McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas, Wednesday, may 4, 1932
Students Enrolled Have Placed Twelve Times in Six Musical Contests Entered During Year—Win in County Contest
Ranald Vetter Places High Over Forty-Four Entrants in Emporia Meet
Sat., May 7—A. A. U. W. tea for M. C. senior women, 3:00 to 5:00 p. m. McCourt Hotel.
Sun., May 8—Freshman-Sophomore S. S. class hike, 6:00 a. m.
M. C. Broadcast from station KFBI, 3:00 to 4:00 p. m.
Several of Group Will Finish Requirements In 1932 M. C. Summer School—Others by Correspondence —Commencement May 27
One of the most successful seasons in the history of McPherson College has been experienced by pupils of the fine arts department, according to Miss Jessie Brown, director of piano and head of the department.
Music students enrolled in the department have engaged in six different contests this spring, and altogether have placed twelve times, with a total of five first places and seven seconds to their credit. The record of the season reflects a great deal of credit upon the instructors of the department of music, Miss Jessie Brown and Miss Fern Lingen-felter, instructors in piano, Mrs. Anna C. Tate, voice instructor, and Miss Margaret Shelley, professor of violin.
On Friday, April 22, pupils of the department entered the McPherson county Music Contest, and carried away five high ratings. Miss Eleanor Peterson of Window, a pupil of Mrs. Tate, took second in girl's high voice. Lloyd Spear of Window took first place in violin and Ruth Crary of McPherson was second; both are students of Miss Shelley. Hazel Crawford, a pupil of piano under Miss Lingenfelter, was second in piano, while first-place was taken by Ron-ald Vetter of Moundridge, a pupil of Miss Brown.
On the preceding Friday, April 15, Franklin Hiebert, a violin student, entered the contest of the Central Kansas Music League at Salina and was given second place. Ronald Vetter took first in piano in the contest of the Arkansas Valley Music League, held the same day at Sedgwick.
Last week Mr. Vetter was entered in the state-wide music contest sponsored by Kansas State Teachers Col-lege, Emporia, and received a rating of "Excellent," only three entrants out of a total of forty-four entered placing above him.
During the annual Messiah Music Festival held at Bethany College, Lindsborg, during the week preceding Easter, Miss Mildred Dahlinger, a sophomore and voice student of Mrs. Tate, took second place in voice in Class A. thereby winning a fifty dollar music tuition scholarship to Bethany College. Miss Joyce Vetter of Moundridge, a pupil of Miss Brown, won third place in piano in the same contest.
in the music contest sponsored by the Kansas Federation of Women's Clubs held at Wichita on Saturday, March 26, M. C. music students won still further honors. Julia Mingen-beck of McPherson, a pupil of Miss Lingenfelter, won second place in piano, and Lloyd Spear, one of Miss Shelley's violin students, won first place in violin and a five dollar prize.
An exhibit is planned by the McPherson College art department, under the direction of Miss Clara Col-line, during the last week of school. Among the various kinds of work to be shown will be examples of pastel, oil, and water color painting and drawing, algo basket weaving and other kindred kinds of art work.
Picnic Is Postponed Because of Rain, Then Put Back to Original Date
Twin Mounds Proves To Be Ideal Spot for Affair—All Enjoy Day
Replogle Main Speaker—Others Give Short Talks in Program
Sat., April 30—Several of the guests present at the annual "M" Club banquet, held tonight in the parlors of the College Church, declared it to have been of the best banquets ever given, especially in regard to decorations and program.
The excellent three course dinner was served by the Ladies Ald Society of the church. As soon as it was finished the varied program began, under the supervision of Toastmaster J. A. Blair. The musical part of the program was furnished by a saxophone trio, including Charles Smith, John Austin, and Burr Miller, by Pascal Davis and his well known cornet, and by the "Stompers" orches-tra. The members of the latter were Clarice and Dorothy Evans, Mattie Shay, Myreta Hammann, Herbert Eby, Burr Miller, Pascal Davis, John Austin, Donald Evans, and Charles Smith.
"Kleptomaniac," a short clever play coached by Mrs. George Bryan, was given by a group of the Crossroad Playmakers.
One of the most interesting parts of the program was the part given over to short extemporaneous talks by individuals chosen from among those present. Those who spoke included Clarence "Tiny” Zink, ‘30, Irvin "Rosy” Rump, '31, Ralph Bowers, ’29, Pres. V. F. Schwalm, and Coach Melvin Binford.
Dean F. A. Replogle, the faculty sponsor of the "M” Club, presented the main talk of the program, entitled "Spex." He told of the dangers of both far-sightedness and near-sightedness, especially in relation to athletics. He pointed out the example of Alonzo Stagg, coach of athlet-ics at the University of Chicago, who considers character building the main job of the athletic coach. Dean Replogle's talk drew great applause from the guests present.
Tues., May 3—Approximately two hundred McPherson College picnickers returned to the campus this evening after an enjoyable day spent at Twin Mounds, twenty miles northeast of McPherson. The All-School Picnic, first set for today, then postponed because of rain, then switched back to the original date with the advent of sunny skies yesterday afternoon, fell upon a day which was almost ideal as far as the weather is concerned.
Leaving the campus soon after eight o’clock this morning the group arrived at Twin Mounds in time to spend most of the morning in hiking and kodaking, exploring the rocks and streams near the picnic spot, and playing baseball and horseshoes.
At noon a substantial lunch was served, which was very acceptable even if the ice cream did run out. After noon the group divided into various smaller parties bent on en-joying the afternoon as they pleased. Several warmly contested baseball games were high points on the afternoon’s program. A rope swing across a nearby creek proved a spot of interest all day, as the spectators waited to see who would be the next to lose his hold and get a cold bath.
The picnic program was worked out by the faculty, with Prof. S. M. Dell acting as chairman of the committee.
Time To Be 'Latchstring Hour' —Three to Four O’Clock Sunday P. M.
Prof. S. M. Dell of the industrial arts department announces that the annual industrial arts exhibit will take place May 23 to 26, in the department rooms of Fahnestock Hall. Also on May 18, McPherson County All-Schools Day, the department will have a downtown exhibit in McPherson. In addition to furniture and incidental pieces made by men enrolled in the department, those exhibits will include work done by the women’s class in home mechanics.
Co-eds From Hays State College Frolic with M. C. Group in W. A. A. Affair
English and Industrial Education Close Behind in Popularity
Tells of Rich Promises of God Contained in Bible
Wed., April 27—"The rich promises of God should make young people more worthy of life", was a statement given out to the student body by Rev. Mr. Beery this morning in his chapel address. Mr. Beery is an evangelist and minister.
After leading the devotions and reading from the Bible some of the rich promises of God, Rev. Beery stated that now is the time to be noble; now is the time to be rich toward God; and now is the time to have character. "God has blessed us with spiritual blessings in Christ." He listed the following as being six promises of God: (1) We are the chosen ones of God; (2) He has adopted us as children of God; (3) He has accepted us; (4) We have redemption in his blood; (5) We have an inheritance in Jesus Christ; and (6) We are sealed by his Holy Spirit of Power.
Daniel Johnson, a graduate of McPherson College in the class of 1931, has been pledged to Sigma XI, a scientific honorary, at the University of Kansas. He has been doing post-graduate work at K. U. this year as an assistant in physics, and next year is to be an assistant in astronomy.
Johnson spent his last two years here as an assistant in the department of chemistry under Dr. J. Willard Hershey.
Dr. A. W. Cordier, professor of history at Manchester College, is to be one of the chief speakers at the Mid-West Institute of International Relations, to be held from June 20 to July 2 at Northwestern university Evanston, Illinois. Dr. Cordier was here earlier in the year, giving lec-tures on the International situation and outlook for world peace.
The Northwestern Institute has as its purpose the promotion of world peace, and is intended for preachers, teachers, students, and peace workers. It is arranged by the American Friends Service Committee.
Next Sunday, May 8, a second radio broadcast by McPherson College will go out over the ether from radio station KFBI, the Farmers and Bankers Life station at Milford, Kansas.
The first broadcast by the local school was given from the station on Sunday, January 24, when Dr. V. F. Schwalm spoke, accompanied by a brief musical program.
McPherson College has been granted the “Latchstring Hour" next Sunday afternoon, from three to four o’clock. Students and friends of the college are requested to listen in if possible, and to notify any others who might be interested in the McPherson College broadcast.
Prof. J. A. Blair, professor of education and psychology, is to be the math speaker of the afternoon. Besides his address a ladies trio consisting of Helen Holloway, Lois Edwards, and Mildred Dahlinger will sing, and other mimical numbers are to be given by Miss Margaret Shelley, violinist, and Mrs. Anna C. Tate, soprano.
Fri., April 29—A May Fete given in the McPherson College chapel this evening before a packed house was the final feature of the W. A, A. Play Day sponsored by the local Women’s Athletic Association. Athletically inclined co-eds from Fort Hays State College were here as guests of the M. C. W. A. A. The groups from Sterling College, Hutchinson Junior College, and Kansas Wesleyan University, who had been invited, failed to appear, but nevertheless those who were on hand had a very enjoyable day.
After arriving and registering, the visitors attended chapel service at 10:00 a. m., and then entered upon the program of sports arranged for the day. Lois Edwards, McPherson College, won the tennis singles match played with the Hays representative, but the visitors carried away honors in the doubles, a team composed of Maurine Falkner and Helen Dannefer defeating the McPherson net stars.
Other sports engaged in during the day were basketball, volleyball, baseball, and track events. Among the latter were running races, jumping contests, and baseball throwing. All of these events were non-competitive, the teams being composed of members of each school.
At 7:00 p. m. the May Fete began in the college chapel. Upon a throne surrounded by impressive scenery and a royal court was placed the May Queen, who was Miss Nora King of Hays, selected as the best athlete of the day. In review before her passed groups engaged in a variety of entertainments, most of them con-sisting of tap dancing. Brilliant, and picturesque costumes added to the effectiveness of the program.
(Continued on Page Two)
Half a hundred seniors—a class ranking among the largest ever graduated from McPherson College, are now spending their last busy weeks during the session in preparation for graduation at Commencement, which will take place on Friday, May 27.
Seven out of the list will not complete their work this semester, but will return to the 1932 M. C. Summer School session or finish the required work by correspondence.
The majors chosen by the Class of 1932 seem to cover the entire range of the curriculum, but a survey shows that history is the favorite with a following of nine seniors; English and Industrial education are tied for second with eight, and oth-ers are close behind.
The members of the graduating class, with their majors, are as follows:
Attillia Anderson, chemistry; Roy Bartles, Commerce: Kenneth Bitiko-fer, commerce: Lillian Carlson, history; Nellie Collins, English; Orville Countryman, math, and physics; Mildred Doyle, chemistry; Herbert Eby, history; Evalyn Fields, history; Vera Flora, music; Myreta Hammann, music; Kermit Hayes, history; Fern Heckman, chemistry; Orion High, history; Herbert Hochstrasser, industrial education; Helen Holloway, English; Luther Horn, chemistry; Posey Jamison, industrial education; Ralph Johnston, industrial education: Elmer Keck, math and physics; Ralph Keedy, chemistry; John Kin-dy, education; Philip Lauver, history; Lawrence Lehman, English; George Lerew, industrial education; Clara Fern Mast English; Clarence Meinhardt, history; Constance Meyer, history.
Herbert Mowbray, industrial education; Minnie Mugler, education; Elsie Muse, home economics; Gilbert Myers, history; Leslie Myers, math and physics: Verle Ohmart, industrial education; B. F. Paukratz, edu-cation; Roy Peebler, biology;Constance Rankin, home economics; Ethel Sherfy, English; Elizabeth Richards, history; Evelyn Saylor, English; Charles Smith, Industrial education; Ada Stutzman, commerce; Adelyn Taylor, English; Clinton Trostle, biology; Donald Trostle, industrial education; Florence Weaver, home economics; Mary Weddle, home economics; Walter Wollman, chemistry: Alberta Yoder, English; Royal Yoder, agriculture.
Miss Prudence Strickler, a former student here, has been elected president of Gamma Epsilon Pt. a national honorary commerce sorority having high requirements for entrance, at the University of Southern California. She is a graduate of the commerce department of that school.
Miss Strickler plans to attend the 1932 McPherson College Summer School session, which begins on May 30 and lasts until July 29.
Dr. J. Willard Hershey will go to Wichita Wed., Apr. 27, to speak before the Wichita section of the American Chemical Society. He will give his illustrated lecture with slides and film on the components of the atmosphere and synthetic atmosphere in relation to animal life. This is the same lecture that Dr. Hershey gave at New Orleans early this fall.
The Annual Brethren Young People's Conference of the Southwest Kansas District is to be held in to be held in Hutchinson Saturday and Sunday. The Conference is for young people of senior high school and college ages, and their leaders.
Several McPherson college men are taking part in the program. Dean F. A. Replogle will probably have charge of a discussion group. Ward Williams, Charles Austin, Lilburn Gottmann, and Clinton Trostle will be to charge of other groups.
This conference is of interest to all Brethren young people and many McPherson college students should plan to attend.
Wichita U. Dean of Women To Be Speaker Saturday Afternoon
The McPherson branch of the American Association of University Women is giving a tea in honor of the senior woman of McPherson colege next Saturday afternoon. May 7. The place is the McCourt Hotel, and the time from three to five o'clock.
Miss Grace Wilkie, Dean of Woman of the University of Wichita, and Director of the Southwest Section of the A. A. U. W., will be the speaker. All senior women are cordially invited to attend the tea.
J. R. Shutz, popular professor of sociology at Manchester College, North Manchester, Indiana, is a candidate for Congress, subject to the elections in this fall. Prof. Shutz is pastor of the Progressive Brethren church in North Manchester, and holds several executive positions in the church.
EDITORIAL STAFF | ||||||||||||
Business Manager |
Lloyd A. Larsen |
Ass't Business Manager |
J. T. Williams |
Ass't Business Manager |
Jesse Dunning |
Frank Hutchinson |
Agnes Bean |
Una Ring |
Mattie Shay |
Dorothy Dresher |
Adelyn Taylor |
Everett Fasnacht |
Mildred Doyle |
Dennis Andes |
Viola De Vilbiss |
Faculty Adviser |
Prof. Maurice A. Hess |
Next Sunday, May 8, is the day set aside for honoring our mothers. It is on this day that the fullest expression of that universal spirit which prompted the Master to say on His cross of agony. "Son, behold thy mother," is made manifest.
What could be more fitting than a day set aside to honor Mother? It is she who has made it possible for us to enjoy all of the countless bless-ings of living; it is she who has endured hours of painful anxiety for our well-being; it is she who has slaved and tolled that our way might be made easier: It is she who has rejoiced with us in our joys and sympathized with us in our disappointments. Though we may be tempted to think her common, out-of-date, unable to understand modern youth, stills she remains the truest and best friend; in her faithful, encouraging smile is something which Is never out-of-date, but destined always to lead men and women to give of their best.
College student, remember your mother next Sunday. If you can, go and spend the day at home with her; if that is impossible, send her a little gift (the size and cost do not count), and at the very least a letter telling her of the things you have forgotten to say in her presence. And if perchance she has gone on to her mansion in the Eternal City, spend a few moments at least in the presence of her still living spirit.
A ward to the wise is sufficient, but a whole library would not convince the otherwise.
A pessimist reminds us of a man In a dark room looking for a black cat that isn't there.
We carry our neighbors fallings in sight; we throw our own over our shoulders.—French Proverb.
The best way to make ourselves admired is to be what we expect to be thought.—Socrates.
When we are out of sympathy with the young, then I think our work in this world is over.—George MacDonald,
As soon as a person can school himself to expect nothing or every-thing, disappointment is robbed of its fangs.
Don't worry about the advise you hand out, nobody pays attention to it anyway.
Marjorie Bunce, a sophomore here last year, visited friends in Arnold Hall Saturday and Sunday. Miss Bunce's home is at Bushton, Kansas.
Russell Elliott of Waldo visited friends oh College hill Sunday.
Melda Mohler, B. S. '29, was the guest of friends in Arnold Hall Monday. Miss Kohler is living in Salina at present.
dants, Mildred Doyle, Florence Weaver, Attillia Anderson, Leonard Wiggins, Loren Rock, Walter Pauls, and Harold Binford.
Besides Nellie Collins, president of the local W. A. A., the program com-mittee consisted of Velma Bean, Mildred Stutzman, Adelyn Taylor, and Ada Brunk, Mary Weddle has charge of the luncheon which was served at noon to the visiting co-eds.
Dr. E. L. Craik, professor of history and government at Juniata college, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, for the last eight years, has been granted a leave of absence to study abroad next year. Dr. Craik went to Juniata from McPherson college, where he was a teacher for fourteen years, and from which be graduated In the class of 1910.
As a visiting graduate student, Dr. Craik will probably spend the first part of the year at the University of Edinburgh, and the second part at either Oxford, Cambridge, or the University of Munich or the University of Heidelberg, returning to the United States by September, 1933.
Sun., May 1—The College Christian Endeavor was in charge of the church program at the Brethren Church tonight. The program consisted of devotionals, by the leader, Everett Fasnacht, a talk on the race problem, by Lilburn Gottmann, and a pageant "The Challenge of the Cross." The whole service was quite impressive.
On April 26, 1932, the inevitable hand of death beckoned the life of Mary Swain, a student in McPherson College. Some time ago she was forced to discontinue her second school year in college on account of ill-health. However, throughout her illness and fight for health she over maintained her cheerful, sympathetic kindness toward her family and friends who did all human power could do to help her.
Although the physical presence of Mary Swain is removed from our midst yet her whole hearted devotion and kindness are a rich memory to those who were acquainted with her and even more so to those who knew her intimately. The college students deeply regret her early passing but are happy to have known her and the charming characteristics which made her life so beautiful.
To the family and intimate friends the college students give their sympathy and "may the rich music of her life ring on eternally."
—A. Y.
Guy Hayes visited his brother Ker-mit and other friends of the campus Saturday and Sunday. Guy’s home is near Geneseo.
(Continued from Page One) Principal characters in the May Fete, in addition to the Athletic Queen, were Maid of Honor, Nellie Collins; Prince, George Himes; Flower girl, Roberta Mohler; Crown bearer, Charles Binford; Train bearers, Donna Marie Bowman and Justin Replogle: Court Jesters, Vivian
Sleeves and Elaine Beard; and atten-
Tuesday, April 26—An Interesting radio program featuring a talk by Charles B. Merriam, professor of political science at the University of Chicago, was heard this evening from six to six-thirty o'clock by members of the local International Relations Club, at the home of Dr. J. D. Bright. Prof. Merriams' speech was on the subject of "Primaries and the Mach-inery of Their Operation." Following the broadcast a general discussion of political events took place.
Through a series of unfortunate accidents, and in some cases because of the slight negligence of the Spectator editorial staff, the McPherson col-lege music department has been slighted to a certain degree in recent editions of the paper.
In an effort to make up at least in part for this fact we are printing on the front page of this issue a partial outline of some of the successes attained by students and teachers in this department this spring. It has been one of the most successful seasons yet enjoyed by the department, if winning in contests with students from other schools can be considered an indication of success.
The chapel orchestra under Miss Shelley's direction has done remarkable work this year, as also have the smaller ensembles directed by Miss Shelley for various occasions. The sacred cantata, "Ruth" given April 8 by the combined glee clubs under direction of Mrs. Tate, was beyond doubt one of the best musical programs McPherson college audiences have been privileged to hear in recent years. The quartets and other groups directed by her have also kept up to the high standards set for them in the past.
These and the many victories and achievements scored by individual students in piano, voice, and violin have contributed to a very successful and commendable season.
We all have our moments of imagining ourselves independent characters. We take pride in our independence and are never as foolish as when trying to prove how Independent we are.
Every man, to begin, with, is born absolutely at the mercy of his an-cestry. You have not a thing in you, and you never will have a thing in you, that you did not inherit from some one of the thousands and thousands of ancestors, all of whom are dimly stored away in your complex make-up.
You may develop marvelously the faculties which they gave you
Bat you are dependent on those who brought you into the world, and open those back of them.
The Kaffir, sober, industrious, honest, with all the virtues rolled up within him, has not a fragment of one chance in ten thousand billions of equalling the achievements of a tenth-rate while man whose ancestral start was better.
After birth you start with dependence on your ancestors, and after youth you are dependent on your education.
Facts are your tools, and you cannot work without them.
if you mind has the right formation, if your brain is provided with the deep concolutions, and good luck has supplied you with a good education in youth, the whole thing is dependent on your health—on your liver, your stomach, or some other part of your internal machinery.
Very often your success is dependent on your temper and tact. These depend on your digestion. Digestion, of course, depends on your cook, and the cook's attention to business may depend on the politeness of the policeman in front of the house.
You may feel absolutely independent when as a matter of
fact you are miserably dependent on the mood of the policeman who
has snubbed the lady who cooks your food. -Arthur Bisbane, in "The Book of
All the power of Niagara is simple the combine power of tiny drop falling
from a certain height. -Selected
To be seen, climb on a high place
To be hears, make yourself somebody, then people will listen. -Selected
If all dreams were to come true nightmares might come true too.
Cleason Minter went to his home at Abilene Friday afternoon, where be spent the week-end with his parents and friends. He returned to the campus Sunday evening. Vernon Spillman of Roxbury was a campus visitor during the week-end. Jena Dunning left Friday noon for Bartlesville, Oklahoma, where he visited during the week-end. He returned to the campus Tuesday. Vincent Dade motored to Lawrence Saturday morning, and returned to McPherson early Monday morning. Dade was enrolled in K. U. the first semester. Blanch Harris and Everett Fas-nacht motored to Hutchinson Monday afternoon on a business trip. |
Completely Shut Out Opponents in Six Events—Several Men Earn Letters—All Contribute to Total Points Scored
Carlson, Bethany, is High Point Man, Scoring Most of Team's 27 2/3
Point Total
McPherson to enter OTTAWA STATE MEET
Lindsborg, April 27—The McPherson College Bulldogs, displaying ex-cellent form in every event, ran up the one-sided score of 103 1/3 to 27 2/3 In a dual track and field meet here today. Looking over all past track records that can be found shows this performance to be the largest total ever piled up by a Bulldog track team in the history of the school.
McPherson placed high in every event, and in six events the Bulldogs took every place. These events were the high hurdles, shot put, discus, 440-yard dash, javelin, and two-mile run.
Several McPherson men made their letters in this meet; all of the men made some points, but no one man was doing the bulk of the work himself. The track record made today is one of which the college may rightly feel proud.
Harold Carlson of Bethany was the outstanding mainstay of the opposing team, taking firsts in the 100-yard dash, low hurdles, and broad jump, and tied for third in the high jump to register 15 1/2 points. He was high point man for the meet.
The unusually cool afternoon had some effect on the results of the meet.
Binford Plans to Pick Men from Squad For Track Events and Tennis
Coach Melvin Binford has an-nounced his intention to take at least a part of the Bulldog track team up the state meet at Ottawa. He will also take one doubles team in tennis.
He will probably take five or six men from the following for the big meet at Ottawa: Wallace McGill, George Zinn, Loren Rock, Verle Oh-mart, George Himes, Wayne Blume, Archie Van Nortwick, Ward Williams, and Leonard Wiggins.
Binford will pick the men that are to make the trip from this group on the basis of the season record and performance in the inter-class meet. Besides these track men it is very probable that the tennis team composed of Gottmann and Binford will also enter the state tennis meet at Ottawa.
Sat., April 30—The M. C. intramural baseball league is progressing nicely with Kraus and company taking practically all of the remaining teams into camp.
Since the results have last been published the games have resulted as follows; Williams 5, faculty 18; Whiteneck 10, Kraus, 17; Yoder 30, Carpenter 8; Minear 29, McGill 2; Williams 14, McGill 8; Whiteneck 6, faculty 10; Yoder 3, Kraus 13; Minear 12, Carpenter 7; Williams 12, Carpenter 24; Whiteneck 6, McGill 5; Minear 10, Kraus 14; Yoder 7, faculty 6.
The intra-mural games will be played as rapidly as possible until the league schedule has been completed.
and that also against the Bethany Swedes.
The all-school picnic Tuesday postponed the remainder of the inter-class track meet. The events not yet-run will take place this afternoon and tomorrow afternoon. So far the freshmen seem to have the advantage, with the juniors not far behind.
of Castleton, defending champion, in straight sets, 6-2, 6-2.
The tournament seemed to be of much interest to the schools participating and some unusually good tennis was displayed.
Two Weeks Period To Be Devoted To Fundamentals of Game
The Bulldogs fairly showed their heels to the Swedes in track last Friday, as the score well indicates. In some events it was clearly evident soon after the start that it would be merely a question as to which McPherson man would get first place.
McPherson started out by winning all three places in the shot put and soon the high hurdlers came through with all three places in this race and likewise in four other events the Bulldogs managed to take all the points.
Postponed High School Match-os Are Played Saturday
Sat., April 30—Castleon and Lincoln were winners in the annual high school tennis matches held here today, the matches being played on the McPherson College courts. The meet was to have taken place a week ago, on April 23, in connection with the M. C. High School Senior Festival, but was postponed because of weather conditions.
The following schools entered teams in the elimination tournament today; Pretty Prairie, Inman, Little River, Beloit, Lincoln, Roxbury, Marion, Moundridge, McPherson, Marquette, Castleton, and Gypsum.
The doubles team from Castleton composed of Gibb and Smyth won from the Lincoln doubles team, 4-6, 6-4, and 7-5, in the finals. In the singles finals these same two schools were represented with Lincoln winning and Cautlolon as runner-up. Sweezy of Lincoln won from Rogers
A men's all-school tennis tournament is getting under way this week, under the direction of Coach Melvin Binford. Separate elimination tourneys are to be held for both singles and doubles matches.
Unusual interest is being taken in the tournament, as evidenced by the fact that by Saturday of last week thirty-four names had been entered for singles matches, with ten pairs entered in the doubles.
“Every boy, young man and young woman should have ambition to understand public affairs, and if possible, to influence them.”-—Calvin Coolidge.
High hurdles—first, Himes; sec-ond, Mowbray; third, Van Noriwick; all of McPherson. Time: 17.5 seconds.
Milo run—first, McGill. McPherson; secpmd, Wray, Bethany; third, Carpenter, McPherson. Time: 5 min. 6.5 seconds.
100-yard dash—first, Carlson, Bethany; second, Ohmart, McPherson; third, Lindholm, McPherson, Time; 10.5 seconds.
Shot put—first, Rock, McPherson; second, Zinn, McPherson; third, Moore, McPherson. Distance: 38
feet 3 1/2 inches.
220-yard dash—first, Ohmart, McPherson; second, Lindholm, McPherson; third, Hartshorne, Bethany, Time; 24.4 seconds.
Pole vault—first, Wiggins, McPherson; second, Bradley, McPherson, and Johnberg, Bethany. Height: 10 feet, 6 inches.
Half mile run—first, Van Nort-wick, McPherson; second, McGill, McPherson; third, Hanson, Bethany, Time: 2 min., 16.5 seconds.
Discus—first, Rock, McPherson; second, Zinn, McPherson; third, Johnston, McPherson. Distance: 119 feet, 11 inches.
440-yard dash —first, Mowbray, McPherson; second, Van Nortwick, McPherson; third, Williams, McPher- son. Time: 57 seconds.
High Jump—first, Hanson, Bethany; second, Mimes, McPherson; third, Larson and Carlson, Bethany, and Wigging, McPherson, Height: 5 feet 71/2 inches.
Low hurdles—first, Carlson, Bethany; second, Carpenter, McPherson; third, Blume, McPherson. Time: 27.5 seconds.
Javelin—first, Rock, McPherson; second, Wiggins, McPherson; third, Himes, McPherson, Distance: 157 feet, 11 inches.
Two mile run—first, Taylor, McPherson; second, Bradley, McPher-son; third, Williams, McPherson. Time; 12 min., 6 seconds.
Broad jump—first, Carlson, Bethany, second, Williams, McPherson; third, Carpenter, McPherson. Distance: 19 feet, 8 inches Relay—Bethany forfeited to McPherson.
Coach Melvin J. Binford has ar-ranged for spring football practice to begin soon. It will last for two weeks, beginning Monday, May 9.
It is expected that a large number of men will turn out for this short training period. Several of last fall's squad men, some from McPherson high school who expect to play with the Bulldogs next year, and part of the graduating athletes planning to coach will make up the spring train-ing squad.
Coach Binford plans to devote the time to reviewing fundamentals of the game and conditioning the men. Such features as tackling, blocking, and running will be stressed.
Friday, April 29—The inter-class track and field meet got under way today with many entries in most events. The following events were run off today; 100-yard dash, high hurdles, mile run, shot put, and pole vault.
The remainder of the meet is scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday of next week, instead of Monday and Tuesday as first announced. The Juniors and freshmen are favored to win the meet with the freshmen having the advantage after the first five events today.
In spite of all this the Swedes had a mighty good man in Harold Carlson. This man Carlson made 151/3 of his team's total of 27 1/2 points by way of three firsts and a tie for third. He was high point man of the meet, and certainly did his part in seeking to pull out a victory for his team.
Several McPherson men earned their letters in the meet at Lindsborg. The Bulldogs had full control of the meet and sometimes a McPherson man would sacrifice a place for a teammate. It surely looks good to see the 1932 Bulldog track team roll up the largest score in history
This week has been set aside as repair week in the Industrial arts department. Stu-dents and locally members may bring any broken pieces to be re-
paired, nut the greater part of the
Remaining Events To Be Run Off Today and Tomorrow |