McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas,






Mrs. Tate and Miss Shelley of Music Department, Miss Edith McGaffey, Matron Della Holsinger, and Adelyn Taylor Not To Be Back



Seniors who have been worrying about whether there was to be a Junior-senior Banquet or not may now remove all doubts from their minds, as the committee announces that the date has been set definitely for Friday night, May 20. Many conflicting activities caused the lack of announcement of the date previously.    

A surprise theme has been worked out for the banquet program this spring, and it promises to be one of the most original and entertaining Junior-Senior affairs ever given.

Alice Rueblen is in general charge of the banquet arrangements, and she is aided by the following commit-tee: Pearl Walker, menu; Viola De-Vilbiss, invitation and favors; Paulina Dell, program; and Ada Brunk, decorations. The banquet will occur in the parlors of the College Church.

ADELYN TAYLOR bored stiff is a dramatic reality! "The Perfect Alibi", May 24.



Sterling College To Hear Report of Famous Achievements

Dean F. A. Replogle will deliver the commencement address at the McPherson county graduation exercises in the City Auditorium Wednesday afternoon, May 18. More than 300 graduates will receive their diplomas at the service, a part of the All-Schools Day program.

Raymond Poincare, the man who saved France from financial disaster just six years ago is now living an invalid's life in a situation not far removed from poverty.



Donald Trostle, editor of the 1932 Quadrangle, reports that the last of the yearbook copy was run through the printing press last evening, and a now on the way to the binders at Kansas City for the finishing step in the process of preparation.

The Quadrangles wil be back in McPherson either Tuesday or Wednesday of next week, but will not be delivered to students until Thursday morning because of the fact that no classes will take place on Wednesday which is All-Schools Day in Mc-Pherson.


The chief members of the cast are Susan Cunningham, Mildred Doyle; Jimmie Ludgrove, Kermit Hayes; Edward Pontifex Carter, Ralph Keedy, Susan and Jimmie through hunches, intuition, and clever deduction discover that the villain is not the one they thought but another, and a breath-taking climax results. Other leading parts are played by Roy Peebler, Donald Trostle, Law-

rence Lehman, Charles Smith, Verle Ohmart, John Kindy, Adelyn Taylor, and John Kindy.

The play is to be given at popular prices, hence a full house is expected.

McPherson college group suffers auto


College Church Mixed Quartet Had Been Singing at Dodge City — Car Overturns Twice, Then Burns at Scene


Popular Graduate in Class of '28 Now Finishing at Chicago Con-servatory of Music

Five members of the McPherson college faculty will not return to the school next year according to announcement from the president's office. They are Miss Margaret Shelley, professor of violin: Mrs. Anna C. Tate, professor of voice; Miss Edith McGaffey, head of the English department and Dean of Women; Mrs. Della Holsinger, matron; and Miss Adelyn Taylor, instructor in women's physical education.

Alvin "Cheesy" Voran, a graduate of M. C. in the class of 1928, will

return to his alma mater to take up the work in the music department now conducted by Mrs. Tate, including individual voice instruction and group conducting. He will also teach the courses in theory now conducted by Miss Shelley. An instructor in violin has not yet been selected.

Mr. Voran has spent the last four years in Chicago, attending the Chicago Conservatory of Music, from which he will take his degree this spring. He has also been taking some courses in Bethany Biblical Seminary. While at M. C. he was an active and popular student, and all who knew him will welcome his return as a member of the music faculty.

Mrs. Tate has been instructor of voice here since 1928, and has made a notable contribution to the growth of the department. Miss Shelley, a Graduate of Bethany college. Linds-borg, has been professor of violin since 1929.

Miss Edith McGaffey has been on the McPherson college faculty since 1919, after her post-graduate year at Kansas university following her graduation from M. C. in the class of 1918. She plans to teach in the 1932 McPherson college Summer School and then spend this winter in advanced study, probably at the University of Chicago. During her year's leave of absence her courses in English will be taught by Dr. V. F. Schwalm and Prof. Maurice A. Hew.

Mrs. Delia Holsinger, although re-elected as matron, has resigned and will not be returning next year. The person who will fill her place is yet to be selected.

Miss Audrey Groves of McPherson will have charge of the women's phy-sical education courses now taught by Adelyn Taylor, a member of the graduating senior class this spring. Miss Groves is at present enrolled in K. S. T. C. Emporia, and will be a junior in McPherson college next year.

Novel Theme Being Prepared for Occasion Next Week


Lantern slide pictures showing many interesting facts about the universe, such as the nature and behavior of the moon, sun, and stars, comets, nebulae, starclouds, eclipses, and so forth were viewed last Wednesday evening by the astronomy class, in the physiology lecture room of Harnly Hall. Prof. J. L. Bowman, the instructor, presented the pictures and the accompanying explanation.


College Representatives Furnish Music for Program Sunday

Three members of the McPherson college faculty and three students were heard over the air Sunday af-ternoon in the second McPherson college radio broadcast of the year, from station KFBI at Milford, Kan-sas.

The "Latchstromg Hour," from 3:00 to 4:00 p. m. a regular feature from the station, was granted to the college by the Farmers and Bankers Life Insurance company of Wichita, owners of the station.

Miss Margaret Shelley, violinist, played two solos during the broadcast, "Hejre Kati” by Hubay, and "From the Canebrake," by Gardner. She also played a violin obligato for two selections sung by Mrs. Anna C. Tate, soprano. Mrs. Tate sang "Lullaby" from "Jocelyn," by Goddard, "Spring's Awakening,' by Sanderson, and "My Mother," by Marsden.

The remaining music on the M. C. broadcast was furnished by a ladies trio composed of Mrs. Rush Holloway, Lois Edwards, and Mildred Dahlinger. They sand the second scene from the sacred cantata "Ruth, the Moabitess."

Prof. J. A. Blair, of the department or education and Psychology, presented an address setting forth the advantages of McPherson college and its environment. He told of the location and character of the city of McPherson, and of its fitness as a college community. In speaking of the local college he stressed the high quality of work done by its students and graduates, and of its advantages in size, location; student body, and teaching personnel.

Dr. J. W. Hershey, head of the chemistry department, has been naked to give his lecture on "The Making of Synthetic DiamondS" at Sterling college tonight at the invitation of the Sterling professor of chemistry. Dr. Hershey will show in illus-tration of his talk the moving picture films which show the process of diamond making and contain pictures of the largest synthetic diamond in the world, made several years ago in the M. C. laboratories.

Dr. Hershey has given his lecture a great many times in recent years, and it has gained for him a great deal of publicity.



Tonight—Radium lecture in Chemistry lecture room, 8 o'clock.

Thurs., May 12—Last W. S. G. meeting 6:30 p. m. in Y. W. C. A. room.

Fri., May 13—State track meet, Ottawa.

Graduation recital by Pauline Dell, college chapel, 8 p. m.

Tues., May 17—Graduation recital by Gulah Hoover, college chapel, 8 p.m.

Have Trouble in Getting Away From Campus— Leave at 3:30 Thursday Morning


Class Entertained by Rowing, Motor Boat Riding, and Other Sports

Early Thursday morning the Senior class cast aside their dignity and left the campus for an unknown des-tination. After successfully overcom-ing the egg bombardment, water artillery, and kidnapping snare which the graduating class were subjected to, they were off to Salina.

The group went directly to Oak-da;e Park where breakfast was soon served. The morning was most en-joyably spent in the park playing games, including horseshoe and base-ball. In the afternoon much of the pleasure was taken in rowing and motor boat riding on the river. Some of the class even succumbed to a few winks of steep during the day.

Delicious meals were served at the regular hours throughout the day to the hungry picnickers.

In the evening the class attended a movie in Salina and returned to McPherson into Thursday evening tired but thoroughly happy in the satisfaction that they had had a most pleasurable time.


Dean of Wichita U. Speaks— Program and Refreshments Please

Saturday afternoon from three to five o'clock the McPherson branch of the American Association of University Women entertained the senior Women from McPherson College. Central Academy, and McPherson high school at a tea given at the McCourt Hotel.

The feature of the afternoon was a talk by Miss Grace Wilkie, Dean of Women at Wichita university and chairman of the northwestern district of the A. A. U. W. Her subject was "College. What's the Use?" Miss Della Lehman, president of the local organization, introduced the speaker. Other numbers on the pro-gram were two rejections by the high school girls sextet and two numbers by the high school string trio.

After the program the guests adjourned to the new McCourt reception room for tea. The refreshments the table appointments were in pastel shades. Dainty tea cakes, macar-oons, butter cakes, lavender ice, and candled strawberries were served. Miss Eunice Almen of the McPherson Association was hostess.



The local Y. M. C. A. cabinet is using "Twenty-one," recent book by Erdman Harris, as the basis of discussions held in the weekly cabinet meetings. Two men are delegated each week to review a portion of the book and lead the discussion of material covered. The book is written in a simple and interesting style, and is well adapted to stimulating thought and planning for the young man just entering maturity.


Lacks 5 Points of Making First Class Rating in N. S. P. A. Criticism

The Spectator has achieved a Second Class Honor Rating in the 1932 Newspaper Critical Service conducted by the National Scholastic Press Association, of which the local paper is a member.

With a total of 730 points out of 1000 scored. The Spectator fell just five points short of making a First Class Honor Rating, one of the highest ratings given.

The range of scores in the 1932 Critical Service, with corresponding honor ratings, were as follows: 840 plus, All-American Honor Rating— Superior; 835-735. First Class Honor Rating—Excellent; 730-670. Second

Class Honor Rating—Good; Below

670, Third Class Honor Fair.

The M. C. paper was not entered in the N. S. P. A. Critical Service last year, but two years ago the paper received a Third Class rating. Those in charge of the rating this year in-form us that the ratings in general run lower than formerly, because of a revision of the scorebook. A copy of the later, containing valuable pointers as to newswriting, sources, and make-up, with rating and criticism of our own paper on each point has been sent to The Spectator.

Well Trained And Capable Cast Insures Excellent Presentation

“The Perfect Alibi," mystery comedy by A. A Milne, is progressing rapidly in senior class rehearsals, and work on scenery, lighting, staging, and publicity is being pushed in preparation for presentation of the production Tuesday. May 24, at the City Auditorium. Mrs. J. G. Bailey, local dramatic director, is coaching the play and directing the committees.

Every indication points to a fall house and students are urged to have their seats reserved early.

"The Perfect Alibi" is a mystery story which holds the breathless interest of the audience until the last. There is much humor and plenty of thrills with no gruesome or harrowing emotional scenes. The plot is laid in an English well-to-do home; the actors are endeavoring to por-tray life upon which the plot rests.


Mrs. Tate Suffers Injury to Shoulder —Bernice Dresher, Harold Beam Hurt Slightly

Friends on College Hill were re-lieved to hear this morning that none of the McPherson college party which suffered an automobile wreck near Conway last evening were in a critical condition.

Mrs. Anna C. Tate, M. C. director of vocal music, who was hurt the worst, suffered a badly bruised shoulder and painful injury to her chest, but otherwise was not in seri-ous condition. Bernice Dresher, freshman, had torn a ligament in her left shoulder. In addition to minor bruises. Harold Beam, class of '22 was suffering same from a blow on the bark of his head received in the accident.

Paul Sargent and Leo Miller of McPherson, driver and owner of the car, both escaped without serious in-jury. The group was returning from Dodge City, where the College Church mixed quartet had given a program before the State Rotary con-vention. Rounding a curve just east of Conway at a high rate of speed, the car got out of control, apparently from a defect in the steering gear, and after turning over twice landed on its top. The party all managed to escape by forcing a door open, but the automobile was burned up.


Appeals For Retention of Some of Puritan Qualities

Wed., May 4-For chapel devotions this rooming Pres. V. F. Schwalm read a passage from the Bible portraying the strong, rugged morality and moral earnestness of jesus. Dr. Schwalm stated that many of our forefathers and the New Eng-land Puritans possessed the great quality of moral earnestness; for tn the Puritan life was a battle, a struggle for existence. Their atti-tudes toward life developed a great character to meet the obstacles they were to meet in their new environment, because success depended upon stalwart, rugged strength of character.

Dr. Schwalm stated that of the colleges must come strong leadership for tomorrow. We are indeed today of seriousness and moral ear-nestness to meet the social problems— we must have a social sensi-tivity. The speaker said that at the present time there is an unusual swing from the Puritan outlook toward life, manifested in many ways.

"If life bn cheaply held it will be poorly lived,” stated Dr. Schwalm. There exists an attitude of morel in-difference on ethical questions, and we have failed to make the moral discriminations which are necessary to strength of character. There is, in addition, not enough conviction about religions problems.

Dr. Schwalm stated that there is no finer quality one can have in the twentieth century life than that of moral indignation in the presence of sin. The modern day needs leadership of rugged, earnest character, under the banner of Jesus Christ.


Two small girls, Anita Mulline and Lola Lorens, 5 and 6 years old res-pectively, presented the program for the chapel assembly Friday morning. Miss Mullins played "Arabesque" and "Summer Days." Miss Lorena played "Rippling Water” and "Spring.” Both girls are piano students of Miss Fern Lingenfelter. They are the youngest students enrolled in Mc-Pherson college.

Spectator ads pay.




In after life you may have friends

— fond, dear friends, but never will you have again the inexpressible love and gentleness lavished upon you which none but a mother bestows. —Macauley.

him as far as Eastern Kansas, where she will visit relatives.

Nina Stull and Marvin Hill, grad-uates now teahcing at Windom, call-ed at the dormitories during the week-end.

Kermit Hayes motored to Larned



Vernon C. Rhoades

Associate Editor

Wilbur C. Yoder

Associate Editor

Alberta Yoder

Circulation Manager


Business Manager

Lloyd A. Larsen

Ass't Business Manager

J. T. Williams

Ass't Business Manager

Jesse Dunning

Frank Hutchinson

If we tried to be grateful for we have, rather than regretful what Wo haven't, life would be easier.


M. C. School of Fine Arts-

Piano Department


Agnes Bean

Una Ring

Mattie Shay

Dorothy Dresher

Adelyn Taylor

Everett Fasnacht

Mildred Doyle

Dennis Andes

Viola De Vilbiss

Faculty Advisor.................


.................Prof. Maurice A. Hess

The life that goes out in love to all in the life that is full, and rich, and continually expanding in beauty and in power. Such is the life that be-comes over more inclusive, and hence larger in its scope and influence.


"Washington, May 6- In one motion today the Senate made two noble gestures, the first for disarmament, the second for economy. The one motion was a vote of 44 to 21 in favor of the resolution by Hale of Maine authorizing United States naval construction up to the limit allowed by the London treaty.

The noble gesture for disarmament consists in the not authorization for the construction of more than 100 war vesse;s and craft of various kinds.

The equally noble gestures for economy calls for construction that will require appropriations of almost $1,000,000,000.

Senators Capper and McGill of Kansas both voted against the Hale resolution, holding the road to disarmament is not through bigger and bigger navies, and the way to economize in government expenditures is not to expend $1,000,000,000 for war craft.''—Topeka Daily Capital.

Noble gestures indeed! And it is a few such gestures and I'll-do-as-l-please-let-the-wordl-mind-its-own-business actions which draw upon our country the suspicion of our neighbors as to our sincerity in our desire for peace, and make it difficult to accomplish anything at such meetings as the Geneva Disarmament conference where the Untied States holds one of the key positions.

The greatest service we can do for another is to help him to help him-self.

The shallower a man's love the more it bubbles over into cloquence. When his emotions go deep, words stick in his throat, and have to be

hauled out of him with a derrick.




Naomi Witmore, Thelma Rattle, Glen Seitz, Lloyd Seitz, and Harry Barnard, all former students, were week-end visitors from Larned.

Pauline Dell, junior, who is receiving her diploma in piano this Spring from the McPherson college school of fine arts, will give her graduation recital in the college chapel Friday evening, May 13, at 8:00 o'clock. She is to be assisted by Miss Margaret Shelley, violinist, and Mrs. Anna C. Tate, soprano.

The program will include the following numbers:

Sonata, Op. _______________Beethoven

Pauline Dell

Lullaby from "Jocelyn" ____Goddard (Violin obligato, Miss Shelley)

Spring’s Awakening_________Sanderson

Mrs. Anna C. Tate


Tango ______________________Albeniz


Pauline Dell

Violin Sonata________________ Greig

Pauline Dell, Margaret Shelley, Duet

Impromptu, Op. 90 ___________Schubert

Harl! Hark! The Lark!

________________Schubert Liszt

Pauline Dell

people in the church basement. Fol-lowing the banquet the group was entertained at a campfire social hour, let by Dean F. A. Replogle.

Dean Replogle spoke Sunday mor-ning on "The Mind of Christ." The discussion groups were continued Sunday afternoon. The group was dismissed following an outdoor so-cial hour Sunday evening.

McPherson college students attending the meetings included Helen Holloway, Arlene Wampler, Mildred Stutzman, Clinton Trostle, Ward Williams, Lilburn Gottmann, Everett Fasnacht, Charles Austin, and Royal Yoder.



Speaks at Religious Ed. Meet-ing and Youth Conference

Dean F. A. Replogle motored Friday noon to Great Bend, where he took part in two Kansas state conventions during the week-end. The 67th Annual Convention of the Kansas Council of Religious Education, which began May 4, was concluded Friday evening. Dean Replogle conducted an open forum discussion Friday afternoon, on the problem of race discrimination.

The Kansas State Youth Conference held its opening meeting Friday night in joint session with the Council of Religious Education. The Youth Conference closed Sunday noon. Dean Replogle led discussion groups in the Youth Conference Saturday morning and afternoon.

Every McPherson college student might to have a Quadrangle. In the years after one is a away from the familiar college scenes there is no thrill which quite equals that of looking over pictures and accounts of, classmates and familiar places rendered sacred by associations on the campus.

The Quadrangle staff will have a few extra copies of the yearbook next week when they are delivered, and every student who has not already done so would do well to place his order to secure a book if possible. A little financial sacrifice now will be many times repaid later.

Lloyd Larsen spent Saturday with

relatives at Hillsboro.

Pauline Dell and Miss Margaret Shelley were in Lindsborg Friday evening and Saturday.



Department Majors and Assis-tants Guests of Professor


Many students do not realize how much traveling the members of the M. C. faculty do in going about the country surrounding McPherson giving speeches, attending meetings, and always speaking a good word for their college. Particularly President Schwalm, Dean Replogle, Dean Mohler, and Professor Blair leave town many times a week for various kinds of engagements. The miles traveled by these men and the ethers of the faculty during a school term would total many thousands.

L. D. Holsinger, son of Mrs. Della Holsinger, has been invited to join Delta Pso Omega, national honorary dramatic fraternity at Albion State Normal School, Idaho. Entrance is based on character, scholarship, and dramatic ability. Holsinger was a freshman here last year.

Marvin Michael of Larned, a former student here now enrolled in K. S. A. C., Manhattan, visited friends on the campus Saturday.

Saturday evening at 6:30 Dr. and Mrs. J. Willard Hershey entertained the senior chemistry students and assistants of the departmant in their home at dinner.

Those who attended the dinner were Fern Heckman, Attillia Anderson, Mildred Doyle, Esther Brown, Ralph Keedy, Walter Wollman, and Luther Horn.

Mrs. Hershey was assisted by Miss

Velma Amos, was served the deli-

cious three course dinner.



(The following letter was found in carbon copy in the wastebasket of a senior, whose name we do not disclose)

Russell Carpenter and Melvin Lan-des motored to their homes near Sabetha Saturday with Ted Dell of McPherson.

Dean Replogle a Leader at

Hutchinson Meeting

Sept. of Schools,

Dinkeytown, Kansas

Dear Sir:

I have been told that there is a vakincy in your school sistem, I hope to graduate this year and thought I would give you first chance at my services. In addition to a major, I have a number of minors and feel that I could do a good job for you.


If after a couple of years, you want me to be principal of your school I could do so but I would rather not take an the extra work at first.

Elizabeth and Jo Wagner entertained the following guests in their Kline Hall apartment at dinner Friday evening; Leeta Oaks, Martin Andes, Merle Fisher, Lois Lackey, Edith Bechtelhelmer, and Grace Heckman.

I am vary fond of children as I have two small brothers. They are the cutest things. But, of course, you are not very much interested in my brothers.

If I should not graduate this year, I would appreciate your holding the job over until next year. (There has been a little question about my hon-or points).

Dr. J. J. Yoder will be gone most of this week on a tour of several of the churches of Missouri. Next Sunday night he is to give the Bacoa-laureate sermon at the Adrian, Missouri, high school.

Sun., May 8—The Brethren young people of Southwest Kansas District held their annual meeting at the Hutchinson Church of the Brethren Saturday and today. The meetings began Saturday afternoon, when the conference was divided into several discussion groups to discuss current problems. Saturday night a banquet was served to more than 125 young

I wondered if yon would send me the names of year school board so I could them off thats I am ready for a job.

I understand that you need some-one that can coach football. I have not bad any specific training along this line but saw a book at the Inn which tells about it for only 35 cents. I wondered would you advance me that much on my salary so I could get myself off to a good start.

As to my personal; I am well over five feet tall and have rather darkish hair; my eyes are a sort of muckle dun and I wear ordinary size shoes, if ther is no objection, I should like to board with you while I am in your town. I am probably used to target cities but believe I can become accli-mated to yours. My favorite dish is whipped cream, shlahmy, jello and pickle done a in combine de luxe. ( I am letting you know so that your family can become accustomed to it).

As to salary, I should like $300 a month but would teach for $23 per month. Please do not tell this to the school board however.

Hoping to hear from you soon.


Yours truly,

(Apologies to Pittsburgh "Collegio")



Since it would be unfair to those taking first year chemistry to compete with the advanced students in the annual spelling context of words used in chemistry, the latter will be privileged to compete among themselves tomorrow afternoon at 4:30 O'clock. Prizes will be awarded in this contest as in that conducted last month in the first year riant.


Prof. Maurice A Hess plans to leave tomorrow noon for Indiana, where he will participate in a church

conference. He will return to Mc-Pherson in time for Commencement Week. Mrs. Hess will accompany

Please have a separate bed for me as I have charley-horses and night-mares, over contracting coldts on my chest at times. I would prefer quiet as I am learning to play the basson (only five dollars for five lessons, complete correspondence course).

Are there any drugstores near your school; I am very fond of coka

Still toother honor has been be-stowed upon Daniel P. Johnston, M. C. graduate now enrolled in Kansas university. He has been elected to membership in Pi Mu Epsilon, an honorary mathematics fraternity. This fraternity is considered the highest ranking fraternity on the K U. campus. Only two students in the mathematics department were voted membership this year.

Merle Fisher, Lois Lackey, and Walter Weddle made a shopping trip to Hutchinson Saturday, also attend-ing sessions of the Youth Conference while there.



Sal's Letter Reveals Many Marvelous Adventures in Salt City


Miss Lehman Toastmaster At “Cosmopolitan” Luncheon

Next Tuesday Visitors May See Displays of Department’s Work



Dear old Side-kick:

It really is just too bad that you weren't visiting school last Friday, for then maybe you could have

tagged along to Hutchinson. You

know, the chem trip—or in more explicit rhetoric, the visit the chem-

istry students make every year to the salt mines, reformatory, etc. in Hutchinson. I always did think it was downright lamentable that after spending all my life in such close proximity to the largest salt mines in the world, I could tell no more about it than that it is a place where the essential of the earth is obtained. Now that I have been there I have only to go to Europe, and then I will have nothing left to live for. Dr. Hershey spent weeks before-hand coaching us on our lines and telling us different do's and don't's Not to get lost in the mines, not take all the sweets from the candy factory. Also not to let anyone at the paper and straw factory mistake us for a bundie of newspapers and pitch us into the machine that chews up greedily everything to pulp just as your car does baby rag's doll-only on a much larger scale.

Well, to get back to the original subject- the chemistry trip, you know- we started early in the morn-ing. At least it seemed early when it came to rolling out of the downy cot at about 6:30 a. m. It was about 8:30 before the late stragglers had managed to climb out of the last nitches and arrive at the paper and craw factory.

My dear, you would really be sur-prised at the things one can learn at such place. Why there were huge tolls of white paper about six or feven feet long and about three or four feet in diameter, and when I asked somebody what those big things were for, I was told that they were used on mammoth adding machines for big concerns. They did look like giant rolls for such mach-ines, but I had never thought of that. I opened my eyes wide and they about fell out on my cheeks. Every-body around me laughed raucously, faint I thought that possibly they made funny papers at the paper factory, too, but I could not find any.

We all went to the salt mines, next. Thrills, heart-throbs, and shades of inky blackness! They pack-ed us tightly into the mine elevator and somebody said, "Well, I know just how the poor sardine feels, now." With a lot of squealing we undulated gently down into 700 feet of murky nothingness. We quieted down to listen to an ominous roar as we went through an underground stream. The mine was well-lighted, but we managed to stay pretty close to our guide, for there was so many branching alley-ways that it would not have taken much wandering to get lost in that labyrinth. When we got out, some man pointed to a silo about half a mile away and said that, we had been under that.

They certainly were dumb at the Carey salt plant, where we went next, but I guess they didn't know that this is a school of quality. They  seemed to think that we spend all our time raising rabbits, for they gave each of us a cake of rabbit salt.

At the flour mill we rode stealthily up and down on the individual elevator when no one was looking imagine our quick fade-out when we were told that a man bad been killed riding on that very elevator only two days before!

After lunch we went to the Morton salt plant and gasped at the huge piles of white salt. We decided that one pile would furnish one average-sized family with table salt for sixty-eight years, three months, and five days, or for 21,265 meals. Pardon me, but did I hear you say that it seens as if I had used the word salt once or twice in this letter?

At the reformatory we decided that dormitory food was not so bad after all. The seats in the dining hall did not look very comfortable, either. But say, girl, I know now why good look-ing fellows seem so scarce (as far as I am concerned, anyway). They are all in the reformatory.

They got generous at the candy factory and gave us all suckers. Dr. Hershey had told us before that if any of us simply could not resist taking some saccharine food, that he would help us by buying us some candy afterwards. As we were start-ing home we saw him walking along the street carrying two big sacks of candy, but we never did find out If they were for some young candy-kleptomaniac-students or for the younger Hershey.

At the Bond Bread Bakery, we were shown vitamin D. Have you over seen vitamin D? Well, neither have I.

Just as we started home the hea-vens seemed to open and descend upon us.' We looked in our purses and pockets, got out our little paddles, and proceeded to row home Figuratively, you realize, of course.

Well, old salt, I simply must hit the proverbial hay in order to get up in time for a class or two.

Saltily, yet saucily yours,



M. C. School of Fine Arts— Piano Department

Gulah Hoover, will give her graduation recital in piano next Tuesday evening. May 17, at 8:00 o'clock in the college chapel. She is receiving her teacher's certificate in piano this spring. In her recital she is to be assisted by Miss Mildred Dahlinger, soprano, and Mrs. Rush Holloway, accompanist.

Miss Hoover's program includes the following numbers:

Sonata. Op. 10, No. 2 (Allegro)


Gulah Hoover

Heart of Mine__Clough-Leighter

A May Morning .... ........Denza

Mildred Dahlinger

Whims (Grillen) --------Schumann

Nachstuch (Nocturne) —— Schumann Fruhlingsnacht (Spring Night).


Gulah Hoover

All For You ____________ Brown

Joy of the Morning_____________Ware

Can't Remember_______ Goat    ley

Mildred Dahlinger Santa's Ball (from "Flying

Dutchman”) _Wagner-LlMt1

Gulah Hoover

Interpretation Class

Miss Della Lehman was toastmaster at a luncheon given to the class in principles of interpretation last Thursday afternoon by the home economics department. Each of the eight members of the class present gave an after dinner speech representing a different country of the world, discussing it as if just arrived from that locality.

Students who participated in the "Cosmopolitan" program were Velma Keller, Genevieve Crist, Mattie Shay, Una Ring, Marjorie Brown, Rosalind Almen, Velma Amos, and George Peters.

The food was prepared and served by Florence Dresher and Ruth Ihde.



Next Tuesday, May 17, the department of home economics plans to have an open house for visitors, including demonstrations and displays of the work done by the department Beginning at 3::00 o'clock a demonstration by the clothing classes, featured by a living model "dress revue" of garments made this year in the department, will take place for the benefit of visitors. Following this there will be similar demonstra-tions by the foods classes of their

work and the results of their labors in the cooking laboratory.

Every course in the department is to be featured, according to Miss Helen Mellrath, home economics in-structor, and everyone is cordially invited to attend the open house.


Tonight at 8:00 o'clock Dr. J. W. Hershey will give his lecture on "Radium" in the chemistry lecture room of Harnly Hall.

While this lecture is primarily for the first year chemistry class, it will be very interesting and educational to any other students who wish to attend. Demonstrations on radium and its uses will be given in addition to the lecture. The admission is free and everyone is cordially invited.

Mrs. Melvin Binford spoke to the Y. W. C. A. cabinet in the regular Monday night meeting on the subject of "Mother." During the weekly meetings held on Friday morning from 8:00 to 8:30 o’clock the Y. W. C. A. has been using Raymond Fos-dick's "Meaning of Prayer" as the basis of its discussion.

Pres. V. F. Schwalm and Dean R. E. Mohler went to the state Rotary convention held yesterday at Dodge City, Kansas, taking their wives with them. At noon they participated in a program on "Peace."


Spring housecleaning is bringing results. Several books have come back to the library which have gone for quite some time. One book, Merz' "Music and Culture”, has been absent from our shelves since 1927; another, vol. 6 of "Famous American Statesmen and Orators" has been away since 1928. Hjorth, "Principles of Woodworking" after an absence of some months has returned to our grace our shelves. It had disap-peared from the reserve shelf and was greatly in demand. Several mag-azines, too, have made a much appreciated reappearance.

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PAGE four


Doughty Frosh Place High in Nearly Every Event of Meet

The freshman class won the Inter-Class Track Meet which was finished last week by placing high in practic-ally every event. Only one other class, the juniors, gave them much competition, but the latter was crowding them all of the way. The freshman totaled 66 points during the meet while the juniors were making 48 points.

The seniors were third with nineteen points, while the sophomores placed last with eighteen points.

No exceptionally good marks were set in the Inter-Class meet, but the event held a lively interest all the way through. WIlliams, junior, was high point man of the meet with 20 1/2 points to his credit.


Juniors Come in Second with Total of 48—Seniors Third and Sophomores Trail

Coach Melvin J. Binford announced Tuesday that the following men will go to the state track meet to be held



100-yard dash- Ohmart, senior, first: Mowbray,second: Zinn, junior, third:    Van Nortwich, freshman

fourth. Time: 10.7

120-yard high hurdles- Himes, freshman, first; Van Nortwick, fresh-man, second, Mowbray, senior, third; McGill, sophomore, fourth. Time: 17.1.

Shut put—Zinn, junior, first; Rock, Junior, second; Pauls, freshman, third; Jamison, senior, fourth. Distance: 38 ft., 1/2 in.

Pole vault- Wiggins, freshman, first; Blume, freshman, Shank, jun-ior, and McGill, sophomore, all tied for second. Height: 10 ft.

Mile run- McGill, sophomore, first; Wiliams, junior, second; Van Nortwick, freshman, third. Time: 5 min., 5.4 seconds.

High jump- Himes, freshman, and Wiggins, freshman, tied for first; Williams, junior, and Bradley, Jun-ior, tied for third. Height: 5 ft., 6 in.

Discus—Rock, junior, first; Zinn, junior, second: Johnson, sophomore, third; Himes, freshman, fourth. Dis-tance: 118 ft., 9 in.

880-yard run—McGill, sophomore, first; Williams, Junior, second, Van Nortwick, freshman, third; Blume, freshman, fourth.

220-yard dash—Ohmart, senior, first; Mowbray, senior, second; McGill, sophomore, third: Blume, freshman, fourth. Time 23.5.

Low hurdles—Blume, freshman, first; Himes, freshman, second; Car-penter, freshman, third; Zinn, junior, fourth.

Javelin — Himes and Wiggins, freshmen, tied for first: Zinn, junior third; Johnson, sophomore, fourth. Distance: 150 ft.

440-yard dash—Williams, junior, first; Blume, freshman, second; Zinn, Junior, third; Himes, freshman, fourth.

Broad Jump—Carpenter, fresh-man, first; Williams, junior, second; Himes, freshman, third; Zinn, junior, fourth. Distance: 18 ft., 9 1/2 in.

Two-mile run—Williams, junior, first; Van Nortwick, freshman, second. Time: 11 min. 48.6 seconds.



College To Participate in All Schools Day Parade May 18

The annual McPherson county AllSchools Day will occur next Wednesday. May 18, accompanied by the usual big parade of school children and floats.

McPherson college has again been asked to enter the parade, and a ten dollar prize is offered for the class or organization which enters the best decorated float or original idea for a float or marching combination in the parade. Entries must be made by 6 p. m. Tuesday evening, May 17. Upon registering a parade number will be given the entry by the committee, of which Simon Strouse of McPherson is chairman.

The ten dollar prize is well worth the effort of constructing a float, and it is hoped that the college will have its usual good display in the parade.

You can build no tomorrow without today's foundation.


At the next and last meeting of the W. A. A. for this year, to be bold next Monday evening at 6:30, the following amendment to the constitution is to be voted upon; That a girl graduating from college in three years may be able to earn 500 points a year, thus making it possible for her to earn a pin." A two-thirds vote of the members is required for amending the constitution.

At the last meeting which took place last week the new officers for the next year were installed. They are Genevieve Crist, president; Velma Bean, vice-president; Elsie Rump, treasurer; and Elizabeth Bowman, secretary.


Seven to Get Sweeter — Two Awarded Blankets by School

Seven McPherson college athletes are to receive sweaters this spring signifying that they have engaged in come sport as members of the first squad for three years while in college. They are Ward Williams, Loren Rock, Posey Jamison, Orville Countryman, Elmer Keck, Herbert Mowbray, and Verle Ohmart.

Two men are to be given blankets decorated with the college seal to signify that they have engaged in the same sport and won a letter for four successive years. Edward Bradley and Herbert Hochstrasser are to be honored with gifts of blankets. The former has won his four letters in track, the latter in football.

The sweaters and blankets have al-ready been ordered, and will be pre-sented to the men during the Class Day exercises Thursday, May 26. At the same time the athletes are to receive the letters they have won this year.


Spring football practice was begun Tuesday evening with about fourteen men chocking out suits. After this week five more men, now in training for the for the state track meet at Ottawa Friday, will check out suits. Coach Binford plans to get enough men out so that some serim-mages ran take place before the end of school. Most of the work done will consist of drill on fundamentals, but scrimmage will enter in to a cer-tain extent.


Coach Melvin J. Binford has recently recommended the following track men for letters: Verle Ohmart, Kenneth Moore, Wallace McGill, George Himes, Leonard Wiggins, George Zinn, Tommy Taylor, Edward Bradley, Archie Lindbolm, Russell Carpenter, Herbert Mowbray, Archie Van Nortwick, Ward Williams, Wayne Blume, and Loren Ruck.

Most of these men will be eligible for track next year, which makes things look promising for another good year in track.



at Ottawa on Friday, May 14: McGill, Ohmart, Rock, Zinn, Williams, Van Nortwick, and Himes.

These men were picked because of their season’s record in inter-col-legiate competition and also because of their showing in inter-class competition.

Besides the track men Harold Binford and Lilburn Gottmann will probably go to play in the state tennis tournament held in connection with the Ottawa track meet.



Poetry, Music, and Speaking Make Up Y. W. C. A. Meeting

"Nature" was the theme of the Tuesday morning Y. W. C. A. pro-gram which was opened by the singing of "This is My Father's World." Marjorie Brown read a poem entitled "God is Here," which was followed by prayer led by Greta Wilma Griffis.

Gulah Hoover sang "Thank God For a Garden." Edith Bechtelhelmer gave a short talk on the beauty of nature and its reflection of the beauty and power of God. Nature gives us a wonderful opportunity to find God, she said. The most glorious moments of one's life usually take place when one is out-of-doors.

Helen Holloway sang "Consider the Lilles,” and Rosalind Almen concluded the program by reading two poems, "Vestiga” by Bliss and "Mirrors” by Mary O. Sheldrake.



Tues., May 10—"We owe something to Mother that we owe to no other living being." said Rev. H. P. Richards in the special Mother's day

Y. M. program this morning. Rev. Richards pointed out that the best productions of music and art have been inspired by mothers, and that mother love is a strong appeal to the manhood of America. The men must also assume the responsibility for religious and moral training in the home, it was asserted, if the home is to be a happy one.

Blanch Harris sang a sold. “Mother Machree", at the opening of the program. He was accompanied by Pauline Dell. Donald Dresher led in devotions, and Lilburn Gottmann in-troduced the speaker.


N. S. P. A.

We have almost forgotten that the representatives of the leading nations of the world are still discussing limitations of armaments. Little will be accomplished by way of actual limitation, but the fact that such a conference is possible is a hopeful sign.

A youth crusade has been crossing Belgium, France, Germany, Holland, and Switzerland on its way to Geneva where it will make a plea for drastic cuts in arms.

Mussolini offers the world a plan to end strife and the depression. Italy is now on record with five demands—definite ending of debts and reparations; modification or abolition of oppressive custom barriers; remedying conditions in Danublan states; revision of such peace treaties as are now causing unrest, and the ending of international conferences,

David Lloyd George, one of Britain’s greatest political figures of all

Lime, a man whose oratory has

swayed the benches of the House of Commons as had that of few men, has committed himself in the future

to farming and to writing.

While Adolf Hitler, presidential candidate for the national socialist in Germany was making a triumphal progress through Berlin in a preelection parade, government officials

were making preparations to try him

for high treason for supposed betrayal of military secrete to foreign governments.

Be sure to see Peebler play the detective! The senior class is discovering its latent possibilities. "The Perfect Alibi", May 24.