McPherson college wins


Wins Divisions in Both Oratory and Extempore at Manhattan Contests

year on varsity squad; chemistry department assistant; honor student


State Championship in Debate—First in Old Line Oratory and Extempore—First in Peace Oratory—Second in Anti-Tobacco Oratory

Ward Williams, Junior, was victorious over contestants from nine other colleges of Kansas to win first place in both oratory and extempor-aneous speaking at the State Old Line Content held at Manhattan on March 11 and 12. This was the first time in recent years that the same contestant won first place in both divisions of the Old Line Contest. It was also the first time in ten years that McPherson College has won first place in oratory, although in that time the local school has won three second place decisions.

Although extemporaneous speaking is not stressed on our own campus, M. C. has won first place in this division now for the second consecu-tive year. John "Jack" Lehman was the winner in 1931.

Contests held at Manhattan includ-ed four divisions—one each in oratory and extempore for both men and women. The winners in the finals of each of these were as follows; men's oratory — McPherson first, Southwestern second; men’s extempore— McPherson first, Southwestern second; women’s oratory-—Bethany first, Southwestern second; women's oratory—Bethany first, Southwestern second; women's extempore— Southwestern first, Manhattan second, of the total placings after the two preliminary rounds held before the finals, Southwestern was credited with seven and McPherson was second with four.

Mildred Doyle, McPherson contestants in the women's divisions of both extempore and oratory, led her (Continued on Page Three)


Fargo Publicity In Order to Back Up Varsity Squad

Although not as much publicity was sained by them because of the fact that they engaged entirely in non-decision contests this season, the McPherson women's debate team and the men’s second team were far from idle.

Both teams were represented in pairs at the Winfield Pre-Season Tourney. Both women's teams were eliminated in the fifth round, one of them losing to the winners of the division. The men's second teams, competing in the junior college divi-sion, were eliminated in the prelim-inaries

During the season the second team engaged in the following debates; Groveland, Elyria, debated each oth-er; Eldorado Junior college, dual debate; Hutchinson Junior college, dual debate. The women's team held dual debates with C. of E., Bethany Hutchinson junior collage, and Bethel.


In the spring of 1929 John "Jack" Lehman won the State Peace Oratorical contest, then submitted his oration to the national contest and was first place with an additional sixty dollars to a similar amount he had won in the state event. Lehman was always an outstanding man in foren-sics. After graduation in '31 he enrolled in Harvard Law School, but was forced to quit on account of ill health.

McPherson has made GOOD DEBATE RECORD

Teams Coached by Hess Have Won Six Championships in Twelve Years

The distinctive record of Coach Hess's McPherson college debate teams during the last twelve years is given below. The members of the teams are named also.

Varsity Debate

1921—Lost Northern Division to Sterling on percentage: Bishop and Stover, Jones and Brubaker.

1922—State Championship from Wichita, 5 to 1; Fleming and Bishop: Waas and Brubaker.

1923—Lost state to Wichita. 4 to 2; Dirks and Waas, Langford and Bishop.

1924—Lost Northern Division to State Champion Bethany: Timmons and Rock, Jones and Waas.

1926—Disaster!! Won one debate Libby and Rock, H. Lehman and H. Lehman.

1926—State Championship from Bethel, 6 to 0; Lengel and Huston, H. Lehman and Rock.

1927— State Championship from Southwestern, 4 to 2; Lengel and Huston, H. Lehman and Rock. ‘

1928—State Championship from Bethel, 5 to 1; Hayes and Spohn, Frantz and Ihde.

1929—Lost Northern Division to

Slate Champion Bethany:    Harnly

and Frantz, Hayes and Spohn.

1930—Lost State to Southwestern 4 to 2; Won Northern Division; Whiteneck and J. Lehman, Williams and Landes.

1931—State Championship from Wichita, 3 to 3; 3rd at Winfield tournament; Williams and J. Lehman, Wollman and Hayes.

1932—State Championship from Bethany, 4 to 1: 2nd place at Win-field tournament:    Gottmann and

Williams. L. Lehman and Wollman.

Women's Debate Teams

1926—Lengei and Waas; Wray and Brown.

1927—Waas, Stull, Lengel; Brown Taylor, Libby.

1928—Stull and Brown; Galle and Anderson.

1929- Anderson and Brown; Libby and Galle.


1931—Carlson and Doyle; Stull and Crabb.

1932—Carlson, Hobart, and Doyle; Nickel and Rueblen.

Ward Williams, junior:    three

years on first debate team; winner in both State Old Line Oratory and extempo; second in state Anti-Tobacco oratory; outstanding track man: active in Y. W. C. A., W. S. G.; student pastor, Castleton.

Lilburn Gottmann, junior; first year on varsity- two years on a sec-ond debate team; president of Y. M. C. A.; late president of the college Church C. E; winner in varsity ten-nis; active in W. S. G. with Williams took second in Winfield Debate Tour-ney.

Lawrence Lehman, senior; first year in debate; champion in State Peace Oratory; student pastor at Holland; active in music- varsity male quartet and glee clubs; honor student.

Walter Wollman, senior: second


Today-Track and tennis meet with Bethany at Lindsborg.

Fri., April 29- W. A. A. Play Day, Sat., April 30-"M" Club banquet, College Church, 8:30 p. m.

Tues., May 3—All-School picnic.


Defeat Bethany Swedes For Championship — Lose Only One Debate During Season

On Tuesday night, April 5, the McPherson College debaters defeated the Bethany Swedes, in a victory of four judges to one to break a tie for the state championship and give M. C. its sixth state championship in the twelve years or debate here coached by Prof. Maurice A. Hess.

The state title was the second in succession for the Bulldog debaters at they won last year from Wichita university in the final contest.

In the last twelve years McPherson College teams have taken part in eight state championship debates, thereby taking two second place decisions in addition to the six championships. It will be at least four years before any college debate team in Kansas can equal the record of victories claimed by McPherson.

In the final debate Lilburn Gott-mann and Ward Williams, McPherson affirmative team, met Lorin Bib-ley and Carl Olson on the Bethany floor, coming home with a two to one decision. Meanwhile Lawrence Lehman and Walter Wollman, M. C. negative squad, had a hard fought contest on their hands but managed to win the decision of both of the two judges in the local college chapel.

On February 17 the McPherson affirmative team defeated the Bethany negative squad in the first con-

(Continued on Page Three)


Takes $60 Prize—Six Others Entered—Will Enter Ora-tion in National

Fri., April 15—What Prof. Maurice A. Hess, coach of forensics, classes as "the most successful forensics season in the history of McPherson College" was concluded tonight when Lawrence Lehman, senior, won the State Peace Oratorical Contest held at Friends university, Wichita, with his oration on “Contrasts." The award was $60 in cash.

Lehman was a member of the varsity debate squad, which won the state championship again for McPherson, and has taken an active interest in forensics while in college. In addition to a heavy load of academic work he has participated in many extra-curricular activities. Including the varsity male quartet, the college chorus and men's glee-club, the Y. M. C. A., the World Service Group, and for the last two years has held a student pastorate in the Church of the Brethren at Holland,

In his prize-winning oration he first drew a contrast between Gandhi and Mussolini, then showed that there is a similar contrast between nations in their attitudes and acts in relation to war and peace. His outline was definite and well-chosen. He will submit the oration for the national contest, where judging is based on thought and composition alone.

In the nine years of the contest McPherson has placed five first plan decisions, two seconds, one third, and one fourth. During the last five years the local school has won four firsts and one second. Altogether McPherson has taken $480 the contest prize money.


Back in the days of the Academy at McPherson the local forensic art-ists seem to have been winning also. After the advent of Prof. Maurice A. Hess to the local school the record was as follows, in academy debate; 1932- Second place (lost to Cen-tral college)

1932—First place.

1923- First place.

1924—First place.


Compete With Sixty-one Other Teams- 50 Schools From Seven States Entered

Sat., Dec 5- Lilburn Gottmann and Ward Williams, comprising one of the men's varsity teams representing McPherson in the Southwestern Pre-Season Tourney held at Winfield, returned to McPherson today with a handsome silver cup to show that they had won second place in the each men's vanity division of the contest.

The M. C. team competed with sixty-one other teams from seven states of the Middle West Arkansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Texas, Colorado, and Kansas. I48 teams in all were on hand for the tournament, from fifty different schools. Sixty-two of those were men's teams from four year colleges, thirty-six were women's teams, and the remaining fifty wore rated as junior college teams.

The McPherson team which won second place passed the preliminaries with no trouble, then started out by defeating Friends university. C. of E. was their second Victim, and in the next round Wichita university. They drew a bye for the eighth round. In the ninth and final round they lost to Southwestern, by a two to one vote, thus taking second place in the tournament.

Four rounds of preliminary debates were run off on Friday evening. On Saturday morning the decisions were announced, and any team which had lost more than one of the four contests was eliminated. The McPherson men's varsity team composed of Lawrence Lehman and Walter Wellman was eliminated in the preliminaries, as were both pairs of our second team entrants, competing in the Junior college division. Both McPherson women's teams survived the preliminary rounds, and both lost out in the fifth round, the team composed of Lillian Carlson and Mildred Doyle losing to the Hastings Teachers College team of Hastings, Nebraska, winners of the division.

The Southwestern College tournament at Winfield this year was the largest so far in the history of the contest, being second in size only to

(Continued on Page Four)



Lucile Crabb Won First in Same

Contest Last Year

Tues., March 8- Ward Williams took second place this evening in the State Anti-Tobacco Oratorical contest sponsored by the Kansas Intercolle-giate Anti-Tobacco Association. The contest was held at Sterling college. Williams' subject was "As One Re-former to Another."

Miss Frances Christian from Friends Bible School at Haviland won first place, and third place was taken by Miss Vera Postlewaite of Central college. Last year the contest was won by Miss Lucile Crabb of McPherson college, the meet tak-ing place on the M. C. campus.


Prof. Hess and His Men Have Won Reward of Consistent Hard Work

This edition of The Spectator is dedicated to the McPherson college students who are engaged in forensic activities, who, under he able lead-ership of their coach, Prof. Maurice A. Hess, have enjoyed the most successful season in the history of the college.

Through consistent hard work, coupled with at least a fair share of native ability, these students have developed a machine which swept through contest after contest with some of the strongest opposition which could be found, and have "brought home the bacon'' for their school.

The varsity debate team, starting out with two veterans and two men comparatively inexperienced in varsity debate, swept through their debate schedule to win the sixth state championship since the coming of Coach Hess, with the loss of only one contest during the season. Two members, Ward Williams and Lil-burn Gottmann, took second place in the 7-state Pre-season Tourney held at Southwestern university, competing with sixty-one other strong college teams.

In oratory, too, the M. C. men “did the impossible" during the 1932 season, Ward Williams, member of the varsity debate squad, entered the State Anti-Tobacco Oratorical contest held at Sterling college, but perhaps due to the fact that "this is a wo-(Continued on Page Three)


Wins As Many First Places As All Other Colleges Togeth-er in Oratory

McPherson college orators under the coaching of Prof. Maurice A. Hess seem to have had a habit of winning during the last decade. A survey of the results of three orator-ical contests in which the local school has participated, namely the contests in Anti-Tobacco Oratory, Peace Oratory, and Old Oratory, shows that M. C. orators have won a total of fourteen first place decisions and nine seconds, as compared with only fourteen first places won by other schools entered. (This excludes three years in Anti-Tobacco Oratory for which the record could not be locat-ed).

McPherson's record in each of the three contests has been as follows:

Anti-Tobacco Oratory 1919—Howard Engle, first; 1920 —J. W. Maxey, first; 1921- David Brubaker, first; 1922, 1923, 1924-No record; 1925—John Whiteneck, first; 1926 -Ora Huston, second; 1927—Ora Huston, first; 1928— Henry Hall, first; 1929—Lloyd Diggs, first; 1930—Ward Williams, fourth; 1931—Lucille Crabb, first; 1932—Ward Williams, second.

Peace Oratory

1924— David Brubaker, first, second in national; 1925—Kenneth Rock, third; 1926—John Whitenock, second; 1927—Ora Huston, fourth; 1928—Henry Hall, first; 1929— —John Lehman, first, first in national:    1930—Lucile Crabb, second;

1931 —Keith Hayes, first; 1932-Lawrence Lehman, first.

Old Line Oratory 1925—John Lehman, second in thought: 1926—Kenneth Rock, second in thought; 1927Kenneth Rack, second: 1928—John White-neck, second; 1929—Did not place; 1930—John Lehman, second; 1931 —Did not place; 1932—Ward Wil-liams, first.

Page two

WEDNESDAY, APR. 27, 1932




Vernon C. Rhoades

Associate Editor

Wilbur C. Yoder

Associate Editor

Alberta Yoder

Circulation Manager


Business Manager

Lloyd A. Larsen

Ass't Business Manager

J. T. Williams

Ass't Business Manager

Jesse Dunning

Frank Hutchinson


Agnes Bean

Una Ring

Mattie Shay

Dorothy Dresher

Adelyn Taylor

Everett Fasnacht

Mildred Doyle

Dennis Andes

Viola De Vilbiss

Faculty Adviser

Prof. Maurice A. Hess

McPherson college wins

This special Forensics edition of The Spectator is not being published because the department of forensics is the only one that is accomplishing anything, but because it is representative of the quality of work McPherson college students and instructors are doing. In scholarship, in music, in sports (yes, in sports, for when the game is fairly played both sides win regardless of the score), we have a record of winning of which we may be proud.

Of course the primary reason for this edition now is the fact that Professor Hess and his pupils have just finished the most successful season in the history of the school. Starting out with only fair prospects for debaters and orators, the instructor searched out new participants and worked with the ones already found until he had developed contestants who could, as usual, "do the impossible." The men and women under his guidance have learned that it takes hard work and hours of it to get anywhere in forensics, as in any other line of work, and to their response to this fact may be attributed their consistent record of victories.

Forensics, perhaps more than any other part of the curriculum, are representative of the abilities and achievements for which a college stands. The debater, orator, or extemporaneous speaker must know history, psychology, philosophy—he must have control of his body, his voice, his expression—he must read and study constantly on his general subject and other fields also—In fact, the entire scope of the college curriculum contains something which the forensics contestant needs.

Students who have the ability and inclination should take part in forensics. Next year one of our champion orators, two of the varsity debate team, and several of the women’s team and second team will be gone, and others will need to step in to fill their places. If nothing else, the prize money should be an inducement. This year M. C. orators have already won eighty-five dollars in cash. During the history of the state Peace Contest we have taken $480 of the prize money. But the training is perhaps worth more to the contestant than the money be may win.

Although this edition is published entirely at the suggestion of The Spectator staff, we appreciate the cooperation of Professor Hess in furnishing material for which we have asked, and wish him and his pupils another successful season next year.

You are not very good if you are

not better than your best friends think you to be.—Lavater.

The number of square people, not the number of square miles, makes a country truly great.

To love one's friends, to bathe in the sunshine of life, to preserve the right mental attitude- the receptive attitude, the attitude of gratitude-and do one’s work—these make the sum of an ideal life. -Hubbard.

The friends thou hast, and their adoption tried, grapple them to thy soul with hooks of sleet—Shakes-peare.

Providence makes no mistakes with its bookkeeping—we eventually get just what we deserve

To approve or disapprove of anything is as absurd attitude towards life. We were not put here to judge the actions of others.


which may be found about Horse-thief Canton. A good luncheon was served at noon for the hungry pic-nickers.

In the evening the majority of the party went to Saline, thirty miles rani and north of the picnic spot, where they ate their supper and af-terward attended a movie. They ar-rived in McPherson, tired but happy in the satisfaction that they had had a thoroughly enjoyable time.



Says Voice May Be Cultivated -Good Conversation




Association Elects New Officers At Meeting Last Week

Last weak the Women's Athletic Association elected its officers for the coming year at a meeting held on Monday evening. Those to be in charge of next year's activities will assume their duties during the first part of May, after the State W. A. A. Play Day.

Genevieve Crist was elected presi-dent of the group; Velma Bean is the new vice-president; Elizabeth Bow-man will handle the finances as treasurer, and Elsie Rump will as-sume the duties of secretary.


Lloyd Larsen and Virgil Anderson were at Lawrence for the Kansas Relays during the week-end. Clea-son Minter was also in Lawrence during the week-end, but he didn't get there in time for the relays.

Wed., April 20- Miss Edith Mc-Gaffey addressed the student body in a short chapel talk this morning. Her theme was that on the art of conversation. "Conversation is an art and may be learned," was one of her statements.

Mis McGaffey stated that there is no worse advertisement than bad speaking. The voice seems to be the essential person himself. The voice may say more about oneself than the words which are spoken, even to the extent of "separating the golden from the glided." She also said that it makes some difference what one talks about.

The art of conservation is import-ant and students should become efficient in the art in order that life may be more fully enjoyed in more accurate speaking

Following this address Miss Jessie Brown, piano professor, and Myretta Hammon played a piano duet using two pianos. The number played was the "Last Movement of G Minor Con-certo" by Mendelssohn.


Tues., April 26—Prof. Earl E. Bohling addressed the meeting of the Industrial Arts Majors held this eve-ning at 7:30 o'clock. He have the men present some exceedingly inter-esting and helpful information on the subject of "Investments".

Albert Howls and Ruben Bowman made a short visit on the campus Sunday morning. They are both graduates in the class of 1920.


Alma Morrison, class of '31, was a week-end visitor in Arnold Hall. She is now teaching at Roxbury.

Lawrence Lehman motored to Morrill, Kansas. Friday, where he went to make personal application for a school teaching position.



Roy Diggs and Dave Shackleford, both students here last year, were campus visitors Saturday.

The McPherson College Summer School session for the coming sum-mer will begin May 30 and end July 29. May 30 has been designated as registration day. The student may earn nine hours credit in the McPherson College Summer School in one summer's work.

Summer study has to be quite popular in the last few years and students have found it quite advan-tageous to do away with the usual long vacation. Long vacations are now generally considered uneco-nomical from the eductaional as well as from the social and industrial points of view. The courses offered in Mc-Pherson College Summer School are similar and in most instances iden-tical to those offered in the regular semester curriculum.

As stated in the McPherson College Bulletin Supplement, the summer session provides opportunities for students and teachers to pursue work toward the realization of the following objectives; (1) The wise Invest-ment of a part of the summer in study enables the student to complete work required for a Bachelor's degree. In three years. (2) To adjust irregularities in courses and fulfill group and major requirements. (3) To qualify for advanced grade of certificates. (4) To complete the re-quirement in practice teaching. (5) To meet requirements for renewal of various types of certificates. (6) To keep constantly growing in the teaching profession; and (7) to review the common branches in preparation for the county examinations.

The Summer School had a record attendance last summer with a total of 170, besides a grammar school of more than 30 students, which was conducted as a model school for there taking practice teaching. There were 40 special music students, among the 170 summer school stu-dents, last year.

The teaching staff for this year's summer term consists of efficient and experienced instructors. Dr. V. F. Schwalm is President of the Col-tags; F. A. Replogle is Director of the Summer School, Dean of the Col-lege, and instructor in Education.

McGaffey, Dean of Women and teacher of Englih; Dr. J. H. Hershey, professor of Science; J. H. Fries, business manager of summer school; Dr. J. D. Bright, professor of History and English; Maurice A. Hess, Re-views of Common Branches; Miss Mary Fee, supervisor of Practice Teaching; Jessie Brown, director of Piano Department; Fern Lingenfel-ter, Public School Music, and Piano; and Clara Colline, Art teacher.

The courses offered in the summer school will consist of such as the following: Education courses, including Psychology, Methods, Practice Teaching, etc.; English, including Rhetor-ic, and Literature courses; History and Government: Industrial and Applied Art; Philosophy; Reviews; Science, including Chemistry and Physiology; Music; and Piano.

May 30 has been set as Registra-tion day, and on the following day classes will begin. The school day will start at 7 A. M. each day and will end at 12:30 P.M. The summer School Commencement will be held on Friday, July 29.

Vernon Rhoades went to his home at North Topeka, Saturday. He returned to the campus Sunday evening.

Clinton and Donald Trostle motored to their home near Nickerson Sunday morning, where they spent the day visiting.

Fri., 22—The Senior class was in charge of the chapel program this morning with Gilbert Myers, president of the class, presiding, Mr. Myers presented to Dr. H. J. Harnly the shrubbery which the seniors planted east of the administration building.

Myreta Hamman gave a reading. "The Man in the Shadow", and Vera Flora sang "Trees", at the opening of the program. Miss Flora was ac-companied by Evelyn Saylor, who also played the prelude and postiude.

The stage had been decorated with ferns and flowers by Roy Peebler and Luther Horn.

Cheer up! Only a dentist should look down in the mouth.

Carrol Walker, class of '31, was a campus visitor Saturday and Sunday.


Walter Sorenson, a student here during the first semester, has pur-chased a half interest in the Mid-Continent Service Station, located at 420 South Main street, in partnership with L. A. Hargadine. In his odd hours he sells insurance for the Un-ion Central company.


Tues., April 26-A short film on Estes Park was shown this evening in the college chapel, under the aus-pices of the Y. M. C. A. and Y. M. C. A. A large number of students attended, part of them being those who intend to go to the 1933 Estes Park Student Conference held early in June.

The man who satisfies a cease-less intellectual curiosity probably squeezes more out of life in the long run than anyone else,"-Edmund

Edith Bechtelhelmer and Merle Fisher motored to Miss Bechtelhelm-er's home near Sabetha, Friday, where they visited during the week-end. They returned to the campus Sunday night.


Journey Made by Auto—Have Breakfast at Twin Elms- Supper at Salina

Late Sunday night, amid frequent showers of rain and overshadowing clouds, the juniors gathered to leave the campus for parts unknown. After considerable trouble experienced in starting the cars to be used (caused by the pranks of certain vandals, some say seniors) they were off.

Sometime during the small hours of the morning they landed at Twin Elms, northwest of McPherson, to camp for the remainder of the night. After breakfast Monday morning they landed at Twin Elms, northwest of McPherson, to camp for the re-mainder of the night. After break-fast Monday morning they started for Horsethief Canyon, under skied which had cleared until a day of fair weather was assured.

Having arrived at their destination the sneaking juniors spend the day in playing games, including baseball and horseshoe, in sleeping and read-ing, and most of all in hiking about to explore the many interesting spots

Vernon Spillman, of Roxbur, vis-ited on the campus during the week-end. Spilman graduated in the class

of '30.

WEDNESDAY, APR. 27, 1932



Visitors From Three Other Col-leges To Be Here—Banquet & Program Are Planned

On March 18 the last round of regular debate took place. The M. C. affirmative team defeated Huff and Hinshaw of the Friends university

team. Supt. Prof. G. R. R. Pilaum of Emporia being judge. Walter Wollman and Lawrence Lehman of the M. C. negative squad were meanwhile victorious also, winning the decision of Supt. Frank L. Irwiwn, Stafford, over Sterling College.



Plans have been completed for the

W. A. A. Play Day for this division of the state organization, which is to take place here next Friday, April 29. W. A. A. members from Hays State College, Sterling College, and Hutchinson Junior College are to be present, in addition to the large local membership. Kansas Wesleyan, the remaining member of the division, is unable to send delegates this year. The program for the day is as follows.

8:30-10:00—Registration and get-togetherr "mixers".

10:00-10:30- Chapel

10:30-12:30- Basketball; tennis matches begin at 10:30.




3:30-4:30-Track events 5:30-Banquet.


The visiting members of the Women's Athletic association will be the guests of the local group at the banquet, which is to be held at the College Church.

The program following the ban-quet will take place in the college chapel. It will consist for the most part of a May Fete under the difec-tion of Adelyn Taylor. Instructor in women's physical education. Folk dancing by her pupils will be the main feature of the May Fete, and at the close Nellie Collins, president of the local W. A. A. and Maid at Honor for the occasion, will crown as May Queen the best athlete of the day. she will be attended by Florence Weaver, Mildred Doyle, and Attillia Anderson.

Tues., April 26- Dr. J. D. Bright led an open forum discussion in the Y. M. meeting this morning, on the college student's problems in fitting himself into the home community during the summer vacation. The discussion centered upon the necessity of the student’s cooperation in the home, in the church, and in social meetings. It was pointed out that the student is sometimes a misfit in the home community, and frequently the college which he attends is blamed for this. The student’s attitude should be one embodying cooperation in working for the good of all.

Mary Swain of McPherson died early Tuesday morning, after a period of illness which confined her to the County Hospital for several days. She spent her first year of college here last year, and returned the first semester this year, but was unable to complete her work because of ill health. The funeral will take place at the McPherson Presbyterian Church at 2:30 Friday afternoon. Her many friends who were saddened by her death express their sympathy to her family.

McPherson college wins


(Continued from Page One) man's world." had to be content with second place.

However, he soon made up for failure to win first in this contest by running away with honors in both oratory and extemporaneous speak-ing at the State Old Line Oratorical contest, held at Manhattan, bringing back to McPherson two handsome silver trophies. Williams was the first in the history of this contest to win first in both oratory and extem-pore.

Two weeks ago Lawrence Lehman, a senior and also serving his first year on the varsity debate squad, en-tered the State Peace Oratorical con-test at Friends university, Wichita, competing with representatives of six other Kansas colleges. The judges gave him the decision for first place honors, and with it the first prize of sixty dollars in cash. Lehman is entering his oration in the National Peace contest, to be Judged in thought and composition alone.

Meanwhile the women’s varsity debate team and the men's second team were far from Idle, but their achieve-ments have not received the publicity because they have been content to enter non-decision debates in order to help a little morn in the success of the varsity team. In the Winfield tourney they made very creditable records, but failed to place among the winners. Others besides those mentioned also made good records in oratory.

The McPherson college student body, faculty, and constituency join in congratulating the M. C. forensic winners upon their success during the season.



(Continued from Page One)

test of the season, winning the decision Allen of Southwestern university, critic judge. On the following Friday night the M. C. nega-tive team received the only defeat of the season at the hands of Wichita university. Debate Coach Pearl of Hutchinson high school was the judge.

In the second round, held on March 4, the local teams won two more victories. The M. C. affirmative team disposed of the Bethel negative squad at Bethel, at 2:00 o’clock p. m. Prof. J. Thompson Baker of Southwestern was critic judge. At 8:00 p. m. Kansas Wesleyan came to the McPherson college chapel, only to be defeated by the McPherson negative team. The debate was Judged by Prof. V. A. Davis of the English department, K. S. T. C. of Emporia.

(Continued from Page One)

division in the oratory preliminaries, but failed to place in the finals. She was second in the extempore preliminaries, but again failed to place In

the finals. Hope Nickel, entered in extempore only, and William Juhnke, the remaining McPherson represen-tative in the Old Line Contest, did creditable work but failed to reach the final rounds.

Two handsome silver trophies won by Ward Williams in the Manhattan Contest were presented to the college during the chapel program Monday morning, March 14.

McPherson's record in Old Line Extempore is as follows:

1929—Keith Hayes, seventh; 1930 -Ward Williams, fifth: l931-John Lehman, first; 1932—Ward Williams, first.



Dr. J. D. Bright Addresses Group and Leads Open Forum


President V. F. Schwalm has an-nounced some very interesting and valuable assembly programs which are to be given within the next few weeks, preceding Commencement. There are some of the topics to be used as subjects of the programs: "Accuracy and Promptness as Factors of Success"; "Dependability, as an Asset in Life”; "Attitudes as They Affect Life": "Creativeness, What it is and How to Promote It”: "Mob-mindedness, and How to Avoid It": "Reality in Religion, What It is and What Militates Against It."




Sun., April 24—The college Chris-tian Endeavor program tonight was centered on missions. The subject of the discussion was "What contributions to Civilization are Missionaries Making?"

The first talk of the program was by Royal Frantz, who gave the story of Joseph Damien, a missionary among lepers. Damien was so unsel-fish that he gave his health and life in work with these incurables.

The story of Cantabene, was given by Grace Heckman. Cantabene was an orphan girl of India, who grew up in a mission school. The story told of her appreciation of mission work, and of her active part in it.

Bernice Fowler read a paper written by Ethel Sherry, on"Bonding in the Kingdom”. The paper presented the worthwhileness of Christian leaders.

Everett Fasnacht was leader of the discussion, and Ellen Steinberg led in group singing.


N. S. P. A.

President Hoover is ready to serve his country an a one dollar a year man, which os $74,999 less than his present salary. His offer is a part of the national economy program.

Government experts maintain that the Milton dollar revenue bill passed by the House will not balance the budget. When the Senate finishes its version of the new revenue bill, the House may nor recognize its own brain child.

Campaign friends of Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt are convinced that he has in sight not only a majority of the 1,154 delegates, but the necessary two-thirds to nominate him as the presidential candidate of the Democratic party.

Former Governor Alfred E. Smith finally came out in open opposition to Roosevelt.

"Ritchie or Regret” was the cam-paign slogan used for Albert Cabell Ritchie in his last race for the gov-ernorship of the state of Maryland. He has been governor continuously for 12 years and is a possible compromise candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination.

The House has passed the Hare bill grunting Independence to the Philippines in 8 years. The bill was debated only 40 minutes. It is rea-sonable to think that the Senate will adopt the Hawes bill calling for Philippine independence in fifteen years.

America's proposal at Geneva is that heavy mobile guns, heavy tanks, and gas be outlawed. Russia proposes to reduce the size of all armies, navies and air forces. The British program for disarmament is in gen-eral agreement with the American suggestions.

France’s proposals are the most revolutionary of all suggestions for

disarmament. A part of the plan in-volved the creation of an internation-al civil air service under the auspic-es of the League of Nations and an International police force.

Among the popular misconceptions about Soviet Russia is that Russians are Asiatic, and will never master Western technique. The comparative success of the Five-Year Plan shows that supposition incorrect.

Germany expressed its faith in con-servatism by reflecting Von Hinden-burg as president for the next eight years.

Cop: "watcha shootin' that guy for?”

John Myron: "None of yer busi-ness.”

Cop: "Don’t get smart now or I’ll run you in."


Addresses Y. W. C. A. Group in Tuesday Meeting

Tues., April 26— Prof. R. E. Moh-ler gave a talk on "Balanced Ra-

tions" in the Y. W. C. A. meeting this morning. He said that the difference between cattle who thrive and those who do not is that those who thrive are fed on well-balanced rations.

Carbohydrates may be compared to education, which energizes the individual. Knowledge brings power to lead men, in accomplish tasks, and to create. Fats, said Prof. Mohler, may be compared to health, which is equally important. Proteins make the animal grow just as religion does the individual. Ash or mineral mat-tar builds up the animal, and is com-parable to industry, which enables many otherwise mediocre individuals to reach the top. Water acts as a carrier. Cooperation is comparable

to this part of food. The fiber or filler corresponds to relaxation and recreation.

An outstanding individual, said the speaker, is not no by chance, but rather is a product of careful planning in youth in order to develop a welt rounded life.

Spectator ads pay.


WEDNESDAY, APR, 27, 1932



Ohmart won both of the abort sprints with Lindholm taking second in the 100 yard and third in the 220 yard. We are glad to see these men getting some points In these events because in the first two meets we needed points in these events. It looks as though now we should be sure of several points in the short runs.



Many Out of Town Members To Be Here for Program— Blair the Toastmaster

Bulldogs Pile Up Total of 96 Points to 35 for Opponents —Win in Tennis Matches

Visitors Take Remaining Four for Meet Victory—Other Games Close

McPherson college


Newton. April 22—The McPherson College Bulldogs defeated the Bethel track and field team in a one-sided meet here today. The final score was 95-35. McPherson excelled in practically every event and in a few in-stances the Bulldogs won all three places.

Ohmart, McPherson sprinter, won both the 100 and 220 yard dashes. McGill, star distance runner of the Bulldogs, won the mile easily and tied with Van Nortwick, teammate, in the half mile. Rock of McPherson and Zinn, also of McPherson, threw the weights good distances in their events. Rock threw the Javelin 173 feet, 10 Inches and Zinn threw the discus 126 feet, 9 inches. Both of these are new school records.

Kennison, a Bethel star, won three firsts and a third for high point honors.


120 yard high hurdles—Himes, McPherson, first; Mowbray, McPherson, second; Woods, Bethel, third. Time, 16 seconds.

Mile run — McGill, McPherson. first Landes, Bethel, second; Goering, Bethel, third. Time, 5 minutes 3 seconds.

100 yard dash—Ohmart, McPherson, first; Lindholm, McPherson, second; Bergen, Bethel, third. Time, 31.2 sec.

440 yard run—Williams. McPherson, first; Van Nortwick, McPherson, second; Unruh, Bethel, third. Time, 57 sec.

Low hurdles—Blums, McPherson, first; Himes, McPherson, second; Voth, Bethel, third. Time, 25.2 sec.

880 yard run—Van Nortwick and McGill, McPherson, tied for first; Thierstien, Bethel, third. Time, 2 min. 15 sec.

220 yard dash—Ohmart, McPherson, first; Bergen, Bethel, second; Lindholm, McPherson, third. Time, 23.6 sec.

Two mile run—R. Voth, Bethel, first; Taylor, McPherson, second; Williams, McPherson, third. Time, 11 min, 54 sec.

Pole vault — Kennison, Bethel, first; Bradley, McPherson, second; Cunningham, Bethel, third. Height, 10 feet 8 inches.

Discus—Zinn, McPherson, first; Rock, McPherson, second; Himes, McPherson, third. Distance 126 feet

9 inches.

Javelin—Rock, McPherson, first;

Wiggins, McPherson, second: Kenni-son, Bethel, third. Distance, 173 feet

10    inches.

Shot put—Zinn, McPherson, first; Rock, McPherson, second: Moore, McPherson, third. Distance, 40 feet.

High Jump — Kennison, Bethel, first; Wiggins and Moore, McPherson, tied for second. Height, 5 feet 91/2 inches.

Broad jump — Kennison, Bethel, first; Himes, McPherson, second; Cunningham, Bethel, third. Distance, 20 feet 3 1/2 inches.

Relay- Bethel forfeited to McPherson.

Thurs., April 21—McPherson college tennis players succeeded in winning two matches from the Bethany Swedes in a meet held at McPherson this afternoon. Several of the other matches were closely contested and the games were protracted to large totals, but the Swedes, conceded to be usually strong on the tennis court, won four of the six matches played.

Lilburn Gottman spent the greater part of the afternoon playing against Bloomberg of Bethany in a somewhat deliberate and evenly fought match, and finally came out ahead. Gottmann and Binford afterward won their doubles match from Willman and Heiberg of Bethany. The other doubles match was close, and the Swedes required three sets before winning from Kelly and Austin of M. C.

Match results were as follows:

Willman, Bethany, beat Binford, 6-3, 6-4.

Lindquist, Bethany, beat Austin, 6-4, 4-6, 6-1.

Zimmerman, Bethany, beat Kelly, 6-0, 6-4.

Gottmann, McPherson, beat Bloomberg, 6-4, 7-9, 7-5.

Gottmaim and Binford, McPherson, beat Willman and Helberg, 6-3, 6-3.

Lindquist and Zimmerman, Bethany beat Kelly and Austin. 6-4, 3-6, 8-6.




110-yd. Dash



220-yd. Dash



440 yd. Dash



880-yd. Run






2 Mile



120 H. hurdles



220 L. Hurdles

Ira Brammell









L. Rock


Pole Vault

Ira Brammel


High Jump


5'8 3/6


5'8 3/4

Broad Jump


22'8 3/6

Mile Relay

R. Brammel


Jones, L.





— drippings —



The Bulldogs were going good against Bethel last Friday and they certainly brought in the points. Only in four events did Bethel score more points than the Bulldogs. In two events the Bulldogs took all nine points and in six other events McPherson took eight of the nine possible points.

Not only in track did the Bulldogs show their superiority ever the Bethel men, but they also did it in tennis. The McPherson net men won every match from the Bethel team. Bethel was able to win only one set in the six matches.

Rock broke the school record in the javelin throw in the meet at Bethel Friday. His throw of 173 feet 10 inches broke the record which he formerly held, of 172 feet, when he was in school three years ago.


Tues., April 26—W. A. A. sports managers for next year were elected at a meeting held this evening. They are as follows:

Baseball, Grace Lerew; volleyball, Esther Brown; tennis, Lois Edwards; soccer, Arlene Wampler; basketball, Martha Hursh; horseshoe, Odessa Crist.

Pearl Walker was selected as Student Council representative from the W. A. A.



The 1932 All-School Picnic for McPherson College is scheduled to take place next Tuesday, May 3, according to plans made by the committee in charge. The place where the picnic will take place has not yet been selected, but is to be announced soon.

Next Saturday night, April 30, the McPherson College’ "M" Club will hold its annual banquet and get-to-gether in the parlors of the College Church, beginning at 8:30 o'clock. It is expected that many old grads and former students will be on hand for this occasion, as well as the "M" men now enrolled in M. C. They are entitled to bring their friends of the opposite sex.

Prof. J. A. Blair is to be toastmaster of the program which follows the banquet. The main ‘feature of this program will be short, informal talks by a large number of the men present. An effort will be made to have a talk from a representative of each class. Dean F. A. Replogle is to give a short talk, and a play is to be given for the guests. The remainder of the program will be musical, the music being furnished by an orchestra composed of college students and by Pascal Davis, McPherson high school student who will entertain with cornet solos.

(Continued from Page One)

the National PI Kappa Della contest.

Last year a McPherson college men’s team composed of John Lehman and Keith Hayes took third place in the Winfield tourney, and a women's team composed of Lillian Carlson and Mildred Doyle also took third in the women’s division.

Prof. Hess: "Are you sure that this is a perfectly original theme?"

Harry Frantz: "Not exactly, you might find one or two words in the dictionary.”

Spectator ads pay.



Afternoons of Friday, Monday, and Tuesday Will Be Used

Coach Binford has arranged an inter-class track meet with the events divided giving three days to the meet. The events are scheduled to begin at 3:30 on each of the three days. On Friday. April 29, the following events will be run off: 100-yard dash, mile, high hurdles, shot put, and pole vault. On Monday, May 2, the 220-yard dash. 880, discus, and high jump will fill the day. Then on Tuesday, May 3, the remainder of the meet will include 440-yard dash, two mile, low hurdles, javelin, and broad jump.

Contestants may enter as many events as they choose, but each team is limited to three entries in a single event. The Captains of the teams are as follows: Freshmen, Wayne Blume, Sophomores, Wallace McGill; Jun-iors, George Zinn; Seniors, Verle Ohmart.

All Crew Members, Supervisors, Team Captains and Student sub-scription salespeople who wish to avail themselves of the opportunity for free scholarships made possible through the courtesy of the Leading Magazine Publisher's again this year are requested to apply to the national organizer, M. Anthony Steele, Jr.,Box 244, San Juan, Porto Rico, stating qualifications fully. -Adv.

George Zinn also broke a school record in the meet at Bethel. Zinn's throw of 126 feet, 9 inches broke his own record of 125 feet in the discus.