Brethren Churches of Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, and Montana Left Without School Home—Affiliate With Institution Here
Prosperous Territory to Help Eco-
nomic Conditions of Home College
Thursday evening, September 22, proves to be the time set for the annual "night-shirt" parade for the McPherson College students. This "snake-dance" is always held on the eve before the first home game of the football season. Both women and men are expected to appear in pajamas or any kind of night apparel. The parade will start at the college entrance, continue down Euclid, and on Main Street several pow-wow circles will be held where all students will participate in the Bulldog yells and songs.
Thursday morning at the ten o'clock chapel period, a short pep meeting will be held to acquaint the new students with the McPherson College yells and songs.
Miss Esther Dahlinger, a McPher-son College graduate has received a partial scholarship from the Chicago Musical College which she attended this last summer. The scholarship is valued at $250 and was given among first year students. This gives to her private and master class lessons from the school.
Thurs., Sept. 22—Nightshirt Parade.
Fri., Sept. 23—Wichita University B game, here.
Sat., Sept. 24—Y. W. C. A. cabinet retreat.
Tues., Sept. 27—Regular Y. M. -Y. W. meetings.
Did Spectacular Things Here Where He Was Former Student
Im Quartet All Through College— Won a Scholarship in Chicago
Prof, Alvin Voran, the new voice instructor, has provoked much Interest due to his achievements and the fact that he is a former McPherson College student.
Back in the days when Euclid was "Washboard Avenue" and bulldog sweaters weren't, "Cheesy” Voran came to McPherson College as a freshman, and therewith began a new era. "Cheesy" did spectacular things and the college did spectacular things. During these four years the college had one of the best quartets it ever had as proved by the fact that M. C. quartets are still wearing the Tuxedoes bought with the money that they earned.
Cheesy sang his way through college with a little cheering, acting, and editing on the side. In '27 he was president of his class, in '28 he edited the annual and was in the senior play cast, and at one time he was cheerleader.
Bulldogs sweaters were invented in 1926 and Euclid received a new pav-ing job.
As the old saying has If all good things come back to us. Mr. Voran has returned to his Alma Mater as voice instructor, and we are looking forward to more spectacular things under his leadership.
President of Student Council— Milo Stucky.
President of Y. W. C. A. ---Grace Flockman.
President of Y. M. C. A. — Lil-burn Gottmann.
President of Senior Class -Vernon Rhoades.
President of Junior Class—Guy Hayes.
President of Sophomore class— Kenneth Moore.
President of World Service Group-Charles Austin.
President of College C. E. — Everett Fasnacht.
President of W. a. a. Gene-vieve Christ.
Woman Cheer Leader—Etta Nickel.
Man Cheer Leader—Gordon Kraus,
Editor of Quadrangle - Delbert Kelly.
Business Manager of Quadran-gle—- Wilbur Yoder.
Editor of Spectator—Una Ring.
Business Manager of Spectator —Harry Frants,
President of "M" Club—Loren Rock.
Dean-Registrar Reports 209 Regular Students and Over 45 Music Specials in M. C. City Studio
Dr. Schwalm spent a good part of his time in Chicago and the sur-rounding territory where he attended several annual church conferenc-es uml canvassed the Mount Morris vicinity. He also covered North Dakota and attended several district meetings there.
Prof. Blair estimated his travels at something over 7000 miles which took him through Kansas, Oklahoma, Colorado, Wyoming, and Idaho. He got in touch with the students of Kansas and Oklahoma mainly by visiting various Brethren churches. He was a speaker at the summer church conference at New Meadows, Idaho.
Some of the Instructors attended summer schools. Prof. Alvin Voran remained in Chicago where he continued the study of music. Miss Della Lehman attended Harvard and the University of Boston. Coach Bluford the Texas Institute of Technology at Lubbock, and Professor Dell the Iowa State College where he continued his work on a master's degree.
Professor Heckman wrote and had published a book named "The Teach-ers‘ Appreciation of the Old Testa-ment. " and it is understood that he has started on "The Teachers' Ap-preciation of the New Testament. " Professor Bohling spent the summer selling insurance and bonds.
During the summer events of for reaching significance took place in relation to McPherson College. The resources of the college were mater-ially strengthened by the addition of new territory to her constituency namely that of Mount Morris College at Mount Morris, Illinois.
McPherson College has served two natural constituencies. One Is the local constituency of McPherson and surrounding communities and the other is the Brethren constituency throughout the middle West For a number of years this Brethren constituency consisted of about 13, 678 members scattered through several states. Through the closing of Mount Morris College last spring the Breth-ren churches in Iowa, North Dakota, Minnesota nnd eastern Montana were left without a school home. The trustees of Mount Morris College recommended that these districts affiliate with McPherson College. In four district conferences throughout the summer Dr. Schwalm presented the Invitation of the trustees of McPherson College to affiliate with them. In each case the invitation was unanimously accepted.
In this manner sixty-eight congregations and 5508 members were added to the constituency of McPherson College. A number of these churches are very strong and prosperous. This adds considerable material strength to the support of this school and will mean much to her when economic conditions improve throughout the territory.
This year there are some sixteen or seventeen students from this new area in McPherson College and if economic conditions were better at least forty or fifty could probably have been secured.
Prof. S. M. Dell, chairman of the freshman committee, was in charge of the six freshman meetings held Monday and Tuesday. September 1213, for the purpose of assisting the freshmen to orient themselves in the shortest possible time.
The first address was "Welcome to McPherson College” by President V. F. Schwalm. Prof. M. A. Hess spoke on "Opportunities and Possibilities in McPherson College''. "The Curri-culum and Registration" was dis-cussed by Dean F. A. Replogie and “College Friendships” by Dean Moh-Icr.
Tuesday morning Prof. J. Hugh Heckman's subject was "Social and Religious Development''. In the af-ternoon Prof. J. L, Bowman told of "College Customs and Traditions", and the series ended with a questionnaire to be answered by the class of '36 on "Why I Came to College",
At the various sessions mimeo-graphed sheets of information on campus buildings, budgeting, and customs and traditions were distri-buted.
Other members of the committee In charge were Professors Hess, Bowman, Bohling, and Miss Della Lehmam.
The first Y. W. C. A. meeting of the school year, which was very well attended, was held Tuesday. Septem-ber 20. Bernice Fowler, chairman of the program committee, led devotionals. Grace Heckman, president of the organization, gave a talk Introducing to the new girls the aims and ideals of the Y. W. C. A. and a brief history of it as a national asso-ciation "Just For Today" was sung by Ellen Steinberg.
The meeting next week will be in charge of the chairman of the membership committee. All girls of the college are sincerely invited to attend.
The Junior class met yesterday to fill several vacant offices. Guy Hayes was chosen as president to take the place of Mattie Shay, Gulah Hoover as vice president in Blanch Harris’s place, and Wayne Carr as secretary in place of Alma Louise Atchison.
Found in Fields of Education, Journalism, Ministry, and Business
The graduates of McPherson College or the class of 1932 are separated widely. Considerable Inquiry discloses that six are continuing their education, nine are teaching school, three have entered the ministry, two have married, and seventeen are at home.
From Chicago to San Diego the graduates of ‘32 have entered various fields of work. Walter Wollman is taking up his medical course in Northwestern University and Con-stance Moyer is also attending that institution. John Kindy is continuing his education in San Diego, California, while Evalyn Fields has received a fellowship in Kansas University,
Elizabeth Richards is teaching in the schools at Potwin, Kansas, and Ethel Sherfy at Chase, Kansas. Mary Weddle la teaching' at Gaylord, Kansas. and Constance Rankin is in Walnut Ridge, Arkansas. B. F. Pan-kratz is teaching in Meade County and Kermit Hayes has a position in Rice County. Ralph Johnston is teaching and coaching in Courtland, Kansas, and Posey Jamison in the Arnold schools, Evelyn Saylor is teaching in Lehigh, Kansas.
Clarence Meinhardt, Philip Louver, and Lawrence Lehman are preaching, Gilbert Meyers, Verie Ohman, and Orion High are working in McPherson. Mildred Doyle has a position in a hospital in Topeka and Florence Weaver is working in a law firm in Garden City. Herbert Eby is working in the local Republican of-flee.
The following may be found at home; Roy Peebler, Helen Holloway, Luther Horn, Alberta Yoder, Elsie Muse. Vera (Flora) Diggs, Ada Stutzman, Herbert Mowbray. Kenneth Blitkofer, Myreta Hammann, Nellie Ratlins, Orville Countryman. Atillia Anderson, Roy Bartles, Clara Fern Mast, Clinton and Donald Tros-tle, Adelyn Taylor, Charles Smith, Royal Voder, and Lilian Carlson,
Order Your Quadrangle Now!
It was om a tour that he contracted the nickname he has gone by ever since. Instead ot the word "hot" of the present generation he used "cheesy”. Mrs. Barton. the former Miss Katherine Penner, voice instruc-ter at McPherson was the first to strike upon the appropriateness of the word In describing Alvin himself.
In 1928 "Cheesy" graduated and became Mr. Alvin Voran of Chicago, but events did not cease. Mr. Voran sang in the Madrigal Club, sang with the Northwestern choir at the North Shore Festival at Evanston broadcasted and won a scholarship, and received a degree from the American Conservatory.
A faculty social was held Saturday, September 10, at the home of Dr, V. F. Schwalm.
Dr. J. J. Yoder spoke on "Cultural Possibilities” and Prof. M. A. Hess on "Good Will". Miss Jessie Brown played a piano solo, and Prof. Alvin Voran sang. Refreshments were then served.
The Program in Chapel Makes Great Hit
The annual All-School Social and Watermelon Feed sponsored by the Y. W C. A, and Y. M. C. A, was held this evening at 7: 30, Friday, Sep-tember 16 on the college campus
lawn. This event is a part of the annual "get acquainted" program of the college.
The students were divided into groups and get-aquainted games and other sports were played. Loren Rock, senior, was in charge of the games.
The groups then gathered in the chapel where entertainment was provided. The program indoors was climaxed by Prof, J. A. Blair's political speech impersonating Dr. J. R. Brinkley and Dean F. A. Replogie's burlesque "corn-et" solo. He was accompanied by Miss Della Lehman. The mixed quartet gave two numbers and readings were given by Ruth Hobart and Hope Nickel. Mildred Dahlinger sang a solo, and Prof. Vor-an led the group in some college songs. Archie Lindholm was in charge of the program Indoors.
Watermelons were served in cafeteria style to students, visitors, and faculty. All enjoyed the evening. About 275 were present.
In Honor of Freshmen and All New Students — Held In Church Parlors.
Not even the inclemency of the weather could dull the gayety of the annual Faculty Reception which was held on September 19 in the basement of the college church. Each year the reception is held in honor of all freshman and now students.
After all students had passed the reception line and had been duly pre-sented to faculty and faculty wives the students were requested to take seats while an interesting program was given. Dr. J. D. Bright, after having been introduced by Dean Mohler, gave the opening address of the evening in which he pointed out in a humorous manner the require-ments of a good teacher. Other talks were given by Ward Williams, senior orator, and Paul Booz, a freshman. Ward Williams pointed out in his talk that McPherson College ac-tivities and McPherson reputation are based on four year men. Paul Booz spoke on what he expected of his college.
Musical selections were given by Ronald Vetter, who played several piano solos, and by Mr. Voran, voice instructor of the college.
Light refreshments were served at three prettily decorated tea tables.
The only way our paper can exist is by the generous support of the advertisers. Let us return the favor by patronizing as far as possible the merchants whose names appear in the advertising columns. Most of them have things we need and get; so let us show our appreciation of their support by helping them. Take a minute to glance through the ads and if you see listed what you may want, try to help those who help us.
Seniors Total 32—Delayed Enrollments Increases Size All Classes
Two hundred nine students were enrolled In McPherson College Monday, September 19, according to rec-ords in the dean-registrar's office. This does not include the group of more than 45 music students who are under McPherson College instructors at the city studio.
Enrollment is divided among the classes as follows; seniors, 32; Juniors, 30; Sophomores, 67; freshmen, 73; and special students, 7. Several more students are expected to enroll during the remainder of this week.
The enrollment this year presents a decided deviation from that of former years, in that only 11 of the 209 students enrolled are from out of the state of Kansas. The enrollment by states is; Kansas; 165; Iowa, 10; Colorado, 6; Oklahoma, 6; Nebraska. 5; Missouri, 4; Minnesota. 3: Indiana, 3; Texas, 2; Illinois, 1; and Montana, 1.
Although the senior and freshmen classes are smaller than those classes were last year, the sophomore class presents a remarkable increase. The class last year numbered 59, and this year's class already totals 67—lacking only 6 of equalling the number of freshmen enrolled.
At this time last year, the enrollment total was approximately 225. Although our enrollment is a bit smaller now, the year is expected to be as good in every way as the 193132 year.
Blair Travels 7000 Miles--Some Attend School
The faculty of McPherson College worked energetically during the past summer endeavoring to keep the enrollment up to par.
Those who were engaged in active campaign work among would-be stu-dents were Dr. V. F. Schwalm. Prof. J. A. Blair, and Prof. R. E. Mohler. These three covered practically the entire territory from the Mississippi to the Rockies. Even though cam-paign work for the college was stressed, summer school was not al-lowed to suffer, Dean F. A. Replo-gie, Miss Edith McGaffey, Dr. J. D. Bright, Prof. M. A. Hess, Miss Jessie Brown, Dr. J. Willard Hershey, Miss Margaret Heckethorn, Miss Fern Lin-genfelter, Mrs. Anna C. Tate, and Miss Clara Colline kept the work at the college running smoothly during the summer.
Official Publication of McPherson College, Published by Student Council, McPherson, Kansas.
Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917, at the postoffice at McPherson Kansas. under the act of March 3, 1897.
editorial staff i - business STAFF'
Editor-in-chief-----L---------Usa H, Ring j Business Manager Harry Frantz
Associate Editor——...........Wilbur C. Yoder I Ass't. Business. Manager Jesse Dunning
Associate Editor ...... ........Everett Fasnacht l Ass't Business Manager ........J. T. Willliams
Circulation Manager... . .. Frank Hutchinson
Agnes Bean Elmer Stazts Etta Nickel
Dorothy Dresher Lola Hawkins Ann Heckman
Marlene Dappen ' Paul Heckman Margaret Oliver
Faculty Adviser ..............-...................... Prof. Maurice A. Hess
Last spring thousands of young men and women graduated from the colleges and universities throughout the country. Full of optimism and buoyant with energy they flooded from the halls of higher institutions. They were unaware that conditions had so changed that four years of col-lege was only a meager preliminary to the real game.
The result was a great sobering of the average college student. Hundreds fill the breadlines of our cities. Others are searching In vain for any kind of work, A comparative few have found profitable positions, Many have had to fall back on dad. Daily we are reminded in current mag-azines of "The Tragedy Of American Education," "Who Should Go to College,' and "Does Education Pay?" These facts drive home to the student that all is not so rosy.
The bewildered student must take consolation In the type of education he is receiving. To the observer "in" looking "out" the Highly trained technician of the large university is In no better position than the graduate of a liberal arts college, however email It may be. It has become increasingly evident that the real test of an education Is not the height of its technical training, but the adjustment to the fundamental factors of living. One thing is certain, that the graduate of an institution which teaches for true living conditions is infinitely better off than those not so educated.
So the undergraduates are praying, as the seniors prayed last year, that the storm will be over soon, They do have ground for more optimism than the highly specialized student.
Many suggestions have been made as to what particular virtues should be exercised best to meet and overcome the difficulties of our present trying situations. Courage, industry, economy, confidence, are, of. course, among those most frequently named. But there is one other, of vital Importance, not so often mentioned—patience.
Whatever may be the cause of existing conditions, they are so general that they cannot be changed overnight. It Is necessary, therefore, that we school ourselves to patience. Patience does not imply Inactivity. It does not Involve Idleness, It is rather a mental attitude that enables one to bear with fortitude what must be endured. It keeps one’s spirit from flagging.
There is nothing surer than the return of prosperity and industrial well-being to our great country. We only need to maintain our faith to continue every wise effort toward betterment of conditions for others as well as ourselves, and, above all, to be patient.—Selected.
Order Your Quadrangle Now!
Subscription Rates For One School Year $1.00SJO
Formerly Required to Observe
If freshmen think that present rules are strict they should see what an exacting discipline was enforced in "McPherson College and Industrial Institute" in 1888. The following Is an excerpt from the first catalog:
1. Students should bring with them, besides text books, a Bible or Testament, Brethren's Hymn book or Gospel Hymns, towels, and a blanket or two, and should have their garments marked with full name.
2. All Students are required to be present at Chapel Exercises and all recitations; also to attend Sunday School and one church service each
Lord's day, at the college chapel or at some other place where their parents or guardian may direct In writing.
3. Students must extinguish their lights promptly at 10 o'clock P. M unless excused by the professor in charge of the hall.
4. No lady or gentlemen will he allowed to tresspass on the territory of the opposite sex, except by special permission of the president.
8. Ladies and gentlemen will not. ride, walk, or Play together except by special arrangement with the President.
8. No students rooming in the dormitory shall be absent after ten o'clock P. M. unless by permission of the President,
7. Students desiring to visit the cemetery or to go to the city must obtain permission from the president, except on Saturday afternoons
between the hours of one and four
o'clock, when general
to the city and return is granted
8. Students will be permitted to
meet in the chapel far social inter-
course twenty minutes immediately after supper of each day Sunday excepted—also for twenty minutes after the class of society meeting, such social meetings to be under the supervision of one or more of the faculty.
, Address all correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas
9. Visitors desiring to call upon students in the building must apply to the President.
10. All members of the Brethren or German Baptist Church are required to comply with the principles of non-conformity to the world and to conform to the general order or the church in apparel and wearing of the hair. Those who are not members of the German Baptist church are expected to make no display In the use of Jewelry and to observe the laws of plainness and Simplicity In their apparel.
The sophomores class held Its first meeting of the year Friday morning, September 18, at 8 o'clock,
Kenneth Moore, president of the class, presided. Vacancies were filled In the offices of treasurer and student council representatives, as Glen Austin, Grace Lerew, and John Myron Miller, elected last year, did not return to school this year. Alice Hedge was chosen to engineer the class finances. Faithe Ketterman and Galen Ogden were elected to represent the class in the student council.
Dean F. A. Replogle was chosen to act us class advisor.
Lenore Johnson left Friday eve-ning for her home in Galva. and returned to Arnold Hall Monday.
Rev. and Mrs. D. A. Crist of Quin-ter were in McPherson Monday with their, daughters Odessa and Gene-vieve who are seniors In the college.
Evelyn Fields, class of '32, visited friends in Arnold Hall last week. She won the K. U. fellowship last year and began Work at the university Monday, September 19,
Ethel Sherfy of Hampton, Iowa, a senior of last year, spent Friday night with Bernice Fowler and Lois Edwards In the girls' dormitory. She is teaching English and Latin in the high school at Chase.
McPherson College students and friends of former Matron Della Hol-singer have been pleasantly surpris-ed to learn of her marriage during the past summer to Rev. Noble Stuts-man. Matron Holsinger became the wife of Rev. Stutsman In August, since serious illness had prevented, her marriage at an earlier data, Mrs. Stutsman served as housemother in Arnold Hall during the years 1930-31 and 1931-32. She made many friends among the girls and boys as well, Rev. Stutsman is pastor at a Church of the Brethren In Washington. The students and family of McPherson college Join in wishing for both of them, success and happiness.
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Ellis announced the birth of a girl, Ermetta June on August 16, 1932. Mrs. Ellis was formerly Miss Marie Bradbury.
Miss Madelyn Austin and Mr. John Berkebile were united In marriage on Saturday evening, August 13, 1932, at 9 o'clock, at St. Johns, Kan-sas. Mr. Berkebile attended McPher-son College one year.
July 31 at 10:30 o'clock Miss Prudence Ihrig and Mr. Lorin Sibley were united In marriage. The ceremony was performed in the McPherson Brethren Church. Mrs. Sibley has attended the college here. The couple is now living In Page City, Kansas,
Miss Esther Keim, a former student of McPherson College, was married August 21, to Mr. Stanley Hau-aer at Nampa, Idaho, They will make their home in New York where Mr. Hauser has a position as instructor. He was a former student of North Manchester,
Sunday morning, May 29, at five o’clock, Miss Viola. Bowser and Mr. Keith Hayes were married at the Brethren Church. Mr. Hayes is a graduate of the class of '31.
Miss Vera Flora and Lloyd Diggs were married June 1, at Quinter, Kansas. Mr, and Mrs. Diggs are both graduates of McPherson College, Mrs. Diggs having graduated with the class of ‘33 and Mr. Diggs with the class of '30,
Miss Madalyn Gray became the bride of Mr. Floyd Barngrover, June 1 at the McPherson Methodist Episcopal Church, Mr. and Mrs, Barn-grover were graduated from McPher-son College In 1930. They are now at home in Buhler, Kansas, where Mr. Barngrover has a teaching position In the high school.
Miss Ruth Turner and Mr. Paul Bowers were married at the Brethren Church, May 29, at nine o'clock, They are both graduates of McPherson College, he being graduated with the class of ’30 and she with the class of ‘31. Mr, Rowers Is superintendent of the Stockton schools, where the couple is now living.
Miss Ada Dinsmore became the bride of Dr. Milo J. Stutzman in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, June 7. Dr. Stutzman, a graduate of McPherson College, is now employed In teaching and research work In the department of metallurgy of the University of Pittsburg.
"I am sorry," said the dentist. 'But you can not have an appointment with me this afternoon, I have eighteen cavities to fill," And he picked up his golf-bag and went out.
Brunk, Dresher, Whitcher and Frantz present Reasons • for Belief
On Sunday, Sept. 18, the College Christian Endeavor service was devoted to the subject "Why I believe in the church and should be a church worker."
The question was answered by tour students, each of whom presented a reason for their belief. Carol Whitcher's talk was based on ‘‘I believe in the church because It fills a need in my life." Whitcher pointed out that man Is a religious being, and "the church sponsors activities and experiences which fill his need, Ada Brunk told how the church needs the active support of each of as, and how we should help others and our-selves as well in religious work. Royal Frantz pointed out that the religious heritage or the Christian church—what It has done and is doing for mankind—was also a reason for being a believer In the church. He said that our colleges. Christian homes, social Institutions, churches, and modern life itself, are all responsible In part to the church and Christian Influence for their being. Florence Dresher gave the last talk, centering her Ideas on "I believe in the church because I am a follower of Christ."
The meeting was opened by congregational singing, led by Lois Edwards. Special music numbers were given by Arlene Wampler, who played a piano solo, and Wayne Carr and Galen Ogden, who sang a vocal duet, accompanied by Lois Edwards, The program was in charge, of Everett Fasnacht.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kurtz of Newton, Kansas, announce the birth of a daughter, Elsa May. July, 1932. Both Mr. and Mrs. Kurtz are McPherson Collage graduates. Mrs. Kurtz was formerly Ocie McAvoy,
Janet Switzer, the baby daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Marion Switzer of Dodge City, Kansas, was born June 17, 1932. Mrs. Switzer, formerly Rozella White is a graduate of McPherson College.
Miss Dorothy Dunseth of Dayton, Ohio, became the bride of Mr. Kenneth Krehbiel of McPherson on Thursday, June 2, at Dayton. Mr, Krehbiel attended McPherson College for two years. They are now at home In McPherson where Mr. Kreh-biel is assistant manager of the McPherson Daily Republican.
Prof. Maurice A, Hess recently received word that Dr. E. L. Craik, history teacher at Juniata College, has a leave of absence to study in England. He landed in Britain about September 1. Dr. Craik was formerly professor of history here at McPherson College.
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Krehbiel of Lenora, Kansas, are the proud parents of a new baby son, who arrived August 20, 1932. Both Mr. and Mrs, Krehbiel are former McPherson College students.
Prof. Henry E. Hall of Enterprise, Kansas, was married to Miss Nellie D. Krebbs of Windom. Kansas, on May 21, 1932. at Hutchinson, Kansas, Mr. Hall has attended McPher-son College two years.
Miss Helen DeArmand and Mr. Virgil Holt of Galva, Kansas, were married at midnight. May 31, 1932, at Marquette, Kansas. Mrs. Holt at-tended McPherson College last year.
Miss Roma A. All of McPherson, Kansas, and Mr. Cecil D. Anderson of Roxbury, Kansas, were united in marriage, July 24, 1932. Mr. Ander-son attended McPherson College two years ago. They are making their home at Roxbury.
Miss Mary Lou Williams became the bride of Mr. Philip Lauver, class of ‘32. May 27. Both Mr. and Mrs. Lauver have attended McPherson College.
Inscription on a tombstone: Here lies an atheist. All dressed up and no place to go.
Dear Editor: "Does the law give a man the right to open his wife's letters?"
Answer: “Yes, but not the nerve."
Old Steadies Rejoice As They Meet Once More—Dan Cupid Again Gets Busy With His Bow and Arrow
School opens again and we find Dan Cupid with us one more year. Yes—take a look around the campus and you can tell the same old steadies are at It. Gee—doesn't she look like the same sweet little thing that I've missed for three solid months!! Doesn't It seem swell to see his smiling face once more?
I'll say these steadies are glad to see each other—why look— then goes a green flivver that belongs to the Colorado youth, and she's the girl friend at the steering wheel— believe It or not—she's trying the car out to see if all the four wheels will go in the line direction and whether the Ford will ran out of gas or not. Who says that they won't have fun In that thing this year, especially to the icy cold winter and lovely spring days? Then too— there goes that Ford they call "Clara" which was stopped last year to be searched for liquid—I mean liquor. We might as well warn any others now to take more precaution this home-coming.
And what about this young man that goes places and sees things with the gal who owns the green-wheeled car from county No. 2? He came to town a week ahead of time and tried to find something to pass the time away—but he found he missed the young lady's presence, But now everything is going hotsy-totsy for both again. And another matter to take up is—Who said that the Y. M. C. A. and the Y. W, c. A. aren’t going to get along nicely this year? We know they are. Why? Seen use the presidents are sure to make things go tip-top shape and we wouldn’t he surprised If the Y's had a lot of joint meetings this year.
Some of these half-studies are showing their sorrowful faces around the campus, but the other half-steady seems to be missing, fly the looks of things already, these lonely lovers are going to enjoy college with the other bunch of kids on the lot. And who says they won't have fun?
Do you suppose Coach Binford has a time with his football men? I’ll say he does! Why in the midst of practice some young star is sure to atop and wave to the passing beauty that came to see "Her Hero" kick the ball. That shouldn’t worry the coach though, because that sort of pops the boys up and you know we have to beat the SWEDES this fall.
Then there are those boys and girls to consider that call themselves “Just Friends.” To be sure they're back at old M, C.—chatting to each other and having the good ol’ times.
Say—you can't tell me that Dan Cupid Isn't here at college! Why those little "freshies" with green caps on are bound to fall for someone If Dan gives them the disease—and with the out-coming crop of fresh, you can be assured that by spring, love and romance wilt fly hand In hand with a few of these new-comers. And Freshmen—don't let the depression interfere, just try going "Dutch" like some of these other steadies have been doing.
Well, to say the least—let's tip it off by saying the "World is back in
A number of gifts have been made to the library this summer, and there have also been a number of purchases.
"Silas Marner” and “Poems of John Keats" are the gifts of Fred Perry. Oneida Royer donated Gates’ “Elementary Psychology," and Miss Margaret Shelley, former violin Instructor, donated March's "Types of French Short Stories." and "Crawford's "Advanced French Composi-tion." Isely’s "Cast Out the Demon Depression" Is a gift of the author’s sister. Miss Edith McGaffey donated Hoff's "Elgin Training Course" J. Hugh Heckman of McPherson College and M. W. Emmert are co-authors with Mr. Hoff.
The "University Debater's Annual," by Phelps is a new purchase. The supplementary readers and other books used by the students In the practice teaching classes this sum-mar have been placed In the library now.
“What is the Y. M. C. A ?" This question was discussed by speakers and in open forum at the first Y, M. meeting of the year, yesterday. Alter Charles Austin led In devotional thought. Ward Williams. Y. M. program chairman, told briefly of the programs for the coming year. President Lilburn Gottmann spoke on the
principles and objects of the Y. M. Gottmann stressed the democracy of the organization, and its openness to aid all in solving student problems. Ward Williams continued by leading an open discussion on “What is the Y. M.?
The program for the next meeting. 10:00 Tuesday. September 27. is "What the Y. M. C. A. should be,”
Harmon Brooks, a missionary just home from India, opened chapel Wednesday, September 14. with a scripture reading followed by a short explanation. After the numerous announcements attendent on the be-ginning Of school, chapel was dis-missed.
Dr. V. F. Schwalm told how an education may be Invalidated and Dean F. A. Replogle explained what makes a good college in the first chapel of the year on Tuesday, Sep-tember 13.
Rev, G, H. Cotton of the local Presbyterian Church led In scripture and prayer. Then Dr. Schwalm gave some helps In starting the new year. He stated that conditions which may Invalidate an education are poor health, lack of self-mastery, lack of social adjustment, a haunting fear, and confusion In religious life. He said he wanted, students not only to learn but to learn to live.
Prof. Alvin Voran sang a solo and responded with a Hungarian encore. This was followed by Dr, Schwalm’s Introducing Dean F. A. Replogle who said that a good institution has an ever-enlarging purpose encourages students to be original, is Interested In the Immediate life, Is creative, de-velops self-enforcement, and helps to find life’s meaning.
Dr. Schwalm closed the assembly by introducing the fully members present and students from the different sections.
Several school offices have had to be filled or are yet to be filled this year because of vacancies.
The first office that has been filled Is that of the business manager of the Spectator J. T. Williams of Missouri was elected to this position at the student elections last spring, but duo to his absence this year, Harry Frantz, a sophomore, has been elected by the student council to take his place.
Another office, that of man cheer leader, has been left vacant by Tommy Taylor of Idaho, and has been given over to Gordon Kraus, a sophomore from Tampa.
Friday an election will be held to find a capable person to take the responsibility of treasurer of the student council. Frank Hutchison was elected for this position last year, but did not come back. Two members. one man and one woman from the student body, must also be elected to serve on the social committee.
Wheeler Kurtz, who is attending school here for the third year, was a little late In getting started this time, for a few weeks before school opened be underwent a serious appendicitis operation.
Wheeler is the son of Dr, D. W. Kurtz former president of the college. His parents were here during his stay In the local hospital until be was pronounced out of danger.
Bill: “And now, dad, that I’ve told you I’m going to many Ann. there’s one more thing I’d like to get off my chest.”
Dad; "What's that?"
Bill "A tattooed heart with Peggy's name on it."
On September 13. the Y. W. C. A. sponsored a campus frolic in honor of the new girls attending McPher-son college
Shortly after four o’clock the old girls accompanied by their campus sister congregated on the northeast side of the library where the old and the now girls proceeded to become better acquainted with each other, Corrine Bowers, who had charge of the games, instructed the group as to the best methods of playing bean bag war. bean bag: relay, handkerchief relay. flying dutchman and other games. Finally the girls were Invited to make themselves as comfortable as possible, Ruth Hobart then presented a clever reading entitled "A Pleasant Half Hour on the Beach."
Refreshments consisting of lemonade. wafers, and sandwiches were, served by Ruth Ihde, Esther Pote, and Bernice Dresher.
Hike to Anderson's Grove for Wienie Roast
The Y. M. C. A. sponsored the an-nual Freshman Stag on Tuesday. September 13.
About 5:30 p. m. the freshman boys and a few members of the Y. M. C. A. cabinet hiked to Anderson's drove, where some time was spent In playing kitten-ball- The group then gathered around a bonfire for a wienie roast.
Lilburn Gottman, who was the first speaker on the program, told about the nature of the Y. M. C. A. Loren Rock, as president of the "M" Club welcomed the freshmen to athletics, and Ward Williams explained the programs for the year.
Wilbur Yoder, as chairman of the freshman committee, was in charge of the "stag".
The first meeting of the College Christian Endeavor Society was held Sunday. September 11. on the lawn near the college library. Dean R. E. Mohler spoke on the Importance of the students' selecting a goal and working earnestly toward It. He pointed out some of the distractions that so often prevent college stu-dents from making the most of their rich opportunities.
About thirty were present.
Dr. Marlin W. Carlson has opened his office In McPherson above Hub-bell’s Drug Store. He attended Northwestern University at Chicago after graduating from McPherson College, and was an interne at the Iowa Methodist Hospital at Des Moines. Iowa, a year.
Dr. Carlson assisted In the physical examinations given to the students here before enrollment.
On Saturday evening, September 17. a group of McPherson girls gave a wienie roast at Anderson's Grove for some of the dormitory and college hill students.
, Afterwards the group returned to town, where a social time was spent In playing games at the home of Miss Marlene Dappen.
Those present were Loin Hawkins, Alberta Cornelius, Esther Stegeman, Mary Miller, Modina Kauffman, Esther Brown, Cleora Follmer, Margar--et Schwartz. Agnes Beau, Ruth Hobart. Margaret Oliver, Maxine Ring, and Marlene Dappen,
Prospects Seem Fair With Eight Lettermen Returning— Will Have Heavy Line and Fast Backfield to Place on Gridiron
Besides these men there are Wil-son, Brubaker, Buckingham, Hughey, Crumpacker, Edwards, Mace. Custer, and Replogle, all with some foolball experience.
The Bulldogs are expected to have a hard time with the Wichita team as the municipal school has been turning out exceptionally strong teams the last few years, Wichita is coached by Gobert, who played under Route Rockne at Notre Dame. Wichita plays the Notre Dame system and this will give McPherson fans an excellent opportunity to we this famous system.
A record crowd Is expected at the athletic park Friday night when the Bulldogs open their 1932 season.
“Isn't this the funniest looking
bunch of boys you over saw? Maybe It's those silly caps.”
“Oh, that scared me.”
"Me too, It's surely big. isn't It? What Is It made of, bronze or is it just painted?”
Come on, they're all going In the museum.”
”Oh, kid, just look. All these eggs. Look at that skeleton, "Where did they get all this stuff anyway? Who is that sort or good looking boy standing by those bones?"
' The blond?”
“No the curly headed one.”
"I don’t know, Let’s try to meet him tonight.”
'I wonder It we can sit together here or are they going to assign seats."
"Let's try It, There surely are a flock of kids here. How In the world will we get acquainted with all of them.”
“Come on, let's sit here. Hi! There's my campus sister sitting over on the other side." .
“Kid. they've got the whole fucul-
ty on the stage. Is that so they can keep an eye on us or just to Impress us?”
, "Which is the history teacher? I couldn't find the history room, I think I, found it but the door was shut and I was afraid to go In."
"The history teacher is the one in the second row wearing glasses/' “That bald one on the front row Is
"How long Is chapel?"
"Half hour. Did you see those boys go through the line? I think that's brutal. They hit so hard. Well, I’m glad no one has gotten the bright idea of sending the girls through."
- "I’ve met a million students tonight and couldn't Identify ten of them,"
"Did you meet the buy we saw in the museum?” .
“No, did you!”
“I don’t even think he was there.” "I don’t either. I met one nice kid. We sat together at the lecture." "What was his name?"
“I don’t remember."
”I met a girl whose mother used to know my mother. She lives in Nebraska,"
"Found your big sister yet?” "Yes. She's blonde and nice, and she goes with the cutest kid, and she
knows lots of kids that I know,'' "My big sister Isn't so good looking, but she's awful nice, It's all been fun so far, hasn't It?”
"All but enrollment. I thought I’d never get through. I was scared to death. My big sister helped me.”
Because of the Spectator not being published last week, the Quadrangle staff has decided to hold the price at $3.50 this week and next. After next week the price is $4.00 with no-exceptions.
To Give Local Fans Chance to See Famous Notre Dame System Used
With the first game only a few days away Coach Melvin J, Binford Is putting his Bulldog charges through stiff workouts for their first encounter Friday night against the Wichita University B team, here.
Scrimmages have been occupying a large part of the practice sessions the last few days and Binfor is getting a good line on the material he has available. While It Is still early to make predictions as to what suc-cess the 1932 Bulldog team will have, it is the general feeling of stu-dents that the Bulldogs will have a team of hard fighters.
Conch Binford has eight lettermen back, five being linemen, and the other three stars In last year's back-field. The lettermen that returned include Captain Zinn, who Is now weighing In at shout 200 pounds and who plays at either a guard or tackle position. Keck, lust year's captain and scrappy guard now weighs about 165 and his fighting spirit will probably be more effective this year than over before. He was mentioned on all-conference teams last year.
Minear, another stockily-built line-man weighing 195. Is working hard in the line ugalu this year, ‘‘Spud” is fast for a big man and Is a fine catcher. Paula, 175 pound end. Is holding down his position from last; year and even looks better than he did then, "Tuffy” Wine, who has been out of school for two years Is back working at his old tackle position where he received mention on all-conference teams when he was In school two years ago. He now weighs 176 pounds,
Carpenter, the flash of last year's back field. Is back In school weighing 165 and hitting harder than ever from his half-back position. Wiggins at the other half- post Is ; again carrying on with his fine punting and passing, -He weighs 175 and his punts are averaging farther than last year, He Is also carrying the ball for some nice gains this year. Eu-gone Anderson, letter man at fullback is back plugging the line much as he did last year which Is well re-membered, Andy weights only 160, but he drives hard and low,
Besides the lettermen Coach Bin-; ford has a number of men who have had experience, on the reserve squad here or on high school teams. "Bus" , Ellis, 205-pound man who played with the Bulldogs three years ago. Is back and Is working at the center position. Paul Nelson. a 202-pound-or, has been looking especially good at a tackle position. He has had ex-perience on the Kansas Aggie Freshman team and looks like a strong contender for a first team berth. Bob Bowman, who has played two years on the reserve team looks like a probable man for an end position, Wayne Blume, a half-back on last year’s reserves, is showing up well and will probably see lots of action this year.
Chet Johnston seems to he a likely candidate far the quarterback position. Chet, while playing with the local high school team was W«s-chosett as captain of the all Central Kansas League team. Another quarterback who has been showing up well in practice sessions is Junior “Doc" Lytle. Glen Lichty, a fresh-man, is also out for the quarterback position and is also a good punter. Evans, a freshman is trying out for an end position. Rock Is showing up well at the center position and will probably see action In many of the games, Reinecker and Weddle look good at tackle positions.
Three new men have reported for practice, recently, all with consider-able football experience. Orville Eddy, a 200-pound guard and Duncan-son a 180-pound end are both former Mount Morris College players and are showing up well. The other new man is Houser who was an end on last year's McPherson High School team, These men have added weight and experience to the Bulldog team.
Sept. 23—Wichita University B Team, here. (Night)
Sept. 30—St. Benedicts at Atchi-
Oct, 7 —-Friends University at Wichita,
Oct. 14 —Kansas Wesleyan, here. (Night)
Oct. 28 —Oklahoma City University, there.
Nov. 4 —Bethel College, at Newton.
Nov. 11 —Ottawa University, here. (Day)
Nov. 18 —Baker University, at Baldwin.
Nov. 24 —Bethany College, at Lindsborg.
"Oh—. That was more fun. Did van see that kid In a real night shirt and cap?”
“I was between two of the nicest boys. Every time I stumbled they Just held me up and let my feet dangle until could find a place to put them."
“I had a little short fat kid beside me. I don’t know what his name Is. He was nice, except that he talked through his nose. He says he plays football.”
“Say If you want to see a football player notice that chubby little blond. I don’t know what his name Is but I heard someone call him ‘Carp'."
"He hasn't got anything on that tall blond that wears the bright orange sweater. They call him 'Teuton"
"Don’t some of them have the craziest nicknames?"
"Come on in the book store with me. I have to get a book."
“Look, there he Is, the boy they call ‘Carp'/'
And so on Into the year.
The Athletic Board or the college is placing on sole football season tickets. There are three home games this year. The price of the season tickets is only $1.50 for the three games of which the first two are night games and the third game, with Ottawa University. Is in the afternoon on Armistice day, November 11. The total single admission prices for the three games, including 10 % federal tax, amounts to $2.05 The price of the season tickets Include this tax. making a saving or 55c.
The following is the list of home games and their single admission prices;
Wichita U. (B) Adm. 40c,
no tax. Total -----------,----.40
Kansas Wesleyan, Adm. 75c.
tax 7 1/2 c, Total ,82 1/2
Ottawa University, Adm. 75c,
tax 7 1/2c Total ......,82 1/2
Grand Total .....$2.05
Season tickets will not be on sale after the first home game. By sending in a check for $1.50, a season ticket may be secured. The tickets will also he on sale at the Wichita game, Friday night, September 23.
Mary Miller, Marlene Dappen, and Dorothy Dresher were recently chosen as new cabinet members of the
Y. w. c. A.
On Tuesday evening. September 13, the Y. W. cabinet held its first meeting to select a new treasurer to take the place of Dorothy Dresher who resigned. After several were considered Mary Miller was chosen for the position.
The executive committee, consist-ing of the officers, met on Thursday morning, September 15. and chose Marlene Dappen as social chairman to take the place of Mattie Shay and Dorothy Dresher as publicity chair-man in place of Louise Ikenberry.
. President Charles Austin of the World Service Group boys that the first meeting of that organization will he held at 6:30 p. m,. Thursday in the Y. W. C. A. room. The World Service Group, an organization of students Interested In religions service and worship, sponsors each year a group of activities among the most noteworthy are the sponsoring of deputation team projects, cooper-
ating with the city Red Cross, aiding various Sunday Schools and churches of McPherson by furnishing religious leaders, singing in the hospital, holding mission study groups, and supporting the Crumpacker Fund.
The organisation is headed by Charles Austin, president; Edith Bechtelheimer, vice-president, Martha Andes, secretary, and Genevieve Crist, treasurer. The deputation work is In charge of Delvis Bradshaw Grace Heckman has charge of the mission study groups, and Ruth Ihde Is responsible for publicity and advertising.
The meetings are held bi-weekly on Thursday evening. The attendance averaged twenty-live last year. Alt students Interested In religious work, missions, and devotional programs should attend the first meeting tomorrow night. '
Barber; "Wet or dry, sir?” Customer; “Comb my hair and never mind about my politics.”
—The Oasis.