Of the twenty-six papers received here as exchanges from colleges and high schools, the “B. C. Bee" from Bridgewater College in Bridgewater, Virginia, comes the greatest distance. The "Japanese-American" from New York City in interesting, but not of much value to the students since it is printed mostly in the Japanese language. This is not a school paper. From Reading, Pennsylvania, high school comes the "Red and Black. " Other papers coining from out of the state are the "Mountaineer" from Mount Morris college in Mount Morris, Illinois: the Haymaker from Phillips university at Enid. Oklahoma; and the "Meloneer" from the high school at Rocky Ford. Colorado.
Papers we receive from high schools in Kansas are the "Dodger" from Dodge City, the school "Buzz" from Hutchinson, and the "Liberalite" from Liberal.
Colleges in Kansas sending news sheets are Southwestern, Winfield; C. of E., Emporia: K. S. T. C., Emporia: Kansas University, Lawrence; Pittsburg Teachers', Pittsburg; Washburn, Topeka; Baker, Baldwin; Ottawa U., Ottawa: Bethany, Lindsborg; Sterling college, Sterling; K. S. T. C., Hays; Wichita U., Wichita: Friends, Wichita.
McPherson, of course, makes the largest contribution to the collection. Even your politics are considered and you have your choice between the "Daily Republican" and the "Democrat-Opinion". We also receive the "Cactus" from Central College and the "High Life" from the senior high
Will Provide Opportunity to Meet Old Friends and See the McPherson-Friends Football Game
Will Probably Cooperate With Other Colleges in Local Part of Broadcast Through Station KFH
Posters, Newspapers, Announcements Will Advertise Homecoming Event
Tues., 20—Elaborate plans are being made in preparation for the Homecoming day for graduates and former students of McPherson college, which is to take place on Friday, October 30.
This occasion will provide an opportunity for those who are scattered away from McPherson In various directions to pay a visit to their alma mater and to meet their friends. The main feature of the day will be the football game in the evening between the McPherson Bulldogs and the Quakers from Friends University at Wichita, a game which promises to be one of the most interesting of the season for McPherson football fans.
Next week's Spectator will be a special Homecoming edition, and in addition to sending out copies of the paper to alumni and former stu-dents within driving distance, a circular letter, numerous posters, ad-vertisements in the leading news papers of the state, telephone calls and announcements in schools and public meetings are to be utilised In advertising the event.
A committee composed mostly of students is to take charge of the sale of tickets for the football game, and they will put on an extensive campaign to have a large crowd on hand for the first Homecoming game in several years.
The committee which has charge of arrangements includes Coach Melvin Binford (chairman), Assistant Coach Lester Selves, Prof. J. H. Fries, Dean F. A. Replogle, Prof. Milton Dell, and Harry Frants.
Dave Shackelford Has Donated Twenty-five Volumes
The college library received a sub-stantial gift last week from Dave Shackelford, a former student, who presented to the Institution twenty-five volumes, most of them dealing with education. A few of the outstanding books in the list are: "Technique of Teaching'’ by Davis; "Personality and Success in Teaching" by Reese; Stone's "Teaching of Arithmetic; " "Companionable Books" by Fulton.
Among new books recently purchased by the library are: Grayson's "Investment Trusts: " Rosanoff's "Manual of Psychiatry; " Gulgne-bert'a "Christianity; " Griffith's "The Psychology of Coaching; " and "Human Heredity" by Baur, Fischer and Lenz.
Gulah Hoover is Elected Presi-dent of Organization
Thurs., Oct. 15-—Members of the choir of the Church of the Brethren were entertained this evening at the home of. Rev. H. F. Richardson College Hitt, following the regular rehearsal at the church.
The organization held a short business session, during which the following officers were elected: president, Gulah Hoover; vice-president, Harold Beam; secretary-treasurer, Harvey Shank. Blanch Harris is director of the choir.
The group then played several different games for the remainder of the evening's entertainment. Re-freshments of ice cream, cake, and coffee were served to the guests.
Approximately thirty people attended the party.
Group Will Assist in Advertising of Peace Meeting October 25
Mon., Oct. 19—India and her problems was the subject of discussion at the regular meeting of the International Relations Club this evening.
Herbert Eby spoke concerning "Gandhi. " "The First Round Table Conference" was discussed by Lil-burn Gotttmann. These two talks were followed by an informal discussion on the Second Round Table Conference.
The International Relations Club decided to assist in the advertisement of the mass peace meeting which is to be held in McPherson at the Community Building, at 3: 30 P. M. on Sunday, October 25. Nevin Sayre and Dr. Charles M Sheldon, two nationally known peace workers and platform speakers, are to be the main speakers at this meeting.
Wed., Oct. 14—The Mission Study Class led by Dean Replogle met this afternoon in the Y. W. C. A. room for the first of a series of meetings sponsored by the World Service Group. Eleven persons were present. The history, development, and objectives of Vacation Bible Schools were discussed. The next meeting will be held next Wednesday afternoon, October 21, at 4: 30 o'clock. Everyone is welcome to attend.
It matters not how long we live, but how. —Bailey.
Wed., Oct. 21—Mission study class led by Dean F. A. Replogle, Y. W. C. A. room. 4: 30 P. M.
Thurs., Oct. 22—World Service Group meets in the Y. W. C. A. room at 6: 30 P. M.
Fri., Oct. 23 — Freshman class picnic.
Fri., Oct. 23—McPherson-Hays Teachers football game at Hays.
Sun., Oct. 25—Mass Peace Meeting at Community Hall, 3: 30 P. M.
Tues., Oct, 27—Regular Y. M. -Y. W. meet at 10: 00 A. M.
Pre-season Tourney Expected to Be Larger This Year
Thurs., Oct. 15—Although more than six weeks remain before entries have to be in for the annual pre-sea-son debate tournament at Southwestern college on December 4 and 5, sixteen colleges of Kansas, Oklahoma, Nebraska, and Missouri have already entered teams.
Because of the interest already shown In the event, Dr. J. Thompson Baker of Southwestern, director, predicts that the tournament will be larger than that of a year ago in which 132 teams from forty-four colleges of five states were entered.
Colleges which have already entered the tournament are; University of Wichita and Friends university, Wichita; Hutchinson Junior college; Teachers' college, Springfield, Missouri; Park college. Park-ville, Missouri; Teachers college. Al-va, Oklahoma; Hastings college, Hastings, Nebraska; Teachers college, Warrensburg, Missouri; University Preparatory school, Tonka-wa, Oklahoma; McPherson college; Teachers college, Kirksville, Missouri; Tulsa university; Sterling college; and Southwestern and St. John's college, Winfield.
The tournament is really three tournaments in one as separate events are held for junior colleges, men's teams from four-year colleges, and women's teams from four-year colleges. Because this is a practice tournament, no men will be eliminated until after the fourth round.
Last year, debating for the first time in the season, and several of the speakers having had no previous detailing experience, Professor Maur-rice A. Hess' debaters carried off third place in both the men's and the women’s division in this preseason tournament. They won nineteen decisions out of thirty-one debates.
Dr. John Dewey Will Speak on Subject of “Education"
Dr. John Dowey, noted philosopher, author, and teacher, will dis-cuss education in an address over the National Broadcasting Company network on Sunday, October 25, from 5 to 6: 30 Central Standard Time. He will speak from New York City.
Dr. Dewey has been for tweenty seven years a teacher at Columbia University, and has taught in numerous other American universities. He is the author of many books on philosophy, psychology, and education, some of which are used in colleges as standard texts. He is perhaps the outstanding philosopher in America today.
Dr. Dewey is the second speaker of a "Men of America” series presented periodically under the auspices of the National Advisory Council on Radio in Education. The first speaker was Dr. Robert A. Millikan, noted physicist.
Her Subject Is "Great and Small People"
Tues., Oct. 20—Miss Ruth Shriver, director of children's work in the Church of the Brethren, gave a vitally interesting talk in Y. W. C. A meeting this morning on "Great and Small People. " She said that there were four kinds of people: great people who do great-souled things; great people who do small-souled things; small people who do great-souled things: and small people who do small-souled things.
"No matter what you would be, " Miss Shriver concluded, "you can achieve or become that if you want it badly enough. "
Grace Heckman had charge of the program. After announcements had been made the meeting was dismissed with the benediction.
Prof. Hess Announces That Tryouts Will Be Held in Next Four Weeks
Mon., Oct. 19—Prof. Maurice A. Hess, debate coach, announces that the subject chosen for debate this season is "Capitalism, " the exact wording of the proposition to be an-nounced later by the national council of PI Kappa Delta.
It is probable that the statement will be worded to draw the issue between some form of centralized control of industry and our present individualistic system. One proposed wording is "The federal government should enact laws providing for a centralized control of industry to supplant our present individualistic system. " Another proposes the adoption of the essential features of the Stuart Chase plan far the stabiliza-tion of Industry.
Men and women willl use the same question. Tryouts are to be held within the next four weeks, the exact date to be announced later. As the preseason tourney at Winfield comes on December 4 and 5, debaters are urged to begin collecting material at once on both sides of the question. All those who expect to enter the tryouts should see Professor Hess at once and have their names entered in the “Little Red Book".
Mon., Oct. 19—The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace has sent the following books to the local International Relations Club; "Disarment" by Salvadore de Madri-aga; "League of Mations—Ten Years of Cooperation" by sir Eric Drummond: "The United States and Disarmament" by H. H. Williams. "That Next War” by K. A. Bratt; "Scientific Disarmament" by Victor Lefe-bure.
These books are available for stu-dents on the reserve shelf in the
Esther Williams of Quinter, Kansas, a last year 's art student at McPherson College, recently received a first prize on a painting entered at the Quinter Fair.
Another McPherson College Art student, Avie Wattenbarger of last year's graduating class, is planning to open up an art shop. It will be remembered that Miss Wattenbarger is from Shamrock, Texas.
There two interesting facts about students from the McPherson College Art Department come to us as examples of the products of the department.
Students Will Have Program and Hear Broadcast in College Chapel.
Fri., Oct, 16- McPherson college is now making extensive plans for her part in the National College Broadcast which is to take place on Saturda, November 14. The pro-gram is being put on with the cooperation of a group of the leading educators of America, and the National broadcasting company with an as-sociated chain of fifty-six stations.
The commercial value of this broadcast in the interest of the Lib-eral Arts college is estimated at $225, 000.
Although plans have not yet fully taken shape regarding the local part of the program, it is the intention that our own college go in with two or three other schools and give a half hour program from station KFH at Wichita. It will consist of short speeches carrying the greetings of each college, and also musical num-bers from representatives of each. This local program is scheduled to follow the half-hour broadcast from the National Broadcasting company studios, including talks by President Hoover and several nationally known educators.
The program is to be widely ad-vertised locally by newspapers, cir-culars, and announcements in the McPherson Women's clubs, the Lions Club, and the Rotary Club. On Saturday afternoon preceding the broadcast the college plans to have a float on the streets of McPherson, carrying a group of students who will entertain and announce the program to take place in the evening.
It is planned to have a radio in -stalled in the college chapel, by which students and residetns of the community may listen in on the broadcast, which takes place between 8 and 9 o'clock Central Standard Time. Preceding this there is to be a program consisting of a good moving picture, and also short talks and musical numbers.
Summarizes Causes of the Present Depression
Sun., Oct. 18- Prof. E. H. Bohling talked on "Our Economic Deadlock". in the Brethren Church service at 7: 30 tonight. Prof. Bohling dis-cussed the present depression in a very interesting and enlightening manner, dividing the talk into (1) conditions which caused the depression, and (2) adjustments which are necessary to correct it.
The causes of the depression, as presented by Prof. Bohling, might be summarized as follows: ( l ) Overanticipation of high returns since the war. (2) The World War led to the use of resources in unproductive goods. (3) Speculation on land, which was largely due to high prices of agricultural products during and following the war. (4) Industrial over-expansion has led to great waste. Capital is diverted from useful production. Industries are over-expanded 30% to 60% and the result is our present unemployment situation. (5) Our present taxation system is out of date, in that real estate tax is not in line with taxes on other property. (6) There are three ways foreign nations can settle trade balance* and war debts with the United States by gold, services and by goods. The United States already has the gold, won't accept services, and raises prohibitive tariffs against the goods
As regards measures to correct the present conditions, Prof. Bohling suggested the following: (1) Government control of farm production, (2) Inheritance and progressive income taxes, (3) Education.
Agnes Bean
Dorothy Dresher
Mildred Doyle
Una Ring Lillian Carlson Dennis Andes
What constitutes a college? Why should we go through college like children who turn the pages of a book and believe that they are reading? We are over in a glorious hurry, never stopping to ask ourselves what our main objectives are.
Studens are always rushed—that is, too busy to spend much time with their friends. But their hurry is glorified in that many persons compliment them on the unselfish service that they give to the college. What practically every student needs is a re-valuation of time. People should realize that they should read intelligently an hour or two each day if college is to mean the most to them. Hectic busy days should teach the need of relaxation and rest. Every student should take time to make new friendships and to renew old ones in college,
We must learn to see the whole of things. Correct apportionment of time may determine the kind of person each student will see when he meets himself ten years from now. —A. Y.
A number of improvements have taken place on our campus since the opening of school this fall. Perhaps the best was brought about by the rains of several weeks ago, which did not come too late to freshen up the trees, grass. and shrubbery, that had become nearly dried up from the prolonged drouth. The lawns about the campus have been nicety mowed within the last week. At present men are at work painting the roofs on several of our buildings. A new fence has been installed along the drive south of Sharp Hall.
We have a campus with an appearance that every student can well be proud of. Let us try to keep it always looking as clean and neat as possible. Every person connected with the college is in a sense a custodian, and he can do his part by observing little things that add to the beauty of the place. He can see that bits of paper are put in the recepta-cles provided for them, and not scattered about by the wind. He can stay on the walks as much as possible, so is not to tread on the grass. If those persons driving cars or Fords will see that they are kept parked in a line at the east side of the campus, and not scattered all about the locality, they will be doing their part.
it is little things that make big differences.
"Born" in the East and clothed in Oriental form and imagery, the Bible walks the ways of all the world with familiar feet and enters land after land to find its own everywhere. It has learned to speak in hundreds of languages to the heart of Man. It comes into the palace to tell the monarch that he is servant of the Most High, and into the cottage to assure the peasant that he is a son of God. Children listen to its stories with wonder and delight, and wise men ponder them as parables or life. It has a word of peace for the time of peril, a word of comfort for the day of calamity, a word of light for the hour of darkness. Its oracles are repeated in the assembly of the people, and its counsels whispered la the car of the lonely. The wicked and the proud tremble at its warning, but to the wounded add the penitent it has a mother's voice. The wilderness and the solitary place have been made glad by it, and the fire on the hearth has lit the reading of its well worn ages. It has woven itself into our deepest affections and coloured our. dearest dreams; so that love and friendship, sympathy and devotion, memory and hops, put on the beautiful garments of its treasured speech, breathing of frankincense and myrrh.
Above the cradle and beside the grave its great words come to us uncalled. They fill our prayers with power larger than we know, and the beauty of them lingers oh our ear long after the sermons which they adorned have been forgotten. They return to us swiftly and quietly, like doves flying from far away. They surprise us with new meanings, like springs of water breaking forth from the mountain beside a long-trodden path. They grow richer, as pearls do when they are worn near the heart.
No man is poor or desolate who has this treasure for his own. When the landscape darkens and the trembling pilgrim comes to the Valley named of the Shadow, he is not afraid to enter: he takes the rod and staff of scripture in his hand; he says to friend and comrade, "Good-by; we shall meet again"; and comforted by that support, he goes toward the lonely pass as one who walks through darkness into light. " —from "The Book of Books" by Henry Van Dyke.
Luck and laziness never went to-
gether and they never will.
That is a good book which is opened with expectation and closed with profit. —Alcott.
Editor-in-chief Associate Editor Associate Editor
Sports Editor
Vernon C. Rhoades Wilbur C. Yoder Alberta Yoder
Ward Williams
Business Manager Ass't Busioness Manager Ass't Business Manager Circulation Manager
Lloyd A. Larsen
Paul Sherfy
J. T. Williams
Frank Hutchinson
Miss Edith McGaffey, Mrs. Lora Trostle, Mrs. Shirk, Mrs. Boffman, and Mrs. Mary Stutzman motored to Salina during the week-end.
Florence Weaver was visiting in Lawrence over the week-end.
Attillia Anderson and Viola De-Vilbiss spent the week-end at Ottawa visiting relatives. They motored to Lawrence Saturday to attend the K. U. -Kansas Aggies football game.
Lois Edwards and Louise Ikenber-ry accompanied Vernon Rhoades to Topeka Friday, where they visited over the week-end.
Grace Lerew and Lola Hawkins visited friends and relatives in Man-hattan Saturday and Sunday, returning to the campus Sunday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Dirks of Moundridge announced the birth of a baby boy last week, Mr. Dirks graduated from McPherson with the
Class of '23.
WEDNESDAY, OCT. 21, 1931
Faculty Advisor
Divine Influences
Mon., Oct. 19—-Rev. Frank L Roper of the McPherson Baptist church addressed the students this morning in chapel assemb]y. He told of the great influence which God can have in a person's life, taking for his text a verse from the Psalms, “Thy gentleness hath made me great. "
Three things which he said were of the most importance in the contact of God and man were self-im-possed discipline, divine help; and divine condescension toward mortal weaknesses and problems.
Mildred Ronk played the proces-sional and recessional for the service.
Mattie Shay
Everette Fasnacht
Viola De Vilbiss
Prof. Maurice A. Hess
dean of women tells the value of books
Explains Schwarthmore Award For Best Collection
Fri., Oct 16—This morning in chapel Miss Edith McGaffey led de-votions and then gave the students two nucle about which they them-selves could put their own applications.
She told of a woman who had be-come acquainted with books by dust- ting and cataloguing those in her father's library. Later she was sur prised to find that so many graduate students were ignorant concerning books. Then Miss McGaffey explain-ed the Schwarthmore award for the student who has acquired the best accumulation of books during his college course.
CRUMBS that Fall
The perils of overwork are slight compared with the dangers of inactivity. A profound interest in your work and plenty of it, makes a good formula for preserving health and lengthening life. —Thomas Edison.
"Wise cracks" often fall on stony ground, but kind words never fail to take root and flourish.
Those addicted to fast, living sooner or later exceed the speed limit.
When you are good to others you are best to yourself.
Nobody really believes in the survival of the fittest, but the survivors.
You can lend a fool to chatter but you can't make him think.
Faithe Ketterman, Loren Rock, Lloyd Larsen, and Cleason Minter were in their respective homes in Abilene Saturday and Sunday. Walter Weddle was also in Abilene, as the guest of Cleason Minter.
Naomi Whitmore of Zook, Edna Hoover and Alma Morrison of Rox-bury, and Markin Hill of Windom, were visiting on the campus over the week-end.
Roy and Ethel May Frantz, who have been in Ohio during the past week, were visiting on the campus. Saturday and Sunday. They left for their home in Rocky Ford, Colorado, Sunday noon.
Mary Weddle, Edith Bechtelheim-er and Frank Hutchison accompanied Lawerence Lehman to the latter's church at Holland, where the four appeared as a mixed quartet in the program Sunday.
Esther and Lester Pote, and their uncle, Mr. Holsinger, of the college farm, were called to Cushing, Oklahoma, Saturday morning, due to the serious illness of Mr. Holsinger's father.
The following faculty members took part in the South west Kansas District meeting of the Brethren Church, in Wichita, October 16 to 19; Dr. V. F. Schwalm, Dean F. A. Replogle, Prof. R. E. Mohler, Prof. Milton Dell, Prof. Della Lehman, and Dr. J. D. Bright.
Among the guests at the Dr. M. M. Nickel home in Wichita the past week-end were Mildred Doyle, Lillian Carlson, Hebert Eby, Philip Lauver, Leteer Lewis, and Dean and Mrs. F. A. Replogle and small son.
Mildred Doyle and Lillian Carlson spoke at the Missionary Convention at the East Wichita Brethren church Sunday.
Dr. H. J. Harnly Tells of the Development of our Present Chemistry Department
Thurs., Oct, 15—The chemistry club held its first regular meeting today at 4: 30 in the chemistry lec-ture room. The program was in charge of Dr. H. J. Harnly who gave an interesting account of the devel-opment of the McPherson Chemistry Department, and a review of the life of David Starr JOrdan, under whom Dr. Harnly once studied.
Dr. Harnly came to McPherson college in the fall of 1893. At that time, there was no apparatus for the chemistry and physics courses which Dr. Harnly taught at this time. He built his own laboratory tables and Shelves. Alcohol lamps were used, and only the necessary equipment
for one year of chemistry was avail-able. General chemistry and quali-tative analysis were the only courses offered in science at this time.
In 1918, Dr. J. Willard Hershey came to McPherson College. Since then, the chemistry department has made such development, that it is to be envied by any college or university. Dr. Hershey is known through-
out the U. S. as well as in Europe.
The course in McPherson college which Dr. Harnly offers in bionomics has been patterned after the course Dr. Jordan taught at the time Dr. Harnly was in the Leland Stanford University of which David Starr Jordan was president.
After Dr. Harnly's lecture, Dr. Hershey paid tribute to Dr. Harnly, stating that "Our Science Hall is due to the work or Dr. H. J. Harnly" for whom it bears its name.
And now they tell us a story about the Scotchman who invented a mouse trap that would kill the mouse before it had a chance to eat the cheese.
Bulldogs fear Tigers No!
Picture Is BAsed on Bunyan's Famous Book
Thurs., Oct. 15—Only a fair-sized crowd turned out this evening to see "Pilgrim's Progress, " the four-reel motion picture which was shown in the chapel at seven o'clock under the auspices of the Y. M. C. A.
The book from which this story was taken, by John Banyan, is one of the most famous productions of all literature, ranking next to the Bible in popularity and literary value. It has been translated Into eighty-four different languages.
The story in an allegory, showing the difficult pathway, full of pitfalls and lurking dangers, that Christian must trend before he reaches the Holy City.
Harvey Shank, Y. M. movie chairman, announced that the next picture, to be given in two or three weeks, is a portrayal of the organi-zation and procedure of the League of Nations, and is one taken during the settlement of an actual dispute between two European nations.
Bulldogs fear Tigers? Not!
We appreciate your business at the Hawley Barber and Beauty Shop. Give us a trial. I'm sure that we will please you. Hawley Barber and Beauty Shop. Phone 499-adv.
When a book raises your spirit, and inspires you with noble and courageous feelings, seek for no other rule to judge the work by; it is good, and made by a good workman. — Brayere
Collegiate Poets Try Their Hands at Putting Their Sentiments Into Flowing Rhyme
By the Campus Songsters
Poetry! Did you ever try your hand at composing a few rhymes? For most people there comes some sentimental moment when nothing seems to express their thoughts as well as a few lines of poetry. And strangely enough, it seems to occur most frequently during college days, perhaps because throughout those care free years one resounding note seems to vibrate oftenest in your mind—that of romance. And romance has always been the accepted help-mate of poetry.
Of Course it is to be expected that love would be a favorite theme, but just to show you that collegiate poets are not all conventional we are show-ing you a few examples to illustrate a rather original conception of the college students most popular form of recreation.
Blue Monday The old washerwoman.
Scrubbed my soul on her washing board.
Twisted and wrung it in her hands. Now it flaps in the wind.
Hobo Amo
Love is a tramp, and I took him in. Fed him, sheltered him, had him for a friend—
But love is a tramp, and he went on again.
When I was a child, a tramp we fed Came back next year, and paid for his bread.
You were a slim white acrobat In my circus of love,
Swinging on a bright trapeze go far above
The heads of a curious gaping crowd,
That I, your owner, was swagger and proud
Of the tiny you that we could see
Performing with such dexterity To mystify them—but, glorify me.
You were an agile acrobat, Disdaining a net.
Your mangled body, the day you fell, Is hard to forget.
This one is unusually beautiful, but too conventional to appeal to us as a new expression of love.
You were the poignant taste of all desire:
The longing, wanting, and the hungry pain,
The creeping water and the running
The simple striving and the unsought gain.
You were the longed-for path, the hidden lane,
The honey and the fragrance of the bloom,
The breath of quince trees, blossoms In the rain.
The burning burst of stillness at the
But you remained inhuman to my touch:
A force that fled, a still persistent goal.
A scanty share of love, tho wanted much;
And you were only part and never whole.
Von were an autumn fire to warm
my days
That set me gathering twigs to hold
the blaze.
Death is a subject that has fascinated the greatest minds of all ages, and it is only natural that it, should for it is man’s last untried adventure. And especially when one is young does death seem beautiful and kind. Both young and old all are beset by the same doubts and won-derings as to what life in the hereafter will be like— though perhaps our ideas crystallize somewhat as We grow older. Someone once cited this as the breeziest suicide note he, had ever read—written by a young chorus girl who was weary of life and eager to embark on her last adventure. This is the note she left for her roommate. "I've gone across the river. If there's anything on the other side I'll be seeing you. "
Well let you guess what the auth-or meant when she wrote these lines:
The Aftermath
Who knows but what
When life is passed
And bodies are
Interred at last
The soul will sit on monuments
And brag of earthly prominence?
Hero is another one written on
the same subject which embodies a beautiful thought.
Still are your dancing feet at last, And mute the music of your days. A dim mortality has cast Its shadow down your golden ways.
So swift you ran against the wind Before the day was quite begun— It was most strange at dusk to find Your glory dimming with the sun.
We found you in the quiet hills Grown one with all unchanging things—
The starry sentient air yet thrills As with the homing stir of wings.
And in conclusion we wish to cite you one which seens to embody the very spirit of youth.
Peter Pan Replies to Rabbi Ben Ezra
Stay young along with me.
The best can never be But once.
A life half lived is a song half sung; Unfinished symphonies far flung Within the cool night's ear are sweetest.
The good die young—
The bad grow worse with age. Senility's a thief that's hung For finishing the half-writ page.
For adding asterisks and blots Onto the half-writ page.
Stay young along with me!
Die young if needs must be Along with me. And fail to see The lilies fade in age's shade.
The leaves drop from the tree In seared and senseless multitude. And fail to see
The withered popples dream no more, And summer's soul with death imbued
Meet disillusioned inssitude.
All fragile summers slowly sink in disillusioned lassitude.
But think
Oh, antique sage, But think.
Of me... so young..
So young and fair.. so fair and free.
Sat., Oct. 17—This evening Greta Wilma Griffis entertained a group of college girls with an informal party at her home. The guests were entertained with games after which pop corn and apples were served.
The guests were Nellie Collins, Alberta Yoder, Velma Keller, Pearl Walker, Bernice Fowler, Mary Weddle, Martha Hursh, Merle Fisher, and Mildred Ronk.
We do not count a man's years until he has nothing else to count. — Emerson.
Those Not Yet Taken Are Given More Time
The editor of the Quadrangle, Donald Trostle, reports that a considerable number of students have not yet had their pictures taken for the yearbook. All members of the four classes are supposed to have had the pictures taken by today, October 21. However, those who have not yet attended to the matter will be given a further opportunity to have their photographs appear in the Quadrangle, but all class photo-graphs must be taken before November 1. All pictures for the 1932 "Quad. " are being taken by Leonard Walker of the Walker Studio.
Sun., Oct. 18—The College Chris-tian Endeavor discussion tonight centered around the question "What Do I Need To Succeed? " This dis-cussion was the first of a group of C. E. programs on the general theme "Making the Most of Life".
Kermlt Hayes was the leader in tonight's meeting. Charles Smith played a saxophone solo as the open-ing number of the program. The first talk was "I Need a Purpose and a Progressive Plan. " by Bernice Fowler. Miss Fowler said, “We must plan for the future, and cultivate habits that we will want as part of
our character. Don't just ‘get by'. ” The second speaker, Melvin Landes, spoke on " I Need Determination". Mr. Landes stated that determina-tion is an attitude of mind which itself in our conduct. The third talk was I Need Willingness to sacrifice''; by Alberta Yoder. Miss Yoder suggested that unity determines strength, and that a person doesn't begin to live until he has found something for which he is willing to die if necessary.
Evelyn Heiny and Florence Dresh-er, accompanied by Mildred Ronk, sand a special duet.
"What Do I Need to Succeed” Is First Subject
A stingy man may not care for friends. He doesn’t seek them.
WEDNESDAY, OCT. 21, 1931
Bulldogs Will Play Three More on Home Field
Bulldog Line Holds Well at Critical Times
Anyway, the Freshmen Are in Full Sway at Pep. Meet-ing Thursday
Punts aid McPherson
Score Comes After Short Pass by Baker
Fri., Oct. 16—The Bulldogs lost their second conference game of the season at the hands of the Baker Wildcats here tonight. The Wildcats scored in the second quarter, failed to kick goal, and the game ended with the Bulldogs on the short end of a 6-0 score.
Biker threatened the McPherson goal on two other occasions, only to have the Bulldog defense tighten and hold them for downs when press-ed deep into their own territory.
Thurs., Oct. 15—We are not sure if our cheer leaders are on a strike, or if they merely took a short vacation. At any rate, their faithful assistants, that peppy freshman bunch were in full sway at the pop meeting this morning,
A speech by Dean Replogle was given at the early part of the hour. The remainder of the program was taken up by short playlets, and a few rousing cheers, led by Hobart Hughey, the cheer leader for the freshman class
Students and McPherson fans will have the opportunity to see three more games this season on the home field, two of them at night, and the third, the Thanksgiving Day Bull-dog-Swede grudge battle, will be on the afternoon of November 26. The complete remaining schedule, including five games is as follows:
Oct. 23-------Hays, there (afternoon)
Oct. 30 - -------- Friends, here
Nov. 11 Ottawa, there (afternoon)
Nov. 18-----------------Bethel, here
Nov. 26------Bethany, here (afternoon)
McPherson Outgains Opponents in Yardage
Mon., Oct, 19-—Baker's win over McPherson last week leaves the wildcats and the Wesleyan Coyotes tied for the land in the Kansas Conference football race.
This was the only conference game played, the other teams going out-side of the loop to seek competition. Bethel was conquered 39 to 6 by Bethany, and Ottawa bowed to Friends to the tune of 6 to 13.
Two more teams get into the conference race this week. The games scheduled for Friday are;
Bethany vs. Baker at Baldwin Wesleyan vs. Ottawa at Ottawa (night)
McPherson vs. Hays Teachers at Hays (night—non-conference)
The Wildcats showed a powerful offensive with fine interference for the ball-lugger. Their fullback this year is not Kermit Lange but Kermit Hardinger, and this man carried the ball most of the time. He made some nice end runs behind good mass interference. The Baker touchdown came late in the second quarter on a short pass from Stock to Cookson, the latter ruining about twenty yards to the goal after receiving the pass.
McPherson did not seriously threaten to score, although at times the team made some good gains. A pass from Haws to Wiggins in the third quarter netted eighteen yards. Wiggins also made a run of sixteen yards earlier in the game. The Bull-dogs passes did not seem to connect against Baker.
The McPherson defense was tried to the limit twice in tonight's game when Baker threatened to score. Once Baker worked down the field on straight football and on another occasion a Bulldog fumble gave Bak-er the ball within scoring distance. Both limes the Bulldogs tightened and held them for downs. At one time McPherson held when the Wildcats lacked but four inches of mak-ing a first and ten.
Several nice punts at critical times coupled with the strength of the line held the Bakerites and got McPher-son out of the hole. It was a good game and it shows the McPherson defense considerably strengthened. A little more consistent offensive will soon put the Bulldogs in the victory column.
After watching Wiggins pass, punt and carry the bull Friday night, it doesn't surprise us that the Frosh are proud of their football men.
The Swedes 39 to 6 victory over Bethel didn't mean much after we heard that, even tho the Swedes won, they were as slow as Christmas to a home-sick Freshman.
The other day Harry Frantz was talking about a bladeless knife without any handle. He suggested that, that was his definition of nothing. We believe that the same definition will fit perfectly the Swede end of the scoring in the coming Thanksgiving day game.
For the last two games McPherson's defense has proven that it, can function when it gets in the pinches. When Baker worked deep into McPherson's territory, the line would strengthen and the Bulldogs soon held the heavy Wildcats for downs.
Wiggins's toe certainly helped the Bulldogs. When McPherson would gain the ball in their own territory it was this man Wiggins that sent the ball high and far down the field. That boy certainly can punt. Also we noticed that usually he had plenty of time to get those punts off, thanks to a good line.
Thurs., Oct. 15—The McPherson reserves again invaded Moundridge this afternoon, this time to be vanquished by the Moundridge town team, 12 to 7.
Although McPherson out-gained the opponents in first downs and in yardage from scrimmage, Mound-ridge managed to put over the ball for two touchdowns, one on a fumble made by McPherson on a triple reverse play, and the other on a blocked punt. Melvin Miller, former Bulldog athletic star in football, basketball, and track, played against his old colleagues: in this game, as a Moundridge substitute.
McPherson VanNortrick M. Sorenson Kim
W. Sorenson
Summary: First downs: McPherson 7, Moundridge 4. Punts: McPherson 3 for 105 yards (average 35) Moundridge 6 for 155 yards (average 26). Passes: McPherson 1 imcomplete, Moundridge 5, l completed. Penalties: McPherson 25 yards. Moundridge 20 yards. Yards gained from scrimmage: McPherson 104, Moundridge 73. Yards lost from scrimmage: McPherson 28,
Moundridge 23.
A rolling stone hits the bumps.
WEDNESDAY, OCT. 21, 1931
Two More Teams Enter Conference Race this Week
McPherson Pos. Baker
Hochstrasser LE Streator
Mowbray LT Mize
Minear LG Guance
Ikenberry C Spear
Keck(capt) RG Daugherty Quigg RT Wilkinson
R. Anderson RE Hollister
Haws Q Pike
Wiggins LH Stock
Carpenter RH Cookson
E. Anderson FB Hardinger Substitutions: McPherson—Ediger for R. Anderson; Pauls for Hoch-strasser; Siemens for Quigg; Coun-tryman for Minear; M. Sorenson for Siemens: Beckwith for Carpenter, Baker—Lowe for Daugherty; Clark for Wilkinson; Reitz for Streator.
Summary; Yards gained from scrimmage: Baker 328; McPherson 75, Yards lost from scrimmage; Baker 13, McPherson 27. Punts: 7 for 226 yards, McPherson 12 for 253 yards; Passes: Baker attempt-ed 7, completed 2 for 51 yards. McPherson attempted 7, completed 2 for 15 yards. Penalties: Baker 3 for 15 yards, McPherson 4 for 40 yards. First downs: Baker 15, McPherson 3. Fumbles: Baker 2, Mc-Pherson 3. -
Score by quarters:
Baker 0 6 0 0
McPherson 0 0 0 0
Officials: Umpire, Stuart Dunbar. Salina Journal; Referee, Leslie Ed monds, Topeka Daily Capital: Head Linesman, Ben Wood, Wichita.
Mowbray and Keck did some fine work in that line Friday night. Time and again ( especially during the last half) we heard some complimentary remarks about the work of these two men. Haws did his usual fine work in directing the team, and Eugene Anderson did nice work at backing up the line. Carpenter made same nice tackles, and speaking of tackles, probably we can all remember the clash resounded when "Spud" Minear, going at full speed, hit a Baker man and told him back a few yards.
Recent, light showers of rain have put the college tennis courts into good playing condition, and students are taking advantage of the time remaining in the fall tennis season. Players may be seen on the courts at all hours, from five-thirty in the morning until it becomes too dark to play in the evening, Kenneth Bill-kofer is in charge of keeping the tennis courts in condition this year.
Patronize Spectator advertisers. They are M. C. boosters.
The Bulldogs Journey to Hays Teachers for a game with them next Friday night. Hays is in the Central Conference and Is considered a good team. Last week Hays defeated C. of E. at Emporia by a score of 3 to 4. The week previous Baker beat C. of E. 6 to 0. That gives us some idea as to the strength of the Hays Tigers.
Let's get behind the team and show them that we appreciate the good work that they are doing. Last Friday the business men asked for a pep rally to be staged in the downtown district. When the time came only a scant dozen were on hand to create the pep. Certainly there was no pep rally. Let's get together and work with the coaches and the team. Let's boost for victories the rest of the season.
Although it has one of the small-est of all standing armies among the great nations of the world, the Unit-ed States last year spent more than any other nation on armaments, other nations spent for arms in order; Soviet Union, France, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, India, Germany, Spain.
Leslie Edmonds, sports writer for the Topeka Daily Capital, hopes that a state championship football game can be arranged this year between the leaders in the Kansas Conference and the Central Conference. Such a game would bring forth a lot of interest and a big crowd. In many respects it would have advantages over the all-star game between the conferences such as was played last year.