McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas, Wednesday, sept. 3o, 1931


McPherson college has six students who

preach in addition to school work

McPherson bulldogs are defeated 6-0 in



Five-Pound Advantage In Weight Proves Too Much For Bull-Dog Line to Buck

F ive out of Six Hold Services Regularly Every Sunday—Sixth Preaches Every Two Weeks

Mon., Sept. 28—'"Success, " espe-cially as applied to business enter-prises, was the topic used by Dr. J. J. Yoder, treasurer of the Board of Trustees, in chapel this morning.

Dr. Yoder discussed four fundamental and essential principles, which he said could be cultivated and achieved by any one having suf-ficient gray matter. The first was accuracy, the ability to know, understand, and see facts correctly; sec-ond was Judgment, including the ability and will to evaluate and make decisions quickly and accurately; third was ambition, the desire to improve and progress in our work; and last was dependability, some major requirements of which are honesty and faithfulness in keeping appoint-ments.

The students were then reminded by the speaker that throughout all of these qualities there was the necessity for a vast amount of hard work.


If one were to make a careful observation of those students who make their home in any one of the three dormitories on the McPherson college campus, he would probably conclude, from certain well-established signs, such as dark rings under the eyes, that these eager seekers after knowledge were getting only about two hours of sleep per night. But of course he would be mistaken. About one hour and twenty-seven minutes would hit it far more accurately, on the average.

Well, there’s a reason—perhaps we should say a million reasons— for this abnormal situation.

The class of a typical sufferer from insomnia may be sufficient ex-planation. The poor fellow studies away all evening like nobody's busi-ness, blissfully unaware that far overhead an aerial squadron which would make old man Mars himself shudder is gathering to get into the most effective formation for his destruction. Finally he closes his books, gets into his nightie, repeats his “Now I lay me, " and lays down for an eight-hour excursion into dreamland.

But to and behold! As soon as that light goes out the already organized assemblage above goes into action and how! From every direction they swoop down upon the bewildered and defenseles victim. In vain he slaps and kicks and (providing he hasn't, promised his mother that he wouldn't swear until he is twenty-one) he breaks forth in utterances which old Nick himself would hesitate to use. But, his undaunted, tormentors gleefully continue their hit-and-run tactics, seeming to have a weighty preponderance of scores on the "hit" side of the column. And so far, far into the morning. Usually by about five A. M. the invaders begin to tire of the bloody sport, and finally retreat to their own camps to digest their spoils and await the time for the following night's attack.

As our weary victim rolls over to snatch a few winks of sleep before the breakfast bell, to his mind comes a little poem which he has read somewhere (he might substitute the name of another insect, but then the thing wouldn't rhyme):

"Here’s to the chigger, who is no bigger

Than the point, of a very small pin.

But the bump he raises burns like biaxes And that's where the rub comes in. "

Darn these mosquitos any way! I'm going to get me a bottle of cit-ronella.

Fri., Sept. 25—Over half of the Sophomore class attended the meeting called to order at 8: 30 by the president Wilbur Yoder.

Several close elections were held. By the final ballot Vivian Steeves was chosen to fill Esther Nonken's place as class treasurer, Walter Sor-enson elected to take the place of Kenneth Swanson as the class representative of the student council, and Miss Della Lehman selected as the faculty adviser.

Tue., sept. 29—Next Friday

night a four reel moving picture is to be shown in the college chapel. It will include two reels of a short and interesting biography of the life of Thomas A. Edison and the discovery of the incandescent lamp, and a two-reel comedy, "The Sunshine Spreader. ”

This is the second of a series of moving pictures sponsored by the local Y. M. C. A.


Several Have Held Pastorates For Two Years

In the McPherson College student body there are six student pastors who are doing regular ministerial service this year. Five of the conduct services regularly every Sunday and the sixth preaches one Sunday in two. The six student pastors and their congregation are as follows;

Lawrence Lehman is preaching his second year at the Holland Brethren Church. Holland is about 45 miles northeast of McPherson. Lehman is a senior this year.

Clarence Meinheardt, another Sen-ior, is preaching at the Free Metho-dist Church in Salina. This is Mr. Meinhardt's second year as pastor of this church.

Ward williams, Junior, is preaching In the Castleton Community Church, at Castleton which is about fifteen miles south of Hutchinson. This is Ward's second year in the Castleton church.

Charles Austin holds the pastorate at Darlow, where the Brethren Old Folks Home is located. Charles says all visitors at Darlow, should visit the Old Folks Home, as it is a place of beauty and interest for all.

Phillip Lauver has a part-time pastorate at the Centeniel Community Sunday School. Mr. Lauver preaches every other Sunday. The Centennial church is six miles southeast of McPherson.


Tues., Sept. 29—Two talks were given in Y. M. C. A. this morning concerning the relationship of fresh-men and upperclassmen.

Verle Ohmart spoke of the correct attitude which should be taken toward freshmen, caps, belt, lines, and the creation of pep by both freshmen and upperclassmen. Harry Frantz then spoke from the fresh-man's viewpoint on the same subject, explaining that the freshmen are in a new environment, and rather than take too much advice they would prefer to learn the customs and traditions of the school by the example of upperclassmen. He closed by saying, "Consider the fellow with the red rap, and he'll play square with you. "



Prof. Blair Gives Address in Chapel Wednesday

Wed., Sept. 23—Service is the greatest word in the dictionary, according to Prof. Blair in his chapel address this morning. Other words rank high in his estimation, but the greatest word was stressed as being service. He stated that happiness is a by-product of service, and that faith in God and love are essentials to a servant's life.

Prof. Blair said that many people are not finding the things of their quest because they are not searching at the right place. People who are finding happiness and satisfaction are doing services for others with a love and faith in God.



Miss Della Lehman to Speak on "League in Action” from Observation

Wed., Sept. 30—Next Monday evening in the second regular meeting of the year the International Club will discuss the timely topic of "The League of Nations".

An interesting program has been planned. Miss Della Lehman will tell about “The League in Action. ” based on observations which she made while traveling in Europe last year. Ralph Keedy will speak on the topic. “The League since 1920. " Evelyn Fields will speak on "The Twelfth Assembly”, and "The International Labor Organization” will be discussed by William Juhnke. Mildred Doyle will conclude the program with a talk on “The Present Status of Disarmament. ”

The International Club is a group of students organized for the purpose of studying and discussing current national and international problems. Its meetings are held every two weeks on Monday evenings. Officers of the club are Herbert Eby, president and Lillian Carlson, secretary.

Patronize Spectator advertisers. They are M. C. boosters.

Today, 4: 30 P. M. —W. A. A. hike and picnic.

Thurs., Oct. 1, 10. M. — Pep rally in college chapel.

Thurs., 4: 30 A. M. —First Meeting of the Chemistry Club.

Fri., Oct. 2, 10 to 12 A M. —Special school election

Fri., 8 P. M. —McPherson-Kansas Wesleyan football game at Salina, Mon., Oct. 6—Senior Freshman Kid party in the gymnasium.

Tues., Oct. 6—Y. W. C. A. candle lighting service in the College Church.


Go To Twin Mounds Saturday And Sunday


Discuss Plans For Associations During Coming Year

Mon., Sept. 28- The members of the Y. W. C. A. and Y. M. C. A. cabinets of the college and their faculty advisors participated in a joint retreat at Twin Mounds during the week end to discuss plans for the associations on the campus this year Felix Manley, a Y. M. C. A. secretary, was a speaker at the retreat. Mr. Manley is a former Y. M. C. A. president at Kansas University.

At two o’clock Saturday afternoon the group left the campus in cars, arriving at Twin Mounds early in the afternoon. A program of recreation had been planned for the afternoon. Baseball, hiking, and kodaking were the center of activity until six o’clock when a delicious picnic lunch was served to the hungry group. Con-stance Rankin again proved herself an excellent social chairman.

In the evening the group gathered around the camp fire where discus-sions were held in which each one took part. The opening discussion, in which some of the needs of the campus were considered, was led by Miss Della Lehman, sponsor of the local Y. M. C. A.

Then the cabinets of the Y. W. C. A. and the Y. M. C. A. met in separate groups to discuss and evaluate specific plans for the coming year.

The groups again assembled around the camp fire where Felix Manley gave an inspirational talk on "An Adequate Philosophy of Life. ” As the camp fire burned lower and the last embers extinguished them-selves there was group singing and the members of the group quietly retired. Some of them chose the summit of the mound as a place to sleep with an abundance of fresh air, while a few slept in the cottage and others in cars.

Early Sunday morning breakfast

was the order of procedure followed by an Impressive sunrise service led by Mr. Manley, after which the party returned to McPherson.

Those attending the retreat were Constance Rankin, Evelyn Saylor, Elizabeth Richards, Grace Heckman, Mary Weddle, Ada Brunk, Esther Brown, Helen Holloway, Ethel Sher-f, Mattie Shay, Alberta Yoder, and Miss Della Lehman; Clinton Trostle, Harvey Shank, Charles Austin, Paul Sherry, Ward Williams, Kermit Hayes, Lawrence Lehman, Lulburn Gottmnnn, Dr, J. D. Bright, and Felix Manley. Three members of the Y. M. C. A. cabinet who could not attend were Royal Yoder, Posey Jamison, and Kenneth Bitikofer.




C. E. Held on College Campus Sunday Evening

Sun., Sept. 27—Dean F. A. Rep-logle spoke on the question "How Big Are We? " in a Christian En-deavor Vesper Service on the campus west of the library this evening. Dean Replogle stressed ideals and sympathies, as measurements of character, saying that one should keep his ideas high enough that he will not reach them, yet keep them attainable for one of his abil-lity. The breadth and depth of one's sympathies are other sure measure-ments of true worth, he continued.

Genevive Crist was in charge of the meeting and led devotions. Mrs. Helen Holloway and Ethel Sherry sang a special duet entitled "The Old Home Church".


Personnel of Varsity Quartets Not Yet Decided Upon

Mon., Sept. 28—Selection of the

college quartets ha* not been completed as yet. Mrs. Anna C. Tate, Voice instructor of the College, stated today that, there may be two woman's quartets, and possibly two men's quartets, Mrs. Tate has selected a male quartet to sing at the North-east Kansas District Conference which is meeting at the Summerfield Church, Sunday, October 4. The members of this quartet are Ben Kim, Chester Siemens, Delvis Bradshaw and Harlow Nachtigal. Mrs. Tate has also selected a ladies quartet from the upper classes, which has practiced during the past week. Those in the quartet are Mrs. Helen Holloway, Vera Flora, Ethel Sherry, and Lois Edwards.

The Women's and Men's Glee Clubs are having their first practices today. There are about, 25 in each Glee Club.



Gives Four Essentials of Suc-cess in Business



Beckwith, Zinn, And Carpenter Do Most Of Bull-Logging

Fri. Sept. 25—Despite several periods of excellent football, the Bulldog squad in its initial game of the 1931 season was unable to succesfully hold the Hutchinson Junior College eleven and lost on the local gridiron tonight, 6-0.

The opening of the first quartet displayed two fairly matched teams, with the advantage of weight in Hutchinson's favor the extent of about five pounds on an average for each player. The first real thrill of the game came when Johns of Hutchinson broke away and ran from the Hutchinson 48 yard line to McPher-son's 18 yard line. Four more plays through the line and Hutchinson gains another first and ten with only six and one-half yards to the white marker and a touch down. They cried a fake play but no gain. The same play again gained them two feet; another play gave them a yard. Fourth down and four and one-half yards to go. Hutchinson tried another line play, but the BULLDOG line HELD, with only three yards to

The second quarter started slow. Then Hutchinson completed a pass and a run for a total gain of sixteen yards to place the ball on McPherson’s 23 yard line, An end ploy netted them eight yards more. Back-field in motion penalized them five yards: Hutchinson's ball on the twenty yard line. The Dragons attempt a pass and fall; attempt another from Kelly to Kautzer, a beautiful one, it succeeds and Kautzer runs through a broken field over the McPherson goal line standing up for the only scoring of the game.

The second half opens sensational-ly for McPherson with Heckwith re-turning the ball after the punt from the five yard line to the 48 yard line and is there caught by the last Hutchinson player in sight. After two plays a punt places the ball in Hutchinson's possession on their 18 yard line. Hockstrasser gets through the line and tackles a would be passer neatly, shortly after they had made a sixteen yard end run.

Kautzer is removed for unnecessary roughness and Hutchinson penalized half the distance to go. Weak interference allows Beckwith to be thrown for a seven yard loss.

Bulldogs open the fourth quarter by taking Hutchinson for a loss: Pauls blocked a pass. Keck took his man for a four yard loss. A long Hutchinson punt gives McPherson the ball on their own nine yard line and the Bulldog blood shows up. A fake punt formation and Zin carries the pigskin for a gain of fourteen yards. Zinn on four more plays for twenty-five yards gained. Haws made a first and ten. Beckwith made four yards. Then a pass falls, Zinn is stopped, and the spectacular advance of the Bulldogs ends with a punt.

Near the end of the quarter Hutch-inson forces the McPherson line back to within thirteen yard of their goal line and unsuccessfully attempt a place kick.

McPherson ball on the 20 yard line. Eugene Anderson gains five yards. Two passes fall, McPherson punts, and Hutchinson has posses-sion of the ball on McPherson's 48 yard line as the game ends.

The lineup:

McPherson Position Hutchinson Hockstrasser— LE    Powell

Slemans- LT    Britton

Minear - LG Harmon (capt)

Ikenberry- C    Massey

Keck (capt. )    Rg    Pratz

Quigg- RT Henry

Pauls-RE    Kautzer

R. Anderson- Q    Anderson

H. Binford- RH    Bodwell

Haws- LH    Johns

Carpenter- FB    Kelly

Substitutions: McPherson — Zinn (Continued on Page Four)


The School of hard knocks has more graduates than any other.— Willis T. Lee.

There is always someone worse off than yourself.—Aesop.


Editor-in-chief    Vernon C. Rhoades Business Manager    Lloyd A, Larsen

Associate Editor    Wilbur C. Yoder Asst' Business Manager    Paul Sherfy

Associate Editor    Alberta Yoder Ass't Business Manager     J. T. Williams

Sports Editor    Ward Williams Circulation Manager    Frank Hutchinson


Agnes Dean    Una Ring    Mattie Shay

Dorothy Dresher    Lillian Carison    Everette Funach

Mildred Doyle    Dennis Andes

Faculty Advisor_________ Prof. Maurice A. Hess


‘Last Thursday night the people of McPherson again displayed their fine spirit of interest in and cooperation with McPherson college. A group of one hundred, fifty enthusiastic college students went through their streets woth a mighty disturbance, blocked their traffic, interrupted trade in their places of business, and finally after making whoopee in general helped themselves to a movie in one of the theaters of the city. But as far as could be observed no one took offense at this intrusion upon the usual evening calm in the form of the annual shirt-tall parade.

On the contrary the people of McPherson were out on the street earners to greet the students and respond to their pep.

We truly appreciate the loyalty which McPherson has shown toward the local college, and we hope that we can continue to have the support which we have enjoyed in the past. Whether we were winning or losing the Iowa has stood by us. With such mutual cooperation the college will grow and prosper, and this in turn will be of incalculable benefit in the city of McPherson.


A noted psychologist has given the following requirements of a scholar:

Understanding and appreciation of other races and cultures contemporary or remote.

Ability and disposition to weigh evidence In controversial matters.

Ability and disposition to mentally project an undertaking through its successive steps before undertaking it.

Skill in explanation and prediction

Ability and disposition to look beneath the surface or things before passing judgment.

Ability to do reflective thinking.

Disposition toward continued study and intellectual cultivation.

Critical and questioning attitude toward traditional sanctions.

Clarity in definition.

Discrimination in values in reacting to environment, social and physical.

Analytical approach to propositions leading to the detection of fallacies and contradictions.

Ability and disposition to observe accurately and systematically.

Understanding and skill in the use of processes of induction, deduction and generalization.

The ability to see relationships and accuracy in their interpretation

A freshness of interest with respect to the developments of knowledge.

—Intercollegiate Press.

Send The Spectator Home.

Pauline Dell, Louise Ikenberry Kermit Hayes, Vernon Rhoades and Donald Trostle were guests of Esther Nonken in her home at Burns, Kan-sas, Sunday.

Mrs. Charles Caster, Mrs. Clyde Remocker, and Donald Reinecker OF Quinter motored to McPherson,

Friday, taking Marieah Custer and

Light-houses do not ring bails and fire cannon to call attention to their

shining; they just shine on.

Consider and act with reference to the true ends of existence. This world is but the vestibule of an im-mortal life. Every action of outlines touches on some chord that will vib-rate in eternity.—S. H. Chapin.


Class Dues For First Semester to Be Five Dollars

Wed., Sept. 23—In a class meeting held this afternoon the juniors dis-cussed a budget which was presented for consideration of the class by Del bert Kelly, treasurer, who was assist-ed in preparing the financial sinte ment by the other officers of the class.

After discussing ways and means of cutting down on expenses, the class voted to set class dues for the first semester at five dollars.



Larger Reports: Loss of 237 From Last Year

C. M. Harger of Abilene, chairman of the state board of regents, says that, reports to him show a total of 9,563 students to be enrolled in the fire state schools of Kansas, a loss of 237 from last year.

Pittsburg Teachers show a gain of 109 and a total of 1,253. The University of Kansas at Lawrence shows a loss of 219 and a total of

3,736. a loss or 86 is reported from the Kansas State Collage at Manhat-tan, which has a total of 2,835. Hays Teachers lose 11, with a total of 642. Emporia Teachers lose 32 and totals 1,079.

It is reported that the enrollment would have been larger than last year had employment been available.

The weakest spot in every man is where he thinks himself to be the wisest.

There are two freedoms—the false, where a man is free to do what he likes; the true, where a man is free to do what he ought—Charles King-sley.



New Flues Being Installed in Heating Plant

Fri., Sept. 25—Hot water and warm rooms every morning may be more of a reality this winter than heretofore for occupants of the three dormitories on the college campus New flues are now being installed in one of the boilers of the heating plant, the old ones having become corroded beyond repair. This will doubtless increase the efficiency of the heating system to a considerable degree.


Thurs,. Sept. 21—Atillia Anderson and Viola Devilbiss entertained at a slumber party this evening after the night shirt parade. The following guests were present: Evelyn Saylor, Adelyn Taylor, Mildred Doyle and Esther Brown.


Wed,. Sept. 30—The W. A. A. is sponsoring a hike this afternoon, from 4:30 to 7:30 in Brubaker's pasture, north of College Hill. It is to be given for the purpose of interesting college women in the work of the W. A. A.

A short program will be given ex-plaining the purpose of the organiza-tion. All Freshman women and other women who are interested are welcome to attend.

Nellie Collins, president, has an-nounced appointment of a financial committee for the W. A. A., compos-ed of Viola De Vilibiss, Genevieve Crist, and Velma Bean.


"—Love is sunshine, hate is shadow. Life is checkered shade and sunshine—

"Who, then, is free? The wise man who ran govern himself." -Horace.

The fellow who is in love with himself is seldom troubled with rivals.

Courtesy is the eye that overlooks your friend's broken gateway, but sees the roses that bloom in his garden.

The woods where hunting never fails Are rarely reached by easy trails.

We owe to man higher succes than food and fire. We owe to man, man.—Emerson.

As we look backward, those times in our lives which glow brightest are by no means those in which we have been most successful, but rather those in which we have been most necessary, most desired, in other human lives.

Outside show is a poor substitute for inner worth.—Aesop.


Eugenia Dawson, who is teaching at Anthony this year, was at her home in Darlow Sunday and entertained the following McPherson college students: Lois Edwards, Guish Hoover, Charles Austin, and Ward Williams.

Fern Heckman was an all night guest of Attillin Anderson and Viola De Vilbiss Saturday night.

Prof. R. E. Mohler was in Kansas City over the week-end assisting in the District Meeting program of the Middle Missouri District. Prof. Mohler spoke on Men's Work, Education, and the World Disarmament Confer-ence.

Kenneth Bitifoker has been unable to attend his classes since Fri-day, due to illness. His condition is reported at present to be improving, and it is thought he can continue regular work noon.  HArold Reinecker back with them to spend the week end at their homes.

Among graduates and former stu-dents who visited the campus recent-ly were the following: Marvin Hill, Dave Shackleford, Harold Crist, Nao-mi Witmore, Ruth Blickenstaff, Carroll Walker. Esther Nonken, William Bigham, Cecil Anderson, Clarence Zink, Irene Steinberg, Ruben Bowman. Alberta hovis, Floyd Barngrov -er. Guy Hayes, Rath Trostle, and Nina Stull.

Miss Jessie Brown and Mrs. Delia Holsinger motored to Hutchinson Wednesday to attend the Kansas State Fair.



Binford, Selves and Captain Keck Give Short Talks in Assembly

Thurs., Sept. 24—An enthusiastic group of M. C. rooters were on hand, this morning in the college chapel for the first pep assembly of the year. Nearly the entire student body was present.

Mildred Doyle and John Kimly cheerleaders, were in charge of the meeting. In addition to the usual yells and pep songs short talks were given by Coach Melvin Binford, Les ter Selves, new assistant coach, and Elmer Keck, captain of the football team. Final a announcement was made concerning arrangements for the annual shirt-tail parade.


Dr. J. Willard Hershey Is

Permanent President

Fri. Sept. 25—Next Thursday af ternoon the Chemistry Club will meet and organize for the coming year according to a statement by Dr. J Willard Hershey, head of the Depart ment of Chemistry, this morning.

The Chemistry Club is an organi-zation of the members of the chem istry classes, which meets every two weeks on Thursday afternoon for varied programs and lectures on sub-jects relating to the field of chemis-try, Dr. Hershey is permanent president of the club.

At the first meeting officers for the coming term will be elected.


World has been received in Mc Pherson of the marriage of Mr. J. Yoder B. S. 29, to Miss June Ewell of Thurman, Iowa, on September 19, 1931. The ceremony took place at Thurman where the bridegroom has been teaching in the high school and has recently been promoted to the position of principal. Mrs. Yoder

is a graduate of the Thurman high school, and at present is employed in a local bank.

Mr. and Mrs. Yoder will make their home in Thurman.


Everett Fasnacht to Type Yearbook Copy

Sat., Sept. 26—Donald Trostle, editor or the 1931-32 Quadrangle has announced that Prof. Earl Bobbling is to be the faculty advisor for the college yearbook this year in addition to the regular Quad-rangle staff as given in last week's Spectator, Everett Fasnacht has been selected as typist.

Send The Spectator Home.

You may wear the best, but you can't look your best without a good hair cut or wave set. The Hawley Barber & BEauty Shop. Call 499, Sid Basterling—adv.





He Is Still Achieving Despite a Life-long Battle

—Has Had Many Varied Experiences—-May Be Back Second Semester

(By Lillian Carlson)

On a farm near the little town of Hammond, Illinois, another one of those small towns so common in rural America, was born on the 17th day of July, back in 1887, to the family of David Heckman, a son- John Hugh by name.        

About two years later the Heckman family left Hammond for Cerra-garda, Illinois, where John Hugh Heckman spent the boyhood days, com-pleting the grades and high school at that place.

And he was not the only child in his family for he had four brothers and one sister. It must have been an exceptionally religious home for all of the children have showed that influence in their lives. Today two of the brothers are farmer ministers back In Illinois, a third died a missionary in China a few years ago, while the sister today is helping spread the gospel in India.

When Professor Heckman was about ten years of age a very unfortunate accident occurred—an accident which injured his led and which through the years has caused him no little suffering. And so after high school days were over he was forced to go West for his health, spending two years at Rocky Ford and one at Colorado Springs. While he was at Colorado Springs he finished, his first year of college—being initiated into, the mystery of Freshman days at Colorado College. The rest, of his college days were spent in Mt. Morris where in 1913 he received his A. B.

Vigorous Character Is A Result Of Discipline

Is Recognition Service For Association Members

What men want is not talent, it is purpose; in other words, not the: power to achieve, but the will to labor.

Truth does not consist in minute accuracy of detail; but in conveying a right impression.

It is not the fact that a man has riches which keeps him from the kingdom of heaven, but, the fact that riches have him.

With pleasure own your errors past.

And make each day a critic on the last.

Once, while he was attending one of the annual conferences at Des Moines, romance entered his life, when he met his wife-to-be in the form of a little girl from Ohio—


Jennie Sellers by name. Today Mrs. Heckman laughingly tells of the time at this conference when Mr. Heckman treated her to an Ice cream cone which at that time was just coming into popularity and how pleased she was with the novelty of it all. That was one of her earliest memories of Professor Heckman.

A while later he came out to Ohio to her sister's wedding and while there evidently took good advantage of his opportunities, for it was there that he asked her to share his life and she consented.

And so just two years after the conference at Des Moines they were married, while he was just about to embark upon his junior year at school—and their honey moon days were spent at Mt. Morris.

And let me tell you a secret. The year before their marriage, while both were students at Mt. Morris the future Mrs. Heckman was matron of the dorm, so Prof. Heckman seems to have shown great taste and foresight, in the choosing of his Lady Love.    

While they were yet at Mt. Morris, Grace was born and who of us who have known Grace both in and out of the classroom will say that early environment does not play a part in the formation of one's character and habits?

With college days behind them they began their grand pilgrimage to Chicago, for since he was but a lad Prof. Heckman had been interested in religion and philosophy, and the ministry had been his goal. Graduated from the Bethany Bible School he taught there a while, and on the side acted as a student pastor. All in all they were in Chicago twelve years. During that, time Professor Heckman—we can legitimately call him that now, spent a year at the University of Chicago in grad- uate work. Along with his teaching and preaching he did a great deal of writing, and so again in 1920, because of overwork—for he was never one to spare himself—he was forced to go west for his health. But a year later he was back in Chicago and served as pastor of the Chicago Church for the next five years.

It was during their sojourn at Chicago that the other two children were born—so early In his career as student and preacher, Professor Heckman had also to assume the responsibilities and cares of teacher in the greatest school of all—the home. And more than once he had to assume the role of stern father when misbehaving children just wouldn't be good. The story is told that once while in church Paul took a sudden notion as children do not to behave and so his father had to take him out, whereupon the young miscreant, alarmed at what his delinquency had brought him to, cried out quite loudly and distinctly, “Papa, papa! Don’t spank me.”

In 1925 the Heckman family left Chicago for Colorado, Fruita, on the far Western slope, being their destination. Professor Heckman was so ill he was forced to take the train but the rest of the family made the journey by automobile. And so far the next three years while he was once more recuperating he served as pastor of the Fruita church. While the Heckman's were still at this city, Dr. Schwalm, had become president of McPherson College and so invited Professor Heckman, whom he had known for a couple of years to become head of the religious de-

partment, at our Alma Mater.

This then is the story of Professor Heckman’s journey to our campus. In the years he has served our institution he has become beloved by the student body both for his unselfish service and his scholarship. Throughout the years he has had a continual struggle to keep up physically. But in spite of this great handicap he has always forged bravely and determinedly ahead. This time his old trouble has cropped out in a new place, in his left hip and so for a time at least he is forced to inactivity and rest.

But in spite of his so-called inactivity. Professor Heckman is far from an inactive man. For the past twelve years he has been writing a page weekly in “The Brethren Teacher's Monthly”, and often in rewriting again old lessons he wonders why be wrote some of those things he thinks of now, hack in those bygone days. Along with this he has shared In getting out a teacher training book “The Program of the Christian Religion" by Hoff, Heckman and Emmert. And as if this were not enough to keep an average man busy, along with his teaching and preaching he has in preparation for the Board of Religious Education a teacher training course on the Old and New Testament, and Is editing "A Doctrinal Book for Voting People of the Brethren Church", made up of suggestions obtained from the camps in which Dan West was active during the summer.

At the present time Professor Heckman must, for a while si least, rest—although his general condition is good. He may be able to teach the second semester: we hope he will be able to be back with us. We give our sincerest, sympathy and best wishes for a speedy recovery to & man, who to his atmost has lived the Jesus way which he has taught.


Carry Enthusiasm to City of McPherson

Thurs., Sept. 24—An unusual array of costumes was displayed tonight when about two hundred enthusiastic students assembled at Sharp Hall all set for the annual night shirt parade.

Most of the students were able to get rides on passing cars, and the parade was organized at the corner or Euclid and Ash streets with a girl between each two boys and the cheerleaders, Mildred Doyle and John Kindy, heading the line. The parade passed through business houses giving songs and yells and making a great deal of noise in general. On the corners they stopped to yell and traffic was halted for blocks in every direction until the merry-makers moved on.

At Walker’s studio a picture was taken of the paraders, and from here they moved on Masse to the Empire Theatre where they attended the second show.

An unusual feature of the parade was the large number of women participating.


Mon., Sept, 28—Miss Margaret Heckethorn, librarian, slates that a number of magazines are needed at present by the library to complete the files. The donation of any of the following would be much appreciated: World's Work, November, 1928; Review of Review's, November, 1929, and April, 1930; Ladies Home Journal since March 1931; and Woman’s Home Companion since December, 1930.

A notable addition to the college library this week was the 1930-19 31 edition of the University of Debater's Annual. This book contains nine intercollegiate debates, with briefs and bibliographies, for the following subjects:

The Voting Plan For the Settlement of the Reparations Problem,

Dominion Status for India.

Amateurism versus Professionalism in College Sports.

Repeal of the Eighteenth Amend-ment.        

The Machine Age.

Free Trade,

Recognition of Russia.

Government Reforestation of Farm Lands.

Compulsory Unemployment in-surance.



Mon,. Sept. 28—The Y. W. C. A. of the college will have a candlelighting service at the Church of the Brethren on Tuesday evening, October 11. This is a recognition service for the membership of the association.

The ladies and girls of the city who are interested in this service in which college girls will participate are invited to attend.


Gives Freshmen Chance To‘Mix With Seniors On Level

One of the annual school events, that occurs at the beginning of each school year, is the Senior-Freshman Kid Party. At least once during the school year the Freshmen are given a chance to mix with their upper classmen, the Seniors, on the same level.

Monday evening, Oct. 5, is to be the night of this social event which will take place in the Gymnasium. All Freshmen and Seniors are expected to be present costumed in their childhood array. Refreshments for kids is one of the features of the evening.



Fri.,. Sept. 25—As the students filed out of the assembly this morning, one girl was heard to remark that Dr. Schwalm had just given one of the best talks she had ever heard from him in chapel.

After Miss Fern Lingenfelter had played the processional and Mrs. Anna C. Tale had led the students in a song. Dr Schwalm read the scrip-ture. Then he stated that a vigorous character is the result of long dis-ciplined living, although a disciplin-ed life might mean long years of hard labor at inconspicuous tasks for a high purpose. The face that reflects intelligence, appreciation thanksgiving, and sympathy does not come from a beauty shop, but is inspired from within.

The usual announcements were followed by a vocal solo by Blanch Harris, aacompanied by Pauline Dell. After an encore, Miss Lingenfelter played the recessional.

Knowledge is the hill which few

may hope to climb

Duty is the path that all may tread.

— Morris.




Only Loop Game Scheduled for This Week is McPherson —K. Wesleyan Battle

Mon., Sept, 28—Kansas Wesleyan university emerged the only winner in four exhibition games played last week by members of the Kansas Conference. The Methodists beat Doane college 20-6 in a game played at Salina Friday night.

McPherson was defeated by Hutchinson junior college 6-0 Friday night on the McPherson field. The Bethany Swedes were burled by Oklahoma a. and M., 0-34 in half or a doable header undertaken by the Aggies Friday night. Baker was outclassed by Creighton at Omaha Sat-urday night, 7-26.

The Kansas Conference schedule for this week is light. Only one conference game is listed, the McPher-son-Kansas Wesleyan game at Salina Friday night. Bethany leaves the state for a contest with Hastings, Nebraska, Teachers. Baker plays Washburn at Topeka Saturday night. At Ottawa the Haskell reserves play Ottawa university on Thursday night.

out punt, oat pass (?). and out run 'em. We'll promise the boys this much anyway. They'll keep right on getting the support for which McPherson is so well known, and which Leslie Edmonds has given his praise to when it kept right on coming in the past when the days were balmy and again when things weren't exactly going so good.

Baker we hear got the small end of the deal from Creighton of Omaha. We extend to the colleagues of the formerly famous Lange our sympathy. We have felt that way too, from time to time.

The Dope Bucket has learned from long and previous experience that it is safer to stick to comment than it is to venture into the hazardous role of prophet. But if we all stick together (together, TOGETHER) the Phillips gang is slated to get all the fun they went when they arrive next week.


Methodists Already Have One Win to Credit

Sharp Hall, the administration building of McPherson college. It was named after Dr. S. Z. Sharp, first president of the Institution, who died late this summer.    


McPherson campus


(Continued from Page One) for H. Binford; Countryman for Siemens; Taylor for Zinn: Beckwith for Taylor; E. Anderson for Beckwith.

Hutchinson—Schmitt for Anderson; Kimball for Kautzer; Anderson for Schmitt; Withroder for Henry; Querfieldt for Powell.

Summary: First downs, Hutchinson 14; McPherson 6. Passes. Hutchinson completed 6 for 60 yards, 6 incomplete; McPherson 8 Incomplete 1 Intercepted for 2 yards. Punts, Hutchinson, 8 for 255 yards; McPherson 11 for 353 yards. Fumbles, Hutchinson 2, McPherson 1, Penalties, Hutchinson 6 for 90 yards; McPherson 6 for 40 yards (10 for incomplete passes)

Officials: Referee, Jack McClean, Kansas. Umpire, Harold Poort, Washburn. Head linesman, Stuart Dunbar, Saline Journal.




Tues., Sept. 29—Coach Melvin Binford stated this evening that the Bulldog football squad has been showing up considerably better in practice this week than before, and without doubt will show Salina a harder game than Hutchinson had last Friday.

He ascribed last week's defeat to lack of cooperation and organization in the team, but said that the individual playing showed up well.

Haws has been calling signals this week, doing very good work, and Mowbray will be able to take his place in the lineup Friday night. Otherwise the Coyotes will face practically the same team which played against Hutchinson last week. The Salina game certainly is not going to be a snap for the Bulldogs for it was reported that their line average approaches the two hundred pound mark.

The Coyotes already have one win chalked up to their credit, having defeated Doane College 26-6 last Friday.

The McPherson college campus was honored last week end in the presence of Felix Manley, nationally known Y. M. C. A. leader, Mr. Man-ley was president of the Y. M. C. A. at Kansas university last year, and this summer was chairman of the Estes Park Y. M.-Y. W. conference. He was chosen representative of the Rocky Mountain Field Council to the National Y. M. C. A. Council. He has spent most of the last summer in New York City, studying part of the time at Columbia University.

While at McPherson Mr. Manley went with the cabinets of the Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. on their retreat to Twin Mounds last Saturday night. He also Interviewed a number of students who are leaders in the religious organizations of the school.

Those new white jerseys with the Bulldog fighting red across the shoulders certainly did look good last Friday. We can't blame Hutchinson a lot at that for not wanting the white ball to lay up against those white fronts. At that, it wouldn't have been for long; for what Jersey ever remained white long in action?



Tues., Sept. 29—Evelyn Saylor opened the Y. W. C. A. meeting by playing a prelude. After a song, Louise Ikenberry read the devotion-als, Ada Brunk gave a delightful chalk talk concerning Estes Park.

Following this Mrs. Anna Tate sang Joyce Kilmer’s “Trees", accompanied by Paulino Dell. Esther Brown and Alberta Yoder gave short talks on the Estes Park Conference which they attended in June. The meeting was closed with the benediction.


Felix Manley Former President of Y. M. C. A. at K. U.

The only team last week in the Kansas Conference to win a game was Kansas Wesleyan. They have rumors out to the effect that the Wesleyan line averaged 205 pounds from tackle to tackle. Well, if they are really that big they won't be able to see Beckwith at all; so, we'll just give the ball to him and let him make the touchdowns.

Tues., Sept, 29—a special election will take place Friday, October 2, from 10 to 12 A. M. to elect permanent officers for treasurer of the Student Council and Men's Cheer Leader.

Ralph Keedy, president of the Student Council, reports that John Kin-dy has withdrawn his nomination for Cheer leader because of his decision to play basketball next spring. This leaves Blanch Harris and Lloyd Larsen in the race for that office, Kenneth Bitikofer is the only candidate for treasurer of the Student Council.


We might not believe in the old adage that the fellow who's down enjoys companionship, but anyway there were not many McPhersonites who spent Friday night awake because the Oklahoma a. and M. in their second game that day took the Swedes into camp to the tune of 34 to 0.

Our conscience bothers us, or something. Do you possibly suppose that the old memories which were brought back to light last week concerning our friend Blanch Harris had anything to do with the rate that was In store for Carlson, Myers, and Andes? Anyway, if they don't read the Spectator it is their own hard luck. That'll, tarn 'em not to neglect their educational opportunities.

Something more ought to be said about these Coyotes at Salina. There is a law in physics about the larger a body the more wind resistance hinders its progress. Mebbe these pigskin chasers tap there haven't any spark plugs la 'em. But if they do have 'em we'll just simply have to

The college senior fared rather more badly than the college freshman in a report issued this past summer by the Carnagie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.

According to the report, based on tests given more than 10,000 college students in Pennsylvania colleges and universities, the "ravages of forgetting” caused the senior to lose, even before getting his sheepskin, much of the knowledge he had acquired during four years at school, "The college senior recognizes only 61 out of 100 words in familiar use by educated persons,” the-report said. "The effect of college ib the word supply of the ordinary student appears to be almost negligible and In some cases positively injurious.” “The school and college curriculum,” the report added, “consists of little else but isolated packages of specific ideas, segregated for the time being in self-contained courses, elected semester-wise and cut off by examination and credits from any other living conditions. The sacred-ness of such systems of credit coinage domination of teacher and pu-pils.