McPherson college, mcpherson, Kansas, Wednesday, may 18, 1932
number 34
Outstanding Character Portrayals and Gripping Plot Will Form Basis of Unusual Production — Comedy Mizes With Tragedy
Only 25 seats, the seniors report, are being held for college students and facylty in the ticket sale for the senior class play. "The Perfect Alibi,” to be given next Tuesday night in the city Auditorium. Stu-dents are advised to secure tickets and reservations early for the enter-tainment, a play written by A. A. Milne and coached by Mrs. J. G. Balley. *
"The Perfect Alibi" is said to be mysterious, entertaining, thrilling, and instructive. Character parts give the audience a big laugh while the plot-developing characters keep up a strong element of suspense.
Peebler Plays Detective
Roy Peebler as a police detective who is more interested in making things look good for everyone than in discovering a motive for the crime is a source of high comedy. Donald Trostle descends from his dignity to plau the part of a fussy old major who spends his time paying gallant attentions to the ladies. Adelyn Tay-lor okays in such a boredly sophisti-cated manner that we find it hard to remember her usual genial manner off stage. Ethel Sherfy as Mrs. Ful-verton-Fans makes a grand attempt at being devastatingly feminine.
commencement speaker | ||
Famous Drama Has An English Set- ing- Plot Leads to Dramatic Conclusion |
Local Committee Plans For Attendance From Several States in Young People’s Camp Will Be at Y. W. Camp North of Wichita. During Week of August 7 to 13. | |
Dr. I. N. McCash, president of Phil-lips university at Enid, Oklahoma, will deliver the address at the Forty-Fourth Annual Commencement next |
Today—All Schools Day.
Tennis meet here with Bethel.
8:30 p. m.
Fri., May 20—Junior Senior Ban-
quet, College Church parlors, 7 p. m. Sat., May 31—President's reception for seniors, 8 p. m.
Sun., May 22—Baccalaureate service, College Church, 8 p. m.
Tues., May 24—senior Play. "The Perfect Alibi,” 8:15 p. ., at City Auditorium.
Three Full Time Teachers and One for Part Time To Be
Employed—Present Courses All Retained- High
Standard, of Past to Continue
Students who attended the presentation of “Mr. Pim Passes By," the famous play presented Thursday night by the Crossroad Playmakers of McPherson, were immensely pased with the production. The play is a modern English plot, and it was acted with the usual high quality of work exhibited by the Playmakers. Three M. C. students were members of the cast, Atillia Anderson, Orion, High, and Rosalind Almen.
A representative group of McPherson college students is expected to
Religious Education camp to be held the week of August 7 to 13 at Camp Bide-a-Wee, recreational spot eight miles north of Wichita. Sports, read-ing, campfires and so forth, will be combined with interesting group dis-cussions of young people's problems
Takes Place in College Church Parlors Friday Night
Service Will Take Place Sunday Night at Church
New Volee Teacher a Student of Klippinger, Famous Chi-cago Instructor
Mildred Doyle, who plays the leading role as Susan, is rapidly perfect-ing her interpretation of this most clever, childlike yet mature detective. Kermit Hayes as "one of those charming and apparently not very intelligent young men whom the universities empty into the world so hopefully and regularly is aptly cast for during the play he proves that "though they seem to have no education, they have a way of taking on any sort of job in a cheerful spirit and being at least as successful in it as the intelligent ones." Laverick, the crook whom no one likes, and Carter, the crook who everyone likes, are played by Lawrence Lehman and Ralph Keedy.
Has English Setting
Pres. V. F. Schwalm will present the Baccalaureate Sermon for the graduating class of 1933 in the ser-vice at the College Church next Sunday night, Dr. Schwalm delivered the sermon to the class two years ago, and last year the speaker was Prof. J. Hugh Heckman
The Baccalauretae service, which is scheduled to begin at 8 o'clock, wiil also include music by the M. C. musical department. The ladies’ quartet composed of Helen Holloway, Vera Flora, Ethel Sherry, and Lois Edwards will sing "The Lost chord,” and a choir of mixed voices will sing
from the sacred cantata "Ruth, The Moabitess," which was presented this spring by the college mixed chorus.
The camp is to be directed by Dean F. A Replogle, and is being planned by a committee consisting of Rev. Mr. Hahn, of Portis, Kansas chair-
Heckman, Charles Austin, and Earle Brumbaugh. It is not strictly a de-nominational affair, nor strictly a college affair, since all young people of high school age and above from the districts of Northwest. South-west, and Southeast Kansas, Colorado, Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas.
It takes a class like ‘33 to think up something original in the way of banquets, or so it is hoped the sen-iors will think after the big unfair of Friday night. The Juniors are working under difficulties, confront-ing the course, but despite this one of the cleverest ban-quet themes over used is being intro-duced this year.
The seniors, may have believed them very slow creating their ideas, but all the time they were busy, holding secret meetings and ac-quiring new and different ideas which could be carried out cleverly yet economically.
Imported waiters are being used for this occasion, it is rumored. They speak not a word of English, but are very apt in their profession. Immediately after the banquet they will return to their native land.
If a total of fifty plan to attend the camp the cost will be one dollar per day, or six dollars for the week, plus a small registration fee. As the capacity of the camp is sixty, those who want to get in should make reg-istration early. Dean Replogle last week had a promise of nearly half that number from one church only.
A reorganization of the music de-partment of McPherson college has been made whereby three full time teachers and probably one part time teacher will be employed, according to announcement by Pres. V. F.
Schwalm. It will be effective
The department will remain a fully accredited music school with courses leading in Teacher's Certifi-cate. Diploma, the degree of Bachelor of Music in applied music, and the state certificate in Public School Music and Ensemble Work. All of the present courses will continue to be offered as listed in the catalogue, Retailing the present instructors in piano, the music department will have as director of voice, ensemble work, and music theory Mr. Alvin Voran, a graduate in the class of
Arrangements for the remaind-er of the music faculty have not yet been completed.
Mr. Voran, known in McPherson as "Cheesy,” will be one of the most highly trained voice teachers ever employed by McPherson College. For the last four years he has been en-rolled ian the Chicago Conservatory of Music, where he is to receive his degree this spring. Elipplager, one of the foremost voice teachers of the United States, has given him individ-ual voice lessons for some time, and he has been a member of the Chichago Madrigal Club, an outstanding chor-al organization directed by Klippin-
John Kindy represents the toler-ant old English gentleman who has seen wilder days but is now almost content to settle down alone. Charles Smith is the formal butler who is certain he knows his place and can be trusted to keep it. Verle Ohmart plays the budding young sergeant, trained for Scotland Yard, accident-tally stumbling into his first case while on a visit home.
The play has an English setting, phraseology, and characterization, and promises to be an excellent char-acter study as well as thrilling com-
Curriculum Committee Makes Other Rules About Course
"Semester finals"- the phrase is filling the minds of students this week with mingled feelings of relief and terror as they took forward to their season with teachers and ex-aminations during the first three days of next week. The finals will begin at 8 o'clock Monday morning, and will be finished by Wednesday evening.
President’s Reception One of Main Social Events
All students who expect to qualify for the course in Supervised Practice Teaching next year must tentatively enroll for the name with the super-visor. Prof. J. A. Blair, before the
cording to a recommendation made
week by the curriculum Committee.
Other recommendations in regard to Practice Teaching were as follows: No student shall be deemed eligible for Practice Teaching whose grades average less than a minimum of "C"; so far as possible sophomores will be discouraged from enrolling in Practice Teaching the first semester of their sophomore year; candidates for Practice Teaching in the high school will be required to do Practice Teaching in their major field, or have completed a minimum of fifteen semester hours in the subject or closely related subject in which they propose to do supervised teach-ing.
The first campfire will be Sunday
close the following Saturday. The mornings are to be occupied mostly with discussions of young people's problems, based on questionnaires sent to the churches involved. The afternoons are reserved for recrea-tion, such as games, boating, swim-ming, baseball, tennis, and hiking, for which Camp Bide-a-Wee provides ample facilities. The campfires held each evening will be one of the most interesting parts of the program.
Rev. H. F. Richards will be one of the camp leaders, in addition to Dean Replogle. Others are to be secured, probably including a returned for-eign missionary and perhaps a Rus-sian refugee girl now enrolled in Bethel college, Newton.
Dan West, Brethren young peo-ple's leader, took part in starting plans for this camp, during his Feb-ruary visit to McPherson.
Pictures of Track Squad for Next Year's Annual Taken
The juniors also take pride in announcing that the famous orchestra of the "Crossroad Playmakers", local Little Theater organization, is being engaged for the evening. For that reason the guests may be sure of good music. The program for the remainder of the evening will be lively and interesting to all. Prof. J. A Blair, famed after dinner speaker. has been engaged to act as toast-master.
The juniors are endeavoring to make the seniors think well of their last days in college, so that they will not, soon forget them. Therefore they say, "We hope you’ll like it."
Mrs. Tate Spends Week in Hos-pttaI—-Others Leave
Mr. Voran has been busy in other lines also in Chicago, for in addition to working his way through the mu-sic conservatory he has been director of the choir in a large Oak Park Presbyterian church and has taken courses at Bethany Biblical Semin-ary, a church of the Brethren school in
While enrolled in M. C. Voran was an exceedingly active and popular student. He did a considerable amount of solo work, was a member of the varsity male quartet, and took part in many other activities. During his last year he inspired the Bulldog athletes as a men cheer leader.
"There is no reason to believe that there will be any drop from the pres-ent high standards in the music de -partment," said Dr. Schwalm in commenting upon the reorganization and the addition of Mr. Voran to the musical staff.
Invitations have been extended to all members of the graduating senior class to attend the annual Presi-dent's Reception to College-Seniors, which will take place next Saturday night at the home of President Schwalm on College Hill. The func-tions will begin at 8 o'clock.
The Senior Reception is usually one of the outstanding social events on the college calendar for the year, and in the seniors' last chance to at-tend a social get-together as a class.
A number of the students in the first year German class who wrote letters several weeks ago to students in Germany who are studying English have received answers this far. Many of those replying have sent pictures and have told interesting things about themselves, their schools, and their country. Some aid in translating the letters, written in the foreign language, has usually been required from Miss Della Leh-
Preparation of next year's Quadrangle has already begun, under the
direction of Delbert Kelly, editor,
of the 1933 yearbook.
Last week pictures of the 1932 M. C. track squad were taken for the yearbook at the Walker Studio. The men whose pictures will appear in the track section are Verle Oh-mart, Kenneth Moore, Wallace Mc-Gill, George Himes, Leonard Wiggins, George Zinn, Tommy Taylor, Edwards Bradley, Archie Lindholm, Russel Carpenter, Herbert Mowbray
Archie VanNortwick, Ward Williams, Wayne Blume, and Loren Rock.
The injured persons who miracu-Iously escaped in an automobile acci-dent last week near Conway. Involv-ing a McPherson college party, are
recovering as well as could be ex-
pected from the effects of the wreck.
Mrs. Anna C. Tate, the one most seriously hurt, has been in the Mc-Pherson Hospital since last Tuesday from cuts and bruises sustained, but is reported to be convalescing nicely. Harold Beam, ’22 a farmer near McPherson, has returned to his home from the hospital, but has been confined to his bed from the effects of an injury to the back of his head. Benice Dresher, freshman, has re-
is forced to carry her arm in a sling because of torn ligaments in her
The other occupants of the car, Paul Sargent and Lee Miller of Mc-Pherson, escaped serious injuries.
About forty college students as-sisted in thee table service at the Mc-Pherson Wholesalers and Retailers Banquet held last Friday night in the city Auditorium. Nearly five hundred guests, representing the majority of the business and profession-al men of McPherson and their em— ployees, were served.
NOW FOR 1932-33
May Enroll From Tentative Schedule Before Friday Night
Two more seniors obtained teaching positions for next fall during the last week. Ralph Johnston will teach at Courtland, west of Belleville, and Posey Jamison found a position at Arnold, forty miles south of his home at Quinter.
Students are required to register tentatively for next year during this week, May 16 to 21, in order to aid the curriculum committee in ar-
clases. This registration may be done with or without counselors. Mimeographed blank for the pur-pose were handed to students during
to be handed back in Dean Replogle or some member of the committee by Friday evening.
The schedule of classes for the first semater of l1932-33 has been placed on the board in Room 6 of Sharp Hall, and students will con-sult this in making their enrollment.
Editor-in-Chief |
Vernon C. Rhoades |
Business Manager |
Lloyd A. Larsen |
Associate Editor |
Wilbur C. Yoder |
Ass't Business Manager |
J. T. Williams |
Associate Editor |
Alberta Yoder |
Ass't Business Manager |
Jesse Dunning |
Circulation Manager |
Frank Hutchsin |
Agnes Bean |
Una Ring |
Mattie Shay |
Dorothy Dresher |
Adelyn Taylor |
Everett Fasnacht |
Mildred Doyle |
Dennis Andes |
Viola De Vilbiss |
Faculty Adviser |
Prof. Maurice A. Hess |
All reports that can be gained from the various sources and agencies involved in student enrollment for next year seem to indicate that a far larger percentage than usual of those now enrolled intend to be back next year. President Schwalm and Dean Replogle have stated that the outlook is very encouraging. A partial survey of the student body reveals that
are staying out to fill teaching positions.
It is indeed ecouraging to see students make the decision to remain in school even amid times of economic stress. Most of those who carefully consider the matter will easily see that while wages are low and jobs are hard to find, the cost of attending college is no higher during such times, and in some respects the cost is even reduced. The one best equipped when the "depression" lifts will be the one who will have the first advantage in finding the job and getting the salary. Many who would stay away from college next year would either spend most of their time doing nothing of value to themselves or else work at some thing at a salary which would hardly pay for their trouble.
Of course we will all be back next year, excepting the seniors who hava stuck by the course to the finish. The straight facts have been given to students as to the financial condition of their alma mater and the status present and future, of her credits —and have been found to be exceedingly optimistic, in fact far more than can be said concerning most of our sister schools in Kansas. With constant improvement in our teaching staff, our curriculum, and our material equipment, there is no reason at all why Mc-Pherson College cannot grow during the next year or two as never before.
Let us do our part by saying a good word for our school whenever we have the chance; by being back here next fall with at least another student here through our influence; and by doing our best both in school and after graduation to reflect our contact with what we consider to be truly a School of Quality.
The higher up life a man goes, the more necessary it becomes that he shall co-operate with other men. Any man's success depends largely upon the efforts of others, and any-one who is not willing to share his success with these others, seldom has much success to share. -Winthrop Mason,
You need not tell all the truth, un-less to those who have a right to know it; but let all you tell the truth. —Horace Mann.
Accept no substitute for hard work —there is nothing "just as good".
Cheer up!- If we were to get all we deserved, maybe we wouldn't be so happy!
A smile resting on the foundation of sincerity, is one of the most valu-able things in the world.
The sophomores elected Mattie Shay president for next year in a class meeting held Thursday. Several ballots had to be taken for each
vote, for the elections were exceedingly close.
The following officers were finally elected: Mattie Shay, president:
Blanch Harris, vice-president; Alma Louise Atchison, secretary; Corrine Bowers, treasurer; and Elizabeth Bowman and Robert Bowman, student council representatives.
cal condition can develop into a stranger man. To be a student it is necessary to discipline the mind, and to hold it down to the particular task. The person with the brave heart goes ahead to do the thing that he thinks is right. Another important statement that was made -
"Don’t have all your fun when you're
Jesse Dunning |
May 21 |
Cleo Minear |
May 21 |
Velma Bean |
May 22 |
Maxine Elliott |
May 24 |
Kenneth Moore |
May 26 |
Dr. J. Willard Hershey gave his annual lecture on "Radium" Thursday night in the chemistry lecture room of Harnly Hall. Walter Wellman and Harvey Shank accompanied the lecture by demonstrations with radium compounds and a miniature X-Ray.
Most of Dr. Hershey’s lecture was on the life of Madame Curie of France who discovered radium. The study of her hard and poverty-stricken life is interesting and inspirational. Dr. Hershey has a piece of radium smaller than a pin point, contained in a metal tube, and through a glass at one end tiny sparks can be seen flying off from the radium at any time. He has had the radium for six years and it is still the same in spite of this constant throwing off of energy.
Thurs., May 12—The World Ser-vice Group met tonight for the last meeting of the current school year. The meeting was opened by group singing, and devotions, led by Lawrence Lehman. Ruth Ihde sang a solo, "My Task”. Elizabeth Wagoner read a poem entitled "Look to this day." Lawrence Lehman and Charles Austin sang a duet. They were accompanied at the piano by Lois Edwards. Carrol Whitcher talked on “Living for Jesus." At the close of the program several of the students who will not return next year gave short talks on the value of the World Service Group.
Estes Park Conference. Those words bring a thrill to many a heart. For many students they hold a word of meaning to attempt to portray in words what Estes really is, is like attempting to give a speech when you have lost your voice. So inadequate!
The only way you can really appreciate Rocky Mountain scenery is to see it- anyone who has toured the West fully realizes this. In an even greater degree, the only way you can appreciate the Conference is to be there.
Never in your life have you met a company of young people of the calibre that you find out there. The Estes Conference represents the very cream of collage life in the Rocky Mountain area. You help to stamp your self as a leader when you go to Estes.
We all, no doubt, remember the poem that starts out something like this, "Our where the West begins". It goes on to tell of handicaps and
friendships in the West, of the general good spirit that fills the mountains. Well, that applies to Estes even better than he West as a whole. It's ten days to dream about and to remember always. Think it over!
Leadership for the Conference this year has been selected with the Idea in mind of meeting the needs of students from the personal as well as the international standpoint. Such people as W. H. Bernhardt of the Iliff Theological Seminary at Denver; James Chubb of Southwestern College at Winfield, Kansas; Wilfred Jackson of Rutgers College; our old standby, Kirby Page and also Margaret Quayle will be on the grounds to address the groups. Not only that, they will give forth of their fine spirit and give personal interviews helping to solve puzzling problems.
When will the Conference be? June 7-17. Remember that date!-
Mildred Doyle motored with Posey Jamison to Quinter, Saturday, where they visited till Sunday afternoon.
Kermit Hayes went to his home near Geneseo Saturday night, where he remained over Sunday.
Opal Bowers, a student at K. S. A. C., Manhattan, visited friends on the campus Sunday. Miss Bowers was a freshman here last year.
Have Shackleford and Harold Crist visited on the campus Saturday. Shackleford is a former McPherson student, and Crist graduated with the class of ’30.
Matron Della Holsinger, Pauline Miller, Ellen Steinberg, and Faithe Ketterman, motored to Abilene with Dr. and Artis Hershey Sunday morning, where they were guests in the Ketterman home, during the remainder of the day.
Pearl Walker, Gulah Hoover, Una Ring, Wilbur Yoder, Kermit Hayes, and Delbert Kelly, motored to Wich-ita Saturday for a combined business and pleasure trip.
Wed., May 12—"What do ye more than others?" was the question stressed by Dr. V. F. Schwalm in the chapel devotions this morning. Prof. R. E. Mohler then delivered a review of a chapel address heard at Dodge City at the State Rotary Convention. The address had been given there by Dr. Charles Barkley of Grand Rapids, Michigan, who is a lecturer to young people, and high school groups.
The theme of the address was stat-ed as being "How to Make Good", and in his address Dr. barkley listed three requirements necessary in be-ing successful or making good: (1) a strong right arm; (2) a clear mind; and (3) a brave heart. These are characteristics of the leaders of our country, and it was brought oat that any man regardless of his physi
Midnight oil, test books, weary eyes, and worried looks again take their places on our campus as the date for final examinations draws nearer and neared. How we wish we were all seniors and could start a petition to do away with exams. It wouldn't to any good but it would make us feel better and make us feel that we had at least tried to better this world of ours — Submitted.
“People seek me out not because I am great but because I think they
Sit down before the fact as a little child, be prepared to give up every
preconceived notion, follow humbly whenever and to whatever end nature leads, or you shall learn nothing —Huxley.
A Philosophy of Life
The Sophomore Girls’ Quartet gave a program at the Hutchinson Church of the Brethren Sunday morning. The quartet consists of Velma Amos, Lois Edwards, Mildred Dahlinger, and Gulah Hoover. They motored to Hutchinson with Vivian Sleeves, and Opal Bowers also made the journey. They returned to the campus Sunday afternoon.
A male quartet consisting of Harvey shank, Delvis Bradshaw, Everett Fasnacht, and Lawrence Lehman, presented a program of music at the Holland Church of the Brethren Sunday night. Lehman holds a pastorate there.
Leeta Oaks entertained her sister Lucille Oaks, Irma Brammell, and Ruth Sherfy, all of Ozawkie, Kansas, in Arnold Hall, Saturday and Sunday. The visitors are prospective McPherson students.
Beyond any immediate program lies the necessity of a philosophy of life- a higher religion of intelligent, cooperation in the use of the world's wealth for the abolition of poverty and war and the realization of freedom and brotherhood ... Out of this loyalty and vision new honesties and abilities will emerge and new leaders will arise. -Norman Thomas.
In the culinary department of this old world you will find that adding a little something always makes it a bit sweeter.
Some people are disappointed when they throw their bread upon the waters and it doesn't come back as angel food cake.
"Sweeter to me than the salt sea spray; the fragrance of summer rains; Nearer my heart than these mighty hills are the windswept Kansas plains; Dearer the sight of a shy, wild rose by the roadside's dusty way Than all the splendor of poppy-fields ablaze in the sun of May.
Gay as the bold poinsetta is, and the burden of pepper trees
The sunflower, taway and gold and brown, is richer to me than these. And rising ever above the song of the harse, insistent sea,
The voice of the prairie calling, calling me.
(Line written by Esther Clark Hill, recently deceased Kansas poet, during a visit to California.)
Uses Problem-Project Method — Members Do Independent Work Under Guidance of “Faculty-Consultant"
Myreta Hammann, senior, will give her graduation recital in piano next Wednesday night. She is a piano pupil of Miss Jessie Brown, head of the music department.
Y. W. C. A has its farewell service
Senior Girls Represent Flowers In Short Talks
A class in McPherson College has neem trying this semester to follow an ideal educational procedure. Under the direction of Prof. F. A. Rep-logle, the group enrolled for Problems in Religious Education pioneered in—to this institution—a new field; that of a problem-projet, so-cialized type of class work.
A foundation was built upon the first semester course, Principles of Religious Education. In which the field was introduced to nine students. In this introductory course the general history of religious education was studied, followed by a survey of several units. Beginning with the limited and formal Sunday Schools of the early nineteenth century, growth in religious education proceeded along the lines of expanding and developing curriculum theories, week-day church schools, teacher training institutes, and organization of national and state religious groups culminating in the formation of the international Council of Religious Education in 1922. Some of the units touched upon in this first semester course were: Ob-lectives, Curriculum, Worship, Music and Recretain, Organization and Administration, Supervision, Leadership training, and Character educa-
This semester the present group of
which has been characterized by the adoption of individual self-initiated
problem-projects as a basis for becoming more closely conversant with, and sensitized to some of the outstanding problems which confront religious educators of the present
material which may be of some use.
Far from being a “snap" course this study and research in the problems of religious education called for hardest, most self-dependent work. The details of an individual's work had to be very nearly fool-proof in order to escape annihilation by the rest of the class when they severely, though good-naturedly criticised it. This procedure not only built up an analytical attitude in class recitation but acted as a drive to do valid, factual work. More stress was placed upon the methods of doing research than upon the results, professor Replogle tried constantly to get the
approach them with a systematic, unbiased attitude.
Of course everything was not as perfect as it might seem. Certain delays were encountered. Often the class discussion wondered woefully from the subject. Yet there was something in the whole procedure that was stimulating. (We hope that all the boquets and bricks will be turned in by the members of the class at the final session next Tuesday.) This small class group feels that even though whole stacks of work went undone and numerous marginal problems passed up, there was some valuable socializing experience gained, and some much-needed training in original investigation and research, no small part of which was due to the helpful guidance of the instructor.—-By One of the Class.
All sorts of amusing sights were presented to students yesterday during the spring "M" Club initiation, for men who earned their letters in track and tennis competition. In addition to various oddities in dress required of the men they were given such tasks as pumping up automobile tires, roiling peanuts with their noses, giving students “taxi’’ rides in coaster wagons, and shining shoes.
Yesterday evening the men were rewarded by being treated to a hike and picnic supper at Anderson's Grove, north of College Hill.
Replogle Presents 10 Points of Need for Improvement
The senior girls took charge of the last Y. W. C. A. Service of the year Tuesday morning. Myreta Hammann played the prelude. After reading a devotional, scripture Ethel Sherfy an-
made up of a bouquet of speeches. Each girl was to represent a flower, give its symbol, and tell some of the loveliest things which had happened to her during her college days.
Helen Holloway, representing
name. Aiming the others who rep-resented flowers and expressed thoughts on friendship and life characteristic of each were Evalyn Fields, Mary Weddle, Adelyn Taylor, Constance Rankin, Attillia Anderson, Elizabeth Richards, Kellie Collins, Florence Weaver, Evelyn Saylor, and Alberta Yoder.
Vera Flora closed the program with her representation of the rose
case was a severe one and the operation performed at a critical time. He will be confined to the hospital at least a week. His parents arrived Saturday morning from their home at Hardin, Missouri.
Spectator advertisers make your paper possible. PATRONIZE THEM.
Meet Around A Table
As was mentioned above, the class procedure was socialized. It met around a table with the instructor— or rather the faculty-guide—on a democratic footing with the members of the class. Discussion was open and informal, and an atmosphere of critical help prevailed.
At the opening of the semester the students were challenged by Professor Replogle to discover for themselves some significant problem in which they felt they could work toward a tentative solution or build up a technique by which such problems could be solved. Any pupil who had difficulty in finding or choosing a problem was invited to ask the class or the faculty-consultant for advice and help in getting started. If the full truth were known, one or two students met with considerable difficulty in defining their projects, which was not entirely unexpected.
Some of the projects had these titles: "Job-analysis of the work of Twenty-two Church-School Superintendents of Kansas." "A Year of Recreation Programs for Young Peoples’ Groups." "A Series of Programs for the Monitor Junior Church," “A Report of the Development of the Discussion Method in a Sunday School Class of a Rural Church”.
It was decided by the class to follow an nearly as possible the outline drawn up by W. C. Bower of Chicago University which indicated the suc-cessive steps to be followed in work-ing out a problem-prospect. No single text book was used in this course but there were several excellent volumes available in the library. The group met twice a week for indefinite periods until everyone bad got a start working on his project, then it convened on Monday afternoons or upon the call of any worker desiring help. This apparent disregard for class routine was considered per-missable due to the small size of the group and the type of work undertaken. Some of the original projects had to be abandoned when the work led into a blind alley. The class would then discuss the person’s difficulty and help him, or her, to find a new problem which would yield more concrete results.
Not a "Snap" Course
It was decided by the group to write up and mimeograph the results of the research studies. Each member of the class was to get a copy of each report. A bound volume containing them all will be left in the library for general reference for students interested in the subject of religious education. Whether these reports will, of themselves, be of any value for the general reader it is hard to say. They will, however, contain bibliographical and reference
Pauline Dell and Gulah Hoover Give Piano Renditions
Pauline Dell, junior, gave her dip-loma recital in piano last Friday night in the college chapel. She was assisted by Miss Margaret Shelley, violinist, and Miss Lois Edwards, contralto. The latter was accompanied by Mrs. Rush Holloway. The stage had been decorated to resemble a living room, and was tastefully decorated with flowers and furniture. The program was very well received by the audience.
Last night at 8 o’clock a second piano recital was presented by Gulah Hoover, sophomore, who is receiving her teacher’s certificate in piano. Miss Hoover was assisted by Miss Mildred Dahlinger, soprano. All of the numbers were well received and the audience expressed appreciation of the program by its applause.
In the last Y. M. C. A. program of the year the speakers presented sug-gestions for improvements which might be made with the beginning of
Vernon Rhoades spoke briefly on the need for a better school spirit and ways of accomplishing it, especially through an improved handling of Freshman Week. Esther Brown told of the needs, in a social way. favoring a comprehensive program which would discourage formation of "cliques".
Dean F. A. Replogle outline the following things which he hoped to see accomplished next year: 1. Better freshman records; 2. A better system of guidance: 3. A cooperative program of curriculum develop-ment: 4. improvement of instruc-
tion; 5. Enrichment of freshman-sophomore work; 6. More student participation in activities; 7. Enlarged functions of the Student Council; 8. Enriched social pro-gram; 9, A better system of records; 10. More suggestion and criticism from students.
Lilburn Gottmann outlined some aims of the V. M. for next year, saying that he hoped to see the program touch more men and have more effect on those now involved.
Members of the W. A A. unani-mously adopted the following amend-ment to the constitution, at the regular meeting Monday evening: "That
a girl graduating from college in three years may earn a pin. She may earn a maximum of 500 points
J. T. Williams, sophomore, has been in the McPherson Hospital since last Friday night suffering from the effects of an attack of acute appendi-citis. After being sick most of Friday he was taken to the hospital, and underwent an operation early Saturday morning.
Friends among his college ac-quaintances report that Williams is convaleseing nicely, although the
Ralph W. Keedy, senior, was declared winner in the advanced chemistry spelling match which was held Thursday morning at 10 o’clock in the chemistry lecture room. The prize awarded him was $2.50 in cash.
Fern Heckman was presented with a prize of $1.00 for winning second place. The word which eliminated Miss Heckman was "palladium.'' She was winner of the contest held last year in the advanced class, and Keedy was winner two years ago.
Efforts Made to Add to Num-ber Planning to Go
Plans for attendance at the Estes Park Y. M. and Y. W. conference are fast culminating. Within the next few days they will have been made quite definite. Efforts are being bent toward adding to the numbers of those already planning to go. There are indications that the group this year will exceed in number those of the last several years.
Reasons which are being given for the attendance this year include the fact that work is difficult to get and if obtainable the pay is not particularly enticing, there are better facilities provided at the camp than ever before, the trip will be made in private cars at a minimum expense, an excellent group of leaders are to be present, and, it has been suggested, there will be a full moon the last four days of the conference!
You'll miss something worth while if you aren't a hand for "The Perfect Alibi” next Tuesday.