McPherson college, mcpherson, Kansas, Wednesday, oct. 14, 1931





After First Three Minutes Both Teams Battle on Even Terms. Bulldogs Threaten Twice.


Punting by Wiggins, Ball-lugging by Haws, Anderson, and Carpenter Feature Game



Fri., Oct. 9—Excepting for the first three minutes of the game, the McPherson college Bulldogs held on nearly even terms tonight the strong Philips University eleven, the battle ending 7-0 in favor of the Enid team, which last week overcame Oklahoma A. and M. 14-0.

The Bulldogs showed by far the best form that they have displayed yet this year, holding their opponents time after time for no gains, and launching a brand of offensive playing that carried them twice within scoring distance, onto in the second quarter and once in the fourth. The first time the ball was lost on downs, and in the fourth-period advance the ball was carried to the, Phillips l5-yard line, when a lateral pass from Haws to Carpenter, who had an open path to the goal line, failed to connect.

Phillips scored shortly after the initial kickoff. Following a brilliant return from the kickoff for 45 yards, the Oklahomans staged a steady march down the field which ended in a touchdown. The ball was barely put across the line by Piper, fullback, in a fourth-down play, Autry, left guard and captain, kicked goal for the extra point.

Following this both teams settled down to fight on fairly even terms until the final whistle. A consider-able part of the game was played in the air. Wiggins punted nine times for the Bulldogs for 350 yards, an average of approximately 39 yards. Out of six attempted passes McPherson completed two for 26 yards, is against the opponents' seven attempted, one completed for 10 yards. Four passes were intercepted by McPherson.

Haws, Eugene Anderson, and Carpenter shared the ball-lugging about equally. Haws showed up well in gaining yardage on nearly every attempt. Anderson did some excellent work in plunging the center of the heavy Phillips line for many substantial gains. Carpenter caught every (continued on Page Four)

Briefly Traces Biography of Discoverer of America

Mon., Oct. 12—Dr. J. D. Bright commemorated Columbus Day in the morning chapel service in a talk concerning the italian adventurer who discovered America.

Dr. Bright traced the biography of Columbus, telling how he left Italy as a visionary dreamer who had neither money nor rank, yet arose through difficulties from obscurity to fame. By holding unflinchingly to his purpose be gained his objective, and achieved the most famous trans-Atlantic voyage prior to that of Charles Lindbergh.

Columbus sighted San Salvador at two o'clock in the morning, October 12, 1492.

Myreta Hammann played the processional and recessional for the chapel service.


Include Some Very Interesting Works on Widely Varied Subjects

Today—Mission study class led by Dean Replogle, in Y. W. C. A. room at 4: 30 P. M.

Thurs., Oct. 15—Pep rally in chapel, 10: 00 a. m.

Thurs., Oct. 15—Chemistry club meets in Chemistry lecture room at 1: 30 P. M.

Thurs., Oct. 15—Y. M. C. A. movie, "Pilgrim's Progress, " in cha-pel, 7: 00 P. M.

Fri., Oct. 16—McPherson-Baker football game in McPherson Athletic Park, 8: 00 P. M.

TuEs., Oct. 20—Regular Y. M. and Y. W. meetings at 10: 00 A. M.



Editor Harry Zinn's 1931 Quadrangle Gets Recognition Through National Scholastic Press Aas'n.



Outlines History and Present Status of Prohibition

890 POINTS OUT OF 1000

Five Honor Ratings Are Given—One Received by 1931 Quad, is Next to the Highest.


S. W. Kansas Conference Is at East Wichita Church, October 16 to 19

Some new and interesting books have recently been added to the college library.

Could you tell what causes some

soaps to float? Or what "Patis de

Fols Gras" are? Or what is the derivation of the word marshmallow? These are some of the interesting questions which are answered in "What Is What In Groceries, " a new book by Todoroff.

"Psychology of Adolescence, " another new hook recently added to the library, was written by Fowler D. Brooks, an uncle of Dorothy Brooks, who is a student here. Eddy's "Challenge of Russia" was a gift of Professor Hess.

Among the other new books now belonging to the library are Lane's "Animal Biology, ” Storm and Davis’s ''How to Teach Agriculture, " Moorhouse's "The Management of the Farm," Billings" "Live-stock and Poultry Diseases," Lotz and Crawford’s "Studies in Religious Education. " Haas’s "World of Atoms," Halbert’s "The Better Homes Manual, " White's "Successful Houses and How to Build Them, ’’ "The American Yearbook for 1930, " and Statesman's Yearbook for 1931. ”

The two members of the McPherson college Peace Caravan, which has been giving programs since last spring in the cause of World Peace. After a two-weeks slay at Haverford College, Pennsylvania, they gave programs in Eastern Kansas and several surrounding states, and have spoken a number of times in McPherson this fall.

Mildred Doyle, left, and Lillian Carlton, right, are both members of last year's Women’s Debate Team, and are products of Professor Hess' coaching.

Sun., Oct. 11—Rev. W. T. Luck-ett of Hutchinson spoke at the evening church service of the Church of the Brethren this evening. His subject was "Efforts at Enforcing Prohibition. "

In a clear and concise manner he oulined the history of the prohibition fight, and then spoke concerning the present situation in the matter. He minimized the importance of the publicity which the wets are gaining at present with their propaganda, stating that it was only a campaign preliminary to the 1932 election.

The talk by Rev. Lockett was part of a series of Sunday evening programs at the church on "Problems of Applied Christianity."


Club Soon Will Hold Tryouts to Select Eleven New Members.


Speakers Tell How Individuals Can Do Their Part in Working for Peace

According to an announcement made by Rev. H. F. Richards lost Sunday morning the District Conference of Southwest Kansas will take place this coming week-end, October 16 to 19, at the East Wichita Church of the Brethren.

A number of McPherson people are to take part in the program of this conference. Among these are the following: Dr. V. F. Schwalm, Rev. H. F. Richards, Dr. J. J. Yoder, Dean R. E. Mohler, Mrs. J. Hugh Heckman, Philip Lauver, Ward Williams, Mrs. W. C. Heaston, and the McPherson college Peace Caravan. Lillian Carlson and Mildred Doyle. Probably several others from the local church and college will be on band to give special musical numbers and take part in the discussions.



Launches Attack Against the Methods Used by Tobacco Advertisers


The seniors are next in line to have their pictures taken for the 1932 Quadrangle, during the week from October 14 to 21. It is the desire of the Quadrangle staff to have the photographs for the annual as soon as possible, and they are urgently requesting that all who have not yet attended to this matter have it taken care of before Wednesday.

Thurs., Oct. 8 — "Why Girls Smoke" was the subject of a lecture by Rev. Virgil C. Finnell given this evening in the College Church. He is a well known temperance worker and a member of the General Welfare Board or the Church of the Brethren.

The speaker explained the many evil effects resulting from the use of tobacco, one of the worst being the early death or permanent abnormality of Infants born of parents who smoke. He also launched an attack against the methods used by tobacco advertisers, quoting many instances to prove that most indorsements of popular brands by well known people are either bought at a great price or used without permission of the person concerned.

A large number of stereopticon slides were named in the coarse of the lecture.

A learned fool is more foolish

than an ignorant fool

Thurs., Oct. 8—This evening the members of the McPherson college Peace Caravan, Mildred Doyle and Lillian Carlson, gave their program at the Lutheran church of McPherson. They had a large and attentive audience.

Preceding the talks a mixed quartet consisting of Vera Flora, Gulah Hoover, Posey Jamison, and Vernon Rhoades sang two numbers. "Softly and Tenderly", and "Lead Kindly Light",

Miss Carlson spoke first, giving the background for the present movement for World Peace. She told how war after war has been fought to end war and to make the world safe for democracy, only to have the same process repeated on the occasion of another crisis. She made an appeal to us to do do all in our power to prevent another war like that of 1914-1918.

Miss Doyle then told the members of her audience what it was in their power to do about the whole problem. She suggested universal reading and thinking on the peace question, group action in the form of reading and discussion clubs, a close attention to the process of the Geneva Pence Conference of February, 1932, and widespread expression to President Hoover and their congress-atonal representatives as to their attitudes on matters of this kind. She said that such expressions have more weight than is commonly thought.



Orchestra is Larger Than Last Year's

Fri., Oct. 9—This morning is chapel the college orchestra, directed by Miss Margaret Shelley, gave its first concert of the year.

Besides plating marches for the processional and recessional, the or-chestra played "Greeting Overture" and "Black Eyes. "

The orchestra is considerably larger this year than it was last year. There are eleven freshmen in the organization.

Fri., Oct. 9—At eight o’clock this morning the Thespian club held its first meeting of the year, at which a number of plans were made.

The meeting was called to order by Verle Ohmart, the president. The club, which now consists of nine students, decided to hold tryouts soon for eleven new members, making the membership twenty in all. Some will be taken into the club the first sem-ester and the rest the second sem-ester. Heretofore no freshmen have been allowed to try out, but this year either three or five fresh men may be allowed to be pledge members, although it was not definitely decided.

Hope Nickel and Philip Lauver were appointed to revise the constitution, and Ethel Sherfy and Mildred Doyle to act on a committee with two faculty members to have charge of the tryouts.

The entire club is going to read one-act plays to be given in the fu-ture. No three-act play will be given this year, on account at the number of other plays which are to be given in the city.

Another first class honor rating is given to a McPherson College year book. The 1931 Quadrangle has re-reived a first class honor rating from the National Scholastic Press Association. This makes two years in suc-cession that the college yearbooks have had this excellent rating.

The 1931 Quadrangle received a total score of 890 out of a possible

score of 1000. It received these scores from nine different, score sheets: In the plan of the book and theme it received a score of 195 out of a possible 200; In administration and faculty it made a perfect score of 60; In album and classes 40 out of 45; In organization, 20 out of 25; activities, 80 out of 110; school life, 110 out of 120; Editing and make-up 95 out of 125; mechanical considerations, 250 out of 265, and fi-nancial status, 40 out of 50.

The purpose of such ratings as this is to create improvement in the quality of the school publication, and McPherson College may well be proud of the 1931 Quad and all the factors helping to make it a success. Harry Zinn was the editor of this yearbook, and Ever Tice was business manager. There are five honor ratings which may be given to school publications of this kind. The highest is the AllAmerican Honor Rating, which is the highest possible rating and denotes Superiority. The second, and that which the 1931 Quadrangle received, is the First Class Honor Rating, meaning Excellent quality. The third rating is that of Good quality, while the fourth rating is Fair. The fifth class rating is below the average and receives no honors.

Leonard Walker and Henry Ost-lind, both of McPherson, did the photography work: and the Mid Continent Engraving Company of Wichita, Kansas, handled the engraving. The McPherson Republican, of McPherson, Kansas, did all the printing. The Quadrangle Staff and these helpers were responsible for the production of this excellent yearbook.




Dr. Schwalm Urges Students to Take Time for Quiet, Meditation, Devotion

Wed., Oct. 7—Chapel program this morning consisted of three parts carried out by three artists. A singer, a speaker, and a whistler featured this morning’s program.

A vocal solo '‘The Ninety-First Psalm" was sung by Mrs. Anna C. Tate. The speaker was Dr. V. F. Schwalm, who gave some gems of knowledge and advice to the college students. He said that there us nothng more effective for organization and integration than taking time each day to spend with spiritual thoughts and unseen things. He made a plea for College students to put in their daily program a few minutes for quiet meditation, and devotion.

The third artist was Miss Juanita Tracey of McPherson. She is a graduate of McPherson College and is now taking work in the art department. First she gave a whistling solo entitled “Moonbeams"; and then several of the familiar bird calls which are heard in this part of the country.

Let's spill Baker Friday.

First of Series on Vacation Bible School Will Be This Afternoon

Wed. Oct. 14—Dean F. A. Rep-logle will have charge of a mission study class sponsored by the World Service Group which will meet every week for four weeks in a series of discussions concerning the daily vacation Bible school and its leadership. The first class will be held this afternoon at 4: 30 in the Y. W. C. A. room.

Other classes will follow each week at the same hour and place.

Grace Heckman is in charge of the mission study classes sponsored by the World Service Group. Sev-eral other series of programs similar lo this are to take place later in the year.


The Central District Christian En-deavor Convention will be held in McPherson, November 13 to 16.

Rev. H. F. Richards of the local Church of the Brethren is to be chairman of the meetings, most of which will be held in the Prosbyter-ian church.

Our chief human business is, in truth, a discerning of values, all life being but a process of selection and refusal. —Margaret Sherwood.

Greatness Is always simple.

The person who lives for himself

alone, has little to live for.

Don't rest on your laureis; they're fine on your forehead but they make a poor mattress.

Home: the place where you’re treated best and grumble most.


Business Manager    Lloyd A. Larsen

Ass't Business Manager    Paul Sherfy

Ass't Business Manager J. T. Williams

Circulation Manager Frank Hutchinson





Subject is "The Most Charm-ing Girl I Have Ever Met


Editor in chief Vernon C. Rhoades

Associate Editor Wilbur C. Yoder

Associate Editor Alberta Yoder


Vices are their own punishment. —Aesop.


Agnes Bean Dorothy Dresher Mildred Doyle

Faculty Advisor

Una Ring Lillian Carlson Dennis Andes

Mattie Shay Everette Fasnacht Viola De Vilbiss

Prof. Maurice A. Hess

“Nothing disturbs a man worse than to find that he has stirred up a woman's jealousy except to find out that he can't. "— Helen Rowland.

Tues., Oct. 13—Greta Wilma Grif-fis led the program in Y. W. C. A. this morning, the theme of which was "The Most Charming Girl I Have Ever Met. " The program was vitally interesting to every girl present because it was inspiring.

Attilis Anderson, Millicent Ny-quist, Bernice Fowler, and Edith Bechtalhemer all contributed to the meeting with talks. Mildred Dahl-inger, accompanied by Alma Louise Atchison, sang a solo The meeting was closed by repeating the benediction.


In every great cause defeat is the first step on the road to victory.

Sun., Oct. 11—"Christ's Challenge to Youth", was the main topic of discussion in the college Christian Endeavor meeting tonight. Louise Ikenberry was leader. Hope Nickel gave a reading, "a Little Christian Soldier", which was enjoyed very much by all those present. Irene and Ellen Steinberg sang a beautiful dust, as special music for the evening's program.

The first talk was "How to Follow", given by Lesta Oaks, Pearl Walker spoke on "How to Serve, " and the third talk was given by Royal Frantz, who spoke on "How to Overcome".

Loren Rock spoke on “Feast or Famine", summarizing several mag-zine articles dealing with the pres-sent economic conditions.

Why did you come to McPherson college? In it because you think it is “the thing to do"? Is it because your parents are sending you? Is it because you want to make more money? Is it because you want to play football? Are you seeking new experiences and a good time in general? Are you here because it is a nice warm place to spend the winter? Are you here to develop yourself into a more worthy citizen who is better equipped to meet the responsibilities which life presents? Are you hero for dates?     

These are a few of the questions which the new student should face, now that he has had five weeks to become partially oriented to the college atmosphere. Even some of the older students might do well to give them a little thought, for it is certain that many people drift aimlessly through college, not knowing exactly why they are here, and content merely to "get by. " only to wake up some day to a realization that they have thrown away four years full of priceless opportunities for their betterment.

The miscellaneous question above reveal a number of different rea-sons why a person might spend four years and two thousand dollars to go through college. Some of them are good and some bad. Which is your personal altitude?

Here you can find treasure beside which Robinson Crusoe's chests o' gold cease to glitter. Here you have a group of instructors who are every one thoroughly competent in their work, and, far more important still than that, every teacher In McPherson college is a soundly-thinking ChristIan who is intensely interested in the personalities of his pupils, and who is both willing and capable to give individual attention to problems which students meet. The faculty is more than a machine for making assignments, delivering class room lectures, and giving examinations. They are interested in YOU.

Here you find a library of nearly 12, 000 volumes which contains a rich store of treasure that you can gain for your own. You find a campus and buildings which certainly surpass those of the majority of surrounding schools, both in beauty and in construction. Your college is situated in a city and community unusually free from undesirable factors—an ideal college site. And last but not least, you are associated with a group of young people of exceptionally high ideals, who offer you opportunities for priceless associations and friendships.

The question now is, "What are you going to do with these? " Your answer depends on yourself alone, and on your purpose in being here. If you are making the decision now to go forth from this institution with a broader concept of humanity, a fund fund of useful knowledge, a well-developed mind, body, and soul, a more abundant life, here are the materials, the blue prints, and the tools. But if you are here for trivial, unworthy reasons, McPherson college can do little for you.

The truth needs no crutches. If it limps it's a lie. —Adscript.

Have you noticed that the person everybody likes, generally likes everybody?

If you have an hour to spare, don't spend it with someone who hasn't.


The following alumni and former

students were visiting on the campus during the week-end; Irene Steinberg, of Gypsum, Floy Brown of Ellinwood, Lucille Crabb, Nina Stull and Marvin Hill of Windom, Carroll, Walker of Norway, Lloyd Diggs of Gaylord, Harold Crist of Hutchinson, Orville Pole, A. B. '23, of Halstead, Rev. Wm Luckett of Hutchinson, Franz Crumpacker, Arnold Voth of Buhler, and Dave Shackleford.

Ward Williams is spending this week and next week working in his church at Castleton.

Orville Robison of Abiline was Visiting friends of the campus Sunday.

Onetta Boyer and Othetta Clark Spent, the week-end in Miss Boyer's home in Hutchinson.

Men Suggest Wholesome Ways of Spending Spare Time

Tues., Oct. 13—The Y. M. C. A. continued to discuss the use of leisure time at tje meeting this morning, with Dr. J. D. Bright again having charge. Dr. Bright gave a quotation from Dean Inge, "The soul is dyed the color of its leisure thoughts, " and then asked for instances of good ways in which college men might spend spare moments.

Outdoor games, walking, wholesome reading, conversation, music, and constructive avocations were some of the occupations suggested. Means of finding entertainment on week-ends seemed to be the main problem before the men.

The meeting was favored by a violin and saxophone duet, "Rose of Sharon, " played by Pauline Dell and Charles Smith, accompanied by Lois Edwards.



If you say "Good Morning" to the Devil he will offer you his arm to take a walk.

You may wear the best, but you can't look your best without a good hair cut or wave set. The Hawley Barber & Beauty shop. Call 499. Sid Easterling. —adv.

“Pilgrim's Progress" It Portrayal of One of Famous Books.


Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Himes and children, of Quinter, were visiting relatives and friends in McPherson, Over the week-end.

How about a little of that old Bulldog spirit which we all hear so much about? is it merely a legend buried in the past history of McPherson college? Or is it, after all, still alive, but sleeping?

Last, Friday night our football team went out on the field against one of the strongest teams in this part of the country. The McPherson college student body and the city of McPherson were certain their team would be licked, from all appearances. Bets were made with a live-touchdown advantage against the home team taken for granted. Many people from both the town and the college stayed away from the game in order to keep from seeing the Bulldogs thoroughly squelched.

But what happened? In spite of a small crowd, in spite of a “we’re sure to lose" psychology that had beep built up for the last week among the students, in spite of an almost complete lack of support from the stands because the so-called rooters in their patriotic Bulldog sweaters were bickering and quarreling among themselves instead of watching the game and giving their team the backing it was so nobly earning—In spite of these things which ought to take all the spirit, and fight out of any football team, the Bulldogs outplayed this same far-famed Phillips University team in a manner that should have inspired anyone with the genuine school spirit to enthusiastic rooting, after an unfortunate opening three minutes when, the opponents walked away to a touchdown before the Bulldogs were thoroughly awake to the situation.     

Here is what Coach Binford says: “With the football material we have and the kind of work they are doing we certainly need not lose any more games this season if the student body and the people of McPherson get 100 percent behind their team. " Thai factor is the margin which the Bulldogs and any other non-professional team must have in order to win. Coach Binford stated that the Phillips team was as good a team as we will play this season, and that since the Bulldogs have become organized and developed a fighting spirit that cannot be overcome we ought to win every game still remaining on the schedule, without conceding anything.

Fellow students, let's talk it up! We have a team that can win, with our support. The wonder is that they have done as well as they have this fall, with such a lack of cooperation among the student body that the freshmen have to start a few yells of their own in order to give vent to their enthusiasm at a football game. If we get solidly behind our team they can't be stopped—NO, NOT EVEN BY THE SWEDES!

Roy and Ethel May Frantz of Rocky Ford, Colorado, were visiting friends on the campus Thursday and Friday. Mr. Frantz graduated in the class of '29, and Mrs. Frantz in the class of ‘27. Mr and Mrs. Frantz are on their way to Columbus, Ohio:

Next Thursday evening at seven o'clock the four-reel moving picture. "Pilgrim's Progress, " is to be given in the college chapel under the aus-pices of the local Y. M. C. A. Tills picture will be a portrayal of one of the most famous books of all literature, and it will certainly be to the advantage of every student to see it. This is expected to be the best yet of the series of moving pictures which the Y. M. C. A. is sponsoring this year.

The usual admission of tea cents to cover the cost of bringing the film to McPherson will be charged.


I wish to call attention to the article in the spectator of October 7, by mutty. To a disinterested observer this article appears to be undignified, unwarranted, and contrary to the spirit and ideals of the College.

The author displays a disregard for leadership and guidance which is both necessary and proper to a student who is as yet a growing, expanding individual. The effort is to be deplored rather than applauded. It lacks dignity. The writer displays a twisted perspective as to his importance, and seems to suffer from a chronic case of adult infantilism.


God be thanked that, the dead hate left still Good undone for the living to do— Still some aim for the heart and the will And the soul of man to pursue.

Dwight Newberg, who was a student here two years ago, is the editor of the Friday edition of the Bulletin, K. S. T. C. of Emporia paper, and has recently been ejected president of the Junior class of that school.

Born to Forrest and Ada Kurtz Carpenter, a daughter, Cornelia Ann, Mrs. Carpenter was in the class of


Ila Custer, Eldon Smith, and Alvin Lines were visiting friends on the campus during the week-end.

Mrs. Milton Dell and daughters, Leona and Mary Jo, visited in Ar-nold Hall last Wednesday.

Kenneth Bitikofer was at his home near Hesston during the week-end.

Gulah Hoover visited in the home of Essie Kimball Saturday and Sunday.

Ethel Sherfy accompanied Lawrence Lehman as far as Gypsum Saturday, where she visited Fern Shoemaker.

Mildred Pray was at her home near Hope over the week-end.

Ruth Arbieter was at her home in Durham Saturday and Sunday.

Clinton and Donald Trostle were at home near Nickerson over the week-end.

Robert Jack Hoerner, born to Mr. and Mrs. John Hoerner of Fairfield, Iowa. John Hoerner graduated with an A. B. degree in the class of 1916.



After All the Players Also Have a Few Things in Common With Ordinary Folk- Not Even Immune to Siren Voices of the Fair Sex

We rejoice in the glorious stand one football team made last, Friday nite, October 9, and we are not speaking particularly of the visitors when we make that statement. No one is bragging about 90 yard runs, brilliant aerial work, sturdy line plunges or a great many first and tens, but you gotta admit when it comes to sportsmanship, hard work, tenacity, training and all the rest of the good phrases that fit football elevens the Bulldogs can claim their full share and a certain percent more.

How can you imagine that it would be otherwise with men of the caliber that are on the McPherson team?

Oy, Oy, you should hear the way some of these gorgeous femmes rave about these powerful heroes that have a place in the football arena. Some of them aren’t half bad looking and might make hotter movie stars than football luggers. But just who would want to be in Hollywood when he can have a nifty co-ed baby waiting to grab him around the



shoulder pads and smack him a couple of homers after the struggle is finished. You’ll have to admit it might be worthwhile—both for the lady and her admirer. Especially if he happens to be a typical ladies' man, tall, broadshouldered and courteous. Oh yes, even football men can be courteous, after hours.

We heard one girl simply go into raptures over one stalwart red beaded sophomore just a few days ago. He seemed to be a perfect reincarnation of the Great Ray Nonken who has been her pet hero since she started following the careers of college football men. This fellow who hails from the little town or Roxbury, one of the suburbs of our fair and blooming metropolis, seems especially addicted to a sweater of brilliant hue and can usually be seen piloting a trustworthy asphalt schooner of ancient and well known lineage, Gee, some guys have all the luck! Now, why couldn't we, since we're not gifted with any original looks of our own, at least resemble some brighter luminary? But, suppose that we can be grateful to the powers that be that we don't have such a great reputation to live up to.

An interesting young fellow who is enthralled with football decided that he didn't believe it would be worth his time to spend hours on college hill if he couldn't pack a pigskin around with him, that is, for part of the day. Consequently he didn't enroll until it was decided that, he would have a place on the first string lineup. Well, we are glad he is here. At least that is something.

Football is supposed to develop self control, restraint and all that bunk. Not so long ago a big fullback was scheduled to catch a pass at such and such a time and at a certain place on the field. He wasn't at this certain place at such and such a time, therefore he failed to connect with the ball and it aroused his ire considerably. He has a whale of a vocabulary, even more complete than some of our modest professors, and at this time because he had not caught the ball he proceeded to ex-ercise it. One faculty man happened to be standing very close to the side line and to get the full benefit of the explosion. He just laughed at the irate lad and explained that he didn't mind so much the language but the next time he did want him to catch the pass. This all happened in an afternoon practice; consequently it wasn't as tragic as it might have been.

Football boys have their affairs with the fairer sex just like ordinary common fellows. One of our dark haired, wise looking freshmen spends many an anxious moment wondering about the precious one who could not follow her man to assist him in securing his higher education. Letters fly thick and fast passing each other in the mails yet the young man may let some winsome McPhersonite enspare him from the straight and narrow path if he follows the footsteps of those who have blazed the trail before him.

Speaking of women. Even our captain seems not to be immune to scheming sirens but at least once during his college career knew the meaning of unrequited love, when he succumbed to the wiles of a certain little charmer. This little one, however, much to his disgust, was so completely monopolized by another Beau Brummel she had no time for him. It may be a matter of considerable surprise to our dear captain that this is generally known, but women have a way of gossipping on forbidden secrets.

As far as we are able to ascertain, there is at least one fellow who wears the moleskins—much honor to him—Who seems to have escaped the pull that a woman can exert on the heartstrings—perhaps because heretofore, he has been too busy delivering dairy products to have any time for such frivolities. He is one of these iron men—small but mighty— evidently of a calm and unexcitable temperament. We are just judging from the number of flies buzzing around his head during chapel exercises and to which he pays not the slightest attention. God give us an endurance like that!

And while we are on the subject of endurance, it seems to me that the cheerleaders need a lot of it after the exhibition that was staged last Friday nite. One of M. C. alumni, who once filled that exalted position himself made the remark that in his estimation those two persecuted pep mentors ought to get a couple of clubs and knock some sense into half a dozen of those guys heads. The nearest they’d ever come to cheer-leading was probably calling cows anyway so of course their feeble minds couldn’t be expected to comprehend the full amount of hard work and responsibility that falls to such a leader. If some of these upper classmen doing the complaining wouldn't keep their mouths going so fast knocking everything and everybody connected, with athletics and

spent a little more of that energy taking part in cheering, they might be amazed at the results. As for us, we're in favor of more backing and a little less kicking. Yea Boy. The cheerleaders are O. K. So here's to them, and I wouldn't mind telling some of those simple minded upper classmen that very same thing.

Now, if any of you should happen to suffer from Paranoia, Hypochondria, Kleptomania, or measles, after trying to decipher this foregoing discussion, just charge the hospital bill to us. We don’t have any lucre either but think maybe with our pull at the White House, we might persuade the proper authorities to put it on the Interallied Debts. It wouldn't take a fellow from Scotland Yard (which, by the way, isn't railroad yard) to perceive that this has been written in the throes of a perverted brainstorm. Socha beez-peas! But living through a schedule that is large enough for three people instead of one isn’t, at all conducive to serious and connected thinking, Telon, finis, vorhang, curtain, etc.

The Cheer Leaders' Greetings want to hit you where you live. You are cordially invited to become an active member of what has been termed by sport critics as the pepiest rooters section in the Central Kansas conference.

There will be pep meetings and stunts in pep chapel for you to enjoy, Pep at McPherson College is not a medicine to be taken in small doses. It Is an irresistible fascination that all of the students enjoy.

You are Invited to cooperate with the cheerleaders in backing the teams to the limit. Come on and be a Bulldog. Pep! Snap! and Sport! That's a BULLDOG, —Cheer Leaders.

Let the above greeting make you want to cooperate with the hardworking cheer leaders, and help create a large amount of pep in our pep chapels, this year.

‘ We are printing here, a number of the popular yells and songs. Since the annual growl was not published this year, it is necessary to put them before the student body just the same. We fear that some of the

students are not acquainted with them all. Will you please clip them from your Spectator and preserve them? They are not hard to learn; so while you are combing your hair in the morning, hum the songs, and practice the yells on your roommate when you want for anything to say. Here they are!     

One of the most important songs to know is "All Hall to Our Dear M. C. " We usually use only one verse of this song, but by rights, there are two. You will find them both printed here;

1. All hall to our dear M. C.

College we love the best    

Crimson and white our banner bright.

Forever shall lead the rest.

2. We’ll live for our dear M. C.

Lives that are pure and true, Brave in the. right, spreading the light,     

Loyal in all we do.

Cho. We’ll go singing.

Singing of you

Crimson is brave

White pure and true

We'll go singing,    

Singing of you.

Alma Mater our dear M. C. (repeat)

Here's one that few of us know. It has a peppy and catchy tune. Learn it, and we'll try to sing it at our next pep meeting.

Stand up and cheer

We'll cheer for dear old M. C.

For today we'll wave, red and white above all others;

The sturdy gang now is fighting And we're sure to win the fray, We’ve got the vim, we're going to win

For this is dear old M. C.'s day. RAH! RAH! RAH!


( This song is sung at the end of every game):

All hall to thee, our college fair All hall to thee, our college fair Ail hail. All hall Our college fair.

Everyone loves the Stein Song. We all know it, and here is our chance to sing it, but we'll have to re-name it. Does anyone have any suggestion for the naming of it? Miss Margaret Heckethorne has written words to this selection which apply to M. C. She has kindly consented that we print these words. We ask that you all have the words with you or know them so that we may try them next Thursday:

0h, come let us sing of our M. C. dear M. C.

Sing till the rafters ring.

Stand, yes, stand and raise a song once again.

Let every loyal heart now sing.

Let every loyal heart now sing.

Then tell, oh, tell to all the world her fame.

Sing of the joy-filled days. Sing of M. C. Alma Mater.

The college of our hearts always, our hearts always.

Of the trees, or the sky,

Of the spring in its glorious happiness

Of the friends, of the walks.

Of the life that is moving and calling


Of the God whom we serve Of the ruler of men and their destinies

of the light, of the. truth

That is spread far and wide by M. C.

Oh, sing, yes, sing the fame or dear

m. C.

Sing till the rafters ring Stand, yes, Stand and raise a song once again.

Let    every loyal    heart    now sing.

Let    every loyal    heart    now     sing.

Then tell, oh, tell to all the world her fame.

Sing of the joy-filled days.

Sing of M. C. Alma Mater,

The college of our brails always, Our hearts always.

Here’s a peppy number. It's to

the tune of "Battle Hymn of the Republic, " but it has been converted into the "Battle Hymn of M. C. "

M. C's eleven comes a marching on the field,

M. C. 's eleven comes a marching on

the field.

M. C. ’s eleven comes a marching on the field.

And men we're proud of you.

(continued on page four)




and manners. Her subject will be "Seeing ourselves as Others See Us. ” She comes highly recommended as a speaker of charm and helpfulness.

This program will be the second dealing with the problems of girls in a series entitled "Becoming Beautiful Women. " Every girl will find something helpful to herself.


Will Drill on Fundamentals of Game First Month—No Football Men.

Score is 13-0—Game Rather Ragged — Bulldogs Get 100 Yds. of Penalties

Has Total of 118 points—One Loop Game this Week



Fri., Oct. 9—The McPherson college second team defeated Mound-ridge high school at Moundridge this afternoon, 13-0.

The game was rather ragged, McPherson coming out ahead in spite of 100 yards of penalties. Bradley did a good share of the ball-carrying for McPherson, and proved to be a yard gainer for the Bulldogs. Zinn, Moore, and Bloom also did good work in the backfield. Bloom made one of the two touchdowns of the game.

STARTING LINE UP McPherson    Pos.     Moundridge

VanNortrick LE    Regier

Stoner    LT    Ritthaller

Gaeddert    LG    Adrian

Johnston    C    Goering

McGill    RG    Bartle

Peters    RT    Wall

Himes    RE    S. Wedel

Bradley    Q    Stucky

Bloom    LH    Graber

Moore    RH    Schrag

Zinn    F    R. Wedel

McPherson gaines 173 yards from scrimmage as against the opponents ' 54, and lost 3 yards as against the opponents' 12. McPherson's penal-lties reached the unusual total of 100 yards, while Moundrige had 25 yards chalked up against them.

Mon., Oct. 12—Kansas Wesleyan University, leader of the Kansas Conference by virtue of her victory in the McPherson-Coyote battle, the only Conference game yet played, continues to pile up heavy scores in her non-conference tilts. Her victory over Bethel last week, 51-0, ran the total up to 118 points. Only Doane college so far has been able to score against the Methodists.

Last week Ottowa U. beat the Central Missouri Teachers of Warrens-burg, 7-0. Baker was victor over C. of E., 6-0. McPherson bowed to Phillips U., 7-0.

The following Kansas Conference games are scheduled this week: FRIDAY

Baker vs. McPherson at McPherson (night)

Ottawa vs. Friends at Wichita (non-conference)


Bethany vs. Bethel at Lindsborg (non-conference)

The Chemistry Club will hold its second meeting Thursday, October 15, at 4: 30 in the Chemistry lecture room.

A very Interesting program will be given. Dr. H. J. Harnly will be in charge. He will speak on two subjects: The history of the chemistry Department fn McPherson College, and a brief history of the life of David Starr Jordan.



Plans Not Yet Made Public

bulldogs are getting


Mon., Oct. 12-—Coach Binford says that things are coming along very well In preparation for the game with the Baker Wildcats Friday night. There will probably be little change from the lineup which played against Phillips last week. The combination with Ikenherry shifted in to center proved very effective in the excellent showing the team made last Friday night, and will be continued this week. Beckwith, who was injured in the Salina game two weeks ago, has recovered sufficiently to play if needed.

Last weak Baker whipped C. of E. 7-6, although the Central Conference team was doped to win by a considerable margin. However, if the Bulldogs continue to display the brand of playing that McPherson fans saw last Friday, these Wildcats are going to go home howling when the battle is over..

Blanch Harris, men's cheerleader, announces that the freshmen are to have charge of the pep rally Thursday morning in the chapel. The details of their plans hare not been made public, so every loyal Bulldog supporter will have to be on hand to see what happens. With last week's game with Phillips coming out a virtual victory though leaving McPherson with the small end of the score, considerable enthusiasm is due to be in evidence as the Baker game draws near, and every student owes it to himself, to the team, and to the school to take an active part in this pep meeting. LET'S GIVE THE TEAM OUR SUPPORT!




CHEERLEADERS GREETINGS (continued from Page Three)


Glory, Glory, Hallelujah Clear the track or we'll go thru ya And we’ll not say hallelujah Till we have won this game.

Now for a few yells that are more or less uncommon to some of us. These we don't often hear:

End, tackle, center, guard.

All together, hit 'em hard!

Hit 'em high, hit 'em low— Yea, Team, Let's Go!

Booma—Lacka, Booma—Lacka, Bow, Wow, Wow.

Chicka—Lacka, Chicka—Lacka, Chow, Chow, Chow.

Booma—Lacka, Booma—Lacka, Who arc we? Bulldogs! Bulldogs!

Yes Sir ee!

Lo these many years have Mc-Phersonites learned to gain their satisfaction in sports from an occasional play In football, and from the basketball season. Whether you believe in prophesy or not, after the game with Phillips, Bulldog support-ers are going to turn out to the future gridiron contests with the confident expectation of seeing a Red and White victory. Yea verily, and may all their desires in this line be speedily satisfied.


(continued from Page One)

punt which came across and on most of them his speedy running brought the ball well back before he was downed. The completed passes were from Haws to Wiggins early in the game, and from Haws to Hochatras-ser in the fourth quarter. The Bulldog line, which has undergone considerable revamping since the Salina game, showed a power in blocking and tackling which brought forth many cheers from the McPherson rooting section.

STARTING LINEUP McPherson    Pos.    Phillips

Ediger    LE    McGuire

Mowbray    LT    Breen

Keck    LG Autry (captain)

Ikenberry    C    Sims

Countryman    RG    McKinney

Quigg    RT    Shiflette

R. Anderson    RE    Jones

Haws    Q    Hildinger

Carpenter    LH    Jess

Wiggins    RH    Lowery

Binford    F B    Piper

Substitutions:    Minear    for Countryman; Anderson    for Binford: Hoch-

strasser for Edlger; Siemens for Mowbray; Gaedderl for Keck; Pauls for R. Anderson; Mowbray for Siemens.

Summary: First downs: McPherson 6, Phillips 16. Passes: McPherson, 6, completed 2 for 26 yards; Phillips 7, completed 1 for 10 yards. Passes intercepted: McPherson 4. Pants; McPherson 9 for 360 yards; Phillips 6 for 166 yards. Yards gained from scrimmage: McPherson, 73; Phillips, 221. Fumbles: McPherson, 2; Phillips, 3. 3, Penalties: McPherson, 4 for 20 yards; Phillips. 10 for 90 yards.

Score by quarters:

McPherson    0    0    0    0

Phillips    7    0    0    0

Officials: Umpire,Poort, Washburn: Referee, McLain, Salina; Head Linesman, Galloway, Hutchinson.

Thurs., Oct. 8—This afternoon at four-thirty o'clock Coach Melvin Binford had charge of the first basketball practice period of the year. All who expect to try for the team are expected to be at these initial practices, excepting men who are on the football squad.

Ten men were present at the first practice, the list Including: Posey Jamison, Loren Rock, Verle Ohmart, Elbert Himes, Wilbur Yoder, Blanch Harris, Walter Weddle, Cleason Minter, Gordon Kraus, and Lloyd Shoemaker.

It was decided to have practices twice a week for the coming month, on Mondays at three-thirty and on Thursdays at four-thirty. There will be little scrimmage at first, the time being taken up chiefly with drill on the fundamentals of the game, with special practice on each.

Of last year's letter men, Jamison, Binford, and Johnston are back, and with this as a nucleus Coach Binford will build up a team that ought to show the Kansas Conference some real basketball before the season is over.

Too many people think that good spirits can only be kept up by pouring bad ones down.

We have heard rumors concerning the game with Hays. They have some good ball luggers and by virtue of the conference in which they operate are supposed to be good. But one apple is just the same as another apple to a cider mill, and the Bulldogs have decided to demand their turn at holding the long end of the string.

Leader—What's the matter with the team! Bulldogs? (Player's


Gang—They're all right!

Leader—Who's all right?

Gang—Team! Team! Team!

There you are!The rest of the yells are known to practically all of you, so let’s learn them, and yell them from now on.

The Freshmen have made amends for their failure to decorate the goal posts two games ago. Last Friday they turned out in large numbers, had the goal posts decorated, had (most of them) their freshmen caps, made a great deal of noise, and otherwise conducted themselves that for the space of ten seconds by a stop watch the Dope Bucket loses its dignity to give honor to the future Class of '35.     


Let's spill Baker Friday.

Miss Mary Campbell to Give French View of America

“The beauty of a waterfall increases according to the extent to which the water is dashed to a

spray: so our lives become more beautiful as self-sacrificing service breaks up our all-absorbing self-con-

Miss Mary Campbell, head of language department at Kansas Wesleyan University, Salina, Kansas, is to speak in the Y. W. C. A. meeting on Tuesday, October 20. Miss Campbell has studied for some time In France and will give a discussion of the French view of American life