Bulldogs failed to play heads-up football at Baldwin Friday and as a result several passes went sailing by them to Wildcat receivers for good gains. Baker gained only 20 yards more from scrimmage, but in doing this they scored 20 points. Baker's passes helped considerably in the scoring.

That game with Baker is over, but the work of the Bulldog backfield in the close of the game looked great. This quartet was composed of Lichty. Walstrom, Anderson, and Blume. The line was also working nicely and it was this bunch that gained consis-tently In the last quarter of the game.

Ottawa won the Kansas Confer-ence championship Friday night by defeating the Bethany College Swedes, 19-7 That gave the Braves a perfect record in conference compe-tition with 4 victories and no defeats. Until the Bethany game the Ottawa team had not been scored against by a conference aggregation

Also. until that same game the Swedes had not scored: thus a rec-cord was broken for each team.

The Swede- Bulldog battle comes Thanksgiving Dat, and what a bat-tle it should be! With the steady improvement of the Swedes and the srailntll weakening of the Bulldogs it looks as if the Swedes have the advantage

The Swedes looked exceptionally good against Ottawa last Friday, Bethany has been noted for its de-fense during the entire season, but It has developed an offense now that seems to be effective. Hartshorne and Anderson play great defensive ball for the Swedes—

Some time ago the Swedes made the statement that they didn’t care If they lost every game up to the Iast one and they were going to win it. Well, they have lost every game up to the last one and they haven’t won it yet. If the Bulldogs play as they are capable of playing the Swedes will also lose the last one




Last Wednesday afternoon Replo-gle’s basketball team increased its standing in the intra-mural basket-ball tournament by smothering Samuel Stoner's team by a 6-30 score. At the halt Replogle's men led 10-2, Taylor scored 12 points for high hon-ors in this game. Follmer was next with 10, then came Brubaker with S. Suttle and Replogle with the above men made up the personnel of the victorious team. Stoner scored all of his teams 6 points, his lineup con-sisting of Lindholm, Hughey, Frantz, and Rhoades.

On Monday the the Stoner aggre-gation was again the victim. This time the Meyers men won from them by a score of 11-30 The score at half time was 6-188. Meyers scored 12 points for his team. Whitcher S. Sink 6 Brammel 2. Pote 2. Booz was the only scoreless member of Meyers team. Stoner was responsible for 10 of his team's points and Hughey accounted for the other one. Brooks, Rhoades, and Frantz were the other members of Stoner's team

At 3:30 of the same day Austin’s team upheld its so far perfect record by beating Kraus's team Austin was highpoint mans with a total of 21. The rest of his team consisted of Tice with 10 points. Johansen with 4, and Nettleton, Sherfy. Webb. and Friesen, Kraus was runner up for high point honors with 12. Kelly made 10, and Sallee 1. Saylor, Buckingham and Landes also saw action for the losers.

Yoders' team climbed to a second place rating at 4:30 Monday by downing Replogle's team by a 36-20 count Replogle's team maintained the lead throughout the first quarter which ended 4-0 for the losers. Then Captain Yoder and Larsen entered the contest and the first half ended 14-5 for Yoder's team. Yoder was high point man of this game chalk-ing up a total of 18, Custer was next with 12. Early scored 4 points and Larsen 2 for the victors while Heck-man. Mathes. Edwards, and Flora also saw action. Taylor was high-point man on his team making 7. Replogle was next with 5, Brubaker followed with 4 and Evans and Sut-

Yesterday at 4:15 Kran's basket-ball team was downed by Meyers' team 16-19. At half time the score was 10-3 for the victors. Kraus was high point man of the game with a total of 10. Landes scored 3. Buck-ingham 3. and the remainder of the team was Kelly. Sallee and Vetters. Meyers was high point man for the victors scoring 8. Pote was next with 5, Sink followed with Whitcher made 2. and Brammel made 1

At 4:50 came the greatest upset Five members of the Cosmos Club  presented an original playlet in Y.  W. C. A. this morning. The purpose of the play was to show the differ-ence between the life of the woman of 1732 and that or the woman of 1932. The cast included Mrs. Hershey, Miss Hoerner, Miss Hecke-thorn. Mrs. Harnly, and Mrs. Boh-ling, Helen Webber had the meet-ing In charge.

Last Saturday evening after the “Nine Till Six" cast had finished practicing at the city auditorium, all of the players and the coach. Miss Della Lehman, went to the home of Marjorie Drown, where they had been invited to spend the remainder of the evening Several enjoyable hours were spent eating popcorn, candy, and apples.


Don't forget the Japanese bazaar that is being sponsored by the Y. W. C. A. In the room Just east of the main Y. W. room, Beautiful and in-expensive gifts are being shown, The week following Thanksgiving the sale will take place from 1:00-3:30 p. m. on Monday. Wednesday, and Friday and front 9:00-10:00 and 10:30-ll:30 a. m.. on Tuesday and Thursday, Do your Christmas shop-ping early!


LOST-— Keycase and keys lost around campus. Gerald Meyers.— adv.

McPherson Has Not Won From Rivals for Many Years

Tomorrow afternoon the Bulldogs will tangle with the Terrible Swedes at Lindsborg in the annual Thanks-giving Day grudge battle of these two schools.

Dope in this game never means anything, but what dope there is available seem to indicate that these two teams are fairly even. Early in the season the Bulldogs were con-

sidered the stronger team. but the Swedes have improved very much until last week the Bethany team scored 7 points against Ottawa while the champion scored 15. McPher-son was unable to score against this same team while the Braves scored 18 points, Late season dope seems

to give the Swedes a sight advan-tage. Bethany a great defensive team while the Bulldogs appear to be the better on the offensive.

Past history shows that the Swedes have won many more games than the Bulldogs. Back in 1923 was the last time that a Bulldog team has won over their ancient rivals, Last year's game ended in a scoreless tie. Regardless of previous games, each team considers it a successful season If they can win from the other.

Captain George Zinn and Loren Rock, senior members of the foot-ball squad will be playing their last game for McPherson Collage. Bulldog supporters realize that the local team has the best chance to win that they have bad for a number of years and are expecting then to win from their enemy in the north.

in the dope that possibly could have happened. Stoner, the underdog, eat Austin the so far undefeated leaders of the conference, by a one point margin in a defensive game -9. The score was tied at 2-2 at the first quarter and at half time Sto-ner's aggregation led 4-5. Stoner scored 5 points for his team. Sweet-land and Lindholm each made 2. Williams succeeded In holding Attain to 2 points and Hughey also aid-ed In bolding down the total of the other team. For Austin's team Gott-mann was high point man with 4. Austin made 2, Tice made 2, and Johansen and Webb were the guards.

Present team standings are as follows:


L Pts. O.Pts. Pct



1 95





1 80





2 HI





2 85





2 60


. 333



3 29

